The water in the pipe at home is frozen - what to do? How to warm up frozen water pipes underground How to warm up frozen water pipes in winter.

Polypropylene is a wonderful material for manufacturing water pipes. It is both safe for health and quite durable and flexible. However, no one is immune from the fact that during severe frosts the system will freeze. And in the case of propylene pipes warming it up can be quite a challenge. How to warm up frozen propylene water supply without damaging the pipes and ensuring effective current water?

What will determine the defrosting method?

The choice of system defrosting method can be determined mainly by two factors:

Pipe icing can occur due to various reasons, but removing the ice plug is simply necessary.

  • The material from which the pipes are made. In this case - from;
  • And also where exactly the frozen pipe is located - in the open space or is it buried underground.

In order to determine exactly where an ice jam is observed, you can resort to two methods. The first is the most obvious; it is, as a rule, suitable for polypropylene pipes. This visual inspection. Since ice tends to expand when heated, and polypropylene is a very flexible materials, then visually a certain thickening may be observed on the frozen section of the pipe.
The other method is more labor-intensive. It should be resorted to if it is not possible to visually inspect the pipe, or if it is impossible to determine the location of the blockage using the above method. To do this, the water in the system is shut off, then the nearest pipe connection is separated. In some cases, the pipe may even need to be cut. Then a special metal cable is inserted into the pipe and pushed forward until it hits the ice plug. The length of the cable is used to check the length of the pipe section before the expected blockage.
And then you will need to take into account exactly where the polypropylene pipe froze.

If a pipe is frozen inside a heated room

To eliminate icing in a heated room, it is enough to increase temperature regime premises.

This is probably the simplest case. It happens that the room is simply for a long time there was no heating - as a result, an ice jam formed in the pipe. It will be enough to simply turn on the heating for a while to raise the air temperature inside to above zero. In this case, the ice will simply melt by itself.

Defrost a polypropylene pipe with electric current

In the case of a polypropylene pipe, many traditional methods, for example, heating with a burner and starting a fire simply do not work. After all, on open flame It is very easy not only to deform, but to irreparably damage the pipe. So we have to act more thoughtfully.
Often used for this thermal effect electric current. After all, all conductors under current tend to heat up. Sometimes you can achieve such heating that the wire can easily melt even the most intense ice plug.
To do this, you will need a two-core wire with a cross-section of 2.5 millimeters. In this case, the veins are separated in opposite directions. One end of the core is exposed so that several turns of bare wire can be made around the other end. In this case, the conductors themselves should not touch each other - otherwise a short circuit may occur. An electrical plug is mounted at the other end of the wire.

The technology of heating pipes with a two-core wire is similar to heating water using a boiler.

Next, the wire is pushed inside the water pipe until it rests against the ice. The plug is then plugged into the outlet. The heating principle is similar to the operation of a household boiler, with which everyone is familiar. The current passes through the bare end of the wire and heats it, which in turn heats the ice, turning it into water.

Note! For the pipe itself, this method is completely safe, since polypropylene can easily withstand even boiling water. The operator performing this procedure must ensure that all safety precautions are followed. In particular, there should be no exposed wire anywhere. Touching the exposed area with your hands after the wire has been plugged in is strictly prohibited!

In order to check whether this installation works, you can immerse such an improvised boiler in water in a plastic bucket. If, after connecting to the network, a slight hum is heard, and then bubbles appear above the water, the installation is working.

Important! During the test, you should never put your hand in the water, for example, to check its heating. Otherwise, electric shock cannot be avoided.

How to melt an ice jam using a steam generator

In the case of polypropylene, you can also use a device such as a steam generator. In fact, it is also used for pipes made of other materials. But for polypropylene, one might say, it is ideal.

A steam generator is a special machine that regenerates steam and supplies it under pressure.

The essence of the process is quite simple. Heated steam is supplied inside the pipe under high pressure. As a result, the ice in the cork melts and turns into water. In this way, you can successfully melt an ice plug of any extent without fear of damaging the pipe.
On sale today there are both specialized industrial steam generators and those with reduced power - intended for household use. Such steam generators do not require the operator to have any special skills. Anyone can master working with it.
If you don’t have a special steam generator at hand, you can use the most ordinary multicooker or autoclave as one.

