Medicinal herbs photos with names from A to Z. Wild herbaceous plants

Wildflowers- this is its own special type of flowers, easy to care for. They do not cause everyone such delight as, for example, roses. But when you drive past a field dotted with poppies, daisies, cornflowers, etc., it is simply impossible to take your eyes off these simple, delicate and very beautiful wildflowers. After all, you just want to stop, get out of the car and run through this “cloud” of flowers. And the smell that comes from them makes it seem like you are in a fairy tale and forget about all your problems.
A long time ago, when people had not yet begun to improve plants, wildflowers were the best gift.

The girls wove gorgeous wreaths from these delicate flowers, and the good fellows collected bouquets of buttercups and daisies and gave them to the red-haired girls. There is some kind of historical romance in these flowers. After all, sometimes a nice little bouquet of cornflowers will make you feel much more than an armful of roses.

And how many daisies helped the girls in fortune-telling “likes or dislikes.” How sincerely children rejoice when they collect fading dandelions, sending millions of white little paratroopers into the wind.

Beauty is beauty, and how many medicinal plants are there among the wildflowers? Vivid representatives of this species: chamomile, bluebell, dog violet and many, many others.
Name of wildflowers Very a large number of, according to scientists, there are about five hundred thousand species, but only 290 of them are described.

Nowadays it is very fashionable and practical to grow wild flowers on our garden beds.

  • Firstly, they combine perfectly, and even add zest, with decorative flowers.
  • And secondly, they practically do not require any care; they are accustomed to any natural elements.

The magic of wildflowers

Take, for example, the most ordinary and most beautiful wild flower- cornflower . Cornflower is a symbol of holiness, purity, friendliness and politeness, boyish beauty and goodness. Cornflowers - fragrant medicinal herb With blue flowers, strong persistent odor. When peasants bred them near their homes. Cornflowers had a wide ritual use - they were placed behind icons, decorated crosses in churches, blessed on Macovei (August 1), on the Savior (August 6). On Trinity Day, ritual wreaths were woven from cornflowers. According to ethnographers, the sacralization of this plant is associated with legends about the discovery of the Holy Cross. In the place where the Jews hid the cross of the Savior, a fragrant and healing herb, which in Ukraine was called “cornflowers”.

According to another legend, the plant received its name from St. Basil the Great, who allegedly loved flowers and greenery during his lifetime and always decorated his home with them. Wreaths of blessed cornflowers were placed on the heads of dead girls, and flowers were also placed in the coffin. Cornflowers were sometimes an attribute of wedding rituals; they were sprinkled on the newlyweds, and they were used to make a font for children in case of illness. They also symbolize the holiness, purity, and beauty of the beloved.

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Types of wildflowers


spring adonis

From rainforests to deserts, the Earth is covered and decorated a huge amount various colors. Flowering plants amaze with their beauty and variety of shapes and colors.- red, yellow, purple and others. Most of them have pleasant aroma, healing and other beneficial properties.

According to the method of growth, these representatives of the flora are divided into field (wild) and garden (cultivated).

Wildflowers or meadow flowers are unpretentious and hardy. They can often be seen growing in the most “uncomfortable” conditions (asphalt cracks, stones, etc.)

Such plants tolerate heat and drought well. Due to their diversity and subtle beauty, they are the favorites of many gardeners.

garden flowers

Garden ones are very delicate and aristocratically beautiful. They need constant care (soil preparation, watering, fertilizer). For each type it is necessary to select suitable conditions(light-shadow, ground, etc.)

Number of varieties and types cultivated plants huge and growing every year.

Among the wide “range” of field and garden plants bright colors occupy a special place yellow flowers . They charm with their tenderness and sunshine. What are the names of these flowers, read below.

The most beautiful and popular representatives of yellow flowers

The name of this ubiquitous plant comes from the verb “to blow.” After flowering, the inflorescence basket turns into a white, fluffy seed head, the seeds of which are spread by a slight gust of wind or blow.

Dandelion belongs to the perennial herbaceous plants of the Asteraceae family.

Structure: has a dense rosette of basal leaves. Arrow-peduncles bear one large basket-inflorescence, consisting of a large number of reed flowers. At night and bad weather the baskets are closed. Dandelions contain large amounts of light milky sap, and their roots can reach up to 60 cm in length.

Bloom: depending on the region, in March-April or May-June.

Kinds: There are about 2000 varieties of this flower, however, the most common is “dandelion officinalis”.

