How to transplant a Kalanchoe into another pot at home without harm? How to achieve abundant flowering of Kalanchoe - recommendations for replanting after purchase and care at home.

Many of us delight ourselves and our loved ones with the presence of indoor flowers in our house or apartment. Kalanchoe is one of the most common plants purchased at home. He doesn't require frequent watering, unpretentious, grows quite intensively, reproduces well and pleases the eye with magnificent colorful flowers. Kalanchoe is also medicinal plant, whose medicinal properties known since ancient times. This wonderful flower has healing and bactericidal properties. Even a novice gardener can grow Kalanchoe; any well-lit window sill is suitable for growing it.

Key points of plant transplantation

There are several fundamental points:

  • appropriate time;
  • preparatory work;
  • suitable pot;
  • suitable soil composition;
  • transplant process;
  • proper care after transplantation;

All this will help the plant take root and actively develop, delighting with flowering even several times a year.

When to replant Kalanchoe

The first transplant for Kalanchoe is very significant. How it will take root in your home and its ability to flower depends on this. The young Kalanchoe flower, undemanding in care, initially needs to be replanted every spring. This is due to the fact that the plant grows very rapidly. The main thing is to replant in the spring and not at the time of flowering. An adult flower is replanted every 2-3 years. Even a beginner can determine when it’s time to replant a flower. To do this, you need to pay attention to the color of the leaves: it should not lose saturation. Also check the location of the roots in the flower pot: they should not be crowded and the roots should be firmly in the ground. And of course the soil must absorb moisture well. If the plant is not replanted in time, it will not receive enough moisture and nutrients, it will suffer in cramped conditions, which will affect development and flowering.

After purchasing a flower, the first thing to do is replant the plant. Transfer is required for shift peat soil, which is most often used in stores. It is completely unacceptable for the existence and development of the plant. If a flower is purchased during the flowering period, it is very undesirable to replant it. You will have to wait some time until the flower fades, although it is not recommended to leave it in the soil in which it was purchased. The transplantation process itself is not complicated, however, and there are a number of rules and recommendations, which, if violated, can harm the plant, despite its vitality. Inspect the flower for the thickness and color of the leaves. The leaves should not be thinned, pale or yellowed. This may indicate a disease or the presence of pests. If something seems suspicious to you, wait a couple of days before replanting and observe the plant. The optimal time to buy a flower is spring.

Preparatory work

Before transplanting the plant, it is necessary to carry out a series of preparatory work. Prepare a substrate, some sand, drainage and water. Select the size of the pot into which the flower will be transplanted. If the pot has been used, be sure to wash it with laundry soap and disinfect it with a manganese solution or a 2% solution copper sulfate couple of hours. Wash the new container with soap and keep in boiling water for two hours. Use only when the container is completely dry so that the root structure of the plant does not begin to rot.

How to choose the right pot for transplanting

When choosing containers for transplantation, parameters and material are taken into account. The size of the pot for young Kalanchoe is usually from 12 to 18 cm in diameter. When replanting a young plant, choose a container 2-3 cm wider than the previous one; when replanting an adult Kalanchoe, the old one should fit into the new pot, not too tightly, but not too loosely. If you take a wider pot, then the plant will not form flower buds, but the leaves will only grow larger. We choose the material for the pot taking into account Kalanchoe’s love for moisture. It must withstand changes in humidity and have high porosity so that root system could breathe. Plastic pots, although they meet one of the requirements, they still do not need to be used for this plant. It is better to give preference to a glazed clay pot. Don't choose something that's too pretty decorative pot, choose the most ordinary one. Soon the sides and bottom of the pot will be covered with salt and water stains, especially if the watering is in a tray. When purchasing a new pot, pay attention that it has no sharp edges, cracks or chips. It is better to choose a pallet larger diameter, for more convenient watering.

Soil and drainage for Kalanchoe

For Kalanchoe it is provided good drainage, otherwise the flower may die from excessive moisture and stagnation of liquid. Therefore, first of all, it is laid out on the bottom of the pot. This could be expanded clay, broken pieces of clay shards or gravel. Approximately 20-25% of the pot's volume should be filled, since the plant's roots do not tolerate flooding after watering.

