The use of miscanthus in landscape design. Features of propagation, planting and care

Plant miscanthus (lat. Miscanthus), or fan, is a close relative of the sugarcane and belongs to the genus herbaceous perennials of the Poa family (Poaceae), common in subtropical and tropical regions of Asia, Australia and Africa. There are about 40 plant species in the genus. In cultivation, miscanthus grass is one of the most popular ornamental grasses. Miscanthus in landscape design used for decorating ponds, lawns, and also for creating dry floral compositions.

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Planting and caring for miscanthus (in brief)

  • Landing: from late March to mid-May.
  • Bloom: in the second half of summer.
  • Lighting: bright sunlight.
  • The soil: wet, fertile, near a body of water. Miscanthus does not grow well on heavy clay and sand.
  • Watering: regularly and generously, using a hose.
  • Feeding: regular and moderate, three times per season, starting from the second year: in mid-May - with urea solution, in the first half of summer - with humates, in the second - with potassium-phosphorus fertilizers.
  • Reproduction: seeds, but more often by dividing the bush in the spring.
  • Pests and diseases: The plant is extremely resistant to both diseases and pests.

Read more about growing miscanthus below.

Miscanthus flower - description

Miscanthus flower is a perennial with a height of 80 cm to 2 m with creeping rhizomes, which in search of food can reach a depth of 6 m, erect shoots, scaly leathery leaves 5 to 18 mm wide and fan-shaped panicles 10 to 30 cm long, consisting of spikelets . Miscanthus is unpretentious, hardy and environmentally friendly; it is of interest not only for its decorative effect, but also as fuel for power plants, since during its combustion it releases a large number of energy during formation minimum quantity ash due to low moisture content in the raw materials.

Planting Miscanthus

When to plant miscanthus

Miscanthus is planted in the spring, when the soil warms up - from late March to mid-May. Miscanthus are heat-loving, so they need to be planted in well-lit and sun-warmed areas, protected from cold winds. But even more than warmth, miscanthuses love water, which is why they prefer moist, fertile coastal areas. Soil quality for miscanthus of great importance no, but they grow worst of all on sands and heavy clays.

How to plant miscanthus

If you decide to grow miscanthus on your plot, buy adult seedlings: this plant has a very long growing season, since heat-loving miscanthus begins to grow only when the air temperature reaches 25 ºC, so a young seedling simply will not have time to take root and grow stronger before the onset of cold weather. An adult seedling has a greater margin of safety, and with good shelter it can safely survive even cold winter. A layer of fertile soil is placed in the planting hole, which should be slightly larger in volume than the root system of the seedling, then the seedling is lowered into it and the voids are filled with soil, gradually compacting it. After planting, miscanthus is watered abundantly.

Caring for miscanthus in the garden

How to care for miscanthus

Plant lovers say that there is no worse sight than a drying miscanthus, so do not forget to water it, especially during the hot, dry season. It is best to water miscanthus with a hose - the more abundantly, the better. Growing miscanthus also requires regular but moderate feeding, since excess nitrogen, for example, leads to lodging of the plant. In the first year, miscanthus is not fed, and then fertilizers are applied twice per season: in mid-May, liquid fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizers - for example, urea solution - will be required. In the first half of summer, the area is watered with humates, and in the second half, potassium-phosphorus fertilizers are applied. When starting to grow miscanthus, be prepared for constant weed control, at least in the first two years of the plant’s life. Then, when it gets stronger and grows, the weeds will no longer be able to break through the intensively spreading roots of the miscanthus. But, thanks to the roots of the plant, you will not have to loosen the soil on the site. By the way, the growth of miscanthus in the garden will have to be limited, otherwise, except for this picturesque reed, nothing else will be able to grow. This is done immediately after planting: the limiter marks the limits within which the plant should remain. You can use pieces of iron or slate as a limiter. They need to be dug in along the entire perimeter of the site, without breaks or gaps, to a depth of at least 20 cm, and they must rise above the surface by at least 10 cm so that the roots, in search of food, cannot “jump over” the line.

By the end of summer, some types of miscanthus lose their lower leaves, and this reduces the decorative value of the plant. To disguise the lower thinning part of the bushes, it is best to plant a tall hosta on the site - 50-60 cm in height, which grows quietly in conditions excess humidity soil, which miscanthus cannot do without.

That's probably all that can be said about growing this cereal. Planting and caring for miscanthus in open ground are not labor intensive, and the beauty and effectiveness of this plant can hardly be overestimated.

Miscanthus propagation

Miscanthus does not like changing places, but over time the shoots in the center of the bush die off, so there is a need to replant the plant, which is combined with dividing the bush - one of the most reliable vegetative methods of propagating miscanthus. The bush is divided in spring or early summer; the procedure is carried out very carefully, since miscanthus recovers after injury for a long and painful time.

It is also possible to propagate the plant by seed. Miscanthus seeds do not require pre-sowing treatment, however, the generative method of propagation will require patience from you and will take a lot of time, since a plant grown from seeds becomes attractive only in the third or fourth year. The seeds are germinated in peat pots, and with the onset of spring, after the soil has completely thawed, they are planted in open ground. We remind you that when seed propagation Miscanthus does not retain varietal characteristics, so the vast majority of gardeners prefer to propagate Miscanthus vegetatively.

Pests and diseases of miscanthus

Nothing is known about diseases and pests that can affect miscanthus. This is a very healthy plant.

Miscanthus after flowering

Preparing miscanthus for winter

There are types of miscanthus that are resistant to cold, and there are those that require mandatory shelter for the winter. Delicate varieties must be protected not only from frost, but also from sudden temperature changes. If cold weather comes gradually, then the plant has time to adapt to changes in nature, but if frost strikes unexpectedly, it may die. To prevent this from happening, cover the miscanthus with a hut made of film so that air can flow under it from the sides, and on top of the film, also with a hut, install two wooden shield– this design will protect miscanthus from sudden cold snaps. But do not forget to mulch the area before constructing the shelter and protect the roots from freezing with a thick layer of any loose soil.

