How to paint a wooden floor correctly. General recommendations

Today, painted wood floors under a rug are one of the most popular and affordable floor coverings. However, over time, wooden floors begin to wear out and fade due to heavy use, and old paint fades and wears off. To avoid “aging” of a plank floor, it is often enough just to repaint the base or touch up the paint in some places. After all, freshly painted wooden floor It always looks aesthetically pleasing, much more beautiful and pleasant than a tarnished, old surface.

Paint selection

The most popular on the market is the group of opaque paints and varnishes, which includes paints based on organic solvents (acrylic, oil, polyurethane, alkyd, etc.). They hide floor defects well, protect it from microflora and mechanical stress, and they can be applied several times.

The most suitable paints for painting plank floors are those with high water resistance, which allows the wood to withstand significant fluctuations in humidity. These are precisely the high-quality modern alkyd paints and enamels, which are considered best choice For wooden floors. Their main disadvantage is their high cost (ranging from $25-40 per liter).

Also very good and more affordable option– water-dispersed acrylic dyes. They are the safest, retain their original shade for a long time and adhere well to the surface.

Finally, oil paints are still often used for wooden floors, primarily due to their low price.

For new wooden floors, it is best to use alkyd or acrylic impregnations, and for old substrates, alkyd and oil paints. Try to buy paint cans only from one batch. At the same time, do not buy a universal paint, but one that is intended specifically for wooden coatings and has decent water resistance.

>As for paint consumption, on average for wooden surfaces per 1 sq.m. you will need 150-250 g of paint or approximately 1 liter. paints based on 7-10 “squares” of floor. The consumption of any paint must be indicated in the instructions.

Tools and materials:

— Spatula or scraper;

— Paint brushes (it is best to take flat brushes - narrow and wide);

— Short-haired roller for painting;

— Capacity for the roller;

— Emery or abrasive;

— Grinding bar;

— Masking tape;

— Putty (depending on the quality of the floor);

— Primer (or drying oil);

- Dye;

— Large and small containers;

— Special varnish (if necessary);

- Hammer;

— Chisel;

- Rags, rags;

— Personal protective equipment.

Preparatory stage

To begin, clear the room of all foreign household objects and furniture and remove the curtains. Then remove dust, debris and wash the floorboards with hot soapy water.

If nails protrude from the surface of the base, use a hammer to “sink” the heads of the fasteners back into the board so that they do not interfere. Replace nails as necessary and secure old boards to prevent them from becoming loose. If you have old fatty or wax stains on the floor, remove them with a soda solution (200 ml glass of soda per 8 liters of water) or white alcohol.

Using a spatula, remove the layer of peeling paint in those areas where this is possible; treat stubborn areas with old paint with sandpaper or a special grinder.

Then be sure to thoroughly clean the cracks of accumulated debris, dust and paint residues, using a scraper or putty knife for these purposes. If there are rough spots on the floor, remove the knots with a chisel and sand the defects with sandpaper. When finished, clean the floor well again, doing dry and wet cleaning.

After drying, prime the plank floor (or apply a layer of drying oil to the surface). When priming, pay special attention to cracks and worn areas of the base. Wait for the primer/drying oil to dry.

Now let's move on to puttying. Choose putty that is approximately the same color as the shade of the future paint. To begin, treat the gaps between the boards and near the walls with tow or ropes soaked in oxol or glue water. If the cracks are quite large, you can use sawdust putty (2 parts wood glue, 5 parts cement, 5 parts sawdust, 14 parts water). Be sure to sand the remaining large roughness with sandpaper or abrasive.

Now, if your floor has no visible defects, then you can move on to the finishing primer followed by painting.

If there are still noticeable cracks, unevenness or other flaws, then after treating the cracks, apply two continuous layers of putty to the wooden surface with a spatula and sand thoroughly finishing layer. By the way, it is better to use semi-oil putty in damp rooms, and glue putty - in dry rooms.

After completing the puttying work, thoroughly clean the floor again from construction remains, dust and debris and wash the surface thoroughly.

