Finishing a bath: choosing materials and creating a design project. Do-it-yourself bathhouse: interior decoration Finishing materials for a Russian bathhouse

With the arrival of cold weather, you just want to wrap yourself in the warmest clothes and wait for the arrival of spring. However, spring will not come soon, and I really don’t want to sit like a cabbage in 10 sweaters. What to do in this case? It's time to heat your bathhouse, because going to the bathhouse in severe frosts is simply an indescribable feeling. No cold medicine can replace a visit to the bathhouse. And to make your trip to the bathhouse even more enjoyable, we offer you 100 best ideas for finishing a bath.

Bath interior design

A classic Russian bathhouse includes a dressing room, a steam room and a washing room. If funds allow, you can make a pool, a game room, a relaxation area, a kitchen and everything you want.

Laconic decoration in the Russian style with a massive table, benches and beds is most popular among bathhouse fans.

The bathhouse can be decorated with carved wooden objects, oak and birch brooms, and bundles of fragrant herbs.

Materials for finishing the bath inside

Materials for finishing the bath must be resistant to changes in temperature and humidity. Of course, we should not forget about safety, because the materials must be hypoallergenic and not emit toxins.

Equally important are the durability and practicality of materials. A cheap material that has a short service life will ultimately cost more because it will require replacement after 3-4 years.

Different types of wood are often used to decorate the steam room and dressing room. The combination of different shades, healing properties and aromas of wood gives a good effect.

Steam room

For the steam room, choose wood that does not contain resinous compounds, has low heat transfer and is resistant to high temperatures and high humidity.

Linden has a pleasant aroma and does not release resins when heated. It has low thermal conductivity and high moisture resistance, due to which the steam room heats up quickly.

Aspen is a very dense and durable wood. Resistant to rot, fungi and mold.

Alder has a water-repellent effect and a beautiful appearance.

Abash has low thermal conductivity and does not darken at all.

The desire to protect wood from rotting is understandable. But under no circumstances should you coat the wood with varnish or paint. Instead of the smell of wood, you will get the smell of chemicals. Even unpleasant odor It won’t, it definitely won’t be good for your health. The best option is to leave the steam room without impregnations or coatings, and take proper care of it - ventilate and dry it.

Instead of wood, it is better to make the floors in the steam room from tiles - the tile dries quickly and is resistant to fungus.

The beds in the steam room are best made from aspen, linden or alder.

Waiting room

Conifers, whose aroma is not only pleasant, but also incredibly healthy, and birch are suitable for finishing the dressing room.

Pine is the most practical and durable material for finishing.

Spruce is lighter than pine and is also excellent as a material for a dressing room.

Fir is a material from which virtually no resin is released.

The Russian bath is an excellent way to get away from all everyday problems and relax your body and soul. But how complete the bathing process will be depends primarily on the interior decoration of the bathhouse, that is, how comfortable it is and how it meets all the wishes of the owner. Further in the material with photos we will talk about how to make a bathhouse inside, and what materials can be used.

First of all, it is worth saying that the process of interior decoration includes its complete arrangement, starting with laying vapor barriers and ending with the assembly and installation of furniture and decorative elements. If you have construction skills, everything Finishing work You can do the baths yourself, otherwise, it is better to use the services of professionals.

Decoration Materials

Any internal work in a bathhouse begins with the selection process suitable materials. Decorating a bathhouse with wood is one of the most common options, especially for a steam room. However, there are a number of restrictions for this room, so not every material can be used in it.

This is due to the operating conditions of the steam room - high levels of humidity and high temperatures. In such a microclimate, a number of materials begin to release toxic substances that are harmful to health.

The following types of materials cannot be used to decorate a steam room:

  1. Pine board, which, with increasing temperature, begins to release resins that can pose a danger to humans.
  2. Particle boards: fiberboard or chipboard. In addition to the fact that such materials begin to swell at high humidity, they also begin to release toxins that are part of the adhesive mixtures for their production.
  3. Linoleum also tends to release toxins and is susceptible to rotting and deterioration.

But the decoration of the bathhouse inside in the dressing room and rest room may well be made of such materials. A dressing room trimmed with pine boards will be especially comfortable. They will give the air in the room a light pine aroma and a real Russian flavor.

Larch and linden are ideal for decorating walls in a bathhouse, particularly in a steam room. Preferable, of course, is larch, which is resistant to high temperatures and humidity, and is very durable. However, in the absence of such, you can also use linden wood.

It is better to use wood for cladding a bathhouse with your own hands in the form of lining. Such lightweight panels can be easily attached, are breathable and can be easily replaced if damaged. And since there will be insulation under the lining layer, it can be considered an almost ideal material for finishing a steam room.

Bath finishing technology

No matter what materials the bathhouse is built from, the finishing is done using approximately the same technology. Although it is still worth familiarizing yourself with the nuances of the process before starting work.

You need to move forward in the work process from the bottom up, that is, from the floor to the ceiling.

So, interior lining baths are performed in several stages:

  1. The first step is to lay the flooring in the steam room from larch boards. It is not recommended to use oak in this case, as it is quite slippery. The floor level in the steam room needs to be raised by 10 cm to better retain heat.
  2. The bottom shelf should be 10-15 cm higher than the stove level.
  3. Next, a lathing is made along the walls, along which the lining is attached.
  4. After completing the manipulations with the walls, you can begin finishing the ceiling.
  5. After the finishing of the wooden bath is completed, you can begin installing equipment and furniture. Ready-made items can be purchased in specialized stores.

Advantages of lime lining

It is worth noting that linden wood lining is not cheap at all, however, it is best suited for finishing the inside of a bathhouse.

The advantages of the material are:

  • long service life;
  • attractive appearance;
  • the ability to “breathe”, that is, to let air pass through;
  • resistance to high temperatures and constant humidity;
  • pleasant subtle aroma.

Working with wooden paneling

Before finishing the inside of the bathhouse with your own hands, you need to work on the surface of the walls, that is, make them absolutely even, otherwise the lining will fall in waves.

The wood must get used to the conditions inside the steam room, so before properly making a bath inside, the lining must be left indoors for a couple of days.

Next, they begin installing the sheathing under the lining. To do this, the slats are nailed to the walls with a gap of 70 cm between them. First, install the slats along the edges. All other elements are attached using a level and plumb line. To fix the wood you will need screws made of galvanized or of stainless steel, because all the others will quickly rust.

If you are sure that the walls are perfectly smooth, you can nail the lining directly to them, without lathing. But if you still have doubts, it is better to use a proven method.

You can nail the clapboard onto the prepared sheathing, which even an inexperienced person can do. Fasteners for lining must be coated with anti-corrosion coating and resistant to high temperatures. Using lining, almost anyone can complete the interior decoration of a bathhouse.

Why is vapor barrier needed?

The peculiarity of the Russian bathhouse is that it is always very humid, so for its decoration it is better to choose materials that can allow air to pass through, that is, be ventilated. So you should figure out in what cases the installation of a vapor barrier layer will be required.

The need for vapor barrier is directly related to what types of finishing of the baths were used. So, if the inside of the bathhouse is lined with wood, then a vapor barrier is not needed, since wood “breathes.”

But if the bathhouse is brick, then vapor barrier will be required if special ventilation holes. In any case, it is better to consult with specialists on this issue.

Finishing the bath with ceramic tiles

The main advantage of the tile is its functionality and low cost. It is optimally suitable for tiling the floor in a dressing room or rest room. It is very durable, not exposed to moisture and temperature, does not collapse, and is easy to maintain. In addition, tiles allow you to create an original interior.

Tiles can be divided into two categories:

Ceramic tiles for a bath should be glazed, since they are better able to withstand fluctuations in temperature and humidity, unlike unenamelled ones.

It is worth remembering that in a bathhouse it is better to cover the floor with tiles with a rough textured surface, which will prevent slipping and avoid injuries.

This rule also applies to wall cladding, since condensation accumulates on them. Care should be taken to avoid slipping and falling.

Another point regarding the choice of tiles for a bath concerns its base. It is advisable to purchase material with a smooth base that will fit tightly to the floor and will not cause the spread of mold.

By shape ceramic tile for a bath it can be square, rectangular, or complex geometric shapes. However, if you don’t have much experience, it’s better to stick with rectangular tiles, which are the easiest to lay.

Before purchasing materials, it is necessary to determine the exact quantity required for cladding. And you need to purchase 5-10% more material in case of scrap, cutting or damage.

The sequence of laying ceramic tiles is as follows:

  1. The tile is soaked in water for several minutes so that the adhesive adheres better to its base. This minimizes the consumption of adhesive during installation.
  2. Having determined the corner in the room that is most noticeable from the entrance, they begin to lay the tiles from there.
  3. Apply adhesive to each tile using a notched trowel. Having placed it on the floor, tap the edges of the tile with a mallet so that the glue is evenly distributed and excess air is released.
  4. Crosses will help ensure uniform seams between tiles.
  5. As the glue dries, the crosses are removed. And once everything is completely dry and the tiles have set, you can fill the joints with the grout of your choice.

It is noteworthy that ceramic tiles look equally good both on the floor and on the walls. The mosaic looks especially advantageous and original. If you need to cut the tiles when laying them, special tools will help you cope with this task.

The final stage of finishing the bathhouse inside will be the selection of furniture suitable for the interior.

Interior decoration of a bathhouse: lining the walls inside with wood, how to decorate a wooden bathhouse with your own hands, how to do it correctly, construction, types of finishing work, photos and videos

Interior decoration of a bathhouse: lining the walls inside with wood, how to decorate a wooden bathhouse with your own hands, how to do it correctly, construction, types of finishing work, photos and videos

Do-it-yourself interior decoration of the bathhouse (photo)

The bathhouse is a place not only for physical cleansing, but also for restoring spiritual harmony, helping to heal the soul and body. For a comfortable and enjoyable bathing, high-quality interior decoration baths Photos or videos are not always good for studying repair work, the information accumulated over centuries is much more important. Therefore, if you decide to build a bathhouse or restore an existing room with your own hands, you should very carefully study the rules and methods of decorating its interior. Everyone chooses the appropriate design based on their own taste.

However, there are general rules for choosing an interior that should be followed for the harmonious functioning of the entire complex. By properly designing the bathhouse, you can minimize heat loss, increase the durability of the structure, and protect visitors from accidental burns. Also, the interior lining of the room contributes to the release of aromatic particles at high temperatures, which heal the human body. If you wish, you can significantly reduce the cost of repairs by doing the interior decoration in the bathhouse yourself.

By adhering to the correct technology for carrying out this process, there is no doubt about the durability, quality, and most importantly, the positive impact of the entire complex on health.

Finishing materials

When viewing articles where various design options are presented, the wooden interior decoration of the bathhouse immediately catches your eye. Photos presented in various sources offer many interesting ideas for a bath complex, the lining of which is made of wood. This material is the most environmentally friendly and has a positive effect on human well-being. In addition, its main characteristics include high heat and moisture resistance.

A wooden frame is the most common type of building for a steam room. The interior decoration of the bathhouse should also be wooden. The most environmentally friendly bath complex is made from logs, which has good ventilation and, as a result, a good hygienic environment.

But not every type of wood is suitable for these purposes. Cedar, linden, hornbeam, oak and ash have long been considered the most suitable. The most widely used are linden and pine, since when heated they most actively release specific substances and have a healing effect on the human body.

Particularly sophisticated lovers will like the interior decoration of a bathhouse, a combined type sauna, where several types of wood are combined.

The main criterion when choosing cladding is the quality of the material, which must be perfectly hewn. The wood inside the bathhouse is never painted or varnished, since when the temperature reaches a high temperature, the influence of harmful chemicals increases sharply and can seriously harm health. Without a coating, wood releases essential oils much better.

