What to do if an orchid dies. Home floriculture: how to revive an orchid

It is quite difficult to grow a beautiful, healthy and regularly blooming orchid at home. This tropical plant requires careful and attentive treatment.

If the technology is seriously violated, it can become seriously ill and lose leaves and part of the root system. Hypothermia, draft, overheating, excessive watering, exposure to scorching sun rays or, conversely, severe darkening can lead to the death of the plant. If you didn’t realize it in time and noticed late that your plant is in critical condition, this article is just for you. In it we will tell you how to revive an orchid.

Droopy plant leaves are a signal of overheating

If your orchid's leaves have turned yellow, flabby, and limp, it may have suffered from overheating. Where is the pot with your plant? If on a windowsill, next to a window that is not covered with blinds or curtains, or in close proximity to a radiator central heating, then it is likely that the plant is sick precisely from excessive heat. Is it possible to revive the orchid in this case? Yes! The main thing is to act quickly. Remove the pot with the plant deep into the room and leave it alone for three hours. Do not water the flower or spray its leaves until it cools down. Otherwise, you can cause yellowing and death. After three to four hours, when the orchid comes to its senses a little, it can be sprayed and watered with clean, settled water. Note that the leaves will not recover immediately, but after three to four days with proper care. To avoid repeated overheating, change the location of the flower pot. Remember that the orchid does not like scorching sunlight, so it is better to shade it or place it some distance from the window. Now you know how to revive an orchid if it has become overheated. Next, we’ll talk about what to do if a plant dies

Resuscitation measures: restoring orchid roots

Many owners of phalaenopsis are faced with the problem of rotting of the root system. Most often this happens due to a violation of the lighting regime, namely due to a significant lack of daylight. This problem can also appear due to insufficient watering. If you notice that the roots of the plant turn brown or black, their top layer is removed, and liquid is released when pressed, it’s time to take immediate action. How to revive an orchid in this case? The degree of root damage can be mild, moderate or severe. In the latter case, there is an almost complete absence of healthy tissue. To determine the extent of root damage, gently move the plant. If it sits firmly in the substrate, most likely the problem is some tissue dehydration. In this case, the roots can be saved by saturating them with liquid. Now we will tell you how to revive it. Remove the plant from the windowsill and leave it alone for about forty minutes. Then place it in a bowl or sink with warm water(30 °C - 40 °C) and leave for an hour. During this time, the roots of the plant will be well saturated with liquid and become elastic.

We carry out water treatments

After performing resuscitation measures, pour the shower over the orchid. Make the water temperature comfortable for her. When dousing, try to cover the flower stalks from drops of moisture. Leave the pot with the plant in the bath for 20 minutes, during which time the excess water will have time to drain. Using a clean napkin, remove excess moisture from the axils and core of the plant. Place the flower in a well-lit place and maintain a favorable room temperature of 18 °C - 24 °C. After this procedure, the plant should recover.

We inspect the root system

If water and a warm shower do not help restore the plant, then you reacted too late to its disease. But don't despair, even if most of roots and leaves died. Remove the flower from the pot and inspect it. The surviving roots will be dense and hard to the touch. They may have light, greenish or brownish tints. Rotten roots are usually dark brown or black in color and feel slippery and hollow to the touch. When pressed, water releases from them. Next, we will discuss how to revive an orchid without leaves and without roots.

Will replanting the plant help?

After inspection, remove all dry and rotten shoots. If only part of the root is damaged, remove it to healthy tissue. Sprinkle all cuts with powder activated carbon. Without proper antiseptic treatment the plant will die due to the development of fungal diseases. Under no circumstances should iodine or brilliant green be used to disinfect cut areas. The alcohol contained in these preparations will dry the root from the inside. How to revive an orchid if it has at least one or two roots 5 or 6 cm long still alive? It can be safely transplanted into a new high-quality substrate and placed in a bright, warm place without drafts. You need to care for such a seedling like you would a healthy plant: water it when the substrate dries out and spray it regularly.

