Oxysize breathing technique. What is oxysize breathing exercises and how to perform the exercises

Every woman who wants to lose weight and tone her body explores the Internet in search of the most gentle diet and “smart” complex physical exercise. It’s no secret that many of them have appeared today; there are so many words of praise about Bodyflex alone. Callanetics, Yoga and Pilates are not far behind in popularity. But not everyone has heard of such a complex as Oxysize. Today we will talk about it in more detail, Special attention Let’s focus on the exercises themselves, thanks to which you can get rid of extra centimeters and kilograms.

Oxysize is an innovative set of exercises to combat excess weight, which is based on proper breathing. The main destructive force for fat deposits is oxygen, which, entering the body, combines with the carbon found in fats and they are hastily eliminated. The body, in turn, tightens and takes on beautiful shape. Those who are familiar with the Bodyflex technique can see a fine line of similarity with Oxysize, but still the complexes differ from each other.

Who is indicated and who is contraindicated?

To everyone's surprise, Oxysize no contraindications. Experts say that even pregnant women who want to stay in shape and feel great while carrying a baby can do it.

Anyone who cares about their health can safely take Oxysize into service. Your body will take on new shapes, you will regain your prenatal parameters, allowing you to realize your dream of becoming slim and athletic, with a minimum of effort.

Advantages of Oxysize over the famous Bodyflex?

Bodyflex has long gained popularity among millions of people around the world, but Oxysize has only been practiced in Russia for a couple of years. But, despite its youth, this complex already has ardent fans, and this is not strange, because Oxysize has clear advantages over Bodyflex. For example, you no need to wake up and immediately, on an empty stomach, sleepy exercise.

In Bodyflex, some exercises are voiced with loud sounds that can interfere with the activities of household members or a sleeping baby. Oxysize does not require sound accompaniment, you can do it at any time convenient for you, even after eating, the main thing is that you are not accompanied by a feeling of maximum satiety and heaviness in the stomach.

Oxysize does not require any additional simulators or special equipment, they should only be dealt with 15-20 minutes, but every day and the results will come at lightning speed. In just a couple of weeks, you will be walking around the shops in high spirits, looking for clothes that fit your figure, a NEW figure, with NEW contours.

What should the diet be like?

Jill Johnson (creator of the Oxysize system), in her book dedicated to Oxysize, recommends eating four meals a day, with the main emphasis on natural foods, vegetables, fruits, and fiber. You should give up all the same sweet, fried, fatty and fried foods. The calorie content of the diet is approximately 1500-1700 calories. Yes, the numbers are not at all dietary, but breathing exercises burn fat and improve metabolism, so the numbers are completely justified and there is no need to starve at all.

Why does fat burning occur in problem areas?

Is this really the smart technique that itself determines problem areas? No, you yourself know the places you need to work on and mentally direct oxygen there through tension.

Do you need to pump up your buttocks and remove inches from there? Just tense your gluteal muscles during breathing exercises, and oxygen will flow to the desired area of ​​the body.

What will you get after you start actively practicing Oxysize?

  • weight loss by 2-3 kilograms. By itself, Oxysize mainly fights extra centimeters on your body, but if you suddenly switch to proper nutrition If you monitor the quantity and quality of food you consume, the result will not be long in coming
  • disappearance of orange peel on problem areas. Cellulite is an eternal problem for women and Oxysize will help you solve it easily
  • improvement of mental state, depression and apathy will go away, and you will be full of strength and energy
  • thanks to the generous amount of oxygen you will forget about headaches, blood flow will improve and the pressure will return to normal
  • increased libido levels, which is so important for every person who dreams of living a fulfilling sex life

What is needed to get started or where does Oxysize start?

Every woman asks this question, because she wants to extract the maximum result from any complex, with the minimum amount of time spent. Oxysize is a salvation for those who do not have a lot of time for themselves, but have a great desire to change themselves and their figure better side. Oxysize will take 15-20 minutes of your free time, but in 3-4 days you will see the first results. You will lose several centimeters from your waist and abdomen, and you will also lose centimeters in other parts of your body.

To practice Oxysize, you should not use any special or bulky exercise equipment; we limit ourselves to just one chair, which will serve as a support. But the most important thing is proper breathing, without which there will be no results, no matter how quickly you do it. It's sad, yes, so it's worth persevering and working on it first.

Test to determine correct breathing

There are two types of breathing: diaphragmatic and chest. Many people breathe incorrectly, that is, chest type, thereby dooming themselves to a lot of illnesses. By breathing through the chest, we do not allow air to circulate normally throughout the body, as a result of which the blood does not carry a sufficient amount of oxygen. Hence the feeling of constant fatigue, headaches and general indignation.

To find out how you breathe, you should:

  • wear comfortable, non-restrictive clothing
  • place your right hand on your chest and your left hand on your stomach
  • take a deep breath
  • exhale

How did you feel? Are you getting closer? left hand on inhalation closer to the vertebra? If yes, then you are breathing correctly, because this is a diaphragm type of breathing, which is definitely worth switching to, even if Oxysize as such does not interest you.

Now sit down and breathe correctly for 2-3 minutes. Do not strain your shoulder muscles, keep your body in a relaxed position, light as a feather. Feel how oxygen actively circulates throughout your body, reaching the most remote corners.

