How to change batteries at home. Professional installation of heating radiators

Many city residents are familiar with the situation when, after the start of the heating season, the long-awaited warmth in the house is not observed. At the same time, the neighbors say that they are feeling hot. In such a situation, it is not Energosbyt who should be blamed, but the people who made mistakes when installing or replacing heating radiators in the apartment. The situation is difficult, unpleasant, but completely solvable. In most cases, to stop freezing, you need to change the batteries or the central riser running through the floors. In this case, it is necessary to take into account a number of nuances related to technical and legal side this issue.

Who should change the batteries in the apartment?

With autonomous heat supply, the batteries must be changed by the homeowner

Replacing heating batteries in an apartment multi-storey building is an event that requires careful preparation. In accordance with current legislation, one of its stages is to find out information regarding ownership rights to heating circuit. In most cases, the system, unless a private autonomous boiler is installed, is public property with which to produce any independent actions prohibited, except for air bleeding.

If there is any doubt about this, you should write a statement to management company and wait for the expert's conclusion. It is carried out by studying construction and technical documentation and inspecting communications.

Based on the survey, the following conclusions are drawn:

  1. The method of servicing the premises in the apartment and their relationship to the general network.
  2. The presence or absence of a separate riser, which is intended to heat only one property.

If the housing is independently supplied, the owner has the right to replace the heating independently. When it comes to the part general communication, repair and installation of radiators can only be carried out by a specialist who has the right of access to shut-off and control valves.

Why might a replacement be needed?

The main reason for replacing radiators is their malfunction

In most cases, the lack of heat during the heating season is due to malfunctions of communications and heating elements. To get confirmation of this, you need to go to the neighbors or go down to the basement. Your hand will immediately feel the difference in temperature.

Reasons for replacing heating batteries:

  1. Clogged channels with dirt and construction waste. Foreign bodies appear in pipes after repairs have been carried out on the heating main using the open method.
  2. Limescale deposits. This phenomenon is typical for buildings and communications that are several decades old. The narrowed channels slow down the movement of the coolant and it cools quickly.
  3. The need to change the design of a room into which the old one does not fit heating equipment– untidy cast iron products covered with several layers of peeling paint.
  4. A leak has appeared. This is a dangerous phenomenon, indicating corrosion and wear of the metal or the beginning of the destruction of gaskets. Immediate replacement of heating radiators is required, as the hole can quickly increase and massive flooding of neighbors will occur.
  5. For prevention purposes. Change heating elements should be done regularly in accordance with the manufacturers' instructions.

Tools and materials required for replacement

Radiator replacement tools

To replace outdated heating equipment, you must have at your disposal a set of tools and accessories that you will need to remove, repair and install heaters.

To work you will need:

  • gas key;
  • welding machine;
  • plumbing pliers;
  • hammer;
  • core;
  • perforator;
  • Bulgarian with cutting disc for metal;
  • taps and dies for thread cutting;
  • soldering iron for welding polypropylene pipes;
  • scissors for cutting sections from PPr;
  • roulette;
  • level;
  • marker;
  • construction gloves;
  • protective glasses;
  • respirator.

Types of heating radiators

To install new heating equipment, you need to purchase:

  • radiators approved by the management company;
  • brackets for hanging batteries;
  • Ball Valves;
  • Mayevsky taps for removing air pockets;
  • plugs;
  • tow or FUM tape;
  • pipes that meet technical specifications;
  • set of fittings for wiring.

Since changing heaters is accompanied by water spillage, you should stock up on rags for emergency collection. This will prevent unpleasant situations with damage flooring or flooding neighbors.

Self-removal of radiators

Unscrewing threaded connections at the radiator inlet

Before removing old equipment, you should consider the feasibility of replacing internal wiring. Pipes may be clogged limescale and dirt, especially at joints and turns. Instead, it is advisable to install modern polypropylene sections.

Removing batteries is carried out in the following sequence.

  1. Unscrewing threaded connections at the radiator inlet. If the joint does not yield, it can be heated with a torch. If the product is to be disposed of, it is simply cut off from the pipe.
  2. The battery is carefully removed from the brackets. To facilitate further transportation, the water must be drained from it. There is no point in throwing away the dismantled element, as it can be profitably sold for scrap at a railway collection point.
  3. The pipes are cut at a distance of 15-20 cm from the riser. The ends are threaded, to which adapter fittings for plastic wiring are screwed.
  4. To improve the heat transfer of the heaters, foil penofol is attached to the opening where they will hang. The base is first cleared of debris and primed. This will ensure uniform distribution of the heated air flow throughout the entire volume of the room.

