How bell pepper grows. How to plant bell peppers How best to plant bell peppers

bell pepper– a favorite vegetable of many. Why? The answer is simple. It has earned such popularity for its elastic, bright, tasty fruits. The vegetable will perfectly fill the body with vitamins during periods of vitamin deficiencies and autumn melancholy, add a special taste to salads and decorate any dish.

You can eat sweet bell peppers all year round, you don’t have to wait until summer. Grow a crop on a windowsill in own apartment quite simple. The main thing is to follow all care recommendations. Then even pests are not scary for the vegetable.

At home, it is best to grow low-growing varieties of bell peppers. Firstly, such plants are unpretentious to conditions environment, and secondly, their short stature is ideal for the size of the window. Tall varieties grow poorly in an apartment.

One of the best varieties for growing on a windowsill:

  • Treasure Island. The first harvest can be harvested 100 days after planting. The fruits of the variety are juicy, orange-red in color. They are heart shaped.
  • The firstborn of Siberia. The fruits of the variety can be tasted 113 days after planting. The fruits are red, large and juicy.
  • Dwarf. The vegetable has cone-shaped red fruits. They appear 110 days after planting the variety.
  • Watercolor. The scarlet cone fruits of the variety are glossy and have a thin skin. The vegetables are small and can be eaten whole.
  • Gift from Moldova. Dark red large fruits have a rich, sweetish taste. They appear 4 months after planting.
  • Martin. A variety with juicy, aromatic red fruits. They have medium weight and thick walls.

All these varieties have high yields. Their fruits can be enjoyed all year round.

Growing seedlings

Growing bell peppers requires some effort. Before planting, it is necessary to prepare several containers, because seedlings, first of all, need a “home”. Containers should be wide enough to allow the underground part of the plant to be free and comfortable. It is necessary to add drainage to each container (pieces of red brick, gravel).

You can plant bell pepper seeds at different times:

  • Late February – early March. Planting seeds during this period will be successful, given the weather conditions. If the weather is warm a few days after sowing, it will slow down the growth of the vegetable. During this period, it is better for the plant to be on a window on the north side.
  • In winter. Planting vegetables in the winter months will only be successful if there is 12 hours of daylight. Therefore, seedlings need additional lighting, including artificial lighting.
  • End of July or beginning of September. During this period, the seeds germinate well. Only too hot days can become a hindrance.

In small containers made of peat and humus, filled with fertile soil, it is necessary to plant a pair of seeds. Afterwards, you need to water the soil generously and cover the containers with cling film. The pots should be in a warm place (from 25 ⁰C). Pots can be buried under mature plants if you already have experience growing peppers at home.

The appearance of the first shoots occurs a couple of weeks after planting the seeds. If this process is delayed, you can extend the daylight hours to 14 hours with the help of additional light sources.

As soon as the first shoots appear, they will need more air. Therefore, you need to make small holes in the film with a thin, sharp object. When the first leaves appear, the film can be removed from the containers. During this period, strong, powerful shoots are transplanted into large pots. Weak plants are eliminated.

Video “Planting sweet pepper seeds for seedlings”

In this video you will see what the process of planting seeds for seedlings using special peat tablets looks like.


Red bell pepper, or rather its sprouts, need to be transplanted with diving. Why? When the root of a plant is shortened, it begins to actively branch. Subsequently, the root and its shoots become stronger and actively hold the soil. Bell peppers produce more fruit as a result.

To care for a vegetable correctly, you need to know how to pick. This procedure is quite simple:

  • The soil into which the seedlings are planned to be transplanted must be watered abundantly in advance (24 hours).
  • Before diving, you need to make a hole in the soil in the center.
  • A couple of hours before the procedure, you need to water the soil around the sprout well.
  • Next, you need to take the sprout and lift it with the ground, and then shake off any remaining soil.
  • A third of the root should be removed (pinch it with your nails).
  • The sprout must be placed in the prepared hole. The main root should be straight, and the leaves should be 2 cm above the soil.
  • The soil around the planted sprout should be compacted with your fingers.
  • Water the seedling warm water.

Before carrying out the diving procedure, it is necessary to harden the seedlings, accustoming them to harsh weather conditions. To do this, the plant should be taken out into the air, gradually increasing its stay there. Thanks to this procedure, the plant becomes stronger, and pests are practically not afraid of it.

At the same time, it is imperative to ensure that small green bell peppers do not fall under drafts, because low temperature bad effect on the vegetable.


Bell peppers require watering only as needed. You need to saturate the window vegetable with warm water. It is also worth spraying the plant daily. To avoid overheating in winter, it is necessary to cover the battery wet cloth. Be sure to loosen the soil.

Even in the cold season, the plant needs a 12-hour day of light. Therefore, it is necessary to turn it towards the light with different sides and use artificial fluorescent lamps.

Allow a direct hit sun rays Under no circumstances should you touch the plant!

In the warm season, this crop should be grown on the balcony, and in winter - on south-facing window sills. Drafts and sudden changes in temperature are dangerous for the plant, so they should not be allowed.

Why do plants sometimes turn yellow and their leaves fall off?

Seedlings require periodic feeding. It is best to fertilize it after watering with nitrogen fertilizers for home flowers. You can also fertilize with a solution of nettle, clover or other herbs. The plant does not tolerate a lack of nutrients.