Foundation or Guide to Basic Breathing


  1. Inhale sharply and very quickly through your nostrils, not your mouth. Inhaling in this way, the air heats up and undergoes purification. Breathing is strictly diaphragmatic.
  2. Smile! To the whole world, to yourself, feel the surge of energy. When you smile, you involuntarily widen your nostrils, the air passes faster and easier, when you smile, your facial muscles also tighten, and you don’t forget to control your body.
  3. Relax, let your abdominal muscles be in a calm state, prepare yourself to take as deep a breath as possible.


  1. As you inhale, pull your stomach in as much as possible.
  2. Inhaling, rock your pelvis inward and upward, think Elvis, but don't flop around like a duck.
  3. Now tighten your buttocks, pull them in.
  4. The pelvic floor muscles should also be tensed; women should remember the famous Kegel exercises.

3 breaths through the nose

You need to take three extra breaths! These 3 breaths will help you work on the muscles of your face, abdomen and neck. The lungs, in turn, will be filled with air as much as possible. Take action!


  1. As you exhale, make a tube out of your lips or imagine that you are drinking through a straw and exhale with maximum effort. Due to such simple manipulations, you should have a lot of tension under your chest.
  2. When exhaling, do not lower your head down, control yourself, because the lowering is involuntary. Imagine that your head is being held by an invisible string.
  3. Don’t forget about the buttocks, just like during inhalation, they should remain tense and retracted.
  4. Maximum effort when exhaling, lips like a tube.

Now take 3 more sharp exhalations. At the same time, DO NOT relax your buttocks and DO NOT lower your head. This way, you will release air after inhaling, thereby increasing the volume of your lungs for subsequent inhalation and exhalation. As you exhale, the abdominal muscles become very tense, and therefore become toned and tightened, which undoubtedly has a positive effect on the results of training.

After performing this breathing exercise four times, you will have completed one repetition of the incredible Basic Breathing!

Five-week acquaintance

Before you start training, you should work it out carefully breathing technique , you shouldn’t stop there in the future, everything goes automatically.

Total you need to do 30 repetitions per day, then there may be completely different exercises, choose them yourself as you become familiar. If Oxysize is repeated more than 30 times, you will get stunning results. Under-fulfillment is unacceptable, try harder!

The first day

Exercise No. 1

We take a standing position, feet placed shoulder-width apart, chin raised. In this case, it is worth retracting your buttocks and bending your knees. Using your hands, lift and draw in your stomach (its lower part) as much as possible.

Exercise No. 2

We take a standing position, feet shoulder-width apart, right arm raised up. You should stretch your hand upward as much as possible, while your knees are still bent, they create resistance.

Exercise #3

It is performed similarly to the second, but with the left hand raised up.

Exercise #4

We work with the muscles of the shoulder girdle:

We take a standing position, feet shoulder-width apart. Place your hands behind your back, clasp your fingers in a “lock” and stretch back. At the same time, your shoulders also move back, you stretch.

Exercise #5

"Splitting" the floor:

Starting position – standing, legs slightly bent at the knees. Imagine that you need to “crack” the floor: your legs rest as much as possible on the floor, without lifting you need to point them in opposite directions so that the floor “gives a crack.” The outer calf muscles work. Pull your buttocks in and rock your pelvic area (up and in).

Exercise #6

We work the pectoral muscles:

We clench our fists and connect the knuckles of our hands together, as if drawing the letter “O”. In this case, the shoulders are in a relaxed state, and the head is held straight, not down. Now press your fists hard against each other. The back, pectoral, shoulder muscles and chest are involved.

Second day

Well, now we have come to the second day, on which I sincerely congratulate you. Today your breathing technique is more or less worked out, and you can move on. Remember, we are working with muscle tissue, so only you can understand when to give your muscles a rest and when to tense them.

Breathing is your base, it helps to improve your health and, of course, melt subcutaneous fat. Metabolic processes are activated, and blood flows through the veins with renewed vigor. To appreciate Oxysize and all its advantages, you should familiarize yourself with the list below.

So, what does Oxysize give:

  • Increases muscle mass
  • Oxygen is delivered to the desired area of ​​the body
  • Body flexibility increases
  • You “draw” a new silhouette, the silhouette of your dreams
  • Blood pressure and cholesterol levels drop to normal levels
  • The likelihood of diabetes and cardiovascular disease is minimized
  • Strengthens the musculoskeletal system
  • Weight is normalized, calories are burned much more actively
  • Mood and well-being improve exponentially

Is it worth doing Oxysize exercises in the correct order? No, you can first do the exercises standing, then sitting and lying down. Whatever you want, the main thing is systematic and hard work on yourself.

Exercise No. 1

Squat down like a duck and push the back of your body out back. The feet are shoulder-width apart and “look” inward. The tension should be felt in the large muscles of the buttocks, as well as in the outside hips Grab your knees with your hands and round your arms, elbows pointing outward.

Exercise No. 2

Let's move on to exercises at the wall:

Stand against the wall, move your legs away from it 5 centimeters and press your lower back tightly against the lumbar region. In this position, perform an exercise for the chest muscles.

Exercise #3

Starting position – standing facing the wall. In this position, stretch your palms up and gradually lower yourself down into a squatting position. Each time you inhale, stretch your toes upward, but as slowly as possible. The back is straight, the chin is directed upward.