Installing new batteries

Battery installation diagram

Before you begin installing new heating equipment, dismantled products should be removed from the room so that they do not interfere with work. The floors should be covered with dense material so as not to be scratched by the sharp edges of the heaters.

Further work is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Applying markings for attaching brackets. Distances are specified in the instructions supplied with the products. Vertical and horizontal are verified using a level.
  2. Drilling holes. Plastic dowels are inserted into them and holders are screwed in. Here you need to maintain the exact distance to the wall so that the heaters fit accurately and firmly into the grooves.
  3. Hanging radiators on brackets. If the choice is made in favor of cast iron products, it is better to invite an assistant, since the batteries are very heavy.
  4. Making wiring. Depending on the selected material, metal welding or a soldering iron for polypropylene is used for this. Before entering the radiator, you must install a ball valve.
  5. Making squeegees, attaching them to the inlet and outlet openings. After this, the entire system is assembled and looped.
  6. Installation of Mayevsky crane. This is done on the upper floors, where the riser ends. The replacement part is screwed in place of the plug on the upper part of the battery opposite the insert. The tap is needed to bleed air after powering up the system.
  7. Attaching the plugs. They are placed in the unused ends of the radiators, making them sealed. To achieve greater reliability, it is worth wrapping tow or FUM tape on the thread.

It is recommended to carry out an initial check before supplying water to avoid an emergency. To do this, use a brush and soap solution. The presence of poor-quality joints will be indicated by swelling bubbles. Such units need to be redone and re-inspected.

What time to carry out work

Example of an application for radiator replacement

Replace fragments heating system permitted in the spring-autumn period, after the water has been drained from the pipeline. At that time renovation work will not cause any trouble to others. After all measures have been carried out, the tightness of the circuit is checked using special equipment by pumping compressed air into the riser and control the maintenance of constant pressure in it. This service is paid, but damage from flooding to neighbors can be hundreds of times more expensive.

Since utility services are scheduled months in advance, applications for special services must be submitted in advance. Otherwise, you will have to replace the heating devices yourself, without permission, at your own peril and risk. It should be taken into account that in the event of an emergency, you will have to pay for repairs to your neighbors and a fine from the management company.

Is it possible to replace without disconnecting the riser?

In accordance with current rules Batteries can only be changed in the off-season. But no one can guarantee that an emergency situation will not arise during the heating season.

Options for action in such cases:

  • There is a ball valve in front of the entrance. The water flow is blocked, after which you can safely unscrew the radiator from the supply and return. It is then repaired or replaced with a new product.
  • There are no ball valves. The riser is closed and the water is drained. The pipes are cut off and shut-off valves are screwed to them. Water is supplied to the riser, and the owner of the apartment replaces the faulty battery in a calm atmosphere.

In all cases, your actions must be coordinated with representatives of the management company. Involve yourself in work common system heating is prohibited.

Everyone has to change their heating batteries sooner or later. The reasons may be different: leakage, deterioration of heat transfer, clogging, unpresentable appearance. In any case, there is only one way out - replacement.

In an apartment, replacement of heating batteries should only occur with the permission of the operating organization. The fact is that the heating system is communal property. And any changes to it - replacing pipes and radiators, installing control or shut-off valves - are changes to its design. All these alterations change its hydraulic resistance. This can lead to the fact that no matter how much the coolant is heated, the batteries will remain cold. Therefore, all types of work require a permit: an engineer or foreman will assess how the planned alteration will affect the condition of the system and will issue a permit or not. Before buying batteries, visit the Housing Office, Daewoo, Dispensary, etc. If you do not do this, you will be subject to administrative fines. And the size of the sanctions is quite large.

It is difficult to replace radiators and pipes in an apartment without informing the management company: the system needs to be drained, and it is impossible to do this secretly. Your work will not go unnoticed. In general, in order to drain the water, you need to write a statement (before the end of the heating season). In the summer, when the season ends, the team will complete the work.

Selecting heating radiators for apartments and houses

When choosing radiators for your home, everything is simple: if the system is with forced circulation(with a pump), install those that you like, or that are compatible with your pipes, boiler, etc. There are some limitations for systems with natural circulation- we need heating devices with low hydraulic resistance, and this is:

And you will also need to take into account the type of coolant: not all radiators can work with antifreeze. They work fine with non-freezing liquids. In all others, only some models that have undergone special processing can be used. In this case, you need to purposefully look for them. And one more thing - you will need to choose the right sizes (more on this a little later).

