How to grow strong watermelon seedlings from seeds. Planting seedlings and growing watermelon in open ground or a greenhouse

Perhaps you have already begun preparations for the planting season and, perhaps, have chosen desired variety watermelon Then we will share with you information about when to plant watermelon seedlings in 2019. The correct timing will help you get bountiful harvest.

It is difficult to unequivocally answer the question of when to plant watermelon seeds for seedlings in 2019. Let's try to understand this issue. In most cases, seeds for seedlings are planted starting March 15th. The timing of sowing is affected by:

  • climate features in the region;
  • selected variety;
  • weather;
  • plant diving.

Having carefully studied all the above factors, gardeners can use the lunar calendar for 2019 to determine the date for sowing seeds. It is worth saying that using the recommendations that the lunar calendar gives is good, but to achieve success you also need to take into account the rules of agricultural technology for caring for watermelons.

A favorable day is chosen according to the calendar. In 2019, farmers are wondering when to plant watermelons according to the lunar calendar. From March 19 to March 24, according to the calendar, the time is favorable. From 4 to 9 and from 19 to 23 May good time for planting seeds. Planting watermelons for seedlings in 2019 can be done from June 2 to June 6. If you want to plant early or mid-ripening varieties, it is best to do this on any day from April 5 to 9 or from April 20 to 24.

Only in the south of Russia can seeds be planted directly into the soil. In other regions, growing seedlings is simply necessary, otherwise the berry will not grow in open ground, she will not have enough warmth and light, so necessary for proper development.

Before sowing, the seeds need preparation. Then the seedlings will grow well and resist diseases. 5 days before sowing, the seeds are soaked in warm water and the container with the seeds is placed on the radiator. The water is stirred regularly for 4 hours. The next procedure is seed disinfection. To carry it out, prepare a bright pink solution of potassium permanganate. The seeds are carefully placed in it for half an hour, after which they are washed with heated water.

The next stage is germination. Moisten a soft cloth with water, wrap the seeds in it and place them in a container until the sprouts hatch. Throughout germination, the cloth must be moistened every day.

To grow seedlings, take a peat pot so as not to damage the roots when transplanting. Seedlings should be planted directly in the soil. You should not take large pots, a height of 10 cm is enough. Stepping back 3 cm from the edge, place a humus-peat mixture in them and water it with warm water. The seeds are lowered to a depth of 3 cm.

Please note that the seeds are lowered into the soil with the blunt end down. Then they are sprinkled with earth and covered with film. Pots with seedlings are placed in a warm, well-lit place without drafts. Seedlings are not watered often and not heavily.

In a week the first shoots will appear. At this point, the film is removed, giving freedom to growth. To avoid stretching, provide backlighting in dark time days. Next, they begin to harden the seedlings. If you have a glazed loggia, then this is a great place. There, the seedlings grow for 10–12 days with moderate and infrequent watering, avoiding waterlogging of the soil.

When you notice a real watermelon leaf, it's time to feed with bird droppings. Before planting, seedlings should spend 3 days on outdoors. Before planting, it needs to be well watered and sprayed against diseases. A solution of Bordeaux mixture will do.

Timing for planting seedlings

When the seedlings have 5-6 developed leaves, the stem and root have become stronger, the planting material is ready for planting in open ground. Plant the seedlings in the morning. First, prepare the holes, which are arranged in a checkerboard pattern. The distance from each other is 100 cm. 2 liters of water are poured into each hole. You should take the settled one.

If you planted the seeds in a peat pot, then the seedlings are placed in the hole along with it. If not, then the seedlings are pulled out along with the earthen lump and carefully so as not to damage root system, placed in the hole. The free space is filled with soil prepared in advance. The soil is lightly compacted. To prevent the roots from rotting, sprinkle with a layer of dried sand. Landing completed. The last stage is watering the watermelon bed with warm water.

The seedlings are covered with homemade paper caps, protecting them from direct sun rays. The seedlings will be in their “hats” until the leaves become elastic.

If you are planting watermelon in a greenhouse, follow the same plan of action. Since in this case there will be less space, build supports along which the watermelons, as they grow, will rise.

To grow juicy and fleshy watermelons in difficult climatic conditions, you need to create comfort for the seedlings and properly care for the seedlings. Attention to the melon crop and patience will provide you with an excellent harvest.

