When does aichrizon bloom? Tree of love in your home: caring for aichrison at home

Aichrison (lat. Aichryson), or love tree, belongs to the genus of succulent plants of the Crassulaceae family, growing in rock cracks in the Azores and Canary Islands, Madeira, Morocco and Portugal. There are fifteen species in the genus, represented by herbaceous annuals and perennials, as well as subshrubs. The name “aihrizon” is formed from two Greek words: ai – “always” and chrysos – “golden”. The aichrizon plant is very similar to its related money tree.

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Planting and caring for aichrizone

  • Bloom: from April or May for two months.
  • Lighting: bright but diffused light (east or west window).
  • Temperature: during the growing season - usual for residential premises, during the dormant period - 8-10 ˚C.
  • Watering: after the substrate in the pot has dried to half its depth.
  • Air humidity: moderate. In hot weather, it is recommended to wash the plant from time to time under a warm shower.
  • Feeding: during the period of active growth, 2 times a month with fertilizers for succulent plants with a low nitrogen content.
  • Rest period: autumn and winter.
  • Transfer: annual.
  • Trimming: In order to form the crown during the growing season, the plant is pinched. When rejuvenating pruning, up to 5% of the vegetative mass is removed.
  • Reproduction: often by cuttings, less often by seeds.
  • Pests: spider mites, mealybugs, scale insects and nematodes.
  • Diseases: root rot, white swelling.

Read more about growing aichrizon below.

Homemade aichrizon - description

The aichrizon flower has partially branched, practically non-lignified stems, on which for the most part Oppositely located are fleecy, round-ovate leaves, collected in rosettes. The leaves are green or dark green, sometimes with gray, yellow, red or white splashes. Damaged leaves emit an unpleasant odor. The shape of the leaves resembles a heart, hence the name of the plant – “tree of love”. The aichrizon tree blooms with corymbose or paniculate inflorescences of small star-shaped flowers of red, white or cream color in April or May, and after flowering the rosette that formed the peduncle dies. Homemade aichrizon is grown both as a bush and as a standard tree.

Air care at home

How to care for aichrison

Caring for aichrison is extremely simple. Despite the fact that the indoor plant aichrizon is a big lover of light, it likes to sunbathe through gauze or a curtain - the light should be diffused. That's why the best place for aichrizon - eastern or western window. Try not to forget to rotate the indoor air zone around its axis from time to time so that the leaves and branches grow evenly. The plant can withstand the temperature that is comfortable for you, but in winter do not be afraid to expose it to unheated room, since aichrizon normally overwinters at 8-10 ºC, and during a warm winter, leaves may fall off and shoots may stretch.

The condition of its leaves will tell you how often to water the “tree of love” aichrizon: if they are dense and elastic, you can skip watering, but if you find a slight loss of turgor, then it’s time to moisten the soil. Usually, the time to water the plant comes when the soil in the pot has dried to half its depth. You need to water the flowers of aichrizon with a small amount of water, but often, from abundant and infrequent watering, the roots of aichrizon rot. In spring and summer, the soil in the pot is moistened more often than in winter.

Aichrizon is undemanding when it comes to air humidity, but sometimes likes to take a warm shower in the summer. In winter, water procedures are contraindicated for aichrizon. To form a crown or standard tree, they resort to pruning the plant. Remove weak shoots, and to enhance tillering and crown density, pinch the tops of young shoots. In spring, elongated shoots are also shortened.

Fertilizer aichrizon

Aichrizon should be fed during the active growing season, in spring and summer, 2 times a month with a complex fertilizer for succulent plants with a low nitrogen content.

Aichrizon usually blooms in the summer, but in order to see the flowering of aichrizon, certain conditions must be met: the pot should not be spacious, watering should not be too frequent, and the plant should overwinter in a cool, bright place. As you can see, supernatural efforts are not required from you, but if you fulfill the listed requirements, you will be able to enjoy the flowering of the aichrizon for six months. Only when this holiday is over, you will discover that the plant has lost more than half of its leaves, so cut off all faded flower stalks, weak shoots and increase watering so that the plant can gradually recover.

Transplantation of aichrizone

Caring for your home aichrizon also includes its annual replanting, provided that you have not planted it in a pot that is too spacious - the pot for the plant should be a bit cramped. A mixture of four parts is used as a primer for aichrizon. turf land with the addition of one part at a time leaf soil, humus and purified sand. Do not forget that there must be a layer of expanded clay at the bottom.

Reproduction of aichrizon

Propagation of aichrizona by seeds

Aichrizon is propagated both by seed and by cuttings, and both of these methods give good results. Seeds are sown in a soil mixture of leaf soil and purified sand in a ratio of 2:1. The crops, located in a bright place under glass, are regularly ventilated and sprayed, and when shoots appear after a couple of weeks, they are planted in boxes at a distance of 1 cm from each other, and the composition of the mixture should now be different: half of clean sand and light soil and one part of leaf soil. After a while, the grown aichrysons are planted in personal pots 7 cm in diameter and grown at a temperature of 16-18 ºC, subject to daily watering.

Propagation of aichrizona by cuttings

The cuttings you received after trimming the aichrizon should be dried in a dry, dark place for a couple of hours, and then planted in a shallow container in a mixture of vermiculite and sand or in soil for succulent plants with the addition of sand. The cuttings take root quite quickly, and then they can be transplanted into pots with a diameter of 7 cm. You can also root the cuttings in water, to which charcoal should be added.

