How to combat lichens on fruit trees. Effectively getting rid of lichen in the garden

On the eve of winter, when garden trees get rid of foliage, multi-colored formations become noticeable on the trunks and branches: silver, dark gray, white, yellow and even pink. These are lichens. On fruit trees they occupy up to 60–80% of the surface of the trunks, and old currant bushes can be completely covered with them. Let's consider in the article how to deal with lichen, which methods are most effective.

On the trunk of one tree there can be a dozen various types lichen

Do I need to get rid of lichens?

Such coexistence does not cause direct harm to the plant, but it does have an indirect effect on the development of the plant. It is believed that the lichens that have settled in the garden:

  • cause detachment of the bark, retaining moisture on its surface;
  • promote the accumulation of spores of pathogenic fungi, provoking fungal diseases;
  • serve as a shelter for garden pests;
  • complicate gas exchange in the cortex, closing the pores;
  • reduce the tree’s resistance to weather anomalies;
  • create conditions for serious developmental pathologies.

Reasons for the appearance of lichen on fruit trees

The appearance of lichens on the trunk indicates a possible disease or premature aging of the tree due to deteriorating growing conditions:

  • damage to wood due to frost and icing;
  • cracking of the bark due to sunburn in winter and in early spring;
  • excessive growth of the crown due to untimely care;
  • prolonged flooding, high level groundwater;
  • damage to the bark by rodents;
  • unsuitable place for landing.

You need to start fighting the formation of lichen at the very beginning stage. It is important to determine the real reason ailments of the plant in order to prolong its life. Prevention measures should not be neglected. To improve light and air conditions, sanitary and anti-aging pruning and crown molding are carried out. " To prevent sunburn, the trunks of apple trees and other fruit trees are whitened for the winter. Plantings damaged by pests are treated with fungicides. Organic and mineral fertilizers.

Protecting tree trunks by applying fertilizers

Removing lichen from apple trees

The most effective way to combat lichen on apple trees and other fruit trees is complete sanitary treatment, consisting of 4 stages. The sequence of actions is given in the table:

Stage Way Means Nuances
I. Cleaning the barrel Mechanical stripping Plastic sponge or coarse cloth glove, nylon brush, wooden scraper, pointed wood chip Carry out in wet weather
II. Bark disinfection Chemical treatment Ash lye, soap solution, iron sulfate, copper-containing preparations Immediately after stripping the barrel
III. Sealing wounds Putty of cuts, breaks and cracks Special pastes, garden pitch, clay mash Conducted in clear weather
IV. Whitewash Painting the surface with a brush, paint roller, spray gun Lime, special water-dispersion emulsions and paints In dry weather

Popular methods of disinfecting garden trees

For whitewashing fruit trees, various mixtures are prepared, most often based on the components indicated in the table:

In gardening, iron and copper sulfate are used to combat lichens, mosses, and fungal spores.

The proportions in which the main components of lime mortar are mixed are given in the recipes below:

  1. For 2 buckets of water take 5 kg of lime, 400 g of wood glue, 1 kg copper sulfate.
  2. For 20 liters of water, 4 kg of slaked lime, 2 kg of fatty clay, 500 g of copper sulfate, 2 shovels of cow dung.
  3. For a bucket of water, 2.5–3 kg of chalk and 10 tablespoons of dry flour paste.

Tip No. 1: Mix the components thoroughly until a homogeneous creamy consistency is formed. If it is too thick, it will harden and peel off, and the liquid mixture will flow down the trunk.

The whitewash layer on the trunk should not exceed 3 mm. The color of the whitewash matters. For reflective effect it should be lead or gray. To protect against sunburn and temperature changes, prepare a white mixture - the whiter the better. Lime mortars are popular because they are easy to prepare and inexpensive, but protective qualities leave much to be desired.

They are being replaced by ready-made coating mixtures industrial production. Water-dispersion paints form a breathable film on the surface that is safe for plants. They are durable and impact resistant sun rays, are not washed away by precipitation.

Apple trees are covered with a lime composition over the entire height of the trunk, capturing skeletal branches at 1/3 of the length. For a mature tree this is approximately 1.8–2 m.

Fighting lichen on currants

Mechanical restoration berry bushes It is carried out somewhat differently than for fruit trees. On a currant bush, they do not trim every twig, but remove all twigs and branches older than 5 years at the root. Thanks to this procedure, young healthy shoots grow intensively. "

It is advisable to uproot a completely affected non-fruiting bush and replace it with a modern one. productive variety. If you want to preserve the variety, cut off all the branches at ground level, leaving 2-3 young healthy shoots from the underground part of the stem. They tidy up the soil, apply mineral fertilizers, and provide watering. Within 2–3 years, a new crown is formed.