Video “Growing watermelons in open ground”

From this video you will learn how to properly grow watermelons in open ground.

Watermelon is a melon crop. Its growth is associated with a warm climate. But currently this crop is grown in various climatic conditions in their gardens and greenhouses. Read the article about when to plant watermelons so that they reach ripeness.

Description of watermelon

This plant survives due to its long stems, which reach from the deep layers of the soil. nutrients for the fetus. Their length reaches four meters or more. They are curly in structure. Despite the fact that the stems are thin, they are able to withstand large fruits. The leaves are ovoid in shape and have pubescent edges. They grow in length up to 10-20 cm, and in width - from 6 to 17.

The flowering period of watermelons begins in summer. Their fruits are considered berries, and many people find this unusual. Under the dense, thick crust there is juicy, tasty, sweet and very aromatic pulp with a large number of large seeds.

How to choose the right site and prepare the soil?

The growth and development of plants, the formation and ripening of their fruits largely depend on how to carry out preparatory work. What is needed for this?

  • To get a good harvest of watermelons, you need to create them normal conditions growth. First of all, a site is selected that will be heated by sunlight throughout the day and not blown by strong winds. It is important that there are no drafts.
  • The seedlings quickly take root and grow well in the area previously occupied by onions, alfalfa, cabbage, and legumes. There is no need to plant watermelons in those beds where eggplants, tomatoes, peppers, and potatoes previously grew.
  • Once you have decided on the site, you should begin preparing the soil. Sandy and sandy loam soils are suitable for watermelons. While the area is free of plants, it needs to be fertilized with manure, potash fertilizers, and superphosphate. If it turns out that the soil in the area is heavy, it needs to be discharged. To do this, it is enough to add fine-grained sand, otherwise the watermelons will grow and bear fruit poorly.

Preparing seeds for planting

To plant watermelons, planting material must be prepared. The stages of this procedure are as follows:

  • First, calibration is done, for which you need to pour the seeds onto a horizontal surface and arrange them in separate piles, focusing on the sizes. For large, medium and small seeds, containers with appropriate parameters are prepared. This will increase their germination rate: large specimens will not suppress small ones. The seeds will sprout together and grow evenly. Small specimens do not need to be thrown away. They are suitable for planting, only the seedlings from them will bear fruit later.
  • The second stage is scarification. It is not necessary to do this, but it is advisable. This is done to make it easier for the sprout to come to the surface. To do this, just rub the “nose” of the seed sandpaper with fine texture.
  • Then the seeds are heated. To do this you need to place them in hot water for 30 minutes. The procedure cannot be ignored; it is mandatory for watermelons.
  • After this, the seeds are disinfected by placing them in a solution of potassium permanganate for 20 minutes.
  • The last stage is drying the seeds. This should be done not on a radiator or in the oven, but naturally. The seeds are laid out in one layer on a horizontal surface of a table or floor outside under a canopy. It is imperative to exclude exposure to the sun and drafts.

To increase germination, the seeds are germinated. Before drying, they are wrapped in a soft cloth made of natural fiber, moisturize it clean water and place it on a plate next to a heat source. The condition of the cloth must be constantly monitored; it should not dry out. If necessary, it is moistened.

How to plant watermelons with seeds?

If the crop is grown in regions where a warm climate prevails, then the seeds do not need preliminary preparation except for soaking. When the sprouts hatch, they are immediately sown in the ground. Read below on how to plant watermelon seeds.

  • In the spring, when the snow melts, the soil will begin to warm up under the influence of sunlight. You need to wait until its temperature reaches +13 °C. The seeds should be in a container with water heated to room temperature until they germinate.
  • A site for planting is selected in a garden or country house. Holes are made throughout its entire area, their depth is 10 cm. The distance between them should be large. About one meter.
  • Then, independently prepared fertilizer is poured into the bottom of each hole: humus is mixed with a tablespoon of ash and a teaspoon of ammophoska.
  • After this, the seeds are placed in the hole, covered with soil and waited until they sprout. This happens after two weeks or a little earlier.
  • Planting seeds in regions where cold climates predominate is carried out at different times. When to plant watermelons in this case? Taking into account climatic features, planting seeds should be done at the end last month spring or early summer.

