Indoor rose: rules for care, transplantation and propagation at home. Transplanting roses to a new place - what you need to consider so that the transplanted roses take root

From time to time it becomes necessary to move plants on a site from one place to another. Transplanting roses requires compliance certain rules, which allow you to successfully root a perennial flower in a new place. Beginning gardeners often make mistakes: replanting blooming rose, choose the wrong time to move the bushes. As a result, the plant begins to get sick, stops blooming or dies.

When is the best time to replant roses?

The reasons why roses in the garden need to be replanted can be different:

  • depleted soil;
  • deterioration of illumination due to overgrown neighboring plants;
  • regular pest attacks;
  • creation of new flower beds.

The planned movement of a flower to a new place is best done at the end of the season. Autumn transplantation of roses is considered the safest for the plant. You can replant the bush in early spring; this will slightly delay the beginning of flowering, but will not have any effect. negative influence per plant. The most difficult time to transplant an adult specimen is at the height of the summer season, especially during heavy flowering.

in spring

Transplanting a rose in the spring to a new place is carried out at a time when the soil is saturated with moisture after the melting of the snow cover, warmed up by 7-10 ° C, and the buds on the bush have not yet swollen. During this period, it is provided optimal conditions for the survival of bushes. The disadvantage of spring transplantation is that the rose spends additional energy on forming new roots and adapting to the place, which interferes with the onset of flowering.

The calendar period for carrying out work to move a flower depends on the climate. IN middle lane roses are planted in early April, in the southern regions in mid-February.

In summer

If there is a need to replant adult bushes in the summer, special rules should be followed. The plant is subjected to radical pruning. Remove all buds and flowers, shorten the shoots by half. For tall roses, trunks no more than 50 cm high are left; dwarf varieties cut off the shoots after 2-3 buds.

Preferred transfer time: evening hours and cloudy weather. At first, a rose planted in a new place is often watered and protected from sun rays and winds. On hot and dry days spray warm water.

in autumn

Roses are transplanted in the fall 3-4 weeks before the onset of frost. In this case, the plant successfully takes root in the still warm soil, but does not have time to grow new shoots. An earlier planting of a flower in a new place will provoke the growth of green mass, which will weaken the plant before the winter cold. Planting roses immediately before the temperature drops to negative levels leads to the death of the perennial. A weakened plant will not have time to grow new roots, adapt to changed conditions and will not tolerate winter cold.

Selecting and preparing a place for a rose garden

Lush flowering, immunity to pests and diseases is achieved by planting roses in right place. The area for the flower garden must meet several requirements:

  • illumination during daylight hours. Do not plant perennials in the shade of trees, shrubs or garden buildings;
  • soil fertility. Flowering plant needs a lot nutrients;
  • absence of stagnation of water and spring flooding of the site. Roses growing in soil that is too wet are constantly susceptible to fungal diseases;
  • protection from winds. You should not allocate an area for a flower bed with roses that is blown by cold streams from the north and west.

Site preparation is carried out several weeks before transplantation. The soil is dug up and freed from weeds, old roots and other debris. The soil is enriched mineral fertilizers and wood ash. Poor soil is additionally fertilized with rotted compost or humus. Feeding is carried out no later than 2 weeks before transplantation, so that the root system of the flower does not get burned.

Preparing the plant for transplantation

The main task when transplanting an adult bush is to preserve as much as possible root system. The roses are moved to a new place along with the lump of earth in which they grew. Grafted flowers are characterized by deep roots, especially the main stem. The length can be more than one and a half meters. It makes no sense to dig up the main root completely; it can be cut off. Self-rooted seedlings, as a rule, have a superficial root system.

In dry weather, it is necessary to water the flower abundantly 2 days before transshipment. It is quite easy to dig up small specimens; their root system corresponds to the above-ground part and the procedure does not cause difficulties. The situation is different with large bushes. To transplant such roses, the following technology is required:

  • The branches of the plant are carefully tied with twine or wrapped in coarse cloth. This makes it easier to access the soil around the plant;
  • around rose bush dig a trench with a diameter equal to the above-ground part of the plant, gradually going deeper along the entire length of the roots;
  • the longest root shoots cut off using a sharp shovel or other garden tools. Before planting, the cut site is treated with ash;
  • the dug earthen ball is carefully moved onto a durable plastic film and transported to the landing site.

