How to brew green tea correctly? How to properly prepare and consume green tea. The benefits and harms of a green drink

Do you prefer green tea, knowing about its almost miraculous properties? And you are doing the right thing. But tea in bags, brewed with boiling water, has nothing to do with the real drink. How to brew green tea Right? Let's talk about this.

Secrets of tea art

Why art - but because brewing green tea according to all the rules is not an easy task, you need to know so many nuances in order to get a truly invigorating, healing drink with excellent taste.

What kind of water should we use for brewing?

How to brew green tea correctly - ideally, you should use special water: spring water containing a minimum of salts. But we are realists - where can most consumers get such water in urban conditions?

Therefore, we take filtered water, or, as a last resort, from the water supply, but it needs to be given time to settle. Bottled water will also work.

How to brew green tea correctly - fill the tea leaves with water at the desired temperature. And it ranges from 70 to 90 degrees. Why can't you use boiling water? It will kill everything beneficial that is contained in the tea leaf.

Well, how to measure the desired temperature? You know that water boils at 100 degrees, right? So - we don’t bring it to this point, we catch the right moment, it’s called “state white key" When bubbles rise up from the bottom of the kettle and a slight cloudiness of the water is observed, this is exactly what it is.

We remove the kettle and let the water cool a little - up to 80-85 degrees. Water that has not yet boiled will not be able to brew the drink, and water that has been boiled for a long time will kill all the benefits of the tea bouquet.

What vessel is best to brew in?

High-quality porcelain, special grades of clay - here best materials, if you are wondering how to brew green tea correctly.

Breathable clay of a special type - perfect option, but we don’t live in China, we’ll be content with local realities. And we choose expensive, high-quality porcelain. Compared to earthenware and glass, it is softer and warms up better.

How to brew green tea correctly - be sure to warm up the kettle before brewing tea in it. To do this, rinse the container 3-4 times. hot water.

Brewing technology

We have the kettle ready, the water has reached the desired temperature, it’s time to begin the brewing procedure itself.

How long to brew green tea? Follow manufacturers' recommendations. But it’s good to know the basic rules:

  1. Pour the tea leaves into the prepared teapot with a dry spoon.
  2. Fill the tea leaves with water to the desired degree of heating and immediately drain the water.
  3. For no more than 3 minutes, keep the tea leaves in the teapot, covered with a lid and wrapped in a napkin. Keeping it for too long can cause the tea to become bitter.
  4. Fill the kettle one-third full of water and let it sit for up to 3 minutes, after which we add hot liquid to the top of the container.
  5. Before serving, rinse the cups with hot water - this way they will maintain the optimal temperature of the drink.

What else should you know about how to brew green tea correctly - already 15-20 minutes after preparation, the healing drink begins to lose its qualities and even becomes harmful to our body.

How many times can you brew a drink? It depends on its variety. Average optimal quantity repeated brewing: from 3 to 5.

How to drink green tea correctly?

It is quite acceptable to add a little sugar to the cup so that the tea bouquet opens better. In general, it is recommended to drink it with honey and various dried fruits. One of the most popular is Chinese green tea (the country produces elite varieties of the drink).

They drink tea slowly, in small sips, enjoying the aroma and bouquet tea drink. And although there are many varieties of green tea - with jasmine, in balls - it is better to drink it in its pure form before meals - about an hour and a half or after lunch - 2 hours later.

How to brew green tea correctly - watch this video:

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Chinese green tea can be brewed several times, from 3 to 7 depending on the type of tea. This is its main difference from black tea. It is necessary to brew green tea in slightly warmed water, because cold tea will reduce the temperature of the water by a couple of tens of degrees. The first brew will be spoiled, the tea will not taste good. Besides, essential oils will not be able to separate from the leaf at this temperature.