When to plant watermelon seedlings? It depends on the region of growth and the method of cultivation. If watermelons are grown in open ground, seeds are sown in pots (for example, in the Moscow climate zone) at the beginning of April. When to plant watermelon seedlings? Everyone has it climate zone The timing of sowing seeds in pots varies. This is consistent with the lunar calendar.

To sow watermelons for seedlings, use small containers, it is better if they are peat. Soil is poured into them, but not to the very top, but three to four centimeters below. Then they start sowing the seeds. Three, four or five pieces are planted in each pot. They are buried only four centimeters into the soil, no more, otherwise they will take a long time to germinate.

The pots are covered with film - it will protect the soil from drying out. Then they are transferred to a cool place with an air temperature of +17...+20 °C. It is very important that the surface of the soil in pots is always moist. Through transparent film it's clearly visible. Before the emergence of seedlings, the film is not removed, and the crops are periodically watered with settled water at room temperature.

After about seven days, shoots will appear. If the seeds were not germinated before planting or were planted deep, this will happen a little later. For pots with young plants, choose a place indoors that is well lit by the sun. It is important that the temperature is within the acceptable range: +16...+24 °C. In order for the seedlings to get used to low temperatures, they need to be taken outside for a short time. When to plant watermelons? This should be done when the seedlings are strong enough - then they will quickly take root in a new place.

Planting watermelon seedlings

How to plant watermelons in open ground correctly? In order for these plants to grow comfortably in the chosen area, the soil is first dug up and well loosened. It is recommended to plant seedlings 30 days after sowing the seeds. This time falls on last week May or the first ten days of June. The best time The best time for landing is before noon. How to plant watermelons in open ground? The landing technology is as follows:

  • Holes are dug with a depth and diameter of up to 50 cm. Gaps of one meter are left between them. It is better to arrange the holes according to the chess principle.
  • In each hole you need to add: humus, sand, superphosphate - 5-7 l, 3 l and ¼ part of a glass, respectively.
  • The hole is filled with loose soil from above to form mounds. small size.
  • Holes are made to a depth of 10 cm, and 0.5 liters of water is poured into each.
  • The seedlings are taken out of the cup, lowered into the hole, and covered with earth, which is compacted well. The top of the plant's trunk circle is covered with a thick layer of sand.
  • The seedlings are watered and covered for a while to avoid direct sunlight on the leaves, otherwise they will take a long time to rise.

Caring for seedlings in open ground

The planted plants experience stress as they are placed in a new environment. To make the acclimatization process faster, the seedlings need to be looked after.

  • Thinning. This procedure is carried out with the appearance of three or four leaves. The plants are thinned out, one or two are left in the hole, all the rest are removed.
  • Weeding. Watermelons are very clean plants; they do not tolerate weeds. Therefore, you will have to fight them often, especially at the beginning of growth. Very soon the seedlings will grow up and take on the appearance of bushes, and then the frequency of weeding will be reduced. Weeds will no longer be able to harm mature plants.
  • Topping. This is done so that the lashes grow faster. Curly shoots should be pinched at the level of the top two or three leaves. At the same time, weakened lashes are removed. Three to five ovaries are left on each bush.
  • Loosening. This procedure is carried out constantly, since watermelons prefer airy soil.


When we plant watermelons in the ground, we need to be prepared for the fact that they will have to be watered frequently, otherwise they will not absorb juice well. Striped berries need to be watered regularly, once a week, or twice in hot weather. For this they use a lot of water: three buckets per meter square area plot. It is necessary to moisten not only the watermelon bushes, but also the free area between them. With the appearance of fruits, watering is reduced, and before harvesting, it stops altogether (two weeks before).

Top dressing

Plants need it within a couple of weeks after they are planted in the ground. An aqueous solution of ammonium nitrate is used as a fertilizer. One bush will require two liters. The second feeding is done when the buds begin to form. Calcium chloride, 5 g of ammonium nitrate, and 1 g more of superphosphate are added to one bush.

Planting watermelons in a greenhouse

Watermelons are a heat-loving crop. In the distant past, they were grown in regions suitable for such climates. But now there are opportunities to obtain tasty fruits in cold climates. Only here they grow not in open ground, but in greenhouses. How to properly plant watermelons in a greenhouse?