When choosing batteries for an apartment, there will be more criteria: the conditions here are more complicated. You should probably start with the sizes. You need to select so that the following distances are observed:

  • from the floor - 8-12 cm;
  • from the window sill - 10-12 cm;
  • from the wall - 3-5 cm.

Moreover, the heating device must cover at least 70-75% of the width of the window opening. Violation of these recommendations leads to a decrease in heat transfer or to the fact that there will be obvious zones of heat and cold.

Then you need to take into account technical specifications your system: hydrogen activity Ph of the coolant, the degree of its contamination, Maximum temperature, operating and test pressure (at system startup). All these parameters can be found in the Department of Economic Protection, Housing Office, etc. Based on all these criteria, choose the type of radiator. This question is described in detail in the article “”. In short we can say the following:

In other cases, you can install any radiators, but pay attention to specifications each model. Even from the same manufacturer they can differ significantly.

And one more point when choosing the thermal power of one section: maximum power- not always a justified approach. It is advisable to comply with SNiP standards: the radiator must cover at least 70-75% of the window width. Only in this case will the cold air from the glass be effectively cut off and not fall on the floor. Therefore, a powerful and short battery is far from the best solution.

After permits have been obtained (if necessary), radiators have been selected and purchased, you can begin to replace the heating batteries themselves.

How to change batteries yourself

Briefly, the procedure for replacing radiators is as follows:

  • Draining the system.
  • Dismantling old radiators and removing old holders, sealing traces from them.
  • Marking for new fasteners.
  • Installation of brackets.
  • Installing fittings on the radiator.
  • Radiator mounting.
  • Pipeline connection.
  • Testing (pressure testing).

Draining the system

IN multi-storey buildings This is done by employees of the operating organization upon your written application. In a private house, you will need to open the drain tap, place a container or run a hose into the sewer and pour out the water.

In some cases, you can work on a full system: if there are shut-off valves at the radiator inlet, the connection of new ones is the same, replacement of pipes is not planned. Moreover, the connection should not be welded, but with threaded connections. Then simply shut off the ball valves and start replacing. With such an organization, you can change or repair heating devices at any time, even during the season.

The first step when replacing heating batteries is to drain the system

But for vertical single-pipe distribution, it is also necessary to install a bypass in front of the taps. Coolant will flow through it if you have disconnected or removed the radiator. Without this piece of pipe, the heating throughout the entire riser will stop: there will be no movement of coolant. Because at one pipe system better connection— with bypass and shut-off valves. If this is not the case, you can change the radiators in the apartment only after the end of the heating season.

Radiator removal

The method of carrying out the work depends on the type of connection. If the connections are threaded, the nuts are simply unscrewed; if the radiators are welded, they are cut off. At this stage, you will need more containers for the coolant - some of it still remains in the pipes and radiators. The most convenient ones are basins, ideally if they are rectangular.

You can unscrew the nuts using adjustable or open-end wrenches. There may be problems if they are old cast iron radiators, which have stood for decades. Then it happens that the carving boils so much that it is difficult to move it. In this case, try to heat the connection with a blowtorch.

With old fasteners the situation is similar: where possible, the holders are unscrewed, where it is impossible, they are cut off. The hooks walled up in the walls, on which old cast iron was hung, can only be cut off. Only before this it is necessary to remove a certain layer of plaster around it - this way it will be possible to cut them off enough so that they do not stick out from the wall.

Then the marks from the fastenings are repaired and the wall is leveled. Many manufacturers have required condition providing guarantees: install on smooth walls. And the point is not in aesthetics, but in heat transfer - heat rays are better reflected from a smooth wall.

Marking and installation of new fasteners

How to install a heating battery correctly? Strictly in the middle of the window opening. Therefore, you need to find the middle on the wall and mark it. Then determine where the fasteners will be located on the radiator. Sectional type heating devices are hung on at least three brackets: two on top - right and left, one on the bottom in the middle. If there are many sections (more than 10-12), three hooks may be required at the top and two at the bottom. Having decided how many holders you need, measure the distances on the assembled battery and mark it on the wall.

Now hang the radiator on the brackets. Be sure to check its verticality and horizontality and, if necessary, adjust the position of the holders. The heater must hang strictly horizontally. A slight skew is allowed in the direction where the air vent is installed (upper manifold, opposite the supply connection). This side may be 1 cm higher than the other. Reverse slope is not allowed.