Using growth regulators when caring for an orchid

Experienced flower growers It is recommended to use growth regulators that help strengthen the plant’s immune system. The most commonly used are "Epin" (or otherwise - "Epin-Extra"), as well as "Zircon". These drugs help the orchid regain its strength. "Epin" should be diluted in a dosage of 1 liter - 1 drop. You can soak the plant in this solution for 20 minutes to 2 hours. But remember that growth regulators themselves are not a magic panacea for everything. In order for the plant to feel good, it is necessary to create favorable growing conditions for it, including maintaining high humidity air and sufficient lighting in the room. We hope that now you know how to resuscitate the plant. Care for the plant wisely, observing all agrotechnical rules of cultivation, avoiding overwatering, hypothermia or overheating.

They are faced with the fact that just recently, a flower bursting with health begins to wither and die right before our eyes. Our article will tell you what to do in such a situation, is it possible to save the orchid from death and how to do it if it has dried up.

An orchid is dying - how to save it?

So, we have a rotten, frozen or dried orchid - how to save it? No matter what misfortune overcomes our beauty, we can and should try to save her. In any case, resuscitation work should begin with a careful examination and assessment of the condition of the main organ of the orchid - its root system. It is on how safe it is that all further actions taken will depend.

Step 1 - inspection of the root system

To inspect the roots, you need to carefully remove the orchid from the pot and clean the roots from the substrate, rinsing them under running water. warm water. After drying the roots after bathing, which will take from 30 minutes in summer to 2-3 hours in winter, you can proceed to assessing their condition. Living orchid roots have a dense structure and are dense to the touch. The color of living roots ranges from off-white to light brown. Rotten roots are dark brown in color and soft and slimy to the touch.

Step 2 – removing rotten and dry roots

The next step is to remove all dead parts of the root system. They need to be cut with a well-sharpened knife, after which the sections should be sprinkled with ground cinnamon or crushed activated carbon tablets. Depending on the percentage of roots left after cleaning, the further rescue strategy will vary. Even 15% of the remaining living roots is enough for the orchid to recover safely and develop further normally. But even if there are no roots left at all, it is quite possible to save the orchid.

Step 3 - resuscitation measures

There are several ways to revive an orchid:

In addition to the condition of the roots, the fundamental factor when choosing a method for saving an orchid will be the amount of free time the grower has. For example, will he have the opportunity to change the water in the container with the orchid several times during the day or ventilate the greenhouse.

How to save an orchid - method 1

If the orchid has enough living roots left, then after cleaning the root system it can be planted in a small pot filled with. Since weakened roots will not allow the orchid to gain a sufficient foothold in the pot, it needs to be further strengthened at first. Like all patients, the injured orchid needs to be provided with gentle conditions: place it in a well-lit place, but protected from direct sunlight, ensure proper drinking regime. It should be remembered that weakened roots will not be able to fully absorb moisture from the substrate, so you need to water the orchid very carefully, slightly moistening the substrate with a spray bottle. Excellent results Bottom watering of the orchid, when water is poured into the saucer in which the pot stands, helps restore the root system.

How to save an orchid - method 2

How to save an orchid - method 3

You can revive an orchid using ordinary water. To do this, it is placed in a container of water so that only the very tip of its lower part touches the water. After 12 hours, the water is drained, and after another 12 hours, it is poured again. The air temperature should be at least +25° C. The appearance of roots with this method should be expected after 6-10 weeks, but sometimes this period can extend up to six months.

Indoor orchids are considered difficult to care for and maintain only because many novice gardeners' plants die due to loss of the root system. Is it possible, and how, to revive an orchid in which most of the roots that feed the flower have rotted or dried out?

The autumn-winter period is most dangerous for people from the tropics, where there are practically no seasonal fluctuations in temperature, light and humidity. Actively growing in the warm season, blooming orchids feel comfortable in natural conditions, easily tolerating the lack of lighting, heating and additional air humidification.

An orchid without roots can be saved. But by winter the picture changes. And the plant noticeably slows down its growth, consuming less nutrients and moisture. What is the reason that orchids die at home, and how to save a beautiful flower?