  • First you need to plant the seeds in boxes with soil. Select a place for planting indoors to place containers with planting material.
  • Then the beds are prepared for planting watermelons. This is done like this: remove from the soil upper layer, a trench is formed. Humus is poured into it, nitrogen fertilizers and on top - the soil.
  • After this, the seedlings are transplanted into the beds (they will sprout from the seeds by this time). The plantings are covered with polyethylene film in two layers. When to plant watermelons in a greenhouse? Optimal time for this procedure is the end of April.
  • To plant sprouts, dig holes of shallow depth - from 10 to 11 cm. Gaps of 70-100 cm are left between them.
  • A trellis needs to be installed near each hole. It is needed to tie growing stems to it, since they are climbing and they need to cling to something.
  • To improve the fruiting of watermelons, you need to introduce bees into the greenhouse, but not a whole swarm, but several individuals. They will pollinate the flowers.
  • When the shoots begin to sprout intensively, they should be cut off immediately, but first of all, the weak and sick ones should be removed.
  • As plants grow, they need beneficial supplements, so they should be fed with mullein or chicken droppings.
  • Required condition To grow watermelons in a greenhouse, it is necessary to regularly ventilate it. There is no need to forget about this.

Caring for watermelons in a greenhouse

When the growing vines begin the flowering period, watermelons must be pollinated by hand, otherwise ovaries will not form. Each lash in greenhouse conditions can withstand a load not exceeding two fruits. But if you leave only one striped berry, it will be much larger.

Watermelons are grown using a trellis. Each fruit is wrapped to prevent it from coming into contact with the ground. Watermelons growing in a greenhouse are much weaker than those growing in melon fields. Their lashes cannot support the weight of the fruit and fall to the ground. If they are not wrapped, they may rot.

If many side shoots have formed and they branch in the direction other than the support, they are cut off. Plants need to be constantly turned towards the sun, as the lashes need good lighting, otherwise leaves and fruits will form poorly.

In that on the usual personal plot It is possible to grow real, high-quality watermelons, as even the most distrustful and cautious gardeners, who were afraid of the capricious nature of the “striped berry,” managed to see. The process is really not too complicated even for a novice melon grower. But if in the southern regions watermelon is sowed directly into the ground, then in the average climate zone with its short and cool summers, good seedlings grown at home cannot be done without good seedlings grown at home. We will talk about how to grow strong and healthy watermelon seedlings.

Dates of sowing and planting in the ground

On permanent place Watermelon seedlings are planted when they are 22-26 days old. By this time, the soil on the site should warm up to +12°-14° C. If further cultivation will take place in open ground, sowing is carried out in late April-early May, for greenhouse cultivation - a week earlier.

Preparation of seed material

The key to rapid seed germination and the health of future seedlings is competent pre-sowing treatment of the material, which includes several stages.

  • Warming up - 4-5 days before sowing, watermelon seeds are poured for 30-40 minutes hot water(about +55°C) or keep on for 3-4 hours hot battery heating, stirring occasionally.
  • Disinfection - for preventive purposes, seed material is pickled for 20-30 minutes in a warm solution of bright pink potassium permanganate, after which it is rinsed under running water.
  • Germination - seeds ready for sowing are wrapped in soft cloth, generously moistened warm water or a solution of a growth stimulator, and leave in a warm place until germination. The process takes about 5 days. The water or nutrient solution should be changed periodically.

Sowing begins when 10% of the soaked seeds hatch.

Container for planting

When choosing a planting container, it is worth remembering that watermelon, like all melon crops, tolerates picking extremely painfully, so sowing seeds for seedlings in a common container is unacceptable. To grow seedlings, it is best to purchase peat compost pots measuring 10x10 cm. Plastic glasses from dairy products with a volume of about 0.5-0.7 liters, so beloved by many summer residents, are also suitable. Before sowing, they must be thoroughly washed and scalded with boiling water.

Optimal composition of soil substrate

Use for cultivation watermelon seedlings a universal soil mixture is possible, but many experienced gardeners note that in the substrate homemade seedlings develop much better. The following soil compositions are considered optimal for the crop:

  • garden soil, peat, washed sand (1:1:1);
  • garden humus, peat, turf land (2:1:1).

