How to sew French pleats on curtains yourself. How to sew French curtains

Luxurious, chic, rich, stylish, palace, solemn, enchanting - these are all epithets that characterize French curtains (awnings). The interior, which is crowned with them, becomes truly royal. Smooth lines, soft arched draperies combined with light texture of fabrics and varied finishes will leave few people indifferent. Unlike more practical models curtains and drapes, such as Roman or roller blinds, among the French, beauty comes first, and only then functionality.

They look especially impressive when framed classic style, or Provence style. Sewing an awning for your living room, bedroom or kitchen yourself is a labor-intensive task. But if you are patient and friendly with sewing machine– you will be able to sew French curtains. You just need to remember that this model of blinds requires strict adherence to proportions in the interior, otherwise it will look heavy and heavy, which is not far from dissonance.

In general, the awning is a cascade-lifting model. This is its similarity with Roman and Austrian curtains: all of these are types of blinds. But the first ones have no draperies at all (only horizontal folds), while the second ones have the drapery of the lower part formed when the product is lifted up, and when lowered they look even.

The awning consists entirely of festoons (sagging gathers) when lowered. As they rise, they become deeper and more expressive.

Awning curtains for formal interiors

French curtains in the interior of the room, only the window opening can be covered (for example, tulle in a Provence style kitchen), often combined with curtains or lambrequins, or they can play first fiddle, occupying the entire width of the wall. Here, the presence of upper curtains depends on the overall stylistic design of the space and the need to create complete darkness (if it is a bedroom or home theater).

Special cut – special textiles

To begin with, let’s make a reservation that awning blinds are far from the most economical option window decoration: it will take several times more fabric to sew French curtains than for ordinary curtains, besides, expensive ones are preferred here, quality materials, rich (and therefore also not cheap) finishing. Therefore, before sewing such curtains, you need to make sure that they are ideal for a specific environment, and the cost of them will be justified by the beauty of the product and harmony with the surrounding space.

French curtain in the kitchen - one wonders why?

In order for the gathers to be smooth and beautiful, the fabric chosen for these blinds must drape well. Light, soft textiles are suitable: tulle, thin satin, silk, voile, chiffon, moire, organza. But if you sew French curtains from hard, dense, heavy fabrics with a pronounced rough texture, they can distort your entire Provence-style interior beyond recognition, because they will have a completely different appearance when assembled.

Organza awning curtains, interesting pattern of vertical stripes when assembled

How to sew an awning

In principle, sewing it is quite simple: the side and bottom seams are sewn in a straight line, and the top braid and curtain tape are sewn in a straight line in the center of each scallop. The work of carefully gathering the fabric and installing the lifting device is much more difficult and painstaking.

Let's figure it out in order.

How much fabric to take so as not to make a mistake

Calculation of the required width depends on the desired depth of the festoons: the more the width of the material exceeds the length of the cornice, the deeper the cascades of draperies will fall. On average this value is 1.5. That is, for a window with a cornice length of 2 m you need to take tulle 3 m wide.
The cut length for French curtains is calculated based on the thickness of the selected materials and the desired depth of assembly. For example, for deep assembly of organza, the estimated length of the curtain should be multiplied by 3, for tulle - by 2, for a veil - by 2.5. For easier assembly, these numbers can be reduced. For example, let’s take a height of 2.5 m. To sew an awning with a beautiful ruffle, you need to take 5 m of tulle in length.

Calculation of the number of festoons: what to consider

When calculating the number of draperies, you need to proceed from the size of the window and the selected fabric. For narrow and tall ones (for example, in a Provence style kitchen) it is better to choose a small step - 25-35 cm, for wide ones - up to 50-60 cm and even more. The thinner and lighter the material from which these draped blinds will be sewn, the smaller the size of the scallops the French curtain can have.

The required blade width is another factor that influences the number of scallops. Do not forget that the awning is several meters wide before assembly. And here you can’t do without sewing several canvases together. Therefore, it is necessary that each such seam falls in the middle of the scallop, where the curtain (gathering) tape will be located. In this case, you need to leave allowances on the sides for processing the seams.

Sewing technology

Lay out future French curtains on a flat surface, but for now just pieces of tulle, stitched together to obtain the required width. Use chalk or pins to mark the central lines of the festoons, leaving allowances for processing: 5 cm on the sides and bottom of the curtain, 2 cm on the top.

Fold and stitch the side seams twice. Use a needle or pins to mark the collecting tape along the markings. At the same time, it should not reach 5 cm to the bottom cut of the material, and 2 cm to the top. Sew each tape on both edges.