Exercise #4

Turn your face to the wall and move half a meter away from it. Place your palms against the wall and bend them slightly, your elbows pointing outward. Move your body forward, but do not bend your knees and keep your back straight. Pull your buttocks in and rock your pelvic area (tops and inwards), keeping your heels flat on the floor.

Days 3-7

Now you know 10 Oxysize exercises that you can do throughout the week. Repeat each exercise 3 times and get your daily requirement. One repetition is half a minute of your time, the whole complex is 15 minutes. You may have to spend more time at first until you develop a habit. Don’t overexert yourself, it’s better to do everything in moderation, and not to the detriment of yourself.

Every week there will be 5 new exercises that should be added to the complex. Arrange them or change them depending on the characteristics of your body. It is difficult to do exercises on your knees, do something more gentle and accessible to you, because everything is individual.

Exercise No. 1

Exercises with the back of a chair

Raise your leg diagonally

Support on the back of the chair, while the right leg, being absolutely straight, is moved slightly to the side and then back. Rotate your feet slightly and bend your left leg slightly. Pull your buttocks in and rock your pelvic area (upper and inward). The head is directed upward, the back is straight.

Exercise No. 2

Perform exercise No. 1, but lifting your left leg.

Exercise #3

Working on the muscles of the buttocks

Support on the back of the chair, while the right leg, being absolutely straight, is pulled back and raised up. The toes should be stretched out. Pull your buttocks in and rock your pelvic area (upper and inward). The head is directed upward, the back is straight.

Exercise #4

Perform exercise No. 3, but lifting your left leg.

Exercise #5

Royal posture

The legs are spaced wide apart, with the toes “looking” outward. You should bend your knees slightly so that they are level with your feet (do not bend your knees forward!). Pull your buttocks in and rock your pelvic area (upper and inward). Next comes the support on the back of the chair, the head is directed upward, the back is straight. Lower your body down, working the inner thigh muscles.

Knowing now 15 exercises, you can perform two repetitions of each, thereby fulfilling the norm.

Today you will learn 5 more exercises, in total there will be 20 of them. Choose the ones you like best, for the muscle group you need and continue to work fruitfully. All exercises of the third week are performed while sitting on a chair.

Exercise No. 1

Sit on the edge of a chair, with your elbows resting on the back of the chair. The muscles of the perineum must be tensed, as if pulled in, and the buttocks must also be pulled in. Next, squeeze your knees, your knees remain in the same position.

Exercise No. 2

Sit on the edge of a chair, legs bent at the knees and spread apart, working the inner thigh muscles. The palms rest on the seat, and the shoulders stubbornly move back. Your back is straight, bend slightly back.

Exercise #3

Sit in the center of the chair. Right hand grab the seat and pull the body up, turn the body to the right. Now raise your left arm up and stretch again.

Exercise #4

Repeat exercise No. 3, but this time raising your right hand.

Exercise #5

Sit on a chair and press tightly against the back, grab the seat with your hands and lift your legs up parallel to the floor. In this position, perform rotational movements with your feet.

This week you will need a mat or some other type of support as the exercises will be done on the floor, sitting or lying down.

Exercise No. 1

Stand on the floor with your knees slightly apart. In this position, perform exercises for the chest muscles. The head is directed upward, the back is straight. Pull your buttocks in and rock your pelvic area (upper and inward). The body should be tilted slightly back.

Exercise No. 2

Performed while sitting on the floor. In this case, the feet should be moved towards each other, and the body should be tilted forward. Try to direct your knees towards the floor as much as possible, but do not overdo it. The head is directed upward, the back is straight. Use your hands to grab your feet, legs, or ankles. Direct your body forward, as if giving resistance to your arms.

Exercise #3

Take a lying position on your back, legs bent at the knees. Pull your buttocks in and rock your pelvic area (upper and inward). Do you feel your abdominal area doing a scooping motion?

Exercise #4

Take a lying position on your back, legs bent at the knees. The knees should be brought together and the feet should be left shoulder-width apart. Pull your buttocks in and rock your pelvic area (upper and inward). Join your fingers in a “lock” and extend your arms above your head, stretch.

Exercise #5

Take a lying position on your back, legs extended along your body. Interlock your fingers and extend your arms above your head. Pull your buttocks in and rock your pelvic area (upper and inward). Tighten your leg muscles so that your calves lift off the floor, then straighten your toes.

So, you have 25 exercises in your stock, this is already a lot, there is plenty to choose from. But in addition to 25 exercises, you have developed new, stunning forms and lost kilos. Old jeans no longer fit on the hips at all and look like a hoodie. What to do? Going shopping is so nice, because you HAVE LOST WEIGHT!

Don't rush through the entire Oxysize complex; take enough time to catch your breath and get in the mood for the next exercise. Dynamic work is good, but listen to your body, and it will definitely repay you generously.

The last set is Oxysize and it is done back on the floor.

Exercise No. 1

Starting position: lying on your right side. The left knee is pulled towards the chest. Overcome the resistance of your hands and try to straighten your leg overnight. Straighten your right leg and tense your muscles moderately. In this position, perform rotational movements with your feet.

Exercise No. 2

Perform exercise No. 1, but this time grabbing your right knee.

Exercise #3

Starting position - lying on the floor, there should be an angle between you and the floor. The left leg rises and swings back. Rest your palms on the floor. At this moment, raise your head and stretch your toes.

Exercise #4

Perform exercise No. 3, but lifting your right leg.