Types and varieties of miscanthus

Giant Miscanthus (Miscanthus giganteus)

most likely, it is a complex hybrid that has long been familiar to gardeners, but whose origin can only be guessed at. Its erect stems reach a height of 3 m, weeping dark green leaves with a white stripe along the midrib up to 25 cm wide, extending from the stem in all directions, make the plant look like a large fountain. This species blooms in late summer with pinkish panicles, which become silvery over time, and in areas with cold summers, giant miscanthus may not bloom at all. Most often this view is used as an accent in the background. It requires camouflage of the lower part of the stems due to the leaves dying off in the second half of summer.

Chinese Miscanthus (Miscanthus sinensis)

grows naturally in China, Korea, Japan and Russia. This is a perennial grass with a loose bush, short rhizome and erect stems up to 3 m high. Its leaves are linear, hard and rough, up to 1.5 cm wide, with a rough rib along the midrib. It blooms with single-flowered spikelets up to 7 mm long, collected in loose panicles. The species has been in cultivation since 1875, its winter hardiness is relative, so dry shelter and mulching for the winter are mandatory. Chinese miscanthus is the most popular species in cultivation; today more than a hundred of its varieties are known, which differ in the color and shape of the inflorescences, the size and outline of the bush. Among them there are both heat-loving plants and those that can be safely grown in middle lane. For example:

  • Blondeau– bush height up to 2 m, cold-resistant – winters without shelter;
  • Variegatus– a loose bush no more than one and a half meters high with white longitudinal stripes on the leaves;
  • miscanthus Zebrinus, sometimes called Miscanthus Zebrina– a variegated plant with transverse yellow stripes along green leaves;
  • Ferner Austin– up to one and a half meters high, narrow graceful green leaves have a white stripe along the midrib, changing color to reddish-red in autumn. Blooming in August, the fan-shaped bright red panicles with white tips gradually turn silvery-bronze;
  • Morning Light- graceful not tall plant with narrow leaves with a white edge. Unfortunately, this variety blooms late and not every year;
  • Strictus– miscanthus up to 270 cm high with bright variegated leaves up to 1.5 cm wide, along which transverse bright white and green stripes alternate, and reddish single-flowered spikelets in loose panicles.

When creating our garden, we strive to achieve harmony in the combination of shapes and colors. Some plants serve as an excellent background, others perform a bright solo, and others will become the highlight and style-forming elements of our garden. For me, such plants are a variety of cereal herbs. Their decorativeness enlivens the garden, creates style, adds additional volume and structure, emphasizing the sophistication and grace of the whole garden history. And we will begin the story about the structural grass - miscanthus, which, as a rule, occupies a leading role in any garden composition if it is “invited” there. This luxurious plant, which has won the heart of more than one gardener with its all-season charm and ease of care, deserves at least an article to be written about it.

Miscanthus, also known as Fan (lat. Miscánthus), belongs to the genus of herbaceous perennials of the bluegrass family (Poaceae Barnhart) and came to our gardens from warm regions: Asia, Africa and Australia. But do not rush to draw conclusions about the nature of the plant. Nature has endowed this cereal with the ability to survive in any conditions, which allowed miscanthus to spread throughout the globe over time. Now they can be found on high mountain slopes, in areas of extinct and living volcanoes, in swampy areas and meadows. Powerful creeping root system This grass allows it to survive on any soil, although it will be less decorative on sand and heavy clay soils.

The height of miscanthus depends on the type and variety and ranges from 80 to 200 cm. Sharp, hard lanceolate leaves are located on erect stems. From mid-summer, the plants bloom with a fluffy fan of panicles, and by autumn they show maximum decorativeness. The genus Miscanthus has more than 40 species. In our climate zone you can also admire some representatives.

Miscanthus sacchariflonis

The most common species, growing well in sun and partial shade. The height of the grass reaches 1.5 m and above. The root system is resistant to flooding. The plant loves fertile soil, so it is recommended to feed it in the spring mineral fertilizers or compost. It forms spreading shoots that need to be limited by stable barriers: you can dig a border strip 28 cm deep around the plant and lay pieces of slate or tiles there.
If you are planning to do it on the site living wall, screen, landscape background for ornamental shrubs and, you won’t find a better cereal than this.

If you are planning to make a living wall, a screen, or a landscape background for ornamental shrubs and perennials on your site, then you won’t find a better grain than this one.

Miscanthus sugarflower reaches its peak of decorativeness in August, when luxurious panicles appear, and in the fall the leaves turn burgundy. It will remain like this all winter, covered either with drops of rain or with spectacular frost.

Sometimes, by the end of summer, the lower leaves of Miscanthus sugarflower can wilt and expose the bottom of the bush, which leads to a slight loss of decorativeness. Well-chosen companions will save the day, for example perennial aster, low-growing barberries, clameris, tall, loosestrife. So, by choosing this cereal, you will get a real bliss for the eyes and a feast for lazy gardeners, because this plant does not require special care, except for pruning in early spring.

Miscanthus sacchariflonis in the landscape

Giant Miscanthus (Miscanthus giganteus)

A very powerful spreading grass, reaching a height of 3 m. It is a complex hybrid, the origin of which is unknown. It grows in a neat wide tussock and is not aggressive. Feels good in sunny areas and partial shade. It is not afraid of flooding and tolerates short droughts well. It has wide, up to 2.5 cm, shiny foliage, acquiring a golden hue in autumn. By the end of summer, the bottom of the bush may turn brown and become bare; it is recommended to tamp it steadily ornamental plants. Flowering begins in September, but the wait is worth it, because the flowers of the giant miscanthus panicles have an extraordinary pink color, gradually changing to silver. But sometimes, during cool summers, flowering may not occur, but a spectacular fountain of golden miscanthus leaves is gorgeous and self-sufficient in itself. I would recommend planting this cereal monster in an open place in order to be able to examine it and experience its exoticism to the fullest. Of course, it can be combined with trees and shrubs such as dogwood, serviceberry, pine, ornamental elderberry and other berries.