All components are thoroughly mixed, after which the resulting mixture is sterilized for 30-40 minutes in a preheated oven or poured with boiling water. Every 5 kg of the finished substrate is filled with double superphosphate (90-100 g), ammonium nitrate and potassium sulfate (40-50 g each).

2-3 days before sowing, prepared containers for? filled with soil mixture, which is watered abundantly with soft, settled water.

The procedure for sowing work

Tiny white seedlings serve as a signal to sow sprouted seeds into the ground.

  • 2-3 seeds are sown in each container. Subsequently, weak shoots are removed, leaving the strongest shoot for cultivation. Sowing depth is about 2-3 cm.
  • The glasses are placed in a tray and covered with cling film.
  • In the first 2-3 days, the crops are kept at a temperature of +22°-25° C. You can place the tray on the radiator, prudently placing a thick magazine or a towel folded several times under it.

Waiting for shoots usually takes about 6-7 days, after which the film is removed and the ambient temperature is lowered to +16°-18° C. In the cool (at glass loggia or terrace) seedlings are kept for 8-10 days.

Seedling care

Once the seedlings are returned to the room, they are provided with appropriate care.

  • The duration of daylight for future watermelons should be at least 14-16 hours, so the place where the seedlings are kept must be equipped in advance with fluorescent lamps suspended at a height of 45-50 cm.
  • Water the seedlings rarely and moderately, avoiding waterlogging of the substrate.
  • Before transplanting into the ground, seedlings are fed twice. For the first feeding, which is carried out at the growth stage of the first true leaf, use a solution of bird droppings (1:12) with the addition of superphosphate (2 g/l). 3 days before transplanting, the plants are watered with a solution of mineral fertilizers - 1.5 g of ammonium nitrate, superphosphate and potassium sulfate per 1 liter warm water. About 250 ml of solution is used for each seedling.

7-10 days before planting, future watermelons begin to harden, gradually lowering the temperature by 2°-3° and reducing watering. The seedlings should spend the last 2-3 days before planting outdoors. On the eve of the procedure, the soil under the seedlings is abundantly moistened, and the plants themselves are sprayed with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture for preventive purposes.

Transplantation to a permanent place of growth

By the time of “relocation”, watermelon seedlings should be strong and stocky, have 4-5 formed leaves and a well-developed root system. Seedlings are planted in the morning, following the following procedure:

  • Along the perimeter of the prepared site, holes are dug in a checkerboard pattern at a distance of 100-150 cm from each other.
  • 1.5-2 liters of settled water is poured into each well.
  • The seedlings are carefully removed from the pots and, together with the previous earthen lump, are placed in the hole.
  • The free space around the seedlings is filled with earth, deepening them down to the cotyledon leaves.
  • The soil under the plantings is compacted and sprinkled with a layer of dry sand to avoid the development of root rot.
  • At the end of the procedure, the watermelon bed is watered with warm water.

Until the leaf turgor is restored, the seedlings must be protected from direct sunlight by constructing paper caps or an improvised canopy made of non-woven material for them.

As a rule, they are planted with 30-day-old seedlings. Considering that watermelon seeds take quite a long time to germinate, you should start sowing watermelons for seedlings in mid-April.

Soil for watermelon seedlings

The soil for growing watermelon seedlings should be light and fertile. For cooking soil mixture mix 1 part, 1 part and 0.5 parts washed sand. Add 2 tbsp. l. for every liter of mixture. Mix well.

Preparing watermelon seeds for sowing: soaking, germination, hardening

It is better to sow watermelon with pre-prepared sprouted seeds. Before germination, soak the seeds in a dark pink solution of potassium permanganate for 20 minutes. Rinse. Wrap the seeds in a damp cloth and place in a warm place. Watermelon seed germination temperature +25...+30°С. The germination time of watermelon seeds is 5-6 days. To prevent the seeds from souring, wash them periodically in warm water. running water. As soon as the first signs of seed pecking appear, it is useful to carry out hardening. Place them in the refrigerator for 12 hours, then keep them warm for the same amount of time. The procedure can be repeated 2-3 times. As soon as the root grows 1-1.5 cm, you can begin sowing watermelon seeds for seedlings.

Planting watermelon seeds for seedlings

Fill the peat pots ¾ full with the prepared soil mixture. Place the sprouted watermelon seeds one at a time in a pot.