If you plan to plant roses the next day, wrap the soil around the roots with a damp cloth to prevent them from drying out.

How to replant roses

It is advisable to transplant the dug bush into a prepared hole as soon as possible. If damaged areas of roots are visually visible, they must be removed by treating the cut area copper sulfate or ash. Large specimens of bushes can be moved around the site on burlap and transplanted into the planting hole along with it. The roots will grow through the loose tissue without any problems.

Planting scheme

The diameter of the hole for the bush is determined in accordance with the circumference of the main part of the shoots. The hole is dug 15-20 cm wider and 10 cm deeper. The distance between individual seedlings is left according to the following scheme:

This planting scheme will allow growing roses to receive sufficient quantity nutrients and lighting, will eliminate the interweaving of root shoots between individual bushes.

Procedure technology

A layer of fine gravel or broken brick is placed at the bottom and sprinkled with a heap of fertile soil. Place an earthen ball with a plant, add some soil and spill it with water. Fill in the remaining soil, carefully compact it and spill it with water again. The rose bush is buried so that the root collar is at the same level as before transplantation. If you transplant a rose correctly, it will take root in a new place within 2-3 weeks.

Secrets and features

Regardless of the variety, age and condition of rose bushes, there are uniform requirements for replanting:

  • use clean gardening tools to reduce the risk of infecting a weakened rose;
  • provide air cover for the winter for flowers transplanted in the fall;
  • replant bushes no more often than once every 3-4 years;
  • Before replanting, remove dry, diseased stems, buds and flowers.

In addition, there are special rules according to which different types perennial flower.

How to replant a blooming rose

It is possible to replant a rose during flowering, but the procedure will require more time and effort. It is recommended to do this only if absolutely necessary. Old, large specimens may die due to severe stress. For small bushes, shoots are radically pruned, leaves and flowers are removed. This reduces the percentage of moisture evaporation, and all forces are directed to rooting. IN summer heat required frequent watering, the soil is kept moist until new shoots appear on the shoots.

Transplanting climbing species

The main difficulty lies in carefully freeing the shoots of climbing and climbing varieties from the support. The optimal period to successfully transplant a climbing species is the autumn months. They begin to prepare the bush for moving in August. The top of young shoots is shortened so that by autumn it is partially lignified. Old stems are cut by 2/3, diseased and dry branches are removed. The cut site is disinfected with ash or garden varnish.

Replanting old bushes

Large or old rose it is difficult to transplant to a new place due to large sizes overgrown root system. Digging up and moving the flower is easier with two people. It is recommended to replant an adult rose in autumn or early spring. Growing conditions are selected as close as possible to the previous ones. Before you start digging, prepare clean and sharp tools that are used to cut off too long root shoots. Roots injured by transplantation are easily affected by pests and diseases, so the soil and open areas treated with a solution of potassium permanganate.

Rose has earned a reputation capricious flower. Transplanting a blooming beauty to a new place is not easy; you need to make an effort to ensure proper preparation and aftercare. Due to the severe stress that the plant experiences during transplantation, abundant flowering resumes a year after successful rooting.

Many gardeners grow roses both at home and in the country. So that the beauty of these flowers for a long time pleased the owner, it is necessary to know when, how and for what purpose they are transplanted. Very often it is associated with improving the decorativeness of the area or the growth of the bush. It happens that the plant begins to hurt and stops growing. It is advisable to carry out this procedure in spring or autumn. But each of these periods has its own characteristics.

Transplanting indoor roses - features of the procedure

An indoor rose is a special type that differs significantly from a garden rose. Annual plant replanting is one of the elements of care. Any timeframe is suitable for this. The roots are growing all the time and there is little room for them. The new container should each time be larger than the old one - 7 cm in height, 3 cm in diameter.

Home crops can be replanted two weeks after the purchase has occurred. All wilted leaves, dried stems, buds and flowers are removed. The plant must be provided with drainage to prevent root rot. Pieces of polystyrene foam or expanded clay are used as a permeable material.

