Adeniums Mini Size. Adenium seeds: everything beginners need to know Possible difficulties, diseases and pests

Small, bright flowers decorating the window sills of city apartments and country houses Mini adeniums are charming little branching trees with a wide caudex at the base and leaves that resemble bright green glossy paper. They are compact and fit perfectly into the interior of any home, filling it with an atmosphere of harmony, comfort and peace. If their care is organized correctly, at home mini adeniums bloom in the second year of life and delight their owner with long and delightful flowering.

To find out more about these amazing colors, occupying a special place among all adeniums, let's get to know them better.

Adenium mini are different, but have a lot in common

In nature, their relative, the giant adenium, reaches two meters, and the height of the mini, like other dwarf plants, is small - only about 17 centimeters. They reach this size by the age of five and are an original decorative tree in a pot. But all year round they allow you to admire their bright, rose-bud-like flowers. As a result of the painstaking work of breeders, mini adeniums are today represented by different varieties:

  • White. The variety was one of the last to be bred. Its large white flowers amaze with their beauty and even outline of the petals, so Mini White comes first in popularity;
  • Pink. Adenium mini variety Pink blooms in soft pink color. The center is white. There is no clear boundary of color transition; towards the edge the color becomes richer and brighter.
  • Red. Scarlet flowers have a dark border and a white core. The smooth transition from white to scarlet makes this mini adenium even more mysterious and magnificent.

On a Mini of any variety, several flowers bloom simultaneously, covering the plant with a bright, colorful decoration. Flower growers prefer to propagate mini by grafting or seeds.

I would like to say a few words about monadenium richi. Ornamental plant is becoming increasingly popular due to its exotic appearance. Like all minis, it is dwarf, there is a caudex on the lower fragment of the trunk, and the trunk itself looks like a hill of “cones” with three to four leaves at the top. In early spring, with good maintenance, gently pink flowers appear at the top.

How to properly organize care

As with adenium obese, the main requirement at home is good lighting. These plants are similar, so the requirements for growing them are the same. Their homeland is the Arabian Peninsula, so they tolerate high temperature air and bright light.

So that at home the plant blooms as long as possible, in conditions temperate climate flowers need additional lighting. The substrate should be loose, nutritious, and well permeable to air and water. Important condition for Mini – good drainage.

Don't be surprised if the flower emerges from the caudex. The beginning of flowering depends on how correctly you organized the care of your Mini. Some specimens bloom in the first year of life, although this does not last long; there are mini ones that are in no hurry to pamper their owners.

If you have organized the care correctly and Mini feels well at home, an adult flower will bloom for about twelve days.

What you need to remember to ensure proper care

Proper care at home is: good lighting, regular but not abundant watering, moderate humidity and temperature control.

Drying out the soil, as well as excessive watering, lead to disease of the root system, which can cause the plant to die. If a plant suffers from a lack of moisture, the leaves on it begin to turn yellow and crumble, and flowering is delayed for an indefinite period.

Care includes transplanting the flower into a new, more spacious pot. The root system grows quickly, and if it is crowded, the flower will die. This happens if several flowers are planted in one pot. Young plants are replanted once a year, older ones - every two or three years. Adult flowers need to be replanted as they become crowded in the pot. Replanting is not only about getting more space for root growth and development. This also means providing the root with all the necessary minerals and trace elements at home.

In winter, you can’t help but water the flower, but this is done very carefully, in small portions, once every seven days.

Growing flowers from seeds at home

It is very difficult to predict the germination of seeds, but let’s still look at how this is done. Seeds are planted in March - April to a depth of no more than a centimeter. If there is no special container, you can use a small plastic box with a lid for these purposes so that ventilation can be done two to three times a day. Excessive moisture at home is dangerous for seeds, so instead of watering, spraying is used.

At a temperature of about 30 degrees, seedlings can appear within a week. Two months after germination, the seedlings are planted and fed with fertilizer for succulents.

Growing adenium is not an easy, but very interesting activity; it brings many pleasant moments to flower lovers.

Adenium Mini ( Mini Size) is a dwarf succulent branching tree with a wide caudex, blooming in the 2nd year of life. The plant is of exceptional interest for breeding due to the instability of varietal characteristics in flower shape and color.

Mini Size is stunningly decorative. This dwarf bush, growing up to 17 cm in height, blooms all year round. bright flower, similar to a rosebud, reaches 7 cm in diameter.

Types of Adenium Mini

From the original variety “Morning Star” (Sunup Star) all other varieties of Adenium Mini Size are obtained:

  • White - new, most unstable and beautiful variety with absolutely white flowers;
  • pink (Pink) - the petals are painted in shades of pink;
  • red - a corolla of rich scarlet color with a dark border.


