How to care for indoor maple (abutilon), and ways to form a standard tree from it. Abutilone care at home photo

Due to the amazing similarity of abutilon leaves to maple leaves, the plant received the name “house maple”. But this is not the only name of the Brazilian handsome man. The stems of some species are used to produce durable fiber from which ropes and ropes are made. Therefore, people often call this unique plant “rope plant”.

Features of culture

Abutilone is a gardener's dream plant. It combines ease of care, fast growth and beautiful long flowering. In its homeland, Brazil, Hawaii, China or India, abutilon can reach 2-3 m. In the European climate, ropewort is grown as a potted crop, since harsh winters are destructive for it. He doesn't reach that tall.

Domestic maple is represented by many species and varieties, which differ in the shape of the leaves and the color of the inflorescences. Abutilons can have double flowers or simple ones. And their color can vary from white to cream, from yellow to deep orange, from pink to purple, from lavender to violet.

As reviews show, abutilon, even with a minimum of care, grows very quickly. It is capable of turning from a cutting into a compact tree or bush in six months.

Decorative types

The genus Ropeweed includes approximately 200 plant species. But most of them cannot boast of being decorative. Therefore in indoor floriculture There are only a few representatives of abutilones listed in the table.

Table - Types of abutilones and their characteristics

NamePlant height, mLeavesFlowersFlowering time
Grape leaf1,5 – 2,5 - Large, velvety;
- consist of 3-5 blades;
- sheet length – 15 cm;
- leaf edge with sharp teeth
- Inflorescence of 3-4 bell flowers;
- located on elongated pedicels;
- petals are lilac, blue with dark veins
Darwin1 - Upper leaves three-lobed;
- the lower ones consist of 5-7 blades;
- leaf length can reach 20 cm
- 2-3 flowers are formed in the leaf axils;
- the bright orange color of the inflorescences is complemented by red veins
Spotted (painted, striped)1,5 – 2 - Branches slightly lignified;
- heart-shaped leaf;
- has 3-6 blades;
- edges are pointed;
- white splashes around the edges add decorativeness
- Bells on long petioles;
- golden inflorescences with red veins;
- can be terry or simple
Hybrid (obtained by crossing Darwin's abutilone and motley)1,5 - Maple leaves, softly pubescent;
- leaf petioles about 12 cm
- Inflorescences resemble a bell (5 cm long);
- color burgundy, red, white, golden, yellow
All year round
Bella0,4 – 0,6 - Leaf elongated, ovate- The flower is formed by 5 petals;
- bell wide open;
- color apricot, pink, red, orange

Abutilon: care and needs

Even a novice gardener can grow a home maple tree. A native of Brazil has an easy-going disposition and does not require special conditions. At the same time, it is able to bloom all year round, if you know about some points. What nuances need to be taken into account and how to care for abutilone in order to enjoy beautiful flowering all year round?


The ropeman is a big lover of light. He needs lighting all year round. Only in such conditions can it develop. If the Brazilian feels a lack of light, then it most often does not bloom. To provide the necessary lighting for abutilone, use these recommendations.

  • Choosing a location. Place the plant near light sources. It can even be placed on south-facing windows. Abutilone is able to withstand straight Sun rays, but only in small quantities. Therefore, in the summer, in extreme heat, it is advisable to shade the indoor maple.
  • Winter lighting. In winter, the handsome abutilon European conditions there is not enough daylight. If you want to achieve constant flowering, provide it with lighting.
  • Fresh air . In summer, home maple can be taken out onto the terrace or balcony. Abutilone will gladly accept fresh warm air. But it should not be exposed to direct sunlight.

The home maple tree does not tolerate drafts at all, so choose a “quiet” place for your green pet. Rain, slight winds and sudden changes in lighting can destroy the plant.


Ropeweed develops better in cool conditions. Therefore, the plant is most often grown on glassed balcony or in the winter garden. Some botanists claim that abutilone is able to withstand short-term temperature drops to 0°C. But it is better not to create such shock conditions. The following conditions are suitable for indoor maple:

  • in summer – abutilon can easily withstand temperatures of +20 °C…+25 °C;
  • in winter – a significant decrease to +12 °C…+15 °C is required.

The rope plant does not tolerate sudden changes in temperature. Therefore to winter regime it is necessary to accustom him gradually.


Abutilone is a big water lover. Provide it with sufficient watering, and the beautiful rope plant will delight you with its flowering all year round. But excess moisture, as well as deficiency, can destroy the plant. Abutilon will “like” such conditions.

  • Watering. In summer, the plant is watered abundantly, but not flooded. The soil should always be slightly damp. In winter, if the plant does not bloom, a slight drying of the soil is acceptable.
  • Spraying. Swimming is not considered compulsory. Indoor maple can completely do without spraying. But a plant that receives regular irrigation grows healthier and stronger. Abutilone especially needs spraying in winter, when the air is dried out by heating devices.

If the plant is exposed to the sun's rays, it is best to spray in the evening. Otherwise, droplets of water heated by the sun can cause severe burns.

Top dressing

Abutilone grows very quickly and spends its active development a lot of strength. Therefore, he needs feeding. Although he can do without additional food. Flower growers give two pieces of advice.

  1. Regularity of feeding. Fertilizers begin to be applied in the spring and continue until late autumn. This procedure is repeated every 14-15 days.
  2. The right fertilizers. Abutilone is suitable for mineral fertilizers intended for flowering crops. For example, “Pokon”, “Agricola”, “Emerald”, “Rainbow”, “Master”. Before flowering, it is recommended to pamper your green pet organic fertilizer– diluted bird droppings.