Soil can be purchased at a specialty store. This is a soil for succulents or a universal soil for succulents and cacti. Or you can make the soil yourself, it’s better and healthier. It consists of two parts. The first part is two parts turf land. The second part is mixed one part leaf soil and half of river sand and peat. You definitely need to steam or warm the soil in the oven so as not to infect your plant with fungal infections and pests. To achieve the desired acidity of the soil, you can add a mixture of brick chips and crushed coal. If this is not the first transplant for your flower, try to use the same composition of the substrate in which you had it before. This is done to make it easier for Kalanchoe to take root in a new place. After all, for a plant, any transplant, even the most gentle one, is stressful.

Transplantation process

We place drainage at the bottom of the selected pot and a little sand on top. Pour some of the prepared soil mixture, moisturize it (preferably several hours before the transplant), but do not overwater it. The mixture should be slightly moist. We compact the soil a little and create a small bump in the center of the pot to accommodate the root system. The day before, thoroughly water the soil in the pot with the plant, so that on the day of replanting you can easily get the flower out and not damage the roots. Carefully remove the plant. To do this, turn the container over and, tapping on the walls, free it from the ground. We carefully separate the roots from the old soil, gently hitting them with a stick. Do not rinse in water; the roots must be dry. We carefully examine the condition of the root system. If there are unhealthy, damaged or rotten pieces, be sure to remove them. Place the treated flower in a pot, distribute the roots evenly over the tubercle and fill the remaining free space with soil, lightly compacting the soil. The soil layer should be approximately 2-3 cm below the top edge of the pot. We hold the plant a little so that it is located in the center. After this, carefully water it and, if necessary, add more substrate.

Principles of care after transplantation

After transplanting the Kalanchoe, we place it in a sunny place, the most best option- southwest or southeast sides. Before the end of the adaptation period in a new place, the flower may wilt and even fall off its leaves, so it is necessary to shade the plant so that direct rays of the sun do not fall on it. Water generously, but without excess. There should be no swamp in the pot. The plant gets used to the fresh substrate within a week or two. We do a little feeding mineral fertilizers. They can be found at any flower shop. In the future, after 7-10 days, water the flower in the same way as before transplantation as the soil dries. We are gradually resuming routine care, and now Kalanchoe pleases you with its magnificent flowering.

Possible problems associated with transplantation

  1. If you are not careful when replanting a plant, you can damage the fragile leaves and stems, which will affect the survival rate.
  2. The plant may not take root if it is not replanted in the spring, so it is better to buy a flower in the spring months in order to be able to replant it without consequences.
  3. The plant may not bloom for a long time after transplantation; in this case, it is necessary to reduce feeding to once a month. You may also have chosen a pot that is too large.
  4. Choosing the wrong location for a plant can lead to wilting. Yellowed upper leaves indicate a lack of light. And if both the upper and lower leaves this indicates excessive lighting.
  5. Also, leaves may wither if the roots are damaged during transplantation. In this case, you need to give the flower time to take root in the new place and reduce watering.
  6. In the absence or inhibition of growth, you need to add fertilizing, the plant does not have enough nutrients. The soil may also be selected incorrectly. In this case, you need to replant, taking into account all the requirements for the soil mixture.

Succulents have firmly won the hearts of gardeners with their endurance, unpretentiousness, and interesting appearance. They are distinguished by the fleshiness of their leaves, hence the name of the group of plants. Succus from Greek means juice, juicy. - one of the most popular succulents of the Crassula family.

Kalanchoe is known as a plant with healing properties. There are more than two hundred species herbaceous perennial. It is grown for decorative purposes and used in the treatment of many human diseases. You can buy flowers in specialized stores. Better purchase do in winter during Kalanchoe flowering. After this it is necessary indoor flower transplant, creating for him favorable conditions for growth and development.

Appearance indoor succulent not particularly beautiful. On a straight thick stem there are opposite leaves, thick and juicy. Color different in shape sheet plates varies from green to reddish.

The plant blooms for a long time, becoming covered with small inflorescences collected in panicles or umbrellas.

