Generator from a washing machine. DIY wind generator from a washing machine engine

Problems with electrical energy, which usually arise unexpectedly, force many consumers to think about installing an autonomous power source. Moreover, this is also driven by exorbitant bills for using the industrial network. Installing an autonomous power source in your home is considered a profitable business. This device can come to the rescue when the industrial power grid is turned off.

Its power indicator is relatively small, but this is quite enough to act as backup source nutrition. Purchasing a generator on purpose is an expensive pleasure, but making one yourself is quite possible. Today we’ll look at how to make a generator from an engine washing machine with your own hands.

Preparatory work

Many people think that making a homemade electric generator from is not a difficult task. Throw away all illusions, because you won’t be able to cope with such a task quickly. First of all, you need to deal with three main problematic issues:

  • how to remove part of the electric motor core from the washing machine, arrange special grooves on it intended for magnets;
  • where to get neodymium magnets for the generator rotor;
  • what material to use to make a template to secure the magnets.
  1. The first question is resolved as follows: from asynchronous motor After the washing machine has spent its life, the core is removed, which is cut to two millimeters in depth using a lathe. After such modification, we put the engine aside - you will have to look for neodymium magnets, and it is best to use the help of the Internet. Having found a store, you should submit an application for purchase and wait until the desired product is delivered, since the device cannot be made without magnets.
  2. On the machine we prepare grooves in the motor core for magnets; their depth should be at least five millimeters. Good lathe skills will be required, or seek professional help.
  3. After spending preparatory work on the core, prepare mounting templates for the magnets. You can use a piece of tin; other materials with similar properties will also work. The strip is cut to the appropriate length and width so that it can fit accurately onto the core.
  4. The fastening strip will also have to be prepared, for which markings are made along its entire length so that the magnets can be placed in two rows so that the distance between these magnets is the same.
  5. As additional materials to work on converting it into a generator device, we will need superglue, epoxy resin or cold welding, sandpaper.

Having prepared everything necessary, we can begin to carry out the work. We immediately warn you that for production desired element from the washing machine motor you will need a lot of patience. The magnets will constantly jump off and stick to each other, you will smear everything with glue, so we recommend that you observe caution and safety requirements when working with potentially harmful chemical compounds.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • We make a magnetic rotor for an electric motor to convert it into a generator. We glue tin templates across the engine to place the magnets;
  • According to the pre-applied markings, we attach two rows of magnets using superglue;
  • all free space remaining between the magnets is carefully filled cold welding, previously kneaded by hand to a plasticine consistency;
  • polish the device sandpaper. To make work more convenient, it is recommended to secure the housing in a drilling machine.

The process of manufacturing a generator from an engine has been completed, all that remains is to test it in action. To perform the check you will need:

  • rectifier;
  • multimeter;
  • charging controller;
  • motorcycle battery;
  • homemade electric generator.

Think about how the rotation will take place. You won't be able to do this with your fingers, because you won't be able to create required quantity rpm We recommend using electric drill or a screwdriver.

We identify a couple of working wires on the prepared device, and cut off the rest. We connect the wires through a rectifier to the charging controller, and then to the battery. We fix the multimeter mounts to the battery terminals - the generator is ready for testing.

We charge the generator pulley into the chuck of the power tool, with the help of which the spin will be performed, and give the speed within 800 - 1000 rotations. As a result, with moderate sticking of the magnets, you should get 270 Volts, which will be a completely acceptable indicator.

What is the best way to use such a device? If you install a generator on a chainsaw, you will get a small power station, the energy of which will be enough to illuminate two small rooms, start the computer and even watch TV.

It is possible to connect the generator to a hydraulic turbine installed in a home waterfall or fast-flowing stream.

Some install wind generators and generate electrical energy from the resulting mechanical energy. Generators made from not only asynchronous, but also commutator motors are suitable for this. The alternative power source is quite safe, capable of starting at a wind speed of two to three meters per second. But with ten-meter gusts of wind, such a generator will reach its maximum efficiency, although for home consumption four meters will be enough, allowing it to generate 0.15 - 0.20 kW, which will be quite enough to illuminate the room and watch TV.

At 1 - 5 kW, feel free to turn on your computer, refrigerator and even washing machine. But 20 kW will be enough to supply heat to the heating system.

