Calculate bathroom floor tiles. How to calculate the amount of tiles for a bathroom yourself

When purchasing materials for renovation, you always want to know their exact quantity. On the one hand, this makes it possible not to overpay for excess material, on the other hand, to continue repairs without stopping for additional equipment. not an exception. Exact calculation tiles for the bathroom or other rooms will make the work easier and avoid additional costs.

The consumption of tiles for laying on the floor or walls can depend on many factors. Therefore, before planning the tiles for the bathroom, it is advisable to prepare properly.

What you need to know in advance

  • what configuration will the material for installation be;
  • how many colors do you want to use;
  • will decor be used (borders, designs that require precise adjustment);
  • how the installation will be done.

Each of these can significantly affect the amount of tile needed for a renovation. For example, laying out diagonally or increasing consumption means you will have to cut a lot.

And the choice in the catalog of monochromatic tiles color range and direct installation, on the contrary, will be more economical.

After you find the answers to these questions, you can begin calculating the tiles for the bathroom or any other room.

Counting options

Tile quantity calculator

Floor tile calculator

Bathroom tile calculator

Simply set all the necessary parameters and the system will give you the final amount of material. This option is convenient when using complex patterns and styling methods.

To produce tiles manually, experts offer two options. Let's take a closer look at them.

Calculation by area

If you want to find out how many tiles you need this way, you will have to take the following measurements:

  • measure the area of ​​the base for the tiles;
  • measure areas where installation will not be carried out (doors, window openings);
  • measure the area of ​​one unit of material.

When all the parameters are found, it remains to make simple calculations. Namely, divide by the area of ​​a unit of material, and, if necessary, round the number up. It is necessary to add 10–15% to the resulting amount of ceramics to compensate for the cost of trimming and scrap.

When the calculation is carried out for walls - from total area you will need to first subtract the area of ​​the doors and window openings, if they exist, and then divide the result by the area of ​​one unit of coverage.

Piece calculation

This method involves a slightly different approach to calculations. And it's easier to explain in specific example. Let's say we need to make calculations for a bathroom with a floor length and width of 3 and 2 m, respectively. The size of the selected ceramics is 30x30 cm.

Divide the width of the floor by the corresponding tile value: 3/0.3=10. This means that the width will fit 10 pieces. We do the same with the length: 2/0.3 = 6.7. Round up to seven. This means that for one row in length you will need 7 pieces. Now let’s multiply these numbers: 10*7=70. This is exactly the amount of tiles that will need to be used for the floor of this room.

Such a calculation will provide higher accuracy and is guaranteed to protect you from material shortages. But, when using it, it is worth considering one detail. If the required fragment for trimming is no more than 50% of the size of the whole tile, then from one piece you will get two of them. Respectively total will decrease a little.

In numbers it will look like this:

  • take a floor with dimensions of 2.5 m by 1 m and tiles 30x30;
  • We count the number of tiles along the length - we get 8 whole and 10 cm for trimming;
  • We count by width - 3 whole and 10 cm trimming;
  • multiply the integers - 8*3=24 pcs.;
  • We count the number of cut fragments:
    • There are 8 of them in length, 4 in width (3 rows of whole ones + 1 of cut ones);
    • let's sum it up - 8+4=12 pcs.;

Since the size of one fragment is less than half of one tile, two such pieces can be made from it. And, therefore, the amount of tiles for their production will be 2 times less. That is 12 pieces. divide by 2 and get 6 tiles per cut. We add them to those that will be stacked whole: 24+6=30 pcs. And don’t forget about the 10% to compensate for defects.

For those who want to save money and not buy material at a premium, this clarification will come in very handy. But it is advisable to do it only when direct version styling

In other cases, the probability of error is very high.

The principles of calculation are quite universal and are suitable for any surfaces, rooms, etc. And how to calculate the tiles in your case - choose for yourself. We hope that our information will help you with this.


Before you start installation tiles on the floor or start decorating the walls, you need to determine in advance the required amount of tiles. Only by thoroughly understanding how to calculate the number of tiles and performing the appropriate calculations can you avoid extra costs and reduce waste to a minimum.

You need to buy tiles 10% more than the required volume for cladding.

What should be taken into account during the calculation?

  • decide what type of tile installation you will choose;
  • decide on the color scheme;
  • decide whether it will be necessary to adjust the tile according to the pattern;
  • decide whether the walls will be covered only with ceramic tiles or whether the finishing will be supplemented various kinds decorative elements.

There are several ways to lay tiles. You need to choose one of them and based on decision taken calculate the number of tiles. The floor can be covered in one of the following ways:

  1. Standard - in this case, the edges of the ceramic products are mounted along the walls.
  2. Diagonal - the edges are laid at an angle of 45 degrees.
  3. Diagonally checkerboard - laying tiles different color with alternation.

For wall cladding, you can choose one of the following methods:

  1. The usual straight line - the elements are laid parallel to the floor surface.
  2. Regular with borders (you can use 1 wide border or alternate narrow with wide).
  3. Checkerboard (tiles can be laid both in the usual direction and diagonally).
  4. Diagonal.

It is very important to choose the type of installation before calculating the number of tiles. Take into account the fact that if ceramic tiles are laid diagonally, the consumption of finishing material will increase significantly, because you will be forced to trim products to fit from the center of the room to the corners. If it becomes necessary to make adjustments to the pattern, the number of tiles required for cladding will also increase. Do not forget that the joints of the first rows should be made away from the walls. This will visually hide the unevenness of the partitions.

