How to trim and store carrots for the winter. Long-term storage of carrots: conditions and methods

If autumn turns out to be warm and sunny, there is no need to rush to harvest carrots, but this should be done before frost sets in.

Everyone has heard about the benefits of carrots, but few manage to preserve them until spring. Its proper storage, as well as other vegetables, begins with proper cleaning, and before that - from the right choice varieties. For long-term storage, medium-range and late varieties and hybrids.

Let him soak up the sun

In order for carrots to retain all their beneficial qualities, they are harvested before frost. At a temperature of minus 1 degree, the head of the root crop will freeze, and such carrots are no longer suitable for storage: even slightly frozen ones in winter will quickly rot. But there is no need to rush into digging. In September - October, if the weather is warm and sunny, each root vegetable gains about 3-4 g in weight per day. Therefore, carrots harvested late (but before frost) ripen better and are stored longer. And it contains more vitamins and other useful substances.

Carrots for winter storage are harvested in good dry weather. They dig up with a garden fork, pull it out of the soil and immediately remove the tops. Otherwise, it will draw juices and nutrients from the root crop, which will become lethargic and dehydrated. Such a vegetable is unlikely to last until spring, and there will be almost no vitamins left in it. But the tops are not cut, but unscrewed, leaving a small (about 0.5 cm) “tail”. So the head of the root crop is not injured. Rolled tops dry out faster and prevent various microorganisms from penetrating inside.

Sometimes carrots have a lot of root fibers. They also need to be carefully removed.

Then the harvested crop must be dried under sun rays. This is done so that the soil stuck to the root crop can be shaken off more easily. And such “ultraviolet disinfection” would not hurt vegetables. After sunbathing shake off any remaining soil. Although, as experience shows, carrots with stuck soil are stored better.

It is not recommended to wash root vegetables before storing them. But you need to sort it carefully. Those with dark spots or damaged ones should be immediately discarded: once they have spoiled and begun to rot, they can infect other root crops. Only healthy ones are suitable for storage.

There are options

You can store carrots in a CLAY COASTER in winter. Mix a solution from water and clay (no thicker than sour cream), dip root vegetables in it for 2-3 minutes, and then dry. It is important that they are completely covered with a clay shell. Carrots prepared in this way can be kept in open boxes or baskets. The drying layer of clay forms a thin coating on root crops, protecting them from moisture evaporation, wilting and various diseases. Compared to other methods, this is the most waste-free - losses are no more than 4-5%.

Helps preserve carrots and CHALK SOLUTION. Coating can be either dry or wet. When the roots are wet, spray them or immerse them in a 30% chalk suspension. After this, they must be dried as soon as possible. Dry coating is dusting with chalk at the rate of 150-200 g per 10 kg of carrots. The chalk layer formed on the surface of root crops creates a slightly alkaline environment, which prevents the development of diseases, the appearance of putrefactive bacteria and mold.

Carrots are also perfectly preserved in SAND. In the cellar, it is better to fold it into a bead or pyramid no more than 1 m high. Pour 2 cm of sand under the bottom row. Then place the root vegetables with their heads facing out and add another layer of sand. Vegetables should not touch each other. Upper layer sand, as well as the sand on the sides of the pyramid or collar, sprinkle with water as soon as it begins to dry out. This method is suitable if the storage is cold enough, but does not freeze. For 1 kg of carrots it takes approximately 0.5-1 kg of sand. You can mix sand with slaked lime or chalk at a ratio of 9:1.

Many owners store carrots in POLYETHYLENE BAGS made of thick (100--150 microns) film. With this method, natural losses and the number of sprouted root crops are practically reduced to zero. Place the vegetables in bags, and place the bags vertically and do not tie them - they must be open: inside them, food is created. high humidity air and the content increases carbon dioxide. Without through ventilation, carrots wither and dry out less and lose less weight. It almost completely retains vitamins and does not change taste qualities.

If temperature changes are possible in the storage facility, condensed moisture is formed, which flows down the walls and collects at the bottom. To prevent condensation from accumulating, make several small holes in the bottom of the bag. You can pour 2-3 handfuls of dry onion peels inside the bag.