In winter, feeding is stopped if the indoor maple enters a dormant period. An actively flowering plant should not stop fertilizing.


Abutilone requires regular transplants. This procedure begins in early spring, in the first days of March. Experts advise replanting indoor maple trees before new leaves appear. Correct transplant consists of the following six stages.

  1. Preparing the pot. In order for the culture to develop and grow, it is necessary to take a larger pot. It is enough that the diameter of the pot is 2-3 cm larger than the previous one.
  2. Soil preparation. The Brazilian guest needs nutritious soil enriched with humus. To prepare the soil, you need to mix leaf soil, turf, peat, sand and humus. All components are combined in equal proportions. If you don’t want to prepare the soil yourself, then stock up on universal soil for your pet.
  3. Preparing the plant. Carefully remove the abutilone from the old pot. If possible, shake off the soil, but do not damage the root system.
  4. Drainage system. Place small pieces of polystyrene foam, pebbles or expanded clay at the bottom of a new pot.
  5. Planting a plant. Plant the plant very carefully and carefully straighten the roots. This will allow abutilon to take root in the new pot much faster and easier. Water the plant thoroughly.
  6. Aftercare. The question always arises: how to care for abutilone ( indoor maple) after transplantation? Flower growers claim that there are no special features in caring for a transplanted plant. Provide it with lighting, watering and periodic feeding.

Remember one feature of indoor maple. If you take a pot that is too large, flowering will not occur, since abutilone will devote all its energy to root growth. Amazing plant will delight you with inflorescences only if the entire lump of earth is entwined with roots.


Indoor maple grows very quickly and can turn into a tree within a year. To provide him with a beautiful appearance and form a crown, flower growers advise pruning. This procedure is carried out twice a year, in the spring, before the start of the growing season, and in the fall, before hibernation. It is recommended to trim abutilon (indoor maple) as follows.

  • Autumn pruning. When the plant is preparing for the dormant period, around November, it is necessary to trim all the branches, forming a beautiful crown. If you don't do this, your pet will fill it very quickly. most premises.
  • Spring pruning. During the winter, some branches can become very elongated and get out of the general crown. To restore compactness to the Brazilian, it is recommended to trim such shoots.
  • Crown formation. In spring, it is necessary not only to trim long shoots, but also to pinch abutilon correctly. This is the only way to form a beautiful crown. Mark what size plant you would like to get, and carefully cut off everything that is higher. Trim the side branches to form a standard tree. And if you want to enjoy the bush, then side shoots should not be deleted.

Reproduction methods

The propagation process of abutilone is simple. To grow a new plant, gardeners root cuttings or plant seeds. The choice of method depends not only on personal preferences, but also on the characteristics of the Brazilian. Experts say that indoor maple, which has green foliage, can be propagated in any way. And variegated varieties can take root only by cuttings.


If you decide to practice growing abutilone from seeds at home, then planting material can be purchased at a flower shop. If you already have an indoor maple, then it is better to wait until flowering ends and fruits that look like boxes appear. The seeds are carefully removed from them. Ripe planting material turns black. The seeds should “rest” in a dark place for one month. After this they can be planted. The propagation procedure by seeds includes the following points.

  • Seed preparation. The seeds are wrapped in a paper napkin and moistened with water. To improve germination, you can add a growth stimulator. Fitosporin will do.
  • Features of germination. Soaking continues for at least 12 hours. You can leave the seeds until long roots and green cotyledons appear. The better the seeds germinate, the more effectively they will take root.
  • Planting seeds. Future trees are planted in well-moistened soil in the same mixture as for an adult crop, to a depth of 5-6 mm.
  • Pet care. The container is covered with glass or film. The soil is regularly ventilated and moistened, preventing it from drying out. Pets must be provided with +20°C and sufficient lighting. To improve the germination of abutilons, it is recommended to water them with Energen solution. On days 14-25 you can admire the first shoots.
  • Diving of seedlings. When three leaves appear on the plants, they can be picked and transplanted into separate pots. When replanting, pay attention to the root. If it has a small number of side branches, then it is necessary to pinch off half of the main rod to ensure proper development.
  • Preparing for “adult life”. Young plants are again covered with film. But from time to time it is removed, gradually accustoming the abutilons to fresh air.


It is much easier to propagate this Brazilian from cuttings. Planting material remains after pruning and crown formation. From such shoots it is necessary to choose strong branches that will later produce healthy plants. The procedure for propagating abutilone from cuttings is quite simple.

  • Preparation of cuttings. To prevent future plants from rotting, all lower leaves of the selected branches are removed. It is recommended to cut off the tops with flowers or buds so as not to subject the cuttings to additional depletion. It is enough to leave three or four internodes.
  • Formation of roots. The prepared cuttings are placed in a jar of water. After some time, roots will appear on the shoots. To speed up this process, you can pour a growth accelerator into the water and cover the cuttings with film, providing them with a greenhouse effect.
  • Planting. When will it be formed root system, the cuttings are planted in the ground. The planting process is exactly the same as transplanting an adult plant.