If the grower did not react in time to the change of season, did not adjust the care and maintenance conditions, the consequences in the form of weeping, rotting roots will definitely make themselves felt.
How to save an orchid with rotten roots?

Having noticed that recently a living and healthy flower has become lethargic, the leaves have lost their juiciness, withered, and even watering does not help the plant recover, the gardener should be wary. The sooner the problem is discovered, the easier it will be to resuscitate the orchid, because without roots the flower will not be able to feed and will inevitably die.

A sick plant must be carefully inspected. Before resuscitating an orchid at home, you need to assess the situation and find out the extent of the damage. This is done by carefully examining the root system.

Living and healthy roots are always dense, with an elastic, uniform surface. The younger the rhizomes, the lighter their color, and when immersed in water or after abundant irrigation they become noticeably greener.
Old rhizomes have a gray or brownish tint. But as long as they feed the leaf rosette and peduncles, the roots remain hard, smooth and dry to the touch.

Rotten and dead roots must be removed

Removing the substrate and washing the underground part of the plant will show a complete picture of the damage. A sign of rotting, bacterial or fungal infection is:

darkening of rhizomes;
the appearance of wet, slimy areas on them;
flow of water when you press on the root;
thread-like appearance of collapsed roots.

Unfortunately, rotten roots can no longer be saved, so they are removed, carefully trimmed to healthy tissue. Do the same with dried rhizomes. The loss of two or three roots, if the plant is properly cared for, will not affect its viability.

But what to do if all or most of the orchid’s roots have rotted? Is it possible to restore health to the plant or will you have to say goodbye to the green pet?

Having eliminated all problem parts, leave the plant to dry.

After removing the problem areas, the cuts on the remaining parts must be treated with activated carbon crushed to the powder stage or ground cinnamon, which also has pronounced disinfectant properties. When the roots dry, it is useful to immerse them in a fungicide solution for 10–15 minutes. This will reduce the risk of colonizing a weakened plant with harmful fungi.

Having disinfected the remaining roots and ensured the protection of the plant, it is important to treat the growth area of ​​future roots with a growth stimulant. This will strengthen the orchid’s immunity and speed up rooting.

How to revive an orchid: methods available at home

An orchid left without roots should not be thrown away. tropical plant with proper care and patience, it turns out to be very resilient and cheerful. Experienced flower growers advise considering three methods of revitalization:

in a home greenhouse;
without a greenhouse, using regular watering and drying;
by planting in a regular substrate.

If the plant has living roots, it is transplanted into a fresh substrate. Before resuscitating the orchid, you need to assess its condition and choose the most effective and maximum quick way. If a flower that has lost less than 60% of its roots manages to return to health in a month, then an orchid completely deprived of its root system may require special maintenance and care for up to a year.

The choice of how to save an orchid without roots depends on:

on the condition of the affected flower;
on the number and condition of leaves;
from the presence of horse primordia formed in the lower part of the leaf rosette.

The conditions that a grower can create to resuscitate an orchid without roots are also of considerable importance.
Read also: Common diseases of roses - methods of control and symptoms of diseases
How to revive an orchid in greenhouse conditions?

If the grower has a window greenhouse in which the plant will be kept at a stable high humidity And comfortable temperature, there is a high probability of saving even a seriously weakened flower without a root system.

To nurse a sick plant, you need to create special conditions. How to revive an orchid if the roots have rotted? In the container in which the flower is to be rooted:

poured thin layer expanded clay;
a layer of cleaned, thoroughly steamed sphagnum is placed on top of it.
The leaf rosette is placed in a moist substrate until new roots appear

The substrate is carefully moistened and a leaf rosette is placed in it. Until the plant develops roots 3–5 cm long, the flower will have to constantly be under cover:

at air temperature from 22 to 28 °C;
at air humidity within 70–100%;
in bright diffused light for 12–14 hours a day.