Materials should be selected based on the knowledge of experienced specialists. Only in this case, a bathhouse built with your own hands, the interior decoration of which is carried out according to all the rules, will be in no way inferior to a complex designed by professionals.

Preference should be given to deciduous types of wood for ceiling decoration. When choosing pine needles for these purposes, you should expect the release of resinous substances that can leave a rather unpleasant burn on the skin.

The interior decoration of a bathhouse requires a thoughtful approach when choosing materials for each room. When arranging the vestibule and washing area, you can use various tiles. But as for the steam room, there is a whole science to its design.

Walls in the steam room

The highest temperatures are maintained in the steam room, so the materials here should be of the highest quality. Hardwood is best suited because it has greater heat resistance, which will prevent burns from accidentally touching the walls. Also, these breeds dry out quickly, which helps maintain a healthy microclimate in the steam room.

The interior decoration of the bathhouse allows the use of lining, which is secured with nails. The boards are not covered with any additional decorative materials.

It is also necessary to provide a reliable vapor barrier, which can be foil insulation or glassine. The insulation for the walls can be mineral wool, foamed polypropylene with a foil coating. The sequence of these materials is as follows: insulation, then vapor barrier, followed by air gap and finishing lining.

Steam room floor

The floor in the bathhouse must be laid at a slope, along which the water will flow to a specially designated place for it. A drain siphon should be installed here. This is very important point when arranging a steam room, because moisture should not linger in it for a long time.

You should not use wood for the floor of the bathhouse, as it will be the wettest place. Ceramic tiles are more suitable for these purposes, as they will extend the service life of the entire floor structure of the room and will be much more convenient to maintain. Can also be used wood covering, however, its durability is significantly inferior to ceramic tiles. The steam room floor level should be higher than the washing room level (15 cm).

Benches in the bathhouse

The aesthetic appearance of benches and shelves in a bathhouse depends on the customer’s imagination. Oak, poplar, aspen and linden are suitable for these interior items. The edges of benches and shelves should be rounded, and their surface should be smoothly sanded. They are most often placed under blank walls.

The distance of the top shelf to the ceiling ranges from 1 to 1.2 m. The distance of the benches from the stove is at least half a meter.

Furnace finishing

When planning the interior decoration of a bathhouse, you need to take the choice of a stove seriously, because it is the soul of the entire complex. Each oven has its own character.

This part of the interior, if properly designed, will not only brighten up the overall appearance, but will also become a guarantee fire safety baths

There are several options for finishing the stove, which depend on the budget and imagination of the bathhouse owner. So, you can decorate this element of the bath complex with tiles, use a steel case, or simply plaster the stove.

Washroom finishing

The most important parameter required for the interior decoration of a bathhouse in a washing room is the moisture resistance of the wood. You can use pine needles. Its good resistance to wet conditions will extend the life of the room.

Doors and windows should be small in size, which will help prevent unnecessary heat loss. The windows should be double and the doors should be made of durable wood.

Bath interior finishing technology

Technologically, the interior decoration of the bathhouse is carried out in the following sequence:

  • the material must be acclimatized in the bathhouse for at least 24 hours;
  • preparation of lining sheathing;
  • installation of hydro- and thermal insulation;
  • installation of wood panels;
  • selection and installation of furniture.

All of the above stages require adherence to a certain precision and accuracy of work, otherwise all the shortcomings will make themselves felt over time.

Decorating the rest room

When decorating a relaxation room, it is very important to choose the right interior design and avoid large expenses. A suitable option here would be pine, which is of high quality and has a large number of shades. When using this material there are no problems with applying varnish. The resins contained in the structure of pine perform a protective function.

Spruce is also well suited for these purposes. It is more difficult to process, but this material will add originality to the room.

When using oak to decorate a recreation room, you can be sure of its strength and durability.

It is important to comply with everything technical standards on interior design, which will ensure a long service life of the premises. A built bathhouse (with your own hands), the interior decoration of which meets all construction and sanitary and hygienic requirements, will last for many years, healing the people in it and pleasing the eye with its unique interior design.

Do-it-yourself interior decoration of the bathhouse (photo)

The bathhouse is a place not only for physical cleansing, but also for restoring spiritual harmony, helping to heal the soul and body. For a comfortable and enjoyable bathing, high-quality interior decoration of the bathhouse is very important.

How to properly make the interior decoration of a bathhouse with your own hands

The bathhouse was used for bathing by our ancestors. This is a specially designated room where you can wash, relax and improve your health. Construction of a bathhouse requires knowledge and skills, so it is better to entrust such work to professional builders, but if you have the desire, you can build a bathhouse with your own hands.

For guidance, you can use a video that will teach you how to do the work correctly. It is important not only to build a structure, but also to produce it interior decoration. To do this, you need to follow the recommendations and advice on construction, make an effort, show diligence and perseverance.

What materials to use for finishing the bath

When building a bathhouse, its interior decoration is important. Everyone can use their imagination to make the room cozy and comfortable for relaxing and swimming. Do-it-yourself interior decoration of a bathhouse is very important. Proper finishing of the dressing room and shower room is an important stage in construction. You need to approach it with all responsibility, so that you don’t have to redo your work later. The choice of finishing materials plays an important role in construction.

Today there are a huge number of them on sale, and it’s up to you to decide which one to choose. The most the best material is wood. It is better not to use one type of wood for finishing a bathhouse or steam room. When installing the dressing room and steam room inside, it is advisable to use different types of wood. If you don’t understand this, then it’s better to watch the video, which can be found in large quantities on the Internet.

Pine for finishing a bath

The most accessible and inexpensive finishing material is pine. It is best used for interior decoration of the dressing room. It is not suitable for a steam room. The temperature in this room is high and the humidity level is high. In pine wood in large quantities contains resins which, under the influence of high temperatures, begin to ooze from the wood, emit a strong odor, so swimming in such an environment is extremely undesirable.

Wood for finishing a bath

Linden is well suited for the steam room. This wood is perfect for a steam room. If you decorate the bathhouse with linden wood, then you do not have to worry about burns or harmful fumes. Linden lining It is thermally stable, it does not heat up much, and retains its original color for a long time. In addition to linden, other wood is used to decorate the room, such as aspen lining, birch beams and boards, and poplar. Do-it-yourself finishing of the inside of the bathhouse should be done with clapboard made from these types of wood. They have a solid structure, they are reliable and durable, they do not change their color, they are durable, so they will serve their owners for many years. This wood surpasses pine in its quality and can easily replace it.

Aspen, birch and poplar belong to deciduous species trees. They dry quickly enough and have water-repellent properties. Such qualities are especially important during the construction and finishing of a bathhouse. Any type of tree has its own unique properties. Linden, for example, energizes a person, invigorates him, cleans negative emotions, gives him a good mood. Aspen wood renders therapeutic effect, it can draw illnesses out of a person and eliminate negative energy.

So, you have built a bathhouse with your own hands. In order to retain heat in a room, you need insulate walls and ceiling, and then just start finishing work inside the bathhouse. The most popular material for this is natural wood that has undergone special treatment. The interior decoration of the dressing room and steam room can be done using one or more types of wood. The lining is made from it, which is used to line the walls and ceiling of the bathhouse.

Bath lining

Wooden lining considered an ideal finishing material. It is used for interior decoration of the bathhouse. It is used in the steam room, in the bathing compartment, in the dressing room. Wooden lining is used to decorate a bathhouse with your own hands; it is used to decorate the ceiling and walls. It is made at woodworking factories from different types of wood. For this purpose, high quality material is used, which is subjected to step-by-step processing.

Modern technologies make it possible to produce finishing materials of different types and sizes. This variety makes it possible decorate the interior of the bathhouse. Wood lining is very economical; it consists of thin, processed boards with cut grooves. The boards are mounted using the groove-to-groove method. They fit tightly together and create one overall structure. Properly laid lining prevents dampness and moisture from penetrating into the grooves. She stays dry. The finished wood paneling is treated with a special protective compound, so it will not require replacement for a long time.

To extend the service life of the bath finishing material, you can additionally treat it with an antiseptic. Before applying it, the wood must be sanded. To do this, use fine-grained sandpaper. This treatment will make the surface of the lining especially smooth, which will make it possible to better penetrate the protective composition into the wood. Before laying the lining, it should be treated with an antiseptic on both sides, then it is dried. The finishing material that will be used for the dressing room and sink compartment must be coated with a protective solution twice. It is enough to process the lining that will be used in the steam room once.

How to make a sheathing

So, you have insulated the room, prepared the lining, processed and dried it, now let’s get started interior design of the bathhouse and let's do it ourselves. At the beginning of the work you need to make the crate. It will serve as a frame on which you will attach the finishing material. Installation of the sheathing structure begins with strengthening and positioning the upper and lower bars. This design will be used for vertical mounting panels.

If you decide place the wooden paneling horizontally, That wooden blocks are mounted vertically, for this you need to step back a little from the corners of the building. To create an even structure, you should pull the mounting cord between the main bars. Using a level, a plumb line and a mounting cord, we secure the intermediate structural elements.

How to decorate the walls in a bathhouse with your own hands

So, you have assembled the sheathing, now you can start finishing the interior. For this, only natural wood is used. Laying linoleum or other synthetic materials in the bathhouse is prohibited. These artificial materials. They cannot be used for interior decoration:

  1. they are fire hazards;
  2. when heated, toxic fumes are released;
  3. harmful to health.

Natural wood is best suited for finishing the interior of a bathhouse, steam room and washing area. The following tree species are used for this:

These types of wood have a dense structure, they heat up quite slowly, so they are safe, you will never get burned. Wooden lining dries quickly, it is smooth and pleasant to the touch, and when heated it emits a faint aroma. Wood used for interior decoration of a bathhouse, steam room and washing room should not be coated with paint or varnish. When heated for a long time, the chemicals that make up the paint evaporate, they enter the air, poisoning the bathing person.

How to lay the lining with your own hands

When decorating the interior of a bathhouse, the walls, shelves and ceiling in the room are covered with wooden paneling. This phase of construction takes place after wall insulation. To do this, use mineral wool, which is covered on top with a sheet of aluminum foil. After installing the sheathing and frame, it is impregnated with an antiseptic. The lining should also be treated, allowed to dry, and then installed. Laying work should begin from the corner.

Used for installation fastening tool, and these are nails, staples. Interior decoration should begin from the floor. It is mounted on wooden joists. To do this, take boards whose thickness is at least 30 centimeters. It is desirable that they be made of hardwood. All joists, floorboards on top soaked in antiseptic. This is very important, since the inside of the bathhouse is constantly damp, fungi can develop, mold can form, which will lead to rotting of the wood.

Floor finishing

When equipping a dressing room, you can install a wooden floor. This cannot be done in the steam room or washing area. It is constantly damp here, steam settles on the walls and floor of the room. Wooden floors in such a room will quickly rot. What material should be used for the floors in the steam room? Ceramic floor tiles are best suited for this.

Advantages of ceramic tiles:

Tiles allow you to maintain a good sanitary condition in the room. It washes well, dries quickly, and prevents the growth of mold and fungi. For safe swimming, so as not to fall, it is better to use wooden racks . They are made in the form of lattices and are raised after bathing to dry. In general, a properly done bath will help improve the health of your body. Here you can relax with friends, undergo cosmetic procedures, and cleanse your body of accumulated toxins.

How to make the interior decoration of a bathhouse with your own hands, choice of material

How to decorate a bathhouse yourself from the inside, what materials are best to use for this. What types of wood are best used for finishing the dressing room, steam room.

Do-it-yourself bathhouse: interior decoration

The bathhouse is an amazing place to relax and recuperate. Therefore, it should not only be hot, but also comfortable. Every owner strives to give his bathhouse an attractive appearance both outside and inside. In this article, we bring to your attention some tips on how to set up a bathhouse with your own hands, the interior decoration of which is no less important a stage than the construction itself.