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There are a number general rules, according to which it is possible to determine required amount tiles for the kitchen, bathroom and any other premises.

You will need the following tools:

  • roulette;
  • calculator;
  • paper;
  • pencil or pen.

Take a tape measure and measure the height and length of the surfaces you are going to cover. ceramic tiles. After this, measure the width and length of the floor. Record the resulting values ​​in centimeters. From the dimensions of the wall with the doorway, and if the tiles will be laid in the bathroom, then from the one in which the bathtub is installed, it is necessary to subtract the dimensions of the opening and the bathtub.

Next, you will need to decide on the size of the tiles you will be laying. To finish the floor, tiles measuring 30x30, 33x33 cm, etc. are used. The walls, as a rule, are finished with smaller tiles - 20x30, 25x33 cm, etc. Pre-calculate the result in square meters, and then count the number of tiles individually. It is necessary to add about 10-15% to the calculated value. During the installation process, you will have to trim the tiles; some products may be accidentally damaged or turn out to be defective, so such a reserve must be made.

No matter how perfect such programs are, they still allow some errors. For example, such applications do not take into account the width of the seams, and the developers themselves still recommend double-checking the results.

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Example of calculation of floor tiles

To determine the number of tiles needed for a floor, measure the width and length of the surface, as well as the size of the tile itself. In this example, we will consider the calculation for a room with a floor of 150x170 cm, for the finishing of which ceramic tiles measuring 33x33 cm will be used.

First, divide the width of the floor by the tile side. It turns out that for laying in 1 row in width you will need 4.54 tiles. The resulting value must be rounded to 5. Calculate how many such rows there will be in your room. To do this, divide the length of the room by 33 cm. The result will be 5.15 rows. Round up to 6. Now multiply 5 ceramic tiles in a row by 6 rows. You will get 30 pieces, to which you need to add at least 2-3 tiles in reserve. So you will need to buy 33 tiles.

If you were to perform a calculation based on surface area rather than per piece, you would make a rather significant mistake. The floor area in the room in question is 2.55 m². The area of ​​one tile used is 0.11 m². If you were to use this data, the result of the calculation would indicate the need to use 24 tiles (rounded up). That is, in the end you would not have enough material to work with. And the whole point is that when performing a piece calculation, the cutting of the tiles during laying is taken into account.

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Example of wall tile calculation

As an example, we will consider a room whose wall height is 270 cm, width is 150 cm, and a 30x20 cm slab is used for cladding. Divide the height of the surface by the height of the tile. It turns out that there will be 9 ceramic tiles in the 1st row in height. Divide the width of the surface by the width of the tile. The result is 7.5, round to 8. Now multiply 9x8. In total, you will need to purchase 72 tiles. Add 7-10 tiles in reserve.

To calculate the number of tiles for finishing a wall with a doorway, take the calculation data determined for the opposite wall and subtract from given value the number of tiles per doorway. For example, a doorway is 200 cm high and 70 cm wide. The same 30x20 cm tiles are used for cladding. Divide the height of the opening by the height of the tiles. The result will be 6.7. In this case, it is necessary to round down, i.e. to 6. Divide the width of the opening by the width of the tile. The result is 3.5, round to 3. Multiply 3 by 6. As a result, to finish the partition with the doorway you will need to take 18 fewer tiles. A similar calculation must be performed for the surface on which the bathtub is installed, if you do not plan to tile the space that the container occupies.

This question is one of the main ones: how many tiles are needed for work, that is, how to calculate the number of tiles for the floor. Here you need calculations to accurately determine the required amount of tiles for a bathroom or other room.

To do this, measure the length of the room and divide by the length of one ceramic tiles. Also measure the width of the room and divide by the width of the tiles. Then multiply the two results obtained, after which you will get the required number of tiles for a given room.

For example, room length 3 meters and width 2 meters. Ceramic tile size 200x150 mm. It is advisable to convert to one unit of measurement:

  1. Room length 3 meters = 300 cm, and the width 2 meters = 200 cm.
  2. Tile 200 mm = 20 cm, and the width 150 mm = 15 cm.
  3. Now all that remains is to calculate:
  4. Divide the length of the room by the length of the tiles = 300/20=15 ;
  5. Divide the width of the room by the width of the tiles = 200/15= 13,3 ;
  6. Let's multiply the two obtained indicators = 15*13,3= 200 .

Happened 200 tiles for this room.

Option 2 for calculating the number of tiles

There is another calculation option that may be easier for you than the previous one. First you need to calculate the area of ​​the room and the area of ​​one tile. And then divide the floor area by the area of ​​the tiles.
Let's look at it with an example. Let's take the indicators from option 1. Room length 3 meters and width 2 meters. Ceramic tile size 200x150 mm.
Here we convert the tile size to meters:
200 mm = 0.2 meters
150 mm = 0.15 meters
Floor area in the room: 3 m * 2 m = 6 m 2
Area of ​​one tile: 0.2 m * 0.15 m = 0.03 m2
The floor area is then divided by the area of ​​one tile: 6 m 2 / 0.03 m 2 = 200 pcs. That is, we will need 200 tiles.

Of course, it is advisable to take extra tiles if you spoil one or more when cutting or for the future. It's up to you to decide.