Pests and diseases of aichrizon

Harmful insects and diseases

If you get it right proper watering aichrizone and place it under bright diffused light, and for the winter take it out onto an insulated loggia, you will not have problems with the plant. If you make mistakes in caring for the plant and do not provide it with the necessary maintenance, then spider mites, scale insects, mealybugs and nematodes can harm the aichrizon. Due to improper watering, the aichrizon may become infected with any of the rots.

We have repeatedly written about how and how to deal with these pests and diseases, and we also wrote that you won’t have to do this if you take care of your plants responsibly, so we won’t repeat ourselves.

The leaves of the aichrison are falling off

If this happens in the warm season, the cause may be the action of direct sun rays, drying out of the earthen coma or, conversely, too frequent watering. If the leaf fall took place in the autumn winter period, which means it’s time for the aichrizon to move to a cool, bright room for the winter. The leaves of the plant also fall during flowering.

Types of aichryzon

We present to you the most popular types of aichrizon in culture.

Aichryson punctatum

A small succulent from 15 to 40 cm in height with greenish-brown shoots pubescent with white hairs, diamond-shaped, slightly pubescent leaves on long petioles, collected in a rosette.

Aichryson tortuosum

Also a low shrub, from 15 to 30 cm in height and width, with diamond-shaped, fleshy leaves covered with white hairs, also collected in rosettes. The leaf is up to 1 cm wide, 1.5 cm long, the petiole is short. Blooms in spring.

Often on windowsills you can see a plant with small voluminous heart-shaped leaves, which is called aichrizon or tree of love. Indoor plant can reach a height of 30 cm. The tree of love blooms in spring with small bright yellow, beige or red flowers that emit a rich aroma. It is believed that this flower creates a special atmosphere in the house, filled with romanticism, comfort, mutual understanding and love.

Love tree. Photo

The tree of love is an indoor plant that loves diffused bright light. If a flowerpot with a flower is on the windowsill, then better growth It is recommended to create a light-protective screen for it. For these purposes, ordinary tulle is sufficient. It is better to place the plant in the eastern or western part of the house.

Tip: for best growth, the plant should be evenly illuminated from all sides. To do this, the pot must be turned periodically.

Suitable temperature for plant growth in spring and summer period It is considered 20–25 degrees, in autumn and winter – 8–10 degrees.

Advice: during the heating season, it is better to remove the pot with aichrison from the radiators.

Love tree. Home care

Watering and fertilizing

The tree of love is an indoor plant that needs regular watering, especially in the warm season. In winter, the plant is rarely watered. It is recommended to use settled or purified water for irrigation. room temperature. Spray the plant warm water in late spring and summer, in winter there is no need for such a procedure.

Complex fertilizer for cacti is suitable as a fertilizer for this plant. It is added once every two weeks throughout the entire growing season, that is, from spring to early autumn.

Transplanting and pruning the tree of love (achrizona)

To stimulate new shoots and leaves, the plant must be pruned before replanting. Favorable period Spring is considered to be the time for replanting. The plant needs to be replanted if its roots have completely filled the pot. A shallow, wide ceramic pot is suitable for these purposes, since the roots of aichrizon are small. A drainage layer of expanded clay, small stones or broken bricks. The soil can be taken universal or with the following composition:

  • der new soil– 4 parts;
  • soil containing rotted leaves – 1 part;
  • humus – 1 part;
  • purified (washed) sand or small brick chips - 1 part.

Reproduction of the tree of love (Aichrizona)

The best time to plant a flower is mid-spring. The care and propagation of the tree of love, a houseplant, can be carried out in several ways:

  • using seeds;
  • cuttings.

Propagation of the tree of love by seeds is as follows:

Planting material is sown in soil consisting of one part leaf soil and half part clean sand.

Cover the container in which the seeds are sown with glass.

Care consists of the following: regular watering and ventilation of crops. Recommended temperature is 16–18 degrees.

After two weeks, the seedlings dive into a large container. In this case, the plants must be placed next to each other. The minimum clearance between them can be 10 mm. The composition of the soil is as follows: light soil, purified sand and leaf soil in a ratio of 0.5:0.5:1.

In order for the sprouts to grow well, they need bright light.

Grown sprouts are transplanted into pots with a diameter of 5–7 cm.

Advice: when propagating by cuttings, planting material After cutting, it is necessary to keep it in a dry, dark place for two hours.

Caring for the tree of love is easy. By following the recommendations, you can grow a plant that will decorate the room with its appearance for a long time.

Thanks to the peculiar shape of the leaves, reminiscent of small hearts, the indoor plant has a very romantic name - aichrizon - “tree of love”. If you comply simple rules By growing it, this plant will regularly delight you with its flowering.


Aichrizon is a small shrub with a height of 15 to 30 cm, a typical representative of the Crassulaceae family, growing in nature mainly in the Azores and Canary Islands. Its fleshy branching stems are covered with medium-sized leathery leaves that have slight pubescence and grow oppositely. At the tops of the stems they are collected in rosettes. The color of the leaves is mainly light green, with small splashes of yellow, gray, white or reddish. Due to their ability to accumulate moisture, leaf blades look like filled pads. If you break them, they give off a rather unpleasant odor.

Under favorable conditions, you can watch the aichrizon (“tree of love”) bloom. Photos of plants covered with modest but very romantic flowers can be seen in this article. They usually appear in April or May and have the shape of yellow or cream stars, less often red.

Types of aichryzon

Among indoor species The most common of these plants are:

Aichrizon homemade. It has very small leaves (no more than 2 cm long), characterized by a uniform green color without inclusions. At good care It can bloom from spring to late autumn.

Aichrizon is loose. A shrub whose height is from 15 to 40 cm, with larger leaves. Its peculiarity is that it drops its leaves when the flowering period ends.

