How to choose a gasoline chain saw. Buying a good chainsaw: basic rules and nuances

An electric chain saw is an excellent tool, indispensable when sawing building material, any work in the garden, at the dacha, collecting firewood. In addition, with a certain skill, it can be used to cut materials such as foam blocks, plastic, etc. How to choose a really good tool so that it not only lasts a long time, but also becomes a reliable assistant in the household?

With the current wide range of models with various functions, it is not so easy to make a choice. Each buyer, of course, would like to get for his money exactly the model that most fully meets his requirements.

Operating principle of a chain saw

Two main nodes chain saw- this is the engine and the so-called saw part, which consists of a base - a bar, and a chain stretched over it. The chain and bar of a chainsaw are sometimes also called a set, since they are removable elements. The operation of the chain saw is carried out as follows: the engine torque is supplied to a chain closed in a ring, on which there are cutting edges. Moving along the guide bar, the chain makes a cut using cutting edges.

Types of chain saws

Hand saws

A hand or pocket chain saw is mechanical saws for sawing by hand. This saw can be used alone or by two people. It is not difficult to use: the object intended for cutting is grasped on both sides by a chain, the tool moves and cuts.

An electric chain saw is equipped with an electric motor, which is connected to the saw part through a transmission system. The engine operates from the electrical network, to which it is connected for power supply using an electric cable.

Electric chain saws

The electric saw is economical to use, since it does not require refueling, produces little noise during operation, and due to the absence of exhaust gases, can be used when working in enclosed spaces. An important advantage of modern electric and chainsaws is that the tool has a chain brake - if a dangerous situation arises, the brake instantly stops the chain. An electric saw is very convenient to use, but compared to chainsaws, its power is low. The lack of mobility allows this saw to be used mainly in small areas.

The performance of a chain saw depends on the condition of its chain. If the chain is dull, the engine will work under increased load and lose power, so you need to make sure that the chain is in good condition. Any owner of a summer cottage who often has to use a saw to remove excess branches from trees or cut firewood knows about the need to frequently sharpen the chain, but basically only lightly grinds it to return the teeth to their sharpness. In some cases, it can be quite cost-effective to purchase a chainsaw sharpening machine.

Gasoline saws

Less environmentally friendly, but more powerful gasoline chainsaws are equipped with a two-stroke gasoline ICE (internal combustion engine). The chainsaw has an automatic centrifugal clutch mechanism, which is why idle speed the circuit will not work and is completely safe. To enhance safety, the saws are equipped with a brake, thanks to which, in the event of a rebound towards the bar, a chain break, or any emergency, the chain immediately stops.

A chainsaw, unlike an electric one, produces much more noise during operation. But such a property as its mobility allows you to use a chainsaw almost everywhere: in the forest, at the dacha, on a hike or at a construction site. Among the chainsaws, you can choose one that only needs to cut branches, and one that can cut down trees.

Cordless chainsaws

A cordless saw is a universal portable tool equipped with an electric motor that runs on rechargeable batteries. Battery-powered chainsaws are similar to electric saws in terms of environmental friendliness and the noise they produce, but they have little power. Electric and cordless chainsaws are very effective in small gardens.

Application of chain saws

There are professional, semi-professional and household chainsaws.

Professional saw

Professional saws with good power and the possibility of daily use for long work suitable for regular use. Not only in the forest, but also on construction sites prefer to work with powerful chainsaws. They are equipped with vibration protection and comfortable specially designed handles. Such tools, of course, are not cheap, but they are extremely reliable and are perfectly suited for repair in the field.

Semi-professional saw

If the work to be done is short but regular, you can use a semi-professional “farm” saw. These saws have a simple vibration protection system, not very powerful, and the price is lower than that of a professional saw. The tool will fit for construction and gardening work. If a semi-professional saw is not forced to cut large volumes of wood, then it will last on the farm for quite a long time.

An example of such a tool is the Husqvarna chainsaw.