By the way, if mathematics and geometry are bad, then here ceramic tile calculation assistant, and this service is suitable for all types of tiles.

Correct calculation of the need for floor tiles

Production repair work begin with the right choice technology and acquisition of relevant materials. Floor finishing work with ceramic tiles is no exception.

In our time, high-quality tiles have ceased to be a scarce finishing material, and floor coverings are not done so often that ceramics can be purchased for future use in large quantities. Therefore, calculate the consumption facing material it needs to be done correctly, taking into account the specifics of the technology and the possibility of making spot repairs of the floor covering.

Correct is the calculation of flow rate with a minimum error, and only in a larger direction. This will save money and eliminate unpleasant surprises when there is not enough material and you need to at least buy more.

Despite its apparent simplicity, the calculation of the need for ceramics must be made taking into account many factors that influence the consumption of tiles:

  • size and configuration of the room;
  • type of flooring (straight, offset, diagonal);
  • tile format.

The length and width of the room are measured with a tape measure

Determination of tile consumption in square meters

Monotonous floor finishing with ceramic tiles using direct laying, diagonal laying or offset tiling is a common technology. Calculating the need for tiles in this situation begins with measuring the floor with a tape measure and calculating its area by multiplying the length in meters by the width.

6.3 m x 3.1 m = 19.53 sq. m.

To calculate in square meters the number of tiles required to finish this area, you need to add 10% to the resulting value and round the result up, taking into account the trimming of products during the gluing process and possible damage to the material.

Floor tile packaging

19, 53 sq. m. x 1, 1 = 21, 483 sq. m. We round up and get 22 sq. m. tiles

The packaging with ceramics indicates how much square meters material contained in a tile box, for example, 1.1 sq. m. Dividing our obtained consumption value by this value, we get how many packs are required:

22: 1, 1 = 20 packs - the final result of calculating the need for tiles. If the value is fractional, then the number of packages must be rounded up to whole units.

Counting when laying diagonally

Sticking tiles diagonally allows you to hide defects in the geometry of the room, which justifies a slightly higher consumption of ceramics when using this type of flooring.

When laying tiles diagonally, 15% must be added to the floor area, since adjusting the ceramics when fastening in this way creates more substandard waste, and the result is also rounded up.

19, 53 sq. m. x 1.15 = 22.46 sq. m.

After rounding we get 23 sq. m. facing material, divide by the square footage of the ceramics in the box and get the amount of tiles expressed in packs:

23 sq. m. : 1.1 sq. m. = 20.9 packs. We round up and get how many tiles you need to purchase - 21 boxes.

If the room has a different shape (trapezoid, polygon, oval, circle), then the area of ​​these figures is determined using the appropriate mathematical formulas, or the floor is divided into simple geometric components (rectangles, triangles), the area of ​​which must be calculated separately and summed, and then, taking into account the type of flooring, apply an increasing factor of 1.1 or 1.15.

When laying tiles diagonally, the calculation is made in the same order as with conventional

Piece method for determining flow

This calculation of the need for material gives less error and is used mainly when using expensive finishing materials by direct laying method or when creating an artistic panel on the floor. When laying ceramics diagonally, this calculation method is not applicable.

Let's look at the calculation using a specific example.

Room dimensions: 6.3 m x 3.1 m.

Product dimensions: 0.25 m x 0.20 m.

At direct way When laying ceramics across a room, the length of the room will fit the following number of sheets of ceramics:

6.3 m: 0.2 m = 31.5 pieces. Round up and get 32 ​​pieces.

The width of the room will fit:

3.1 m: 0.25 m = 12.4 pieces. After rounding we get 13 pieces.

We multiply these values ​​and get:

416: 10 = 41.6 packs. Round up and we get 42 packs of tiles.

Experts say that piece-by-piece calculation of tiles is more accurate.

Combined demand calculation

In this case, a sketch map of the floor finish is drawn up, measurements are taken of individual sections of the base and the format of the corresponding tile.

First, using the piecemeal method, the amount of ceramics involved in the composition of the panel or ornament in the center of the room is calculated, and then, in square meters or also piecemeal, you need to calculate how many sheets will be needed to decorate the background areas with monotonous cladding, taking into account the difference in waste between direct laying and laying according to diagonals.


Using these recommendations, you can minimize the likelihood of errors in calculating the need for ceramics and save not only on minimum quantity the remaining material, but also on the absence of the need for additional trips to purchase tiles in case of shortage.

The technology of covering a floor or wall with ceramic tiles can probably be mastered by any skilled owner of an apartment or house, if, of course, he adheres to all existing rules and recommendations from experienced finishers. At first, of course, there may be mistakes, but with patience and diligence, things will definitely work out.

Calculator for calculating the required amount of ceramic tiles

When choosing a facing material, it is advisable to correctly determine in advance exactly how much of it will be needed. In this matter, the calculator for calculating the required amount of ceramic tiles, located below, will be an assistant to the reader.

A brief description of the calculation process will be given below.

Calculator for calculating the required amount of ceramic tiles

How is the calculation carried out?

The calculation, I must say, is the simplest. It is based on comparing the area of ​​the floor (or walls) being finished with the dimensions of the ceramic tiles selected by the owner.

Surface area is easy to calculate.

What if the room has a complex shape?

There are usually no problems with calculating the area of ​​a rectangular room. Questions can sometimes arise with complex configurations. Many examples, equipped with descriptions and convenient calculators, are contained in the article “How to calculate the area of ​​a room” .

