Dieffenbachia does not grow, what should I do? Caring for Dieffenbachia Dieffenbachia grows poorly.

The promises are encouraging: Dieffenbachia grows up to 3 meters in height! Read in today's article what to do if Dieffenbachia does not grow: causes and methods of recovery.

Dieffenbachia does not grow - what to do?

When learning the basics of Dieffenbachia care, you expect that the purchased or planted plant will also reach several meters in height, will form large and luxurious leaves with little care. The homeland of Dieffenbachia was originally South America, after which the plant moved to the USA, and from there it spread throughout the globe. Despite the universal popularity of Dieffenbachia, the plant belongs to the southern territories and feels better in countries such as Hawaii, Costa Rica, Honduras, Tahiti, etc. Tropical and subtropical climate– the pinnacle of ideal for Dieffenbachia. Perhaps it is precisely on this principle that it is worth organizing care so that Dieffenbachia grows?

Care for Dieffenbachia growth

Let's review the basics- something that we often forget about some time after purchasing or planting Dieffenbachia, but basic care contains the answers to questions, why the plant does not grow, turns yellow or rots.

Basic care for Dieffenbachia growth:

  • Keeping at above-zero temperatures;
  • Complete absence of drafts;
  • Moderate watering;
  • Shading in summer period;
  • Humidification from 40% to 45%;
  • Seasonal feeding;

Finding yourself in European hotels, where Dieffenbachia is used for decoration, or walking along the languid summer streets of South American cities, you are surprised that Dieffenbachia is left “unattended” and cared for long time, while the plant does not suffer from developmental disorders. What is the secret to the growth of Dieffenbachia?

Dieffenbachia needs place in a shaded place , but be sure to stay warm. In the case of this plant, the emphasis in care is on air temperature, and not on lighting.

Air temperature and lighting:

  • Temperature +21-24°C. The permissible minimum level for Dieffenbachia to feel comfortable is +16° C. Begins to shed leaves and stop growth already at +10 ° C;
  • Lighting is moderate, placement on the southeast window in spring and autumn, on the west or north in summer. Small plants dry out faster in the heat, so they are shaded more than adults;

If Dieffenbachia does not grow, look for a problem in temperature and lighting - these are two main criteria in care to which the plant immediately reacts. Then pay attention to the air humidity. The norm, as mentioned, is 40-45%, but on hot summer days it is necessary to additionally spray the air to prevent the Dieffenbachia from drying out.

Comfortable watering: Once every 3-4 days from the beginning of spring to the end of summer. There is no need to flood the plant, despite the heat and dry air - focus on moistening the room, but not the soil. It is better to place Dieffenbachia on a balcony or in a ventilated room, but not in the path of a draft, since temperature changes caused by exposure to cold air in a warm environment disrupt the functioning of the root system, causing a response - stress. A similar failure occurs if Dieffenbachia is standing near a radiator and a ventilated window - hello, Khrushchev - or if the window is opened for ventilation in winter.

Mandatory feeding once every 2 weeks prevent exposure of the lower part of the trunk. Dieffenbachia may therefore stop growing and even shed its leaves if it lacks nutrients. when to feed: from the beginning of May, finish at the end of August. What to use: mineral fertilizers in combination on the water-soaked root system.

Dieffenbachia does not grow, so what to do:

  • Raise the temperature to a comfortable level + change the lighting system if there is little light or direct rays.
  • Protect from drafts and check the humidity of the soil in the pot and the air in the room.
  • Water moderately and, if it is flooded, dry the soil. Feed if the land is depleted.

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Why do Dieffenbachia leaves dry out and turn yellow?

Dieffenbachia - benefits and harm

How to transplant Dieffenbachia at home?

Dieffenbachia transplant at home

Dieffenbachia leaves turn yellow, what should I do?

Many housewives love to decorate their apartments with flowers. Some people like tall palm trees and plants with large, fleshy leaves. Others enjoy the unusual blooms. But everyone strives to purchase a plant that will complement the interior, making it cozy. For example, many people like Dieffenbachia.

The benefits and harms of this flower are perhaps the most discussed and burning topic for those who like to care for home greenhouse. Where is the truth and where is speculation? Let's try to find out.

Types of Dieffenbachia

At home, the plant rarely reaches a height of 2 meters. At the same time, in nature (in tropical forests) there are often specimens where only the leaves grow up to 50 cm. Depending on the external color and size, they are distinguished different kinds plants. The most common are Dieffenbachia spotted and variegated. It is from them that numerous varieties of this beautiful home flower originate.