Temperatures below 20 and above 33 °C inhibit root growth, but promote the proliferation of pathogenic flora and fungi.

Caring care will help the plant grow new roots.

What to do if all the roots of an orchid have rotted? Is it possible to stimulate root formation? Yes, this can be done with the help of proper care of the leaf rosette located in the greenhouse. As necessary, the substrate is slightly moistened and the greenhouse is ventilated. This is best done at night, which helps saturate the air. carbon dioxide and causes the rudiments of a future healthy root system to form faster.

The success of rooting depends on compliance temperature regime, maintaining long daylight hours and high humidity for the apartment. While the orchid is in the greenhouse, the rosette must be inspected regularly to prevent the appearance of pockets of rot.

A plant with new roots is placed under normal conditions. In four out of five cases, using this method, you can save an orchid without roots, and signs of the formation of a new root system become visible after 10–14 days. And plants with roots 3–4 cm long are planted in a regular substrate and transferred to the usual conditions for a flower.

How to save an orchid without using a greenhouse?

As in the previous case, the plant is rooted at a temperature of 20 to 27 °C, in a place shaded from direct sunlight. But how to revive an orchid in this case, when there is no home greenhouse or greenhouse?

Caring for an orchid in a glass container

The pre-treated rosette is placed in a deep glass vessel. Every day, in the morning, soft, boiled or filtered water is poured into it so that its surface touches only the lower part of the remaining root system and does not wet the leaves. The orchid remains in this form for up to 6 hours. Then the water is drained and the flower is dried until the next morning.

Orchid grows roots in water with honey or sugar

There is one feature on how to revive an orchid without roots faster and more efficiently.

Add a teaspoon of honey to water per liter of liquid or sugar syrup. In addition, to moisten the substrate or water all reanimated orchids, it is useful to use:

specialized complex fertilizers in very low concentrations;
feeding with iron preparation;
monthly treatments with a growth regulator.

How to revive an orchid that has lost not all its roots, but only part of them? In this case, the plant is still able to feed in the usual way, so you can grow the missing roots by planting the flower in a pot with a diameter of 6–8 cm with a regular substrate. Lighting for 12 hours and a temperature of 20–25 °C will cause the root buds to activate. At night, the temperature should not drop, and the humidity should be maintained at an elevated level.

An orchid with a small number of living roots is planted in a small container. Instead of watering, fine-drip irrigation of the top layer of the substrate is used, or the container with the orchid is placed in a tray with a small amount of water for half an hour. The soil should be moistened again only after it has completely dried. New root growth begins within 1–4 weeks.

An orchid without roots can be saved!

Indoor orchids are considered difficult to care for and maintain only because many novice gardeners' plants die due to loss of the root system. Is it possible, and how, to revive an orchid in which most of the roots that feed the flower have rotted or dried out?

The autumn-winter period is most dangerous for people from the tropics, where there are practically no seasonal fluctuations in temperature, light and humidity. In the warm season, actively growing, flowering orchids feel comfortable in natural conditions, easily tolerating the lack of lighting, heating and additional air humidification.

But by winter the picture changes. And the plant noticeably slows down its growth, consuming less nutrients and moisture. What is the reason that orchids die at home, and how to save a beautiful flower?

If the grower did not react in time to the change of season, did not adjust the care and maintenance conditions, the consequences in the form of weeping, rotting roots will definitely make themselves felt.

How to save an orchid with rotten roots?

Having noticed that recently a living and healthy flower has become lethargic, the leaves have lost their juiciness, withered, and even watering does not help the plant recover, the gardener should be wary. The sooner the problem is discovered, the easier it will be to resuscitate the orchid, because without roots the flower will not be able to feed and will inevitably die.

A sick plant must be carefully inspected.

Before resuscitating an orchid at home, you need to assess the situation and find out the extent of the damage. This is done by carefully examining the root system.

Living and healthy roots are always dense, with an elastic, uniform surface. The younger the rhizomes, the lighter their color, and when immersed in water or after abundant irrigation they become noticeably greener.
Old rhizomes have a gray or brownish tint. But as long as they feed the leaf rosette and peduncles, the roots remain hard, smooth and dry to the touch.