Connecting pipelines

The question often arises: how to properly install a heating battery. There are several side-connection schemes, but only three are the most effective and common:

If the heat transfer of radiators is insufficient, the first idea that comes to mind is to increase the number of sections. But such a measure may not improve, but only worsen the situation. Either replacing the connection type with a more efficient one (diagonal) or (easier to implement) installing a flow extender will help.

This is a long tube with a squeegee that is inserted into the supply manifold. It conducts the coolant further, as a result it is distributed more evenly. The length of the tube is either up to ¾ of the width of the radiator or up to the middle of the last section. Work better in different situations different variants. First of all, put it to the last section; if the result is “not very good”, cut off a piece of the tube. This is very effective method increase heat transfer if the radiator does not heat well. Changing the connection to a diagonal one may work better, but technically this is more difficult to implement - you need to work with pipes. And the flow extender is simply placed in the fitting (adapter).

Now you know how to change batteries in an apartment or house, and how to increase their heat transfer. It's not easy, but special education not required.


Replacing heating batteries is not the easiest, but not the most difficult process. It is more difficult to do this in an apartment, firstly, due to legal subtleties, and secondly, due to more difficult operating conditions. Nevertheless, even a non-specialist can handle replacing heating radiators with his own hands.

When starting a major renovation of an apartment, you will definitely be faced with the fact that replacing heating radiators is necessary stage. Especially if the house is multi-story and old, it is better not to risk leaving cast iron radiators, because... over time, the internal passage holes still become clogged (the quality of the coolant leaves much to be desired), significant corrosion occurs over many years of operation (leakage begins in some places), and the appearance with numerous layers of paint is, frankly, terrible.

Of course it's up to you to decide, but I'm in my apartment when conducting overhaul I didn’t take any risks and decided replace batteries to more aesthetic and reliable bimetallic ones. In addition to those listed, I had three more reasons replace heating batteries: firstly, the supply pipes were all in fistulas, and secondly, the heating radiators, for some reason, were not located under the window, but were turned into the room. And thirdly, the prospect of flooding new renovation brown hot liquid, and even to please the neighbors below with the same - not very attractive.

In general, the decision has been made - it is necessary replacing heating batteries.

The whole process can be divided into two stages - this is the preparatory stage, because how thoroughly you prepare for this process, do not miss even the smallest detail, the result and speed of heating replacement will depend. “Why is speed important?” - you ask. But because if this whole process occurs in heating season, and this most often happens in the fall - at the beginning of the heating season all the troubles come out, you will have to turn off the heating system at least along the riser on which the radiators are located, and the maximum depends on the presence and performance of shut-off valves in the basement (which are also 30 years old). In my practice, there was a case where an entire house was turned off because... this was the only functioning valve.

And the second stage is the actual process of replacing heating batteries.

  1. We negotiate with the neighbors on the floor above and the floor below.
  2. We measure all the required dimensions.
  3. We purchase new heating radiators with fittings, fittings and pipes.
  4. We prepare the necessary tools.

1. We negotiate with the neighbors on the floor above and the floor below.

Our goal is to come to an agreement with our neighbors about (from the outlet of the neighbor’s radiator above, to the entrance to the neighbor’s radiator below). If you manage to do this, it will be simply the most magnificent result. You can even assume that you will buy all the adapter fittings and pipes that will fit your neighbor’s batteries with your own money. It won't cost very much, but is guaranteed to solve all problems with eyeliner metal pipes, will greatly facilitate the process and replacing heating radiators in an apartment will never be needed again.

I was unlucky, I couldn’t come to an agreement with my neighbors, so I cut off the riser under the ceiling and near the floor and switched to polypropylene reinforced pipe in my apartment.

2. We measure all the required dimensions.

Symbols on the diagram:

1 - outlet from the radiator of the neighbor above;

2,4,5,7,9,12,13,15,17,18,20 – pipe;

3,6,16,19 – 90˚ corner;

8.14 – tee;

11- polypropylene tap;

10 - “American” taps;

21 - inlet to the neighbor's radiator below.

If you have agreed with your neighbors, then you must:

a) Measure and record the diameter of the outlet hole from the heating radiator of the neighbor above (No. 1 in the diagram) and the diameter of the inlet hole into the heating radiator of the neighbor below (No. 21 in the diagram).

b) Measure the length of the pipe required to connect to the neighbor above (No. 2,4 in the diagram) The sum of the distances from the outlet of the neighbor’s battery above to the 90˚ corner and from the 90˚ corner to the floor slab.

c) Measure the length of the pipe required for connection to the neighbor below (No. 18, 20 in the diagram) The sum of the distances from the exit from the floor slab to the 90˚ corner and from the 90˚ corner to the entrance to the heating radiator.

d) We measure the required length of the pipe in our apartment (sum of segments 5,7,9,12,13,15,17). Plus a pipe for passing floor slabs (approximately 1 meter). We take the same diameter of the pipe as the heating battery being replaced was connected to.

