Varnish for parquet renovation. Renewing a parquet board: vacuum cleaner and care, how to care for parquet, wash and renew it at home

A well-maintained parquet flooring is one of the most stylish interior details in a room, and also has numerous advantages, thanks to operational properties, which are inherent in all natural materials.

Having a number of advantages, a floor covered with parquet also has several disadvantages, the main one of which is excessive abrasion of its surface, which may require updating parquet board which will help restore appearance floor covering. This work is carried out using three various methods depending on the condition of the parquet floor planks, which are quite easy to do with your own hands.

There is no need to be afraid that parquet will lose its original appearance over time; it can always be restored

The most common problems with wooden flooring are the formation of various scratches and abrasion marks on its surface, left by a large number of people and furniture legs, as a result of which its appearance noticeably deteriorates. You can renew parquet without sanding using a regular sanding machine; to do this, it is enough to carry out the following work:

  • First of all, the room is cleared of all furniture and the parquet is wet cleaned, after which it must be allowed to dry for several hours.
  • Next on grinder put on coarse-grained sandpaper and begin to remove the top paint layer from the surface of the floor covering, gradually moving to finer-grained sandpaper. Thus, the parquet is sanded until the layers of varnish, on which there were various scratches, are completely removed.
  • After sanding, the parquet must be thoroughly cleaned, collecting all the dust and carefully inspecting for deep damage to the surface; if there are none, the floor is washed clean and left for several hours until it is completely dry.
  • The last stage is application to the parquet protective layers paint coating and sealant, the main purpose of which is to prevent contact with wooden floor various moisture. First of all, all the seams between the parquet planks are filled with sealant. Next, the floor begins to be varnished in several layers, allowing each of them to dry completely, after which the room with the parquet floor can be used.

This procedure for updating the surface of a parquet board can be carried out without the help of a sanding machine; for this you will have to use old shoes with smooth, non-ribbed soles, to which sandpaper is glued and you begin to work with your feet in the form of a floor polisher.

One of the sanding machine models, easy to learn and use

Renewing parquet boards that have deep damage

Old parquet flooring is prone to the appearance of deep scratches and chips that occur due to drying out wooden structure its planks, and the excessive pressure exerted on them by heavy furniture. For this reason, many people wonder how to update old parquet, spending a small amount of time and a minimal amount of money.

Parquet boards with large scratches and chips are restored using a special putty, which is made in large assortment modern manufacturers paint and varnish materials, intended interior decoration premises. This putty is available in various color scheme, under any types of wooden textures, which makes it possible, after its application, not to subject the floor covering to additional treatment with paint or tinting varnishes.

Such a mark may remain from the impact of a heel or a metal chair leg.

The process of restoring a heavily worn parquet board that has severe damage to its surface looks like this:

  • Damaged boards are processed with a sanding machine, thereby cleaning their surface from the applied protective layers of varnish.
  • Next, putty is applied to the damaged area, after which it is given time to completely harden, which is indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging.
  • On next stage, areas of the parquet floor treated with putty are sanded with fine-grained sandpaper, put either on a grinding machine, or using for these purposes wooden block square section.
  • The last stage is the application of a protective varnish to the parquet floor boards, with which it is necessary to treat the floor covering in several layers, giving each of them time until it completely hardens, after which the room can be used again.

And such a dent can form if, for example, a hammer is dropped on the parquet

How to restore loose parquet boards with severe chips

One of the most popular options for restoring the surface of a loose parquet board with significant chips is to use a mixture of sawdust and epoxy glue, which is diluted in a ratio of 1 to 4. Before applying the mixture prepared in this way, the parquet floor must be thoroughly cleaned of previously applied paint coatings, and then rinse well.

An epoxy mixture with sawdust is applied to the damaged areas of the parquet board and carefully leveled with a regular spatula, and everything is left for several hours until completely dry. Next, the surface of the treated parquet is sanded, cleaned of dust, and covered with a layer of varnish, after which hardens, the floor takes on the appearance of a new one.

Even such a serious chip can be fixed without replacing the parquet board

Today, parquet flooring has become popular, and it firmly occupies a leading position among other floor coverings. It is reliable, practical and has a long service life. Previously, such floors were considered a luxury, indicating the wealth of the owners. Now they are found both in ordinary city apartments and in prestigious country houses.

