How to grow dahlias from seeds. How to collect nasturtium seeds

The Dahlia plant or, in other words, Dahlia belongs to the Asteraceae (Asteraceae) family. Are one of the largest groups, which has thousands of varieties with a wide variety of appearances. Therefore, both a gardener and a simple amateur will find suitable flower for your autumn garden. In any case, regardless of the variety, dahlias are bright, expressive, and stand well when cut.

Historical fact: dahlias were first mentioned by the Spanish scientist Antonio Covalines.

In this article we will look at the classic variety groups of dahlias, the rules of propagation, planting, care and storage of plants, what diseases this species has, what problems you may encounter when growing, as well as what colors dahlias are combined with and how to use them in landscape design .

The title photo shows a magical variety from one of the newest groups(Maxi) with giant chameleon flowers in nude, pearl, peach, pinkish shades - Cafe Au Lait.

Consider the types of dahlias

As a rule, there are 11 types:

1. Simple (height 45-60cm )

These include the following varieties:

  • Yellow Hammer;
  • Princess Marie Jose;
  • Orangeade.

An extremely popular variety of this group in the West is “Moonfire”. And its popularity is deserved: the variety not only has attractive bright yellow flowers with a fiery center, but also highly decorative dark, almost black foliage, in contrast to which the flowers stand out especially brightly. Another plus is compactness.

2. Anemone-shaped (height 60-90cm)

Here will be the Varieties:

  • Vera Higgins;
  • Lucy;
  • Comet.

The charming representative of the group is Platinum Blonde. Amazing when cut.

3. Collar (height 75-120cm)

  • La Gioconda;
  • Claire de Lune;
  • Chimborazo.

Variety Teesbrook Audry. It is notable for having a lilac color that is rare for this group.

4. Peony-shaped (height 75-120cm)

  • Bishop of Llandaff;
  • Symphonia;
  • Fascination.

In the photo, a well-known variety from this group that is undeservedly poorly represented in Russia is Bishop of Llandaff.

5. Decorative (height 90-150cm)

  • giant Jocondo;
  • large Thames Valley;
  • medium Terpo;
  • small Genie Hoek;
  • miniature David Howard.

The mega-popular variety of the group is Santa Claus. No wonder - the flowers are unusually expressive. In the decorative group as a whole, there are a lot of spectacular, “saleable” varieties.

6. Globular (height 90-120cm)

  • Doreen Hayes;
  • Crichton Honey;
  • Esmonde.

A popular spherical variety with an unusual marble color is Marble Ball.

7. Pompons (height 90-120cm)

  • Hallmark,
  • Willo's Violet,
  • Noreen.

Pompom variety Franz Kafka. Pompons differ from the previous group (spherical) only in their smaller sizes (flower diameter is 4-9 cm, for spherical ones - 10-16).

8. Cactus-shaped (height 90-150cm)

  • giant Danny
  • large Irish Visit;
  • average Appleblossom;
  • small Doris Day;
  • miniature Pirouette.

A fairly well-known variety of the cactus group from French breeders is Chat Noir. The burgundy color is so thick and rich that the variety is often classified as near-black.

9. Semi-cactus (height 90-150cm)

  • giant Hamari Boy;
  • large Nantenan;
  • medium Autumn Fire;
  • small White Swallow;
  • miniature Yellow Mood.

Semi-cactus variety Red Majorette. Poorly represented on the domestic market, although it is a worthy and typical representative of the group. Tall - 120 cm. Flowers are of the purest red hue, good for cutting.

10. Nymphaeal (height 90-120cm)

  • Alarm of Khatyn;
  • medium Siberia (height 80-100).

The Bonesta variety is a typical representative of the nymphaeal group. Widely found on sale. There are no reviews. Height - 100 cm. Large flowers - up to 20 cm.

11. Mixed

Their height depends on the varieties crossed.

One of the most popular varieties mixed group – Dahlia Honka

This classification does not claim to be complete, but gives general idea about the most popular groups.


Seeds and tubers of various varieties of dahlias can be purchased both in online stores and in regular flower shops, markets and warehouses.

These flowers can be grown not only from seedlings, but also from seeds, only growing perennial dahlias from seeds will take longer before flowering.

Comparative characteristics: the price of flower seeds is from 25 to 150 rubles, depending on the manufacturer and variety of dahlias. The price for seedlings is slightly higher and ranges from 170 to 500 rubles.

Dahlias can be propagated using both seeds and vegetative way. As for perennial dahlias, then The best way reproduction for them is by dividing the tubers, so they will begin to bloom faster.

Reproduction using seeds occurs in the following way:

Now let's look at propagation by tubers: perhaps the most important advantage in dividing tubers is that with such propagation the protective properties of the plant increase.

They must be cut so that they remain part of the neck and about three ocelli, so you can propagate from one plant up to ten plants.

Important: before planting the tubers, they need to be dried.

Otherwise, planting is no different from planting seedlings germinated from seeds. Unless the planting depth should be at least 6-7cm; if the variety grows quite tall, then it is better to immediately place a support. It is better to plant in May.

Caring for dahlias

First of all, dahlias need water generously, especially after buds appear.

From mid-summer until September good time for feeding with fertilizers.

Necessary Constantly remove wilted flowers to prolong the flowering period.

Due to the fact that dahlias have a root system that is not very deep, It is not recommended to loosen the soil with a hoe.


Dahlias are heat-loving flowers and should not be left outside in winter. With the onset of the first cold weather, the tubers along with the stem should be dug up, cutting off the stems approximately 15 cm. Then the tubers should be dried in air for a couple of days and only then placed in a container with soil, sawdust or peat and stored at room temperature.

Diseases and pests

Viruses often lead to poor growth and flower development. Moreover, the disease can appear both during the storage of the flower and during its flowering period. Dahlias may show signs of disease from pests or, less commonly, viruses.

Pests that damage not only the upper part of plants, but also tubers, can be combated with various chemical means, but viruses are more and more serious - it is necessary to destroy all affected plants.

Please note: after dangerous diseases are detected and the affected plants are burned, the flowerbed where the outbreak of viral diseases was discovered must be covered with lime. For the next 5 years, dahlias cannot be planted in such flowerbeds.

The most common are:

  1. Aphid. It is not difficult to detect: the leaves of the flowers begin to turn yellow and then curl. These pests and their secretions can also be found on the leaves of the plant. You can fight aphids with a solution of green soap or other preparations that can be bought at any flower shops. If there are not many pests, then the affected areas are cut off along with the pests.
  2. Nematodes. The danger of these pests is that they damage the buds and young shoots of the plant. Nematodes even overwinter in the buds of dahlia tubers. You can only fight by burning the affected objects and it is not recommended to plant new flowers in their place; it is better to plant marigolds there.
  3. Bugs are herbivorous. They are distinguished by the yellow-burgundy color of the spots that cover the dahlia; the leaves begin to wrinkle and crack. To get rid of bedbugs, it is recommended to spray the plants with a solution of Green soap, and it is better to do this early in the morning.
  4. Slugs and woodlice. They nibble the leaves and shoots of the dahlia. To fight between the rows, it is necessary to pour potassium salt. Slugs and woodlice will have to be collected manually and it is better to destroy them immediately. Please note that slugs are active at night.

Dahlias are often used in landscape design

A compact plant for containers from the famous series of breeder Geb Wermer - Gallery, variety Salvador. Each variety in this series is named after the artist. For example, the Pablo variety is juicy salmon with a yellow center, Monet is a watercolor lilac with lemon highlight, Vincent is a dense red-apricot.

