Features of growing square watermelons. Unusual yellow, black and square watermelons

Ornamental crops often coexist with edible beauty, allowing for maximum diversification of landscape design and the creation of unique compositions. Presented in this article edible exotic- relatively new culture, combining an attractive appearance and excellent taste. The square watermelon first appeared many years ago as a result of the experiments of an ordinary breeder. The gardener simply placed the berries while they were forming into plastic square containers. As it grew and developed, the cubic watermelon took on the necessary shape. Subsequently, the plastic container was removed, and the berry continued to delight the eye with its unusual shape until it was fully ripe. Students from Japan were impressed by the idea. And as a result of many years of research and experimentation, a special variety “Kaku-Melo” was developed. Currently, this is the only variety that does not require unnecessary movements and tricks with plastic containers in order to get square berries. You can see cube watermelons in the photo below, and also learn about how to grow them with your own hands. personal plot in any region of the country:

How to grow and use quadrant watermelons (with photos)

There is a certain technology by which watermelon is grown; its strict adherence will ensure guaranteed high yields. The berry has a unique chemical composition, the pulp is rich in vitamins and minerals. IN summer heat it is a valuable source of liquid with high nutritional value. Everyone knows about these properties of watermelon. But few people have thought about how this melon crop can be used for decorative purposes. We'll tell you later how to grow square watermelons with your own hands, but for now, look at this unusual crop in the photo in landscape design:
The growing process begins with choosing a variety. It is selected taking into account the characteristics climate zone. Currently, there are varieties that are resistant to unfavorable climatic conditions - they are suitable for cultivation in open ground even in Siberia and the Urals. These are “Creamstar”, “Suga baby”, “Pink champagne”, “Ogonyok” and many others.
Practiced exclusively seedling method cultivation. Otherwise, there is no chance of getting even the minimum harvest. Sowing of seedlings takes place in early March. The seeds are pre-soaked for 2-3 days in a nutrient solution with the addition of growth stimulants. After soaking, the seeds are placed in the refrigerator on the top shelf for 48 hours. This is the stratification stage. Sowing is carried out in well-structured soil with a high content organic matter. About half the volume of soil is occupied by humus or compost. Sand and turf (deciduous) soil are added to it in equal proportions. The soil reaction should be neutral; if the reaction is acidic, the addition of lime or wood ash is required. The soil is calcined in the oven for 3 hours. Then pour boiling water with the addition of potassium permanganate. After cooling, you can spread it out peat pots and plant 2 seeds in each to a depth of 1 cm. There are certain sowing tricks:
  • watermelon seedlings have a very fragile root system and do not tolerate transplanting and picking;
  • landing takes place at peat cups, only half filled;
  • after rapid growth begins, the soil is gradually added to the edges of the pot;
  • if both seeds enter, then one seedling is removed.
After sowing, the containers are covered plastic film(it is advisable to place them in bags and tie them tightly) to maintain the required level of soil moisture. It is advisable to place the pots where the temperature remains above 25 degrees Celsius throughout the day. Shoots appear in approximately 7 - 10 days. This is followed by active growth and development. During the period of growing square watermelon seedlings, you need to add liquid once a week. mineral supplements, since the culture has rapid growth, it requires a large number of nutrients. The soil surface is loosened once a week to a depth of 1 cm. This increases the air permeability of the soil. Seedlings should not be kept on window sills, which become very cold at night. This can cause root rot disease.
Growing a decorative square watermelon in open ground is possible after the threat of return frosts has completely passed. Sometimes temporary film shelters are used. The timing of planting seedlings in the ground usually occurs at the end of May or beginning of June. At this time, the seedlings are already blooming and require preliminary hardening. For this purpose, they are taken to open air daily for 2-3 hours.
In open ground it is necessary to create favorable conditions for development. The crop should be planted only on a previously prepared bed with biofuel. Usually this is removed upper layer soil (about 30 cm or the bayonet of a shovel). Then old hay, straw, dry branches, cardboard, paper, and cotton rags are placed in the trench. Fresh grass is added to the biofuel in a layer of up to 10 cm. Everything is covered with soil. You need to pour boiling water over the garden bed and cover it with tarpaulin for 7 days. All this will start the process of “burning” biofuel, giving great amount carbon dioxide, stimulating the growth of decorative cubic watermelon in open ground. Abundant watering is required, but it can only be done in the first half of the day. Evening watering leads to overcooling of the root system at night. This significantly inhibits the growth of melon crops. Feeding with liquid mullein and mineral complexes - once a week. The soil surface should be regularly mulched with fresh green grass or rotted sawdust. This creates favorable conditions for the functioning of the root system. The use of decorative square watermelon in landscape design has no limits. This could be a composition rustic style, or maybe an emphasis on the unusual shape of the berry. Look at the photo for some ideas for using square watermelons in the design of a site - combine the benefits with aesthetic pleasure:

" Watermelon

People associate the summer season with fresh vegetables and berries. But experienced gardeners and summer residents were interested in tests conducted in Japan more than 20 years ago. These figures brought out watermelons interesting shape– square. And this is not only decor, but also edible berry, which brings in considerable income. We’ll talk about how to make and grow such fruits in this article.

For the first time, the mystery of Japanese farmers was unraveled by Oktyabrina Ganichkina, who had the status of a candidate of agricultural sciences and the author of books on gardening and horticulture. She believes that the Japanese tried to solve transportation problems, but the results obtained exceeded all results and wealthy citizens became interested in the square berry.

The first experiments began to be carried out in the city of Centxu. Farmers placed watermelon buds in individual square containers, and the berries took their shape.

It turned out that such a product is easier to stack, store and transport, as well as transport in large volumes. And the high demand for the product inspired farmers to make further discoveries. And soon the light saw square melons and tomatoes.

Why and who needs square watermelons?

All farmers and industrialists immediately appreciated the value of the discovery.

Firstly, this is convenience and economy of transportation, as well as storage. Secondly, this fruit is convenient to place on a plate and cut into standard, neat pieces.

Thirdly, prices are significantly higher than for standard round or oval watermelons. Therefore, the secrets of growing such watermelons began to leak out and spread throughout the world.

Advantages and disadvantages

The internal contents of a watermelon are no different from the standard shaped mouth of berries. True, they may be inferior in taste standards. But such berries have a number of distinctive features:

  • convenient to store and transport, minimizing transportation costs;
  • convenient to place on dining table and in the refrigerator;
  • square shape facilitates accurate cutting;
  • high cost on the market.

But the transformation affected only the external forms of the berry and did not affect the taste characteristics. For inexperienced farmers, the berries ripen unevenly or do not have time to ripen, therefore, in terms of sweetness and richness of taste, they are inferior to their oval counterparts.

And also, each striped berry needs to be observed and cared for daily so as not to spoil its appearance and commercial attractiveness.

These two factors can be safely attributed to the disadvantages, which prevent the process of large-scale production from starting and displacing watermelons of the usual shape.

Features of cultivation

Cultivation will give positive results only in southern regions with a stable warm climate. To implement the plan, you will need to choose the right variety of watermelon. It is better to give preference to hybrids with a short growing season.

All activities should be divided into stages.

  1. Sowing seeds. Optimal time sowing will be the end of spring. Otherwise, the fruits will not have time to ripen. Seeds should be germinated in moist soil or sand in good light.
  2. Planting in open ground should be carried out when the threat of return frosts has passed and the soil has warmed up to 15 degrees.
  3. After planting, watermelons should be provided with standard care., which consists of regular watering, loosening the soil and removing weeds.
  4. Formation of the fetus. When the watermelon ovaries reach the size of an average apple, it is placed in special cubic molds. The fruits are placed so that all stripes are vertical. Further care is no different from usual. You just need to regularly ventilate the molds and cover them in extreme heat. When the berries grow and no longer fit in the houses, the forms can be removed and the watermelons can be checked for ripeness.

Watermelon seeds will sprout within a week and a half after placing them in a comfortable environment. To increase germination seed material, it is recommended to place it in water heated to 50 degrees for 10-15 minutes.

Until seedlings emerge, seedling containers should be kept at room temperature, and with the emergence of seedlings, move to a cooler place where the air temperature will not exceed 17 degrees.