Over time, parquet loses its charm. Scratches appear on it, cracks may form, it begins to squeak, and a board may swell or become detached. Replacing the entire flooring is expensive.

Parquet restoration options

There are two ways to partially repair such flooring:

  • surface;
  • updating some dies.

The first type includes eliminating cracks, chips, potholes, and working with the color of the planks.
You should not delay the restoration of parquet if it begins to lose its appearance, creaks, or defects appear on it. Then the repair will cost less and take less time.

Necessary materials for work

To implement the planned damage repair, you will need special equipment and tools. They can be purchased or rented to save money.
You will need the following: an electric scraper and grinder or a hand scraper, a vacuum cleaner, a hammer drill or drill with different drills, a hacksaw, a hammer, a chisel, and always glasses and a respirator. So as not to spoil the fresh varnish coating, shoes should have soft flexible soles. The materials you will need are: new boards to replace the damaged ones, glue and wood putty, stain, varnish, paint and oil.

Restoring parquet flooring without sanding

These are superficial restoration work carried out in stages:

  1. Remove the baseboards and thresholds.
  2. Use a sander to remove the old varnish. In areas that are difficult to access, clean manually using a scraper. If you don't have the equipment, use a hairdryer. After heating hard-to-reach areas with it, remove the varnish with a spatula.
  3. Carefully remove all debris and vacuum.
  4. Inspect the parquet. If necessary, putty some of its areas.
  5. Sand the entire surface again with a coarse sander to remove any rough edges and vacuum again without leaving any dust behind.
  6. First primer with varnish using a roller or wide brush.
  7. After the varnish has dried, sand the floor with fine sandpaper attached to the sander attachment.
  8. Remove the dust and re-varnish the parquet.

The last two steps can be performed up to 9 times until the surface becomes completely smooth. The main thing is to apply the primer and varnish along the grain of the wood. The last layer dries for at least 3 days. It is necessary that windows and doors are closed to prevent drafts and dust from varnished parquet flooring.

Scratches and cracks

Pets will always leave claw marks on your parquet floors. If there is little damage, then retouch the scratches and small cracks Can wax pencil. If deep wounds are observed, for example, moved heavy furniture, then you can’t do without cleaning the varnish. Do the procedure as described above, and then, using an automatic or manual cycle, remove upper layer tree.
It will be difficult for a beginner to do this so that everything turns out perfectly. Therefore, get ready that you will have to repeat the steps more than once, but in all areas in turn that are subject to restoration. Then carefully remove the dust again, prime, putty, and apply varnish. Repeat the procedure until these areas become completely smooth.

Chips and potholes

Here are the same steps as described above. The putty is mixed with dust from cycling so that the damaged areas treated with it are not noticeable. The mixture is filled into the recesses along the direction of the wood grain using a wide spatula. Now, prime these areas and varnish. Further restoration of the parquet proceeds according to the following scheme: sanding, cleaning, a layer of varnish. Repeat everything in several passes.


Cracks in wood are formed due to its qualities such as moisture absorption and the ability to dry out in a dry atmosphere. Getting rid of these defects is not difficult. It is necessary, as in previous cases, to remove the top layer, thoroughly vacuum all the cracks and remove debris using a knife. Now the defects can be covered with putty mixed with dust after cycling and the varnish coating can be restored.

Creak, local restoration

Unpleasant creaking of the floor underfoot occurs for the following reasons:

  • loose bars;
  • sagging of wedges between floor covering and a wall;
  • voids have formed under the parquet.

First, you should check the wedges under the baseboards. They may become dry and, therefore, do not hold the parquet. Take out each element and replace it with a new one. Rotate the baseboard in place and observe the flooring for a week. If the floor continues to creak, the origin of the sound is somewhere else. Parquet is mounted on plywood or screed. Over time, the foundation is subject to destruction and failures form. This is where the creaking begins. We need to find the parquet flooring from under which the sound is heard. Drill a hole and use a syringe to inject special glue or cement. When working with the latter, remember that it hardens quickly, so do everything quickly and extremely carefully so as not to stain the adjacent planks. The operation ends when the mixture stops flowing in and comes out, after which a press must be placed in this place. After 48 hours, remove it and fill the filled hole. If the creaking sounds spread over a large area, the entire flooring will need to be redone.


