Growing Caucasian Dioscorea in the garden and indoors: planting and care. Dioscorea - a useful and beautiful vine

Dioscorea is a climbing plant perennial plants. The stems reach a length of more than 1.5 meters.

Valued for decorative leaves, the flowers are not of interest. The plant has medicinal properties, the tubers are eaten.


  • Japanese
  • Deltoid
  • Caucasian
  • Balkan

Care and cultivation of Dioscorea

The liana is not demanding on growing conditions, but grows best in humus-rich soils. Choose a place for planting that is slightly shaded and protected from the wind. In strong shade the vine develops worse.

Water abundantly, but only on dry days, in more frequent watering not necessary.

Organic fertilizers (not manure) are applied throughout the growing season, approximately once a month.

In winter, the above-ground part dies off and the stems are cut off at the root. The plantings are covered with dry fallen leaves or spruce branches.


Dioscorea is propagated by cuttings, division of rhizomes, nodules, and seeds. Seed propagation- not the best effective method, because seed germination is low and seedlings develop slowly. Seeds are sown immediately after collection, in open ground or in containers, in a substrate made of leaf soil, sand. For the winter, containers are left outside. Shoots appear around the beginning of summer. During the summer, the seedlings are fed several times mineral fertilizers. In autumn, young plants are transplanted to ridges for growing. When planting, leave a distance of about 15 cm between plants. permanent place Dioscorea is replanted 3-4 years after sowing.

The rhizome is divided in early autumn. The rhizome is carefully dug up, the above-ground part is removed and the rhizome is cut into pieces about 10-15 cm long. The pieces are immediately planted in a permanent place.

Reproduction by nodules is carried out in early spring. When planting, the tubers are not deeply buried.

Sclerosis in Lately much younger. After all, the French once called it a disease of the third age. Herbal medicine can be successfully used to prevent this disease. One of them is Dioscorea nipponensis.

Dioscorea nipponensis in the wild it is widespread in the Primorsky and Khabarovsk territories and the Amur region. It grows in sparse broad-leaved and mixed forests, in forest clearings, forest edges, and in river and stream valleys. This plant is a perennial herbaceous vine of the Dioscoreaceae family with a climbing stem up to 4 m long. Its rhizome is thick, branched, horizontal with lateral branches. Dioscorea leaves are alternate, petiolate, with veins. The lower ones are seven-lobed, the middle ones are five- and three-lobed. It blooms in July - August. The fruit is a triangular elongated capsule. The seeds ripen in August-September.

Medicinal raw materials rhizomes serve. They are harvested from April until late autumn. Dig with a shovel, shake off the soil, remove stems and rotten parts, wash the roots cold water and cut into pieces 5-10 cm long. Then withered and dried on the day of collection at a temperature of 60...70°C. High-quality raw materials are also obtained by drying in well-ventilated attics, where they are laid out in a layer of up to 10 cm and mixed periodically. Drying in the sun is allowed. The raw material can be considered dried when the rhizomes break with a bang. The shelf life of medicinal raw materials is three years.

Dioscorea rhizomes contain various organic compounds. The most important of these are water-soluble steroid glycosides (saponins). The drug “Polysponin” is prepared based on the rhizomes of Dioscorea, but its production is currently discontinued due to the small raw material base.

Dioscorea is used for atherosclerosis of the blood vessels of the brain and heart to lower blood pressure. It reduces headaches, tinnitus, fatigue, irritability, improves mood, memory, normalizes sleep, improves glaucoma, cataracts and inflammatory eye diseases, and improves vision.

Dioscorea is popularly used as a tonic and general strengthening agent for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the central nervous system. It increases the body's performance and resistance to stress due to neuroses and insomnia.

When taking medications from this plant, patients normalize cholesterol levels in the blood, improve memory, and restore sleep patterns. Dioscorea preparations improve well-being, memory, and normalize sleep. A decoction and powder of rhizomes have an antisclerotic and diuretic effect, reduce blood pressure, increase the secretion of bile and reduce blood clotting. They are used for atherosclerosis of various origins and localization as a therapeutic and prophylactic. The positive effect of Dioscorea is associated with inhibition of cholesterol absorption in the intestine, which is accompanied by a decrease in its content in the blood. In this case, blood proteins are able to keep cholesterol in a colloidal solution, which reduces the possibility of its deposition in the walls of blood vessels.

