How to remove a suspended ceiling - dismantling instructions. How to remove a suspended ceiling: working with harpoon, cam, wedge fastening, dismantling PVC sheets and seamless fabric covering How to dismantle a suspended ceiling without damage

Before dismantling, we recommend deciding whether to do the work yourself or call in specialists. Dismantling a stretch ceiling costs 200-250 rubles per perimeter meter or about 5-8 thousand, depending on the room. But if temporary dismantling is necessary, it is better to do all the work yourself. It's quite simple. Figure out how to remove suspended ceiling do it yourself, the video below and valuable tips in the article will help.

What you need to know in advance

To act competently, you need to know a minimum of information about the design of suspended ceilings. First of all, you need to find out the type of stretch ceiling in the room. This can be found out from the papers you received during installation. If the installation documents are lost, you can find out the type of material and method of its fastening from the description below.

There are 2 types of materials used in production:

  1. Fabric stretch ceilings. The base uses fabric, which is often simply glued to the baseboards-baguettes. This type of ceiling is much easier to remove. Dismantling a fabric ceiling begins from the center of a wall.
  2. Vinyl stretch ceilings. Made from PVC film, which becomes flexible and elastic at 70°C, and at room temperature hardens. To create the desired temperature in the room you need a heat gun. Dismantling a PVC ceiling begins from any corner.

Vinyl structures have several fastening methods:

Schemes for fastening suspended ceilings

  • Cam (clip) type. In this type, the profile consists of two “claws” that grip the canvas. The clip is also used when installing fabric ceilings.
  • The harpoon type is used exclusively on vinyl. The profile is a rectangular chamber with teeth on which the curved edge of the PVC ceiling is attached.
  • The wedge-shaped (bead) type is most widely used for both vinyl and fabric structures. This type of fastening is problematic, since it is very difficult to remove a suspended ceiling without damaging the fabric.

Ceiling condition assessment

  • Minor puncture or tear in the fabric. In this case, dismantling is not necessary. Try to patch the hole with tape or glue; use paint to eliminate the visible consequences of the damage.
  • Sagging. Usually appears as a result of strong temperature fluctuations. To fix the problem, you will have to re-stretch the ceiling. There is no need to dismantle it before doing this.
  • Flood from neighbors. In this case, it is enough to dismantle the ceiling from only one corner or side and drain the water. After the fabric has dried, you need to re-stretch it.
  • The appearance of spots. It may be better to replace the ceiling with a new one. If you don’t have the means or desire to do this, then dismantle the canvas and treat it with an antiseptic. Then install again.

Required tools for dismantling

To remove the ceiling yourself, you need to prepare a number of tools and materials in advance:

  • stepladder (chair, table, other climbing items);
  • thin knife (for an electrician or fitter);
  • bucket (if flooded from above);
  • gloves;
  • medium spatula;
  • reinforced tape;
  • glue moment;
  • screwdriver and screwdriver;
  • clamps or clips - large clothespins used in construction;
  • heat gun, better gas than electric (needed when dismantling PVC sheets);
  • special pliers with extended jaws (thin-nose pliers).

As you can see, you will need a lot of things that are not in the house. They must be purchased in advance, so think again about whether you can remove the suspended ceiling yourself or whether it is better to call a team of workers. A heat gun can create a particular problem, which is expensive to buy just for dismantling the ceiling.

Heat gun

They come in electric and gas. It is better to purchase gas heat guns, since electric ones require special wiring, and without it you risk cutting off power to the entire house. For gas gun You will also need a gaseous fuel cylinder.

Where to start dismantling

There are three main rules when removing a ceiling:

  1. do everything carefully;
  2. do the work slowly;
  3. work as a team, not alone.

Then you need to prepare the tools for work. They must be smooth, without any burrs or sharp corners and absolutely clean. Clean the spatula, remove any adhering lime, then wrap it with reinforced tape. The gaps between the teeth on the pliers and clips are filled with glue, this creates a smooth surface. After this, they also need to be wrapped with tape.

Before dismantling, it is necessary to clean the room, it is especially important to remove all plastic objects and plants. The windows are curtained thick fabric, the door is closed, the gap between the door and the floor can be closed with rags. After sealing the room, it is heated to 70Cº.

You can watch the complete dismantling of a stretch ceiling with your own hands in the video below:

How to remove a vinyl ceiling

Initially, you need to remove one corner of the stretch ceiling, and then go along the wall to the other corner. When working, you need to constantly heat up the areas you are working on, this will save the canvas from damage. The technique for different mounts is slightly different.

Ceiling with harpoon mount

First you need to extract decorative plinth, which closes the gap between the canvas and the wall. To do this, insert a spatula into the gap between the canvas and the plinth, and then forcefully move the corner of the profile away. The purpose of these manipulations is to give space for the plinth so that it can be removed, since it is held on the profile using teeth.