This problem occurs due to violation of the parquet installation rules or moisture seeped under it, leading to swelling. If you have panel parquet, you will have to re-lay it all.
If small areas are swollen, you need to warm up their surface. After the characteristic odor appeared from chemicals, a load weighing at least 12 kg per 1 dm² is placed on the heated area. After a day, we see if the tubercle has decreased, the procedure must be performed again. If the installation rules are violated, the entire floor covering must be dismantled. Then dry the boards at room temperature and fold again.

Plank repair

It often happens that individual parquet floors do not stick and jump out of their place. Then they need to be replaced with new boards and restoration operations must be performed on the entire surface.
Action plan:

  1. Remove the varnish to identify boards in need of repair;
  2. If the gap between one of them and the others is more than 0.5 cm, then it should be changed;
  3. Pour glue into small cracks and place the weight for several hours;
  4. Carefully remove the bars to be replaced, splitting them in the center;
  5. Clean the vacated space from glue;
  6. Place the dimensions of the new plank under the worn one, clean the base and lubricate it with glue;
  7. Lay the block so that its grooves coincide with the grooves of a nearby block and press firmly with a load, leaving it for a week;
  8. The floor should be puttyed, sanded and varnished in the same way as in the previous cases.

Sticky chewing gum and plasticine

Solvent, of course, will help here, but the stains will remain. Take a regular piece of ice and hold it on the “decoration” until it freezes. Now you can easily remove it from the surface of the floor covering without causing any harm to it.

Parquet care

In order for the parquet to retain its original condition longer, it is enough to adhere to the rules of its operation. There are three factors that negatively affect wood flooring. This is: ultraviolet, high level humidity or lack thereof, sand. If the room is very humid or you often resort to wet cleaning, the boards will gradually swell, and in addition to this, mold may develop underneath them, which poses a danger to human health. A dry atmosphere dries out parquet flooring, which leads to its loosening. From ultraviolet wood covering the floor changes color. It becomes unevenly dark, and this is unsightly. The sand mercilessly scratches the floor.

You cannot walk on the parquet in street shoes. Before entering the room, it is advisable to place a rug so that you can wipe your soles on it before entering the house. From direct sun rays Blinds on the windows will save you. Wet cleaning of parquet is allowed only once a week, and not more often.

Parquet is one of the most elite floor coverings. Its natural color and intricate design add beauty and sophistication to any room, be it a house or an apartment. In addition to attractiveness, parquet also has such positive properties like strength and durability.

But even on such a surface, due to correct operation or care, various defects may appear over time (cracks, depressions, creaking, loss of shine and darkening of individual areas). The most the right decision It would be better to entrust the repair and subsequent painting of the parquet to professionals, but this will require considerable material costs. Therefore, another option is suitable for many - read our recommendations on how to paint old parquet without sanding and do everything yourself.

Choice of painting methods

There are several options for updating your floor. The first is to simply cover it with paint that matches the color of the interior. The floor will look original if it is painted not in one color, but in several. Various patterns also look beautiful, for example, a checkerboard in black and white and other patterns. But complete painting is not always acceptable due to the fact that the structure of the wood is hidden and the floor is deprived of its zest.

Therefore, most often, to repair the coating, they use special paints, through which the beautiful natural texture of the parquet is visible, or they treat it with varnish. Before varnishing, if desired, you can change the shade of the parquet by pre-treating it with stain.

What tool will you need?

To prepare the coating for restoration and the painting process itself, you will need the following tools:

  • construction vacuum cleaner;
  • wide and narrow brushes, paint roller;
  • spray;
  • hammer and chisel;
  • construction hair dryer;
  • set of spatulas;
  • a bath or bucket for mixing the varnish composition;
  • sandpaper of different grain sizes;
  • protective suit, goggles, gloves and respirator.

It is better to rent a construction vacuum cleaner, since there is no point in purchasing one. If you do everything well, the next time you will need it in decades.

Selection of materials

When choosing paint or varnish, preference should be given to those varieties that are made specifically for the floor, because it is subject to serious regular loads. The color of the paint should be such that the coating is in harmony with the interior of the room. It is advisable to select a shade of varnish that is a shade darker than in the previous coating.