Treatment is carried out in cycles of 20-30 days with 7-10 day breaks. The course of treatment is at least 3-4 months. Taking Dioscorea preparations is especially effective in the initial stages of atherosclerosis. Side effects not found. If itching, sweating and loss of appetite occur, the dose should be reduced or the drug should be temporarily discontinued. Dioscorea saponins irritate the gastrointestinal tract, so decoctions and powder should always be taken after meals.

An alcohol tincture is prepared from the raw materials: pour 150-160 g of roots with a liter of vodka, leave for 10-12 days. Take one teaspoon three times a day.

To prepare a decoction, pour 1.5 g of crushed rhizomes into 1 glass hot water and keep in a closed enamel container in a boiling water bath for 30 minutes. Then cool at room temperature, filter through two or three layers of gauze and adjust the volume boiled water to the original one. Take 2-4 tablespoons three times a day after meals.

You should use Dioscorea tincture and decoction with extreme caution if you have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In this case, be sure to consult with your doctor.

Since reserves of Dioscorea are being depleted in nature, it would be nice to grow it on your own summer cottages. It has been growing in my garden for many years. This plant is undemanding to soil, but it desperately needs support. Dioscorea reproduces by seeds, but they take a very long time to germinate. Therefore, it is better to propagate it vegetatively. In the fall, plant rhizomes, and in the spring sprouts will appear, which you only need to direct to vertical support. The rhizomes can be used as medicinal raw materials in the 3-4th year of cultivation.

In addition to Dioscorea Nippon, there is also Dioscorea caucasica. Their methods of application and treatment are almost the same.

Victor Felk, experienced gardener, Petrozavodsk
Photo by the author

Dioscorea nipponensis

Dioscorea nipponensis, or multi-carpal (Dioscorea nipponica)

Perennial dioecious liana up to 5 meters long, of the Dioscoriaceae family.

Plants of the genus Dioscorea, named after the ancient Greek physician Dioscorides.

Nipponian comes from Japanese word"Nippon" (Japan). It grows in the Primorsky Territory, in the south of Khabarovsk, in the southeast of the Amur Region, and outside Russia - in Japan and China.

Dioscorea nipponensis is a liana with a thick, slightly branched rhizome located shallow in the soil, up to 1.5 m long and up to 2 cm thick, brown or brownish-brown in color.

Dioscorea nipponensis

When cut, the rhizome is light yellow, almost white.

Several simple, bare stems climbing at great heights, each 3-5 mm in diameter, rise almost vertically above the ground.

In the absence of support, the stems fall to the ground and spread, intertwining mainly in one direction.

The rhizomes of Dioscorea nipponia contain 5-8% steroidal glycosides (saponins), of which dioscin A is about 1% (up to 1.2%). The content of diosgenin in rhizomes is 0.9-2.2 W (in cultivated plants - up to 1.2%), and its maximum content is during the period of budding and flowering.

Dioscorea nipponensis

Collection of raw materials: The collection of rhizomes with roots is usually carried out in the spring, no later than the flowering period, or in the fall after the seeds ripen and fall off, which it is advisable to leave in the soil to restore the Dioscorea population.

Thoroughly cleared of remains of stems and soil, cut into 5-10 cm pieces and dried rhizomes with roots retain their beneficial properties for three years.

The collected raw materials are dried at a temperature of +60°C in dryers with constant air circulation (reasonably good ventilation).

Before drying, it is allowed to dry them under canopies or in the sun, spreading them out in a layer of up to 10 cm and always turning the pieces of rhizomes over many times during the day.

Dioscorea nipponensis

In areas where rhizomes are dug up, it is advisable to immediately plant small pieces of them or even seeds for more quick recovery thickets of Dioscorea.

It is advisable to re-collect rhizomes in the same thickets no earlier than after 20 years for more full recovery natural populations.

Dioscorea in open ground: It is better to choose a place for dioscorea that is warm, with neutral, not heavy in mechanical composition soils.

Places where moisture stagnates for a long time in the spring are not suitable. You should not choose completely shaded places and areas along the northern wall. Under these conditions, Dioscorea almost does not bloom or bear fruit.

Dioscorea nipponensis

If the soils on your site are too acidic, be sure to lime them. In its natural habitats, this plant grows on neutral or even slightly alkaline soils.