Types of Kalanchoe:

  • The most common type of succulent is Kalanchoe Blossfeld, with a stem height of thirty to forty centimeters. It has rounded small leaves, semi-umbrella inflorescences of red, purple, orange tones.
  • The tomentose type of plant is characterized by oblong leaves covered with white fluff. No wonder they call it cat ears. The species rarely blooms.
  • Degremona's decorativeness and medicinal properties have large, ellipse-like, slightly curled leaves. On the outside they are green with a grayish tint, and on the inside they have purple spots.
  • On the strong fleshy trunk of Kalanchoe pinnate, or Bryophyllum, there are thick triangular leaves, succulent, with teeth along the edges. In the second year of life, the plant blooms, but paniculate inflorescences do not appear every year.

Almost all types of Kalanchoe have medicinal properties to a greater or lesser extent.

Kalanchoe should be replanted after purchasing the plant, if it develops fungal diseases, when it stops growing and withers. The procedure should not be too frequent; it is enough to transplant the indoor flower into a new pot once a year. This is done in the spring, when the crop stops blooming. Exist certain rules plant transplants:

  1. The container for Kalanchoe must be selected taking into account the fact that it will be two centimeters larger in diameter than the old pot.
  2. The inner walls of the flowerpot are washed with soapy water or simply doused with boiling water. You can disinfect the pot with a solution of potassium permanganate or copper sulfate.
  3. The drainage layer fills the container by a quarter. It consists of expanded clay, coarse sand or pottery shards.
  4. Then the container is filled three-quarters with a nutrient mixture for succulents, purchased in a store, or made independently from four parts of peat, two parts of turf soil and one part of sand. The soil is pre-steamed with boiling water or in the oven at a temperature of thirty degrees.
  5. Replanting begins by carefully removing the plant from the old container, leaving clods of earth on the roots. Then the soil is carefully removed from the roots, followed by washing them with warm running water. After carefully examining the underground parts of the flower, the rotten part of the roots is removed.
  6. The Kalanchoe is placed in a new container, covered with soil so that the root collar remains level with the soil.
  7. After the procedure is completed, the soil is compacted with the tip of a peg, and the flower is watered.

To reduce stress from transplantation, the plant needs spraying warm water, shading from bright sun rays. At first, the Kalanchoe will look sluggish, but after final engraftment it will strengthen and grow new leaves.

Having transplanted a perennial, you need to create for it comfortable conditions for further development:

  • The aggressiveness of the sun's rays is dangerous for the succulent. Therefore, a place with diffused light is chosen for it.
  • For a flower, the air temperature has no of great importance. It tolerates heat well above twenty-five degrees, and low temperatures at ten degrees Celsius.
  • Do not overwater the plant. Two or three times a week will be enough. Increase the frequency of soil moistening on hot days, and reduce it in winter.
  • Spraying harms the crop. The leaves can be wiped with a dry cloth, freeing them from dust.
  • The plant is fed during the growing season with special mineral complexes for succulents.
  • Appearance large quantity young shoots are provided with dried inflorescences to the base.

Proper care is necessary for Kalanchoe, then indoor plant will look cheerful, beautiful, delight with green leaves and bright flowers.

Fungal diseases in the form of rot, powdery mildew perennials are often affected. This is due to increased soil and air humidity, and improper lighting. The leaves suffer from the disease and become covered with gray or black spots and a whitish coating. At the same time they fall off.

Fungicidal preparations will help in the fight against fungi, which are used to spray parts of the plant three times with a break of ten days.

If rings appear on the leaves of Kalanchoe, and they lose their shape and become rigid, then the crop has been infected by a dangerous virus. It will not be possible to save the perennial; you will have to get rid of it.

Taking care of Kalanchoe will keep the plant healthy and prevent pests.

Kalanchoe juice is famous for its beneficial properties. It is used in the manufacture of drugs for surgical, dental, ophthalmological, obstetric-gynecological, and otolaryngological medicine.

The green leaves of the plant contain a storehouse of organic acids, flavonoids, tannins, and vitamins. Kalanchoe juice heals wounds, ulcers, and bedsores. It helps stop purulent processes in tissues. Inhalation of juice reduces inflammation in stomatitis and periodontitis. Kalanchoe preparations heal cervical erosion and ruptures caused during childbirth. Purulent inflammation of the ear, chronic tonsillitis, and rhinitis can be cured with the juice of the plant.

The perennial juice is obtained from the leaves and herbaceous part of the stem.