How to grow bell peppers? Leaves - main indicator plant health. When signs of the disease appear, you need to take appropriate supplements:

  • If the leaves curl, their edges turn yellow and then fall off - this is a sure sign of potassium deficiency.
  • The leaves have matte colour and become small - the plant requires nitrogen.
  • The leaves below are purple and they stretch upward - the plants need to be saturated with phosphorus.
  • The leaves become marbled - magnesium is required.

The vegetable does not tolerate excess potassium well, and large amounts of nitrogen do not harm the plant at all.

If leaves turn yellow or fall off, pests may be the cause. Therefore, the fight against them must be established.

Bell pepper diseases are usually caused by pests. Most often, the plant is attacked by aphids, Colorado beetle, spider mite, slugs, root-knot nematode. These pests either eat the leaves or negatively affect them. As a result, the leaves curl, turn yellow, or fall off. That is, pests have a bad effect on plants and can lead to their death or a sharp reduction in harvest volumes. To combat them, you need to spray the green parts of the plant with special solutions: chemical or home-made.

Secrets of successful cultivation

Planting and growing vegetables should be carried out in large containers. Only then will the plant be large and give a good harvest.

Most varieties, including yellow peppers, can be pollinated and cross-pollinated. That's why best landing vegetables - at a distance from each other.

When the first fruits appear, there is no need to overload the plant with them. It is worth leaving only 4-5 pieces.

Peppers need to be replanted once a year. For good harvest the plant needs fresh, renewed soil.

Vegetables need to be replanted carefully. Why? To avoid damaging the root. Otherwise, the culture may die.

After two years of plant life it needs to be changed. Why? Because pepper is a biennial plant.

You can grow bell peppers on your windowsill. Why is it most often grown on the window? Yes because it is most suitable for room care plant. Pests rarely attack indoor pepper, and it’s not difficult to neutralize them. And the vegetable can be harvested all year round.

Video “10 Mistakes for Growing Sweet Peppers”

Use the tips in this video to grow good seedlings culture at home.

Bell pepper is the most common vegetable crop on our Earth. Indeed, it is very difficult to imagine a garden plot without this vegetable. In Russia, summer residents grow peppers exclusively using the seedling method. At the same time, the choice of seeds is influenced by the climatic conditions of a particular area. In order for the harvest to be rich and the fruits to be sweet, it is important to know when to plant peppers in open ground in 2018. It is immediately worth noting that various factors can influence the pepper yield. In particular, proper watering, prepared soil and, of course, good consecration are needed here. But everything is worth talking about in more detail.

How to grow peppers? Peculiarities

The homeland of bell pepper is: Guatemala and Mexico. It follows that culture needs:

  • Daylight hours are 8 hours;
  • Moisture in moderation;
  • Light and fertile soil;
  • Regime of applying an increased dose of fertilizer with potassium.

Pepper is a rather capricious crop. And some varieties can only be planted in a greenhouse. Gardeners who live in areas with cold and short summers should pay attention to varieties of early ripeness and low growth. These varieties have small, but very fleshy fruits.

On a note! It has already been proven in practice that early-ripening varieties are distinguished by greater yields, in contrast to late-ripening ones.

Planting seedlings in the ground

If you decide to grow bell peppers in your garden and in this case seedlings are used, then you need to use proper cultivation and care in order to harvest your harvest soon. So, the pepper seedlings have already grown a long time ago. Now it is important to trace the other stages of cultivation.

We choose a place for future landing.

The most important rule for growing peppers is a well-chosen place in the garden. Therefore, at this moment you must be very careful. It is not recommended to plant pepper seedlings in places where nightshade crops were grown the previous year. The point here is this. It turns out that tomatoes and potatoes have similar diseases and pests. Pests can easily overwinter in the ground.

Pepper also requires short daylight hours. In this case, the area should be shaded. In a very sunny area it will be difficult to obtain excellent harvest. Peppers must be protected from strong winds. Therefore, it is planted along plantings of shrubs or fruit trees. These plants will cover the pepper from the sun and protect it from the wind. If you are going to plant some peppers, then you can use the space between the tomato seedlings for this purpose.

On a note! It is under no circumstances recommended to plant pepper seedlings in low-lying areas where there is constant stagnation of moisture. The culture is drought-resistant. Therefore, the soil is not waterlogged.

We prepare the soil.

Peppers that grow in open ground require special cultivation and careful care. It is worth deciding on the landing site in advance. It is also important to prepare the ground. For planting peppers, you may prefer a light sous. clay soil, which has a neutral reaction. If on your garden plot black soil, then no special preparation is required. Bucket of humus for 1 square. meter is added if the soil is worked out and has not rested for a long time. In this case, it is worth adding well-rotted humus.

  • In heavy clay soil, add a bucket of sand, peat and humus per 1 sq.m of soil for digging. You can also add half a bucket of sawdust, which has rotted well.
  • IN peat soil add 1 bucket of humus and a bucket turf land. Activities are carried out immediately before planting seedlings.
  • Add a bucket of peat, a bucket of clay soil and a bucket of rotted sawdust into sand-rich soil. They also add 2 buckets of humus per 1 square meter. meter.

On a note! The above-described fertilizing data should only be used if fertilizers have never been applied to the soil. If, on the contrary, you regularly apply fertilizers, then the numbers should be reduced. In addition, it is best to prepare soil for planting peppers in the fall. You can do this in the spring as well. But all feeding activities are carried out 6 weeks before planting the pepper.

Let's talk about planting dates.

