Temperature 37 at 5-6 weeks. What body temperature can be in early pregnancy

– not always a reason to panic, sometimes the values ​​increase due to physiological reasons and the impact of external factors. But if hyperthermia is accompanied by other symptoms, start treatment immediately, this condition negatively affects health expectant mother and fetal development.

Elevated temperature on early stages pregnancy is associated with physiological factors

Causes of temperature 37 during pregnancy

Changes in indicators at the beginning of pregnancy may be normal, or indicate the development of infectious diseases.

Normal indicators during pregnancy

A slight increase in temperature is one of the first signs of pregnancy; the values ​​increase immediately after conception, even before the delay. In the first weeks, a temperature of 37–37.4 degrees is normal; hyperthermia develops against the background of a sharp hormonal change and an increase in the level of progesterone in the blood.

A basal temperature of 37–37.4 in the first trimester is the norm; such indicators indicate the correct course of pregnancy.

Causes of low-grade fever in pregnant women in the first days:

  1. Headache, slight increase in temperature, weakness, drowsiness - these symptoms occur against the background of a natural decrease in immunity, so that the body does not perceive the embryo as a foreign body and begins to reject it.
  2. Minor hyperthermia in pregnant women can be provoked by overheating in the sun, a long stay in a stuffy, hot room - in such situations it is enough to go to a cool place, drink water, preferably lie down and apply a cold compress to the forehead or neck.
  3. Temperature fluctuations occur after eating spicy or hot food.
  4. After intense physical activity During sexual intercourse, the temperature often rises to 37.4 degrees.

Terzhinan is prescribed for diseases of the reproductive system

In case of exacerbation of chronic pathologies, treatment is prescribed only in emergency cases; most often, doctors postpone drug therapy until the postpartum period.

During pregnancy, drugs based on acetylsalicylic acid are contraindicated; it is better not to use vasoconstrictor drops for the treatment of rhinitis.

Folk remedies

Use alternative treatment methods during pregnancy with caution, since many of them can cause serious allergic reactions and other negative consequences.

A few simple and safe recipes:

  1. Mix 2 tbsp. l. raspberry fruits, 4 tbsp. l. coltsfoot, 3 tbsp. l. plantain. Pour the collection with 500 ml of boiling water, leave in a sealed container for half an hour, strain. Take the infusion 1 tbsp. l. 4 times a day.
  2. Brew 250 ml of boiling water 1 tsp. chopped white willow bark, cool, strain. Take 15 ml every 6 hours.
  3. For a cold, brew 2 tsp. linden 220 ml boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, then strain. Drink 100 ml of the drink three times a day.

Rubbing with vodka and vinegar solutions should not be done during pregnancy.

Why is an increase in temperature dangerous?

A prolonged increase in temperature above 37.5 degrees is dangerous for pregnant women, especially in the early stages - the likelihood of miscarriage with hyperthermia increases 5 times.

Consequence elevated temperature early toxicosis becomes

Consequences of hyperthermia in the early stages:

  • increased uterine tone;
  • disruption of protein production;
  • severe early toxicosis;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

If the temperature rises in the second trimester, the formation process is disrupted internal organs and systems in the fetus, the child may be born with deformities or severe congenital pathologies.

Dangerous for pregnant women and low temperature, if the readings drop to 36 degrees, this may indicate recent viral infections, anemia, or missed abortion.

A slight increase in body temperature at the beginning of pregnancy is in most cases a normal phenomenon - there is no need to be nervous again, stress negatively affects the development of the fetus. If you are still worried, do not self-medicate - medications and folk remedies may cause harm to the health of the expectant mother and child.

Many women during pregnancy note that body temperature in the early stages often stops at 37. And since we are accustomed to the fact that such a temperature is characteristic of the development of any disease, it is not surprising that many expectant mothers simply panic when they discover temperature increase. However, an increase in body temperature during pregnancy is not always a cause for concern. What body temperature is normal for pregnant women and whether you should worry if your body temperature has increased slightly - we’ll look at it in today’s article.

Many women during pregnancy note that body temperature in the early stages often stops at 37. And since we are accustomed to the fact that such a temperature is characteristic of the development of any disease, it is not surprising that many expectant mothers simply panic when they discover temperature increase. However, the body during pregnancy is not in all cases a cause for concern. What is normal for pregnant women and whether you should worry if your body temperature has increased slightly - we will look at it in today's article.