Aichrizon sedum-leaved. It is distinguished by leaves that are sticky to the touch and lack pubescence. The length of the inflorescences does not exceed 7 cm. During the dormant period, partial leaf fall can be observed. Overmoistening of the soil is detrimental to this species.

Aichrizon point. The leaf blade with a crenate edge is light green in color. The stem is covered with translucent hairs, which form denser pubescence on it than on the leaves.

Aichrizon sinuous is an ornamental shrub that has the same height of shoots and diameter of leaf rosettes.

Growing conditions

A representative of the Mediterranean flora is the flower aichrizon (“tree of love”). It requires more careful care at home. First of all, it is necessary to determine the plant appropriate place residence. Thanks to enhanced gas exchange, it feels best outdoors, so in the summer it is recommended to take the flower to a balcony or loggia. Growing this plant requires knowledge about required quantity light, suitable temperature, sufficient level of humidity.


Aichrizon (“tree of love”) needs good lighting, but at the same time, exposure to direct sunlight can be detrimental to it. It is preferable to place it on windows on the east or west side. In any case, it is recommended to turn the pot from time to time so that the crown develops evenly. When placing a flower on the southern windows, you can cover it from the sun with a thin curtain or place it not on the windowsill, but on a stand or table located nearby.


In the summer, the ambient air temperature is not of fundamental importance for the airborne zone. It is preferable that it be within +20-25 ⁰С. But in winter and autumn the plant needs coolness. The air temperature at this time should be only +8-10 ⁰С. In a city apartment, a closed loggia may be a suitable room for this period. If this is not available, place the flower on the windowsill with a piece of foam under the pot to reduce the heat. If the room is too warm, the aichrizon (“tree of love”) takes on an elongated shape, becomes skinny and begins to completely shed its leaves. Therefore, place the flower very close to heating devices Not recommended.


This plant is a succulent, that is, it has the ability to accumulate moisture in the trunk and leaves. Therefore, for it, excessive soil moisture is more destructive than drying it out. Experienced flower growers They use a very simple method to determine the need for watering. You just need to press lightly on the crown. If resistance and elasticity are felt, then watering is not required. With a lack of moisture, the plant is rather lethargic. In the same way, leaves can indicate the need for watering. Their wrinkled, fading appearance indicates the plant's need for water.

After the soil has completely dried out, the aichrizon (“tree of love”) cannot tolerate heavy moisture. Caring for this plant involves frequent watering, but using a small amount of water. This is especially true in winter, since the greatest danger to the flower is waterlogging against the backdrop of low ambient temperatures. Excess moisture in the soil can lead to rotting of the root system.

The pubescent leaves of aichrizon easily collect dust, so the plant needs to be sprayed periodically. In winter, this procedure should be replaced by wiping the leaves with a semi-damp cloth. In summer, the plant responds very well to a warm shower, which it is recommended to give it twice a month. To do this, place the flower pot in the bath and leave it there until the leaves are completely dry.

Top dressing

Like any indoor flower, aichrizon, the “tree of love,” also needs feeding. How to grow a full-fledged plant at home, what fertilizers should be used so as not to harm it? In these matters, it is best to listen to the opinion of experienced flower growers.

Mineral fertilizers are applied not only to have the opportunity to admire abundant and long-lasting flowering. Many of them are also used for crown formation. During the flowering period, the plant is fed at intervals of 2 weeks, using special complex fertilizers intended for succulents. They usually contain phosphorus, potassium and a small amount of nitrogen.


This procedure should not be carried out too often. A sign that the aichrizon (“tree of love”) needs to be transplanted is a soil lump densely entwined with roots. The pot for aichrizon should not be large, otherwise you can wait a very long time for flowering. It is best to use a clay pot for planting. Thanks to its high porosity and breathability, it will remove excess moisture and facilitate air access to the roots.

A drainage layer must be placed on the bottom of the container (expanded clay is usually used). There are no special requirements for the soil. You can fill the pot with a mixture of turf, humus, leaf soil and sand (in a ratio of 4:1:1:1), adding some pieces of coal and brick chips.

The development of the plant largely depends on how to care for the aichrison (tree of love) after transplantation. It is necessary to follow all the recommendations given above, especially paying attention to watering, which is done only on the fourth day after planting. It is very important to water the plant carefully for the first time, in small portions, so as not to cause rotting of the roots.


Aichrizon can be propagated by seeds or cuttings. In the first case, the seeds are sown in prepared bowls filled with a mixture of leaf soil and sand (2:1) and covered with glass. Periodically, crops must be ventilated and sprayed with water. Within two weeks the first shoots appear. They are dropped into boxes at a distance of 1 cm from each other. The soil mixture changes and now consists of two parts of leaf soil and one part each of turf soil and sand. After picking, the plants are placed closer to the light. As they grow, the seedlings are placed in separate pots 5-7 cm in size, filled in equal parts with leaf soil, turf soil and sand. The temperature for further growing flowers should be +15-18⁰С, and watering should be done daily.

Now about how to grow aichrizon (“tree of love”) using cuttings. This method is the simplest. Cuttings obtained by pruning or specially cut for this purpose side shoots First you need to dry it by placing it in a dry, dark place for several hours. Then the cutting is placed in a glass of water where it is located until small roots appear on it. To speed up the process, add a little coal to the water. You can immediately place the cuttings in a container filled with a moist substrate suitable for succulent plants or vermiculite. After rooting, they are planted separately in pots.

The composition of the soil mixture is the same as that into which an adult aichrizon (“tree of love”) plant is transplanted. How to care for it in the future, what conditions need to be provided for full growth - all this is not much different from the above-described rules for caring for the described indoor flower.