You also need to take into account such an important parameter as the absorbency of wood. For example, pine with its soft structure requires a special type of varnish, while standard parquet flooring is suitable for oak. On the market big choice varnishes, therefore, in order to help you decide, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with them in more detail.


Life time





Lucky on water based

Fine suspension of polymer (PVA or other) in water


They are odorless, dry quickly, penetrate the wood well, and give it strength.

Slightly change the color of the wood, fade from exposure to ultraviolet radiation

Epoxy two-component

Epoxy resin and hardener

Very durable, resistant to moisture, have a high level of gloss

Hardens for a long time, inelastic


50 or more years

Acrylic dispersion, antiseptic and plasticizer

Low toxicity, durable and elastic, fireproof, resistant to mechanical stress

Requires mixing

Alkyd and uralkyd

No more than 10 years

Alkyd resins and natural oils, White Spirit


Non-toxic, enhance natural beauty wood, wear-resistant and resistant to changes in temperature and humidity

It is necessary to monitor the thickness of the layer; they are sensitive to high temperatures during drying.

In addition, various primers are used to cover parquet. They are also called primer varnishes. They are transparent, through them the structure of the wood is clearly visible and the shine is obtained, like from varnish. But it should be taken into account that each type of primer is suitable for a certain type of varnish, otherwise you may end up with a stained floor that will have to be restored again.

Preparing for painting

Before painting or varnishing the surface of the parquet, you need to remove the old layer of varnish. This work is done using sandpaper of different grain sizes. And it’s better to do this not with your hands, but with your feet, attaching the skins to unnecessary flat shoes. This is of course not only comical, but also very tiring, but the result is worth it. First, take the coarsest-grained skin, and then gradually move on to the finest.

The second option is to remove the old varnish using construction hair dryer and a spatula, and then clean with sandpaper. For getting good quality It is advisable to remove the old varnish completely from the floor, and not just in those places where it has peeled off or darkened. You may not know what type of varnish was used last time, and if you apply a different type, an undesirable reaction may occur.

It is not advisable to remove varnish with a solvent, as it may leave stains. As a result, you will have to sand and varnish again. In addition, you will continue to breathe harmful fumes from the solvent for a long time. Therefore, it is always preferable if this work is performed by specialists. They will remove the top layer of wood using sanders.

Elimination small cracks, fallen knots and scratches

Before you begin the final stage of work - painting the floor, carefully remove all construction garbage and dust with a vacuum cleaner and a damp cloth. Masked minor defects on the parquet using putty (its tone should be as close as possible to the future color of the coating). After grouting cracks and scratches, the floor is dried and then sanded again with fine-grained sandpaper. At the next stage, remove the dust again with a vacuum cleaner and a damp cloth.

If desired, you can make the putty yourself. Take a piece of parquet tile (the same color and texture as on the coating), cut small sawdust from it and mix it with varnish or paint. The consistency should be close to plasticine. Some craftsmen try to add PVA glue to wood shavings, but we do not recommend doing this, since during sanding it clogs the grains of the nozzle.

To draw joints similar to real ones on the putty areas of the parquet, take a metal ruler and an awl. This should be done at the moment when the putty stops sticking, but is still soft. To draw straight false joints, use an awl to draw along a ruler. And uneven seams are made by lightly pressing the putty with the edge of a ruler. If you need to draw false joints on already set putty, then use with great effort carry out with an awl along a ruler or template made of galvanized metal.

How to varnish parquet

Before you start varnishing the floor, do the following preliminary work:

  • make sure the parquet is even and clean (its final quality will depend on this);
  • protect the bottom of the wall (so that the varnish does not get on the wallpaper);
  • wear special clothing and respiratory protection;
  • open windows and doors to ensure the room is well ventilated (some varnishes are very toxic).

First, it is advisable to apply a primer, and after it has completely dried, you can begin the process of coating the parquet with varnish. In some cases, experts do not recommend using a primer mixture. Some people are interested in whether it is possible to paint parquet flooring with a brush. Yes, but this process will take a long time. It is better to take a high-quality roller with an extended handle for this. During the work period, make sure that there are no drops. If suddenly they form, remove them with a dry cloth, otherwise there will be dark spots in this place.

