Air heating. Heating production premises is a necessary condition for protecting the health of workers and the safety of equipment. Scheme of air heating of a workshop.

Heating industrial premises has its own characteristics, because the building area is large, the ceilings are high, and the zone of required thermal comfort is often limited. Water heating, which is most often installed in residential buildings, is not always suitable for heating spacious retail and production areas, warehouses, hangars, etc. It is necessary to ensure that the heat is in the lower part of the premises - at a height of up to 2-3 m. Warm air flows rise upward, and the owners inevitably heat 70-80% of the “excess” volume. How to provide economical heating production premises?

Square industrial buildings is hundreds square meters, so conventional heating systems turn out to be ineffective and too expensive

Heating options for spacious non-residential buildings

For heating large areas Three main types of systems are usually used:

  • water;
  • air;
  • radiant.

Water heating refers to systems using radiators. They are beneficial due to the wide selection heating devices. But at the same time, many premises owners are not satisfied with the irrational use of space, high costs and energy consumption, and high thermal inertia. The systems are not suitable for many retail outlets and warehouses, because... radiators take up space near the walls, where it is convenient to place shelving. Air and radiant heating are more popular, so we will consider their arrangement in detail.

Air heating system shopping center

Air heating of industrial premises

This method of heating production areas became popular back in the 70s. The operating principle is based on heating the air with heat generators, water or steam heaters. Air is supplied through collectors to those areas where it is necessary to maintain the desired temperature. To distribute air flows, special distribution heads or louvers are installed. This is far from perfect way heating, it has significant shortcomings, however, it is used quite widely.

Central and zonal systems

Depending on the needs of building owners, it is possible to equip uniform heating of the entire room or individual zones. Central air heating is a device that takes air from outside, heats it and supplies it to the premises. The main disadvantage of this type of system is the inability to regulate the temperature in separate rooms building.

Zone heating allows you to create the desired temperature regime in each room. To do this, a separate heating device (most often a gas convector) is installed in each room, which supports set temperature. The zone system is economically beneficial because it uses exactly as much energy as is needed for heating, and wasteful expenses are minimized. There is no need to lay air ducts during installation.

Define suitable type systems and calculate the air heating of the production premises must be carried out by an experienced specialist. The following factors are taken into account:

  • heat losses;
  • required temperature conditions;
  • amount of heated air;
  • power and type of air heater.

Advantages and disadvantages

Important advantages can be considered rapid heating of the air, the ability to combine heating with ventilation. The disadvantage is due to a well-known law of physics: warm air rises up. A warmer zone is created under the ceiling than at human height. The difference can be several degrees. For example, in workshops with ceilings 10 m high, the temperature at the bottom can be 16 degrees, and in the upper part of the room - up to 26. To maintain the desired thermal conditions, the system must operate constantly. This wasteful energy consumption forces owners to look for other methods of heating buildings.

Scheme of air heating of an industrial premises

Radiant heating - economical systems for large industrial buildings

To heat industrial premises, “light” and “dark” infrared heaters are installed. Natural or liquefied gas. In buildings where, for some reason, gas equipment cannot be installed, suspended radiant panels are installed.

Features of the operation of different types of infrared heaters

In “light” heaters, gas is burned using a special burner, the surface temperature of which can reach 900 degrees. A hot burner provides the necessary radiation. “Dark” heaters (they are also called “pipe” heaters due to their design) are radiators with reflectors that are designed to direct radiant energy to the desired areas of the room. Tube infrared devices heat up less (up to 500 degrees) and have less harsh radiation, which significantly expands their scope of application.

Suspended radiant panels are universal, they are widely used in category, industrial and warehouse premises of all types. The systems operate using a steam/water intermediate coolant. The water in the devices heats up to 60-120 degrees, and the steam - up to 100-200. Today this is the most convenient and economical way heating of industrial premises and enterprises.