Green tea should not be brewed with boiling water, because all the beneficial components will be destroyed. This will certainly affect the taste and aroma in a negative way. The temperature of the brewing water should be between 60-80 degrees. Only some varieties are brewed with hotter water, and this is usually stated on the packaging.

If you still boil water out of caution, do not bring it to 100 degrees. As soon as bubbles appear at the bottom of the container, turn off the water, then cool to the desired temperature. If you allow the temperature to reach 100 degrees, all the oxygen will leave the water. This will affect taste qualities drink

How to infuse Chinese green tea correctly?

The first water is drained; it is needed only to rinse the tea. Immediately after this, you need to refill the water. When pouring water for brewing, be sure to keep an eye on the time. Brewing too long will not do any good. Too much tannin will be extracted from the leaves and the drink will be unpleasantly bitter. If you are satisfied with such taste and strength, keep in mind: the tea leaves are not suitable for reuse.

The brewing time for each variety is different, it is also indicated on the packaging. There is no need to focus on color; each type of green tea has its own color. For one, transparency is normal, the other will have a deep amber color.

Try to consume brewed green tea before it cools, because cooled tea loses many beneficial features. Essential oils evaporate and antioxidants are destroyed. So don’t brew a whole pot of tea several times, count on your strength.

The characteristics of the container itself for brewing green tea are very important. The most the best option is a clay teapot, it will retain heat and allow the leaves to “breathe”. You can also use glass or porcelain, but the conditions they create are not as good. Avoid metal or

Do you know how to brew green tea correctly? How much to brew and what is better, how to drink green tea correctly? Read our material and enjoy.

The most popular drink in the East is green tea. And for good reason. It has many beneficial properties, perfectly refreshes and invigorates. What you need in hot and cold weather - this drink is appropriate at any time of the year. Provided that you brew it and drink it correctly. It’s not for nothing that the Chinese invented the tea ceremony. Real, good requires thoughtfulness and creative approach, only then will he reveal all the facets of his subtle taste. And you need to start getting acquainted with the drink with how to brew green tea - this is its whole secret. By the way, few people know how to brew it correctly, which is why they do not appreciate this drink. But there are a lot of subtleties - how much to brew, how much to take, what kind of dishes to use...

How to brew Chinese green tea correctly?

First you need to choose a vessel for brewing. If we talk about Chinese tea, there are only two options: a ceramic or porcelain teapot. And since tea is green, it is better to choose porcelain dishes. By the way, dishes affect the taste and aroma of the drink, and porcelain is the best in this regard. It is desirable that not only the teapot be porcelain, but also the drinking bowls. It is bowls - in Asia I use such dishes for a reason.

Today, other utensils are used for brewing - gaiwan, chahai, tipod. Separate category- Yixing teapots, they also require a couple of lines of description. We will talk about the dishes a little lower, but for now we will go through other key aspects. Second, important point- water. If we talk about how to properly brew Chinese green tea, then water plays important role. It must be soft and of high quality. However, this is true for any tea.

The water should be boiled, but It is strictly not recommended to brew this drink with boiling water.. Optimal temperature for brewing - 80-90 degrees. If you don’t have a thermometer, you can determine the temperature by holding your hand over the open kettle - if the steam doesn’t burn, then you can brew. On average, boiling water cools down to 80 degrees in 2 minutes (we do not recommend testing earlier, you can get burned).

How much tea leaves should I take? Depending on the variety, the proportions are different, but on average, 1 teaspoon per 250 ml of water is recommended. You shouldn’t take more, the drink will be too strong, too tart, and you won’t feel all the subtleties of its taste.

And, of course, the most important thing is which tea to choose. There are many varieties of good green tea, so choosing is easy. Some people like “Yellow Needles” with its soft taste of freshly cut grass, while others prefer green tea with fruits, spices or flower petals. It doesn’t matter which variety you choose, the important thing is that it is real - large-leaf, high-quality.

How long to brew green tea?

