How to fertilize raspberries in spring. The best organic fertilizer for raspberries

An important link in the agricultural technology of growing raspberries is soil fertilization. The area of ​​the future raspberry tree is fertilized before planting the seedlings, and then seasonal fertilizing is carried out regularly; fertilizing in spring and autumn is considered especially important. Fertilizing raspberries prevents soil depletion in the raspberry garden, which means it supports the growth and development of the plant. On such soil, raspberries regularly bear fruit, produce good yields, high-quality fruits, and are rarely affected by pests and pathogens.

Types of fertilizers used to feed raspberries

Fertilizers themselves are a source nutrients for raspberries, and also activate existing nutrients in the soil. Maximum, quick effect from fertilizing is achieved by applying fertilizers to moist soil.

Fertilizers can be organic, inorganic, or bacterial.

Organic substances are biological products obtained from the vital activity of animals and plants. Such fertilizers contain a large range of building and energy materials, they are environmentally friendly to plants and soil, and are also maximally bioavailable, i.e. completely in demand by raspberry bushes. These include:

  • cow, horse, pig manure containing nitrogen, phosphorus, microelements;
  • bird droppings containing nitrogen, potassium, microelements;
  • wood ash of deciduous plants or straw ash containing potassium, phosphorus, as well as the entire set of microelements contained in the wood;
  • humus, peat containing nitrogen, phosphorus;
  • herbal infusions, compost;
  • green manure: rye, clover, seradella, mustard, lupine, sweet clover rich in nitrogen.

Mineral fertilizers are products chemical industry, they are fast-acting, but have the ability to accumulate in raspberries and soil. These include:

  • nitrogen (urea, urea, ammonium nitrate);
  • phosphorus, potassium (superphosphate, potassium chloride);
  • complex (ammophos, nitrophoska, diammophos);
  • calcareous (chalk, gypsum, lime);
  • microfertilizers (iron, copper, sulfur, zinc, boron, cobalt, etc.);

Bacterial fertilizers are preparations containing beneficial bacteria that do not contain nutrients, but enhance biochemical processes in the soil, improve its structure, enhance the ability of raspberry roots to absorb nutrition, and are the most harmless, safe fertilizers. These include:

  • Baikal;
  • Nikfan;
  • Phosphobacterin;
  • Azotobacterin;
  • Nitragin;

It is important to remember that it is better to apply fertilizers comprehensively, in the correct proportion, taking into account the components missing in the soil. Fertilizing raspberries in the spring will be very different from fertilizing in the fall, but at any time you can focus on the condition of the plants to select a fertilizer complex.

How to determine which nutritional components are insufficient by the appearance of raspberries

  • a lack of nitrogen in the soil will be manifested by slow growth of raspberries, the length of shoots with internodes will be less than 10 cm, the bushes will be low with small leaves light green color;
  • excess nitrogen will lead to increased growth of green mass, but the quality and size of the berries will not improve, they may even begin to fall off prematurely; fertilizing raspberries with nitrogen in the fall will lead to a manifold increase in the likelihood of raspberry freezing.
  • a lack of potassium in the soil will be manifested by a change in the color of the leaves - they turn brown, and the leaf blades curl and die at the edges, the raspberries become small and tasteless;
  • phosphorus deficiency will lead to inhibition of the root system, the stems and fruit branches will be thin, weak, the leaves become dark green, waxy, the berries are soft and unevenly colored;
  • a lack of magnesium will lead to a decrease in the taste of the berries, the leaf blades will turn yellow in the center, and the bush will weaken. Abuse of potassium supplements often leads to a lack of magnesium;
  • if there is little iron, the leaves turn yellow, but the veins remain green;

Fertilizing in spring

The purpose of spring feeding of raspberries is to provide nutrition to the soil for the growth of the green mass of the bush, as well as for the formation of flower buds.

If in late autumn fresh manure, a source of nitrogen, was not spread over the raspberries, then in early spring, as soon as the snow has melted, the ground needs to be fertilized. The soil under the bushes is sprinkled with ammonium nitrate or urea at the rate of 10-12 g. per 1 m2. Nitrogen fertilizers stimulate the growth of shoots, twigs, leaves - this is very important in the spring, which means the bush will quickly rise, grow greenery, and replacement shoots will also immediately begin to grow.

It is important to remember that nitrogen fertilizing increases the acidity of the soil, so wood ash is added along with it, which will also serve as an excellent mineral fertilizer. In the spring there is a shortage of ash, because massive burning of dry residues from the garden, various wood waste have to for the most part for autumn. If there is no ash, then it is better to use potassium nitrate instead of ammonium nitrate.

After the first spring watering, the soil is loosened and then mulched with humus, peat or compost. Mulch will preserve the soil from moisture evaporation for a long time, and will also become a source of organic nitrogen fertilizers and microelements, which will rot by autumn.

To set flower buds, mineral supplements are added to the soil. This can be wood or straw ash, which is rich in potassium; it is added at the rate of 150 grams. per 1 m2 of land, or any complex potassium-phosphorus fertilizer - 2-3 tbsp. spoons per 10 l. water. One bush will need 1-1.5 liters. solution.

At the beginning of the growing season, nitrogen and minerals can be added by irrigating the bush. When foliar feeding raspberries, use the drug Fitofert Energy NPK 20-20-20 balance. Spring foliar feeding is carried out simultaneously with pollination of bushes from pests.

Top dressing in summer

The purpose of summer feeding is to provide raspberries required quantity minerals, macro and microelements for good fruit set, as well as their high taste and commercial qualities. Along with mineral fertilizers in the summer they also add a little nitrogen, since when there is a deficiency of nitrogen in the soil, minerals and trace elements are poorly absorbed by the roots.

At the time of fruit set, infusions of herbs, chicken or pigeon droppings are added from organic fertilizers. Herbs are infused for 2-3 weeks in a proportion of 1 kg. herbs for 10 l. water. You will need approximately 1-1.5 liters per bush. solution. Bird droppings are infused for 5-7 days in a ratio of 1 to 20.