Features of care

Like Dieffenbachia, it is quite capricious and causes a lot of trouble for its owners. The plant loves light, but direct sunlight can discolor the leaves. In extreme heat, it is better to move it away from the windowsill. Make sure that there are no drafts nearby and that it is warm enough.

Dieffenbachia is demanding on humidity levels because it is a tropical plant. Try to spray the leaves as often as possible and wipe with a damp cloth. At the same time, there is no need to flood the plant with water, otherwise the roots may rot. They can be carefully trimmed and renew the soil. Planned transplantation is performed every 3 years.

However, we should talk in more detail about a plant such as Dieffenbachia. Its benefits and harms are precisely those aspects that need to be highlighted. Of course, let's start with the positive qualities.

Air cleaning

Each of us must have furniture in our apartment. Did you know that formaldehyde and other chemicals are used in the manufacture of tables, chairs, cabinets and beds? harmful substances releasing toxins into the air?

Dieffenbachia absorbs them well, also purifies the air from xylene and toluene, and absorbs harmful fumes that are released when working with household chemicals.

Improving the indoor microclimate

It has been found that the number of pathogenic microbes in the air decreases if Dieffenbachia grows in your home. Benefit and harm - the most important characteristics, which you need to know about in order to do something. The plant is also capable of secreting natural phytoncides, which deactivate staphylococcus and some other microorganisms.

Get Dieffenbachia if there are people in your home who suffer from allergies. Since the plant requires constant spraying, the humidity level in the room increases and there is much less dust.

Positive energy of the plant

An ordinary Dieffenbachia will be an excellent business assistant for a businessman or a person who has to constantly participate in negotiations. The benefit of the plant is that it emits positive energy aimed at obtaining good results at work and activating mental activity. The presence of a flower forces a person to act more rationally, to use connections, acquaintances and money correctly.

It is believed that the plant shows special gratitude to the housewives who care for it. Dieffenbachia gives precious energy, which improves well-being and appearance women. The plant is best installed in an office or study, in rooms where negotiations take place. But placing flowers in the bedroom and children's room is not recommended. Why? Let's look further.

Harm of Dieffenbachia

Those gardeners who claim that the plant is poisonous are also not mistaken. But in reality, everything is not so scary, since harmful substances that burn the skin are found in Dieffenbachia juice, which is released when the stem is broken or the leaf is torn. It contains alkaloids that may cause swelling or irritation. Moreover, the reaction does not always appear immediately after contact with the skin. Since the plant reproduces by stems and apical cuttings, then when transplanting it you have to break it. It is enough to put on household clothes and wash your hands with regular soap after work. This will save you from possible problems.

However, given that there may be children or pets in the house, place the plant where it is difficult to reach so that it does not become an object of study for little researchers. For the same reason, you should not install Dieffenbachia in a children's room.

Dieffenbachia: signs and myths

Why does the plant cause so much controversy? It turns out that there are many signs associated with his appearance in a residential building. Some argue that the presence of Dieffenbachia negatively affects men, taking away male strength, making it impossible to procreate. They say they even leave the family if this “mysterious” plant is in the house. It’s difficult to judge what’s true and what’s not, but I don’t want to try it on myself.

The essence of what has been said comes down to the fact that the energy of Dieffenbachia is incompatible with the energy of male representatives. This is true. But the plant provides an invaluable service to male businessmen. And this should definitely be used. The advice is simple: install Dieffenbachia in those areas of the apartment where a man is used to working on his projects - and the result will not be long in coming. After all, all sorts of signs and speculations are not at all a reason to refuse the beautiful house plant. The main thing is to use its advantages correctly.

By the way, there is a myth that previously it was Dieffenbachia that acted as disobedient slaves. The benefits and harms of the plant were already known then, and the latter property was used in an original way. The offender had to chew a Dieffenbachia leaf, resulting in swelling of the mucous membranes of the mouth and larynx. The man could not speak. Of course, such punishment bore fruit: there were no tangible physical injuries, the worker could continue to serve, but became much more obedient.

Indoor plants: photo. What are their benefits?

Of course, it’s uncomfortable without home flowers. But it turns out that, in addition to the decorative component, many of them can Look carefully at indoor plants (photos of some of them are presented in the article), perhaps little “wizards” are growing on your windowsill.