The main reasons for increased body temperature during pregnancy

Let's start with the fact that low body temperature during pregnancy, especially in the early stages, is the norm, so there is no need to worry or worry in advance. This “anomaly” is due to the fact that the body of a pregnant woman, undergoing hormonal adjustments, reacts with slower heat transfer from the body, and, as a result, the body temperature rises slightly. Therefore, if in the first weeks of pregnancy your body temperature is 37-37.1 degrees, and there are no other symptoms of the disease, then this temperature is considered normal for your “interesting” position.

In addition, the medical explanation for the increase in temperature in the body of a pregnant woman is due to the production huge amount progesterone is one of the most important and important hormones of pregnancy.

Also, an increase in temperature in a pregnant woman may be associated with overheating in the sun or due to insufficient fresh air in the room where she is currently located.

All these factors are not a serious cause for concern - this is a normal reaction of the pregnant body!

Another thing is if your body temperature during pregnancy reached 37.5 or higher - this indicates the presence of an infection in the body and in this case special attention should be paid to the situation. After all, it’s no secret that any infection in a pregnant woman’s body threatens great trouble for the development of the fetus. It is especially dangerous (more than 37.5) in the first two weeks, which leads to spontaneous miscarriage. And during the formation of the fetal organs, in the first trimester of pregnancy, an increase in temperature to 38 degrees can lead to the development of fetal pathologies. In the last stages of pregnancy (from 30 weeks), elevated temperature can lead to placental abruption.

Is it necessary to lower the temperature during pregnancy?

A low temperature (up to 37.5 degrees) during early pregnancy is not brought down, even if it is a consequence of a cold. Doctors explain this by saying that such a temperature, even during a cold, is the body’s protective reaction to the development of infection and perfectly fights viruses on its own.

If a pregnant woman’s temperature has reached 37.5 - 38.5, then it is best to bring it down using traditional methods: tea with lemon, compresses on the forehead, rubbing. A higher temperature can be brought down before a doctor appears. However, remember that high fever is a huge risk for your unborn baby, so call a doctor immediately in this case!

In conclusion, let us recall that a temperature of 37 in the early stages of pregnancy is normal. Therefore, do not worry in vain, but take time for yourself and your future baby. Buy some fruit, take a walk in the park, relax on the couch with your favorite book and don’t think about the bad, because pregnancy is such happiness!

Good luck and good health!

Especially for Ira Romaniy

Temperature during pregnancy in late and early stages: treatment, causes, prevention

It may be slightly elevated and this is not a pathology, in most cases. The fact is that various changes in a woman’s body, and especially hormonal ones (production of the hormone progesterone), cause a slowdown in heat transfer and, as a result, an increase in temperature values. If the temperature during pregnancy is 37 exactly in the first weeks after conception, then this should not be embarrassing, unless there are other symptoms of disease. Let's take a closer look at the algorithm of actions for increasing body temperature, the causes and methods of treatment/alleviation of the condition.

Low-grade fever. What to do?

This is a temperature of up to 38 degrees. The values ​​may seem small, but this condition is quite difficult to tolerate. I am haunted by a feeling of fatigue and weakness. But that's not the worst thing. Such a temperature, especially if it persists, may be the first symptom of some sluggish, but perhaps very dangerous inflammatory process. Thus, a temperature during pregnancy of 37.5 can be observed with ectopic localization of the fertilized egg - a very dangerous phenomenon for a woman. ABOUT possible reasons you will read further in this article.

What to do? We would recommend, first of all, going to a gynecologist if you are already registered with him. If no gynecological pathologies are identified, then you will most likely be sent to a general practitioner, who will refer you for blood and urine tests. If there really is an inflammatory process, and the temperature persists during pregnancy, treatment will be prescribed after diagnosis.

Causes and consequences

Let's look at the pathological reasons. What diseases can be practically asymptomatic? These are pyelonephritis, tuberculosis, herpes, cytomegalovirus and other diseases that are very dangerous for the fetus.

