Beautiful azalea - care and breeding. indoor azalea

The name "azalea" combines several species evergreen shrubs from the Rhododendron family.

The plant has thin graceful branches, small foliage and the main advantage - large, bright flowers, for which it is worth making an effort. The fact is that caring for azaleas at home can be a hassle. From a flower shop, a well-groomed flower, grown in greenhouse conditions with suitable parameters. In order for a bush to take root well in a new place, you need to understand its needs.

To understand what kind of environment to create for a plant in an apartment, you need to know natural conditions. The most popular types azaleas - “Japanese” and “Indian”; in their wild form, their ancestors live in a cool and humid climate with acidic, fertile soils. To date indoor views They have a lot of breeding varieties.

indoor azalea and at home will require care close to the natural environment. The best growing conditions are moderate coolness, bright but diffused light and plenty of fresh air.

Choosing a place in the apartment

Azalea does not tolerate straight lines sun rays, but will not grow in shade. The plant needs a lot of light, but it must be diffused. On the windowsill, especially on the south side, where the sun burns for a long time, the flower will be too hot. From direct exposure to the sun, the tender leaves dry out at the tips and curl. This means that the azalea received a burn.

It is better to place the tree next to the windowsill so that the sun shines on it through the tulle. If this is not possible, then a translucent partition is installed between the glass and the plant. IN winter period On the contrary, backlighting will be required to increase daylight hours.

Watering requirements

Azalea loves humidity very much. But from oversaturation with water it quickly withers and dies. How much then to water? In hot weather you need to do this more often, and in cold weather - less often. The main guideline is the condition of the soil. Do not allow the top layer to dry out.

Let the lump of earth in which the tree grows always be damp, but in moderation. Water should not flow through the soil so much that it pours out onto the tray (especially since the roots of the flower grow wider).

Air humidity

Dry air is not suitable for azaleas. Therefore, spraying is necessary at least every other day, and in hot weather - 2 times daily. The water should be cool and definitely settled (or better yet, melted or distilled). It is better to cover the flowers during this procedure, otherwise they will wither.

“You can increase the humidity in hot weather by placing a wide vessel with water or damp expanded clay next to the pot.”

Selection and application of fertilizers

Fertilizing with mineral complex fertilizers is a necessity for the plant. To do this, you need a special complex designed for rhododendrons and azaleas:

  1. before and during flowering, fertilizers are used with a high content of phosphorus and potassium; you can simply add superphosphate to the usual complex;
  2. after flowering, during the period of crown growth, nitrogen fertilizers are added.

Feed the azalea every two weeks, always after watering. Since the flower rests in summer, fertilizer should be excluded during this period.


Maintaining a suitable temperature regime is the most difficult thing when growing azaleas in room conditions. If a recently purchased flower suddenly drops its leaves and dries out, the first reason for this is the inappropriate temperature in the room. This flower does not tolerate heat; it is optimal to grow it at +18 degrees. In the hot summer period it is possible to reach +20, but higher temperatures will depress the plant.

It also does not like cold and strong drafts. In October - November, buds form on azaleas. At this time, it is advisable to maintain the temperature within 5-7 degrees. As soon as flowering begins, the degrees rise to 15-18. This is difficult to achieve in an apartment, especially in winter when the heating radiators are running. Experienced flower growers It is recommended to cover the pot with dry ice or process it frequently cold water(try not to freeze).

Reasons and methods of pruning

To ensure abundant flowering of azaleas in the new season, it is necessary to trim the tree in time and pinch out the shoots. How to do this correctly? The procedures are carried out after flowering has ended. Between May and mid-summer, all lonely buds are removed from the bush, and young shoots are pinched at the tips. Thus, the flower will grow in width, giving even more young shoots (and buds will later form on their tops). Before pinching, the shoot should form 3 to 6 leaves on a young branch.

They cut off all the old, drying, too long or weak branches - flowers will not grow on them, and they take away the strength of the plant. Those shoots that try to grow near the buds must also be removed. In addition, thanks to such measures, the tree will bush more strongly.

Flowering period

This long-awaited period lasts for good care up to 2-2.5 months (if incorrect – 2-3 weeks). What are the reasons for poor flowering, or even its absence at all? The flowering period is limited by high temperatures, because they should be within 15-18 degrees (it’s not for nothing that azalea blooms in the cool season!) Pruning and replanting should be done in the spring, after flowering, so that the bush has time to gain strength for the next season.