Aichrizon can be grown in the form of a bush or tree, the trunk of which has been cleared of leaves. To create a beautiful crown, pinch the tops of the shoots and also remove the weakest ones. During a warm winter, the plant often stretches, forming an irregular skeleton. In this case, it requires updating, which can be done by pruning, as well as rooting cuttings. To form a tree with a smooth trunk and a spreading crown, you simply need to periodically clear part of the trunk from shoots, and the branches from weak growth, pinching the tops. Then the plant aichrizon - “tree of love” - will fully justify its name (photos of such forms of this indoor flower are posted in the article).

Difficulties in growing

For beginning gardeners, in the process of growing aichrizona, a number of problems often arise, the solution of which requires knowledge and experience. The first thing that can cause concern is the frequent falling of leaves. This phenomenon can be caused by various factors. This may be a consequence of improper watering (overmoistening or, conversely, drying out the earthen clod), the plant being exposed to direct sunlight, or a deficiency of nutrients.

As a result of a warm winter, the flower stems may become too exposed. In this case, rejuvenating the plant by rooting the top can help. Lack of moisture causes the leaves to wrinkle, and low lighting causes the stems to stretch, causing the flower to lose its decorative appearance.

Insect pests are not dangerous for aichrizone; the only danger is rot that occurs with excessive watering.

Careful observation of indoor plants will help you see signals in time indicating their uncomfortable condition and take timely measures to protect the flowers. With good care it can long years serve as a decoration for the house aichrizon - “tree of love”. How to grow it, expert advice on creating the necessary conditions for this, and all the recommendations described in this article, you just need to take into account when purchasing such a wonderful plant.

Aichrizon - from the Crassulaceae family, a relative of the well-known money tree. It is a succulent bush, 30 cm high, up to 25 cm in diameter, the stems of which are highly branched, but almost never woody. The second romantic, tender name of aichrizon has taken root among the people - the tree of love, because the plump leaves covered with silver fluff are shaped like green hearts gathering into rosettes. And many people believe that this is a tree of happiness.

The homeland of aichrizon is considered to be the island of Maidera, located in Atlantic Ocean, can also be found in Portugal, the Canary Islands, and the Azores. Currently actively grown by indoor plant lovers.

How to care for an aichrison flower

Aichrizon tree of happiness planting and care at home photo

Aichrizon is not a capricious plant and takes root well even in apartments where there are unfavorable growing conditions. It is quite easy to care for it.

Choosing a place for an aichrizon flower

Avoid direct sunlight, heat from the battery, household appliances. The best place is a western or eastern window; on the southern side it is necessary to create a light shadow using gauze or tulle. The temperature regime for spring and summer is 20-25° C, in winter 10° C is enough, at elevated temperatures the leaves fall.

Watering and humidity for the flower

Aichrizon is a succulent that does not require heavy watering. When the leaves are elastic and dense, there is enough moisture. Water often, but not much; excessive watering will lead to rotting of the roots; in winter, extremely infrequent watering is needed.

Air humidity is not a decisive factor in care; the plant tolerates dry room air well. An occasional warm shower won't hurt, but not in winter.

Soil and fertilizers for aichrizone

Since the root system of aichrizon is small and weak, heavy soil and a high pot should not be used, otherwise the roots may rot. The ideal mixture for the plant: combine one part of peat, turf soil, coarse sand, expanded clay or gravel, pour into clay pots up to 12 cm in diameter with good drainage material added to the bottom; pieces of birch charcoal will also come in handy.

For pomp and good looking During the spring-summer period, the bush must be fertilized frequently: complex fertilizers with a low nitrogen content are introduced every two weeks; in winter, fertilizer is not required.


To form a nice rounded crown, pinch the upper parts of young shoots, remove underdeveloped and old ones completely. In spring it is necessary to prune particularly long shoots; Also cut off faded flower stalks.

How to replant a tree of love

If the roots have filled the pot too much, you should replant in the spring, then water in small portions. A replant is also needed when buying a flower from a store; it is better to replace this soil.

Flowering aichryzon

2-3 year old plants begin to bloom. Blooming in spring, almost all species can bloom for about six months. When it reaches age, but flowering does not occur, the care conditions may not have been met - transplant it into a small pot, water it moderately, and leave it to overwinter in a cool place.

How to propagate aichrizon

New flowers are obtained by propagation by cuttings and seeds, but the seeds do not germinate for long, so cuttings are preferable.

Growing from seeds

To grow aichrizon from seeds, prepare a mixture of leaf soil and sand in a ratio of 1 to 2. Sow the seeds, build a greenhouse, cover with glass or film, place in a bright place, periodically ventilate and irrigate the soil. In a couple of weeks, shoots will appear. The grown flowers dive, change the original soil to a mixture of sand, light soil and leaf soil in a ratio of 0.5 + 0.5 + 1. Place the strengthened plants in separate pots with a diameter of about 7 cm, ensure the air temperature is 18 ° C.

Cuttings of aichryzon

Propagation of aichrizona by cuttings photo

Cuttings are even simpler: cut the shoot, a couple of hours after cutting it off from the main plant, dig it into soil for succulents or a mixture of sand and vermiculite. Plant the rooted bushes in pots with a diameter of up to 7 cm. To form roots, the cuttings can also be placed in water, but they may simply rot.

Diseases and pests of the tree of love

Aichrizon has strong immunity. By observing proper care, diseases will not appear, and harm will most likely be avoided. Occasionally they can be attacked by nematodes, spider mites, and mealybugs. Excessive watering threatens the appearance of rot. Falling leaves in the fall is quite normal as the plant prepares to spend the winter, but when faced with this summer, check to see if the plant is exposed to direct sunlight. Excessive watering or drying out of the soil can also cause leaves to fall.