Mineral fertilizers in summer include wood ash, gypsum or complex mineral compounds under raspberries.

IN summer heat It is especially important to moisten the soil well before fertilizing, and also not to make the concentration of solutions too high.

Feeding in autumn

Target autumn feeding– strengthening the root system and wood of raspberry bushes in preparation for wintering.

It is important to remember that in the fall, nitrogen fertilizers are not applied to the soil for raspberries, as it promotes the growth of shoots. Having begun to grow in the fall, the shoots will not have time to ripen well, and they will freeze out weak. Even if the raspberries are well covered with snow, spring frosts after the thaw they will be destructive for her.

Nitrogen, of course, is needed by raspberries in the fall, but there is enough of it in the soil after spring fertilizing, and it also accumulates in branches and leaves over the season.

The main elements that raspberries need in the fall are phosphorus and potassium. In this case, phosphorus is needed to strengthen the root system, and potassium increases the frost resistance of the bushes. It is important to remember that these substances are immobile in the soil, so they need to be applied directly to the root zone, not scattered on the surface, but dug into the soil to a depth of 7-10 cm. Usually in the fall, monopotassium phosphate, monophosphate, and superphosphate are used. One bush requires 40-60 grams in autumn. fertilizers

Foliar feeding of raspberries in the fall, as a rule, is not carried out.

When carrying out seasonal fertilizing, it is important to comply with certain conditions. In order for the effect to be more significant, economical, and also to avoid harm to the soil and plant, it is necessary:

The amount and composition of fertilizers for the future raspberry garden depends on the nature of the soil and its fertility. You also need to take into account the degree of acidity of the soil. When the Ph reaction is below five, fertilizers are poorly absorbed by raspberry roots. You can determine the acidity of the soil using a brewed currant leaf infusion; if, after adding soil to the infusion, it turns green - the acidity is increased, which means the area needs to be dug up with lime or ash.

The area is fertilized 1.5-2 months before planting. This is necessary so that the fertilizers are well dissolved and the nutrients are available to the raspberry roots. Depending on what previously grew on the site, 1-4 kg of manure is applied. per 1 m2, phosphate fertilizers 80-100 g, potash 40-80 g, wood ash 400-800 g. per 1 m2.

In the same proportion, these fertilizers are used when preparing a nutrient substrate for planting holes or trenches for planting raspberries; the fertilizers are mixed with ordinary soil. The nutrient mixture is also poured into the bottom of the trenches in advance so that it has time to settle.

Feeding of remontant varieties

Remontant varieties of raspberries, as a rule, are large-fruited and high-yielding, and they also produce two harvests per season - this means that such a shrub consumes more nutrients than ordinary raspberries. In order to prevent soil depletion and maintain yields at the level of the variety, fertilizing is carried out with the same fertilizers as for ordinary garden raspberries, but in a higher concentration. The periods of fruit set are also taken into account.

In late autumn, when the raspberries are already dormant, fresh manure is spread throughout the raspberry fields. In winter, it will cover and warm the roots from frost; in the spring, when rotted, it will become an excellent nitrogen fertilizer for the rapid growth of new shoots, which should have time to grow and produce a harvest, as well as for the development of fruit branches on old shoots.

If there was little manure, then in early spring saltpeter or urea is added to the remontant raspberries. At the time of flower ovary formation, bird droppings and mineral fertilizers are used. Considering that the shrub has two fruiting cycles, these fertilizers are applied twice per season: before the first flowering and before the second.

Before the berries of the first and second harvest begin to set, apply herbal infusions, compost, humus and necessarily phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. In the fall, potassium and phosphorus are also added to remontant raspberries to prepare the roots for winter, as well as to form fruit buds for next year's harvest.

Dosages and proportions in this case depend on the quality and quantity of the previous year's harvest, on the condition of the raspberries, on the variety, compactness of the plantings, as well as on the nature of the soil. Using these criteria, each gardener can determine for himself how much of which substance his raspberry plant lacks in a given period.

Feeding raspberries will not only allow you to get a larger harvest of large, even berries, but also prepare the plant for winter and strengthen the bushes to resist raspberry diseases and pests.

Despite the fact that raspberries are considered an unpretentious crop, in the spring they need to be fed with organic and mineral fertilizers. This stimulates the growth of young shoots, increases crop yields and makes the fruits larger and juicier. How to fertilize raspberries in the spring is a pressing question for many gardeners.

In this article we will tell you which means are best to use to increase the yield and give short review organic and mineral preparations.

How to fertilize raspberries in spring

By the appearance of the shrub, you can determine what nutritional components the plant lacks, and how best to fertilize the crop in the spring.

By carefully examining the bush, you can easily determine what preparations need to be applied.(picture 1):

  • Nitrogen deficiency leads to the fact that the leaves become small, faded, and their growth slows down;
  • Potassium deficiency accompanied by drying of the edges of the leaves. They can also curl and acquire an uncharacteristic brown tint;
  • With a lack of phosphorus shoots become very thin and weak;
  • Magnesium deficiency is accompanied by slow growth of the bush, and the center of the leaves begins to turn yellow;
  • Iron deficiency also affects the color of the leaves. They turn yellow, but the veins remain green.

Figure 1. Signs of deficiency of important microelements: phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium

It is important to objectively assess the plant’s need for nutrients, since both a deficiency and an excess can cause harm to the crop. To maintain the health of the crop, it is necessary to strictly observe the conditions and rules for applying drugs.


In order for spring replenishment with mineral and organic preparations to bring the desired result, certain conditions of the procedure must be taken into account.

First of all, you need to prepare the bushes. All weeds are removed from the garden bed, and the soil is carefully loosened to no more than 10 cm in depth. In addition, you need to trim off some of the lower shoots.