It is best if the windmill you install turns out to be a three-bladed one - since it is the most efficient in operation. Use a steel rod as its base, onto which attach the generator, blades and rotor. Consider protection for the generator so that it does not suffer from adverse weather conditions. For the moving part of the wind turbine, provide a hinged mount. We lay a wire from the generator along the length of the mast, bring it out to the panel, connect the controller, inverter and battery device. As you can see, the connection diagram is simple.


With patience, you can make your own generator from the electric motor of an old washing machine electrical energy who will come to your aid in difficult times. Besides, with such homemade installation You can start saving a lot on utility bills.

If you are interested in the question alternative energy and you live in an area where there is a stream nearby, God himself ordered you to build a small hydroelectric power station. The generator itself is not difficult to make; in this instruction we will look at how to make it from ordinary washing machine. The main problem is to build a dam and raise the water level. As a result, you will be able to direct a stream of water to the blades of your turbine and get free electricity.

To make the generator, the author used a washing machine from modern models. If you have a car from the times of the USSR, then it most likely will not work, since they have a different type of engine. Modern cars use motors with a stator made of permanent magnets, or vice versa. Thanks to this design, we have both an engine and a generator at the same time, which does not require an initial voltage to start. Since the engine operates on a voltage of 220V, such a motor will also produce 220V or more as a generator if it is spun to the required speed.

Alternatively, such a generator can be used in the manufacture of wind turbines without any problems.

Materials and tools that the author used for homemade work:

List of materials:
- automatic washing machine (motor with magnets);
- bolts, nuts, washers and other small items;
- good glue(silicone);
- materials for turbine manufacturing;
- a piece of rubber (from an old car inner tube);
- plywood;
- plexiglass;
- charging controller, batteries, etc.

List of tools:
- Bulgarian;
- spanners and screwdrivers;
- scissors;
- (you need to drill a hole of large diameter);
- ;
- .

Hydroelectric power station manufacturing process:

Step one. How does it all work?
Inside the body of the washing machine there is a motor shaft on which a turbine (impeller) is installed. The housing has a water inlet hole drilled into it, as well as an outlet window. When water is supplied through the inlet, the turbine begins to rotate and the motor-generator produces 220V voltage, although this value depends on speed and load. Then the current goes to the controller, which then distributes the energy to the right places.

This design, according to the author, can produce enough energy to heat water, turn on a kettle and other rather energy-intensive appliances. But do not load the generator too much as it will start to heat up. For the author, overheating of the generator caused the plastic to melt and the generator simply fell out of the housing. In this regard, come up with overheating protection for the generator, or even better, make a cooling system.

Step two. We disassemble the washing machine
Let's move on to preparing the components. Take a screwdriver and disassemble the washing machine. They are all understood differently, it all depends on the specific model. You need to completely disassemble and remove top part, only the container with all the filling should remain.

Unscrew absolutely everything from the container, there are many hoses connected, a pump, a drum, and so on are installed. In the end you should be left with inner part housings with motor. During the work, the author also removes the engine. As you can see, the stator here is a set of coils, and permanent magnets are installed on the rotor. If there are no magnets in the engine, then to start such a generator it will be necessary to apply a starting voltage to the winding.

Step three. We make a protective gasket
The author decided to install a protective gasket on the shaft. Why exactly it is needed is not clear. Probably so that water pressure does not affect the seal and does not lead to its rapid wear. We make the gasket from an old car inner tube. We cut out a circle according to the size of the impeller and put it on the shaft.

Step four. Installing the impeller
The author kept silent about how the impeller was made. In principle, there is nothing complicated in the design. You will need a disc of the appropriate size on which to install the blades. The blades are secured with bolts and nuts. We fasten the impeller to the motor shaft using a nut.

Step five. Inlets and outlets
The author drills the entrance hole with a drill using a bit. Its diameter should be such that a pipe can be inserted here to supply water inside.

As for the outgoing hole, it is made quite large sizes, it can be cut with a grinder. The hole should be large so that a lot of water does not accumulate inside the container. The author installs a protective shield on this window so that the flowing water does not splash into different sides. The shield can be made of thick film or other suitable material. The author fastens it with screws.

Step six. Closing the container
To prevent splashes from the hydroelectric power station from flying anywhere, the author closes the container and leaves only a small window so that one can observe what is happening inside. We cut out a circle from plywood of such a diameter that it fits inside the container. Plywood needs to be painted several times, but it is better to use another waterproof material. We cut a hole in the center to install a window.