In summer, the plant is supposed to rest. The root system should feel comfortable in the pot (i.e. it cannot be cramped or too large). Iron and nitrogen in fertilizers after the end of flowering will provoke the formation of flower buds for the next season.

How to prolong flowering that has already begun? With the beginning of this period, the azalea must be moved to a warm place, within 15-18 (maximum 20) degrees. Provides long daylight hours and bright (but diffuse) sunlight.

Timely watering, spraying and fertilizing are mandatory. When the flowering period has come to an end, the bush is pruned and pinched, and, if necessary, replanted. These procedures will have a positive effect on the number of buds next year.

Rest period

This period lasts from June to December. Azalea blooms in winter or in early spring. And in between she needs rest. The plant is removed from bright light, watering and spraying are reduced, and fertilization is stopped. Some varieties drop their foliage completely. When the hibernation period comes to an end, the tree itself will let you know about it.

Description of the transplant process

Transplantation is a mandatory and important part of caring for azaleas at home. There is a rule that all indoor flowers must be replanted after purchase. Azalea is so capricious that she needs an adaptation period. 2-3 weeks after purchase, when the flower gets used to the new conditions, you can change the potting soil.

First three years young plant replanted annually. Then the procedure is carried out every 2-3 years, with a strong increase in the root mass or when it becomes obvious that the soil needs to be renewed (it is depleted and may turn sour).

You should not greatly increase the volume of the pot; it is enough to choose it a couple of centimeters larger than the previous one, but it must be wide, due to the characteristics of the root system. Soils are required to be acidic and fertile, so it is better to purchase ready mixture in the store, but you can cook it yourself. Suitable would be heather or coniferous, with the addition of peat and river sand for looseness.

The azalea flower is also successfully grown in hydroponics, but creating such conditions requires costs and skills. Replant immediately after flowering or in the fall. A layer of drainage is placed at the bottom of the container (2 cm of expanded clay will be enough). It is sprinkled with a small amount of soil on top. The azalea is very neat, with big lump soil, transferred to a new place, and then new soil is added around the edges so that there are no voids left. All roots should be underground and not stick out.

“Immediately after transplanting, you need to water the flower a little.”

Landing process

How to plant azalea at home? Growing a houseplant from seeds is a labor-intensive and complex process. It is much easier to propagate a bush in other ways:

  1. cuttings;
  2. layering.

When propagating azaleas at home, careful care and increased attention will be required, since it is quite difficult for new plants to take root. The spring-summer period is most suitable for this. With both methods of propagation, it is necessary to build a greenhouse to maintain humidity. Favorable temperature is +20-23 degrees. Light and systematic ventilation are also needed.

When cutting, you need to select several woody annual shoots (too old or young will not take root), always with buds. The length of the cuttings is 10-15 cm. The cut is made with a sharp knife at an angle. Lower leaves removed, the shoot is kept in a growth stimulator for several hours. Then the cutting is stuck into a pot with a substrate such as peat, coconut fiber or perlite, and be sure to water it. Rooting takes a long time, but after a couple of years the new tree will begin to bloom.

Layers on the plant need to be formed independently. To do this, the required number of suitable shoots is bent to the ground and secured. They can be lightly sprinkled with soil on top, and after a couple of months the cuttings will take good roots. How to properly plant a rooted plant? On permanent place azalea is transplanted into purchased soil, being careful not to damage the roots. At first, carefully monitor the soil moisture.

Prevention and treatment of diseases

Improper care can easily provoke azalea diseases. They can be easily identified by the following signs: What to do if the azalea has dried out? This may be the result of overheating, illness or other stressful situations. You need to remove the bush from the pot, peel and rinse the roots with cool water, and hold it for a while under running cold water. Next, plant it in a new substrate and place it in a cool place; if necessary, cover the pot with ice. Water for several days with settled water with the addition of citric or boric acid.

When the plant comes to its senses, you need to maintain cool conditions, Fresh air and humidity (place wet expanded clay nearby). Water for a while with very cold water (but do not over-water!). Growing conditions for azaleas must be strictly observed to avoid diseases.