Low-growing dahlias should be planted in ribbons, borders, tubs, so they will not cover other flowers.

Tall varieties are often planted in combination with other flowers.

If you are planning to create a flower garden with dahlias, then you should take into account the planting characteristics and select flowers so that the requirements for soil, light and space coincide.

You can combine these flowers with the following plants:

  • Verbena.
  • Larkspur.
  • Lobelia.
  • Sunflower.
  • Zinnias.
  • Astrami.
  • Anemones (especially with white autumn varieties).

Self-sufficient variety ‘Myrtle’s Folly’.

As a rule, dahlias do not need partners and are very popular in mono-plantings - the stunning variety 'Asahi Chohje' is pictured here.

The traditional place for tall cutting varieties is in the backyard of the garden, near fences, walls, and buildings. In the photo there is a variety with very lush pink flowers with original, as if chopped off petals, and lemon backlighting - ‘Chilson’s Pride’.

Border of Pablo dahlias and impatiens.

Spring activities for caring for dahlias

The video explains all the aspects of caring for dahlias during the most troublesome time - in the spring, from germination to planting.

Not many flowers are surrounded by such attention and love as the dahlia. The variety of species and varieties allows each summer resident to choose his own dahlia to decorate his plot or balcony with these luxurious flowers.

And if there is no time or opportunity to study perennial dahlias For those whose tubers need to be dug up and stored in winter, dahlias can be grown from seeds. The annual crop will also delight you with its flowers: bright, varied and very beautiful.

How to get dahlia seeds at home

Always available for sale in specialized stores a large number of various dahlia seeds (varietal mixtures are usually sold). But it won’t be difficult to get the seeds yourself when the dahlias begin to bloom in the area in August and September.
The buds of faded dahlias have an achene - a green capsule that contains the seeds. The small cone is bright green at first, but as it matures the capsule turns dark brown. On top it is covered with scales, which, when the achenes ripen, dry out and peel off. For the summer resident, this is a signal - the seeds are ripe and the box can be removed.

The ripening time of the achene is the end of August and September, the exact timing depends on the variety of dahlias, growing conditions, and weather. It usually begins to rain at this time, and there is a high probability that the seeds in the box will be wet. Therefore, experienced flower growers often cover dahlias with film so that the buds with boxes do not get exposed to rain.
With the looming cold snap, you will have to carefully cut off the flower stalks, even if the achenes have not yet ripened. At home, the flower stalks are placed in a jar of water; within 10-14 days, the seeds in the boxes reach the desired condition.

ON A NOTE! Each dahlia bud box contains a small number of seeds - from 10 to 13-15 pieces.

The seeds are dried and stored in bags, having previously signed the names of the varieties. It is necessary to maintain an optimal temperature – about +10ºC, avoiding high humidity. In this state, flower seeds are stored until spring, until planting time.

When to plant dahlias

When growing dahlias with seeds, the seedling method is used, so nutritious soil for seedlings and boxes are prepared in advance. The time is selected based on the climate of the region, but in general this is the period from the end of March to the first ten days of April.
It is also necessary to take into account the timing of planting seedlings in open ground, since in some areas this can be done already in mid-May, in others (North-West, Urals, Siberia) - only in early June.

ON A NOTE! If you want to continue growing the desired variety with tubers, you need to sow it for seedlings in the first days of March. In this case, in the fall the bush will have strong, developed nodules.

How to plant dahlias

Sowing the seeds of these wonderful flowers and growing seedlings is not much different from agricultural practices of other crops. It is necessary to prepare the soil (it is best to do this in the fall), allocate space on the windowsills for boxes, and provide the flowers with good lighting.

Growing dahlias from seeds

Preparing containers for seedlings

Sowing is carried out in boxes, containers, pots, and usually the seeds are first sown in one common container, and then planted in separate pots.

ON A NOTE! Suitable for growing dahlias peat cups, tablets, cassettes, ordinary plastic glasses with a volume of 200 ml (with a mandatory hole in the bottom).

Either purchased material or prepared in the fall is used as soil. The soil for seedlings should be loose, nutritious, and breathable. It is advisable to warm the soil before sowing seeds, and also disinfect it with a solution of potassium permanganate.

Germination of seedlings

Seeds are sown in boxes in grooves, and sown in holes in separate pots. Cover the containers with film and put them in a dark and warm place (the temperature should be at least +23ºC).

If everything is normal, then in about 8-10 days the first sprouts will appear. Then the film is removed and the seedlings are placed in a lighted place. The temperature can be slightly reduced to +18ºC so that the seedlings do not stretch too much. Then a stable mode of +23…+24ºC is established.

It is better to water dahlia seedlings using a spray bottle, avoiding moisture getting on the seedlings. The soil should be slightly moist, moisture should not stagnate.

Picking seedlings

Picking is done when the seedlings have 3-4 leaves. This is usually done for seedlings that were first sown in a common box. Dahlias tolerate picking well, but you should not forget about accuracy. It is important not to damage the thin roots of the plants and not to overwater the seedlings in the pot.

After picking, the seedlings will adapt for several days and then begin to grow. Regular care: watering (as the soil dries), loosening. You can also feed the seedlings with a special fertilizer for flower seedlings.

Planting flowers in open ground

May and early June are the time when warm days arrive, the air temperature stabilizes and you can plan to transplant dahlias into open ground. In two or even three weeks, the seedlings are hardened by taking them out into the open air.
The time of air procedures should not exceed 10-15 minutes at first, then the duration is gradually increased.

IMPORTANT! You cannot immediately, without hardening, transplant seedlings from home conditions into the ground. This is a lot of stress for plants; they will take root in the garden for a long time.

Dahlias that have undergone hardening take root faster, which means they will begin to bloom earlier.

Selecting a location

Do you want to get something beautiful and lush flowering dahlias? Then you need to take care of choosing the right place for the flower garden. A sunny, wind-protected area will be best choice. Dahlias can tolerate slight shading, but it is still advisable to provide the flower garden with good lighting throughout the day.

Soil preparation

Handsome dahlias are not picky about the soil, but their flowering will be long and abundant in nutritious and loose soils. Plants prefer neutral acidity, so if the soil is acidic, you need to add dolomite flour or fluff lime.

IMPORTANT! Should not pass near the landing site groundwater, otherwise the dahlia root tubers will suffer from stagnation of moisture.

These flowers always grow well in elevated areas, with soil well fertilized in the fall. It is better to apply all fertilizers (humus, compost, ash or complex compounds) in the autumn, before digging. In the spring, all that remains is to dig up, loosen the soil and prepare holes for planting seedlings.

Planting flowers in a flower bed

Planting of seedlings is carried out according to a scheme, with the distances between seedlings determined taking into account the variety and stem height. For low-growing varieties, 20 cm will be enough; for taller dahlias, leave 40-50 cm.
Humus and superphosphate (you can use wood ash) are added to the holes and spilled with water. The seedlings are planted carefully, trying to get them out of the pots along with the earthen lump.

ON A NOTE! Two to three hours before transplanting, the pots can be spilled with plenty of water, then getting the plants out along with a lump of earth will not be difficult.

When growing seedlings in peat pots, they are planted without removing them from the containers. This is one of the most best options, since the roots of the dahlias will not be damaged. After replanting, the soil around the plants can be mulched.