Signs and superstitions about aichrizon

Aichrizon photo home care signs and superstitions

There is a belief that where aichrizon grows, love, happiness, and harmony will reign, so be sure to buy this tree of love for your home. It is believed that it takes away negativity, protects against adversity and troubles, and cleanses the aura of the house.

Types of indoor air zones with photos and descriptions

Popular types of love tree: there are about 15 types of plants, differing in the shape of the leaves, the size of the bush, and the density of the edge.

Sedifolium Aichryson sedifolium

Sedum leaf or aichrizon aeonium hybrid photo

A subshrub about 40 cm high, with straight shoots, short leaves - about 15 mm, wide, club-like, growing close to each other, forming a rosette up to 6 cm in diameter. They can be yellow-green, green, sometimes with reddish stripes that secrete a sticky substance that covers the surface of the leaf. Flowering - yellow flowers forming racemose inflorescences, blooms for about two months. In winter, it is prone to dropping leaves.

Domestic aichryson x domesticum

Domestic aichryson x domesticum photo

Hybrid form of the tree of love. A compact bush up to 30 cm in height and diameter, with small club-shaped leaves, up to 2 cm in length and 1 cm in width, collected in miniature rosettes covered with white fibers. The leaves are bright green, the inflorescences are yellow, fragrant, and can bloom for up to six months.

Aichryson tortuosum

Aichryson tortuosum

A neat bush, about 30 cm high with light green thick diamond-shaped leaves, covered with edges, collected in rosettes, the leaf plate area is about 1.5 cm. A special feature is the short petiole, flowering reaches six months.

Loose or prostrate aichryson Aichryson laxum

Loose or prostrate aichryson Aichryson laxum photo

A cube-shaped shrub, about 40 cm high. Diamond-shaped leaves with white pubescence, 1-3 cm in size, placed on a long petiole, forming rosettes. Yellow flowers bloom in early spring and can bloom for about 6 months, typically dropping foliage after flowering.

Aichryson punctatum

Aichryson punctatum photo

Reaches a height of 40 cm. Brown-green shoots have a thick white edge, and the diamond-shaped leaves are slightly pubescent, located on long petioles, collected in rosettes.

Latin name of the plant- Aichryson

Relation to families- Crassulaceae

Habitat- Madeira Island, partially found in wildlife in the Canaries and the Azores archipelago

Plant height- medium height, compact

Regularity of flowering- spring, with intensive increase in daylight hours

Environmental requirements- does not tolerate direct sunlight, ideal air temperature is from 20 to 25 degrees Celsius. Drought-resistant, does not require regular watering.

special instructions- it is necessary to spray the foliage, ensuring a dormant period from December to March when the temperature drops to 10 degrees Celsius.

Main type of reproduction- shoots and lignified cuttings.

“Tree of Love” is a common indoor plant that feels great on the balcony and loggia in the summer, shady garden. It develops better in the open air due to increased gas exchange. The aichrizon flower is a natural representative of the Mediterranean flora, and therefore requires careful and attentive care at home. Favorable growing conditions should be created for it and a suitable place of “residence” should be chosen. You can read how to organize all this in this article.

When describing the species as a whole, it is worth noting that this is a true representative of the Crassulaceae family. It has thick leathery leaves that resemble soft pads filled inside. The plant is capable of accumulating and storing moisture in its structural parts (mainly in the foliage). Most often, there is bright, rich green foliage and characteristic red and yellow inflorescences, which appear 40-60 days after the release of aichrizon from the dormant period. The flower has the shape of an asterisk and is characterized by multiple bunched inflorescences. Leaves may be smooth or slightly hairy.

Popular types of aichrizona and their photos

The diversity of foliage and flowering options results from breeding work many generations. The most popular types of aichrizon are hybrids from the Aeonium x domesticus group, which belong exclusively to domestic plants.

You can see these types of aichrizon in the photo, which perfectly illustrate the visual attractiveness of the compact bush:

This species is distinguished by a non-drying stem that grows a maximum of 30 cm in height and a spreading crown up to 40 cm in diameter. Leaf blade oval shape with a width of 10 mm and a length of 20 mm. Leaf color is light green or light green. Dropped with white fibers. It has a long flowering period, lasting from early May to late October. The peduncles are long, the buds are of a rich yellow hue.

Another popular look- this is a sedum-leaved aichrizon, which has the second name Aeonium. Belongs to the group of succulents with a low stele up to 40 cm in height. The leaves are short and wide. On average, the length does not exceed 15 mm, and the width can reach 60 mm. On the surface of the leaves there is a sticky substrate secreted by reddish veins typical of this species. The flowering period is short and rarely exceeds 2 months. Yellow flowers on peduncles up to 70 mm long. There is a tendency to completely shed leaves during winter dormancy. Don't be afraid of this.

Aichryson laxum is called prostrate; there is another name - loose aichryson. It is characterized by diamond-shaped leaves with a length of no more than 30 mm and a width of up to 15 mm. The flowers are yellow in color and bloom for at least six months.

The twisted appearance of aichrizon can be distinguished by a short stalk, with the help of which the leaf is attached to the central trunk. It is practically absent, so the fleshy diamond-shaped leaves literally stick to the trunk and branches. It has a tendency towards strong branching, which allows the plant to be used in bonsai culture.