Pros and cons of radiant heating

Infrared heaters have the following undeniable advantages:

  • quick heating of rooms (15-20 minutes);
  • possibility of creating warm zones in unheated rooms;
  • no energy loss for heating “extra” area”;
  • minimal heat loss in systems operating without coolant;
  • savings on maintenance, since there is no need to change filters, check, repair pumps, etc.;
  • comfortable microclimate: the air does not dry out, the floor heats up and serves as a secondary heat source.

Infrared heaters cannot be installed:

  • if the ceiling height is below 4 m;
  • in industries where radiation affects product quality or technological processes;
  • in premises of fire categories A, B.

How does an infrared heater work?


Infrared heating systems for industrial premises are more economical and convenient to use than air heating systems. Radiant heating devices do not contribute to the spread of dust, create thermal zones at the height of human growth, and do not dry out the air. The radiation heats the floor, making people in the rooms feel more comfortable. At the same time, there are buildings where radiant heating is not applicable, and for them air heating will be optimal.

Industrial air heating systems widely used for heating production workshops, warehouses, construction sites, various commercial facilities, agro-industrial enterprises and agriculture.
The air supplied to the premises has a temperature of +40 – 50 o C and is distributed through a system of air ducts having a variable cross-section.

Industrial air heating cost-effective, it can be combined with a ventilation system, which significantly reduces their overall cost.

But due to low specific heat capacity air and large heat loads, the use of air for heating purposes is effective when large volumes of warm air are supplied, which in turn leads to huge oversized air ducts and powerful fans that require significant energy expenditure to transport air.

However, industrial air heating is currently most widely used in modern enterprises and objects.

Equipment for industrial air heating

Heating the air in the supply ventilation unit.

The supply unit has a block, usually with electric heater or water heat exchanger.
The air supplied to the premises, passing through this unit, is heated and distributed through the air ducts, ventilation and heating of the premises occurs.

Air heating in a special installation (heat generator, air heater, etc.)

Heat generators installed indoors or outdoors, their power is calculated based on the total heat losses of the object, which must be compensated by the supply of warm air. Air distribution is also carried out through air ducts.
The efficiency of these installations is very high and can reach 95 – 98%. Air is heated by combustion natural gas or liquid fuel with a burner, while the high-temperature combustion products, passing through the heat exchanger, give off their heat to it, which in turn heats the air supplied to the premises. With this method of heating the air, it is possible to reach the temperature of the air leaving the heat generator up to +90 o C.

Heat generators have a powerful high-performance supply fan that supplies several thousand cubic meters warm air per hour and therefore, when designing, air heating and ventilation are often combined, thereby reducing the overall cost of the systems.

Heat generators or air heaters have a wide range of thermal powers - from approximately 10 to 1000 or more kilowatts of thermal power and a variety of designs that allow them to be installed on the floor, on walls or under the ceiling indoors, as well as outside, next to the heated room or directly on the roof building.

Basically, heat generators “work” on a system of metal air ducts that distribute air across several rooms and over a large area at once.

Air heating by small, low-power units distributed throughout the room.

Often, small-power installations are used to heat large areas and volumes - fan heaters.
Fan heaters Structurally they consist of a fan, a heat exchanger or heating element and a control unit.
Hot water is supplied centrally from the boiler room to each room fan heater .

Passing through the heat exchanger fan heater, hot water or another coolant transfers part of the heat to the air, which is blown through the heat exchanger using a fan and through a guide grille or louvers it enters directly into the air environment of the room.

This method of heating premises is convenient when it is necessary to heat large areas at relatively low heights of production or warehouse premises.

In this case, there is no need to install a cumbersome network of supply air ducts, although you will have to lay pipelines to each fan heater to ensure the supply of coolant (water or antifreeze).

Application of industrial heat generators

Industrial heating workshop

Energy-efficient factory air heating can solve the problem of maintaining effective temperature control in production areas.

We have solutions for air heating of large open warehouses and small rack storage industrial installations– floor or hanging heat generators running on gas or diesel fuel, as well as fan heaters using hot water to heat the air.

Frost protection or complete warehouse heating – we tailor our solutions to your specific requirements.