Dahlia varieties that can be grown from seeds

There are a large number of different varieties of dahlias on sale that can be grown as an annual crop from seeds. You can select varieties based on the following criteria:

— height (short, medium-height plants);
- according to the shape of the inflorescences (double, pompom, cactus).

Cactus mixture

Dahlia seed mixtures are good because they contain varieties of the same height, but with different colors colors. Dahlia mix is ​​inflorescences of pink, white, yellow, purple, and carmine colors. There are inflorescences combined type, in which one shade smoothly transitions into another. Plants begin to bloom in July (in the case of seedlings - from June), delighting with beautiful fluffy flowers until autumn.

The height of dahlias in the mixture is 40-50 cm, all inflorescences are double or semi-double. These dahlias are suitable for growing in pots and flowerpots on loggias and balconies.

Bright pom-poms

A mixture of varieties of tall dahlias from the manufacturer - the Gavrish company. The plants are distinguished by dense and very beautiful pom-pom-shaped inflorescences. The diameter of each is at least 8-9 cm.
The color varies, from purple and lilac to snow-white.
The dahlias from this set are ideal for planting near facades and in the background of a flower garden.


Fans of dwarf dahlias will love the Figaro variety, which is distinguished by its very compact size and lush flowering.

The height of the plants reaches approximately 20-25 cm, but the diameter of the inflorescences – 10 cm – impresses anyone. At the same time, the shades can be very different, so Figaro plantings in a flowerbed look like one large multi-colored carpet. On one bush, Figaro can simultaneously bloom up to 12-15 inflorescences.
The variety is unpretentious and easy to care for.


Dahlias of the Dandy variety look great in mixborders and on ridges. These are dahlias of medium height (up to 50-60 cm), on the peduncles of which very spectacular inflorescences are formed.

Dandy flowers have a number of feathery petals that form a kind of “collar”. Color: yellow, white, purple, as well as combined colors: red-yellow, white-red and others.

It begins to bloom from the end of July, at favorable conditions pleases with his magnificent inflorescences until October.


The miniature Bambino variety will surprise everyone with its bright and colorful double flowers. The height of the bushes is up to 20-25 cm.
The variety is suitable for decorating flower beds, paths (foreground), as well as for growing as a potted crop. The inflorescences have a diameter of up to 6-8 cm. The color is distinguished by a wide variety and brightness of shades. The variety is early; when planted through seedlings, flowering begins in June.


Seeing the simple but very bright inflorescences of the Piccolo dahlia variety, everyone will receive a positive charge. It is impossible not to admire these plants, whose height on average reaches half a meter.

Piccolo's inflorescences usually grow up to 8 cm in diameter and come in a variety of colors. One of the best varieties of dahlias for group plantings in flower beds.

Funny boys

A dahlia variety that is a favorite of many gardeners. Dahlia Merry Guys is valued for its unpretentiousness, abundant and long-lasting flowering.

The plants are compact, low, and each can have up to 25 inflorescences. The flowers of this variety are not double, but this is compensated by their bright shades. Used for planting in borders, ridges, and in the foreground of flower beds.


This variety amazes not only with spectacular inflorescences, but also with beautiful, unusually colored leaves. The dahlia variety Mephistopheles has leaves that have an original bronze hue. Against their background, bright double and semi-double flowers look especially luxurious.

The bushes reach a height of 50 cm, the diameter of multi-colored flowers is up to 6 cm. Such dahlias look great in flower beds and are also used to decorate borders.

coral reef

Dahlias, which stand out from all varieties due to the unusual color of their inflorescences. They contain all shades of coral, ranging from pale pink to rich purple.

A very spectacular variety, the bushes of which grow up to 60 cm. The inflorescences have a row of petals around the center, forming beautiful ruffles (collars).
This dahlia variety is great for cutting.

Terry ball

Another variety of wonderful pompom dahlias - Terry Ball will delight all gardeners gorgeous flowers. The plant is medium-sized, the diameter of the inflorescences is up to 7 cm.

Feature of the variety: resistance to adverse weather conditions. Dahlia is beautiful to cut; the inflorescences remain fresh for a long time.

Caring for dahlias

Further care is quite standard:

  • watering;
  • loosening and weeding;
  • feeding.

Dahlias love water, but do not tolerate excess moisture. Based on these requirements, as well as taking into account weather conditions, it will be necessary to determine the irrigation schedule.

In hot weather, water more often (up to twice a week); on cloudy, rainy days, plants usually have enough rainfall. If it is very hot, you can lightly spray the flower leaves with water from a spray bottle in the evening. Around mid-August, watering and fertilizing are stopped.

After watering, it is recommended to loosen the soil so that a hard crust does not form on the surface. In this case, mulching is effective, for which sawdust, mown grass, peat, well-rotted compost or humus are suitable. It is mandatory to remove all weeds, which not only take away beneficial properties from dahlias. nutrients from the soil, but can also inhibit plants and serve as a source of various infections.

During the season, dahlias are fed several times, while at the beginning of the growing season nitrogen fertilizing should predominate, later - phosphorus and potassium. If the soils were well fertilized when digging, then this will be enough and nitrogen need not be added.

The first feeding is carried out no earlier than two weeks after planting dahlias in open ground.

ON A NOTE! When flowers are overfed with nitrogen, only one green mass is collected, and few buds are formed.

Excess nitrogen is also a cause of fungal diseases, so all fertilizers are applied exactly according to the norms. During the period of budding and flowering, two or three feedings will be enough. Suitable:

  • complex fertilizer for flowers;
  • infusion of wood ash;
  • superphosphate and potassium sulfate.

To get more buds on the side shoots, pinch the main stem of the dahlia. Buds that have bloomed must be removed. To obtain seeds, leave a few buds at the end of the flowering period.

In the last days of August, at the beginning of autumn, there are already cold nights in many regions, and there is a possibility of cold snaps. Dahlias can be covered with non-woven material, and during the day, when it is warm, the plants can be opened. Such measures will extend the flowering of these wonderful plants by one and a half to two weeks.

If the rules of agricultural technology are violated: thickening of plantings, improper watering, which leads to waterlogging of the soil, dahlias can be affected by diseases. Among the common ones:

  • leaf spotting;
  • fusarium;
  • white rot;
  • verticillium.

For treatment, the drugs Oxychom and Fitosporin are used (used according to the instructions), and the affected parts of dahlias (or the plants themselves) must be removed from the beds.

Treating dahlias with Fitoverm, infusions of ash with the addition of soap, infusions of garlic or tobacco dust helps against aphids, whitefly caterpillars, and whiteflies. From slugs, if they are present in small quantities, dusting the soil around flowers with wood ash, ground pepper, as well as manual collection of insects helps. If there are a lot of slugs (for example, in a stormy summer), then you will have to use granules of the drugs Thunderstorm, Slug Eater or superphosphate.


There are no particular difficulties in growing dahlias from seeds. But with proper and proper care, these magnificent and unpretentious plants will always delight you with beautiful and lush flowering.

Our grandmothers, growing garden strawberries, or strawberries, as we used to call them, did not particularly worry about mulching. But today this agricultural technique has become fundamental in achieving high quality berries and reducing crop losses. Some might say it's a hassle. But practice shows that labor costs in this case pay off handsomely. In this article we invite you to get acquainted with the nine the best materials for mulching garden strawberries.

Succulents are very diverse. Despite the fact that “little ones” have always been considered more fashionable, the range of succulents with which you can decorate modern interior, it’s worth taking a closer look. After all, colors, sizes, patterns, degree of prickliness, impact on the interior are just a few of the parameters by which you can choose them. In this article we will tell you about the five most fashionable succulents that amazingly transform modern interiors.