People widely use it in various industries:

Application in medicine:

  • Since time immemorial, it has been widely used for medical purposes for the treatment and normalization of the gastrointestinal tract.

Use in cooking:

  • Dandelions are used to make borscht, salads, jams, and wine. A kind of coffee substitute is even prepared from roasted roots.

Dandelion is very useful! It contains iron, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, protein and many vitamins.

It is also an excellent honey plant.

Adonis (Adonis, Montenegrin)

Perennial meadow plant from the Buttercup family. Commonly nicknamed adonis due to its fiery yellow flowers. The habitats of Adonis are steppes and forest-steppes.

Structure: has long (up to 40 cm), rounded stems. At the top there are bright yellow flowers with 5-8 petals.

Bloom: falls in April-May.

Breeding is carried out by two methods: rhizome (planted in the ground in autumn or spring) and seeds (sown in May).

Application in medicine:

  • used as a cardiological remedy for various heart diseases.

The name indicates its use in ancient medicine, as one of the methods of combating rabies. Translated from Lat. means Without and Dog Rabies.

Kinds: There are annual and perennial species. In total, there are about 200 varieties.

Structure: has small leaves and flowers, consisting of 4 petals and having a pleasant honey smell. The seeds consist of 25% fatty oil.

Propagated by seeds.

Alyssum grows quickly, so seedlings must be planted at a distance of 40-50 cm from each other.

Application in medicine:

  • used to treat hernias, kidney stones and colds.

Application in cosmetology:

  • remedy for freckles and blemishes on the face.

Another representative of the Buttercup family.

Is different using an unusual method growth. Anemone grows not from a seed, but from a bud located at the end of the rhizome. The roots are located in top layer soil covered with fallen leaves.

Anemone germinates very early, as it begins to develop in winter.

Bloom: April May.

The method of flower pollination, which is carried out through rainwater. The perianth is filled with water, and pollen grains are located on its surface.

Most anemones in fresh poisonous.

Application in medicine:

  • in the treatment of osteochondrosis, salt deposits, hematomas and rheumatism.

Primrose (Primrose)

The name indicates early flowering of this plant. Some species bloom even when the snow has not melted. Most varieties are perennials, but there are also one- and two-year herbs.

The plant is decorated with pale yellow single flowers of regular shape.

About 400 species Primrose.

A widespread and beloved member of the Asteraceae family. This annual plant native to southern Mexico, whose name translated from Latin means “ sunny flower" The Russian name speaks of the peculiarity of an unripe flower, always turning its head towards the sun (heliocentrism).

Inflorescence– one or more large heads. They are framed by a wrapper consisting of several rows of petals.

Kinds: About 100 varieties of sunflower are known. The most common is “oil sunflower”.

Widely used in Food Industry. Oil, chips, coffee substitute, and halva are made from it.

Marigold (Splash Pool, Water Snake)

Perennial herbs from the Buttercup family.

They grow in places with high humidity, in watery soil: swamps, river banks, damp meadows.

The love of this plant for moisture is also indicated by its name, which is translated from Old Russian as “puddle”, “swamp”. It has a branched stem that can reach up to 80 cm in height.

In medicine it is used in pickled form.

Translated from Greek it means “beautiful” and “day”. Most species bloom for only one day.

Has unusually beautiful, bright and large flowers, consisting of 6 petals. They are collected in inflorescences of 2-10 each. Up to 3 flowers can bloom at the same time. In general, one bush blooms for up to 25 days.

There are types of daylilies that bloom at night.

Perennial of the Asteraceae family. The plant is named after the St. Petersburg botanist Johann Georgi. This is a tall (up to 2.5 m in height) plant with bright large flowers..

Dahlias are unpretentious to soil. However, they need regular watering and complex fertilizer. Propagated by cuttings and dividing tubers.


A well-known flower, widespread throughout most of the planet, is the embodiment of tenderness and sophistication. This is perennial bulbous plant of eastern origin.

There are about 1800 varieties of tulips, and this number is increasing every year.

Development from a seed to a fully flowering plant can take up to 7 years!

During the spring growing season, flowering occurs, the plant bears fruit and produces young bulbs. Faded bulbs die. This replacement occurs annually. The bulbs are dug up in August, dried and stored in a dry room.

Planting in the ground is done in the fall. From the 17th century To this day, the world center for tulip breeding is the Netherlands.

Today, gardening lovers have access to a chic assortment of yellow flowers. From low-growing annuals to two-meter perennials. Bright, “cheerful” yellow flowers will be an excellent decoration and highlight of the garden and lawn. The main thing is to choose required varieties and provide suitable growth conditions, then they will delight and surprise their owners and their guests.