Once you have sufficiently bent the corner of the profile, the plinth can be easily removed. Of course, if it is not held on by glue or screws. By removing the plinth, you will provide yourself with easy access to the hooks that hold the suspended ceiling. You cannot take it out by pulling the canvas, as you will easily tear the structure. You need to remove the hooks themselves; this is done using thin-nose pliers.

Ceiling with cam (clip) fastening

The technique is somewhat similar to the previous method. The part of the cam located further from the wall is bent, and the canvas is preheated so that it is not damaged during the procedure. Usually, when installing a cam-mounted ceiling, builders leave a small allowance to make dismantling convenient. It is by this hanging end that you need to pull out the canvas.

Clip fastening scheme

This is the simplest fastening in order to easily remove the suspended ceiling and put it back. But in the absence of a free allowance, the process becomes much more complicated. Initially, try to find a corner where there is still a hanging end, and start dismantling from this corner. If suitable place to begin with, no, you will have to suffer to free at least one corner.

Ceiling with wedge (bead) connection

The process is similar to dismantling with a harpoon attachment. This time you also need to bend the edge of the fittings, and then remove the decorative plinth. A problem can arise if the baseboard covers the retractable corner of the fittings. In this case, the required edge is moved away not with a spatula, but with the baseboard itself; to do this, pick it up from the side of the wall. Then try to reach at least one corner of the wedge.

Bead fastening scheme

After you remove the baseboard, you need to remove the glazing bead. Despite the fact that it can be easily removed, before dismantling, do not forget to warm up the canvas so that it does not crack when removed. You can pick up the glazing bead with a curved screwdriver; hold it with thin-nose pliers and do not pull on the blade itself when you take it out.

How to remove a fabric ceiling

To dismantle the fabric ceiling, high temperatures are not required. With a wedge-shaped or cam fastening, the canvas is removed in the same way as PVC film, only the fabric structure should be removed starting from the wall and moving towards the corners.

There are also several features:

1. Before dismantling, you need to check the canvas for additional centimeters. Since fabric, unlike PVC, does not stretch, it will be impossible to reinstall the fabric sheet manually without a supply of material. Professional workers They leave extra fabric so that the owner can remove and reinstall it himself.

2. If you remove the canvas from the wedge-shaped fasteners, keep in mind that you will have to dismantle the entire structure. You won’t be able to remove the corner of the stretch ceiling and stop there. Otherwise, you risk damaging the canvas.

3. More often, a fabric ceiling is simply glued to a special beam - a baguette. Such fittings can be wooden, aluminum, plastic or other artificial materials. In this case, it would be better to tear off the canvas along with the glue, and then re-glue it.

4. Since the fabric structure is quite light, foam plastic is sometimes used as accessories. In this case, it will not be possible to remove the canvas without damaging the frame. However, there is no need to worry about this, since foam structures are cheap and can always be purchased.

The question of how to remove a suspended ceiling arises various reasons and sometimes it becomes a real problem. It is quite difficult to solve it on your own without damaging the canvas, and therefore it is recommended to entrust the work to the specialists who carried out the installation. At the same time, you can do everything yourself, but with great care and knowledge of the matter.

A stretch ceiling can be pleasing to the eye long time, but circumstances arise when it needs to be temporarily dismantled. In this case, the structure is in good condition and can last for a long time. In such cases, you have to decide how to remove the suspended ceiling with your own hands so as not to damage it and put it back after completing unexpected work without additional costs for replacing the main parts.

Analysis of circumstances

Before starting a rather complex event, it is necessary to realistically assess the situation. Carefully removing the suspended ceiling and then installing the same sheet is advisable in the following circumstances:

  1. Minor damage to the canvas. Despite the fact that the ceiling is high, there is a possibility of scuffing, punctures, cuts and other damage. Polymer and fabric fabric have increased mechanical strength and can easily withstand such impacts. However, defects spoil appearance, and there is a desire to correct the situation. Canvas with minor damage can be restored using tape or inserts of a similar material, but the inserts must be secured with reverse side, and for this the canvas must be carefully removed from the baguette.
  2. Penetration of water into the space between the ceiling and the canvas due to flooding from neighbors or through roof cracks. Liquid may accumulate in large quantities, which causes local sagging of the canvas. In this case, removing the canvas allows you to remove the liquid, as well as dry it and ceiling.
  3. Spontaneous sagging and cracking of the fabric. Improper installation of the suspended structure can lead to such defects. When sagging, the canvas needs to be re-stretched, for which it must be temporarily removed and high-quality installation. If cracks appear as a result of improper use, their growth can be stopped by sealing them with special tape on the reverse side.
  4. The appearance of stains on the canvas or areas with mold. In the first case, professional dry cleaning often restores the attractiveness of the fabric. When mold develops, antiseptic treatment is required not only of the canvas, but also of the ceiling underneath it. In both cases, it is necessary to dismantle the structure and then carry out processing.