The appearance of the fifth full-fledged leaf serves as a signal for transplanting seedlings into open ground.

Making a square shape with your own hands

To make molds, you need a number of materials and tools.

  1. Durable sheets of transparent material, 0.5 - 0.8 mm thick (plastic, polycarbonate or glass).
  2. Screws with nuts and corners for fastening the walls.
  3. Furniture hinges to ensure the mobility of the lid.
  4. Hacksaws or jigsaws.
  5. Drills, screwdrivers, rulers and markers.

When all the tools and materials are prepared, you can begin the process of assembling the watermelon mold.

  1. Cut sheets of transparent material into squares measuring 20x20 cm.
  2. Fasten the blanks with screws, forming a square.
  3. Make a hole on one side for the vine.
  4. Secure the upper part (lid) to furniture hinges.

The finished form is reliable and durable and is able to withstand the pressure of the growing berry, forcing it to take the desired shape.

Harvest and storage

Watermelons should be picked from the vine at the first stage of removable ripeness., because fully ripened berries are not intended for long-term storage. Unripe fruits will also not be stored, because they cannot ripen after harvesting.

You can determine the degree of ripeness of watermelons by pink color pulp and dark color of seeds. N There are several ways to determine the ripeness of watermelons “on the vine”:

  • by peel color– when ripe, it becomes shiny, acquiring gloss;
  • by peel strength– if the rind of the watermelon is hard and cannot be pressed through with a finger, then this indicates the removable ripeness of the striped berry;
  • along the stalk, which dries out when the berries ripen and indicates that the watermelon has accumulated all the necessary nutrients;
  • for bedsores– it is formed at the point of contact of the berry with the ground and has a yellow color;
  • by sound– when tapping ripe watermelons produce a pronounced muffled sound.

Late-ripening watermelons with thick skin and genetic resistance to damage are suitable for long-term storage. Such fruits are removed from the vine using pruning shears or a knife, leaving a stalk at least 5 cm long.

Only healthy watermelons, without mechanical damage, are stored. Fruits should be placed on racks with soft straw bedding. During storage, you need to regularly inspect watermelons and remove spoiled ones.

Square watermelons can also be stored in earthen trenches. In this case, each layer must be covered with straw or shavings, and a layer of soil at least 35 cm thick must be poured on top.

With any method of storage, watermelons should not be overcooled - this will lead to spoilage of the pulp, loss of taste and spoilage of the fruit.

How much does a square watermelon cost?

Growing square watermelons with your own hands is a troublesome, but profitable task. How much does one berry cost? The cost of one fruit on the market often reaches twenty thousand rubles. But not all stores in Russia are ready to sell these products. After all, they are significantly inferior in taste to standard berries and are best used as an entourage for holidays and celebrations.

Most people are accustomed to thinking that watermelon is a sweet berry. round shape, having a striped color. However, there are also varieties of watermelons that seem very strange to the modern consumer. One of these varieties of this plant is square watermelon. This is very unusual variety these melons, which, however, is quite possible to grow on your own plot. In this article we will share information on how to grow a square watermelon with your own hands.

Square watermelons are grown in Japan, and it is precisely for their unusual shape that Japanese watermelons are highly valued all over the world, and despite the rather high price, there are always those who want to buy them. And although they grow mainly in the East, it is quite possible to grow a similar fruit in your own garden.

However, is there something hidden behind the unusual shape? Why are these square berries so popular?

Strictly speaking, the square watermelon is so popular precisely because of this non-standard shape, since, unlike round fruits, square ones are much more convenient to transport and store. The main disadvantage of a round fruit is that it cannot be placed motionless. It can roll very easily, as a result, during transportation the fruits often crack or break. A square watermelon is very easy to transport or store in such a way as to avoid the slightest damage. In addition, due to their extraordinary compactness, square fruits take up much less space

rather than round. Moreover, he is quite non-standard shape

. However, as the breeders themselves claim, the square fruit differs from the round fruit only in appearance, its taste remains absolutely the same.