3. We purchase new heating radiators with fittings, fittings and pipes.

Knowing all the required diameters and lengths, we prepare a cost estimate for materials. I will provide quantities and prices specifically for my case. Your data may be different, because... Everyone's sizes are different and our prices change rapidly. The calculation will be made from the size of the reinforced polypropylene pipe Ø20 mm, and 8 bimetallic sections radiators.

1. PPR reinforced pipe Ø20 mm. 39-00 273-00
2. Radena radiator 455-00 3640-00
3. Radiator plug right 30-00 30-00
4. Right pass-through radiator plug Ø 12 mm. 30-00 30-00
5. Pass-through radiator plug left Ø20 mm 30-00 60-00
6. Radiator plug gasket 7-00 28-00
7. 25-00 25-00
8. Angle 90˚ PPR Ø20 mm. 5-00 20-00
9. Tee PPR Ø20 mm. 7-00 14-00
10. PPR tap Ø20 mm. 120-00 120-00
11. End cap PPR Ø20 mm, external thread Ø20 mm. 56-00 112-00
12. American tap Ø20 mm 288-00 576-00
13. Fum tape 42-00 42-00
Total: 4970-00

We complete heating radiators:

The polypropylene pipe must be reinforced (see photo below)

“American” taps are necessary to completely disconnect the battery and make it possible to remove it for washing and inspection. (see photo below)

A polypropylene tap is necessary to turn on the system when our American taps are closed and makes it possible to circulate the coolant in the system when our heating battery is removed. (see photo below)

End cap PPR Ø20 mm. with external thread Ø20 is necessary for connecting to neighbors’ radiators (transition from our PPR pipes into the neighbor’s radiator) (in the photo there is a limit switch with internal thread)

4. We prepare the necessary tools.

And the last moment in preparatory stage at replacing heating batteries in an apartment there will be preparation the necessary tool. We will need:

  1. Soldering iron for soldering pipes. (Now many plumbing stores offer them for rent. The cost of renting for 1 day is 300 rubles.)
  2. Adjustable wrench.
  3. Gas key.
  4. Drill with a drill bit for concrete (for fixing the heating radiator to the wall).
  5. Grinder with a metal disc.
  6. Roulette.
  7. Pencil for marking.
  8. Level.

If you have the same situation as me - (it was not possible to come to an agreement with the neighbors) you will need a cutting blade external thread on the pipe under the ceiling and near the floor. I also rented 300 rubles a day.

Second stage: instructions for replacing heating batteries with your own hands

All preparatory work finished, you can move on to the second stage - to the actual process of replacing the heating batteries.

We draw up an action plan:

  1. We first mark the position of the heating radiators on the wall.
  2. We do preliminary assembly of the units.
  3. We negotiate with the housing department to turn off the heating riser.
  4. We crash into the heating system.

Pre-mark the position of the heating radiators on the wall

When marking the position of the heating radiator on the wall, the following points must be taken into account. Firstly, the distance from the floor to the radiator should be 10-15 cm. If you place the heating radiator lower, there will be poor air flow through it and it will be inconvenient to conduct wet cleaning in room.

Secondly, for the same reason of poor convection, you should not bring the battery close to the windowsill. The distance from the window sill to the heating radiator must be at least 15 cm.

Thirdly, you cannot press the heating radiator too hard against the wall due to the deterioration of thermal output. Optimal distance 3-4 cm. The distance from the wall to the heating radiator is adjusted by the depth of screwing in the brackets on which it is suspended.

We do preliminary assembly of units

We completely assemble the heating battery - install the gaskets, tighten the bushings and blind plugs, screw in the “American” taps and the “Mayevsky” tap.

We mark and cut pipes, weld corners and tees.

We weld the entire assembly to the 90˚ corners up and down as shown in the photo below.

I wrote in the article how to properly solder polypropylene pipes .

We negotiate with the housing department to turn off the heating riser

All preliminary work has been completed, the main components have been assembled, and the tool has been prepared. Next stage– we agree with the operational service to turn off the heating riser for at least half a day.