Analysis of the state of the tension system allows us to determine its future fate. If it can be restored for full use, then dismantling should be carried out while preserving the canvas. A similar need may arise if it is necessary to remove the structure for reasons not related to the suspended ceiling: repair of the ceiling, insulation or soundproofing of the room, replacement of electrical wiring or installation of new lighting equipment, installation of communications.

Design Analysis

The procedure for dismantling a suspended ceiling depends on its design features. The following factors need to be considered:

  1. Canvas material. It can be made of PVC film or polyester, knitted fabric. In fact, dismantling is installation done in the reverse order, and the principles of installation of these types of canvases differ significantly. Stretch polymer film carried out by heating the material, and the fabric is stretched mechanically without heating. Accordingly, the removal of the web is ensured with or without heating. It is important to consider that reverse installation making a fabric sheet with your own hands after completely dismantling it is only possible if during installation a sufficient supply of fabric was left at the edges. If the edges are cut completely, then you cannot do without the help of specialists.
  2. Fastening system. The ends of the canvas are secured in the baguette different methods, this is possible because special fastening elements are located in the profiles of the baguette. They ensure tension of the canvas during installation and its strong fixation. For PVC film, a harpoon is most often used. It does not stretch the film, but only holds it. Self-tension is ensured by shrinkage of the heated polymer upon cooling. When the canvas is heated during dismantling, the fastening relaxes and the canvas is easily removed. The fabric sheet is usually installed using clips. Release of the tissue is quite simple.

In addition, the wedge (bead) method is used.

It is used for both types of ceilings. It is extremely difficult (almost impossible) to independently remove the ends of the canvas from such a fastening without damage. The wedges are driven tightly into the channel metal profile to ensure tension, and therefore it is not possible to remove them without a special tool. At the same time, if the blade is damaged at the edges during dismantling, its reinstallation is impossible.

The design of the tension system determines the order of work and the principle of dismantling. Before removing the canvas, it is necessary to clearly understand the structure and outline a plan.

Scope of work

Depending on the reasons, ceiling dismantling can be carried out to varying degrees:

  1. Complete dismantling. It involves removing the entire canvas. Such an event is necessary for carrying out a full restoration, dry cleaning, work in the middle part of the canvas or ceiling, insulation or soundproofing of the ceiling. If necessary, baguette profiles can also be removed to replace individual elements or change the height of their location on the wall.
  2. Partial dismantling. Sometimes it is enough to remove part of the canvas. This volume is typical for repairing minor damage in the wall area. If you remove the corner of the canvas, you can pour out the accumulated water through it even in the center of the ceiling, directing the flow accordingly.

It should be taken into account that reverse tension during partial dismantling is much easier to ensure. However, the required amount of work should be established based on a complete analysis of the situation and the ceiling design.

How to dismantle

After studying and analyzing the problem, you can begin dismantling the ceiling. When you plan to do the work yourself, the step-by-step instructions are different for each type of tension fabric. The preparatory stage includes preparation working area for easy access to the baguette.

Particular attention is required when carrying out work to eliminate the consequences of a flood.

Features of dismantling plastic sheets

The main feature of removing PVC film is the need to heat it. In general, work is carried out in the following order:

  1. The entire room should be heated to a temperature of 30-35 degrees before starting work. Taking into account the elevated temperatures during dismantling, it is necessary to remove from the room all plastic objects and other things that are not resistant to heat. It is recommended to drape with fabric plastic windows.
  2. Using a heat gun, a powerful hair dryer or a heat fan, the canvas is heated to a temperature of 60-65 degrees.
  3. With harpoon fastening, the removal of the canvas begins from the corners. It is best to use a metal hook here. Next, the edge of the PVC film is released, moving from the corner to the middle. To remove the edge of the fabric, use pliers with long jaws. A hook and pliers are used to exert pressure on the harpoon. You cannot pull directly on the film, as the heated plastic is easily damaged.
  4. Complete removal of the canvas from the baguette is done by hand. In this case, you must wear rubber gloves. A bare hand will leave marks on the heated PVC.

When partial dismantling is sufficient, work on repairing the canvas begins after providing access to the problem area, and the canvas is removed only in one or two corners. If complete dismantling is carried out, then it is released in all corners and gradually removed along the entire perimeter. Laying of the removed canvas must be done with extreme caution.