Pest Control

a more terrible pest is the strawberry mite, which infects the entire plant and feeds on its juices. Shoots, leaves and flowers become clumsy and shapeless. On early stage Spider mite infestations can be controlled by washing them off the leaves with soapy water or a shower. A severe spread of the pest will have to be treated with pesticides. The strawberry mite requires the immediate use of fungicides, but often you have to get rid of the diseased plant.

Indoor varieties of azaleas

There are more than 600 species of azalea, but only a few are grown at home. The “Japanese” azalea grows in a pot up to 60 cm and is distinguished by particularly abundant flowering. Although it is inferior to many species in terms of the beauty of its flowers, it is relatively unpretentious.

To date, several thousand hybrids have been bred from it. Among them there are varieties of purple, pink, yellow, and red shades. The “white” azalea is unusually attractive. Its flowers are smaller than those of other varieties, but they are much larger in number.

The “Indian” azalea is also small in height (40-60 cm). But the flowers of this variety are different large size. If you grow it outdoors, the bush will reach 1.5 m.

Caring for azaleas at home is a lot of work. But a well-groomed and not neglected plant will delight its caring owner with its blossoms more and more every year.

Azalea for her lush flowering is one of the most beautiful indoor plants. But, unfortunately, it often happens that some time after acquisition the plant begins to die, because indoor azalea is quite capricious flower. It is necessary to create for her Better conditions so that the plant does not begin to dry out and shed its leaves. And then Azalea will certainly thank you for your efforts with amazing lush flowers.

From the history of the plant

This indoor flower is evergreen, a branched, beautifully flowering dwarf plant. Its homeland is Japan and China, but it can also be found in southern Europe and in North America. Indoor azalea belongs to the rhododendron genus. Rhododendron comes from the Greek “rhodon” meaning rose, and “dendron” meaning tree. Otherwise - pink tree. "Azalea" is translated from ancient Greek language- dry. It is named so because of its appearance usually it's dry small bush. In Russia they appeared at the beginning of the 20th century, initially they were only in botanical gardens and greenhouses.

IN wildlife There are about 350 representatives of azaleas, but There are only two types of indoor rooms:

Indoor azalea blooms quite profusely aged 3 to 4 years. She often has bright pink flowers, but they are also often snow-white, rich red, violet, lilac, and sometimes even two-colored. The petals of indoor azalea flowers can be double, slightly double, or simply even. The leaves of azalea are quite small and dark green in color.

When purchasing an intensely flowering indoor azalea, it is better to choose one with a significant number of unopened buds; such a plant will quickly adapt to other conditions and will delight you with its fabulously beautiful flowers for a long time.

You should also carefully examine the plant for the presence of pests and diseases. By slightly tilting the plant, you can verify the presence of dry leaves, which indicates improper care or disease.

Azalea: how to care at home

So that a beautifully blooming azalea brings joy for a long time, necessary provide proper care at home for this indoor flower.


First of all, after purchase indoor flower you need to find the right place for it. Considering that she is light-loving, but the bright rays of the sun destroy her, ideal place for her it will be on the windowsill on the east side, as an option on the north and west sides. The main thing to remember when caring is that the light should be diffused; partial shade is also suitable.

During bud formation (October - November), care must be taken to ensure that there is sufficient lighting, for example, by illuminating the indoor plant with fluorescent lamps.


When caring for azalea, you need to know that it plays a significant role maintaining the required temperature. This indoor plant is not heat-loving; 15-18 0C is the required temperature for it, and during budding it is even lower - from 10 to 12 0C. Thanks to such conditions, flowering can be ensured, and it will be quite long and abundant.

In summer, it is quite difficult to save an azalea from the heat, and, if possible, you need to place it on the balcony (only if it is not on the south side) or, if you have a home air conditioner, try to maintain the temperature not exceeding 20 0C.


It needs sufficient moisture, for this the plant must spray with slightly cool water from a spray bottle. When the azalea blooms, you need to spray it carefully, as the water will delicate flowers may darken. Containers of water placed around the plant will help get out of the situation.

In summer, it will feel great in an open space, for example, in a garden. Humidity must be given Special attention and in heating season.


He plays important role in caring for any plant, affects the growth and vegetation of the plant. Azalea is especially capricious, so in order not to destroy it, it is necessary observe following rules glaze:

Soil for azaleas

This indoor plant needs acidic soil pH from 4 to 4.5. Ready soil mixture They can be purchased without any problems in specialized stores. But the soil is also prepared at home from rotten pine needles, moss and sand (2:1:1).