Chain saws of this brand have the right to claim a leading place among professional models. The chainsaw models offered by Bosch, Black & Decker, and Efco are worthy of attention. Of course, each saw has its own advantages, as well as disadvantages. For example, the OleoMAC model has successfully solved safety - if you compare, for example, with the Interskol chain saw, which has an extra handle that is not very convenient and can be somewhat difficult to hold while working. Amateur, semi-professional, professional - the extensive selection presented on the instrument market allows you to choose the most suitable tool and don’t overpay.

Household saw

A household saw will do an excellent job with occasional work on summer cottage. Its extremely simple design, light weight and inexpensive materials from which such tools are made allow us to set a low price.

Makita chain saws are considered a universal option. In terms of sawing speed, these tools are slightly inferior to the average, but, for example, Shtil, with even lower power, is more expensive and at the same time less practical. If you have a lot to cut, it is better to purchase a chain saw with high cutting capacity. Admittedly, the Bosch chain saw has a fairly high cutting speed.

If we remember about unenviable fate domestic chain saws - almost all of them were oriented for professional use. But wood processing enterprises began to switch en masse to other, more high-tech equipment, to which, however, Russian saws were only slightly inferior. But the plight domestic manufacturer chain saws this worsened.

Criteria for choosing a chain saw

So, to choose a practical and affordable option tool, it is necessary to determine in advance the future scope of work, possible difficulties - this will allow you to more accurately determine the type of chain saw, as well as eliminate unnecessary financial costs - why buy an expensive model with functions that you are unlikely to use?

But if the construction is going to be active, then it is better to have both an electric and a gasoline saw. In this case, the costs will be justified, since productivity will increase significantly.

It would also be useful to determine how mobile the saw should be, taking into account the distance from sources of electricity.

The power of the saw must be selected taking into account the required performance. If there is a small amount of work to be done, is there a need to purchase a good, powerful saw?

Having decided on the production characteristics and type of saw, the selected tool must be inspected to ensure that the cutting set matches the engine parameters, check the presence of a safety system, and the difficulty of assembly and disassembly. The weight of the tool and the level of noise produced should correspond to the preferences of the buyer.

When choosing a chain saw, special attention should be paid to the existing safety system, especially if you have little experience with this tool. If you grip the saw incorrectly, it may be thrown abruptly to the side when you turn it on. In this situation, the power lock, which most modern models are equipped with, will be very useful. When the cutting bar comes into contact with wood, it can cause quite a strong kickback. Here, hand protection is provided by the inertial chain brake - if necessary, it will instantly stop the cutting blade.

There are currently a lot of products on the market various instruments, which was previously considered quite expensive, but now has quite affordable prices. And now we will talk about such a necessary, and sometimes simply necessary, thing in the household as a chain saw.

In addition, the variety of models of this instrument in our stores is really large, and it can be difficult to understand.

Complexity and frequency of work: classification of saws

Modern chainsaws, according to their capabilities and, accordingly, the tasks they solve, are divided into three main classes: household, farm and professional. Let's look at the purposes for which each category is intended.


This class is intended for collecting firewood for personal use - for example, for a private house or cottage, sawing not very thick logs or trimming knots in a garden plot. For such saws, the norm is 20 hours of work per month, or about 40 minutes per day. They have low power and low weight. If you need to use the tool occasionally, this category is for you.


An instrument of this class is also called semi-professional. With such a saw you can do any work - build a house, cut down trees. You can even perform some professional tasks - for example, trimming knots in logging.

These saws differ from professional saws in lower power, service life and tire size. They do not have access to indicators of continuous operation of a professional tool. The name of the “farmer” class very succinctly characterizes this type.

It is not intended for daily full-scale work felling huge pine trees in northern conditions, but it is quite suitable for everyday use on a farm, where anything can happen.


The most powerful category. Its name indicates that an instrument of this class is intended for use in maximum modes. The service life of such saws is up to 2000 operating hours. For them, the normal work schedule is 16 hours a day and 8 hours without a break. The power of such saws is usually above 2000 W.