In principle, it is possible to remove PVC film from glazing bead fasteners. To do this you will need to carefully bend the wall. aluminum profile baguettes so that the glazing bead is released. This fastener is carefully removed from the profile using pliers and a screwdriver. After removing the canvas, you will have to dismantle the bent profile and return its wall to its previous position by straightening. If the plastic bead has changed shape and size after its first use, it will have to be replaced with a new one.

Features of dismantling fabric fabric

Removing fabric differs from removing polymer film in that there is no need for heating. The release of the canvas begins in the middle part of the baguette on the wall with gradual movement to the corners. Removal of tissue is ensured with long-nose pliers.

When working with fabric, you should remember that the clip fastening, when removing the fabric in one place, relaxes along the entire perimeter. This circumstance does not make it possible to carry out partial dismantling. To ensure high-quality subsequent stretching, it will be necessary in any case to completely dismantle the canvas.

The ability to reuse a fabric ceiling after dismantling largely depends on trimming the edges during initial installation. The fabric stretches poorly, and therefore, in the absence of a margin in length, it is extremely difficult to ensure a reliable grip on it. fastening element. This condition should be taken into account when installing a fabric ceiling.

Removing water from the ceiling

One of the main reasons for temporary dismantling of a suspended ceiling is a flood caused by neighbors above. There are several ways to remove accumulated liquid.

In any case it is necessary preparatory stage. Before carrying out work, it is important to ensure complete safety and, above all, to prevent injury. electric shock. To do this, you will have to remove all lighting equipment and turn off the power. You should prepare containers for water in advance, and also remove things from the room that could be damaged if liquid gets on them. It is recommended to take measures against flooding of neighbors below. The floor must be covered with plastic film.

Getting rid of water is quite easy if there is a chandelier or lamps on the ceiling. After removing them, a hole opens in the canvas, where the water flow should be directed. Work is carried out with a partner. One person holds the container under the hole, while the other, by hand or using a mop, rolls the liquid, lifting the slack cloth. If wrinkles remain on the polymer sheet after removing the water, then such an area is heated using a hair dryer. Defects are smoothed out after cooling.

If there are no mounting holes in the canvas, partial dismantling will have to be done.

To do this, it is enough to remove the canvas in the nearest corner, bend it, and remove the water through the resulting opening in the same way as in the case described.


To dismantle a stretch ceiling, you should take care in advance of the following tools and devices: stepladder, long-nose pliers, knife, scissors, screwdriver, hammer, spatula. When removing the PVC sheet, you will need a heat gun, construction hair dryer or a heat fan, and the room should be warmed up using a household heater. If it is necessary to dismantle and rearrange the baguette, you will need a hammer drill and a screwdriver. If the consequences of a flood are being eliminated, you should prepare containers for water and regular fan for drying the space between the canvas and the ceiling, as well as rags.

The need to remove a stretch ceiling may arise for various reasons. If it is in good condition, then dismantling should be done without damaging the canvas, which will allow it to be reinstalled in its original place. Such an event can be carried out with your own hands, but you need to correctly assess your capabilities. If you are unsure of your abilities, it is better to invite specialists who will dismantle and subsequently install the structure.

I like

Stretch ceilings are made of durable material, so they are reliable and designed for a long service life. Unfortunately, situations arise when it needs to be removed (neighbors from the upper apartment flooded, the electrical wiring failed, the ceiling was accidentally damaged). You need to know how to dismantle it step by step and install it yourself.

Process Features

It is possible to dismantle the ceiling on your own. There is no need to contact specialists. First you need to understand the type of damage. It may not always be necessary to completely dismantle the coating. Sometimes it is enough to soberly assess the situation and get by with a small expenditure of money and labor. Tensile structure can again decorate the ceiling while maintaining its performance characteristics.

If the ceiling has a small gap far from the edge, you can disguise it with a decorative element or install an additional lamp.

If there is a large tear, it is permissible to re-tighten the canvas and move the torn area closer to the edge, where it is easier to disguise it. But this option is only possible with vinyl film, which has a margin around the edges.

When using fabric, there is no material in stock. You can install the ceiling again if you follow some recommendations.

If there is a flood from the apartment above, you must first get rid of the water. You can try removing one of the lamps and pouring water through the hole. Before returning the light fixtures to their place, you must wait until the moisture has completely dried. This will take some time (up to two days). Be sure to ventilate the room or turn on heating devices in it.

Another way is to bend one of the corners of the ceiling and direct the water into a supported bucket. The film on the back side will remain wet, but this is a matter of time. After the material dries and is stretched, the canvas will again take on its previous appearance. If the tension is initially poor, the sagging can only be corrected by re-tensioning.

The room may be subject to temperature changes. In this case, mold often develops. Therefore, complete removal of the film for antiseptic treatment inevitably.


The process of removing a stretch ceiling yourself is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance.