Treatment with a solution of iron sulfate is used to combat the spread of lichen on berry bushes. For spraying, take 350–500 g of the drug per 10 liters of water. Preventative treatment is carried out as early as possible in the spring, before dormant buds bloom.

Sanitary pruning of currants is aimed at removing diseased branches

As an alternative to proven but outdated types sanitization use special garden paint. This is modern effective remedy For preventative treatment garden and treatment of disease-affected trees. The “Luck” paint contains only environmentally friendly ingredients: herbal remedies and aqueous extracts of birch resin and leaves walnut, pine buds.

Advantages of paint:

  • Minimizing labor costs and material investments. The paint is applied in just one layer, which dries completely in a couple of hours.
  • Prolonged action. A single treatment provides lasting protection for the tree for 2 years.
  • Versatility. “Luck” is suitable for absolutely all types garden plants. It is allowed to paint saw cuts and broken branches instead of using special products.
  • Wide spectrum of action. The applied paint repels pests, protects against viruses and fungi, protects the trunk from winter sunburn, and increases the moisture and frost resistance of fruit trees and shrubs.

A garden treated with “Luck” gets rid of lichens in one season

Tip #2. To protect trees from damage by lichen, ready-made paint is applied to the trunk and lower skeletal branches using a brush, paint roller or spray gun.

To protect the crown of a tree or berry bushes 1 kg of product is diluted in 15–20 liters of water and young shoots are treated with a sprayer. Sanitation is carried out in late autumn, after the leaves have fallen off, or in early spring, before the buds swell.

The main mistakes when sanitizing the garden

  1. Having assessed the effectiveness chemicals in the fight against pests, including lichen, gardeners use them from year to year. You shouldn't do this. The components of potent drugs are washed away by precipitation, accumulate in the soil, reaching a maximum concentration there and poison both the tree and its owner.
  2. When mechanically stripping the trunk, cut lichen, moss, and insects hiding in the cracks of the bark fall to the surface of the soil, where they safely overwinter and reproduce. Before sanitizing the tree, you need to throw a litter on the ground so that the scraped pieces of the affected bark along with the pests fall on it. It can be cellophane film, old oilcloth, burlap, tarpaulin or any thick fabric. The waste collected in this way is taken away and burned.
  3. Often, metal scourers, scrapers, brushes, and other devices that can injure the tree are used to clean the trunk. It is unacceptable to use sharp tools to process cracks, breaks, and depressions. Gentle cleaning is carried out with a rough rag, a sponge, a brush with synthetic bristles, or a wooden knife.
  4. In order to save money, gardeners independently prepare preparations for sanitary treatment based on autol, grease, gasoline, nigrol, kerosene, drying oil, petroleum jelly and other available means. Mineral oils, like all petroleum products, cause irreparable harm to plants, forming chemical burns and even necrosis on the surface of the trunk.

Answers to pressing questions: “How to deal with lichens?”

Question No. 1. Is it possible to use acrylic or any other paint as garden whitewash?

Acrylic paint is not suitable for treating garden plants, especially young seedlings. The pores on the bark will become clogged, cutting off air access to the wood. The same consequences will arise from the use of washable water-based paint, forming an airtight film on the painted surface. To treat the garden, it is recommended to purchase special paint marked “for garden trees.”

Question No. 2. Does the choice of lichen control agent depend on the age of the tree?

It has been noticed that there is practically no lichen on young trees. But if there is a lot of it on neighboring plants, it makes sense to treat the entire garden. Exposure of fragile young bark to vitriol and lime is not advisable. To coat the trunk, a mixture of clay, ash and cow dung is prepared.

Question No. 3. When is the deadline for treating and clearing trees of lichen?

You can carefully remove lichen from the trunk throughout the growing season. It is more convenient to do this when the branches are free of foliage. But iron sulfate can damage already opened buds, so treatment is carried out in early spring or postponed until autumn. Crown thinning is carried out in March or early October. "

Question No. 4. What is more effective for the first spraying of currants: Bordeaux mixture or a mixture of urea and copper sulfate?