Growing principle

In order to grow such a berry, certain technologies are used. When the ovary has formed, it is placed in a special container - a form that is a small box (20x20x20 cm) made of transparent material (can even be made of plastic) in order to better absorb heat.

It is these boxes that help give the fruits the square shape for which they are so valued. And since the molds can be used more than once, it would be advisable to provide them with a lid so that the berries can be removed, and slots for placing the ovaries.

How to grow a miracle in your own garden

Caring for the berry is not difficult - this process is no different from caring for a round watermelon. Difficulties arise only when farmers try to give the fruit the appropriate shape. In order for such a miracle to take root in your garden, certain actions are necessary. First of all, the selected seeds are planted in the soil, which has previously been well loosened and fertilized, and watered abundantly warm water

(several times a day). When the first leaves appear, seedlings can be planted. After this, you should wait until the watermelon blooms, and only then begin to turn an ordinary berry into a square one. When the berries reach a certain size (about 10 cm), they can be placed in a pre-prepared box. The box is covered on top so that your plants are not afraid of overheating, and after the fruit has been placed in the mold, it is necessary to water the bed abundantly. It is necessary to carefully monitor the growth and development of fruits in order to fully control this process. The fact is that due to the box being too small, the berry may crack, so also needs to be taken into account.

How to make a mold

Since giving the appropriate shape is the most important part of the process, the production of the form must be approached with the utmost seriousness. So how do you make a mold for square watermelons?

First of all, you should take care of the material for the drawers. It is quite possible to construct them from panels made of polycarbonate or plexiglass. They can be either completely transparent or black. Next you will need ordinary door hinges and a shutter for the lid, metal corner(about 30 mm wide) and fasteners to connect all these parts into a single structure.

It is necessary to construct a small box from the panels, equipped with a hinged lid with a shutter. The length of one side should be at least 20 cm so that the berry is comfortable. If the box size is too large, the watermelon may not acquire the desired shape, and you will simply grow a small round berry.

A small hole should be made in the center of the lid so that the watermelon ovary can be placed inside the box. Since the fruit placed in the box will strive to achieve a round shape, and therefore resist changing its outline, considerable pressure will be exerted on the walls of the box. So you need to make sure that the structure is strong enough to withstand the pressure that the growing berry puts on it.

By observing all these conditions, you can with my own hands build a tool to give this berry an unusual shape. By the way, many farmers, having had plenty of training with watermelons, are taking up the change appearance other crops using the same methods.

Video “How to grow a square watermelon”

From this video you will learn how to grow a square watermelon yourself.

The spherical shape of a watermelon, familiar to the human eye, is not at all necessary for this tasty and healthy berries. It’s very easy to grow a square watermelon and surprise your loved ones and friends, and you don’t need to resort to complex procedures or use achievements genetic engineering. By following the advice, you can easily create an interesting product that has all the properties of an ordinary watermelon, and diversify it in an original way. festive table and earn the admiration of your guests.

It’s very easy to grow a square watermelon and surprise your loved ones and friends.

Discussions on the use of genetically modified plants in agriculture arose a long time ago, and until now scientists have not come to a consensus on the advisability of the mass introduction of such technologies. Many researchers refer to the potential threat posed by the consumption and cultivation of modified crops. Gene manipulation could lead to the creation of super-yielding plants that are adapted to grow and mature in unfavorable conditions. Genetic modification can create new crops that combine the properties and qualities of several traditional ones. Genetic engineers It’s quite possible to create a square watermelon or a round banana.

Discussions on the use of genetically modified plants in agriculture arose a long time ago, and until now scientists have not come to a consensus on the advisability of the mass introduction of such technologies

We will not delve into scientific research and conduct risky experiments, engage in complex crossbreeding and vaccinations. Square watermelons are grown using a simple device. This will require a little more time and effort than when growing ordinary fruits and berries, although industrial production unusual berries will be more difficult.

Gallery: square watermelon (25 photos)

Where did square watermelons come from (video)

Why and who needs it?

Changing the shape of a watermelon to a cubic one is not only a desire to demonstrate originality. Square watermelons, similar in size, are easy to store and take up significantly less space in the scale of agricultural production and in the conditions of a specific retail outlet. Transport costs are significantly reduced. A ball tightly inscribed in a cube is correlated in volume with the cube as Pi/6, that is, using the same cargo or storage volume, more square watermelons will fit than ordinary ones. Cubic watermelons are less susceptible to damage during transportation and stacking.