For example, chlorophytum perfectly purifies the air. If the house has been renovated, then just a few plants will completely restore the microclimate in a couple of days.

Dracaena feels good indoors where there are few people. The plant affects a person’s character, making him laconic and reserved. This is a very relevant gift for those who cannot keep their mouths shut. By the way, dracaena absorbs benzene fumes, which are emitted by modern artificial coverings such as linoleum.

Ficus, like Dieffenbachia, perfectly purifies the air, but it requires a lot of space for its growth and development.

Geranium is most often placed in the bedroom because the plant releases antiseptic substances that disinfect the air and anti-stress elements that soothe. Homemade laurel has similar properties, which neutralizes viruses and bacteria.

The cactus is able to reduce and reduce electromagnetic radiation. A similar effect is observed when breeding Tradescantia.

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Dieffenbachia: growing features, 5 common problems and their solutions

Dieffenbachia - tropical plant With large leaves with a characteristic speck and with light veins. This decorative evergreen crop lives in many homes, as she is beautiful and unpretentious. Let's look at the features of caring for Dieffenbachia.

Features of the plant

If we go into the details of the taxonomy, the plant belongs to the extensive Araceae family. The genus Dieffenbachia itself cannot be called small either: it contains about 60 species, although the vast majority of them are wild.

The plant was named by the Austrian botanist Heinrich Wilhem Schott in honor of the gardener of the Imperial Gardens Joseph Dieffenbach. Schott for a long time studied the Araceae family and identified many features.

Only certain species are of particular interest to gardeners and indoor plant lovers; they are described in detail in the table:

Image Description

Species 1: Dieffenbachia maculata

Considered one of the most popular types. Thanks to many years of selection and cultivation in an artificial environment, it was possible to obtain some decorative varieties dieffenbachia.


  • bushy plant with a powerful, developed stem about one meter high;
  • the leaves are wide, large, lanceolate, dark green in color with characteristic light spots and veins in the central part of the leaf.

Among the selection hybrids, the following varieties of dieffenbachia maculata can be distinguished:

  • Camilla. This variety is notable for its leaf color: big square the leaf has a milky white tint, while the edges of the leaf have a green border.
  • Tropic Snow. Looking at the leaves of this plant, it may seem that they are covered with snow. Large snow-white markings are a feature of the variety.
  • Bauze. This hybrid bush Dieffenbachia with a marbled leaf pattern grows up to a meter in height and has a powerful trunk.

Species 2: Dieffenbachia seguine

Also known as dieffenbachia amoena, this variegated beauty belongs to the separate species, although it has significant similarities with the previous species.

There is only one difference in this case: Seguin has a wider leaf blade (up to 16 cm in the widest part).

Distinctive features:

  • shade-tolerant;
  • is patient with dry air, which usually occurs in apartments in winter period.

It feels good even on a windowsill under heating radiators.

View 3: Dieffenbachia Leopoldii

Leopolda is characterized by the fact that the dark green succulent leaves are “cut” by a white central vein in the form of a bright stripe.


  • short trunk;
  • symmetrical large leaves;
  • the petioles and leaves have purple markings, and the leaves themselves are a rich green color.

Species 4: Dieffenbachia Oerstedii

The appearance of this tropical shrub differs from related species.

Estreda has pointed leaves, somewhat reminiscent of those of ficus or spathiphyllum.

The color is bright green, rich, the leaf has a contrasting white central vein, and some also have light spots on the edges of the leaf blade.

At proper care and under suitable conditions, Dieffenbachia grows very quickly, producing a new leaf approximately every 7 days.

Another thing is often confused with a tropical shrub. indoor plant- aglaonema. The spreading, variegated leaves with a wide plate are very reminiscent of those of Dieffenbachia, and for good reason: both plants belong to the Araceae. Flower - similar to Dieffenbachia, also successfully grown in room conditions.

How to care

Dieffenbachia is a tropical shrub, therefore indoors it is necessary to create conditions close to the natural environment, namely:

  • Well lit place without straight lines sun rays. The flower feels great on east and west windows, in well-lit rooms with diffused light.
  • Increased air humidity- the plant loves frequent spraying and showers; you can place a humidifier or containers of water nearby. And it is better to refuse proximity to heating sources.

  • Regular watering- drying out of the soil in the pot is unacceptable, just like its waterlogging from excess water. In summer you can add settled or melted soft water once a day, but in winter it is better to reduce watering by 2-3 times.
  • No drafts - mandatory conditions for the successful growth and development of indoor plants.

