Panoramic windows: description of design, advantages and disadvantages. High visibility and low privacy of the room

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Panoramic windows: 11 frequently asked questions

What are the good and bad things about full-wall windows? How to clean panoramic windows on high floors of apartment buildings? What to look for when choosing them? How to solve the problems of heating and cleaning windows? What to do with excess light? In this article I will try to answer a number of the most frequently asked questions.

Pros and cons

  1. What are the pros and cons of panoramic windows?


  • The floor-to-ceiling window provides great natural light even in cloudy weather. As you know, sunlight is the least tiring for the eyes, which is not surprising: our vision has evolved, adapting specifically to its spectrum;
  • It visually increases the size of the room - both due to and due to the fact that part of the border outlining the visible space disappears. The interiors of the apartments are completely transformed;
  • The window allows you to enjoy the beautiful landscape of the surrounding area - a view of the sea, mountains or the city at night.


I’ll be honest: there are far more problems associated with panoramic windows than there are arguments in their favor. For me, at one time the advantages outweighed them, but after several years I am no longer so sure of the correctness of my choice.

Judge for yourself:

  • Larger window sizes mean higher prices. At one time, panoramic glazing with an area of ​​26 square meters in the attic cost me, at the minimum prices in Crimea, approximately 65 thousand rubles. Since then, prices have roughly doubled. As the unforgettable Ostap Suleimanovich Bender said: “Kisa, we cannot avoid reparations;
  • IN apartment building installing a panoramic window will require demolishing the cabinet under the window sill and rotating the heating radiator or replacing it with a low heating device. Doing this without approval is illegal. Obtaining permission to change the configuration of the utility network and the facade of the house is a long, tedious undertaking with questionable results;

The cabinet is to be demolished, the radiator is moved to another wall or changed to a low one.

Hint: if you are not going to sell the apartment in the foreseeable future and draw up a new registration certificate, a panoramic window can be installed between the room and the balcony with a continuous fence. This, strictly speaking, is also illegal, but the changes will not be visible from the street. Panoramic glazing on the balcony does not require approval either, provided that your house is not an architectural monument.

  • A typical double-glazed window has noticeably lower resistance to heat transfer compared to a solid wall. Therefore, heat loss through the enclosing structures will increase. Your apartment will become colder, and if you have a heat meter or autonomous heating, your heat costs will increase;

There are configurations of double-glazed windows that are comparable to main walls in terms of the degree of thermal insulation. In particular, triple glazing with two energy-saving glasses and filled with argon, the resistance to heat transfer corresponds to 70 centimeters of brick. However, such a window will approximately double the already considerable costs.

  • With panoramic glazing, it will be a problem to create a thermal curtain in front of it. Yes, this problem is being solved, but again at a considerable cost. I'll mention possible solutions a little later;
  • IN sunny weather it will be very hot in a room with large glazing. The only exception is the north side of the house. The southern side is illuminated at an oblique angle throughout the day; in the east and west, the rising or setting sun illuminates the room for only a few hours a day, but almost at a right angle;

I testify: my attic with glass gables is oriented strictly from east to west, and for about 6 hours a day the air conditioner works at maximum cooling load.

  • Finally, one cannot discount the indiscreet glances of passers-by. Panoramic windows in a private house, a lower-floor apartment, or on any floor with a nearby house opposite will make you feel like a fish in an aquarium. To protect against indiscreet glances, you will have to keep curtains or blinds closed at all times. But then, excuse me, why do we need large windows at all?

Installing a panoramic window and then keeping it tightly curtained is a strange idea, don’t you think?

Frame material

  1. Which panoramic window frames are better - aluminum, plastic or wood??

With a limited budget for the project - unconditionally plastic. Arguments? Please.

Due to the high thermal conductivity of the metal, the inexpensive aluminum frame is a continuous cold bridge. It will not only facilitate the outflow of heat from the room, but will also become covered with frost in frosty weather.

Sliding panoramic warm windows made of aluminum exist in nature, but cost about the same as a small private jet due to the complex profile structure: thermal insulation is provided by several polyamide inserts.

In terms of thermal insulation qualities, they are still inferior to swing PVC windows.

In terms of thermal insulation qualities, wood is not inferior to, and sometimes even superior to, PVC profiles. Moreover, modern glued frames undergo pressing and preservation, making their geometry and dimensions absolutely stable under any fluctuations in temperature and humidity.

What's the catch?

In price. Even an inexpensive frame made of soft pine or fir will cost the buyer at least one and a half times more than a plastic one. Replacing cheap conifers with noble wood (ash or oak) will increase costs by another 2-3 times.

What about plastic? How good is he?

  • The service life of PVC frames is estimated to be at least 50 years;
  • The material tolerates any fluctuations in humidity, is resistant to fungus and can be washed with any cleaning agents;
  • If necessary, PVC is painted in any color (including throughout the entire volume of plastic) or covered with a decorative film that very reliably imitates the texture of wood.



  1. Which profile systems should you prefer when choosing windows??

If a price difference of 15 - 20% is not critical for you, it is better to choose profile systems from famous German manufacturers - KBE or Rehau. From my own experience: they differ from inexpensive domestic and Chinese-made profiles in that they are more rigid. This quality is very useful when there is a large window area and, accordingly, significant wind loads.

Cheaper profiles usually have a thinner metal liner. At one time I chose the most inexpensive Chinese Hautec profile; in windy weather, a slight vibration of the frames is noticeable, which is not surprising given the size of each window 5x2.6 meters.


  1. Is it possible to save money on accessories??

No, no and NO. Wear or ill-conceived mechanics of low-quality fittings will mean loose closure of the sashes or constant jamming of the handles in intermediate positions.

Here, without options, you should give preference to quality products famous manufacturers. I chose Siegenia - Aubi hardware; except her, good feedback on Russian market the brands Winkhaus, Maco and Roto deserved.