Now prime the floor a second time, this time completely, while Special attention pay attention to all putty areas. Wait for the soil to dry.

As a result, before painting, your floor will be level, dry, smooth and without defects, which will ultimately reduce paint consumption and significantly facilitate subsequent treatment of the floor.

In addition to directly preparing the floor, paste masking tape(crepe) all adjacent places in the apartment so that paint does not get on them. It is also advisable to wash the lower ends of the wallpaper with soap and water a few centimeters upward so that they do not become dirty when painting the baseboards.

Painting the floor

Prepare the paint according to the instructions - add water if necessary and stir thoroughly until smooth.

Make sure the prepared floor is completely dry after finishing priming. Start working from furthest to interior door corner and move towards the exit. First, brush everything hard to reach places(in corners, near walls, baseboards, under radiators, etc.). Then, throughout the rest of the free space in the room, apply the first coat of paint to the floor with a short-haired roller, “shading” it along the boards. In this case, the roller must be rolled in a special vessel so that it evenly absorbs the paint. During painting, do not forget to constantly stir the paint and varnish material, otherwise stains may appear on the floor. Make sure there are no “stains” anywhere - the paint should apply evenly and without blistering.

Now important rule– wooden floors are painted in at least two layers. You need to move on to the second color after 2-3 days, i.e. after the initial layer of paint has completely dried (this time is usually indicated in the instructions). The longer a particular layer of paint takes to dry, the better for the floor. After applying the second layer, drying the floor should last 3-4 days, and after the third - from 5-6 days, just make sure that there are no drafts during drying. Apply any subsequent layer using the technology described above. In this case, the direction of painting with a roller or brushes should correspond to the direction of the wood fibers on the boards, especially with the last layer. After the second layer, check the floor - if there are light spots left, you need to paint further, but if the floor is monochromatic, then that’s enough.

Final work

When the last layer of paint has dried, rinse the base thoroughly with a simple hot water(without adding any detergents or soap). This way you will remove any remaining drying oil from the surface, if any was used, and the boards themselves will become very beautiful and glossy. It is recommended to carry out such wet cleaning daily for several days after painting.

If necessary, about a month after applying the last color, the wooden floor can be covered on top with a special varnish impregnation, which forms protective film and will prevent paint from rubbing off. It is not necessary to varnish the boards; this is at the discretion of the owners. But it should be remembered that thanks to varnish impregnation, any paint will last much longer, and the floor itself will be well protected from mold and will receive an exquisite decorative shine.

Good luck with your renovation!



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A well painted floor takes significant part aesthetic perception of the entire interior of the room. There is a difference in how to paint the wood floors in your home if they are new or old. Over time, old wooden coverings receive various damages and dry out, forming cracks.

Over the many years of use, the floor boards have been painted more than once. Old paint cracks, causing chips. In this article we will focus on the topic: how to paint old and new wooden floors.

Preparing to paint an old wooden floor

First of all, it is necessary to divide wooden flooring into two categories:

  1. Plank floor.
  2. Parquet.

Plank floor

Before starting work, inspect the wooden covering, replace rotten boards, pay attention to chips and cracks

Before painting, a thorough inspection of the condition of the old flooring is carried out:

  1. Reveal various defects: paint chips, cracks and damage to old painted floors.
  2. Identify areas with loose boards that have become unusable.
  3. Prepare an approximate defect list. It is used to determine required quantity materials to repair the floor in wooden house or another home.
  4. Prepare the tools necessary to carry out repair work.

For restoration work You will need: hammer, level, nails, scraper. Will also need construction knife, a plane, a set of chisels and a wood saw.

Repair work consists of several stages:

  • loose floorboards are dismantled;
  • check the condition of the joists in the areas where the boards were removed. Wooden parts repair;
  • install new boards;
  • All cracks and chips are carefully puttied. Surges old paint deleted.

If the old paint was oil-based, then the new nitro paint will be rejected by the floor covering. Therefore, there are only two ways out of this situation: remove the old paint or use a dye with exactly the same chemical composition.


