Beautiful bath bombs. DIY bath bomb

To lie in a warm bath - what could be more pleasant? Maybe a bath with a fragrant bomb. Buying it can be expensive, but making it yourself is quite easy and even interesting. You can make your own bomb exactly according to the recipe or turn on your creativity and create your own unique options: add various aromatic oils and components that are beneficial for the skin: dead sea salts, oils, flower petals and everything like that.

You can find some bomb ingredients right in your kitchen, but if you want something more beneficial for your skin, you'll have to go to the store healthy products or visit a specialized department of body care products.

You can use your creations yourself or make a great gift for friends and family. Try to make a bomb exactly according to the recipe, and when you understand the technology, experiment with the components.

Step No. 1 Equipment

For a homemade bomb you will need:

  • kitchen scales
  • large mixing bowl
  • sprayer with cold water
  • latex gloves to protect hands
  • eye protection
  • gauze dust mask
  • sieve to sift the mixture
  • molds for bombs (if you don’t find a spherical mold, you can use any options for baking, for ice cubes, etc.)

Step #2 Ingredients

  • 300 g soda
  • 150 g citric acid
  • 5-10 ml essential or aromatic oil of your choice
  • 5 ml of simple oil (this can be sunflower, olive, grape, sweet almond, jojoba oil or others, to choose from)
  • food coloring in desired color

It's better to make smaller bombs because they stick better, but larger ones are more likely to fall apart.

One more thing: start with a small amount, because first you need to find the best consistency. When making bombs, everything is important, including weather conditions - when high humidity need to be added less water, otherwise the bomb will turn into a bubbling mass.

Step No. 3 Mix the ingredients

Sift the baking soda through a sieve into a large mixing bowl to ensure there are no lumps left. Mix baking soda and citric acid in a bowl.

Step #4 Add oil

Add the aromatic and regular oils to the bowl. Most essential oils won't make the mixture fizz, but some, especially citrus oils, will. If this happens, mix them as quickly as possible.

Don't mix fragrance and essential oils together - add one or the other.

Step #5 Separate the mixture

If you decide to make multi-colored balls, now is the time to divide the mixture into different containers to color them differently. In the photo, the mixture was divided into three parts.

Step No. 6 Paint

Now we begin to paint the mixture. If you are using food or cosmetic coloring, add it drop by drop to create a desired color. Mix the mixture quickly with your hands to prevent it from foaming.

If you are using powder dye, simply add a little at a time to the mixture and stir until you get the color you want.

Stir until the mixture is uniform and free of blemishes. You need to mix especially carefully if you are using powder dye. It is best to “rub” the mixture between your fingers.

If the mixture becomes wetter, do not leave it or it may settle. On the contrary, you need to do everything as quickly as possible.

Step #7 Add water

Add a little spray water, then stir continuously to avoid fizzing. Be careful not to add too much water - the mixture should still be a little crumbly but hold together if you just squeeze it in your hand.

Step No. 8 Fill out the form

Fill the mold with the mixture. If you are using two halves of a sphere, place the mixture in each half and press them together. Don't twist the halves, just press them tightly together. Wait a few minutes, then carefully remove the sealed mixture from the mold.

Step No. 9 Dry

Leave the finished bombs in a dry and warm place for several hours.

Step No. 10 Use it or give it away

That's it, your fragrant homemade bath bombs are ready. Just dip them in hot water and enjoy.

Remember: the fresher the bomb, the more fizzing it will be, and if you don't package your items, it's best to store them in a dry place. You can wrap them in cling film to keep them fresh longer.

Well, if you decide to give them as a gift, just choose beautiful packaging and a ribbon, and the gift is ready.

Bath bombs can both provide bliss after a hard day at work and invigorate you before an important event. Today we’ll figure out how fizzing geysers affect a person’s mood, and find out how to make a bath bomb beautiful, effervescent and fragrant.

What is the effect of a bomb?

A homemade bomb is a product that consists of specially selected components: mud, oils, herbs and other products. For beauty and special charm, flower petals, sparkles or dried herbs are placed inside.

These bath fizzy drinks have long been loved by users due to their healing properties. The main ingredient is baking soda, which perfectly relieves skin irritation and itching, but makes the ball effectively hiss in the water. lemon acid. All additional ingredients help recreate the fragrance, soften the skin and give a great mood.

Classic herbal bath bomb recipe

All herbal bath bombs are prepared with your own hands using the following technology. Take:

  • soda - 10 table. l;
  • citric acid - 5 table. l;
  • salt (sea) - 2 tables. l;
  • any food pigment;
  • favorite essential oil - approx. 20 drops;
  • olive oil - no more than 1 tsp;
  • dry cream - 1 table. l;
  • a pinch of dried or fresh herbs;
  • glass bowl and gloves;
  • bomb molds (you can use ice molds).

Cooking instructions look like this:

  1. Be sure to wear gloves on your hands.
  2. In a glass bowl, mix baking soda and lemon until smooth.
  3. Put sea salt and dye there.
  4. Add cream, olive oil and essential oil, add the ground herbs. Mix all ingredients until smooth.
  5. If the composition is mixed correctly, it will stick together well.
  6. If the mass crumbles, then you should pour a little water into it. It is just important not to overdo it, otherwise there is a risk that a hissing reaction will begin. In this case, quickly add a little more soda and lemon to the mixture.
  7. Make a ball from the plastic mass. There's nothing complicated about it. Make it like a regular snowball.
  8. Press the mixture firmly into the molds. They can be tennis balls cut in half, as well as egg cells and kinder molds.
  9. Leave the workpieces to dry for 15-20 minutes. After that, remove the balls from the molds. If you have not violated the manufacturing technology, they will not break or chip.

All is ready! Simple and fragrant geysers are ready. Such products, together with designer soap, the technology of which we wrote about, can easily become budget and an original gift on March 8 or New Year.