Another subtlety that not everyone observes is how long to brew green tea. If too little, the drink will turn out tasteless, and if you overdo the brewing, the drink will be tart and sour. However, many people know what it will be like, since restaurants and cafes are guilty of over-exposure to tea.

How long to brew green tea? From 1 to 2 minutes, no more. Therefore, if you decide to brew a drink and drink it later, 10-15 minutes later, this is a completely wrong decision.

How many times can you brew loose leaf green tea? On average, three brewings are allowed, after which the brew should be changed.
So, how to brew loose leaf tea correctly - it’s time to delve into the intricacies of this process. There are two methods - infusion and pouring. Infusion is a familiar ritual. The kettle is first rinsed with hot water, then the tea leaves are poured into it. Then they pour water into the kettle. And here - attention: this water must be carefully drained, leaving for literally 5-7 seconds. This is how they do it in China. For what? To wash off the dust from the tea leaves and let it open. Is not mandatory process, but if we follow Eastern traditions, then completely. After this procedure, you can brew for real, infusing the drink for no more than two minutes.

And now - a more interesting brewing method. For this, it is best to use Tipod (we mentioned it). It is a two-level kettle, in which the levels are separated by a mesh and a damper that opens at the press of a button. The tea leaves are poured onto the mesh and filled with water. After this, you need to open the damper - the infusion will flow into the lower compartment. We remember that the first time the tea is poured for just a few seconds, and the resulting infusion, according to the rules, is better to pour out. The second time, the brew is infused for 5-10 seconds longer, after which the infusion is poured into the lower part of the Tipod. And then it is poured into cups.

The same ritual can be done with Gaiwan and Chahai. The first vessel is used directly for brewing tea, and the second is necessary for pouring the finished drink. The brewing principle remains the same, but the ritual itself becomes much more beautiful and meditative.

But perhaps the most Chinese method of brewing tea is in a Yixing teapot. Imagine a city in which the main production is modeling (by hand) clay teapots. This is the Chinese city of Yixing. It is here that clay is mined, from which unique teapots are made - they hold heat well and absorb smell very quickly. What's the point? The fact is that such teapots are not washed - over and over again their walls absorb the aroma of tea, so over and over again it becomes more tasty and rich. However, there is one nuance: it is better to use such teapots for brewing the same type of drink. And they need to be stored away from sources of strong odors.

How to drink green tea correctly?

Hmm, are there really instructions for this process? Of course there is. If there are rules for how many minutes to brew green tea, in what and how, then there must be rules for drinking tea. But you will like them.

So, how to drink green tea correctly. Main - the right attitude. Throw away everything that worries and bothers you, put aside all your affairs, forget about your problems. Leave all this for later, now in front of you is a teapot with a divine drink that does not tolerate fuss and nervousness. Perhaps this is the main task of how to properly brew and drink green tea. Calm and peaceful.

Take your time, let the water boil and cool to the desired temperature. Brew tea, wait a little and carefully pour the drink into bowls. It is best if these are small bowls, literally for one or two sips - it is in such dishes that the infusion is fully revealed.

Take the bowl in your hands, feel the aroma of tea, all its notes. What will it be? Nuts and honey or fruits, or maybe flower petals? We don’t know which drink you prefer, but we do know that the aroma of each variety is always rich and multifaceted. Try to grasp this.

And after that, take the first sip, savoring the taste. If the tea is chosen and brewed correctly, there is no need to add sugar or lemon, so the drink will give you its multifaceted taste, always refreshing and subtle.

Green tea is not a drink that you can drink in a hurry, in between. A universal answer to the question of how to drink green tea correctly - with inspiration and relish, that’s all.

In the East they said about this product that it softens the heart, strengthens the spirit, relieves fatigue and drives away laziness. This very ancient and healthy drink is green tea. Its history began in mysterious China about 4 thousand years ago. It was there that people knew since ancient times how to brew green tea correctly. Spreading first across Asian countries and then throughout the world, it became one of the most beloved drinks due to its beneficial properties and variety of varieties. It has become an integral attribute of many national cultures.