So, if you are planning to do the interior decoration of the bathhouse yourself, then this article will be useful to you. Here you will find professional instructions on different types of finishing, and step-by-step photos of important finishing works, and detailed videos that will help you solve your problems at the highest level. Our advice will help you not to deviate from the principles of construction technologies when performing cladding, cladding, etc.

Finishing the inside of the bathhouse is the most important stage of construction. Its quality and level of performance determine not only the aesthetic characteristics of the bathhouse, but also the atmosphere of coziness and comfort, the degree of convenience. In addition, the materials used for finishing directly affect the creation of a special microclimate in the bathhouse and its healing properties. The main task of finishing is to make your stay in the bathhouse as pleasant, comfortable and useful as possible.

Features of the interior decoration of the bath

A modern Russian bathhouse requires the presence of several rooms:

If you have built a large bathhouse, then it is quite possible to equip it extra room recreation, billiard room, kitchen area, barbecue area, swimming pool and much more. Theoretically, you can plan and build any bathhouse, equipped with everything that seems necessary and useful to you. However, this does not in any way affect the basic defining requirements for a bath:

  • all premises should have an attractive and practical design;
  • the steam room should have hot and pleasant steam;
  • the washing room should be comfortable and safe.

Finishing has a great influence on the functionality of the bath. Even if you used high-quality material for construction, which does not require mandatory interior finishing, it still needs to be done in the bathhouse. Properly selected materials will allow you to create optimal conditions For comfortable rest, and will also significantly extend the service life of walls, floors, and ceilings. Materials are selected in accordance with the purpose and characteristics of a particular room. Read below about how best to finish a steam room, washing room, vestibule.

When planning the decoration of a steam room, take into account the following features of this room:

  • The constant presence of heated steam flowing in a concentrated and dense stream;
  • Temperature changes, heating to high temperatures;
  • High humidity levels.

The conditions in the steam room can be said to be extreme. Many materials are simply not designed for use in such an environment. However, the modern wide range of finishing materials makes it possible to choose an option that will best meet even such harsh conditions. We recommend paying attention to the cladding board. Its characteristics must meet the following requirements:

  • Low heat capacity, ability to warm up quickly and not accumulate heat;
  • Moisture resistance;
  • High aesthetic characteristics;
  • Pleasant smell, no resins when heated;
  • Resistance to fungus and mold;
  • Air purification.

Today there are several classes of lining:

  • C-class. It is characterized by low cost. But its characteristics are not high enough for finishing a bath.
  • B-class. Such material may have contrasting spots, cracks, minor damage, and resin pockets. This class includes material on which there are no more than four knots for every 1.5 m of length;
  • A-class. Shallow cracks may be present. There should be no cores in the cut. No more than one knot per 1.5 m length is allowed on each panel.
  • Premium class. The highest quality and corresponding price. The color is uniform, there are no cores or knots.

The most common profiles are eurolining, tongue-and-groove, Softline, Shtil.

Linden lining shows excellent results as interior decoration for a bathhouse. Its density is quite low, so it does not heat up very much in a steam room. At the same time, it does not release resins. Linden panels provide excellent sound insulation.

Lining made from other types of wood is also suitable for solving this problem. For example, cedar and aspen have proven themselves well.

When choosing a particular material for cladding, carefully inspect the panels. The tree must be dry, high-quality processing, it should not have nicks, knots or other obvious defects. High-quality material must meet these requirements, and only it will provide an aesthetic, reliable, durable finish.

The material for covering the steam room does not require additional treatment with special means. Do not use antifungal, antiseptic compounds or paints and varnishes. All these products are harmful to humans, and when heated, they will begin to actively release their wood, making bath procedures more dangerous than useful.

Before you start covering it with clapboard, the steam room must be insulated. An affordable and time-tested material that is suitable for this purpose is mineral wool. She is the most sought after in this area. Another option, no less effective, is basalt wool. It copes more successfully with exposure to high temperatures, so it will last slightly longer than mineral wool. But if we talk about the ideal insulation for a steam room, then we cannot help but recall cork agglomerate. Among its advantages are hypoallergenicity, resistance to fungi and rot, and fire resistance.

The floor in the steam room should be pleasant to the touch, non-slip, not cold and not too hot.

The washing room is intended not only to take a shower and wash properly at a comfortable temperature. The washing room should have a place to relax so that you can leave the steam room for a while and pamper yourself with a massage, face and body masks and other relaxing and pleasant treatments. It is necessary to think through all these possibilities before starting finishing work, and even better - at the construction stage.

In any case, the choice of finishing materials should be made taking into account all these functions of the washing room. The best option is wood or ceramic tiles. If you can choose among deciduous wood for the steam room, then only coniferous wood is suitable for the washing room - pine, spruce, larch. It is very simple to explain this choice. Coniferous wood is resinous and has high water-repellent properties. Therefore, in washing conditions, it will perform better than hardwood and will last for many years, maintaining a pleasant appearance.

Particular attention should be paid to the selection of materials for finishing the floors in the washing room. The main qualities of the finished floor in this room are: comfortable temperature and anti-slip properties. To achieve this result, the base for the floor is prepared from concrete, and ceramic tiles are laid on it. In order to prevent strong slipping, place on the ceramic floor wooden pallets or removable logs. After each visit to the bathhouse, they are taken out into the air to dry. However, the floor in the washing room can be completely wooden, but ceramic tiles as the main finish are a more practical and durable option. It copes well with an abundance of water, various cosmetics, shampoo, etc.

Tambour and rest room

A high level of humidity is maintained in all rooms of the bathhouse. This is the most important aspect that must be taken into account when choosing finishing materials. Any type of wood can be used for vestibules and other rooms. But don't limit yourself to using wood. For high-quality and stylish finishing of the vestibule, rest room and other bath rooms, other materials are also suitable:

Baths open up wide possibilities for aesthetic and practical decoration of premises. various combinations these materials. For example, the combination of natural stone and wood looks very solid and beautiful. A do-it-yourself bathhouse will allow you to turn your non-standard creative ideas into reality. The interior decoration, photos of which are presented on this page, will help you choose the optimal materials and their combinations.

Ceiling decoration in the bathhouse

The ceiling of the bathhouse must withstand high temperature loads, and also cope well with streams of hot, humid steam. Do not forget about the need to protect the floors from heat and steam using heat and vapor barrier materials. For this purpose, you can purchase building membranes or aluminum foil. If you put them airtight, their effectiveness will be equally high. It is not recommended to perform a vapor barrier using foil with a layer of cotton wool, because this material is thinner, so it is much more difficult to work with it during the sheathing process. The same applies to foil with a layer of polypropylene foam. When exposed to high temperatures, this material releases substances that are toxic to humans and is therefore unsuitable for use in bathhouses.

Each joint between the vapor barrier and thermal insulation is taped with aluminum tape to ensure complete tightness. Sometimes, when performing work, the material is punctured, torn, etc. If this happens, then the hole formed in the material must be immediately sealed with aluminum tape, because later you may simply not remember about it or not find the damaged place. As a result, the vapor barrier will be leaky and of poor quality.

The steam room requires a pipe hole. It is equipped with a box with a stainless steel frame filled with expanded clay.

Cutting the ceiling for a pipe hole should be carried out taking into account maintaining a sufficient distance from wooden floor to the outer contour of the pipe, as well as taking into account the characteristics of the chimney used.

To make a pipe hole you will need:

  • Two-millimeter stainless steel sheet;
  • Galvanized box;
  • Tie clamp.

The ceiling is cut mainly to ensure the fire safety of the ceiling. In addition, in this way, the chimney elements receive additional support and are securely fixed in place. Cutting allows you to design the outlet of the pipe.

A 400x400 mm box is installed from the attic side. A stainless steel sheet 500x500 mm is attached to it from below, on the side of the steam room. Near the steel lining, the pipe is covered with a clamp, preventing the pipe from coming into contact with the furnace. This significantly extends the service life of the furnace, since the entire load from the pipe falls on the upper steel circuit.

After the box and steel sheet have found their places, the inside of the box is insulated and covered with expanded clay. This will prevent heat loss through the box contour.

The steel sheet on the ceiling provides additional protection against high temperatures.

Do-it-yourself interior decoration of a bathhouse in stages: ceiling cladding

We bring to your attention instructions that will help you cover the ceiling in a bathhouse with clapboard quickly, economically and efficiently:

  • The ceiling is lathed with 2x4 cm slats. They are attached at a distance of 40-45 cm. In those places where the frame is attached, ventilation gaps of 10 mm must be left.
  • Horizontal slats are placed on the walls perpendicular to the lining;
  • Fastening the panels begins from one of the walls. The first plank is aligned with the groove facing outwards. The tenon of another panel is driven into it. The order of connecting the tenon and groove can be changed, it is not important.

Note! When performing sheathing, use rubber pads and a mallet to handle the material carefully and carefully without damaging it.

  • Using special clamps, secure the planks. The clamps are attached to the rail with screws or nails. You can also apply construction stapler, it will be even more convenient. With the help of a stapler, the fastening is reliable, and the time required to complete the work is significantly reduced.
  • There should be gaps of up to 2.5 cm between the sheathing and the wall. They are necessary for additional ventilation and to prevent deformation of the finish. To mask the gaps, just nail the ceiling plinth. The first panel and the last are attached with nails with inconspicuous heads. Such nails must be driven in at an angle, and the head must be firmly driven into the wood.

Do not forget that the sheathing must be carried out along strictly vertical lines. After each installed panel a level check is required. If you don’t have a level at hand, you can simply measure the distance between the wall and the edge of the sheathing. It should be equal along the entire length of the bar.

If the values ​​obtained as a result of measurements diverge, then the lining must be tamped so that the measurements converge. Otherwise, the cladding will turn out uneven and sloppy. Tapping is done with a piece of panel, which is driven into the groove using a mallet or hammer to adjust the size.

You can achieve perfect evenness using another method. The wooden overlay is fixed and sharp wood chips are driven under it.

Wall cladding

The only material suitable for covering walls in a steam room is wood. It is also suitable for other bath rooms, but other materials can also be used in them - stone, tiles, etc. In the vestibule and rest room, you can create original ensembles by combining various materials.

Cladding walls with clapboard

According to the main parameters, wall covering with clapboard is performed in the same way as ceiling finishing.

  • The first stage is to fill a thick beam around the perimeter in a horizontal direction. Step – 80-100 cm.
  • You need to put insulation in the recesses between the bars. For example, mineral wool. It is cut into appropriate pieces with a sharp knife. There is no need to compact the insulation.
  • Separate bars need to separate the door area and the window;
  • Now you can proceed directly to the paneling.

It is recommended to fasten the lining for baths from one corner in the vertical direction. Due to this, it will be easier for water to drain from the walls without getting stuck in the grooves of the panels. If you like a horizontal pattern, then the tenon of the panel should be directed upward so that moisture does not collect and remain in the grooves. In this case, you need to start work by attaching the boards to the ceiling. The lathing in this situation is performed in the vertical direction.

The lining is directly fastened with clamps, nails, self-tapping screws or a construction stapler. If you use screws or nails, insert them at an angle, driving the heads deep into the wood. There should be ventilation gaps of about 2 cm between the ceiling and the casing, the floor and the casing.

A common problem that people face when doing self-cladding the walls of the bathhouse with clapboard means it is necessary to trim the material. This is not difficult to do. You can cut the paneling with a fine-toothed saw or jigsaw.

The last panel on the wall is trimmed to the right size and is fixed to the sheathing. The next wall begins with a panel whose ridge is cut off. It should fit snugly against the last batten of the previous wall. In the corners, elements must be adjusted especially precisely. Determine the exact angles before cutting the strip or panel. Draw a pencil line on the material to avoid mistakes. There should be no joints left in the corners of the panels.