The initial components of Bordeaux mixture are water, copper sulfate and quicklime. The effectiveness of the application is due to the effect of copper ions on pests and fungal spores, occurring at the cellular level. Copper compounds are toxic, so use Bordeaux mixture with caution.

A mixture of urea and copper sulfate also has a disinfectant effect. But in addition to this, urea also serves nitrogen fertilizer, absorbed through the bark and unopened buds.

Question No. 5. Do seedlings need to be whitened?

Young trees with smooth bark cannot be whitewashed! Only those trees whose bark is covered with natural cracks and plates are whitened.

Gardeners are interested in the effect of lichens on plants. These organisms are considered indicators of air purity (with the exception of a small group of “urban” lichens that were able to adapt to gas pollution, soot and burning). Should we remove lichens or allow them to remain in our areas?

Lichen on a tree branch

A little about lichens

The science of lichens is called lichenology . Scientists study these unusual organisms in detail and describe their habitat. Lichen ( Lichenes) belongs to a special group of complex organisms that consist of fungi and microscopic algae, closely related to each other. More than 20 thousand species of lichens have been described. They live a long time: from several decades to hundreds of years. They grow slowly.

Lichens are peculiar plants consisting of filaments and single-celled algae entangled in these filaments.
The mushroom absorbs water and dissolves mineral juices that settle from the air. Green algae Starch is created from carbon dioxide, air and water. Algae from mushroom threads absorb water with dissolved salts, and mushroom threads “digest” whole algae. (N.M. Verzilin “In the footsteps of Robinson”)

Different types of lichen can live on the trunk of one tree. They are better visible in wet weather when they become brighter and more prominent. Some lichens look similar to mold. There are lichens that resemble , fancy plants, strokes of paint, etc. Lichens exist thanks to photosynthesis. Moisture is absorbed by the surface, absorbing it even from fog.

Lichen is persistent. It is able to survive in conditions in which other plants cannot exist. Different types found in African deserts and the Arctic Circle. They can withstand heat (+60 - 70°C) and frost (-50°C). The most comfortable temperature air for lichen - from +10 to +20°C. Under unfavorable conditions (prolonged drought, critical temperatures air) they are preserved, i.e. dry out, shrink and come to life again, absorbing moisture from the air. Many of us have stepped on a crisp carpet of dry lichen that turns “Persian” after the rain.

Some lichens are edible. So, Icelandic lichen, which is called "Eskimo bread", contains 44% soluble starch and 3% sugar. Before eating, it is soaked for a day in water with soda or soda to remove bitter substances, then washed and left for another day in clean water. After this, the lichen is dried, crushed and added to rye flour before baking bread. If you crush such a lichen and cook for a couple of hours, you will get a gelatin substitute with a faint mushroom smell.

Lichens on trees and shrubs

We often see lichens on the trunks of mature and old trees. Freezing, cracks in the bark and thickening of the crown can provoke the appearance and growth of these organisms even on young plants. In just a few years they can color the trunk and some of the branches.

The appearance of lichen on the bark of this tree

Some lichens provide refuge for springtails, leaf beetles, mites, spiders and ground beetles. There are animals that feed on lichens and the products of their decomposition. The antibiotic properties of lichens have been studied, allowing them to suppress the growth of fungi that destroy wood.

I became convinced of the benefits of lichen by leaving it on several old gooseberry bushes that were already over thirty years old. Bush care is minimal. They grow in a distant dacha and annually produce a good harvest of delicious berries. I believe that these “long-livers” largely owe their health to lichen.

On the trunk and branches not only of oaks, but also of other deciduous and coniferous trees lichen lives uhvernia plum , or oak moss (Evernia prunastri). Most often settles on fir and pine trees xanthorium wall , popular name « goldenrod » ( Xanthoria parietina). , processed wood and tree trunks are painted parmelia , popular name " cut grass » ( Parmelia), preferring well-lit places.

Is it worth fighting lichens in the garden?

There are two opposing points of view. Some gardeners believe that lichens do not harm the tree, but they draw attention to the problems associated with the deterioration of the plant. Opponents believe that lichens on the bark of trunks and branches prevent air flow, lead to constant waterlogging of the bark, become a haven for pests, their larvae and pupae, and provoke serious diseases. These people are categorical: you need to fight lichens.

I love lichens, so I allow them to grow on trees and shrubs. But with reasonable restrictions. I make sure that no mushrooms appear. They are the ones who apply real harm plants.

Tinder fungus on the trunk of a dying tree

How to free a tree from lichen?