We must not forget that Dieffenbachia is poisonous plant. Its juice can cause severe irritation, an allergic reaction, and if it gets on the mucous membrane, it can cause a burn. At home, it is better to keep the plant in a place where the pot is inaccessible to pets and children.

To avoid the toxic effects of the juice, wear gloves and wash your hands thoroughly after caring for the flower.

The air temperature in the room where Dieffenbachia lives should not exceed 30 °C in summer, and should not fall below 15 °C in winter. The optimal range is +18… +24 °C, provided there is constant moisture and no direct rays of the sun.

Possible problems: 5 solutions

Proper care allows you to avoid most plant diseases. But let's look at the most popular problems:

  1. The marble pattern and bright specks have disappeared. Perhaps there is an excess of fertilizer in the soil, as a result of which the leaves become monochromatic and lose their decorative appearance.
  2. The stem became soft. A clear sign rotting of the root system due to excessive watering. They get rid of the problem physically: cut off the rotting parts of the plant and disinfect the cut site. In case of severe lesions, the healthy top is cut off and rooted to save the new shoot from rotting.
  3. If the leaves turn yellow. There may be several reasons for this (fungal infections, stressful living conditions, burns from exposure to ultraviolet radiation, lime in the water). Depending on the situation, the issue of transplanting into healthy enriched soil, treating with fungicides and changing the place of growth is decided.

Dieffenbach I does not tolerate lime, so the water for irrigation should be as soft as possible. But nitrogen-containing mineral fertilizers, on the contrary, will only be beneficial with moderate feeding.

  1. The edges of the leaves turn brown and dry out. This symptom directly indicates a lack of moisture.
  2. Leaf blades curl or shrink. It is worth thinking about changing your habitat. This sign indicates that Dieffenbachia is freezing or exposed to a draft of cold air. The solution to the problem would be to “move” to a more warm room in a well-lit corner without drafts.

Dieffenbachia can be fed all year round, even in winter. In this case, it is recommended to apply complex fertilizers. It is desirable that the names and composition of the fertilizers correspond exactly this type indoor flowers. For example, manufacturers often indicate on the packaging that the fertilizer is suitable for the aroid family.

In winter, fertilization should not be more frequent than every 1–1.5 months, but in the spring, during the period of maximum activity, Dieffenbachia can be fed once every 7–10 days.

Tall plant with large and beautiful leaves firmly settled not only in office premises, but also in private homes. can revive a dull room by adding a bright shade and introducing a fresh touch of a wild garden. However, in order to grow a gorgeous bush, you will need to provide the plant with suitable conditions and properly care for it, otherwise, instead of a beautiful trunk with huge shiny leaves, you can best case scenario get a bare stick with a leafy tuft on the top.

What difficulties do flower growers encounter when they want to have diffebachia in their collection? Most often the following phenomena can be noticed:

  • falling of the lower leaves;
  • drying of leaf tips;
  • loss of leaf color;
  • new leaves grow small;
  • the trunk becomes soft and limp.

Why do the leaves fall?

In indoor conditions, in most Dieffenbachias, over time, the lower tier of leaves withers and falls off. This is a normal phenomenon when it occurs gradually. If the leaves begin to fall off too quickly, the reason for this may be:

  1. Lack of moisture (watering occasionally). Solution to the problem: establish a watering regime and prevent the soil from completely drying out.
  2. small pot. Solution to the problem: urgently transplant the flower into a larger pot.

IN winter time the lower leaves may still turn yellow and curl from drafts and cold.

Why do the tips of the leaves dry out?

A healthy Dieffenbachia leaf should have a uniform color, without wet or dry spots. Drying of the tips of the leaf blade may indicate violations of the flower’s maintenance conditions, namely:

  • temperature difference;
  • low humidity;
  • draft;
  • soil acidification;
  • incorrect spraying.

To avoid this phenomenon, you should provide the plant with a comfortable constant temperature(not lower than 17 degrees Celsius), be sure to make a drainage layer in the pot and regularly spray the leaves (in the daytime!), and also periodically wash or wipe them.

Reasons for the loss of brightness of leaves and their shredding

When a bright green leaf begins to fade, discolor and lose brightness, this signals:

  1. If there is a lack of light or an excess of it, you need to move the flowerpot to a more (or less) illuminated place.
  2. Lack of nutrition - feed Dieffenbachia with potassium-phosphorus fertilizers.
  3. Excess nitrogen in the soil - eliminate nitrogen-containing preparations for a while.