If you want to know when to plant peppers in open ground in the 2018 season, then remember that seedlings must be planted in well-warmed soil. Its temperature should be 15-16 degrees. Peppers are also planted after the threat of frost has passed. Not sure about the temperature? Then plant the seedlings a few days later. It is highly not recommended to plant peppers in cold soil. In this case, the seedlings may simply die. Therefore about at this moment worth always remembering.

Rooted pepper can easily withstand temperatures down to -1 degree. But at a temperature of +15 it stops growing and developing. Considering this point and taking into account the fact that the temperature is constantly dropping, it is necessary to place wire arcs over the beds with pepper high strength. If there is a threat of frost, cover the beds with a blanket or film. In this case, the material must be laid directly on the arches themselves. When saving cold temperature The blanket is removed from the bed during the day, and at night it is again covered with arcs.

On a note! It is recommended to make arcs with wire conscientiously. In the future, they will be needed to protect the pepper from the sun.

Planting plan.

Now you know when to plant bell peppers in open ground. Of course, it’s worth doing this when it’s warm outside. Now it is worth saying that it is also important to carry out planting very competently. In this case, maintain a distance between the seedlings. When planting, remember that excessive sun can harm bell peppers. Therefore, if you plant peppers close to each other, the leaves of neighboring plants will cover each other. But too frequent planting can affect loosening and weeding of the soil. It will not be convenient to do this. And the fruits themselves can grow small. And in this way you can provoke stem rot.

Each pepper hybrid, as a rule, has its own feeding area. Therefore, during planting, it is worth considering the information provided on the seed bags. In this article further we will give general tips, which should be used when planting pepper seedlings.

So, the distance between pepper seedlings should be 35-40 cm. The distance between rows should be 70 cm. 1 or 2 plants are planted in a nest.

It is convenient to plant bell peppers in two lines. In this case, two close rows are located at a distance of 30 cm from each other, and a distance of 20-25 cm is maintained between the plants. The other pair of plants is 70 cm from the first pair. If you use this type of planting, plant one pepper root in each hole.

On a note! For tall varieties of peppers, during planting, increase the distance between the rows and the seedlings themselves.

How to plant seedlings.

As you can see, growing bell peppers in open ground requires some skill. But if you know certain information, then everything will definitely work out. Pepper seedlings are planted on a cloudy day or evening. You shouldn't do this on a hot day. Before planting in the ground, the seedlings are well watered. Holes are dug in the garden bed the right size so that the clod of earth with the pepper root can fit freely there.

Potassium fertilizer in the amount of one tablespoon is poured into each planting hole. You can use special fertilizer for peppers. At the same time, it is worth following the instructions during use. In order to protect the plant from pests and diseases, potassium fertilizer is replaced with a handful of crushed chicken shell or a handful of ash. If you were unable to add humus when digging the soil, you can throw it directly into the hole. The amount of humus is 1-2 handfuls. He throws himself right at the root.

You should start planting peppers after you fill the hole with water and it can be absorbed. The seedlings are taken out of the container very carefully. The lump of earth should not be disturbed. When planting seedlings, they are not buried. It must be planted the way it grew in the pot.

The soil around the pepper should be compacted properly after planting. Tall varieties are immediately tied to pegs. The planting should be mulched with peat immediately if possible. This will keep the soil from drying out and prevent the growth of weeds.

Covering the soil together with pepper seedlings with covering material is recommended for those gardeners who live in areas with a cold climate.

Caring for seedlings after planting

After the seedlings are planted in the ground, it is necessary to begin caring for the pepper. The culture is very demanding in terms of watering and nutrition. If you poured fertilizer into the soil when planting in the hole, then in the next two weeks the seedlings will not be fed with anything. It is important to monitor proper watering and avoid mistakes.


Not all pepper seedlings will be able to take root in the soil after planting. Therefore, you need to leave a certain number of plant specimens for replacement. Vegetable seedlings die various reasons. However, the most common one is the mole cricket. Dropped peppers should definitely be replaced. If this is not done, the yield will be significantly reduced. And the shading you were looking for may disappear. And this is fraught sunburn ovaries and fruits.

Peppers can die as a result of wilting on sandy soil that is exposed to winds and long periods of drought. This happens quite often in the regions of the south and with elongated seedlings.

All about watering

The importance of irrigation in pepper cultivation is very high. However, it is difficult to say how and when to water the plant correctly. In particular, in Kuban, pepper is watered extremely often. But in regions where there is frequent precipitation, peppers can be grown freely without watering.

The restorative abilities of peppers are inferior to tomatoes. And this culture can take a long time to take root. Plant delay and even death can occur even with a minimal deviation from the temperature regime. This can also happen if the watering regime is violated. In particular, the very first watering occurs immediately after planting the plant. It is not recommended to rush with the next watering. This should not be done even when the plants have withered from the sun's rays. And if in the early morning the leaves look up, then it is also early to water. To determine the date of the next watering, it is necessary to monitor the plant and the level of soil moisture.

On a note! Pepper leaves can droop not only from a lack of moisture, but also from its excess.

Determining soil moisture is easy. In this case, a handful of earth is taken in the hand and squeezed tightly. If:

  • If the soil is dry and the earth is falling through your fingers, then it is worth watering.
  • The soil is waterlogged and water should seep through your fingers.
  • If the earth remains a lump in your hand, then it is thrown to the ground. If the lump does not crumble, then watering is postponed for several days. If the clod of earth breaks, then the peppers need watering.