Feeding in early spring is carried out mainly with the help of mineral preparations(Figure 2):

  • Superphosphate contains not only nitrogen and phosphorus, but also others useful material. As a result, not only does the yield of the bush increase, but also the growth of shoots accelerates, and the crop itself becomes less susceptible to disease.
  • Potassium salt has high nutritional value, since it contains all the nutrients necessary for the growth and fruiting of the crop. Potassium salt can be successfully replaced with ordinary wood ash.
  • Ammonium nitrate and urea- these are nitrogen agents necessary for the active growth of young shoots.

Figure 2. The best fertilizers for the crop: superphosphate, potassium salt and ammonium nitrate

It is better to feed the bush in early autumn, since it is during this period that the buds begin to awaken and young shoots actively begin to grow. To strengthen the bushes, you can use a mixture of minerals. For example, you can mix 60 grams of superphosphate with 40 grams of ash and 30 grams of ammonium nitrate, dissolve the resulting mixture in a bucket of water and water the bushes at the root.


The main method of fertilizing is at the roots. For this you can use both liquid and granular products.

In addition, the plant can be fed directly at planting, or liquid nutrients can be dissolved in water for irrigation and applied in the summer, before fruiting begins. Regardless of the chosen method, nutrients will quickly penetrate from the soil to the roots and provide the crop with the necessary nutrition.

The main methods of fertilizing crops are described in detail in the video.


There are several options that will tell you how to fertilize shrubs in early spring. For this you can use organic or mineral substances.

Organic are completely natural, easily absorbed by the plant’s root system, and contain all the necessary substances for the growth and development of the crop. The best substance is considered to be rotted manure, which can be applied in the fall (after harvest) or in the spring (before the buds awaken). A good replacement for manure is rotted compost, which can be applied in dry or liquid form.

Among mineral agents, potassium salt and superphosphate play a special role, as they can significantly increase crop productivity. But do not forget about nitrogen preparations, which, when applied correctly and in a timely manner, allow the bushes to quickly grow green mass. However, they should be applied in moderation, since with increasing dosages the bushes will grow too actively and the yield will decrease.

How to fertilize raspberries in spring to increase yield

The yield of a crop depends on many factors: variety, place for planting seedlings, pruning and proper care. No less important role Timely addition of certain nutrients also plays a role.

Note: If the plant was planted using the trench method, no fertilizing is required in the first 2-3 years of cultivation, but subsequently organic and mineral products are added annually.

The plant responds very well to fertilizing, and you can use both organic substances that are on the farm and special ones. mineral supplements for berry crops.

Rotted manure and compost, ash, and liquid preparations from chicken droppings have a good effect on the bushes. In addition, nitrogen preparations should be added during the period of active growth, and potassium preparations should be added before fruiting begins.

Fertilizing raspberries in spring with mineral fertilizers

The first feeding is carried out in May, when the buds have already awakened, but the shoots have not yet begun to actively grow.

For spring feeding, nitrogen agents are primarily used to stimulate shoot growth (Figure 3). In the fall, such fertilizing is not applied, since stimulating shoot growth will weaken the plant before winter. In addition, you need to monitor the plant: if there are signs of phosphorus deficiency, appropriate substances should be added to the soil, although phosphorus preparations are rarely used to feed the crop.

Figure 3. Features of fertilizing the crop with mineral fertilizers

To ensure that the bushes receive all the necessary substances, mineral components can be added in combination. To do this, you need to mix 60 grams of superphosphate, 40 grams of potassium salt and 30 grams of ammonium nitrate. This mixture can be used only twice per season: after the snow melts and at the beginning of summer, then the formation of ovaries and fruiting.

How to fertilize raspberries in spring: folk remedies

It is not necessary to buy special mineral fertilizers for feeding raspberries. This crop is very responsive to organic fertilizers, so we recommend that you familiarize yourself with effective folk remedies, which will help increase crop productivity.

Most of these remedies can be made at home using organic materials available: chicken manure, manure, compost, yeast or ash.

Fertilizer with chicken manure

Chicken manure contains many useful substances, but it should be borne in mind that most of the fertilizer is nitrogen, so chicken manure must be diluted with water before use (Figure 4).

Note: In its pure form, bird droppings can easily burn crops and all living organisms in the garden. Therefore, it is used undiluted only to kill weeds, and as a top dressing it must be diluted in water.

For feeding chicken manure to be beneficial, the substance must first be dried and diluted in water. Moreover, it can be used both in early spring and late autumn, as one of the stages of preparing bushes for wintering.

Figure 4. Using chicken manure as fertilizer

In addition, diluted chicken manure can be mixed with mineral fertilizers and applied under bushes. This feeding will have a beneficial effect on the bushes, stimulate their growth and increase productivity.

Ash fertilization

Ordinary wood ash is an excellent substitute for potassium salt. Ash contains many nutrients, so it has a beneficial effect on growth and fruiting (Figure 5).

Figure 5. Features of fertilizing with wood ash

In addition, there is no chlorine in the ash, which can negatively affect plants. Ash can be applied either dry (as mulch) or liquid, diluting it in water. To achieve a positive effect, it is enough to add only 150 grams of ash per square meter beds.

What fertilizers to feed remontant raspberries in the spring

The main difference between remontant raspberries and regular raspberries is their more abundant and prolonged fruiting. In addition, such varieties are resistant to disease, and the fruiting period begins earlier than that of conventional varieties.

However, increased yield remontant varieties does not mean that they do not require fertilizers to grow them. Like other varieties, this crop requires fertile soil rich in organic matter and nutrients. On initial stages When growing, nitrogen is added to the soil to stimulate shoot growth. In the future, it is enough to feed the bushes only in spring or early summer, using potassium and phosphorus preparations.

What fertilizers should be used in the fall for raspberries?

At the beginning of September the crop is fed last time per season. To do this, use mineral supplements that strengthen flower buds. It is best to use potassium salt and superphosphate. They are mixed in 40 and 60 grams, respectively, and added to the soil in dry form.