Our specialists will inspect your warehouse free of charge, provide assistance and give recommendations on heating the warehouse, taking into account the storage features - open or on racks.

Industrial heating workshop

Energy-efficient factory air heating can solve the problem of maintaining effective temperature control in production areas.

We can design factory heating systems using underfloor and suspended air heaters, powered by gas or diesel fuel or using hot water.

Industrial heating of a warehouse

We have solutions for air heating of large open and rack storage warehouses and small industrial installations - floor or suspended heat generators running on gas or diesel fuel, as well as fan heaters using hot water to heat the air.

Frost protection or complete warehouse heating - we tailor our solutions to your specific requirements.

Our specialists will inspect your warehouse free of charge, provide assistance and give recommendations on heating the warehouse, taking into account the storage features - open or on racks.

Industrial garage heating

Heat generators f. are ideal for heating garages and auto repair shops. Metmann.

Metmann heat generators will support comfortable temperature in garages of any size, including installations located outside, with air distribution through ducts capable of maintaining good quality air.

Industrial heating of agricultural facilities

We offer a quiet, energy-efficient agricultural heating solution that helps support optimal growth of agricultural products, create comfortable conditions for staff and clients in greenhouses, conservatories and other facilities with an artificial climate.

Our air heating systems can be designed using the most modern heat generators, specially designed for air heating of greenhouses and conservatories.

Industrial heating of hangars with equipment (ships, aircraft, etc.)

We have experience in solutions for organizing air heating using energy-efficient and economical systems air heating using heat generators running on gas or diesel fuel for hangars with large open spaces, high ceilings and frequently opening doors and gates.

We have experience in placing heat generators and fuel tanks for them inside containers (such as sea containers), next to the hangar. In this case, the air supply in the hangar is carried out through metal air ducts with air distribution through special aerodynamic nozzles, providing the necessary shape and length of the air stream

Industrial heating of sports facilities

We offer air heating solutions for all types gyms and recreation centers, providing comfortable conditions with minimal costs energy and operating costs.

Our Metmann and Apen Group air heating systems provide highly efficient air heating for gyms, leisure centres, swimming pools and other leisure facilities.

Our specialists guarantee you assistance and recommendations in accordance with your requirements for sports and recreation

Production facilities, workshops, warehouses, due to their spacious size and taking into account the climatic conditions of Russia, often need to solve such topical issue, How optimal heating. The word “optimal” means the price/reliability/comfort ratio that is suitable for a particular industrial building.

This is what we will talk about in our article.

In general, creating a heating scheme for industrial premises is a rather difficult task. This is due to the fact that each individual production facility is built for specific technological processes, and has very large dimensions and height.

Plus, the equipment used in production sometimes complicates the laying of pipes for ventilation or heating. But despite this, heating industrial buildings is an important function that cannot be avoided.

And that's why:

  • a well-thought-out heating system provides comfortable working conditions for employees and directly affects their performance;
  • it protects equipment from hypothermia, which can cause breakdowns, which in turn will lead to monetary costs for repairs;
  • Warehouses must also have an appropriate microclimate so that the goods produced retain their original appearance.

By choosing a simple, but at the same time reliable heating system, you will reduce the cost of its repair and maintenance.
Plus, much fewer employees will be required to control it.

Choosing a heating system for industrial premises

For heating industrial buildings Most often, central heating systems (water or air) are used, but in some cases it is more rational to use local heaters.

But in any case, when choosing a production heating system, you need to rely on the following criteria:

  1. Area and height of the room;
  2. The amount of heat energy needed to maintain the optimal temperature;
  3. Ease heating equipment in maintenance, as well as its suitability for repair.

Now let's try to understand the positive and negative aspects that the above-mentioned types of heating of industrial premises have.

Central water heating

The source of the heat resource is a central heating system or a local boiler house. Consists of water heating from the boiler, (radiators or convectors) and pipeline. The liquid heated in the boiler is transferred to the pipes, giving off heat to the heating devices.