Before this, they are washed under running water and kept for a week in a dark and cold room. After squeezing the juice, it is left to stand for one to three days at a temperature not exceeding ten degrees Celsius. After filtering, it can be used by dropping it into the nose for a runny nose, or the ear for otitis media. A paste of fresh leaves applied as compresses stops bleeding and relieves toothache.

The juice of the plant is used to wipe areas affected by acne and eczema. To treat boils, purulent wounds, felons, use an ointment prepared from 60 grams of lanolin, 40 grams of Kalanchoe juice, 0.25 each of novocaine and furazolidone. Thoroughly mixed components are used for healing bandages on affected areas. It is not recommended to take Kalanchoe juice internally - it causes heartburn and diarrhea. The benefits of perennials have been known for a long time, but not all types are medicinal.

More information can be found in the video:

Should I replant? blooming kalanchoe? When to replant Kalanchoe after purchase? Read today's article to find the answer to these questions.

Kalanchoe has about 100 species. All representatives have their own care characteristics. What about transplantation? Is it possible to apply to them the universal rule of changing the pot and soil only when at rest? We suggest you look into this issue.

  • Is it possible to replant a flowering Kalanchoe?: No.
  • When to replant Kalanchoe after purchase: at the end of flowering.
  • IN in what cases Can replant flowering Kalanchoe: if there is a problem with the roots, the leaves wither or turn yellow, a fungus is found, the soil is contaminated, etc.

It turns out, Kalanchoe is always replanted after flowering, but the frequency of changing the pot is different for each species. If you find problems with the flower, you need to replant it immediately, eliminating the existing disease. Flowering in this case should not become a hindrance.

How not to kill Kalanchoe when transplanting?

The first transplant of Kalanchoe after purchase is exciting - you need not to ruin the plant when you have a minimum of knowledge. Let's start with the fact that store-bought potting mixtures are depleted and are not suitable for growing Kalanchoe. May come across good composition, but we are not aware of the condition of the roots of the flower, and we want to move it to our own, native pot. In addition, when the plant enters the house, it undergoes acclimatization and will not bloom for long. What do we have to do: water moderately - waterlogging is bad for Kalanchoe; do not feed yet; buy a new pot and soil.

  • Choosing a pot for Kalanchoe: according to the size of the root system.
  • Substrate for Kalanchoe:
  • 3 parts peat;
  • 1 part perlite;

Place on the bottom of the Kalanchoe pot small pebble drainage , then soil. The soil of succulent plants is also suitable, the soil has a neutral reaction and is as loose as possible. After flowering has finished, remove the Kalanchoe from the old pot and inspect the roots. No damage or black, rotten roots? Wonderful! We replant the Kalanchoe into fresh soil. If rotten roots are found, remove them with scissors and sprinkle with charcoal.

Regularity of subsequent transplants:

  • Kalanchoe Blossfeld: 1 time every 2 years. Young plants the first two years after flowering. Replant during the dormant period, that is, from the end of October to the beginning of spring.
  • Kalanchoe Kalandiva: young flowers annually, and adults - less often. You can follow the example of Blossfeld.
  • Kalanchoe tomentosa: adults update once every 3 years, but not more often - it grows slowly.

What should you do after the transplant?

The plant comes to its senses, restores the root system and renews above-ground shoots. Place the flower in a place with diffused lighting for up to 8 hours a day. During the rest period, maintain the temperature at +18° C, and in the spring increase to +22° C. Feed at the beginning of flowering. Water rarely, but do not dry out the soil. Prune only during the dormant period, not in combination with replanting. It is recommended to prune in early spring., when it blooms, or at the end of summer, when the plant prepares to rest. Pruning is combined with propagation.

↓ Write in the comments, do you think that it is possible to replant a flowering Kalanchoe after purchase or should you wait?

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Why do the tips of Kalanchoe leaves dry out?

Kalanchoe degremona: home care

How to transplant Kalanchoe into another pot?

Can Kalanchoe be planted outside?

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Video: How to transplant Kalanchoe into another pot?

Kalanchoe is one of the most popular house flowers. Strewn with many children, Kalanchoe Degremona plants have long been considered “grandmother’s flowers.” But those days are long gone. Now in our apartments you can see many species of this unpretentious but pretty plant.

We often acquire small Kalanchoe plants by bringing home a tiny “baby”, or even a cutting, from our friends and acquaintances. But no less often, pots of Kalanchoe appear in our apartments from flower shops.