In addition, all perennial rhizome and root shoot weeds must be carefully selected on the site. In the first year after planting, while Dioscorea gets used to the new place, it will easily be overwhelmed by weeds. And there must be support. Without it, plants develop worse and do not look as decorative.

Care consists of weeding and loosening. In the first year after planting, in very dry weather, the plants can be watered and at the same time fed with mineral fertilizers. It is practically not affected by pests and diseases.

When grown in open ground, it will be necessary to cover with agrofibre winter period, but before doing this, mulch the soil with fallen leaves.

Dioscorea nipponensis

Dioscorea at home: The plant feels great in diffused light and therefore a western orientation is suitable for it.

The temperature in the summer should be maintained in the range of 20–23C, and with the arrival of autumn it drops to 13C.

Watering - this condition is the most demanding in caring for Dioscorea. The soil should always be kept moist, but it is important not to allow moisture to stagnate in the pot. In summer, the frequency and volume of moistening become higher, especially at elevated temperatures.

Humidity does not play a big role when growing.

Dioscorea fertilizers - fertilizing will only be required during the period of growing season. Liquid organic preparations are used, with the dosage specified by the manufacturer. The regularity of fertilizers is once every 14 days.

The soil - substrate should combine fertility and permeability as much as possible. It is easy to prepare based on turf land, peat and sand, mixed in an approximate ratio of 1:2:2 or 1:2:1. The thickness of the cultivated layer is 10-15 cm.

Dioscorea nipponensis

Transfer - in spring period When Dioscorea has not yet begun to develop, the pot and soil in it are changed. The frequency of these transplants is once a year.

It was noticed that the vine showed the best growth when the container was small and the roots became cramped. Therefore, only 2–3 cm of soil in the pot can be replaced.

A layer of drainage material is placed on the bottom. The substrate selected is light, loose and nutritious (rich in organic matter). When transplanting vines, mix heather soil, humus, river sand and crushed pine bark, the parts of all components must be equal.

Landing: The seeds are soaked in warm water for 24-48 hours. Universal soil mixed in half with perlite is poured into the container.

If you want to achieve greater germination, then use peat tablets or peat-sand substrate.

The seed placement depth is up to 1 cm (almost superficial), it is necessary to stick it into the compacted mixture, with the wing facing up.The container is covered with a piece of glass or a plastic bag, placed in a warm place with a temperature of 24–30C, and in bright light.

Moistening is carried out as the soil dries. It is important not to forget to ventilate the crops.

After 3–4 weeks, the first shoots will appear. But it happens that germination is delayed for more long term, which sometimes reaches 6–9 months - this is explained by incorrect conditions during reproduction.

It is necessary to supplement the seedlings with fluorescent lamps so that the plants do not stretch out too much.When a pair of leaves appears on young dioscoreas, they are transplanted into permanent pots with a selected substrate.


Useful properties of Dioscorea nipponensis:

The pharmacological action of steroid glycosides has been studied quite well. Their most important property is anti-sclerotic. In clinical trials, it was found that diosponin, containing the sum of the steroidal glycosides contained in the plant, reduces hypercholesterolemia and the deposition of low-density lipoproteins in arterial vessels, skin, liver and on the cornea of ​​the eye.

It also helps to increase the litcithin/cholesterol ratio, has a beneficial effect on the activity of the entire cardiovascular system, lowers blood pressure, dilates peripheral blood vessels, and has a diuretic effect. All this together leads to an anti-sclerotic effect.

The secret of the action of the preparations of this plant is quite simple. The saponins included in its composition easily combine with cholesterol molecules both in the gastrointestinal tract and in the bloodstream.

Cholesterol bound by saponins is very well excreted from the body. This prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques on the walls blood vessels. Moreover, saponins almost do not bind to healthy cholesterol, which our body needs for the formation of sex and other hormones.


When scientists found out that the cause of atherosclerosis is the deposition of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels, they decided to resort to radical way solution to the problem - maximum reduction of cholesterol in the bloodstream. Thanks to the efforts of biochemists, a number of drugs soon appeared that made it possible to achieve this effect.

However, at that time they did not yet know that cholesterol is the basis for the synthesis of many hormones.

Therefore, as a result of taking these drugs, patients began to experience hormonal imbalances, leading to impotence in men, disorders menstrual cycle in women, etc. Cases of drug-induced hepatitis have also been reported. Therefore, Dioscorea preparations turned out to be a real discovery for medicine, because they do not have any reported negative side effects.