Usually parquet is varnished several times. The time interval between applying each subsequent layer should be exactly as indicated in the instructions included with the selected type of varnish. During drying, keep the room closed so that dust does not fly in from the street and stick to the varnish. It will be possible to fully use the coating only after 14 days.

The most common problems when varnishing parquet

To ensure that you don’t find any unpleasant defects after completing the work, we will look at the most common ones:

  1. The varnish takes a very long time to dry. Most likely, when mixing the components, the technology written in the instructions was violated (for example, not enough hardener was added). The polymerization period can take up to a month. Blow-drying will not help, but rather harm.
  2. Whitish stripes. This happens in cases where a dirty tool was used when painting. It is impossible to eliminate this defect.
  3. Multicolored parquet. There was probably a strong draft in the room when drying, and the surface dried unevenly. Sometimes even air bubbles form under the varnish layer.
  4. The color of the parquet turned out darker than you expected. Varnish is a chemical substance and it always “burns” the wood a little, so it becomes darker by 1 or even 3 tones.
  5. Peeling or swelling of the varnish layer. This happens when primer and varnish of different compositions were used. The only option to correct the situation is to remove the varnish completely and re-coat the floor.

If all operations were carried out correctly, the parquet surface will acquire the required strength and shine. You can safely place furniture and other household items on such a covering. Now you know how and with what to paint parquet without sanding.

Cases in which specialists are indispensable

There are situations in which the help of professional repairmen is needed. For example, these:

  • the parquet is very worn out, and there are many cracks and various defects on it;
  • the coating swollen from excess moisture, and some elements fell out;
  • parquet boards are loose, dark, covered with mold and are easily pierced with an awl;
  • The varnish sticks so tightly that it cannot be properly removed by hand.

In all these cases, you cannot do without the help of professionals. They will re-lay the parquet completely or, if necessary, replace its damaged parts and sand the surface of the parquet, and then cover it with varnish. If you are faced with serious damage to your parquet, our website has all the necessary contacts to call the experts. Specialists will promptly come to you in any district of St. Petersburg and the region.

It is often used for floor finishing because it is considered an environmentally friendly material. Although over time his condition may worsen. Due to prolonged or improper use, the shine disappears, scratches and other defects form.

To prevent damage to the floor covering, it is worth understanding how to care for and use it. Prevention and minor updating will be beneficial. When serious deformation occurs, there are many ways to restore its former shine and beauty. At the same time, you don’t always need to call a specialist - you can handle the task yourself. How to update parquet? The answer to this question is below.

Restore original shine and beauty

Renewing parquet without sanding is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Before starting work, it is worth understanding what the reasons for such deviations lie. Most often it is improper care leads to scratches appearing and the coating loses its former appearance. To avoid repeated defects after restoration, you need to follow simple operating rules:

If you follow these rules and perform basic care procedures, the service life will double. Those people who choose this particular finishing coating must understand how it is done.

How to remove minor defects?

Minor changes to the surface of the parquet are the easiest to remove. The simplest method is grinding. The simplest process is a special machine, not everyone has one, so sandpaper will help. Using paper is not so easy, but it is simple recommendations that can speed up this process:

If the floor is new finishing, then prophylaxis is performed immediately (once a month). For the old one, you will have to do this procedure more often so that it does not deteriorate at all. This procedure is simple and does not take much time.

Can putty be used?

Experts believe that it is not necessary to perform grinding - you can resort to puttying. Most often, this option is suitable in cases where there are serious violations of the integrity of the surface. The principle of the method has some nuances:

  • You need to buy putty to match the color of the parquet.
  • Then spread the restoration paste over the surface.
  • When everything is dry, the coating is treated with fine sandpaper.
  • After this, you need to treat the floor with wax (rub it).

In order for the parquet to acquire its previous appearance, it is necessary to create the joints of the boards. There is a simple method for this:

To ensure that the coating is reliable and of high quality, the area is treated with varnish twice. Once everything is dry, you should use wax for rubbing. As you can see, updating parquet flooring is quite simple. All these procedures are beneficial and add shine to the floor.

How to deal with serious problems?