Pests and possible diseases

Table - Abutilone problems and its treatment

What's happeningWhat is the reasonRecommended treatment
The leaves of the plant turn yellow, dry out, spots appear on the leaves- The plant lacks microelements- Feed with complex mineral fertilizers
The Brazilian is losing leaves, buds, flowers- The flower is exposed to sudden temperature changes;
- improper watering is carried out (both overmoistening and lack of moisture are possible)
- Normalize the temperature;
- get accustomed to new conditions gradually;
- ensure sufficient watering (the soil should be moistened, but not flooded)
Abutilon leaves turn yellow and gradually turn brown- The flower is in a too hot and dry room- Find another, less hot place for the plant;
- increase crown spraying;
- ensure sufficient irrigation;
- place containers with water near the indoor maple tree
Abutilone does not bloom and its leaves dry out- The plant does not have enough light;
- affected by improper watering (shortage or excess water);
- transplantation rules were violated and the roots were injured
- Move the green pet closer to the light;
- accustom the plant to a new place gradually
- review the irrigation system;
- if the roots have rotted, then carefully replant the plant, cutting off all rotten areas and sprinkling them with wood ash;
- give time for the plant to recover;
- provide regular feeding and quality care
The leaves of the domestic maple gradually turn pale and curl- The plant faces drafts;
- the flower is cold;
- excess watering led to rotting of the rhizomes
- Correct the conditions of “residence” of the Brazilian
A silver shine appears on the leaves, whitish dots appear on the underside- Thrips attack- Increase the humidity in the room;
- place an insect trap tape nearby;
- treat with the following preparations: “Agravertin”, “Aktellik”, “Karate”, “Confidor”, “Karbofos”, “Fitoverm”
The leaves of the plant turn yellow and cobwebs appear on them.- There are spider mites- Collect pests manually;
- ensure high humidity in the room;
- Spray regularly;
- carefully cut off damaged sheets;
- treat with the following preparations: “Fufanon”, “Agravertin”, “Neoron”, “Aktellik”, “Fitoverm”

Planning summer care for abutilone (cablewort) in a pot, use this advice. Wrap the pot in foil. This will protect the root system from overheating and excessive drying out of the earthen clod if the plant is on a southern windowsill.

Abutilon, or as it is also called house maple, actually belongs to the mallow plants. Despite its second name, it is not related to the real maples that almost everyone has seen. And he got his nickname thanks to a certain shape of the leaves, which are very similar in shape to maple leaves. This plant originally grew in the tropical and subtropical zones. That is why it loves light and warmth very much. If you provide the plant with these two conditions, then it will delight the eye of its owner every day. The rest is domestic maple.

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How to properly care for indoor maple at home?

As mentioned above, growing abutilone at home is quite simple:

Propagation of abutilone using cuttings

As mentioned above, the flower needs to be trimmed from time to time, but the trimmings do not have to be thrown away. They can be used as planting material. For this purpose, it is best to use cuttings with 2 - 3 internodes. This cutting can be rooted

  1. Suitable pruning only needs to be freed from leaves growing from below, buds, and flowers.
  2. After all the procedures, you should put the shoot in water and cover it with a plastic bag.
  3. If you maintain the temperature environment close to 22 °C, then in less than a week thin, white roots will appear at the lower end of the shoot.
  4. To prevent the plant from rotting during this period, you can throw activated or regular carbon into the water.
  5. When the roots reach 5 cm, they can be replanted. young plant in a pot. It, in turn, should not exceed 6 - 8 cm in diameter. It is necessary to build good drainage at the bottom and add a little soil. After all the procedures, you can carefully plant the seedling in a new place.
  6. The plant must be sprinkled with substrate, which must first be moistened. This should be done very carefully, as young roots may simply break.
  7. Abutilone takes root within a few weeks. A clear sign that the flower is doing well will be the appearance of fresh leaves.

Rooted cuttings of abutilone

How to grow indoor maple from seeds?

If you have some special knowledge, then you can easily grow abutilon with only a couple of seeds. Before you start planting, you should remember that the seeds should be as fresh as possible, and the most favorable time for planting is spring.
Abutilone seeds The first thing to do is prepare the ground. It should be made as loose as possible and moistened abundantly. We should not forget that abutilone loves heat. If you want to prepare suitable soil yourself, then you need to have the following components:

It should be remembered that you should take about twice as much earth and sand as everything else. It is best to sift the soil - this will avoid a number of problems associated with picking in the future. For prevention, before sowing, you can treat the soil with a manganese solution to destroy harmful microorganisms. A small tray with low sides is best for planting seeds.

The second step is to prepare the seeds. If they are mature enough, they acquire dark color. Damaged seeds cannot be sown; they will not sprout. Before planting, they should be soaked in water or a special growth stimulator. Then you need to rub the grains just a little with the finest sandpaper to break the integrity of the shell, but in no case should you get carried away with this. This is followed by storing the seeds in a growth stimulator for 12 hours. After the seeds have already been placed in the soil, the tray should be covered protective film and place in a place where the temperature will remain around 24 °C. At the same time, you need to keep such a greenhouse in the light and constantly monitor the moisture of the soil.

When the first shoots appear, there may be a strong desire to remove the protective bag. You shouldn't do this. It is best to ventilate the greenhouse more often.

The most important thing now is to ensure maximum light flow. It is also very important to keep the area warm. Young plants should not be exposed to drafts.

When the time finally comes to use abutilone, you should act with extreme caution. The flower itself will show its first leaf and thereby tell the owner that it is time. For replanting, you need to choose a pot with a diameter of no more than 7 cm. There is no need to compact the soil in the new pot.

Plant pruning - when is it necessary to prune the abutilon trunk?

Ridding the plant of excess shoots is a prerequisite when it comes to abutilone. If the branches sank down under the weight of flowers and shoots, this is a clear sign that it’s time to start pruning. The most suitable period For timely pruning plants is November or December. Thus, the flower is prepared for winter. You can also prune it in March before the growing season begins. The rest of the time, the plant will also grow small shoots, which are also best removed.