In the case when young leaves become discolored, in addition, they grow small, on the face increased acidity soil. You need to change the substrate to a new one.

Why does the trunk lose turgor?

A healthy trunk is solid and stands firmly upright. But if the room is cold, and the soil is also acidic, the stem becomes lighter and softer and begins to rot, and the flower itself falls on its side.

Once every 2-3 years, in spring In summer up to 30, in winter - not lower than 16 When it dries upper layer soil It is useful to spray and wipe the leaves from dust Light partial shade, no direct sunlight Does not tolerate drafts and sudden temperature changes


IN wildlife the plant lives in tropical forests under the canopy tall trees. That's why direct sun is harmful to Dieffenbachia. If a flower is exposed to the sun, its delicate leaves get severe burns. The optimal lighting for it is light partial shade.

Dieffenbachia also grows well in bright but diffuse lighting. It should not be placed in the shade. Lack of lighting will cause excessive elongation of the shoots and their severe weakening. With a lack of light, a flower quickly loses its decorative effect.

In winter, Dieffenbachia most often suffers from insufficient lighting. You should move it to the most illuminated southern window sill. You should not be afraid of direct sun in winter; during this period it will not harm the flower.


Dieffenbachia is very thermophilic.

In winter it can withstand temperatures below 16 C, but this is undesirable.

Dieffenbachia grows well at temperatures above 25 C, and while maintaining high humidity can withstand 30-degree heat.

For successful cultivation Dieffenbachia is best maintained at a stable indoor temperature throughout the year. It's not difficult to do. The plant does not require a period of rest, so in winter it grows well in a heated city apartment.

In summer, the flower may suffer from sudden temperature changes. Therefore, it is not advisable to grow it in an air-conditioned room. In spring and summer, you need to protect it from cold drafts. You can't put it close balcony door or openable window sashes.


Dieffenbachia should be watered sparingly. It does not tolerate drying out of the soil in the pot, but also does not tolerate stagnation of water. Therefore, the drainage for it should be such that excess water goes well into the pan. Dieffenbachia should be watered only when the top layer of soil dries out..

Before watering Dieffenbachia, you need to prepare the water. Dieffenbachia should sit for several days and be room temperature. You also need to take into account that the flower reacts poorly to hard water.

Spraying is very beneficial for the plant. In addition, you can moisten the leaves by wiping them with a damp cloth.

This tropical plant is very demanding on air humidity. Dieffenbachia feels good only if the air humidity is at least 65%. In drier air, tender leaves begin to dry out, turn yellow and fall off. Therefore, you need to regularly humidify the air in the room by spraying moisture near the flower.

The soil

Dieffenbachia grows well in soil with an acidity of 5.6-5.8. The soil for Dieffenbachia should be well permeable to water and air. This will allow oxygen to penetrate to the roots of the flower, and water will flow away without stagnating in the soil.

A universal substrate for decorative deciduous plants with the addition of peat is suitable..

When making soil for Dieffenbachia yourself, you can use the following compositions:

  • 4 parts leaf soil, 2 parts peat, 2 parts dry moss, 1 part sand and 0.5 parts charcoal;
  • 4 parts leaf soil, 1 part sand, peat and humus, 0.5 parts charcoal.


The plant needs to be fed from late April to early October. For this purpose, liquid complex fertilizers for decorative foliage plants will be the best. Feeding frequency – 2-3 times a month.

After spring transplantation, the flower does not need to be fed for 1-1.5 months. But then you should definitely start fertilizing the soil. Due to active growth and development of the root system soil mixture in the pot is quickly depleted, the plant requires more nutrients.

Liquid nutrient compositions for indoor flowers must be diluted with water so that their concentration is 2 times less than that indicated on the package. Then the flower is watered with the resulting solution. This is done only 5-6 hours after the main watering of the plant, when the soil in the pot is well saturated with moisture. Fertilizers should not be applied to dry soil, as the fertilizer solution can damage the roots of the plant.


Dieffenbachia is a demanding plant for which all factors matter environment. It is necessary not only to maintain temperature and humidity, but also to protect it from drafts. The plant is placed away from opening windows and balconies. You can take it to another room for airing.

Leaves should be cleaned of dust and dirt only with clean water.

None special means It should not be used to clean plants so as not to damage the delicate leaves.