You can also store carrots in CONIFEROUS SAWDUST. Place shelves in the storage area at a level of 20 cm from the floor and cover them with damp (18-20%) sawdust. Lay root vegetables on them in layers, which you also sprinkle with sawdust. Sawdust should be taken from coniferous wood. They contain essential oil (turpentine), which, having disinfectant properties, prevents the germination and appearance of white rot. When stored this way, carrots remain juicy and firm for a long time.

If space does not allow, carrots are stored in BOXES small sizes, with a capacity of no more than 20 kg. This method will help save space for other vegetables. Boxes must have thick walls and a lid. Carrots will be stored in them better than in containers with holes. Place the boxes on a stand 15-20 cm high above the floor and at the same distance from each wall.

If the boxes are stored on the balcony, with the onset of cold weather they need to be covered with something warm. And in severe frosts, it is better to bring it into the apartment and place it next to the balcony door.

Unwashed carrots can be placed in a plastic bag, rolled tightly and placed in the FRIDGE. To make it last longer, it is better to put no more than 2-3 root vegetables in one bag. This will prevent excess air and moisture from entering the bag. But before you put the vegetables in, chill them overnight in the refrigerator, uncovered. Otherwise, condensation will form and the carrots in the bag will begin to sprout and rot.

IN Lately Another option for storing carrots for the winter is practiced. The head (0.5-1 cm) of dug up and dried root crops is cut off: this is where, as a rule, the vegetable begins to rot. The cut carrots are dried until the wound becomes rough and healed, and stored in any way.


Without proper storage conditions, carrots are invariably at risk rapid fading, germination and diseases. Therefore, from time to time, sort through the root crops, sorting out those that are rotten and just beginning to deteriorate. Never leave them in storage! If you think that spoiled carrots can still be saved, move them to another place and sprinkle with chalk.


In plastic bags (in the refrigerator) - from 1 to 2 months.

In a clay shell (in the cellar) - until the new harvest.

In sand (cellar) - from 6 to 8 months.

In pine sawdust (in the basement) - up to a year.

In closed boxes (in the basement) - from 5 to 8 months.


The ideal temperature for storing carrots is zero degrees, and air humidity is 90-95%. At temperatures close to zero, biochemical metabolic activity slows down 10 times. If the temperature rises, the root vegetables will begin to sprout and rot, which will significantly reduce their value and reduce the amount of vitamins and nutrients.

If there is a rich harvest, then the owner will definitely have a problem with how to preserve carrots for the winter. There are rules, subject to which storage of carrots is prohibited. complex process. The main thing is to comply with all conditions and maintain them throughout the entire period until spring.

Preparing carrots for storage

  1. Remove root vegetables in a timely manner.
  2. Trim off all the tops.
  3. Dry and ventilate for 2-3 hours.
  4. Keep the root vegetables for a week at a temperature of 10–14 °C.

Immediately before storage, all carrots are carefully inspected and fruits with damage and stains are removed.

How to trim carrots for storage

If pruned incorrectly, carrots may sprout in winter. If the tops are not trimmed at all, the carrots will wither, since the greens will suck all the moisture out of them.

Proper pruning in preparation for storage involves two stages: first, the greens are cut off before the roots begin. The second stage is cutting off the head to a thickness of half a centimeter. This will prevent the carrots from sprouting during winter storage and will allow you to preserve appearance and quality for a long time.

Where to store carrots

Storing carrots in winter can be done not only in a cellar or basement, but also in a city apartment. The main thing is to create all the conditions so that the root crops do not sprout and rot. When the product withers, it loses all its juice, which contains most of the vitamins. If available, then a cold storage room will do, but only if temperature regime corresponds necessary conditions storage


There are several options for storing a rich harvest in an apartment. First of all, apartment owners do not have a basement, and therefore create the necessary temperature conditions There are two ways: a refrigerator or a balcony. You can store root vegetables in the refrigerator either in plastic bags or using the freezer. In the latter case, the carrots need to be grated.