Before starting work, you should have the following tools at hand:

  • long-nose pliers;
  • mounting spatula;
  • mounting clothespins;
  • screwdriver;
  • screwdrivers;
  • special construction knife;
  • heat gun (if the film is vinyl);
  • stepladder.

Hand gloves will be required. All sharp tools should be sharpened along the edges to avoid damaging the blade. The cutting ends can be covered with reinforced tape.


The room must be cleared of all objects that may interfere with work. The furniture will have to be taken out. Be sure to remove breakable items and anything that cannot withstand high temperatures. No sharp objects should be left in the room so as not to damage the canvas.

The door to the room must be closed and the plastic windows covered. If there is a gap between the door and the floor, it is necessary to close it tightly with rags. The room is sealed for heating with a heat gun. It is necessary to turn off the electricity not only in this room, but also in the entire apartment, turning off the machines on the meter. It is important to wait a few minutes to ensure that the home is completely de-energized.

You will have to start dismantling work by warming up the room using heat gun. When heated, the film softens. If the ceiling is flooded with water, it is better to support the sagging area. Since it is unknown how much water has managed to flow onto the ceiling, it is better to bring several containers to drain it.

If the defects are small, and the ceiling must be re-tightened, the material should be heated to the edges to stretch the film more evenly and firmly fix it on the baguette.

Removing the film sheet

In order for the dismantling work to be successful, you must know:

  • frame type;
  • ceiling view.

It would be good if an act of carrying out the work was drawn up in due time. It remains in the hands of the customer. Such information is always indicated there. If there is none, you will have to figure it out roughly (by eye). Tension fabric They use two types: vinyl and polymer material. You can determine the type by the fastening system.

Fastening systems

The technology of ceiling fastening determines the type of tension and fastening. When mounting, one of the types of fastening systems is used.


It is used for fabric ceilings and is quite expensive. It is a self-clamping device. The baguette is attached to the wall or ceiling, the edge of the canvas is inserted into it with an allowance of 5 to 7 cm. The covering is slowly stretched over the entire area. It is fixed with a glazing bead, which, under the pressure of the fabric itself, presses it to the installed profile.


This fastening system is advantageous in that the panel can be removed undamaged. This is due to the lack of clamps during installation. Harpoon fastening is used for vinyl film. When the ceiling is stretched, it is first stretched under the influence of a heat gun, then an edging such as a hook or harpoon is applied along the edges. This type of fastening is produced at the factory. Specialists pass on the data previously taken when measuring each room when ordering the canvas. The harpoon mount is soldered to it.

You cannot start work without the help of a heat gun. When cold, the fabric does not stretch well and tears easily. When installing or removing PVC film, it must be heated to a temperature of approximately 60-70 degrees Celsius. Otherwise it will not become elastic.

Take off vinyl film completely necessary in cases where redecorating impossible.

Inside the frame there is a wall leg with teeth. She fixes the hook. This fixation is convenient when installing a stretch ceiling and removing it. The coating is removed without the slightest damage. It can be used for re-installation. The remaining space between the covering and the walls is covered with decorative plinth.

The plinth is removed first when dismantling the ceiling. Work begins from the corner of the room and continues along its length. Then the actions are carried out along the width. The prepared metal spatula is inserted between the wall and the canvas, and the movable part of the harpoon is slightly bent inside the groove of the baguette. The spatula is held with pliers.

All that remains is to take it out vinyl canvas from the baguette, gently pulling it towards you. This is easy to do, because it is not clamped by anything. When working with vinyl film, wear gloves. It's heated, and your hands will leave traces of dirt. If the seam breaks, you will have to replace the harpoon along that entire wall.


The system is called clip-on and is used with vinyl film, material impregnated with polymer. She is the most popular technology of all currently in use. It is cheaper than other types and is easier and faster to install. It is considered seamless ceiling structure due to the small distance from the ceiling during installation.

This mount is similar to a self-clamp. When tensioned, the canvas is pulled to the edges (towards the baguette) by a movable cam. They fix the canvas. When dismantling this type of fastening, you will need a spatula. It is advisable to have plastic tool to preserve the fabric.

Like a harpoon, the cam is pressed out with a spatula. You need to start the process from the corner where there is a free end of the film. If there is none, you must try to free any corner. The film is carefully pulled out from under the mount. And so, step by step, you need to move along the entire perimeter of the room until all the film is removed.

Wedge mount

It got its name from the wedge - the fastening element. It is driven into the grooves of the baguette during installation. Pre-clean the canvas with a chisel or other suitable tool put under the baguette. Promotes complete clamping of the wedges ceiling plinth, which is also a decorative element.