We isolate the stove from the wall

The most important point when performing finishing work inside the bathhouse is the insulation of the stove. The following materials are suitable for solving this issue:

  • Stainless steel sheets of appropriate size;
  • Minerite is a special material with high heat-resistant characteristics. It is a mixture of cement, reinforcing fiber and mineral fillers. If the stove is located close to the wall, the mineralite should be laid in two layers. If there is at least 40 cm between the stove and the wall, then one layer will be enough.
  • Ceramic heat-resistant tiles;
  • Solid red brick. They need to lay the walls from the floor to the base of the pipe or higher;
  • Profile iron is the cheapest option.

Do-it-yourself interior decoration of a bathhouse: laying tiles step by step

Ceramic tiles are the best option for finishing all rooms of the bathhouse, except the steam room. Considering the modern variety of models and collections, it will not be difficult to make the design of a rest room or washing room not only practical, comfortable and durable, but also aesthetic. The most important argument in favor of tiling is its excellent moisture resistance.

Laying tiles is carried out step by step. The first step is preparation. The second is the actual execution of work.

Preparatory stage

Preparation of concrete or cinder block walls involves removing dust, dirt, plastering and leveling. Preparing wooden walls involves performing waterproofing. Construction stapler on wooden panels roofing felt and roofing felt are nailed down. A chain-link mesh is sewn on top of the waterproofing, on which concrete mortar is thickly placed.

Then in both cases it is necessary to nail flat timber. It will become the basis for finishing. Instead of timber, a metal profile is also suitable. Do not forget to check the horizontal and vertical rows during the laying process. For horizontal ones, use a building level. For vertical ones, you can use a plumb line.

Instructions for laying tiles in a bathhouse

You can prepare the mortar for fixing the tiles yourself. To do this, you need to mix cement and sand in a ratio of 1:5. But you can also purchase a ready-made mixture. It is recommended to give preference to a special adhesive designed for laying tiles in rooms with high humidity and temperature changes. Before laying, the tiles must be placed in water to remove air. Thanks to this, the tile will stick to the mortar much better.

Work starts from the attached level. The first row must be laid out especially carefully, because it is this that determines the evenness of all subsequent rows and the neatness of the entire cladding.

The glue is placed on the back of the tile. Use a notched trowel for this. The glue can also be applied to the wall. Then the tile is carefully applied to the wall and pressed down so that the glue protrudes slightly beyond its edges. You can adjust the position of the tiles with a rubber hammer.

It is important to maintain equal distance between the tiles. Therefore, after you have laid adjacent rows, secure special plastic crosses in the corners of the tiles. This will allow you to maintain the same gap both in length and height.

It will take a couple of days for the tiles to dry. After this, you can remove the level and grind the seams. The color of the grout should be in harmony with the color of the tile.

The final stage is removing grout residues, cleaning the tiles and giving them a final aesthetic appearance.

With the help of ceramic tiles you can realize your wildest creative fantasies. You can lay it flat, diagonally, offset, or patterned. The easiest and fastest way is to lay the tiles in even rows.

If you decide to tile a complex pattern or design, then it is best to transfer it to the floor or wall so that you can immediately see where each tile should be located. This will allow you to flawlessly complete the cladding and give your bathhouse a truly original and unique look.

Wall decoration with terracotta flagstone

An unusual and very stylish solution for a bathhouse is finishing with terracotta slabs. They are ideal for this type of room as they are resistant to both temperature and moisture. At the same time, they allow you to create an original and interesting design that is environmentally friendly, practical and stylish. The laying of this material has its own characteristics, primarily due to its significant weight. This tile requires a special adhesive. Mastic will also work.

The installation process consists of the following steps:

  • The mastic is spread thickly on the stove. This material will require much more glue than for ordinary ceramic tiles;
  • We apply the slab to the wall, press it down and level it;
  • We continue to work in the same order with the remaining slabs;
  • To align the joints between the tiles, pieces of drywall can be inserted into the seams;
  • Do not forget to regularly check the parallelism and evenness of the rows with a level;
  • 10 hours after installation is completed, you can begin processing the seams. It is made with heat-resistant grout for wide joints. The composition is diluted with water until the consistency of sour cream.
  • Then pieces of drywall are removed from the seams;
  • The grout is applied using a construction gun. The spout should be cut at an angle of 60º so that the width of the hole is 8-10 mm;
  • The seams are carefully filled with grout. It should not get on the slabs themselves or other surfaces.

Working with a pistol requires experience. So be very careful with it. If grout does get on the tiles, do not try to remove it immediately. You will only spread the composition over larger area. It's better to wait a little until the grout dries. This way you can carefully scrape it off.

  • The direction of grout application can be any;
  • Two hours later, you can move on to jointing, which will provide a finished look to this finish.
  • Jointing is done with a 7-8 mm screwdriver or a wire ring;
  • After this, you need to walk along the seams with a finger wearing a clean glove.

Floor finishing

The wooden floor in the bathhouse does not require additional finishing. A concrete floor involves laying ceramic tiles with a non-slip coating.

Laying begins from one of the corners. In this case, perfect evenness of the rows is not required, because the floor in the bathhouse is sloping towards the drain. But it’s still worth marking the approximate location of the tiles on the floor level before you start laying them.

The work is carried out in the following order:

  • The solution is distributed on the floor with a spatula in accordance with the size of the tile;
  • Using the teeth of a spatula, a pattern is imprinted on the mortar, which ensures its reliable connection to the tile;
  • The tiles are being laid out. During operation, its position is adjusted with a rubber hammer. Don't forget to form a slope! The tiles for the first row must be dry. It is advisable to pre-soak all other elements in water.
  • Corner elements are cut to required sizes using a tile cutter;
  • Plastic crosses are inserted into the seams to maintain equal distances between the tiles;
  • After two days, the masonry will dry and can be treated with grout.

Finishing the interior of a bathhouse on your own requires a significant contribution of material and physical resources. But if you approach this matter as responsibly as possible, the result you get will exceed all your expectations!

Do-it-yourself bathhouse: interior decoration step by step: photos and videos

Do-it-yourself bathhouse: interior decoration. Features of the interior decoration of the bath. Step-by-step laying of tiles in a bathhouse. Ceiling decoration in the bathhouse.

A truly conscientious finishing of a bathhouse is not only aesthetic visual characteristics, but also the excellent smell of natural wood, the long service life of the finishing, as well as the bathhouse building itself.
The interior decoration must be done with high quality and in such a way that everyone who gets there will admire not only the beauty of the finish, the smells, but also how well the steam is preserved in the treasured steam room.

Finishing the steam room in the bathhouse - the best options

As they say, in a real steam room of a Russian bath there is such steam that “it’s just enough to hang axes.” In some baths it is simply impossible to steam, as the temperature in them reaches temperatures of up to 120 degrees Celsius.
Therefore, the decoration of the walls in the steam room becomes so important, serving not only to protect the walls from exposure to steam, but also the person from steam burns or allergies.

Wall and ceiling finishing

The so-called “lining” or modern panels for cladding as finishing a bathhouse - for real universal choice. The question may rightly arise: why?
Well, for starters, because decorating a steam room in a bathhouse with your own hands using the indicated materials is not a difficult process, and with such finishing the walls look smoother and acquire the ability to “breathe,” which is determined by good microcirculation. Condensation will not form on such a wall of the steam room in the bathhouse, let alone external characteristics. In addition, the installation of the “lining” itself is very simple; for such work you do not need to be a carpenter or a master in this matter.

Decorating a steam room in a bathhouse with your own hands using lining

One very, very worth remembering important detail– the bathhouse will not tolerate varnish for wooden lining. Some varnishes and so-called “stains” at sufficiently high temperatures will release substances that are harmful and dangerous to human health.

Good wood means good finishing

Interior finishing of a bathhouse is a fairly simple process, but you should prepare well for it.
A considerable part of the whole process and the subsequent operation of the walls, their durability, depends on the quality of the wood from which the finishing material is made. High-quality material will always be sufficiently well dried, properly hewn, and will not have various nicks, cracks or protruding marks from knots on the surface structure.
For example, “lining” made of hardwood is almost the most ideal option. It is characterized by a reduced heat capacity, which is why the bath room will heat up very well and quickly, and at the same time the walls will not be so hot that you can get burned or scalded.

Each breed is good in its own way. For example, birch panels have the ability to positively influence the human body as a whole, aspen has healing properties.
A truly universal solution can be your desire and the implementation of a combination of several types of breeds at once.
Although, if you look carefully, birch has a loose structure, so when harvesting it will dry out quite a lot. It is easy to process, but if there is an alternative, it is better to abandon it.

Finishing the steam room with clapboard made of hardwood

And larch, as an example, has good durability due to the fact that it copes excellently with changes (sometimes very sharp and quite large) in temperatures and high humidity.
As for linden, it is attractive with its light shade. In addition, it is quite moisture resistant and has good mechanical properties. It also takes a long time to heat up, so it is suitable for finishing both walls and ceilings. You can even line the wall near the stove with it for fire safety reasons. With all this, when heated, linden begins to smell very pleasant. To avoid darkening on this type of material, it will have to be treated with special compounds.

Linden is also classified as a “honey plant,” which adds to its property and ability to “breathe.” It perfectly absorbs moisture and provides additional sound insulation. What can we say about the medicinal properties.
The best option to suit your taste would be aspen. It is also suitable for finishing steam room ceilings. Its mechanical characteristics are so perfect that it has long been used even in the construction of drinking wells, even cellars.
With proper preparation and drying of this rock, the strength indicators increase significantly, so that it will be difficult to even hammer a nail into such a plate. Suitable for the floors of your bathhouse.
Also, aspen is not at all susceptible to rot, and a pleasant plus will be its resistance to various fungi - mold, for example. In addition, there are opinions that aspen helps get rid of migraines and headaches.

Finishing the floor in the steam room

The floor in the steam room should have a quick “water drainage”

When it comes to finishing the floor in your steam room, you should keep in mind that the temperature there is much lower than closer to the ceiling. It rarely reaches 30-40 degrees Celsius. The floor in the steam room of your sauna can even be earthen, concrete or clay.
It is important to take into account the fact that the floor must have rapid “water drainage”.
Of course, in order to avoid various types of thermal shock, it is recommended to additionally cover your floor with a special mat, boards or special cork covering.
For working with the floor and its finishing, ordinary tiles or sanded boards are also suitable.

The technological process for finishing the floor is quite simple: we place the boards on the joists, preferably closer to each other, and fasten them with self-tapping screws.
If the choice is made in favor of tiles, then you will first need to screed, then thoroughly level the working surface. The tiles are laid on the intended special mixture. All seams are treated with a special moisture-resistant compound, which will not allow water to get under the facing layer and contribute to the formation of mold. It is worth remembering that this finishing option will make the floor dangerously slippery, which means you need to consider a wooden shield to create safe conditions for steamers.

Finishing the floor in the steam room with tiles

When choosing wood or tiles, remember: the good thing about tiles is that they are quite easy to care for, while wood will help create a general feeling of comfort and, from a decorative point of view, benefits more from the overall composition.

What won't work

No matter how high-quality and correct from the point of view of work technology your finishing is, the following materials are completely unsuitable for steam rooms and bath rooms:

  • Linoleum covering;
  • Plastics;
  • Pine boards;
  • Wood slabs.

The listed types of materials are characterized by insufficient resistance to high temperatures, and plastic and linoleum will even emit harmful substances. Pine is characterized by increased release of resins.

Examples of finishes

  • Finishing the bathhouse with exotic “abashi”.
    “Abashi”, also known as African oak, is very suitable for finishing a steam room. At sufficiently high temperatures, this type of wood will evenly distribute the temperature throughout the room and help prevent burns. Perfect for making shelves and other important elements in steam rooms.
    Properties of "Abashi": increased moisture resistance, absence of knots, absence of resins in the structure, lightness, ductility, strength and durability. Suggestive and worthy of attention list, isn't it?