  • The dimensions of the tiles are always indicated on the packaging.
  • The interval between the tiles is also planned in advance - the seam for filling with grout.
  • The usual reserve for cutting tiles is about 10%. If diagonal laying of tiles is planned, then more material may go into the scraps, so it is advisable to increase the reserve to 15%.
  • It is worth purchasing tiles for the entire surface to be finished at once. A discrepancy between the article number or even the production batch of the product will immediately manifest itself as differences in the color design of the lined surface.

At the same time as the tiles you must purchase tile adhesive And grout mixture for seams– the corresponding calculators can be found using the links provided.

What else is important to know about ceramic tiles?

In this matter, everything is important - from the nuances of choosing a material to the subtleties of the technology of laying cladding. A bunch of useful information concentrated in an article about s DIY installation of ceramic tiles .

How to calculate tiles for the floor

Any work related to renovation of an apartment begins with the choice of room design and selection necessary materials to bring an idea to life. Next, you need to calculate the required amount of paint, wallpaper and everything else that may be useful. Sometimes novice craftsmen have a very important question - how to calculate the tiles for the floor? Let's figure out how this is done.

Laying ceramic tiles

Correct calculation of tiles

Available now in construction stores different kinds tiles They differ not only in texture and color, but also in size - there are tiles both large and small. Among all the variety, there is sure to be an option that will suit the apartment owner both in appearance and in quality. But it is not enough just to choose a tile in accordance with its decorative characteristics; you also need to correctly calculate the quantity required for finishing a particular room.

Types of tiles, prices

Previously, tiles were often bought for future use, since the material was quite scarce. Now you can safely buy only the quantity that is needed in this moment. This allows you to save cash and spend it on some other types of materials that may be useful during renovation. Moreover, you can even count the number of tiles with an accuracy of one piece.

Advice! When purchasing such a fragile material as ceramic tiles, you should always have a small supply. It will be needed in case part of the tile is damaged during transportation or directly during repair work. Damaged elements cannot be used to decorate the premises.

Tiles need to be purchased with a small margin

Cover the walls with wallpaper, decorate the floors with laminate or self-leveling floors much easier than laying ceramic tiles. Therefore, the main advice for a beginner is that you need to purchase tiles with a small margin. Firstly, the reason for this is that the material is fragile and can easily be broken with one careless movement. Secondly, tiles, even in the same batch, may differ in color or texture, or have a somewhat non-standard shape.

The correct calculation of the number of tiles is the definition required quantity elements for finishing a specific place in the house, subject to a minimum error or rounding the required number up. It is in this case that it will be possible to avoid the fact that there is not enough material and you will have to go to the store again in search of the missing elements. The number of tiles is never determined by eye.

Calculating ceramic tiles for the floor

Despite the fact that doing the calculations seems to be a fairly simple procedure, there are some subtleties here. For example, it is important to consider the size of the room where the renovation is being carried out, the chosen type of tile installation, as well as the shape and dimensions. It is also worth remembering that some elements will have to be trimmed, that is, they will not be used whole.

Advice! The floor area located under the bathtub can not be counted when determining the number of tiles. It won’t be visible there anyway, but you will be able to save a lot of money on purchasing ceramics, since this material is not cheap.

Laying ceramic tiles on the floor

How to calculate floor tiles - basic methods

You can determine the required number of tiles using one of several methods. They are applicable in all cases, even if the room where the floor is decorated has non-standard geometry. Of these, the one that seems most convenient to the master is selected. Let's get acquainted with methods for calculating the number of ceramic elements.

Important! To carry out calculations, you need to already know what size tiles will be laid in the room. And here it is important to take into account the chosen masonry pattern, as well as whether there is any pattern on the ceramic elements themselves.

Options for sticking ceramic tiles

By room area

The most understandable and familiar method is to determine the consumption of tiles in square meters, that is, by the area of ​​the room. This method is ideal for laying ceramics of the same color, the same size, as well as in the case of simple or diagonal laying or with an offset.

Calculation of floor area

First, the area of ​​the room is determined. The easiest way to identify it is if the room has a geometric correct form- square or rectangle. In this case, the length of the room is simply multiplied by the width value. Measurements are taken of sufficient length with a tape measure along the walls of the room.

Next, the resulting value - the area of ​​the room - should be increased by approximately 10%. This will allow you to make the necessary supply of material (10% can be added after all calculations have been made). The final value is divided by the area of ​​one tile (this is also the length and width of the ceramic product, multiplied by each other) - the result is the number of elements that will be required for the work.

If it is necessary to cover the base with tiles, it is enough big size, then you can count the tiles in packs. To do this, you need to know how many square meters the coating packed in one box will cover. Then the area of ​​the room with a margin can be divided by the area of ​​the covering laid in one pack - the result will be the number of boxes of tiles.

On a note! If the final value in one case or another turns out to be fractional, then it is always rounded only up.

A more accurate calculation of the area can be made if you count the tiles individually. If the room has complex geometry, then you will have to tinker with the calculations. For example, you can conditionally divide it into correct geometric figures and find out the area of ​​each of them, then add the values ​​and get the number, equal to the area the entire floor in the room. You can also use various geometric formulas that were studied in school.