It is easiest to dismantle a ceiling with a wedge mount. In this case, there is no need to pull the canvas out from under the baguette. When removing the baseboard, the wedge itself weakens. You need to use a spatula to pull off the baguette fasteners and pull out the wedge.

Cam and wedge mounting provides clamping ceiling material baguette. As a result, the coating is deformed and cannot always be reinstalled. Therefore, consideration should be given to whether complete removal of the material is actually required. You can reuse PVC film using a bead or clip fastening system if you have spare centimeters of film under the ceiling. If it was not lowered during installation, it is not always possible to pull the vinyl back on. Needs a full reupholstery.

Features of removing fabric

Fabric ceilings use predominantly a glazing bead or clip fastening system. They are more convenient for stretching and removing because they do not require strong heating of the room to soften the material. However, these options are more complicated due to the greater weight of the fabric compared to film. In addition, with it, fixation is carried out using self-clamps. And this leads to complete removal of the coating (otherwise the baguette or bead may break).

If the fastening is glazing, when removing the material, first remove the decorative plinth, bend the profile, remove the glazing and remove the freed sheet. While this operation is in progress, the ceiling is constantly warmed up by the flow warm air from the switched on gun. This will help protect the canvas from the formation of small wrinkles and sagging.

When removing the baguette, you must act with extreme caution to maintain its integrity. It may still be useful elsewhere.

Ceiling plinth correct installation the ceiling is glued to the wall. Firstly, the canvas does not get dirty with glue. Secondly, during the next repair, it, like the ceiling itself, is not replaced, because it has a long service life. If the craftsmen glued the baguette to the ceiling when stretching the ceilings, additional difficulties arise during removal.

Fabric ceilings installed with clip-on baguettes are completely removed. Partial removal is impossible, so don’t waste your energy. There is a danger of the blade falling out of the installed clamps. Fabric ceilings are preferable due to the absence of seams, for this reason they are easier to dismantle. No need for special tools and complex manual manipulations. Working with a fabric ceiling starts from the middle. It is necessary to gradually move towards the corners of the room.

The stretch ceiling can be removed with your own hands, without the help of specialists. To do this, you need to know the features of the fastening structure (baguette) and the properties of the material from which the ceiling is made. Re-upholstering the ceiling and even complete installation of the structure does not take much time.

You will immediately understand the presence of moisture on the stretch ceiling

The owner of the apartment can dismantle old ceiling due to its deterioration (rips, drips, stains, mold formation, flooding and strong stretch marks, warping of the canvas due to deformation of the walls). Sometimes the canvas is changed to install a ceiling of a different color and texture or new electrics. Both the PVC film and the fabric can be removed from the baguette (frame) and then installed back.

Preparing the premises

The ceiling reupholstery is done in a pre-prepared room. Objects that can be damaged by high temperature are removed from the room (if a heat gun is used).

If water has accumulated on the suspended ceiling, it is enough to dismantle one part and drain it

Aquariums are removed from the room and pets are removed. You also need to remove any things that will interfere with your work. The lamp is removed from the suspended ceiling and put away in a safe place. You can remove the lamp yourself, but if the mounting is complicated, you need to contact an electrician. The ceiling plinth or masking tape is removed and removed.

Tools and equipment

Before you remove and reinstall the canvas yourself, you need to purchase necessary equipment, materials and tools. To carry out the work you need:

  • stepladder or strong table;
  • heat gun (for heating the vinyl sheet);
  • construction spatulas, from which you can make shovels and hooks, or special factory shovels with a curved end;
  • clamps with cords to hold the removed canvas suspended (crocodiles);
  • mounting tape;
  • pliers with long narrow ends;
  • insulating tape;
  • screwdriver;
  • construction knife.

Often craftsmen invent their own tools for dismantling work. So, for example, metal construction spatulas are narrowed, ground down so that they become blunt, and the corners of the working blade of the spatula are rounded.

Spatulas for suspended ceilings

Spatulas and pliers process sandpaper to remove all burrs and smooth out irregularities. The dull blade is bent to make it easier for them to reach the protrusion of the profile into which the harpoon rests. Any tool used during work must not have sharp corners and rough surfaces to avoid tearing the fabric.

Before removing the suspended ceiling, you need to find out how it is fixed in the profile (this data can be found in the contract that was drawn up with the organization that installed the ceiling). There are three types of fastening of the canvas in the profile: harpoon, wedge (bead) and clip.

How to remove a suspended ceiling with a harpoon mount

A harpoon is a plastic flexible strip, which in cross-section is a hook (or harpoon, which is where the name comes from). The plank has medium hardness and is produced by the meter.

The polyvinyl chloride fabric is marked and cut out, exactly copying the shape of the ceiling. A harpoon is welded to the edge of the canvas, along its entire perimeter. This is done using HDTV equipment, which is available at enterprises that install suspended ceilings. Once the harpoon is welded around the perimeter, it is firmly butt welded. The harpoon is inserted with a spatula into the groove of the baguette (profile), where it is fixed on the inner protrusion of the profile using its hook.