Much less often, fever during early pregnancy, caused by viral and infectious diseases, is observed in women planning a child - that is, those who, in advance, even before conception, underwent a full examination and, if necessary, a course of treatment.

Any infection can be very dangerous for the fetus. The consequences depend, to a greater extent, on the gestational age. If the disease is severe in the first 1-3 weeks after conception, then most likely a spontaneous miscarriage will occur or the fertilized egg will stop developing. In this case, the principle will apply: “All or nothing.” If the infection affects the fetus during the formation of the main organs and systems (that is, in the first trimester), then this is almost guaranteed to lead to some kind of congenital pathology. In difficult situations, doctors recommend terminating the pregnancy. If not, then such an expectant mother is monitored especially carefully; she must undergo all the necessary screening tests, the results of which will most likely show whether the child is healthy or not.

Infection is less dangerous after 12-14 weeks, when the placenta is fully formed. If fever during pregnancy in the early stages and the reasons that caused it in the first trimester often lead to the death of the fetus, then from the second trimester the baby is protected by the already formed placenta. But don’t think that the placenta will save you from any misfortunes. No. But it will slightly smooth out the negative external influence.

From about the 30th week, a temperature during pregnancy of 38 and even lower again becomes quite dangerous. As a rule, mother’s illnesses no longer lead to developmental pathologies at such stages, but high temperature can provoke premature placental abruption (a very dangerous condition for a woman) or lead to premature birth. And the child’s seat itself no longer protects the baby so much, since it (the child’s seat) has the ability to wear out, “grow old” and with each week it performs its duties worse and worse. protective functions at long gestational ages.

How to lower your temperature

Whatever the cause of the fever, it needs to be eliminated, as we wrote above - this can provoke placental abruption. All methods can be divided into medicinal and non-medicinal. Remember that if the temperature during pregnancy is 37-37.5, then there is no need to bring it down. In this way, the body fights the pathogen and there is no need to interfere with it (the body).

If the thermometer already shows more than 38-38.5 degrees, then it’s time to start treatment. Of course, the room where you are should not be stuffy. Wear light clothing and remove woolen items. Drink more of any warm liquid, be it tea or compote. You cannot wipe yourself with vinegar and vodka - it is very dangerous. As a last resort, if such measures do not cause discomfort, you can undress and wipe yourself with water. room temperature. You should not put a cool cloth on your forehead when you have a chill, this will provoke even more trembling, which means the temperature will also rise.

A temperature during pregnancy of 38 and above can be brought down with the help of medications, but not all. The safest and most effective is paracetamol. The main thing is to maintain the correct dosage.


As you already understood from the article, it is very harmful for expectant mothers to get sick, and therefore it is worth taking preventive measures. The first thing we must do is strengthen our immune system. Proper nutrition with abundance fresh vegetables and fruits - this goes without saying; additional intake of complex vitamins in tablets is not required. It’s very good if you were hardening before pregnancy and can tolerate temperature changes well.

In “dangerous” times, when the likelihood of contracting the flu or acute respiratory infections is very high, it is advisable to eat a small head of garlic every evening - an excellent method of preventing colds. You can also place cut heads of garlic around the room - unpleasant odor will not arise, but this healthy vegetable will release phytoncides into the air - substances that fight pathogenic bacteria. Drinking a decoction of lemon balm is very good for the immune system. This plant is rich in vitamin C - ascorbic acid. In principle, the same ascorbic acid is found in citrus fruits. But they are too allergenic, be careful. Drinking ascorbic acid tablets, especially in combination with glucose, should only be done on the recommendation of a doctor. Another clear indication of a lack of ascorbic acid in the body is the desire to eat something sour. If there is not enough vitamin C, fever during pregnancy requires long-term treatment, the disease may not subside for a long time due to reduced immunity.

The second rule is no less important - spend less time in crowded places. If it is possible to ask your relatives to take you a doctor’s voucher in the morning at the reception desk, do so. You understand perfectly well that there are a lot of patients crowding around the reception desk, which, by the way, is unlikely to let you get a ticket without queuing. If possible, visit the antenatal clinic only on pregnancy days. These days are set aside specifically for expectant mothers in order to protect them from respiratory diseases. If you feel that your temperature is rising during pregnancy in the early stages, it is better to rest at home and not go outside, take a day off from work. Regarding clothes - a separate conversation. Overheating is just as harmful and dangerous as freezing. Dress appropriately for the weather.