Growing curly fruits is an interesting direction for a family business. Suffice it to say that square watermelons in Moscow cost 25,000-30,000 rubles apiece, and there is a demand for such products. Square watermelons are not only considered as food, but also used as table decorations or unusual gifts. Square watermelons can only be purchased in a few stores or by special order, so tapping into the market for a small family farm is not difficult.

Growing curly fruits is an interesting direction for a family business

Growing cubic berries

We owe the first appearance of cubic watermelons to Japan, where they began to give the berries an unusual shape more than 30 years ago. Initially, the goal of experimental gardeners was to create products that were more convenient for transportation, but unusual look generated additional demand and formed a new direction in business. Currently, cubic watermelons of the Kaku-Melo variety are patented in Japan. Growing unusual berries in business purposes They also practice in Brazil and the UAE.

The technology for growing quad berries is simple. The emerging watermelon ovary is placed in a special hard plastic or glass cubic box shape measuring about 20x20x20 cm in the manner shown in the photo. Boxes should be transparent or black for better heat absorption. The molds are designed for repeated use, therefore they are equipped with a lid for removing the berries and a slot for the ovary.

This completes the work of creating a cubic watermelon, further care harvesting is no different from ordinary gardening work.

As the berry grows, it adapts to the shape of the box and takes on a cubic shape. In the same way, you can grow completely exotic watermelons with different geometric parameters and even relatively complex configurations. Photos show watermelons various forms. Extreme gardeners, guided by a similar principle, grow other fruits, giving them unusual shapes(cucumbers with a star-shaped cross-section, square apples and tomatoes, etc.).

Gardening enthusiasts can grow unusual berries on their own plot (under appropriate climatic conditions).

Mold making

To make a cubic shape you will need:

  • durable transparent, black polymer (polycarbonate or plexiglass) or plywood panels (sheets are possible);
  • door hinges and lid lock;
  • equal-flange metal corner 20-30 mm wide;
  • fasteners (screws, screws, nuts, washers).

An equilateral box with a hinged lid equipped with a lock is made from the panels; the length of the side should be 20-25 cm. If you make a box large sizes, the fruit may not grow to the required dimensions and may not acquire a cubic shape. A shape that is too small will not allow the fruit to ripen completely; the watermelon will crack during growth.

In the center of the lid is done round hole, from which a slit is cut to place a watermelon ovary in a box. The structure must be strong enough to withstand the pressure of the growing fruit - the watermelon will tend to form a spherical shape, so the mechanical pressure on the walls of the box will be significant.

Planting and care

Seeds are planted in loosened and fertilized soil and regularly watered with warm water. The soil under watermelons should be constantly moist, watering should be carried out at least 2-3 times a day. Before planting in open ground, it is recommended to first grow seedlings at home. In this case it is necessary to support constant temperature not less than +25-28ºС.

Watermelon is considered the most favorite delicacy of adults and children. We look forward to mid-summer so we can enjoy the sugary pulp as soon as possible. In the minds of many, this is a large and round berry, but Japanese breeders surprised the whole world by releasing square watermelons. Today we will tell you how they are grown and what is used for this.


People who see a square watermelon for the first time are very surprised. After all, for our eyes the sight is quite outlandish, but not new. The very first specimen of the square berry was grown 30 years ago on a Japanese island. In the territory Russian Federation This watermelon has gained popularity as a decoration or original gift. Let's look at what the differences are:

  • First, it’s worth mentioning the form;
  • round watermelon is grown in open ground, and square specimens are grown in special forms;
  • The strange berry requires delicate care.

This is where all the differences end. As for the taste, it is the same in both cases. The square watermelon has the same red and sugary flesh. So what about taste qualities you don't have to worry.

Where is it grown?