Before installing parquet, it is worth assessing the complexity of the work in order to choose effective method. With a long and improper period of use, the boards diverge. Many people believe that such a finishing coating has to be dismantled and a new one laid. There is always a solution for this problem:

  • You can drive nails small size at an angle of 45 degrees into each board.
  • To deepen these fasteners, use a special rod or something similar.

But sometimes it’s not just one die that fails, but the entire perimeter. What to do in this case? Before updating the parquet, it is worth cutting special bamboo inserts. They will come out. To trim them, use any sharp object. Places of such addition can be covered with putty and masked with wax.

How to update old parquet? When this question arises, you have to pay attention to general state. The reasons are varied. Sometimes nothing is visually noticeable, but there is a slight creaking or any other sound. There is no need to invite a specialist, because many types of work can be done independently.

Sounds when walking

Oddly enough, the appearance of squeaking is the most common reason. The boards are drying out. Before updating the parquet with your own hands, you need to identify the places where such deviations exist. Sometimes, even with proper use of the coating, an unusual sound appears. This situation should not be ignored.

Of course, there are cases when it is impossible to remove the squeak because the base was not leveled initially. In such a situation, it is necessary to completely dismantle and level the rough concrete floor. Although this can be avoided. How to update without looping? You will need to make wedges and install them on the floor around the perimeter.


This procedure is simple, but as a basis you should choose any available instruction and follow it:

When this period of time is not enough to correct the situation, the reason lies in more serious deviations. You will have to carry out complete dismantling or come to terms with the presence of such sound. It is believed that the most simple task- this is to renew the varnish on the parquet. After a little time during operation, it “goes away” in places of active movement. It is not difficult to eliminate such a defect.

How to renew your varnish?

For this purpose, a special composition is purchased. It is better if it is water-based - it is completely safe and has decent qualities. Although many experts believe that there are coatings after which it is impossible to use water-based products. Therefore, it is necessary to establish what the parquet board is treated with.

You can even do the work yourself. To do this, the surface is cleaned of dust and other contaminants. Then you need to degrease the surface and remove any burrs. During the work process, it is worth carefully assessing the floor. If there are any chips or other flaws, it is better to remove them immediately. This is not difficult to do.

What's next?

Next, choose any tool - a roller, a brush, but it is better to use two at once. It is easy to apply any composition to the surface with a roller, and with a brush it is easier to reach hard-to-reach places. The varnish is applied over the entire area, you need to wait until it dries completely. To restore the original shine, you will have to apply two layers. The second one is applied after the previous one has completely dried. thin layer.

How to update parquet flooring at home? Answering this question, you need to know that after each procedure you need to varnish and wax the floor. Without such actions it is difficult to give it beauty and original ideality.


So, now we know how to update parquet flooring at home. For any minor defects, it is quite possible to give the finishing coat an ideal look. Experts recommend sticking to simple rules and do not use unusual options.

Updating the parquet board is the main working point in the renovation. Parquet boards have always been considered an amazing material that gives the interior natural beauty and an attractive appearance. Children take their first steps on this surface, and pets bask in the sun. And the household members themselves love to walk barefoot on such pleasant material in the morning. Here we can conclude that parquet is subjected to various loads every day, and accordingly, it must be maintained regularly. There is nothing complicated here, the main thing is to show a little care.

Vacuum cleaner for parquet boards: the main component of cleaning

Paying attention to the main functions of modern vacuum cleaners, you can see that they also include the ability to clean parquet floors. Their peculiarity lies in the presence of certain attachments and rotating elements that do not interfere, but rather simplify the movement of the vacuum cleaner on parquet boards.

If you have already purchased, or are just going to buy a standard device and special attachments separately. Then start from what characteristics the manufacturer provides.

If you are not going to use the vacuum cleaner often, its characteristics are not the key point; the most important thing is to choose the appropriate attachments for parquet floors.

The vacuum cleaner for parquet boards has certain attachments

Nozzles used for parquet or laminate must be coated soft material, which when passed over the surface will not leave scratches or small cracks. Experts recommend turning Special attention on brushes with felt, bristles, camel hair or special fabric. You can also purchase attachments with rubber or silicone coatings, which, in addition to cleaning parquet, can polish it.