The Egyptians used mint as early as 1.5 thousand years BC. It has a strong aroma due to great content various essential oils with high volatility. Today, mint is used in medicine, perfumery, cosmetology, winemaking, cooking, ornamental gardening, and the confectionery industry. In this article we will look at the most interesting varieties mint, and also tell you about the features of growing this plant in open ground.

People began growing crocuses 500 years before our era. Although the presence of these flowers in the garden is fleeting, we always look forward to the return of the harbingers of spring to next year. Crocuses are one of the earliest primroses, whose flowering begins as soon as the snow melts. However, flowering times may vary depending on the species and varieties. This article is dedicated to the earliest varieties of crocuses, which bloom in late March and early April.

Cabbage soup made from early young cabbage in beef broth is hearty, aromatic and easy to prepare. In this recipe you will learn how to cook delicious beef broth and cook light cabbage soup with this broth. Early cabbage It cooks quickly, so it is placed in the pan at the same time as other vegetables, unlike autumn cabbage, which takes a little longer to cook. Ready cabbage soup can be stored in the refrigerator for several days. Real cabbage soup turns out tastier than freshly prepared cabbage soup.

Blueberry – a rare and promising berry crop in the gardens. Blueberries are a source of biologically active substances and vitamins and have antiscorbutic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, and tonic properties. The berries contain vitamins C, E, A, flavonoids, anthocyanins, microelements - zinc, selenium, copper, manganese, as well as plant hormones - phytoestrogens. Blueberries taste like a mixture of grapes and blueberries.

Looking at the variety of tomato varieties, it’s hard not to get confused - the choice is very wide today. Even experienced gardeners are sometimes confused by it! However, understanding the basics of selecting varieties “for yourself” is not so difficult. The main thing is to delve into the peculiarities of the culture and start experimenting. One of the easiest groups of tomatoes to grow are varieties and hybrids with limited growth. They have always been valued by those gardeners who do not have much energy and time to care for their beds.

Once very popular under the name of indoor nettle, and then forgotten by everyone, coleus today is one of the brightest garden and indoor plants. It is not for nothing that they are considered stars of the first magnitude for those who are primarily looking for non-standard colors. Easy to grow, but not so undemanding as to suit everyone, coleus require constant supervision. But if you take care of them, bushes made of velvety unique leaves will easily outshine any competitor.

Salmon backbone baked in Provençal herbs provides tasty pieces of fish pulp for a light salad with fresh wild garlic leaves. The champignons are lightly fried in olive oil and then sprinkled with apple cider vinegar. These mushrooms are tastier than regular pickled ones, and they are better suited for baked fish. Wild garlic and fresh dill get along well in one salad, highlighting each other’s aroma. The garlicky pungency of wild garlic will permeate both the salmon flesh and mushroom pieces.

Conifer tree or shrubs on the site is always great, but a lot of conifers is even better. Emerald needles of various shades decorate the garden at any time of the year, and phytoncides and essential oils, released by plants, not only aromatize, but also make the air cleaner. As a rule, most zoned mature conifers are considered very unpretentious trees and shrubs. But young seedlings are much more capricious and require proper care and attention.

Sakura is most often associated with Japan and its culture. Picnics in the canopy flowering trees have long become an integral attribute of welcoming spring in the Land of the Rising Sun. The financial and academic year here begins on April 1, when the magnificent cherry blossoms bloom. Therefore, many significant moments in the life of the Japanese take place under the sign of their flowering. But sakura also grows well in cooler regions - certain species can be successfully grown even in Siberia.

I am very interested in analyzing how people's tastes and preferences for certain foods have changed over the centuries. What was once considered tasty and was an object of trade, lost its value over time and, conversely, new fruit crops conquered their markets. Quince has been cultivated for more than 4 thousand years! And even in the 1st century B.C. e. About 6 varieties of quince were known, and even then methods of its propagation and cultivation were described.

Delight your family and prepare themed cottage cheese cookies in the shape of Easter eggs! Your children will be happy to take part in the process - sift the flour, combine all the necessary ingredients, knead the dough and cut out intricate figures. Then they will watch with admiration as the pieces of dough turn into real ones. Easter eggs, and then with the same enthusiasm they will eat them with milk or tea. How to make such original cookies for Easter, read our step by step recipe!

Among tuberous crops, there are not so many decorative deciduous favorites. And caladium is a true star among the variegated inhabitants of interiors. Not everyone can decide to own a caladium. This plant is demanding, and first of all, it requires care. But still, rumors about the extraordinary capriciousness of caladiums are never justified. Attention and care can avoid any difficulties when growing caladiums. And the plant can almost always forgive small mistakes.

We have prepared a hearty, incredibly appetizing and simply easy-to-prepare dish for you today. This sauce is one hundred percent universal, as it goes with every side dish: vegetables, pasta, or anything. Chicken and mushroom gravy will save you in moments when you don’t have time or don’t want to think too much about what to cook. Take your favorite side dish (you can do this in advance so everything is hot), add some gravy and dinner is ready! A real lifesaver.

Dahlias are a very warm and light-loving plant; temperatures close to zero are already considered very dangerous for them. Dahlias begin to bloom from 40 to 90 days after planting, depending on the variety and compliance with the rules of agricultural technology.

Soil and place for growing dahlias

The main criteria when choosing a place to plant dahlias is a sunny, windless side. Low-lying or wetlands are not suitable.

The soil should be fertile with a high content of nutrients, loose. Already in the fall, the soil is dug up to a depth of 25-30 cm with the addition of manure (3-4 kg per 1 sq. m) and bird droppings (100-120 g per 1 sq. m). When dahlias are planted in the ground, add 1 handful of manure with humus to each hole. If it was not possible to fertilize the soil in the fall, then in the spring, when planting, you need to add 1 kg of a mixture of manure and soil to each hole and fill it with a mixture of complex fertilizer and soil.

Basic methods of growing dahlias and their propagation

Growing from seeds

In early April, dahlia seeds are sown in plastic containers with light soil (humus, compost soil and calcined sand or perlite in equal proportions) on a slightly compacted surface, sprinkled with a small layer of soil mixture and covered with glass or a transparent lid. Make notes on the containers about what variety it is. The seeds are germinated at a temperature of about 25°C. Seedlings are picked 10-12 days after the appearance of the first true pair of leaves. If they are picked in separate cups, then it is better to use loose soil with the addition of sand and peat as a substrate (this mixture can be bought or prepared independently in the fall and stored in a cool place, and brought into a warm place a week before the intended picking). The ground is disinfected 3 days before picking by watering with a hot (70°C) solution of potassium permanganate. Next, spray the soil with water as needed. Planted in open ground in May.

Growing from tubers

Planting with germination

Typically, tubers begin to be prepared for planting in open ground in April: they are cleared of dry roots, and the cut areas are sprinkled with charcoal. After which the tubers are planted in a container with peat, sawdust, sand or fertile soil, buried 1/3, and placed in a well-lit place with a temperature of 18-20°C. As soon as the buds appear (about 2 weeks), the tubers are cut into pieces so that each remains with a bud and a root collar. Allow to dry, sprinkle the cuts with crushed coal and distribute them into growing boxes. Water lightly and ventilate on particularly hot days. Transplanted into the ground to a depth of 6-8 cm along with a lump of earth. Water each bush generously (4-5 liters of water) and spud.