Relaxing lavender fizz

Delicate and soft effervescent bombs will help you relax after a busy day. The components help relax the body, so it is better to take this bath before bed. The recipe looks like this:

  • citric acid - 2 tbsp. l;
  • sodium carbonate - 4 tbsp. l;
  • salt (preferably sea) - 1 tbsp. l;
  • powdered milk - 3 tbsp. l;
  • wheat germ oil - 2 tbsp. l;
  • lavender oil - 20 drops;
  • lavender (chopped) - 1 tbsp. l.

Making a bath bomb at home consists of the following steps:

  1. Take a comfortable deeper vessel.
  2. Mix lemon and soda, stirring the mixture thoroughly with a spoon.
  3. Add dry milk while continuing to stir.
  4. Add wheat germ oil little by little drop by drop.
  5. Continue stirring as you carefully pour the lavender oil, crushed lavender flowers, and sea salt into the bowl.
  6. Take a spray bottle and spray a little water onto the dry ingredients while continuing to stir. Stop whisking only when the mixture begins to foam.
  7. Take any interesting mold, first grease it with vegetable oil.
  8. Place the mixture inside, compact slightly, and place the filled form on a paper sheet.

Dry the “baby” for 6-7 hours, and she will be ready to give you relaxation and enjoyment of aromatherapy.

Romantic fizzy bomb

If you want to arrange a chic romantic evening for yourself and your significant other, then be sure to take a look at the following, slightly playful, recipe. Ingredients:

  • soda - 60 g;
  • lemon - 60 g;
  • cocoa butter - 60 g;
  • oatmeal powder (crushed) - 3 tbsp. l;
  • rose essential oil - 5 drops;
  • dye - 10 drops;
  • bergamot (liquid) - 10 drops;
  • ylang-ylang oil - 10 drops.

Self element romantic evening prepares like this:

  1. Cocoa butter has long been proven to have healing properties for human skin. It will nourish, moisturize and give smoothness to the skin. Take a piece of butter and melt it in a steam bath or in the microwave.
  2. Cool slightly and slowly add oil and dye. Mix the gruel thoroughly.
  3. Add the remaining ingredients: bergamot, oatmeal powder, lemon and baking soda.
  4. Wear gloves and mix the mixture with your hands until smooth. The consistency of the workpiece will resemble shortbread dough.
  5. Transfer everything into molds and place them in the refrigerator or freezer to harden. Often 30 minutes is enough.
  6. Remove the hardened bomb from the cold and wrap it in plastic wrap.

All that remains is to put the fragrant geyser into the water at the right moment.

Pink fizz for skin care

A rose scented bomb will not only turn bathing into a special ritual, but will also have a beneficial effect on the softness and smoothness of your skin. Compound:

  • 200 g - soda;
  • 100 g - lemon;
  • 10 g curry;
  • 100 g - Epsom salt;
  • 1 tbsp. l-glycerin;
  • 1 tbsp. l- rose oil and almond;
  • pink petals;
  • 1/5 tbsp. l - water.

The step-by-step manufacturing instructions are as follows:

  1. Mix 3 ingredients: salt + acid + salt. Mix well so that there are no lumps left.
  2. Add glycerin and both essential oils, stirring.
  3. Use curry to color the resulting mixture yellowish.
  4. Gently stir in the water until it starts to sizzle.
  5. Squeeze the mass in your fist, and if it does not crumble, then everything is ready for molding.
  6. Place rose petals on the bottom of the mold, onto which you already apply the mixture, tamping it tightly. But dried petals need to be soaked before use.

Leave the pieces to dry for two days.

"Chocolate delight" for children

This recipe is perfect for children; it is prepared without oil, only from natural ingredients. The subtle and delicious aroma of chocolate will not leave anyone indifferent. Components:

  • 100 g - soda;
  • 50 g - dry. milk, lemon, salt;
  • 30 g - cocoa powder;
  • 12 drops chocolate flavoring.

Process of creation:

  1. Mix all ingredients in a convenient container.
  2. Give it the desired shape with your hands and place it in the refrigerator to dry.
  3. After drying, the fizz is ready.

As you can see in the photo, the bomb can be given the most incredible shape and decorative design.

  • To create multi-colored pops, prepare mixtures of different tones and tamp them into the mold one by one.
  • Use only food pigments, as they are completely safe for humans.
  • If you accidentally over-moisten the workpiece, dry it on the radiator, or, observing the proportions, add bulk ingredients.
  • If you have a lot of material, but not enough forms, it doesn’t matter. Press the mixture into the mold more tightly and immediately remove it, leaving it to dry without the mold.
  • If the slurry does not want to stick together or crumbles after drying, it means that you have not moistened it enough.
  • Use a spray bottle so as not to overdo it with the amount of water.
  • If you only have solid butter, then you must melt it in a bathhouse.
  • You should not use apricot and peach kernel oils, since the mass to which they are added does not retain its shape well.
  • Store ready-made bombs only in a dry place, preferably sealed.

Don't miss the opportunity to please yourself and your loved ones with bubbling bath fizz, which can, if necessary, saturate the body vital forces, or give the desired relaxation. Below is a video instruction that will help you understand the intricacies of preparing other types of bombs.

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Video: DIY bath bombs

At the end of a hard and busy day, you really want to relax, so as not to think or worry about anything. How nice it is to type hot bath, add sea salt to it, aromatic oils, foam or bath bombs.

Bath bombs can be called a cosmetic product that contains a combination of ingredients beneficial to the skin in the form of milk, clay, oils, herbs, etc. Let's talk today about how to create your own homemade bath bombs without spending a lot of money and effort on it.

DIY bath bombs

When something new comes on sale, we always try to get it, try it on, try it on, use it. Someone decides to pay a lot of money for it, others, in turn, are looking for cheaper ways - for example, self-production or cooking. Why buy bath geysers for a lot of money, if you can make them at home, and believe me, they will turn out no worse than those bought in a store.

Cook without outside help And extra costs bath water bombs not difficult, especially if you have instructions and weight interesting recipes, from them you can choose several that suit your liking.

To make aromatic water bombs, you won't need to run around the store all day looking for ingredients. Everything here is quite simple, so be prepared for the fact that most of You have the ingredients you need to make the bomb at home.