A glazed but unheated balcony is suitable for this purpose. You can choose any method: peat, sawdust, sand. Important rule- root crops should be isolated from each other. In this case, there is no risk of rot occurring and spreading to all stored root crops. On open balcony It will not be possible to preserve the crop, since it will freeze if the temperature changes.

A box that stands on the balcony with vegetables must be closed, and in severe frosts it is recommended to cover it with warm clothes or wrap it in another way. At above-zero temperatures, you should not wrap a container with root vegetables, as it can stop and the process of rotting will begin.


Cellar in a private house - best option For proper storage carrots in winter. Here you can create best conditions. Including temperature and humidity. In the cellar, root vegetables are stored in any kind of bags, wooden and plastic boxes with filling. It can be sand, sawdust, or even soil with clay.

To preserve the harvest in the cellar, it is important to disinfect and disinfest the room in order to remove insects, rodents, and also destroy fungal spores. All this can interfere with the preservation of root crops, and you will lose the harvest.


The original storage method is a garden bed. It is important to understand that in this case the carrots remain until spring, since the bed cannot be opened. Thus, root vegetables are preserved until the spring warmth, and you can eat them until fresh greens appear.

Storage in the garden begins with cutting off all carrot tops to the very base. Then the bed is sprinkled with coarse wet sand. Then a film is stretched, onto which peat, sawdust or humus is poured. As a result, everything is covered with another film or roofing felt. In this form, the carrots will successfully overwinter until the moment of digging up and will not spoil. It is important that there is no close occurrence of groundwater.

How to properly store carrots for the winter

Proper storage for the winter depends on what exactly the root crop is stored in. Much depends on the filler, since each gardener chooses the best option for himself. But each method has its own nuances that need to be paid attention to.

In sand

The most common method. The main advantages of sand are that it allows you to maintain the temperature regime necessary for carrots and at the same time prevents the root crops from coming into contact with each other.

For storage you will need a box, sand and water. Use 1 liter of water per bucket of sand. This is enough to moisturize. Sand is laid out at the bottom of the box in a layer 5 cm thick. A layer of carrots on top so that the root vegetables do not touch each other. Sand on top, then another layer and repeat until the box is full. It is also acceptable to use dry sand. It makes sense to add ash or slaked lime to the sand.

In the sawdust

Sawdust should be exclusively coniferous, since such a filler prevents infection by fungus and kills pathogens. Carrots are also stored in layers in sawdust. In addition, phytoncides contained in sawdust will prevent germination during storage.

In the ground

Experts do not recommend storing the entire crop in the garden, since these root crops will only be available for consumption in the spring. This method is only suitable for those who have supplies for the winter. Vegetables in the garden will help you get enough vitamins in the spring and early summer.

In polyethylene

Plastic bags are great for storing root vegetables during the winter. If stored in the refrigerator, bags work great.

When placing root vegetables in bags, it is also recommended to use sawdust coniferous trees to pour root vegetables for preservation. This prevents the fruit from touching, kills pathogenic microbes, as well as fungus. You cannot tie a plastic bag, because the carrots must have access to air. The bag must be placed in a dark and cool place. If in winter there is a risk of a strong change in temperature, then the bag will need to be covered with warm clothes.

Important! When placed in polyethylene, carrots must be dried as much as possible, otherwise the rotting process will accelerate.

In a saucepan

A great way to preserve small amounts of vegetables. For this you will need an enamel pan. You need to harvest, dry and trim each specimen, and then place it vertically in a pan. Cover the top with a newspaper or napkin and close the pan with a lid. Thus, you can store the crop in a cool place until spring.

In onion or garlic peel

Onion or garlic peels are suitable as a filler for boxes and bags for storing root vegetables. The effect of such bedding is the same as when using pine sawdust. The peels of onions and garlic contain special essential oils, which will prevent rot from spreading and repel rodents and insects. This method is especially useful when storing in a cellar. You also need to lay it in layers. The first layer of husks in the box should be thicker, and then we simply pour all the layers of carrots, avoiding the root vegetables touching.