In general, the second watering is done after the peppers have taken root. Several signs may indicate the rooting of pepper. First, the upper and then the lower leaves of the plant will darken. And if growth appears, then the pepper is established. Root restoration usually takes about 10 days.

On a note! Peppers that are grown in quick-drying soils require a lot of attention. If the soil, when compressed into a lump, signals a lack of moisture, then it is worth making a second watering, which should be scanty. This is done after the first watering a few days later.

On initial stage During the growing season, watering is carried out extremely rarely. It is recommended to carry it out taking into account the amount of precipitation, as well as the composition of the soil. Understand that light sandy soils should be irrigated more often. The amount of watering increases when the pepper fruits begin to ripen.

Peppers should not be soaked at any stage of their development. As a result of soaking, the leaves of the pepper turn yellow. And the ovaries with flowers are sprinkled. But on heavy soil and especially after overwatering, pepper cannot recover. As a result, he dies.

Weeding and loosening

Loosening is an important activity for bell peppers. As a result of this, you can destroy not only weeds, but also retain moisture in the soil. Loosening is carried out after each watering. As a result, you will reduce evaporation and reduce watering. Loosen sandy soils it is recommended to 5-6 cm. And clay soil is loosened to 10 cm.

On a note! Loosening is not carried out between the first two waterings. This event can damage the roots of the plant and delay its establishment.

When loosening the soil, it is carefully processed. This is worth doing because pepper has superficial roots that have the ability to recover poorly.

Pepper feeding

Pepper cannot grow normally without fertilizing. You can feed it with both organic and mineral fertilizers. Moreover, mineral fertilizers should be used that were specially developed for this vegetable crop.

With whom pepper is good, and with whom not so much

In this article we talked about many points. Now let’s look at the question of what to plant next to the pepper. There is not much space in the garden. And it makes no sense to allocate a huge plot of land for each crop. In this case, it is wiser to choose “neighbors” for the bell pepper with whom it will be comfortable. So, the culture will grow perfectly with:

  • onions,
  • basil and spinach,
  • tomatoes and coriander.

Peppers should not be planted next to fennel, beans, or in the same place where beets grew last year.

On a note! If there is bitter and Bell pepper, then you shouldn’t plant them next to each other. Such a proximity of sweet peppers can become bitter.


It is easy to plant pepper seedlings in open ground. It is important to follow all the rules so that the harvest is not only rich, but also tasty.

How to grow bell peppers? Science is not complicated. It just takes a lot of time, patience and a little effort. You can't just take seeds and plant them in the ground. Bell peppers have a very long growing season. Therefore, he simply will not have time to mature.

In general, those who have been planting peppers on their plot for several years know all the subtleties and nuances. We will list the most basic ones. So that beginners in farming can enjoy their harvest without mistakes or losses.

What is important for bell peppers? Yes, a lot of things. The main questions always concern:

  • seed selection
  • preparing the soil for seedlings and planting in the ground
  • growing seedlings
  • planting dates
  • care and feeding

Every item on the list matters. Just let it look impressive. In fact, it doesn't take much effort at any of the stages. It is much more important to strictly follow the recommendations and you will be happy and have whole baskets of sweet peppers.

Which bell pepper seeds to choose?

The most important thing in this matter is the shelf life of the seeds. Do not believe manufacturers who write about double or triple terms on the bags. No matter what the super packaging is, the shelf life of bell pepper seeds is only 12 months. With further storage, germination rate drops sharply. Therefore, buy only fresh ones.

Another important factor- terms of ripening. There are varieties with a vegetative period of up to 150 days. You won’t even get a harvest for the New Year holidays. Choose ultra-early ripening varieties. They will appear in all their glory in 70-80 days.

Advice. Don't be afraid to try different varieties and experiment. Perhaps you will collect a whole collection of your favorite bell peppers.

How to Prepare the Ground for Sweet Peppers

For seedlings. Yes, yes, bell peppers are grown through seedlings. To do this, you need to first prepare the soil. You can make your own mixture of loose soil, sand and humus. The proportions are 2 to 1 to 1. Or purchase special soil at the store.

In any case, it needs to be processed. First, the soil is exposed to frost. After 3 days, put it in a warm place and let it thaw. Then they are laid out in wide metal containers that will fit freely into the oven. The earth is thoroughly spilled with a strong solution of potassium permanganate, then calcined in the oven at 110-120°C until completely dry.

In this way, you can get rid of almost all pest larvae and pathogenic microorganisms. Which, by the way, can easily sit in store soil.

For planting in the ground. The land is prepared in the fall. Organic or mineral fertilizers are applied during digging. This can be rotted manure, mature compost, or fatty humus. Among minerals, potassium sulfate and superphosphate are recommended.

In the spring, 5 days before the intended planting of plants, the soil is treated to prevent late blight. Copper preparations (vitriol, Bordeaux mixture) or phytosporin are suitable for this.

So, the ground has been prepared. What will be further actions? The correct routine is:

  1. Bell pepper seeds are soaked for 20 minutes in a warm, strong solution of potassium permanganate. Then washed clean water. This will disinfect them.
  2. Then the seeds are soaked for 12 hours in a biostimulant solution. If it is not at hand, then simply warm water. Just add a small piece of aloe leaf, cut lengthwise.
  3. After this procedure, the seeds are not washed. They are laid out on a damp cloth or toilet paper, cover with glass, bag. And put it in a warm, dark place. Within about a day, seeds with normal germination should hatch. Now they are ready for sowing.