It seems to me that in the entire operation of replacing heating batteries, this is the most difficult stage. In fact, by doing the work yourself and with your own hands, you are taking bread from the plumbers, who will tell you what a complex, responsible and dangerous operation it is. What knowledge, qualifications and work experience do you need? Therefore, it can be a little difficult to come to an agreement, but everything is possible. This procedure cost me 500 rubles.

We crash into the heating system

The riser is turned off, the drain valve in the basement is open. You can begin the insertion procedure.

Firstly, cut off old pipe grinder in 2 places, as shown in the photo. (photo of cuts from the neighbor below)

We make sure to cut after turning the neighbor from below and above, but along the length so that when the pipe is rotated (unscrewing it from the neighbor’s batteries), the end does not rest against the wall. This will give us the opportunity to better grip the pipe when unscrewing it.

We cut it anywhere, as long as it’s convenient to remove the battery later and it doesn’t have “horns” sticking out in different directions.

Secondly, we unscrew the cut sections from the neighbors’ batteries, pull out the pieces from the floor slabs and take out our old battery.

Third, in the marked places we fasten our new battery in place.

Fourth, rewind sealing tape and screw in the transitions from the neighbor’s batteries to ours polypropylene pipe and weld the pipe exit through the ceilings into our apartment through a 90˚ angle. It is advisable to make the length of the pipe a little longer - with an overlap relative to the place of soldering into our heating unit.

AND final stage, we cut our pipe from the neighbor above to right size and solder it into the 90˚ corner. We do the same with the pipe from the neighbor below. For the convenience of soldering the last connections, you can temporarily disconnect the heating radiator from the pipes at the junction using American taps. This will allow the pipes to move freely.

That's it, the heating battery is new, the wiring is complete.

We start the heating system. We ask the housing department to first open the return pipe - we fill the riser from bottom to top with coolant, while simultaneously bleeding off the air on the top floor. Open the supply tap. Circulation in the system has been restored. We check our unit for leaks.

If you did everything carefully, I congratulate you on achieved victory and savings.

Total expenses

So, a complete calculation for replacing the heating battery in the apartment it turned out like this:

As you can see, the main cost of the entire operation is replacing a heating battery in an apartment falls on the cost of the heating radiators themselves. If you hire an organization and do all the same work, the cost will immediately increase by at least 3 times.

We can say that the operation of replacing heating batteries is not a very complicated process. The main thing is to think everything through well, prepare and do it carefully.

Good luck to everyone and less troublesome repairs.

It's summer! A great time to relax, play sports, and also... replace the battery central heating. Seriously! After all, if you have old batteries, then in winter you will freeze again and wrap yourself in blankets instead of enjoying comfortable temperature. It's not that difficult to do. Komsomolskaya Pravda understood the intricacies of the process.


By by and large, you have three options. Adventurous - do it yourself. Practical – contact your housing services or other management company. Finally, the third and most expensive option is to call commercial plumbers. Each option is attractive in its own way.

Replacement through Zhilkomservice

Replacement of failed heating devices is carried out only after their service life has been exceeded. And it is usually 15-30 years. If you have an old house where no repairs have been made for decades, you have a chance to get a free radiator replacement. In all other cases, the Housing Office makes only minor repairs.

Replacing heating batteries in an apartment through the housing office begins with submitting an application. Everyone knows that dealing with these organizations requires a certain amount of patience. Therefore, prepare such a statement in advance, preferably in two copies. On one of them, the responsible person from the Housing Office will have to put an acceptance mark. Also make sure that there is a date, an incoming number and a legible signature of the person receiving it. This will be useful to you in the future. For example, if the battery suddenly bursts, then compensation material damage will be the responsibility of the service organization.

Commercial Battery Replacement

In fact, you can replace a heating battery through your HOA or housing services on a commercial basis. This is no problem, if only there was money! In one of the homeowners' associations in the Nevsky district, they are willing to take on this. Disabling the riser costs 500 rubles. You need to agree on the time of work in advance and submit an application. Further everything is subject to agreement with the plumber. You can hire a person who is a contractor in the HOA to carry out this responsible mission. You can also invite a third-party wrench worker. The first option is perhaps more economical. Commercial offices offer to do this for an amount from 6 to 11 thousand rubles. You need to understand that this does not include the cost of a new radiator.

Replacing the battery yourself

I hope you have already guessed that you will have to submit an application to the HOA in any case. After all, work to replace a radiator involves turning off water throughout the entire entrance. Therefore, for example, on weekends it is unlikely that risers will be blocked. If you decide to do this on weekdays, then you need to remember a few important tips.