Before applying fertilizers, the soil must be carefully loosened without touching the roots, and granules must be sprinkled on top thin layer soil. In addition, you can mulch the bushes with organic fertilizers (rotted manure, compost or peat). These substances will protect the bushes from freezing and retain nutrients in the soil.

From the video you will learn the best way to feed raspberries to increase yield.

In order for raspberries to bear fruit consistently and be strewn with tasty and large berries, it is necessary to fertilize them on time and correctly. Berry bushes need good, fertile soil, which becomes depleted over time. Therefore, adding nutrients to the soil under the raspberry tree is not an idle question.

How to determine which elements raspberries lack

The fact that feeding raspberries has become an urgent need can be seen from the appearance of the plant. You should carefully examine the leaves and shoots, pay attention to general state shrubs and even an inexperienced gardener will understand how to fertilize raspberries.

The signs by which you can determine an excess or deficiency of a particular nutrient are as follows:

  • thin shoots and small leaves indicate a lack of phosphorus;
  • green veins on a yellowed leaf indicate a lack of iron;
  • weak leaf growth and a change in color to yellow indicate a lack of magnesium;
  • small and yellow leaves that have stopped growing indicate by their appearance that there is not enough nitrogen;
  • brown leaves that change color from the edges indicate a lack of potassium;
  • rapid growth of green mass and shedding of berries demonstrate excess nitrogen.

Knowing what fertilizers are needed for raspberries, it is easier to balance the nutrition and select the elements that the plant so needs. During the growing season, raspberries are fertilized several times, since during growth, during fruiting, and in preparation for winter rest, the shrub needs different nutrients.

Adding nutrients during planting

The first question for an inexperienced gardener: what fertilizers should I apply to raspberries when planting? A young bush must receive the necessary amount of nutrients in order to better adapt and grow. After selecting a site for raspberries, during the autumn digging, the following fertilizing is applied to 1 m2 of poor soils:

  • 10-15 kg of organic components;
  • 20-30 grams of potassium compounds;
  • 30-45 grams of phosphorus compounds.

On “fat” soils this ratio will be slightly lower. What fertilizers for raspberries are applied to the planting hole? If the soil is soddy-podzolic, then add 8-10 kg of humus or compost, 150-200 g of superphosphate and 70-80 g of potassium sulfate to the prepared hole. Superphosphate and potassium sulfate can be replaced with 600 grams of wood ash.

Fertilizing raspberries with ash is much more useful because it contains a whole complex of macro- and microelements. Chemical components are mixed with fertile soil so as not to burn the roots due to their high concentration. The surface around the planted bush is mulched with loose organic matter: tree bark, peat, straw, sawdust.

Advice! Raspberries grow in soils with increased acidity, but prefers neutral or slightly acidic soils, so liming should be done a year before planting raspberries.

It is also necessary to reduce acidity during the period of plant growth.

Spring feeding

In the spring, during the work of pruning and gartering raspberries, they dig up the soil and begin feeding the bushes. Spring fertilizer raspberries - important point, since she needs to gain strength for subsequent growth and fruiting. In the spring, nitrogen fertilizers are the most necessary for raspberries, since with powerful, well-leafed shoots there is hope for a harvest.

In the spring, fertilizing is applied to the soil of the raspberry tree:

  1. Nitrogen, which is “responsible” for the growth of green mass. It is found in urea, chicken droppings, and slurry. Fertilizer diluted in certain proportions (one of the suggested ones) is poured into grooves made along the bushes at a distance of 30-50 cm.
  2. Humus, necessary not only for nutrition, but also for improving the soil structure. It is evenly scattered between the bushes, lightly digging and mixing with soil. You can leave humus on the surface and mix it with peat: it will serve as a mulching material.
  3. Rotted compost (if there is no humus), which includes bird droppings, leaves, manure, peat, and weeds. Compost is prepared in advance and during processing it is saturated with a lot of useful components. It is added at the rate of 10 kg/m2.
  4. Complex fertilizer for raspberries: take 60 grams of superphosphate, 40 grams of potassium salt (can be replaced with wood ash) and 30 grams of ammonium nitrate per bucket of water. Apply into the soil under the bushes in one or two doses.
  5. Peat to improve soil structure, since the percentage of nutrients available to the plant in it is small.
  6. Wood ash in diluted or dry form as a mineral fertilizer for raspberries, rich in nutrients.

Advice! If the bush is weak and does not grow well, then slurry diluted with water in a ratio of 1:4 serves as a good feeding. For 4-5 bushes, 1 bucket of solution is enough.

Nutrition during fruiting period

Fertilizing raspberries during flowering and fruiting is important, since the yield of aromatic and tasty berries depends on the content of nutrients in the soil. At this time, the berry bush needs a lot of strength to bring a bountiful harvest. How to fertilize raspberries during this period?

If by the beginning of summer the bushes look weak and have insufficient foliage, then it is worth using fertilizer for raspberries in the form of chicken manure. To do this, take 1 part of the litter to 12 parts of water, let it sit for several days and water each bush with this solution. The healthy appearance of the bush will be given by manure in the form of fertilizing (instead of chicken droppings), which is diluted 1:5. Consumption for 5 bushes is 10 liters.

A complex composition is added to the grooves between the rows: 1 tbsp superphosphate, 1 tbsp wood ash, 3-4 tbsp. l urea and potash fertilizers per 10 l of water. This fertilizing helps saturate the soil. necessary elements nutrition, which is important during the formation of berries.

Attention! Nitrogen fertilizers have the ability to acidify the soil, so after applying them, you need to pour a glass of ash under each bush.

After fruiting, nitrogen cannot be applied, as it promotes the growth of green mass, and this is not necessary in the fall.

In early July, it is useful to support the plant with the following nutritious “cocktail”: 2-3 tbsp. l fertilizer "Ideal" with 2 tbsp. l nitrophoska, diluted in 10 l of water. Enough 6-8 liters per 1 linear meter. This is a useful feeding for raspberries during the fruiting period; this composition provides an opportunity for both growth and ripening of the berries.