If the top edge of your blinds will also be gathered, just bend it 2 cm and sew on a fastening tape, which will adjust the width of the gathering. If you want your French curtains to have a smooth top, first divide the difference between the width of the tulle and the length of the curtain rod by the number of scallops. Either stitch the resulting value into a dart (30-50 cm deep) in the center of each scallop, or fold it with a bow fold and stitch horizontally. After this, attach the fastening tape. Now fold and stitch the bottom of your blinds twice.

If you were going to sew them on a window in a romantic kitchen with a touch of Provence, where the curtains are not supposed to be raised and lowered, then everything is almost ready. All that remains is to pull the curtain tape to the required size, secure it with knots, straighten the assembly and hang the awning on the cornice. You can decorate the kitchen.

French awning curtains may look heavy in the interior of a small kitchen, be careful in your experiments

When is a lifting mechanism needed?

If the romanticism of Provence has enveloped your bedroom or living room, we haven’t finished sewing French curtains for them yet. In these rooms, the festoon curtain must rise, therefore, before retracting it, it must be assembled lifting mechanism.

Special rings must be sewn in the center of each collecting tape. In this case, we retreat from the bottom edge at least 5 cm, from the top - at least 12 cm. The distance between the rings is about 30 cm (for small scallops - less, for wide ones, respectively, more).

Special weights must be attached to the bottom of each collecting tape to keep the fabric in a vertical position. Now we tighten the scallops, straighten the assembly so that it is uniform, and tie the ends of the curtain tape cords.

Next you will need nylon cords. They need to be secured to each bottom ring and threaded up through all the rings. Then pass along the top row of rings in one direction, gathering them together, and tie all the ends in one knot. With the help of such a control system, the structure will change its height.

Now you can attach the tulle to the fastening hooks of the cornice.

French curtains in an interior decorated in the Provence style or similar design styles look especially impressive if you sew them using suitable decor: ruffles, tassels, fringe, decorative braid.

Vintage style in the interior of a private house, awning curtains in Provence style
Decor for awning curtains - tassels, beads, glass When you need high taste and a sense of beauty, curtains that emphasize status and belonging to a certain type of activity
Combination of French curtains and drapes, original decor
Lambrequin similar to French Marquise curtains
A gentle version of the French curtain, combined with transparent curtains and decor
A prototype of French Marquise curtains, embodied horizontally, in a lambrequin
With taste and some kind naivety - black trim of French-type curtains made of white voile
French awning curtains look beautiful in the kitchen interior, provided that the space is minimally filled with kitchen attributes
Marquise curtains as tulle for Baroque, Rococo furnishings
Awning curtains with glass beads for a loggia or balcony

Decoration home interior– this is a pleasant moment that all women love. It’s especially good when you manage to do something with your own hands: it’s a joy for your loved ones and a source of pride for the hostess herself. The comfort of a room largely depends on what kind of curtains decorate the windows. Even the simplest furnishings can be decorated with original curtains made with love.

Very good model, which will add warmth and tenderness to any room - French curtains, which are also called awnings. Making these curtains with your own hands is not at all as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Let's try to go through the master class together and figure out step by step how to sew awnings.

Where does tailoring begin?

What should you consider when starting to sew curtains? First of all, the choice of fabric. Best fit following types fabrics:

  1. Silk;
  2. Tulle;
  3. Batiste;
  4. Atlas.

Heavy fabrics will look rough and intrusive, so you shouldn’t take them, even if you really like, for example, velor or wool. Examples of well-chosen fabric are visible in the photo.

Which color is better to choose?

Our master class continues. Color solution curtains can be as follows:

  1. Peach;
  2. Blue;
  3. Beige;
  4. White;
  5. Pink, etc.

You can choose the color yourself, the main thing is that it is light and non-toxic. Because bright colors in home design hurt the eyes and negatively affect the retina.

How to choose a place and what to do next?

When you have decided on the fabric and color, you can sit down to calculate the footage of the future masterpiece. Do not forget that hand-made French curtains should look elegant and beautiful, and this is achieved by accurately calculating the footage.

There is no need to drape the curtains excessively, it will ruin pleasant impression the tenderness that emanates from them. For the calculation, you can use the following tips: calculate the width of the canvas according to the diagram: 13 x for the width of the window, the length of the canvas: 2 x for the distance from the floor to the place where you plan to fix the French curtains.