Radiators are usually installed under the window for a reason. The fact is that warm air will rise to the top and prevent cold air from entering the room from the street. It is also very important to pay attention to the distances of the battery to the wall, ceiling and window sill. The battery should be placed at a distance of 3 centimeters from the wall, and a distance of 10-15 centimeters should be maintained from the floor and window sill.

Replacing heating appliances in an apartment is a process that should be approached as responsibly as raising children. The quality of heat transfer to the room directly depends on how well and competently all the work is completed, from the choice of radiator material to the connection of heating devices.

Nowadays, you can even perform the replacement yourself heating radiators in an apartment it’s not that difficult. But you need to use only proven schemes and quality materials, comply with the requirements of technologies and standards.


1. Agreement. Go to the duty officer at the HOA and leave an application to shut off the heating riser. After they discuss the time with you and answer positively, you can proceed to the next stage.

2. Removing the old battery. If the coolant in the riser is drained, then, perhaps, there is nothing difficult for an experienced person. Enough to promote threaded connection. But if the battery is very old, then wrench you won't get away with it. You will have to cut the weld with a grinder. In this case, you need to comply with all safety regulations and technology. However, if you have an angle grinder, then you probably understand the safety rules. Otherwise, why do you need such a tool?

3. Fitting and hanging the new radiator. Very important point, because you need to correctly align the horizontal and vertical, eliminate distortions and other defects. Replacement and installation of heating radiators should be carried out using building level and other tools. Otherwise, the coolant will be distributed unevenly. And the apartment will still be cold.

4. Connection of the battery to the riser. Now you must either screw the battery to the modern riser outlets, or use welding.


Svetlana Morozova, member of the Homeowners Association of the Central District of St. Petersburg:

If changing batteries does not imply an increase in power, then a person has the right to change the radiator himself, without approval from the regional interdepartmental commission, simply by leaving a request in his HOA. But if you want to increase the number of sections, say, from four to six (thus increasing the amount of coolant), then you need to contact the regional authorities. In practice, no one does this. Partly because the law does not provide for fines, and partly due to simple negligence. Now they don't pay attention to this. But when the situation reaches a critical point, it is possible that some kind of sanctions may follow. Let’s say a commission of representatives of homeowners’ associations and supply organizations will identify violations and send cases to court. But when this will happen and whether it will happen at all is difficult to say.

The heating season has arrived, but not all apartments are warm. In some apartments a little warm batteries and the residents are forced to go to wool socks, and in others they open the windows due to the unbearable heat. This situation can arise for many reasons, but one of the main reasons is an imbalance in heat apartment building, including due to unauthorized replacing heating radiators in an apartment, or installations additional sections batteries in apartments.

What is the thermal balance of a house, why is it disturbed and what can this lead to?

The concepts of “heat balance” and “thermal balance” are used by designers and installers of heating systems, and even sometimes by sellers of heating equipment. So what is the building's heat balance?
The concept of “house heat balance” is often used by specialists in the design and maintenance of heating networks of buildings, but in none normative act there is no specific definition of it. It seems, based on an analysis of the standards associated with the design of thermal systems of buildings, that the thermal balance of a house is a one-to-one ratio of heat losses in the house and incoming heat. Only with such an ideal ratio (balance) can the required temperature in the house be maintained.

Thermal imbalance of the house can occur due to the installation of additional sections when replacing heating radiators in the apartment, or changing their configuration.

Are heating radiators in apartments common property?

Often people do not know who owns the heating system: the owner of the apartment or is it part of the general building system. According to the Rules for the maintenance of common property in an apartment building, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 13, 2006 No. 491, paragraph 6 “.. the composition of the common property includes an intra-house heating system, consisting of risers, heating elements, control and shut-off valves, collective ( general house) heat energy metering devices, as well as other equipment located on these networks.”
It turns out that heating devices are common property. That's why, self-replacement radiators are illegal. Resolving the issue of classifying radiators located in residents' apartments as the common property of a residential building or defining them as part of the apartment (accessory) is very important in determining the person responsible for their maintenance and operation.
Unlike water supply systems, gas supply thermal system home is the same for the entire apartment building and is intended not only for heating any room, but also for transporting heat throughout apartment building, including to other apartments.

So, speaking about heating devices located in apartments, we are dealing with the common property of an apartment building. As you know, the common property of the house belongs to all owners on the right of common shared ownership and, accordingly, its fate is determined by decision general meeting owners of premises (Articles 44, 46 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation). However, there is no uniformity in law enforcement practice.