Square watermelons are popular in Japan. This is where they are grown. So interesting thing There is only one Japanese company involved in this. Since growing such a crop is a delicate matter, their yield is no more than 400 pieces per year. If the season is less successful, then you can count on 200 berries. The Japanese company accepts orders for growing and supplying square watermelons in advance. Probably many are interested in how such an exotic berry is obtained. Let's consider this issue in more detail.

Growing principle

Unlike a regular watermelon, the square representative is grown by force. If an ordinary round melon crop can grow independently in open ground, then with a rare species everything is much more difficult. To do this, the ovary is placed in a special form, which can be made of plastic or glass. During the entire period of growth, the plant tries in every possible way to grow a fruit of a normal, familiar shape, but Japanese scientists carefully monitor this and remove round fruits. Thus, they are forced to accept them square view. In Russia, no one yet grows square watermelons for mass consumption. But still, some gardeners are trying to repeat the experience of Japanese breeders and reproduce such berries at their dachas.

We grow it ourselves

Many people wonder how to grow a square watermelon. We will tell you about all the subtleties. To grow berries of this original shape you will need:

  • seeds;
  • form.

First of all, it is worth studying the last point. If you want to surprise your family and neighbors with such a harvest, we will help you with this.


To start growing, you need to carefully consider the shape. To make it you need to prepare the following materials:

  1. Polycarbonate. Any color will do. The main thing is that the width is at least 8 mm.
  2. Gate hinges. Need details small size, which will carefully fasten all sides of our future form.
  3. Screws. They must be no less than 25 mm and no more than 40 mm in size.
  4. Steel or aluminum corner. It is enough to purchase 90 cm.
  5. Nuts, washers, flat head screws.

For ease of making the mold, prepare the following tools according to the list:

  • drill;
  • jigsaw (if you don’t have such a tool, you can replace it with a hacksaw);
  • crosshead screwdriver;
  • ruler;
  • hole saw.

When you have prepared everything, you can start.

Master Class

Let's look at how shapes for square watermelons are made:

  1. All polycarbonate must be cut into equal parts.
  2. We take the first sheet and cut a hole in it measuring 25 mm. For convenience, you can use a hole saw. By using hand hacksaw or a jigsaw, you need to make two parallel cuts from a round hole.
  3. You need to take the second piece of polycarbonate and connect it to the first part. In this case, it is necessary that the end overlaps. Connect using gate hinges.
  4. Based on the size of the two connected parts, it is necessary to prepare another pair of sides that will serve as inserts.
  5. They need to be inserted inside the box and adjusted to size.
  6. Secure with screws. For more reliable design It is recommended to screw two pieces into each end.
  7. Now we need to install the bottom of our entire structure and secure it, also using loops.

So our form is ready, in which you can grow square watermelons.


Today there are more than 1000 varieties of watermelons and each of them can be square. Berries that are grown at home have the following characteristics:

  • precocity;
  • size;
  • taste qualities;
  • color of rind and pulp.

Such watermelons can be grown in an average of 2.5 months. If you want to grow them in open ground, then best time when there is no threat of frost. You can do this at home throughout the year. Just remember one condition - the temperature must be maintained at about 27-28 degrees. Before planting watermelons, the seeds must be germinated in peat or flower soil. Afterwards you can transfer the seedlings into the holes and wait. But not everyone can determine when to harvest.

Looking for ripe

Square watermelons have the same ripeness characteristics as round ones:

  • the stalk becomes dry;
  • the crust begins to fade and is difficult to pierce with a finger;
  • the part of the skin that lies on the ground begins to turn white.

If you prefer to choose a watermelon based on its “dull” sound, then you should abandon this testing method. Basically, this indicates that the fruit is overripe.

Where do you buy it and how much does it cost?

If you want to purchase a square watermelon, the price will surprise you. For one fruit, the cost increases to 20 thousand rubles or even more. There are only a couple of stores that provide such watermelons for purchase. Accordingly, not everyone can afford such an expensive purchase. The price includes the following:

  • uniqueness of specimens;
  • transportation from Japan;
  • customs duties;
  • services of breeders for cultivation.

Based on all of the above, one thing we can say is that there is no difference between taste and color. Accordingly, it’s up to you to decide whether to buy ready-made fruit or grow it yourself. And as they say, if there is no difference, why pay more.