Planting without germination

The soil temperature must be at least 10°C. Before planting, the tubers are kept for half an hour in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, planted in prepared holes measuring 30x30x30 cm (spade bayonet) at a distance of 20 cm for dwarf varieties, 60-70 cm for short and medium-growing varieties, 80-90 cm from each other for tall varieties. friend. If dahlias are planted at a time when frosts are possible, then the plants should be covered (cardboard, paper or plastic bags.

Used for cuttings side shoots, when the dahlias grow up and their length is 10 cm. They are planted in a shaded place and watered abundantly. Sprouted cuttings are transplanted to a permanent place at a distance of 40-50 cm around March, but despite early boarding They may begin flowering quite late. During this time, good tubers have time to form, which are planted in the next summer season. Then, 7 days after planting, the weakened shoots are removed. Tall and medium-sized plants are left with 2-3 stems. It is better to tie the shoots to the support immediately, and tie them as they grow.

In low-growing dahlia species, the side shoots are not removed (border, cactus and single planted).

If propagate dahlias from stem cuttings, then the cut is made under the leaf node, which is then removed. Length stem cutting 15 cm. Planted in a box and provided with high air humidity for 2-3 weeks for better rooting.

Regular weeding will get rid of weeds, which are dangerous for dahlias. Watering is needed infrequently, but plentifully, especially on dry days. Let us remind you that you cannot plant plants in lowlands, as water will stagnate. For border varieties of dahlias, watering and fertilizing are not necessary at all (the fertilizing that was applied during planting is sufficient). Mulching the soil will help maintain moisture and prevent waterlogging. For tall species, it is better to mulch with deoxidized sphagnum peat (to obtain nice dahlias for cutting and well-developed tubers).

Hilling also perfectly retains moisture in the soil: you water in the evening, hill up in the morning, in the evening you rake a little soil from the plant, water, and hill up again in the morning. Hilling promotes good ripening of tubers.

During the growing season, fertilizing with mineral and organic fertilizers is required, alternating them every 2 weeks (infusion of mullein 1:10 and bird droppings 1:20 - 2 liters of infusion diluted in 1 bucket of water and 1.5 liters applied under the bush). During the flowering period, feed with superphosphate with potassium fertilizer (30 g per 1 bucket of water for 8 plants) every 2 weeks. There is a lot of potassium and other trace elements in the ash.

The formation of bushes is required when the leaves begin to grow together (the bottom row needs to be torn off) and to ventilate the root part of the plant. Remove faded buds to avoid inhibiting the development of new ones. In dry weather, plants should be sprayed systemic insecticides to protect plants from thrips and other pests.

Reasons for late flowering of dahlias:

  • You need to pinch the plants when 4-5 pairs of leaves have appeared - this is important! Next, the plant will devote all its strength and energy to the development of only one flower (to obtain seeds);
  • There is no need to pinch and shape dahlias of border varieties;
  • oversaturation of the soil with nitrogen (in this case, foliage develops, not flowers).

  • observe crop rotation, return dahlias to their original place after 3 years;
  • you cannot plant dahlias where asters grew, since asters are susceptible to fungal diseases;
  • if the soil lacks nitrogen, then add ammonium nitrate 15 g per 1 sq.m;
  • if you grow tall and medium-sized types of dahlias, then dig pegs on the north side near each bush (peg length 120-140 cm) to tie the grown sprouts to them - this will be a support in case of wind and rain. If the sprout is broken, you can take a twig, tie it to the sprout using it as a tire and prop it up;
  • some types of dahlias begin to bloom in early June, when there are still slight frosts, so it would be advisable to cover the plants overnight with a cap made of spunbond (synthetic non-woven material) or, in extreme cases, with a bucket;
  • if the flower is weakened, then you can improve it by sprinkling ash on it;
  • Marigolds are an excellent pest repellent; they are planted between rows.

In early September, frosts in the middle zone can reach 6°C below zero; at this temperature the plant will die, including the stem, although it can withstand temperatures up to 2°C below zero.

If frosts in the fall damage the plants (cover them with spunbond at night, heat them with fires, stoves, etc., you can create a smoke screen when there is no wind), then prune them, this will extend the flowering time of the dahlias.

Regular watering and rain can erode the soil around the plants, so to prevent frost from catching the plants “naked,” you need to hill them up.

Dig up the plant within 2-3 days, if it was well caught by frost, to give it the opportunity to overwinter (after the first frost, warm weather usually sets in, so the buds can awaken and begin to grow again, which will weaken the entire plant).

Sprinkling – effective measure protection from frost. It increases air humidity and reduces heat transfer to the soil and plant, but at the same time transfers heat to the surface layer of air. The settling water on the plant gently covers it with a crust, which saves it from frost.

Diseases and pests

The most dangerous diseases dahlia are fungal, viral and bacterial (black leg, various types of rot, powdery mildew and others).

Blackleg– dangerous for young animals, manifested by blackening and thinning of the stem. For prevention: disinfect the soil before planting. To combat: water the soil under the plant with a 1% solution of potassium permanganate.

Yellowing and wilting are a sign of bacterial disease. Many gardeners immediately remove the affected plant from the area, disinfect the soil with bleach and dig it up. Dry rot can affect the plant even during storage; if you find a slight lesion, cut the tubers to a healthy state, and sprinkle the cut with charcoal and sulfur.

Powdery mildew determined by cobwebs. For prevention: spraying dahlias in a 1% solution of colloidal sulfur.

For control: spraying plants with a solution (2 g copper sulfate, 20 g of laundry soap per 1 liter of water), repeat spraying after 7 days.

Leaf spots and wrinkling talking about viral disease. The plants are removed, the used tools and soil are disinfected, and after 2-3 days the soil is dug up.

Growths on plants indicate a bacterial disease– rotting of tubers, with damage to the surrounding soil. The plants are destroyed, and they try not to plant anything on the soil for 5 years.

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​There are perennial cacti, they have large rhizomes (or potatoes).

Crossbreeders and self-pollinators


Eschscholzia and Argemonta are the poppy family.