The order of work in this case will be as follows:

  • The unit is filled with required amount water;
  • The end of the heat-resistant hose is connected to the generator fitting;
  • Its other end is pushed inside the water pipe - to the point where the ice plug is located;
  • The generator turns on. Once the plug is melted, the hose can be easily pushed into the pipe. This indicates that the ice melting process is complete.

At the same time, at any stage of work, it is necessary to ensure that the device has the required amount of water.

Defrosting using a submersible pump

In order to melt ice in a pipe in this way, you will need a metal barrel and submersible pump. To begin with, the water is heated in a barrel using any accessible method. Then a hose from is placed into the pipe. Then the pump pumps water from the barrel into the pipe. In this case, the hose must be moved forward smoothly until the plug defrosts.

Submersible pump - a pump submersed below the level of the pumped liquid.

If the ice is not too far from the tap, you can simply run hot water from the water supply into the system. Defrosting by simple spilling is done in approximately the same way. hot water into the pipe. But it works this method not always, but only if the plug is located not too far from the inlet of the system.
Otherwise, the water will simply cool down on its way and then freeze completely, which will only worsen the situation.
To enhance the effect, you can add to the water a large number of salt. Entering chemical reaction with ice, salt will help speed up the process of breaking the ice plug.

What are the traditional methods of defrosting?

So-called “folk” remedies can also be useful for melting ice inside a polypropylene pipe.
For example, if you have open access to the pipe, you can point the most common household hair dryer at it. In this case, the device turns on at the maximum possible temperature. You will have to wait a little - the cork will not melt immediately in this case.

As folk remedy To combat icing, an ordinary household or construction hair dryer is sufficient.

However, you can also use construction hair dryer. But this will require compliance with the rules for working with it.
You can also use the so-called self-heating electrical cable. It is used when installing a heated floor system. In this case, the cable is simply wrapped around the frozen section of the pipe and connected to the network.
If the area affected by freezing is relatively small and is located in a well-accessible open place, then we can offer the following option. First you need to wrap this section of the pipe with some rags. Then hot water is gradually poured onto the rags. You can’t pour boiling water right away. After all, a sharp change in temperature is almost guaranteed to lead to the pipe simply cracking. First you need to water with water taken from room temperature. Then the water temperature must be gradually increased until the plug finally dissolves.
Under the spilled area, you need to place some kind of container in advance to collect water.

You cannot pour hot water directly onto polypropylene pipes - this can lead to their deformation.

Viktor Sergeevich Vasyukov, plumber: Any pipes can freeze under certain conditions. To prevent this from happening, even at the stage of their installation it is necessary to provide for everything available options their insulation.

Dmitry Pavlovich Rodionov, master plumber: Polypropylene pipes are connected with fittings that do not contribute to narrowing at the junction internal diameter pipes. Therefore, the process of eliminating ice plugs is greatly simplified when compared with pipes made of metal.


If there is water inside polypropylene pipe frozen and formed a traffic jam, then, of course, there is no need to be discouraged. If you try all the methods described above in turn, you can confidently solve the problem.
If none of the suggestions help, then the best option will still contact a specialized company where professional workers will do everything necessary using the appropriate equipment.

Pipes freeze for various reasons: insufficient laying depth, lack of insulation, small volume of transported water, use of the pipeline in frosty conditions. Defrosting the water supply in accessible location does not cause any difficulties. The question is how to defrost the water supply plastic pipe underground, requires attention.

Nowadays, pipes made of high-density polyethylene are used for water supply, which does not deteriorate when frozen, has anti-corrosion properties and does not conduct electricity. But heating the water supply is not possible using all available methods.

Defrosting pipes using a heating cable

Before you start defrosting frozen water pipe, find the place where the ice jam has formed. Search methods:

  1. Visual inspection. When a liquid freezes, it increases in volume and leads to swelling; the place where it freezes feels colder to the touch.
  2. Internal check. If a full inspection is not possible, use a flexible wire or cable. The area where the cable does not pass further will be the place where the traffic jam occurs.