Trimming and pinching an azalea

In order for it to bush better and form a bush, as well as for more luxuriant flowering, it is necessary to care for it correctly, promptly pinching out the regrown stems and trimming them. After flowering, all single flowers must be removed. Starting in May, it is necessary to constantly trim fresh shoots and carefully pinch them. the main objective such care - so that buds appear at the tips of the shoots.

Pruning must be done with a special pruning shears. It is not necessary to cut off all the branches, only those that have stretched out. As a rule, new leaves will begin to appear within a couple of weeks after pruning.

Feeding for azaleas and stimulants for its growth

It is necessary to fertilize this plant mineral fertilizers , and you need to make sure that it doesn’t contain chlorine, otherwise it will destroy it. It is better to purchase Azalea fertilizer in specialized stores. In spring and summer you need to feed once (no more) a week, and in winter time generally only once every 30 days. When the buds begin to form and during the flowering period of the home azalea, you need to purchase fertilizers that contain enough potassium and phosphorus, for example, “Uniflor - bud”, “Kemira - luxury”.


It is better to replant immediately after the first flowering this plant. This must be done carefully, using the transshipment method, keeping a lump of earth, it has very thin roots and they are very easy to damage. You need to choose a shallow pot for replanting indoor azaleas, so the roots can be closer to the surface of the soil.

As a rule, young plants are replanted once a year, and adults only once every three years. When replanting, it is necessary to trim off dried shoots, flowers, and branches.

Azalea propagation

Indoor flower multiplies stem cuttings . It is advisable to do this in the summer. To do this, semi-lignified cuttings with existing buds are planted in the ground, preferably covered glass jar, plastic bag. Watering and spraying is abundant and regular. If they appear flower buds, then they are immediately deleted.

After a couple of months, when the cuttings have rooted, they need to be planted in a pot. Elongated shoots are pinched on rooted cuttings to form a crown.

Diseases appear due to improper care: insufficient watering of the plant, exposure to the sun, increased temperature of the room where it is located this flower, lack of light, improper soil. Culture diseases:

Spider mites, scale insects, strawberry mites- pests that can spoil indoor azaleas. To fight it is necessary to process home flower by special means. First you need to do some foliage treatment. soap solution, then wash off warm water and then you need to spray with a purchased product (for example, actellik solution).

Every winter, stores are filled with flowerpots with these beautiful bushes. The emerald green, round, slightly pointed leaves are almost invisible behind the lush, elegant flowers. White, like bridesmaid dresses, or luxurious red, crimson, pink, interspersed - this flower will suit every taste. It’s hard to resist an azalea and not give yourself or your loved ones a little bit of beauty. However, as soon as it blooms, we lose it in a matter of days. Caring for this capricious beauty is not easy. So let's look into the details.

First steps after purchase

Very rarely do we come across competent and caring flower sellers. Therefore, on the way home from the store, the plant may suffer from external weather conditions. In the case of an azalea, you need to carefully pack it for carrying: cover it with foil, tie it in several bags, cover the ground with paper, and other options. It’s good if you prepared for the purchase in this way or if your husband came across a good seller. And now the flower is already at home, what to do next? There are several rules to reduce stress for our azalea:

  • Temperature. The optimal temperature for azaleas is considered to be +10-15˚С. In summer it is necessary to ensure that it does not rise above 18 degrees Celsius, and in winter it does not drop to +5. If in winter you have to move a flower from the loggia to the room, protect it from the dry air of the batteries by frequent spraying, placing ice on a tray, and watering with melt water. Compliance with these conditions will help azaleas to form as many flower buds as possible in winter.
  • Water. To water and spray azaleas, you should stock up on distilled, well-infused, boiled or melt water. Hard water is contraindicated for them. Therefore, once every two weeks, add citric or sulfuric acid to the water when watering. Such watering is carried out only if the soil is already moist.
  • Watering. As soon as you have this lush bush, decide on a watering regime that is convenient for you and correct for the flower. Azalea is a fan of humid climates, but many gardeners are guided by the rule: “It is better to underwater than overwater. Wet and wet soil are two different things.” If the moisture level is sufficient, spraying is not necessary. If the soil dries out, place the flower pot in a container of water for 3-4 hours. After a couple of days, start watering it as usual. Proper watering includes alternately moistening the upper and lower layers of the soil: once watering from above, a second time through the pan and again. In summer, azaleas need to be watered twice a day.
  • Lighting. Here you will have to tinker, because azaleas love bright, abundant light. The western and southern sides are contraindicated for placement. It should be located close to the windows, which can be covered with blinds on a hot afternoon. Therefore, many people use artificial lighting to protect from direct rays and when shading blinds.
  • Bloom. In July-August, before the first buds appear, pinching should be done. For abundant flowering azalea must be provided with a complex of microelements for flowering plants. As soon as the buds appear, remove young shoots if any begin to sprout near them. But after it has bloomed, we continue to care for it. First of all, remove faded flowers with stalks and browned leaves, as well as weak and distorted shoots. After a month, you should pinch the tops of the shoots when shoots with 3-4 leaves appear.
  • Transfer. After flowering, the flower must be replanted. This procedure is repeated until the azalea reaches three years of age. Then the transplant is reduced to once every two years. Flat, wide pots with horizontal root system azaleas will avoid waterlogging. The soil should be well aerated and not require loosening: peat, leaf, heather and coniferous land with river sand. You can buy special soil for azaleas. Be sure to place drainage at the bottom of the pot! Tip: when immersing a flower in the ground, leave the root collar open, and the roots should not be damaged again by changing the soil around them. The transshipment method is best suited here.

Diseases and pests

Diseases and pests on azaleas appear from improper care. Most often, all troubles come from non-compliance with temperature conditions, lack or excess of lighting, improper watering and soil. Here are some common mistakes:

  • lack of moisture and excess lighting lead to wrinkling and lethargy of leaves, drying out and falling off of buds;
  • lack of abundant light and failure to maintain a balance between temperature and moisture can lead to the rapid death of a flower;
  • yellowing and falling of leaves is associated with watering with hard water;
  • uneven and irregular watering in dry air leads to the appearance of spider mites.

In the first three cases, it is necessary to organize care for the azalea, following the rules prescribed above. But spider mites are quite difficult to fight. You can resort to ancient methods of destruction, namely spraying from the underside of the leaves and washing them with a weak tobacco solution and soap. And also resort to the help of insecticides that are already ready for such a case. However, remember: be sure to spray such toxic agents outdoors. And 3 hours after this, the leaves should be washed with cold water.

Follow these rules, and your azalea will delight you with its lush flowers for many years.

Ecology of knowledge: Azalea is a very beautiful, but rather capricious indoor plant, and when it appeared in the house, the question arises - how to care for a home azalea? Growing this beauty requires certain knowledge about the features of care.

Azalea is a very beautiful, but rather capricious indoor plant, and when it appears in the house, the question arises - how to care for a home azalea? Growing this beauty requires certain knowledge about the features of care. Because only with proper maintenance and care will the azalea delight you with its beautiful flowers.
Caring for the plant does not pose any particular difficulties; if you decide to place this beauty in your home, you will have to follow certain rules caring for her. All care rules are based on the characteristics of the plant’s growth in its natural environment. It just so happens that if you want a plant to grow and bloom, provide it with everything it needs, and it will thank you with lush flowers.


Caring for an indoor azalea begins with a choice right place for its placement, and this in turn depends on the lighting necessary for the plant. Azalea does not tolerate direct sunlight; the ideal conditions for this plant are in diffused light or in partial shade. Thus, windows oriented to the north are suitable for growing this plant. In summer, it is recommended to take the plant out into the fresh air and keep it in partial shade. You can plant a flower in open ground, especially if you live in a mild climate and there is no significant drop in temperatures in winter. But when grown in open ground The azalea will need to be covered for the winter to protect it from frost, and in this case flowering will occur in the summer.

Air humidity

Azalea needs high air humidity, so the plant needs to be sprayed periodically. It is especially important to maintain high air humidity during the heating season in conditions modern apartment To do this, in addition to spraying, you can place containers of water around the plant.