If the film is edged with a harpoon, removing the suspended ceiling with your own hands will not be difficult. To vinyl ceiling has become more flexible and stretchable, it is evenly heated with a heat gun. The recommended heat flow temperature is 70 degrees Celsius. Re-upholstering the ceiling starts from the corner of the room. Some home craftsmen heat only the corner from which the harpoon begins to be removed, and use a hairdryer to heat the vinyl.

Harpoon fastening of suspended ceilings

When removing PVC sheets it is necessary to remove the harpoon from the ledge (shelf) inside the profile. If this can be done in one place, then the rest of the canvas is removed by simply pulling it with a harpoon. The operating procedure will be as follows:

  1. Heat evenly suspended ceiling, starting from its central part to the corners.
  2. Take a bent spatula and a screwdriver.
  3. Find a place in the corner areas of the ceiling where there is a sufficiently large gap between the wall and the surface of the canvas. It is necessary to ensure that in the removal area there is no place where the harpoon is glued end-to-end. This place is not very strong; the film may rupture under physical impact.
  4. Using a screwdriver, press out the harpoon, insert a curved spatula into the crack and hook the harpoon.
  5. To release the harpoon, move the spatula to the right and left by 10-15 cm, thereby slightly pushing the harpoon away from the baguette.
  6. The same thing is done on the other, perpendicular wall. This way, the harpoon in the corner of the room will be hooked by 2 blades.
  7. The shoulder blades are parallel to the wall and pulled down with little effort. The canvas with the harpoon comes out of the profile.
  8. Then move the blades along the walls and carefully pull out the film. If the ceiling area is large, the canvas is hung on clamps (crocodiles) to avoid stretching and deformation.

If the ceiling area is small, the vinyl film can be removed without preheating, for canvases big size Preheating is required.

Dismantling a ceiling with glazing bead (wedge) fastening

Is it possible to remove a suspended ceiling with glazing beads? It is possible, but you need to keep in mind the fact that it will be difficult to put it back, since after installation the builders leave very little stock of canvas, but if there is a supply, it is possible.

Glazing bead (wedge) - special plastic profile different sections. The bead is inserted inside the profile, pressing the material tightly. This type of fastening is used when installing both vinyl and fabric ceiling structures.

In order to remove PVC film or fabric, you need to remove the glazing beads from the profile by hooking them with some kind of curved tool (curved spatula, spatula, hook). Dismantling begins in the corner of the room.

  • Before dismantling, the polyvinyl chloride film is heated with a heat gun. There is no need to warm up the fabric.
  • The profile is slightly expanded using any handy tool(for example, a thick screwdriver, long-nose pliers).
  • A curved spatula (or two) or a hook is carefully placed behind the glazing bead and pulled down. The glazing bead comes out and the canvas is released. This must be done very carefully, since the edge of the vinyl film or fabric is not protected by anything and is easily damaged.
  • At large area From the ceiling, the freed canvas is hung on clamps with cords.

Removing a ceiling with a clip fastening

Only low-stretch fabrics with polymer impregnation are mounted in clip fasteners. Clip fasteners are a special plastic profile, which in cross-section is a clamp.

Cam fastening of a stretch ceiling (clip)

The fabric is simply tucked inside the clip with a spatula, and the clip holds the fabric and prevents it from coming out.

  • Dismantling a seamless fabric ceiling begins from the middle of the wall, and not from the corner.
  • To remove the canvas from the clip profile, you need to apply moderate pressure on the canvas in the place adjacent to the wall. In this case, you can slightly release the fastening with a screwdriver or thin pliers.
  • The tension of the fabric will loosen and it can be carefully pulled out of the fastening.
  • If the fabric was cut very short when installing the ceiling, then during subsequent installation it will be difficult to tuck it into the mount.

A suspended ceiling system, like any other, may need repairs, for which it must be partially or completely dismantled. You can invite craftsmen or try to do everything yourself. Let's figure out how to remove it yourself so as not to spoil the panel.

1. Determine the type of tension systems

Before you start work, you need to decide what you have to deal with. The principle of fastening directly depends on the material from which the canvas is made. This can be one of two varieties:

  • Textile. Made from synthetic fibers, impregnated with special compounds. Is different high strength, wear resistance, insensitive to low and high temperatures. Completely safe, fire resistant, and retains sound well. Among the disadvantages, it is worth noting low ductility, significant weight and higher cost compared to its analogue.
  • Film. Made from polyvinyl chloride, may have different thickness. Sensitive to increases and decreases in temperature. When heated, it stretches, and when frozen, it cracks. It is safe provided that it is a high quality product.