There is no point in buying such a tool for your home, not only because of the high price. It is believed that even with maximum household use, you only use a tenth of its potential.

Did you know? Sometimes a separate “special” class is also allocated (for high-altitude work without ladders, with the help of a holder, for the work of rescuers, etc.).

Other criteria

Before choosing a saw, you should pay attention to certain criteria and study them carefully.

Electric or petrol engine

It is difficult to say unequivocally which is better - a chainsaw or its electric counterpart. First, you should consider the advantages and disadvantages of each type of engine.


  • autonomy (no cord);
  • high power;
  • longer tire;
  • ability to work in all weather conditions.
  • greater difficulty in operation compared to electric saws;
  • the need to monitor the fuel mixture (do not forget to add oil to gasoline);
  • high price;
  • not suitable for indoor work (it’s not just the exhaust, but also the noise, 100 dB versus 75 dB for an electric motor).
Video: chainsaw device

Important! When working with a chainsaw, do not use gasoline that has been stored for more than two months. After specified period polymers and resin begin to form in it (this is a natural process), which causes carbon deposits to form in the cylinder.


  • convenience (started by pressing a button);
  • ease;
  • even and smooth cut due to the absence of vibration;
  • the best option for indoor work;
  • ease of operation;
  • low noise;
  • the price is significantly lower than that of chainsaws.
  • presence of a cord (this does not apply to cordless saws);
  • dependence on electricity;
  • low power;
  • works continuously for no more than 20 minutes;
  • you can't work when high humidity(especially in the rain).
Video: electric saw device We can say that for both types of engines there will be tasks that better suit the characteristics of both one and the other. If autonomy is the main thing for you, you should choose a chainsaw. In the same case, if you need a tool to work indoors and there are no problems with electricity, the best solution will become an electric motor.

Weight and size

Saws of all classes are approximately the same in size. They have approximately the following dimensions: 450/270/300 mm.

Weight drank household class ranges from 5 to 7.5 kg, and the length of the tire, respectively, from 40 to 50 cm. We can say that the optimal or average weight in this category is about 6 kg.

As for semi-professional saws, the indicators are approximately the following: weight from 4 to 7.5 kg, the average value is around 5 kg. Tire length 50 cm.

Saws professional category can have a weight (without tire) of about 4 kg, while they work normally with tires up to 75 cm long.

Did you know? In 1927, Emil Lerp developed and presented the Dolmar chainsaw. She weighed 58 kg.

Australian V8 Chainsaw created by Whitlands Engineering - the largest chainsaw in the world

Power selection

Power is perhaps the main indicator of a tool. It depends on it how quickly and deeply the saw can cut the tree, and whether it can be done at all for this particular task. Typically, 1-2 horsepower is enough for a household tool.

For the professional category, there is a wide range in tool power - 2-6 kW. But here there is such an indicator as the ratio of weight to power. After all, it’s one thing to fell ordinary trees in a warm climate, and quite another thing to cut down frozen spruce in the polar regions of Russia. Accordingly, the power required is different.

Selection by headset

Saws of all three classes are structurally identical. To put it simply, it is an engine (an electric motor or an internal combustion engine with a clutch), and a replaceable set, which includes a bus and a chain.

Type and length of tires

The tire is one of the main characteristics of the saw. Its choice is influenced by many factors in each specific case for a specific task.

There are narrow and flat tires. Distinctive feature narrow tire- tapered tip. This design solution helps to avoid kickback when the chain enters the cut. These tires are mainly used for household tools. The wide tip is used in the professional class and for extremely complex work.
Lightweight tire consists of a pair of steel sidewalls, the space between which is filled with high-strength polyamide. For a certain type of work this characteristic(lighter weight) can be a serious advantage.
- this headset is installed on professional tool high power. Used for the most intense loads.