How to feed raspberries in August, when fruiting is coming to an end? During this period, potassium solution is usually used, for the preparation of which 2 tbsp. l of potassium sulfate is diluted in 10 l of water. Consumption is 6-8 liters per linear meter. Before applying the solution, sprinkle the soil with wood ash 1 tbsp per 1 m2.

Warning! It is not advisable to use potassium chloride as a top dressing.

Chlorine is not a useful component for berry bush and causes a disease such as chlorosis. In case of emergency, potassium chloride is applied in the fall, then by spring the chlorine is washed out of the soil.

Foliar feeding

For abundant fruiting, foliar feeding of raspberries is important. This is spraying the leaf part with a spray bottle, which is carried out in the evening, in a warm, windless and clear weather. It makes no sense to carry out such treatment before rain, since rain will wash away all the batteries.

Foliar feeding of raspberries provides the following benefits:

  • adequate nutrition in bad weather conditions;
  • increase in yield up to 15-20%;
  • earlier ripening of berries;
  • rich taste;
  • resistance to pests and diseases.

Fertilizer for raspberries “Kristalon” has the listed qualities and is used for foliar feeding. During the growing season, “Crystalon special” is used with an optimal set of microelements. Use 30 g per 10 liters of water. 2-3 weeks before harvesting the berries, the above-ground part of the bush is re-treated with Brown Crystal: 20 grams of the substance are diluted in 10 liters of water.

Important! Leaf treatment can be planned, which is carried out 4-6 days after root feeding, emergency – when there is a shortage of a certain nutrient, and sporadic, when weather conditions are unfavorable for crop ripening.

Feeding in the autumn

Fertilizing raspberries is also important in autumn period, because the plants are depleted. Over the summer, berry bushes use up almost the entire supply of nutrients, and for the growth of young shoots in the spring, a new portion of feeding from nutritional components is needed. In the spring, feeding raspberries with urea is important, and in the fall, organic matter, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers are added during digging.

Organic matter is added to the soil layer 2-3 years after planting, since all the necessary ingredients were added during planting. nutritional components. During this period, mineral components are used. Then, complex fertilizers for raspberries are prepared annually.

For 1 m2 of planting use:

  • 2-3 kg of organic matter in the form of humus or semi-rotted manure;
  • 4 tbsp. l superphosphate;
  • 2 tbsp. l potassium and nitrogen components;
  • 50 grams of a special fruit and berry mixture of fertilizers;
  • 1 tbsp garden mixture.

The resulting fertilizer is applied between the rows and then incorporated into the soil. The top of the ground is covered with a layer of mulch. It retains moisture, creates conditions for the development of soil microflora, and protects root system from freezing in cold winters.

Advice! It is useful to apply unrotted manure under the roots of raspberries in the fall.

In winter it will warm the roots, and in spring it will “turn” into humus, which will provide the plant with fresh nutrients.

The fertilizer that raspberries love is wood ash. This is an ideal top dressing at any time of the year. At the end of summer, it needs to be scattered between the rows where the root system of the fruit bush is located. The plant will make a supply of potassium for the next season to get a good harvest and sweet berries.

Fertilizing raspberries in the fall is carried out using green manure. They are planted in the second half of summer between rows of raspberry bushes, and during the period of preparation of the raspberry bushes for winter, they are embedded in the soil, where the green mass rots over the winter and spring. White mustard, clover, and vetch are suitable for such plantings.

What fertilizers do raspberries need in the fall? Those that are able to support it in the off-season, help it survive the winter and begin active growth in the spring.

Comment! Fertilizing raspberries with folk remedies includes various organic mixtures: infusions of bird droppings, mullein, weeds, ash and other equally useful natural ingredients.

When constructing a feeding scheme for raspberries, one should take into account the age, development of the bush and its yield. If berry crop weak and develops poorly, then the feeding scheme should be adjusted. If the bush is strong, strong, and the yield is 1-1.2 kg per bush, then the gardener knows how to feed the raspberries and his care bears fruit.

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Although raspberries are an undemanding crop, feeding them is never superfluous, especially in spring period. Fertilizing is an important element of raspberry care in spring. Therefore, it is very important to know why, how, at what time and with what you should fertilize the bush. After all, depending on the condition of the raspberry plant, such berries and harvest will follow in the summer.

Features of spring feeding of raspberries, why it is necessary and when it is required

Fertilizer for raspberries has great importance. Although it does not require much attention to itself, if you do not carry out the proper caring for raspberries and not fertilizing them in spring , then her appearance will soon turn into a wild animal. Then the bush will stop actively bearing fruit and producing large yields of large berries every time.

To maintain a high-quality appearance, fertilizing is required. When exactly should you fertilize raspberries in the spring?

Optimal timing : Fertilizers are applied in late April or early May.

However, before the procedure you need to perform the following manipulations:

  • After winter dormancy, when the first sunny days appear, the raspberry forest is cleared of cover.
  • The first step is sanitary and formative pruning of shoots that are frozen or damaged by diseases and pests.
  • Then the weeds are weeded and the loosening procedure is carried out.
  • Only then is the activity of fertilizing raspberries carried out in the spring.

To feed raspberries in the spring there is a large number of various additives, and are also used separate methods application of fertilizers - root, foliar. Any raspberry fertilizers in the spring are necessary in order to saturate the soil with nutrients.

Subsequently, the raspberry rhizomes will absorb them along with water. Thanks to this process, the foliage and shoots will have a healthy appearance, and the developing berries will acquire large sizes and you will be surprised by the quantity.

Important!Experienced gardeners always look at appearance your green pets. At first glance it is clear what the raspberry plant is missing. But young farmers cannot always cope with such an important and difficult task.