It is easier to clean the bark of lichen in wet weather. Most effective method lichen control - mechanical. This is careful scraping from trunks and branches with various scrapers and brushes, rinsing with a strong stream of water from a hose. I usually use Karcher, selecting the right nozzle. After this treatment, the tree bark becomes “like new.” To be on the safe side problem areas can be treated with a solution of iron sulfate or sprinkled with wood ash.

Articles on the topic :

In the wonderful book by Pavel Steinberg “ A gardener's everyday recipe. golden book gardener, time-tested. Real recipes that are over 100 years old"There is a useful recommendation:

For coating, Mr. Tsivinsky recommends using lye prepared as follows: take 2.5 kg of wood ash, 400 g of salt, the same amount in a bucket plain soap and boil this mixture until all the soap has dissolved. When the mixture has cooled, add a glass of turpentine and coat the trunks and thick branches with this lye using a rag or cloth, especially in places covered with moss and lichens. This coating should be done in early spring, before the buds open. Under such coating, the moss and lichen dry out and, wetted by rain, fall off by themselves, so there is no need to scrape them off with a knife. After this coating, the bark acquires a green, fresh color.

Lichen in landscape design

If you look closely at lichens, you can see how good and beautiful they are. After rain, these mysterious organisms come to life; in dry weather they shrink. They are always different. Lichens are “photogenic.” Pictures with them are more interesting.

The stones painted with multi-colored lichen patterns look impressive on the site. They will decorate the alpine slide, supporting wall and other structures with stones. The lichen will play important role when creating a rock garden, a miniature copy of the nature of the northern or other region.

Old well-kept gardens and parks have their own charm. Moss and lichen are their constant attributes. I have an aspen growing, a seedling of which about twenty years ago ended up at the top alpine slide. I left him, although I guessed about all the difficulties of surviving on the stones. But I really wanted to grow another one! Now it is a low tree with a thick trunk and an asymmetrical crown. Without the lichen that settled on the trunk and thick branches, the aspen would not look so interesting. It should be noted that this plant is not very suitable for rigid formation. It’s a different matter, plastic, pine, linden, poplar, etc.

Garden bonsai made of bird cherry decorated with silver lichen

The lichen effectively “ages” the low bird cherry with a fan-shaped crown. I allow him to live on formed pine trees. I carry out sanitary cleaning using a strong stream of water from a hose or using a Karcher. I make sure to limit the growth of lichen, leaving it only in the most visible places.

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If moss is found on the queen apple tree in your favorite garden, she needs help. The tree does not look aesthetically pleasing; under the growths a favorable environment is created for the proliferation of pests and pathogenic fungi. The formation of mossy and lichen islands on apple trees signals that the humidity of the place where the trees grow is too high. Their appearance does not pose a direct threat to the garden, but hidden troubles may appear over time.

Moss affecting an apple tree must be treated urgently

Why are apple trees covered with lichens and mosses?

The reasons for the appearance of an unsightly coating on an apple tree include one of the factors, or a combination of them:

  • excessively shaded place;
  • air humidity;
  • close location of a permanent source of water at the roots.

Sometimes all three reasons combine, making them difficult to eliminate. Note that lichens are an indicator of the presence of pollutants in the air. These are microformations that require exceptional purity, consisting of fungi and algae growing in the form of a layer.

Nutrients that promote the growth of organisms are absorbed from the air and absorbed from dust particles. Dew, fog, precipitation, slush - the lichen is happy with any moisture.

The presence of moisture promotes the development of lichen

Mycelium supplies carbon dioxide and water, tiny algae, protected by fungi from drying out, feed it with organic substances. Moss is at the top of the list higher plants, it is more developed. Reproduces by spores. It has no roots, flowers, or conducting system. Appears on apple trees growing in a humid environment. When groundwater are located close to the roots, the soil is too wet, it rains often, the air does not circulate enough, does not warm up, characteristic manifestations appear on the trunks and branches.

Consequences for apple trees

Lichens and mosses do not act destructively. They do not suck the juices out of the plant and do not attack fruits, greens or bark on their own. The body of lichens is a symbiosis of two organisms:

  • primitive algae;
  • mushrooms

The first ones engage in photosynthesis and produce the necessary sugars. The second – protects from drying out, provides water and mineral compounds. Lichens do not contain roots; a tree is their basis, a platform for placement. They create danger:

Lichen makes it difficult for wood to breathe

  • a whole little world appears under them, a favorable atmosphere develops for the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria;
  • wood breathing becomes difficult;
  • ventilation becomes difficult;
  • there is a lack of lighting;
  • does not evaporate, moisture stagnates;
  • decay processes begin;
  • Harmful insects spend the winter under lichen plaques.