Finally we start sewing

Now it's time to start sewing. Sit in a place where you feel free. Nothing from any direction should interfere with you, come to hand, etc. Lay out the fabric, straighten it and trim the bottom edges - this is a standard procedure for processing curtains, and not only French curtains require it. Once you have adjusted the edges, serged them, ironed them and stitched them on a typewriter, you can take on other things.

The fabric needs to be folded at the bottom two centimeters in half. Then the hem will be 40 mm in finished form. First, it is better to pin the hem with pins, then it will be easier for you to stitch using the finished basting.

You need to thread cords into the resulting seams. They should be chosen in the same color as the French curtains to achieve greater harmony. You can see how to perform this action in the photo.

Preparing the final chord - ready to hang

Strips 20 mm wide should be placed every 400-500 (the width of the step can be selected individually, it just makes no sense to place more often - you will end up with a continuous corrugation) mm. Strictly along the line you marked, attach a 30 mm strip.

The ends need to be bent inward by 10 mm, sit down at the machine again, baste a stitch on it, and then sew it on. You need to insert the laces into the finished drawstrings, secure them and leave the ends loose.

To the wrong side of the curtain along the top edge, you first need to sew a fastening tape on which the curtains will be draped. The cut needs to be hidden under the ribbon and sewn on a machine. Sew the braid to the wrong side. Our master class has come to an end. In the photo you can see what happened.

Attach French curtains to a strip that can be attached to a cornice. Using a strap, the fabric is adjusted to the required dimensions.

The result obtained cannot but cause pride. After all, making French curtains with your own hands is a huge achievement. Not every woman will be able to sit wrapped in an unlimited amount of tulle and not get confused in all these hems, cords, and fastenings.

For greater clarity, you can also watch the video on how to make French curtains with your own hands.

Now you have already gained experience and can teach your friends how to decorate your home, give it individuality and elegance.

The name “Marquise” refers to a textile product, which is a fabric that is assembled into wavy horizontal folds along its entire length. Draping is carried out using textile tape, which secures the fabric in assembled form. The lower part of the canvas is decorated with fringe, lace or beads. At first glance it seems impossible, but it is not so. The main thing is to choose the right material and make an accurate pattern.

French Marquise curtains can be made from either light and transparent fabrics or thick, light-proof fabric. In the first case, they are completed with drapes or curtains made of thicker noble materials such as jacquard or velvet. If the awning is sewn from thick fabric, then it is equipped with a special lifting mechanism to provide the ability to regulate the lighting in the room. Besides aesthetics, they perform well protective function, reliably preventing bright sunlight and cold air from entering the room.

Despite the fact that dense materials can also be used for sewing these textiles, light and transparent fabrics are used much more often for these purposes. Ideal option The materials for sewing pleated curtains are organza, silk or nylon fabric. In this case, the awning not only decorates the window opening, but also provides protection from prying eyes, insects, dust and dirt, that is, it performs all the functions for which tulle is used. At the same time, it practically does not interfere with the penetration of natural light into the room, which does not cause the need to move it, and hence the installation of a lifting mechanism. This greatly simplifies the process of making such curtains, giving everyone the opportunity to do it.

Features of cutting and sewing

One of the main difficulties that may arise in the process of making an awning is determining the required pattern size. In order for this stage to be completed correctly, it is necessary to use coefficients when calculating the dimensions of the canvas, the numerical value of which is equal to:

  • 1.8 – for organza;
  • 2.5 – for silk;
  • 2.2 – for nylon fabrics.

It is necessary to multiply the value obtained when measuring the cornice by this coefficient. This value will be the required length of the original fabric without taking into account hems.

To determine the height of the fabric, it is necessary to accurately measure the distance from the curtain fastening to the place that will be the bottom of the product. The resulting number must be multiplied by a coefficient equal to:

  • 3 – for organza;
  • 2 – for silk;
  • 2.5 – for nylon fabrics.

By correctly measuring and calculating the length and width of the original fabric, it will be possible to form folds in depth so that they do not hang, but at the same time have pronounced softness and richness. The number of folds is determined based on the width of the fabric. Wherein optimal distance there is 50 cm between them. Before you start cutting the material for sewing awning curtains, you need to decate the fabric, that is, soak it in warm water, dry and iron. This will avoid deformation and shrinkage finished product after washing.