Avoid fever during early and early pregnancy later and the usual “colds” are not easy. And most expectant mothers tolerate them calmly and then give birth to healthy children. However, there are statistics on unfavorable cases when, after a mother’s illness, she gave birth to sick children. Therefore, still try not to get sick while pregnant.

Expectant mothers are always sensitive to their health, because the condition of the baby depends on it. The internal changes that occur with a woman during this period raise many questions. What does an increase in body temperature during pregnancy mean, and should you be afraid of it?

Temperature as a sign of pregnancy

Typically, an increase in body temperature is perceived as a state of illness, indicating an inflammatory process. This is why many women fear an increase in temperature during early pregnancy.

However, a temperature of 37 during pregnancy is quite normal, the body’s response to the change hormonal levels. Due to the changes occurring in the body of a pregnant woman, thermoregulation and metabolic processes occur differently. This can lead to a slight rise in temperature for several weeks. Fluctuations in body temperature are acceptable within the range from 37.2 to 37.4 degrees.

It is worth considering that the norm is a temperature of 37 during early pregnancy, and in the second and third trimesters it can already be a threatening symptom. Be sure to inform your doctor about temperature fluctuations. Considering that the norm of 36.6 degrees is relative, the specialist leading the pregnancy must understand which marks on the thermometer are critical for you.

Fever and colds during pregnancy 1

If your body temperature is accompanied by characteristic cold symptoms, call your doctor. Pregnancy is associated with a weakening of the body's immune defense, so the expectant mother becomes very vulnerable to viruses, bacteria, and fluctuations in air temperature. Hypothermia and overheating are quite capable of causing an increase in temperature in a pregnant woman. Therefore, a pregnant woman should protect her body from both frosty wind and direct sun rays. You can protect yourself and your fetus from viral and bacterial diseases with the help of the most simple rules:

● Avoid crowded places

● Wash your hands after walking

● Do not forget about the rules of personal hygiene

● Ventilate and clean the apartment in a timely manner

What are the dangers of rising temperature 1

A temperature of 37 during early pregnancy does not pose a danger to the fetus. Another thing is high temperature during infection: it can cause problems with transmission nutrients and oxygen through the placenta (membrane) to the baby, disrupt the formation of the central nervous system. An illness accompanied by a temperature of 38 degrees (and in later stages - 37.5) can jeopardize the pregnancy itself, causing placental abruption and premature birth, intoxication (poisoning), miscarriage.

Studies have shown that a rise in temperature in pregnant women during the first trimester doubles the risk of fetal defects. Doctors believe the risk can be reduced by taking antipyretic medications and vitamins containing folic acid. Heat in the mother during childbirth it can cause convulsions in the newborn, paralysis and other dangerous consequences.

High temperatures in pregnant women must be reduced due to the threat of complications for the fetus. Do not wait until the elevated temperature turns into fever; call a doctor promptly.

What to do if the temperature is already above 37 2

If a pregnant woman’s temperature does not exceed 37.4, and is not accompanied by other alarming symptoms, the condition does not require outside intervention. If you have muscle aches, a sore throat, a runny nose and feel unwell, you shouldn’t think twice about it. The thermometer can quickly creep up, so consultation with a specialist is necessary. If the fever takes you by surprise at night or in the evening, call ambulance, delay can be costly.

While waiting for the doctor to arrive, monitor the temperature: you should not allow the temperature to rise above 38 degrees, otherwise there will be a serious threat to the health of the fetus. It is important to remember that most medications are contraindicated for use during pregnancy, especially aspirin.

To relieve fever, use the following methods:

1. Drink more fluids. Tea with linden blossom, raspberry or lemon is a completely suitable drink. Do not forget that most herbs, like medicines, have a strong effect on the body, and for colds during pregnancy, you can use only a very small set of “safe” plants: chamomile, linden, rose hips.

2. Place water compresses. A cool compress with water will help gently relieve the fever.

A doctor must make a diagnosis and prescribe medications; if you have already selected a doctor, check out the list of clinics. Do not exceed the prescribed dosage and time of administration, and take the prescribed medications carefully. If the rules of administration are followed, such treatment will not harm the baby.