Methods of fastening structures

Regardless of the method of fixation, installation suspension system starts with installing profiles. It is they who will subsequently hold the tension panel. Three methods are used to fix it:

  • Harpoon. A special edge is welded along the edges of the canvas; its shape resembles a harpoon. The film is tucked into the profile, where the edge spreads out and holds the ceiling in place.
  • Bead or wedge. The edges of the canvas are fixed in the profile with a special spacer element called a bead.
  • Cam, also known as clip-on. The material is held by specially shaped elastic plates located inside the baguette.

2. We carry out preparatory work

Before you shoot, start with preparation. First of all, you need to choose a stepladder. It should be stable and high enough to make removing the canvas comfortable. In addition to this, you will need the following tools:

  • Spatula for . Its main difference from conventional construction is the absence of pointed corners. If this is not the case, you can make it yourself. To do this, take a regular tool 9-10 cm wide, grind off the sharp edges on it and round the corners.
  • Mounting clothespins. They are used to temporarily secure material to baguettes.
  • A strong screwdriver, its end should be bent.
  • Pliers with curved long jaws.
  • In addition, when dismantling the PVC coating, you will also need a heat gun. With its help, the film is heated so that it becomes plastic.

After all the tools are prepared, you need to prepare workplace.

  1. We temporarily remove from the room all items that may deteriorate under the influence of high temperature, remove plants and .
  2. If possible, we protect from overheating that part of the environment that cannot be removed.
  3. We dismantle everything

3. Determine how to remove a suspended ceiling with your own hands

The technology of the dismantling process depends on the method chosen for installation. Let's look at each of them in detail.

Harpoon fastening

Used only for PVC coating. The fastener is very convenient because it allows you to disassemble the structure many times without damaging the panel. They start removing the film from the corner. Actions are carried out in the following sequence:

  1. If the joint is closed decorative elements, we remove them.
  2. Turn on the heat gun and raise the temperature in the room. This is necessary for the film to heat up and stretch. The tension will decrease and the mount can be disassembled. We heat the film from the center to the corners.
  3. Use a screwdriver to press out the harpoon. Carefully insert the spatula into the crack and lift the harpoon. We move the tool left and right, thereby pressing the fastener away from the baguette. We do the same on the opposite wall.
  4. Pull the spatula down, releasing the panel from the retainer. Moving the tool along the profile, we continue to remove the film.

If the covering is subsequently intended to be pulled back, it must not be deformed.

Fixation with glazing bead

Used for all types of ceilings. For dismantling, it is necessary to remove the fastening elements-beads from the profile. We offer step by step instructions.

  1. Heat the polyvinyl chloride until it softens. If the ceiling is fabric, this is not necessary.
  2. We take long-nose pliers or a bent screwdriver and very carefully open the profile.
  3. Place the spatula behind the glazing bead and pull it down. The fastener comes out of the groove and releases the panel.

As in the previous case, we secure it with clamps so as not to deform it.

If the glazing bead fastening is dismantled, it will be possible to put the tension panel in place only if the installers have left a sufficient supply of material. Otherwise, it is not possible to stretch the fabric.

Clip fastening

Designed for installation of low-tensile coatings, such as polymer-impregnated fabrics. A clip is a type of fastening into which the edge of the covering is tucked inside. To remove it yourself, you need to remove the edge from the lock. We begin dismantling from the middle of the wall.

At the junction of the ceiling and wall surfaces, press the panel. At the same time, carefully loosen the fastening with pliers or a screwdriver. The fixation of the fabric loosens and it can be removed from the clip. We do everything carefully to preserve the canvas. You will need it for subsequent installation. True, this is only possible if the fabric was not cut too short during installation.

Features of dismantling the fabric structure

Many people are concerned about maintaining the integrity of the fabric during dismantling, since it is not elastic enough. Fears are in vain if the work is done correctly. There are several rules to consider:

  • Remove the fabric covering only from the middle to the corner. Subsequent installation, if provided, is carried out in the same way.
  • Warming up the room during operation is necessary, but it should not be as strong as for PVC film.
  • Small irregularities can be removed yourself by heating the problem area. It is important to know that the heat source should not be brought close to the coating. Otherwise it will become deformed.
  • It is impossible to partially remove the fabric panel, as is possible for a film panel. The fasteners will not withstand the weight of the material, which will lead to the breaking of the fasteners.

To eliminate any remaining questions, we suggest watching a video on the topic.

As you can see, if such a need arises, you can remove it and put it back. We told you how to do it right. This is a rather complex procedure that must be performed with strict adherence to technology. It is unlikely that you will be able to cope alone. It is advisable to find assistants who will ensure safety and high quality works