We coat the plywood in a circle with silicone glue and install it in its place. We prepare the window; it can be made of plexiglass. We also glue the window with silicone glue for sealing. To prevent it from being squeezed out by the pressure of water, the author drills four holes around it and additionally secures it with bolts and nuts, placing large washers.

Step seven. Protective wing on the generator side
To prevent splashes and rain from falling on the generator, you need to make a protective shield for it. We cut out the required piece from the remaining parts of the washing machine and screw it to the body using self-tapping screws, bolts and nuts, and so on.

Step eight. Installing the generator in its place
It's time to install the generator in its place. First screw on the stator and secure all the necessary wires. Next we attach the rotor. It is highly advisable to manufacture and install an additional impeller for more efficient cooling of the generator.

Branded generator costs big money. A small installation alone will cost at least 60-80 thousand rubles, and this does not include the cost of installation. However, this is not a reason to abandon the idea of ​​obtaining energy from alternative sources. You can make a windmill yourself using spare parts, for example, from a washing machine. Such a unit will cost only a few thousand rubles.

Selection of spare parts

In our case, we are talking about creating a 2.5 kW windmill. Having scrap metal in your garage or dacha will make the task cheaper. But the main design part is the generator. The washing machine's electric motor can be converted into a generator. However, the engine must undergo modifications; it must be equipped with a magnetic rotor. The rotor can be purchased ready-made or made by yourself. Experts recommend not creating additional difficulties for yourself and buying a ready-made rotor. There are a number of reasons for this:

  1. To make a rotor with your own hands, you need to buy special neodymium magnets. The cost of a set of magnets is approximately equal to the cost of a new rotor made in China.
  2. Assembling the rotor is an extremely painstaking and time-consuming job. You will need to make a special shape and glue each magnet very securely.
  3. If the magnets are not positioned at the desired angle, they will begin to stick. In this case, the generator will not work. Calculating the correct angle is quite complicated, as is attaching the magnets.

Note! The main cost item is the magnetic rotor. Together with the delivery service it will cost 2.5-3 thousand rubles.

A purchased 2.5 kW rotor will fit an electric motor from modern model washing machines. Such an engine can be adapted not only to create a wind generator, but also for a grain crusher, for example.

So, in addition to the electric motor, you will need a mast, an oblong shaft, a gearbox, an impeller and gears. Depending on the set of spare parts, the technical design may differ, but in the case described, the mast is manufactured as follows:

  1. We take several sections of old steel pipes by 32 millimeters and connect them to each other. As a result, we get a solid hollow structure 10 meters long.
  2. Paint the mast white.
  3. Once the mast is dry, it can be raised onto the pole. We attach the protruding ones to the pole metal fastenings from a corner with a hole. The mast must be securely fixed and at the same time be able to rotate freely.

If there is no suitable pole nearby, you will need to solve the issue of creating a support for the mast, since the pipe structure is not stable. Then we assemble a gearbox for a windmill with a vertical axis of rotation (figure below).

Scheme and design of a wind generator gearbox

Explanations for the picture:

  • we take the main gear (put on the mast) from the water pump drive;
  • We weld turned reinforcement scraps (axles) in a circle from the gear - 4 pieces;
  • We press bearings with gears onto the axle (B);
  • the small gear (A) from the same pump is in contact with the above gears;
  • gears (B) interact with the teeth of the gear housing.

A characteristic feature of the given gearbox design is that its body rotates around the mast without any obstacles along with the propeller. Due to this, the propeller speed is slightly reduced, which affects the coefficient useful action wind generator. Despite this, the structure becomes more stable and its service life increases. Due to the gearbox that controls the rotation of the propeller, the windmill is able to withstand even hurricane gusts of wind.

Assembly of components

The gearbox housing is made from an electric motor from an industrial pump. The impeller should not be perpendicular to the ground (like most industrial wind generators), but horizontal. In this case, the design is more reliable.

The impeller can be made from 5-layer plywood. However, if the blade size is more than 1.5-2 meters and wind gusts exceed 10-15 meters per second, the propeller will probably break.

More preferred material The blades are made from fiberglass. The material is both durable and flexible. You can also make a propeller from a duralumin corner. To make the structure sufficiently rigid, you will need to cut six rectangular strips and glue them together. After this, the strips are connected to the impeller (the length of one wing is 1.6 meters).

You will also need a small gear and shaft. We fix the shaft on the mounts so that it is held firmly in place, but can also rotate. The last piece is the flange that will connect the rotating shaft and the generator. We make the shaft from rods welded together.