How to correctly calculate floor tiles: three reliable ways

If you decide to lay tiles on the floor, then the first step is to visit all hardware stores. Then he takes a closer look suitable option. And then many realize that the worst difficulties are yet to come. Rises main question– how to calculate ceramic tiles for the floor and how much to buy so that there is nothing left over.

Why is this necessary?

The thing is that the process of laying floor tiles is more complex than wallpapering walls. Most people, who very rarely face serious repairs, are sure that it is enough to purchase such a quantity that there is only enough material to spare, and if there is not enough, then purchase the missing amount. But professionals do not recommend this approach.

The production technology of such a material as ceramics is quite complex. In different batches of products, the same pattern from the same manufacturer or brand may have different shades. It is far from certain that you will be able to purchase tiles with the required shade.

You can easily get out of this situation if you purchase ceramics with a reserve, but the cost quality tiles– quite high, and if there is a lot of material left after the work, it is unlikely to be returned. Keeping it at home is also a bad option. There is only one correct way out - to spend an hour and calculate the number of ceramic tiles on the floor.

Let's start the calculation

There are simply no unique methods and formulas. The thing is that the final amount of materials depends on huge amount factors. Many will say that it is enough to know the area of ​​the room - but not everything is so simple. It is very important what configuration the subfloor has, what kind of finishing floor is planned, what size one tile is, whether the base is ideal for the installation process, and of course, the pattern is very important.

Method No. 1

First of all, let's see how you can count the tiles in the bathroom on the floor. The house is a typical high-rise building. Often, in standard rooms, the size of the bathroom is approximately 1.75 m x 1.7 m. Let's imagine that this room has a classic rectangular shape without any protrusions or niches. Let the tiles also be standard size– 333 x 333 mm.

Next, read the area, 1.75 m multiplied by 1.7. The result is 2.975 m. This value can be safely rounded to 3 m2. So, according to preliminary calculations, it turns out that only 27 whole tiles will be needed for finishing. However, there are nuances here - you need to count individually.

To do this, the width of the rectangle is divided by one of the sides of the ceramic tile - 1.7 m/0.333 mm = 5.1 pcs. This value can also be rounded - the result is 5.5 pcs. Then, the same calculations are performed for the other side. After rounding, the same figure is obtained - 5.5 pcs.

Next, you should multiply the results obtained. So, 5.5 x 5.5 = 30.25 pcs. You can round the value up again. So, the end result is 31 tiles. As can be seen from these calculations, the results differ greatly by as much as 4 pieces. It is not at all necessary that the length of the row during the laying process be a multiple of the length of one tile. Using this method, you can calculate the exact number of tiles for any floor.

In addition, one should take into account production defects, as well as various waste, because when laying the tiles you will have to cut them. It is worth adding to this also various niches in the room, as well as ledges. They can be quite complex configurations. As a result, it is worth taking 34 pieces. Most economical way laying is a seam-to-seam method without any shifts. However, here too you need permission for various expenses.

When laying, do not try to make seams along the lines of the walls. If the wall is not too smooth, then visually, from the cut, this unevenness will be very visible.

If you decide to do all the work yourself rather than get help qualified specialists, but at the same time there is no experience in this matter, you should not take on complex ornaments and designs. It’s best to start with classic solutions – butt-to-edge.

Method No. 2

The first method is simple. And the second one is even simpler and is suitable even for lazy craftsmen. In many construction supermarkets, as well as in decent online stores, you can calculate floor tiles using a special calculator. This simple program, which can make life much easier.

However, the calculator will only help you perform necessary calculations. You will still have to take accurate measurements of the premises, otherwise inaccurate dimensions may lead to incorrect results. And such calculators are needed for accurate calculations. The best option, of course - count everything manually. Then, having received the final figure, you can check the program. If there are minor discrepancies, then everything is correct.

Method No. 3

This method can be used when laying tiles with a rather complex pattern. It can be a herringbone pattern or the pattern runs diagonally across the tile. Also, this method is suitable if the floor does not have the shape of any regular geometric figure.

Naturally, you can divide the floor surface into more simple figures, and then perform the calculation using the first method for each piece separately, and then simply add up the results obtained and, with a minimum 15% margin, calculate the required amount of material. However, this is not an accurate and time-consuming option.

Tile laying specialists, based on experience, recommend using a checkered sheet or graph paper. An exact copy of the floor is drawn on it on a convenient scale. Then, according to the intended drawing (while respecting the scale), you should draw out exactly where each tile will be laid.

After this, all solid tiles are counted, and marks are set on the plan. Tiles that will then be cut to less than half are marked separately, since 1 tile (if cut) can be laid in two places.

This way you can find out exactly how many ceramic tiles you will need to finish the floor in any room. It is very convenient to know this figure in advance - then you can purchase the strictly required amount of material and a little more in case of defects.

We count the glue consumption

When laying ceramic tiles, many factors influence adhesive consumption. This includes the type of tile, its thickness, the quality of the base and the laying technology. Also, the type and brand significantly influence the consumption. adhesive composition, weather, master's qualifications.

Tiles can be porous and hygroscopic. The base may not be level enough. Porous tiles will be able to absorb more adhesive solution than glazed tiles. Many manufacturers offer to purchase universal glue that is suitable for different types ceramics. You should pay attention not to products with an uneven surface - such tiles require a lot of glue.

Ceramic tiles of larger sizes and weight will increase consumption. So, for a product 10x10 cm with a layer of adhesive solution it should be 2 mm. If the tile has a size of 20x30, it will be from 2 to 3 mm. For all products that have larger size, the adhesive layer is from 4 to 5 mm.