  1. What to look for when selecting this or that fittings?

Here are the instructions based on mine own experience operation of plastic windows:

  • Hinged sashes must have a transom mode (when the sash tilts towards itself). It is desirable that there be a microventilation mode (fixing the sash when tilted in an intermediate position by turning the handle). The transom mode allows you to ventilate the room in the rain without fear of puddles on the floor, and microventilation will provide a limited influx fresh air in the cold;
  • The sash must be fixed in the closed position not only by the central lock, but also by pressure rollers at the bottom and top. It is the pressure when turning the handle that will ensure tightness. If the door is secured only by the lock tongue, the inevitable deformation of the profile will eventually leave gaps at the top and bottom of the opening.

Double-glazed window

  1. How to reduce heat loss through large windows?

Losses are determined by two factors:

  • Convection of the air gap between the glasses. Heat transfer due to convection decreases with an increase in the number of glass unit chambers: in this case, the temperature difference on adjacent glasses decreases, which, in fact, sets convection currents in motion;

Reducing convection losses is facilitated by replacing the air in the double-glazed window with argon. It is more viscous, which helps slow down the movement of convection currents, and has lower thermal conductivity compared to air.

  • Infrared radiation. The size of this part of the heat loss is determined by the temperature delta between the street and the room, as well as the permeability of glass in the infrared part of the spectrum. Energy-saving glasses with limited transparency in the infrared spectrum have been developed specifically to reduce losses due to radiant heat.

As I wrote above, the greatest degree of thermal protection is provided by double-glazed window with two energy-saving glasses and argon filling.

Here is an approximate dependence of the thermal efficiency of a double-glazed window on changes in configuration:

When choosing the glazing structure for the attic, I preferred the budget option, typical for the Crimea - a single-chamber double-glazed window with one energy-saving glass and air filling. It showed its high efficiency in winter frosts, which were rare for Sevastopol: at -20 outside, +20 in an area of ​​60 square meters was supported by one inverter air conditioner with a capacity of 12,000 BTU (4.1 kilowatts in heating mode).

  1. Is it possible to reduce noise from the street??

Yes. For this purpose, sound-insulating double-glazed windows with glass and spacer frames (gaskets that define the distances between the glasses) of variable thickness are used. The difference in thickness makes it possible to effectively dampen acoustic vibrations in different areas of the sound spectrum.

  1. How to protect yourself from excessively bright sun?

A double-glazed window may include solar control glass with limited permeability in the visible spectrum. By combining solar control and energy-saving glass in one package, you can reduce not only insolation, but also the heating of the room in sunny weather.

Another solution is to stick solar control film on the glass of panoramic windows.

I strongly recommend removing the double-glazed windows to apply it: in this case, there will be no gaps along the edges of the film that are constantly clogged with dirt. In addition, this way we will eliminate the risk of damaging the rubber seal around the perimeter of the sash when cutting the film to size.

How to do this work yourself?

  • Use a knife or sharp spatula to pry one of the vertical beads out of the frame;

  • Repeat the operation with the remaining glazing beads. Take out the top one last: it will hold the glass unit in the frame until the last moment;
  • Place the glass unit on a table or other horizontal surface on top of a piece of fabric;
  • Thoroughly wash its inner surface from dirt and dust;
  • Cut the film to the size of the glass;
  • Remove the liner (backing) from the film;
  • Wet the glass and adhesive surface of the film with soapy water;
  • Lay the film over the glass;
  • Use a dry cloth or plastic card to blot out the soapy water, starting from the center and working outward. The water will completely displace the air bubbles. Don’t be afraid to leave a small amount of water under the film: it will evaporate quickly;
  • Install the glass unit into the frame;
  • Center it relative to the sash with plastic inserts;
  • Press the top bead and hammer it into the frame with a rubber mallet or hammer through a block;

  • Repeat the operation with the remaining glazing beads.

If desired, you can also find energy-saving film on sale, which is only slightly inferior to energy-saving glass in terms of thermal insulation properties.

Curtains, roller blinds

  1. How to protect a room from indiscreet views from outside?

Blinds are attractive because they provide maximum protection not only from prying eyes, but also from light. By the way, aluminum horizontal blinds They protect from the sun better than those made of PVC: vinyl, although thin, still allows some light to pass through.

Fabric roller blinds(roller blinds) - an ideal solution for panoramic windows on the lower floors with moderate illumination from the street. When closed, they retain limited translucency; At the same time, from the street you cannot see what is happening in the house.

I chose traditional blackout curtains - impenetrable to light thick fabric. Their choice was dictated by the complex shape of the attic ceiling and the presence of triangular inserts in the upper part of the window.

For large window areas and warm climates, it is better to choose fabric that is light on the street side. It will reduce heating of the room in sunny weather.

Thermal curtain

  1. What heating radiators can be used to create a thermal curtain in front of a panoramic window?

Here are some of the most popular solutions:

  • Low heating radiators for panoramic windows have a height of 200 - 350 millimeters and are mounted on floor brackets;

  • A warm baseboard is a type of convector (tubes for coolant with developed fins to increase heat transfer) with a height of no more than 20 centimeters. It is equipped with a decorative screen (steel, brass or aluminum) and its appearance really differs little from a high baseboard;
  • Heating of the glazing can also be achieved by installing in-floor convectors or fan coil units. They are mounted under the flooring wooden floor or in a screed. Above heating devices covered with decorative grilles;

  • Finally, a thermal curtain in front of the window is created by all types of heated floors - water, film and cable.


  1. What and how to clean a panoramic window?

Washing with inside quite traditionally: first - water with any detergent, then - clean water, then with a windshield wiper. The last stage is wiping with a dry cloth that does not lose lint.

For obvious reasons, cleaning windows from the outside on the upper floors is much more difficult.