If you do purchase a special vacuum cleaner, pay attention to its shape. Parquet boards are susceptible to any mechanical influences, so moving any object on them is highly undesirable. Therefore, the vacuum cleaner must be of a shape that allows access to any place, even to the most remote corners. If it does not meet these requirements, it is better to purchase an additional flat nozzle.

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To those who love perfect cleanliness, you will certainly like the nozzles with a rotating mechanism, which during the cleaning process are able to change their shape and penetrate into any hard to reach place. Most often, such attachments are equipped with certain modes, thanks to which they can be used on any surface.

Caring for parquet boards

Do you have beautiful parquet flooring in your home? Get ready for exercise full care behind him. If you ignore this question and think that nothing will happen to the parquet, then soon you will notice how it will lose its attractiveness, and the magnificent wood will be replaced by dry, cracked, scratched boards. You don't want to see such a picture, do you? Moreover, you are unlikely to get the organization of such flooring for free. Then you need to familiarize yourself with the basic aspects of caring for a parquet floor, so as not to shed tears later over wasted time and material.

Parquet floors must be protected from scratches by all means possible ways

To ensure that the care of this flooring is as close to correct as possible, you need to do the following:

  1. Protect the floor from scratches in every possible way. For example, remove all heavy objects or cover their legs with special attachments.
  2. If there is a dog in the house, then after every walk it needs to wash its paws. Don’t forget about constant trimming of nails to prevent damage to the parquet. This protection needs constant monitoring.
  3. You should definitely put felt pads on furniture legs. This is especially true for furniture that is frequently moved, such as chairs.
  4. On this moment In stores you can buy a variety of laminate care products that include protective properties. For example, polish, mastic, polish varnish or anti-slip agent. By using these products you can achieve the shine of your parquet. In addition, it forms a special protective film which will prevent scratches. Therefore, cleaning the surface with water is a thing of the past and has been replaced by special treatment.
  5. If we talk about shoes, it is better to use soft slippers. It is absolutely unacceptable to walk in shoes with heels, as this will lead to chips and scratches on the material.

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And lastly, if you decide to refresh the appearance of your parquet and cover your parquet with varnish oil and wait until it dries, you should not immediately install the furniture, because this will create new dents that will have to be covered in the future. It's better to wait a few weeks. Well, if you can’t wait, the installation must be carried out as carefully as possible so as not to scratch or dent the fresh coating. It is better to temporarily put down fiberboard or corrugated cardboard. This will help reduce the risk of damage.

Rules for wet cleaning: how to wash parquet boards

To wash the parquet, have you ever wondered whether it is possible to do this? Before you start cleaning, be sure to inspect your parquet flooring for deep scratches or cracks. If they are, then the first thing to do is to eliminate them, because otherwise you will start the process of rotting, and the parquet will become unusable.

In this situation, the cracks are cleaned with thin wire, and then covered with wood glue made from oak or birch sawdust.

Parquet boards can be washed with a special cleaning agent

If your parquet is not varnished, then you need to wipe it with a cloth soaked in water with glycerin.

If we talk about cleaning floors, experts are categorically against using hot water. It's better if it is special remedy for cleaning. But the most ideal cleaning method is still a vacuum cleaner. This is not dangerous and cleaning can be done much more often, especially if there are pets in the house. In addition, this method will extend the life of the floor. In any case, you need to care for it with detergents. Using special solutions after installation, you will not only ensure that your parquet shines, but also get rid of stains, and also activate all its protective properties.

How to update parquet at home

There is no doubt that scratches are the most common damage that requires good camouflage.

In order to update and mask these shortcomings, there are several options:

  1. The first option is to select a special pencil with a wax base that matches the color of your parquet. The pencil is melted and the wax is rubbed onto the scratch. The next thing to do is to level the surface and remove all excess wax using rubber spatula. At the end of the process, the surface is wiped with a soft cloth.
  2. The second option involves using walnut. This option is not suitable for deep damage. The nut splits and the damaged area needs to be treated with the core. Once the application begins to dry, it will turn dark in color.
  3. The first two options are suitable exclusively for small scratches. If it is deep, then the defect can only be corrected using repair varnish. Before work, the surface must be thoroughly cleaned, and the varnish must be applied strictly according to the manufacturer's instructions. Larger damage can also be repaired using putty and a rubber spatula.