Wind generator installation

First of all, you need to choose a place for the windmill. It is recommended to place the support in an open space, optimally at the top of a hill. Support height - the higher the better. In the example under consideration we are talking about electric pole 10 meters high.


  1. We place the mast on the support and fix it in the fastenings. When installing, it is recommended to use mounting claws.
  2. We mount the pre-assembled gearbox with impeller on the mast. We check the performance of the gearbox.
  3. We connect the shaft to the main gear (number 5 in the figure). The gear is located at the base of the gearbox.
  4. We secure the shaft in the fasteners.
  5. We attach the rotating shaft to the generator, which has already been attached to a metal support made from angles. The support is installed vertically - directly opposite the shaft.
  6. To protect the generator from precipitation, you can erect something like a canopy over it. In this case, the service life of the unit will increase significantly.

Of course, financial costs alone are not enough to create a wind turbine. You will also need certain skills and time. But the result is worth it, since the output will be a stably operating, free-to-use device for producing electrical energy.

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Scrap metal collectors will be happy to take your old washing machine. But don't rush to please them. You won't get much money for scrap, but if you approach this issue wisely, you can get a lot of useful things for household. Homemade products made from a washing machine engine will help you quickly de-feather poultry, cut pet food, mow the lawn, and smoke fish and meat. And this is far from full list what can be made from a washing machine. Today in the editorial review of the site detailed instructions, how to give the “heart of iron” from a washing machine a new life.

Parts from a washing machine are a material for many useful homemade products

If you are planning to make homemade products from a used engine, you need to figure out what it is and what it is capable of. In you can find three types of motors: asynchronous, brushless and commutated. Let's take a closer look at them:

  • Asynchronous– can be two-phase or three-phase. Two-phase engines are found in older Soviet-made models. More modern machines are equipped with three-phase. The design of such an engine is extremely simple; it can reach speeds of up to 2800 rpm. The working engine removed from the machine just needs to be lubricated - and it is ready for new exploits.
  • Collector– you will find this type of motor in the design of most household appliances. Such devices can operate from constant and alternating current, have compact dimensions and controlled speed. The only drawback of such an engine is the brushes that wear out, but these parts can be replaced if necessary.

  • Brushless Direct Drive– the most modern engine from the Korean manufacturer. You will find it in modern washing machines from LG and Samsung.

Now that you can determine the type of motor, all that remains is to decide where you can use the motor from the washing machine.

We properly disassemble and decide what can be made from parts of an old washing machine

Disassembling a washing machine is a leisurely task. After working with water, a salt build-up may remain on the parts; it must be carefully removed so as not to damage the parts during removal. What can be made from an old washing machine? A motor will be useful for homemade projects - it will become the basis for many devices. The drum will also come into play. It is usually made of stainless steel. All pipes must be disconnected from the drum. A loading hatch may also be useful. In addition to these parts, do not rush to throw away springs, counterweights and body parts.

How to make a sharpener or grinding device from a washing machine engine

A sharpener is one of the most popular tools for the home. With its help you can sharpen gardening Tools, household knives and scissors. If you don’t already have one, buy it at any hardware store or make one grinder from the washing machine. The most difficult part is how to attach the sanding wheel to the motor. The easiest way is to buy a ready-made flange. It looks something like this.

You can machine a flange from metal pipe suitable diameter, a tube with a cross-section of 32 mm is most often suitable. You need to cut a piece 15 centimeters long from it, this is quite enough to fix the emery. The flange is secured to the motor shaft by welding or a through bolt. The video describes in detail how a homemade washing machine sharpener works:

Making a wood lathe from a washing machine

What else can you do with the washing machine motor? One popular idea is a wood lathe. Let's look at the step-by-step process.

IllustrationDescription of action
To firmly fix the engine on the workbench, make fasteners from a metal angle. To do this, drill holes for fixing to the motor legs and table.
To fasten a wooden part, you will need a flange fixed to the motor shaft, and these are the studs made from ordinary bolts with cut off heads. Screw these pins into the base. You will need 3 studs.
The motor is fixed to the table with self-tapping screws and to the metal part with bolts.
The opposite end of the wooden part is attached with such a device. It consists of a screw with a loop, two wooden stands perpendicularly fixed to the corners.
This wooden part must be movable so that different workpieces can be used. For mobility, it is mounted on a threaded stud with bolts.
To control the motor you will need a power supply. You can use one of the computer units. You will need to install switches to adjust the rotation speed.
How to connect a motor to a power supply in animation.
Make a tool rest to guide your tools. It consists of two wooden parts and a metal corner. All parts are movable due to fastening with one bolt.
The lower part of the tool rest is rigidly fixed on the workbench using self-tapping screws and corners.
The workpiece is fixed on the machine on both sides: on the left - on studs, on the right - on a bolt with a handle. To fix it in the workpiece, you need to drill the corresponding holes.
To work, you will need sharpened tools - cutters.
Final sanding of the workpiece is done using a strip of sandpaper.

