Construction of a house from wooden blocks. Construction of houses made of wooden bricks

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Materials for construction wooden houses, it would seem, quite a lot, and it is no longer possible to come up with anything new. But the producers building materials They regularly prove that this is not so and surprise consumers with unusual offers. One of these new products was wooden brick, which appeared on the building materials market several years ago.

Below we will take a closer look at what it is this material, and how houses are built from it.

General information

Wood and brick is a classic combination that builders have been using for a long time, in particular, cladding is a common operation wooden house brick. In brick houses they often use wooden beams ceilings and other elements. But wood brick is truly a novelty on the building materials market.

True, in America, the method of assembling houses from small blocks was patented more than twenty years ago. Then waste from a timber processing factory was used to make them.

The inventor built himself a house from the blocks, but this innovation did not gain further distribution.

This is due to many reasons:

  • The method of assembling the structure was not worked out - the inventor assembled the walls using the method of selecting blocks.
  • It was not possible to organize the production of the material due to the lack of proper equipment.
  • The purpose of the development was to reduce personal construction costs.

As a result, no one began to promote this invention, since specialists this technology did not inspire confidence. And so in 2012 Russian architect, who was looking for a way to reduce the cost and simplify wooden house construction, returned to the topic of using small blocks and came up with wooden bricks.

In the photo - wooden brick

What is wood brick


The material in question is made from solid wood on high-precision modern machines. The dimensions of such blocks are as follows:

Externally, the block is a beam, profiled on four sides with a comb-shaped lock. The depth of the ridges can range from 45 to 70 mm.

As for the type of wood, it can be very different. This even allows you to combine panels from different breeds, for example, during the construction of a bathhouse. The inner wall can be made of linden or larch, and the outer wall can be made of cheaper pine.


This material has many advantages.

Below we consider the main ones:

  • Simplifies construction, since you can lay the blocks with your own hands.
  • There is no small panel inside internal tension , thanks to which the walls of the house will not crack.
  • Drying the material takes less time, thanks to this, well-dried blocks do not lose their shape.
  • Simplifies transportation and unloading of blocks.
  • Small panels allow you to assemble walls of complex shapes.
  • Low price due to the fact that the blocks are often made from remnants of timber production.

Construction Features

The assembly of walls in this case is also a kind of invention - houses are built according to the principle of hollow walls. Assembly is carried out along a multi-tiered continuous chain.

Spacers with profiled ends are placed in the space between the two walls. Spacers connect the outer and interior wall Houses. Moreover, they are installed strictly in certain places.

The basis for assembling walls is the one that is installed on the foundation. The first crown of the walls is attached to the beam using pressure bars and tensioners, which can be rod or track.

In order for the house to be durable, it is necessary to properly perform the foundation and its waterproofing.
To do this, several layers of roofing material are laid on top of the foundation, after which a brickwork under wooden house, which performs the function of a base.

From below, the tensioner is attached to the foundation with anchor bolts. Moreover, they are installed after the walls of the house are assembled.

It should be noted that when assembling such houses there is no need to use seals between the crowns or lay insulation, since the tightness is achieved thanks to a comb-shaped lock. Vertical loads are regulated by tensioners, which give the walls stability.

When building any wooden houses, you must follow the rules fire safety, especially it concerns .
Metal or brick pipe in a wooden house should not touch walls, ceilings or other surfaces.

At the same time, the house turns out to be warm, thanks to the double wall, and attractive. Therefore, after erecting the box, you do not need to think about how to cover a wooden house with bricks or decorate the facade with other material.

The only drawback of this technology is that it can only be used for permanent buildings - houses, outbuildings, etc. If you need a wooden extension to brick house, for example, a veranda, then for these purposes it is better to use traditional timber.

The point is that the adaptable wooden veranda to a brick house with your own hands in most cases has frame structure. But, even if you make its walls solid, certain difficulties will still arise when using blocks.

But to attach brick building to such a house it will be possible without problems. Moreover, there are several ways to connect a wooden house with brick extension. Most often, reinforcement is used for this, which is driven into the walls and then laid into the masonry, which allows you to obtain a securely connected structure.

Often, novice craftsmen are interested in how to make a wooden extension to a brick house with your own hands?
This design can be made on either a columnar or strip foundation.
In this case, adjacent elements are attached to the brick wall with dowels and nails.

This is, perhaps, all the basic information about wooden bricks and the construction of houses from them.


Wood bricks are promising modern material. Its main advantage is the cost-effectiveness of production. In addition, small blocks are more convenient to construct and provide more options for architects.

Get more useful information on the topic discussed can be found in the video in this article.

Nowadays, new building materials are not so rare on the market.

Various new products are appearing in construction more and more often. The creation of environmentally friendly, relatively inexpensive and reliable materials is the main direction in the activities of builders and inventors. They created wooden bricks.

What is this, wooden brick?

What is he?

Ordinary brick immediately comes to mind, but this building material is similar to ordinary brick only in name and slightly in shape. In fact, the closest “relative” of wooden brick is wooden beam, only in smaller sizes.

It's more likely wood block measuring 65 x 19 x 6 cm, on the sides of which there are special locks for fastening.

For its production they use coniferous wood high quality, subjecting it to a number of operations: drying until the moisture content reaches 8 to 10%, mechanical processing of all surfaces of the block, and final grinding.

The result is a product that, in principle, does not require any further finishing. Walls made of sanded wood and without finishing look good, but to protect against precipitation and other influences, it is still wiser to apply some kind of protective coating.

Read also: Construction of brick houses - about material and technology from A to Z

The technology for manufacturing wooden bricks allows the product to be manufactured with other parameters that differ from the standard ones.

Unlike usual wooden log house, during the construction of which you need to wait for some time until it dries, shrinks, and then install windows and doors and only then finish it, the use of wooden brick allows, according to the manufacturers, to skip the drying and shrinkage stages.

With comparatively small sizes Such a wooden block practically does not deform when drying. When building a house from this material, there is no need for expensive construction equipment.

Perhaps the most expensive elements will be rigid structures in the form of pillars and crowns. Of course, we can’t do without them if we don’t want the house to collapse like a house of cards.

Houses made of wooden bricks are free from all the disadvantages that appear in houses built from wood. natural humidity, and there are also environmental advantages over laminated veneer lumber.

Wooden brick has no deformation, shrinkage, or wall cracks. Wooden brick has high quality surfaces comparable to furniture quality.

Dry wooden brick has less weight than material with natural moisture. This fact makes it possible to simplify the design of the foundation and seriously reduce the costs of its construction.

The small weight and size of wooden bricks allows for transportation and construction site do not use cranes, forklifts or heavy equipment

So, do wooden bricks have no disadvantages at all?

Alas, of course, this is not the case.

You cannot start construction without a well-developed project, otherwise the walls may simply fall under the influence of loads. It is also not recommended to build multi-story buildings and houses from it. large area- such structures will be unstable. Well, if your region has a harsh climate, then wooden bricks simply won’t suit you - the house will turn out to be quite cold.

Many home craftsmen will wonder - is it possible to make such wooden bricks at home?

Experts are quite skeptical about such an initiative. After all, there are many specific and quite high requirements for the material, and even for the product itself, which are very problematic and sometimes even impossible to meet in a home workshop. And the plant has high-precision milling and grinding equipment.

Only allowed by professionals DIY installation wooden bricks, but with mandatory compliance following rules: the brick is laid in a row; compliance with the order is mandatory; the block is laid edgewise on the lock; Both the outer and inner rows require transverse ligation every 3 blocks.

In this case, the dressing material is the same as the one from which the masonry is made; the matching of the dressing with the bricks of the bottom row is not allowed. It must be regularly shifted by 0.5 bricks.

Read also: Installation of decorative facing bricks do it yourself (internal lining)

That's the only way we'll get correct design, beautiful pattern and hollow wall. The gap between the outer and inner walls is used to place thermal insulation in it.

The width of the gap for thermal insulation can vary up to 600 mm, while the consumption of wooden bricks will not increase.

Various types of insulation can be used heat insulating materials, available on the market. Sometimes sawdust is poured into this interval - they retain heat just as well. In general, wooden bricks have more advantages than disadvantages. And, before making such an important and responsible decision - to build a house from wooden bricks, you need to carefully weigh all the pros and cons.

Wooden brick house - video

House made of wooden bricks

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  • Today, no one can be surprised by innovative building materials.

    Every year experts release some new product to the market. IN Lately And in the construction industry, everyone is also talking about the need for environmentally friendly products. And the result was not long in coming.

    Russian experts have released a relatively inexpensive and at the same time reliable material, which does not harm the environment. This is a wooden brick. It has already been appreciated and is being used in construction.

    Wood brick: what is it?

    It must be said that this innovation is similar to ordinary brick only in its shape and name. In fact, a “relative” of this product is timber, but with smaller dimensions. By appearance it is a block with dimensions 650x190x60 cm.

    For ease of use, special locks are made on the sides of each brick for fastening.

    To make wooden bricks, only high-quality wood is used coniferous species. During production, it goes through several operations.

    First of all, the raw wood is dried until the moisture content reaches 8-12%. Then mechanical processing of all side surfaces is carried out. The final stage is sanding.

    The result is a building material that no longer requires any additional finishing work.

    This profitable solution. If you build a house from such blocks, you no longer need to finish the facade - it already looks great. It will be enough to apply a layer of wax as protection against external environment and moisture.

    Except standard sizes, they also produce individual wooden bricks. The block can be of any size as desired and necessary.

    Benefits of Green Innovation

    When this building material was created, the inventor of the product solved most of the problems that arise during construction work on the construction of wooden houses.

    So, houses made of wood take several years to make - you need to wait until the structure dries out. Then they wait for it to shrink. Next, doors and windows are installed.

    And only after this the builders begin finishing work. Using a new innovative material, you can safely skip the stages of drying and shrinkage. An environmentally friendly building is ready for use immediately after construction.

    In addition, wood blocks do not deform during the drying process - they have small dimensions. As a result, the original shape of the blocks is perfectly preserved, and the products themselves are perfectly connected to each other. In this case, you can forget about the gaps - there are none.

    Another advantage of this know-how is the low cost of construction if wooden bricks are used. A structure built in this way costs much less due to the absence of the need for expensive equipment for carrying out the work, sealants, cement and sand, as well as the absence of the need for further processing with plaster. The most expensive parts to build will be pillars and crowns.

    Naturally, you can build an excellent eco-house without them, but no one wants the building to suddenly collapse. If you want to get a reliable building, then you can use laminated veneer lumber. It is cheaper, and the result is no worse than with a solid pole.

    Designers don't limit dimensions bricks, as is the case when logs or timber are used. Thus, this building material allows you to create even the most unreal and amazing architectural elements on its basis.

    And finally, the price of wooden bricks is several times lower than the cost of laminated veneer lumber. This is definitely an important advantage.


    This material has many advantages.

    But potential buyers should be warned about some of the disadvantages that wooden bricks have. In regions with a harsh climate, it is better to build a house from traditional brick - a wooden house will not work in this case. It will be too cold there.

    Don't start construction works without a project developed by competent specialists. A house made of such building material, made without a design, can collapse under the influence of even minimal loads.

    Wooden bricks: DIY production

    Construction professionals, manufacturers and suppliers will unanimously say that this is simply impossible, but nothing is impossible. For production it is necessary to have high-precision milling and grinding machines.

    In addition, you need to select raw materials very carefully. Wood for bricks must meet a variety of requirements. If such opportunities exist, then there is nothing complicated.

    Masonry rules

    There is an opinion among professionals that independently with the masonry process of this building material will also fail. This is debatable. There are a number of rules that must be followed.

    So, the brick must be laid strictly in order. Be sure to follow the order. The block is placed edge-on to the lock.

    Transverse ligation is required for external and internal blocks. This is done every three blocks. Moreover, the dressing material should be the same as the masonry itself.

    The dressing must not be allowed to coincide with the parts from the bottom row. It should be shifted by 0.5 bricks. This is the only way to get a reliable design made according to all the rules, as well as a beautiful design. natural wood and a hollow wall.

    A layer of thermal insulation is placed between the outer and inner walls. In rare cases, you can add sawdust there. They also have excellent heat retention properties.

    Where are wooden bricks made?

    There are several enterprises in Russia that produce this construction know-how. So, brick is produced in St. Petersburg, in the same place where it was invented. It was in this city that this innovation was created on the basis of the Stankom company.

    You can see the first houses in the construction of which the material was used. These buildings are located in Zaozerye, Zaychikhino, and in the village of Harmony. The company produces products under the Woodbrick brand.

    Another enterprise is located in Tomsk. Pine products are produced there.

    The product is supplied under the brand " Cozy home" This is what these wooden bricks look like. The photo can be seen below. The price of these eco-friendly building materials is significantly lower than that of Woodbrick.

    Reviews and prospects

    This material has good prospects, however, it is only suitable for low-rise construction. Professionals say that this the material is suitable for those who already have a house and additionally want other buildings on the site.

    The second point is the price. Manufacturers are not very willing to share information about them, but the cost of the material varies from “ Cozy home"- 470 dollars per 1 cubic meter, while profiled timber with the same size can be bought for 320 dollars, rounded logs for 240. Stinkom offers grade A products for 860 dollars, and laminated veneer lumber for 600.

    There is another problem that wooden bricks have. Reviews indicate a large deviation from tolerances.

    The size must be strictly maintained to hundredths of a millimeter, especially on locks. A large number of connecting surfaces can turn the building into a sieve if the gaps are too large. The locks are connected either with serious play or with the help of a hammer.

    Wooden bricks: raw technology

    Such a wall, in which there are an abundance of gaps and mechanical stresses, will sooner or later crack.

    More cracks will appear. There are still a lot of problems in this technology that have not been solved. It hasn't been fully worked out yet.

    The advantages that manufacturers talk about in advertising brochures, is still only a wish rather than a reality. Here it is, an innovative wooden brick. Like glass, it can be waterproof only if all installation rules have been followed.

    Today, a fairly new, but quite popular material for the construction of residential buildings is wooden brick. This shining example excellent value for money.

    The range of building materials has been updated very frequently recently. Manufacturers are trying to take into account the wishes of customers, so more and more environmentally friendly building materials are appearing from which a house can be built.

    The cost of production also plays a huge role. In conditions of fierce competition, we have to invent eco-materials according to affordable price. These are the products that are in greatest demand among the general consumer.

    Features of wooden bricks

    What is called wooden brick resembles a standard building material only in its convenient form.

    Otherwise it's pure wood, which is cut to a special size. That is, to make wooden bricks, a wooden beam is cut, and then it is used for laying walls. In appearance, it is a wooden brick block, but always with special locks with which installation is carried out.

    Most often on sale you can find wooden bricks made from softwood.

    At the same time, the wood must undergo certain processing, after which the brick becomes so durable that it is ideal for many situations in the construction of houses. It is worth noting that the material is thoroughly dried so that its moisture content is no more than 10%. In addition, the surface must be mechanically treated and thoroughly polished.

    The result is an excellent building material that is not only environmentally friendly and durable, but also very convenient to use. Finished walls made from wooden bricks do not require additional processing.

    Facade and inner part the walls will look just great. If desired, you can use additional Decoration Materials, but this makes no sense, since the view natural wood always relevant. This is a classic that always looks great.

    The peculiarity of wooden bricks is that, if necessary, the buyer can order any format. If required construction project, then you can order from the manufacturer exactly the form that will be most suitable.

    Pros and cons of wooden bricks

    With the appearance on the market of building materials such as wooden bricks, many craftsmen immediately solved several problems. First of all, it is worth noting that in this case there is no need to wait long time, Bye wooden structure will stand and shrink.

    As a rule, when a log house is built, this is exactly what happens. A house made of wooden bricks will not shrink, so you only need to install windows and doors, after which you can begin finishing works. Most often, they are carried out only from the inside, and from the outside, the most that would be appropriate is the use of wax.

    Wooden houses made of this material are dry, they are not subject to deformation, so you can immediately move in and live in them. Moreover, such building material is cheaper than many others and does not require the use of special equipment and various additional materials, such as sealants, plaster mixtures.

    If a master is going to build a house from wooden bricks with his own hands, he needs to be prepared to purchase rigid pillars that will be the main building. Without them, the house can simply fold up like a card house. Most often, glued laminated timber is used for this, which differs high strength and inexpensive price.

    But this option also has several disadvantages - this concerns the fact that the house is not very warm. Therefore, wooden bricks are not suitable for the construction of buildings in harsh climates. In addition, experts do not recommend building large and multi-story houses, since the block-brick may not withstand such a load.

    Nevertheless, similar type building materials are widely used in our time, including for the construction of buildings with their own hands. Wooden brick is ideal for the construction of small residential houses and cottages, as well as gazebos, fences, and partitions in the apartment.

    What you need to know about working with wooden bricks?

    If a master is going to build a house, he needs to draw up a design for the building. Based on this, the type and size of the wooden brick will be selected.

    The material can be ordered from professional manufacturers or made by yourself. But the last option is quite complicated, it requires special knowledge and equipment. Therefore, it will be much more convenient and cheaper to simply order a suitable brick at the factory.

    Working with this material is very simple, but the master must have some knowledge in the field of construction. The brick must be laid correctly, that is, observing all the requirements for working with this material.

    When building the walls of a house, it is necessary to lay bricks in rows - this is the most important condition, since without order the wall will not be strong enough.

    The blocks must be laid edgewise on the lock. Every three blocks a transverse ligation is needed.

    At proper operation and laying wooden bricks between the inner and external wall it will work out short period. It is suitable for thermal insulation. In the case of wooden bricks ideal option there will be sawdust.

    But in any case, even with the most better thermal insulation, such houses turn out to be quite cold. Therefore, it is not recommended to build them very large, especially in those regions where there are severe frosts.

    In the vast world of building materials, something new is constantly appearing. Scientists and inventors are working to create new materials and technologies for their use. Brick, concrete, and wood are traditionally used to build houses.

    Everywhere you can find buildings built using wooden beams and rounded logs. But many have not even heard of the building material called wooden brick. This new ingenious and simple invention can already be purchased and used for its intended purpose. To do this, you need to know its purpose.

    A house made of wooden bricks can be built quickly using special fastening locks.

    Invented Russian engineers wooden bricks are a kind of small beams.

    They have fastening locks of a special design, which allow you to quickly assemble the walls of buildings in much the same way as children assemble them using wooden construction kit parts. During the manufacturing process, wood bricks are processed to perfect condition. Walls from it can be assembled without the use of any sealants or inter-crown insulation.

    Making wooden bricks

    To make this building material, high-quality coniferous wood is used. Usually these are larch and cedar, spruce and pine. The main stages of wood brick production are:

    Dimensions of standard wooden bricks.

      Drying wood to a moisture content of 8%. Mechanical processing to obtain the ideal shape and smoothness of the product. This material, as well as walls laid with its use, can be additionally treated with wax. This treatment gives the material higher protective properties.

    In most cases, individual blocks are produced in strictly defined sizes. Their length is 650, width - 190, height - 68 mm. But they can have other sizes.

    Despite the fact that the first house made of wooden blocks was built more than two decades ago, this building material was launched into mass production in Russia only in 2013 by the Baltic Architect company. This material was patented in Russia in 2012. The updated wooden brick is strikingly different from the material that was used to build the first house.

    Note! New wooden panels are more convenient for construction, which significantly reduces the construction period and makes the walls more reliable.

    What are they - wooden blocks

    Wooden blocks for building a house are produced in several types. The length and height of the bars differ. The profiled appearance of surfaces connecting to other elements remains unchanged in production technology. The bottom and top surfaces are ribbed, as are the end sides.

    Construction technology is beneficial in many respects:

    • Lightness of the material;
    • Hygroscopicity;
    • Little waste during construction;
    • Clever mounting for quick assembly reliable design;
    • The material dries faster.
    • The ridges of the brick, processed on ultra-precise machines, reliably hold the vertical of the wall, preventing distortions.
    • In small, lightweight parts there is no internal stress, which protects the building from cracks.
    • Using wooden bricks, door and window openings easier to create than when building from timber or logs.

    Specifics of construction from wooden blocks

    The peculiarity of assembling walls from wooden blocks is that the wall consists of two parts, between which there is a cavity.

    Note! This assembly method allows you to make the house warmer without overpaying for additional materials.

    Wall assembly technology:

    1. A support beam is attached to the foundation of the future building.
    2. The masonry is carried out so that a cavity is formed between the bricks, in which spacers will be located in a certain order.
    3. The lower tier of the masonry is secured to the timber using clamping bars.
    4. The pressure bars must be connected to metal plates. These plates will hold the tensioners, which will create a vertical load.
    5. Installation of tensioners is carried out only after completing the assembly of all walls. Anchor bolts they will be attached to the foundation of the house.

    Habitual brick walls, which can be seen in multi-storey and private construction, are losing their inviolability and relevance. In the construction of residential buildings, they are increasingly beginning to use building blocks made from lightweight concrete.

    Such products have greater thermal insulation, are much cheaper than solid bricks, and are easy to install. The building material is relatively light in weight, which significantly reduces the load on the foundation and, accordingly, allows you to save on pouring it.

    The modern construction market offers the consumer several types of wall blocks. To avoid difficulties when choosing a material, we will consider the advantages and disadvantages of wall blocks used in construction.

    Foam concrete blocks

    It's cellular lightweight concrete, the main component of which is cement-sand mortar with the addition of foaming additives. According to experts, this is the most practical and affordable material for construction. wall structures, enjoying steadily growing popularity.



      High strength combined with low density

      Low structural weight due to the cellular structure

      Excellent thermal insulation interior spaces

      High degree of street noise absorption

      Fire resistance - the material does not ignite and does not support the spread of fire

      Resistance to wet environments

      Good frost resistance indicators

      Budget cost

      Foam concrete is subject to shrinkage over time, which should be taken into account during construction

      Heterogeneous structure: internal pores do not have the same size

      Difficulties in interior finishing - foam concrete is unable to hold ordinary fasteners(nails, screws)

      Low bending resistance, easy to crack

    The material is often produced in an artisanal way without following technology. It is almost impossible to identify a fake visually, so you need to take a responsible approach to choosing a manufacturer.

    Aerated concrete material for the construction of walls

    As in the previous case, gas silicate blocks have a porous structure. For production, a silicate base is used with the addition of binders and foaming additives.



      The exact geometry of each block, which simplifies the process of erecting wall structures and allows you to accurately calculate glue consumption.

      Presentable appearance.

      Ease of processing: you can cut aerated concrete with a regular hacksaw.

      High level of fire safety.

      Environmental safety: no chemically active or toxic substances are used in production.

      Large block size - allows you to reduce the time for building walls.

      Low strength - aerated block is not used in multi-story construction.

      After completion of work, shrinkage is observed up to 1.5 mm for every meter of height. According to this indicator, gas silicate blocks are considered the worst among lightweight concrete.

      Low frost resistance - only 10 cycles freezing/thawing. Therefore, walls made of this material necessarily require additional insulation.

      Dependence on humid environment. Aerated concrete absorbs water well, which leads to destruction of the structure of the block.

    In terms of thermal insulation, aerated concrete blocks are close to solid brick, therefore additional insulation is prerequisite. However, the blocks have minimal weight, which significantly reduces the load on the foundation.

    Sand blocks made by volumetric vibrocompression

    This universal option, equally used in multi-storey construction and the private sector. Used in the manufacture of building materials cement-sand mixture with the inclusion of additives. Products are pressed in special forms and dried using infrared radiation.

    To achieve optimal strength, blocks are stored at room temperature in well-ventilated areas.

    For walls made of foam blocks, insulation costs will be significantly lower than for concrete or brick structures.

    Heat block - a multilayer wall element with a facing layer

    This composite material, having a three-layer structure.

    The first layer is called the façade and is an imitation natural stone. The second is insulating and consists of high-density polystyrene foam. The third is the supporting one, made of expanded clay concrete.

    Heat blocks appeared on the construction market relatively recently, but have already gained popularity among professional builders.

      High speed of wall construction. Each block is both decorative and load-bearing structure, has a layer of insulation.

      Excellent thermal insulation performance. Block, thickness 42 cm, similar in performance to two-meter brickwork.

      Reasonable price. Good competition for gas and foam blocks.

      Light weight. You can save a lot on the foundation.

      Weight. The blocks are considered light, but laying stones can be done alone, weighing 24 kg, it will be difficult.

      Low resistance to dynamic loads. Not suitable for buildings tall more than 3 floors.

      Geometry. Correct forms found only from trusted manufacturers. If the block is made by hand, problems are guaranteed to arise with installation.

    High-quality heat blocks have absolutely correct geometry, so it is allowed finishing without additional leveling of the walls. When installing blocks, through joints are formed that require high-quality sealing.

    If construction technology is violated, high thermal efficiency indicators will be reduced to zero.

    Polystyrene concrete

    The block is a monolithic structure, where the main component is high-quality cement. Used as filler quartz sand, foamed polystyrene, plasticizers that increase the strength and frost resistance of finished products.

      The best thermal insulation performance on the market. Allows you to save on heating interior spaces in winter.

      High strength. The material is highly resistant to compression and bending and has virtually no shrinkage.

      Excellent vapor permeability. Walls made from such blocks have the ability to “breathe”, which is guaranteed to prevent the appearance of mold.

      Ease of installation. The blocks are easily subject to additional processing, have a large standard size and correct geometry.

      Frost resistance. The product can withstand up to 150 cycles freezing/thawing without loss of original properties.

      Direct dependence of quality on the manufacturer. Violation of manufacturing technology leads to the formation of internal microcracks.

      Difficulties interior decoration. The surface of the block has poor adhesion to plaster solutions.

      The porous structure “does not hold” nails and screws.

    Polystyrene concrete blocks are considered a non-combustible material, but when exposed to high temperatures begin to release phenol, a substance harmful to human health.

    Expanded clay concrete is a modern material originally from the 60s of the last century

    The composition of such a block includes cement, expanded clay and sand, mixed in specified proportions. During production, the vibration pressing method is used, which provides the finished products with a fairly dense structure.

    Despite the obvious disadvantages, expanded clay blocks are considered the most common building material in Russia.

    Arbolite - a material made from wood chips and a mineral binder

    Composite blocks created on a cement base with the addition of water, sand and sawdust. This ratio of components makes the block resistant to any aggressive environment, while finished goods have a high margin of safety.

      Thermal insulation. Analogs arbolite blocks on modern market There are no building materials yet.

      Easy to install and manufacture. You can cope with the work on your own.

      Environmental Safety. The composition does not contain harmful or toxic components.

      Light weight. There is no need for a reliable and solid foundation.

      Reasonable price. Considered one of the most available materials On the market.

      They are destroyed by prolonged exposure to a humid environment.

      Attract rodents.

      Due to its inclusion in wood, the material burns.

    The blocks are not suitable for multi-storey construction, intended use: private sector.

    Cinder block - it doesn't get any cheaper

    The material attracts the attention of buyers with a surprisingly low price: production waste is allowed to be used in production. The products are compacted using the vibration compaction method, the main binding component being cement.

    Unlike previous materials, cinder blocks are hollow and monolithic, which significantly expands the scope of their application.



      Absolutely non-flammable even with prolonged exposure to high temperatures.

      Long service life - at least 50 years without loss of original qualities.

      A wide range of. The variability of fillers allows you to select a product for any type of construction work.

      Easy to install.

      Possibility to make at home.

      Dependence on humid environment.

      It causes inconvenience when installing utilities.

      Low rates of sound and heat insulation.

      Lack of environmental safety: slag contains sulfur and acids harmful to health.

    Considering significant shortcomings, cinder blocks are more suitable for the construction of utility buildings than residential buildings.

    Ceramic block is a worthy replacement for hollow brick

    An excellent alternative to regular brick. Blocks appeared on the market relatively recently, but are rapidly gaining popularity in the private construction sector. The block is based on baked clay; the finished products have a hollow, cellular structure.



      Absolute environmental safety.

      Excellent thermal insulation performance.

      Light weight.

      High level of vapor permeability.

      Reliable sound insulation of interior spaces.

      Ease of installation: elements fit together lock connection"tenon and groove".


      Unreliable ends.

      Relative fragility, which makes transportation difficult.

      Dependence on strict adherence to installation technology.

      Difficulties in interior finishing: the hollow structure will not “hold” screws and nails.

    Difficulties may arise during additional processing: it will not be possible to split a ceramic block like an ordinary brick; you will have to use a grinder.

    Thermally efficient blocks of Balaev

    A relatively new building material, reminiscent of thermal blocks. The products have a three-layer structure:

    • filler;

    Cement, water and expanded clay are used as the main components. During production, vibrocompression technology is used in combination with the pressing method. The result was a fundamentally new building material.

    The material appeared on the market in 2009, so I didn’t have time to manifest myself on the negative side. However, obvious disadvantages include high cost.

    Technical characteristics comparison table

    Comparison of blocks by construction cost

    Often, the price issue is key when choosing a building material. The chart above shows how the prices of blocks compare to each other as a percentage. The most expensive block of Balaev was taken as 100%.

    Depending on the region of the country and over time, this ratio may change.

    The cost of a block is not a key indicator. For example, Balaev blocks are the most expensive material, but do not require additional finishing or insulation. The final estimate for the work performed will be much lower than when constructing walls made of expanded clay concrete blocks.

    Brief conclusion

    Ideal building materials do not exist in nature. Therefore, when choosing building blocks, you need to focus not only on the price of the product, but also on the scope of application and technical characteristics.

    Today, a fairly new, but quite popular material for the construction of residential buildings is wooden brick. This is a prime example of excellent value for money.

    The range of building materials has been updated very frequently recently. Manufacturers are trying to take into account the wishes of customers, so more and more environmentally friendly building materials are appearing from which a house can be built. The cost of production also plays a huge role. In conditions of fierce competition, we have to come up with eco-materials at an affordable price. These are the products that are in greatest demand among the general consumer.

    Features of wooden bricks

    What is called wooden brick resembles a standard building material only in its convenient shape. Otherwise it is pure wood that has been cut to a specific size. That is, to make wooden bricks, a wooden beam is cut, and then it is used for laying walls. In appearance, it is a wooden brick block, but always with special locks with which installation is carried out.

    Most often on sale you can find wooden bricks made from softwood. At the same time, the wood must undergo certain processing, after which the brick becomes so durable that it is ideal for many situations in the construction of houses. It is worth noting that the material is thoroughly dried so that its moisture content is no more than 10%. In addition, the surface must be mechanically treated and thoroughly polished.

    The result is an excellent building material that is not only environmentally friendly and durable, but also very convenient to use. Finished walls made of wooden bricks do not require additional processing. The facade and interior of the wall will look just great. If desired, you can use additional finishing materials, but this makes no sense, since the look of natural wood is always relevant. This is a classic that always looks great.

    The peculiarity of wooden bricks is that, if necessary, the buyer can order any format. If the construction project requires this, then you can order from the manufacturer exactly the form that will be most suitable.

    Pros and cons of wooden bricks

    With the appearance on the market of building materials such as wooden bricks, many craftsmen immediately solved several problems. First of all, it is worth noting that in this case there is no need to wait a long time for the wooden structure to stand and shrink. As a rule, when a log house is built, this is exactly what happens. A house made of wooden bricks will not shrink, so you only need to install windows and doors, after which you can begin finishing work. Most often, they are carried out only from the inside, and from the outside, the most that would be appropriate is the use of wax.


    Wooden houses made of this material are dry, they are not subject to deformation, so you can immediately move in and live in them. Moreover, such a building material is cheaper than many others and does not require the use of special equipment and various additional materials, such as sealants and plaster mixtures.

    If a master is going to build a house from wooden bricks with his own hands, he needs to be prepared to purchase rigid pillars that will be the main building. Without them, the house can simply fold up like a card house. Most often, laminated veneer lumber is used for this, which is characterized by its high strength and inexpensive price.

    But this option also has several disadvantages - this concerns the fact that the house is not very warm. Therefore, wooden bricks are not suitable for the construction of buildings in harsh climates. In addition, experts do not recommend building large and multi-story buildings from building materials of this type, since the block-brick may not withstand such a load.

    Nevertheless, this type of building materials is widely used in our time, including for the construction of buildings with their own hands. Wooden brick is ideal for the construction of small residential buildings and cottages, as well as gazebos, fences, and partitions in the apartment.

    What you need to know about working with wooden bricks?

    If a master is going to build a house, he needs to draw up a design for the building. Based on this, the type and size of the wooden brick will be selected. The material can be ordered from professional manufacturers or made by yourself. But the latter option is quite complex and requires special knowledge and equipment. Therefore, it will be much more convenient and cheaper to simply order a suitable brick at the factory.

    Working with this material is very simple, but the master must have some knowledge in the field of construction. The brick must be laid correctly, that is, observing all the requirements for working with this material.

    When building the walls of a house, it is necessary to lay bricks in rows - this is the most important condition, since without order the wall will not be strong enough.

    The blocks must be laid edgewise on the lock. Every three blocks a transverse ligation is needed.

    If the wooden bricks are installed correctly, there will be a small gap between the inner and outer walls. It is suitable for thermal insulation. In the case of wooden bricks, sawdust is the ideal option.

    But in any case, even with the best thermal insulation, such houses turn out to be quite cold. Therefore, it is not recommended to build them very large, especially in those regions where there are severe frosts.