The base on which the tiles will be laid must be as level as possible. If the height differences are up to 3 mm, then thin-layer laying technology can be used. This is where the glue is applied thin layer just so that the tile adheres to the base. If the height differences are large, then the layer thickness will be greater. However, modern manufacturers produce special leveling compounds. They are applied in a layer of up to 3 cm. This is a thick-layer technology.

The first method involves a special calculator, which is necessarily available on the manufacturer’s website. With its help, you can easily determine the amount of adhesive solution per 1 m2 and for the entire area of ​​​​the room. You just need to provide the program with information about the brand of adhesive, surface area and type of tile. The result is given in kilograms.

According to the second option, you will have to count manually. If you need to know the amount of glue per 1 m2, you need to take half the thickness of the tile and average consumption adhesive composition. These numbers need to be multiplied and the result will be ready. However, it should be borne in mind that the obtained figures are not very accurate.

The third method calculates the consumption of cement-based glue. It is better to purchase these compounds in bags weighing 1.3 kg. So, its mass of 1.3 kg should be multiplied by the thickness of the glue. The number will ultimately be the required expense.

The average consumption is written on the bag. However, this figure was obtained on an ideal base and an adhesive layer thickness of 3 mm. For example, for 21 sq. m. about 76 kg of mixture can be consumed. However, ideal subfloors in apartments are still worth looking for. Therefore, glue must be purchased in large quantities. But this is not entirely important, because the material can be purchased at any convenient time.

We calculate the grout consumption

Grouting is final stage styling To correctly calculate the amount of grouting materials, you can use a simple formula.

So, take half the perimeter of one tile and divide this figure by the area of ​​the same tile. The resulting figure is then multiplied by the thickness. The result is multiplied by the width of the seam, and then multiplied again by the shrinkage factor. This coefficient is 1.5. As a result, the required mass of materials per 1 m2 in kg is obtained. So, if the seam is 2x3 mm, the tile area is 0.04 m2, then judging by the calculations, 1 kg of grout mixture should be enough for 3.5 square meters. m.

Any work related to renovation of an apartment begins with choosing the design of the room and selecting the necessary materials to bring the idea to life. Next, you need to calculate the required amount of paint, wallpaper and everything else that may be useful. Sometimes novice craftsmen have a very important question - how to calculate the tiles for the floor? Let's figure out how this is done.

Construction stores now have various types of tiles on sale. They differ not only in texture and color, but also in size - there are tiles both large and small. Among all the variety, there is sure to be an option that will suit the apartment owner both in appearance and in quality. But it is not enough just to choose a tile in accordance with its decorative characteristics; you also need to correctly calculate the quantity required for finishing a particular room.

Previously, tiles were often bought for future use, since the material was quite scarce. Now you can safely buy only the quantity that is needed at the moment. This allows you to save money and spend it on some other types of materials that may be useful during repairs. Moreover, you can even count the number of tiles with an accuracy of one piece.

Advice! When purchasing such a fragile material as ceramic tiles, you should always have a small supply. It will be needed in case part of the tile is damaged during transportation or directly during repair work. Damaged elements cannot be used to decorate the premises.

Covering walls with wallpaper and decorating floors with laminate or self-leveling floors is much easier than laying ceramic tiles. Therefore, the main advice for a beginner is that you need to purchase tiles with a small margin. Firstly, the reason for this is that the material is fragile and can easily be broken with one careless movement. Secondly, tiles, even in the same batch, may differ in color or texture, or have a somewhat non-standard shape.

The correct calculation of the number of tiles is the determination of the required number of elements for finishing a specific place in the house, subject to a minimum error or rounding the required number up. It is in this case that it will be possible to avoid the fact that there is not enough material and you will have to go to the store again in search of the missing elements. The number of tiles is never determined by eye.

Despite the fact that doing the calculations seems to be a fairly simple procedure, there are some subtleties here. For example, it is important to consider the size of the room where the renovation is being carried out, the chosen type of tile installation, as well as the shape and dimensions. It is also worth remembering that some elements will have to be trimmed, that is, they will not be used whole.

Advice! The floor area located under the bathtub can not be counted when determining the number of tiles. It won’t be visible there anyway, but you will be able to save a lot of money on purchasing ceramics, since this material is not cheap.

How to calculate floor tiles - basic methods

You can determine the required number of tiles using one of several methods. They are applicable in all cases, even if the room where the floor is decorated has non-standard geometry. Of these, the one that seems most convenient to the master is selected. Let's get acquainted with methods for calculating the number of ceramic elements.

Important! To carry out calculations, you need to already know what size tiles will be laid in the room. And here it is important to take into account the chosen masonry pattern, as well as whether there is any pattern on the ceramic elements themselves.

By room area

The most understandable and familiar method is to determine the consumption of tiles in square meters, that is, by the area of ​​the room. This method is ideal for laying ceramics of the same color, the same size, as well as in the case of simple or diagonal laying or offset.

First, the area of ​​the room is determined. The easiest way to identify it is if the room has a geometrically regular shape - a square or rectangle. In this case, the length of the room is simply multiplied by the width value. Measurements are taken of sufficient length with a tape measure along the walls of the room.