How to thaw an icy area will depend on the availability of free access to the problem.

Effective ways to solve the problem

It is difficult to heat a water pipe located in the ground. In this case, it is impossible to use external thawing methods. You will have to defrost the system from the inside. Let's look at common ways to remove ice jams.

Hot water application

Prepare a metal-plastic pipe whose cross-section is 2 times smaller than the diameter of the main pipe. Carefully bring it inside the pipe to the frozen area and fill it with boiling water, which will gradually wash away the ice.
When defrosting water pipes using this method, be sure to open the tap so that the pressure in the system remains low.

Heating with a hairdryer

This heating method is suitable for water pipes that are located in the public domain. A stream of air is directed onto the icy area. To avoid deformation of the plastic, the temperature of the hair dryer should be set to a minimum level. After heating with hot air, wrap the pipeline section with insulation.

De-icing with electric current

It is possible to combat freezing pipes using welding machine. But it should only be used to defrost water supply systems made of steel, copper and other metal products.

Metal is a conductor of electric current. Electrons and ions under the influence of an electric field, moving and colliding with each other, form energy. The latter turns into heat.
Plastic does not conduct current. Therefore, using a welding machine on plastic products is pointless and irrational.

Soldier's boiler for plastic pipes

Water is an electrolyte due to its salt content. Therefore, to heat it, you will need a pair of energized electrodes. This method is only suitable for polyethylene water supply systems and is based on the principle of operation of a boiler.

You will need: two-core copper wire and steel wire, tools. The wire strands are stripped and wrapped around the wire. Make sure that the turns do not touch each other, as a short circuit may occur. A plug is attached to the free end of the wire.
Lower the homemade boiler into the pipe near the ice plug and plug it into the mains. After a while, the water supply will warm up and the icing will melt.

How to prevent your system from freezing

To do this, you need to remember the following:

  1. Lay the pipes at a sufficient depth, below the freezing level of the ground.
  2. The water supply should not pass near reinforced concrete structures (foundation, beams and supports), because this material has higher thermal conductivity. If you cannot find another installation location, insulate the pipes.
  3. It is recommended to insulate those places where the sewage system passes through the walls of the building. polyurethane foam, glass or mineral wool.
  4. Use pipes with a diameter of at least 50 mm.
  5. When choosing between polymer products, remember that polyethylene reacts stably to the process of freezing and thawing. Polypropylene may burst after two defrosts.
  6. If the pipeline does not operate regularly in winter, it is better to drain the water from the system.

If you have the opportunity and finances, you can also lay a heating cable.

Application of heating cable

The cable is used to heat the water supply and prevent freezing of plastic and metal pipes. Nuances of use:

  • the operating time of the device does not have to be constant, night time is sufficient;
  • It is recommended to use the heating cable immediately when laying a section of the pipeline that is susceptible to freezing;
  • The device is divided into 2 types: cable with self-regulating function and simple.

Subject to installation conditions plumbing system You won’t have to deal with the problem of freezing.

IN winter period You can observe such an unpleasant phenomenon as freezing of drain and water pipes in private buildings. It is much easier to defrost a sewer pipe, because during the thawing process the water will flow into drain hole. This process is much more complicated for the water supply system to the building. Often the pipes are underground, and digging through frozen soil is very difficult. In this article we will look at several popular methods of heating frozen pipes.

Methods for heating a frozen pipeline

Warming frozen pipes is quite problematic, so you should choose the appropriate method for this depending on where they are located. It is also worth considering the length of the frozen area and the material from which the pipes are made. Before starting heating work, you need to turn off the water supply and open the tap located closest to the frozen section of the pipeline.

Heating pipes using hot water

This method is best suited for cases where the trench where the pipe is located can be easily opened. For example, it is not buried underground, but is located in a concrete channel, which is not a problem to quickly access. In addition, this technology is only suitable for steel pipelines. The frozen section of the pipe is first wrapped in rags and then poured with boiling water. For relatively short period time, you can warm up a frozen place.