A special feature of diosgenin is that it is a source for the synthesis of corticosteroid hormones in the body, which have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect.

The saponins (glycosides) contained in the plant enhance the effect of sleeping pills, restore sleep phases, help reduce blood pressure, deepen breathing, and slightly increase the amplitude of heart contractions.

The peculiarity of all these active ingredients is their low toxicity. However, they have a rather strong irritant effect on the mucous membranes.

Indications for use:

The plant is not used in official medicine, but is used for the production of special medical preparations - “Polysponin” and “Diosponin”. By the way, they are obtained not only from Dioscorea Nippon, but also from other types of Dioscorea, for example, Dioscorea Caucasus (in recent years, Dioscorea Caucasica has hardly been harvested due to the depletion of its natural reserves).

Preparations obtained from Dioscorea are indicated both for general atherosclerosis and for cerebral and coronary atherosclerosis, both in the initial and in the advanced stages of these diseases. They have also found use in the treatment of hypertension and certain liver and gallbladder diseases. Thus, tincture of Dioscoria is prescribed in cases of exacerbation of chronic gastritis; moreover, it has a positive side effect- a significant increase in the secretory function of the stomach.

Indications for the use of drugs also include: age-related hormonal deficiency, coronary heart disease, chronic fatigue, insomnia, bitterness in the mouth and heaviness in the stomach caused by disorders in the gastrointestinal tract, radiation sickness, obesity, liver disease.

Preparation of drugs:

As already mentioned, this plant is used to prepare medications"Polysponin" and "Diosponin", which are prescribed by a doctor. However, in the absence of such in the pharmacy chain, if the roots and rhizomes of Dioscorea Nipponensis are available, you can prepare a decoction and tincture of the plant at home.

♦ To prepare a decoction, you need to take 20 g of dry roots, chop them, and then pour 200 ml of boiling water. Next, simmer in a water bath for half an hour, cool, strain and bring to the original volume. The decoction is taken 2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day after meals. To avoid irritation of the gastric mucosa, it is advisable to wash it down with jelly or milk.

♦ Root tincture is prepared with 70% alcohol. Pour one volume of roots with five parts of alcohol, leave for 10 days, shaking occasionally. Then the mass is filtered. Take 30-40 drops 3 times a day before meals.

♦ You can also prepare an infusion from the leaves and flowers of the plant. To do this, take 20 g of raw material, pour 200 ml of boiling water and leave in a water bath for 15 minutes. Then the infusion is cooled and filtered. Take 2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day after meals.

Contraindications to the use of Dioscorea nipponensis preparations: hypotension, bradycardia, pregnancy, breast-feeding, chronic inflammatory diseases of the stomach and intestines. They are used with great caution and in small doses immediately after a stroke or heart attack.

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor of the department. Botany RGAU-MSHA named after K.A. Timiryazeva

Representatives of this numerous genus from the family of the same name Dioscoreaceae settled mainly in tropical and subtropical countries, and mainly in Asia. There, as well as in Central America, it is grown under the name yam. As this culture in different countries are cultivated Dioscorea tuberifera (Dioscorea bulbifera), Dioscorea oppositea (Dioscorea oppositA) And Dioscorea pilosa (Dioscorea villosa), common in North America. Remember how Mom from Gone with the Wind tries to feed Scarlett yams before going to the Wilkes' ball?

Many species are used in traditional Chinese medicine for a variety of diseases, for example, the rhizomes of Dioscorea oppositea are used for prolonged stomach upset, cough, and infertility. And Dioscorea pilosa is used in folk medicine as an antirheumatic agent, and in homeopathy for colitis.

But two especially hardy representatives can be found in our country. On Far East growing Dioscorea nipponensis (Dioscorea nipponica), and in the Caucasus - Dioscorea caucasica (Dioscorea caucasica). Both of them are quite rare plants, and therefore are listed in the Red Book. These are dioecious herbaceous vines with horizontally located rhizomes.