Also great importance has the length of the tire. The choice of length depends on the engine power rating. The specifications of any tool should indicate the recommended bar length. Smaller size (within small limits) can be used. The permissible deviation is usually indicated in the instructions.

The length of the tire is indicated in inches, and can be 10" (25 cm), 12" (30 cm), 14" (35 cm), 16" (40 cm), 18" (45 cm).

Important! Such a protective element as an additional shield is not provided on chainsaws from Swedish manufacturers.

Circuit Requirements

Chain pitch is the distance between adjacent links. Indicated in inches. There are 5 step sizes:

  • 0,25" (1/4");
  • 0,325";
  • 0,375" (3/8");
  • 0,404";
  • 0,75"(3/4").
In household tools, they mainly use chains with a pitch of 0.325" (for saws with a power of up to 3 hp) and 0.375" for four-horsepower engines. “Caliber” 0.404" is used in a professional tool that has a minimum of 5.5 hp of power. The extreme lower and upper steps are almost never used.

There is an approximate purpose for each step. For example, for ordinary household cutting of timber or thin logs, for trimming branches or sawing dry trees, 0.325" will be sufficient.

Video: how to choose a chain and bar for a chainsaw

Availability of additional protection

Often (especially for beginners), the cause of injury can be recoil, or the inertial impact that occurs when the chain crashes into a tree. Helps to avoid this phenomenon kickback damper or inertia brake. When choosing a tool, you should pay attention to its availability.

Vibration is another risk factor. Strong vibration can cause damage to joints. In inexpensive household saws this problem solved by using rubber gaskets. And in a professional tool - by moving the handle with the tank away from the engine, thus creating a counterweight. If you don’t want joint problems in the future, pay attention to the presence vibration protection.

Throttle lock or throttle lock button- another useful function, the presence of which prevents accidental pressing of the gas. Given the saw's ability to cause serious injury, this function will not be superfluous.

Additional shield designed to prevent hand contact with dangerous mechanisms during operation. This protection is located at the end of the headset.

Uninterrupted operation resource

As for the concept of uninterrupted operation resource, there is still no single and clear classification of it. In addition, it (classification) is complicated by such factors as regularity of use, under what conditions you have to work, etc.

That is, you can work with a professional tool at the limit of its capabilities, in extremely harsh conditions, and with the same tool in a gentle mode. After this, it is incorrect to talk about an equal “margin of safety”.

It is believed that a professional tool has a service life of 1500-2000 hours. But even in this case, different manufacturers define this value differently. Some call the end of life a drop in compression in the engine to 0.6 from the initial value, others mean the first major overhaul.

Did you know? The world leader in the production of chain saws, the German company Stihl, owes its name to engineer Andreas Stihl, a German by birth, who in 1926 patented his invention - a hand-held chain saw with an electric drive.

Price and quality

We will try to list the most popular models of the most famous brands. All are considered to be well worth their prices, with the wide range in the pro-grade price range due to the aforementioned differences in power.

Household class:

  • PATRIOT PT 3816 Imperial - $100;
  • Hyundai X 360 - $110;
  • Partner P350S - $150;
  • PATRIOT PT 4518 - $150;
  • Makita EA3202S40B - $150;
  • Makita EA3203S40B - less than $200;
  • Hitachi CS 33 EB - $200;
  • Husqvarna 240 - $200;
  • ECHO CS-350WES-14 - $300.
Semi-professional saws:
  • Huter BS-52 - $100;
  • DAEWOO DACS4516 -$130;
  • Efco 137 - $200;
  • Husqvarna 440E - $250;
  • ECHO CS-260TES-10″ - $350;
  • Hitachi CS30EH - $350.
Professional chainsaws:
  • Hyundai X 560 - $200;
  • PATRIOT PT 6220 - $200;
  • Hitachi CS 40 EL - $300;
  • STIHL MS 361 - $600;
  • Husqvarna 372 XP 18" - $670.
Video: how to choose a saw

How to use a saw for the first time

New tool, as well as a saw after a major overhaul, requires a break-in procedure before starting work. It is necessary to increase the service life of both the engine and the entire unit.