When heating pipes hot water it is important not to damage them. Areas that do not require heating must be covered with heat-insulating material, otherwise ice may form elsewhere.

Heating with an open fire

This method is used only for frozen steel pipes. When working you need to use blowtorch or gas burner, in the absence of these tools, you can use a regular fire. Important tip: You need to put a sheet of metal under the pipe so that the heat is reflected better. The frozen part of the pipeline is heated by an open fire, and the resulting water gradually spreads throughout the system. This method is used only when pipes are visible.

Warming up a frozen pipeline with a hairdryer

A hair dryer can quite successfully remove ice plugs. However, this heating method can only be used in situations where the pipeline is easy to reach. For example, in cases where it is located inside a building. For pipes made of polymer materials this technology is not suitable because the hair dryer produces too much high temperature. In the worst case, the plastic will melt and the water supply system will have to be changed.

The metal pipeline can be warmed up with a hairdryer, but this will take quite a lot of time. Speed ​​up this process You can use a sleeve made of any dense material, for example polyethylene. The sleeve is placed on the desired area, and a hair dryer is inserted inside it and connected to a power source. Heated air collects in the sleeve, which acts on the pipeline, heating it evenly over the entire surface.

Defrosting pipes using a welding machine

This technology for heating pipes was invented by savvy owners of private houses. The method consists of applying electricity to the frozen area from a welding machine. Depending on the degree of freezing, the current can be adjusted down or up. The wires from the welding machine are connected to the ends of the frozen section and wrapped with wire. The equipment is then turned on for about half a minute. After a short break, this process is repeated. If during such exposure the pipe does not heat up, the current of the device is increased.

They work on this principle industrial systems to defrost the pipeline. The terminals of this device are connected to the ends of the area that needs to be defrosted. The device is plugged into the network and a current is applied to the pipe. Using such a device, a pipe 25 meters long and 6 centimeters in diameter defrosts in about 1 hour, therefore, if the structure has a diameter larger than 6 centimeters, it is better to defrost it in separate parts, it will be faster.

How to warm up a plastic pipe

Above we presented methods for heating metal structures, but what about plastic pipelines? To do this, you can use moderately hot water (no more than 80 degrees Celsius) or use a heating cable. Everything should be clear with hot water heating technology, but about the heating cable most of I haven’t even heard of the owners of private houses. In order to defrost a section of pipe with a cable, you need to wrap it with metal foil.

A special heating cable is wound on top of the foil. You should be careful, in order to avoid cable failure, the turns of the system must be located at a distance of at least 9 centimeters from each other. Thermal sensors are installed on the heating cable, which turn off the system when heated to a certain temperature. The cable is connected to a power source and heats up the desired area.

Equipment for emergency defrosting

The most famous equipment for emergency defrosting of pipes at the moment is the “Dragon”. This device is recognized by professionals as one of the best for removing ice from a pipe. This device is a step-down transformer with a high transformation rate. Depending on the model, this device can deliver a current of up to 400 Amps, due to which you can very quickly heat up a frozen pipe.

The advantages of this system include high level fire safety when performing work on, effective system protection against electric shock to humans or animals, the presence of a built-in regulator that allows you to select optimal ratio thermal power. In addition, “Dragon” can operate from a classic household network; to do this, you need to reduce the load by reducing the current.

If you plan to heat a large pipe over a long section, it is recommended to use several of these devices at the same time. Before using the system, check for excess pressure in the pipeline structure; this is necessary to start water circulation during the heating process.

Special pliers, connected to the device using a cable of the required length, are installed at the ends of the frozen section of the pipe, then the device is turned on and all you have to do is wait. The pipeline defrosting process can take from 3 minutes to 1 hour. It all depends on the amount of ice formed.

Using steam generators

Defrosting pipes using a steam generator is suitable if it is possible to gain access to the inside of the structure, and in some situations the pipeline will have to be disconnected. Steam is supplied from the device through a hose, at the end of which there is a nozzle installed, which can significantly increase the efficiency of work. The hose moves through the pipe as the ice melts.

