What temperature should be in the bath: features of bath procedures. Optimal temperature and humidity in a bath: Russian steam room, Finnish sauna, Turkish hammam Optimal temperature and humidity in a Russian bath

There's no name for a bathhouse in Russia! In Russian folklore, she is both a “native mother”, and a “healer”, and “a savior from seven troubles”. Semyon Gerasimovich Zybelin, a student of M.V. Lomonosov, the first Russian professor at the Faculty of Medicine at Moscow University, wrote in his book “On Bathing, Baths and Baths” about the process of washing in a bathhouse as a pleasure. And he called the state after the bath a revival of strength and renewal of feelings. Not only doctors, but also everyone who studies the properties of the bathhouse in one way or another still turn to his works.

There are a lot of works about the bathhouse in general and specifically about the Russian bathhouse. Among those who studied how the Russian bath affects the human body were the scientist, academician Ivan Tarkhanov (1846–1908) and his contemporary Professor Vyacheslav Manassein. Thus, Tarkhanov wrote that it is enough to lightly prick a steamed person with a pin, and blood will immediately come out in drops. This, according to the scientist, is due to an increase in body temperature when a person steams. The blood thickens, hemoglobin increases. However, in order for the blood to return to normal, it is enough to drink 1-2 glasses of water. At what temperature did Tarkhanov’s subjects steam, if his further findings indicate a decrease in body weight at this time from 140 to 580 grams, an increase in chest circumference and a decrease (envy, women!) in abdominal circumference?

There is no point in talking about specific traditional temperature and humidity in a Russian bath. In numerous works of Russian scientists - A. Fadeev. V. Godlevsky, V. Znamensky, S. Kostyurin, N. Zasetsky and many others - they talk about a bath with different temperatures. So, in a classic Russian bath, the temperature ranges from 40 to 60 degrees Celsius and the humidity is kept at approximately the same percentage level (40–60). In such a bath the body heats up very slowly. A person can sit in a steam room for up to an hour. With such a combination of temperature and humidity, medical scientists note a very high inhalation effect of the procedure.

But try to lure a real steam bather into such a bathhouse. He won't understand you. The steam must be strong. That is, the temperature is higher - the humidity is lower. Such baths warm up to 70–90 degrees, and the humidity there does not exceed 35 percent. If the temperature reaches 100 degrees or higher, and the humidity drops even further, then we are talking about a bathhouse, which we call a “sauna”. However, from the works of the already mentioned scientists, it is not difficult to trace that long before they became acquainted with the Finnish sauna, there were always lovers of high temperatures and very low humidity in the steam room in Russia.

The temperature and humidity in a Russian bath largely depend on the design of its stove. If an open water container is used in the steam room, then when the temperature rises, the water evaporates - and the bath is guaranteed high humidity. The temperature of the stones in the heater in such a bath does not rise above 300 degrees Celsius. If you pour water on stones, so-called heavy steam is formed. It hangs in the form of a mist and adversely affects the respiratory tract.

On the contrary, a closed container, and even remote from the oven, does not release moisture at all. The stones in such a steam room can heat up to 700 degrees. It is enough to pour a ladle of water onto the heater, and the liquid instantly turns into dry steam, which is also called light or dispersed. This means that water molecules and air molecules are mixed in it

Teachers and students of the First Moscow medical institute Having studied modern Russian baths, we came to the conclusion that they are universal. The baths are built in such a way that the temperature and humidity there change depending on the place where you are. So, in the dressing room the temperature will be 20–25 degrees with very moderate humidity; in the washing room it reaches the lower level of a classic bath - 30–35 degrees with a humidity of 40%; and in the steam room it will increase depending on the preference of the steamer. If you don't pour water on the heater, the temperature will probably remain no higher than 80 degrees with a humidity of 25-30 percent. If you want a vigorous sauna, splash one or two buckets of water on the heater, and the classic sauna is ready.

Bath – great way strengthen the immune system, cope with a variety of ailments and relax after a severe work week. But let’s cool your ardor: this effect is achieved only with strict adherence to the rules for visiting the steam room. The main mistake that beginners make is the desire to add more heat - often leads to undesirable consequences. How to choose the optimal one temperature regime?