First you need to soak the chain in an oil bath. Do this as directed by the manufacturer. This is usually done this way: take a clean container, put the canvas in it and fill it with oil, which is recommended in the instructions, for 4-6 hours.

Running in the electric saw- it’s not a difficult matter. After installing the chain, turn on the saw and let it idle for a few minutes. Then tighten the chain - it has probably stretched slightly. Work a little with a material that is not very thick and check how tight the chain is. Now the saw is ready for real work.

Important! After stopping the engine, wait until the chain cools down. Only after the chain has cooled should it be tensioned.

How to adjust the chain tension of an electric saw - video

Running in a chainsaw requires more time and effort.

The first launch must be carried out complete with the headset. Running the engine without load can cause premature engine wear. Before starting the engine, two important procedures must be completed:

  • prepare the fuel mixture;
  • Check the chain lubricant that enters the tire channels.
Typically, to break in both new and refurbished saws, it is necessary to burn 7-10 tanks of fuel before the tool can produce rated power (without the risk of failure). Moreover, the saw should operate at low speeds at this time.

Two-stroke chainsaw engines do not have special units responsible for lubrication. Lubrication is carried out by oil included in the fuel mixture. Therefore, it is extremely important to prepare a mixture of gasoline and two-stroke oil in the ratio specified by the tool manufacturer.

Gasoline is used with an octane number of at least 90. It is very important to use high-quality fuel. If the chainsaw's fuel tank has a green cap, it means that your saw's engine is equipped with a catalyst; you need to use unleaded fuel for it. If there is no catalyst, leaded gasoline should be used.

To prepare the fuel mixture, you can use the oil recommended by the saw manufacturer, or universal two-stroke oil for chainsaws such as JASOFB or ISOEGB. In this case, the mixture proportion will be 1:33 (1 part oil to 33 parts A-92 gasoline and higher). If you decide to opt for the oil recommended by the manufacturer, look at the mixture proportions on the packaging (usually they range from 1:25 to 1:50).

The next thing to do is check the lubricant going into the tire channel. This is done as follows:

  • check if there is oil in the tank;
  • inspect the tire channels;
  • We check the lubrication of the drive sprocket bearing and the presence of lubrication of the driven sprocket.

Did you know? The famous Soviet chainsaw “Druzhba” appeared in 1955. In 1958 she received a gold medal at the Brussels Exhibition. The original quality of the instrument was so high that some examples from the sixties are still in working order. This saw weighs 12 kg.

After you have made sure that everything is fine, you can proceed to the first launch. Below is the procedure for a cold start:

  1. Tension the chain so that it turns freely.
  2. Place the saw on a hard, stable surface so that the chain and bar do not touch anything.
  3. Place the chain brake in the non-working position.
  4. Turn on the ignition.
  5. Close the air supply.
  6. If your tool has a decompression valve, pressing it will make starting easier.
  7. We set the throttle valve to start. If your chainsaw has separate controls, pull the choke lever out of the housing. If you have a multi-control tool, lock the throttle lever in the intermediate position by pressing it.
  8. With your non-working (usually left) hand, we take the saw by the front handle and press it down, pointing it down.
  9. We step on the protective guard of the handle with our right foot.
  10. With the other hand, we pull the starter handle towards us until we feel resistance, after which we should make a sharp jerk.
  11. Open the air damper and restart the saw.
  12. After starting the engine, add gas to the maximum and lower the throttle; the start blocker will then turn off.

Now let the saw run for 5 minutes at idle speed. Check the tension, if necessary (usually it occurs) - tighten the chain.

Without loading the tire, try cutting thin twigs and branches. The recommended mode is:

  • 60-90 s. - work in minimum mode;
  • 10-20 s. - at idle speed.

Then stop the saw and check the tension. If necessary, repeat the tensioning procedure.