Water heating of industrial buildings can be:

  1. Single-pipe - here it is impossible to regulate the water temperature.
  2. Two-pipe - here temperature control is possible and is carried out thanks to thermostats and radiators installed in parallel.

As for the central element of the water system (that is, the boiler), it can be:

  • gas;
  • liquid fuel;
  • solid fuel;
  • electric;
  • combined.

You need to choose based on the possibilities. For example, if it is possible to connect to a gas main, the gas boiler will not a bad option. But please note that the price is this type fuel consumption increases every year. In addition, there may be interruptions in central system gas supply, which will not benefit the production enterprise.

Requires separate safe room and fuel storage tanks. In addition, you will have to regularly replenish fuel reserves, which means taking care of transportation and unloading - additional costs Money, labor and time.

Solid fuel boilers are unlikely to be suitable for heating industrial premises, unless they are small in size. Operation and care solid fuel unit– a rather labor-intensive process (loading fuel, regular cleaning of the firebox and chimney from ash).

True, at present there are automated solid fuel models into which you do not need to load fuel with your own hands; a special one has been developed for this automatic system fence Also, automated models allow you to set the desired temperature.

However, you still have to take care of the firebox. The fuel used here is pellets, sawdust, wood chips, and, if placed manually, also firewood. Although this type of boiler requires labor-intensive operation, it is the most inexpensive.

Electric boilers are also not the best option for large industrial enterprises, since the energy consumed costs a pretty penny. But heating a production space of 70 square meters using this method is quite acceptable. However, do not forget that in our country, periodic power outages for several hours have long been a common occurrence.

As for combination boilers, they can be called truly universal units. If you have chosen a water heating system and want to get efficient and uninterrupted heating of your production as a result, then take a closer look at this option.

Although a combination boiler costs several times more than previous units, it provides a unique opportunity - practically not to depend on external problems (interruptions in the centralized heating system, gas supply and electricity supply). Such units are equipped with two or more burners, for various types fuel.

Built-in types of burners are the main parameter for dividing combined boilers into subgroups:

  • Gas-wood heating boiler– you don’t have to worry about gas supply interruptions and fuel price increases;
  • Gas-diesel– will provide high heating power and comfort in a large area;
  • Gas-diesel-wood– has expanded functionality, but you have to pay for it with lower efficiency and low power;
  • Gas-diesel-electricity– a very effective option;
  • Gas-diesel-wood-electricity- an improved unit. It can be said that it provides complete independence from possible external problems.

Everything is clear with boilers, now let's see whether water heating in production fits the selection criteria that we initially outlined. Here it’s worth mentioning right away that the heat capacity of water, compared to the heat capacity of the same air, is several thousand times greater (at the usual temperatures of air (70°C) and water (80°C) in the heating system).

In this case, the water consumption for the same room will be thousands of times less than the air consumption. This means that fewer connecting communications will be required, which is certainly a big plus, given the design industrial premises.

A water heating system allows you to control the temperature: for example, you can work time install standby heating for production (+10°C), and set a more comfortable temperature during working hours.

Air heating

This type is the very first artificial heating of premises. So air heating systems have proven their effectiveness for quite some time now. for a long time and, it should be noted, are in constant demand.

All this thanks to the following positive aspects:

  • Air heating assumes the absence of radiators and pipes, instead of which air ducts are installed.
  • Air heating shows more high level Efficiency compared to the same water heating system.
  • In this case, the air is heated evenly throughout the entire volume and height of the room.
  • The air heating system can be combined with the system supply ventilation and conditioning, which allows you to get fresh air instead of the heated one.
  • It is impossible not to mention regular changes and air purification, which has a beneficial effect on the well-being and performance of employees.

In order to save money, it is better to choose a combined air industrial heating, which consists of natural and mechanical air movement. What does it mean?

The word “natural” means the intake of already warm air from environment(warm air is available everywhere, even when it is -20°C outside). Mechanical induction is when the duct takes cold air from the environment, heats it and delivers it into the room.