On all Minis, several buds can bloom at the same time, covering the bush with a cap of flowers. Multiply better with seeds or vaccination.

Caring for Mini Size

The plant needs sun to abundant flowering. In mid-latitudes, backlighting may be required even on south-facing windows. The soil should be loose. You can use a mixture for cacti with the addition of agroperlite and vermiculite (up to 30% of the volume).

The flower may appear directly from the caudex. Minis are blooming at different ages, the first buds can appear even in annual specimens, but most often the plant immediately discards them.

In an adult Mini, the flower lasts up to 12 days. Improper care leads to the cessation of flowering.

Care errors

  • Over-drying is a common mistake that causes leaf shedding and prolonged dormancy;
  • the earthen ball does not dry out from watering to watering;
  • planting several seedlings together, close planting - for flowering you need a powerful root system, wide pot;
  • dry keeping in winter.

Growing from seeds

Seeds are planted all year round, but it is best to do this in April. As a ready-made greenhouse for growing Adenium Mini, plastic packaging for cakes is taken from the seeds.

The soil mixture is poured thin layer, humidity is regulated by ventilation 2-3 times a day. Water by spraying; overwatering can cause rotting.

Make shallow grooves with a match and place seeds in them without covering them with soil or burying them in the soil. Germination temperature is approximately +30±3 o C, shoots appear after a week.

Seedlings do not need to be fertilized until 2 months after germination. Subsequently, they are seated and fed with fertilizer for cacti.

Mini-adeniums grow slowly, have short internodes and are compact. They require almost no shaping, they branch beautifully, look well-groomed and complete. Flowering is abundant, almost always in a “cap”. Mini-adeniums are classified according to flower color - Adenium mini size Red (red flowers), Adenium mini size Pink ( pink flowers), Adenium mini size Sunup Star (white flowers with a red edge) and Adenium mini size White (white flowers). There are also variegated forms of mini size adenium and compact growth adeniums with double flowers.
Adenium from the seeds of red mini-adeniums have the darkest foliage, and from the seeds of Adenium mini White- light green:

The same company almost 2 years later:

With age, the light green foliage of mini White adenium darkens, but is still lighter than that of mini Red.

It is worth noting that flowering, growth form, and leaf size of mini-adeniums are almost always individual. Everyone is special :)

For example, from the previous photo (in the background), adeniums of the same crop are noticeably different:

However, it is worth noting that the dwarf came from the seeds of Adenium mini size Red, and the giant from Adenium mini size Pink.

Care for adenium Mini Size

Mini-adeniums have a well-branched root system, so watering should be sufficient and the pot should not be cramped. With insufficient watering and a small pot, leaves drop or growth is inhibited. I defined this situation as a “tight pot”:

This situation occurred in July when it was hot and the soil dried out in less than a day. Some minis had their tops burned even in partial shade. And the plants decided to stagnate, shed the excess and rest. After transplantation, they began to actively grow only in September.

Mini Size grows noticeably better when high humidity in partial shade. In direct sun without shading in the heat, like other adeniums, the tender tops can burn and get sunburn leaves.

As soil components I use coconut substrate, zeolite, Seramis clay granulate, and agroperlite.

During a routine planned transplant, a healthy mini-adenium can become capricious and shed all its foliage. It takes willpower to wait for signs of growth without digging:

The same one a month later:

But this is an exception rather than a pattern. Mini-adeniums respond well to replanting and tolerate root pruning, which cannot be avoided over time.

Some mini-adeniums branch so much that their formation comes down to removing side shoots where there is simply no room for them to grow further without deformation.

Adenium Mini Size comparatively new variety adeniums and among the huge variety of adeniums of other varieties, of course, it is quite rare. At first unnoticed among the handsome giants, now Mini Size adeniums are becoming increasingly popular among amateurs.

Adenium Mini Size is a dwarf tree in a pot. Adeniums of this variety grow very slowly. It will take approximately 3-5 years for your adenium to become truly dwarf tree in a pot. By this age, the plant grows to a height of only 12-17 cm and even without flowers looks very decorative.

Perhaps it is precisely because of cross-pollination with other varieties of adeniums that the varietal characteristics of mini adeniums are not entirely stable in color and flower shape, and lovers can get flowers that are quite original and unusual for this variety.


Adenium mini needs a straight line sunlight. That's why best place For him, the house has south windows. But even despite such love of light, during the period summer heat it is better to shade it slightly to avoid burns to the trunk (this is his weakness). The pot with the plant should be rotated periodically to ensure uniform growth of the plant.


Adenium mini is heat-loving; in summer it feels good at a temperature of 25-30°C. With decreasing daylight hours and air temperature, the growth of adenium mini slows down and it enters a period of rest.