Temperature differences between different types of baths

Depending on the design features buildings, there are several types of steam rooms:

  • Russian. In such a bathhouse, the stone backfill is always inside wood stove. If you need to add steam, open the door and pour hot water over the stones.
  • Turkish (hamam). In its classical design, it is a luxurious palace built of marble, decorated with stained glass windows and mosaics. A modern hammam is a room round shape made of stone. There are always several swimming pools for ablutions.
  • Japanese (ofuro). It represents two wooden barrels: the first is filled with heated sawdust, medicinal herbs and essential oils; the second - sea pebbles, providing a massage to the entire surface of the body.
  • Finnish. In this bathhouse, the stones are in an open state, and the modern stove is most often electric. Often such buildings are complemented by a swimming pool or shower.
  • infrared sauna. It is small wooden cabinet With thin walls and glass door; IR emitters are located under the seats. The design eliminates steam formation, so it is quite easy to carry.

The type of construction directly affects the principle of operation of the steam room and the effect it has on the body.

Russian bath: temperature regime

This steam room has a low heat level (60-70 degrees). In order to prepare the room for the future ceremony, it is heated from one to several hours, depending on the size and type of stove (stone or metal). If there are any defects in the building - rotten crowns, leaky floors - it is very difficult to achieve the desired temperature regime.

Additionally warm up all muscles, joints and internal organs you can use brooms. They create a massage effect, and natural oils juniper, oak, fir increase the overall tone of the body.

Optimal temperature and humidity in a Russian bath

The wish for “light steam” before the start of such a ceremony is not accidental. Russian bathhouse is different high level humidity (up to 90 percent). The thick steam generated when water is applied to hot stones cleanses the skin, accelerates blood flow, and improves metabolic processes in tissues.

The general rule: if the humidity in the bath is high, the temperature should be lowered.

You can regulate the heat load yourself: on the upper shelves it is always higher. The lower steps are suitable for a short rest; They are also recommended for beginners and people in a weakened state. If you are participating in a bath ceremony for the first time, limit yourself to five minutes to begin with.

Advice: you should not stand in the steam room - this can lead to heat stroke.

The temperature of the stove in a Russian bath is determined simply: just pour water over it. If you hear a sharp bang and a cloud of steam forms quickly, it means the stones are well heated. Comfortable temperature in a Russian bath it is 45-60 degrees with a humidity of 50-60 percent. In order not to cause harm to the body and to control the implementation of the procedure, there are various devices– bath thermometers, hourglasses.

Remember: the first 10 minutes of being in the steam room provide warming of the skin, the next - the internal organs.

In addition, it is important to maintain the correct climate conditions in all rooms:

  • 26°C, 61% humidity – for the locker room;
  • 28°C, 78% humidity – for the waiting room;
  • 55-90°C, 72% humidity – directly in the steam room.

The difference between the largest and smallest value should not exceed 41 degrees. Also, if you decide to turn up the heat, do it gradually.

The temperature of the pool water in the bathhouse (font) should be 15-25 degrees. By alternating between bathing and visiting the steam room, you will increase the elasticity of blood vessels and strengthen the immune system.

Maximum temperature in the bath

If you are visiting the establishment in the company of friends, it is better to agree in advance at what temperature the sauna is heated to. For people with poor health, women and children, high temperatures are contraindicated.

The bathhouse is a real panacea for diseases. Bath procedures help improve blood circulation, thereby accelerating metabolic processes. But for comfort in the bathhouse you need an appropriate microclimate. The optimal temperature/humidity ratio is 60/60. At the same time, higher temperatures and humidity cause significant discomfort. And the lack of humidity makes the vaping procedure unpleasant. Therefore, many lovers of Russian baths are wondering how to increase the humidity in it.

How to make your stay in the steam room comfortable

A Russian bath requires knowledge and the ability to steam: in order for the steam in the bath to be “light”, you need to be a master of the bath business

There can be many reasons for the lack of humidity in the steam room. The most common of them is the incorrect selection of the stove. Modern stoves intended for baths or saunas. The second option involves dry heat with high temperature. As professionals say, if you increase the humidity in a hot bath (at a temperature above 70°C), you can simply cook it. If you have a problem with the stove, then it is more advisable to change it.

Some people advise placing it around the stove brick screen, which will partially absorb the heat. In this case, to achieve the desired humidity level, you will have to pour a large number of water on the heater.