How to make a simple feather removal machine for home use from a washing machine with your own hands

The time of slaughtering a bird is a troublesome stage. This is usually done in the fall, when the ducks and broilers have reached the desired weight, and it is no longer profitable to keep them in the winter. You need to pluck several dozen or even hundreds of carcasses very quickly. You can get rid of hard labor with the help of a feather removal machine, and it’s easy to do everything from the same parts of the washing machine.

The device does not require disassembling the washing machine. It is especially convenient to use machines with vertical loading. You just need to fix the beats in the drum so that they point inward. Before plucking, the chicken carcass must be scalded with boiling water and then simply thrown into a rotating drum. Here's what happens:

Important! To prevent water from getting on the engine of the feather removal machine, you need to protect it with a plastic casing.

And the last point - the feather removal device must be firmly fixed, since the vibration when loading the carcass will be very strong.

Lawnmower from a used motor

We continue to look for the answer to the question of where we can use the motor from automatic washing machine. Another original idea is making. For small area quite enough electric model connected to a power source with a cord. The design of such a unit is very simple. You will need to make a platform on four wheels with a small diameter.

The engine is fixed on top of the platform, the shaft is threaded into the hole below, and the knife is attached to it. All that remains is to attach handles and a lever to the cart to turn the power on and off. If you have an asynchronous motor lying around, you will be surprised at how quiet the unit will be, even compared to factory models.

Advice! To prevent grass from wrapping around the knives, you need to slightly bend their cutting edges down.

Video: how to make a lawn mower

Animal feed cutter

For a rural resident, a feed cutter is a very important device in the household. And this unit is easy to make from. What can be used: a drum and a motor.

For a feed cutter, you will need to make a housing in which a drum with holes sharpened for cutting and a lid for pressing will be mounted. The connection between the rotating drum and the motor is carried out through a drive. Finished model looks like that:

How to build a generator from an old washing machine

We continue to look at homemade products from a washing machine motor, and the turn has come to the generator. You won't be able to assemble a powerful device, but in the event of an emergency shutdown, you can be well prepared. To turn the engine into a generator, you will have to disassemble it and partially cut off the core. In the remaining part of the core you need to make grooves for neodymium magnets.

The gaps between the magnets are filled by cold welding. To operate the device, the kit must include a motorcycle battery, a rectifier and a charge controller. Details of the work in the video:

Homemade concrete mixer

If you have started a small renovation that requires, for example, plastering the walls, a concrete mixer will come in handy. Once again, washing machine parts will come in handy.

As a container for concrete, you can use the same drum with pre-sealed holes for draining water. It is best to use parts from a front-loading machine; there will be almost nothing to redo. To strengthen the body, use metal corner, and for convenient movement For concrete mixers, equip it with wheels. The main difficulty in the design is the manufacture of a “swing” for the correct tilt and subsequent pouring of concrete. How to do it correctly in the video:

Homemade products from a washing machine engine: circular saw

You will be surprised, but a circular machine can also be built based on the motor from a washing machine. Important point in this matter - optional equipment motor with a device that regulates speed. Without it additional module the circular saw will work unevenly and simply will not cope with the task. Device assembly diagram:

The principle of operation of the device is simple: the engine drives a shaft on which a small pulley is mounted. From the small pulley there is a drive belt to a large pulley with a circular saw.

Important! When working with a homemade circular saw, take care of your hands. All structural parts must be firmly fixed.

The resulting unit will not be very powerful, so it can only be used for dissolving boards up to 5 cm thick. How does this work? homemade circular:

What else can be made from a washing machine drum: original decor ideas

The drum with its correct perforation is a material for the manufacture of decorative objects. Here are some interesting ideas.

Bedside tables and tables. Drums with doors from top-loading machines can be used to hide small items.

