We make an external filter for an aquarium with our own hands. Homemade external filter for an aquarium Make your own filter for an aquarium

How to do aquarium filter do it yourself and organize the filtration of your aquarium yourself? Be it external, internal or bottom. What tools and equipment will be needed for this? You will find the answer to all these questions by reading this article.

There are many options for making different types filters. We will look at the main ones.

Types of filters:

  1. Interior
  2. Mounted
  3. External
  4. Donny

Internal filter

This is the simplest type of filter. Which purifies water quite well (for its type). Making an internal filter with your own hands is very simple. For this you will need: plastic bottle (small size)

  • piece of sponge
  • filler (pebbles that fit into the neck of the bottle)
  • compressor, hose and one suction cup

We make four large holes in the lid. In the neck, immediately under the lid, we make a hole into which one end of the hose should fit tightly (the other end is connected to the compressor). At the bottom of the bottle, we make holes in a circle for purified water to come out. Don't forget to make another hole for the suction cup, slightly below the bottom plastic bottle.

We fill our filter (bottle) with pebbles (or other filler) and screw on the lid. Then we put a piece of sponge on the neck (preferably it has a regular, neat shape) - this will be the bottom of our device. Insert the hose and suction cup into the corresponding holes. Place the filter in the aquarium and turn on the compressor. Ready!

Schematic representation of the internal filter

Mounted filter

Do-it-yourself hanging filter for an aquarium too won't be difficult. But you'll have to play around more than with internal.

We will need:

  • any plastic, glass, plexiglass (any neutral material available at hand)
  • compressor
  • a piece of sponge (sintepon), a hose

We make a container, or find a ready-made one (something like a long plastic pot for plants. We make partitions from plastic (you can see it more clearly in the diagram). We fill the first compartment (where water is supplied) with a piece of padding polyester, the remaining sections with different or the same filler In the last compartment, at the top, we make a hole and a groove for purified water to come out.We hang the structure itself from the back wall of the aquarium.

We supply water using a compressor, similar to an external filter.

Mounting filter circuit

External filter

DIY external or remote aquarium filter it's harder to do. To make it, you can use a tall round plastic canister or a plastic barrel with a lid. If there is none, you can use a piece garden pipe large diameter. True, in this case you need to attach the lid and bottom yourself.

You will need:

  • water pump
  • plastic canister
  • padding polyester, filler
  • hoses, tubes

A plastic or metal fitting with a one-way inlet valve is screwed into the bottom of the canister. Two holes are made in the lid. One for the fitting with the release valve, the second for the electric pump, which, in turn, is attached to the inside of the cover.

Now you need to make cartridges for filling. Plastic flower pots, the same in diameter as inner part canisters. At the bottom of such pots we make many holes for water circulation.

We place the first cartridge layer just above the inlet fitting. And fill it with padding polyester. We place any other filler in subsequent layers. You can use different ones: pebbles, coal filler, volcanic rock and others. It is necessary that the last cartridge does not touch the pump.

The power of the pump depends on the volume of the aquarium. The higher the volume, the more powerful the pump should be chosen.

External filter circuit

Bottom filter

It is worth mentioning bottom filters. The filter element is the aquarium soil. Water passes through it, thereby performing rough cleaning. The best cleaning results when using sandy soil. This type filters are rarely used, but nevertheless we will consider it.

Required :

  • water pump
  • tubes + tubes with holes at the bottom, under the ground
  • compressor (in one of the options)

We lay tubes with holes under the ground. On top of them, you need to put a plastic mesh with small holes so that the soil does not clog the holes in the tube itself. We place the pump closer to the surface. Ready!

In the case of a direct-flow bottom filter, we use a compressor. The design can be seen more clearly in the diagram.

Bottom filter. Scheme

In conclusion, let's say, that all types of filters are quite easy to make yourself, and at the same time save a significant amount of money. And with a more “dense” approach, you can improve and improve these filter manufacturing options.

Many experienced aquarium keepers will not breed fish without necessary equipment for setting up an aquarium. One of the leading roles is played by filtration systems, which are used to purify water from mechanical and biological components and to saturate the liquid with oxygen. You can purchase internal and external filters for an aquarium in specialized stores or make them yourself, which will save you a lot of money.

Filter plays important role in aquarium

Types of devices

All filters for cleaning aquariums are divided into external and internal. The latter work directly inside the aquarium, and the former purify the water outside the fish house.

External filtration systems differ in power, type of design and content. Small ones are being produced today hanging devices for small aquariums, a variety of phytofilters, as well as canisters. In addition, there are large filtration systems called sumps. External filters have a number of undeniable advantages:

  • fit organically into the design of the aquarium;
  • have significantly greater power and efficiency compared to internal systems;
  • do not take up space inside the aquarium;
  • Suitable for large volumes of liquid.