Placing medicinal plants in the garden is always important. By planting medicinal plants in the garden, you will not only replenish your medicine cabinet, but also fill the garden with spicy aromas; in addition, medicinal plants bloom beautifully.

Medicinal plants in the garden

Currently, it has become quite a popular trend to place medicinal plants in garden beds. And this is completely justified. Medicinal plants in the garden will not only bring benefits, but also add originality and beauty to the garden. Many medicinal plants are very decorative and can easily fit into any composition. True, this idea is not new, but comes from monastery gardens, in which, since time immemorial, medicinal and spices included in decorative composition garden

Now on store shelves there is a huge selection of plant seeds for the apothecary garden, and many plants can also be found outside the city. But if you decide to start such a flower garden for yourself, it is very important to remember the following thing: plant plants that have no contraindications and cannot harm your health. Do not self-medicate, consult with specialists; many plants have contraindications. Especially if you have children, then such medicinal and at the same time poisonous plants such as, for example, celandine, colchicum, belladonna, it is better not to plant. In addition, for safety reasons, such a flowerbed should not be overused with various chemicals and fertilizers. In this article we will look at several plants that are perfect for this composition and can benefit your health.
1. is a plant common in the spicy-aromatic and medicinal flower beds, and this is not surprising. Tea with oregano is a favorite aromatic and healing drink for many. And how beautiful oregano is during flowering, and it is also very loved by urticaria butterflies, many of which flutter over the flowers, creating additional decoration for these plants. Oregano – perennial height from 20 to 80 cm, prefers semi-shaded places, but grows well in the sun. Is different abundant flowering, which lasts approximately from the end of June to mid-July. Purple small flowers collected in lush inflorescences. Reproduction of oregano is possible either by dividing the bush, this procedure is usually carried out at the end of summer, or by seeds, sowing them in open ground in early spring.

2. Salvia officinalis (or clary) It will look very impressive in a medicinal flowerbed. And the combination of sage and is generally considered classic. Salvia officinalis is a subshrub 20-70 cm high, blooms in June, blooms with large purple (less often white or pink) flowers, gray leaves of sage are lowered to the ground. Sage bushes can be shaped, that is, with the help of a haircut, you can give them any shape. The plant will do well in an open sunny place. Sage is used not only for preparing medicinal infusions and decoctions, but also as a spicy seasoning for food. You can gargle with sage infusion or drink it when you have a cold.

3. - very ornamental plant, has large bright inflorescences white, as well as different shades of purple and red. There are many varieties of double monarda, which can be very different in height from 20 cm to 1.5 meters. Tall slender monarda bushes are good both in group plantings and as tapeworm plants. Young shoots of monarda are used as a spice; quite a lot of them can grow from fibrous roots. The shoots are cut off 10-15 days after the start of flowering, at least 20 cm from the soil surface. The shoots, dried in a ventilated area, are stored in a closed container and crushed as needed, obtaining an unusual spice that can retain its aroma for 2-3 years. The smell of monarda can be different, so when choosing a plant you need to focus not only on its decorative effect, but also on your taste preferences. The plant may have the aroma of citrus, menthol, apple, thyme, or it may have a not very pleasant pungent odor. Monarda – unpretentious plant It is propagated by dividing bushes at the end of summer or by sowing seeds in spring.

4. - a perennial plant with a height of 20 to 50 cm. It does not differ in special flowering, but will delight the eye with its delicate green foliage. And tea with lemon balm is very aromatic and healthy. Melissa prefers sunny open areas, looks good along the edge of a flower bed or border. The plant is propagated by dividing the bush or by seeds.

5. Mint- of course, you can’t do without it in a medicinal flowerbed. Mint is a rhizomatous perennial plant about 30 cm tall, has several types that differ not only in appearance, but also in aroma. Mint grows quite quickly and reproduces by dividing the rhizomes, which can be done throughout the season. Mint is not picky about care and where it grows, so it is perfect, for example, for creating a lush, aromatic carpet of various types around trees or in shady corners garden

6. (or marigolds) - everyone famous plant, is a means of both folk and official medicine, in addition, its bright orange flowers will have a positive effect on mood and will be appropriate in any flower garden. Calendula flowers have antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, mild sedative, antispasmodic and choleretic properties. Tincture of calendula flowers is widely used for gargling. It is useful to add calendula to tea from other medicinal plants or to ordinary long tea. Calendula is also used to treat acne and reduce sebum secretion, and calendula leaves help cope with freckles and age spots. Calendula is an annual plant that reproduces by seeds.