Kalanchoe purchased. What to do next?

So, you brought home your desired purchase - a small pot with a wonderful plant. And here it’s time to remember the popular proverb: “One move is equal to two fires.” Of course, it is used in relation to us humans, but why not apply it to plants? After all, for them, as for people, moving to new, unusual conditions is a huge stress, which can not only harm the flower, but even destroy it.

Among amateur gardeners there is a widespread belief that any purchased flower should be transplanted immediately. This opinion is based on the fact that, as a rule, store-bought flowers do not grow in soil, but in so-called transport mixtures, consisting mainly of peat, vermiculite, coconut shavings, and some other inert materials. These are the international rules of phytocontrol - you cannot transport pots with real soil from country to country.

The transport mixture is not intended for the long-term existence of the plant. Therefore - indeed - it is better to transplant the purchased Kalanchoe into real soil. But remember the proverb above! Your handsome man is under stress, it’s not easy for him at all, and if you transplant him right away, this will be an additional negative factor, and quite a powerful one at that.

Important! Don't rush to replant your Kalanchoe right away! Place it away from other plants, if there are any in the apartment.

Water on time, spray if necessary. Let your guest get used to the new home, and you also take a closer look at it - are there any pests on the branches and leaves, are there any signs of disease? Such quarantine is very necessary, and it should last at least two weeks.

Don’t be confused by the fact that the store-bought pot is small and the substrate in it looks very poor. As a rule, the nutrients that were provided in the nursery will last for a month, or even more.

From shop land to permanent

But now that the quarantine has been successfully passed, it’s time to start replanting Kalanchoe. First, purchase a suitable pot; its diameter should be a couple of centimeters larger than the previous one. Prepare a little expanded clay or broken bricks- they form the necessary drainage layer, which should be placed at the bottom of the pot. Oh, by the way, don’t forget to thoroughly rinse its walls with boiling water before planting!

Carefully remove the Kalanchoe from the container.

Attention! Inspect the roots; they should be strong and light-colored, with no signs of rotting.

If any are found, use a sharp knife to trim the roots along with the substrate to healthy tissue.

What to do with a store-bought mixture in which Kalanchoe grew? Many sources advise not to touch it, but simply transfer the lump entwined with roots into a larger pot with new soil. Others say that all store-bought substrate should be removed, the roots of the flower should be washed, and planted in a new soil mixture.

We advise, like the ancient Chinese wisdom, to take the middle path. The fact is that with complete transshipment, the roots of Kalanchoe will still be in their usual transport substrate. It is very different from the soil that you offered to the flower as a new mixture. And it may well happen that the roots will perceive this land as something unusual, alien, and “will not want” to grow into it.

If the roots are completely washed, this will be extremely stressful for the plant, which is already experiencing considerable difficulties during the adaptation period. Will it be able to survive this stress, and does it even need such tests?

Advice. Soak the store-bought substrate and remove it by about half, freeing the roots; leave the other half. Plant the Kalanchoe in new soil, spreading out the loose roots. Thus, you will leave the flower a certain share of the soil that is familiar to it, at the same time, part of the roots will be forced to get used to the new soil and gradually adapt to it.

Soil composition

By the way, what should the soil be like for Kalanchoe? We have already mentioned that these plants are unpretentious. They can grow in various soils, as long as they are sufficiently loose and have a slightly acidic reaction (pH ranging from 5.5 to 6.5). If you buy soil in a store, a regular mixture for succulents will do, or buy a universal mixture for flowering plants, subsequently diluting it by a quarter with coarse river sand.

You can prepare the soil mixture yourself, focusing on the following recipe:

Sod land - 2 parts;
- peat - 4 parts;
- humus - 1 part;
- large river sand- 1 part.

It will be great if you add a pinch of fine powder to the resulting mixture. charcoal.

Time after transplant

Many gardeners make a big mistake, immediately after transplanting they start feeding their pets with mineral fertilizers. People think that in this way they help the plant adapt. In fact, the roots do not work well in a new place and they do not need excess fertilizers, as well as abundant watering.

Place the transplanted Kalanchoe in a warm place with diffused light, keep the soil slightly moist, and do not feed until you see that the flower has begun to grow new shoots. As a rule, this occurs no earlier than a month after the transplant.