Moss can dry out in warm weather and reappear in unfavorable climatic conditions. It settles on the roots if water stagnates on heavy soil, is poorly absorbed, and does not drain away. If the garden is not properly maintained or pruning is not carried out in a timely manner, a thickened crown can cause lichens to spread quickly. Their color is gray, yellow, or an unpleasant brownish-rusty hue.

Methods for destroying lichens and mosses on apple trees

“It takes a second to break a tree, but it takes years to grow it,” is a wonderful proverb. Unsightly plants can be replaced with young, undamaged ones. But is it worth doing? The main part of a tree is the trunk, and when moss or lichen appears on it, it must be dealt with. From the available tools you will need:

  • gloves with a hard, possibly pimply surface;
  • brush or scraper;
  • brush;
  • iron, copper sulfate;
  • garden var.

The set of measures is simple and inexpensive, consisting of simple manipulations:

  • cleaning;
  • processing.

Devices are available in specialized retail outlets. The range allows you to choose a gentle tool that is convenient to use. These are dull hardwood knives, scrapers different configurations, brushes made of wire, wood, mittens.

It is better to scrape off formations with wooden tools. Wire brush you can deeply wound the plant, the apple tree will hurt and will not produce the expected harvest. Such a tool becomes heavily clogged with waste particles and is difficult to clean.

The growths are removed down to a healthy layer of bark. The area between the base of the skeletal branches and the trunk is subject to scrupulous processing. The soil under the tree is covered with a tarpaulin or other material to collect debris. It is taken away from the garden and must be burned.

A 2% solution of iron sulfate helps get rid of the disease

Before cleaning, the tree is sprayed with a 2% solution of ferrous sulfate. After which the places with lichen peel off from the bark. In order not to expose the plant to unnecessary stress, it is enough to “pat” the apple tree with a rough mitten. The formations come off easily, especially in humid weather.

A tree heavily overgrown with mosses can be treated, after scraping them off, with a solution of copper sulfate (0.5-%). This solution has a detrimental effect on harmful insects, fungi that cause diseases, helps disinfect scars. This composition is akin to a burn, so they try to use it in extreme cases.

The dried wound is covered with garden varnish. Getting rid of unaesthetic growths on apple plantings, at the same time disease prevention is carried out:

  • coccomycosis;
  • scab;
  • anthracnose;
  • curliness;
  • other spotting, rot.

Moss for pests and bacteria paradise. High humidity combined with heat create greenhouse conditions for the reproduction, growth and life of microorganisms.

Favorable period of cleaning - early spring, deep autumn when there are no leaves. In parallel with the removal of lichens, it is convenient to carry out pruning, furrowing, preventing cracking and peeling of the bark, and removing dead parts that represent a breeding ground for infection. Thinning the crown opens up access to additional heat and light to the apple tree and enhances aeration.


If the site is oversaturated with water, the rainy season is protracted, and precipitation is heavy, drainage on the soil is necessary. It will protect against waterlogging, the formation of moss on fruit trees, and the appearance of lichens.

For arrangement complex design A large apple orchard employs experienced specialists. Independently, saving costs, on garden plot Installing a drainage system is easy. It is necessary to determine a diagram on paper that will serve to accurately calculate the amount of materials and the order of its installation.

Drainage diagram for a summer cottage

Trenches are made along the width of the pipes, about 1 m deep in the direction of the slope of the terrain. The bottom is well compacted, covered with clay, and 3 cm of sand on top. Pipes are placed on this cushion and connected with couplings.

The formed collector is sent to the reservoir. It is made from a barrel (a simple version) or a dug well. A pipe is installed on the side through which water will flow. The container is lowered into a hole dug according to its height. The bottom of the pit is sealed with sand (5 mm), and on top of it with a cement solution (7 cm). Before installing the barrel, the cement layer must dry.

The ground around the catch basin and the trench with pipes is filled with crushed stone and trampled down. Water stored in the reservoir can be redirected to dry garden areas that need it. The beds are watered by hand.

Drainage ditches are beautifully decorated with flowers, lawn plants, and decorative paths. The waterlogged soil gradually returns to normal, giving the garden new life.