Proper watering is a very important step in caring for your home azalea, and has a very important for plant growth and vegetation. Azalea is one of those flowers, when growing which one should not allow either waterlogging, stagnation of water in the pan, or drying out of the soil. That is, the soil should always be moist, but the pot should be equipped good drainage, and the draining water must be promptly drained from the pan after watering.
For watering, you should ideally use rain, melt or river water. In the absence of one, you can of course use tap water, but it should be defended and passed through a filter.
Azalea loves an acidic environment, so for the benefit of the plant, water can be acidified using citric acid. For this acidification, add just a few crystals on the tip of a knife to the watering container. Azaleas should be watered with water at room temperature.
Since peat substrates are often used for planting azaleas, and when they dry out they turn into a very hard lump and do not allow the plant to grow freely, it is recommended to water the azalea using the immersion method. To do this, place the pot with the plant in a basin with prepared water for an hour, and then allow this water to drain thoroughly.

Azalea pruning

In greenhouses and greenhouses, watering of these plants is often organized by placing ice or snow on the ground; the snow or ice gradually melts, which ensures watering of the plant. But in the conditions of a modern apartment during the heating season, it is not a pity to do this, since a strong temperature difference between the roots and the crown of the plant can cause damage, especially to a flowering plant.
The plant is quite demanding on temperature conditions. In winter time for good flowering the plant needs constant temperature within the range from 12 to 14 °C. But if air humidity is properly maintained, the plant can successfully grow and bloom even at 20-22 °C.

The soil

It’s true that the plant is picky; azaleas prefer acidic soil, which is rare for indoor plants. The ideal soil for it is heather, but it can be replaced with a mixture of coniferous and peat soil, in a 2:1 ratio, and add a little more river sand. This soil mixture can be purchased ready-made, it is called a mixture for acidophilic plants.
Azalea flowers care and fertilizer
Like all houseplants azalea needs feeding; in spring and summer, the plant needs to be fed every 7-10 days. Fertilizing can be done either with a complex fertilizer for azaleas, or take a complex fertilizer, but it must include the following substances: ammonium sulfate, ammonium nitrate, superphosphate, potassium sulfite.
In winter and autumn, during the period of bud formation, it is necessary to fertilize with superphosphate, diluting it in the following proportion: 15 grams per 10 liters of water.
It is worth remembering that it is strictly forbidden to loosen the soil in a pot with an azalea; this plant has a shallow root system and very delicate roots, and their damage leads to plant diseases.

Formation of the azalea crown

This procedure is very important if you want to achieve abundant flowering of this beauty. And all because in azaleas flower buds form on the tips of the shoots, usually at the end summer period and for abundant flowering is very important timely pruning. With regular pruning, tops are formed, and the more tops, the subsequently more flowers. The main thing is not to forget and not to be late with this procedure, otherwise the flower buds will not have time to form and the flowering will be weak.
The main purpose of shaping pruning is to make the plant beautifully fluffy and with many buds. Pruning must be carried out strictly according to time: for early varieties, pruning time is March - April, for mid-flowering varieties - April - May, and for late varieties - May - June. The whole pruning procedure consists in shortening all shoots of the previous year and completely removing weak ones or those that are very closely located. published

Every housewife wants to create comfort and beauty at home. Certainly, different people We imagine comfort in our own way, but most of us include in this concept a beautiful, blooming green corner. When you see an azalea on the shelf of a flower shop (or greenhouse), you involuntarily imagine it on your windowsill, terrace or veranda. Moreover, the timing of its flowering falls in March-February, when everything outside the window is gray and white, and in the apartment such an explosion of flowering is possible - pink, red, white, yellow, lilac.

This flower is a real “walrus”, it doesn’t like high temperatures, therefore, if you are a cold-loving person, then you are on your way with an azalea, if you like warmth in the apartment (above 18-20˚C), then most likely an azalea will not work.

Caring for azaleas at home

The most important points in caring for azaleas are maintaining comfortable temperature, illumination, humidity and soil acidity.


  • during flowering - 18-20˚С (in some apartments the heating is such that the plants will be comfortable). If the apartment is very warm, then you can build a “third glass” - a protective barrier between the room and the window; it is in this niche that the azaleas will be placed (cool air comes from the glass and does not escape into the room), and the flower will be clearly visible;
  • during the period of bud formation (October-November), the temperature must be maintained at about 12 °C, otherwise the azalea will not want to bloom and may even shed its foliage (here it is appropriate to remember glassed balcony or terrace);
  • in summer it is more difficult, try to keep the temperature below 25 °C, that is, it is good to keep it in an air-conditioned room, but not under direct flows of cold air. Placing it on a shaded terrace will have a positive effect.