  • Bath bombs have recently gained popularity; some call this spherical composition a geyser.
  • We can confidently say that bath bombs are healing products that contain various beneficial components that will help the body relax, and at the same time, have a positive effect on the health of the body.
  • Also, children really like swimming in colorful water, so a bath with effervescent geysers will be excellent option taking water procedures for the whole family.

Before, how to make a bath bomb, you need to decide on the aroma, color and composition of the cosmetic product in question, as well as the ingredients that will be needed for this.

Bath Bomb Recipes

In fact, there are a lot of recipes for such a product, and today we will look at the simplest and most interesting options for such bath geysers.

Of course, you don’t have to bother and purchase this product on the Internet, but:

  • Their prices in stores and on the Internet are overpriced, and very much so. You will understand this when you find out the cost of such bombs.
  • At self-cooking you will be confident in the composition and all the ingredients that are included in it.
  • By making your own bomb, you can choose both the color and the effect they will bring to your skin and health.

  • If a person is allergic, commercial bath bombs are contraindicated for him.

Let's make your own bath bombs to avoid allergies and high costs. To make an effervescent bath geyser, we will need the following ingredients:

  • dry cream
  • baking soda)
  • oil

You can use vegetable or olive oil, the main thing is that it is fatty. It is worth noting that olive oil is considered non-allergenic, so those who suffer from various types of allergies should choose it better.

  • Dyes. Dyes suitable for food or dyes for bath accessories would be appropriate here. Easter egg dye is not used for this purpose unless you want to be painted green or red like an Easter egg.
  • Essential oils. In this case, you decide for yourself which essential oil you want to use to make bombs. Focus on your preferences and possible allergies to components.

  • Lemon acid.

Bath Bomb Molds You can buy it in a store or use it simple shapes for baking, modeling, etc. You will also need a vessel, a vessel in which we will mix all the ingredients. This could be a bowl or a large bowl.

If desired, even the form in which regular candies are stored in a box can be used for bombs.

For convenience when preparing bombs, you can use rubber gloves, kitchen, medical, gardening. The main thing is that they are clean.


  1. It is necessary to “throw away” everything necessary ingredients into one vessel. In this case, the strand is not particularly important, but the proportions must be respected. So, in this case, everything is measured in tablespoons:
  • five spoons baking soda
  • half a spoon of dry cream
  • two and a half tablespoons of citric acid
  • sea ​​salt (half a spoon)

Sea salt is used if it is available and the “creator” wishes. It is better to use fine sea salt, or colored one.

  1. Mix the dry ingredients.
  2. The liquid ingredients that will go into the bowl next are:
  • one spoon of vegetable oil or olive oil
  • 12 drops essential oil

You can use different oils for bath bombs. You can add a few drops of one oil and a few drops of another, so that the total amount is 10 drops.

  • half a spoon of dye

You can choose any color at your discretion.

  1. Mix all ingredients well. The consistency should be such that it can be molded into something without any problems. If the resulting mixture is too dry, you can add a little warm water. The amount of water should be minimal, so wet your hands and knead the mixture. wet hands or add water by spraying it from a spray bottle.

If you pour a lot of water into the prepared mixture, a reaction will immediately occur and the bomb will be ruined.

The amount of mixture in question is enough for 4 small candy-sized bombs or half a large spherical bomb, so if you decide to make one large bomb, you will need twice as much of all the ingredients. Molds for large bombs can be purchased at a specialty store.

Another interesting option, this is a two-color bomb. It must be prepared as follows:

  1. Prepare the mixture as in the previous version.
  2. When you have already mixed it with the dye, add another dye.
  3. Mix the mixture until it has the consistency of small granules so that it is not a homogeneous mass. The granules will be of different colors.
  4. We make bombs of the shape you need from the resulting mixture.

As a result of this recipe, you get beautiful multi-colored bath bombs. To make such bombs even more interesting and beautiful, you can add various inclusions to the mixture: beads, rhinestones, sparkles, etc.

Making your own bath bombs is a fun and interesting activity. The resulting bombs can be used for bathing or as a gift for someone. This beautiful and useful surprise will delight anyone.

Video: Bath bombs


There is nothing more pleasant than soaking in the bath after a hard day at work. To relax even more, many of us add special sea salt, foam, and bath oils. I think many have already bought special mineral bath bombs. I offer several recipes for bath bombs. Making your own bath bomb at home is easy. Bombs can be stored for a very long time. In the water they begin to fizz, releasing essential oils and aroma. Bath bomb recipes vary.

Materials and tools.

  • Container for mixing ingredients
  • Molds. Special ones for making soap or children's ones for the sandbox. You can take a ping pong ball and cut it. You can use a Kinder Surprise egg.
  • Polyethylene packaging film

Effervescent bath bomb "Romance"


  • Cocoa butter - 60 grams
  • Soda - 60 grams
  • Citric acid - 60 grams
  • Chopped oatmeal - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Liquid food coloring - 10 drops
  • Liquid bergamot - 10 drops
  • Rose oil - 5 drops
  • Ylang-ylang oil - 10 drops


  1. Cocoa butter must be melted in the microwave, in a water bath or on a radiator.
  2. Cool slightly and add essential oils and dye. Mix everything thoroughly.
  3. Stir in baking soda, citric acid and oatmeal powder.
  4. Mix everything well with your hands. The mixture should have a consistency similar to shortbread dough.
  5. Transfer the resulting mixture into molds.
  6. Place the molds in the refrigerator and wait until the mixture hardens. Or you can put the molds in the freezer for 20 minutes.
  7. Once the bath bombs have hardened, remove them from the molds and wrap them in plastic wrap.

Coconut Effervescent Bath Bomb


  • Coconut oil - 3 tbsp.
  • Water - 1 tbsp.
  • Essential oil - any you like - 0.5 tsp.
  • Corn starch - 4 tbsp. (potato starch will not work, it is completely different, and the smell is not very pleasant)
  • Soda - 180 grams
  • Citric acid - 3 tbsp.


  1. Coconut oil must be melted in the microwave, in a water bath or on a radiator.
  2. Add essential oil and water. Mix well.
  3. Stir in starch.
  4. Add soda. To stir thoroughly
  5. Stir in citric acid.
  6. Transfer the mixture into molds. In this case, you should press down very hard. Upper layer smooth back side spoons.
  7. Leave the bombs in the molds for 1-2 days. Then remove the bombs and dry them without molds.