7. - very popular as medicinal plant, which helps with almost all diseases. In addition, it is a very decorative tall perennial. Its height can reach two meters, and the length of the leaves can reach 50 cm. The flowers are large, about 6-8 cm in diameter, reminiscent of small sunflowers. Elecampane blooms in July–August. Prefers wet clay soils, rich in humus. The distance between elecampane plants should be about 65 cm. Elecampane is propagated by seeds and root division.

8. fits well into a spicy-fragrant flowerbed, a tall herbaceous plant up to two meters. Small white-yellow flowers collected in inflorescences-umbrellas. The plant looks like celery. It has a specific spicy aroma, due to which it is widely used as seasonings.

9. (or Chagir tea, Mongolian tea). Tea is brewed from overwintered bergenia leaves, which has tonic properties and has a positive effect on metabolism, strengthens the walls of blood vessels and lowers blood pressure. Bergenia tea has a beautiful red-brown color and an astringent taste. Remember, the use of such tea, like any medicinal drug, can only be used occasionally or after consulting with a specialist. Also, in addition to leaves, dried roots and rhizomes of bergenia are used in medicine.

10. Leaves, flowers and stems are used for medicinal purposes. Decoctions and infusions of echinacea are used to strengthen the immune system, as a disinfectant. It is also widely used in the cosmetics industry.

11. (Thyme, Bogorodskaya herb). Tea with thyme is a very tasty, aromatic and healthy drink; thyme herb is used as a spice for the first and meat dishes, as well as during canning. Thyme is a medicinal plant that has antispastic and disinfectant effects. Tea with thyme is used in the treatment of upper respiratory tract, insomnia, indigestion, flatulence. Thyme is used externally in the treatment of radiculitis, rheumatism, tumors, and bruises. Thyme is also used to create fragrant pillows; it is believed that sleeping on such pillows brings health and longevity.

The variety of plants in the forest zone allows you to choose for your garden those flowers or herbs that will ideally suit the conditions of your site. As a rule, forest herbs and flowering plants unpretentious, because in nature they are content with the shade tall trees and are forced to survive, despite the bushes surrounding them on all sides. Check out the photos of forest flowers and their names below to choose the most suitable ones for your garden.

Perennial plants for a forest plot

Adiantum (ADIANTUM). Adintaceae family.

Basil filamentous(T. filamentosum) - low, 15-25 cm high, with a long rhizome, forms a thicket of soft green leaves, in an openwork inflorescence, grows in the shade.

Delaway's Basil (T. delavayi)– 100 cm high, magnificent large pink or red inflorescence.

Growing conditions. Sunny or semi-shaded places with loose, moist soils (except for V. small, which prefers dry soils).

Reproduction. By seeds (sowing in spring or before winter), dividing the bush (in spring or late summer). Capable of weeding. Planting density - 9 pcs. per 1 m2.

Black cohosh, black cohosh (CIMICIFUGA). Ranunculaceae family.

Tall grasses (up to 200 cm), blooming from late summer through autumn. About 20 species are known to grow in forests Far East And North America. The rhizome is dense, short, forms a powerful root system. The leaves are large, trifoliate, rising high on a long petiole, tall peduncles, bearing clusters of numerous small white flowers. A slow-growing perennial that holds its place for up to 30-40 years.

Types and varieties:

Black cohosh branched (C. ramosa)- height 200 cm, variety “Atropurpurea”.

Black cohosh (C. dahurica)- height 200 cm, with branched racemose inflorescence, blooms in September-October.

Black cohosh (C. racemosa = C. cordifoia)- height 180 cm, blooms earlier than other species (in July), pale-white flowers in a racemose inflorescence.

Black cohosh simple(C. simpiex)- height 140 cm, blooms in September, flowers in a simple spike-shaped inflorescence.

Growing conditions. Shaded and semi-shaded areas with rich, well-drained, moderately moist soils.

Reproduction. Freshly collected seeds, sowing before winter. Seedlings bloom in the 3rd-5th year, but it is more reliable to propagate in the spring by dividing the bush. The divisions easily take root and live without transplantation for up to 30 years. Planting density - 3 pcs. per 1 m2.

Jeffersonia (JEFFERSONIA). Barberry family.

There are only two species in this genus, growing on opposite ends of the globe - one in the forests of eastern North America, the other in the forests of the Far East. These are low (25-35 cm) short-rhizomatous herbs that form rounded bushes from delicate basal rounded leaves and bloom in early spring. The flowers are solitary, 2-3 cm in diameter.