Dioscorea Caucasica has ovate-heart-shaped leaves with a pointed, elongated apex and clearly visible veins, which are collected in whorls in the lower part and arranged alternately in the upper part of the stem. In Dioscorea nipponensis the leaves are arranged alternately, the leaf blade lower leaves– seven-lobed, upper – 3-5 lobed. The flowers of Dioscorea are inconspicuous, greenish-white, the staminate flowers are collected in semi-umbrellas, and the pistillate flowers are in racemes. The fruit is a three-locular capsule very unusual shape. Dried fruits can be good addition dry bouquet. The box usually contains 3 flat seeds surrounded by a transparent wing. Plants bloom in June-July, fruits ripen by September. In its wild form, Dioscorea Caucasica is found on limestone and carbonate soils. Tolerates strong shade, prefers oak and oak-hornbeam forests. Dioscorea nipponensis grows mainly in areas after logging and fires. It is difficult for it to compete with other herbaceous fast-growing species.

What are these plants famous for, which received their botanical name in honor of the great ancient physician Dioscorides?

Tropical species of Dioscorea are used in folk medicine in many countries. Most of them contain steroid saponins, a group of substances that have hormonal effects or can serve as a source of hormonal drugs corticosteroids. The drugs diosponin and polysponin were obtained from Dioscorea Caucasica and Dioscorea nipponia, which were used for the treatment and prevention of atherosclerosis. But alas, the range of these plants turned out to be small, the reserves of raw materials were insufficient, it took a long time for plants to be renewed after harvesting, and the culture turned out to be labor-intensive. These plants were gradually forgotten, the drugs were discontinued.

But it’s beautiful and useful plant very easy to grow in your own garden. It will wonderfully decorate any gazebo, pergolla, or wall of the house. And it will also help fight sclerosis. In general, it’s both beautiful and useful.

Growing and Reproduction

I want to warn you right away that it is quite difficult to propagate by seeds. For their germination long time needed heat about 25-30 degrees. And the seedlings develop rather slowly. It is much easier to propagate it with pieces of rhizomes in spring or autumn. Rhizomes with buds cut into pieces of 6-7 cm in spring or autumn are planted to a depth of 10-12 cm at a distance of 20-30 cm from each other.

It is better to choose a place for dioscorea that is warm, with neutral, not heavy in mechanical composition soils. Places where moisture stagnates for a long time in the spring are not suitable. You should not choose completely shaded places and areas along the northern wall. Under these conditions, Dioscorea almost does not bloom or bear fruit. If the soils on your site are too acidic, be sure to lime them. In its natural habitats, this plant grows on neutral or even slightly alkaline soils. In addition, all perennial rhizome and root shoot weeds must be carefully selected on the site. In the first year after planting, while Dioscorea gets used to the new place, it will easily be overwhelmed by weeds. And there must be support. Without it, plants develop worse and do not look as decorative.

Care consists of weeding and loosening. In the first year after planting, in very dry weather, the plants can be watered and at the same time fed with mineral fertilizers. It is practically not affected by pests and diseases.

Chemical composition

Raw materials can be dug up for 3-4 years of life. Rhizomes are harvested in autumn or early spring before regrowth begins. They are dug out with a shovel, shaken off the ground, washed in cold water and cut into pieces. You can dry the roots in the sun, in the attic or in a dryer at a temperature of 60-70 degrees. Well-dried raw materials break with a crash when bent. It can be stored for up to 3 years.

The roots of most species of Dioscorea contain steroid saponins, the amount of which in dry rhizomes of Dioscorea, depending on the type, age of the rhizome and growing conditions, can reach 10%. This is primarily dioscin, from which diosgenin is obtained by hydrolysis. Thanks to these compounds, the plant was used to obtain anti-sclerotic drugs (in our country), as well as to create drugs with hormonal effects (abroad). By the way, they tried to create contraceptives based on yams, but, unlike synthetic drugs, the effectiveness turned out to be insufficient.

Now let’s talk about how to use this wonderful plant, or rather the two species that we can grow on our site.

Medicinal use

A decoction and powder of rhizomes has an antisclerotic, hypotensive, diuretic effect, reduces cholesterol in the blood and blood clotting. Dioscorea is prescribed for general, cerebral and coronary atherosclerosis; in the initial stages it is used for the purpose of prevention. As a rule, this leads to normalization of sleep and blood pressure, as well as a decrease in blood cholesterol. Treatment is carried out in cycles of 20-30 days with 7-10 day breaks for 3-6 months.

To prepare the infusion, take 1-2 g of pre-crushed rhizomes, pour a glass of boiling water and keep in a water bath in an enamel bowl for 30 minutes. Cool at room temperature, filter and take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day after meals. When taken before meals, the saponins contained in Dioscorea may irritate the gastrointestinal tract.