Exercise #5

Repeat exercise No. 5 of the fourth week, but this time with rotation of the feet.

You have reached the climax, all 30 Oxysize exercises are behind you and you can safely take them all into circulation. As you know, there is no limit to perfection, so improve yourself every day, sparing no effort and time, because your health and beauty are in your hands. Oxysize 15 minutes a day is negligible, but the result of training will be a healthy and beautiful body, your body!

You can train at home, while preparing a family dinner, on the bus on the way to work, sitting at the computer, while watching TV or in line at the store, in general, you can find time to exercise almost anywhere!


Many people are interested in the result. To do this, you should read the reviews of people who are familiar with the Oxysize complex first-hand.


The decision to try Oxysize came after the birth of my second child. I am 100 percent convinced of its effectiveness. After 7 days I got rid of 6 centimeters in the waist area, and after 2.5 months I said goodbye to 4 kilograms. The food remained the same since I was feeding the baby. The results of other people impressed me, some managed to lose 5 kg in a month, everything apparently depends on the characteristics of the body. But overall I'm very happy.


I tried Oxysize, although I didn’t think that such simple exercises would help me overcome extra pounds, and most importantly, volume. But the result was great: after 3 weeks I already changed from size 48 to 44. I recommend it!

Olga: Oxysize didn’t help me. Why is that? Maybe I did something wrong?


As you can see, Oxysize is an effective technique, worth a try. After all, even if you don’t lose kilograms and centimeters, you will certainly improve your health, since Oxysize has no contraindications.

Any woman who wants to lose weight and have a toned body searches the Internet for the most gentle diet and “smart” set of physical exercises. It is no secret that in our time many different sets of exercises have appeared that promise to help get rid of excess weight. There are many positive reviews about Bodyflex alone. Pilates, Callanetics and Yoga are not far behind in popularity. However, not everyone knows about such an effective complex as Oxysize.

Oxysize is a modern set of exercises designed to combat excess weight. It is based on correct technique breathing. Oxygen is the main destructive force for fat deposits. Upon admission to human body it combines with carbon, which is located in fats, after which they are quickly eliminated, and the body is tightened and acquires beautiful contours. People who are familiar with Bodyflex may notice a subtle similarity with Oxysize, but these are different complexes.

Much to our surprise, this complex has no contraindications. Experts say that even pregnant women can do it if they want to stay in good shape and feel great during pregnancy.

Anyone who cares about their health can safely start exercising. Your figure will soon take on new shape, you can easily regain your prenatal parameters, and also make your dream of becoming fit and slim come true, by applying minimal amount effort.

Oxysize or Bodyflex

Bodyflex has long been known to millions of people around the world. It has its own reputation and followers, but Oxysize has not been practiced in Russia for very long - only a couple of years. And despite this, this complex already has many fans. There is nothing strange in this, since Oxysize has clear advantages over Bodyflex:

Nutrition principle

The creator of the Oxysize technique, Jill Johnson, recommends four meals a day. You should also give preference to natural foods, fruits, vegetables, and foods containing fiber. She fully described these recommendations in her book, which is dedicated to Oxysize. At the same time, you should give up fried, fatty and sweet foods. The daily calorie intake is about 1500−1700 calories. If such figures cause you slight bewilderment, then do not hesitate - breathing exercises will burn subcutaneous fat and improve metabolism.

Burning fat in problem areas

How does fat burning occur in problem areas? Does this complex itself identify problem areas? No. There is a simple explanation for this - you yourself know perfectly well the areas that need to be worked on and through tension you mentally direct oxygen there.

Do you need to work on your buttocks and remove a couple of extra centimeters from there? Just tense your gluteal muscles during exercise, and oxygen will flow to the desired area of ​​the body.

Lesson results

The main goal of Oxysize is to combat extra centimeters on your body. But if, in addition, you switch to proper nutrition, stick to your daily calorie intake and eat quality products, then the result will be amazing - the “orange peel” will no longer spoil your mood, as it will completely disappear!

Cellulite is a real scourge for women and Oxysize can help you get rid of this problem. Your state of mind will improve, apathy and depression will go away, and you will be full of energy and strength. Blood flow will also improve due to the large supply of oxygen. You will forget what headaches and blood pressure problems are.

Your libido level will increase, which is important for every person. Oxysize will give you a fulfilling sex life.

Oxysize for beginners

Oxysize is created for those who do not have a lot of free time, but have a desire to change their figure and remove the hated centimeters. The complex will take 15-20 minutes of your time, but after a few days you will notice changes and the first results. The stomach and waist will decrease by several centimeters, and positive changes will also be visible in other areas of the body.

Correct breathing

There are two types of breathing:

  • chest;
  • diaphragm.

Many people breathe incorrectly, namely chest breathing, dooming themselves to a lot of problems and illnesses. When breathing through the chest, the air does not have the opportunity to circulate normally throughout the body, as a result of which the blood does not carry required quantity oxygen. This leads to headaches, feeling constantly tired and general resentment.

To determine how you breathe, you need to:

  1. Dress in comfortable, comfortable clothing that does not restrict movement.
  2. Place your left hand on your stomach and your right hand on your chest.
  3. Inhale deeply and then exhale.

How did you feel? Did your left arm become closer to the vertebra during inhalation? If yes, then you are breathing correctly. This is the diaphragm type of breathing, which is definitely worth switching to, even if you don’t plan to do Oxysize.