Therefore, the following parameters are distinguished by which it is determined whether it is necessary to feed raspberry bushes in the spring and what to pay attention to:

  1. The foliage is small, the trunks are thin, weakened, light green in color - phosphorus is required.
  2. Leaf blades lose their green color and become yellow tone, but the veins at this time remain green - lack of iron.
  3. Yellowing of the foliage is observed in the middle of summer, shoots grow too slowly - there is not enough magnesium.
  4. The foliage grown in spring no longer increases its original size - nitrogen must be added.
  5. The leaf acquires a brownish tint at the edges, dries out at the ends, it seems as if the ends are burnt in the sun - there is not enough potassium.
  6. Shoots grow excessively quickly, volumes sheet plate have sharply increased and darkened unnaturally, and the berries, on the contrary, do not set or remain small and sour - an excessively large amount of nitrogen fertilizer has been added to the soil.

It is recommended to carefully monitor your raspberry plant, giving it more attention, then it will be noticeable what is happening to the plant. Only in this case can the required fertilizer be applied. Thoughtlessly feeding raspberries in the spring, you can provoke a result that is not what is expected.

Video: how to feed raspberries in spring.

Features of feeding raspberries at different stages in spring

It is necessary to feed raspberries in early spring according to long-developed schemes. It is these procedures that make it possible to achieve good growth and high yields. You should adhere to the following periods for fertilizing raspberries in the spring and the following proportions of fertilizers at different times:

1) After the last snow melts, before the moment of loosening in early spring, it is necessary to feed the raspberries nitrogen fertilizers: urea or ammonium nitrate 10-15 g. per 1 m 2.

Nitrogen significantly acidifies the soil, and raspberries do not particularly like acidic soils. Therefore, after nitrogen-containing substances, it is worth additionally feeding raspberries at the base of the bush in early spring with the help of wood ash.

To remove the acidic additive, you can add potassium nitrate instead of ammonium nitrate. The latter also contains nitrogen, but is not acidic. Before adding nutrients and microelements, the soil under the bush is well moistened.

2) After the procedure of loosening the raspberries in the spring, organic fertilizers are applied as mulch. Dry humus, manure saturated with straw or compost containing peat are perfect for these purposes.

3) In May it is necessary to fertilize raspberries using cow dung. In the spring, it is infused for 4-7 days, diluted with water and poured under the plants. Recommended consumption is 500 ml per 10 liters of liquid. At 1 m 2 planting requires approximately 5 kg of fresh manure.

Video: how to feed raspberries in spring different stages.

To successfully feed raspberries in early spring before flowering, the following features must be taken into account:

  1. It is recommended to feed raspberries only on a cloudy day, especially if there is heavy rain afterwards.
  2. When applying fertilizers, care should be taken to ensure that the nutritional components do not fall on the young foliage, which can be burned.
  3. If before the procedure the weather was dry and the soil had time to dry out from spring floods and melting snow, then the soil should be well watered.
  4. Organic solutions are prepared only for fresh air. Fermentation processes can provoke undesirable reactions when applying funds to the plant.

Attention! If all procedures are carried out correctly, the plant quickly grows, gains strength and produces its first flowers. Thanks to these raspberry feedings, in the summer you can expect rich, large and with excellent taste qualities raspberry harvest.

How and what to feed raspberries in spring - diagrams, features and instructions

Many gardeners are interested in how and what exactly to feed raspberries in the spring. Feeding is carried out with substances of different origins. As a rule, they (fertilizers) are divided into organic and mineral.

Organic fertilizers

  • Weed tincture. For these purposes, you need to take comfrey and nettle tops. To make an infusion, you need to take 1 kg of weed in equal volumes and fill it with 1 bucket of water, which holds 10 liters. The contents must be stirred daily for 6-10 days. Afterwards, the solution is further diluted in a ratio of 1 liter of consistency per 10 liters of water. Up to 2 liters of the resulting essence should be used for one bush.

Mineral fertilizers

Not only organic fertilizers in spring are required for the normal development of raspberry bushes. For these purposes They also use mineral fertilizers - nitrogen and potassium salts, phosphates.

Excellent replacement for potassium salts wood ash. In order to effectively use the ash without harming the plants, its quantity is distributed per 1 m2 in a volume of 150 g.

Old plants are fed with minerals, especially before work in the garden and loosening begins. best result from preparations prepared in a specific way industrial production, differ Kemira, Azofoska and Ecofoska.

If there are no special mineral fertilizers in liquid form, you can use ammonium sulfate. It is scattered in a volume of 15 grams per 1 m2 under the bushes at the base; it does not require dissolution in water.

In the 4th year of life, plants combine mineral and organic fertilizers in the following composition:

  1. Nitrogen – 3 g;
  2. Potassium salt – 3 g;
  3. Phosphorus – 3 g;
  4. Humus – 1.5-2 kg;

Important! It is strictly forbidden to fertilize raspberries with potassium chloride. It has a negative effect on the plant; after it is absorbed into the soil, the bush may soon die.

Video: feeding raspberries in spring.

What to feed in spring to increase yield

In order for the plant to grow faster and produce many flowers, you need to apply certain fertilizers. But to achieve a good result, you need to know how to fertilize raspberries in the spring to increase the tasty harvest. For this purpose, certain types of fertilizers have been selected, which make it possible to achieve a significantly larger yield when using recipes.

Here's what you should fertilize raspberries in the spring for better harvest:

  • Contribute azofoska or ecofoska.

  • Great way increase the harvest, fertilize Kemira. The solution is diluted in a ratio of 3 tbsp. l. substances per 10 liters of water. 1 liter of the resulting consistency is used for 1 fruiting bush.

  • Bird droppings requires the addition of a 20-fold increase in liquid relative to the total volume of the substance taken.

  • Applying infusion of weeds, it should be diluted 1:2 to obtain a larger yield.

Thus, affecting the plant different ways, you can achieve significantly increased yield without making any special efforts. Therefore, you should not refuse to feed raspberries in early spring. The main thing is not to overdo it and add more additives than required. This will only provoke increased growth of tops, but not the crop.

Popular mistakes in the process of spring feeding

No people are ideal; even experienced gardeners make mistakes when fertilizing raspberries in the spring. But to ensure that there are significantly fewer such mistakes, it is recommended to constantly monitor your own plants and adjust your own actions from year to year.