Dieffenbachia flowering in an apartment is very rare. However, it is recommended to remove the buds so that the plant does not become depleted and does not lose its decorative appearance.

You need to know that Dieffenbachia juice is poisonous. It severely irritates the mucous membrane, and if ingested, signs of poisoning appear.

Therefore, you should not place this flower where children or pets can reach it.

All transplanting and cutting work should be carried out with gloves..

Special pruning of Dieffenbachia is not carried out. Sometimes already adult Dieffenbachias stretch strongly upward, dropping lower leaves. Such plants look ugly and require updating. To do this, the top is cut off and rooted, and then planted in the ground. The remaining trunk is cut into cuttings and also rooted.


Let's look at how to care for Dieffenbachia at home if the plant is sick. Dieffenbachia is susceptible to some diseases of fungal and viral origin. It is also often inhabited by harmful insects which feed on its juice.

Most often, Dieffenbachia is affected by root and stem rot, leaf spotting. These fungal infections develop well with high humidity, so it is important not to over-moisten the soil and the air surrounding the flower.

If rotten areas and affected leaves are detected, all diseased parts of the plant must be removed and destroyed.

In case of root rot, immediate transplantation into new soil is advisable.. Good results gives spraying of the plant with any antifungal drugs, for example phytosporin or foundationazole.

Sometimes a plant is infected with a leaf mosaic virus, which forms necrotic light spots on the leaf blade and leads to its deformation.

No treatment has been developed for mosaic disease. It is necessary to destroy the diseased plant, as it becomes a source of infection of healthy flowers.

Dieffenbachia affects most known pests of indoor plants.

They live on Dieffenbachia spider mite, aphid, mealybug, thrips, scale insects. If detected, it is necessary to treat the plant with pesticides as soon as possible in order to destroy the insects and prevent them from multiplying in large quantities.


The capricious Dieffenbachia often causes a lot of trouble for its owner. Her appearance suffers greatly even from small mistakes in caring for her. The plant suffers most severely from excess moisture. This leads to rotting of the roots, the leaves of the plants are taken out and fall down.

However, moisture deficiency also has a bad effect on general condition plants. Insufficient watering leads to yellowing and falling leaves, starting from the bottom, especially at low air humidity.

You can read more about yellowing of Dieffenbachia leaves.

Drying of the tips of the plant leaves indicates insufficient moisture or high temperature air. Dieffenbachia also reacts to drafts.

Leaf deformation and loss of bright color appear when using hard water for irrigation.. Also, the color of the leaf will be less bright if there is insufficient lighting and a deficiency of microelements in the soil.

If the lighting is very bright and direct rays of the sun fall on the plant, then sheet plates may develop burns that appear as brown, dry areas. After this, the leaves may fall off. Dieffenbachia also sheds its leaves when the air temperature is too low. This happens if the plant is standing under a running air conditioner.


Dieffenbachia is usually propagated indoors by apical cuttings. This plant rarely branches and grows upward very quickly.

Soon such a flower becomes very tall and not very decorative. In this case, it is recommended to cut and root the top of the plant. 2-3 new shoots can grow from the remaining stump.

Cut off the top with a sharp knife. To ensure that less juice flows out of the cut, the plant is not watered for 5-7 days before pruning. The cut on the remaining hemp is sprinkled with crushed activated carbon.

The cuttings for rooting should not be large. If a sufficiently long part of the plant is cut, it is recommended to cut it into pieces 15 cm long and then root them. Root apical and stem cuttings in boiled water room temperature. After the roots have formed, they are planted in separate pots.

Sometimes Dieffenbachia is propagated by leaves. Large, intact leaves are rooted in water or directly in the soil. This method does not give a guaranteed result. For better rooting of leaves, it is recommended to use root formation stimulants.

You can read more about the propagation of Dieffenbachia.


Capricious Dieffenbachia does not tolerate transplantation, so it must be done carefully and not too often. It is enough to replant the plant once every 2-3 years. Dieffenbachia transplantation at home is usually carried out in the spring at the end of April or beginning of May.

The pot for Dieffenbachia does not need to be very large. It should be slightly larger than the previous one. Good drainage If you need it, you need to pour it on the bottom of the pot, after closing the hole for water drainage with a shard.

The plant is removed from the pot, the old soil is removed and the root system is examined.

Rotten plant roots must be removed, and place the plant in a new pot and cover it with an earthen mixture with the addition of charcoal. After this, the soil must be compacted well and then watered.