Video on how to care for abutilone:

It is believed that Abutilon comes from Brazil, which is his homeland. However, in nature it can also be found on the African continent and in India, in tropical regions and subtropical zones.


Abutilon produces many beautiful inflorescences that are shaped like a lantern or a bell. All varieties have bright colors that immediately catch the eye. The inflorescences can be different shades of red, lilac, orange, white and yellow. Many are decorated with clearly visible veins of a darker color.

At home, Abutilon is able to bloom, almost without interruption, all year long if it receives sufficient quantity Sveta.

The standard flowering period is from the second ten days of April to the end of November.

Types and varieties with photos

Abutilon Bella

Hybrid species with extended flowering period. Refers to miniature plants, growing only 30-50 cm in height. However, it differs large sizes flowers (up to 10 cm in diameter) and an open shape resembling a wide crinoline. U different varieties different colors. Flowers can be red, pink, yellow, burgundy with a satin surface of the petals.

Growing this species at home is very simple, because thanks to small sizes, Abutilon fits perfectly on the windowsill. This type shown in the photo below:

Abutilon megapotamian

A relatively small species, reaching no more than 70 cm in height. It is the parent of many hybrids. It has heart-shaped leaves of bright green color, covered with sparse hairs. The flowers are very beautiful and bright. Their shape resembles bells with yellow and red petals; at the base the color turns black. The pestle protrudes beyond the edges and stands out well large sizes And burgundy color.

Very unpretentious appearance, popular among gardeners.

It blooms for a fairly long period.

See photo below:

Ropeman of Theophrastus

An inconspicuous-looking annual weed with small flowers. It has a straight, slightly branched stem and heart-shaped leaves with a sharp tip. The ground parts are covered with sparse pubescence, so they are velvety to the touch. The flowers are small, no more than 10 mm in diameter, painted in a bright yellow or reddish color.

Propagates by self-sowing. One plant can produce up to 25-28 thousand seeds.

Abutilone hybrid

A large group of ornamental shrubs for home maintenance. The species includes evergreen plants of different sizes and a wide range of inflorescence colors. The leaves are large, single-colored or variegated. The flowers are drooping, funnel-shaped.

The group is very fond of light and water, like most tropical guests. You can see it clearly in the photo below:

Abutilon Sello

Another species for home breeding. Unpretentious perennial can grow more than 2 meters in height. It has large leaves reminiscent of maple and numerous bright inflorescences. This abutilon has always red flowers with pronounced burgundy veins.

Needs constant feeding and spraying, especially in the heat, which it does not tolerate well.

Its leaves immediately begin to lose turgor and hang in ugly rags.

Abutilone Darwin

Suitable for growing in greenhouses and greenhouses, as it can only grow in tropical humid climates.

It is difficult to keep at home due to its high growth (up to 3 m).

A shrub with numerous spreading branches covered with velvety large leaves of complex shape. The flowers are medium in size, grow singly in the axils, and are predominantly orange in color.

One of the parents of hybrid abutilone. The flowering period begins in April and lasts until October.

Abutilon striped (variegated)

A very decorative, variegated variety of abutilon. The leaves are dark green in color and covered with many yellow veins, which are the result of a transferred virus that gives such variegation. The flowers are yellow or pale orange, painted with red veins.

Propagation can only be done by cuttings; when using seeds, all the originality of color is lost.

Abutilone grape leaf

In adults it forms a tall and wide bush consisting of densely pubescent branches. The leaf blades are large, noble green in color, and consist of several lobes and a finely toothed edge. Inflorescences of lilac shades uncharacteristic for abutilons, often with pronounced veins of a darker color.

It begins to bloom a month later than other types of abutilon.

Abutilone suntense

A tall bush that can reach a height of 4 m. Due to this size, it is grown mainly in large greenhouses and winter gardens. The inflorescences are also large, about 10 cm in diameter. The color is lilac or bluish.

Home care

Growing from seeds

How to grow Abutilon from seeds at home? In general, it does not present any particular difficulties. It is necessary to prepare a container for planting - it is best wooden will do an oblong box with holes for drainage in the bottom. It is filled with a light, breathable substrate. You can use river sand, peat, vermiculite, moss, sawdust.

The seeds are sown evenly in the soil, covered with a layer of about 1 cm on top and thoroughly moistened.

The box should be placed in a mini-greenhouse or covered with glass; polyethylene film is also suitable. Seeds must germinate in conditions of constant humidity against a background of heat, which is why a greenhouse effect is created. Do not forget to constantly ventilate the greenhouse to avoid the formation of mold. If it does appear, cover it with wood ash. Boxes with seeds must be placed in a lighted place, for example on a windowsill.

Shoots should appear rather slowly - no earlier than 3-4 weeks after sowing. Then the greenhouse is removed, continuing to frequently water the substrate. When a pair of true leaves are formed, the abutilons are planted in individual pots. The sprouts of home maple take a long time to hatch, but then they grow very quickly. Therefore, over the summer they will have to be transplanted several times into a larger container.

Caring for seedlings is no different from caring for adult plants. At favorable conditions Abutilon content will bloom this year.


Optimal conditions should not exceed 25° and be less than 15°. More heat causes foliage and inflorescences to wither, reducing their turgor and decorativeness.

The cold affects it even worse - the leaves will simply fall off.

Even in winter it is not recommended to keep abutilone in the cold. Under natural conditions, it always grows in warm conditions and does not require a pronounced dormant period. Remember that a tropical guest is terrified of sudden temperature changes and drafts!