A purchased rose in a pot is lowered for two hours warm water. At the same time, you should water the plant itself. The old soil is not used; it is necessary to plant only in a new flower mixture.

Transplant algorithm:

  1. 1. A centimeter layer of drainage must be poured into the new pot.
  2. 2. Remove a flower from an old container with soil soaked in moisture. If there are several bushes, divide them.
  3. 3. Place the plant in the pot and fill it with prepared soil. Leave 3 cm between the edge of the container and the surface of the flower mixture.
  4. 4. There is no need to water the crop; just spray the leaves.
  5. 5. The transplanted flower must be placed in a dark place for a day.

One day after transplant home roses it is placed on the south or east side.

If in the room heat air, then you should place the pot with the plant in a tray filled with water.

Time and place of transplanting garden roses

Favorable time for transplantation garden roses Another place is the end of September - beginning of October. The flower will take root well when the influx to its roots begins useful substances. Flowers transplanted at this time take root faster. The advantage of autumn work:

  1. 1. The soil is well warmed up after summer.
  2. 2. Autumn is rainier than spring, which allows the plant to take root faster.
  3. 3. In autumn the weather is more stable than in spring, so it is easy to choose the time for transplantation.

You need to start preparing in August by stopping fertilizing, reducing watering of crops and leaving inflorescences on the bushes.

In order for the flowers to quickly take root, it is important to choose the right place for the rose garden. Basic conditions:

  1. 1. Illumination. The area should be well lit, especially in the first half of the day. Shadow from third-party objects will negatively affect the flowering process.
  2. 2. Humidity. The outflow of moisture must be good, otherwise the plant will begin to rot. And in winter, due to stagnation of water, the roots can freeze.
  3. 3. Soil composition. The soil for growing roses should be clayey and rich in minerals.
  4. 4. Protection from winds. The flower must be protected from the north and northeast wind and aggressive weathering.

Preparing the site

The area should be weeded and all weeds removed. The landing pit must be prepared. It is better to make a hole in the spring. Its dimensions are up to 0.7 m in depth and 0.5 m in width and length. If this has not been done, then it is dug out 2 weeks before the start of work. The distance between them depends on the crop variety.

Planting pit under saturated conditions fertile soil make 10-15 cm more than the root system of the flower together with the earthen ball. On depleted soils, the recess is made 30 cm larger.

The soil is removed from the planting hole layer by layer. Upper layer after mixing with organic fertilizers put on the bottom, add one glass of bone meal or ash, a handful of lime and fill with water. The remaining soil is used to make compost.

Preparation of the bush

Before digging up a flower for replanting, it should be watered well. Two days after this, having retreated from the base to 0.3 m, the plants are taken out of the ground. The main thing is not to damage the root system. The earthen ball along with the dug up root is placed on a cloth for ease of transportation to a new place.

A high-quality seedling must have at least 3 intact shoots with a large number of thin roots. Unripe or broken ones are cut off, and all leaves are removed from healthy ones and shortened to an average of 0.3-0.35 m. The scale of pruning depends on the type of rose. The remaining branches should be tied to facilitate further actions.

The root system of a bush dug up without soil is trimmed from 0.25 m to 0.3 m, and if there are rotten roots in it, they are cut off completely.

For the purpose of disinfection, the culture is treated with a 3% solution iron sulfate. For the plant to survive, the roots are dipped into a pre-prepared solution consisting of one part mullein and two parts clay.

If the root system of roses is open, then before transplanting it must be soaked in water for a day.

Methods for planting a crop in a new place

To minimize stress in the plant, the new place is prepared as comfortable as possible.

The bush, dug out with a clod of earth, is placed in a new planting hole. The root neck of the flower should be up to 8 cm below ground level. The roots are buried gradually, alternating watering and compacting the soil.

The soil for adding to the planting holes is prepared in advance. It consists of (based on a 10-liter bucket):

  • garden soil - 1 bucket;
  • humus, peat, sand - 0.5 buckets each;
  • clay - 0.5 buckets;
  • ash and bone meal - 200 g each;
  • superphosphate – 100 g.

Roses should be transplanted on a warm and windless day.