Low temperature during pregnancy 3

This situation occurs in women suffering from toxicosis (nausea, worsening in the morning). Due to frequent vomiting, a pregnant woman may experience dehydration, accompanied by a drop in temperature. This condition cannot be ignored, so the pregnant woman may be referred for inpatient treatment.

Sometimes a drop in temperature indicates hormonal imbalances, immune deficiency, or infectious disease. Remember to tell your doctor about any unusual condition in order to prevent or promptly treat an incipient disease.

Finally, a slightly lower temperature may simply be individual feature the body reacts in its own way to pregnancy. However, you should not rely only on this reason - you will still need to consult a doctor.

What to do if the temperature stays at 37 for a long time 3

The active action of the pregnancy hormone progesterone, which increases body temperature, continues throughout pregnancy, so a slight increase in temperature may persist for a long time. A pregnant woman needs to closely monitor her well-being, and at the first appearance unpleasant symptoms and fever, consult a doctor.

Each pregnancy is unique and requires close monitoring. Don’t be afraid to seem like a “mommy in a panic” by demanding medical help when the thermometer rises, because the baby’s health depends on you. It is much better to make a mistake in a negative prognosis than to miss the development of the disease.

  • 1. Kuzmin V.N. The problem of the H1N1 influenza virus and the characteristics of the disease in women during pregnancy // Attending physician. – 2010. – T. 1. – P. 66-8.
  • 2. Svirskaya E. V. Diary of a future mother. Pregnancy day after day. – St. Petersburg. Publishing house Peter, 2014. pp. 87-89
  • 3. Schaefer K. Drug therapy during pregnancy and lactation. – Logobook. ru, 2010. pp. 179-180

It can increase from both internal and external factors. During pregnancy, a woman should treat her well-being with special attention. Now she is responsible not only for her health, but also for the life of her unborn child. If previously a slight increase in temperature was not taken so seriously and was dealt with at home, then in the new state this is unacceptable. The causes of hyperthermia can be both internal processes (pathological or physiological) and external factors. A decrease in temperature values ​​in expectant mothers is observed less frequently.

Natural increase in body temperature

In the second half menstrual cycle The temporary secretion gland is actively working in a woman’s body. It is formed after the release of the egg and is located on the ovary. This education is called yellow body. By producing progesterone, the gonads prepare the woman's body for pregnancy. When this hormone increases, muscle tissue relaxes and body temperature naturally rises. There are no signs of illness. Often, women do not notice an increase in temperature in the second phase of the cycle, since they have no reason to measure it.

With the onset of pregnancy, the expectant mother begins to monitor her well-being more closely. When a woman accidentally measures her temperature, she discovers that the readings are too high. This condition frightens and makes expectant mothers nervous, which is not very good for the new situation.

Experts unanimously assure that a temperature of 37 in the early stages is a natural process that does not pose a serious threat to the fetus. However, this statement is not true in all cases.

After implantation of the fertilized egg into the lining of the uterus, a woman’s body undergoes dramatic changes. During this period, there is an increase in sensitivity in relation to all environmental factors, so the expectant mother reacts sharply to temperature fluctuations and changes in conditions environment, as well as other conditions. The thermoregulation of a pregnant woman's body and metabolic processes in her body will now occur differently. At the beginning of gestation, all systems adapt to the new state, so they cannot work in the same smoothly running mode. Anything can cause changes - from internal psychological experiences to weather conditions. At any stage of pregnancy, it is not recommended to stay under the scorching sun for a long time or become hypothermic; you should take care of yourself and your new position.

Pathological hyperthermia

With the birth of a new life in the mother's womb, the body's resistance decreases. As medical practice shows, every second expectant mother experiences signs of a cold in the first weeks. For most representatives of the fairer sex, recovery occurs within a week without negative consequences. If your body temperature exceeds 37.4, you should definitely seek medical help. Hyperthermia may be caused by different states accompanied by individual clinical manifestations:

  • acute viral infection or cold - runny nose, sore throat, cough, malaise;
  • bacterial infection respiratory tract- cough, sore throat, headache, drowsiness;
  • intestinal infection- upset stool, nausea, lack of appetite, weight loss;
  • urinary tract infection - discomfort when urinating, abdominal pain, frequent urge to go to the toilet, mucous discharge from the urethra.