The simplest solution is to use a window squeegee. To wash blind sashes, you may need a mop up to one and a half meters long. In addition, when washing, I strongly recommend using insurance - a mounting belt with a chain, attached, for example, to a heating riser.

I use another method: double-glazed windows, which cannot be washed through open sashes, are removed and washed indoors.


I hope that my recommendations will help the dear reader choose and install panoramic windows that will delight him with their appearance and functionality for a long time. As always, I would appreciate your contributions and comments. Additional information The video in this article will bring you to your attention. Good luck, comrades!

September 18, 2016

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Recently, attention has been drawn to the growing number of private buildings with panoramic windows. Literally “yesterday” our compatriots preferred to erect thick protective structures in front of their houses, but today we have a high regard for rooms penetrated by the sun from the ceiling to the back wall. If you have not yet joined the ranks of fans of huge windows, but are thinking about installing them, then I consider it my duty to tell you more about them technical features and functionality.

Panoramic windows in a cottage or apartment

The panoramic windows that are gaining popularity today came to us from France.

Advantages and disadvantages

In most cases, the width of panoramic windows is much greater than the height. Through them, a lot of light enters the room, and the landscape surrounding the building is clearly visible from any corner of the room.

The flow of significant amounts of light into the room is very beneficial during the cold season, even if the region where you live is not particularly harsh.

What can we say about houses in an area with a harsh climate, where every ray of light penetrating into the room is valuable.

What does a panoramic window give to a room:

  • its interior has a special charm;
  • it is well lit during daylight hours;
  • protection from external noise;
  • The transparent design is deceptively fragile - such windows are resistant to mechanical stress.

For panoramic windows, special glass with a film coating is used. If the integrity of the surface is damaged, the glass does not crumble into thousands of fragments, but is retained on the film. The movable window segments are equipped with an alarm system to prevent unauthorized entry.

Disadvantages of panoramic glazing

The first disadvantage of a panoramic window is a violation of intimacy, or privacy, the atmosphere of the room - everything that happens in it is visible to others. This inconvenience is especially noticeable when the room is located on the lower floors multi-story building or in a private home. Tinting the glass or lighting it at a certain angle will help correct the defect.

The second disadvantage of a panoramic window is its cost., which is almost impossible to reduce - both glass of this size and consumable building materials that ensure the stability of the entire structure are expensive.

Streams of light in the summer season can greatly warm up the room and even affect the intensity of the color of the environment.

In the absence of moving segments in the design, it is very difficult to achieve glass transparency.

During the cold season, a lot of heat will escape through the surface of the window., and condensation will appear on the glass itself if you do not install an additional heating system in the room.

Are you afraid of the shortcomings of panoramic windows? Still want an incredible transformation of a room due to the transparency of one of its walls, and don’t you feel sorry for the money for such an investment? I agree: if the window installation is carried out wisely, then it will please you, not upset you.

Bay window in a panoramic design: what it is and its purpose

A bay window is a protruding wall of a room or part of it. The shape of the protrusion can be semicircular, in the form of part of a rectangle or polyhedron.

Types of panoramic windows

Panoramic designs for private houses are divided into:

  • ordinary;
  • garden;
  • corner;
  • in the form of a false cone.

When the panoramic windows of a house overlook beautiful views, there is no need to invent anything to increase the attractiveness of the “picture” visible in them.

Corner structures make it possible to give a new meaning to a boring interior, to increase the amount of light penetrating inside if the front facade of the building is darkened by tall or spreading trees.

If, when looking out of the window, there is absolutely nothing to admire, you can use a trick: organize a landscape for yourself using a picture printed on canvas for insertion into a frame. With a professionally made imitation of gorgeous views, the “view” from the window will seem very realistic.

For an example of installing panoramic windows in a private house, see the video:

What is used for the basis of panoramic systems?

To create load-bearing structures for panoramic windows, manufacturers use plastic, aluminum, wood, metal, and glass expanded clay.


Thanks to physical properties bases, metal profiles have a long service life, have excellent strength and heat transfer characteristics, and are excellent for reliable structures non-standard forms(in the form of an arch, a circle, etc.). They are also good as structures that resist unauthorized entry.

If you want to enhance the performance capabilities of metal profiles, you can apply anti-corrosion treatment to them. If you want to veil the metallic sheen of structural elements, this can be easily achieved by decorative painting or stitching wooden elements. Based on the above, I recommend a metal profile for panoramic windows to anyone who has the opportunity to spend significant money on home modernization - the high cost of metal racks is one of the main disadvantages of the considered panoramic glazing option.


Panoramic windows framed by wooden posts are very common. Because the wood trim Many people like it because of the environmental friendliness of the material and the beautiful texture of the material.

Whatever type of wood is chosen for the manufacture of profiles, it must be exposed to antifungal, fire-resistant chemical compounds, and treated with substances that protect against loss of color and physical deformation.


Aluminum is a soft metal, but when combined with special components, structures made from it become hard, while maintaining the lightness typical of this material. Panoramic structures with aluminum posts are lighter than wooden ones and transmit more light than the latter. The external features of the material look most advantageous in frames for buildings in a modern style with unusual architectural solutions.

Advantages and disadvantages of panoramic windows

Panoramic windows are very popular today due to many factors. Such glazing will add special chic and spaciousness to even a small room and make it much brighter. However, you will have to come to terms with a number of disadvantages.

One of the first is the fact that such windows are real gates for room heat, which will quickly leave it through the glass during the cold season. In the homeland of origin of windows - in France - this is not a big problem, since the most severe “frost” there is +7 degrees. This must be taken into account when planning to make part of the walls of an apartment or room in the house transparent.

All the beauty of panoramic windows appears if they were originally planned in the building.