Chinese Miscanthus (Miscanthus sinensis)

This miscanthus comes from China, as you might guess from the name. It also grows naturally in Korea and Japan. The shape of the Chinese miscanthus bush is loose, with a short rhizome and stems up to 3 m high. The foliage is rough to the touch, with a rough edge along the midrib, linear, up to 1.5 cm wide. The ears are single-colored, collected in fluffy panicles up to 0.7 cm. Compared to other types of miscanthus, this one is less resistant to our frosts, and therefore requires shelter for the winter with dry mulch. Despite this fact, it remains one of the most desirable and stylish in our gardens and has in its arsenal many promising and interesting varieties in terms of design.

For example, varieties such as:

Blondo– height up to 2 m, very cold-resistant. Zone 4.
– height 2 m, inflorescences are large, pink, spreading, leaves are narrow.
– height 2 m, color of inflorescences copper, leaves narrow, golden yellow in autumn. The shape of the plant is round.
Grosse Fontane– with green leaves and a dense bush up to 2.4 m high.
Hinjo– height 2 m, leaves have horizontal yellow stripes. The best variegated variety.
Kleine Fontane– red-brown lush flowering inflorescences, height 1.2 m.
Malepartus– red-brown early flowering inflorescences, red in autumn, height 2 m.
Nippon- a narrow vertical bush 1.5 m high with leaves that turn red in autumn.
Rotsilber– pink-red inflorescences and leaves, becoming orange-red in autumn.
Variegatus– height 2 m, leaves have very bright white longitudinal stripes.

I will describe in more detail three of my favorite varieties.

Variety Silberfeder- a rapidly growing grass that forms dense thickets 1.5–2 m high. The width of the curtain can be adjusted by limiting barriers. The green leaves are 2 cm wide and have a white central vein. Flowering is abundant - from August to mid-winter, fluffy clusters of a silvery hue. During flowering, it may need support, since in wet weather the stems, with panicles weighed down by moisture, can droop. The full decorative effect of the grass appears only on fertile, well-moistened soils.

Variety Zebrinus– an ornamental grass up to 2 m high. It has spectacular green foliage with yellow transverse veins. It grows slowly. Prefers fertile sunny areas and abundant watering. Tolerates short drought and light partial shade. Flowering later, in October, and when cold autumn panicles of inflorescences do not always appear. But the lack of flowering is compensated by the decorativeness of the striped foliage.

This miscanthus variety is the most desirable for extravagant and exotic gardens. Its unusual, richly colored greenery will look great in combination with no less than chrysanthemums, dahlias, sedums, daylilies, roses, bladderwort and euonymus. And if you choose a related grass as a mate, then it is better to opt for switchgrass or black millet.

In spring, cheer up the Chinese miscanthus with bright companions, which will protect you with their colors until the peak of its decorativeness. Choose resilient, strong perennials, as well as other types of miscanthus.

Variety Morning Light– spectacular thin-leaved variety, width sheet plate does not exceed 0.7 cm. The variegation of the plant is given by longitudinally located white stripes - wide in the center and millimeter-wide along the edges. The bush is up to 1.2 m high and requires shelter for the winter. Blooms late. Tolerates openwork partial shade, short-term drought. Prefers sunny places, sheltered from draft winds.

This variety of miscanthus can be compared to a cloud or haze. So if you need a similar effect in your garden, take note of it. Plants similar in atmosphere and appearance are suitable partners for this cereal. For example, lilac, as well as peony, sage and roses. And in the spring, of course, his most tender companions will be daffodils and tulips.

This grass was born for the background of monogamous flower beds, it balances them, creates a light and light canvas on which other plants “lay colors” stylishly.

Nuances of agricultural technology

1. Miscanthus should be planted in open sunny areas. This grass is undemanding when it comes to soil, but heavy clay soils inhibit the development of the plant, the bushes noticeably lag behind in growth, and the decorative appearance of the panicles is reduced.
2. To plant, dig a hole 3 times larger than the root ball and add fertile soil, place the plant and carefully cover it with soil, lightly compacting it and filling the voids.
3. Water the planted plant generously. Prolonged drought is detrimental to miscanthus.
4. Fertilizing with nitrogen-containing fertilizers has a positive effect on the decorative appearance of the bush if applied in May. The second time is fertilized in mid-July with potassium-phosphorus solutions. You should pay attention to strict adherence to the dosage: with an excess of nutrients, the plant grows rapidly, which leads to lodging and sometimes complete loss of stems.
5. Many varieties of miscanthus are prone to spreading, so when planting you should immediately install protective borders made of durable material, such as plastic or slate. The embedment depth is at least 20 cm.

Features of reproduction

Miscanthus reproduce by sowing seeds or vegetatively. Seed propagation method in our conditions climate zone less successful - miscanthus is heat-loving and, despite the high frost resistance of adult plants, the seeds located in fluffy panicles do not have time to ripen in all varieties. In addition, seeds collected from a bush you like do not always retain the varietal characteristics of the parent plant.

Vegetative propagation is more effective. To do this, in mid-spring, when the shoots are still dormant or have barely begun to grow, the mother bush is dug up and carefully divided. You shouldn’t chop it too much - there should be at least 5-6 shoots in the separated mound. Such “babies” will quickly develop into strong, beautiful bush, fully prepared for the winter.