One of the most important points When cutting, it is important to avoid skewing the fabric. In order to ensure this, it is necessary to lay out the fabric on a large, flat, horizontal surface. Next, the cutting of the curtain is as follows:

  • drawing a rectangle with the required parameters, taking into account all coefficients and leaving allowances on each side of at least 5 cm;
  • marking the width of the fold step, which is best done by pulling the thread from the fabric, which ensures the appearance of a visible stripe on the fabric. This strip will subsequently serve as a guide for stitching the braid.


If the curtain is sewn from several pieces of fabric, then at the initial stage of sewing it is necessary to connect them to each other and smooth the seam from the wrong side. There is no need to overcast it, as it will be the attachment point for the guide tape. Next, you need to stitch both side edges and iron them just as well.

If top part the curtains will be draped, just like the rest of the product, then processing the top edge comes down to stitching the hem. If the awning should have a smooth top edge, then the excess fabric left for folds must be hidden using darts. Their size is calculated based on the amount of excess fabric and the number of steps. To do this, you need to multiply these two values ​​and divide the resulting number by 2. Darts are laid on the sides of the product at the place where the guide tape is attached and their length should be at least half a meter. After stitching, 2 triangles of fabric are formed on the wrong side. They must be cut with an allowance of 1 cm.

You can also ensure a smooth top edge of the curtain with darts located at each attachment point for the guide strip. In this case, the width of the excess fabric is divided by the number of steps and stitched. With this method, the height of the dart should be from 30 to 40 cm.

Home improvement is always a troublesome, but pleasant moment, especially if the decoration elements are made by hand. Today we will study the master class “How to make French curtains”, with provided photo and video materials.

French curtains - what are they?

Technically, sewing French curtains is sewing fabric with soft folds in the shape of waves and, if desired, securing them with threads or laces. They come with a lift using fasteners that lift them up and when the canvas is folded, folds in the shape of waves are obtained, which gives the curtains pomp and volume.

Exist various sizes curtains: up to the floor, but there are also shorter ones, up to the windowsill; short curtains are often hung in the kitchen. They look very beautiful if complemented with curtains, tassels or lambrequins.

Where to start sewing

First you need to choose a fabric, it is best to take silk, tulle, cambric or satin. Velor or wool looks very original.

Colors can be chosen in peach, soft yellow, beige, white or pastel tones, although bright curtains look very elegant, it’s a matter of taste and the interior decor in general. When the issue with fabric and color has been resolved, then you need to calculate the footage of future curtains, because such curtains look very elegant, and it is this effect that is achieved by correct calculations. Now first things first!

Fabric selection

Here you can fantasize endlessly: thick and heavy fabrics look good, but light tulle ones are also suitable. When choosing fabric, you need to focus on its presentation in drapery. The folds depend on the texture of the fabric and its density.

If you make curtains from thick and soft fabric, you will end up with falling waves. If made from light and stiff fabric, the resulting folds on the curtains will be lush and voluminous.

You need to carefully select fabrics with different patterns, because the pattern may get lost or look too small in the abundance of wavy folds. Most often, a plain canvas is chosen or with a soft pattern in the form of floral or vintage images. If you choose a colored fabric, these curtains will create a sweet and charming environment.

In normal and classic version These curtains are made from fabric with a light and smooth texture. Such curtains look very elegant if the fabric has a slight shine.

Fabric quantity

In order to get beautiful folds in the form of waves on the curtains, a large amount of fabric is required. To calculate ordinary curtains, they are based on the size of the window, here the gathering factor is no less than 1.8 across the width of the curtain. Taking into account the width of the crossbar, add five centimeters to the seams on each side of the finished curtain and * by 2, adding seam allowance: three centimeters at the top of the curtain, five centimeters at the bottom of the curtain.

Auxiliary calculation depending on the width of the curtain:

width of the curtain fabric in cm – number of borders – distance between borders:

290 – 5 – 58

340 – 6 – 56,7

390 – 6 – 65

390 – 7 – 55,7

440 – 7 – 69,9

440 – 8 – 55

490 – 8 – 61,3

490 – 9 – 54,4

540 – 9 – 60

540 – 10 – 54

590 – 10 – 59

590 – 11 – 53,6

640 – 10 – 64

640 – 11 – 58,2

640 – 12 – 53,3

690 – 10 – 69

690 – 11 – 67,3

690 – 12 – 61,7

740 – 11 – 62,7

740 – 12 – 57,5

DIY French curtain: master class

First we process the fabric so that there is no further shrinkage. To do this, soak the fabric in water. room temperature for fifteen minutes, squeeze and dry or iron with an iron with the steam function turned on.