Sowing is not difficult at all. The prepared containers are filled with soil to a height of 3-4 cm. The surface is leveled and lightly pressed down. The sprouted seeds are carefully laid out, then sprinkled on top with a layer of earth 1-1.5 cm thick. They are slightly moistened and again placed in the dark and warm.

After 6-7 days, at most, the bell pepper sprouts. From now on he needs good lighting from 7 am to 9 pm, temperature not lower than +22°C. As you may have noticed, pepper loves heat very much. It even needs to be watered only with warm water.

Sweet peppers do not like picking. He doesn't like being disturbed at all. They touch, replant, tear off. But some measures are necessary. For example, picking must be carried out. Otherwise, the roots will become tangled during growth, and the plants themselves will be long, thin and weak. It is done when two true leaves are clearly visible. Cotyledons don't count.

Place bell peppers in cups, two at a time. And they try not to turn over until they are transplanted into open ground.

Watch the soil carefully. It should always be moderately moist, but not soggy. If necessary, periodically spray the seedlings with a spray bottle. This water is quite enough for irrigation. Nutrient mixtures are also consumed on the leaves. The root system of sweet pepper is still too weak, but the leaves are quite capable of absorbing required quantity feeding.

Sweet pepper seedlings must be gradually hardened off. Otherwise she will be painful and weak. To do this, gradually reduce the air temperature to 15-16°C. This can be achieved by temporarily placing the sprouts on a balcony or unheated terrace.

Advice. If you have a greenhouse or greenhouse, you can put cups there for a day. The nights in April are still cold, so bring the seedlings indoors.

When to plant bell peppers

The exact timing of planting is always of interest to both beginners and experienced gardeners. Calculating the time of the first sowing is not at all difficult. The age of sweet pepper bushes when planted in open ground should be 76-79 days. In most regions, peppers are planted after the threat of return frosts. This time falls on the third ten days of May. Count back and get the day to sow the seeds.

If you plan to plant in a greenhouse, this usually happens in mid-April. Accordingly, the deadlines are pushed back. Some owners do not have the opportunity to sow sweet pepper seeds so early. Therefore, they do this at the usual time, but dive the plants directly into the greenhouse or greenhouse.

By the way, the classic planting pattern for bell peppers is 40 by 40 cm.

Advice. There is a sign among the people. If any seedlings are planted on a certain day, then supposedly no subsequent frosts will harm them. This day is May 13th. The weather may still be chilly, but don't let that stop you. Try it on several bushes. According to reviews, the secret works 100%.

Standard care for sweet pepper plantings includes:

  1. Weeding. Weeds strive to shade the peppers and take them away the lion's share useful substances. Therefore, they are mercilessly pulled out. You can put them directly between the rows as mulch. Let them bring benefit instead of harm.
  2. Loosening. The earthen crust must be broken after each watering or rain. This helps to better retain moisture in the soil. You just need to do this very carefully so as not to damage the root system. It is very capricious in pepper and is located close to the surface.
  3. Watering. Bell peppers are very responsive to timely watering. Without water it can grow, but it will be calloused, painful and will not produce a harvest. At the same time, if the soil is too wet, the roots may begin to rot. Therefore, water it only when there is a threat of drought. In normal climates, water when upper layer dry soil at a depth of at least 10 cm.
  4. Formation. Most often, sweet peppers are allowed to grow in two stems. That is, they pinch the top of the central stem. After this, the pepper produces several stepsons. Of these, the two most powerful ones are left, the rest are cut off. And some do not form bushes at all. And they also get good harvests.
  5. Feeding. Sweet peppers begin to be fed with organic matter only at the beginning of flowering. Until this point, it is advisable to use mineral fertilizers. If you swap them, you will get powerful lush bushes, but there will be few flowers. It is very good to use green liquid fertilizer or bird droppings diluted with water in proportions of 1 to 20. One application every 15 days is enough. It is advisable to fertilize at the root.
  6. Mulching. Very important aspect pepper care Allows you to retain moisture in the soil, which means there is no need for frequent watering. And it does not allow weeds to grow, which makes all the maintenance easier. To achieve the best results, the mulch layer should be at least 10 cm. Otherwise, the whole point of the idea comes to zero.
  7. Getting rid of pests. As a rule, many pests love pepper bushes. And garlic infusion doesn’t help much with them. Insecticides are much more effective. But, if the owner of the plantings is categorically against the use of chemicals, then the Internet is full folk recipes. Perhaps the most suitable one will be found there. Among them the most good feedback received tobacco infusions (medium handful per liter of boiling water, strain, dilute in 5 liters clean water) and a mixture based on birch tar (dilute a tablespoon in 10 liters of water).
  8. Disease prevention. Sweet pepper ailments are often caused by a lack of certain elements or an excess of them. Therefore, you need to periodically carefully inspect the bushes for various suspicious spots or spots. In any case, it is easier to prevent diseases than to try to get rid of them later. There are recommendations to alternate spraying with a solution of hydrogen peroxide and a solution ammonia. Both liquids take 2 tbsp. l. per 10 liters of clean water.

As you can see from the list, caring for bell peppers is not at all difficult. However, it is regular.