Guess the moment

​calendula​ ​We figured out how to collect seeds correctly. Now an equally important question is how to preserve them.​ ​This must be done when the fruits located in the lower part of the peduncle begin to crack. We cut off the upper part of the peduncle, on which the green fruits are located, and throw it away. For the rest of the shoot we put on a narrow paper bag, for example, the kind used to pack a baguette. We tie a rope at the bottom of the bag and cut off the peduncle below the bag. Turn the bag over and the seeds fall out of the boxes. Since the seeds spill out gradually, we hang the bag in a dry, warm room and wait.​ The indicator for collecting seeds of this crop is waxy ripeness. Then you need to ripen them. Such precautions are necessary so that the boxes do not open and the seeds do not spill out ahead of time.​To stimulate the appearance of new buds, faded inflorescences need to be trimmed. Flowering usually continues until late autumn. If the first frosts appear early in your region, we recommend covering the plants with agrofibre or other non-woven material.​ Next stage- separating seeds from a heap and cleaning them. To do this, use various sieves - a flour sieve or colander are suitable. First, use a sieve with larger holes to separate out any larger debris. Then sift out the dust through a fine sieve. When you are left with a fraction of debris comparable to the seeds, they can be separated in several ways.​​,​ ​Collect seeds from your garden - what could be easier? However, such a thought does not even occur to most people. We hope these tips will help you get your own “harvest”.​​And there are cactus annuals. I sowed them and they really grew double with curling petals. And I tried to preserve the roots of annual dahlias, “the game is not worth the candle,” they take up a lot of space and are stored much worse than perennial ones. It’s better to buy seeds again and sow them, especially since they are always on sale. And there are so many varieties!! ! I also liked Dandy. And if you buy several varieties and collect the seeds, then next year you will get something that you cannot buy in the store. They cross-pollinate and get something new. Lobularia - cabbage family; ​4 - 5 years:​ ​marigolds,​ ​Even if it seems to you that the seeds are completely dry, you still shouldn’t take the risk; they need to be dried.​ ​There are other ways to collect the seeds of these crops. You can cut off the entire peduncle when at least a few of the lower bolls turn brown, lay it out in a dry place and wait until some of the upper bolls ripen. Or you can collect seeds gradually, picking only ripe boxes. ​But balsam fruits cannot be cut in advance, since ripening will not have an effect - the boxes will not open, and the seeds inside will rot. Impatiens must be cut at the moment of ripening. How to determine this? Rub the fruit flaps in your hands; if they open, it means you can already collect the seeds, since they are ripe. You should collect balsam seeds very carefully and carefully, as the fruits can crack right in your hands.​​It often happens that you like the variety you try for the first time and you want to decorate your lawn with it next year. You just need to learn how to collect the seeds of annual dahlias and use them in the spring. To do this, let the flower dry on the bush. Carefully pick off the inflorescence, remove the dry petals, and place the seeds on a sheet of paper to dry. Seeds should be stored in a paper bag in a dry place. Sign the package so as not to make a mistake with the variety.​

Winnowing in the wind

Collecting seeds: when and how


Where to store

It is not possible to collect seeds from any plant. A significant part in an assortment of decorative and vegetable crops occupied by F1 hybrids. Some of them are sterile, that is, they do not produce seeds at all. For others, the seeds set well, but the plants grown from them can differ greatly from the original ones, and not in the same way. better side. If you do not strive for ideality, take a risk - sometimes you get a very interesting result, especially since when collecting seeds you don’t always know whether it is a hybrid or a variety. Of course, a trial batch of seeds should not be sown in the most visible flower bed.​

After collection

​By the way, perennial flower much larger.​

​Amaranth and cellosia are from the amaranth family.​



​We place all the seeds, capsules, heads, pods and inflorescences in separate boxes or other containers, placing paper, canvas or mesh so that the fruits can dry on all sides and not rot or mold anywhere from the accumulation of moisture.​

​Selectively pick off dried fruits that contain brown or black seeds. Alternatively, you can cut the entire plant when most of the seeds have reached maturity.​

​They begin to collect them when their bean fruits turn yellow and begin to dry out. We collect selectively and in several stages. Please note that the ripe fruits of these crops crack.

​You can take seeds from the variety “Merry Guys” from faded inflorescences.​

​On a windy, dry day, spread a piece of cloth or thick paper outside and, lifting the container with the seeds about a meter from the ground, slowly pour the seeds onto the cloth. Heavier seeds fall down, and light debris is carried away by the wind. You can do this at home using a hairdryer.​

According to the method of pollination, all plants are divided into cross-pollinators and self-pollinators. The latter (among ornamental plants these are annual asters, sweet peas, gillyflower and some others) each flower pollinates itself, therefore almost all plants obtained from such seeds will be similar to the original ones. In cross-plants (ageratum, snapdragon, helichrysum, marigolds, cloves, calendula, nasturtium), different specimens cross-pollinate with each other. If they grow close to each other different varieties cross-pollinating crops, then the plants obtained from their seeds may be either similar to one of the parents or significantly different from them. By sowing such seeds, you can get not only a beautiful mixture, but also specimens with unusual characteristics that can become the ancestors of a new variety. If you want pure seeds, you will only have to plant one variety of cross-pollinated plant.​

It will definitely bloom in the summer, it is an annual. If you want to get seeds, sow them for seedlings in April, and after the end of the night spring-summer frosts, plant them in open ground. I have a front garden next to my house; at night (if frost is expected) I cover the flowers. If you don’t need the seeds, sow them in the ground; I think I sowed them in early May. Don't be afraid, they will bloom. Choose a sunny place, the bushes will not stretch.​

Annual dahlias

​Don't take it specified deadlines safety of seed germination, as an axiom, since much depends on other factors: what weather the seeds were collected, what the weather was like that year, how the seeds were dried and how they were stored.​

Varieties of annual dahlias


Planting and caring for annual dahlias

​Asters and the entire aster family.​

​We sign all the material so as not to get confused later.​

​Selectively collect dried and browned boxes and pour out the seeds from them.​

​We start collecting when the bottom boxes begin to crack, and we do it in several stages. But you can also pick the fruits at the stage of waxy ripeness, and then ripen them in a dry, ventilated area.​

​Dahlias have tubers.​ ​Beating seeds on a plate​


How to collect dahlia seeds?


​Even if you collect seeds of varietal plants, that is, not F1 hybrids, you should choose only the best specimens for propagation: with beautiful color and shape of flowers or inflorescences, optimal sizes, blooming profusely. Attach labels to them or tie them with pieces of twine, and when the plants finish flowering, it will be easy to know where to collect seeds.​

Polina Vysotskaya

​Annual dahlias look very good if you plant several varieties together, in tiers - from low-growing ones (about 20-30 cm in height) to high ones (more than a meter). Always bright, always blooming, pleasing to the eye. As far as I remember, annual cacti are about a meter tall.​

​Only from fully ripe and healthy fruits. If we notice cracks or signs of disease somewhere, we immediately discard such fruit.​
Schizanthus - nightshade family.
​3 - 4 years:​


​We place the boxes in a warm, dry place with good ventilation.​


​We cut off the entire flowering shoot when the lower flowers turn brown, without waiting for the entire inflorescence to turn brown. If you wait, the seeds will fall off. We lay out the cut flower stalks in a dry place for ripening.

​The most difficult thing is not to wait for the moment X. It is better to collect the seeds in the morning so that the air is not as dry as during the day, in which case the valves will not crack. We pick off the fruits at the ripe stage and wrap them in paper or a linen bag, where the seeds can spill out. We collect seed pods selectively as they ripen.​

if the fruits scatter seeds

​Country house - Dahlias​

​Pour a little heap of seeds into a large flat plate, tilt it slightly and shake with quick short movements. In this case, the seeds are poured into the lower part of the plate, and the garbage rises to the top.​
​sweet pea

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​In crops with ripening or well-ripening seeds (gypsophila, lobularia, lobelia, nigella, snapdragon, phlox drummonda, iberis, cornflower, godetia, clarkia, toadflax, nemesia, schizanthus, carnation, forget-me-not), as a rule, the entire plant is cut off entirely at the moment when most of the seeds are ripe and the capsules or pods begin to open. In other species -

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​I repeat once again, the annual dahlia blooms in the first year. And don’t worry, don’t store annual tubers. Then it’s better to buy perennial ones.