Even a well-made design can cause dissonance in the observer if the presence of such a window is not in harmony with the architectural ensemble as a whole. Everything is even more sad in the case of inserting a transparent “wall” in place of a specially removed concrete one in a multi-story building - such solutions are dangerous for the integrity of the entire house.

Advantages and disadvantages

If you have the opportunity to install a panoramic window in a room, don’t refuse, the room will sparkle with new colors and will always give positive emotions to every person in it.

Benefits of installing a panoramic window:

  • gorgeous view, the opportunity to enjoy the landscape up to the horizon (especially valuable when the observed picture is a park, mountains, lake or something equally picturesque);
  • excellent room illumination from dawn to dusk;
  • if there is a lot of vegetation “overboard” or beautiful view, then being in the room, you will feel like you are relaxing in nature, but without the typical disadvantages of such a pastime - mosquitoes, debris from someone else’s picnic, etc.

But the dream of acquiring panoramic windows does not always need to be translated into real forms, since such designs have a number of disadvantages:

they will contribute to heat leakage from the room even with the most modern double-glazed windows (if you live in a region with cold winters, you will need 30% more resources to maintain normal temperature in the room);

  • even strong glass may not withstand the pressure, therefore it is necessary to limit access to them for small children (for example, by fencing the area where the glass meets the floor);
  • windows will lose their attractiveness if the glass is stained, in stains of dirt, and it is quite difficult to care for such structures (especially when there is a transparent wall in the apartment not on the first floor, but above);
  • It is easier for thieves to enter a house through a glass “wall”, so you need to spend a lot on security (order reliable roller shutters, perhaps install an alarm, purchase and install a visual surveillance system).

Example of panoramic windows made of aluminum profile in the video:

What do you need to remember before installing a panoramic window?

All the disadvantages of huge window walls have not reduced the desire to decorate one of the rooms with a panoramic observation structure? Before installing a window with any type of profile, you need to remember a number of nuances.

If you like, for example, in winter to admire the gusts of a snowstorm or watch children playing, then standing or sitting next to a window will not be very comfortable. Still, glass is a cold material, which is why the room next to it will be cool, or even downright cold.

To eliminate the problem, you can turn on the convector by installing it next to the window. Some people can afford to make a window with pre-installed heating, but it is expensive both at the stage of purchasing materials and then, when activating the heating.

Maximum window safety for children can be ensured by a fence with a frequent number of bars.

Which profiles for partitions under sashes are best to choose? You won't be mistaken in thinking that wood or metal will last longer than panels made of cheap PVC. High-quality plastic is ahead of the materials we are used to in several directions at once. It does not conduct heat as much as metal and does not suffer from precipitation like wood.

When choosing a configuration design, I advise you to take more into account the appearance and design style of the facade, rather than the interior of the room where the panoramic window will be.

Well, in such cases you also need to remember about the quality of the panoramic landscape, if there is no desire to admire the inserted picture - the only way out of the situation when the view outside the window is too dull and repulsive.

What you need to know about the methods of swinging the sashes

Types and general characteristics:

  • the most popular option is tilt-and-turn(the sash can be opened or set to light ventilation mode);
  • sliding sashes many are satisfied only at first, since the seals in the frames quickly wear out and need to be replaced (but I will not keep silent about the good thermal insulation and hermetic qualities of parallel-sliding frames);
  • order frames that can be folded like an accordion, costs only in warm regions - due to the poor thermal insulation qualities of this design (but residents of warm countries can provide themselves with maximum comfort this way);
  • lift-and-slide mechanism it is very convenient to use, it provides a good seal, wears out the seals moderately, and does not bother you with noise while driving, but it is quite expensive.

If you plan to sometimes return the usual privacy to the atmosphere of the room, then ordinary curtains will allow you to achieve it. This must be taken into account at the project development stage in order to ensure convenient installation of the cornice on the ceiling even before installing the panoramic structure.

It is not very convenient to resort to Roman blinds or roller blinds - when the sash is opened, the frame will make a lot of noise.

In order for the costs of panoramic windows to pay off, and the result to continue to please you, before ordering a design, you need to consider the appropriateness of such an item on the facade of your house and determine the most convenient type sliding mechanisms and calculate how much it will cost to heat a modernized room in the winter season.

Large glazing: consider the pros and cons

Modern technologies make it possible to use volumetric translucent structures even in our cool region. Panoramic windows visually make buildings lighter in appearance and do not interfere with freely admiring the landscape surrounding the house from the inside and observing the sky right up to the horizon. But to some people, panoramic windows seem to be an impractical option for both a house and an apartment, since they do not look like an insurmountable obstacle to thieves and are too fragile in appearance to withstand the test of our frosts and periodic storm winds. How justified are the fears of people who avoid installing panoramic windows not because of a lack of funds for such structures, but because of distrust in their functionality?

What kind of glazing can it be?

Today, translucent structures are present in most architectural projects intended for those who want to own beautiful house with an original but practical facade. Naturally, significant part Customers of such houses are attracted not so much by the opportunity to almost not use artificial lighting in a room with a panoramic window, but by the wide-format glazing, which does not interfere with admiring the world from anywhere in the room. Being in it, you just feel united with nature even with your skin, without, in fact, taking a step towards green spaces and the open sky.

The fusion with the world is felt even more in houses where, with panoramic glazing, there are no ceilings between floors. The resulting room is very spacious and well lit by sunlight from dawn to dusk. If you add a staircase of a spectacular design to such an interior, then the overall impression of such a room will be beyond all praise. I have no doubt that if you decide to arrange a living room or a winter garden in such a room, you can get such an excellent relaxation area that an hour of staying in it will have the same beneficial effect on your general condition as a trip to the spa. Of course, such an extraordinary solution will “eat up” more than one square meter usable area, but for some this drawback will not seem significant.