The use of a powerful steam generator is optimal when it is necessary to quickly eliminate an emergency situation associated with the formation of ice in a pipeline.

In addition to such equipment, you can use a device for hydrodynamic cleaning hot water. The productivity of this installation is slightly less than that of a steam generator, but this does not make it less effective.

One of the benefits of de-icing pipes from the inside is that at the same time as the ice is removed, the system is cleared of unwanted deposits. This allows you to bring the pipe cross-section to a normal value and improve fluid circulation in the structure.

The steam generator for defrosting pipes also has an obvious drawback - its dimensions and cost. If electrical equipment can be purchased at any store and used for household needs, then a steam generator is a different case. This type of technology is used mostly by professional companies.

How to prevent pipes from freezing?

Above we examined those cases when the pipeline is already frozen and its heating is necessary. However, this situation can be completely avoided if you adhere to the following instructions:
Follow the required pipeline design; it must be no less than the freezing depth of the ground in your region.

The most vulnerable points of the system are the points where pipes enter distribution wells and the house. These areas must be carefully insulated with heat-insulating material and protected from moisture.
If you have sufficient funds, protect the water supply active method, for this purpose various electrical films and heating cables are now produced.

If the structure is expected to remain idle for a long time, it must be drained of water and kept dry in winter.

Of course, when heating a pipe, we must not forget about safety precautions. Especially when it comes to working with open fire. In no case should this technology be used to defrost plastic pipes, because instead of a frozen area you can get a burnt one, which is much worse.

Despite the wide range efficient equipment To remove ice plugs from pipes when they freeze, it is best not to lead to such problems. Do not forget that saving on thermal insulation can result in serious problems, and the stingy pays twice.

At Not correct installation plumbing in a private house, you may encounter the fact that during frosty times the pipes will freeze. And if this happens on the outside of the pipe, it is not difficult to fix. But if the pipe is frozen underground, much more effort will be required. Below we will only describe effective ways combat this problem.

Classic method

You don't have to make things up in various ways and go to classical way. That is, take a shovel and dig out a pipe. After that, you should warm it up and you're done. There are several ways to melt ice: you can use a hair dryer (preferably a hair dryer), a blowtorch or boiling water. When using hot water, wrap the pipe with a rag.

Despite the fact that the method is quite simple, only a few use it. The fact is that this method of removing ice from a pipe is extremely inconvenient and has the following disadvantages:

  1. If the pipe is located deep enough (but, unfortunately, not so deep that it won’t freeze), it will take a lot of time to excavate it, since the frozen soil will not just give in to an ordinary shovel.
  2. If you don’t know the exact location of the freeze, you’ll have to dig up the entire pipe, which certainly doesn’t inspire optimism.

Those who do not want to spend the whole day (or even more) in the cold and with a shovel in their hands can use the following methods, which are more effective and efficient.

Option for metal pipes

If the water pipes are made of metal, you can remove the ice plug using a copper two-core cable. However, the most important rule in execution similar works is compliance with safety regulations. In addition, if you do not have your own similar experience in handling electricity, it is better to entrust the matter to a more qualified technician.

So. First you need to strip the veins. Each of them should be wrapped around an axis and made 2-3 turns. It is important that the wire parts do not touch each other. After this, this side of the wire is inserted into the pipeline. It should be advanced until it freezes. Accordingly, you should stock up on a long cable.

When the plug has been detected, an electrical current is applied to the outer end of the wire. After this, the cable begins to warm up. Thus, the ice inside the pipe begins to melt. However, the further away the traffic jam is, the longer it will take to remove it.

It is also equally important to pump out melt water. Otherwise, it will certainly freeze again.

This method is effective only for the owner of metal pipes. The idea of ​​melting plastic water pipes in this way, unfortunately, will be doomed to failure. However, there is a way out, and it will be described below.

The essence this method consists of supplying hot water directly to the place where the pipe freezes. However, if you simply pour boiling water in, the cork will not go away, and the time and effort spent will be in vain.