Old parquet is usually scraped and varnished

Old parquet flooring used to be made from natural wood, especially oak. Painting a wooden parquet floor is unlikely to be a pleasure for anyone. This is done when absolutely necessary.

It's better to repair old parquet, cover it with colorless varnish or other composition, without covering the textured pattern of the wood. The parquet rivets are laid, forming various patterns. The most common form of parquet is laid planks in a herringbone pattern.

Repair work to restore parquet flooring

Parquet repair work must be carried out in the following order:

  1. Conduct an inspection of the condition of the parquet flooring. Draw up a defective statement.
  2. Severely damaged boards are replaced with new rivets.
  3. Loose planks are drilled with a thin drill in several places.
  4. The drilled holes are filled with “liquid nails” type glue.
  5. All cracks and holes are filled with special putty.
  6. The entire surface is scraped using a machine and manual scraping.

Then the parquet is impregnated with special strengthening compounds: wax mastic or parquet varnish.

Preparing new wood floors for painting

Before painting, the wood is coated with a primer

Before the floor is painted, new wooden flooring undergoes the following preparatory work:

  1. The floor is finally scraped, bringing the surface of wooden floors to maximum smoothness.
  2. All cracks are carefully puttied.
  3. The wood is coated with special primers. When deciding how to paint the floors in a wooden house or other building, choose a primer that is chemically compatible with the paint.

Before painting the floor in a wooden house with ordinary oil paint, the entire surface is impregnated with natural drying oil or a special primer.

After this, they move on to painting work.

Choosing paint for a wooden floor

How to paint a wooden floor? When visiting hardware stores, people are sometimes overwhelmed by the wide range of dyes available.

Each type of paint has its own advantages and disadvantages, which we tried to reflect in this table:

Oil paint

Oil paint today is used mainly to renew old painted floors. Oil paint diluted with natural drying oil. The painted surface is not afraid of moisture and resists mechanical stress. The dye is absolutely non-toxic.

Acrylic paint

Dye on acrylic base It is advantageous in that ordinary water is used as a solvent.

However, in rooms with intense mechanical loads (active walking), the painted surface wears out quickly.

Nitro enamels

Nitro enamels are attractive because they dry almost instantly. However, when burned, they release substances hazardous to human health. For more information on how to paint, watch this video:


Varnish coating extends the life of the tree

Varnishes are mainly used to cover parquet flooring.

Parquet coated with varnish takes on a beautiful appearance.

The varnish emphasizes the structure of the wood and is resistant to high humidity in room.

This floor is easy to use. Easily withstands wet cleaning.

When performing paint and varnish work, it is necessary to use products personal protection respiratory and visual organs. Vapors from varnish can ignite from any spark.


Take seam brushes to paint the floor

Painting a wooden floor requires certain conditions to be met:

  1. They begin to paint the floor after the primer has completely dried.
  2. It is necessary to prepare the following tools: folding brushes, short-pile rollers, a tray for drawing and squeezing paint.
  3. It is advisable to purchase paint from well-known manufacturers.
  4. Paint is selected taking into account the structure and type of wood.
  5. In rooms with intense mechanical load, paint with a high wear resistance is chosen.
  6. In rooms with high humidity, it is preferable to use acrylic or oil paints.

Wood floor painting technology

How to paint the floor so that the surface of the wooden covering is even and smooth? It is necessary to stock up on an additional set of replacement rollers. The roller should not be foam rubber or have too long a pile. Short bristles distribute the paint evenly over the wooden surface. At the same time, the roller does not absorb excess paint and does not form sagging on the floor. For more information on how to paint a floor, watch this video:

The scheme for how to paint a floor is quite simple. Painting begins from the opposite side to the entrance to the room.

Putting a plastic bag over the tray will help keep the dispensing container clean. The roller is dipped into the paint, and then the excess dye is squeezed out onto the sloping surface of the tray.

When painting large areas Within a few days, the dried roller is replaced in the holder with a new cylinder. The old roller is immersed in a container with solvent.