For heating large areas, air heating systems for industrial premises are perhaps the most rational option. And in some cases, for example, at chemical plants, air heating is the only permitted type of heating.

Infrared heating

How to heat an industrial premises without resorting to traditional methods? With the help of modern infrared heaters. They work on the following principle: emitters generate radiant energy above the heated area and transfer heat to objects, which in turn heats the air.

Information! The functionality of infrared heaters can be compared to the Sun, which also heats using infrared waves. earth's surface, and as a result of heat exchange, the air is heated from the surface.

This operating principle eliminates the accumulation of heated air under the ceiling and, as a consequence, big differences temperature, which is very attractive for heating industrial enterprises, since most of them have high ceilings.

IR heaters are divided into the following types at installation location:

  • ceiling;
  • floor;
  • wall;
  • portable floor.

By type of waves emitted:

  • shortwave;
  • medium wave or light (their operating temperature is 800°C, so they emit soft light during operation);
  • long-wave or dark (they do not emit light even at their operating temperature of 300-400 ° C).

By type of energy consumed:

  • electrical;
  • gas;
  • diesel

Gas and diesel infrared systems more profitable and their efficiency is 85-92%. However, they burn oxygen and change the humidity in the air.

By type of heating element:

  • Halogen– the only drawback is that if dropped or subjected to a strong impact, the vacuum tube may break;
  • Carbon- basic a heating element made of carbon fiber and placed in a glass tube. The biggest advantage compared to other IR devices is lower energy consumption (about 2.5 times). If you fall or strong impact The quartz tube may break.
  • Tenovye;
  • Ceramic– the heating element is made of ceramic tiles assembled into one reflector.
    The principle of operation is the flameless combustion of the gas-air mixture inside ceramic tiles, as a result of which it heats up and transfers heat to surrounding surfaces, objects, and people.

IR heaters are most often used for heating:

  • industrial premises;
  • shopping and sports facilities;
  • warehouses;
  • workshops;
  • factories;
  • greenhouses, greenhouses;
  • livestock farms;
  • private and apartment buildings.

Advantages of infrared heating:

  1. First of all, it should be noted that IR heaters are the only type of devices that allow for zone or spot heating. Thus, in different parts production premises can be maintained at different temperatures. Zone heating can be used to heat work areas, parts on a conveyor belt, car engines, young animals on livestock farms, etc.
  2. As mentioned above, IR heaters heat surfaces, objects and people, but do not affect the air itself. It turns out that there is no circulation of air masses, which means there is no loss of heat and drafts and, as a result, fewer colds and allergic reactions.
  3. The low inertia of infrared heaters allows you to feel the effect of their action immediately after starting, without preheating the room.
  4. Infrared heating is very economical, due to its high efficiency and low energy consumption (up to 45% less energy than traditional ways). There is probably no need to explain that this significantly reduces the financial costs of the enterprise and quickly recoups all investments in infrared heating facilities.
  5. IR heaters are durable, lightweight, take up little space, and are easy to install (each product comes with detailed instructions installation) and they practically do not require Maintenance during operation.
  6. Infrared heaters are the only type of heating devices that can provide effective local heating (that is, without resorting to centralized systems heating).


Finally, I would like to suggest that you familiarize yourself with the photo table, which shows the specific heating characteristic industrial buildings.

We examined the main types of heating of industrial premises. Which one will be the most optimal in your case is up to you to decide. And we hope that this article was useful to you. Additional information You will find information on this topic in specially selected video material.

During the cold season inner part Industrial buildings of any size need to maintain normal temperatures. To heat industrial premises, several types of heating systems are usually used. Each of them has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. Which option to choose will depend on the object, its area and purpose.

Due to the harsh climate of Russia, during cold seasons, production premises must be heated, maintaining them. For creating normal conditions you will have to put in a lot of effort. It's connected with large size buildings, performing certain work and placing in them technological equipment. All these factors complicate the task of installing a heating system.