Finishing baths and saunas with Abashi wood

  • Finishing the bathhouse with Canadian cedar.
    This choice and material is quite popular among others. Despite the aesthetic properties and beautiful view, cedar panels also have many excellent properties in influencing human health: it is rich in essential oils. Cedar itself is capable of fighting certain types of microbes. It is also worth noting the ease of processing, moisture resistance, resistance to rotting and various temperature conditions.
  • Linden "lining".
    This type of finishing material has become quite widespread in Russia. Linden “lining” has a beautiful color and a pleasant smell. This material is also good and easy to process, it is quite hard and durable. It dries out well and does not cause unpleasant cracks in the future. Compared to the materials described above, it is quite affordable in terms of price characteristics.

  • Often, advertisements for turnkey baths indicate options for finishing with spruce or pine. The place of origin is the northern regions, which give this breed sufficient density. Due to this, durability and resistance to formation increases. unpleasant mold, also have positive indicators for moisture resistance.

Finishing the inside of the bathhouse with linden and pine

It is worth considering that spruce and pine emit a rather pleasant smell, and this, in turn, gives a therapeutic effect from visiting such bathhouses decorated with this material. Despite the profitability and accessibility, you need to understand that this type of material is very demanding in processing.

A steam room in a bathhouse, finishing it with modern and high-quality materials is a delicate matter. Now that we have discussed this issue, let's move on to the issue of thermal insulation.
The future thermal insulation itself will depend on what material we chose for building the bathhouse. If we are talking about a wooden log house, then additional insulation may not be required. Although, due to the shrinkage of the timber, after some time, cracks and gaps form between the logs of this very timber. Taking this feature into account, “caulking” is made between them using flax or a special mixture of sawdust and clay.

Thermal insulation of a steam room in a bathhouse

Among a narrow circle of bathhouse builders, there is an opinion that a completely lined steam room in a bathhouse with “lining” is not quite the right solution. The opinion is explained by the fact that wood is a living material, and such serious cladding will prevent the evaporation of moisture from the steam room.
Although, on the other hand, under modern conditions, there is another opinion that insulating a steam room is almost a priority task.
Of course, at the very beginning you need to decide on the position of the steam room. According to the classics, the entrance to it should be from a room where you can wash. If the decision is made to move from the dressing room, then they should be connected by a mini corridor.

The building materials market offers a whole line of insulating insulation for baths. Such materials can be either artificial or natural.
Natural types include:

  1. Tow intended to combat cracks;
  2. The insulation of the crowns is sphagnum;
  3. And special building moss serves as a good insulation for walls.

These materials are environmentally friendly; at high temperatures they do not emit hazardous substances, have excellent insulating properties.

Materials for thermal insulation of steam rooms

On the other hand, natural materials are subject to fairly rapid rotting and decomposition; various types of insects are very fond of them.
The line of artificial insulation materials is presented mainly by:

  • Expanded polystyrene;
  • Styrofoam.

They are distinguished by a fairly long service life, they are resistant to humidity and are unloved by insects. The thermal insulation performance is simply impressive.
Requirements for seals
Any insulation or sealant must be fire-resistant and withstand temperatures over one hundred degrees Celsius, as well as have good insulating properties.
Basalt wool (for walls) has such excellent and necessary properties, and expanded clay slabs for floors. If we are talking about the ceiling, then perfect choice– expanded polystyrene.

Insulating the ceiling in a steam room usually requires much more materials than insulating walls or ceilings. This is explained by the fact that steam, by its nature, rises very quickly to the ceiling and, in order to avoid its cooling, sufficient attention should be paid to the thermal insulation of the ceiling.
The step-by-step instructions are as follows:

Wall insulation

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. We attach the foil to the walls using a 40 mm horizontal beam;
  2. We place a sealant between them (penotherm is suitable);
  3. We stretch a layer of foil over everything we have. A construction stapler is suitable for fixing it;
  4. Using aluminum tape, we isolate the existing joints;
  5. Then we attach the blocks vertically;
  6. We begin facing work.

We talked earlier about how to carry out decorative finishing and what materials are suitable for this.

If the floor of your steam room is made of concrete, proceed as follows:
Plywood is attached to the floor, on top of which the so-called hydrosol is laid. We place its edges behind the wall and secure it with tape containing aluminum. If there are gaps, then we treat them with a construction hairdryer. Place it on top of the resulting reinforced mesh and pour the concrete solution.

Waterproofing the floor of a steam room

If the floor is made of wood, then first we attach a 15-centimeter layer of so-called mineral wool under the joists, and fix roofing felt on top of it. Next, we treat the wooden surfaces with special compounds such as antiseptics. We lay a subfloor on top of the roofing felt and cover it with clapboard.
Although the interior finishing of a steam room seems at first glance to be a labor-intensive and complex process, it should be understood that at the same time, decorating the interior of a steam room with your own hands is a fairly simple and easy process if you correctly follow all the described rules and recommendations in this article.
Good luck in your construction endeavors!

Arranging a bathhouse requires careful selection of materials for construction. Decorating the inside of the room is especially important, because the comfort of use depends on it. This task can be achieved using a variety of materials and finishing options, each of which has its own characteristics.

Interior decoration of the bath: purpose and features

The classic Russian bath includes three main rooms: a steam room, a washing room and a vestibule. Additionally, there may be a recreation room, a billiard room and other rooms. In any case, interior decoration is necessary, which not only creates comfort, but is also needed to create an optimal atmosphere and preserve heat.

The bathhouse building can be built from timber or another type of wood. This material is accessible, in demand and effective. Log structures for summer use do not require complex finishing. A log bathhouse should have well-caulked lower crowns, from the inside the walls do not require additional materials. This is due to the fact that wood is able to “breathe”, removing moisture and steam outside. The use of synthetic insulation will disrupt this process. However, thermal insulation is necessary for a winter bath; clapboard finishing is appropriate. Log walls look aesthetically pleasing even without additional finishing.

The construction of foam blocks is reliable, can be used at any time of the year, but requires interior finishing. In a steam room, they almost always use lining, under which layers of hydro- and thermal insulation are placed. In the rest room and locker room, it is appropriate to use ceramic tiles, PVC panels, and lining. Walls made of foam blocks are pre-treated with antiseptic compounds. The floor is often finished with ceramic tiles with an anti-slip surface, which ensures comfort.

Brick is rarely used for the construction of baths, but such structures are reliable, very durable, and environmentally friendly. Brick structures do not need exterior finishing, but inside you can use porcelain tiles for the floor, ceramic tiles, and lining. In the locker room the walls are often decorated PVC panels, but they are not suitable for the steam room due to the high temperature in the room.

Wooden lining made of larch is a universal solution for interior decoration of a bathhouse. This material is affordable, practical and durable. If a more reliable coating of walls or floors is required, then use porcelain stoneware or ceramic tiles. A bathhouse made of any building material requires interior finishing that will provide comfort, aesthetics and protect the main walls from moisture.

Interior finishing options

All rooms of the bathhouse are exposed to high humidity, which requires careful selection of material for interior decoration. There are several main options, each of which has certain properties. The advantages, disadvantages, purpose and operating features must be taken into account when choosing an option for the interior decoration of a bathhouse from any material.

Table: advantages and disadvantages of materials

MaterialAdvantagesFlawsOptimal application
Wood panelingEco-friendly, nice texture,
possibility of combination with other materials,
variety of wood species
Difficult installation and maintenance
operation, fragility,
fire hazard
For walls in any bathhouse,
built from any material
Ceramic tile,
porcelain stoneware
Strength and reliability, resistance to
mechanical and chemical influences,
wide selection, durability, environmental friendliness,
fire safety
It's important to follow the rules
installation, high cost,
uncomfortable texture
In any bathhouse for finishing the floor, walls, firebox
PVC panelsAffordable price, variety of colors, easy installation, simple maintenance during useFragility, low resistance to high temperatures, fragilityFor changing rooms, rest rooms, showers

Photo gallery: clapboard finishing options

Log walls make the bathhouse cozy and do not require additional finishing The combination of lining and ceramic tiles is a practical solution
All surfaces inside the steam room can be finished with clapboard
The lining is easy to install both on the ceiling and on the walls Clapboard finishing is convenient for a small steam room Lining easily combines with stone and tiles It’s easy to decorate a relaxation room luxuriously

Selecting the type of finish

The interior decoration of the bath not only performs an aesthetic function, but also provides comfort and an optimal atmosphere in the premises. Therefore, materials for arranging a steam room, shower, relaxation room or other space must meet the following requirements:

  • environmental friendliness, non-toxicity, safety for human health when heating the material;
  • resistance to mechanical and temperature loads;
  • easy maintenance during operation;
  • simple installation technology.

Popular materials such as wood and ceramic tiles meet these requirements. They are easily combined with each other, allowing you to create a comfortable and safe environment inside any bathhouse.

When choosing a material, its purpose is taken into account. Tiles are appropriate for the floor and walls, and the ceiling is decorated with planed boards and clapboard. This combination is optimal for a shower room, and in a steam room, often all surfaces are made of wood. This allows you to create comfort and a spectacular atmosphere of a Russian bath. For drier rooms, suspended ceilings are suitable, but you should not make plasterboard structures. This is due to high humidity in all rooms of the bathhouse, and drywall is not resistant to moisture.

Wood and lining made from different types of wood are popular materials for interior decoration of a bathhouse. This is due to the fact that wood is available, environmentally friendly, and the installation of elements does not require special preparation. The optimal types of wood for a bathhouse are larch, aspen, abashi, and alder. They are durable, resistant to humidity and temperature changes.

Preparation: calculating the working area

Before starting work, you should calculate the area of ​​surfaces that need finishing. Lining is used for walls and ceilings, and the floor is made of boards. For high-quality finishing, high-quality wood with the lowest resin content is required. Therefore, pine is rarely a material for landscaping, as it emits resin.

The finishing of each room consists of several stages. First, the installation of the floor covering is carried out, which is a flooring made of boards with a thickness of 50 mm. The elements are laid on logs 300 mm high, which are installed on a sand cushion arranged on the ground. After this, calculate the area of ​​the walls and ceiling, which they plan to finish with clapboard. To do this, you need to calculate the area of ​​each wall and ceiling and add up the data obtained.

Selection and calculation of material

Larch lining - optimal solution for finishing a steam room or washing room. Under the influence of time and humidity, its wood becomes harder, which makes the decoration of the premises durable. When choosing a lining, you should pay attention to the following features:

  • lining for finishing a steam room or washing room must be marked “Class Extra” or “Class A”. This material is devoid of large knots, has a uniform structure, and a smooth surface;
  • wooden elements should not show signs of rotting, cracks, or deformation. Smooth and dense lining is easy to install and looks aesthetically pleasing;
  • For finishing you need not only lining, but also steam and heat insulating materials. Finishing is carried out only after installation of these layers;
  • The thickness of the board must be at least 12.5 mm, a tenon of 8 mm corresponds to the depth of the groove. Material humidity - no more than 12%;
  • high-quality material has a flat, smooth surface.

It is also important to correctly calculate the amount of material. Lining is often calculated in square meters. In this case, its quantity is equal to the area of ​​the working surfaces. This figure needs to be increased by 5%, since damage to the material is possible during operation, so the lining is purchased with a reserve.

For work you need bars or thin slats. If the thermal insulation of the bathhouse was carried out outside, then only the installation of vapor barrier and finishing is carried out inside. Therefore, you need to purchase a vapor barrier film that will provide comfort indoors. Otherwise, insulation is carried out from the inside and you will need insulation, a waterproofing film and bars for the sheathing.