Important! The thickness of the wood when working with a chainsaw does not play any role in the load on the saw and the headset. The load is created only by the working person, by the pressure he puts on the tool. It is especially important to remember this during break-in.

At the end of the break-in, the carburetor should be adjusted; it is advisable to do this at the manufacturer’s service center.

After using up 6-7 tanks, you receive a chainsaw with the characteristics included in it by the manufacturer.

Well, now you know almost everything you need to start working with a chain saw. Other subtleties and tricks for more efficient work will come with experience. Just remember: both a chainsaw and an electric saw are quite dangerous tools; if safety precautions are not followed, you can get serious injuries. These simple rules should not be neglected.

Video: running in a chainsaw

Which saw to choose: reviews

An electric saw is cheaper and much more economical, but still, if you choose, it’s better to spend a little more and buy a chainsaw, just not a Chinese one, since it won’t last you even a couple of months. After all, whatever one may say, an electric saw is quite limited in its use, because you can hardly use it to cut a branch at high tree, because there simply isn’t enough cable. Or, for example, you need to go to the forest to chop firewood, but in this case you will not use electricity. So, whatever you say, it’s better, of course, to use a chainsaw, and if you’ve already decided to take it, then take it.

Thank you for your opinion!

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13 once already

An indispensable tool for construction work boasts a wide range. With its help, you can separate into parts various materials that are used at all stages of construction and finishing of a house. However, before you go to the market for a useful device, you need to decide which chain saw will be better - electric or gasoline. To choose suitable option, it is not enough to focus only on those tools that are more powerful. It is necessary to take into account various criteria and study user reviews. Next, we will present the main types in detail and give our recommendations.

Operating principle of the chain device

Let's look at the design first. So, a chain saw consists of the following elements:

  • Engine;
  • Tire with chain.

Since the saw elements are removable (with replaceable heads), they are often called a headset. The saw part with sharpened teeth is closed into a ring, after which torque from the motor is supplied to it. After which it begins to move in the direction specified by the tire and perform sawing.

Types of chain devices

Saws can be classified into the following types:

  1. manual;
  2. battery;
  3. electrical;
  4. gasoline.

The modern market offers a wide range of chain saw models that can be used both at home and professionally.

Hand (pocket) saws include mechanical units that are extremely easy to use. To do this, you need to wrap a chain around the block or any other object that you plan to cut. Then, by setting it in motion manually, you can make a cut. This device also allows you to work with a partner.

Electrical units are equipped with a motor, which is connected to a bus and a chain through a transmission. One of important elements Electric saws are equipped with a braking device that can stop the chain from working if necessary. The main difference from the previous type is that the electric motor operates using a cable. However, they are quite economical and do not consume much electricity. Also, among the advantages of the device one can note low level noise and lack of exhaust gases. That is, we can conclude that electric saws are applicable in enclosed spaces. Despite the ease of operation compared to gasoline units, they are inferior to them in terms of power and are not distinguished by mobility. Therefore, it is recommended to use them in small areas.

Advice. It is important to monitor the condition of the electric saw chain, since a dull product will force the unit to operate at higher speeds, which can negatively affect power. Since this will directly affect its performance, it is recommended to regularly grind the chain to sharpen its teeth. This can be done either with your own hands or using a special machine.

The structure of an electric chain saw using the example of one of the market models

Gasoline units are much less environmentally friendly, however, they are much more powerful. The safety of the device is ensured by the presence of an automatic clutch. Besides, in gasoline saws There is also a braking system that provides an instant stop in the event of force majeure (for example, a broken chain). The disadvantage of the device is the higher noise level compared to an electric saw, however, this is compensated by its mobility. You can use a saw virtually anywhere: from the forest. There are a whole lot of varieties of chainsaws, in particular, some are sharpened for cutting small trees, while others are capable of cutting even thick trunks.

Battery units are a universal device powered by a charging battery. The electric motor is not distinguished by its power, but it has the same advantages as electric saws. They are also recommended for use in small areas.