Despite such difficulties, heating of industrial premises is still provided. The heating system in such buildings performs several important functions:

  • creates comfortable working conditions for staff;
  • serves to protect equipment from temperature changes, preventing it from overcooling;
  • comfortable microclimate in the product warehouse.

Heating and cooling high rooms. Hoval Air-Injector

The areas of industrial buildings vary in size and range from tens to several thousand square meters. Such buildings usually have very high ceilings, and work zone in need of heating, small sizes. Unlike residential buildings and apartments industrial heating has its own characteristics.

Equipment for heating industrial premises must be as efficient as possible. The area of ​​its location in the building does not matter regarding aesthetics. There are structures in which it is necessary to heat a specific area, but there are also those where it is necessary to heat the entire area. Great importance has heat loss accounting. The heating system is selected depending on the type and purpose of the room.

Performing the calculation for autonomous heating production premises and enterprises must be taken into account that they must be maintained constant temperature without sudden jumps. In some places there is a need to create separate zones with different levels of heat. When calculating specific type systems must be based on the following criteria:

All these factors will help determine the need for thermal energy for industrial and industrial buildings. For calculation heating systems you need to use a special table. It is also necessary to take into account the specifics of production, availability of fuel, its cost, and thermal calculations.

Several heating systems for industrial buildings are now offered. The most effective are:

  • steam;
  • water;
  • air;
  • electric.

Heating large premises

When choosing any of these options, you need to focus on the dimensions of the building, ease of installation and availability of repairs if necessary. It is also important to calculate the amount of thermal energy that will be spent to maintain a certain temperature regime.

All of the above types of heating have their advantages and disadvantages. When choosing a project, technological processes must be taken into account. People working in workshops will not be able to stay in the room if the temperature in it drops below 10 o C. Warehouses usually house finished products. Its quality may suffer from temperature changes, so it needs to create a certain microclimate.

Heating using steam is different in that it cannot be installed in rooms where there are emissions of flammable gases, aerosols or a constant source of dust. For example, in production paving slabs This heating system will not work. For other businesses, steam heating has its advantages. This is, for example, heat, which lasts forever. It can warm up a room very quickly, but the building also cools down quickly. To maintain heat, the number of floors in a building does not matter. This type can be called ideal for periodic heating.

Except positive aspects, steam heating has its drawbacks. The equipment makes a lot of noise during operation. The second disadvantage is that it is very difficult to regulate heat transfer and the amount of steam. Price heating season will depend on frequency of use and type of fuel.

In heating hot water the main component is the boiler. It has the ability to work on many types of energy carriers:

  • electricity;
  • liquid or solid fuel;
  • combined view;

The most economical option fuel is considered to be gas and coal. Other types of consumption will cost more, which is less profitable for heating industrial buildings.

Water heating has its own characteristics. It stands out under high pressure, when using it, it is possible to maintain the required temperature level so that the structure does not freeze. If during operation the temperature drops to 0 o C, the installation may fail. When heating equipment is not used, antifreeze must be added.

The main advantage of such a system is fast heating. However, besides this advantage, there are many disadvantages. For example, when high ceilings In industrial buildings, hot air will rise to the top, and cold air will remain below. With such heating, a lot of electricity is consumed, the air becomes dry, so it is necessary to humidify it to a normal state.

By using electrical appliances you can use the most different systems. Nowadays, many modern developments are increasingly being used. For example, infrared emitters perfect for warehouses.

Install also thermal curtains, due to which the cold does not enter buildings. However, despite everything positive traits, with the help of these devices it will not be possible to warm up the entire area, and when using additional equipment material costs will be high.

The most effective are considered ceiling systems. This innovative technology radiant installations allow you to warm up the walls, floors and ceilings of any room. During operation, the local zone quickly heats up, and this type of equipment occupies a minimum area. IR heating does not require reconstruction work for a long time; installation of this system is quick and simple (it is sometimes installed in the form wall panels). According to many experts, radiant heaters are the most acceptable option for heating industrial buildings and premises.