But remember that Dioscorea is a strong remedy, and an overdose may cause itching, sweating, and decreased appetite. In this case, you need to reduce the dose or stop taking it, or even better, consult your doctor first.

Grow in your collection Dioscorea- means making friends with this plant for a long time, since it is long-lived and can grow in one place for several decades. Dioscorea is a plant that is listed in the Red Book.

Besides, Dioscorea has beneficial properties. Its root is used in the manufacture of creams for the treatment of eczema, as an expectorant, in the treatment of the urinary system and cystitis. The plant also has choleretic, antirheumatic, antispasmodic, and diaphoretic effects.

Very popular use dioscorea in hormone replacement therapy for women, due to the content of steroid-like substances. Dioscorea root extract helps the body produce dehydroepiandrosterone, which promotes the production of sex hormones.

Botanical description

Dioscorea(lat. Dioscorea), sometimes the name is found wild yam(Wild yam), has the appearance of a perennial herbaceous vine, the length of which reaches up to 3 meters.

Refers to to the Dioscoreaceae family. A special feature of the plant is its leaves, which vary in shape depending on their location on the different parts plants.

At the top they are pointed, opposite petiolate. The lower part is whorled and heart-shaped. The rhizome is thick and branched.

Flowers- unisexual with a greenish tint. The seeds are triangular capsules with wings along the edge.

Dioscorea in nature It is rare due to extinction as a species. But it is successfully grown at home, as ornamental plant. Dioscorea takes root well, as in room conditions, and in open ground.

Dioscorea has several types. Dioscorea shaggy (Latin: Dioscorea villosa), Dioscorea below-gray (Latin: Dioscorea hypoglauca), Dioscorea opposite (Latin: Dioscorea opposita).

IN home garden grow Dioscorea the kind that you were lucky enough to acquire. All of them take root equally well in our conditions, since Dioscorea grows mainly in the Caucasus.

Temperature and light

In summer temperature conditions Contents for Dioscorea can be within +20+23°C. In winter, it is important to ensure that the heat level is within + 15°C.

Dioscorea, thanks to its familiar habitat, can withstand harsh conditions, but like all plants, it prefers comfort and coziness.

If Dioscorea is grown in open ground, then it is covered for the winter to protect it from frost, after mulching the soil with fallen leaves.

Direct solar The rays can burn the foliage of Dioscorea, but complete darkness can slow its growth. The most optimal place in the house or on garden plot there will be a western side with partial shade.

Scattered light- this is exactly what wild yam needs.

Humidity and watering

Air humidity suitable for our habitual climate zone. But Dioscorea is demanding when it comes to watering. The soil must be kept moist, but protected from stagnation of water in the pan. Accordingly, in summer the plant needs abundant watering, especially during dry periods.

Soil and fertilizer

Soil for Dioscorea suitable light and nutritious, rich in organic substances.

At home, you can prepare a mixture of humus, heather soil, sand and pine bark, taken in equal parts.

Fertilize Dioscorea during the active growing season it is used with universal organic liquid fertilizer.

Stick to dosage frequency specified by the manufacturer: once every two weeks.


Transplanting a plant carried out in the spring before the start of active growing season once a year. Dioscorea grows well when the roots are in a tight pot. Therefore, you can only change the soil and leave the container the same for 2-3 years.


Reproduces disocorrhea by seeds and division of rhizomes. To propagate by seeds, you need to purchase the seeds themselves. Prepare a container for sowing and fill it with universal soil mixed with perlite. Can also be used to increase seed germination.

Place the seeds into the substrate container to a depth of 1 cm. Create greenhouse conditions.

To do this, you can place the container in a transparent spacious plastic bag and place it in a warm place at a temperature of +24+25°C. Moisturize as needed.

In this mode, after three to four weeks the first shoots appear.

It is necessary to organize additional lighting with fluorescent lamps to avoid unnecessary stretching of seedlings. When the plants become stronger, they can be transplanted into a permanent pot.

Rhizome divisions produced when transplanting a plant. Dioscorea is carefully divided into smaller parts and placed in pots corresponding to the size of the root system.

Diseases and pests

Dioscorea is enough resistant plant To . The only pest you can be wary of is the one that can appear when the air is too dry.

And for the most curious, we suggest you watch the video about Dioscorea