In this video you will learn how to make an external filter:

Of course, such devices also have some disadvantages, for example, the filtration system requires a separate location. This is not critical if there is free space next to the aquarium. The price of external fixtures is much higher than internal ones.

If desired, you can hide the filters, or turn them into a decorative element. To save money, you can make your own filter device from scrap materials. The advantage of homemade filters is that the system will be customized to the characteristics of a specific container.

You can make the filter yourself

Filling options

The most common and available materials padding polyester and foam rubber are used to fill the aquarium filter system. They are able to take any form and also act as mechanical and biological filters. The pores of these materials provide enough space for bacteria to spread. It is necessary to periodically rinse the filler to get rid of mucus that clogs the filter system. In addition, silt can settle in the pores, which should not be inside the filtration system, interfering with its operation. There are several options for filling external aquarium filters:

  • Filter wool is a budget-friendly filler that is suitable for repeated use. It is easy to clean, with its help the filter space is filled quite tightly, which eliminates the possibility of leakage. It is the best option for use at the final stage of cleaning.
  • Ceramic rings are used to uniformly distribute water flows, which ensure the transport of oxygen to the bacteria.
  • Plastic bio-balls. Their movement in the water promotes uniform washing of all filter materials. It should be noted that this filler can be used as a substrate to support the vital activity of bacteria.

You can fill the aquarium various materials
  • Sintered glass. Most convenient option, if the material is purchased in the form of balls. A special baking technology promotes the formation of pores in products. The latter contain beneficial microorganisms that process nitrites and nitrates. The efficiency of glass is significantly higher than that of other materials used for biological treatment.
  • Ceramic tubes are used to breed bacteria in small pores.
  • Zeolite is a low-cost, but very effective sorbent that quickly absorbs an element such as ammonium from water. With its help you can get rid of nitrates in the aquarium.
  • Activated carbon. Many experts argue about the advisability of using this material for cleaning aquariums. Some people tend to think that it is better to use small granules for filters. It should be noted that they should have many pores, because this indicator affects the absorption efficiency. In addition, the quality of the material can be determined by the presence of characteristic shine and special dust. Before placing material into the filter system, it must be thoroughly rinsed.
  • Peat - natural material for filtration systems. It is affordable, successfully copes with many tasks - it reduces the Ph level, slows down the growth of fungi, and has a positive effect on the inhabitants of the aquarium.

All of the above fillers can be found on the shelves of pet stores.

DIY external filter

Before you begin making an external aquarium filter, you need to prepare all the components. To work you will need:

  • water pump;
  • sewer pipe having a diameter of 110 mm;
  • 4 plugs;
  • 4 input glands;
  • Mayevsky crane;
  • transparent hose with a diameter of 80 mm;
  • a tap that will regulate the outlet pressure;
  • selected fillers;
  • silicone

Don't forget to prepare required material

Often, in the manufacture of filter systems, pumps are used that were used, for example, in old submersible filters. It should be noted that such a device can be used both for classical systems, and for nanoaquariums. The latter have gained popularity due to their compactness and ease of placement in any room. Step by step process making an external filter for an aquarium with your own hands:

  1. As the basis of the filter device, you can take a connecting coupling, the internal diameter of which is identical to the diameter inner pipe at the insertion point of the plug. You can use plastic plumbing pipe or coupling for repair. It is necessary to cut a piece 17-20 cm long.
  2. In one plug, cut 5 holes into which the Mayevsky tap will then be installed, as well as seals. It is necessary to take into account the fact that the holes must be made 1 mm smaller than the diameter of the seals and tap.
  3. Tightly fix all parts, joints for better sealing It is recommended to coat with silicone.
  4. Place a hose on the pipe that comes out of the pump and secure it tightly. It is necessary to select the size of the hose as accurately as possible so that it fits tightly onto the tube. Then insert the structure into the seals and tighten it. The pump should fit tightly onto the plug. Pull the wire from the pump into one of the small glands, cutting it first.
  5. Insert a PVC tube into the second steel piece. Then put a hose on it to collect the liquid. The distance between the bottom of the filter and the pipe must be at least 1 centimeter. Coat the plug with silicone and then insert it into the coupling.
  6. Trim the protruding sides on the two plugs so that they can be easily placed inside the housing. Then drill multiple holes: one should correspond to the diameter of the intake pipe, the rest should be made small so that water circulates in the filter unit. Close the pump so that it is located inside between the two plugs.
  7. Make the bottom cover of the filter device. To do this, you need to remove the end part of one of the plugs with holes. Reduce the diameter of the cut ring by about 1 cm.
  8. Cut a ring from the tube, the height of which should be equal to the distance between the two plugs. Assemble the parts together and place filler in the filter element.
  9. The external filtration system for the aquarium is ready. During the work, one of the small seals remained unused. The temperature sensor can be removed through it so that it does not interfere with the inside of the aquarium.