Small requirements for growing conditions have secured the reputation of miscanthus as plants that are easy to care for, but in the first years of life you will still have to pay more attention to watering and weed control.

In the spring, last year's stems are cut as low as possible, the hummocks are carefully cleared of the remaining foliage, and, if necessary, the overgrown turf is removed.
Miscanthus love water - it is better to water them in sunny, warm weather, trying not to get it on the foliage.
For the first wintering, it is recommended to cover all young bushes with an additional layer of dry soil, branches, or build a loose cover of film so that air can circulate freely. Further winter insulation will only be needed for heat-loving varieties of miscanthus.

The plants are very resistant; miscanthus has no pests or other diseases.

miscanthus in a regular garden style

Miscanthus in the garden landscape

In landscape design, miscanthus are increasingly used every year. They are successfully used as tapeworms, single-standing plants, as well as in mixborders and borders. Miscanthus noticeably revitalizes coniferous gardens, contrasting effectively with evergreens. With their help, you can visually hide unsightly corners of the garden or protect a secluded place to relax with a living screen.

Miscanthus and pond - a classic combination. The excessive diversity of the flower beds is successfully diluted by the lush modesty of herbaceous bushes. In addition to their decorative qualities, landscapers successfully use these grasses as functional plants for securing loose slopes and draining wetlands.

To ensure that miscanthus does not lose its decorative appearance by the end of summer, you should be selective in the selection of its partners. The bare bottom of lush bushes can be covered by planting daylilies, peonies, phlox, astilbe, the white and pink-flowering varieties of which will feel great in the sun. But special preference should be given to late-flowering plants, such as hairy rudbeckia, hybrid goldenrod (solidago), prominent sedum, and cornflower.
Graceful miscanthus inflorescences are included in the composition of winter bouquets, combining them with brighter dried flowers and berries.

In addition to its obvious beauty, Miscanthus is also valued for its specifications:

succulent biomass is used as animal feed and material for paper production;
high combustion efficiency and low economic production costs make it profitable to use as a biofuel.

Miscanthus are now in trend and are increasingly used in “” plantings, a popular trend in landscape design. Naturalness, simplicity and at the same time plasticity in the garden are possible through the use of this multifunctional plant. You can create a screen, hedge, backdrop or a chic solitaire that will stay with you half the summer, autumn and winter, without requiring special attention and giving you pleasure in its beauty and the sound of swaying stems.

Many garden plants decorate the garden with their magnificent flowers and lush greenery. However, there are some crops that do not have particularly attractive flowers, which does not prevent them from remaining popular among amateur and professional gardeners. They are used in decor because of their lush greenery, which creates a green wall effect. One of these plants is an ornamental grass called Miscanthus.

Description and options for using miscanthus in landscape design

Miscanthus is a fairly tall plant that grows up to 2 meters. His characteristic feature– straight, rather rigid stems and very long, narrow leaves. Grows in warm areas with temperate climate on almost all continents. The genus Miscanthus includes 40 species, which are successfully used in ornamental gardening. All of them belong to the Poaceae family, so the plant is often called an ornamental grass or fan grass for its characteristic appearance. Forms inflorescences-panicles, which differ quite greatly in length from different types(from 10 to 30 cm). The ears themselves are small (within a centimeter), usually one full-fledged flower grows on them.

Since miscanthus in most cases grows well in width and forms tall, erect stems with spikes, it is used in landscape design in the following variants:

  1. Creating a green hedge from tall species plants - for this they are planted at a distance of at least 40-50 cm from each other. It is important to plant only 1 variety, as they will give the effect of a green wall with approximately the same height.
  2. It is very appropriate to plant tall miscanthus, one bush at a time, in elevated areas or in the corners of the garden, because due to their large sizes they will be able to emphasize the natural boundaries of the site or separate some plants from others.
  3. Low-growing miscanthus are widely used to create borders along country paths– they are very lush, and thanks to this they are able to smooth out corners, sharp turns and create the effect of a real green carpet.
  4. Finally, very good option– plant tall miscanthus along the country pond. With this design move, you can create the effect of a real natural lake, along the banks of which a small forest grows.

Features of growing miscanthus (video)

Characteristics and varieties of Chinese miscanthus

One of the most common species of this plant in Russia is Chinese Miscanthus (often called Chinese reed). Almost all of its varieties are quite frost-resistant, so they can often be found on Far East, Eastern Siberia. It also grows in Japan, Korea and China, which is where its name comes from. There are quite a few varieties of this species, which are grown almost throughout the country.

Unlike their brothers, this variety grows up to one and a half meters in height. Its inflorescences are similar in appearance to white feathers, which look good when several bushes are planted in a row. It blooms at the very end of summer (if the autumn is warm, then until October).

This variety is often used for planting in rockeries and along the edges of paths. Young plants especially need shelter for the winter, since the variety has average winter hardiness. However, this variety is very resistant to pests and diseases.

This variety, on the contrary, is a real giant, it grows up to 3 meters in height. They are most often planted separately or along the perimeter of the garden, since otherwise they will grow greatly and hide other plants. At the beginning of flowering, the inflorescences acquire a pale pink color and hang beautifully, then towards the second half of summer they begin to turn pale. This variety has a special love for moisture; The growth rate largely depends on the quality of irrigation.

The zebrin variety is not inferior in height to Cascade, but it does not develop as wide (within 80-90 cm). It is distinguished by flowers of red shades, which appear at the very end of summer and bloom throughout September. The variety also loves moisture, Therefore, regular watering is mandatory for its successful growth. But in terms of winter hardiness, it is quite capricious and needs additional insulation measures.

Other varieties

Among other varieties that have become widespread, Miscanthus gracilimus, blonde, flamingo, and silberfeder are known.