Panoramic glazing is suitable for architectural structures made of any material. Here's a choice basic basis for profiles, options for double-glazed windows and swing systems must be selected taking into account a number of factors. Among them: the location of the house, the climatic features of the region in the cold and warm seasons, the desired form of glazing.

In addition, when developing a design for a future panoramic window, designers must take into account the loads to which the window will be subjected to significant temperature differences inside the house and outside the window, during wind, and during seasonal soil fluctuations. The finished and installed product must have excellent thermal insulation qualities, not deform under its own weight, and at the same time fit well into the overall design of the house.

To ensure that all of the above factors are taken into account when fulfilling your order for panoramic glazing, you need to look for a contractor among companies that have their own design departments.

In this case, there are more guarantees that the service, which costs a lot of money, will be provided to the highest standard at every stage of the order.

Large glazing is becoming more common on houses. But truly huge panoramic viewing structures are still rare. Because the Those who want to get a transparent wall are afraid of a number of objective and subjective factors.

About the heating system of a house with panoramic glazing, watch the video:

Costs of heating a room with panoramic glazing

Everyone knows that the most significant heat loss occurs through windows. Moreover, the lion's share of the outgoing heat “leaks” not through profile systems, but directly through the transparent elements of double-glazed windows. In relatively small windows, this problem is solved by replacing conventional glazing with multi-chamber glazing. But in a panoramic window you cannot use a double-glazed window with two air chambers, since due to the large area this option will be very heavy. Each square meter of such a design weighs 10 kg more than a single-chamber double-glazed window. Choosing a single-chamber design with low-emissivity glass will help solve the problem. Moreover, the costs of its acquisition are almost equal to the costs of a double-chamber double-glazed window made of ordinary glass, but of a large size.

Inspecting a double-glazed window with low-emissivity glass by a person who has not previously seen this achievement of technological progress may raise a number of questions. For example, why are the thicknesses of conventional and modernized double-glazed windows different? But I want to say that there is no need to worry about this. The main thing is that the person who undertakes to draw up a diagram for an energy-saving overview design knows about this difference.

Another way to reduce the problems associated with large glazing is to choose multifunctional glass with a unique coating. The applied composition, without interfering with the penetration of light through the glass, is a good barrier to low external temperatures and ultraviolet radiation. Thanks to this, heat loss in the room is significantly reduced.

What other way can you reduce heat loss so that you don’t have to spend crazy amounts on support? comfortable temperature in a room with large glazing?

Most best option– this is the use of a heated floor system. It is economical and helps to achieve a comfortable temperature throughout the entire area of ​​the room at once. It will also eliminate the typical two-story houses temperature imbalance, when the upper floor of the house is warmer than the lower floor. After all, the presence of a heated floor allows you to heat the lower layer of the room’s atmosphere without additional effort, which in homes without a heated floor system is significantly cooler than the air under the ceiling.

By heating the air around the entire perimeter of the house, the warm floor will maintain comfortable conditions and near a panoramic window - if a heat source is installed nearby in the floor. Besides, 99% are like this heating system hidden in the floor, which is much more aesthetically pleasing than radiators or convectors placed near the walls.

Of course, laying a heated floor system also requires a professional approach both during the calculation process and during the actual installation constituent elements. And it would not be superfluous to provide the possibility of enhanced heating of the area passing near the transparent wall. Then, when the system is activated, a powerful thermal curtain will be formed near the window and the cold from the window will have no chance to penetrate deep into the room.

As an additional option that allows you to save on heating without sacrificing the comfort of people in the house, you can use units for forced ventilation recuperator. Thanks to it, the cold masses rushing into the house will warm up and become less cold due to the waste heat “oozing” from the house.

Are there great dangers from large windows?

Any window in the house should be safe for every inhabitant of the home.

Of course, the fragility of the glass in a double-glazed window is different from that of an elegant vase, but careful handling will not hurt either when in contact with the dishes or when using the viewing structure.

To prevent the possibility of injury from shrapnel, you need to choose double-glazed windows with a film glued to the glass. Then, even in the event of deformation due to an impact or other factor, the glass will remain hanging in the opening and will not fly apart into myriads of pieces dangerous to human health.

Triplex windows are also safe for people. Such glass also does not break into many fragments upon impact - all individual particles remain hanging on a sheet of transparent film.

If triplex cannot be installed for some reason, then You can use tempered glass, which is very difficult to break.

How can the owner of a house with panoramic glazing protect himself from intruders who trade in robberies? Strained glass will withstand attempts to break it with a stick, but will not withstand the impact of a bullet from a TT. But the latter will be powerless in front of a barrier made of armored glass. Taking into account these factors, as well as the capabilities of locking fittings, you can calculate what type of double-glazed windows would be desirable to install on the first floor, and which would be quite appropriate on the second or higher. Of course, for a heavily armed gang of seasoned criminals, all such obstacles are nothing, but while the obstacles prevent thieves from entering the house, its owner, neighbors or random witnesses may have time to call the guardians of the law.

Panoramic glazing and personal comfort

Large glazing is arranged for the opportunity to:

  • admire the gorgeous surrounding landscape without obstacles and in comfort;
  • increase the attractiveness of the building facade;
  • visual expansion of interior spaces;
  • use natural rather than artificial light in the house.

With professionally executed panoramic glazing, it seems to a person inside a room with a transparent wall that the space of the house extends to the landscape, and the latter is a continuation of the house. Many may even have the impression that the picture they are seeing is not a real view, but a wide-format photograph.

If the house is inhabited by household members with a particularly sensitive psyche, then access to nature due to the presence of large glazing can have a depressing effect in bad weather. Pre-designed blinds and elegant curtains will help avoid this. A lowered barrier will also help out when you want to create a private atmosphere in the room. Although in reality it is already difficult to see from afar what is happening behind the glass - due to glare from the sun and artificial light sources.