If the crop is without soil, then after examining the root system, planting can be done in one of the following ways:

  1. 1. Wet. A bucket of water is poured into the prepared hole, in which a drug that stimulates root growth is diluted. A bush is lowered into the hole, the roots of which are covered earthen soil. The soil is compacted and watered abundantly.
  2. 2. Dry. Prepared soil is poured into the bottom of the planting hole, the bush is lowered, its roots are straightened, soil is filled in, which is compacted around the bush and the plant is watered.

The branches are untied and the flower is mulched. At first, it should be watered frequently with warm water.

A climbing rose is replanted in the same way as a regular one, only the branches are cut to half their length.

Proper care of roses will allow you to admire the flowers without replanting for up to 10 years.

At rainy autumn Watering stops after planting. If the weather is dry, water the plants once a week. But before the cold weather, each bush is abundantly moistened at the rate of 30 liters per unit.

The flower does not need fertilizing in the fall after replanting, since fertilizers are applied during soil preparation, which will last until spring.

Since autumn is the breeding season for rot and bacteria, the bushes should be sprayed with 1% Bordeaux mixture.

As soon as the air temperature outside becomes negative, you need to start covering the rose garden. Hilling is one of the ways to protect the root system from frost. Soil from earth, peat and sand should not be raked from the place where flowers grow, but brought from another area. Additionally, the upper shoots of the bush are covered with fallen leaves from the garden.

Can be done wooden frame or buy a special metal one in the store. It is installed above the bush and covered from above plastic film, burlap, thick rags or agrofibre.

Growing any roses will not cause any difficulties if you follow all the rules required for growth, replanting, care and flowering of the crop.

When is the best time to replant roses? This must be done in early spring days or in late autumn. However, when wintering roses, unexpected problems may arise. Therefore the timing autumn transplant– August and September. Summer doesn't count best time for planting, but this can be done. You just need to help the plant adapt normally to a new place.

General transplant rules

If you have a rose bush big size, you need to leave the flower 40 centimeters, and in the case of a large number of shoots, remove some of them. This way you can give the bush a beautiful shape. If the size of the bush is relatively small and the roots are not damaged, you should still trim the immature shoots and remove the flowers and buds.

The first month after moving, it is advisable to water the flower as often as possible. It is also necessary to remove it in the shade in time, as well as spray it. In the summer, it is better to transplant in cloudy weather, since in hot weather it simply will not take root.

In regions with mild winter It is better to plant flowers in the fall, and if the climate in the area is more severe, in open ground Roses are planted in the spring. However, gardeners recommend planting these flowers in the fall, then in the spring they will delight you with their first bloom.

In autumn, in the middle zone, roses can be planted in the ground from mid-September to October. Earlier transplantation will adversely affect the seedlings. Later planting increases the likelihood that the seedlings simply will not have time to take root and will suffer from frost in the winter.

Is it possible to replant roses in the summer?

To move the plant correctly, the following steps must be followed:

  • Using a spatula, you need to mark the circle for digging up the bushes, taking care not to damage the main and lateral roots;
  • The bush must be dug from all sides so that the ball with roots can be freely removed from the hole;
  • Using a shovel, you should pry up and turn the root ball into the hole, placing the bush on its side;
  • Remove the bush from the hole and place it on a cloth. Wrap the root ball in it so that the earth does not crumble when transferred;
  • The bush should be moved to a pre-prepared hole, free the root ball from the material and place it in the prepared hole no deeper than it was previously until replanting;
  • The bush should be well watered.

Transplanting roses in a pot in summer

This action is best done in August, when the flowers will grow profusely and by the time the buds appear, the roots will have fully formed. For replanting, you need to take small pots, since in larger ones the soil will sag more slowly. And thanks to this, the roots will begin to rot.

Also, large pots look ugly in the interior of the room. In large pots the plant produces abundant greenery and very few flowers.

Try to grow potted plants in small vases and replant them frequently, adding mineral fertilizers to the soil. In order for flowers to grow well, it is better to replant them on a crushed soil layer to protect the root system. The potted plant can be replanted throughout the summer months.

To strengthen rooting, the plant should be placed in the shade for a couple of days and watered moderately.