Look at the types of aichrizon in the photo, showing all the beauty of this representative of the tropical flora:

Reproduction of aichrizona and care at home

Properly organized care for aichrizon at home allows you to grow a beautiful plant that will bring many moments of happiness to its owner. First you need to choose a suitable place for this handsome man to live. It is best if it is a north or northeast window. On other window sills, it is necessary to cover the tree with a thick layer of gauze in the morning. Once a week it is necessary to turn the pot 10 degrees. This agrotechnical technique allows you to form a uniform spreading crown. An excellent place for growth and development is a distance of up to 1.5 - 2 meters from a window covered with a transparent veil, which allows sufficient diffused sunlight to pass through. Therefore, the aichrizon flower is successfully used for interior landscaping. country houses, apartments and offices.

Second important condition proper care at home - ensuring optimal ambient temperature. You should not allow even the slightest drafts, this leads to the complete shedding of deciduous mass and even the death of the bush. During active growth and development, an air temperature of at least 20 degrees Celsius is required. In winter, after flowering has ended, the temperature should be lowered to 8 degrees Celsius. This can be done by moving the tree of love to the basement or to a glassed-in loggia.

Watering is carried out as the earthen clod dries. Often this should not be done under any circumstances, since there is a high probability of rotting of the root system. In summer, watering is carried out approximately once every 3 days. In winter, the frequency of watering is reduced to 3 times a month. The need for watering can be determined by assessing the turgor (saturation) of the leaves. You can lightly press the crown with your palm on top. Or you can just touch the leaf. If there is no elasticity, then watering is needed.

To stimulate the growth of new leaf mass, it is necessary to take a warm shower 2 times a month. To do this, place the plant in a bath and water it generously with water at a temperature of about 30 degrees Celsius for 5 minutes. Leave the water in the bathroom until the water drops are completely dry, otherwise you may get sunburn or other illnesses. During the dormant period, water procedures are stopped completely until the plant emerges from hibernation. Caring for aichrizon at home involves applying mineral fertilizer and forming a crown. For fertilizing, you should use complex fertilizers with a low nitrogen content, otherwise you may never see flowering. But regarding the formation of the crown, there are a lot of options.

You can grow a tree in bonsai style on 1 stem, or you can create any green sculpture. Aichrizon is perfect for this type of creativity.

To stimulate flowering, a tight pot, infrequent watering and diffused sunlight are necessary. After flowering, a period of rest is required. The plant does not die after flowering, so there is no need to remove the flower stalks. This can only deprive yourself of the wonderful long-lasting flowering of aichrizon.

Reproduction of aichrizon does not present any particular difficulties. If it is not possible to obtain layering, you can resort to sowing seeds. They sprout in about 20 days. Seedlings grow and develop quickly. IN further reproduction carried out by layering and cuttings, which can be harvested in April and October. Rooting can be carried out in water or loose substrate with covering of the cutting glass jar or a film greenhouse.

What difficulties may arise when growing aichrison flowers?

Very often, beginning flower growers are faced with various problems that can be easily solved with experience and knowledge. What difficulties may arise? The first is the regular fall of leaves. Improper watering and deficiency are to blame nutrients. But under no circumstances should you stop flowering. If the foliage is dropped after the end of flowering, this is a sign that after a period of dormancy, the aichrizon will produce even more flower stalks. In this case, it is necessary to increase watering and fertilize weekly for 30 days. Then provide a rest period for the plant for 2 months. And you can enjoy the magnificent view again.

When growing an aichrizon flower under “warm” wintering conditions, the stems are stretched and exposed, forming an irregular skeleton. Here you can only root the tops and thereby rejuvenate the plant. Although in some cases pinching helps apical bud and trimming the central stem.

The plant is resistant to most pests and diseases. But it can be affected by various types of rot, which is the result of improper care.

As the roots grow In summer 20-25, in winter 8-15 When the top layer of soil dries out Bright diffused lighting


Aichrizon prefers bright, diffused lighting. It is optimal to place the aichrizon on a window facing east or west.

On the south side, be sure to shade the plant with a translucent curtain, especially during the hot afternoon hours. Otherwise, burns may appear on the leaves.

There will not be enough light on the northern windowsill.

The stems of the plant change their direction, stretching towards the light. In view of this, in order to form a beautiful symmetrical crown, you should rotate the pot around its axis from time to time.

In winter, when daylight hours are short enough, it is recommended to use fluorescent or phytolamps. This will help the aichrizon not to lose its decorative appearance.


In the summer, it is optimal to keep the aichrizon at a temperature of 20-25 degrees. At higher rates, it is important to ensure good air circulation. It is recommended to place the plant on the balcony or in the garden, protecting it from wind and precipitation.

In winter, when the love tree enters a dormant period, it is necessary to reduce the temperature to 8-15 degrees. Otherwise, the stems stretch, the leaves begin to fall, and the bush loses its decorative appearance.


Aichrizon should be watered moderately. Before the next moistening, the top layer of soil must dry thoroughly..

In winter, in cool conditions, the regularity of watering is significantly reduced.

The need for soil moisture can be determined by the condition of the shoots and leaves. If you lightly press the crown and it springs, there is still enough moisture, but if it feels soft, watering is urgently needed.

Lethargic leaves that have lost turgor (elasticity and juiciness) indicate constant insufficient watering.

You also can’t overdo it with soil moisture. Due to stagnation of water in the soil, the roots and stems of the flower may begin to rot.

For irrigation, it is used to stand at room temperature for 1-2 days.

For aichrizone, environmental humidity does not play a significant role, so there is no need to take special measures to increase it. It tolerates dry apartment air very well.

In the period from veins to autumn, it is recommended to clean the aichrizon from dust once every 10-20 days, giving him a warm shower. In winter, this procedure is not carried out.