Rotten and dead roots must be removed.

Removing the substrate and washing the underground part of the plant will show a complete picture of the damage. A sign of rotting, bacterial or fungal infection is:

  • darkening of rhizomes;
  • the appearance of wet, slimy areas on them;
  • flow of water when you press on the root;
  • thread-like appearance of collapsed roots.

Unfortunately, rotten roots can no longer be saved, so they are removed, carefully trimmed to healthy tissue. Do the same with dried rhizomes. The loss of two or three roots, if the plant is properly cared for, will not affect its viability.

But what to do if all or most of the orchid’s roots have rotted? Is it possible to restore health to the plant or will you have to say goodbye to the green pet?

Having eliminated all problem parts, leave the plant to dry.

After removing the problem areas, the cuts on the remaining parts must be treated with activated carbon crushed to the powder stage or ground cinnamon, which also has pronounced disinfectant properties. When the roots dry, it is useful to immerse them in a fungicide solution for 10–15 minutes. This will reduce the risk of colonizing a weakened plant with harmful fungi.

Having disinfected the remaining roots and ensured the protection of the plant, it is important to treat the growth area of ​​future roots with a growth stimulant. This will strengthen the orchid’s immunity and speed up rooting.

How to revive an orchid: methods available at home

An orchid left without roots should not be thrown away. With proper care and patience, a tropical plant turns out to be very hardy and life-loving. Experienced flower growers advise considering three methods of revitalization:

  • in a home greenhouse;
  • without a greenhouse, using regular watering and drying;
  • by planting in a regular substrate.

If the plant has living roots, it is transplanted into fresh substrate.

Before resuscitating an orchid, you need to assess its condition and choose the most effective and fastest method. If a flower that has lost less than 60% of its roots manages to return to health in a month, then an orchid completely deprived of its root system may require special maintenance and care for up to a year.

The choice of how to save an orchid without roots depends on:

  • on the condition of the affected flower;
  • on the number and condition of leaves;
  • from the presence of horse primordia formed in the lower part of the leaf rosette.

The conditions that a grower can create to resuscitate an orchid without roots are also of considerable importance.

How to revive an orchid in greenhouse conditions?

If the gardener has a window greenhouse in which the plant will be kept at consistently high humidity and a comfortable temperature, there is a high probability of saving even a seriously weakened flower without a root system.

To nurse a sick plant, you need to create special conditions. How to revive an orchid if the roots have rotted? In the container in which the flower is to be rooted:

  • pour a thin layer of expanded clay;
  • a layer of cleaned, thoroughly steamed sphagnum is placed on top of it.

The leaf rosette is placed in a moist substrate until new roots appear.

The substrate is carefully moistened and a leaf rosette is placed in it. Until the plant develops roots 3–5 cm long, the flower will have to constantly be under cover:

  • at air temperature from 22 to 28 °C;
  • at air humidity within 70–100%;
  • in bright diffused light for 12–14 hours a day.

Temperatures below 20 and above 33 °C inhibit root growth, but promote the proliferation of pathogenic flora and fungi.

Caring care will help the plant grow new roots.

What to do if all the roots of an orchid have rotted? Is it possible to stimulate root formation? Yes, this can be done with the help of proper care of the leaf rosette located in the greenhouse. As necessary, the substrate is slightly moistened and the greenhouse is ventilated. It is best to do this at night, which helps saturate the air with carbon dioxide and causes the rudiments of a future healthy root system to form faster.

The success of rooting depends on maintaining temperature conditions, maintaining long daylight hours and high humidity for the apartment. While the orchid is in the greenhouse, the rosette must be inspected regularly to prevent the appearance of pockets of rot.

A plant with new roots is placed under normal conditions. In four out of five cases, using this method, you can save an orchid without roots, and signs of the formation of a new root system become visible after 10–14 days. And plants with roots 3–4 cm long are planted in a regular substrate and transferred to the usual conditions for a flower.