To ensure her own safety, a woman needs to find out the cause of the elevated temperature. This can only be done with the help of a comprehensive examination.

The danger of fever during pregnancy

If in the early stages of pregnancy the thermometer readings can normally reach 37.4 degrees, then the second trimester is no longer accompanied by such signs. After 14-16 weeks of pregnancy, the woman’s body’s thermoregulation improves. At this time, the activity of the temporary secretion gland fades, and the placenta takes over its function. Therefore, even a slight increase in temperature should alert the woman and her family members.

When the temperature rises to 38, unfavorable conditions for the embryo to remain in the body are created. Inhibition of metabolic processes leads to the fact that the fetus does not receive sufficient quantity oxygen.

As a result, hypoxia develops, in which not only the brain of the unborn baby suffers, but also all organs. If persisted for a long time, this condition leads to irreversible consequences for a child.

When the body is intoxicated, there is a risk of placental abruption and internal bleeding, and the culmination of this condition can be death. Prolonged hyperthermia can cause miscarriage or premature birth. If high thermometer readings are noted in the third trimester, when there are several days left before the expected due date, doctors may decide to induce. This appointment is made by the commission if the fetus is full-term and completely ready for life outside the mother’s womb, and further stay in the mother’s body poses a threat to it.

What to do when the temperature rises?

When the thermometer shows 37 degrees, no action needs to be taken. If there are no signs of illness, you need to calm down and continue to lead your usual lifestyle, but constantly monitor your well-being. If the temperature does not exceed 37.4, there is no reason to panic. If a level of 37.5 or higher is detected on the device, it is necessary to begin taking actions aimed at reducing it.

There are several ways to lower your temperature during pregnancy safely and effectively. For greater effect, you can use them in combination.

  • Rubbing. Traditional remedies - vinegar, alcohol and vodka - cannot be used by expectant mothers. Toxic substances are absorbed into dry skin and quickly penetrate the bloodstream. Such a procedure can cause intoxication and harm the embryo, especially in the first weeks of development. Therefore, for wiping it is necessary to use clean water, the temperature of which will be several degrees lower than what the thermometer shows.
  • Drink plenty of fluids. To reduce body temperature, the body needs fluid. By evaporating moisture from the skin, thermoregulation is normalized. If there is not enough moisture in the body, then it has nothing to evaporate. Consequently, intoxication increases, and the thermometer readings increase. To eliminate hyperthermia, you need to drink water. Drinks with a lot of vitamin C have a good effect on the body: various berry fruit drinks, linden tea. The expectant mother needs to be careful with herbal decoctions and not take them without a doctor’s prescription.
  • Medicines. It is not recommended to take medications on your own at any stage of gestation. However, in a critical situation, when immediate consultation with a doctor is impossible, and the temperature has exceeded 38, you can take paracetamol or any analogue based on it. Single dose for an expectant mother should not exceed 500 mg. In the second trimester, single use of ibuprofen or any structural analogue is allowed, but not more than 200 mg at a time.

If hyperthermia occurs in the evening or at night, it is better to call an ambulance. The team will take the necessary measures to reduce the temperature and, if necessary, take the expectant mother to the department of the nearest hospital.

Reduced body temperature

A decrease in temperature can also be observed in early and late gestation. If at the beginning of pregnancy the thermometer reading is below 35.5, then this is an alarming signal. Normally, this state should not exist. The reason for the decline may be an insufficient amount progesterone. In this case, the expectant mother will need hormonal correction, which will help maintain the pregnancy.

A pathological decrease in temperature is possible in some autoimmune diseases. When registering for pregnancy, a woman must inform the doctor about all existing diseases. If the gynecologist deems it necessary, he will give individual recommendations for maintaining good health.

Body temperature may decrease in the early stages with severe toxicosis. Statistics show that every third woman experiences nausea and morning vomiting. If such manifestations are excessive, a woman runs the risk of dehydration. Therefore, a sudden drop in temperature is a kind of signal that requires help from the body.

A slight decrease in temperature may be an individual feature of the expectant mother’s body. In this case, no measures need to be taken.