To avoid additional inconvenience when painting the floor, first paint hard-to-reach areas with a seam brush. flooring.Then they begin to paint the main area of ​​the wooden floor.

Safety precautions

Almost all work associated with painting floors with any dyes is flammable and toxic. Smoking in areas where paint and varnish work is carried out can lead to death.

When painting the floor, do not forget to ventilate the room

All rooms should be well ventilated during painting. Workers must wear respirators and safety glasses. The painted floor is dried long time until the fumes have completely evaporated.

Particular attention should be paid to the issue of painting the floor, since this area buildings are most susceptible to various types of influences. It’s hard not to get lost among the variety of colors. Therefore, next we’ll talk about choosing paint for various types of floors and how to paint the floor correctly and efficiently.

Paint is used to update the appearance of the floor covering. This method is used by both apartment owners and owners non-residential premises. The main advantage of painting the floor is the fact that the paint can be applied to any kind of surface: wood, concrete, plaster, etc. At the same time, painting does not require hiring specialists or using special equipment. Even one person can do it.

Other benefits of floor painting include:

  • resistance of the coating to moisture, since most paints applied to the floor are moisture resistant;
  • the paint creates a protective film on the floor that protects it from various types of influences;
  • the coating becomes easy to maintain and can easily withstand any type of cleaning, both dry and wet;
  • application of paint is quick and does not require special physical effort; in addition, after the paint has dried, the floor is ready for further use;
  • This type of finishing is economical and affordable, therefore it is the most popular among alternative options.

Among the disadvantages of painting floors in the house are:

  • low level of thermal insulation, in winter time walking on a painted floor does not bring comfort, so it requires the installation of rugs;
  • low level of wear resistance, this coating is not capable of being used for a long time and requires periodic updating;
  • low drying speed, most paints dry within two to seven days, during which time walking on the floor is prohibited;
  • the appearance of the coating is quite simple, so when arranging a special designer room, painting the floor would be inappropriate.

How to paint a floor - process technology

The first stage of work is preparatory. It requires removal of old flooring or other finishing materials, if available. In the presence of greasy stains on the surface they are removed using degreasers such as white spirit.

When using wax to polish floors, it should also be removed. It is better to do this using a solution of soda and water, in the proportion of a glass to seven liters of liquid. Next, apply the mixture to the floor surface and wipe off the wax using a stiff brush. Finally, rinse the floor clean water and leave until completely dry.

If there are convex knots on wooden floor, remove them with a chisel, and recess the caps from the fasteners a few millimeters deep and putty.

Before painting, treat the surface with a primer or drying oil; the latter option is only suitable for floors made of wood. If possible, wait a few days until the solution is well absorbed into the surface and begins to perform its intended functions. If it is necessary to have a perfectly flat surface, it is recommended to treat the floor with putty; choose compounds with oil base, they are highly wear-resistant and will last on the floor long years. Please note that the color of the putty should not differ much from the color of the floor. Apply putty to the entire surface of the floor, eliminate unevenness or minor defects. Sand with sandpaper uneven areas. If desired, repeat these steps several times until the surface achieves the desired appearance.

After finishing preparatory stage a painting procedure follows, which will make the floor attractive in appearance and protect it from external irritants.

Before starting work, pour the paint from the can and stir until the mixture reaches a uniform consistency and structure. Please note that the presence of lumps or small clots is unacceptable.

Use masking tape to protect areas that do not require painting but are in direct contact with the floor. It is this material that will protect these places from sudden ingress of paint.

Carry out coloring in stages. First apply the first coat of paint, after it dries, apply another coat. Applying a second coat will make the surface more attractive and high-quality painted. The second layer must dry for at least four days.

Tip: When re-painting, it is enough to apply one coat of paint to the surface, but if the floor is being painted for the first time, then at least two and sometimes three layers should be applied.

Please note that the application layer must be thin, otherwise, after a certain time, it will become deformed and swell.

Painting a wooden floor is done along the horizontal movement of the wood fibers. It is preferable to start work from the perimeter of the room, namely from the baseboard.