The ideal ratio of temperature and humidity in a Russian steam room is obtained when the heat-intensive heater is made of brick.

Another reason is the dry wood of the walls and ceiling. Dry wood quickly absorbs moisture. To prevent this from happening, pour water over the walls and ceiling while heating the steam room. While the stove is heating, the wood will absorb some of the water, and the rest will evaporate, increasing the humidity.

A leaking water tank attached to the stove will significantly increase the humidity. The water in the tank will heat up and evaporate. The amount of steam depends on the area of ​​the open hole in the tank - the larger it is, the stronger the evaporation.

You can place a metal basin with water on the shelves in the steam room, which will evaporate during the steaming process.

Finally, before taking bath procedures, you can install an air humidifier or steam generator in the steam room.

This is how professionals advise increasing the air humidity in the steam room to the desired level.

The temperature in the Russian bath should be comfortable for the procedures.

The variety of baths allows a person to make a choice in favor of one or several health procedures. It all depends on health and preferences. For those who are building a structure on the site, you need to know what temperature should be in a bathhouse of any type. Let's get acquainted with the indicators.

For convenience, it is better to place a thermometer in any steam room.

In Russia there are more adherents of the traditional Russian bathhouse, which is famous for its healing properties. But the bathhouse is not always built or used correctly. It seems that the rules for choosing material for a log house have been taken into account, a stove has been installed, interior decoration, but there is no feeling of complete satisfaction after leaving the steam room. This is due to the incorrect ratio of heat and humidity in the bath. According to traditional concepts, the bathhouse is divided into three compartments:

  • The dressing room is a place for undressing and rest; equipped with benches, a tea table, hangers, shelves. The room temperature is the lowest, comfortable for relaxation.
  • A washroom is a place where people wash, apply products to the body and hair, and carry out various procedures. The temperature is higher than in the waiting room. Humidity within 50%. Equipped with benches, there is a window.
  • The steam room is the place of the main actions for steaming the body. Here, toxins come out along with sweat, the skin and internal organs, bones, and joints receive maximum heating. The temperature is the highest - up to 70%. But the humidity should also be high - 80–90%, so as not to burn your breath. They are equipped with sun loungers and a heater with a hole for steam, which is obtained by splashing water on the stones. Do not wash your hair before visiting the steam room to avoid heatstroke.

Often the last two compartments are combined into one to save space. Then the air is heated gradually. Stay in it for no longer than 30 minutes if you are an experienced bathhouse attendant. A beginner should get used to hot, moist steam gradually, starting from 5–10 minutes.

More information about how to take a steam bath is described in the video:

Optimal temperature and humidity in a Russian bath is created gradually. There is a correct ritual for visiting a bathhouse:

  1. After the bath has been completely heated, the first run should be short and dry. The skin will steam at low humidity and temperature. Rest.
  2. On the second pass, add steam by splashing water on the hot stones. Hot steam rises to the ceiling. Take the correct position - lie on the shelves or sit with your legs raised to body level. The temperature is lowest at the bottom. If you don't raise your legs, your body will warm up incorrectly, which will put a lot of stress on your heart.
  3. When the temperature and humidity become familiar, start manipulating with brooms. Don’t overdo it, go to the dressing room in time to rest and cool down.
  4. You can enter the steam room several times, adjusting the humidity and temperature, adding water to the stones or opening the doors for ventilation.

Sometimes even in a good Russian bath it is cold or the air is damp and heavy. This can be adjusted gradually by trying different variants steam and humidity regulation. But do not exceed the regime: temperature no higher than 70 0, humidity within 30–70%. Follow the parameters special devices or according to your feelings when relaxation sets in.

Temperature and humidity in a Finnish sauna

The Finnish sauna is comfortable in terms of humidity and temperature for procedures.

There are many adherents of foreign types of baths. The Finnish sauna is in demand. It is built separately, like a Russian bathhouse, or an area is allocated in a residential building. The sauna differs in temperature and type of design. Most they are taken to the dressing room, because the principle of the Finnish sauna is to warm up less, relax more. The pause time can be up to 40 minutes.

The steam room in the Finnish sauna is small to ensure fast, strong heating. The temperature should be from 70 to 100 0, with humidity not exceeding 10%. The air is very hot and dry. This regime can only withstand healthy man. It is difficult to steam in such a bath; the broom dries quickly and breaks.