During this period, most of its leaves turn yellow and fall off. During the winter dormancy optimal temperature 12-15°C, not lower than 10°C. In the warm season, it is recommended to take it out Fresh air(balcony, terrace).

Watering and air humidity.

In summer, watering is moderate and the substrate is dried between waterings; in winter, watering is significantly reduced. If it is not possible to provide him with a cold winter, and he is kept at normal room temperature, the plant should be watered after the soil has completely dried.

Lack of watering for 3 weeks in winter for adenium mini can lead to almost complete loss of foliage and softening of the caudex. As a result, the plant will take a very long and painful time to recover from this state, have difficulty growing new foliage, and may stop flowering for up to 8 months.

Adeniums do not need spraying.


Mini adeniums, unlike their larger counterparts, begin to branch very early - usually from 3-8 months. Crown formation is not required, except in cases where it is necessary to change the direction of growth of plant branches.


Typically, Mini Size adeniums begin to bloom at the age of 2-3 years. However, it is not uncommon for adeniums of this variety to bloom (or try to bloom by forming buds, but then dropping them) even at the age of one year. The diameter of the flower is 5-7 cm. Depending on the conditions, the flower stays on the plant for 5-12 days.

An adult plant can bloom continuously all year round. Even winter maintenance with limited watering and a lack of light and heat, although it limits flowering, is often not able to stop it completely.


Once every 2-3 weeks with cactus fertilizer or universal fertilizer in half the dose.


It is best to replant mini adeniums as needed (for adult plants), while young plants should be replanted annually. Transplantation is carried out in spring or summer.

It is necessary to take into account that its root system develops in breadth, therefore the pot should be shallow, but wide enough. To avoid overheating of the soil, it is better to take a light pot for replanting (if kept on a sunny windowsill).

pH neutral, light (universal or peat soil for cacti, coconut briquettes) with the addition of a large (up to 50%) amount of rippers (perlite, sand, fine expanded clay, brick chips, vermiculite, charcoal and so on.).


Cuttings, layering during the growing season, seeds at any time of the year.

The seeds of adeniums of this variety usually germinate later than the seeds of ordinary adeniums. Moreover, it is quite normal if mini adenium seeds sprouted 2-3 weeks after sowing (which, in general, is not typical for adenium seeds), although germination is quite possible after 4-5 days.

Precautionary measures.

Adenium is poisonous. After handling it, be sure to wash your hands.

Main pests: spider mite, mealybug.

Adenium mini is a dwarf variety of adenium obese (obesum). It has all the features characteristic of its “tall brother”: thickening in the lower part of the trunk (caudex), gorgeous flowering, unpretentiousness.

Advantages of miniature varieties


Adenium mini size – perfect option for lovers of exotic flowering succulents when there is absolutely no space left on the windowsill. An adult bush (by 4-5 years) reaches a height of only 20 cm. Bred low-growing varieties very recently and not widely distributed, so you can only buy them by seeds.

The compactness of the miniature allows you not to think about annual pruning of the tree. Mini varieties branch on their own, unlike the “full-size” varieties.


Dwarf plants will also be pleased with their flowering: it often begins in the first year of life and practically does not stop even in winter period with proper care. The size of the flower is also noteworthy: 5-7 cm in diameter.

Breeders have not yet been able to develop the number of shades and patterns of flowers that adenium obese has. There are white, pink, red and white-pink inflorescences.

Secrets of growing “desert roses” from seeds

In order to grow your own “miniature”, you should:

  1. Buy mini adenium seeds.
  2. Select containers for sowing: small volume, shallow, individual for each seed.
  3. Prepare the soil - nutritious, but light and loose. Be sure to use expanded clay or pebbles as drainage to prevent moisture stagnation and root rotting.
  4. Filling the pot with soil should not be complete. Be sure to leave about 1 cm of free height for watering.
  5. Pre-soaked (in warm water with the addition of potassium permanganate) for a day planting material laid out on the surface of the soil and slightly sunk into it with light pressure. Moisturizing the earthen coma is done from a spray bottle.
  6. Sown mini adenium seeds should be placed in a bag to maintain constant moisture.
  7. The best temperature for germination is 25-30 degrees. Shoots of the miniature variety appear later than the usual “desert rose”. In a week or two, sprouts will begin to appear.
  8. The emerging plants are placed on the sunniest windowsill.
  9. Watering the seedlings is carried out very carefully, after the soil has completely dried.
  10. Feed the plants twice a month.

Adenium mini – great option for lovers rare plants. Periodic watering and bright sun are the basic needs of the crop to obtain abundant, long-lasting flowering on a dwarf plant.