The soil

For aichrizone, nutritious soil that allows moisture and air to pass through well, with neutral or weak acidity (6.1-6.5 pH) is suitable. A ready-made substrate for succulents and cacti, purchased in a store, is suitable.

To prepare the soil mixture yourself, you should take one part each of humus, leaf soil and sand and 4 parts of turf soil. You can add a little crushed charcoal to the prepared mixture.

Another option is 2 parts of garden soil and humus, 3 parts of coarse sand and 1 part of charcoal.

The pot for air chrysanthemum must have holes for drainage.

Place at the bottom of the pot good layer drainage consisting of expanded clay, clay shards or foam. This will protect the plant from stagnation of moisture in the soil.


From spring to autumn, aichrizon must be fed once every 2 weeks after watering.

It is optimal to use special fertilizers for succulents and cacti with low nitrogen content in the composition.

The plant needs fertilizing so that it is lush and bushes well. Thanks to them, the aichrizon will maintain a beautiful, decorative appearance throughout the year.

If you cannot find fertilizer for cacti and succulents, it is better not to fertilize the plant at all. The fact is that ordinary universal fertilizers contain a lot of nitrogen, which is contraindicated for aichrizon.

It is very important to apply fertilizing to moist soil, preferably 15-20 minutes after watering. Otherwise, it is very easy to burn the root system with fertilizers, which can lead to the death of the flower.

Trimming / Support / Garter

Aichrizon can be grown as a bush or standard tree.

If after winter the shoots of aichrizona become very elongated, they can be renewed by pruning.

Pruning is also carried out after flowering has ended.

Another reason for pruning may be the need to have cuttings for propagation. If the plant is very elongated, deformed, and the stems are bare (for example, due to a warm winter), by trimming the tops and rooting them, you can rejuvenate the flower.

Aichrizon is easy to form. From it you can grow a small tree or bush with a cone-shaped or spherical crown. To do this, in the spring the flower is cut to the desired shape, and throughout the year, excess shoots are removed.


Of the diseases, aichrizon is most often affected by various rots. This may be a consequence of frequent and abundant watering, high humidity environment.

If the roots rot, the affected areas are cut off, and the remaining ones are dipped in a pink solution of potassium permanganate and sprinkled with crushed coal. The plant is transplanted into new soil and into a new pot. If the shoots rot, they should be removed.

The tree of love is rarely affected. It could be spider mite or mealybug. First, insects are removed mechanically using a soap solution.

If soap solution does not help, you will need treatment with an insecticide - Actellik, Nurell-D or Fitoverm.


  • Wrinkled leaves that have lost turgor indicate insufficient watering;
  • The stems of aichrizon stretch and lose their decorative effect when there is not enough light;
  • Aichrizon begins to shed a lot of leaves for several reasons: too bright lighting, excessive watering or high temperatures in winter.
  • Too bare branches may indicate that the temperature is too high in winter. To solve the problem, you can cut the apical cuttings, root them and grow a new flower from them.
  • Excessive abundant watering is fraught with the appearance of various rots.
  • Light brown or yellow spots on the leaves indicate sunburn. The pot with the plant must be removed from direct sunlight.
  • Why aichrizon does not bloom - there is a high probability that it does not have enough sunlight.


Let's take a closer look at the propagation of aichrizon at home.

Aichrizon cuttings and seeds. In the first case, the cuttings are cut with a sharp knife and dried for several hours in a cool and dark place. They are then planted in damp sand or vermiculite.

There is no need to create high humidity, since in this case the cuttings may rot.

Rooting of aichrizon cuttings occurs within a month, after which new specimens are planted in individual pots with a diameter of 5-7 cm, which are kept at a temperature of 16-18 degrees.

Seeds are sown in boxes filled with a mixture of sand and leaf soil in a 1:2 ratio. The containers are covered with glass and placed in the light. Daily spraying and ventilation are necessary. Seeds germinate in 10-14 days. Then it is necessary to plant the seedlings in bowls or boxes with a mixture of sand, leaf and turf soil in a ratio of 1:2:1 at a distance of 1x1 cm from each other.

When young aichrizonas grow up, they are planted one at a time in individual pots with a diameter of 5-7 cm. They are kept at a temperature of 16-19 degrees.


aichrizone is produced as needed, when the roots have completely entwined the earthen ball in the previous pot. The optimal time for transplanting aichrizon is spring. You should not water the plant after transplanting.

You can begin to moisten the soil only 5-6 days after transferring it to a new pot. Otherwise, the tree of love may rot.

Since aichrizon has a shallow root system, a wide, shallow pot a few centimeters larger in diameter than the previous one is suitable for replanting it. It is optimal to choose clay containers as they have good breathability.

Also, replanting is necessary 2-3 weeks after purchasing the plant. Store-bought soil is intended for transportation, so it is best to replace it.

Description of the species and varieties

Aichrizon is a succulent representative of the Crassulaceae family. In its natural environment, it can be found in rock cracks in the Canary and Azores Islands, Morocco and Madeira.

It's undersized herbaceous plant, up to 40 cm high. It has erect, non-lignified stems that branch well. On their tops grow rosettes of green, fleecy leaves arranged oppositely.

They are shaped like hearts, which is why the flower received the popular nickname “tree of love.” Aichrizon blooms in the summer. Small yellow, cream or red flowers are collected in corymbose or paniculate inflorescences.