Video: how to choose lining

Tools and Supplies

Construction and arrangement of any facility requires the use of reliable tools. The quality of fastening materials is of particular importance when constructing a bathhouse, because the durability of the finish depends on this.

List of tools and consumables:

  • construction stapler with staples;
  • roulette;
  • pencil;
  • building level;
  • nails;
  • self-tapping screws with anti-corrosion coating;
  • screwdriver;
  • hammer;
  • hacksaw.

Tools need to be prepared in advance, and fasteners must be purchased with a reserve. This makes it possible to securely fix all materials and elements.

Step-by-step instructions for interior finishing of a bath

Wall finishing is carried out after installation of heat and vapor barrier. To do this, you need to attach vertical or horizontal bars to the wall, the distance between which is equal to the width of the insulation used. A waterproofing film is secured over the racks with staples, and then the insulation is also fixed to the staples or glue. After this, a vapor barrier layer is attached, which protects the supporting structures from condensation.

Plating the walls of a bathhouse from the inside involves the following steps:

  1. Slats are attached on top of the vapor barrier film, the distance between which should be 50 cm. A gap of 3 cm should be left between the vertical slats of the frame and the ceiling and the same distance on the floor side. This is necessary for the structure to shrink.
  2. TO wooden surface Without internal insulation, the slats are fastened with self-tapping screws and to the brick base with dowels. In this case, it is important to control the verticality of the slats using a plumb line, and check the plane with cords stretched between the outer bars. Clamps are installed on the back side of the lining board, then the panel is secured to the sheathing using nails.
  3. Next, the canvas is assembled from the lining, inserting one element into the groove of the other. A clamp is attached to the back wall of each panel, with which the lining is fixed to the sheathing. You can also fix the parts simply with nails, deepening their heads into the wood. The step between the fasteners is about 60 cm. It is important to connect the parts tightly, but leave a gap of about 2 mm, since wood swells from moisture.

Lathing when covering walls with clapboard is necessary for walls made of any materials. The bars allow you to create a ventilation gap, and the vapor barrier film ensures the removal of moisture. This preserves the quality of the load-bearing structures and the appearance of the finish. The ceiling is sheathed with clapboard using the same technology, having previously fixed a vapor barrier film.

Video: preparing the ceiling for clapboard cladding

Finishing a bathhouse with clapboard is a popular arrangement method. At the same time, wood is successfully combined with ceramic tiles and stone. Therefore, the interior decoration of the bathhouse can be varied, but it is important to choose the installation technology of the appropriate material.

After completion of the construction of the bathhouse, interior finishing of the premises will be required. The purpose of the work is to aesthetically design the space and protect surfaces from various types of influences characteristic of specific operating conditions. But first you need to decide what material to cover the walls, ceiling, and floor.

Most often, natural wood is used to decorate the inside of a bathhouse. However, not every type of wood can be used, especially when it comes to a steam room. In conditions of high temperatures and humidity, some lumber can saturate the air with harmful substances.

What materials should you avoid when decorating a steam room?

The following finishing materials cannot be used in the main room of the bathhouse:

pine wood. The reason is that in highly heated air the tree releases resins that are hazardous to health. And don’t let the pleasant smell that fills the room convince you to use pine boards in the steam room;

Fiberboard and chipboard. The slabs swell from exposure to moisture, and the microclimate of the room is poisoned by toxins that are part of the components of the building material;

linoleum. It is also harmful when used in extreme conditions, creates favorable conditions for the appearance of mold, and also quickly breaks down.

Materials suitable for finishing the steam room

Larch is best suited for a steam room. Durable, strong material does not suffer from excessive moisture and heat. It is not for nothing that bridges across rivers were previously built using larch.

Another tree suitable for finishing a steam room is linden. The material smells nice, but it is quite an expensive product, just like one made from larch. But it's worth it, because the boards are made of linden:

resist destruction from moisture and high temperatures;

contribute to optimal ventilation of rooms, that is, they have so-called breathing properties; decorative;

It is more appropriate to use wood from linden and larch in the form of lining. Thin boards are easy to install, and if necessary, a damaged element can be easily replaced. An additional advantage of such cladding is that you can do without a vapor barrier. But only if the bathhouse is built of wood, not brick. The walls will be perfectly ventilated, condensation will not form.

What is suitable for other rooms?

The rest room and dressing room are a different matter. Here pine would be a very suitable option for finishing surfaces. A specific smell is most appropriate if you want to experience the pleasures of a real Russian bathhouse.

A practical and relatively inexpensive finish is ceramic tiles. Tile is usually used to cover the washing room and dressing room. Ceramics are environmentally friendly, not afraid of heat, steam, water, and microorganisms. When purchasing tiles, it is recommended to pay attention to the product with rough surface. It's safer this way. Different situations happen, and you need to know for sure that leaning, for example, on a wall, you won’t slip. That is, the rough layer should be present not only on floor covering, but also on wall tiles. And the base of the tile is preferably smooth. Then the fungus will have no chance to reproduce.

How to decorate the inside of a bathhouse: what materials should be abandoned when decorating a steam room, and which ones should be used?

How to decorate the inside of a bathhouse: what materials should be abandoned when decorating a steam room, and which ones should be used? After completion of the construction of the bathhouse, interior finishing of the premises will be required.

Russian bathhouse: a look from the inside

A beautiful, cozy bathhouse is a balm for the Russian soul. All owners of country plots dream about it and, in an effort to make their dream come true, they spare no effort or money. Here it is important to understand that the main advantage of the building will not be its architecture, but the decoration of the bathhouse inside.

This will require specific materials and technologies. If you have certain skills, finishing work can be done independently, but if you have confidence in own strength no, it’s better to hire professionals right away. The latter does not free you from the need to know what and how should be done in the bath interior, since there should be control of the ongoing work in any case, so let’s delve into the process.

Bath structure

The layout of a real Russian bathhouse must have the following premises:

Dressing room - the room in front of the entrance to the steam room

Washing room in a Russian bath

Steam room in a Russian bath

The rest room is arranged at your own discretion. It may not exist as a separate room. This mission can be entrusted to the dressing room, but if possible, do not refuse the chance to take a breath between visits to the steam room in the most comfortable environment.

Comfortable relaxation room in the bathhouse

The mission of finishing a bathhouse inside is not only aesthetic aspects. She also:

1. Waterproofs and insulates rooms.

2. Extends the service life of the structure.

3. Protects against burns.

4. Has a healing effect.

Finishing with aspen wood has a healing effect

Finishing material for a bath, what is it?

Everything that will be used for internal works, must meet the following quality standards:

1. Be resistant to temperature peaks and moisture.

2. Be hygienic.

4. Be safe in contact with human skin, that is, do not cause allergies and do not leave burns.

5. Have a pleasant color and look aesthetically pleasing when finished.

6. Be strong and durable.

Materials for finishing the bath should be environmentally friendly

The ideal material in all respects, of course, is wood, so start looking for cool lining made from it. This is not so easy to do. The lining should not be damp or overdried. In the first case structural elements will dry out under the influence of dry heat, and the surface, which is uniform during assembly, will be covered with solid cracks. Nothing can be done about this. In the second option, the lining will gain moisture and, when heated, will swell and deform. There is also no need to talk about the aesthetics of finishing in this case.

Finishing a bathhouse with clapboard remains the most popular

Do not use when finishing the inside of a bath metal parts even in the form of mounts or holders. It's very easy to get burned by them.

Shelves and benches can be made stationary or removable. It is correct to place them against a blank wall. There should be a free space of 1.2 meters from the top shelf to the ceiling. This will allow you to sit on it comfortably.

Stationary shelves in the bath

Make shelves of different sizes. The lower one can be narrower, within half a meter, but the upper one should be made one and a half meters wide. This will make it more convenient to use them.

Multi-sized shelves are more convenient to use

When finishing the bathhouse inside, chipboard, plastic, and linoleum should not be used. The presence of painted surfaces is not allowed, even in the waiting room.

To ensure an optimal microclimate inside, take care of heat and do not make window openings too large.

Small window openings will help save heat

Set up dim lighting. This will promote relaxation.

Dim light in the steam room promotes relaxation

Install the sheathing lining vertically. In this case, water will not accumulate in the grooves.

With vertical clapboard cladding, water does not accumulate in the grooves

Don't insulate floors. The water flow must be free, then the covering boards will not rot in one season.

Finishing the bathhouse inside the dressing room

The dressing room is an analogue of the hallway and is assigned approximately the same functions. But in addition to the “calling card”, the dressing room often also serves as a place to rest a hot body, so the environment in it should be comfortable. If previously the room was not spacious, today they are trying to allocate a larger square footage for it. Inside the room is decorated in Russian style and this is quite justified. It would be funny to see an oriental interior in a Russian bathhouse.

Dressing room in Russian style

The finishing material for the walls of the room must be selected taking into account its specifics. It should be taken into account that in the dressing room with high humidity, it should remain quite warm. Tile is excluded in this case. It gives a cool effect, so go check out the wood finishes. This is a visually attractive material that quickly accumulates heat and releases it slowly, and also exudes a pleasant aroma with healing properties that has a beneficial effect on our body.

Natural wood trim will give warmth and a pleasant aroma

Be sure to make the floor non-slip. An alternative to wide dry boards can be porcelain tiles, but you cannot walk on such a surface barefoot because it is not thermally labile.

Non-slip porcelain tiles can be an alternative to lining

When covering walls with clapboard, you can lay it in any way: vertically, obliquely, horizontally. It is also better to cover the ceiling with a board, not forgetting to provide it with a vapor barrier.

Having completed the finishing of the bathhouse inside the dressing room, they move on to its furnishings. If the space is cramped, it is filled to a minimum, limited to a few stools and wall hangers. Decorative elements include bath accessories and themed reproductions.

Decorative elements made of wood for the dressing room

In a spacious dressing room, rattan furniture will be good. You can add a table and chairs to the setting.

Practical rattan furniture for a bath

The lighting in the waiting room is soft, dim, relaxing and invigorating. There is no need for fancy lamps. The most ordinary lamps will do the job perfectly.

You can decorate the dressing room in a rustic style by adding such a characteristic element as a clay-brick stove. It will take up a lot of space and serve as an accent spot of the composition. The presence of ceiling beams and log walls will add to the completeness of the experience.

Rustic dressing room with stove

Steam room design

“The decoration of the bathhouse inside the steam room will again be made of clapboard, only from special types of wood”

If in the dressing room you can still play with the decorative style, then in finishing the bathhouse inside the steam room this will be difficult. The reason for this is small sizes rooms. The filling of the interior should not interfere with the free circulation of hot air.

When using wood or natural lining, make sure that they are not derivatives coniferous species. Pine, spruce, cedar and other members of the family will release glutenous resins when heated, which will not cause delight at all. Linden is considered the best option. It does not overheat at all and does not lose its original beauty for a long time.

Linden is the best option for finishing a steam room

Never do anything in a steam room made of wood boards or use linoleum there. Not only are they toxic, they are also a fire hazard. Moisture will quickly spoil their structure and deform it.

There are not many options for choosing the material and, in principle, the decoration of the bathhouse inside the steam room will again be made of clapboard, only from special types of wood. This decor is really beautiful. The material is practical and, due to its structure, helps improve air circulation in the steam room. Good air exchange is the key to preventing the formation of fungus on the walls, their molding, as well as excessive moisture. Wall surfaces will not become a place for condensation to accumulate.

The finishing of the steam room from lining promotes better air circulation

The steam room is furnished with strong furniture. Shelves, sunbeds, and benches are given streamlined, rounded shapes. Their surface must be perfectly processed. Knots and splinters are unacceptable.

The ceiling can also be rounded. This will give the room an interesting look. Original small lamps are installed in it, emitting pleasant diffused light.