Classification of chain saws depending on application

According to application conditions, devices can be classified as follows:

  • household;
  • semi-professional;
  • professional.

Let's start from the end. Professional devices naturally have good performance and are intended for everyday work. There is vibration protection and an ergonomic handle system. The cost of the unit is quite high, but its service life pays off all costs over time. They are used for work in the forest, etc. Characterized by its reliability.

Semi-professional (farm) units can also be used regularly, but the operating time is somewhat limited. Their performance compared to professional devices is significantly reduced, which leads to a reduction in cost. They are also used everywhere, both in gardens and on construction sites. The service life will depend on the quality of use and the total operating time.

For work at home or in the garden, it is best to pay attention to semi-professional and household chain saws

Household appliances perform their duties excellently small area, because they have extremely simple design mechanics. The weight of the product is also small, which is due to the use budget materials. The cost of the device is affordable for all owners of garden plots.

How to choose a suitable device, which chain saw will be better

  • Depending on the required power rating of the device, during active construction, both an electric and a gasoline saw will be appropriate. The length of the tire must correspond to the declared power: in this case, a smaller value is welcome, since the longer the length, the greater the load and fuel consumption.
  • When purchasing gasoline saws, you should consider the availability of a spare saw set, which must be purchased only from the same manufacturer.
  • Do not forget that the performance of gasoline units is several times higher than that of electric units. Accordingly, they are used when it is necessary to ensure continuity of work in open space conditions. The lack of power grids does not affect them in any way.

Attention! The chainsaw load must be large enough, since operating the device at low speeds reduces the quality of its working system. The saw is designed for large volumes of work, but the power must correspond to its specifics.

  • If continuity of work on a construction site is not the goal, and the need to saw something arises only from time to time, then the choice should be made on electric units. With sufficient intensity, this device can be easily operated in closed space, because there are no exhaust gases and the air remains clean. An electric saw is much more affordable in cost, so the more powerful the device you buy, the more satisfied you will be later. However, as this indicator increases, its dimensions will change accordingly.

Appearance of an electric saw using the example of one of the most common models on the market

  • When choosing a power saw, you should also pay attention to the position of the motor. It can be placed longitudinally or transversely. The first option looks better, as it provides more freedom of action. The universal tool allows you to work under different angle, therefore on at this moment It's not worth saving.
  • If possible, you should choose a device with a soft start, since the service life will depend on this.
  • When purchasing, be sure to pay attention to the presence of an automatic locking system and brake. It is also possible to purchase units with automatic lubrication supply. For this purpose, a special pump is installed on chain saws, operating simultaneously with the motor.

You need to choose a chain saw wisely and take into account all the details. Important There will be ergonomics of the device, ease of placement in the hand. Depending on the level of complexity of the work, its regularity and type, access to the electrical network, as well as the degree of openness of the space, you need to choose the type of chain saw that can ensure reliable, uninterrupted operation. According to the data stated in the technical data sheet, the price of the device will also be determined.

Video: How to choose a chain saw

Sooner or later, every owner of a summer house or private farmstead decides to buy a chain saw. Whether to choose a gasoline or an electric chain saw depends on many factors. We will talk about electric saws, layout, use, maintenance. The choice of tool is yours.

Scope of use of a chain saw

Where they used to use a hacksaw, like a reciprocating saw cuts wood with butter. The sawdust is small and you can work in close quarters. A bow saw and an ordinary two-handled saw will be replaced by a chain saw, electric or gasoline. If the work involves felling timber and cutting ridges in the forest, there is no alternative, only a powerful gasoline-powered professional tool to help you.

Gasoline saws are more expensive, they are not connected to a network, they work noisily and at the same time they also pollute the air with exhaust.

How to choose electric chain saws for household work:

  • sawing logs into logs;
  • cutting boards, slabs, timber, wood waste;
  • formation of tree crowns.