How to replant roses in the fall

In autumn, transplantation should occur in mid-October. At this point, the plant will be fully established before the first frost. Before planting, the dug-out bushes need to be shortened slightly and long shoots trimmed.

Basic rules for the fall process:

  • The landing site must be well prepared. To do this, dig a deep hole so that the bushes are at the same depth as before;
  • You need to dig up bushes for planting carefully. Make notches in a circle half a meter in diameter with a spatula, carefully pry up the earthen lump and pull it out;
  • It is recommended to save as many roots as possible and carefully move the bush with an earthen lump to a new hole;
  • The soil around the bush immediately after planting needs to be crushed and then loosened.

It is recommended to transplant bushes in the garden in good land with the addition of mineral fertilizers that stimulate root growth. Depending on the type of rose, you need to know how to replant them correctly. For example, before a transplant spray roses shoots need to be cut by 2-3 cm, climbing varieties cut in half, standard ones - by 1/3.

To transplant a rose bush, you need to transfer a lump of earth, placing it on a cloth that is tied in a knot. The tissue can be removed or left at the end. Matter without the addition of synthetics will simply rot in the soil.

How to replant a summer rose after purchasing it in a store

A newly purchased rose should be replanted immediately or wait until the end of flowering. An indicator of how crowded a plant is in a pot is that drainage holes roots come out. In this case, it is necessary to replant the plant immediately, without waiting for the end of flowering.

Flowers with great cohesion simply do not have enough nutrients and oxygen, so the roots quickly become dehydrated. As a result, the leaves fall off and the plant may even die.

Basic rules for replanting flowers after purchase:

When can roses be replanted - summer, winter or autumn? Most best time for transplantation it is autumn or spring. At this point, the soil is completely unfrozen. If necessary, you can make a summer transplant subject to certain rules, such as maximum preservation of the earthen coma, the presence of cloudy weather and slight pruning.

Transplanting roses.

Often in the garden there is a need to replant a plant, which can be caused by a number of reasons: the plant does not develop well in its permanent place, the space needs to be vacated due to construction, the site is being redeveloped, and the like.

Replanting is always traumatic for the plant, so every effort must be made to avoid damage to the root system. We recommend following the following order:

  1. Use a shovel to mark a circle around the bush so as not to damage the main lateral roots.
  2. Dig the bush from all sides so that the root ball can be freely removed from the hole.
  3. Use a shovel to pry up the root ball and turn it over in the hole, placing the bush on its side.
  4. Take the bush out of the hole, place it on a spread piece of cloth or film and wrap it in a lump so that the earth does not crumble during transportation; For the same purpose, the rose bushes are well shed with water in the evening.
  5. Transfer the bush to the prepared planting hole, place it in the hole no deeper than it grew before transplanting.
  6. After planting, trim the bush and water it abundantly.

Propagation of roses.

Methods for propagating roses.

  • dividing bushes;
  • offspring;
  • layering;
  • stem cuttings;
  • lignified cuttings.

Plants grown from rooted cuttings, layering and dividing the bush are called self-rooted. If the above-ground part dies, new shoots of the same variety are formed from the root collar. In grafted plants, in this case, rosehip shoots grow, and as a result, the bush “goes wild.”

Self-rooted roses have a shorter lifespan, they develop more slowly than grafted ones, and are less resistant to adverse factors. external environment and low winter hardiness

Dividing bushes. The easiest way to reproduce. It is used for propagation of own-rooted roses (White, Wrinkled, French).

Divide the bushes in the spring, after the soil has thawed. In our conditions, this will be the end of April - beginning of May. Overgrown bushes, before buds open, are dug out of the ground and cut with sharp pruners or a knife into several parts so that roots and several shoots are preserved in each.

On divisions, very long roots are carefully shortened and roots damaged during digging are removed to a healthy place. The shoots are also shortened, leaving 3-4 buds on each of them. The top buds should face outward or to the side. This is necessary for the correct formation of bushes. Small branches are cut out. The wounds are cleaned with a sharp knife. Dip the roots in a mixture of clay and mullein (or just clay alone) and plant the plants in a permanent place.

Rice. 1 Offspring department.