Take a little paint, squeeze the brush against the edge of the reservoir in which the paint is located and apply it to the surface. Hold the brush at an angle in relation to the surface to be painted. Try to work with smooth movements - strokes. The power of brush pressure is affected by the required layer thickness and its color saturation.

After painting the baseboards, begin applying paint to the entire surface of the floor.

It is better to do this with a roller. Start with the corners:

  • lower the roller into the paint bath;
  • soak it;
  • press about relief area on the bath;
  • Place the roller on the floor and roll the paint over the surface.

Tip: Do not lift the roller off the floor as long as there is at least some paint on it.

When the first coat of paint has dried, inspect the surface for defects and, if necessary, repaint. The floor should not contain streaks, paint drops, stains, drips or roller marks.

Take care to remove all glued tape, remaining drying oil, and oil on the floor. This is done by periodically cleaning the floor with a special solution, the preparation of which requires diluting water with vinegar. At the same time, adding soap, powder, any cleaning agents or soda to this mixture is unacceptable, as this will significantly affect the attractiveness of the coating. If the appearance of the floor is satisfactory, proceed to its operation.

Painting a wooden floor

Wooden floors are environmentally friendly types of coatings that can maintain a healthy microclimate and atmosphere in the room, which is why they are very popular.

In addition, this type of flooring is durable, durable, and resistant to many irritants. But at the same time, a wooden floor requires special care, and in particular, treatments with various kinds of antiseptics, impregnations, etc.

Before you start painting a wooden floor, you should take care of choosing quality material, which will help preserve it during operation.

In relation to appearance paints and varnishes for wooden floors there are:

  • transparent;
  • colored.

The first option consists of varnishes or impregnations. Some of them contain special substances that help the wood texture to appear more clearly.

Color types involve the use of paints of different origins. Among them, the following materials should be highlighted:

  • polyurethane;
  • oil;
  • alkyd;
  • acrylic origin.

The main functions of impregnations are to protect wood from fire or biological irritants in the form of fungi or mold.

There are two types of impregnations:

  • antipyretic;
  • biocidal or antiseptic.

The first option makes the tree non-flammable and protects it from fire. Their use is associated with public, industrial or residential buildings.

The latter help improve the antiseptic properties of the tree and protect it from biological influences.

There are two types of impregnations:

  • surface action;
  • deep action.

Only the first option is suitable for applying it to the floor yourself. Before applying impregnation to the surface, it should first be cleaned and dried. To apply impregnation, use a sprayer or brush.

Another type of impregnation is oil-based. They are made using oil from wood or flax, as well as modified natural resins that strengthen and protect the wood tint. The oil base is better absorbed by wood, so it works more effectively.

Pay attention to these types of oils that do not contain a solvent. It is better if the oil has natural base and you won’t have to wait long for it to dry. The use of oils is associated with areas with high operational load, such as corridors, living rooms or hallways. In addition, they are suitable for treating floors in unheated rooms or in rooms with high humidity levels.

If we consider the issue of choosing varnish or paint, then we should proceed from individual characteristics premises and personal preferences of its owners. Varnish is less resistant to mechanical irritants such as shoes, heavy objects, etc., so its use as a floor covering is limited.

When choosing paint, pay attention to environmental factor, the best option there will be a material on a water-dispersion basis that does not contain organic solvents.

This type of paint is waterproof, has good adhesion to the surface and is color fast. To paint the floor in the kitchen or bathroom, it is recommended to purchase acrylic-based paint. It is more durable and resistant to moisture. To paint parquet, use alkyd enamel.

Tip: When choosing the amount of paint, you should first know the area of ​​the room to be painted. Each can of paint indicates its consumption per square meter. In the calculation, it is necessary to take into account the number of layers and calculate the paint consumption.

Instructions for painting the floor yourself:

  • clean the floor, take care that there is no dirt, dust, or various kinds of stains on it;
  • seal and putty all the cracks, wait until they dry;
  • sand, sand and dry the floor;
  • apply antiseptic compounds and wait until they dry;
  • Paint the floor with your chosen varnish or paint.