A steam room in which wood is combined with brick will look quite stylish. The brick withstands temperature and steam tests very well.

Combination of stone and wood in the decoration of a steam room

If the steam room has low ceilings, the situation can also be corrected with thoughtful finishing and proper furnishings. Sew up the walls with vertically installed clapboard, arch the ceiling and furnish the room with benches. With this decor, being in the steam room will be very comfortable, and low ceilings will go unnoticed.

Smooth lines will hide low ceilings

Washing room design

Finishing a bathhouse inside a washing room can be done in different ways. Everything will depend on design features design. If the washing room serves as a logical continuation of the steam room, then wood will also be used in its decor.

Washing clapboard finishing

Good air exchange in the room is equally important. It should penetrate there uninterruptedly Fresh air, but given the high humidity here it is better to use just coniferous wood. Synthetic materials are also not used in room decoration.

It is better to use coniferous wood for finishing the washing room.

In order to simplify the maintenance of the sink, the surface of the walls in it is tiled. The decor looks very beautiful, the finishing itself is practical and durable. In addition, tiles, if necessary, can be perfectly combined with other types of finishes.

Tile finishing is durable and practical

The walls of the washing room can be finished with wooden slats. Here you will need to take care of their tight fit. This method of laying the finishing for a bathhouse inside a washing room is needed to prevent moisture from getting under the lining.

The floors of the premises of this functionality should be properly decorated with tiles and, in order to avoid accidents, covered with ladders assembled from wooden slats. An alternative to ladders can be rubber mats or tracks. When using relief tiles, the flooring can be neglected.

Tiled floor in washroom

It would not be superfluous to equip the washing area with beds and benches. After an invigorating shower or swimming pool, it is so pleasant to stretch out on them and feel the bliss spreading throughout the body.

Decorating the rest room

“The bathhouse inside the relaxation room will be finished with oak, soundly and for centuries”

If the main components of the bathhouse premises are the practicality of the interior, then for this room the aesthetics of the decoration will come first. Cheaply and cheerfully you can decorate it with pine. The material has a variety of colors, and in terms of quality and ease of processing, it fully satisfies the needs of many. Those characteristics of pine that prevent its use in a steam room or relaxation room are worth their weight in gold. The priority choice remains Scandinavian pine. It is preferred for its beautiful pinkish tint, the virtual absence of knots and the decorativeness of the cut pattern. After years of use, decor of this type will not only not lose its originality, but will become even more beautiful. A noble patina will appear on the surface of the finish.

Scandinavian pine has a pinkish wood color and does not lose its decorative effect for a long time

The bathhouse inside the relaxation room will be finished with oak, soundly and, as they say, for centuries. High strength material. The presence of tannins protects oak boards from rotting.

Oak wood is a highly durable material

Spruce is also in demand in the decoration of baths, but many are stopped by its knotty nature and rather weak moisture-resistant characteristics. IN Lately Swedish spruce lining, processed using special technology, enters the market. With the knots and hitches that completely cover the material, the manufacturers managed to make it a highlight, so it will look just great in the interior.

You need to furnish the room on a grand scale. Sofas, armchairs, and massive tables are quite appropriate here. Good decision there will be furniture made from pallets. Specific treatment will make it invulnerable to the non-standard microclimate prevailing in the bathhouse.

Furniture made from pallets for baths


A careful approach to the task and refusal to save on small details will ensure that the finishing of the bathhouse inside will be identical to the magnificent pictures from the advertising brochures, and perhaps even better. More original - for sure!

Photo gallery - interior decoration of the bathhouse

Finishing a bathhouse inside - types and methods

To finish the inside of the bathhouse, you will need specific materials and technologies. If you have certain skills, you can do all the work yourself.

What materials to use for interior decoration of baths, saunas

In the best traditions of Slavic holidays

Bathhouse is not easy great way carefree pastime on vacation, but also a useful procedure that can improve health. Currently, mankind has invented several types of baths, including Roman, Turkish hammam, Japanese and Finnish sauna, which can be either dry air or dry. In the first option, the humidity does not exceed 30%, and the air temperature is increased - about 100 degrees, in raw same (for example, Russian bath), on the contrary, the temperature is near 60 degrees, and humidity reaches 100%. Here we will look at the options for interior decoration of baths and saunas that are more familiar to us, with small digressions and comparisons.

First of all, it is worth remembering the saying “What goes around comes around.” This directly applies to the construction of a bathhouse. The service life of a structure directly depends on the quality of the materials used for its construction. Incorrectly selected materials can limit the suitability of the bathhouse up to several uses, because Some types of wood are completely unsuitable for interior decoration of rooms with high humidity.

The effectiveness of a bathhouse in health terms is closely related to the nature of the materials from which it is built and decorated. Artificial components not only will not improve your health, but can also have negative effects. Completely unsuitable materials such as plastic or other petroleum products may just poison visitors, condemning the purpose of the bathhouse. All “ingredients” of interior decoration must be made exclusively from “correct”, natural and environmentally friendly building materials.

The pores of human skin open under the influence of high air temperature in the steam room, this phenomenon is called “skin breathing”. Through the opened pores, natural and pure esters enter our body if the finishing is done correctly, or toxic fumes emitted by petroleum products, if synthetic finishing materials were used. There should not even be sealed plastic lamps, which, according to the manufacturer, are environmentally friendly. We must immediately understand that any petroleum product by its nature becomes an artificial and harmful product. The same applies to metal-plastic windows, the installation of which is extremely undesirable both in a bathhouse and in a separate sauna.

In Slavic baths Wood has always been the main component of interior decoration.

In Turkish same establishments, all the walls are lined with stone. But since you and I are northern residents, we will preferably build from wood.

The most suitable option for a separate bathhousethis is a wooden frame. In this case, clapboard cladding indoors is not necessary. This option, which initially seems expensive, is in fact no more expensive than a brick bathhouse, which requires both interior and exterior finishing.

Safety of materials for construction and interior decoration of baths

Returning to the topic of finishing, it should be noted that some manufacturers, in order to save money on construction and earn more money, may use synthetic "ingredients" during construction. Therefore, you should never hesitate to ask questions if something seems suspicious to you. A moment of embarrassment can turn into a tragedy for the health of everyone who will be in the bathhouse. The same applies to turnkey bathhouses - you should definitely ask what materials they are made of and ask for supporting documents.

Wood cannot be coated with paint or varnish. Even if the contractor assures you that it is necessary to treat the wood with drying oil, do not allow this under any circumstances. Drying oil, as well as most modern primers, is a product of petroleum refining. This word alone cannot stand next to the word “health”.

Harmless liquids for treating wood in steam rooms are sold in specialized stores, although their high cost will have to be noted. But, as you know, saving on health means driving yourself to an early grave.

Wood in a steam room should have such indicators as the lowest possible heat conductivity, which promotes good insulation, and low heat capacity, which prevents excessive heating of the finish. It is worth repeating that for other rooms such strict requirements are not imposed.

What materials are suitable for insulating the ceiling in a bathhouse?

Insulation ceiling surface need to pay special attention. The ceiling transmits significantly more heat than walls. To do this, you need to insulate it to avoid loss of warm air. And here many self-taught people make a huge mistake - they lay foam sheets over the final ceiling trim. This gross mistake, which, one way or another, will play a cruel joke on visitors. Polystyrene foam is a gas-filled plastic made from... petroleum. Let's remember what we read earlier.

The only one Mineral wool can be a more or less safe solution for ceiling insulation. It uses limestone, dolomite and basalt, which are natural components. This is a durable material characterized by fire resistance and hygroscopicity. But still, natural fillers from straw mixtures will be the best solution, although they will require more effort during their installation. Decorating the ceiling can be done with the same lining as on the walls.

What materials are used to make the floor in a bathhouse or sauna?

The gender in the steam room can be concrete, with wooden grating(so-called leaky), which will allow you to stay in it without slippers. A leaky floor is an inexpensive design - a flooring made of boards with gaps for water drainage. It is worth considering that this is a cold floor, so you should not expect anything special. The removable structure is attached to the joists only in the grooves, Not nailing, which will allow you to take it outside to dry in the future. The concrete floor is made with a slope towards the center, where a drain pipe will be installed to carry the liquid out.

Non-leakage floor consists of two layers of boards. Upper layer does not have the slightest gap and is made of hardwood. Insulation is laid between the top and bottom layers, which, together with high-quality ceiling insulation, minimizes heat loss.

Another option when laying the floor could be tiling. It is easy to clean, is not afraid of moisture, but is not so pleasant when in contact with the feet and you can slip on it, which can lead to dire consequences.

Materials used for interior decoration of bath walls

In the vast majority of cases, interior decoration, in the form of laying lining, made from hardwood. note that coniferous trees have a rather specific smell and, in addition, they have low resistance to moisture, which is why they are very rarely used when finishing. It is also not recommended to mix deciduous species with coniferous trees - this bad combination for this type of structure.

Linden wood characterized by low heat capacity, so it is best suited as a lining for a steam room. Also, this tree is characterized by such an indicator as low density, which makes it the first number for a given purpose. However, it is also used for cladding alder, which can be a good alternative in the absence of the aforementioned linden.

Shelves can be made from aspen, which does not get as hot as some types of wood. Linden shelves or shelves made of abash wood are the best solutions for a given purpose - the chance of getting burned is reduced to zero.

Washing compartment can be sheathed with larch, which has a peculiar yellowish or orange tint. Larch retains its properties even at the highest possible air humidity.

The very same a room for passive relaxation can be lined with any wood, because the walls will not be exposed to high temperatures. Valuable species in this place will be more of an elite decoration than an important component.

Let's go directly materials used for finishing the walls of baths and saunas in Russian open spaces. The main indicator of a healthy bath is the naturalness of the wood. No substitutes or wood-look materials are suitable in our case. Only lining made from deciduous trees can provide complete confidence in the effectiveness of the procedures. The only relief can be the arrangement of the vestibule, but if you want to end up with a real health center, you will have to fork out the cash.

  • Let's start with the exotic - African abash tree. Imported wood, as has already become clear from where it grows, is not a cheap thing. However, this is the most suitable option both for wall upholstery and for arranging shelves. Abash has the lowest thermal conductivity, which allows it to remain cool, even if the temperature in the steam room is hellish. The possibility of getting burned on the surface of such shelves and upholstery is eliminated.

If such luxury is beyond your means, you should pay attention to more available wood, growing in our area. At the same time, it is impossible to combine different breeds when building one bathhouse. And here it’s not a matter of benefit, but of aesthetics - different breeds can change differently during their service life.

All this general principles and basics. If you want to build interior decor based on your own ideas, we recommend following several unshakable rules, observing which you will not have to redo the work again:

Safety of electrical wiring in the bathhouse

In this topic we will also mention lighting. No plastic is the key to a healthy steam room. In relaxation rooms, the use of plastic lampshades is allowed, but, again, we visit the bathhouse for the sake of health, so if you build a relaxation complex without the use of artificial materials, this will be a “plus” for both karma and well-being. Glass shades in stainless steel cases will be an inexpensive solution for a bath.

Taking into account the latest trends and recommendations limit yourself to 12-volt wiring, you can fork out for modern fiber optic systems that conduct light from outside the steam room, i.e. in the steam room itself there will be no conductive elements at all. If you decide to limit yourself to ordinary sealed lamps with 220V lamps, then you need to take the issue of electrical safety extremely seriously. All conductors must have double isolation and be hidden under wooden box. The switches are always located outside the steam room (with the exception of waterproof switches for a 12-volt system).

Bathhouse is a fire hazardous place, so the installation of wiring must be carried out by specialists, in compliance with all rules for installing electrical equipment. If the interior decoration may have some errors, then in the case of electricity, even the smallest defects are not allowed.