Care problems

The beauty of the view from a panoramic window is lost the moment it loses its transparency due to stains and streaks. Getting rid of them on the glass of a regular double-glazed window is not so difficult. It is much more difficult to carry out cleaning procedures with panoramic glazing glass. It is especially problematic to do this in a high-rise apartment - when the home is not on the first, or even on the second or third floor. In this case, window cleaning can only be entrusted to a team of industrial climbers.

In a private house, glazing with a large area is easier to care for due to greater accessibility to the object. But even in this case, it is better to invite representatives of a cleaning company rather than try to restore the shine yourself. And yes, you will have to contact specialists less often if the drainage systems in the building are not made anyhow, but thoughtfully and reliably.

Professional solutions

Various profile systems are suitable for panoramic glazing: metal, wood, PVC, aluminum.

Judging from the position of a thrifty owner, panoramic windows with PVC panels, reinforced with reinforced hollow metal inlays up to 3 mm thick. Such structures can be equipped with special profiles to enhance the reliability of the entire product and increase its resistance to deformation due to temperature fluctuations. There are no restrictions on the shapes of PVC double-glazed windows, so finished products can be produced in almost any configuration. But at the same time, the rule must be observed: no angle in the windows should be less than 30 degrees, and the minimum radius in the arched structure should not fall below 30 cm. And when ordering something like that, you need to be prepared to pay for an exclusive version of the product.

For fans of wooden profiles, manufacturers offer frames made of oak, pine, and larch wood. By special order, it is possible to use rarer types of wood.

Three-layer laminated timber is used directly on the frames, since it is much more resistant to deformation processes than solid boards. A responsible frame manufacturer will never produce material that has resin pockets, knots, bumps, cracks - all this can lead to deformation of the frame when it begins to experience maximum loads. To prevent the frame from becoming a weak link in the thermal insulation complex of the window, you need to order racks no thinner than 7.8 cm.

To protect the wooden frame from unfavorable factors: precipitation, pathological fungi, ultraviolet radiation, it can be treated with an antiseptic, and then painted, varnished and sheathed on the external areas with aluminum overlays.

Aluminum is not afraid of moisture, so it is often used to produce profiles for “French” windows. In addition, it is a lightweight material, so even large structures have a low specific weight. In order for such racks to have the required degree of thermal conductivity, they are made according to a special design and equipped with a special insert - reinforced polyamide glass fiber.

The range of plastic profiles for panoramic windows is as extensive as the variable list of profiles for standard-sized PVC double-glazed windows. Among them are sash, frame, multi-segment or impost - you can order a product whose sashes will open in the direction you need.

The outer surface of aluminum profiles can be any– powder coating can imitate the surface of any material. If the characteristic color of aluminum does not match color scheme interior of the room, then wooden linings with fastening according to the “sliding fit” scheme will help correct the situation.

If there are no problems with financing, I advise you to pay attention to fiberglass profiles. It has the same thermal conductivity as wood, but is as strong as steel. But, alas, profiles for arched windows are not made from this material.

Owners of large country apartments can afford to choose any type of glazing. When planning the appearance of their private mansion, anyone can design window openings of any shape and size that will fit most organically into the composition.

Window panels are the main sources of natural light and determine the atmosphere of the home. A house with panoramic windows looks very stylish, and thanks to such openings, the external space is filled with the landscapes surrounding the property.

Advantages and disadvantages of panoramic glazing

Panoramic glazing in a private house has many positive aspects, both decorative and functional:

  • picturesque paintings outside the window - panoramic glass panels are advisable to install when the surroundings of the house are truly beautiful;
  • natural light, the level of which increases significantly, so that people inside will not experience difficulties with light, which is very important for health;
  • the external design of the facades becomes unique, with everything else, panoramic canvases make it possible to save money on exterior finishing work;
  • the price of a residential property, the design of which includes panoramic windows, increases, as well as consumer demand;
  • transparent glass sheets allow you to visually expand the space;
  • design possibilities and choice of style for arranging houses equipped with panoramic technology are increasing, this is proven by photos of houses with panoramic windows.

However, these technologies also have disadvantages:

  • The energy losses of a home with large window openings are quite large. The cost of insulating such apartments increases by 30%;
  • danger for young children, as the lower border of the window is located too low. To avoid damage, as a rule, a special fence is installed;
  • Frequent cleaning of glass surfaces. If they can be washed from the inside on our own, then for external work you will have to call climbers.

Glazing technologies

There are two glazing technologies:

  • Cold - used when unheated rooms in the form of verandas, balconies and loggias are glazed. Windows can be equipped with a frame or not. Frameless panels are glass that fits tightly to each other.
  • Warm - the design consists of plastic or wooden profiles equipped with two- or three-chamber double-glazed windows.

However, the panoramic glass frame can also be made of aluminum or reinforced metal profile. The type of material affects the cost of the product. Also, any kit should be supplemented with ebbs, window sills, fittings, etc.

Design varieties

Windows with panoramic views design features can be standard, garden or corner. Most often, conventional products are used. There is another group - false windows, which are large panels equipped with lighting and beautiful images.

Panoramic windows can open in different ways: the tilt-and-turn system allows you to open the window slightly and completely, the sliding mechanism is very sealed, the accordion type can only be used in houses located in very warm areas, and the lifting system is the most silent.

Decoration of a building with a panoramic window system

Developing a project country house, which is equipped with a system of large window panels, its location relative to the cardinal points should be taken into account. By placing windows facing south or southwest, it will be possible to reduce heat loss and, accordingly, heating costs will decrease.

It is also important that the house is located in picturesque surroundings. The best places for the use of glazing panoramic canvases are:

  • Coast,
  • edge of a picturesque forest,
  • area near a waterfall or other body of water,
  • platform located at the top overlooking the metropolis.

As a rule, the rooms in which a panoramic system is used are guest rooms, kitchens, bedrooms or a hall.