Mineral bath bomb


  • Soda - 200 grams
  • Citric acid - 100 grams
  • Magnesium sulfate - 100 grams (otherwise called "Epsom salt" - can be bought at the pharmacy)
  • Glycerin - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Almond oil - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Essential rose oil
  • Fresh rose petals (if you are using dry petals, soak them)
  • Curry - 10 grams
  • Water - 1 dessert spoon


  1. Stir in almond and essential oil.
  2. Curry is used for coloring. Stir into the mass. The result will be a light lemon-colored mixture.
  3. Pour water into the mixture and stir. The mass from the water will begin to foam a little and increase in volume - this is how it should be. If the mass compressed in a fist is dense and does not crumble, then the mass is ready.
  4. Place rose petals on the bottom of the molds. Place the mixture tightly on top.
  5. Leave until completely dry for 24-48 hours.

Effervescent bomb for stress relief


  • Soda - 200 grams
  • Citric acid - 100 grams
  • Magnesium sulfate - 100 grams
  • Almond oil - 2.5 tbsp. l.
  • Water - 1 dessert spoon
  • Ginger essential oil - 5 drops
  • Bergamot essential oil - 5 drops
  • Geranium essential oil - 5 drops
  • Borax - 0.25 tbsp. l.
  • Liquid dye - 5-10 drops


  1. Mix soda, citric acid, starch and magnesium sulfate. Mix thoroughly and leave.
  2. Mix essential oils, almond oil, water, borax and dye in a jar. Cover tightly and shake vigorously.
  3. Slowly pour the liquid into the reserved mixture, stirring the mixture constantly. Check the mixture for readiness: if the mass crumbles when compressed, then add a little more water. It is best to use a spray bottle for this. Everything must be done very quickly.
  4. Transfer the mixture into the molds and press firmly. Leave for several hours to dry.

Foaming bath bomb


  • Soda - 200 grams
  • Citric acid - 100 grams
  • Corn starch - 100 grams
  • Cocoa butter - 2 tbsp. l. (you can use mango butter)
  • Any essential or perfume oil - 2-4 tsp.
  • Water - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Witch Hazel (Hamamelis) - sold in pharmacies
  • Food coloring


  1. Mix soda, citric acid and starch.
  2. Gradually add melted cocoa butter, essential oils and witch hazel. Mix everything thoroughly.
  3. Using a spray bottle, add water and dye.
  4. Transfer the mixture into molds and leave to dry for a day.
  5. Store bath bombs in cellophane or in an airtight container.

Fast fizzy bombs


  • Mango butter - 10 grams
  • Soda - 10 grams
  • Citric acid - 10 grams
  • Magnesium sulfate - 0.5 tbsp. l
  • Oatmeal or corn starch - 0.5 tbsp. l.
  • Vanilla - 7 drops


  1. Melt the mango butter, cool slightly, add vanilla.
  2. Add baking soda and stir well.
  3. Add citric acid. To stir thoroughly.
  4. Add magnesium sulfate and flour. Stir thoroughly.
  5. Fill the mold tightly.

Recipes for bombs may vary. You can add various oils, herbs, dried flowers, lime, orange, lemon zest. But one thing is for sure - after a bath with bombs, the skin becomes silky.


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Every woman is a little bit of a sorceress. Today we will learn how to make a bath bomb at home.

These are practically magical. balls are extremely popular. Many of us are already accustomed to buying them to give the bathing process a more pleasant and even beneficial touch. With their help, you can get the right boost of energy, relax, improve your health and, of course, get unearthly bliss. Moreover, making a bath bomb at home is quite simple.

You just need to stock up on a minimum of ingredients and the desire to tinker a little. And although the process of creating such spheres is a little expensive, you can still be sure that the bombs you create yourself will truly be natural and will bring tangible benefits.

So, let's get creative.

Lavender bath bombs

Baths using such bombs are very relaxing and calm the nervous system. An ideal option to fall asleep well and quickly.


  • 1 cup regular baking soda
  • 0.5 cups dry citric acid
  • 0.5 cups quality cornstarch
  • 3 tbsp. almond oil
  • 3 tbsp. Epsom salts (for reference, this salt is used to soften the skin and general relaxation. It contains useful mineral salts and is often called Epsom salt)
  • 1 tbsp. water
  • 15 drops of beneficial essential oil
  • A few sprigs of dry lavender
  • Bomb molds or suitable plastic molds that do not contain toxic substances. Not a bad option There will be food grade plastic.

To prepare bath bombs, you need to mix: baking soda, acid, salt, starch and dried lavender (pre-crushed). Water, almond and essential oils are also mixed separately. Only then can all these components be combined and mixed to a uniform consistency. If the mixture does not mix well, you can spray a little water on it with an aerosol.

At the same time very an important condition It is necessary to ensure that there is not enough water, otherwise the future bomb will not harden as it should and will even begin to hiss prematurely. Next, the resulting mass must be placed in the mold until completely hardened (at least two hours). They can then be removed from the containers and placed on a soft towel until completely dry.

Recipe for making colored bath bombs

Bombs made from different colors look very impressive. Depending on the type of essential oil, they will have different beneficial effects. To prepare them you will need:

  • 1 cup dry citric acid
  • 1 cup regular baking soda
  • 1 cup good quality cornstarch
  • Any palette of food colors
  • 10-20 drops of desired
  • 3 tbsp. almond oil
  • Water bottle with spray nozzle
  • Round shapes for bombs

Important! In this case plastic utensils It's better not to use it.

Making colorful bath bombs

Mix acid, sifted starch and soda.

Divide the resulting mixture into different plates. The number of such parts depends on how many colors we want to use.

Add a little food coloring to each bowl (since it's not mixed with water yet, it's important to make sure you don't add too much, because the true coloring will be visible when you add water).

We introduce essential oils (you can use one scent, or you can experiment). The main thing in this matter is not to overdo it, since you will then take a bath in these smells.