There are many ready-made anti-fungal drugs that come with instructions for use. Homeowners practice control methods without exposing plants to unnecessary chemicals.

From unsightly mossy formations on apple trees to lichens that have spread throughout the tree, there is a chance to get rid of it with potassium permanganate. You need to prepare a solution of ¼ teaspoon of manganese / 1 liter of water and pour it into unsightly places.

Experienced gardeners suggest diluting in water (10 l) for cleaning: laundry soap (2 pcs), salt (1 kg), wood ash (2 kg), bring to a boil. Cool and cover the areas with lichen with the composition. After stripping, the trunks respond well to whitewashing with freshly slaked lime (3 kg / 10 l of water) mixed with table salt(3 kg) and wood glue (2%). The composition is applied with a brush to the wounds. To prevent the whitewash from crumbling and being washed off the wood under the influence of precipitation, it is good to add 2 cups of milk to the mixture.

For prevention, it is useful to spray tree trunk circles with urea, after collecting fallen leaves. In a very neglected, unkempt garden, the fight against lichen colonies is ineffective without sanitary felling. Completely affected trees are removed from the site and replaced with young, healthy ones.

Lichens receive all their nutrients from the air, so they cannot tolerate the slightest pollution and are a kind of indicator of the environmental background in the place where the plant is cultivated.

The appearance of mosses signals poor health of apple trees, increased susceptibility to diseases, a nourishing place and a cozy shelter for insects.

Garden trees covered with moss and lichen slow down their growth, bear fruit poorly, and over time their branches dry out and die. In addition, growths on the shoots create a favorable environment for insect pests. How to protect trees?
Tree cleaning procedures should be carried out in early spring, when the buds on the trees have not yet swelled (usually in March), and in late autumn, when the last fruits have been harvested (in November). At the same time, before autumn processing It is imperative to collect and burn fallen leaves.
If fruit trees are treated with drugs when the buds have already bloomed on them, this will lead to the death of the entire plant.
How and with what to treat trees from moss and lichen
Prepare a 5% solution of iron sulfate in a proportion of 50 g per 1 liter of water and treat the trunks and skeletal branches of trees. After a week, the lichens and mosses should fall off on their own. Also, do not forget to cultivate the ground under the trees, because iron sulfate is excellent remedy prevention of various diseases of fruit trees.
If scales of lichens and mosses still remain on the surface of the trees, remove them mechanically. Spread pieces of film or rags under the plants and scrape the surface of the trunk and branches with a wooden spatula, brush or old burlap.
Collect and destroy fallen pieces of lichen and moss.
Thinning pruning will save the garden
If your garden is very neglected, almost all the trees are covered with lichen and moss, then before starting the cleaning procedure it is necessary to carry out sanitary felling. Because some trees may be so heavily infested with lichen growth that it will be useless to clear them.
Examine each tree carefully and trim off overgrown branches. In addition, do not forget to do constant thinning pruning of garden trees so that their crowns do not thicken. This will have a beneficial effect on the additional flow of air and light. In such a garden there will be no high humidity and, accordingly, excessive growth of mosses and lichens.
After thinning, remove large parts of lichens and mosses mechanically (by scraping). Then prepare a solution of copper sulfate: dissolve 350-500 g of copper sulfate powder in 10 liters of water.
Trees are treated with this composition in the same way as iron sulfate. Treatment with a solution in exactly this concentration is carried out once every 5 years. And sometimes just one time is enough and your garden will be rid of mosses and lichens forever.
An easy method for cleaning trees from moss and lichen
If your garden trees are not heavily covered with growths, then you can use a simpler cleaning method: mix 1 kg of salt, 2 kg of wood ash, grate 2 pieces of wood into this mixture laundry soap, fill 10 l hot water, bring to a boil, cool and coat tree trunks with the resulting mixture.
If lichens appear periodically in your garden, then use the preventive antifungal drug Skor: it is diluted in accordance with the instructions and applied to trees in early spring.
After cleaning it is necessary to carry out lime whitewash tree trunks. You can prepare the solution yourself (dilute 1.5-2 kg of slaked lime in 10 liters of water) or use ready-made mixtures(for example, garden acrylic whitewash).
Whitewashing is carried out in dry weather (autumn or early spring) at an air temperature of at least 2˚C. You should first cover all wounds and cuts on the trees with garden varnish.
Try not to neglect trees and inspect their bark annually. If you find small “islands” of moss, carefully clean them off immediately, because large growths are much more difficult to deal with.