In a refrigerator

In the refrigerator, the root vegetable is stored on the bottom shelf, in a plastic bag. In this case, the carrots must be completely dry and the bag tightly closed to prevent the penetration of foreign odors from the refrigerator.

If there is a small amount of vegetable, there is a method in which you need to wrap each root vegetable with stretch film and then put it in the refrigerator.

In the freezer

The freezer is suitable for storing small amounts of product. First, the root vegetables must be washed and grated on a coarse grater. Then distribute the resulting mass into bags, close them tightly and put them in the freezer.

The amount of vegetables to be frozen in this case depends on the size of the freezer. If the owner has a large separate freezer, then you can save more healthy root vegetables.

How to store washed carrots

Washed carrots do not last as long as dirty ones. Therefore, for long-term storage, it is not recommended to wash root vegetables.

Washed root vegetables are only suitable for short-term storage in the refrigerator with immediate use or, alternatively, for freezing. In the latter case, it is necessary to wash the vegetable.

Important! If the harvest is large and you plan to save the fruits for the whole winter, then you just need to shake off the soil and clean the root crop with your hands. You won't be able to store washed carrots for long.

At what temperature should carrots be stored?

Storage conditions for carrots suggest high humidity And low temperature. Best option:

  1. Temperature 0–2 °C.
  2. Humidity 90–97%.

It is important to monitor humidity, since at elevated levels the crop will simply rot.

To control the temperature in the room where the root crop is stored, there must be a thermometer. During frosts, be sure to protect and cover the crop so that it does not freeze. Otherwise storage is useless.

Shelf life

The period depends on the chosen storage method. The maximum period during which the product retains its taste and nutritional qualities is 12 months. But this requires constant compliance with all storage conditions. The storage temperature of carrots should not fall below zero, since the root crop loses its taste and will no longer be able to be stored for a year.


Preserving carrots for the winter is easy. If the temperature and humidity conditions are maintained, root vegetables will be stored throughout the winter and even longer. It is important to prepare them correctly. Experienced gardeners know that ideally they also need to choose the right variety. Optimal for storage are conical-shaped and medium-sized varieties. It is also worth paying attention to the timing of harvest. The product, either unripe or overripe, cannot be stored for a long time. The right variety, proper preparation, storage bookmark - three pillars on which long-term storage of root crops in winter rests.

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Often, when growing beets and carrots, gardeners are faced with the question of when to remove root crops from the beds and how to properly store them so that they can be preserved until spring. This issue is connected with the fact that gardeners are afraid to miss the required dates for harvesting fruits.

In the autumn, during the harvesting period of root crops, it begins to rain in some regions of Russia, which makes harvesting the fruits difficult. In addition, such collected vegetables do not keep well. At the same time, collecting vegetables ahead of schedule, they don’t have time to accumulate everything useful material, which are concentrated during the ripening period of root crops. By understanding the timing, you can protect the harvest and preserve it for several months.

When to dig beets and carrots for storage, timing

The harvest time for beets and carrots directly depends on climatic features region. In addition, the timing is determined by counting the time after the appearance of the first shoots, sown root crops or the time of planting their seedlings. By identifying them, you can accurately harvest exactly when you need it.

In the Moscow region, beets and carrots are dug from mid-August until early October. The harvest time is determined by the degree of ripeness of the root crops. Until this time, vegetables are actively growing, becoming saturated with vitamins even at an air temperature of 6-8 degrees Celsius. Harvesting at 1-3 degrees Celsius is not dangerous for carrots, since the soil in which the plants grow does not allow them to freeze.

Beets are harvested from the garden beds before the first frost, as they are afraid of the cold.

Harvesting is carried out on a dry, sunny day so that the root crops can dry in the fresh air for 2 hours. If the harvest is harvested after precipitation (in damp soil), then the vegetables should be allowed to dry under a canopy.

In the Middle Zone

Harvesting root crops in Middle Zone Russia fluctuates due to the time of sowing seeds or planting vegetable seedlings. Ripe vegetables are harvested from the beds from late August to early October.

The time for harvesting vegetables in the Urals also depends on the period of their planting. For this region, early and mid-season trees are planted. early varieties. Fully ripened beets and carrots are harvested from late August to late September.