Tip: Apply a second coat of paint only after the first has completely dried. Otherwise the paint will be deformed.

The procedure for painting with varnish is practically no different from applying paint. Although there are some subtleties here too. After applying the first layer, wait until it dries, sand the surface and apply the second layer. If this technology is followed, the coating will acquire ideal evenness and a pleasant shine. The varnish is applied in at least three layers.

The floor is being painted various technologies, among which we highlight three main ones:

  • Coating a wooden floor with drying oil or primer. Drying within three days. Applying paint and drying it. Apply a second layer and wait 3 to 6 days.
  • Puttying the surface using a mixture with an oil base. Alignment of cracks and other defects. Sanding the floor using fine sandpaper. Its puttying and leveling. Applying paint in two or three layers.
  • Applying drying oil to the floor surface. It is dried and puttied, which is carried out several times. Cleaning the floor with sandpaper, priming it, drying it and painting it in at least three layers.

Tip: When choosing the type of primer, you should consider the type of paint that will be applied to the floor surface. For example, when applying acrylic enamel, the primer should be acrylic.

Painting a concrete floor: features and technology

The quality of surface preparation directly affects the service life of a painted concrete coating. The first step is to remove dirt, debris, dust, old paint or bitumen from the floor.

Take care to delete concrete chips, seal and putty small differences in the surface, if any. With the help of a special grinding machine grind the surface. It is this process that will make the surface smooth and significantly improve the adhesion between the paint and the floor.

Using a vacuum cleaner or a regular mop will help get rid of dust. For dust removal concrete base purchase compositions of polymer origin. They will significantly improve the quality of concrete. To strengthen the concrete surface, use toppings - these are impregnations with a strengthening effect. Products with a hardening effect will increase the strength of the base and protect the floor from dust for 4 years.

To ensure better adhesion between the concrete floor and the paint, use a primer. Among the great variety of this material, select the composition in accordance with the type of paint that will be used to treat the surface.

To apply the primer, use a foam roller, which helps to evenly distribute the primer on the surface. Applying a primer requires special technology:

  • First you need to mix it;
  • To prevent the floor from being slippery, add a little quartz sand to the finished mixture;
  • Apply the composition in two or three layers.

After purchasing and choosing paint for the floor, you should determine the type of tool used in the work. This can be a regular brush, roller or spray. The decisive factor in this matter will be the paint that will be applied to the surface.

The last option helps best application paints. In addition, it is easy to perform, economical and takes little time to paint.

Next comes floor drying, which is carried out under certain conditions. When conducting this process The room temperature should be about 19 degrees, and the humidity should be up to 86%. The floor dries within three to eight days, it all depends on the drying conditions and the type of paint. After drying, the coating is ready for further use.

Most people think that painting the floor is the simplest job from the entire process interior renovation premises, and only lies in choosing good paint.

But even the best painting material without special preparatory process for painting won't give the same result, which is expected at the end. Therefore, have a little patience and follow the tips described in this article.

When purchasing a paint material for painting a floor, you should remember and take into account that each type of paint is intended for application to a specific floor surface. Basically these coatings are divided for concrete and wooden materials.

  • Wood floor paint.

Painting material for wooden flooring is divided into two types: transparent and opaque. In turn, transparent paints include varnishes and different impregnations, which may contain various pigment substances that add a certain tone to them.

Opaque paint material- these are paints based on substances from different types organic solvents, as well as aqueous dispersion acrylic materials.

  • Paints for concrete floors.

Choosing paint to apply to concrete surfaces flooring must be performed based on the following requirements and characteristics:

1. for open premises and sites;

2. for internal premises;

3. for rooms with active chemical environment;

4. for rooms in which sanitary standards have been increased;

5. for rooms in which there may be very high and low temperatures.

Flooring mainly divided into two types– this is a concrete covering and a wooden covering. Therefore, the painting technology itself and the painting material itself are not the same for these types of floors.