A few tricks

  1. Now pharmacies do not sell potassium permanganate. And it is required during several periods of work with bell peppers. Feel free to follow her to any store that sells fertilizers and fertilizers. You don't even need a prescription.
  2. Try to plant different varieties of sweet peppers away from each other because they are prone to cross-pollination. And even more so, you can’t place them next to hot peppers.
  3. Always when picking or transplanting peppers, they try to minimize damage to the earthen ball with the root system. This way the plants get sick less and take root better.
  4. It is generally accepted that young sweet pepper plants should not be buried. This is wrong. Numerous experiments by gardeners have proven that additional roots develop on buried peppers. Therefore, you can safely plant peppers by digging them up to the cotyledon leaves.
  5. For better pollination of flowers, use sweet water. For 300 ml of clean water take 1 tbsp. l. sugar, stir thoroughly and spray the future ovaries. Bees are happy to fly to such flowers.

How to grow bell peppers? After reading this article, you will be able to confidently answer this question - very simply!

Video: 10 mistakes when growing sweet peppers

Pepper is one type of vegetable that no holiday can do without. Bell peppers are always present on the table in the form of slices or a hot dish, and sweet peppers are present on the winter table in the form of preparations for the winter. But few people know how grow peppers in open ground on summer cottage. This vegetable is very finicky and requires good care, but every novice gardener dreams of trying to grow it on his own plot.

Bell pepper and sweet pepper seedlings

Growing such a vegetable has its pros and cons; if there is an error with watering, sudden changes in temperature, or improper transplantation, the yield decreases to almost zero.

Damaged plants will no longer produce what they want. harvest in a short summer, since without tying there will be no pollination, and without this the plant will receive less nutrition and thus will not produce the long-awaited harvest in the fall.

But in order for it to grow and please you with its harvest, you need to plant it very early and ensure seedlings and development without stress and temperature changes. This the most important rule when growing sweet peppers in open ground.

The most important points in sowing bell peppers are:

  • Preparing seeds for sowing;
  • preparing soil for sowing peppers;
  • sowing seeds;
  • picking peppers.

It is better to consider each procedure separately so as not to miss or make mistakes.

Preparing seeds for seedlings for growing peppers in open ground

Purchased seeds need to be examined and any frail or damaged ones removed. Good seeds it is necessary to treat a fungal infection.

To do this, you need to put the seeds in gauze, like in a bag, and place them in a thick solution of potassium permanganate for 20 minutes. After this procedure, rinse with warm, running water.

There is one more good way For good shoots bell pepper - this is Eline's solution. You need to place a gauze bag in a solution of 1 drop of Eline, diluted with 1 liter of water and leave for one day.

After all these procedures, plant the seeds on a damp cloth and cover with wet gauze. In this form, the seeds should be placed in a warm place for one week, but if the seeds have not swelled, you can wait another week.

The main thing is not to leave the seeds dry, they must be moistened, otherwise the seeds will dry out and disappear.

Preparing soil for planting

For sowing, you can buy ready-made soil in a specialized store. and only add one fifth of the washed sand.

You don’t need to add anything to the finished soil, because it already contains:

High ground;

  • deoxidizing additives;
  • mineral fertilizer;
  • Hesminic substances;
  • sand;
  • agropermit.

To understand why the soil needs them, it is better to know all the additives in detail.

The raised soil is practically germ-free and absorbs moisture well; all plants cannot do without this additive.

Deoxidizing additives are needed to remove high acidity from topsoil.

Mineral fertilizer provides mineral nutrition and promotes plant growth.

Hesminic substances are needed to stimulate root formation, as well as plant stability.

Sand reduces soil shrinkage during long-term cultivation of plants. Usually sand in large quantities needed for house flowers in pots.

Agropermite saturates the roots with oxygen and promotes their good growth and nourishes them with substances necessary for growth.

Experienced gardeners do not buy soil, but make it themselves at home. To do this, you only need two parts humus, one part sand and two parts peat. Mix everything well and heat in the oven for about one hour. In this way, the soil will be ready for planting seeds.

Sowing seeds

Seed ripening occurs 10 or 14 days after germination, and it is better to plant seedlings when it is 60 days old. Therefore, it is better to sow in mid-February when the daylight hours are still short.

Before you start planting, you need to rinse the die well in a potassium permanganate solution, and then fill it with the prepared soil mixture. Lightly compact the soil so that the bowl is two centimeters higher than the soil.

Make a hole and carefully spread the seeds at a distance of 1.5 cm. Then cover the seeds with the prepared soil and compact them.

Pour warm water over it, but be careful not to wash out the seeds. To prevent moisture from evaporating, you need to close it with a special lid, and if you don’t have such a lid, you can use a regular plastic bag.

The seeds need to be placed in a warm place where the air temperature is about 17 degrees. Be sure to water with warm water and not let the soil dry out, but you also shouldn’t overwater it.

Be sure to watch the pepper seedlings so that they do not bend. To avoid this, you need to turn one by one towards the sun. You can also do it over seedlings

How to bake correctly

To reduce the risk of root rot damage to plants, peppers are replanted when the plant has two leaves.

But it is better to replant after 4 weeks, when the seedlings are stronger and more resistant to stressful conditions and the stems of the pepper seedlings are already stronger.

Before transplanting the seedlings, you need to water it well and wait for the excess water to drain.

It grows and develops more slowly than tomatoes and therefore it is better to transplant it into separate small pots.