Making a barbecue from a drum from a washing machine, photo examples

- a temporary product. Sooner or later it burns out and requires replacement. You can buy a new one each time or use improvised material, for example, a drum from a washing machine. Making this craft from a washing machine drum takes a couple of minutes. The beauty is that oxygen easily enters the perforated container, which causes active combustion.

The metal of the drum can withstand a couple of seasons. Do it for him convenient stand, so that you don’t have to bend over, and you’re done. Skewers standard length conveniently placed on a small roasting pan. If necessary, you can lightly weld a couple of guides.

How to make a good smokehouse from a washing machine drum

The icing on the cake in our question is. Fragrant smoked meat, lard and fish - what could be better for the table? If you have a tank from a top-loading machine lying around in your shed or garage, consider it a done deal.

It is necessary to cut a hole in the bottom of the tank for the firebox, and weld fasteners inside for hanging food. All that remains is to install the tank on the fireplace, hang the fish or lard, cover the top of the tank with a lid and light the sawdust.

It is important that the fuel under the smokehouse smolders and does not burn. It is better to place such a device away from home.

Important! You'll have to keep an eye on this smokehouse. It should not be left for a long time, the fire may flare up, and instead of a smoked product you will get a burnt product.

This article will discuss converting a washing machine engine into an electric generator. All stages of the remodeling will be described and illustrated step by step, so if you have a broken washing machine, do not rush to throw it away!

Clean energy derived from natural resources, is one of the most popular topics today. Imagine what you have in your dacha or country house There is a generator that supplies all the resources of your household with free electricity. It could be a wind turbine or a hydro turbine - it doesn’t matter. Do you think these are all fairy tales? Not at all.

Actually it's technical developments, which are not so difficult and expensive to implement at home with your own hands.

One of these options based on a brushless motor direct current we want to present today. The author proposes to remount such a motor from a washing machine into a generator by re-soldering the stator drive coils in a special way. After this modification, the engine can be used for a wind turbine. And if you equip it with a water intake device like a Pelton turbine, then you can build a hydroelectric generator.

Required materials and tools

As you probably already understood, today we only need the motor itself from the washing machine. The author used a DC inverter motor from an American Fisher & Paykel washing machine. LG, which is present in our domestic market, uses similar engines in its products.

We will also need:

  • Soldering iron, flux and solder;
  • Hot glue;
  • Fine-grained sandpaper - zero.


  • Wire cutters
  • Pliers
  • Painting knife

Let's start remounting the engine

To work, it will be necessary to remove the engine from the machine body. It consists of three main parts:

  • Stator – a round platform with driving winding coils located along the outer edge of the circle;
  • The rotor is a plastic or metal cover with a plastic core. Permanent magnets are placed along the perimeter of its inner wall;
  • Shaft – central part engine, equipped with bearings to transfer kinetic energy to the drum of the washing machine.
    We will work directly with the starter.

Stator preparation

We place the engine platform on the table and get to work. Our goal is to re-solder the phase connections according to a different circuit, different from the original (photo).

For convenience, you can mark groups of 3 coils with a marker. Using wire cutters we cut off each of the 6 coil outputs according to the diagram.

The cut edges must be bent with a screwdriver or by hand to make them easier to work with later.

We clean each contact with fine-grained sandpaper to improve soldering.

When everything is ready and cleared of debris, we connect together every second group of three contacts. We strengthen the hand twisting with pliers.

Using a soldering iron, we tin the twist using flux, and solder it with tin solder. We unlock the twist and solder it with reverse side. We do the same with the rest of the contacts. As a result, we should have seven twists.

Phase looping

We clean the contact group used to supply power to the engine.

Now you need to loop the remaining 3 phases. We select a ring for the first phase. We make it from a piece of copper multi-core cable. We mark and cut it to the size of the inner circumference of the platform.

We expose the insulation at the junctions with the free contacts and clean them with sandpaper. We begin to solder the ring with contact group, going through each of the seven, we end with the last contact. To secure the connection, we tie the end of the contact on a ring.

We loop the second and third phases by analogy with the first. Care must be taken not to solder adjacent contacts to each other.

Applying insulation

Our engine conversion for a generator is ready. All that remains is to isolate the solders on the ring and coils. Alternative method used by the author of the invention, using hot glue as an insulator.

According to him, such isolation has never failed. However, for those who are not confident in this method, you should use electrical tape. Upon completion of the work, the engine is assembled and can be used in the prefabricated generator set structure.