  • Painting a concrete floor.

Before painting a concrete floor, you must carefully carry out preparatory work which consist in removing various kinds stains, dust, old paint and various other contaminants.

The next step in preparation concrete covering for painting, is applying impregnating material to its surface to strengthen the concrete screed from various types of influences.

And the last thing you need to do before painting such a floor is surface priming, special primers that will significantly improve the quality of painting.

  • Painting a wooden floor.

Painting a wooden floor requires special approach, which is divided into preparatory work and the process of applying painting material.

Preparatory work consist of thoroughly cleaning the wooden floor covering from dirt, dust and various types of stains. Then it is necessary to seal the cracks between the boards with a special putty, after which it dries, it is necessary to sand those places.

When all these procedures are completed, then you can start applying primer paint onto the floor surface.

Removing paint from a floor is very important process which must be completed before applying new paint material to its surface.

  • Removing old paint concrete floor.

To clean this type of floor covering, use specialty chemicals, which are widely represented among various building materials.

The process of such removal itself consists in uniformly applying such products to the floor surface, and after waiting for some time withdrawals old paint job using a spatula or other suitable tool.

  • Removing old paint wooden floor.

To remove old paint from a wooden floor covering, use thermal method, using a special thermal hair dryer. The process itself consists of simultaneously directing a hot stream of air onto the floor surface and removing old paint with a spatula.

Also watch a video tutorial on how to properly paint a wooden floor

An important detail in the interior of any home is the flooring. The floor in the house affects more than other elements general perception premises, so its design is given no less importance than the arrangement of walls and ceilings. IN Lately The leading positions are occupied by floorings, which, as a rule, are decorated with paint. You can do the painting yourself at home, but before you start work, you should study all the intricacies of the process.


Any type of repair work has its own characteristics, and painting the floor is no exception. Most often, wooden flooring is chosen as flooring. Before you buy paint or varnish for the floor, you need to understand the origin of the existing floor covering. The material used for its manufacture is important when choosing paint or varnish, as well as the means with which the preparatory work will be carried out. You can paint the floor using acrylic, oil, wear-resistant and universal rubber paints.

It is also necessary to take into account the features of the room where you plan painting work. Intensity of use, impact external factors, average temperature and humidity are very important when selecting paint, since the service life of the painted surface will depend on its properties. If the surface itself has been previously painted, then it is necessary to determine the degree of compatibility of the used paint with the new product.

If the goal is not renewal, but the application of a new layer, then you need to either prime or treat the surface with a special compound before applying the decorative layer.

What to paint with?

Today there are different kinds paints and varnishes that can be selected for both wooden flooring, and for concrete floors. There are two types of products that can be used to cover the floor: colorless and opaque. Clear varnishes are great for wooden surfaces. They are durable and fade resistant, and dry quickly. Decorative varnishes have many tones, thanks to which a wooden surface can be given beautiful shade without blocking the tree structure. Beech, oak and other expensive flooring have a beautiful structural pattern, and a varnish with a translucent or transparent consistency will perfectly highlight it, give it shine and protect it from moisture.

It is worth remembering that the varnish is not resistant to various mechanical damage, and therefore It is better for them not to cover surfaces in rooms with high traffic. Otherwise, it is worth applying additional impregnations.

Do not use this product on wood flooring. soft rocks trees (spruce, pine). It is better to treat them with paint that maximally protects the surface from mechanical damage.

Which paint is better?

Paints of various colors are divided depending on chemical composition for acrylic, oil, wear-resistant and rubber:

  • Non-toxic acrylic paints water-based paints perfectly paint solid wood surfaces. They are quite durable (service life is approximately 10 years), and therefore are in high demand. The components present in the paint are not afraid of temperature changes and high humidity, which means that the paint itself is suitable for use in rooms without heating. There is no pungent odor when painting, and the surface with paint dries quickly.
  • Water-based, environmentally friendly and safe for human body rubber paints , which appeared relatively recently, but have already gained popularity. They differ high strength, super elasticity, water resistance and low consumption. The polymers contained in the paint protect wooden surface from burnout and temperature changes.