Offspring. With their help, park own-rooted roses are propagated, capable of producing root suckers that form during a period of intensive growth and extend from the main bush in the form of vertical shoots (Fig. 1). Early in the spring, after the soil has thawed, they are dug up, processed as in the previous case, and planted in another place.

Reproduction of roses by layering.

Almost all types of roses are propagated by layering. To do this, the shoots are bent and attached with pegs to the loosened soil. A mixture of earth with humus or peat is poured on top. The work is carried out in the spring, before the buds open. By autumn, the cuttings take root. in spring next year they are separated from the mother plant and planted in a new place.

Rice. 2 Receiving layering.

Using them, you can get new bushes from both grafted and self-rooted plants of various groups of roses. But this technique is especially convenient for propagating long-stemmed plants. climbing varieties(Fig. 2).

To obtain layering, shoots growing at the root collar are used. In early spring they are bent down, placed in pre-prepared shallow grooves, carefully pinned down and covered with loose, damp soil on top. The tops of the shoots are left outside and tied to pegs, giving them a vertical position. In places where the cuttings come into contact with the ground, circular cuts are made in the bark with a sharp knife, which causes an increased flow of nutrients to the cut and intensive formation of roots. The soil is kept moist and loose during the summer.

By autumn, the cuttings take root, but they are separated from the mother plants the following spring, and weak plants only after a year.

In our conditions, in most varieties of roses, all branches located above the snow cover die off in winter. Therefore, in the fall, shoots intended for cuttings are carefully bent down, pinned to the ground and sprinkled with peat. In the spring, after the soil has thawed, they are placed in grooves and covered with earth.

Stem cuttings. This is the most common way to obtain your own root roses.

Lignified cuttings.

Rice. 3 Cuttings prepared for planting (left). Rooted cuttings (right).

Use finished growth and well-ripened smooth annual stems 4-5 mm thick. They are harvested in the fall.

In the spring, cuttings of them are cut (Fig. 3) 10-12 cm long and immediately lowered into water. Having taken them out of the water, they are planted in the soil and watered. Planted obliquely, almost completely buried in the ground.

Semi-lignified (green) cuttings (summer cuttings).

In this case, cuttings are harvested at the beginning of lignification of the shoots. For roses, this coincides with the beginning of flowering. The middle part of semi-lignified shoots at the flowering stage is used, but not the “fat” ones (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4. Propagation by semi-lignified cuttings with 2-3 leaves:
1. Cutting cuttings from shoots (at the beginning of flowering);
2 . Planting the cuttings in a mixture of peat and sand;
3. Not a large number of cuttings can be planted in a regular pot and covered glass jar; 4. Rooted cuttings.

Cuttings cut from shoots that are too green or very lignified take root worse.

Cuttings are harvested 7-10 cm long with 2-3 leaves. To prevent excessive evaporation of moisture, the leaves are cut to 1/3 or 2/3 of their length (the upper part of the leaf blades is removed), leaving 1-2 pairs of leaves, bottom sheet cut off.

The upper cut of the cutting should be straight and located 0.5-1 cm above the bud, the lower cut should be oblique (at an angle of 45°) - under the bud itself.

The cuttings are planted on the bed at an angle of 45°, then they are generously sprayed with water several times a day. Before planting, the cuttings are soaked in a Heteroauxin solution for 2 days. To retain moisture on top, the cuttings are covered with plastic film or glass.

It is advisable to leave rooted rose cuttings for overwintering, covering them with a small layer of insulating material. In two years they turn into developed seedlings.

In our conditions, good results can only be achieved by cuttings during the first flowering period (June). Young plants rooted at this time manage to form a fairly good root system and become stronger by the fall. With more later (July August) are formed weak roots, and many cuttings do not produce them at all.

Rice. 5. Rooting cuttings with one leaf:
1. Cutting cuttings;
2. Landing;
3. Cuttings in a greenhouse (leaves should not touch the ground);
4. Well rooted cuttings.

It is most convenient to make cuttings in picking boxes 7-8 cm high. For better water drainage, holes are made in the bottom, which are covered with broken shards with the convex side up.

