Propagation of pelargonium by cuttings: the main principles of successful rooting. Homemade geranium care for the ball at home

flower Geranium - Pelargonium. Growing different varieties of plants at home

Plant name: Pelargonium
Other name: Geranium
Latin name: Pelargonium L'Her
Family: geraniums (Gerniaceae)
Domestic varieties and species differ in external characteristics, these are: fragrant pelargonium (P. graveolens Ait), large-flowered or royal pelargonium (Pelargonium grandiflorum Hort. non willd), Zonal or kalachiki(P. zonale Ait), ivy-shaped(also called ivy or ampelous ) geranium ( P. peltatum Ait) And garden geranium

Varieties and external characteristics of Pelargonium:

From the history of the origin of the name of this flower it is known that it comes from the Greek. words pelargos- stork or crane, because after flowering, in place of the flower, a pod 4-7 centimeters long appears with the seeds of this plant. Because of this feature, the popular name for the Pelargonium flower is Geranium or crane nose.

In the wild, Pelargonium grows in the Cape Province of South Africa and its genus includes 280-300 species.

In indoor conditions, the following geraniums are widely used: fragrant, zonal, ivy-leaved and large-flowered. They all differ in morphological characteristics, so we will briefly describe each species of this plant.

Fragrant geranium photo and brief description of the flower

Large photo of a fragrant pelargonium flower ( Link)

The most unpretentious type of indoor pelargonium: it can even grow on a north window. Fragrant geranium is a shrub that, with good fertilizers, grows more than 1 m in height.
This flower got its name because of the fragrant, strong smell of lemon, which appears when you lightly touch the leaves of the plant - the fibers on the surface of the leaf contain essential oil. The color of the leaves is bright green. The leaf shape is five-seven-lobed and single-lobed. Over time, the main stem and lower branches become woody.
A very beautiful flower that has antiseptic properties and cleanses the air of dust and germs. In summer, P. fragrant blooms with umbels of small flowers in white, light pink and purple-pink.

Royal large-flowered pelargonium, photo

Photo of royal geranium ( Link)

Pelargonium grandiflora is a subshrub whose erect stem reaches a height of 50 centimeters. Five to ten centimeter bright green leaves of a round shape with folds and shallow grooves will decorate any room. A distinctive feature of the Royal Geranium is its large (12-15 cm) inflorescences on high peduncles, the flower size is about four to six cm in diameter. Many varieties of Pelargonium royale have been bred with a wide variety of monochromatic flower colors (white flowers, pink and deep red), which can be simple or double.

In winter, Geranium Grandiflora is kept for two months in a well-lit, cold room at +7... +10°C - this is the main requirement for the successful formation of flower buds. Flowering period: March-July.

This type of P. does not like excess moisture, so there should be holes and a tray at the bottom of the dish from which water is regularly poured (if there is any, of course).

Pelargonium zonal photo with description

photo of P. zonalis ( Link)

Pelargonium zonal, popularly this flower is called kalachiki- a plant with erect, pubescent stems up to 70-90 cm.

The leaves are also pubescent with a light green leaf blade whose edge may be colored with a yellowish, brown, or white stripe. Kalachiki are perfect for landscaping balconies, offices and rooms, because... they are easy to care for.

This species is visually similar to royal geranium, the distinctive feature is that the plant blooms from April to September with a pleasant, noticeable scent, and a large number of flowers (up to 60 pieces) in the inflorescence open from the center to the edge of the umbrella.

To achieve flowering of Pelargonium zonalis in winter, in summer, its inflorescences are removed and pruned, forming a crown. In winter, flowering balls are placed on a bright southern window and cared for by watering and feeding them moderately once a month.

Pelargonium Ampelous is popularly called Geranium Ivy-leaved

Ivy geranium photo ( Link)

Ivy geranium - got its name because of the long hanging shoots (80 cm) and small pentagonal leaves shaped like ivy leaves. The leaf blade is green, smooth, rarely with a border. In summer, flowers ranging from white to lilac-red tones appear on the short peduncles of Ampelous Pelargonium.

Growing and caring for Geranium indoors:

It would be a mistake to call geranium an unpretentious plant, although there are no particular difficulties in growing this flower. The main rule when growing pelargonium is to adhere to the golden mean when watering, lighting and fertilizing. Thanks to this, many problems when caring for geraniums can be simply prevented.

At its core Pelargonium-Geranium is a decorative fast-growing subshrub, therefore, he loves good diffused sunlight; in autumn and winter, geranium feels great on the South window, where there is a lot of light. In summer, the North side is ideal for the flower, although you can simply move the pot with the plant away from the window at a safe distance so as to prevent direct sunlight from hitting the leaves. Otherwise, the geranium leaves will get burned, dry out and fall off, leaving a bare trunk. In summer, you can take the pot of geraniums to the balcony. You should also avoid shaded or weak light - the branches of the plant will stretch in length, become thin and acquire a pale green color, losing their beauty and decorativeness.

In summer, any temperature is suitable for the growth and development of different varieties of Geranium; in the autumn-winter period, a temperature regime of +6-12 ° C is recommended for flowering varieties; the formation of flower buds of the Pelargonium plant takes place at low temperatures. Non-flowering varieties also go into dormancy in winter and develop well at +15 degrees Celsius.

Moisture-loving geranium requires regular watering immediately after the soil dries out. In summer, the flower is watered abundantly; in autumn, watering is reduced (you can water even every other day), but it is necessary to monitor the soil moisture in the pot. With insufficient watering, the lower leaves of homemade geraniums turn yellow and dry out. Be sure to make a couple of holes at the bottom of the pot to remove excess water.

Pelargonium does not need to be fertilized: it grows and develops well in fresh fertilized soil, so this geraniums must be replanted annually in the spring into a new pot with fresh soil(this can be universal soil from a store or self-collected soil of the following composition: sand, leaf, turf, plus sand in equal proportions).

For propagation, cuttings from green shoots, the trunk of which is slightly lignified, are mainly used. The cut cuttings are placed in a glass of clean water; when the young seedling sprouts roots, it can be transplanted into the ground. Using seeds to propagate geraniums is a very troublesome task, so this propagation method is very rare at home.

The main pests of pelargonium are aphids and spider mites. They are eliminated with a soap solution or special means against these pests.

Secrets of caring for Pelargonium-Geranium:

! The best place for good growth and development of geraniums- This is a window facing South. For fragrant pelargonium, the North side may also be suitable.

! Already dried rosette inflorescences need to be trimmed so that extend the flowering period.

! Early autumn The tops of Geranium grandiflora are pinched, thanks to this, many green young side shoots will appear and the plant will bloom more abundantly, delighting with beautiful flowers.

! There is no need to artificially increase air humidity for geraniums.: In summer it feels great without spraying. But wiping pelargonium leaves with a damp cloth is generally prohibited, because... in this case, many hairs on the surface of the plant will be broken off. Geranium leaves can be rinsed in a warm shower instead.

! Geranium Zonal is pruned in the spring, forming a crown of branches 10 cm long; if this procedure is not done, the branches will stretch out, the flowers will be small and the plant will lose its beauty and decorativeness.


Who doesn’t know indoor geraniums with large beautiful bright red inflorescences against a background of large green leaves, with dark circles, with a pleasant fragrant smell, slightly reminiscent of the aroma of lemon. This flower is perhaps the most ancient of indoor plants. Geranium, or, as it is scientifically called, pelargonium, and popularly called “kalachik,” can always be found in the summer not only on our window sills, but also in city gardens, parks and squares.

The leaves and stems of the flower are abundantly covered with glandular hairs containing essential oil. As the fragrant liquid accumulates, the “storage” (the vessels of the containers) bursts, and the oil turns into... protective vapor. Yes, yes, protective! Enveloping green leaves and delicate flower petals on all sides, essential oil vapors protect them from severe overheating by the sun's rays and from excessive cooling at night, and in dry weather, from excessive evaporation of moisture from the leaves.

The aromatic essential oils of pelargonium are healing. They refresh the air of our homes well, purifying it of harmful impurities, while killing pathogenic microbes. The very valuable properties of aromatic oil allow geranium to be widely used not only in the perfume industry, but also in the confectionery industry, as well as for medicinal purposes.

The healing properties of pelargonium are widely used in many Crimean and Caucasian health resorts to treat the nervous system.

It is interesting that people have long been of the opinion that the “kalachik” is not only a wonderful flower, but also a means of restoring a person’s strength and health. There is a fascinating legend about this amazing plant.

A boy was born into a rich family. Despite the fact that all conditions were created for his normal development, he grew up as a frail, sickly child.

What parents did not do to save their only son from a serious illness. But the disease prevailed more and more. They invited all sorts of doctors, but nothing helped.

And then one day a wanderer who had visited various parts of the world visited the rich man’s palace. Wherever he was, he always did only good for people. Seeing him in the palace, the owner ordered the servants to drive the old man out of the gate.

Don't be angry with me, master. I came to you with goodness. “I heard that there is great trouble in your family,” said the wanderer to the menacing cry of the rich man. “I want to put your son on his feet.” You have only one... Heir.

The master listened to the elder’s words. In grief, there is no one you can turn to for help.

If you cure it, I’ll make you rich, and if it gets worse for your son, I’ll order you to be punished...

I don’t need a reward, and if you punish, it’s your will,” the newly minted doctor said obediently. “My treatment will be simple.” Get, master, a few bushes of fragrant geranium and let your son sleep under a flowering plant. “Maybe your heir will get better,” the wanderer slowly revealed his simple secret of treatment.

While they were looking for a flower for the sick man, the master's builders erected a large greenhouse-bedroom. The servants planted geranium bushes with unopened flower buds here. From now on, the young man slept only under flowering geranium plants. Days passed, and the sick boy, in front of the surprised eyes of his parents and servants, turned into a slender and handsome young man.

The time has come for the wanderer to leave the master's estate. But the owner never wanted to let the old man go and invited the guest to stay with him as a palace gardener-doctor. Many rare plants appeared in the owner's garden. And they were not only beautiful, but also healing. And in the most prominent place in the garden there was a bush of fragrant geranium, which was carefully looked after by a handsome young man, saved by a beautiful flower from a serious illness...

The keeper of healing substances and essential oils, fragrant pelargonium, although it has taken root on our windowsills for a long time, is still a guest. The “kalachik” comes from South Africa, from the Cape Land, from the Cape of Good Hope. From those places in the 16th century, fragrant geranium moved to Europe, quickly spreading throughout the countries of the continent.

"Kalachik" belongs to the geranium family and has over two hundred species. Its cultivation technique is simple. It propagates mainly by cuttings. This plant is sun-loving and does not tolerate constant shade. He loves fertilizers, especially organic ones.

Geranium is a perennial herbaceous plant. There are forest, meadow, marsh geraniums, etc. All parts of it have a pleasant specific smell, contain a lot of tannins, carotene, vitamin C, and in the full flowering phase - alkaloids. The presence of these substances contributes to the widespread use of the plant in folk medicine for various diseases. In particular, a decoction of the herb is used for baths for bone fractures, for gargling for sore throats and for washing hair for hair loss. Calluses are removed using poultices from kalachika grass. Infusions of various types of geranium have antiseptic, astringent, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic and analgesic effects and the ability to dissolve deposits in kidney stones, rheumatic diseases and gout. Externally, the infusion of the herb is used for local baths, washes and lotions for ulcers and skin diseases accompanied by itching.

Geraniums (pelargonium, kalachiki) have a huge number of advantages and everyone knows them, and caring for geraniums in winter at home only brings pleasure, delighting with its greenery. There are more than 50 species of this plant. Indoor geranium fits well into any home interior and brightens it up with its bright and beautiful colors, as it blooms all year round.

Geranium came to Europe from South Africa in the mid-twentieth century, and was immediately loved by aristocrats due to its ability to decorate. Over time, it became popular among ordinary people.

Geranium care

Home care for geranium is determined by its southern origin. This is a plant that loves the sun very much. It is better to place it in the house in the brightest place, especially in winter time. In summer, pelargonium can be planted in open ground on the street. After exposure to fresh air, it acquires luxurious look, and new leaves and flowers appear. Blooming geraniums should be fed periodically to ensure that the flowers are bright and numerous. To do this, use liquid fertilizer, which is diluted in ordinary water for watering. In summer, fertilizing is done every second week. In winter this is not necessary. Geranium blooms in early spring and blooms until mid-winter. For normal growth of indoor geraniums, ordinary room temperature at 20° C. But these flowers do not like drafts. Water the balls not with a very large amount of water, but constantly. The soil for these plants should always be moist. When watering, it is necessary to avoid getting water on the leaves; for this reason, spraying is never done.

When caring for pelargonium as a houseplant, many gardeners worry when its leaves begin to turn yellow. But this is quite normal. Yellow leaves may be caused by natural dieback. This phenomenon is observed when moving geraniums from the street into the house in the fall; yellowed and fallen leaves are an inevitable and natural process. Thus, adaptation to changed conditions occurs. Sometimes this happens because it is time to replace the pot with a larger one.

Winter care

Geraniums do not tolerate cold well. Therefore, all care for pelargonium winter period consists in taking care of the flower, which boils down to keeping it in a sunny, warm place. Even the slightest cold snap can cause pelargonium to die.

One way to preserve the balls in winter is to place them in spacious pots that allow the roots to grow freely. Then you need to trim the geranium, leaving only half or a third of the plant in height. You should also not forget about regular watering and a sunny location.

Proper watering

Caring for indoor geraniums at home requires proper attention to watering. In summer, it is watered abundantly, while avoiding waterlogging of the soil. In winter, watering geraniums should be moderate and air humidity should be low. Sometimes there is a lack of flowering. This greatly upsets flower growers. The reason for this is often an excess of moisture in the soil.


For better flowering when caring for geraniums, replanting is recommended. But only in the case when its roots require more volume in their development or when there is an accidental overflow of water during the irrigation process. When replanting, it is necessary to take into account that the balls do not like spacious pots.

When placing a flower in a new pot, you must ensure good drainage to avoid water stagnation after watering, otherwise the roots may rot. There is no need to add any special ingredients to the geranium substrate. Ordinary soil, which can be purchased in a store, or even just soil from the garden is well suited for it.


Reproduces indoor geranium using cuttings. With this type of reproduction, success is guaranteed. But this can also be done with the help of seeds, which will allow the plant to grow more compact, with best flowering and larger inflorescences. But the seeds require more attention and are a troublesome and difficult task for novice gardeners.

When propagating pelargonium by cuttings, it is necessary to cut a stem 10 centimeters long from the top of the shoot with 4–5 leaves. Then it is placed in water for several days, and after several roots appear, it is planted in a pot with soil. But there is another option, when the cutting is immediately planted in a light mixture of peat and sand, and installed in a semi-dark place, to accelerate the growth of roots rather than stems. With regular watering of the plant, in 1–2 months a full-fledged specimen of geranium will grow.

Sowing is usually done in March to ensure the plant sufficient quantity sunlight. Seeds, pre-treated with manganese solution, are sown in a not very deep container, which has good drainage. After laying the seeds on the surface of the soil, they are slightly pressed into it. Then cover with polyethylene and place in a warm, shaded place. After the seeds germinate, the film is removed, allowing access fresh air. And when two leaves appear on the stem, they are planted in small pots or cups, at the bottom of which there is a mandatory hole to remove excess water when watering.

At proper care indoor geranium lives up to 30 years, and all this time it will be able to delight everyone with its beautiful flowers almost all year round.

You will be interested to see photos and videos on caring for geraniums.

Geranium, kalachik, crane flower, pelargonium are the most popular indoor plants. This unpretentious flower will become a real decoration of your window sill or balcony, in addition, it has many healing properties. There are about 400 varieties of pelargonium distributed around the world.

Types of home geraniums

Thanks to the work of breeders, it was bred a large number of varieties and hybrids of geraniums, differing in the shape and color of inflorescences and leaves. Let's get acquainted with the most common types.

  1. Geranium zonal- the most common window sill decoration. There are a huge number of varieties. The plant tolerates changing conditions well, is unpretentious and flowers frequently. The flowers are bright, collected in inflorescences. The foliage is round, slightly wavy, the edges of the foliage are dark red or brown. The leaves have a characteristic odor. Flowers are simple five-petaled, semi-double (have 6–8 petals) and double (have 8 petals or more). Flowering can continue all year round if you create optimal conditions for the growth and development of pelargonium. How smaller pot, in which the little ball grows, so more abundant flowering. Geranium captivates with its variety of shades and colors of petals - bright, monochromatic or multi-colored, with a border or multi-colored spots.
  2. Royal geranium- unusual and very beautiful view With large flowers the most varied colors. The diameter of the flowers reaches up to 15 centimeters in diameter. There are a lot of hybrids of this species; this is a favorite plant of many flower growers and breeders. Distinctive feature subspecies is considered to be the presence of a dark spot or stripe on the petal. Petals can be either simple or double, having a wavy or corrugated shape. The top pair of petals are more velvety and slightly larger than the rest. This type of pelargonium reaches a height of up to 50 centimeters, the foliage is terry, reminiscent of maple leaves. Flowering period royal geranium lasts no more than 4 months, flowering occurs only in plants that have reached two years of age. This species is the most demanding in terms of care and development conditions.
  3. Pelargonium fragrant. This subspecies received its name for a wide variety of aromas - rose, ginger, strawberry, lemon; you just need to lightly touch the leaf. Bred hybrids emit a wide variety of odors. The inflorescences are small, mostly pink or purple. Geranium oil obtained from this plant has a wide range of applications: in cosmetology, medicine, cooking, and everyday life.
  4. Pelargonium ampelous (thyroid). It has thin and fragile shoots reaching a length of 1 meter. The foliage is star-shaped, dark green, with a glossy surface. The inflorescences look like brushes. The flowers are simple or double, of a wide variety of colors, reaching 5 centimeters in diameter. Flowering lasts about 4 months, mainly in summer period. Well suited for planting in hanging flowerpots.
  5. Angel. The plant is characterized by flowers similar in shape to pansies, unpretentious to conditions and care, has a spectacular and bushy shape, reaching a height of 40–50 cm (with systematic pruning). If the trunk is not trimmed, the ball will take on a falling shape. Flowers have a wide variety of shapes and colors. The flowering period usually occurs in the summer months. The plant blooms so profusely that sometimes the leaves are not visible behind the inflorescences.
  6. Unique. This subspecies was developed by crossing brilliant and royal geraniums. The leaves have a dissected shape, are dark green in color, and exude a light aroma of spices. At all, this plant It is considered highly decorative by flower growers. The inflorescences are predominantly red, with a white center, and are shaped like royal pelargonium. Very rarely there are flowers of white and Pink colour, even more rarely - flowers with spots and stripes.
  7. Pelargonium succulent. The subspecies is characterized by branched and curved stems, lignified below; stems with thorns are less common. Plants of this type can acquire the most unusual shapes stem. Succulent geranium is often used in the most various designs interiors.
  8. Pelargonium lemon (pink). This plant blooms very rarely, so flower growers classify it as a non-flowering species. The bright green leaves of a complex dissected shape look very unusual, which was the reason for the widespread popularity of the roll among lovers indoor plants. When you lightly touch the foliage, the flower emits a subtle lemon scent. Geranium reaches a height of up to one and a half meters.

How to care for geraniums

Watering. In spring and summer, pelargonium consumes a lot of moisture, so watering needs to be more frequent. In winter, water a little less often to prevent stagnation of water and excessive dampness. The kalachik does not tolerate spraying the leaves.

Loosening the soil is necessary action with proper care of the plant, since it provides good oxygen access to the root system and prevents stagnation of water and rotting of the roots.

Fertilization must be carried out in spring and summer, but not often, so as not to cause harm. Phosphorus fertilizers promote flowering.

Pinching produced at the end of winter or spring in order to form a beautiful form of pelargonium and increase the number of inflorescences. It is necessary to pinch shoots on leaves 6–8.

Lighting should be good enough, but from direct sun rays It is better to hide the plant to prevent leaf burns. In the winter months, it is better to remove the curl from the windowsill altogether and place it in a dark place.

Reproduction methods

  1. Propagation by cuttings. Cut small cuttings (3–5 leaves) from the top of the shoot; it is recommended to make the cut obliquely. Then leave the cut cuttings in the air for several hours, then sprinkle the cut area with a biological root growth enhancer and plant it in the ground. When planting cuttings, it is better to place them closer to the edge flower pot. The most suitable months for propagation by cuttings are February, March, July and August. Rooting occurs within a month; at this time, watering is best done by spraying. Plant rooted plants one at a time in small pots.
  2. Propagation by cuttings more often used by breeders. For sowing, pots with a diameter of 5 cm are used, and when the seedlings grow, they can be transplanted into a larger pot. Flowering of seedlings from seeds occurs in about a year.

To form a lush form of pelargonium, the top bud needs to be pinched.

An annual plant from the mallow family with an ascending stem 15-30 cm high. The leaves are alternate, round in shape, the flowers are whitish. Blooms from June to August. The fruit is dry and has the shape of a ball.

Mallow grows in weedy places, near dwellings.

Medicinal raw materials are flowers and leaves collected during flowering, as well as roots.

IN folk medicine an infusion of flowers or leaves is prescribed for colds, diarrhea, inflammatory processes in the stomach, intestines and respiratory tract (especially with a dry cough and hoarseness). When used internally, preparations from flowers and leaves reduce irritation and inflammation. Mucus has a large adsorption surface and has an antitoxic effect. Externally, the infusion is used as a gargle for sore throats, as poultices and ointments for hemorrhoids, burns, skin diseases, wounds and ulcers.


Infusion of flowers or leaves: 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of raw materials into a glass of boiling water, leave for 2 hours and take 1-2 tbsp. spoons 3 times a day.

The plant contains a lot of mucilage, ascorbic acid, carotene, malvin, and fatty oil.

In folk medicine, a decoction of the leaves is drunk to relieve urinary retention and women's diseases, a decoction of roots and leaves - for inflammatory processes of the respiratory tract and diseases of the throat and oral cavity. Young leaves and stems

used in the spring as a means to prevent colds and as a laxative. Flowers with cups are considered a softening and enveloping agent. Crushed fresh leaves are applied to abscesses, boils, and inflamed areas of the skin.

Fresh and boiled leaves can be used for salads. The fruits are also edible.