Now you need to sit down and breathe properly for 2-3 minutes. In this case, you should not strain your shoulder muscles; your body should be in a free position. Feel how the air actively circulates throughout your body, reaching the most remote corners.

Breathing technique for beginners


  1. It is necessary to take a very quick and sharp breath through the nostrils, and not through the mouth. Thus, the air that has entered your body is heated and purified. Breathing should be exclusively diaphragmatic.
  2. Smile! For yourself and the whole world, feel an unprecedented surge of energy. When you smile, you involuntarily widen your nostrils, so the air passes through more easily and quickly. In addition, when you smile, your facial muscles tighten.
  3. Relax and let your abdominal muscles be in a calm state to prepare for the strongest possible inhalation.



After performing this breathing exercise four times, you will do one repetition of basic breathing!


Below are answers to frequently asked questions regarding Oxysize exercises.

Is the complex suitable for pregnant women?

Pregnancy is the most wonderful time for any woman, so it is very important not to harm the child and yourself. It is necessary to consult with the doctor who is managing the pregnancy, since only he can know about your health condition.

It should be noted that the Oxysize method includes special exercises for pregnant women. However, they are best performed under the supervision of a trainer.

Is it possible to study after? caesarean section?

After surgical interventions, and even more so after a cesarean section, you should avoid almost all physical activity for six months. The Oxysize training program is also contraindicated. After 6 months, you need to consult a doctor, and if there are no contraindications, you can start exercising.

What exercises are there for the neck and face?

All exercises of the complex contribute not only effective weight loss, but also help tighten the skin. It affects the muscles of the abdomen, neck, face, arms, legs and buttocks. Therefore, engage in a training program, do basic breathing exercises, and after a few weeks you will notice that your muscles are perfectly toned and the shape of your face has changed.

Number of calories burned

This complex burns calories in a very a short time. For example, when practicing this training method, 140% more calories are burned than on an exercise bike. In this case, the calculation time is taken to be the same.

Breathing exercises have long captivated many women who strive for ideal shapes. Today we will talk about one of them - oxysize breathing exercises, talk about breathing techniques, offer a set of exercises and introduce you to the reviews and results of women who have already tried the effectiveness of this technique on themselves.

Oxysize - essence, advantages, contraindications

Oxysize is a breathing exercise for weight loss, aimed at accelerating metabolism in the body. The motto of the oxysize method is “Breathe and lose weight!”. The pioneer in this breathing exercise for weight loss in Russia was Marina Korpan. You can get acquainted with her set of exercises in the article “Oxysize with Marina Korpan - video lessons.”

By performing a set of static exercises in combination with proper breathing, you will be able to see the first results after just a week of regular exercise.

Correct breathing technique during training helps saturates the cells and tissues of the body with oxygen, improves metabolism, which in turn contributes to the weight loss process, and the exercises help to work out the muscles, and as a result you get a toned and slender body.

Breathing exercises are more famous all over the world. But if we compare bodyflex and oxysize, the latter has several undeniable advantages:

  • Breathing technique does not imply noisy exhalation, which is more beneficial for young mothers who do not want to disturb their sleep small child and for those who are simply afraid of scaring their household.
  • While bodyflex is strictly contraindicated for pregnant women, performing oxysize has no such restrictions.
  • In addition, this technique allows get rid of extra centimeters in problem areas no visit gym, large investments of money and time. For exercise you only need 15-20 minutes daily.
  • Oxysize also allows improve the functioning of the whole body. After just a few sessions you will feel a surge of strength and energy.

Despite its simplicity and a considerable number of positive aspects, breathing exercises still have a number of limitations.


  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • chronic nervous disorders;
  • hypertension;
  • lung diseases;
  • diet period;
  • postoperative period.

For people who do not suffer from the above diseases and do not adhere to a strict diet, oxysize will be useful.

Before starting exercise, consult your doctor as you may not be aware of some medical conditions that are already wreaking havoc on your body.

Before moving on to studying breathing techniques and exercises, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the recommendations that will help you make your exercises more comfortable and effective.

Now is the time to familiarize yourself with the breathing technique of oxysize gymnastics.

Oxysize breathing technique

Take a deep, slow breath, relaxing your abdominal muscles and allowing your abdominal muscles to expand. We take 3 more small breaths, trying to get as much air as possible.

Without delay, we exhale completely, pulling the stomach towards the ribs. We take 3 additional small exhalations, trying to exhale all the air to the last.

The technique itself is not complicated, but for many it is simply unusual. It is for this reason that it is initially necessary to practice breathing correctly.

To do this, perform at least 30 breathing cycles every day.
When you have managed to bring your breathing to automaticity, it’s time to move on to studying exercises based on this breathing.

Oxysize exercises in pictures

There is one breathing cycle for each exercise.

Exercise 1

We work on the back and arms.

  • Stand up with your back straight.
  • Raise one arm up, lower the other along the body.
  • Then pull your arms back as far as you can.
  • The shoulders are also pulled back.

The exercise is performed on each hand in turn.

Exercise 2

The muscles of the back and arms work.

  • Place your feet hip-width apart and extend your arms to the sides.
  • Bend your elbows at a right angle.
  • We bring our shoulder blades together, moving our arms back.

Exercise 3

Works the buttocks and the back of the thigh.

  • Feet hip-width apart, body tilted forward.
  • Hands rest on your hips just above your knees.
  • Maintain a arch in your lower back.