Then lay a small layer (about 1 cm) of drainage ( broken brick, sand or fine gravel with sand), 3-4 cm of light fertile soil is poured on top of it (1 part leaf, 2 turf and 2 sand) and 1.5-2 cm of well-washed and calcined river sand.

Before planting, the substrate is watered. The prepared cuttings are planted in the ground to such a depth that they can stand without falling when watered and sprayed. It is not worth deepening more than 1.5-2 cm, since when planted shallowly, the formation of callus (the formation of new tissue on a cut) and roots occurs faster. The cuttings are placed according to a 6x3 cm pattern.

Boxes with cuttings are placed in a shaded place, for example under a tree canopy, and covered with plastic film laid on the frames. The edges of the film are sprinkled with earth or pressed down with boards.

Cuttings take 3-4 weeks to root. At this time it is necessary high humidity air, optimal temperature (20...22 °C) and diffused sunlight. Humidity is maintained by spraying (1-2 times a day), abundant watering of the soil around the boxes and dense covering with plastic film.

In order for callus and roots to form faster, the soil must be (2...3 ° C) warmer than the air. In greenhouses, special greenhouses are built for this purpose, at the bottom of which water heating pipes are laid. Some amateur gardeners instead use heating with electric lamps placed under the bottom of distribution boxes. You can also place boxes with planted cuttings in a greenhouse heated by biological fuel. A greenhouse freed from seedlings in June is suitable for this purpose. If it has cooled down by this time, then 2-3 days before cutting it is interrupted with the addition of a certain amount of manure or refilled.

If the greenhouse is located in an open sunny place, then on hot days the greenhouse frames are covered with lattice wooden shields, matting or burlap, you can also whiten the glass. The air temperature is reduced by short periodic ventilation or by watering the wall material with cold water.

Plantings are periodically inspected, dead leaves and cuttings are removed. After the roots have formed and intensive growth has begun, the number of sprays is gradually reduced, and the greenhouse is ventilated more often and for a longer period of time. Vents are left on the side of the greenhouse. 2 weeks after rooting, the frames are removed.

Further care consists of moderate watering, weeding, and, if necessary, pest and disease control. Fertilizers, both organic and mineral, should not be applied.

In the 1st year, the cuttings still have a weak and shallow root system. Therefore, in winter it is better to store them in a basement or cellar at a temperature from (0 to 5 ° C). To do this, young plants from spring cuttings (using lignified cuttings) are dug up in the fall, before frost sets in, placed obliquely in small batches in a picking box and the roots are covered with damp soil. First, the leaves are removed from the plants, the unripe parts of the shoots are cut off, and the above-ground part is treated with a 2% (20 g per 2 l) solution of copper or iron sulfate.

Seedlings from summer cuttings left in distribution boxes until spring. Before storing them, leaves and unripe parts of shoots are also removed and treated with vitriol.

Boxes with rooted cuttings are brought into the basement before the onset of frost. The soil in the boxes is kept in a moderately moist state. In spring, roses are planted in beds for growing or in a permanent place.

You can feed with mineral fertilizers only when the seedlings take root and begin to grow.

Many people try to grow roses from cut flowers in a bouquet, but this rarely works.The fact is that semi-lignified shoots, on which buds are just beginning to form, are suitable for cuttings, and those that are already woody are sold for sale.

Great( 3 ) Badly( 0 )

Without a doubt, the rose is the queen of flowers and a decoration for any place, be it a flower bed, front garden, garden, lawn or element landscape design plot. Since time immemorial, this flower has been identified with feminine beauty, passion and inaccessibility, obstinate character and authority. Many poems, poems, sonnets, fairy tales and stories are associated with it. And the rose, found in these texts, never played a secondary role, was not endowed with negative qualities and did not serve as a tool for something bad.

People still assign historical tribute to this image today: unspoken honor and admiration are the constant companions of the image of this delicate bud with prickly thorns. The color of a rose can say a lot about the purpose of, for example, a bouquet: whether it is a friendly meeting, a romantic date or a gift for a significant date. And the presence of “live” roses on the site promises prosperity, tranquility and pleasure for the owner and, of course, exclamations of praise and admiring glances from guests and visitors.

Of course, the queen of flowers needs appropriate care and living conditions. It would also be useful to know a few secrets about planting, replanting and caring for this plant, especially in the hot season. And then you can enjoy flowers all the time.