Fill half of the pot with pre-prepared soil, make a hole and place the pepper seedlings, cover with soil and lightly compact. Carefully pour warm water, holding the stems, and if the soil has settled, then add prepared soil, but not too much. The peppers should be halfway in the pot, not completely covered.

Place such seedlings in a warm and well-lit room.

How to feed seedlings

Caring for seedlings should begin after the peppers are transplanted into open ground at their summer cottage.

First bait is given after two weeks after diving and two weeks after the first feeding. While the plant is young, it is better and very convenient to apply fertilizer in liquid form. You can buy it at a flower shop and it is best to choose:

  • Agricola;
  • Get stronger;
  • Fertika;
  • Lux;
  • Mortar.

How to properly dilute the fertilizer for peppers will be written in the instructions for use.

Two weeks before planting bell peppers in regular soil at a summer cottage, you need to harden the seedlings in the open fresh air.

But there is one necessary part to consider open air: direct sunlight should not fall on the peppers, but there should also be no cold or strong wind.

Most the best option For hardening, a closed balcony with a non-sunny side is suitable.

Grow seedlings in peat tablets

There is another great way for pepper seedlings - peat tablets. Peat tablets give excellent results, and a plant that experiences stress during a dive can no longer be afraid, so like this procedure with a peat tablet no need to do it.

The peat tablet contains all the necessary additives for the development of pepper and with the help of such a wonderful tablet, even novice gardeners can grow good seedlings.

The seedlings still need to be grown in separate pots, so you can take peat tablets with a diameter of three centimeters.

Place the required amount of peat tablets on a tray and fill them with warm water. As the tablets swell, they enlarge and take on the shape of a cup.

As soon as peat tablet will swell to the desired size and stop absorbing water, you need to drain the excess water and make a small hole in the cups

Pepper seeds should be prepared in the same way as when sown in the soil. This must also be done in advance. The seeds must be carefully placed in the holes and sprinkled with prepared soil. Cover the tray with a lid or put on a plastic bag.

Pepper planting and care in open ground

Peppers do not like cold and heavy soil, and if the site has clay soil, then better cultivation bell peppers in open ground need to be fertilized with peat and humus.

The soil needs to be dug well onto the bayonet of a shovel and level it well with a rake so that there are no large lumps. After this, make not very deep holes for planting, but you don’t need to make very frequent holes either.

Before planting, you need to put a little bit in each hole. mineral fertilizer, which will contain nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. This composition must be mixed well until smooth.

Carefully remove the seedling from the pot, being careful not to damage the root system of the pepper. Place the seedlings in the hole and cover half hole in the ground. You need to fall asleep so that all root system the seedling was closed.

Water generously with warm water and the water will be absorbed, cover the entire hole with dry soil.

If the plant is tall and requires staking, then it is worth tying the peppers to a special support. If the nights are still cold, then you need to cover the sweet peppers with polyethylene meadows, but you cannot cover them with woven covering material.

Caring for peppers in open ground

For outdoor cultivation to be carried out proper care there are four rules:

  1. Feeding.
  2. Watering.
  3. Prophet.
  4. Garters.

Feeding. During growth and cultivation, it is necessary to feed three times. The first feeding after 10 days after planting in ordinary soil can be fed with ordinary manure.

The second feeding is done before flowering. Feed with woodgrass or superphosphate. To do this, dilute potassium humate with 10 liters of water. Pour this solution over the peppers.

The third feeding should occur two weeks after flowering. Feed the tree hall. You can also feed sweet peppers with nettle solution. To do this, you need to cut the nettles into small pieces and add warm water. Leave this solution for several days, and then pour over the peppers.

Watering. Sweet peppers love moisture, but too much pepper is very harmful. Therefore, you need to water sweet peppers as the soil dries out.

Prophet. Light and fluffy soil gives good growth plants. It is imperative to ensure that the peppers are not overgrown with grass, and be sure to loosen the soil near the peppers.

Caring for bell peppers in the country and in the garden is a favorite pastime for most gardeners. If you choose the right variety and carefully care for it, the colorful bushes in the garden will generously thank their owner.

Grow a rich harvest of bell peppers on personal plot not as simple as it seems at first glance. The main problem that gardeners face when growing this vegetable is the bitterness of the fruit. It’s a shame when you fuss with planting seedlings, regularly water and feed the plant, protect it from pests and diseases, and in the end you get beautiful, juicy, but inedible fruits. Quite often, instead of the expected variety, small twisted stumps grow on the bush.
How to deal with such phenomena? It’s very simple: buy bell pepper seeds from a company with good recommendations and grow seedlings yourself.

Bell pepper seedlings on the windowsill

High-quality bell pepper seedlings are the key to a rich harvest in the future. To make it healthy and strong, you need to take care of quality seeds. It is best to purchase them in specialized stores or on the manufacturer’s website. You should not buy seeds by weight; it is better to take several bags of the ones you like that are suitable for growing in your region. It is important that the packaging is hermetically sealed and provides full information about the manufacturer, number of seeds, percentage of similarity and expiration date.