Next, the resulting value - the area of ​​the room - should be increased by approximately 10%. This will allow you to make the necessary supply of material (10% can be added after all calculations have been made). The final value is divided by the area of ​​one tile (this is also the length and width of the ceramic product, multiplied by each other) - the result is the number of elements that will be required for the work.

If you need to cover a sufficiently large base with tiles, you can count the tiles in packs. To do this, you need to know how many square meters the coating packed in one box will cover. Then the area of ​​the room with a margin can be divided by the area of ​​the covering laid in one pack - the result will be the number of boxes of tiles.

On a note! If the final value in one case or another turns out to be fractional, then it is always rounded only up.

A more accurate calculation of the area can be made if you count the tiles individually. If the room has complex geometry, then you will have to tinker with the calculations. For example, you can conditionally divide it into regular geometric shapes and find out the area of ​​each of them, then add the values ​​and get a figure equal to the area of ​​the entire floor in the room. You can also use various geometric formulas that were studied in school.

Calculator for calculating the area of ​​a quadrangular room

Length of side "A 1" (in centimeters)

Length of side "A 2" (in centimeters)


Side length "B (h)" (in centimeters)

Number of niches or passages

Niche length "a" (in centimeters)

Niche width "b" (in centimeters)

Number of projections or columns

Protrusion length "a" (in centimeters)

Protrusion width "b" (in centimeters)

Calculator for calculating the area of ​​a triangular room

Length of side "a", (in centimeters)

Side length "b", (in centimeters)

Side length "c", (in centimeters)


If you need to calculate the required amount of ceramic tiles when laying a floor, then use this calculator.

Counting when laying diagonally

If the tile layout pattern chosen is not the usual one - straight, without shifts - but diagonal, it is important to take into account that the consumption of finishing elements will increase. Then another 15% is added to the resulting value, which is calculated in the same way as described above. This will allow you to make the necessary supply of material.

The most economical and simple installation method is the usual straight one, without shifting the elements. It is recommended to be used by beginners in the world of repairs. It’s difficult to make a mistake here, and therefore, most likely, the work will be completed immediately neatly and beautifully.

Important! If the walls are uneven, then you cannot lay tiles along them. It is better to draw one even horizontal line using a level or ruler, along which the coating will be installed. When the bulk of the tiles have been laid, the remaining floor (above the horizontal) is covered with individual small pieces of tiles. Moreover, this place should not be in sight of everyone. It is better to start laying tiles from the corner farthest from the exit.

By number of rows

Calculation of the required number of elements can be done using another method. It is based on determining the number of rows of tiles on the floor. In this case, the length and width of the room along the larger sides is determined. Next, the parameters of one floor finishing element are measured. Getting the number of rows is easy - you can divide the length of the room by the length of one tile. And the number of ceramic elements in each row is calculated by dividing the width of the room by the width of one element.

The resulting figures are always rounded up only. Up to 10% of the reserve is added to them. In this way, you can get a more accurate amount of ceramics, since it is easier to take into account the elements that need trimming.

Piece method for determining flow

This method has the smallest error and is often used if an expensive coating is purchased for finishing the floor or an original unusual pattern will be formed on the floor, consisting of elements of different colors or textures. The method is also relevant when creating complex panels.

On a note! If ceramic coating will be laid diagonally, then this method of counting material is not used.

The counting process is painstaking but simple. First, the length and width of the room are determined, as well as the dimensions of one tile. The number of rows of elements is calculated, and then the number of tiles in the row. Next, the values ​​are multiplied to obtain the total number of tiles needed to cover a specific area of ​​the floor.

Next, it is best to draw a tile laying diagram on graph paper and see how many elements of a particular color are required. From total number tiles, the values ​​of the quantity of another, not the main tile are subtracted. After all the calculations, you will get several values ​​that will vary depending on the selected pattern. Thus, only the required number of each type of ceramic is purchased.

On a note! When making calculations on graph paper, the tile that will eventually be cut is counted as whole. And don’t forget about the supply of material.

Combined demand calculation

If there are several zones in the room, laid out different tiles- for example, a panel will be formed in the center of the room, and the rest of the floor will be covered with another one-color material - then it is recommended to count the tiles using 1-2 methods at once. That is, for a panel, the amount of ceramics will be counted separately from the entire floor.

Tile calculation calculator

For those who are not good with mathematics, there are various tile counting calculators, which are presented in the form computer programs or on the Internet on websites. Such calculators are sure to be available in stores that sell tiles, as well as from master designers. But in any case, in order to make the required calculations, you need to know the dimensions of the room, that is, measure the length and width of the room. Values ​​determined by eye can give a strong error, and it is good if it is larger, not smaller. Otherwise, you will have to buy additional material during the work process, which is very inconvenient.

On a note! The cost of such a calculator program is quite high; there is no point in buying it for a one-time use. It’s easier to use a simpler online calculator or pay a designer for the opportunity to use the product.

Calculator for calculating the number of tiles for finishing a bathroom

LENGTH "A" bathroom, meters

WIDTH "B" bathroom, meters

Carry out the calculation for:

Tile length, cm

Tile width, cm

Planned width of the tile joint, mm

Tile laying method:

Height of the wall or area to be finished, meters

Will the frieze cut in? If yes, then the height of the frieze, cm

Doorways in the finishing area

Opening height. meters

Opening width, meters

August 18, 2016
Specialization: master of internal and exterior decoration(plaster, putty, tiles, drywall, lining, laminate and so on). In addition, plumbing, heating, electrical, conventional cladding and balcony extensions. That is, the renovation of an apartment or house was done on a turnkey basis with all the necessary types of work.