How to collect balsam seeds

​Cut the fruit in half and remove the inner pulp (core) with seeds into a container ( a plastic cup or cut plastic bottle), where fermentation will take place. The temperature in the room where the fermentation container is placed should be above +25 °C. After about a day or two, we wash the seeds. To do this, fill the glass with water, stir the contents so as to remove any remaining fruit pulp. When only clean seeds remain at the bottom and the water in the glass is clear, stop washing, drain the water and pour the seeds onto newspaper or paper. We dry the seeds for 3 - 4 days, maintaining a temperature of +28 - +30 ° C. Mix the seeds once or twice a day. After complete drying, pour into paper envelope and store in a dry place.​

Lupine and sweet pea seeds

​More than 5 years:​

How to collect Phlox Drummond seeds


How to collect seeds of viola, cleome, eschscholzia

From time to time we mix the seeds and make sure that mold does not appear anywhere.

if the seeds develop in an inflorescence, a basket

Seeds of asters, gatsania, arctotis, rodanthe, helichrysum

​We cut off the entire inflorescence when most of the boxes (pods) dry out and take on a brown color.​

​They need to be collected when the baskets lighten, then they should completely close or fluff will appear in the center of the inflorescence.​

How to collect marigold and clove seeds

​Dahlia is a perennial tuberous plant with amazing beautiful flowers, attracting attention with a variety of shapes and bright, cheerful colors.​

How to collect dahlia seeds

​Rolling out round seeds on a plate or sheet of thick paper​

How to collect zinnia seeds

​and others - seeds are collected selectively, in several stages, as they ripen.​

Calendula, string and cosmos seeds


​Perennial: they reproduce by dividing the corms.... Yes, and Merry Guys can be used as perennials if the root ripens
​Cucumber fruits left for seeds, the so-called “yellows,” should acquire a slightly brownish tint in the beds and be covered with small cracks/scratches. Then you can pick them and get the seeds. Cut the cucumber and take the seeds into a container. Then we rinse them thoroughly to get rid of the adhering cucumber pulp as much as possible.

Sunflower seeds


if the fruits ripen unevenly

How to collect seeds of foxglove, delphinium, mallow, snapdragon, mullein and clarkia


​When the seeds are completely dry, thresh them, removing excess debris. In some cases, you can use a sieve.​

How to collect lavatera seeds

​We cut off the whole plant when the first lower bolls turn black. Then we lay it out for ripening for at least 1 month.​

How to collect seeds of petunia, purslane, sweet tobacco, morning glory

​If a rainy, rainy autumn is expected, then you can collect the baskets in advance, without waiting for the fluff to appear, but only after the flower has withered. Then the boxes should be left to ripen. If asters and gatsanias did not have time to form seeds, this happens with late-flowering species, then they can be transferred to a warm place (greenhouse, veranda or other cool room) by completely digging them up and replanting them in a pot.

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Seeds are sprinkled in small portions on one side of the leaf, the leaf is tilted so that the heap is at the top, and shaken slightly. Round seeds are poured into a box placed below, and the debris remains on the paper.​

How to collect ankhusa seeds

​Baskets of asters, helichrysums, and acroclinums are collected when all the petals dry out and fluff appears in the center of the inflorescence. Marigold baskets are harvested a little earlier, when the petals have already faded and the filmy cup-like wrapper at the base of the inflorescence has not yet dried. It is better to collect the seeds of annual dahlias when the fruits are dry, but this can be done earlier, since the seeds of this crop can ripen. Green, not dried nut seeds are also collected from nasturtium, but only those that have reached large sizes and crumble easily when touched. Such seeds also need to be ripened for 2-3 weeks at room temperature (20-25°C). But the seeds of cosmos and calendula almost never ripen, so they need to be collected when ripe and almost completely dry.​

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if the fruits ripen evenly

​Well, she’s undersized to a meter, maybe she wasn’t fed well.​

if the fruits do not crack

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Place the washed seeds on paper to dry. Let it dry for a week or two, as needed. Then we hide it in a dark place in a paper bag for storage.​

if the seeds fall at the same time

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​Gypsophila - the entire carnation family;​

How to collect nasturtium seeds

​Important! Containers with fruits of plants that scatter seeds over long distances (Drummond phlox, pansies, eschscholzia, sweet peas) should be covered with gauze or linen.​

​Selective cutting is carried out on scutes that have turned brown or turned yellow and have faded, faded funnel cups.​

rules for storing seeds

​To collect the seeds of this crop, the filmy wrapper-cup must turn yellow and dry, and the petals must dry completely. If the weather is rainy, it is better not to wait for the seeds to ripen, as they are more likely to rot than to ripen. In this case, we remove the inflorescences after the petals begin to wilt and leave them to ripen.

​Pick now faded and dried flowers... they will lie in a dry place, ripen, then just peel the flowers and there will be seeds there

Drying rules:

  • ​Dahlias are beautiful garden flowers that amaze with their variety of colors and the splendor of their buds. There is hardly a person indifferent to their splendor and grace. However, many gardeners do not like to tinker with perennial varieties that require special care in the fall in preparation for wintering. But there is a way out - growing annual dahlias. Caring for them is much easier, and besides, the flower pattern in the lawn can be updated annually at your discretion. True, it’s still worth getting acquainted with the peculiarities of growing and caring for annual dahlias.​
  • ​It is advisable to do this on a clear, dry day. If the fruits of the plant do not crack and the seeds do not scatter, as, for example, in most Asteraceae, harvesting is carried out in the afternoon, when the dew has completely dried. If the fruits can crack (viola, balsam, eschscholzia, cleome, etc.), it is better to collect them in the morning, before the boxes or pods dry out and the seeds scatter.
  • ​aster
  • ​And I dig up the annuals, store them in a cool place and plant them together with the big ones - and that’s fine - big and beautiful.​
  • ​In order not to lose the onion bulbs, the arrow with the seeds should be wrapped in gauze, like in a bag. Then the ripened seeds will fall directly into the gauze. All that remains is to collect them, then dry them and store them in a ventilated area. You can also pick the arrow with the seeds during the period when there are at least a few fully ripened seeds and ripen them in a warm, dry place on the canvas.​

​China - legume family;​

Storage rules:


  1. Place the peeled seeds in paper bags, envelopes or linen bags. We sign each one, not forgetting to indicate not only the variety and crop, but also the year the seeds were collected.​

​You can collect the seeds of gypsophila, vaccaria, and xeranthemum like this: tie the shoots and fruits into a bunch, tying them with a cord. Then we cut the stem below the dressing. The cut stems must be hung with the cuts facing up and paper or canvas placed under them so that the seeds can fall on it. The optimal time for collecting dahlia seeds is when the fruits dry out and the scales begin to disperse in different directions. But it is also not necessary to wait for the seeds to fully ripen. For example, if there is frost on the nose, then you can pick the inflorescences green.​

​How to properly collect and store plant seeds​

Preservation of flower seed germination:

​Bright colors are popular dwarf variety annual dahlias “Jolly Fellows” with various colors of tubular flowers up to 10 cm in diameter. The cheerful colors of the low-growing variety “Piccolo” (up to 45 cm) often decorate lawns, pots and small flower beds. Among the annual low-growing dahlias, the variety “Dandy” is also of interest, the stems of which are decorated with unusual semi-double collar flowers. There are also varieties “Lark”, “Unvis Dwarf”, “Mary” and others. But generally, annual dahlias are characterized by a height of up to 60 cm and flowering from July until the first frost.​