Exercise 4

Works outer part hips.

  • Place your feet slightly wider than your shoulders, place your hands on your belt.
  • Point your toes inward.
  • Tighten your feet, trying to stretch the floor.

Exercise 5

This is where the inner thigh works.

  • The starting position remains the same, only the toes are turned outward.
  • Using your best efforts, try to pull the floor together.

For the following exercises you need to take a chair.

Exercise 6

We work the buttocks.

  • Stand behind a chair with your hands resting on the back.
  • We move our leg back and to the side, pulling the toe towards us.
  • The supporting leg bends slightly at the knee joint.

Exercise 7

Starting position, as in the previous exercise.

  • We take our leg back and pull our toes towards us.
  • Don't try to lift your leg very high.

Exercise 8

  • Stand behind a chair, place your feet as wide as possible, and point your toes out.
  • Use the back of a chair for support.
  • Squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor.

This exercise allows you to work your hips.

Exercise 9

This exercise strengthens the inner thigh.

  • Sit on a chair, spread your legs wide, point your toes out.
  • Place your hands on the chair behind you.
  • Push your pelvis forward, pushing your knees back.

Exercise 10

The back and abdominal muscles are well worked out.

  • Sit on the edge of a chair with your hands behind you.
  • Place your feet together and bend your knees.
  • One hand remains on the chair, the second reaches in the opposite direction.
  • At the same time, twist the body.

The following exercises are performed on the floor.

Exercise 11

  • Get on your knees, feet together, hands in front of you.
  • We lower the body back using the efforts of the buttocks and the back of the thigh.
  • Don't arch your spine.
  • Keep your back straight.

Exercise 12

The muscles of the buttocks and thighs work.

  • Lie on the floor, bend your knees and place your feet shoulder-width apart, with your toes turned inward.
  • Place your hands on the floor along your body.
  • Using your buttocks, lift your pelvis and bring your knees together.
  • The body and hips should create one line.

Exercise 13

  • Lie on your side, resting your forearm on the floor.
  • Lift your top leg, pulling your toes toward you.

Exercise allows you to strengthen the muscles of the core, buttocks and thighs.

Exercise 14

  • Lie on your stomach with both forearms on the floor.
  • Bend your left leg slightly at the knee, lift your right leg and move it in the opposite direction.
  • Repeat on the other leg.

Exercise 15

  • Sit on the floor, spread your knees to the sides, and bring your feet together.
  • Place your hands on the floor behind you.
  • Try to lower your knees as low as possible, stretching your inner thighs.

Helps strengthen the buttocks and thighs.

So that you can finally be convinced of the effectiveness of this complex, we suggest that you read the reviews of women who have already managed to lose weight by practicing the oxysize method.

Oxysize - reviews


I've been trying to lose weight for a long time. Diets did not give much results, the weight always came back. But hard training is not for me either. Therefore, I chose the oxysize for myself, after reading the reviews and seeing the results in the “before and after” photos.

What I saw impressed me. I’ve been doing exercises for two weeks now and managed to lose 4 kg. But this is not the most important thing. Extra centimeters melt before our eyes. There is much more energy.


I only recently learned about a technique called oxysize and decided to take a training course. I trained my breathing for about a week. I've been doing exercises for a month now. During this time I lost 4 kg. The result pleased me. I’m already used to the classes, although in the first days I was bothered by dizziness.


I've been doing oxysize for six months now. I didn't have a lot of extra pounds. In the first month I managed to lose 5 kg, and then I worked out to maintain the results and good health.


I did this breathing exercise about a year ago. But initially I didn’t look at what contraindications there were. Therefore, with my hypertension, I was not able to feel the effect of Oxysize on myself. Blood pressure began to rise more often. Classes had to be stopped.

For clear example correct execution We have selected a video for a set of exercises.

Oxysize - video

From this video you will learn about the oxysize breathing technique, and also get acquainted with a set of basic exercises for beginners. Some exercises from the complex were replaced by the trainer.

Breathing exercises for weight loss, oxysize will be useful not only for the stomach, hips, arms and back, but also for your face. Saturation of cells with oxygen promotes their regeneration, which in turn leads to rejuvenation. Be patient, get motivated and good mood, and you will see the first results within a week.

Have you experienced the effect of oxysize on yourself? Did you do all the exercises? How long did you train your breathing? Tell us about your results and impressions in the comments.

The dream of many women is fast weight loss without diets or physical activity. As practice shows, it is impossible to achieve the desired result without difficulty. To lose weight and maintain muscle tone, regular dietary restrictions and exercise are necessary. However, as practice shows, not only these factors influence the burning of excess weight.

Magic oxygen

As proven by many scientists, oxygen has a powerful effect on burning fat deposits in the body. According to researchers, with proper breathing, you can easily decrease in volume without resorting to diets and exercises. This is due to the magical effect of oxygen, which plays a big role in metabolic processes. It’s not for nothing that nutritionists advise being more active. fresh air, because thanks to such walks, getting rid of unnecessary kilograms occurs many times more effectively and quickly.

Nowadays, many programs based on the effect of oxygen on metabolism in the body have become widespread. Eg, popular courses“bodyflex”, aerobic training, “oxygen for a snack” and others are recommended to be combined deep breathing and moderate physical activity, due to which fat reserves are quickly burned. No less popular in last years became the Oxysize program. This course was developed by the American Jill Johnson, who based it on the totality scientific research, own observations and personal experience losing weight.