The tea ceremony is a long and leisurely process of enjoying a wonderful drink, and it can be very difficult to allocate the necessary time for this in a continuous rhythm modern life. But if you know how to brew green tea, you can learn to unlock its full potential at home. To do this, it is not enough to pour boiling water over a pinch of tea leaves to enjoy the wonderful taste and aroma of the drink. First you need to prepare the dishes, water and tea itself.

Choosing tableware for tea drinking

To brew tea correctly, you need to take the choice of tea accessories seriously. Traditionally, ceramic, porcelain, earthenware and glassware are used to brew this drink.

Choosing water for drinking tea

The taste and aroma of the drink depends on the quality of the water used to brew it. Of course, it shouldn't come from the tap. Only in clean spring water You can brew green tea without any impurities. To finally make sure of its quality, you need to freeze several bottles of water. different manufacturers and choose the one in which there will be no sediment after defrosting. You can also use home filters for cleaning.

Tea selection

Before brewing tea correctly, you need to familiarize yourself with its range and choose the right one. Main indicator The quality of tea is the color of its leaves. It should be green with a silver or golden tint.

And, of course, no bags - they are most often sold as waste from tea production, flavored with dyes. Real green tea should be loose leaf, whole, and not broken. Then he retains all his qualities. To choose the right drink to suit your taste, it is better to try several types of green tea and choose the one you like.

So, having decided on the choice of brewing utensils and having prepared high-quality water, you can proceed to brewing. This ceremony is best held in free time, leisurely to fully enjoy this aromatic drink.

Making tea

The process begins by heating water in a kettle. The state to which water must be brought correctly is called “silver boiling” - bubbles are just beginning to appear. This means it’s time to remove the dishes from the heat and rinse the teapot. It should warm up well so that the walls retain the heat of the brewing water.

Place the required amount of tea leaves into the teapot with a dry spoon. Usually one teaspoon of tea leaves is enough for 150 ml of water. On green tea packages it is written how much tea is recommended to take and how long it takes to brew it. The first water must be drained, having first rinsed the tea leaves - this way the dust that gets on them during processing in factories is washed away.

The temperature of the brewing water depends on the type of green tea. For elite - 61 ̊C - 69 ̊C, for low-grade - 80 ̊C - 87 ̊C. For cheap tea, the temperature should be as high as possible and more time is required for all the flavor and aroma to be revealed. Among the expensive varieties of the drink, there are such gentle ones that require only 30 seconds to brew. The rest can be kept for no more than 3 minutes. Then the tea will be prepared correctly.

Now you can brew tea. The volume of water should be equal to the number of cups so that the tea leaves do not remain in the kettle. This makes the tea start to taste bitter. If, nevertheless, the drink turns out to be more than needed, it must be poured into another teapot - it will be healthier without the leaves.

A distinctive feature of green tea is that one serving can be brewed several times (up to 5-6).

Selection useful substances, with which tea leaves are saturated, occurs gradually with each new brew. The water temperature for each new portion should correspond to the type of tea.

Among fans of tea drinking, there are those who like to brew themselves a drink directly in a cup or glass. In principle, this is possible if you follow all the rules: warm the cup well and only then pour in the tea leaves, but not more than 1 spoon. Fill with water and wait for the required time. The yellow-brown foam that appears on the surface of the tea indicates that the drink has been prepared correctly.

Once you learn how to brew green tea, you can organize tea ceremonies at home, delighting your friends and relatives with a fragrant and healthy drink. If you follow all the rules for preparing green tea, it will last for a long time. faithful assistant in the fight against many ailments.

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ABOUT healthy way Only the deaf and blind do not know life now. Many people strive to support their body healthy products. One of them is green tea. Today we’ll talk about how to brew and drink it correctly.