Sometimes, in order to understand that heating devices belong to the common or, conversely, personal property of the apartment owner, a construction and technical examination should be assigned, during which the expert is asked the following questions:
- whether the heating elements of the in-house heating system located in the (specific) apartment are intended to serve more than one room in a given house;
- how more than one room in a given house is serviced by heating elements located in the apartment.

The expert should give answers to these questions based on technical features interaction of heating elements in separate apartment with other rooms in this house.

Replacing heating radiators in an apartment - refurbishment of a living space or a violation of the rules for using the common property of the house?

Replacing heating radiators in an apartment is often mistaken for re-equipment and, if detected, the relevant authorities try to oblige apartment owners to bring their living quarters to their original condition. However, these actions do not comply with the law.

In accordance with Art. 25 of the RF Housing Code, reconstruction of residential premises is the installation, replacement or transfer of utility networks, sanitary, electrical or other equipment that require changes to the technical passport of the residential premises.

Technical passports of residential premises are documents containing technical and other information about residential premises related to ensuring the compliance of residential premises established requirements. Technical certification must be carried out in accordance with clause 5 of Art. 19 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation along with other forms of state accounting of the housing stock.

The technical passport of the residential premises is drawn up in accordance with the Instructions on the accounting of housing stock in the Russian Federation, approved by Order of the Ministry of Land and Construction of Russia dated 04.08.1998 N 37. From the contents of this Instruction (clause 3.16) it follows that the technical passport of the residential premises does not include information about the location and even about the presence of heating appliances located in the living space: cold and hot water, sewerage, heating, gas, etc., as well as central heating radiators are not shown on floor plans.

This means that replacing or moving heating devices or changing their configuration does not require changes to the technical passport and cannot be considered as a reconstruction of a residential premises, but is a violation of the procedure for using common property. Accordingly, it is impossible to apply to the actions of the owners of residential premises the consequences of unauthorized reconstruction, which consist in forcing them to bring the residential premises to their original condition.

However, be that as it may, the Rules for the operation of the housing stock clearly establish the obligation of the service organization to control the unauthorized increase or replacement of heating devices inside apartments. Thus, according to clause 5.2.1 of this document, the operation of the central heating system of residential buildings must ensure, among other things, the elimination of overly installed heating devices and the installation of additional separate rooms, lagging behind temperature conditions. This means that the management organization has the opportunity to carry out unnecessary dismantling installed radiators heating in apartments.

Of course, in practice this is very difficult to do, since not a single owner will agree to dismantle the batteries in his apartment of his own free will. The only way to solve this problem is to file a lawsuit against the owner of the apartment to demand the dismantling of excessively installed battery sections due to violation of the procedure for using common property.

Who should I contact to replace heating radiators in my apartment?

As a rule, many residents do not know at all where to go if they need to replace the heating radiators in their apartment. Some residents independently dismantle and subsequently replace heating radiators, which can subsequently lead to thermal imbalance in the house, violation of the rights and legitimate interests of their neighbors, and in the worst case, to an emergency situation.

According to the Rules for the Operation of Housing Funds (clause 5.2.5), service organizations must control the installation of batteries. It is not allowed to increase the surface area or number of heating devices without special permission from the housing maintenance organization. The management organization has the right to prohibit the installation (replacement) of heating devices in the apartment if they do not comply with the heating devices provided for in the project, therefore, before replacing heating radiators in the apartment, residents must coordinate this work with the service organization.

The owner of the premises must agree:
- replacement of “original” batteries with radiators of the same type (similar to those installed during the construction of the house);
- replacement of radiators with radiators of a different type (different from those provided for by the building design), including changing the configuration (number of sections) of radiators;
- transfer of batteries.

In the first case, the apartment owner has the right to install batteries similar to those provided for in the project without obtaining special permission from the service organization. However, he should clarify which batteries correspond to the project and notify the management organization about replacing the batteries in order to avoid problems in the future, including emergency situations.

In two following cases You should use the help of a specialist who will determine the possibility of installing certain devices. An examination of the compliance of heating devices with the design and the possibility of installing them in an apartment without damaging the heating system of the house is paid for by the owner of the apartment in which he is going to replace the batteries, since it is he who takes the initiative to change the heating system of the entire house.

Replacing batteries with the same number of sections made of materials other than the material of the “original” batteries, or with an increase in their surface area, can lead to the fact that the heating system of the house, designed according to the project for a certain load, will become unbalanced and the temperature load will be unevenly distributed to different parts buildings (apartment by apartment), so carrying out a technical examination will allow you to avoid many problems and lawsuits in the future.