If a filter is needed large sizes, you can use a similar principle to make a more complex model. The assembly diagram is identical to the previous one, but a biofilter and foam rubber can be used as filter materials, which will be placed on a mesh partition.

Difficulties may arise when cutting foam rubber into the required pieces. Experts give next tip: soak it in water and leave it in freezer for 1−2 hours. After this time, the material can be cut into convenient pieces. Allow the foam to dry, and then begin the process of placing it in the filter unit.

Internal fitting

Making an external filter for an aquarium is much more difficult than making an internal one. This is due to the fact that the latter is simpler in structure, so even a novice aquarist can make it. To make the device you will need:

  • plastic bottle with a capacity of no more than 0.5 liters;
  • padding polyester;
  • plastic pipe, the diameter of which is equal to the neck of the bottle;
  • hose and compressor;
  • pebbles

Follow the filter manufacturing instructions

The latter will be used as a filler. Step-by-step master class on making a filtration system:

  • Divide the bottle into two parts so that one is larger than the other. The smaller part should have a neck. Point the bowl upside down and apply enough force to get a tight structure.
  • Make holes on outside circles for water passage. Their diameters should be 3−4 mm. The best option placement - 2 rows of 6 holes.
  • Pass the pipe through the neck of the bowl so that there are no gaps between them.
  • Make the pipe long enough to be located above the surface. The structure itself should not be at the bottom, preventing the flow of liquid.
  • Pour a layer of gravel onto the bowl, and then lay out the padding polyester. Install the hose into the tube and secure it. Place the structure inside the aquarium. After turning on the compressor, the device will start working. After a little time, live bacteria will begin to appear in the device, which are necessary for the breakdown of ammonia into nitrates.

The principle of operation of the filter is as follows: air bubbles entering the pipe move upward and then attract water flows. Saturated with air liquid enters upper layer gravel, then moves downwards, ending up in the aquarium. Cleaning is carried out by a layer of padding polyester, which prevents silt from settling on the gravel.

Bottom filter device

There are several types of bottom filters that can be used for both large and small aquariums. This way you can make a filter system for a round aquarium. The first option is to make the device from a plastic box. The housing is a durable plastic box with a lid. The latter should tightly cover the base. It is advisable to make the lid or body of the box transparent so that you can see the degree of contamination.

A plastic pipe is glued into the lid, then holes are made on the side. It should be noted that they must be of such a size that fish do not get into them. You must first prepare filter elements, which are then placed inside the box. It is recommended to use a ceramic water sprayer, which can be easily found in stores.

Another option is to make a filter unit using a glass jar, which will act as a housing. The container volume should be no more than 1 liter. Close the jar with a plastic lid, and then make holes to allow liquid to enter. Using another lid, make a partition on which to then lay the filtering material. An alternative glass jar can be a ceramic container filled with nylon threads or quartz sand.

Using the methods described above, you can make homemade filters for an aquarium. The main thing is to arm yourself with perseverance, ingenuity and patience. Self-made equipment will help not only save money, but also get a device that is ideal for each specific case.

The water in the aquarium must be constantly filtered. This is known to all owners of home decorative fish. Pet stores have plenty big choice aquarium filters various designs. However, such a device can be made independently from available material.

Some aquarists believe that you should not save on the fish themselves and their food, but you can find a replacement for expensive aquarium equipment. It is quite possible to make some supplies and accessories, including a water purifier, with your own hands. Of course, for this you need to know the basic principles of aqua filtration, as well as have some home craftsman skills.

How to make an internal filter yourself?

What is necessary?

Materials for the simplest internal aquarium filter are freely available in regular hardware stores. The only exception, perhaps, is a compact electric pump. However, you can also buy it at a construction hypermarket or electrical goods store.

So, for work you will need:

  • a plastic container with a tight lid (a container for storing bulk products is suitable);
  • thick porous material or sponge;
  • sealed water pump with a fitting for attaching to the container lid;
  • ceramic granules or rings for biological filtration (for fine cleaning You can use plain cotton wool as a filter element);
  • 2-3 suction cups, adhesive resin.

Operating procedure

  • Then a sponge for coarse cleaning is placed tightly into the container, and material for fine cleaning (cotton wool or biofilter elements) is placed on top.
  • A hole is cut in the container lid to the diameter of the pump fitting.
  • The fitting is inserted into the hole and sealed around the circumference with resin or silicone.
  • The pump itself is screwed onto it, which creates compression inside the container.
  • 2 or 3 household suction cups are attached to the upper part of the wide side of the container.

In principle, the internal filter is ready. The suction cups will hold securely homemade device on the wall of the container.

This filter can also be placed directly on the ground. The latter will act as an additional level of filtration.