  1. We process the canvas along all edges and the entire length from below. To do this, lay out the fabric and fold it twice, the width of the hem is from one to one and a half centimeters, and carefully hem it.
  2. We make two folds at the bottom of the future curtain by two centimeters and carefully hem them again.
  3. Count the drawstrings. We need to measure tightly across the width by about forty or fifty centimeters at equal intervals.
  4. To form the drawstrings using pieces of fabric, we need to sew fabric three centimeters wide along the marked lines and carefully fold it inward along the edges.
  5. The width will be adjusted using cords or ropes threaded into the drawstring.

Sometimes they make rings sewn to the drawstrings. The distance between the rings depends on the size of the window. Another option for forming drawstrings is tape folding at height.

The laces or ropes threaded into the drawstrings are pulled together and thus you can choose the height and volume of the folds. The curtains are decorated with ribbons on top; they are used to secure them to the cornice. Now we attach the finished curtain to the curtain rod, fix it on the sides and adjust the bottom of the curtain, and you’re done. All that remains is to admire this beauty. They will decorate any interior and bring comfort to your home.

Enjoy your creativity and good luck in your work!

DIY French curtain: video master classes

The French curtain is an aesthetic interior decoration that makes the room solemn thanks to its airy draperies.

French curtains

History of awning curtains

The name of this textile product People associate it with its place of origin: with the ancient, surprising traditions of France. The history of French curtains coincided with the development of the Baroque style and the ascension to the throne of the Sun King - Louis XIV, which gave rise to pomp and solemn appearance. During his reign, even everyday little things, including clothing and dishes, architectural nuances and interior decoration.

Massive windows, luxuriously decorated spacious rooms, expensive furniture- these factors influenced the creation of a new type of curtains, later called French.

Previously, in lush halls, not only windows were decorated with fabric. The shade of the curtains depended on the color of the fabric with which the walls were covered. Draperies and festoons filled the atmosphere with luxury, and the French curtain with a lambrequin became a familiar attribute of a wealthy French home.

Austrian curtains, also known as scalloped curtains, are considered “companions” of French textiles. But if in the first case the emphasis is on luxury, then in the second - on practicality and convenience.

Austrian-style curtains are used in kitchens, verandas or outdoor cafes. And if there is a question about the design of a window opening in classically decorated residential or public premises, French blinds or curtains are appropriate.

They are called blinds, drawing parallels with the chain control method. If there is a need to collect tissue and give access sunlight, the canvas is moved to the top of the window using a special design. These are not the sliding curtains familiar to consumers, but products that retain luxurious folds even when assembled.

Sewing French curtains involves hanging the products on a profile cornice designed for lifting structures or on classic cornices. The mechanism is controlled manually or using a remote control if the console is equipped with a built-in electric drive.

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Which color is better to choose?

The color scheme of the textile product depends on the surrounding decor. In this case, they start from the following interior elements:

  • furniture;
  • wallpaper;
  • accessories.


IN dark rooms It is preferable to use light French tulle, and in spacious rooms it is permissible to use different ones, including dark and heavy ones. To sunny weather The heat was more easily tolerated; it is not recommended to use bright sunny colors of fabric for a window facing south.

Advice: it is advisable to use a plain fabric or a canvas with a barely noticeable pattern, since a clearly marked pattern in large quantities the folds are lost and rippling.

Fabric type

The appearance of the folds depends on what type of fabric is used to sew French curtains yourself or in a studio.

Where do we start sewing?

The textile industry offers many options for ready-made French curtains. The average price of a French curtain ranges from 2 to 5 thousand rubles.

Nowadays, sewing French curtains with your own hands is often practiced. It's fun, profitable, and also allows you to take into account personal preferences. If you can’t buy expensive fabric, light tulle or artificial silk is suitable for sewing French curtains.

The tougher and lighterfrench curtain fabrics– the more magnificent the drapery, and when using soft and heavy fabrics, the coattails are more rounded and seem to “sag”.

Fabric calculation

First, a mandatory calculation of the fabric for a French curtain is performed. To do this, take a gathering factor equal to 1.5 in width and factor 2 in height (to properly sew French curtains 2 meters high, you need to take 4 m of fabric).

An important condition is that during the sewing process a special braid for French curtains is used, which guarantees that the assembly will not slip during use of the product. It is also important to take into account a strip of 5 cm high at the bottom for the hem of the fabric and 2 cm for processing at the top.

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Festoons are calculated according to diagrams that can be found on specialized websites. A pattern of French curtains is also published there, which is examined in detail in order to better understand the principle of operation.