  • regular, every other day;
  • use boiled and settled water (the plant does not tolerate salinity);
  • carry out watering in small portions, after a quarter of an hour, drain the water from the pan;
  • do not allow the earthen clod to dry out;
  • It is recommended to first water a purchased azalea through a tray, since nurseries use this kind of watering and the roots develop downwards. Then, after transferring the plants, you can gradually transfer to overhead watering;
  • do not use tap water with a smell (chlorine will destroy the flower), melt water is very useful,
  • It is recommended to regularly place a couple of pieces of ice on top of the soil - this moistens the soil and further stimulates flowering;
  • If you accidentally missed it and the soil in the pot has dried out, then place the azalea in a basin of standing water for a couple of hours - let it drink properly.


  • azalea loves good lighting, it is only necessary to exclude direct scorching rays of the sun;
  • in October-November - the period of bud ovary - you will have to extend its day (add more light fluorescent lamps), so that the buds and buds can form, otherwise you will not see flowering;
  • If in the summer the azalea “goes” to the dacha, choose a place for the plant so that the sun hits only in the morning and evening.

Air humidity:

  • Let's remember the natural habitat of rhodendrons - it is dominated by high humidity, which means it is necessary to create similar conditions at home;
  • regularly spray the air around the plant, and if you do this with cold water, the temperature will automatically drop by several degrees;
  • place containers with water nearby or place the flowerpot in a tray with water so that the pot does not touch the water (for example, on corks or expanded clay);
  • ideally, purchase an air humidifier, which will benefit not only plants, but also people, this is especially important during the heating season;
  • During the flowering period, do not get water dust on delicate flowers - this will cause unsightly brown spots.

The soil:

  • definitely acidic, pH 3.5-5;
  • “Azalea” soil is sold in specialized stores - use it;
  • Over time, the soil may become alkalized; to avoid this, you can sometimes add a couple of drops to the water (0.5 l) for irrigation lemon juice(no more than twice a month).

Feeding the plant is also an important factor., because it spends so much energy on lush flowering. Fertilizers have been specially created for azaleas (of course there are so many varieties). The main condition is feeding from May to September, before the weather gets colder.

The secret of abundant flowering is not only temperature regime , but also proper pruning of the bush. Before the active growth of new ones, in May, we leave 4-5 leaves on the branches and cut off the rest. The rhodendron will bush better and produce more buds.

Transplanting azalea rhodendron at home

After the azalea has bloomed, it is necessary to remove the flower stalks and dry twigs and replant the plant, choosing a larger pot. The pot should be 5 cm larger than the previous one. If the bush tolerates pruning normally, then you need to be very careful with the root system.

  • Some gardeners recommend simply re-potting the plant, that is, planting it in a new pot with an old lump of earth, only adding drainage to the bottom and compacting the sides with azalea substrate.
  • Others suggest doing a little magic. Having removed the plant along with the lump from the old pot, soak the waste soil in large quantities water for irrigation with the addition of Kornevin. This will make it possible to examine the root system and carefully remove rotten roots. It is advisable to add a little Vermiculite, sphagnum moss and sand to the finished substrate. 2-3 cm of drainage - at the bottom of the pot, then a layer of pine bark, then the soil mixture.

To prevent diseases, sprinkle the soil with trichodermine. We place the flower in the center of the pot (you should not pick the lump by hand; if it gets wet, it gets wet), sprinkle it with earth, and do not deepen the neck of the plant. Water the flower with the water in which it soaked and let it rest for 4 days on a warm windowsill with diffused lighting. When the azalea blooms, it is not recommended to replant it.

Azalea at home after purchase

Azalea care at home after purchasing photo Azalea in a pot

As for replanting immediately after purchase, there are several points to consider.

  • Firstly, the plant was taken from the greenhouse, where it is comfortable, to our home, where there are not all the conditions - already stress. There is no point in adding more. Most often, the flower enters the apartment already, and there is no need to replant it.
  • On the other hand, the soil in the pot is transport peat, the pots are small, narrow and tall, and azaleas have a shallow root system. There is only one way out - wait until the end of flowering the first year and urgently replant the plant so that it can grow and bloom for many more years.
  • It is recommended to replant young plants annually, and older ones once every 3-4 years.

Propagation of domestic azaleas

1) The most affordable way is cuttings

The cuttings are cut in the spring, during pruning of the bush.