Avoiding harmful materials such as linoleum or wood boards, and adhering to the basic principles of construction and safety rules, you can build it with your own hands excellent sauna or sauna and enjoy well-deserved rest for many years, paving your way to a healthy life.

What materials to use for the interior decoration of a bathhouse, sauna, Viti Petrova’s Construction Blog

In this article you will learn the basic principles of interior decoration of a bathhouse and sauna. Sheathing materials, thermal insulation, construction of floors and shelves, as well as recommendations

Finishing the bath: choosing the best materials for the steam room, washing room and changing room

Traditional Russian bath

Many years ago, having just moved to the village and built our first bathhouse, we were also very arrogant. And they lined the steam room with pine boards. Aroma! Beauty! There was no limit to the joy until hot drops of resin began to drip onto my head, and ugly streaks appeared on the walls.

I had to improve my theory, and not just be proud of my ability to work with my hands. The head in this matter is also not superfluous.

Materials for walls and ceilings

The steam room is the hottest place in the bathhouse

It will not be news to anyone that none synthetic materials categorically not used for lining steam rooms. Many of them tolerate heat and moisture well, but when heated they emit harmful substances or become very hot themselves.

But not all natural finishing materials are suitable for this purpose. The most suitable one is wood in the form of a polished edged boards, lining, blockhouse or imitation timber. However, there are limitations here too!

Are all breeds able to withstand temperature changes, resist fungus, and not rot due to constant contact with moist air? Not everyone. And many of those that are capable have certain disadvantages: they are expensive, get very hot, or “cry” with resin.

Brief characteristics of different types of wood, which are most often used to decorate baths and saunas, will help you make your choice:

  1. Linden. Changes very little under the influence of steam and temperature, maintaining a beautiful creamy shade. Fills the steam room with a delicate pleasant aroma. But it gets very hot, so the linden shelf needs to be doused with cold water or covered with a sheet before planting. It is unlikely that it will be possible to insulate walls simply with linden lining without thermal insulation material due to its high thermal conductivity. Cost of 1 sq.m. 600-800 rubles.

  1. Black alder. According to operational characteristics of the ideal material: almost does not change the appearance and properties, on the contrary, the aroma and color of wood become more saturated over time. Besides doesn't heat up, allowing you not to be afraid of burns. But it does not emit particularly useful phytoncides and is more expensive than linden - 750-1200 rubles.

Alder paneling

  1. Aspen. Finishing the inside of a bathhouse with aspen is not the best solution in terms of aesthetics, since when exposed to moisture it turns gray. But in terms of thermal conductivity, it is similar to alder - it does not heat up and can itself become a good additional heat insulator for walls and ceilings. In addition, it allows you to save money, since it costs 400-500 rubles per sq.m.

  1. Larch. If you need high-quality, beautiful and, as they say, lasting for centuries, then larch is an excellent choice. Including price (up to 1000 rubles per square), if you compare it with the cost valuable species wood with similar properties. She has the highest resistance to moisture, which only increases over time. But finishing a steam room in a bathhouse with larch is a difficult task, since this dense wood is difficult to process.

Larch paneling

  1. Ash. This wood already belongs to valuable varieties and a square meter of such lining costs between 1500-2000 rubles. As for the use of a steam room for finishing, it is perfect for this purpose: it has a beautiful texture, does not darken, is not afraid of high humidity and temperature, and also has healing properties, especially useful for people with respiratory diseases.

Expressive design is a great advantage of ash lining

  1. Oak. Of our local wood species, this is the densest and most beautiful. In all respects it is suitable for tiling a steam room, it looks solid and reliable, but it also costs a decent amount: 2300-2800 rubles. This finish is already considered elite.

Solid oak board

  1. Abashi. For those who do not expect to spend a lot of money, you can skip this and the next points, since decorating even a small room with African abashi oak will be very expensive. 3000-3300 rubles per sq.m. This exotic wood is superior to all others in moisture resistance and has an unusual rich color. But all this is unlikely to justify its price, since it does not provide any benefit to the body and, moreover, gets very hot.

Abashi color is really very beautiful

  1. Canadian cedar. The most expensive material listed, used only in elite baths. Exudes a pleasant aroma and healthy essential oils. Very beautiful, easy to process. Depending on the thickness of the lining, it can cost from 4,000 to 8,000 rubles per square meter.

Canadian cedar paneling

The range of prices in these examples is explained not only by the different thickness of the boards, but also by their length. Short ones are cheaper. In general, all of these are grade A or Extra products, so you can find them cheaper.

Now about very popular and inexpensive breeds, but completely unsuitable for use in hot and humid rooms.

  1. Pine and spruce. The most inexpensive lining, costing 200-240 rubles per square meter, is made from just these conifers. And it is perfect for covering walls in a recreation room and making furniture for it. It turns out quite beautiful and durable external finishing pine blockhouse if the walls are made of bricks or blocks.

But you can’t put pine in the steam room. I have already described the reasons above - this is the “tearfulness” of the tree under the influence of high temperatures. Moreover, due to humidity it becomes loose. And since protective impregnations cannot be used here, it will not last long.

The most affordable price is for pine and spruce lining

  1. Birch. Completely unsuitable for wet rooms - steam rooms and especially showers in bathhouses. Very afraid of moisture: it quickly loses its appearance, begins to rot and mold. But in dry and well-ventilated rooms, it is not inferior to larch or oak in terms of strength and wear resistance. It can be considered as a finishing material for a rest room. Especially if it is spacious and you are looking for something not very expensive. 400-440 rubles per square meter is quite tolerable.

To be honest, from an aesthetic point of view, it is not so important what you line the walls and ceiling with: very few people will understand at one glance at expensive wood how much it cost you. It is much more important how to decorate the bathhouse. Well-polished, well-fitted boards that are pleasant to touch are half the success.

Judge for yourself whether the traditional finishing for our region and the exotic finishing are very different:

If your imagination and patience are enough for decorative finishing in the form of backs, headrests and beautiful grilles, even better. All this can be done from expensive varieties.

Simple and original

All these tricks with wall cladding are not needed if they are made of thick logs of suitable species. It is enough to caulk the seams well and sand the frame. But finishing a block or brick bathhouse is not only about decorating unsightly surfaces, but also about the possibility of insulating them and reducing heat loss. But that is another topic.

It is also necessary to think through such an issue as fireproof finishing of a bathhouse made of timber or logs.

The walls around the stove and heater should be sheathed in metal or made of brick

I will not repeat in the following sections about the suitability of this or that type of wood for finishing other premises. Their characteristics speak for themselves; making a choice will not be difficult.

The floor in the steam room should not be slippery and not get too hot. The cheapest solution is cement strainer with wooden ladders laid on top. A little more expensive - tiles or porcelain stoneware with the same drains.

In any case, there must be a slope towards the drain hole

Ladders are gratings made of thick boards or bars that can always be taken out and dried or lifted and washed on all sides. Therefore, there are no special requirements for the type of wood; you can even use pine - on the floor it will not get so hot as to release resin.

Solid wood flooring is another matter. Here you will have to choose species that are resistant to moisture - larch, oak, alder.

Country bathhouse under construction inside with wooden floor

There is another option - heat-treated board. It undergoes special treatment with hot (180-200 degrees) steam in the absence of oxygen, thereby acquiring very high resistance to moisture, strength and dark shade.

The price depends on the type of wood. For example, a square meter of 40 mm thick pine flooring will cost about 1,250 rubles, and 2,700 for alder.

Washing room

The washing machine may be different. If water is supplied to the bathhouse from centralized network or a well with a pump, and there is a water heater, it is enough to install a shower stall or simply equip a shower corner.

This is impossible without running water, so benches and watering cans are needed. Often both are found, complemented by a large plunge pool or even a swimming pool. And also washing rooms combined with a steam room.

In each case, the interior decoration of a wooden bath will be different:

  • For the common room, all the materials described in the previous chapter are used. This is a wood that can withstand intense heat on walls and ceilings and tiled or concrete floors with drains.
  • In a wash room, separated from the steam room and without a shower, for wall decoration You can use any wood except birch. Including coniferous ones. Here the temperature is not so high, so the resin is unlikely to flow. But the air will be filled with a pleasant aroma.

Ladders or rubber mats are absolutely necessary here, since tiled floors in the washroom become slippery from soapy water

  • Finishing a shower in a wooden bath can also be done with clapboard, but in this case need a good one supply and exhaust ventilation so that the boards dry after finishing the procedures. They must be treated with a moisture-repellent agent and the coating must be renewed periodically.

The result of poor ventilation and non-compliance with finishing technology

Shower and sprinkling device in the washing room

  • It will be much more durable to cover the walls with tiles or stone at least one and a half meters from the floor. If load-bearing walls wooden, they are waterproofed, sheathed moisture-resistant plasterboard, and tiles are already glued onto it.

Full height tiling in washroom

Combined finishing in a combined sink

  • A very convenient option is a shower room with a door or curtain. It can be arranged in a dead end or fenced off a corner with a partition. And there will be no questions about how to decorate the walls in the washing room: with tiles. And the rest of the space, where there will be no heat, no high humidity, whatever.

Entrance to the steam room and washing room from the relaxation room

  • It’s even easier to install a ready-made shower stall, and then you don’t have to worry too much about wall cladding; plastic panels. In this case, finishing materials are selected in the same way as for a bathroom in an apartment.

Shower stall in the bathhouse

The ceiling here can be plastered and covered with moisture-resistant paint that is resistant to washing. But if you regularly use the bathhouse, you will need to update the coating at least once every two years.

Such types of finishing as wooden and plastic lining, slatted or suspended ceiling. They are not afraid of moisture, they can be built into Spotlights, and fill the space between the ceiling and the cladding with thermal insulation.

IN suspended ceiling there must be a ventilation grill so that condensation does not accumulate on its reverse side

If the bathhouse is wooden, built from ordinary logs or timber, finishing can begin no earlier than in a year. Because it will settle as the wood shrinks, deforming the cladding.

If you don’t want to wait, you can bother with a floating frame for drywall and tiles. How to do this correctly is described in the article “Facing a wooden house with plasterboard.” And unlined walls must be treated with a natural-based antifungal antiseptic impregnation.

Locker room

The materials for decorating this room can be very different. But better than wood It's hard to come up with something. However, it can be supplemented with other types of finishing: decorative plaster, artificial stone tiles, various wall panels, etc.

It all depends on the size and purpose:

  • If this is a small dressing room in a free-standing bathhouse, intended only for undressing and dressing, it is better to limit yourself to moisture-resistant wooden finishing. Especially if the bathhouse is heated once a week, and the rest of the time it is not heated.

Finishing the dressing room with a blockhouse with tinting

  • If this is a spacious recreation room with a heating system from the house, then your desires are unlimited. Even wallpaper and painting on the walls - as long as you like it.

Examples for inspiration:

Plaster, tiles and painted wood panels

Decorative plaster and stone

Blockhouse and brick

As for how to decorate the outside of the bathhouse, you can use any facade materials. Most often, a beautiful log house is left without cladding, limited to caulking the joints, sanding and treating with decorative and protective agents.

And buildings made of brick, foam blocks and other building stones are finished in accordance with the house or imitate a log house using a wooden, plastic or metal blockhouse.

Exterior decoration with blockhouse


Now you know what materials to use so that the interior decoration of a timber bathhouse will please you for many years in a row, without requiring repairs or alterations. To do this, it is not necessary to use expensive exotic materials that have little health benefits. In this regard, our native linden wins a hundred points over the African oak, and it looks no worse.

If you have anything to say or ask on the topic, you are welcome to comment. Let's discuss.

Finishing the inside of the bath: what materials to use for the steam room, washing room and dressing room

Finishing the inside of the bathhouse: what materials to use for the steam room, washing room and dressing room, video and photo