  • Oil paints are inexpensive and extremely common painting materials. They have a uniform consistency and are quite resistant to temperature fluctuations. Having high viscosity, they are ideal for painting OSB panels consisting of glued chip particles. Paints on such panels are not suitable water based, since there is a high probability of swelling and bending of the slab. Over time, cracks may form on the painted surface. In addition, the paint takes a long time to dry and has a very unpleasant odor.
  • Unlike oil types, wear-resistant paints are characterized by stability. Surfaces with such paint are not afraid of peeling or fading. It is easy to apply a layer, and the paint dries quite quickly. Their smell is quite specific; it disappears from the room only after a few days.

Color solutions and decor

Gone are the days when only one color was used to paint a floor. Brown paint and several of its shades were produced specifically for wooden flooring. Today, manufacturers produce a wide range of color palette, thanks to which you can choose absolutely any shade. Water-based paints stand out especially color scheme. There are both ready-made options, and those that can be given desired shade using a special colorant for this purpose. White paint is the base to which a certain amount of the desired color is added. In order to get the desired shade of paint, you can add several colors.

Matte varnishes also have different colors and shades. With their help, you can give any wood flooring a touch of noble wood. Painting the floor covering can be done using one color or shade, evenly distributing the product over the entire surface. There are special stencil devices with which the surface of the old floor is transformed by applying a pattern. The technology is simple: a stencil with a cut out pattern is applied to the floor surface, and open areas paint is applied.

You can use either a sponge or a roller as a tool.

Work technology

Floor painting, like any other job, has its own technology. From a competent and consistent approach to this species activity depends on the final result. Before you begin the process, you need to prepare tools that may be needed both during preparatory work and for painting the floor:

  • The main tool for covering the flooring is a roller. Today, manufacturers produce a wide variety of rollers of various sizes and materials: foam rubber, polyacrylic, fur, polyamide and even textured. Each type has its own purpose. For painting the floor, the best option is a fur roller marked VMP. They are produced in accordance with GOST and are the most durable compared to foam rubber options, and the layer of paint applied by them will lie evenly.
  • To ensure uniform absorption of paint, it is better to purchase a special container with two-level planes. The product is poured into one half, and the other is used to squeeze out the roller.

Surface preparation

Preparatory work is carried out based on the condition of the coating surface. If the flooring is new, then you need to sand the surface well using a sanding machine, then remove dust and debris. If the coating is old, then first remove the paint layer using or mechanically (using construction hair dryer), or chemical (solvent) cleaning method. The resulting cracks are puttied, and after drying the surface is leveled.

If the coating is to be varnished, then there is no need for a primer. Such floorings are treated with special impregnations that protect the wood from mold, fungi and accidental fire. To prepare the floor for painting, use drying oil or a special primer, which gives the flooring antiseptic properties and prepares the surface.

A smooth and level floor with good adhesive properties will greatly facilitate the adhesion of paint to the flooring.

How to paint?

After preparation, you can start painting the floor in the apartment. There is a certain sequence for this stage of work. Before painting, the composition must be thoroughly mixed in a jar to remove clots, and this procedure is carried out regardless of the color (black, white, colored) of the paint. Then you can begin painting the surface adjacent to the walls, starting on the opposite side of the entrance. It is more convenient to do this with a small brush, since it will not be possible to thoroughly paint every corner with a roller.

After applying a layer around the perimeter, you can begin painting the central part of the floor. The applied layer of paint must dry completely, and only then can you begin installing the skirting boards. In order not to stain wallpaper or other facing materials on the walls, you need to cover the part adjacent to the baseboards with masking tape or other available means. Next, you can start painting the baseboards using a narrow brush. After the first layer has dried, a second layer is applied to the baseboards. After waiting the required time for it to dry on the baseboards, you can begin applying paint to central part surfaces.

When the painted surface is completely dry, you need to prepare the floor for use by washing it thoroughly.