Add almond oil. Mix everything very well.

Using a spray bottle, spray the mixture with water until the mixture smears perfectly in your hands. But we also make sure that there is not too much water. We add it gradually, in several stages.

Fill the mold with the resulting mixture, experimenting with colors and pressing the mixture tightly.
Let it dry for an hour and remove from the container, placing it on a soft towel. In this form, the bombs should dry for about four hours.

Green bath bombs

These cute bombs can also be made quite easily. In addition to their beautiful appearance, they also have a number of beneficial properties: strengthen the immune system, increase tone and cleanse the body of toxins. To prepare them you will need:

  • Precise scales
  • 450 g baking soda
  • 225 g citric acid
  • 225 g cornstarch
  • 225 g bitter salt (same magnesium sulfate, same Epson salt, same Epsom salt)
  • ¼ cup green tea powder (also called Matcha)
  • 2 tbsp. avocado oils;
  • 2 tbsp. water
  • 2 tsp Spanish cherry essential oil (or any other oil you wish)
  • 4 forms for future bombs
  • 4 decorative cherry blossoms

Mix all dry ingredients.

Then add the liquid components, stirring the mass each time after adding each ingredient.

Place the flower face down on the bottom of the mold. Fill the mold with the mixture, compacting tightly. Let stand for an hour.

Then we take out the resulting balls and place them on a soft towel for 8 hours.

Starch can be replaced with arrowroot powder, extracted from fruits and tubers tropical plants, used in cooking as a thickener. It has antibacterial properties and has a beneficial effect on metabolism.

Here's a great video with natural recipes for bombs:

The magic is ready! Try a few of our bath bomb recipes and maybe you'll find one that's just right for you. Bath bombs can be a great gift for friends, colleagues, and mothers.

Aphrodisiac bomb for men

  • 6 drops bergamot or patchouli essential oil
  • 4 drops rosemary essential oil
  • 3 drops neroli essential oil
  • 3 drops cinnamon essential oil
  • 4 drops ylang-ylang essential oil
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of butter grape seeds
  • 4 tbsp. spoons of soda
  • 2 tbsp. spoons citric acid
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of Epsom salts (English salts)

To be honest, the scent of this bomb would suit many women too! I'm just blown away by him!

And finally, a funny video about what happens if you throw 100 bombs into a bathtub?

Any modern girl wants to pamper herself with various cosmetic things and not empty her wallet. Homemade masks for skin and nails, hair wraps and against extra centimeters are not only cheaper purchasing funds, but also more useful. Since they are made from natural products and contain a minimum of chemicals. This article will tell you how to make bath geysers yourself.

How to make a bath bomb

There is hardly a girl who does not like to lie in a warm bath. And if you add there flavor bomb skin care - anyone will give up.

Preparing the bombs is quite simple and opens up complete scope for creativity. , flower petals, sea salt - you can add whatever your heart desires.

Please note that larger items are more likely to fall apart, so choose a medium size pan. For the first time, you should not make a lot of bombs - the necessary consistency and composition will be selected with experience.

You can use anything as decoration - confectionery beads, sparkles, various dyes, dried flowers and herbs. Combination bombs look very impressive. When raw materials are mixed different colors. Remember that dye is still a chemical and dries out the skin. You can use natural dyes - beet juice, carrot juice, etc. But in this case, you shouldn’t scent each color separately. Essential oils should smell well together.

Additional elements may vary freely. For example, instead of butter add powdered milk. Only 2 components remain unchanged - citric acid. Moreover, the proportion in any case should be 2 to 1. That is, there is 2 times more soda than lemons.

Do not inhale the constituent parts of geysers or contact the mucous membranes of the eyes. This can cause serious burns.

Bath Bomb Recipe

To do a simple bomb You will need the following things with your own hands:

  1. Mixing containers, preferably glass.
  2. Bomb molds. It is better to use a ball that opens into 2 halves. If this is not the case, a regular ice mold will do, or you can just squeeze it well with your hands.
  3. Rubber gloves are needed if there are wounds on the skin, allergies or eczema. If the skin is clean, you can cook with your bare hands. In this way, it will be possible to immediately test for an allergy to small area skin and avoid possible burns throughout the body. Medical gloves or from a box of hair dye will do. Household ones are too dense and will not be very comfortable in them.
  4. Kitchen scales. Subsequently, learn to determine the amount of ingredients “by eye”.
  5. Spray bottle with water.
  6. Gauze bandage.
  7. Eye protection. At least just wide glasses.
  8. A sieve for sifting products.

List of bomb ingredients:

  • Add some water from a spray bottle. The consistency of the mixture should be like wet sand. If you pour water, the soda will simply dissolve and nothing will work.
  • Fill out the forms. If you use a sphere shape, then you should not twist the halves. Just fill them and squeeze them tightly. Hold for 5 minutes and remove the bomb. Ready!
  • You can and even need to add 1 tsp. powdered milk. It will improve the caring effect. You can use it instead of water.

    As you gain experience, you can make geysers with. For example, put confectionery beads, confetti or even a small toy inside.

    Bath bombs: video

    You can visually familiarize yourself with the process of making bath bombs with your own hands by watching the suggested videos.

    After a working day, it's nice to take a bubble bath or bath bomb. Using a bath bomb will also perfectly diversify this procedure for children and will delight them with its hissing. But you shouldn’t buy bath bombs in the store, because their price is unpleasantly impressive. Make sizzling bombs with your own hands, it’s simple and quick, and the materials for them are the simplest and most affordable.

    There are a lot of recipes for bath bombs and all of them are quite accessible even for an inexperienced master.

    One of the most simple recipes bath bombs as follows.

    To make a bath bomb you will need:

    1. Soda – 8 tbsp. l.;
    2. Citric acid – 4 tbsp. l.;
    3. Powdered milk or starch (potato or corn) - 2 tbsp. l.;
    4. Base oil (olive, sea buckthorn, walnut, jojoba, almonds, grape seeds or other - of your choice) - 1 tbsp. l.;
    5. Optional ingredients: use ground coffee, coconut flakes, grind flavored green tea or other useful herb, grind sea salt, small flower petals; a few drops of any essential oil.