Fresh shoots indicate that your Kalanchoe has become accustomed to a new place and soil, has adapted to the apartment, and a new, full-fledged member has appeared in the collection. Welcome him into the friendly family of your flowers! Accept and love him! Good luck!

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Kalanchoe is a plant that was liked by flower growers and for its interesting appearance, and for numerous healing properties. It is believed to have positive energy. Kalanchoe is hardy, unpretentious, and even beginning gardeners can grow it. But without following the rules of care, you still can’t count on success. Therefore, study the features of this plant, including how to replant it at home.

Features of growing Kalanchoe

The homeland of Kalanchoe is the island of Madagascar, but now you can find it in almost every city and village. The flower grows well both in greenhouses and on home windowsills. This plant belongs to the Crassulaceae family: having thick stems and leaves, it is able to accumulate moisture and long time do without watering. The thin film on them prevents evaporation.

Kalanchoe - home plant with healing properties

Kalanchoe adapts well to room conditions. For home grown Recommended varieties: Blossfeld, Mangina, Degremona or Kalanchoe pinnate. The height of these plants does not exceed 1.5 m. Kalanchoe can bloom both in summer and winter. The flowering period, however, is short.

Kalanchoe Blossfeld blooms in all shades of red and yellow

Table: optimal conditions for growing Kalanchoe

Key points of plant transplantation

The process of changing one flower pot on the other for Kalanchoe does not represent big problem, however, neglect the conditions that will help him successfully settle into “ new apartment”, not worth it. You need to know what soil composition is required, required dimensions pot, optimal time for transplantation and other features inherent in this plant.

Transplanting Kalanchoe is a simple process, but one must not forget about the rules developed by more than one generation of lovers of this plant

Criteria for choosing a pot: size, material

When choosing a pot, you should consider the size and material from which it is made. For Kalanchoe, containers ranging in size from 12 to 18 cm in diameter are used. When transplanting young plant the new pot should be 2 cm wider than the previous one.

For an adult flower, different selection rules apply. In this case, it is necessary that the pot fits tightly into the old container. In order for the plant to form flower buds, it must be in a moderately tight container. In a pot that is too wide, only leaves will grow.

Important! If watering rules are violated, the soil in the container may become acidic, which will lead to plant diseases.

Kalanchoe should be planted in a glazed clay pot. It has a porous structure, which allows the roots to breathe and has a beneficial effect on development and flowering. When choosing a pot, you should not pay attention to how aesthetically pleasing the container for the plant looks. At growing Kalanchoe the surface of the container is soon covered with salt secretions and stains. So it’s better to invest in a nice plant pot.

A glazed clay pot with drainage is the best option for Kalanchoe

The following important nuances should be taken into account:

  • During the purchasing process, you need to make sure that the pot does not have scratches, cracks, or sharp edges that could injure the flower.
  • It is advisable that the tray be wide enough. This will make watering more convenient.
  • Before transplanting, the pot must be washed hot water using laundry soap and then rinse. The container can only be used after it has completely dried, otherwise the root system of the flower may be damaged.

Soil composition

Kalanchoe needs fertile, slightly acidic soil.

This plant requires neutral to slightly acidic soil. The soil is prepared from sand, peat, turf and leaf soil (1: 1: 4: 2) and 2 tbsp. l. charcoal. You can also use any substrate for succulents that is sold in specialized flower shops, for example, Cactus or Coconut Peat.

Important! In addition to the soil, a 2 cm layer of drainage should be placed in the pot. Crushed stone, expanded clay or pebbles are suitable for this.

What time of year to replant?

Kalanchoe is replanted in April or May. It is not recommended to carry out the procedure at any other time, since it is in the spring that the plant is in its most active stage of development.

Kalanchoe is replanted in the spring, in the active growth stage

Young Kalanchoes are moved to a new container every year, since as the Kalanchoe grows, the need for a more spacious pot arises. Adult plants are replanted after 2–3 years, when the roots begin to grow from the holes in the container.

Replanting during flowering is highly undesirable.

It is very undesirable to replant a flowering Kalanchoe. Moving to a new pot during such a period is always very stressful for a plant, which can result in flowers withering and falling off. The recovery period will be long. So plan to repot after the plant has finished flowering.