Place a layer of soil mixture 2-3 cm thick on top. Compact it a little so that the seeds do not become exposed when watering.

Water carefully. To ensure that the walls of peat pots do not dry out too quickly, but always remain moist, it is advisable to place them in suitable sized plastic pots.

Conditions for growing watermelon seedlings

Place the pots of watermelon seeds sown in the brightest place you can provide at home.
Temperature of keeping watermelon seedlings. Before emergence, the temperature should be +25...+27°C. After germination, it is sufficient if the temperature is +20...+25°C during the day and +18...+20°C at night. Water the crops only with warm water.

Feeding watermelon seedlings. 10 days after emergence, feed the seedlings with a mineral solution (“Fertika”, “Mastvorin”, “Sotka”). After another 10 days, repeat feeding. Water and feed watermelon seedlings at the root. If drops of fertilizer do get on the leaves, remove them with a paper napkin. With the appearance of 4-5 true leaves, if the weather permits, the seedlings can be planted in the ground.

Planting watermelon seedlings in the ground

When to plant watermelons in the ground? Watermelons are planted in open ground in the second ten days of June, when the threat of frost has completely passed. If you use shelters, you can plant watermelons earlier, starting 3 weeks after germination.

First make sure the soil is warm enough. Optimal temperature for planting watermelon seedlings it is considered +15...+18°C. To warm up faster, the bed can be covered with black film.

The root system of the watermelon is quite deep, so dig up the area with the bayonet of a shovel. Add a bucket of humus or compost, 40-50 g of complete and 2 cups of wood ash per 1 square meter. m. Dig again. Prepare the wells. Watermelon planting scheme: 2 plants per 1 sq. m. Carefully remove top part peat pot, place the watermelon seedlings in the holes.

Water the holes with water and fill them with soil.

Do not bury the root collar. It is better that the earthen ball from the pot remains 1 cm above the soil level. Before the onset of real warmth and flowering, cover the plantings with any covering material.

Melons and watermelons have long ceased to be exotic guests in garden beds in middle lane Russia. Now they are grown freely in the Moscow region and even in northern regions countries. It is quite possible to grow melons in a compact area without using large areas. Agricultural technology involves planting these crops both in greenhouses and in open ground.

Let's talk about the timing of sowing melons and the features of their cultivation in different regions.

Melon and watermelon are considered heat-loving crops; they have increased requirements for air and soil temperatures when planting. Full cycle Their growing season is much longer than other crops grown in the garden. That's why in a seedless way melons are grown only in the southern regions of Russia.

But with skillful agricultural technology you can get a good harvest in the middle zone. This can be achieved by planting cold-resistant varieties of melons and watermelons, growing them through seedlings, and also sheltering young plants from possible spring frosts.

When to plant watermelons and melons for seedlings in 2019

The timing of planting melons depends on the region and the selected variety. It also matters where you are going to grow melons and watermelons - in a greenhouse or in open ground.

If your climate zone allows you to grow melons in open ground, remember that In this case, seed sowing should be done 60 days before planting on a summer cottage. This means that you need to purchase seeds in the first half of March, and start sowing in the middle of the month.

On a note! Please note that last year's seeds are not suitable for planting. Best Harvest Watermelons can only be obtained from seeds that are five years old. For sowing melon, 3-year-old seeds are used.

Only early-ripening hybrids are suitable for cultivation in the middle zone, which reach the stage of technical maturity in 70-85 days. Preference hybrid varieties They also give because they are the most resistant to adverse weather conditions.

Attention! The timing of growing seedlings for these crops is the same. For watermelon and melon, it will take 30 days to grow seedlings at home or in a heated greenhouse from the moment the shoots appear. But watermelon seeds should be sown a little earlier, as they take longer to hatch.

sow watermelon seeds mid to late April is best. Melon seeds are also sown for seedlings in the 2nd half of April.

In the middle zone, even the presence of a greenhouse will not provide your watermelons and melons with the climatic conditions to which these crops are accustomed in their hot homeland. Therefore, when selecting seeds, it is better to opt for ultra-early and early ripening varieties. Then there is every chance to enjoy juicy, sweet watermelons and melons grown with your own hands.