The brighter the better! Abutilon is not at all afraid of direct rays; it can be in the sun even during midday hours. In winter, it is recommended to provide additional lighting using fluorescent lamps.


With excessive humidity, as with chronic overdrying, abutilon abruptly drops all its leaves. Therefore, watering must be done thoughtfully and carefully, focusing on the condition of the soil and the plant. The soil should not be allowed to dry out, nor should water stagnate in a pot or tray. Golden mean - the best way out out of position.

During the flowering period, it is better to increase watering slightly, and in winter, when the content is below 20°, slightly reduce it. Tap water need to be softened by boiling or settling so as not to get limescale on plant roots and soil surface.

Air humidity

Abutilon easily tolerates standard humidity, without requiring frequent spraying. They are carried out when the air becomes dry and hot. If the leaves are not moistened at this time, they will begin to curl and dry out.

Soil and replanting

It is advisable to replant every year before flowering begins. Abutilone is a fast-growing plant that requires a lot of nutrients. Therefore, the land in which indoor maple grows can be completely depleted within a year, even with regular fertilizing.

In order for the soil to contribute to the normal development of abutilone, it must have such properties as fertility and looseness.

Can be mixed garden soil, sand, humus, peat, sand and perlite. Or purchase a ready-made universal substrate at any store.


In relation to abutilone, this is a very necessary procedure - after all, this tropical guest grows very quickly and loses its beautiful shape. In addition, pruning branches rejuvenates the plant, increases the number of flowers in the future and provides material for propagation.

How to properly form the crown of Abutilon? It is recommended to prune before the buds appear, that is, in winter or at the very beginning of spring. How much to cut depends only on your desire. If abutilon grows very quickly, you can cut off more than half from each branch. Immediately after pruning, it would be good to apply a mineral fertilizer complex to stimulate the development and formation of buds.


In addition to the seed method, there is also propagation by cuttings - apical and stem.

Cuttings are carried out during abutilon pruning, selecting the most suitable healthy young shoots. They are cut into pieces about 12-14 cm long, and the buds are torn off.

You can root in water or a light substrate of peat and sand. The cuttings must be placed in a small greenhouse or covered with halves of plastic bottles. After about 3-5 weeks, roots will form on the shoots, then they can be planted in normal soil.

Diseases and problems

Why do Abutilon (indoor maple) leaves turn yellow and droop? Due to the high dryness of the air. In addition, some species react this way to an abundance of sunlight.

If the leaves wilt, they signal insufficient watering.
The fading of the color while the branches are stretched is caused by a lack of lighting.

The plant sheds all its leaves at once due to cold temperatures, excess or lack of water. Only disappear lower leaves. This means that abutilone suffers from a deficiency of useful elements and insufficient fertilization.

Let's look at the instructions for caring for a houseplant with Abutilone in the video below:


Abutilone is an almost universal plant due to the variety of species and varieties. Flower growers can choose either a small miniature bush that will delight you with large, delicate flowers all year round, or purchase a huge spreading shrub for a large room. In any case, there will be no difficulties in caring for, propagating and growing.

Tropical plant with large carved leaves and graceful flowers that look like Chinese lanterns are not by chance that people have in their homes: many believe that abutilone has not only decorative, but also some magical properties, is able to improve the energy of the home, improve mood and even absorb people’s negativity. It is believed that, having absorbed negative energy, abutilone instantly transforms it into positive energy and shares it with its loving owner.

Abutilone is also capable of opening creative potential owner, help to be kinder and more tolerant of people, smooth out conflicts. So we strongly recommend that everyone who is prone to sudden mood swings, stress, and depression try to make such a green friend.

Types and varieties of abutilone

Like hibiscus, abutilone belongs to the mallow family and is sometimes even called “Indian mallow.” There are more than 150 types of abutilone, differing in size, shape and color of leaves and flowers, we will list some of them.

Abutilone grape leaf

It can grow, and quite quickly, above two meters, the leaves can reach 15 cm in length. Flowers are collected in inflorescences of 3-4 pieces and appear in May. Their color is bluish-lilac or pink, sometimes with dark veins. Like all abutilons, the plant is very beautiful and will decorate any interior.

Abutilone hybrid

Reaches up to one and a half meters in height; soft fluff can be seen on its leaves. Flowers can be of different colors: white, golden, red, burgundy. The variety is evergreen.

Abutilone Darwin

It has silky shoots, not too long, at the end of which large leaves are placed, and flowers grow in their axils. The leaves of this abutilon variety reach 15-20 cm in length and 8-10 in width. The flowers are also large, up to 5 cm in diameter.

Abutilone megapotamian (Amazonian)

Also called "crying Chinese lantern". It has very beautiful red-yellow flowers, which with proper care last throughout the year.

Abutilon spotted (painted)

So called because of the white spots on the leaves. It blooms for a short time, in August-September.

Abutilon cello

Abutilon variety with light purple flowers with pink veins, blooming from July to the end of the year. One of the most ancient varieties, it requires constant pruning to induce branching, as it stretches in length very quickly.

Abutilone marmoratum

A plant with striped golden-pinnate leaves.

Abutilone variegata

Ampel variety of abutilone. Used for decorative purposes, good for growing in hanging pots.

Abutilone Theophrastus

Separately, it is necessary to say about the abutilon variety Theophrasta, which is medicinal, capable of healing small wounds, and also helps against furunculosis.

Characteristics of abutilone

The large leaves of abutilon strongly resemble maple leaves in shape, which is why the plant is also often called indoor maple. Another feature is strong branching, thanks to which the flower acquires decorative properties and is widely used in interior decoration. Flowers, depending on the species, can be arranged singly or in inflorescences and have different colors: red and its shades, orange, yellow.