  • Semi-lignified cuttings of this year are cut (length - from 5 to 15 cm).
  • An oblique cut is made immediately below the bud, and half of the leaves are removed.
  • The cuttings are soaked in the root.
  • Rooting is a painstaking process. It must be kept under cover (a jar or bag) in a fertile substrate, constantly moistening the soil and ventilating the planting material.
  • The temperature is maintained at 25˚C.
  • After a month or a month and a half, the seedlings are accustomed to drier air, left open longer, and then planted in a permanent place.

2) Reproduction by layering

  • Bend the lower branch to the ground and press it to the ground with wire (you can use a hairpin, an invisible pin, or a paper clip), cover it with soil.
  • After about six months, roots will appear on this branch and it can be separated from the mother plant.

3) Growing from seeds

Many gardeners are not against growing azaleas from seeds at home. The video will tell you how to grow full-fledged plants.

How to prepare seeds:

How to sow seeds:

How seedlings develop:

Adding peat to strengthen seedlings:

The grown plants are carefully dropped into separate cups and grown, providing optimal conditions: watering, lighting, air humidity. Later, after reaching a height of 8-10 cm, the seedlings can be planted by transferring them into a permanent pot.

Diseases and pests of indoor azaleas, methods of control

Proper care and prevention will save us from all sorts of misfortunes.

  • If it starts up spider mite or moth, then treatment with a soap solution will save the plant. Use a 1% solution prophylactically Bordeaux mixture twice a month.
  • If the leaves turn yellow or fall off, this may not be a disease at all, but a consequence of improper watering (either overwatering or underwatering). Also watch the sun exposure; sunburn cannot be ruled out.
  • Final advice: when buying azaleas, choose younger plants - they tolerate acclimatization more easily, will take root more painlessly and will be a decoration for many years.

Description of azalea

Azalea – evergreen or deciduous decorative flower(shrub), belongs to the Ericaceae family, native to China and India. Common in Japan in the art of bonsai. The natural flowering period occurs at the end of winter - the beginning of spring, since it is then that in the shade of Asian forests, on the Indian foothills, a comfortable temperature for azalea flowers is established - about 18 ° C, as well as high humidity.

And bud formation occurs earlier, in winter, at a temperature no higher than 12 °C. In their natural environment, flowers have a very strong, even suffocating odor, and varieties bred for home grown, have a very subtle aroma, or it is completely absent.

In the Asian-Indian part of the northern hemisphere, azaleas grow as small trees one and a half meters high, sometimes forming entire fragrant thickets.

Types and varieties of azaleas with descriptions and photos

In fact, azalea is one of the subgenera in the genus “Rhododendron,” but gardeners, out of habit, use the name both azalea and rhododendron. Rhododendron, translated from Greek, is a rose tree.

Azalea japonica rhododendron obtuse

Japanese azalea rhododendron obtusum Rhododendron obtusum ‘Königstein’

A low-growing compact shrub (up to 60 cm tall) is widely used in indoor floriculture. It lends itself well to pruning and forms a dense cushion of flowers. Thanks to these remarkable properties, Japanese azalea has become popular as a standard azalea. After the end of flowering, it will be grateful if you move it to the garden for the summer, as it tolerates temperature fluctuations more calmly.

Let's give examples popular varieties:
Melina is a neat perennial with carmine flowers that reach 5 cm in diameter, the edges of the petals are wavy;
Kermesina Alba is a snow-white form with smaller flowers that completely cover the bush.

She became the founder of many varieties of indoor azaleas. Its bush is much more luxurious, and the larger flowers play with all sorts of colors, they can be simple and double. The flowering period lasts up to two months.

Favorite varieties:
Stella Maris - distinguished by the original colors of the petals - according to white sheet crimson touches are scattered;
Albert-Elizabeth – early variety surprises with the size of the flowers - up to 8 cm, double petals are bordered by a dark coral stripe;
Madame Petrik is also an early flowering variety that blooms around Christmas.

Azalea Azalea Knap Hill Hybrid

Hybrids of the first two types of azaleas, which appeared in the 19th century thanks to the famous nursery, which gave the name to this hybrid. Most of these varieties are deciduous and are grown in the garden.

There is also a classification of azaleas according to flowering time:

  • early flowering - December - January;
  • mid-blooming – January – March;
  • late flowering - February - April.

If you select plants with for different periods flowering and provide proper care, you can admire the flowering of azaleas for up to six months.