Reviews from people who have successfully lost weight using this method are mostly positive. Both men and women involved in this program note its effectiveness with a small investment of time and effort. What exactly is this course?

"Oxysize" is a breathing exercise based on the effect of oxygen on the body's metabolic systems. Thanks to specially selected simple exercises you can reduce your volume by up to 10 cm in one week. During simple workouts, you need to breathe properly, as a result of which oxygen reaches the necessary places, helping to fight unnecessary fat deposits.

Classes do not take much time - just 15-20 minutes a day, and your kilograms will melt before your eyes. Oxygen-enriched blood reaches the necessary areas of the body and helps burn stored fats. And at the same time, the muscles will become noticeably stronger, and the whole body will come into active tone.

Benefits of the course

What are the benefits of the Oxysize program? Reviews about this course are positive; according to surveys, this technique really works. Moreover, it is important to note that special food restrictions and any diets are prohibited, since in this case the metabolism in the body is disrupted. It is this point that attracts many who like to eat deliciously and with an appetite.


In order not to harm their health, followers of this technique are actively interested in: what are the reviews about the Oxysize program? Has this course been proven safe?

It is known that many similar systems have some contraindications. For example, when practicing bodyflex, there are restrictions such as pregnancy, elevated body temperature, glaucoma, and bleeding.

In contrast, the Oxysize technique has virtually no contraindications. The advantage of this system is that classes can take place both before and after meals. There are no restrictions on the time of day to perform the exercises - complete freedom is also provided here, classes can take place without any additional equipment.

Advantages of the new technique

What else is attractive about the “Oxysize - Breathe and Lose Weight” method? Reviews from all adherents of this technique highlight its main advantage - it is a convenient diet without strict restrictions. In his book, the author of the technique prohibits strict diet, arguing that with serious dietary restrictions, the body’s metabolic functions may malfunction and weight loss may not occur. On the contrary, it is recommended to eat four meals a day with a limit on sweets, fried foods and fatty foods. That is, the basis of nutrition is healthy food in normal quantities - and the result is guaranteed!

"Oxysize." Reviews from doctors and practitioners

The Oxysize technique is not officially presented in Russia. Consequently, no studies have yet been conducted to examine the quality of this program. However, the author of the technique, Jill Johnson, refers to medical University Southern California, who studied the effects of oxygen on metabolic processes in the body and weight loss. However, the Oxysize technique has not been sufficiently studied and was proposed as an experiment.

  • women in the postpartum period;
  • persons suffering from respiratory system disorders;
  • people with various disorders of the cardiovascular system;
  • in the postoperative period.

In general, the restrictions on these activities are relatively small, so training can be carried out without worrying about your health. This is why systems such as Bodyflex and Oxysize are so popular these days. Reviews from adherents of these methods are similar in that training does not require much time or much physical effort. The exercises are accessible, easy to perform, and give tangible results.

Results of the Oxysize program

What kind of results can be achieved by practicing the Oxysize system? Reviews from many who lose weight using this method agree that in as soon as possible Maybe:

  • weight loss by about 2-3 kg;
  • reduction in volumes;
  • successful fight against cellulite.

Besides, this program designed for busy people who don’t have time to spend a lot of time in the gym. Just 20 minutes of systematic daily exercise will help you achieve the desired result, help relieve stress, and improve your mood.

First lessons - correct breathing

You can often hear questions from people interested in this program: “What is Oxysize gymnastics?” Feedback on the effectiveness of the course? It is worth considering this issue in a little more detail.

To start practicing, you need to master proper breathing. If you perform exercises without taking into account breathing exercises, the result will not be achieved. To master the necessary skills, a little training at home is enough. So, first you need to figure out what breathing according to the Oxysize system is?

There are two types of breathing: diaphragmatic and chest. For good health, disease prevention and normal functioning of the whole body, it is necessary to breathe with the stomach, that is, use the diaphragmatic type of breathing. In this case, the lungs are filled with air in full, and the body is completely saturated with oxygen.

Most people use only chest breathing. In this case, air penetrates only into the upper parts of the lungs, therefore, the body is insufficiently enriched with oxygen. This is why some people develop various diseases caused by regular oxygen deprivation.

How to learn to breathe correctly?

To acquire diaphragmatic breathing skills, you need to take a deep breath, sending air into the lower parts of the lungs. In this case, the following happens externally: the shoulders remain motionless, the ribs diverge in different sides, and the abdominal wall moves forward. It is this type of breathing that is used if you are lying on your back, since in this case your shoulders are fixed.

Many people, when inhaling, draw air only into the upper part of their lungs, while a clear sign chest breathing is to raise the shoulder girdle. This type of breathing does not help saturate the body with oxygen, so it is advisable to learn to breathe “with your stomach.”

To see how beneficial deep breathing is, you need to conduct a small experiment. To do this, you need to use only lower deep breathing for 2-3 minutes. After this exercise, you will immediately feel dizzy, which occurs due to an active rush of oxygen to the brain.

This is the basic Oxysize breathing technique. Only deep diaphragmatic breathing is allowed when performing exercises of this system.

Basic principles of Marina Korpan

In Russia, this technique became known relatively recently, however, it has gained a lot of adherents due to its effectiveness. Thanks to Marina Korpan, who offers Oxysize classes in her own version, this system received wide publicity. Many of our compatriots are interested in the questions: “Are Oxysize exercises effective? Feedback on the methodology."