In Siberia

In Siberia, early varieties of beets and carrots with a growing season of 80-110 days are most often grown. When using mid-season and late varieties, plants are grown by seedlings rather than seeds. In both cases, the fruits are collected in August - September.

For long-term storage of beets and carrots, root vegetables are harvested when the Moon is in earth, fire and air signs, - the crop rots less. You can't dig up vegetables when the Moon is in water signs– the harvest is not preserved.

Harvest vegetables winter storage better:

  • On the waning Moon in the signs of Capricorn, Taurus, Gemini;
  • on the waxing Moon in the signs of Virgo and Capricorn.

It is not advisable to collect vegetables on the waning Moon in the sign of Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio; they will be watery and quickly spoil.

Favorable days for collecting beets and carrots:

  • 1-4,7, 12-13, 21-23, 30-31 August,
  • 1-4, 7-8, 10-12, 15-19, 27-30 September,
  • October 1, 4-5, 15-16.

Unfavorable days

  • August 8-9,
  • September 5-6,
  • October 2-3.

The beets are afraid of the cold and are going ahead of the attack first frost. Frozen fruits do not have a shelf life and quickly deteriorate, becoming affected by gray rot. It is collected approximately a week before the carrots are harvested.

It is best to harvest carrots after the first frost or even the melting of the first snow. These carrots are better preserved because they are cooler. Harvested carrots are stored worse in warm weather and require pre-cooling before storing for winter storage.

If growths appear on the tops of root crops, then this a clear sign the fact that vegetables need to be dug up and sent for storage. Yellowing of the tops from below indicates that the fruits are also ready to be collected and sent for storage.

The best method for testing for maturity before harvesting is to dig up one carrot and beet at a time to ensure they are ripe. If dug up vegetables have lateral growths, this means that they are ready to release seeds. This sign indicates that the vegetable crop needs to be harvested as quickly as possible. Overexposed carrots in the soil have a bitter taste, and beets become woody and lose their taste.

It is best to harvest the ripe crop by hand. If the soil is hard, then use a shovel or pitchfork.

The harvest of beets and carrots depends on the period of their planting.

Medium varieties ripen in 105-120 days. They have better preservation abilities than early varieties.

Late varieties ripen for 130 and have very good shelf life. Under proper conditions they are stored until spring.

When collecting fruits, the tip of the shovel is carefully driven into the ground on the side of the row, and when you lightly press it, the soil rises and the plant is pulled out by the tops with your hands. Vegetables are stacked along the row.

After harvesting, the fruits are left in the garden in direct sunlight to dry. After drying in the sun, drying of vegetables continues in a cool, ventilated room

The tops are removed immediately after digging up the crop. The tops are separated from the carrots by hand using the twisting method.

The tops of beets are cut off using a knife or pruning shears at a height of 1-2 centimeters from the fruit.

The lateral roots of vegetables are cut off completely. The main root is cut to 1/3 of the length with a knife.

Before storing vegetables, the cuttings must have time to cork, otherwise the plants will begin to rot.

Before storing, the collected fruits are pre-cooled in a cool, dark place or sprinkled with sifted soil and left under a canopy until the air temperature drops to 4-5 degrees Celsius. Those left under a canopy turn over from side to side every 2 days. You can’t store them this way for a long time!

Shelf life of carrots and beets room temperature without preliminary preparation is 1 week, in the refrigerator for 1 month, then it withers and spoils.

At home, vegetables can be stored for no more than 3 months, depending on the variety. Moreover, early varieties are stored only in the refrigerator, while middle and late varieties are placed in boxes with wet sand and sawdust. If there is not enough space, boxes are placed one on top of the other, away from heating devices and covered with foam.

In order for the harvested crop to be stored longer, it is sent to a cool, ventilated and dry place. A cellar, basement or glazed balcony or loggia is suitable for these purposes. Vegetable storage temperature winter period should be 0-3 degrees Celsius. Air humidity should be 90%.

Before storing vegetables, all root vegetables are sorted and sorted. Cut and damaged vegetables are set aside. Spoiled root vegetables are the first to be eaten or grated and frozen.