  1. Gracilimus It is distinguished by its orange-copper coloring of inflorescences and weeping leaves that turn yellow in autumn. The plant has a spherical shape and a large height (about 2 meters), due to which it is used in solitary plantings along the edges of the site or along its roads.
  2. Blondeau It is characterized by sufficient frost resistance. Its inflorescences are cream light shades, densely cover the ears. It also reaches a height of approximately 2 meters.
  3. Flamingo got its name due to the beautiful flowers of soft pink tones. The variety is quite frost-resistant.
  4. Silberfeder has flowers of silvery shades that are very similar to feathers. The height of the stem with inflorescences can be up to 2 meters.

Features of Miscanthus sugarflower

This variety has rather tall and dense panicles with densely dotted flowers of milky shades. All this creates the feeling of sugar scattered on the greens, hence its name. It begins to bloom as early as July, and loves the sun very much, so it grows especially well in the warm summer season.

Description of giant miscanthus

The name of this variety exactly corresponds to its size - up to 250-300 cm in height and up to 2 meters in width. This is one of the few miscanthus varieties that likes light shade - it can be planted in places where Sun rays don't fall into open form during the heat of the day.

The branches with flowers are weeping and bend quite strongly in an arc. When the flowers bloom, they have pink hues, but fade quite quickly and turn to silver. This variety is beneficial to plant alone, especially near a body of water, over which it will beautifully spread its branches.

Types of miscanthus (video)

Planting miscanthus in open ground

In general, fantail is quite unpretentious in care, but when planting the plant, it is necessary to take into account several conditions in order to ensure sufficient growth rates in the first season.

Selection and preparation of a site

The choice of planting site must be approached with particular responsibility, since the plant is perennial and it is undesirable to move it. The location is selected in the open sun, since the fan is light-loving. Also the ground should not be dry– it is best to plant miscanthus near a pond or in a lowland where water will flow after rain. At the same time, there is no need to plant cereals in places where the water constantly stagnates - there should be enough moisture.

Important! The plant can be propagated by seeds, but most often it is propagated vegetatively. Moreover, in order for it to take root well, there must be at least 6 shoots on the stem.

Technology and planting timing

Most often, cereal planting (as well as replanting) is done in mid-April, when the ground has already warmed up a little. In the climatic conditions of Russia, only already grown bushes (up to 30 cm) are planted, since otherwise there is a high risk that the fantail will not have time to take root. The rules for planting technology are simple:

  1. The depth of the hole should be from 30 to 50 cm, depending on the volume of the rhizomes of the plant itself.
  2. The hole should be noticeably wider than the root system of the miscanthus - its roots like to grow in the soil.
  3. After planting, it is better to fill the hole not with the same soil, but with a layer fertile land.
  4. Immediately after planting, you need to water the seedling well.

Secrets of caring for miscanthus

Fantail grows for many years (up to 25-30) and does not require special care. However, it has several features that make it very different from other plants. They are related to the characteristics of feeding and preparation for winter period.

What plants to plant next to ornamental grass

Since miscanthus is quite spreading and tall, it is not worth planting with other plants.

Watering and fertilizing fan grass

Fantail is quite moisture-loving, so in dry times it needs abundant watering. If the soil on the surface of the plant is dry to the touch, this is a clear sign need for watering. And dry, cracked soil should not be allowed to grow at all. It is necessary to water in warm weather, at the same time, it is better not to allow water to get on the leaves - this way they can get burned by the sun and dry out quickly.

As for feeding, fantail has a feature that distinguishes it from many garden plantsin the first year it is not fed at all, and starting from the second season they contribute small portions nitrogen, potassium-phosphorus fertilizers. From organic fertilizers A weak urea solution works well. If you overfeed the soil, the leaves of the cereal may lie on the ground.

Disease prevention and pest protection

Weeds like to settle next to miscanthus, which take away water and nutrients. You need to prepare for the fact that in the first year or two, weeding the plot will be a constant task. But starting from the 3rd year, the roots and foliage grow so much that almost all the weeds die due to the strong shadow of the fan.

In order to prevent weeds from “strangling” young shoots, it is necessary to treat the soil with special herbicide solutions at the very beginning of the season (April-May).

As for pests or diseases, the fanberry has a fairly strong immunity to them. However, it is still necessary to treat green leaves with a solution of fungicides, since miscanthus is often affected by rust, a leaf disease that is provoked by fungal microorganisms.

Preparing the plant for winter

Since the plant is in wildlife found in warm places, then in the Russian winter it needs additional protection from frost. This is especially true for varieties that do not have sufficient frost resistance.

In autumn, you need to especially monitor the weather forecast, since sharp frosts can destroy the roots of the plant. You need to prepare it for the cold period in advance. To do this you need to do the following:

  1. Before starting work, you need to mulch the surface and put enough thick layer loose soil (possibly together with fallen leaves) - this way you can reliably protect the roots from freezing.
  2. Cover the plant with film so that the overlap between different fragments is at least 30 cm.
  3. Fasten the film fragments with a stapler, thread or tape.
  4. Place stones, bricks or any other solid objects on the base so that the structure cannot be blown away by the wind.

How to prepare miscanthus for winter (video)

Thus, the use of miscanthus in country interior is an investment for long years: observing simple rules By caring for a plant, you can ensure its successful growth for more than one decade.

These plants include miscanthus, a representative of cereals, which during the period of active growth and flowering has a very beautiful shape, reminiscent of a fountain. Miscanthus is a southern representative that perfectly knows how to adapt to climatic conditions. For this, as well as for its decorative properties, this crop is valued among gardeners and landscape designers. Miscanthus, planting and caring for which is not difficult even for inexperienced gardeners, will become the central decoration of any lawn or pond.

In this article we will look at the characteristics of miscanthus and highlight the main types and varieties of this crop. We will also tell you about the main nuances of agricultural technology for growing miscanthus in open ground.

Features and description of miscanthus

Miscanthus is perennial herbaceous plant, which belongs to the Poa family or Poaceae. This culture also has another name - it is often called fanberry, which is most likely due to the shape of the plant itself. During flowering mature plant It is a large pile of stems that flow like a fountain. The natural habitat of this culture is the territory of the tropics and subtropics of Asia, Africa and Australia. 2 types of miscanthus can be found in the nature of Russia, which are also widely used in landscape design. This plant It is famous for its appearance, the decorativeness of which is achieved with the help of beautiful weeping leaves and tall peduncles with fragrant flowers. In nature, they can be found on the banks of reservoirs, in the floodplains of rivers and in valleys.

WITH Greek language The name of this plant can be translated using two words: “mischos”, which means stem, and “anthos” - flower. This is literally unusual plant can be called a “pedunculated flower,” which was assigned for its very long peduncles with inflorescences at the tops.

Description of Miscanthus:

  • Miscanthus is an ornamental grass that came from the tropics and has gained wide popularity in many countries around the world.
  • This cereal grass is widely used in landscape design and is used to decorate lawns, artificial reservoirs and ponds.
  • Miscanthus is perennial flower, which has a rather long creeping rhizome. Thanks to this, the plant can, even in the driest periods, reach moisture with its roots at a depth of up to 6 m. The creeping rhizome creates a wide turf.
  • Miscanthus can reach a height of 80 cm to 2 m, and sometimes up to 3 m, depending on the specific type and varieties.
  • The shape of the plant itself is formed with the help of erect shoots, quite strong and durable.
  • This grass is especially decorative thanks to its weeping leaves, which are located at the bottom of the stems.
  • The leaves are 1-2 cm wide and have a long lanceolate-linear shape.
  • The surface of the leaves is quite hard, leathery, and covered with scales. The color of the leaves is green, with a whitish stripe along the center.
  • The leaves hang from the shoots like a fountain, which gives the plant a very beautiful and decorative appearance.
  • From the middle of the bush of stems grow long, up to 30 cm, flower stalks, on the tops of which there are inflorescences.
  • The inflorescences are presented in the form of panicles, consisting of small spikelets, reaching 0.3-0.7 cm in length. At the beginning of flowering, the panicles have a pinkish tint, but over time they become silvery, which makes the plant even more decorative.
  • Flowering begins in mid-July or early August. However, in fairly cool temperatures and short summers, flowering may occur later or not at all.
  • This culture is characterized by fairly rapid growth and mass gain.
  • The winter hardiness of miscanthus varies depending on the specific variety. There are quite capricious species, which necessarily require shelter from the cold, and there are also species that perfectly tolerate our winters.
  • Miscanthus is used not only in landscape design, but also as biological fuel. As a combustion product, it produces a large amount of energy without leaving much waste.

Variety of miscanthus species and varieties

From subtropical and tropical areas, approximately 40 various types miscanthus, which have their own characteristics in planting and care. Among the most popular are giant miscanthus, Chinese miscanthus, sucrose miscanthus and others. Let's consider each species and the most common varieties of this unique plant in Russia.

Miscanthus chinensis ( miscanthus sinensis)

  • The natural habitat of this type of miscanthus is the territory of China, Korea, and Russia.
  • It has good winter hardiness, which is why many of its varieties are most widespread in countries with harsh climates.
  • It is a fairly powerful grass with a short creeping rhizome.
  • The plant itself is formed by erect stems, which are located rather loosely in the bush.
  • This type of grass can reach a maximum height of 3 m.
  • The lower part of the stems is covered with scaly leaves, which have a linear and narrow shape. In the very center of the leaf plate there is a thick rib, which seems to divide the leaf into two parts.
  • The surface of the leaves is hard and slightly rough. In autumn, the foliage turns yellow, and in some varieties red.
  • Chinese miscanthus blooms with single-flowered spikelets, which are collected in loose panicles. Their color is pinkish or reddish, which then turns into silver.
  • Blooms from August to October.
  • Today, there are about 100 varieties of this type of cereal, with different levels of winter hardiness.

Popular varieties of Chinese miscanthus:

  • Variety "Blondo". This plant can reach 2 meters in height. Very different good level cold resistance. It can withstand frosts down to minus 34 degrees below zero, therefore it belongs to zone 4.
  • Variety "Silberfeder". Also applies to frost resistance zone 4. They are distinguished by rather wide, up to 2 cm, dark green leaves and tall peduncles on which there are feather-like panicles.
  • Variety "Flamingo". This plant can be classified as frost hardiness zone 5, because it can withstand cold temperatures down to minus 29 degrees. It also grows well in our climatic conditions. It blooms with beautiful pink panicles.
  • Variety "Zebrinus". It's very old and popular variety Chinese miscanthus. It is distinguished by variegated foliage color. The bush can reach 2.5 m in height, so it requires support.
  • Variety "Variegatus". It is also distinguished by the variegated color of its leaves, which are represented by long leaf blades of greenish-white color. It can reach 1.5-2 m in height. Flowers with red tops open on the peduncles.

Miscanthus giant

  • Miscanthus gigantea is hybrid species, the origin of which is not completely clear to all scientists.
  • This plant can reach 3 meters in height.
  • The stems that form a lush and dense shrub are erect and often require support.
  • Weeping leaves are attached to the bottom of the stem and hang down the sides of the plant, making it look like a beautiful fountain.
  • The leaves are dark green in color, reaching 2-2.5 cm in width. In the center of the leaf blade there is a hard vein and a white stripe.
  • Flowering begins in late summer or early autumn. Pinkish panicles bloom at the tops of the peduncles, which later become silver.
  • It has excellent winter hardiness; giant miscanthus belongs to zone 4 and can withstand frosts down to minus 34 degrees.

Miscanthus sucrose

  • The natural habitat of this type of cereal is the territory of Russia, China, Korea and Japan.
  • The plant can reach 2 m in height.
  • The stems are erect, bare, without any covering.
  • At the bottom of the shoots, linear leaves are attached, which can reach 60 cm in length.
  • Flowering begins in July and continues until October, until the onset of frost.
  • Quite long, up to 25 cm, panicles of a pinkish or white-silver hue bloom at the tops of the peduncles.

These types of miscanthus take root well in our harsh climate; other species and varieties are more likely to be heat-loving plants and may not bloom in our country.

Miscanthus propagation: the most common methods

It’s quite easy to grow miscanthus on your own plot from scratch. difficult process which will require your attentiveness and diligence. However, with a strong desire, this can be done. It is mainly used for the cultivation of cereal crops. vegetative method, or rather the division of a plant bush. It is also possible to grow from seeds, but this method is used extremely rarely.

Miscanthus seed propagation

  • In our climate, cold winters and fairly short summers, miscanthus seeds simply do not have time to ripen, so it is difficult to use this method of propagation.
  • In addition, the seeds of this crop are very small, which, in turn, makes them difficult to collect. That is why it is quite difficult to find miscanthus seeds even on sale.
  • Although in the coming years breeders promise to breed sufficient quantity varieties that will allow you to collect seeds and sell them in specialized stores. This is made possible by the widespread popularity of miscanthus, especially as a biofuel. It is for this purpose that this perennial is increasingly grown in rural farms, process it and use it as fuel.
  • If you nevertheless decide to try your luck and grow miscanthus from seeds, then you should remember that many varietal characteristics will be lost, and the beautiful and decorative bush you will receive only after 3-4 years.
  • Miscanthus seeds do not require pre-treatment.
  • Seeds must be sown in autumn peat pots, which are thoroughly moisturized beforehand.
  • In the spring, after the soil has warmed up, peat pots along with seedlings are planted in open ground in the selected area.

Miscanthus propagation by dividing the bush

  • This method is most preferable for this crop.
  • However, it should be remembered that replanting, and therefore dividing the rhizome mother plant, should be no more than once every 3 years. Miscanthus should have time to grow stronger and gain the required mass.
  • The optimal time to divide a plant bush is early spring or the beginning of summer, depending on the specific variety of miscanthus.
  • Most suitable period- this is the time when young shoots appear from the rhizome.
  • In this case, it is necessary to very carefully dig up an adult plant, trying not to damage the root system and stems of the bush.
  • It is necessary to divide immediately after digging or place the plant in a cool storage room. However, even under such conditions, the plant will only be viable for a few days.
  • After digging up the mother plant, carefully divide the rhizome into the desired number of parts. Make sure each piece has at least some stems. Otherwise the plant will not take root.
  • Next, you also quickly plant the young plants in the prepared planting holes.
  • At first, you will have to monitor the transplanted miscanthus bushes for signs of wilting. A delay in the development of young seedlings is a normal phenomenon; you should not be alarmed.

Stages of preparation before planting miscanthus

Growing miscanthus is only possible with careful and attentive preparation. Only in this case will you get bright and unique plants, which will create very impressive landscape compositions. Initially, you need to purchase high-quality and healthy seedlings, as well as select the most suitable ones on your site. optimal place for landing. Let's consider the nuances of all stages.

Stage 1. Selection of miscanthus seedlings

  • It is best to purchase miscanthus seedlings in specialized stores or agricultural companies that professionally breed plants. Growing seedlings of this plant on your own will take a lot of time and will not give 100% results.
  • It is best to buy miscanthus in the form of an adult seedling, since a younger seedling will not have time to take root and bloom before the onset of cold weather.
  • Also give preference to seedlings adapted to the conditions of your climate zone. To do this, you can clarify all the features of growing miscanthus with store consultants. This way you can avoid failure when planting and growing this crop. The Chinese and giant miscanthus varieties are most suitable for Russia. Give preference to varieties with frost resistance zone 4 or 5.
  • When purchasing a young plant, be sure to inspect it carefully. There should be no visible damage or signs of pests or diseases.
  • The soil in the container should be clean and moderately moist.

Stage 2. Selecting a landing site

  • Choosing the right place for planting will be the key to obtaining a strong and beautiful ornamental plant.
  • Miscanthus prefers to grow in well-lit, sunny places, as this plant is heat-loving. If you plant it even in light shade, you are unlikely to achieve flowering.
  • An important condition for the growth of miscanthus is damp areas, since moisture is vital for this plant. Therefore, it is best to choose places along a reservoir or pond, as well as in lowlands.
  • It is also important to choose the area that is most protected from wind and drafts.
  • When purchasing miscanthus seedlings, you need to decide on the planned composition and planting location. The tallest varieties are best planted as a background for other, smaller plants. Medium-sized varieties will look great against a lawn or in combination with other plants on your site.
  • Miscanthus can be planted along a fence or as a natural border, but remember that a single plant requires a lot of space. After all, this cereal crop grows very strongly, and this is worth taking into account.

Stage 3. Selection and preparation of soil

  • Miscanthus is not picky about the composition and fertility of the soil.
  • If possible, do not plant seedlings of this plant on clay or sandy soils.
  • Before planting, it is important to carefully dig up the selected area, about 2 shovels deep. This is necessary to lighten the soil and saturate it with oxygen. This process is best carried out in the fall during major work. And in the spring you can only lightly loosen the chosen place.
  • The soil on the site should be neutral or slightly acidic. If the acidity in the selected area is increased, then during processing you can add a little dolomite flour to the soil.

Technology for planting miscanthus in open ground

  • The best time to plant miscanthus in open ground is spring, and more precisely March or April is the period when the earth has time to warm up.
  • If you cultivated the soil in the fall, then you only need to slightly loosen and lift the soil.
  • Water the seedlings in the container generously with water. This is necessary for more careful extraction of plants.
  • In the selected area, prepare planting holes, which must first be limited by any pieces of slate or metal. Dig the limiters approximately 15-20 cm deep into the ground, with 10-12 cm protruding above the surface. This is necessary so that the root system does not grow, and the shape of the bush itself is correct and beautiful.
  • The size of the hole should be twice the volume of the root system of the seedling along with the soil.
  • If you are planting several plants together, then be sure to maintain sufficient distance between the seedlings. On average it should be at least 1 m.
  • If there is stagnation of water in your area, then it is best to place a layer of drainage from broken bricks or expanded clay.
  • Prepare a fertile substrate, which should consist of turf land, peat and rotted manure.
  • Carefully remove the seedlings from the containers and place them in the planting holes.
  • After this, gradually fill the holes with the prepared soil and lightly compact them with your hands.
  • After planting, all seedlings must be watered abundantly.

Agricultural technology for growing miscanthus: secrets and nuances of care

Full and healthy growth of miscanthus will depend on your attention and care. Ordinary miscanthus care should include regular and abundant watering, loosening and mulching of the soil, as well as fertilizing the plant.


Miscanthus prefers abundant and regular watering, especially on the hottest days of summer. It is best to water the plants with a hose, so you can ensure the crop the right amount moisture. Young miscanthus seedlings, which require strength to take root, should be watered especially abundantly.

Loosening and mulching

After watering, the soil around each plant must be loosened. However, this must be done very carefully, because the root system of miscanthus is superficial and you can damage it. It is also important to carefully remove all weeds during the first years, as they can inhibit the growth of the plant. To reduce the amount of watering and loosening, the tree trunk circle can be lightly sprinkled with dry peat. Tall varieties of this cereal must be tied up, since the stems in some cases can reach 3 m.

Top dressing

  • This plant requires regular but moderate feeding.
  • First of all, you need to remember that it is better to start fertilizing in the second year after planting.
  • The first fertilizing is applied in May during the active growing season. For this it is best to use liquid nitrogen fertilizer, for example, urea.
  • The second feeding can be applied at the beginning of summer. During this period, it is better to use a solution of humates.
  • In the second half of summer, potassium-phosphorus fertilizers can be added to each plant.
  • However, you should not overdo it with fertilizers, otherwise the plant may die.

Disease and pest control

Miscanthus has good resistance to pests and various diseases. At least to date, no evidence of disease affecting these plants has been identified.

Preparing for winter

If you purchased heat-loving plant, then be sure to carefully protect the plant from freezing or temperature changes. To do this, before the onset of frost, thoroughly mulch the soil around the plant and build a hut from film. The hut should have small open spaces for air intake. In spring, the cover is removed, and the brown leaves and stems are carefully trimmed.

Using miscanthus in landscape design

This plant is widely used in landscape design; it allows you to create the most incredible and beautiful garden compositions that brightly and effectively decorate the site.

  • Miscanthus looks great on the banks of reservoirs and ponds, creating very unusual pictures.
  • Tall varieties of this plant can be planted as a background for other crops.
  • Miscanthus also looks great as a single planting against the background of a lawn.
  • Many gardeners plant miscanthus seedlings as natural fencing.
  • Alternatively, this cereal plant can be planted in combination with others, creating bright and unusual mixborders and rockeries.

Photo of miscanthus in landscape design

You can more clearly see all the features and options for using miscanthus in landscape design in the photos below.

To create bright and unique garden compositions Be sure to use miscanthus on your site - a plant that will definitely decorate the chosen place with its decorative appearance at any time of the year.

Miscanthus chinensis: growing an ornamental grass in the garden

Miscanthus chinensis is an ornamental cereal plant. The species is frost-resistant. In the garden, perennials complement the compositions. Gardeners appreciate the texture and appearance of the crop.

Description of the plant

Another name for the plant is Chinese reed, or fantail. The herbaceous bush reaches a height of 3-4 m. The stems are erect, the basal part is covered with leathery leaf scales. Leaves are 1 cm wide, ribbed. Inflorescences are in the form of panicles, formed by spikelets. The length of the panicle is 15-30 cm.

Source: Depositphotos

Chinese miscanthus has dozens of varieties

Natural growing areas of miscanthus - eastern regions Russia, Japan, Korea and Far East Asia. The flowering of the bush depends on the variety, the time range is from August to October. Young inflorescences are colored pink or reddish. Withering spikelets are silvery-white in color. Autumn leaf color is yellow or reddish brown. Cold-resistant varieties are suitable for growing in central Russia.

Planting and caring for Chinese miscanthus

The herbaceous bush prefers places with high humidity air, areas near water bodies. Does not tolerate drying out.

For planting, select areas with the following conditions:

  • bright places;
  • abundance of solar heat;
  • windless areas;
  • the presence of loose fertile soil.

Fantail begins to grow at temperatures from +25°C. For planting, use mature specimens. Planting months are the end of March, April and the first half of May. After new growth appears, feed the Chinese reed with nitrogen-containing fertilizers. Fantail needs winter shelter. To protect the roots from the cold, use sphagnum or cone-shaped film with holes for ventilation.

Ornamental grass fills the surrounding area. Use limiters to stop growth. Old bushes die off in the central part. Renew the plant by dividing and transplanting. Spike-shaped shoots retain decorative qualities in winter season– trim the stems in early March. The perennial propagates by seeds or division of the root system. He has a negative attitude towards transplantation.

Miscanthus is unpretentious and adapted to the conditions of the Russian winter. Decorative properties plants are suitable for lawns, mixed borders, green areas and solitary compositions. Ornamental grass serves as a backdrop for textured crops. Paniculate inflorescences cover unattractive areas of the garden.