The basis of this program is quite simple: when performing special physical exercises, competent deep breathing is used, as a result of which the body cells receive a large number of oxygen. Its excess activates the oxidation regime, due to which fat is burned and metabolism accelerates.

What does Oxysize breathing exercises help you achieve? Reviews from participants in this course are similar in the following:

  • general improvement of the body occurs, since gentle physical exercise in combination with active breathing, it not only promotes weight loss, but also activates the condition of all organs and systems;
  • digestion improves;
  • blood circulation is activated;
  • muscle groups are strengthened;
  • flexibility develops.

According to Marina Korpan’s theory, in addition to doing exercises and correct breathing basic principles must be observed healthy image life. They are as follows:

  1. Daily classes without a break on weekends.
  2. Perform at least 30 breathing cycles per day.
  3. It is advisable to conduct classes on an empty stomach.

In addition, the first stage is designed for a two-week load. During this period, you must:

Each day of classes consists of performing various exercises that must be completed within two weeks. At the end of the course, you need to choose an individual program for yourself aimed at consolidating the results, since losing weight is not a two-week story.

To understand what reviews and results the Oxysize technique has, you need to select some exercises from the course that, in your opinion, are most effective. You can do them not every day, but at least 4 times a week. In addition, it is necessary to adhere to the established diet, otherwise the volume and excess weight will return. Also a prerequisite is body skin care and massage, thanks to which you will get rid of the orange peel effect and give the skin smoothness and tone.


To avoid health problems, it is necessary to master the technique of proper breathing, which is promoted by the Oxysize method. Reviews from doctors also confirm the benefits of this type breathing for all organs and systems human body. The breathing system according to the Oxysize method recommends not only a deep breath, but also a full exhalation, due to which the blood is enriched with oxygen, as well as the maximum removal of carbon dioxide from the body.

Based on this theory, the Oxysize system for weight loss was built. Feedback from users of this technique is positive; positive dynamics in the condition of the body and weight loss are noted. However, do not forget that without following a diet and gymnastic exercises, the course developers do not guarantee any results. A moderate diet, healthy exercise and body care are the main components on the path to a beautiful and slender body.

When faced with the problem of excess weight, have you tried various ways Losing weight but still not achieving significant results?

Indeed, many diets and all kinds of workouts have now been developed. Unfortunately, most of them do not bring the desired result!

However, progress does not stand still. Appeared not long ago new technique, designed by Marina Korpan. This set of special exercises for weight loss is called “Oxysize” - oxygen gymnastics. This direction was also based on some.

The main principle of Oxysize is to breathe and lose weight!

What is it based on? this method weight correction? The principle of this method is that when certain movements are performed, large amounts of oxygen begin to be delivered to “problem” areas. This active component reacts with fat cells, and they “burn”, breaking down into water and carbon dioxide.

Oxysize classes are very effective. In a fairly short time, with proper (!) and systematic training, body volume and weight rapidly melt away. In just a week of regular (daily) exercise, the volume of the abdomen and hips decreases by as much as five centimeters.

Oxysize breathing exercises for weight loss are compared by some researchers with. Those who have tried both methods claim that Oxycise helps burn calories 140% more efficiently.

Difficult choice: Oxysize or Bodyflex - which is better?

Many have heard about another modern method weight loss – Bodyflex. In some ways, its main provisions have something in common with Oxysize. But which method should be preferred?

1. You should know that, despite the undeniable effectiveness of Bodyflex, many, for example hypertensive patients, this type training is simply not suitable - there are too many contraindications, unlike Oxysize.

2. You can practice the Oxysize method when it is convenient for you, and Bodyflex immediately after waking up, on an empty stomach.

3. Your household, especially small children, may be disturbed by loud sounds that are made when performing some Bodyflex exercises.

4. For Oxysize classes you don’t need expensive bulky equipment - all you need is a mat and a chair.

Does the system have contraindications?

This technique does not involve holding your breath for long time, therefore Oxycise has no contraindications. Even expectant mothers, as well as hypertensive patients, etc. can practice.

This technique is especially recommended for those who have a large amount of fat deposits. For those who have an excess of not lipid, but muscle mass, Oxysize will not bring significant results.

Basic Fundamentals: Breathing Techniques

In order to achieve maximum effect From training you should perfect the basic technique. How to perform Oxysize breathing correctly? The instructions for this method suggest doing the following.

Initial position: To begin, stand up straight with your pelvis slightly forward. Bend your knees slightly. The back is straight, the shoulder blades are brought together to the spine.

After this, you should immediately take three more sharp short breaths, while tightening your stomach. Tighten your gluteal muscles and take a deep breath through your nose. Then you should exhale sharply through your mouth, holding your lips as if you were playing the flute. After this, immediately perform three more short exhalations, while intensively drawing in your tummy. The pelvic muscles should remain tense throughout the entire exercise.

While performing breathing movements, smile broadly - then the skin on your face will tighten and rejuvenate. You should also ensure that the chest is at the same level as the stomach. Beginners may be advised to perform breathing with one hand under the chest and the other on the stomach, making sure that they move equally.

This exercise should be performed four times - this is considered one cycle. For achievement good results At least thirty cycles should be performed. In very advanced cases, the number of cycles can be increased.