Small fruits are also left for food. If there are a lot of them, then the box with them is placed on top, so that it is more convenient to take them first.

All fruits are arranged according to size, otherwise smaller ones will lead to spoilage of larger vegetables.

Fruits are prepared for storage in several ways:

  1. When storing vegetables in the refrigerator, use plastic bags with holes for condensation to escape. Vegetables are stored for 1 month.
  2. Used for storing vegetables vacuum bags or containers. In this case, the beets and carrots are washed and the remaining tops are removed. Each vegetable is dipped in strong brine and placed in a bag (container). Vegetables are stored in the refrigerator for 1-1.5 months.
  3. If there is a small amount of fruit, the vegetables are individually wrapped in foil. This helps the root crops not to come into contact with each other, retaining moisture and nutrients for 3 months.
  4. At home, root vegetables are stacked in wooden box or a box and layered with fern leaves or onion skins. The leaves of this plant and the husk do not allow bacteria to develop due to their fungicidal properties. The container with fruits is placed near the hallway or near the balcony door.
  5. When stored in a basement, cellar or glazed balcony, vegetables, when laid out in layers in boxes, are poured river sand or sawdust. To protect against pests, boxes with root vegetables are placed on shelves.
  6. In the basement or cellar a large number of vegetables are stored in stacks, with their heads up in wet sand.
  7. Beets and carrots are well stored in clay casings. To do this, vegetables are placed in a water-clay mixture for 2-3 minutes. After this, they are laid out to dry and sent for storage. This method is suitable for storage both in storage facilities and at home, next to the balcony or front door.
  8. You can also use chalk for storage. When wet coating vegetables, the fruits are dipped into a solution of chalk and water, thoroughly dried and stored.
  9. When dry coating, each root crop is sprinkled with powdered chalk, placed in a storage container and sent to the basement or cellar.
  10. Instead of chalk, you can use wood ash. The preparation of vegetables is similar to dry coating.
  11. Lime solution protects root vegetables from spoilage and preserves nutrients. Vegetables are dipped into a lime solution. Lime is diluted with water (1 kilogram per 30 liters of water). The mixture is stirred. Vegetables are dipped into the solution, then dried in the shade for 1-2 days. The film that then forms on the fruits preserves them, preventing rot and disease from spreading.
  12. Beets can also be stored on top of potatoes. It gives excess moisture to the beets, which they need for long-term storage. These vegetables have similar storage conditions and are easy to store together. When condensation appears on the beets, they are covered with burlap or dry straw, which changes as it becomes moist.

Each gardener chooses his own method, which is more suitable for him.

  • About a month before harvesting root crops, stop watering the beds with beets and carrots, otherwise the fruits will begin to crack.
  • During the harvest sorting process, the juiciest-looking fruits are selected. They are sent for separate storage. In spring, the preserved fruits are planted for seed.
  • For long-term storage harvested you need to choose the right varieties that store well and properly care for beets and carrots throughout their growth.
  • Early varieties are not suitable for winter storage.
  • Different varieties of beets and carrots are stored in different boxes. This allows you to extend the shelf life of root vegetables for a longer period.
  • In addition, vegetables of different sizes are also placed in separate containers, since small fruits spoil faster than large ones.
  • The humidity of sand for filling beets and carrots should be at the level of 50-65%.
  • When covered with sand or sawdust, root crops are placed so that they do not touch each other. Sand (sawdust) sprinkles each laid out row of vegetables.
  • The storage temperature of beets and carrots should be 1-3 degrees Celsius. More heat leads to crop damage.
  • If the air during storage is colder, then the vegetables are covered with a layer of polystyrene foam.
  • Vegetables are stored in basements in designated areas, fenced with clean, fresh boards.

Air circulation must be ensured in any storage facility. Air ventilation should be natural. Vegetables should be above the floor at a height of 5-10 centimeters or higher so that air can circulate from below. This allows you to constantly cool the fruits, preventing them from sweating and subsequently rotting. Clean boards are laid out on the floor, and wormwood is placed on them in a layer of 3 centimeters. Wormwood protects vegetables from mice.