Types and varieties:

Jeffersonia bifolia (J. diphylla) from America has a leaf cut out at the top and white flowers; Jeffersonia dubia (J. dubia) from the Far East has rounded leaves and soft lilac flowers.

Growing conditions. In the shade, under the canopy of trees that cover the ground in autumn with fallen leaves; on loose forest soil, well drained.

Reproduction.Seed propagation difficult, since the seeds germinate only in the 3rd year. Propagated by dividing the bush at the end of summer. Without dividing and replanting, they can grow for 20-25 years.

Planting density - 16 pcs. per 1 m2.

Cardiocrinum. Lily family.

The genus Cardiocrinum includes 3 species of large bulbous herbs growing on forest edges and in sparse forests East Asia. Peduncle 150-300 cm high with numerous flowers similar to lilies. These are the most tall plants Liliaceae family. They have shiny large heart-shaped leaves on petioles and numerous (up to 30 pieces per stem) white tubular fragrant flowers up to 15 cm long.

Types and varieties. IN temperate zone grows well:

Cardiocrinum cordatum (C. cordatum), especially its shape "Glenna" (C. cordatum f. Glehnii), living in the light forests of Sakhalin, they have large flowers in a multi-flowered inflorescence.

Cardiocrinum gigantea (C. giganteum)- a plant of the Himalayas, needs strong shelter, often damaged by frost.

Growing conditions. Lightly shaded areas with moist, loose, rich soils under a canopy of broad-leaved trees (oak, linden, maple, apple).

Reproduction. Freshly collected seeds are sown before winter, they germinate in the spring, and seedlings bloom in the 7-10th year.

Lungwort (PULMONARIA). Borage family.

Perennial forest rhizomatous herbs (about 14 species) 20-40 cm high, with oval pubescent leaves in a basal rosette and tubular flowers of red-violet tones (change color after pollination) in a dense inflorescence-curl. They bloom in early spring. These forest herbs got their name because their flowers are rich in nectar; lungwort is one of the first spring honey plants.

Types and varieties:

Lungwort angustifolia(P. angustifolia)- , grows in forests on sandy soils in Europe.

Varieties of lungwort "Azurea" And "Smokey Blue"

Lungwort Filyarsky (P. filarszkyana)and red (P. rubra)- from the forests of the Carpathians, variety “Redstart”.

The softest lungwort (P. mollissima)- up to 40 cm high, dark blue flowers, from the forests of the Caucasus and Central Asia.

Dark lungwort (P. obscura)- lilac-pink flowers, from the forests of Central Europe.

Sugar lungwort (P. saccharata)- from the forests Southern Europe, green leaves with large bluish spots, purple flowers, variety “Mrs. Moon."

Growing conditions. Shaded areas under the canopy of trees with loose forest soils, moderately moist. M. angustifolia grows well on sand, and M. sugar grows well on rocky sandy soils in good light.

Reproduction. By dividing the bush (at the end of summer). Planting density - 12 pcs. per 1 m2.

Cohosh (CAULOPHYLLUM). Barberry family.

Large (up to 120 cm high) herbs with a thickened short rhizome, straight stem (up to 100 cm high) and several beautiful, slightly bluish trifoliate leaves. The flowers are small, pale yellow, collected in a sparse panicle.

Pay attention to the photo of these forest herbs - they are especially beautiful in the fall, when their berry-like, bluish fruits ripen.

Types and varieties. This genus contains only two species:

Powerful cohosh (C. robustum)- taiga plant of the south of the Ussuri region and cohosh (C. thaLictroides) - plant deciduous forests eastern North America. They are very similar in appearance and in their environmental needs.

Growing conditions. Heavily shaded areas under a canopy of broadleaf trees. The soils are loose, forest, moderately moist. They overwinter well under litter.

Reproduction. Seed propagation is difficult, seeds germinate only in the 2-3rd year, and seedlings bloom in the 4th-5th year. Without transplantation or division, they can grow in one place for up to 30 years.

Reproduction is possible by dividing the bush at the end of summer. Planting density - 5 pcs. per 1 m2.

Disporum. Uvulariaceae (lily) family.

Forest perennial herbs(about 15 species), growing in the forests of East Asia and North America, with a horizontal creeping rhizome and stems branching at the apex into two branches, covered with ovate leaves and ending in an umbrella-shaped inflorescence of narrow bell-shaped white-greenish flowers. Decorative fruits.

Types and varieties: