Interior finishing and insulation of a private house. We insulate the walls in a private house from the inside with our own hands

Insulate the apartment in multi-storey building or a private house it is easier from the inside than to do this work from the outside. Thermal insulation from the inside has its undeniable advantages:

  • Work can be carried out at any temperature and weather.
  • The architectural appearance of the building is not disturbed.
  • IN apartment building no scaffolding or high-rise installers are required.
  • The insulation system itself is simplified, since protection of the insulation from the wind is not required.
  • You can carry out the work yourself.

Insulating walls from the inside - disadvantages

As for the disadvantages, overcoming them is technically more difficult or impossible:

  • Loss of part of the living space, since the most effective insulation will eat 5 cm along an insulated wall, and in a corner room - along two walls.
  • Insulation from the inside will shift the dew point, at which condensation settles, to the boundary of the wall and the heat insulator, which will lead to gradual wetting of the insulation and loss of its heat-insulating qualities. To prevent this from happening, it is required forced ventilation premises.
  • Furniture will have to be removed during the renovation.

Material selection

When choosing how to insulate a house, homeowners often choose the following materials:

  • Expanded polystyrene.
  • Extruded polystyrene foam.
  • Mineral wool boards.
  • Polyurethane foam.

Most effective polyurethane foam has the highest cost, but a 5 cm thick slab will be enough to create comfortable temperature in the house.

Mineral wool boards attract those who are most concerned about safety; this material is non-flammable, unlike expanded polystyrene, for insulating the house in middle lane Russia will need a slab 8 cm thick.

Expanded polystyrene foam - both regular and extruded - takes second place in efficiency after polyurethane foam, but their main drawback is the release harmful substances when burning. Thanks to the addition of fire retardant, the material has self-extinguishing properties, but only under high temperatures melts and smokes.

If you use plasterboard sheets as a fireproof screen, this will solve the problem, but will increase the loss of area. In addition, extruded polystyrene foam is not much cheaper than polyurethane foam.

Not so long ago appeared on the building materials market liquid insulation– paint designed to protect housings spacecraft and aviation. Manufacturers guarantee that a 2-3 mm layer of paint will solve the problem of wall freezing, however, heating engineers consider it possible to use this paint as an addition to the main insulation to reduce the thickness.

Knowing all the features of the materials, it is easy to choose how to insulate the walls in the house.

Insulation systems

You can insulate the walls of a house from the inside using the “wet” method, which gets its name from “wet” plastering works, or you can do it “dry” by covering the insulation with plasterboard, chipboard or other material.

The plaster method of thermal insulation consists of successively arranged layers:

  1. External wall.
  2. A layer of insulation glued to a special compound and secured with dowels.
  3. A layer of adhesive with embedded reinforcing mesh.
  4. Finishing layer optional.

The dry insulation method requires preliminary installation load-bearing frame from metal profile or wooden antiseptic timber:

  1. External wall.
  2. Load-bearing frame.
  3. A layer of insulation, when using a mini-slab, it must be additionally protected on both sides - from the inside with a vapor barrier, from the outside outer wall– waterproofing material.
  4. Counter-lattice for creating air gap, ensuring the weathering of water vapor.
  5. Finishing cladding with the selected material followed by finishing.

Having chosen an insulation system, you can begin preparatory work and purchase materials.

We carry out “wet” insulation

To complete the work you will need materials:

  • To prepare the wall - repair compound and adhesive primer for brick and concrete, antiseptic, fire retardant and fungicide or complex protective composition for a house made of wood.
  • Insulation, such as polystyrene foam.
    adhesive composition.
  • Dowel screws with a thermally insulated head (5-6 pcs. per 1 m2).
  • Plastic mesh with a cell no larger than 5x5 mm.
  • Finishing material.


  • Scaffold.
  • Capacious container for glue.
  • Drill with different attachments.
  • Spatula, rule.
  • Hacksaw or jigsaw.
  • Plumb and building level.

Let's look at how to insulate walls:

  • Preparation of the base - brick and concrete surfaces remove paint, smooth out uneven areas greater than 3 cm, prime the walls; Sand the wood walls, check the tightness of the joints, caulk and prime if necessary.
  • Dilute the adhesive according to the manufacturer's recommendations.
  • Apply the mixture onto the heat insulation slab in marks every 30–45 cm in the center and in a continuous line at a distance of 2 cm from the edge of the slab. Glue that gets onto the end of the slab forms a cold bridge, so it is important to remove it immediately.
  • We install the slabs starting from the bottom, with the vertical joints offset by at least 20 cm. Don't forget about insulating the slopes. We fill gaps between slabs up to 3 cm polyurethane foam, large ones are filled with scraps of insulating material.
  • After 2-3 days, we attach the heat insulator with dowels along the edges and center of the slab, slightly recessing the cap.
  • We apply the adhesive composition to the surface of the insulation in a layer of 3–4 mm, roll out the reinforcing mesh and embed it with a spatula into the glue.

After the glue has gained strength, we perform the final finishing.

Dry process technology

Surface preparation is carried out in the same way, the set of tools is the same.

Materials for work:

  • Antiseptic wooden beam with a section of 40x40 mm for the frame and sheathing.
  • It is advisable to lay the insulation in 2 layers, for example two 40 mm mineral wool slabs.
  • Vapor barrier film.
  • Waterproofing membrane.
  • Vapor barrier double-sided tape.
  • Adhesive composition.
  • Dowel - disc-type screws with metal cores and thermally insulated heads.
  • Drywall or other boards for finishing.
  • Finishing material.

How to properly insulate the walls of a house from the inside using a dry method:

  1. We prepare the base similarly to the wet method.
  2. We install the lathing horizontally in increments of 600 mm (along the width of the slabs).
  3. We attach it to double sided tape waterproofing membrane. We join the canvases with an overlap of 10-15 cm using double-sided vapor barrier tape.
  4. Prepare the adhesive composition; We temporarily fix the insulation with glue into the constructed frame.
  5. We mount the second level of the sheathing perpendicular to the first (vertically).
  6. We fix the second layer of slabs of insulating material with glue;
  7. After the glue has dried, we fix the insulation with dowels.
  8. We protect the insulation with a vapor barrier film.
  9. We install drywall with self-tapping screws.
  10. We carry out finishing work.

This installation method will solve the problem of cold bridges.


When deciding how to insulate a house from the inside, the main thing is to study all the pros and cons of this or that method, this or that material. Many large corporations create their own insulation systems, produce the appropriate materials and sell them as a set, in this case bearing responsibility for the quality of the entire insulation system. As for the proposed technologies, they have been tested by many homeowners with excellent results.

According to all building laws, insulating walls from the inside in a private house is not entirely correct, or rather, nonsense. The dew point shifts, the surface begins to get wet, and fungus develops. It is correct to insulate the outside, but what to do if this is impossible?

Disadvantages of internal thermal insulation

Insulating the walls of a private house from the inside can lead to many problems, and the appearance of common fungus is one of them. In addition, condensation vapor will at some point find its way out, soaking through the drywall and causing it to rot. wooden lining and other finishing wall coverings.

When deciding on internal wall insulation, it is important to understand what dew point is. This is the contact of warm and cold air. At this moment condensation appears. When a wall is not insulated from the inside, the dew point is located in its thickness (and this is correct according to building regulations). External insulation moves it closer to the street (even better), and insulation from the inside, on the contrary, drives it into the living room. Often it appears from the inside, at the border of the wall and the insulation, or in the insulation itself. And this is fraught with the consequences described above.

According to building codes, the vapor permeability of the materials that make up the walls of a private house must be distributed in such a way that there is vapor-tight insulation inside the living space, and vapor-permeable insulation on the street side. In the middle, the vapor permeability of the material should be greater than the internal one and less than the external one.

Now let’s imagine the vapor permeability of mineral wool - a popular “breathable” insulation for interior work in a private house. Mineral wool allows steam to pass through well, while brick or concrete walls do allow it to pass through, but poorly. The result is an accumulation of moisture at the border with the insulation, a wall that is constantly getting wet and picking up moisture, and is also not insulated from the outside. Ultimately, the service life of a house insulated in this way is significantly reduced due to numerous freeze/thaw cycles.

The point of insulation is to insulate freezing walls from exposure to cold air, and this cannot be achieved by insulating from the inside. But when it’s cold in a private house, all methods are good. Let's consider popular insulation options.

Important. Be sure to correctly calculate the insulation for internal thermal insulation walls It is quite possible that the thickness of the walls themselves is sufficient to prevent cold air from entering the room. If this is the case, check whether the ceiling in the house is well insulated, as up to 40% of the heat can escape through it.

Insulation of walls from the inside: materials

If the insulation of the walls in the house from the inside is done correctly, but the temperature in the room is still uncomfortable, you should think about where the precious heat goes. The most likely option is the ceiling. Another thing that can speak in its favor is that the attic very often turns out to be uninsulated, not to mention the roof.

As insulation for the ceiling of a private house, it is worth considering:

  • penoplex;
  • mineral wool;
  • expanded clay;
  • ecowool;
  • polyurethane foam.

In all cases, except for insulation with polyurethane foam, waterproofing is laid over attic joists cleared of dust and dirt. Insulation is placed or poured into the niches between them. Mineral wool, expanded clay and ecowool necessarily require a second layer of high-quality waterproofing. Penoplex does not need it due to its extremely low vapor permeability. You can lay a subfloor on top and arrange a room for storing necessary household equipment.

For polyurethane foam, you just need to clear the attic of debris and dust and call a professional. Once the insulation has hardened, the finished floor can be laid on top. To insulate the ceiling of a private house with ecowool, you will also need to call in the experts and pre-clean the attic. When all the niches between the joists are filled with insulation, you can start laying the subfloor from boards or plywood.

Aerated concrete slabs and/or rolled foil insulation are suitable for insulating the ceiling from the inside. Aerated concrete slabs are glued to the prepared (leveled) ceiling using foam glue. The joints between them are sealed with sealant. After the glue has dried, the insulated surface must be plastered and whitewashed, or another finishing option must be chosen.

Rolled foil insulation can be used as additional insulation on aerated concrete slabs or similar self-insulation ceiling, which is already thermally insulated from the attic. This material does not require a perfectly even ceiling. It is better to purchase insulation on a self-adhesive basis. It will need to be glued to the ceiling. Then install a sheathing with a beam thickness of at least 3 centimeters. And already install the finishing coating on it, for example, suspended ceiling from plasterboard. Other options are also possible.

Internal insulation of a house is an undesirable process. It is not recommended to carry out the work yourself without consulting with specialists. They will help you calculate the required thickness of insulation for interior walls, they will tell you how to install it correctly and what measures to take so that the insulation from the inside does not have to be redone.

If you have experienced the purchase or sale of apartments, then you have noticed that buyers do not really like corner apartments or rooms. What is this connected with? Although it is much easier to ventilate such an apartment in summer, the view from the windows opens on two or even three sides.

But there is one significant drawback. Very often, with the arrival of frost, residents of corner apartments suffer from insufficient heat. If the temperature outside is around zero, and heating season has not yet begun, uncomfortable conditions are being created inside such an apartment. It appears, the windows fog up, the floor becomes cold, and the bed becomes damp.

The main reason for this is the presence of three walls that have access to the outside and are therefore subject to the greatest influence low temperatures. In winter, even if available central heating, the situation is only getting worse.

The walls can freeze completely, especially in the corners, interior decoration will begin to fall off, mold and mildew will appear. Staying in such an apartment will not only be uncomfortable, but also unsafe, especially for children. After all, they are most susceptible to the occurrence of diseases caused by.

What to do in such a situation? Many people try to install additional heating radiators, but this, most often, does not solve the problem or solves it, but not completely. Dampness moves to the ceiling, forming places where mold accumulates.

What is the right thing to do in such a situation? The best solution is that you need to try to insulate the walls. How can I do that? How to do it? We'll try to figure it out now. What is the best way to insulate the walls of an apartment from the inside? First, let's look at what types exist.

The market is warm today insulating materials extensive, represented by a variety of products. All of them are divided according to the place of their installation: outside the wall or inside the room.

Each of them has both disadvantages and advantages. When installing any of them, you must strictly follow the manufacturer's instructions.

When buying a heat insulator, you should pay attention to the following parameters:

Using high-quality material, you can insulate a corner without any problems. Which one is best insulation will do for walls inside the apartment? What is the best way to insulate walls from the inside?


This heat insulator is the most popular; it is made from basalt fiber. He has wonderful thermal insulation properties, allows good air ventilation, but does not tolerate excess moisture. This material has high degree fire safety and does not emit toxic substances when exposed to direct fire.

When installing mineral wool, special guides are used, and the installation process itself does not require special effort, since the material is light and elastic. Is it possible to insulate walls with it? But over time, these qualities can cause it to lose its shape.

The environmental component is also ambiguous - the material emits a small amount of harmful gases. Some people do not use it because of the significant weight gained during installation of the structure.

Polystyrene foam insulation

The name speaks about the process of its creation. That is, the material is created by foaming polystyrene under high pressure. The price of such material is quite affordable, it is easy to assemble and install, which makes it a popular heat insulator.

It has good thermal insulation properties, it is environmentally friendly and safe. It can be used for both interior and exterior work. It can be mounted on walls made of any material.

The process is quite simple and not labor-intensive. The advantages include its huge service life. But of course there are also disadvantages.

So, due to poor water permeability, on wooden walls Condensation can accumulate, which leads to their destruction, and it is also highly flammable. The insulation of a concrete wall from the inside can be carried out perfectly using this material.

Extruded polystyrene foam

This material is the most popular insulation. It is elastic and easy to process. The disadvantages include the difficulty in joining sheets.

There is a material on sale in which the edge is made in the form of protrusions, which greatly facilitates installation work.

has good moisture resistance, it is lightweight, convenient for installation work.

Use of polystyrene foam

This is an excellent material for insulating apartment walls. It contains more than 95% gas, so it is an excellent heat insulator.

It is distinguished by its low cost, excellent waterproofing, and fire safety. Polystyrene foam is used at any temperature, being an environmentally friendly material.

Application of keramoizol

It's relative new material. It is sold in containers of various sizes, as it represents liquid material. Has excellent thermal insulation properties. Keramoizol is a durable, waterproof and vapor-tight product.

During installation, several layers are applied, and for better thermal insulation - six. The layers are laid perpendicular to each other. This material has proven itself only with the best side.Its only and main disadvantage is its high price.

Penoizol insulation

Thermal insulation material - penoizol is a type of polyurethane and is used in the form of foam. The advantage is the quick installation of the material in a brick building., forming a layer required thickness heat insulator, no seams or joints.

Excellent thermal insulation and waterproofing properties, the material is non-flammable and environmentally friendly. But perhaps its main advantage is the low cost of work, almost two times less than when using conventional materials.

Using Astratek

Asstratek is a suspension; solid particles are represented by various polymers. To apply to the wall, use a spray gun or install it manually paint brush. Excellent insulation, just one centimeter of layer is similar to fifty centimeters of a mineral wool slab.

Does not take up the interior space of the room, forms a smooth, uniform surface that requires minimal processing for applying the cladding. The main limiting factor for large-scale application is its high cost.

How to insulate the walls in an apartment from the inside? It's up to you to decide.

How to insulate walls in a panel and monolithic house?

How to insulate walls from the inside? How to insulate concrete wall from the inside? How to do this correctly? To insulate a wall from the inside, consider step by step instructions insulation of walls and partitions in panel house from the inside.

Algorithm of actions:

  • First you need to prepare the walls. To do this, you need to remove furniture, clean the walls of finishing material before plaster. Therefore, this procedure should be combined with repair work in your apartment;
  • next must be done. It is best to use special polymers, but you can also use regular ones. plastic film. It is applied directly to the walls, the places where the strips are fastened are glued. To do this, use construction tape;
  • Next we install the sheathing; you can use both wooden and metal guides. In the first case, the tree must be treated with antiseptics and fire-fighting solutions. When installing the sheathing, the step size must be selected depending on the insulation, so as not to form gaps and voids;
  • then we directly lay the heat insulator, that is, we insulate the walls. It should fit into the openings between the sheathing. Many materials are designed in such a way that during installation they straighten out and fill the entire form, this significantly reduces installation time;
  • installation . By installing it, we protect our insulation from wet steam, which is always present in the apartment. Under no circumstances should these measures be neglected, as moisture will begin to accumulate in the insulation. As a result of this, the product will lose its properties, and all your work will be lost.

The vapor barrier film is laid without gaps or omissions, the joints and cracks are treated with sealants;

  • installation . It is necessary to choose a material suitable for installation in residential premises. When installing sheets, it is important to follow the instructions, and then you should necessary procedures for installation of facing materials.

How to insulate the walls of an apartment from the inside? Insulate a corner apartment in a panel or monolithic house you can by following these six steps.

Installing insulation on brick walls

How to insulate brick walls inside an apartment with your own hands? Corner walls V brick house can be insulated using the same method as in a panel one. Therefore, we will analyze the work of installing material made from polystyrene.

Insulating a wall in an apartment from the inside:

  • clean the walls down to the plaster. If it is missing, then it should be applied. After this, the walls must be leveled, cracks repaired and then treated with a primer;
  • you need to prepare the glue according to the manufacturer's recommendations and apply it to the walls that you will insulate. In the beginning, you can use a regular spatula. You need to apply glue to the walls, then take a notched trowel and go around the entire perimeter again. This is done in order to create an uneven surface of the glue. This promotes better adhesion of the insulation;
  • how to insulate a wall in a corner apartment from the inside? Next, we take sheets of thermal insulation and begin installing them on the walls. First of all, the very bottom row is laid. We apply the polystyrene sheet tightly and press it through; you do not need to use dowels or other fastening materials. When installing, use a level and carefully join the edges so that no gaps form; if necessary, cut the sheets. The next row is installed so that the junction of the two sheets is in the middle bottom sheet. This will give greater durability to the entire structure.

Watch the surface of the insulation so that no unevenness is formed, because this will bring additional difficulties during final finishing.

  • After you have installed the thermal insulation, you can begin finishing works. If you plan to cover the walls with plasterboard, then no additional work on the insulation is required. If you plan to cover it with a layer of plaster, putty, wallpaper, or paint, then you need to treat it with a primer, then install a mesh of reinforcing fiber. After this, you can begin to apply layers of plaster or putty.

By following these steps, you can insulate corner room from the inside.

Insulation of walls using the “electric floor” method

How to insulate a wall in an apartment from the inside according to this method? Insulation of the apartment from the inside is carried out as follows. First of all, you need to attach the “” sheets to the wall using fastening materials.

After this, we connect the sheets to electrical network apartments. In the most severe frost, we turn on the system and warm up the walls until they are completely dry. After this, we lay thermal insulation to prevent heat loss. Then you can start tiling the walls.

So, if you decide to insulate the walls of a corner apartment, you need to choose a material based on the type of walls and the price range of the heat insulator. Then it is important to consider the method of installation and subsequent cladding.

You should also pay attention to the following aspects:

  • installing insulation reduces the volume of the room;
  • poorly performed work can lead to mold;
  • For comfortable life ventilation must be installed.

By strictly adhering to the rules, you can insulate your apartment and create comfort in it. Insulating the walls of an apartment from the inside is a fairly simple process.

AND inside(you can insulate the front, rear, end wall) is carried out according to the instructions. An insulated corner apartment is great because you can enjoy comfort.

Many people suffer from the cold in their apartments and are thinking about how to insulate the walls. You can do this business at any time, and even if you have to major renovation, then, as they say, God himself commanded. By insulating houses from the inside, we can protect them from frost in winter, as well as from excessive humidity when it starts to rain. The main criterion similar works they still consider it thermal protection. Today there are materials and technologies that will help you do the work yourself. If the insulation inside the room is carried out efficiently, then heating costs become minimal.

The walls suffer the most corner apartments high-rise buildings and private houses. Having decided to take care of your apartment or house, you need to get acquainted with the peculiarities of the work, find out technological nuances. We’ll talk about how to insulate walls from the inside in a private house.

We insulate houses from the inside

To create comfortable living conditions (preservation of heat, getting rid of damp, moldy surfaces), the walls of houses can be insulated both from the inside and outside, from the facade. Internal insulation is considered to be the most effective. Especially:

When taking care of insulating the house from the inside, you need to choose the right materials, which are vapor-tight. The work must comply with special technology, otherwise, instead of insulating a private house or apartment in a high-rise building, you will become the culprit of its destruction: mold will appear due to condensation. The fact is that dew point may form- an increase in humidity in the room when the heating season begins leads to the appearance of droplets on the walls in places where joints and seams are not insulated.

How to choose the right insulation material for walls?

If you have to insulate walls from the inside, you will have to take care of the choice of material. TO thermal insulation materials there are special requirements:

  • expanded polystyrene and mineral wool;
  • polyurethane foam and ecowool;
  • penoplex.

Exactly these Construction Materials and are used if you need to do internal insulation.

If you decide to insulate a private house from the inside with your own hands, try to learn more about the installation features. In addition to printed articles and Internet materials, you can use video tutorials that show in detail all the steps for installing insulation, both frame and frameless methods. Interested home owners can clearly track all stages of the work.

In the case where there are no special construction skills, it is best to carry out the work contact specialized companies, otherwise you will have to redo everything, and this will be additional material costs. Specialists carry out insulation work efficiently, quickly, following technology.

Application of mineral wool

You can insulate the walls mineral wool. It is used most often, although ideal option you can’t name such material. The point is that after some time mineral wool begins to absorb moisture, so it is impossible to avoid the appearance of damp places. When working with this material, you should do everything according to the instructions, not forgetting to process the joints. In addition, the walls themselves and the insulation must first be impregnated with antifungal compounds. Only in this way can the operation of the insulation be extended for ten years.

Before insulation with mineral wool, install it on the wall metal carcass. Plates are installed in the resulting cells, which must be compacted. The surface must be covered with plasterboard. When choosing mineral wool, do not forget that the usable area of ​​the apartment will decrease.

We insulate the walls from the inside using polystyrene foam

Expanded polystyrene in Lately is gaining popularity as insulation. This material has:

  • low specific gravity;
  • minimal thickness, so installation does not require the installation of a frame;
  • room humidity does not affect the quality of the material;
  • polystyrene foam is attached construction glue. Can also be used dowels or liquid nails. But first, the joint areas are treated with polyurethane foam.

Penoplex is an environmentally friendly material for insulation

Penoplex, another name for expanded polystyrene foam, is an excellent material because it:

Polystyrene foam as insulation

The inside of the house can be lined with foam plastic. Its installation does not require the installation of a frame. Material produced in the form of panels, which are simply glued directly to the wall. As adhesive composition you can take the one that is usually used to glue ceramic tiles.

Glue is applied to the polystyrene foam, then, pressing slightly, mesh metal reinforcement is installed. The overlap must be at least 15 centimeters. This layer is then plastered or painted, then wallpaper is pasted. Can be used when finishing ceramic or tiles.

The choice of insulation depends on the wall material

Are you tired of freezing in winter and have you decided to start insulating your apartment or private house? Please note that the choice of insulation will directly depend on what material the walls themselves are made of.

  1. If the wall is made of brick, then polystyrene foam, expanded polystyrene and mineral wool will work more effectively in this case.
  2. Walls based on foam blocks are usually insulated using polystyrene foam, penoplex or expanded polystyrene.
  3. IN wooden houses It is effective to use penoplex and expanded polystyrene when insulating internal walls.
  4. If the house is made of concrete, then each owner has the right to choose the material that he likes best, since there are no restrictions when choosing insulation.
  5. For insulation timber houses it is better to use ecowool, although you will have to install not only a vapor barrier, but also a sheathing.

Carry out insulation inside the house, following special rules. High-quality insulation You can do it yourself if you listen to the advice of experts. First of all, this concerns the walls. When preparing them, you need to perform the following types works:

  • Using construction hair dryer, spotlights, infrared lamps, heaters, dry the walls thoroughly.
  • Check the integrity of the insulating materials; if there are damages, they should be repaired. Such work is very important to protect the surface from dampness and steam.
  • All seams that form between the floor slabs, as well as the heat-insulating layer, must be processed.

When preparing the surface, a number of certain preparatory work, which require a special careful approach:

How much does it cost to insulate a house inside?

If you decide to create comfortable conditions in your private home yourself, it will cost much less than the services of specialized companies. On average, you will have to pay 450 rubles or more per square meter of insulation. The cost of a square will depend on what insulation material you used and what additional work had to be done before installing the insulation.

It should be noted that interior work for home insulation are not always justified. It is better, of course, to do this outside the building. But if its implementation is impossible for various reasons, then the standards fully allow for insulation of walls in the interior of houses.

Of course, for the sake of comfort and warmth will have to sacrifice square meters , because insulation materials“eat up” part of the area due to their volume. But, as they say, it is better to live in a slightly smaller house than in a cold and damp one.

Maybe, modern technologies will soon make it possible to make houses warm, preserving space and at the same time eliminating condensation. For now, it is the technologies and materials listed above that make it possible to solve existing problems with heat conservation in a private home.

When living conditions in country house cease to be comfortable, urgent measures must be taken. This primarily concerns lowering the air temperature inside. If the building freezes, you will have to carry out thermal insulation work.

Insulating walls from the inside is not very welcome by modern professionals, but sometimes it is impossible to do this from the outside. In order to be satisfied with their own work and not doubt the durability of the thermal insulation of the house, novice builders need to buy high-quality material, wisely prepare the structure, and also comply with a number of requirements during the installation process.

The need to insulate the internal surface

If the design country house allows you to carry out thermal insulation work outside and inside, it is better to implement both methods. Alas, some circumstances force residents of private buildings to neglect external insulation. These include:

  • location immediately behind the wall of another building or other object, the distance to which does not allow placing a layer of heat insulation;
  • passage of energy cables and similar equipment along or inside walls that cannot be removed;
  • presence behind the wall expansion joint between buildings;
  • authorities ban on modifying the façade (for example, a cultural heritage site);
  • acute reluctance of residents to change appearance building.

If at least one of the above conditions occurs, you can limit yourself to insulating the walls inside.

Regulatory requirements for microclimate parameters

There is no consensus among people about what is considered comfortable conditions. However, by referring to GOST 20494-96 (“Residential and public buildings. Indoor microclimate parameters”), residents will find the following prescribed characteristics:

  • air temperature inside the house - from 20 to 22, floor - from 22 to 24, walls - from 16 to 18 degrees;
  • the room must accumulate and conserve heat;
  • air humidity varies from 50 to 60%;
  • complete absence of drafts (wind speed in rooms up to 0.2 m/s is acceptable).

The presence of deviations from the parameters prescribed by GOST is a sufficient reason for carrying out insulation work from the inside.

Features of cladding the internal surface of the house

Impossibility external thermal insulation The walls themselves are a flaw in the structure. To it you can add the following disadvantages of the lining inside:

  • decrease usable area premises (in the case of insulation of the floor and ceiling - also volume);
  • although the temperature becomes higher, heat does not accumulate in the walls - they remain cold;
  • the previous fact contributes to the formation of condensation, causing dampness, mold, corrosion, and the appearance of microorganisms.

Fortunately, there are also advantages, and the main one is the normalization of the indoor microclimate.

Distinctive features of the internal thermal insulation of the walls of a private house, regardless of the material of the latter, are:

  1. The presence of two additional layers - hydro- and vapor barrier. The first reduces the likelihood of moisture getting on the insulation from the outside, the second - from the inside (from the side of the rooms).
  2. Rapid change in room temperature when opening vents, windows, doors.
  3. When using some insulation materials, “cold bridges” may appear - sections of the walls where condensation with cold air accumulates.
  4. Should be used environmentally whenever possible pure material for interior lining.
  5. You can save money on wall insulation, which cannot be said about exterior work.
  6. Carrying out work inside the house comfortable conditions year-round - the process will not be affected by natural factors.
  7. The presence of assistants is not necessary - all stages can be easily completed independently.

Important requirements apply to the design of preparatory stage lining inside. The key one is maximum dryness of the walls.

Preferred materials for internal insulation

The range of insulation materials presented in construction stores is large. Below are considered quality materials, better suited than others for internal lining houses.

The material is relatively cheap, has good thermal insulation characteristics. Suitable for all types of houses, except brick. The thermal conductivity coefficient is not the highest - there are analogues with better performance. Other advantages of using polystyrene foam are:

  • durability (30-50 years depending on the region where the house is located);
  • lightness of the material (supplied in slabs that weigh a couple of hundred grams);
  • ease of installation.

The disadvantages are:

  • prone to fire;
  • the material can be broken or crumbled if handled incorrectly;
  • poor vapor permeability;
  • attractive to rodents;
  • Synthetic materials are used in production.

A good alternative to the above-mentioned insulation, which is extruded polystyrene foam. It is denser than polystyrene foam and can be used to insulate any surface of the house, but is expensive. They better sheathe small areas from inside buildings - attic floors, caissons, basements.

  • low thermal conductivity coefficient;
  • minimal tendency to fire;
  • does not absorb water well;
  • high strength.
  • high cost;
  • poor vapor permeability.

Mineral wool

A modern material that is gaining popularity within the Russian market. Supplied in slabs or rolls various densities and thickness (from 2 to 10 cm). In terms of environmental friendliness, it is better than the two previously described insulation materials, suitable for any home, and has a low thermal conductivity coefficient (approximately equal to polystyrene foam).

  • low flammability;
  • resistance to rodents and insects;
  • excellent vapor and air permeability;
  • additionally acts as a good sound insulator.
  • absorbs moisture (if more than 2% of the surface of the slab is wet, you can safely replace the insulation);
  • A vapor barrier is definitely needed (when covering the EPS from the inside, it is permissible to neglect the rule);
  • the material shrinks, requiring replacement after 10-15 years;
  • For installation, you will need to make a sheathing, which will steal a large internal volume of the house.


Most preferred material from the point of view of environmental safety. It consists of elastic granules that do not allow the insulation to shrink, which distinguishes it from mineral wool.

  • does not ignite;
  • durable (up to 50 years);
  • environmental cleanliness;
  • sound insulation is akin to mineral wool;
  • low thermal conductivity.
  • high price.
  1. Ecowool (recommended first).
  2. Mineral wool.
  3. Foam plastic (extruded polystyrene foam).

Advocates for diversity and unusual solutions For insulation from the inside, you can look at the options listed below:

Eco-friendly, safe; at the same time they can be used as insulation and decorative finishing. Unfortunately, due to the thin layer, they are ineffective and are only suitable for the southern regions.

  • Wallpaper made of polystyrene foam.

They have a thickness of 3 to 10 mm (more than that of cork), can cover wall defects, almost do not reduce the area of ​​the premises, and are applied as regular wallpaper, only special glue. They do not smell, are safe, protect well from noise, are moisture resistant - they protect walls from mold. The only negative is flammability.

  • Isoplat.

An innovative material consisting of two layers - fiberboard with a thickness of 10 to 25 mm and pressed flax. It is mechanically strong, environmentally friendly, but its thermal conductivity is worse than that of recommended insulation materials.

The material is obtained by drying wood shavings, later mixed with a binder and pressed. Protective layer provides better protection against rodents, insects, and mold or mildew. But it is not suitable for insulating the inside of most private houses, since it begins to deteriorate at a humidity of more than 35%.

To achieve normalization of the microclimate in the house by insulating the walls, it is better to tip the scales in favor of proven materials - mineral wool, ecowool, polystyrene foam. You should not think that the impossibility of external thermal insulation will reduce the heat in the premises, because a competent choice of material and adherence to installation technology will certainly lead to the required result.