Trimming carrots and beets before storage: video

Beets and carrots are a storehouse of vitamins. Exactly from correct collection The safety of the fruit depends on the harvest. By collecting root crops at the right time and storing them, you can get healthy vegetables for first and second courses.

In addition to the most common garden crops, such as cucumbers, potatoes and tomatoes, there are also beets. Despite everything, it is often grown in gardens. This is justified by the fact that it does not require special attention and some self-care. But you still need to know certain nuances of such cultivation, for example, the rules for pruning beets. We will talk about how to prune beets for the winter later in the article.

When pruning beets, you need to know certain nuances


The sorting process refers exclusively to the final stage of plant preparation. Sorting is done before placing the beets for long-term storage. Typically this should be done in four separate piles. The first group includes small fruits, the second group includes medium-sized fruits, the third group includes large fruits, and the fourth group includes fruits that have some damage.

Experts note that medium-sized fruits performed quite well in storage. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to use small fruits and large ones.

How to properly trim beets for storage

We will not consider in detail how to grow beets, since this process is simple, so the most important thing when caring for it is harvesting. You need to dig up fruits from the soil with maximum responsibility and care. Quite often, a crop suffers from a shovel and quickly becomes unusable. Those species that have been damaged in this way should be used in everyday life first.

When digging beets, it is necessary to remove the roots correctly

In addition to improper extraction of roots from the soil, serious harm can be caused to the plant if beet tops are trimmed incorrectly. The greenery on the surface of the earth can be quite fluffy, or maybe quite sparse. But regardless of its type, pruning must be done correctly. Otherwise, the plant may be infected. This means that a fairly large number of pests and diseases can affect the fruit.

How to trim beets for winter storage

You also need to know that for proper storage of such a crop, the greens must be cut off, leaving only a small part, which is equal to one centimeter. It is strictly forbidden to pick the tops with bare hands. As a rule, this leads to the fact that the root crop is pressed in certain places and its shelf life is significantly reduced. You need to remove the tops only with a well-sharpened knife. Such equipment must also be correct.

Trimming equipment must be correct

Requirements for a knife or pruning shears:

  1. the instrument must be clean;
  2. before direct work, the blade must be washed;
  3. the knife must be sharp. This is to eliminate the possibility of ragged ends.

Treatment before storage

If you want to store such a product long time, then before sending it for storage, the fruit must be carefully processed. First, the crop is sorted. Next you need to inspect the beet tubers. From the entire harvest, you need to select those fruits that meet the following requirements:

  1. the fruit should be of medium size, approximately 10 cm in diameter;
  2. seemingly healthy;
  3. not damaged anywhere;
  4. without pronounced signs of morbidity.

Small or too large are not suitable for long-term storage

Small tubers and too large ones are not suitable for long-term storage.
When you select the necessary fruits, you need to carry out the following so-called manipulations with them:

  1. Dry slightly to remove excess moisture. This must be done in the sun;
  2. the drying process should last no more than four hours;
  3. Remove excess contamination.

And now your fruits are completely ready to go to the cellar. This place has it all necessary conditions for such storage. You need to understand that such a crop is difficult to grow, so you cannot make mistakes when caring for and harvesting.

Video: Pruning and storing beets

Happy harvest to you. If you were interested in the article, you can subscribe to my channel Yandex Zen, there is also a lot of interesting and useful information for the gardener

Before cutting carrots for storage and for a long stay in the cellar, you need to first study the features of this process. Proper preparation of carrots for the winter is a guarantee not only that they will last until the next harvest, but also that they will retain maximum benefits and taste.

How to prepare carrots for long-term storage?

Tops are trimmed (the video below illustrates how to do this correctly) on the day of harvest. Root vegetables can be picked for food throughout the season, but stored in winter time carrots are harvested in the fall. For each variety, the ripening period is indicated on the bag of seeds; it is important to pay attention to this immediately so as not to start collecting ahead of time. Carrots picked prematurely will not contain the required volume nutrients, and late harvested vegetables have an increased content of amino acids and sugars, which attracts pests, rodents and carrot fly larvae.