    How to make a bath bomb with your own hands:

    Mix soda and citric acid (if they are caked or have large particles, pound them in a mortar). Add the rest of the ingredients there. Mix everything well. After this, try squeezing a little of the resulting mass in your fist - it should hold tightly, but when pressed it will easily crumble. If it is too loose, you need to add a little base oil.

    Attention! The bath bomb mixture should not come into contact with water!

    Place the prepared bomb mixture tightly into the molds. For molds, both special molds and small jars of yogurt, curds, and children's molds, Kinder Surprise bases, are suitable.

    Let the mixture stand in a dry place for about an hour. After this, carefully shake them out and put them in a dry place again, but for a day.

    Use food coloring and decorative packaging to make your homemade bath bombs look attractive.

    Bath bomb with rose petals

    For this bomb you need: soda 200 g, citric acid 100 g, magnesium sulfate 100 g (otherwise called “Epsom salt” - can be bought at the pharmacy), glycerin 1 tbsp. l., almond oil 1 tbsp. l., essential rose oil, fresh rose petals (if you use dry petals, they should be soaked), red food coloring, water - 1 dessert spoon.

    Thoroughly dry mix citric acid, baking soda and Epsom salt. If lumps have formed, they should be rubbed out.
    Add glycerin and stir.
    Stir in almond oil and essential oil, followed by food coloring.
    Pour water into the mixture and stir. The mass from the water will begin to foam a little and increase in volume. If the mass compressed in a fist is dense and does not crumble, then the mass is ready.
    Place rose petals on the bottom of the molds. Place the mixture tightly on top. Leave until completely dry for a day, but longer is better.

    Oatmeal bomb with mango

    Bomb ingredients: mango butter 10 g, soda 10 g, citric acid 10 g, magnesium sulfate 0.5 tbsp. l., oat flour 0.5 tbsp. l., in Vanilla - 7 drops.

    Melt the mango butter, cool slightly, add vanilla. Add one by one: baking soda, citric acid, magnesium sulfate and flour. After adding each ingredient, stir the mixture thoroughly.
    Fill the molds tightly.
    These bombs do not need to be dried. They are made from dry ingredients. It is enough to place the bomb in the mold for 30 minutes.

    Bath bombs can be more than just a good cosmetic product. If you add chamomile essential oil to them, you will get a good remedy for the prevention and treatment of colds, which is more important than ever in the fall. In addition to the bactericidal effect that it will have on the respiratory tract, chamomile essential oil will have an excellent effect on the skin - it will help heal wounds, relieve inflammation, and soothe irritated skin.

    Chamomile Bath Bomb Recipe

    Ingredients: 1 part baking soda, 1 part starch (preferably corn starch), 1 part citric acid, a few drops of chamomile essential oil
    you can add sea salt with chamomile or dry inflorescences purchased at the pharmacy.

    In a deep bowl, thoroughly mix soda, starch and citric acid. At this point you can add sea salt.
    When the dry ingredients are well mixed, you can add the essential oil. Mix the mixture well again so that there are no large lumps.
    Next, take water in a spray bottle. The finer this unit sprays water, the greater the chance that the bombs will turn out beautiful. After each spritz, mix the mass - it should be evenly moist.
    It is better to use cold water - there is less chance that the components will begin to react actively. If the mixture starts to foam a lot, the bombs will turn out loose and will not hold their shape. There is nothing wrong with this, they will not lose their beneficial properties, only the appearance.
    After all the manipulations, the mass should become like wet sand - when squeezed in a fist, it should form a lump, but at the same time remain crumbly. Now you can put it in the molds. Bombs can be removed in just a few minutes. To make the bombs stronger, you can put them in the freezer for an hour, and then let them dry at room temperature about a day.

    A bath bomb with lavender oil will also be helpful.

    Or a coffee bomb - with ground coffee and cocoa butter.

    Coconut bath bomb recipe:

    Ingredients: Coconut oil 3 tbsp, water 1 tbsp, essential oil - any - 0.5 tsp, corn starch 4 tbsp. (potato starch will not work, it is completely different, and the smell is not very pleasant), soda 180 g, citric acid 3 tbsp.

    Coconut oil must be melted in the microwave, in a water bath, or simply on a radiator. Add essential oil and water to it. Mix well.
    After this, first stir in the starch, then add soda and citric acid one by one.
    Transfer the resulting mass into molds. In this case, you should press down very hard. Leave the bath bombs in the molds for 1-2 days. Then remove the bombs and dry them without molds.

    Bath bombs are simple. DIY cosmetics

    Bath bomb recipe - from simple to complex. Please your loved ones with a nice little thing.

    Few women will refuse to soak in the bath. The process is actually very pleasant, but, unfortunately, not always useful. For example, bubble bath often makes bathing harmful to the skin. But this does not reduce the number of people who want to take a bubble bath. We offer you a more gentle, but no less pleasant remedy - geyser bombs. Or rather, bath bomb recipes. Do you know that this exclusive remedy can easily be prepared at home? Let's find out exactly how to do this, and at the same time get acquainted with some bomb recipes.

    Basic (basic) recipe

    Whatever bomb you decide to make, it will always have a basic recipe with some permanent and some non-permanent ingredients. Any bomb includes:

    • Citric acid (powder or granules);
    • Drinking soda;
    • Salt (sea or table);
    • Dyes;
    • Fillers.

    The main and unchanged components are citric acid and drinking (baking) soda. In any recipe their ratio should be 1:2. That is, you take two parts of soda and one part of citric acid. It is these ingredients that make the bombs fizz and bubble like geysers. All other components are taken in arbitrary quantities. Salt makes up the bulk of the bomb, essential oils or perfumes are added for aroma, dyes, of course, for color, and fillers for decoration (to a greater extent). How to make such a bomb?

    We measure required amount components using a measuring cup, tablespoon or electronic scale. Pour the soda and citric acid into a completely dry bowl or blender bowl and grind almost into powder. By the way, an ordinary coffee grinder or a traditional mortar and pestle will also be suitable for this purpose. The finer these ingredients are, the more impressive and longer the bomb will fizz as it dissolves in the bath. Important! Do not under any circumstances allow the mixture to become wet at this stage. Otherwise, the reaction will begin much earlier than you make the bomb.