Let me start by saying that you can use a bathroom tile calculator, but I’ll warn you right away - this will give you the most inaccurate result. And all I can say is that such programs are not able to take into account the nuances.

However, making such calculations yourself is easy and simple, and they will be the most accurate, down to one unit of tile (although a couple of extra pieces will still be needed in reserve). I suggest you study a short course of study, or rather, an understanding of the very principle of calculations.

Calculation of tiles according to room size

What to consider

In a room with the same square footage you may need different quantities material. Therefore, the question of how to calculate the number of tiles in the bathroom also depends on the number and location of plumbing units and pipelines.

There are several nuances that you should pay attention to, since it is possible to calculate exactly how many tiles you need for a bathroom only by taking them into account. First of all, to understand how to calculate the bathroom area for tiles, you need to accurately determine the installation of plumbing fixtures and the size of the tiles themselves.

Let's first understand this:

  • The very first thing you need to consider is how the tiles will look in those places that are most visible. As a rule, they are located under the ceiling (top row), as well as above the plumbing units, for example, above the bathtub;
  • but the catch here is that you can set the height of the same bath arbitrarily, but changing the height of the ceiling is much more difficult. Therefore, the main focus should be on the ceiling level;
  • under the ceiling, even if they are suspended, it is advisable to have a whole, uncut row. This means that the calculation of the number of pieces vertically should come from there;

  • This means we measure the number of tiles from the flow to the first row (usually 8 pieces of 200×300 mm tiles), and leave the bottom row for later;
  • but it also happens when you can fit into a whole number of tiles, then you can also make an uncut row above the bathroom, as shown in the bottom photo;

  • on the walls where the bathroom will be pressed, you should not calculate the tiles for the bathroom - you can leave an empty space there, since no one needs tiling in an invisible place;
  • the same can be said about the tiles on the floor - there is no need for tiles under the bathroom and no instructions require installing them there. The bath sits perfectly on the screed, especially since it’s easier to adjust its height this way ;
  • some also save tiles under the cabinets, but I don’t recommend doing this, the place is too “slippery” - after all, the doors open and everything is visible there;
  • Another point in the question of how to calculate tiles more economically is a shower stall or box, although I don’t quite understand the point of installing a box in a tiled room - this is simply absurd or a thoughtless waste of money;
  • There is no need for tiles under the pallet, but this depends on the owner’s wishes (the area is small), but why put a box where you still need to put tiles on the walls, since they will be noticeable?! I repeat once again - this is absurd and it’s unlikely that anyone will have any arguments to convince me otherwise;

  • Another point on how to calculate the consumption of tiles is the presence or absence of it on, but there usually the calculation is pure, without any resets;
  • and finally, these are boxes that can be in any bathroom, although again I believe that they a large number of- this is the negligence of the plumber. They are needed only where vertical or horizontal pipe impossible to hide in a groove.

Calculation examples

As they say in Odessa: “What will I get from this?” In our case, it means how to correctly calculate the tiles for a certain layout of plumbing units? Let's start with the total area.

Let's imagine that our area is 3.0x2.5 m - this, of course, a private house, but for the example there is no difference. We will take the height of the walls to the rough ceiling to be 2.6 m, therefore, the entire room will be 3.0 x 2.5 x 2.6 m. The cubic capacity will be of little interest to us, since the tiles should be counted by area.

Again, let's move on to abstract images and by default take a tile with a size of 200x300 mm, since it is used most often. Our spacer crosses will be 3 mm thick (also the most popular).

I’ll say right away that the thickness of the seam should not be taken into account - this, of course, also applies to determining the quantity, but even the most experienced tiler. Any of the tiles may fall and break, or simply burst during cutting.

Then one row will require exactly 3000/200=15 pieces. But here, for symmetry, you will need the width of the seam. This means that between fifteen pieces there will be 13 seams of 3 mm each, in total, 13 * 3 = 39 mm (we count 40 mm). This means that the outer tiles will need to be trimmed by 2-3 cm each, leaving 180 mm, although their number will remain the same - 15 pieces.

Next we move on to the vertical - everything is calculated in the same way. And if we have a room height of 260 cm (2600 mm), then we will need 2600/300 = 8.6 pieces for this. That is, the first row will be a little more than half. A little wrong!

The price of the material will decrease if we make the correct calculation:

  1. first, we have seams;
  2. and, secondly, it is not necessary to place the tiles flush against the ceiling, because there will still be floor tiles below.

Therefore, the number of copies can be reduced to 8.5 pieces, then the bottom row will go one after two. This means that below you will need not 15, but only 8 pieces!

Now, let's identify areas that can be skipped, especially if they are expensive tiles, such as 3d. Since it is not needed under the bathroom, then its quantity can be calculated from the total square footage. For example, let’s take a bathtub with dimensions in length/width/height of 1700x700x570 mm (this is a regular standard bathroom).

So, if we have a height of 570 mm, it means that the row of tiles above the bathroom will begin (third row 150+300=450 mm) from 570-450= 220 mm, that is, practically from the whole row.

We do the same with the end and side width - we calculate the absence of tiles in this segment. If you want to tile the bathtub, and not install it there plastic screen, then you shouldn’t do such calculations - everything will remain in its place.