How to save an orchid without using a greenhouse?

As in the previous case, the plant is rooted at a temperature of 20 to 27 °C, in a place shaded from direct sunlight. But how to revive an orchid in this case, when there is no home greenhouse or greenhouse?

Caring for an orchid in a glass container

The pre-treated rosette is placed in a deep glass vessel. Every day, in the morning, soft, boiled or filtered water is poured into it so that its surface touches only the lower part of the remaining root system and does not wet the leaves. The orchid remains in this form for up to 6 hours. Then the water is drained and the flower is dried until the next morning.

Orchid grows roots in water with honey or sugar

There is one feature on how to revive an orchid without roots faster and more efficiently.

Add a teaspoon of honey or sugar syrup to water per liter of liquid. In addition, to moisten the substrate or water all reanimated orchids, it is useful to use:

  • specialized complex fertilizers in very low concentrations;
  • feeding with iron preparation;
  • monthly treatments with a growth regulator.

How to revive an orchid that has lost not all its roots, but only part of them? In this case, the plant is still able to feed in the usual way, so you can grow the missing roots by planting the flower in a pot with a diameter of 6–8 cm with a regular substrate. Lighting for 12 hours and a temperature of 20–25 °C will cause the root buds to activate. At night, the temperature should not drop, and the humidity should be maintained at an elevated level.

An orchid with a small number of living roots is planted in a small container. Instead of watering, use fine-drip irrigation of the top layer of the substrate, or place the container with the orchid in a tray with a small amount of water for half an hour. The soil should be moistened again only after it has completely dried. New root growth begins within 1–4 weeks.

Orchid in Lately became the most popular indoor flower. This is a wonderful gift that any woman will be happy with. Despite the ease of care, often an orchid, once in room conditions after the greenhouse, it begins to disappear and wither. To save an orchid from death, urgent measures must be taken as soon as the first signs of a change in appearance are noticed.

Let's tackle it right away difficult case: the orchid is frozen or dried out. Resuscitation of a flower begins with inspection of the roots.

How to save orchid roots

  • The orchid is carefully removed from the pot and the roots are cleared of the substrate. First, remove the soil from the roots, and then thoroughly wash away the remaining substrate with a stream of warm water. Having dried the orchid roots, we move on to studying their condition. Normal living orchid roots are dense in structure. The color of healthy roots can range from whitish, green to light brown. Rotten roots are slippery and soft dark brown color
  • All dead, rotten and dry parts of the root system are cut out with a sharp knife and the cut areas are sprinkled with ground cinnamon or activated carbon powder for disinfection. Further measures to save the orchid depend on the percentage of remaining healthy roots. Even if 15% of the roots remain healthy, the orchid can be saved. If the orchid is left completely without roots, do not despair. There is still a chance to restore it. We’ll tell you how a little later.

Now let’s look at ways to resuscitate a sick orchid.

Method 1 - how to save an orchid that still has enough roots left

After prevention and cleaning of the roots, the orchid is planted in the usual way in a ready-made soil substrate and gentle conditions are created for adaptation:

  • Place in a well-lit place, but with shade from direct sun
  • Considering that damaged roots do not absorb moisture well, the soil above is often sprayed with a spray bottle
  • Bottom watering has proven itself well for weakened orchids
  • If it is not possible to spray and water a sick orchid several times a day, build a mini greenhouse for it (just cover it with a bag with holes for ventilation)
  • Since there are not many roots left, the orchid is fixed in the soil: a stick is stuck between the roots and the orchid is attached to it

Method 2 - how to save an orchid if there are no roots left

In this case, a mini greenhouse comes to the rescue. Expanded clay is poured into a spacious pot, and purchased, pest-free moss is placed on top. A damaged orchid is placed on the moss. Everything is well moistened with a spray bottle and covered with a transparent cap. With constant humidity and constant warm temperature within 2 weeks the damaged orchid should begin to develop root rudiments. As soon as the roots grow 4-5 cm, the orchid can be planted in the usual way.