  • ​It is best to collect seeds in paper bags or fabric bags. If there are few seeds, they can be left in the same bags, arranged more freely in boxes and taken to a warm place. dry room. On each bag you must write the name of the crop, variety and date of collection. If there are a lot of seeds or you have cut the plants completely, they can be scattered into boxes in a thin layer or placed on sheets of paper laid somewhere in a barn, attic or other warm and dry room. Each sample is supplied with a label indicating the crop, variety and date of collection. Be sure to cover any cracking boxes and pods with paper to prevent the seeds from scattering.​
  • ​the tuber in the fall is like ordinary dahlias, I think it can be saved until spring and planted on the trail. year.​
  • ​It’s very simple - we collect yellowed or browned pods with seeds. Then we open/exfoliate them over a container where the radish seeds themselves pour out.​


  • ​snapdragon,​
  • ​Seeds must be stored at a temperature of 0 - +10 °C, relative humidity 60%.​
  • ​Since the fruits do not tend to crack, it is necessary to wait until the fruits are fully ripened. Then we cut the whole plant or tear it out with roots, hang it tied up in a dry place to dry.​
  • ​The signal for collecting seeds is the inflorescences-baskets that have turned brown and have begun to dry out.​
  • ​Problems with collecting seeds occur not only for beginners, but also for experienced gardeners and gardeners. For example, if a crop is being grown for the first year or seeds have never been collected from similar plants, then even an experienced amateur gardener may wonder how to properly collect flower seeds in certain cases. Today in this article we will talk about ways to collect seeds from different types fruits and plants.​
  • As a rule, these plants are planted in open ground through seedlings. This will allow you to enjoy the first flowering at the end of June - beginning of July. Growing annual dahlias from seeds, by the way, is not such a labor-intensive task.
  • ​Drying​
  • ​marigolds​
  • I have 4 cactus dahlias - Apache, Cha-cha (although it looks more like a decorative one, but is called cactus), Yellow Star and Tsukki-yori, but I bought them not with seeds, but with rhizomes. Prosperously form new tubers
  • ​No more difficult than dill seeds. Ripe - blackened or browned carrot seeds on an umbrella, shake off or tear into a seed container and dry.​

Sage is a family of Lamiaceae.

  • ​nemesia - the entire family of noricaceae;​
  • ​Important!​
  • The fruits of these crops open very slowly, and not at the same time. If you wait for them to fully ripen, you may not get seeds at all, since with the onset of autumn they will begin to become moldy. We cut the fruits in advance, dry them and ripen them in a warm place.​

​The seeds of these plants must be collected in the phase of almost full maturity in several stages. By this time, the seeds should dry out and take on a yellow-brown and black color.​

  • ​Probably one of the most controversial cases is when fruits scatter seeds over long distances. So you don’t know whether to pick the fruits in advance and ripen them, or whether you still need to wait for full ripening and seize the moment in order to collect the seeds before they are scattered tens of meters around. There are little tricks that allow you to save seeds from such plants as much as possible.​
  • ​In a seedling container (box, basin, wide pot), plant seeds are placed on moist soil, covered with a small layer of sand, and lightly trampled. Seeds are planted at the end of April. The container is placed in a room with a temperature of 23-25 ​​degrees. A few weeks later, when shoots appear, the seedlings dive into separate cups or pots. Seedlings are planted in open ground in May, when the danger of frost has passed. You can sow seeds in open ground in mid-May.
  • Seeds should be dried at a temperature of 20 to 30-35 ° C, periodically turning the plants over, mixing the heap (fruits with seeds) or shaking the bags. Finish drying when the mass seems dry, and the leaves, boxes, twigs break easily when bent.
  • ​Cactus is about the shape of the petals in a flower​

​When the entire inflorescence turns brown, the seeds are fully ripe. You can pick the entire inflorescence entirely. We put them in a container where they can dry completely within 1 - 1.5 months. Then we grind them on a sieve and winnow them in the wind to remove any remaining inflorescences and debris. We still dry the peeled phacelia seeds.

  • ​More than 6 years:​
  • ​mallow,​
  • ​You cannot store seeds in areas with high humidity: in the kitchen or bathroom. Also, do not use plastic bags or plastic containers.​
  • ​There is another way: place a large, wide container (for example, a plastic bowl) under a plant with partially ripened seeds, shake the plant, the seeds should pour out directly into the placed container.​
  • ​You should not collect the seeds of these crops in advance, as their seeds are not ripened.​

​The trick is to disable the catapult mechanism that shoots the seeds from the capsule or pod.​

collecting seeds from common vegetable crops

How to collect tomato seeds

​Planting of annual dahlias is carried out in a well-lit area, since the plant is quite light-loving. In a shady place, the flower stretches out and does not develop buds well. As for the soil, the dahlia is unpretentious, but grows better in loose and neutral soils. It is advisable that during digging, organic or mineral fertilizers. The seeds are simply scattered, and then sprinkled on top with a small layer of soil and trampled down a little. It is better to plant young plants at a distance from each other, because further plants grow well.​


How to collect cucumber seeds


​Last year I sowed the seeds in the ground at the beginning of May. The buds began to grow but did not have time to bloom. It was not possible to save the roots. This year I sowed it for seedlings. already present leaves have appeared. If they don’t bloom anyway, I won’t grow any more seeds.

How to collect onion seeds

​When collecting seeds, one of the most critical moments is drying. If moisture remains in the seeds, it can cause the seeds to rot or become moldy. Even if this does not happen, there is a high probability of seeds germinating at the most inopportune moment, as soon as the air temperature rises.​

How to collect radish seeds

​balsam family;​

How to collect carrot seeds


How to collect phacelia seeds

​To further protect the seeds from moisture, you can store them in glass containers with screw cap. As a last resort, you can add a drying agent (silica gel) to the jar, just like in shoe boxes.​

Ripe nasturtium fruits fall to the ground and can be collected without hindrance directly from there. You should not pick fruits from the plant, at least those that do not adhere well to the stalk.​

So follow the technology to preserve planting material as much as possible for many years.

​The peculiarity is that calendula’s most beautiful and double bright flowers come from strongly curved thin seeds.​

Who grew dahlia cactus? Is it really annual?

Marina Crow

​In the future, caring for annual dahlias mainly comes down to timely watering, especially during the period of active growth. However, it is necessary to water, although in a timely manner, but not abundantly. Overmoistening of the soil often leads to the death of young plants. Therefore, aim to water your dahlia lawn once a week. In August, dahlias no longer need additional moisture.
​If the seeds spill out of the boxes easily, turn the branches over so that the holes are at the bottom and shake them over the paper - some of the seeds will spill out. In most cases, you have to grind the heap with your hands or, after pouring it into a bag, trample it or beat it with a mallet. Especially strong boxes are crushed with a rolling pin, glass bottle, kettlebell or other heavy object.​

​if you want it to bloom this year, plant it quickly, by May there should be a bush of at least 20 cm, then it will bloom

​from here​




​Rosa-rose - malvaceae family;​
​1 - 2 years:​

Elena the Wise

If frost is approaching, then you can pick unripe fruits, and then lay them out for ripening within 1 - 1.5 months. A signal that the seeds are ripe - they should turn brown.​

Tatyana Savchenko SIBERIA

​How to collect them with minimal losses, because birds love to peck them. To do this, the sunflower inflorescence must be wrapped in a linen bag, so there will be no access for birds, and the seeds will fall directly into the bag.​


​We cut off the sharp tip of the fruit, this does not allow the valves to curl, they open and at the same time bend down. In this position, they are no longer able to scatter seeds. But it's important to remember that this method Suitable only for working with unripe fruits. If the fruits are already ripe, but still closed, then we cut them off along with the stem (as long as possible).

How to grow wisteria from seeds Preparing seeds for sowing carrots Sowing cauliflower seeds for seedlings