Highlight following errors, the most common when feeding raspberries in spring:

  1. Adding minerals and organic matter is produced significantly later than the stated optimal period - in this case, the plant does not have time to be saturated with sufficient nutrients and does not use them as directed.
  2. A significantly larger volume of nutrients enters the soil necessary for high-quality development and active fruiting. There is no need to apply increased dosages; they provoke a riot of bushes, but not an increase in the number and quality of berries.
  3. Uneven distribution of minerals and nutrients throughout the raspberry field– an increased volume of substances is scattered in one place, and practically absent in another.
  4. Application of expired micronutrients. Although the soil substrate is not internal organs a person who can be harmed by expired “medicines” will still have virtually no benefit from expired microelements for raspberries.

Therefore, it is better to purchase proven solutions and minerals. In addition, you should not purchase significant volumes of fertilizers. It is better to introduce fresh elements of both mineral origin and organic matter every year.

Thus, spring is very important for caring for raspberries and applying fertilizers. Lack of nutrients in the soil will significantly reduce productivity. Therefore, it is recommended to worry about fertilizing raspberries in the spring in advance and enjoy the large berries and the significant volume of the harvest.

In contact with

If raspberries grow on your site, then when talking about them, you, of course, use epithets: tasty, juicy, sweet, aromatic, healthy. Can you always add: productive, large? Such a berry grows from those who know and follow the basic rules for caring for raspberries, including properly feeding this wonderful crop.

When can you fertilize raspberries?

Take a close look at the raspberry bushes growing in your area. Their appearance is always ready to tell you about what chemical elements they are lacking, and some are present in excess. Here are the signs to look out for:

  • dark green glossy leaves, gradually acquiring a burgundy-purple color, indicate phosphorus deficiency;
  • yellowness of the leaves and the presence of green veins on them indicates a lack of iron;
  • leaves turn yellow from the middle to the edge - a sign of magnesium deficiency;
  • small, stunted, yellowed leaves on the bush - the raspberry tree lacks nitrogen;
  • the edges of the leaves turn brown - this is a potassium deficiency;
  • dark green foliage with rich color and excessive shoot formation indicate an excess of nitrogen.

Photo gallery: signs of raspberry nutritional deficiency

Yellow leaves with green veins indicate a lack of iron. If there is a deficiency of potassium, the edges of raspberry leaves turn brown. The burgundy-purple color of raspberry leaves indicates a lack of phosphorus. If there is a lack of nitrogen, raspberry leaves stop growing, turn yellow, and become smaller. Leaves that begin to turn yellow from the middle to the edges are a sign of deficiency. magnesium

By accurately identifying the problem, you will be able to correct the unfavorable situation in a timely manner, helping the plant not only increase the quantity, but also improve the quality of the crop.

Fertilizing raspberries in spring

A careful inspection of raspberry bushes is carried out in early spring during pruning and first loosening. Then you can carry out the first feeding. Superphosphate is ideal for it, containing a complex of elements necessary for raspberries. You can use ammonium nitrate, urea, wood ash.

These fertilizers are used both separately and in combination with each other. IN mineral mixtures It is useful to add organic matter.

Fertilizing raspberries during flowering and fruiting

If early spring feeding was not carried out on time or it turned out to be insufficient, experts advise correcting the situation during the flowering period. At this time, you need to add organic matter with bone meal under the raspberry bushes, which not only contains the necessary nutrients, but also serves as mulch for the bush.

Fertilizing with diluted slurry in a ratio of 1:4 at the beginning of flowering will make it more abundant, but such fertilizing must be done no later than mid-June, otherwise flowering will be prolonged, which will have a bad effect on the ripening of fruits. To increase productivity, fertilize in July - August with a mixture of superphosphate (1 cup), ash (1 cup), urea (2 tablespoons) per 10 liters of water. The solution is applied into grooves dug at a distance of 30 cm from the plants.

Summer feeding of raspberries can be done with a solution of superphosphate (1 glass), ash (1 glass), urea (2 tablespoons) in a bucket of water

During the fruiting period, raspberries especially need potassium and nitrogen fertilizers. Nitrogen is added before berries begin to form. Fertilizers such as urea and ammonium nitrate are scattered between rows and buried in the soil. Potassium sulfate is suitable for potassium feeding: 40 g of the substance is dissolved in water (10 liters) and watered with it about one meter of plantings.

Important! Fertilizers containing chlorine should not be used for raspberries.

Fertilizing raspberries in autumn

Autumn fertilizing of the crop is very important. The bush uses up a lot of nutrients for growth and fruiting, and in the fall fruit buds form. If the lack of nutrition is not compensated, then good harvest V next year you can't wait. A shrub with a lack of potassium will not be ready for winter frosts. The basis of autumn feeding is phosphorus and potassium fertilizers.

Note! It is not recommended to apply nitrogen-containing fertilizers in the fall, as they have a bad effect on the frost resistance of raspberries.

Before applying fertilizers, weeds are removed around the raspberry bushes and shallow loosening is carried out. In autumn, it is recommended to add the following to raspberries:

  • rotted manure at the rate of half a bucket per 1 meter of planting;
  • compost - it contains fewer nutrients, but has a beneficial effect on the soil structure;
  • fermented and diluted bird droppings;
  • potassium salt (40 g) and superphosphate (60 g) per 1 sq. meter. The fertilizer is scattered around the bushes and buried in the soil.

What and how to feed raspberries

To feed raspberries, organic matter, mineral fertilizers, and available products are used. The main thing is to understand when and how to fertilize the plant in order to bring it maximum benefit.

Mineral fertilizers

The most important elements for raspberries are potassium and nitrogen, its need for phosphorus is slightly less. If, when planting a bush, you added sufficient quantity fertilizers, experts recommend feeding the crop only with nitrogen in the first three years. With further growth each year, the raspberry bush will require 3–4 kg of organic matter, 30–40 grams of superphosphate and half as much potassium salt.