If you attach a plastic nozzle with a long tube going out to the outlet of the pump, then at the same time as the water is purified, it will be aerated.

DIY external aquarium filter

What can it be made from?

Making such a device at home will take more time.

  • You can use a round tall plastic canister as a body.
  • If there is none, then a piece of large-diameter plastic garden pipe will do. True, the top and bottom covers will have to be cut and attached yourself.


First stage

  • A hole is cut in the bottom of the canister, into which a metal or plastic fitting with a one-way inlet valve is screwed tightly.
  • There are 2 holes in the cover: for attaching the water outlet valve and the electric pump.
  • The pump itself is attached to the inside of the cover through a fitting.

Second phase

Now you need to make cassettes, or cartridges, with filter elements. They can be made from plastic flower pots, cutting off the top wide part evenly.

The diameter of such homemade cassettes should be slightly smaller internal diameter canisters.

Holes are burned in the bottom of each cassette to allow water to pass through.

The first cartridge, where the sponge is placed, is inserted into the canister so that its bottom is slightly higher than the adapter with the inlet valve.

Next, a second cartridge is installed, where the filter material can be fiber, padding polyester or cotton wool. The cassette with the filtering biomaterial is installed on top so that it is lower than the pump attached to the lid of the canister.

If the external filter housing is made independently, then its bottom and lid are sealed with silicone or resin.

Third stage

Tubes or hoses are connected to the inlet and outlet adapters with valves. Their length is adjustable depending on the depth of the aquarium and the distance to the filter.

The external aquarium water purifier is ready.

As in the first case, a working pump creates pressure, under the influence of which water is first sucked into the canister, goes through all stages of filtration and then flows back into the aquarium. Before starting use, it is necessary to check the canister for leaks within 24 hours by filling it with water.

The main element of the purifiers is the pump. When choosing it, you should take into account the volume of the aquarium. For example: for a 70-liter aquarium, a pump with a capacity of 300 liters per hour is suitable, and for a 200-liter aquarium - 1000 liters per hour.

Instead of a conclusion

At home, you can make a bottom filter or, as it is also called, a false bottom. However, this is already more difficult task, which true craftsmen can do.

Enough big number Aquarium owners prefer not to spend money on expensive equipment. Water filters, carefully made with your own hands, work no worse than expensive branded devices. And the technology and frequency of their maintenance are the same as in the models sold. In addition, a self-made device has a slightly different moral value. Is not it?

Video on how to properly make an external aquarium filter:

One of important elements Aquarium equipment includes a filter. Many people think first of all about which one to choose: external or internal. If you are going to arrange a large volume, then the type does not matter. In other cases, it is better to use an external filter to save space. Specialized stores always have finished equipment, but its cost is sometimes quite high. In this article, we propose making an aquarium filter with your own hands.

How to make a filter with your own hands?

All the components that we will use to assemble the external filter with our own hands can be purchased at the construction market or in construction hypermarkets.

  1. First of all, we will need garden quick-release fittings with a pressure seal. As well as a filter with different attachments, plugs with couplings and sockets.)
  2. We make holes in the plug for fittings, pressure seals and nipples.
  3. We assemble the first part of the external aquarium filter with our own hands: install fittings and a sealed lead with nipples, and then fix it all with silicone.
  4. The filter comes with a special pump, which is also attached via an adapter. The “head” of the structure is ready.
  5. The next step in assembling a do-it-yourself aquarium filter will be the internal part. It consists of an upper filter, intermediate separators and the filter housing itself. It is convenient to use ordinary kitchen sink nets as separators.
  6. We place the bell on the mesh and trace its contours with a marker. Cut it out.
  7. As an upper separator we will use a nylon saucer from flower pot. We drill holes in it: one for the inlet pipe and many small ones around it.
  8. We install the workpiece into the socket, connect it to the coupling and fix it with silicone.
  9. We assemble the finished parts of the aquarium filter with our own hands. We attach the “head” to the pipe and the upper separator.
  10. We begin to fill the pipe. The author of the lesson suggests using the following scheme: padding polyester, separator, then bioballs, separator again and finally foam rubber.
  11. The filter kit includes a special corner.
  12. We prepare the second plug as follows: we attach rubber stoppers from medicine bottles along the edges with glue (you can use similar materials). Next we assemble the filter.
  13. Now comes the assembly of connectors with external and internal threads, and installation of tubes. (photo 23)
  14. We assemble the fittings for the external filter with our own hands. As a rule, all the necessary parts are included with the filter.
  15. We take any environmentally friendly tube and make holes in it to increase the suction area. You will also need a fence mesh, mosquito net(this will be a prefilter; it must be twisted into a tube and inserted into the intake pipe). The intake tube is placed on the intake using a silicone gasket. A small piece of garden hose will do. The kit should also include an outlet socket, faucet and corners. Even if you can’t find all this in a kit, there are definitely similar parts on the construction market.
  16. The arcuate connection for butt reinforcement is called an "overflow". It can be made from any plastic tube or use the extension pipe of an Atman canister. The manufacturing process is simple: we fill the tube with wet sand and begin to slowly bend it over the switched on gas stove. As a result, you will get the desired shape and the tube will not crack.
  17. Your DIY aquarium filter is ready! It works no worse than a store-bought one, and saves a lot of space and money.

Do-it-yourself external filter for an aquarium

What is an external aquarium filter?

There are two types of filters: external and internal. How to choose the one that is right for your case?

First of all, pay attention to the size of your aquarium. If it is big enough, then there is not much difference. But usually we have only limited areas in which to place either a small or medium-sized aquarium. It is in this case that it would be appropriate to use an external filter.

Unlike the internal one, the external filter is not installed directly into the aquarium, but outside it. This helps to save a lot of space.

The external filter does not take up space in the aquarium and does not spoil its overall appearance

The operation of such a device is as follows: water from the aquarium enters the device, passes through the filter elements, and then returns back to the fish.

An external filter has the following advantages:

  • he doesn't take useful place inside the aquarium;
  • the contents of the aquarium look more aesthetically pleasing without such devices;
  • Filter media purify water better.

Of course, among the huge range of such devices, you can choose the one that suits all your needs. But their prices are also too high. So why not take the opportunity to make an external filter yourself? This idea is easy to implement. It turns out that everything you need can be easily purchased in stores and on the market, and the assembly and installation work itself is simple enough that even a beginner can handle it.

How to care for an aquarium filter?

For the filter to work properly, it needs to be cleaned regularly. clean. Otherwise, it will begin to work worse, and then even pollute aquatic environment(the latter applies to internal filters).

How smaller area filter and the larger the water volume, the more often it is necessary to clean the filter.

To determine how often you should clean the filter, you should not only carefully read the manufacturer’s instructions, but also observe the filter in operation. If it starts to work weaker, then it’s time to wash it. Small filters may require weekly cleaning, while larger models may require one cleaning every 2 months.

To avoid destroying the colony of beneficial bacteria, wash the filter with water. room temperature and don't do it too carefully. In addition, you should not wash the filter if you change the water in the aquarium, add new fish, or introduce new food, otherwise you will upset the established balance in the aquarium.

Replacing the washcloth in the filter - one more important point. You shouldn't do this too often. Wait until it begins to lose its filtering ability and shape. In addition, in the internal filter, the washcloth consists of several parts, and only one of them needs to be changed at a time, so that subsequently beneficial bacteria from the “old” parts quickly spread to the new ones.

Remember that the filter in the aquarium must work constantly and without interruption, so choose responsibly suitable model and don't go for the cheapest option. Opt for high-quality equipment that has proven itself and will serve you for a long time.

Homemade external filter for an aquarium.

As an aquarium hobbyist with little experience, I came to the conclusion that the internal filter in my aquarium was not doing its job. And only the inhabitants of my aquarium suffered from frequent filter maintenance.

Having studied the information on filters, I came to the conclusion that the right decision is the use of an external filter. Biofiltration is extremely effective, and no method of water purification can even partially replace it.

The composition of water purified by an external filter is approximately similar to water from slow-flowing natural reservoirs. With a weekly refreshment of a third of the volume of the main aquarium, it can be considered that the ichthyofauna and hydroflora are contained practically in a flowing natural water- hence all the successes achieved in systems with biofiltration.

The bad news for me was that the cost of the external filter turned out to be commensurate with the cost of the aquarium itself.

Having become familiar with the design of the external filters, I decided to make my own analogue of the external Eheim filter.

To make a homemade external filter, we purchased:
- Pump (fountain pump), RESUN, made in China, 30 W, 2000 l/h.
- PVC coupling for sewer pipe d=200 mm. + 2 plugs for it,
- taps, angles, bends, etc.,
- PVC pipe d=20 mm. for receiving and supplying water to a 4 m aquarium,
- flask from household filter,
- filter fillers.

To insert into the plugs, fittings of the following design were used.

I chose this pump due to the fact that the filter has many kinks in the tubes and the final performance eventually dropped by half.

I drilled holes in the top and bottom plugs for supplying and pumping out water. When installing the fittings, I used rubber gaskets with the additional use of silicone sealant.

I tried to insert the plugs into the coupling with sealing rubber bands and I couldn’t do it, it was too tight. Realizing that even if I manage to insert the plug, I won’t be able to pull it out. Based on this, I cut off the edges of the coupling so that when disassembling the filter, if anything happens, you can remove the rubber band and thereby depressurize the filter. Made at the bottom of the coupling seat under the inlet fitting.

The cut edge of the coupling will later be installed inside the coupling and will hold the mesh.

A mesh is installed in the lower plug above the level of the fitting. To do this, I had to beat up the vegetable drawer.

After this, with a clear conscience, we can install the lower plug into the coupling. Since sealing gum will not be used here, be sure to coat the entire area of ​​the plug with silicone. And after installing the plug, we additionally coat the joints inside and outside with sealant.

I additionally drilled a hole in the lid for the power cable and air vent. There was no need to attach the pump to the plug; it was already securely secured using a piece of hose and a power cord.

To seal the power cord, I used a fitting similar to the one used in street lamps. I installed a switch in place of the broken wire.

Under the inlet pipe, I installed a bracket for attaching a household filter flask, which will serve as a pre-filter for coarse cleaning. It would be possible to do without it, but then you would have to install a sponge on the inlet pipe directly in the aquarium, or wash the canister every month (in my plans, the canister will be washed at least once every 6 months).

For the production of pred. sewer filter needed PVC pipe d=32 mm. In which many holes were drilled. It could be used, additionally, in the previous one. filter Activated carbon or zeolite, but first I decided to make do with a foam sponge.

When all the filter parts are assembled, we begin filling with fillers.

1 layer. First of all, we arrange the material for coarse filtration at the bottom. Foam rubber with a large cell is most suitable for these purposes. But unfortunately I was unable to find sheet foam rubber for aquariums of a suitable size. And instead he used what looked like a wad of fishing line.

2nd layer. Fill with ceramic rings. The purpose of their use in a filter is to branch water flows and uniformly distribute its current over the entire transverse area of ​​the filter material.

3 layer. We lay a layer of foam rubber with a small cell. In my case, padding polyester was used.

4 layer. We fill the substrate with “bio balls” for colonies of nitrifying bacteria. All the mysteries of the nitrogen cycle take place in this section. Here heterotrophs, nitrifiers, and denitrifiers coexist peacefully, regularly fulfilling their duties; The working volume of the chamber should be 4/5 of the capacity of the biofilter housing. Expanded clay (preferably crushed) can be used as a substrate for bacteria because it has a porous structure.

5 layer. It's not required, but I decided to add FLUVAL substrate. Outwardly, it looks like ceramic rings, only the material has a porous structure. If you take a ring in your hand, plug the hole on one side with your finger, and blow into it on the other, then all the air will come out through the micropores

6 layer. The final layer, directly in front of the outlet intake hole (i.e. in front of the filter pump), should be placed with synthetic padding. It will protect the rotor from dirt particles getting into it.

The homemade external filter for the aquarium is ready, the assembly was successful. Testing showed that the pump performed quite well, although the performance characteristics of the pump turned out to be 2 times less. The top cover is not fully installed due to the strong tight fixation sealing gum. If you close the lid all the way, it is quite possible that you will not open the filter again.

Filter maintenance boils down to cleaning the prefilter as it gets dirty. Opening and washing the canister after half a year. I would like to note that only ceramics and foam rubber need to be washed in the filter, and always with aquarium water. The substrate is washed only as needed.

The first time after startup, a homemade external filter actually works only as a mechanical one. Beneficial bacteria have not yet colonized the substrate. Dirt fills the filter, which reduces its performance. The water pressure gradually drops. But there is also a reverse process. Dirt is food for bacteria. They break down the accumulations here organic matter and processed into nitrate, i.e. The biological self-cleaning of the filter begins.

Complete colonization of the substrate with colonies of beneficial bacteria occurs in 2-4 weeks. And then everything depends on which process will take over - pollution or self-cleaning. If the former, then the filter will continue to get dirty. Not as intense as the first two weeks, but inevitable. When the filter performance drops below 30% of the maximum, it must be cleaned and restarted, otherwise the so-called. “capsizing” is a disruption of biological processes, as a result of which toxic substances are produced and released into the aquarium.

If self-cleaning takes over, then the filter, on the contrary, is gradually freed from dirt and the dirt has dropped to 50-70% of maximum performance is being restored. Theoretically, after this the filter should work forever. In practice, productivity is not fully restored, and over time, stagnant zones still form inside the canister. Therefore, I recommend cleaning it from time to time, even if the water pressure is strong.

In addition, I would like to note that everything metal parts must be free of lubrication. Because a drop of oil can spoil a ton of water and thereby destroy all your inhabitants. For this reason it is advisable to use plastic parts(fittings, angles, taps), which in turn are much cheaper than metal ones.

P.S. I later replaced the hoses with corrugated ones (which are used for draining washing machine), since PVC hoses easily wrinkled and thereby blocked the access of water.

The cover will need to be tightened with pins, otherwise it may tear out when the light is turned off.

I replaced metal taps and fittings with plastic ones that are used for irrigation.





How to make your own aquarium filter:: how to make your own aquarium filter:: Equipment and accessories

An aquarium cannot function without a properly arranged and connected aquarium. It will ensure the purity of the water in the aquarium and, accordingly, the well-being of its inhabitants. You can make an external aquarium filter yourself.

You will need

  • glass tank, glass tiles, sealant, acetone, hose, broken brick, pebbles, sand, pump


1. First, make a tank with four compartments. Glass tank rectangular shape divide into four equal compartments using glass tiles. Please note that the first and third partitions should start from the base of the glass tank and end a few centimeters before the surface. At the same time, lift the central glass tile 3 cm from the bottom so that water from the second compartment can flow into the third. To attach the baffles to the walls of the tank, use sealant. Be sure to degrease the places where the sealant comes into contact with the glass with acetone.

2. Wait for the sealant to dry completely (this will take several hours) and place a rectangular container next to the aquarium. In this case, it should be located slightly above the aquarium.

3. Make slotted plates to fit the bottom of each compartment. Please note that such plates need to be prepared only for the first, second and third compartments. The plates will ensure the flow of water without obstacles, while the compartments will not become clogged.

4. Install a hose that will pump water out of the aquarium. Such flexible hose at one end it will be able to suck water from the aquarium using a pump. The other end of the hose will be in the first compartment. Water will thus be able to pass through all compartments. A hose will come out of the fourth compartment, through which clean water will flow into the aquarium.

5. Next, fill the compartments with appropriate tion materials. Fill the first compartment with broken bricks, which can be very effective at trapping large particles of debris. Place pre-washed pebbles in the second compartment. Such a filter will retain smaller debris. The third compartment should contain sand or foam rubber.

6. To start the filter, fill all compartments with water, connect the hose that removes water from the aquarium to the pump. And the hose through which water enters the aquarium will work using siphoning.

Video on the topic

external and internal.

Internal filters
External filters

How necessary is water filtration in an aquarium? This question often arises among beginning aquarists.
Do I need to filter and which filter to choose?

In most cases, aquarium filtration is necessary, especially for those who have recently started getting into aquarium keeping.

There are 2 types of aquarium filters: these are external and internal.

Internal filters are immersed directly into the aquarium and attached to the machines with suction cups.
External filters located outside the aquarium. Water is drawn through a tube immersed in the aquarium. Water flows back through the same tube.

Of course, an external filter is better:

  1. the filter does not take up space in the aquarium, which means the underwater world looks more aesthetically pleasing,
  2. The external one, containing various filter media, purifies water better than its internal counterpart.

When I started my aquarium, I initially used an internal filter, because... I already had it.
I don’t have a lot of fish: 13 neon fish, 2 speckled catfish, a female guppy and a dozen of her fry. All these living creatures live in a 75 liter aquarium.

You can, of course, buy a filter, but you can also make it yourself!
desire to do external homemade filter did not leave me.
The desire turned out to be stronger

Let's look at the general diagram of my homemade filter.

The filter has the shape of a cylinder located vertically. At the top there is an electric pump that circulates water in our system.
Water from the aquarium enters the lower part of the filter, and, passing through the filter elements, rises to the top, and then through the pump and tube back into the aquarium.
Foam rubber and a ceramic biofilter are used as the filtering part (this filler is sold in any pet store).

While buying building materials and all sorts of things for the house, I at the same time selected parts for the future filter.

What is needed to make an external filter for an aquarium?

As you can see in the picture it is:

  • 2 pieces of plastic sewer pipe that fit into each other (inside rubber cuff). One pipe is possible, but longer (up to 60 ms);
  • 2 end caps per pipe (bottom and top);
  • fitting (according to the diameter of the outlet from the pump);
  • tap on the outlet pipe;
  • to release remaining air from the filter;
  • nuts;
  • water pump,
  • for sealing threaded connections and a set of wrenches.

The heart of the external filter was the pump from the previous submersible filter.

At the bottom of the pipe we make a hole of such a diameter that the fitting can be screwed in tightly. First, we wrap the thread of the fitting tightly to seal the connection. Tighten the nut with inside. In the photo, the nut is also coated with silicone - this is not necessary, I removed the silicone from all the nuts, because... water did not pass under the fittings.

To ensure that the inlet hole was always free, I cut out a kind of cap from a plastic bottle, in which I drilled holes. On top of it I made a grid from a CD disk (also with holes). Water will flow freely through these holes.

You can make a lot more holes than shown in my photo. The next time I clean the filter (as the water pressure becomes weaker), I will drill more.

1 - mesh cap at the bottom of the filter,
2 And 3 - the same thing, but already assembled,
4 - place a layer of foam rubber on top of the mesh.

We pour a ceramic biofilter on top of the foam rubber as shown in the diagram above. Another layer and again ceramic filler.

Photo of the top part - the filter cover.

The pump is held in place by being connected to the outlet fitting with a piece of reinforced hose.

The picture shows an external homemade filter for an aquarium already in operation.

Filter height 42 cm, diameter - 10 cm.

A- In the upper part there is a fitting with a tap (water outlet into the aquarium), and a hole for the pump wire outlet.
B- All threaded connections it is necessary to wrap it with a sealing material to avoid leaks.
C- The wire outlet is also sealed. From above and from the inside, plates of of stainless steel, and between them a rubber tube is compressed and put on the wire. When twisted, it spreads out in all directions and hermetically closes the hole. I installed a switch where the wire broke.
D- I reliably soldered the joint of the 2 pipes and the bottom plug together with an electric burner. After filling with water, the seam leaked here and there. I additionally soldered these places.

To collect water from the aquarium, I used a glass tube, the one in my hand. The second tube - through it water enters the aquarium.

I fixed the first one on the back wall with a suction cup, the bottom edge rested on the ground, the second one I simply hung on the wall, immersing it a little in water.

Thus, the space in the aquarium is not occupied by any filters, and the glass tubes are, one might say, not visible at all!

The filter has been repeatedly tested for leakage. The leaks were fixed approximately 6 times. Now the filter is in front of the bedside table with the aquarium - I’m still watching to see if it leaks. Then I’ll hide it behind the cabinet and it won’t be visible at all.

Goal achieved!

The first filter cleaning is planned in a month or a month and a half.
Perhaps I’ll also install a filter element on the inlet tube for rough cleaning, so that the filter itself can be washed less often.

the cost of an external filter in a pet store is from 1,500 rubles. The homemade one cost me 500 rubles. taking into account the fact that there was a pump (only parts were purchased).

External filter characteristics:

dimensions : height 42 cm, pipe diameter 10 cm.
filter volume: 3 liters
approximate throughput: 5 liters per minute.

That. the filter is capable of passing through the entire volume of my aquarium in 15-20 minutes. The filter does not create a strong current - fish and plants feel comfortable.

If you have questions about the manufacture or design of the filter, please ask. If you have any ideas or additions, write to us and we’ll discuss them!

Aquarists, especially beginners, are always faced with the task of water filtration. An aquarium is a living organism, and if you let things take their course, they will die. The most effective filter is a sand filter. It is not known for certain how grains of sand manage to destroy harmful metabolite substances and leave behind those necessary for the life of fish and plants. Usually the sand filter is made remote, that is, a place is determined for it outside the aquarium. Schematic diagram his work looks like this:

Water is pumped from the aquarium using a special pump or airlift. In the airlift vehicle Air bubbles from the compressor serve as water. Making such a filter is labor-intensive and not everyone can do it. But, as practice shows, the problem has a solution and the effect is achieved quite acceptable. The schematic diagram of a simplified filter looks like this:

This filter is good because it constantly pumps water through the soil in the aquarium and does not allow it to silt. This is very useful for plants.
Now, after a brief theoretical introduction, let's get down to business.

To make a filter you need three main things:

  • not very dense foam;
  • a piece of PVC garden hose;
  • tubular aquarium sprayers.

We cut out a strip of foam rubber measuring 3x3x45 cm. The length can be different and depends on the size of the nozzles and general design aquarium And the length x width section should be 1.5-2 cm larger diameter hose

In the strip of foam rubber we cut a groove for the spray nozzles. We make cuts to a depth of 1-1.5 cm.

It is convenient to cut the foam rubber from the groove with ordinary scissors.

The result should be something like this. In the future, sprayers will take their place in the groove.

Now we will cut a piece of garden hose according to the size of the foam rubber blank.

Let's cut the hose along its entire length. Do this conveniently and safely with scissors.

Using a hot awl, make holes in the hose. The awl needs to be heated so that the holes do not tighten.

The holes should often be made almost close to each other. You can do two or three rows.

To secure the filter to the bottom of the aquarium, you will need suction cups. We sew them with nylon thread or fishing line to the foam rubber blank.

In this case, three suction cups will be enough.

We will place the spray nozzles in the foam groove.

We will put a hose on top of the structure.

You should end up with something similar to the design shown in the photo. We seal the ends with pieces of foam rubber so that the air escapes through the holes at the top.

We connect the compressor and install the filter on the bottom of the aquarium.

Air bubbles rise to the surface of the water and carry water particles with them. The flow of water carries away the water turbidity and leaves it in the filter elements.

The top of the filter can be decorated with aquarium soil. Soil (coarse sand) will be the main element of the biofilter. Over time, bacteria will settle on the edges of sand grains. These bacteria feed on metabolites that are harmful to fish and plants. Thus, the biological balance of the reservoir will be maintained long time. In small aquariums, filters of this design work great and do not spoil the landscape, since they are practically invisible. Air bubbles create a fabulous screen in the background, which only enhances the picture of the underwater world.