Step-by-step transplant instructions

You should purchase a plant in the spring, since this period is the most suitable for replanting.

Planting in a new pot after purchase

Changing the pot will allow the plant to adapt to new conditions. And, of course, the flower needs to be moved to a more suitable and nutritious soil. Kalanchoes sold in stores are placed in a peat substrate, which is not suitable for this plant.

Kalanchoe must be transplanted from a transport pot to a permanent one.

Transplanting a plant after purchase has its own characteristics:

Transplantation at home is usually carried out in spring period. Compliance with transplant rules will significantly reduce the stressful post-transplant period. At first, the transplanted plant may wilt and even lose its leaves. Therefore, after transplantation, plants need shading from direct sunlight and optimal air temperature for the plant.

Changing the potty to a larger one

Over time, the Kalanchoe will need to be planted in a wider container, as a rule, this happens in the third year of the flower’s life. This process is not particularly difficult. You will need to prepare a new pot (2 cm larger in diameter than the previous one), substrate, sand, a shovel for easy extraction of roots, drainage and water.

Step-by-step instructions on how to plant Kalanchoe in a new container:

After transplantation, the plant adapts to the new substrate within a week. At this time, Kalanchoe needs to be fed. Subsequently, fertilizers are applied as usual. Watering is carried out after 7–10 days as the soil dries. Pruning is done when wilted leaves appear.

Most varieties of this unpretentious plant They tolerate pruning well and lend themselves well to bush formation. Need to use enough sharp scissors to avoid unnecessary injury. The top lets out after pruning side shoots and the bush turns out more lush and beautiful. Pruning Kalanchoe also provides for the timely removal of old leaves and inflorescences.

Video: master class on replanting Kalanchoe

Features of post-transplant care

The plant's adaptation period after transplantation lasts about a week (during this time, leaves may fall off). If the Kalanchoe does not show signs of wilting. This means the adaptation is successful.

Kalanchoe needs unobtrusive but regular care

After changing the pot, Kalanchoe is placed on a windowsill with a southwest or southeast orientation. But in general, any place where the sun penetrates is suitable. In summer, it is advisable to move the flower into the shade in the afternoon. Hitting straight ultraviolet rays may cause changes in the color of leaves, which will acquire a red tint, and the appearance of burns.

The temperature in the room where the transplanted flower is located must be maintained at 23–25 °C, and in winter - 12–16 °C. Kalanchoe should not be placed near heating appliances.

This plant tolerates dry air well. High humidity is undesirable for it and can lead to excessive accumulation of liquid in the stems, resulting in the development of molds and fungi.

Watering after transplantation should be moderate; subsequently, moisturizing is carried out as needed. For example, in summer period Kalanchoe is watered every 8–10 days. To do this, use distilled water. room temperature. Remember that Kalanchoe tolerates a lack of moisture more easily than its excess. Excessive watering can cause rotting of the root system.

Important! The flower has the ability to accumulate liquid in the leaves, thanks to which it can go without watering for a long time.

From May they begin to feed the flower. Fertilizers are applied until the second decade of July at intervals of 1 time every 15–20 days. Then feeding is suspended and resumed in the fall, when they begin to form. flower buds. For Kalanchoe, use fertilizers for succulents, for example, Stimovit (25 ml per 1 liter of water).

Possible problems associated with transplantation and their solutions

Improper care of transplanted Kalanchoe can cause the following problems:

  • Kalanchoe has rather fragile stems and leaves, which can be damaged if handled carelessly during the replanting process. Therefore, you need to remove the flower from the previous pot as carefully as possible;
  • Transplantation should be carried out only in spring, when Kalanchoe is in the active growth stage. If you transplant a plant at another time of the year, it simply will not take root;
  • to avoid stagnation of moisture and the development of diseases, do not forget about drainage;
  • The plant does not have a flowering period. This indicates an excess of nutrients. Reduce the number of feedings, apply fertilizers no more than once a month;
  • lack of light causes yellowing upper leaves. Kalanchoe should be placed in a place with good access to sunlight; If all the leaves turn yellow, including the lower ones, this indicates excessive lighting and the need to shade the flower;
  • slowdown or lack of growth indicates a lack of nutrients and incorrectly selected soil composition. The flower needs to be transplanted into a new pot and provided with regular feeding.