If mains electricity is available, street work will not cause disturbance to neighbors. Cutting with an electric saw can be carried out in a closed space, there are no exhaust gases. One taboo is that working in damp conditions or in the rain is strictly prohibited. Which electric chain saw to choose in terms of power and layout depends on its purpose. If you have to work occasionally and for a short time, you need to buy a saw for household needs. If woodworking is a profession, you will need a different tool.

Manufacturers of construction tools

The companies Bosh, Stihl, and Champion have long been leaders in the production of chain saws. Their products are more ergonomic and easier to use. Which electric chainsaw should an amateur choose? We recommend the Champion brand, decent and inexpensive.

But the introduction of innovations, interlocks, and electronics is developed as know-how on these sites. The choice of chain saw is not limited to the listed companies. Following the famous brands, the companies Interskol, Zenit, Forte, Efco mastered the production of saws and achieved good results; this is far from full list manufacturers. You should know by what indicators to choose a tool.

Technical parameters of electric saws

Motor power is the determining factor when choosing an electric chain saw. When working outside the city and in the country, there is no guarantee that the network has a stable 220 V. The tool cannot work at full power, overheats and may fail prematurely. Therefore, you need to use a stabilizer or buy a more powerful device. The more powerful the saw, the more expensive and heavier it is.

The layout of the housing depending on the location of the engine. Take a closer look at the outline of the saw. If the product is narrow and long, the engine is located along the axis, the balancing is excellent, you can work tirelessly long time. A universal device due to the longitudinal arrangement of the engine. An installed adapter conical coupling increases the cost of the device by several thousand

With a transverse arrangement, the saw becomes shorter with the same bar length. This is an amateur version of the instrument. It cuts wood and everything from top to bottom perfectly. Such a compact device is convenient for professionals to work with, assembling truss structure. Which chain saw to choose based on the layout needs to be decided, keeping in mind that a rip saw will last 2 times longer.

Don't work electric tool in wet weather outside. Always hold the saw with both hands. Do not be distracted by conversation while sawing, be attentive.

The longer the bar, the thicker the log the saw will cut. It will cost more. For household use the best option for canvas is 30-40 cm.

For a comfortable safe work equipment required:

  • chain brake;
  • engine overheat protection;
  • soft start;
  • engine brake.

You cannot buy a saw if it is not equipped with a lock to prevent accidental activation. This is counterfeit!

If you plan to build a house made of round timber, then you should also have an electric saw in your arsenal. Each tool is designed for its own sector of work. How to choose a corded chain saw:

  1. After choosing a model, ask if there is one in your area service center for product maintenance with consumables and spare parts. Read reviews not about the company, but about the performance of your brand’s tool. Make sure that the instructions are not a photocopy, but a normal printed copy.
  2. The saw should lie comfortably in your hands and not cause discomfort;
  3. The more powerful the electric saw, the greater the hope that a voltage drop will not interfere with work.
  4. The average farm saw is the most reliable option, intermediate between a professional and an amateur. Electric saws are cheaper, easier to operate and allow you to work in a closed circuit.

Please note that the engine may overheat due to increased load. The reason is that the oil does not penetrate to lubricate the chain. It is necessary to check the supply of oil to the chain and its level before work and during the process. Checking the feed is easy - position the cutter along a strip of newsprint or cardboard and start the saw. If microsplashes from the chain have left an oil ray on the newspaper, it means oil is flowing. Use recommended or mineral oil.

Before work, check all fastening bolts and the oil level in the tank. If the saw is removed from cold storage, it should lie in room temperature at least 2 days for the condensation from the windings to evaporate.

It is believed that a sharp chain determines the operation of the saw. At first the saw enters the wood without effort, then you begin to lean on it. You just need to sharpen it special device, needle file or file. If you don’t know how to sharpen, install a new one, and hand this one over to the knife sharpener at the nearest kiosk.

Remember, a dull chain is not only a strain on your hands, but also on the engine! During long breaks in work, store the chain in oil.

Choosing an electric chain saw - video