The main thing you should pay attention to in a sleeping room equipped with panoramic systems is the location of the bed, because this room requires special privacy.

Even with just one wall surface with panoramic glazing, it is enough for the room to be clearly visible from the street. That is why window openings must be closed beautiful curtains and a blind system.

Guest room

In the living room, special attention should be paid to the arrangement of furniture. Near the panoramic canvas, you can install a comfortable composition of a sofa and armchairs with a small table, where you can gather for a pleasant conversation, reading books or playing board games.

By placing furniture groups along the walls in the shape of the letter “P”, all household members and guests will have the opportunity to enjoy the views outside the window.

If possible, it is advisable to install a telescope or piano in front of the panoramic canvas. These accessories will add elegance and sophistication to the interior.

Kitchen area

When creating an example of beautiful glazing in the kitchen, you should take into account the size of the room, the height of the walls and the layout. The most suitable options panoramic systems will be as follows:

  • canvases in full height– typical for spacious areas with an open layout;
  • half a meter from the floor plane - it is advisable to install such canvases on the territory of the dining area;
  • height 0.8 m from the floor surface - such a panoramic system can be installed throughout the room. It is possible to install a table or soft sofas under the window panels.

Design of panoramic windows

The design of panoramic windows in a private house should be given due attention, since the final appearance of the interior composition largely depends on this. For decoration window openings often used:

  • standard, roller or Roman blinds;
  • lightly draped curtains;
  • blinds.

In order not to spoil the main functional purpose of panoramic glazing, which is to fill rooms with natural light, it is not recommended to decorate openings with multilayer compositions. It is better to give preference to light, flowing fabrics in light shades.

Photos of houses with panoramic windows

This article will discuss all the nuances of installing panoramic windows, so if you want to install them in your a private house or apartment, we recommend that you read it.

Pros and cons of panoramic windows


In most cases, the frames of panoramic windows are much larger in width than in height. This gives them a special charm, because in this way they allow the resident to admire the beauty of the view from the window. It could be a city at night or, if you have a private house, then beautiful natural landscapes. But it also happens like this:

In addition, these windows provide you with a lot of light, which penetrates into your home precisely due to the size of the panoramic windows.

Panoramic windows are a chic design solution. The room in which they are installed immediately acquires a certain charm, uniqueness and sophistication. And you yourself will agree that it is rare to find houses with panoramic glazing, so you can achieve the exclusivity of your home.


The first and most significant disadvantage is high level heat loss. You will definitely need an additional heating system for the windows. As a rule, special heaters are installed along the entire glazing, along the floor. If this is not done, the windows may fog up in winter.

The second disadvantage is the rather high price of panoramic windows (you have to use reinforced profile systems and double-glazed windows). But if the double-glazed windows are not very large (up to about 1.5 square meters), then you can do without additional costs. That's what I do at home.

Third minus. If you live in a private house or on one of the first floors, then in fact your whole life in a room with panoramic windows is on display. Of course, there is a solution to this problem - during the day it’s tinting the bags, and in the evening it’s simply draping them at night.

But despite all these disadvantages, I believe that when building your own house, you want it to be as bright and unique as possible. Large windows are very cool!

Types of panoramic windows

Panoramic windows vary in materials used. There are quite a few options, but now we will only touch on the three that are the most popular.

  • Panoramic windows with PVC profile. Plastic is generally the leader in popularity, due to its price and almost complete absence of disadvantages. When installing panoramic windows, you must always take into account that the weight of a double-glazed window often reaches 150 kilograms, so you need to choose the most durable one. It is recommended to take a profile with a large number of stiffeners, with at least five chambers, and the thickness of the outer walls is at least 3 mm. and ideally, it should have closed reinforcement (usually such profiles are manufactured by the companies Veka and Salamander).
  • Panoramic windows made of wood. Beautiful, but, to be honest, not the best option, since the tree has a very big problems with durability, and even now technology makes it possible to make more beautiful profiles from plastic or metal. However, if you are a very aesthetic perfectionist, then you can use wood in your home. wooden profiles, however, you should first familiarize yourself with all their shortcomings and be prepared for the next one. The main disadvantages of wood are that they cost really crazy money, are not at all more environmentally friendly than PVC windows (they contain glue, all kinds of impregnations, paints and varnishes), their color fades quite quickly in the sun, despite the preparation of the wood they still rot and sometimes are drying out. After 3 - 6 years (depending on the cost of windows), you will definitely begin to have the first problems with windows. Their service life is guaranteed up to 7 years! And then the card will fall.
  • Panoramic windows made of “warm” aluminum profile. Compared to our previous participant, aluminum windows are much lighter, stronger and more durable. The system uses thermal break technology, which consists in using separation between the outer and inner parts of the metal using special plastic inserts. For additional thermal insulation, a double sealing circuit is used. It’s not for nothing that windows made of warm aluminum are praised so much - this is due to their high strength and reliability. For this profile, not pure aluminum is used, but its mixtures, to which special components are added, thanks to which it becomes very strong. This material allows you to produce windows beyond large sizes without fear of deformation from the weight of the glass unit or under the influence of wind loads. Which means maximum amount light and a modern look of the building are ensured. Fans of futurism will definitely appreciate it. In addition, in terms of design, this material is preferable, as it spreads the wings of architectural imagination and allows you to create unimaginable creations.

In our opinion, one of the best representatives among aluminum windows is the Alumark profile system. Great quality at a reasonable price. There is only one disadvantage of panoramic windows made of warm aluminum - the high price. It is higher than that of PVC windows, but it fully justifies itself due to its durability and ability to withstand extreme functional loads. It’s not for nothing that all doors and windows in large hypermarkets are made of warm aluminum!