    Also grind all the other ingredients except the filler and liquid dyes. Now carefully combine both mixtures and mix them well. Important! If you have wounds or cracks on your hands, you should use rubber gloves. Now add a few drops of essential oil or perfume and dyes to your semi-finished product and mix again.

    Next comes the most crucial stage. You need to lightly moisten the resulting mixture, bringing it to the consistency of wet sand. Then you can form the mixture into bombs. Take a teaspoon and pour about a third of the water in it into a bowl and quickly stir the mixture. We take a little mass into the palm and squeeze. If it gathers into a ball like wet sand and holds its shape, we begin to form the bombs. By the way, you can put the toppings directly into the mixture, or you can place them on the bottom of the molds.

    It is best, of course, to use special molds, which can be purchased at craft stores. Molds for making handmade soap are also suitable. However, ordinary ice molds, as well as children's shortbread molds, and even small cupcake tins will also work quite well. The bomb will fizz and foam regularly in the bathroom, regardless of its shape.

    So, take a mold, grease it with oil, fill it with the moistened mixture and compact it. If we use special forms, then fill both halves, apply them to each other, hold them pressed for about ten seconds and fasten them together. By the way, in this case we do not fill the other half very tightly. We leave it to dry for six hours near the radiator (in winter) or in the sun (in summer). Carefully remove the dried bombs from the mold and store them in an airtight container.

    Other recipes

    And now the promised recipes for bath bombs. They are not just made for entertainment, but can be (depending on the composition) invigorating or soothing, moisturizing or cleansing, uplifting or lyrical.

    Purple Haze

    Thanks to the components it contains, this bomb will make the water in the bath have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. And it includes the following ingredients:

    • A tablespoon of lemon;
    • A tablespoon of potato starch;
    • A tablespoon of dry yeast;
    • 2 tablespoons of baking soda;
    • Half a tablespoon of blue clay;
    • Half a tablespoon of palm oil;
    • A tablespoon of coconut oil;
    • Red and blue dye;
    • Flavoring with the smell of lilac.

    We make the mixture from all ingredients except dyes. We drip the dyes (three drops at a time) onto the ready-dried bomb.

    Mint coolness

    This bomb has a calming effect and relaxes you, so it’s best to take a bath with it at night.

    • 50 g salt;
    • 50 g citric acid;
    • 100 g soda;
    • Blue or green dye (liquid);
    • Dry mint leaves;
    • Peppermint oil (essential).

    Mix all the ingredients except the oil, as in the basic recipe, and moisten the mixture with water. We drip the oil into the already packaged bombs.

    Chocolate chic

    A chocolate bomb will also help you relax and nourish your skin with a subtle chocolate aroma.

    • 100 g soda;
    • 50 g lemon;
    • 50 g milk powder;
    • 30 g cocoa powder;
    • 12 drops cherry or chocolate flavoring.

    The manufacturing method exactly corresponds to the basic recipe.

    Pink bliss

    An invigorating bath bomb with a refined rose scent.

    • 100 g soda;
    • 50 g lemon;
    • 50 g sea salt;
    • 50 g milk powder;
    • Red dye;
    • Rose petals.

    12 drops rose scent or rosewood essential oil.
    IN ready mixture stir in dried rose petals. Or place them in the bottom of a bomb mold.

    A tropical forest

    A bomb with a citrus scent will perfectly refresh and lift your spirits.

    • 100 g soda;
    • 50 g lemon;
    • 50 g corn flour;
    • 10 drops of jojoba oil;
    • 10 drops of orange oil;
    • 5 drops of lemon or tangerine oil.

    To make this bomb, try moistening the mixture by spraying water from a spray bottle. Otherwise, follow the basic recipe.

    Charm of Provence

    A great way to refresh yourself and relieve stress at the same time is to take a bath with a bath bomb made according to this recipe.

    • 100 g soda;
    • 50 g lemon;
    • 50 g salt;
    • 50 g milk powder;
    • 5 drops of mint oil;
    • 5 drops of eucalyptus oil;
    • Violet dye.

    Coffee mania

    This coffee geyser can be used for a bath with an exfoliating effect. In general, this bomb is just right for delicate skin and a boost of energy!

    • 100 g soda;
    • 50 g lemon;
    • 50 g salt;
    • 50 g milk powder;
    • 10 drops of lavender oil;
    • 30 g ground coffee.

    Mineral mix

    An extremely beneficial bomb for the skin, which contains Epsom salts (magnesia) and rich minerals additives.

    • 100 g soda;
    • 50 g lemon;
    • 50 g Epsom salt;
    • Half a tablespoon of glycerin;
    • Half a tablespoon of castor oil;
    • 5 g curry;
    • 5 drops of rose oil;
    • Rose petals.

    Moisten the prepared mixture of components better water from a spray bottle. And the bomb will have to dry longer - about two days.

    The Snow Queen

    This bomb will give you an unusually pure white color. And its effect is quite cooling, even if you take a hot bath.

    • 100 g soda;
    • 50 g lemon;
    • 25 g starch;
    • 15 g grape seed oil;
    • 5 drops of mint oil.

    The finished mixture must be moistened from a spray bottle. And the bomb will only take about twenty minutes to dry.

    Useful little things

    For beginning needlewomen, we offer a selection of tips from experienced colleagues on making handmade bath bombs.

    • To get multi-colored bombs, you need to prepare mixtures of different colors and place them in portions in molds.
    • Use food coloring to make bombs - they are harmless to the skin.
    • If you overdid it and over-moistened the mixture for the bomb, then simply dry it near the radiator. Or add dry ingredients (observing proportions).
    • If you have few molds, but want to make a lot of bombs, then simply pack the mixture into a mold, compact it, squeeze tightly and take it out (we are talking about special round shapes). And then leave the bomb without a shape to dry.
    • If the mass does not want to mold at all or crumbles after drying, it means that you have not moistened it enough.
    • If you are afraid of making a mistake with the amount of water, then use a spray bottle.
    • If you use solid oil for bombs, first dissolve it in a water bath.
    • Do not use peach or apricot kernel oil to make bombs. The mass into which it is added does not hold its shape well.
    • Store bombs only in a dry place, or even better - in airtight packaging.