The advantage of abutilon over many other indoor plants is its very long flowering period. Despite its unpretentiousness, it can delight the owner with its beauty almost all year round, and it develops and grows very quickly, blooming in the first year after planting. In addition, abutilone increases the level of humidity and improves the microclimate in the room where it grows. The plant acts as a kind of natural filter for air purification. So he is rightfully considered the favorite of many gardeners.

Caring for abutilone at home

Abutilone is not a very fastidious plant, so even gardeners without any long-term experience can handle it at home. The most important thing to remember: indoor maple cannot tolerate drafts, so under no circumstances should they be allowed.

It is best to place abutilon on an eastern, south-eastern, south-western or western window, where it will receive enough light, but not direct light, as on a southern window. Straight sunlight may damage foliage and flowers.

Abutilon should be trimmed regularly, as this procedure prolongs the flowering process. If this is not done, the plant will grow in length, will not branch and will not bloom for very long. Therefore, you should not feel sorry for him; you must boldly cut off those branches on which there were flowers and pinch the tops.

Without regret, you should also trim dry branches, those that interfere with each other’s growth. Upon completion of the pruning procedure, it is recommended to treat abutilon with Zircon solution, which stimulates the formation of new shoots.

Content temperature

To prevent abutilon from drying out, getting sick, or dropping leaves, it should be kept at the right temperature. It is not always the same, but depends on the time of year: for example, in summer the plant will feel comfortable at 25 degrees above zero, in winter 12-15 degrees will be enough for it, but definitely not lower, at temperatures below 0 degrees the plant may die.

Important point : Under no circumstances should the plant be injured by a sudden temperature change; this can have a detrimental effect on its health.

For all its frost resistance and heat-loving nature, abutilon does not like excessive heat: if the room temperature exceeds 30 degrees Celsius, it will immediately shed its flowers and leaves.

A very important point in maintaining abutilone at home is maintaining high level humidity in the room. In nature, the plant is found in the tropics and subtropics, and there, as you know, it is hot and humid. Everyone knows how to increase humidity at home: you can spray the air and the plant itself, you can put a container of water next to the flower, you can buy an air humidifier, or all at once. Not only the indoor maple will thank you, but also your skin.


There are two ways to propagate abutilone: ​​cuttings and seeds. Both are produced in early spring. You will have to fuss less with the seeds: all you need to do is simply sow them in a sand-peat mixture, and then spray and ventilate them daily. It will also be necessary to maintain the temperature at least 16 degrees, then in about three weeks the first seedlings will appear.

Cuttings are a slightly more complicated procedure. Cuttings without flowers but with three leaves are taken from young plants. The cuttings are immersed in water or in the same mixture of peat and sand, high humidity is constantly monitored, the best and fastest development will occur in greenhouse conditions. You can create them using a can, trimmed plastic bottle or a plastic bag.

How to determine which method of reproduction to use in a particular case? Very simple. If the abutilone leaves are green, then would be better suited propagation by seeds, but if they are variegated and spotted, then cuttings will be optimal.

Planting abutilone

When planting abutilon, it is important to know which soil is most suitable for it: one that allows moisture to pass through well, is light, but at the same time nutritious, with good drainage. He will do well in a mixture of sand, humus, turf and leaf soil, or you can buy it at a flower shop ready mixture for palms and dracaenas. These plants are similar in their characteristics and needs.

Particularly enthusiastic flower growers can mix the soil mixture for abutilone themselves, so they will be absolutely sure of its composition and origin. To do this you will need to take 30% humus, 30% turf land, 20% peat and 20% sand. The pot for planting must be disinfected using soap solution or simple boiling. Don’t forget to add drainage to the bottom of the pot, followed by soil (no more than 3 cm), and only then the plant.


For full development, home maple should be replanted in the spring, before it blooms. An already formed adult plant needs to be replanted once every 2-3 years, while young plants need to be replanted more often - annually. When replanting, you don’t need to buy a huge pot “for growth”, because then the abutilon will grow only in the roots, which will significantly delay flowering. But still, the new pot must be at least 3 centimeters in diameter larger than the old one, because otherwise all the meaning of replanting is lost.

It should be noted that when transplanting you will need not only pots and soil, but also some large containers to place the transplanted plant there. Due to the fact that abutilon can develop a heavy and branchy top, it must be avoided from falling and being damaged. This is what containers are for. When replanting, you must pay attention to the condition of the roots; if there are dry or rotten ones, you need to get rid of them (cut them off). You need to cut off diseased roots with sharp sterile scissors and treat the cut, for example, with sulfur.

How to determine that a transplant is already necessary? This can be understood by two signs: the roots hid an earthen lump underneath them and the plant very quickly began to absorb water.

Watering abutilone

Abutilone is not one of those plants that you can water once a month and forget about its existence. The flower loves water, so all year round, except winter, you need to not only water it abundantly, but also remember to spray it (without getting it on the delicate buds). Water for irrigation and spraying must be used soft, settled, room temperature. In cold weather, watering can be reduced, allowing the soil to dry out from time to time. If you notice that the abutilon soil has begun to dry out slowly, check to see if the holes in the pot are clogged, and if necessary, clean it with a toothpick or cotton swab.

There is no need to fill the pot: everything needs moderation, and the plant may react negatively to excessive watering, and rotting may begin to spread on the roots. It’s easy to determine when it’s time to water a flower: you can take wooden stick and insert it into the ground, if it becomes wet, then you can not water it for now, if it remains dry, you need to water it.