You should also not chase large-sized fruits, because taste qualities they will be worse than smaller ones. To grow in a greenhouse, watermelon and melon seeds must be sown in mid-April. A month after the emergence of seedlings, the seedlings are planted in a permanent place.

Timing for sowing seeds in the Moscow region

For planting melons and melons in the Moscow region, zoned varieties should be selected. It is best to buy them from a local nursery or from friends who grow melons and watermelons. The variety must be early or early ripening.

To obtain early harvest watermelons and melons, sowing should be done in the first half of April for early-ripening varieties and in the third ten days of April or early May for mid-ripening varieties. After 25-35 days, the seedlings will be strong enough and ready to be transplanted to a permanent location.

When to plant in the Urals

If you do this earlier, the seedlings overgrow greatly, and certain inconveniences arise with them - the tendrils intertwine with each other, clinging to anything around them.

Some sow seeds directly into the greenhouse under film cover; this is advisable to do in mid-May. But then the timing of fruiting will be delayed.

Planting dates for melons and watermelons in the Leningrad region and Siberia

For growing in Leningrad region ultra-early ripening or early varieties watermelons and melons. It is also permissible to plant mid-early species. Select varieties for planting that take 60-90 days from germination to harvest. This information is on the packaging.

Melons are grown as seedlings in order to have time to harvest before the first frosts, which can occur as early as August. For open ground, seeds for seedlings are sown in last days April, for growing in a greenhouse - in early April.

It is recommended to grow ultra-early varieties of watermelons and melons in Siberia. The climatic conditions of the region require the most short term growing season. During the Siberian summer, southern large-fruited watermelons will only have time to grow a lush green mass.

Preference should be given greenhouse cultivation, if you don’t have a greenhouse, you can try growing melons under film. Sowing seeds for seedlings must be done in early or mid-May. It will take 5-7 days for seedlings to appear. After 25-30 days, the plants are planted in open ground.

When to sow melons and watermelons according to the lunar calendar in 2019

To obtain high-quality seedlings and good harvest In the future, gardeners are recommended to coordinate the timing of planting melons and watermelons for seedlings with the lunar calendar. It is best to sow and plant seedlings in open ground on favorable days.

Planting on neutral days will not in any way affect the quality of seedlings and the subsequent harvest, so it is completely acceptable. After all, the decisive factor still remains the agricultural technology of the crop grown and proper care for her.

Seeds sown in unfavorable days, will have a lower percentage of germination, seedlings may grow weak and sickly.

Favorable and unfavorable days for sowing and planting seedlings

Experienced summer residents claim that from correct timing half of the success in growing crops depends on planting. Published annually especially for gardeners Moon calendar, whose recommendations it is advisable to use so as not to be surprised why plants lag behind in development or get sick. Depending on the region, watermelon and melon are sown in different months. Favorable days for planting in 2019 will be the following dates:

  • in March – from 7 to 20;
  • in April – from 6 to 18;
  • in May – from 6 to 18;
  • in June – from 4 to 16;
  • in July – from 3 to 16.

In March and April, seeds of early ripening watermelons are planted. Transplant the seedlings into the ground when the sprouts become strong and sufficiently hardened. It is necessary to choose zoned varieties for planting in your region.

In the last days of March and the first days of April, seeds are sown in the southern regions. In the last days of April, it is recommended to sow seeds in the middle zone. Planting of seedlings in May and early June is carried out in the Urals and Siberia.

Unfavorable days will be those when there is a full moon and a new moon. In 2019 these are the following numbers:

  • ​ in February – 5, 19
  • ​ in March – 6, 21
  • in April – 5, 19
  • ​ in May – 5, 19
  • ​ in June – 3, 17

The rest of the calendar numbers will be neutral.

By sowing seedlings according to all the rules, the gardener can count on the appearance of friendly shoots and high-quality fruits.

Preparing soil and seeds

An ideal soil mixture suitable for growing melons and watermelons should include the following components:

  • 3 parts lowland peat;
  • 1 part sawdust;
  • 0.5 parts of humus.

You can also use a mixture of humus (3 parts) and turf soil (1 part). Before planting seeds for seedlings, it is recommended to heat the soil in the oven, or spill it with a hot solution of potassium permanganate. This will kill pathogenic microorganisms and grow healthier seedlings.