Seeds sown on time and correctly will produce friendly and strong shoots. In order for seedlings to please their owners, you need to remember a few rules:

  • The best time for sowing. Pepper seedlings have time to become well established before planting in open ground and develop a powerful root system.
  • Before sowing, seeds must be soaked in a strong solution of potassium permanganate, soaked for 15 minutes, rinsed under running water and treated for 12 hours.
  • After treatment with the stimulant, it is advisable to place the seeds on a damp cloth and place in.
  • After swelling, high-quality seeds suitable for planting are clearly visible.
  • Sowing must be done in sterile soil. Don't rely on purchased soil. It may also be infected with infectious bacteria. The best soil proportion for planting bell peppers is a 1:1 mixture of peat, garden soil and sand. soil mixture It is also worth pouring a strong solution of potassium permanganate.
  • Sowing is done in moist soil in small furrows no deeper than 1.5 cm. The soil is compacted with a spatula or palm. The container is placed in a mini-greenhouse or covered with film.
  • Pepper is very heat-loving and seeds need heat and humidity. Until the soil in the container warms up to +25 degrees, seedlings will not appear. This is important to know if swollen seeds are planted, which, with less temperature conditions may rot in the soil. If the temperature is lower, then you can wait a very long time for the first shoots or not at all.
  • After the first shoots appear, the greenhouse must be ventilated every day for half an hour and the temperature reduced to +22 degrees so that the plants do not stretch out. It is not recommended to water the seedlings at this time. It is better to spray them with warm water from a spray bottle. Water procedures can be carried out on cloudy days, or remove the container with seedlings from the light so as not to burn the tender seedlings.
  • At temperatures below +20 degrees, seedlings stop growing. On cloudy days, it is advisable to place plants under.
  • After the second true leaf appears, you can begin. Plants are watered abundantly two hours before the start of the procedure. This technique reduces trauma to the root system. Perfect option– replanting with a small lump of earth. Such seedlings quickly take root and begin to grow. If the plant has long roots, then it is advisable to shorten them, but only the part that is not covered with soil. After the pick. Seedlings are watered no earlier than after five days.

Caring for bell peppers

The process of growing bell peppers in open ground is no less important than working with seedlings. If you treat it responsibly, then in the fall small bushes will delight you with a rich, colorful harvest. Caring for bell peppers includes regular weeding, loosening the soil, fertilizing and picking fruits according to their ripeness. Peppers are planted according to a pattern of 40 cm by 40 cm. Such thickened plantings are characteristic of this plant and have a beneficial effect on its growth.

Not only pepper heat-loving plant, but a big drinker. The plant should be watered with warm water in the evening. On hot days, daily watering will not be superfluous.

Once a week, after abundant watering, the plants are fed. Microelements can be added no more than once every two weeks.

Growing sweet bell peppers in a greenhouse is no different from cultivating them outside. The only difference is that tall varieties that require garter or support are also suitable. In a greenhouse, peppers feel more comfortable, as they love warmth and moisture.

The best varieties of bell pepper

Today it is quite difficult to identify bell pepper among large assortment, which is offered to gardeners by domestic and foreign manufacturers.

Among the long-proven varieties, it should be noted:

  • "California Miracle"
  • "Gift of Moldova"
  • "Orange Miracle"

These varieties feel great in open ground and film shelters.

Among modern varieties, they have shown themselves to be worthy:

  • "Czardas",
  • "Shorokshary" (improved Californian Miracle),
  • "Cornet",
  • "Triton",
  • "Marinka's tongue"
  • "Ivanhoe"
  • "The Fat Baron"
  • "Italian Boot".

In modern selection, red bell peppers have received many relatives that boast yellow, orange, black, white, purple colors and will help create a multi-colored carnival in the garden.

Diseases and pests of bell pepper

A common disease of bell pepper seedlings is black leg. It appears when plantings are thickened and agricultural practices are not followed:

  • frequent overflow of soil;
  • lack of daily ventilation;
  • low room temperature.

When infected with blackleg, 80% of seedlings die, so it is better to adhere to the rules for preventing the disease:

  • treat seeds before planting in a solution of potassium permanganate;
  • destroy problem seedlings;
  • carry out soil disinfection.

At the first signs of the disease, water the soil with a solution copper sulfate (3%).

Blossom rot affects young bushes that lack calcium. The cause may also be excess in the soil, irregular watering, sudden changes in humidity in the air. The disease manifests itself in the form of watery spots on the fruits, which dry out after a few days. The infection can be quickly and effectively overcome. Once you spray or feed the pepper bushes with calcium nitrate or calcium chloride, the plants quickly return to normal and continue to develop. To prevent the disease, it is necessary to control the amount of nitrogen in the soil and watering.

When the plant withers, turns yellow and the leaves curl, these are sure signs of Fusarium wilt. If measures are not taken, the bush will die in a few days. The peak of the disease occurs at the time of fruit set. There are no treatments for this infection. The only way out is to remove the diseased plant and destroy it. To prevent the disease from visiting vegetable beds, they must be kept clean from weeds and the soil must be loosened regularly.

Septoria blight appears as white spots on the leaves of the plant and can destroy half the crop in a few days. Trichodermin and Fitosporin will help cope with the problem.

The most dangerous pest bell pepper is a whitefly. You can get rid of it only with the help of chemicals. Biological agents effective only if plants are grown outdoors.

Diseases and pests of bell pepper can be defeated if you adhere to the rules of growing the plant and observe the growing season of green pets. Daily observations will help you quickly detect the problem and remove it. But how to grow bell peppers in the country? City dwellers do not have the opportunity to often walk in the garden beds and so as not to lose most harvest, must be adhered to preventive measures starting from sowing the seeds. It’s good if it is possible to grow peppers under a film cover. This will help avoid many problems during the absence of the owners and protect the plants from hail, hot sun rays, hypothermia and strong winds.

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