For this procedure to give a positive result, you will need:

  1. Hose and a large container of hot water. The jam can be quite far away, so you should stock up on plenty of liquid.
  2. Compressor. This tool is a must. It is thanks to him that water will flow into the pipe quickly enough, which will not allow it to cool down. In addition, strong pressure will have a more effective effect on the ice plug. This in turn will help you resolve the problem faster.

The operating principle of such a device is quite simple. The hose is passed through the pipe all the way to the frozen area. Then water is supplied through the compressor. Once again, it is worth noting that you should not skimp on water. It is worth preparing a large container of liquid in advance.

How to avoid freezing

To avoid repeating the above procedures, care should be taken to ensure that the water supply is installed correctly. After all, it is better to dig it up and correct all the shortcomings than to remove plugs from frozen water year after year. It’s even better if you came across this article before you even started laying the plumbing.

So, first of all, you should take care of correct laying pipes Regular plastic household pipes cannot be compared with main lines, through which large volumes of liquid continuously flow. Therefore, they should be buried below the soil freezing level. It’s even better to spare no expense and entrust the procedure to professionals who will take into account all the nuances during the work.

You should also take care of insulation. You can provide thermal insulation underground in the following ways:

  1. The pipe can be wrapped in basalt and secured with tape. From above, as thermal insulation material roofing material should be laid out.
  2. You can also use regular foam with edges cut out for joints. Wrap it with tape with waterproof glue.
  3. The most reliable, but at the same time the most expensive way of insulating a water supply system is considered to be winding with a heating cable. If this insulation method is used in country house where no one lives permanently, the depth of the trench should be at least 2 meters. If the house is permanently inhabited, a half-meter hole will be sufficient.

It is worth noting that the latter method is best used in areas with small water supply. Then the cost of installing the cable will be significantly lower than laying it through a multi-meter section. In addition, the amount of energy consumed will be no more than 20 W.

The above tips, if used correctly, will definitely cope with the task. However, it is still better to take care of the correct installation of water pipes. Especially underground, since it is much easier to deal with an ice jam on the surface (in a house or basement).


The possibility of heating a water pipeline is largely related to the features of its design - in particular, the depth of installation. It is easier to heat the water supply in the house, since its owner usually knows exactly where the pipes run and in which places they are most sensitive to frost.

As a rule, the water supply freezes at open areas exposed to strong winds. This condition may be one of the keys to finding a section of water supply that needs to be heated. Usually, an ice plug forms first in the most problematic area: if it is melted in time, the water supply can be restored. The more time passes from the moment the water supply stops, the larger the section of the pipe will freeze, and the more difficult it will be to resume the water supply.

Locate the area where you think the water supply may have frozen. Clear the area of ​​snow and build a fire there. Be prepared for the fact that it will take more than one hour to maintain the fire. The earth will warm up quite slowly, and the ice plug will melt just as slowly. The fact that your efforts are not in vain will be announced by the appearance of a thin stream of water from the tap. Open all the taps and let the water flow, this will help the ice plug melt.

In rural houses with autonomous water supply, can freeze sections of the water supply near a pump, well or borehole. As a rule, for the convenience of prevention - for example, to remove deep well pump, part of the water supply may not be covered with earth, but covered with light heat-insulating materials. In severe frost and wind, such protection may not be enough, and the pipe will freeze.

To heat the water supply in this case, you will need one or two kettles of boiling water. Remove insulation to gain access to frozen pipes. Place rags under them - for example, bags, any old unnecessary clothes, etc. After this, pour boiling water over the frozen pipes. After pouring out all the boiling water, wrap the pipes in wet hot rags, then cover them with thermal insulation. As a rule, this procedure is enough to melt the ice in the pipes.

If the centrifugal pump installed next to the well is caught in the frost, boiling water will also help you. Remove the thermal insulation and tuck rags under the pump where possible. Then start the pump body with the impeller (but not the electric motor!), the outlet pipe with a section of pipe, and the pipe that carries the water to the pump. These measures may be enough to get the water supply running again.

To prevent water pipes from freezing in severe frosts, you should not long time stop the water supply to the house. It’s better to get up one more time at night and turn on the water for a while than to find out in the morning with annoyance that the water supply is frozen.