The benefits of green tea

The benefits of green tea are enormous. It contains many vitamins and microelements and is a natural antioxidant. This means that with regular use we can improve our complexion and maintain the beauty of our skin.

Green tea is also used in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. It strengthens blood vessels and maintains their elasticity.

Can be used as an antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial agent.

Green tea is believed to reduce the activity of cancer cells.

To obtain a healing effect, you need to drink it without sugar, you can sweeten it with honey.

Are there any contraindications to the use of green tea or is everything so rosy?


It's really all about moderation. In large doses, the medicine becomes poison.

Polyphenols, which protect us from cancer and strengthen blood vessels, depress the liver in large quantities.

And excess amounts can even lead to “tea intoxication.” It manifests itself in the form of headache, nausea, dizziness.

On average, you can safely drink 4-6 cups of medium-strength tea a day without harm to your health.

But if you think that by brewing a bag with boiling water from the tap, you will get a healing effect, then you are very mistaken. Green tea needs to be brewed properly.

How to brew green tea correctly?

What is green tea? These are the youngest leaves (4-5 upper leaves of the branch), which are quickly dried in the shade. Therefore, they retain as much as possible all the beneficial properties of the tea bush. And to get them you need not just pour boiling water over the leaves, but do it correctly. First, you need the right water.


For healthy, tasty and “proper” green tea, you need soft water. Just tap water with impurities and additives will not work. You can buy soft bottled water in the store or purify it at home using special filters.

Another way to soften water is to freeze it. Fill the water plastic bottle and put it in the freezer. When it freezes about 2 cm around the edges, take it out - the unfrozen water needs to be drained and the ice to melt. This will be soft water.


For proper tea, the teapot must be well heated. Warm it up with boiling water for a few seconds. A cold kettle takes heat away from the tea and prevents the beneficial substances from being released during the first brew.

A clay teapot is considered ideal for brewing green tea. Clay allows the sheet to “breathe”, retains heat well and is chemically neutral.

In the absence of such a kettle, you can use porcelain, earthenware or glass. But they will no longer allow the sheet to “breathe.”

Do not brew green tea in metal or plastic containers!

Boiling water

It is important to find the right temperature for brewing green tea. Suitable would be from 60 to 90 degrees.

First you need to bring the water to a boil, but do not boil - it should be 95°C. How to determine - we carefully monitor the water, when it makes noise, air bubbles rise up - this is the temperature we need. Remove from heat and let the kettle sit and cool slightly.

Too much heat brewing will spoil the taste and destroy beneficial substances.


Finally we got to making tea! The right water, the kettle and boiling water are ready.

  1. Using a clean, dry spoon, pour the tea leaves into the teapot, fill with hot water and immediately drain. Rinse the leaves.
  2. Now pour it into the kettle required quantity water - usually pour an incomplete glass of water onto a teaspoon of dry tea leaves.
  3. Close the lid and let the tea brew. Regular time- from 30 seconds to 3 minutes. It is not recommended to leave green tea longer, as it may become bitter and cannot be brewed a second time. When brewing again, the time increases.
  4. Now you can pour into cups. If you were preparing a drink for several people, then you need to pour it in a circle. So that everyone gets a uniformly rich tea.
  5. Have a pleasant and healthy tea party!

  • Green tea can be brewed many times. Moreover, with each new brew it is filled with new useful substances. Usually the tea leaves are reused 4-5 times.
  • Don't expect the tea to be a certain color. They are different for all varieties - from very light to golden and amber.
  • You can't drink cold green tea. It no longer contains useful substances, essential oils evaporate, vitamins disappear.
  • Use airtight containers to store dry tea. Paper bags and cardboard boxes easily transmit odors. And tea quickly absorbs them.
  • To enhance the benefits and taste of tea, add a little honey. at the same time, the amount of soluble glycosides increases, which help improve immunity and resist colds.

Video on how to properly brew green tea