Site selection and soil preparation

So that the plant pleases you and those around you for a long time lush flowering, it is necessary to choose the right place for its growth. Rose bushes prefer an abundance of warmth and light, so make sure that the location you choose is sunny most daylight hours and there were no drafts, winds or high humidity. A shady location will only suit climbing rose , therefore, for a bush plant it is better to choose the south-eastern or southern side of the site.

Roses can only be planted in pre-prepared soil. To do this, you don’t need to reinvent the wheel - just fertilize the planting site with mineral (special purchased) and organic (manure, bird droppings, humus and humus) fertilizers. But do not overdo it, excess minerals can negatively affect the flower (we dose no more than 15-20 grams per bush).

If you plan to plant in the spring, the soil must be prepared in the fall:

  • dig holes (about 1-1.2 meters deep and half a meter in diameter);
  • fill with a solid base (pieces of branches, crushed stone, expanded clay);
  • place the mixture on top garden soil with humus, diluting with mineral fertilizers.

When planting in the fall, you prepare holes 1-1.5 months in advance. When mass planting bushes, the recommended interval between them is half a meter to a meter, although this recommendation can be varied depending on the end goal.

Time to plant seedlings

It is recommended to plant a rose in the spring, but you can replant it at another time. When the earth has already warmed up, but the buds have not yet opened, this is the most good time for planting garden beauties. Planting in early autumn is also possible, but is more risky due to the often unpredictability of weather conditions. You never know for sure how soon the frosts will arrive, and whether the young bush will have time to take root by this time.

It is recommended to plant a rose in the spring in our area, when the earth has already warmed up to 10° C (most often the end of April - the beginning of May). Spring planting is advisable standard varieties roses For the rest of the variety of bushes, it is preferable to plant in the fall (early September - mid-October). More early dates autumn (or summer) planting can be fraught with the appearance of young shoots that will not get stronger and will freeze in frosts. Planting later creates a high risk that the plant will not take root by winter.

To ensure high-quality results, you need to use quality material– the same applies to rose seedlings. It is best to choose bushes with a well-developed and closed root system, and save the soil. Such bushes take root faster and are less prone to diseases. Often in specialized stores and supermarkets you can see an imported product that is sold in advance. Having purchased such seedlings with closed roots, you should store them in the refrigerator at a temperature of 0 to 5 Celsius, constantly maintaining and monitoring the condition of the soil around the roots: it should be moderately moist and nutritious.

Transplanting roses: how and when

The best time to transplant adult roses is considered early spring and late autumn. Although replanting at the end of August is quite acceptable, so that the bush has time to “tune in” for the winter. This is the optimal time.

Is it possible to replant a rose in the summer?

For various reasons, a summer plant transplant may be necessary. And although it is undesirable, it is quite acceptable in the climatic conditions of our country, there is a nuance: the flowering of the bush this year will have to be sacrificed. In addition, you need to make sure that the new location will fully comply with the conditions of the previous one. It is preferable to replant on cloudy rainy days in summer.

Sequence of summer transplantation of roses:

  1. Preparing the soil and hole is the same as when planting.
  2. We trim the bush. If it is large enough, leave up to 50 cm from the root. If the rose has sent out a large number of shoots, it is better to completely remove some of it. On a small bush, it is also better to trim the shoots and remove the buds and flowers.
  3. Having pre-watered the bush, we try to dig it out with the largest amount of soil. Pull out the buried bush carefully, using a strong lever (for example, reinforcement - but not garden tools, it may break).
  4. When placing the bush in a new place, make sure that it remains at the same level relative to the ground. If not, correct the situation by selecting/adding land.
  5. The soil in the hole is watered at least 2 times and compacted to avoid “air pockets”. After placing the root in the hole, gradually cover it with soil, alternating with watering. A large bush may require up to 2 buckets of water.

Monitor the condition of the transplanted bush - this process is quite extreme for a rose in the summer. Do not forget about regular watering and spraying, and it is also better to shade the plant somewhat at first. Thus, there is nothing wrong with replanting a rose in the summer, and this can be done by observing certain conditions.