Sometimes the plant needs feeding, for which any universal fertilizer is suitable. flowering plants. During the flowering period, phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are better, and during the period of foliage growth, nitrogen fertilizers are better. Except mineral fertilizers You can also use slurry. After flowering stops, fertilizing can be stopped.


In winter, abutilon must be illuminated with special phyto-lamps, since at this time of year the plant does not receive enough natural light. The rest of the time, the most important thing is to avoid sudden changes in lighting. An alarming sign is the blanching of abutilon leaves, which means that it does not have enough light. And if there is not enough sun, all the decorative qualities of the plant are lost, it becomes weak and ugly.

With all the love of abutilone for sunlight, you need to avoid direct contact with the plant, at least it should not be in the bright summer sun for more than two hours a day.

An interesting nuance of caring for this unique plant is that varieties with spotted leaves do not need to be illuminated as abundantly as varieties with uniform green leaves. Thanks to a slight lack of light, the unique pattern of white spots on the leaves is preserved.

So, to summarize, let’s summarize all the basic rules for caring for the abutilon plant.

What abutilone likes:


sufficient amount of light;

timely transplants and fertilizing;


a stable place in the house;

soil that allows moisture to pass through well.

What abutilone doesn't like:

dry air;

lack of lighting;


any change of situation;

hard water;

sudden changes in temperature or lighting.

What kind of flowers do people grow for beauty? Among the primitive species there are also unique specimens. Abutilon is one of these plants; it is popularly called “house maple”. If we talk about belonging, the plant is classified as a member of the mallow family. There are more than 150 species of this flower in the world. In nature, it can be found in the form of grass, tree or bush. It lives in Africa, America, Australia, and has also seen the plant in Asia. You can grow up to 10 species of this plant at home, and each of them is beautiful in its own way.

The plant got its name “house maple” because its leaves look like maple leaves and are quite soft to the touch. This plant was found in India interesting application: The fibers of the plant are used to weave cloth, which in turn is used to weave products and ropes.

The plant is successfully grown in many countries around the world. It is loved for its ease of care and beautiful flowers, which the plant does not skimp on. If you take good care of the bush, it will grow 2 meters and bloom profusely.

It’s nice that today there are not only natural varieties, but also hybrid forms of this plant. You can buy a flower of any size, with flowers of any shade and different sizes leaves. What Abutilon looks like, how to care for it at home, types and photos of this shrub, we will describe in this article.

Abutilone types and varieties with photos

At home, they grow plants that have the shape of a bush, lantern-shaped flowers and large leaves. The domestic maple blooms beautifully starting in spring, and the flowering period ends with last days autumn. Flowers can be white, pink, or purple. Other flower colors are also available, hybrid species shrubs bloom in all shades of the rainbow.

You can buy a regular variety of shrub, but species with double, large flowers also look interesting. Abutilone is called a “psychologist”, because of its ability to relieve tension, lift people out of depression and stressful situations. This phenomenon was noticed a long time ago, although it still cannot be explained.

Perhaps the plant produces this effect because it has incredibly beautiful flowers. When a person gets closer to nature, he gives to her negative energy, in return filled with peace. Anyone can grow Abutilon, but most often this plant is recommended for office workers and depressed people.

What Abutilon is like, care at home, see the photo of this handsome man below.

This variety was bred in America, from where the plant spread throughout the world. The plant can grow up to 2 meters, even in conditions ordinary apartment. The shrub has dark green leaves with a slight gloss; they can have from 3 to 5 lobes. The flowers hang on large peduncles, sometimes up to 20 centimeters long.

A beautiful sight when fiery red, white, golden or burgundy bells surround a green tree with lights and flicker in the rays of sunlight. Each flower has a light fluff around the entire perimeter, which gives it richness. Another sign of this variety can be considered the brown bark of the plant.

A striking feature of a plant of this variety: dark green leaves with three lobes, purple flowers and a height of up to 2 meters. The shrub begins to bloom in early summer and ends the flowering period only in the middle of winter. Sometimes light stripes appear on its leaves, which makes the bush variegated. It is convenient to grow such a giant in offices and private homes. Not every apartment has room for this shrub.

One of the favorite types of shrubs for many gardeners. The plant does not require serious care and grows quickly. It can grow up to 50 cm in length per year. It blooms continuously all year round, the flowers are bright and large. The minimum diameter of each flower is 6 centimeters.

The shrub does not require a special regime of light or maintenance, and it will begin to bloom within six months after you sow the seeds. Naturally, such a plant can be found in many commercial and private buildings in the country.

This plant has several other names. People call it “weeping Chinese lantern”, and in the literature this plant is found as Abutilon “megapotamian”. The shrub will grow up to 2 meters in length if it is well cared for.

The leaves of the plant have oval shape and dark green color. Blooms profusely and constantly. It has interesting flowers that droop on long shoots and cannot go unnoticed. Each flower of the bush really looks like a lantern, which has a red base and a yellow flame inside.

This shrub will beautifully complement a living room in a home or a hallway in a commercial building.

A compact plant variety with many branches and large flowers. The shrub blooms almost all year round; its flowers can be pink or golden, white. The flower is easy to care for and will fit beautifully into any interior design. This shrub resembles the Isabella variety and has similar characteristics. The only difference between these flowers is that the Isabella variety produces very large flowers that fill almost all the branches.

This plant variety may also be known under the name Painted Abutilon. Its peculiarity is that the shoots remain flexible, green and do not become woody. The shrub has medium-sized leaves, with 3 to 5 lobes, and characteristic stripes on a dark green background.

Flowers appear in August and hang until the end of September. They are characterized by big size, long shoots, with one bell hanging from each. The color of the flowers depends on the type of shrub. The most common plants are those with golden, red or burgundy flowers.

The shrub grows up to 2 meters and requires a lot of space for its maintenance.

The plant got its name due to the fact that its leaves look like grape leaves. Each of them has up to 5 blades and a small fluff at the bottom. The shrub looks impressive due to large leaves(volume up to 15 cm), tall (from 2 meters) and beautiful flowers that hang flirtatiously on long shoots.

Typically, the flowers of the shrub have a blue or lilac tint, but other colors are also found. It is convenient to grow Abutilon of this type in large houses, educational, administrative and commercial premises.

This shrub can be grown anywhere. You don’t need to pay much attention to caring for it, because next year you will still have to change the bush. The plant is an annual, has small and dense shoots, beautiful bell-shaped flowers. The shrub feels great in houses, apartments, and other rooms. Interesting flower will complement winter Garden or a greenhouse.

If you want to extend the life of this plant, then promptly remove flowers that have already outlived their life.

In good conditions, the variety grows up to 2 meters and has large beautiful flowers. Shades of shrub flowers can be all the colors of the rainbow. The most common flowers are red, golden, orange and pink.

The bush has many dark green leaves and proper care can bloom all year round.

How to care for Abutilone

Conveniently, all types of shrubs require almost the same care. You can buy any type of plant and turn your home into paradise. What Abutilon requires is proper care at home and nothing more.

Abutilon likes to have a lot of daylight in the room. At the same moment, he will not like the bright sun. Characteristic sign that the bush is overheated - yellow leaves, fading and weakness of the bush as a whole. In summer, you can place the container with the plant on the balcony, but make sure that the sun does not fall on it.

If the room temperature rises above normal, the bush should be regularly sprayed with water. During the flowering period, be careful when spraying, do not allow water to get on the flowers. The shrub is transplanted into a new pot every year. In this case, it will give abundant and beautiful color.

The bottom line is that the root system of a home maple should completely envelop the earthen ball. If the container is larger than the roots can handle, you may not see flowers, because all the power will go to the roots. The easiest way to buy soil is in flower shops.

After watering the plant, look at it again after a few hours and drain the water that has accumulated in the pan. When planting shrubs, do not forget about drainage. The root system must breathe well and allow moisture to pass through. If there is too much water and it lasts for a long time, the bush may drop flowers and leaves.

Reducing watering begins in November, when the plant goes to water. Gradually reduce the dose of water to such an extent as to prevent the plant from dying. In this state, the bush will rest, gain strength and delight you with abundant color.

Like any plant, Abutilon needs feeding. Feeding the plant for flowers, the dosage and type of preparations can be clarified at the flower shop. The main period when shrubs need regular fertilizers: from March to autumn.

How to propagate Abutilon

The Abutilon shrub can be propagated by cuttings or seeds. These breeding methods are well suited for flowers with green leaves. Many varieties of Abulon are perennial, therefore, it is beneficial to plant the shrub once and enjoy its beautiful flowers.

Shrubs can be propagated by cuttings at any time of the year, but it is advisable to do this when the cuttings have not yet become woody. In March, cuttings with a flexible trunk are cut, flower buds are torn off, and they can be used to grow new plants.

Take cuttings about 12 centimeters long. You must first prepare a store-bought substrate or . From each cutting, the leaves below and the buds of flowers that have not yet had time to bloom are torn off.

It is convenient to plant shoots in small containers (glasses, pots) and cover them with jars. They remain in this state until they take root. The temperature in the room should be about 25 degrees Celsius, such conditions are similar to a greenhouse and the plants will grow faster.

Seedlings should be regularly ventilated, sprayed with settled water and watered. Within a month, a root system should form and the seedlings will sprout. Next, the young animals are transplanted into small pots or glasses; the diameter of the container should not be more than 7 centimeters.

If you want to get healthy plants, you will need to follow all abutilone care technology.

How to trim abutilon

Abutilone grows very quickly, so it needs to be pruned. In spring, the plant wakes up and in order for the bush to be lush and beautiful, the shoots are cut into 3 parts, but not to the very root. Timely pruning of bushes allows you to form right size and tree height.

Young plants are pinched at the top, which allows the bush to grow wider and bloom profusely. Abutilon is trimmed according to your expectations. Whatever size shrub you want, trim it.

Diseases and pests of Abutilon

Abutilone is not considered a capricious plant, and yet, when it occurs gross violation care technologies, problems may arise. A sharp change in room temperature, bright sunlight, lack of normal lighting and draft can cause the bush to shed its leaves.

The same problems can arise if the watering schedule is disrupted or there is no plant nutrition. Insufficient lighting immediately affects the bush; its leaves gradually lose their rich shade and, if nothing is done, they turn yellow and crumble.

The situation is fixable: just move the bush to a bright place and the problems will gradually go away. Accustom the plant to bright light gradually; at first there must be a slight shadow.

If the tips of the leaves of the bush dry out, this indicates that it does not have enough water, and the air in the room is dry. In this case, Abitulon is sprayed daily from a spray bottle, and an open container of water can be placed nearby so that the air in the room is constantly humid.

Abitulon grows well in commercial, private, administrative and educational premises. It will beautifully complement the interior, and it will be easier to breathe in the room where the plant is located. The bush humidifies the air and relieves psychological stress.

It is not difficult to raise such a handsome dog if you give him a little attention and follow the care technology.