    Geysers or bath bombs are known today to many connoisseurs of spa treatments and ordinary women who love to soak in warm water. This is a cosmetic novelty that has a tonic and relaxing effect and has a beneficial effect on the skin.

    You can buy the product at any store, or you can make homemade bombs using various healthy ingredients.

    What are bath bombs

    This great way relieve tension, irritation, improve the condition of the skin. Healing oils, sea salt, flower petals, and foam are added to the geysers. The balls in the water begin to spin, foam beautifully and gradually dissolve. This great alternative salts and foam baths.

    Geysers or bath bombs contain special ingredients, including herbs, clay, mud, and essential oil compounds. Effervescent balls have not only relaxing properties, but also cosmetic ones:

    • moisturize the body;
    • tone the skin;
    • relieve dermatological problems;
    • help get rid of cellulite;
    • relieve irritation.

    The main component of the newest cosmetic product is baking soda, thanks to which the fizzing process occurs. This component is useful for irritation and itching. The second main component is citric acid, and natural dyes help give beautiful colors to the products.

    How to use fizzy bombs

    You just need to use a special bath product. First, choose the bomb itself and its scent. It can smell like essential oil, lavender, mint. Then the bath is filled with plain water and several small or one large bomb is lowered.

    It begins to bubble and actively foam. The active ingredients dissolve in water, as a result of which the ball breaks into pieces and a little later completely dissolves, releasing all its aromas, salts and beneficial substances.

    How to make fizz bombs

    Specialized cosmetic stores and supermarkets sell many sizzling bath spheres from different manufacturers. You can also make bath bombs with your own hands at home, and the resulting products will be more useful and enjoyable.

    To create the product, you need to purchase the main ingredients, as well as food paints and dried flower petals.

    The mixture is dried on a radiator in a bag or film. Solid ingredients, such as butter, are melted in a water bath. When making geysers, table or sea salt, table soda, and citric acid in powdered or granular form are used. Various fillers and dyes are used.

    It is advisable that the bombs have a small diameter in order to dissolve faster in water. To make them, you will need a gauze mask, cold water spray, ice or baking molds, a sieve, any eye protection, and a deep plate for mixing ingredients. Latex gloves are put on your hands.

    Classic recipe for making bath bombs

    First, lump-free baking soda and citric acid in powder form are sifted through a sieve. The ratio is taken to be 2/1. Then add any filler, for example, cream, milk powder, cream, any medicinal clay, sea salt, pre-ground oatmeal. Then add essential oil - almond, mint, olive.

    Then the mixture is divided into several parts and a drop of cosmetic or food coloring is added to each. Mix everything well to achieve a uniform color.

    To make the mass stick together into a ball, use water, which is sprayed onto the dry mixture.

    The substance is then compressed and distributed into molds. To harden, they are laid out in a dry place. At the end, the balls are ready for use.

    Bombs without adding citric acid

    Most effervescent bath spheres are made using citric acid in powder form. If this ingredient causes an allergy, you can replace it, for example, with the well-known cream of tartar. The dry ingredients are mixed in one bowl, and the dye and essential oils in the other. Then everything is mixed.

    Among the dry mixtures there is a glass of baking soda, corn starch, salt, cream of tartar (a quarter cup), a few drops of any dye and coconut or almond oil.

    With almond oil

    These bombs are very beneficial for the skin, they tone and even out the skin. To prepare, you will need almond oil, any other oils, ascorbic acid or citric acid powder, soda and liquid vitamin E. You can add sugar or borax.

    Anti-stress bath bombs

    Perfect for relaxing after everyday work and normalizing sleep. To make them you need a few tablespoons of almond oil and citric acid. Add table soda, dry cream or milk, dried and ground herbs (melissa, lavender, chamomile, green tea), as well as an essential oil or compound from eucalyptus, peppermint, lavender.

    In one bowl, thoroughly mix all the dry ingredients, knead the herbs into fine crumbs. Gradually add liquid ingredients to the solution and stir until completely homogeneous and spray with water.

    Citrus tonic bomb

    a fragrant product is obtained, for the manufacture of which they use standard set products, as well as oil of orange, grapefruit, tangerine, lemon, sea buckthorn.

    You can grate the zest of an orange or lime. This excellent remedy from “orange peel” and flabbiness. It makes the dermis young and elastic, nourishes it with vitamins and moisturizing ingredients.

    Chocolate bath bomb

    Sweet geysers are made with the addition of cocoa powder, milk powder, melted dark chocolate, and jojoba oil. You can add dry milk. This is an excellent cosmetic product for body care and relaxation. It renews the skin layers and makes them firm and elastic again.

    With oat flakes and natural honey

    Oatmeal-honey fizzy balls are made from ordinary ingredients with the addition of dry cream or milk, apricot oil, bergamot, homemade honey and oatmeal. The last ingredient is thoroughly ground in a blender. This product is suitable for skin prone to irritation and dryness.

    Natural ingredients nourish the epidermis and improve blood microcirculation, resulting in an improved body appearance.

    With natural coffee

    Such cosmetical tools tone and give additional strength. Added as an additional ingredient ground coffee, sea salt, wheat germ oil and potato starch. If you add ylang-ylang oil and candied honey, you will get a much more pronounced positive result - the tone of the dermis increases, it becomes soft and tender.

    With mint

    Additionally, almond oil, crushed dry mint and olive oil are used. These baths are soothing nervous system, relieve mental stress and increased nervousness.

    Black bath bombs

    Seething in hot water the geyser may have a rich black color. Activated carbon is also used for this. These ingredients help disinfect the skin and are often used to treat psoriasis.

    Black bombs are prepared similarly to other options, but with the addition of powder activated carbon. The water in the bathroom eventually becomes dark color, but it’s enough to just take a light shower at the end.