Manufacturing technology of doors and windows with panoramic glazing

In panoramic glazing, doors are made using input profile. This is due to the fact that double-glazed windows are quite heavy and a regular window profile with standard hinges and clamping fittings simply cannot withstand the loads.

Aluminum is used as the basis of this profile and, as a result, its structure is capable of supporting a weight comparable to the weight of the entire double-glazed window, which is about 150 kilograms! But of course, I wouldn’t make such doors for myself, because if you use the hardware to its full potential, I don’t think it will last you long.

Example from experience:

There are often cases when employees of our company go to private houses or cottages and see the results of using conventional window profile for heavy panoramic doors.

Quite often, due to the heavy weight, the hinges flew out of the frame or from the door frame itself! There have been several cases when this technology led to complete deformation of door and window frames, as well as hardware failure! They will install windows and doors for you and hand over the property, but after a month you will not be able to close or open the windows and doors.

One of the interesting and popular solutions for panoramic windows are portal (sliding) windows. If you don’t quite understand what this means, these are windows similar to those used in minibuses.

You turn the handle, the pressure on the window weakens, and it does not swing open, but moves to the side along the glazing. It turns out that the window sash does not hang on two weak hinges (top and bottom), but rests evenly on the rollers and easily rolls to the side. This technique allows you to make opening casements of windows and doors of even larger sizes, without fear of their distortion! (This is what the hardware manufacturer says) But in practice this may not be the case at all. (This fittings require careful handling, and as practice shows, the longer the warranty on the product, the less careful it is treated. When using Patio fittings in heavy doors, it lasts for 5 years (and this is if it was not destroyed at the time of repair and you use this door carefully and without violence). But as a window, I would advise placing it on heated gazebos and in bathhouses. In this case, you can open the window ½ and at the same time it will not take up half the room.

How to choose the right panoramic windows?

To get rid of safety problems with panoramic glazing and problems with heat loss, you need to follow these tips:

  • Only double-chamber, maximally wide double-glazed windows (up to 48 mm) are required.
  • Use energy-saving double-glazed windows, which significantly reduce heat loss and retain heat in the room in winter. Or multifunctional double-glazed windows that not only retain heat in winter, but also protect from heat in summer.
  • Ideally, use triplex as the outer glass of a double-glazed window. This is additional thermal insulation and protection against damage.

Many people recommend filling double-glazed windows with argon, but the price of this pleasure is quite high, despite the fact that the thermal insulation does not change much. Yes, and it’s quite difficult to check its presence in the package; besides, they say that it’s enough for max. for 5 years Argon is exactly the case when the end does not justify the means. But you will please managers with an additional bonus to their salary.

Profile systems

  • Plastic profile systems. An installation width of at least 70 mm and, preferably, with closed metal reinforcement. Satels and Veka profile systems are ideal for this.
  • "Warm" aluminum glazing Alumark. Although panoramic windows from the “Alumark” profile are more expensive, they fully justify their price with durability and quality!

I wish you to make your life brighter and brighter.
And large panoramic windows will help you with this.
Zabaluev Sergey

Recently, three main types of windows have become widespread. Windows are wooden, plastic and aluminum. Each type of window has both pros and cons. Next, each specific type of window will be considered in more detail.

Wooden windows. Wood is considered a traditional material for making windows. Since ancient times, almost all windows have been made of wood. However, the old traditional windows had significant drawbacks. Due to insufficient treatment, the wood dried out and became deformed over time, which in turn affected both the thermal insulation of the window and the functioning of the mobility of the window structure. Modern wooden windows are manufactured taking into account the characteristics and properties of natural materials. For the production of wooden windows, deciduous and conifers tree. In more expensive and high-quality modern wooden windows, valuable wood is used. The material for the window is carefully processed and prepared timber. The wood is dried until certain value and is coated with various compounds that can withstand sudden temperature changes, precipitation and humidity. This treatment significantly increases the service life of the window and gives it additional strength. More expensive windows are not made from solid timber, but from a material that consists of several layers of durable wood glued together. The strength of such material increases significantly and, accordingly, the service life of the window increases. It is worth noting that modern processing wood material allows you to equip windows with more functional fittings compared to traditional windows. The main advantage of wooden windows was and remains, of course natural origin material. Moreover, modern wooden windows are equipped with high-quality double-glazed windows and have good thermal insulation. Accordingly, such windows have a fairly high cost.

Plastic windows. To replace the old ones wooden windows plastic windows arrived. Until recently, plastic windows were installed only by people with above-average incomes. However, the situation is changing and recently plastic windows have been successfully installed in private homes, government and industrial institutions, that is, they are becoming available to almost every family. Modern plastic windows meet all the requirements for thermal insulation, strength, and appearance. A plastic window is a frame made of durable PVC profile in which the sashes are fixed. Double-glazed windows are attached to the window sashes, which may have one or more chambers. Chambers in a double-glazed window are formed by tightly bonded glass. The unused space of the frame and sashes has air partitions, which themselves are a heat insulator. The strength of a plastic window is ensured by high-strength plastic or metallic profile in the window frame. Windows with application metal base also called metal-plastic windows. Such windows have increased strength. Plastic windows have a beautiful appearance, suitable for any type of building. In addition, windows made in accordance with all state standard requirements also have environmental and fire safety.

Aluminum windows. Some buildings successfully use so-called aluminum windows. The main material for such windows is aluminum. The main advantage of such windows is, of course, high strength window designs. Moreover, these windows are highly environmentally friendly. This material allows you to make window structures more wide size. However, these windows have one significant drawback, which is the high thermal conductivity of the material. For this reason, aluminum windows are not as widespread as other types of windows. However, there is a type of combined aluminum windows. These windows have an external coating of aluminum, but are supplied with various thermal insulating materials inside. In addition, aluminum windows require careful handling. Deformation or destruction outer covering material may shorten the service life of the window, since aluminum is susceptible to oxidation.