On light soils, the amount of mineral fertilizers is increased by about a third, since potassium is quickly washed out into the lower layers of the soil, and phosphorus may not be absorbed by the plant due to the formation of hard-to-reach compounds. This problem can be solved by applying mineral fertilizers together with organic ones or using slowly soluble mineral complexes (phosphorite flour, cement dust).

Without nitrogen, leaf mass cannot be formed. It helps strengthen the root system, prevents the development of diseases, and has a beneficial effect on the duration of raspberry flowering. But when using nitrogen-containing fertilizers, the following application features must be taken into account:

  • nitrogen acidifies the soil, so it is recommended to scatter about a glass of wood ash around the bushes immediately after fertilizing;
  • Nitrogen-containing fertilizers are recommended only before the fruiting period, then their application has a beneficial effect negative impact on culture.

The most effective nitrogen-containing fertilizer for raspberries is urea (urea). Rules for its use:

  • urea can be applied simply by scattering around the bush or in diluted form. When applying in bulk, fertilizer must be sprinkled with soil. Without this, some of the nitrogen will be lost to the plants. After applying urea, the bush must be watered;
  • recommended application rate: 20 g of fertilizer per 10 liters of water;
  • Urea helps acidify the soil. Therefore, it can be neutralized with limestone: for 1 kg of urea 0.8 kg of ground limestone;
  • urea is less traumatic for leaves than ammonium nitrate, so it can be used for foliar feeding: spray raspberries in the morning or evening hours urea solution (30 g per 10 liters of water).

Urea solution is used for foliar feeding of raspberries

Excessive nitrogen content is also harmful to the plant. Excess green mass has a bad effect on the formation and ripening of fruits.

Double superphosphate

To increase the yield of raspberries, accelerate their development, and increase resistance to diseases, fertilize with superphosphate. This is a nitrogen-phosphorus complex containing not only basic elements, but also other useful substances. It is recommended to use fertilizer in soluble form according to the instructions. Fertilizing with superphosphate can be carried out comprehensively by combining it with other mineral fertilizers: 60 g of superphosphate, 40 g of potassium salt, 30 g of ammonium nitrate per bucket of water.

Important! On acidic soils, superphosphate is difficult for plants to access.

Chicken droppings

Bird droppings - most effective organic fertilizer for raspberries. Experienced gardeners recommend using it in liquid form for autumn feeding. But since it contains a high concentration of active substances, it must be added with care and skill:

  • under berry bush add a solution of fermented chicken manure;
  • dilute it in a ratio of 1:20. A larger percentage of droppings in the fertilizer can burn the raspberry root system.

Video: feeding raspberries with chicken droppings

Rotted chicken manure can also be used in dry form. In the fall, you can sprinkle it on the soil around raspberry bushes.

Fertilizers that are always at hand

As fertilizer for raspberries, you can use miracle products that are often simply thrown away: potato waste, ash, and tree bark. This is not only environmentally friendly, because we return waste products to nature, but also economically beneficial.


Ash is used as one of the cheapest fertilizers for raspberries. It successfully replaces the application of phosphorus-potassium complex and improves soil structure. It is especially useful for raspberries, because it does not contain chlorine. Ash can be used in dissolved and dry form:

  • dry fertilizing: scatter a glass of ash onto 1 square meter. m raspberry. You can add dry ash into special grooves made around the plant. Fertilizer is sprinkled with soil or dry leaves on top;
  • liquid feeding: a glass of ash is diluted in 10 liters of water, infused for 7 days. The consumption rate is half a bucket per bush.

The ashes are scattered in a thin layer near the raspberry bushes

Important! Ash obtained from the combustion of household waste contains hazardous substances, which can be absorbed by plants. The use of such ash for feeding is unacceptable!

Potato peelings

Potato peelings can be effectively used as a fertilizer for raspberries. She responds to their introduction abundant flowering and the sweetness of the berries. Potato waste supplies raspberries with a large amount of essential microelements. Potato peelings can be added to compost heap, can be prepared by drying or freezing.

Potato peelings can be used both dried and rotted.

Dry potato waste can be buried under raspberry bushes. Gradually decomposing, they give up their useful components to the bush throughout the year. The peelings can be poured with boiling water, left for several days and the resulting infusion watered over the bush. You will receive free fertilizer, which will be an alternative to chemicals.


Gardeners often practice feeding raspberries with yeast. Yeast promotes the rapid decomposition of organic fertilizers, which means increased plant nutrition. Fertilizing can be done with both dry and fresh yeast:

  • dry yeast dressing: 10 g dry yeast and 5 tbsp. l. dissolve sugar in 10 liters warm water, leave for 2 hours, dilute with water in a ratio of 1:5;
  • top dressing with fresh yeast: dilute 1 kg of yeast in 10 liters of water room temperature. Add 0.5 liters of solution to a bucket of water.

Features and rules of yeast feeding:

  • yeast is added to well-warmed soil;
  • the prepared yeast solution is used immediately after preparation;
  • application is advisable only on well-filled organic soil;
  • During fermentation, potassium and calcium are absorbed, so it is necessary to combine yeast feeding with the introduction of ash into the soil.


Another natural and cheap fertilizer for raspberries is bark, as well as rotten branches and sticks. In the fall, pieces of tree bark and cut old stems are placed under the raspberry bush; raspberry plantings are mulched with bark coniferous trees. The products obtained during rotting will feed the raspberries with environmentally friendly substances.

In autumn, it is useful to mulch raspberry bushes with tree bark

Experts recommend that when feeding raspberries, you should first of all focus on the appearance of the plants, on the harvest that you received. Abundant Harvest and the healthy appearance of the raspberries indicate that the fertilizing was carried out in a balanced and correct manner. Low yield and signs of starvation are a signal to increase the dose of applied fertilizers and more frequent fertilizing of raspberries. At the same time, remember that you need to apply fertilizers within reasonable limits and at the appropriate time.