Cut off the tops along with the top of the root crop - about 2 mm, unless you plan to plant carrots in the new season to get your seeds.

The tops are usually cut off at the same time as the top, approximately 2 mm from the edge. You can apply chalk to the cut to be safe. For trimming, it is recommended to use a well-sharpened knife with a sharp blade so as not to leave petioles that can germinate and change the condition of the entire carrot.

Pruning is usually carried out after drying the crop and clearing it of earthen lumps in warm and sunny weather. Whole root vegetables are selected to be stored for the winter, and damaged ones are used during the season.

How to preserve the carrot harvest?

How to store carrots is a question that depends on several factors. The prepared carrots are stored for the winter. The optimal temperature range is +1-+2 °C. If there is cabbage next to carrots or the storage temperature drops below +1°C, the process of rotting begins.

The most popular storage is in bags, in sand and in large sealed containers (barrels, tanks). The bulk method, that is, “in a heap” directly on the floor, is now rarely used: the crop in this state is susceptible to attack by rodents, and there may also be a lack of moisture or the threat of flooding with groundwater.

When filling carrots with bulk material, you need the following: sand (sawdust, dry pine needles), boxes, water. With this method, the evaporation of moisture from root crops is significantly reduced, protection against putrefactive infection is created, and the constant temperature. Before backfilling, the sand is moistened by adding 1 liter of water to 1 bucket of sand. Next, the moistened sand is placed on the bottom of the box 3-5 cm thick, a layer of carrots is placed (the root vegetables should not touch each other), sand is poured again so that it completely covers the vegetables, and a second layer of vegetables is laid. It is not necessary to moisten the sand, and instead of a box you can use a bucket.

However, when choosing this option, you should take into account the severity of the sand. It becomes difficult to carry buckets into the cellar, lift them in winter, and clean out the remaining material in the spring.

Many people claim that it is with this method of storage that carrots retain maximum taste.

When choosing to store carrots in bags, you need two types of bags with different volumes. It’s better to choose ones that won’t fit more than 1-1.5 kg of vegetables. The contents of the package in this quantity are easier to transport, save space in the refrigerator and are consumed before the first signs of spoilage appear on the root crops.

This method has a number of advantages:

  • not used heavy materials and containers;
  • no dirt;
  • fewer root vegetables will be spoiled or eaten by rodents;
  • You can place the packages anywhere in the cellar;
  • longer storage period.

All these advantages compensate for such a small drawback as the insignificant loss of the vegetable’s taste properties in comparison with covering it with sand.

Carrot packaging technology plastic bags involves simple steps. First, purchase two types of bags in rolls: one should be larger than the other. Then the capacity of a package of one type can be used to the maximum. If the bags are the same, then the vegetables are not completely placed in one of them, leaving a little space.

Selected carrots are washed in water.

The washed vegetables are laid out to dry in one layer. For uniform drying, it is advisable to lay a net (for example, from a discarded iron bed).
Drying carrots. Rice. 1

After the moisture has dried, the carrots are cut on both sides as seen in the photo. Carrot trimming. Rice. 2

Ventilate the sections for about 5 minutes. After this, the blanks are laid out in bags with a smaller volume. Having tied it twice, put on the second bag. It is also tied securely. Carrots in a bag. Rice. 3

Important: after some time, condensation will form inside the bags. The water droplets will later disappear the same way they appeared, it’s not scary.

Storing carrots in aluminum cans or bulk enamel pans is also great way. Having collected fresh harvest, root vegetables are carefully prepared: the tops are cut off, washed, and dried in the sun. The containers are placed vertically and covered with a napkin and a lid. It makes sense to put vegetables in a container if the cellar is cool. Then this year's supplies will last well until the next harvest.

Some gardeners leave root vegetables to overwinter directly in the beds so that in the spring they can be dug up juicy and fresh.

In this case, it is necessary to cut off the carrot tops, and build a protection on the garden bed from several layers of wet coarse sand and cover it with film, again pour humus (peat, sawdust or fallen leaves) on top of it and cover it with film again.