There is a designated area for washing, but this is a special shower room where you can take a contrast shower and wash yourself. The Finnish sauna is equipped with a good ventilation system, allowing you to control humidity and temperature.

They spend no more than 10–15 minutes in the steam room, but some people can withstand a shorter period. Monitor your feelings.

Turkish bath: features of temperature and procedures

The temperature in the Turkish bath depends on the type of procedures.

Turkish bath It is no coincidence that it is gaining popularity. The procedures in it are not contraindicated for people, unless there are special recommendations from doctors. The temperature in the hammam varies and depends on the preferences of the vacationer.

Usually this is a whole complex consisting of six or more rooms: a large locker room, steam rooms, decorated with marble and ceramic tiles. Temperatures range from 45 to 100°, and humidity reaches 100%. It is easy to breathe in such a bath. People spend up to an hour inside the steam room without experiencing discomfort.

The Turkish sauna is equipped with pools with different water temperatures, which are visited after procedures for greater body tone.

The peculiarity of the steam room is the constant heating of the sun loungers and a large dense fog formed due to high humidity.

At home, parameters are created that are comfortable for family members.

Having considered three examples of bathhouse complexes, you can decide for yourself what temperature should be in the bathhouse on your site. If the temperature regime in the Finnish and Turkish baths is determined technical parameters, then in a Russian bath you need skill and patience to get comfortable conditions. Try what is closest to you and enjoy. Enjoy Your Bath! If the steam is light, then the feeling after the bath is wonderful.

Humidity, temperature and ventilation are three interrelated and interdependent characteristics of any bath that determine the comfort and benefits of the steaming procedure. Increasing one of them requires changing the others. By varying these values, one achieves optimal microclimate for steamers.

Normally, the air humidity in a Russian bath is 80-100%, and the temperature is 50-60 degrees Celsius. Such high humidity Well tolerated by the human body.

When does the need to reduce it arise?

If the stove is incorrectly selected or installed, the temperature in the steam room is disrupted. When the temperature changes above the specified norm in a Russian bath, the steam becomes “heavy” and intense heat is felt. This happens if the power of the stove does not correspond to the volume of the steam room. During operation metal furnaces with the tank, sometimes there are complaints about increased humidity at low temperatures in the steam room (40-45 degrees). The water boils early, when the bath has not yet warmed up.

Therefore, even at the design stage it is necessary to select a suitable furnace. An increase in humidity in the bathhouse is possible due to inadequate air exchange.

Ventilation in log bath was not specially thought out, since the humidity outside and in the steam room was approximately the same. The issue was resolved by the building itself. Now there are various modifications to the construction of baths, and ventilation planning should be given Special attention. If the bathhouse has already been built, sometimes it is necessary to install a forced fan to eliminate this problem.

There is a method that allows you to reduce the accumulation of condensation on the ceiling and walls in the bathhouse (and, as a result, increase their service life), as well as ensure the creation of an adequate steam pocket.

Hot air collects under the ceiling and settles on it. The tree initially absorbs moisture, and then stops, and a so-called steam pocket is created. To adequately create steam, the ceiling must have a heat capacity.

To do this, at the construction stage of the bathhouse, the following structure should be formed.

When the walls have already been erected, a reflective material is sewn onto them and onto the ceiling using a construction stapler. thermal insulation material- penofol. It is applied in a specific way: one edge overlaps the other to create a continuous layer. Then wide bars are nailed to which the eurolining will be attached. As a result, an air gap is created between the inner and outer skin walls and ceiling.

The furnace vent is mounted below the floor level, and the concrete is poured with a slope towards sewer. The logs are installed in the form of a platform, under which they lay waterproofing material, and floorboards are laid on top. Under top layer the floor also forms an air gap.

How does this design work?

Hot steam passes from the room through the eurolining and is retained between it and the foam foam layer, creating a steam pocket. When condensation forms due to temperature changes, it flows onto the floor along the foil. The blower door opens and wet air comes out through the chimney.

So, high humidity in the bathhouse will be comfortable if, at the design stage, you choose the right model and size of the stove and think about ventilation. In order for the sauna to last longer and to create the correct steam pocket, you need to create air gaps in the ceiling, walls and floor.