For each seed, it is advisable to take a separate pot with a diameter of 10 cm. Then there will be less risk of damaging the root system during diving or planting in the ground. If you reuse planting containers, they should be thoroughly washed with soap and a brush, and then disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate.

Plastic pots are best suited for growing seedlings. Can also be used peat cups suitable size. Their advantage is that the roots of the seedlings will not need to be freed before planting, which means that the plants will more easily adapt to the soil.

You can determine whether the seeds are suitable for planting using saline solution. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of salt in a glass of water and add watermelon or melon seeds. High-quality seed material will sink to the bottom. Seeds that float can be discarded. After this, the planting material must be washed in clean water and dry.

The seeds are then kept at a temperature of 60°C for two to three hours - this stimulates the formation of female flowers, from which fruits are subsequently formed. On final stage Before preparation, seeds must be etched with a solution of potassium permanganate for 30 minutes. Now the planting material is wrapped in damp gauze and wait for the sprouts to appear.

Containers for planting must be filled only halfway with substrate. As the plants grow, the soil will need to be replenished. Before planting, the soil is moistened with a sprayer and a hole is made in it to a depth of 4-5 cm from the surface using a pencil or pen, where the sprouted seed is placed.

After planting, the containers are covered with film and placed in a warm place at a temperature of 23-25°C. When the seedlings appear above the ground, the temperature is reduced by several degrees, creating a difference between day and night temperatures. This is necessary so that the seedlings do not stretch.

The film is removed when sprouts appear. Only strong seedlings are left to grow - they are more viable. Since planting usually occurs in mid-spring, there is no need to add additional light to the seedlings. However, she should be given the most illuminated place in the house. Pots with plants are placed in such a way that the leaves of individual specimens do not touch each other.

Melon seedlings grow in 20-30 days, watermelons require 30-40 days. While the seedlings are in the house, they need to be fed twice. The first fertilizing is carried out a week after emergence, using complex mineral fertilizer diluted in a proportion of 20 g per 5 liters of water. After another 7 days they will be paid organic fertilizers, for example, mullein infusion at a concentration of 1:10 with the addition of superphosphate (1 tbsp per liter of infusion).

One tablespoon of ready-made fertilizer is used for each plant. Plants can be planted in a permanent place after 3-5 true leaves appear. Before the “relocation” takes place, the seedlings are hardened by reducing the daytime temperature to 15-17°C, and the night temperature to 12-14°C. Hardening should last for a week. The room also needs to be ventilated regularly.

Helpful advice! Melon seedlings must be pinched after 3-5 leaves appear. This is due to the fact that on the side shoots female flowers appear earlier than on the main one.

If you are going to plant seedlings in open ground and live in the middle zone, there is no need to rush into it. Melon crops require warmth, so planting should be done no earlier than the end of May. It is also worth taking into account the weather forecast given for the near future.

In the first week after planting in open ground, young plants will need film cover. In a greenhouse, plants are more protected from temperature changes, wind and other disasters, so seedlings can be planted there 2 weeks earlier.

Holes for seedlings should be made at a distance of 1 meter from each other. Two plants can be planted in one hole at once, provided that during the growth process the shoots will be directed in opposite directions. 7-10 days before planting seedlings, compost or humus must be added to the holes.

Just before planting, water the plants and plant them in the resulting slurry. Seedlings should not be buried; after planting, they should be located slightly above ground level, this will protect the roots from rotting. The next watering should be done no earlier than a week later.

In the future, experts recommend regularly loosening and weeding the area, as well as pinching the tops of the shoots. Scourges without ovaries are removed so that they do not needlessly weaken the plant. When the bulk of the ovaries reaches the size of an apple, weak and poorly growing fruits also need to be removed. Don’t forget to feed the melons several times over the summer. mineral fertilizers and slurry.

When disembarking at closed ground It is worth carefully approaching the issue of pollination. If for some reason insects do not fly into the greenhouse, pollination is carried out artificially. In such conditions, melons and watermelons are grown in a vertical position, tying the plants to a trellis, and the fruits are placed in a net.

Watermelon and melon seedlings: video

Knowing all the features of growing melons and watermelons, you will be able to enjoy them after harvesting and receive complete satisfaction from the result achieved. And in subsequent years, this process will seem like an easy task to you.