The genus Aichrizon has about 15 species, many of which are grown in indoor floriculture. The most popular of them:

  • - a shrub, no more than 30 cm in height. Club-shaped, fleshy leaves have white fibers and are collected in a small rosette. The leaves do not exceed 2 cm in length and 1 cm in width. Yellow fragrant flowers are collected on tall peduncles reaching a height of 20 cm.
  • Aichrizon sinuous– height and diameter – 15-30 cm. The leaves are diamond-shaped, fleshy, with short hairs, 1.5-2 cm long, up to 1 cm wide.
  • Aichrizon sedum-leaved– has thin stems, up to 40 cm high. The leaves are fleshy, club-shaped, collected in rosettes, up to 6 cm in diameter. The leaves are light green or yellow-green in color with red lines.

Now you know how to care for aichrison (flower of happiness), as well as how to propagate and replant the flower.

Aichrizon received its name for its original leaves that look like hearts. For flower lovers it is a symbol of happiness and love, for true flower growers it is an interesting plant to add to the collection. Caring for aichrison at home will not take much time - it is an easy-to-care, unpretentious flower.

Perennial succulent evergreen plant. The bush is low, rounded. The height usually does not exceed 30 cm. The root system is superficial, branched. In nature, it prefers rocky terrain - it settles between stones and on cliffs.

The stems are flexible, bright green, and strongly branched. Only very old, perennial shoots become lignified. The leaves are medium-sized, plump, with pubescence. Grouped at the ends of stems. The color is green, sometimes interspersed with different shades. The shape depends on the species. When damaged, the leaves and stems release juice with an unpleasant odor.

Aichrizon blooms with small star-shaped flowers collected in panicles. Peduncle of medium length, branches. The flowers are yellow or cream, less often red. Each flower consists of 6-12 petals. The formation of peduncles and buds takes a lot of energy from the plant. Regardless of the quality of care, partial death of the shoot occurs along with the peduncle after the flowering phase.

Important! The sap of the plant contains toxic substances. If it enters the digestive tract it can cause severe poisoning. It is not recommended to keep the flower in an apartment with small children and pets. As a last resort, remove the plant out of their reach!

Common varieties

The genus includes about 15 species. As a houseplant, aichrizon is represented by the following varieties.

  • Aichrizon sedum-leaved. Differs in shortened shoots. The main part of the leaves is concentrated at their tips. The leaves grow closely together and are shaped like pointed grapes. The color is yellowish-green with a slight admixture of unexpressed red stains. The surface is smooth, slightly sticky. The flowers are yellow, collected in large tassels.

  • Aichrizon homemade. Compact, spherical bush. Characterized by strong branching of shoots. The leaves are dark in color, pubescent, collected in beautiful rosettes. The peduncles are long, the inflorescences are multi-flowered, of different yellow shades. They have a pleasant smell.

  • Aichrizon prostrate. The bush is wide and quite large. The shoots are erect, covered with oppositely arranged leaves. The leaves are flattened, diamond-shaped, dark in color. Flowers are small, yellow.

  • Aichrizon is sinuous. The bush is round and low. Light diamond-shaped leaves sit on small petioles. Characteristic is the silvery pubescence of the leaves. Flowering begins in May and lasts up to six months. The flowers are a delicate beige color.

  • Aichrizon point. The stems are thin, reddish in color. The leaves are bright, pubescent, and diamond-shaped. Flowering is abundant.

A sign about aichrizon! It is believed that the flower attracts not only love, but also prosperity to the house. But giving a flower is not recommended - the giver may have financial problems. If you are given an aichrizon, be sure to give a yellow coin in return.

Features of cultivation and care

An unpretentious flower that grows well in conditions minimal care. Complete care increases decorativeness, stimulates long-lasting, lush flowering.

  • Choice of location and lighting. Choose well-lit places, protected from the sun. The fleshy leaves easily get sunburned. It is recommended to give preference to the western or eastern side. To ensure uniform density of the bush, the other side is periodically exposed to the light. In winter, the need for lighting is higher.
  • Temperature. In the summer season it prefers warmth - up to 25°C. Further increase is undesirable. In winter, they are moved to a cool place - about 10°C. Warm wintering leads to elongation of shoots and falling leaves. Do not place it near working batteries.
  • Watering. In warm weather, during the phase of intensive growth and flowering, regular, moderate watering is maintained. Monitor the condition of the soil - it should be half dry before the next watering. Excess water is harmful - the roots begin to rot. In winter, the need for moisture is lower. Water rarely; the need for watering is determined by the condition of the plant. Lightly press the crown of the plant with your palm - if it springs, there is still enough moisture.
  • Humidity. Neutral plant regarding air humidity. The flower is not sprayed. In summer, periodically bathe in a warm shower to wash off dust from the leaves. It is not recommended to do this during the cold season.
  • The soil. Any universal store-bought soil mixture will do. You can take regular garden soil with added sand. The addition of coal and a small amount of well-rotted humus is welcome.
  • Transfer. Annual. Replant in the spring before active growth begins. If the earthen ball is not completely entwined with roots, the transplant can be skipped. Use low pots and fill a quarter with drainage. After transplanting, refrain from watering for a week.
  • Feeding. In the growth phase twice a month. Use products for succulents. The main requirement is a minimum of nitrogen in the composition.

Advice! There are several ways to form aichrizon. Amateur gardeners often leave it in the form of a compact bush. Experienced gardeners form it in the form of a small tree. To form an even tree, it is recommended to regularly pinch off weak shoots and trim the tops of young ones.

Reproduction methods

Propagation of aichrizona is practiced by sowing seeds and cuttings. Both methods give good results.

  • Seeds. Seeds are sown in spring to a depth of 5 mm. Boxes and soil are used as containers - a mixture of peat or leaf soil with sand. Watering is replaced by spraying from a spray bottle. Germinate under film or glass at a temperature not lower than 16°C. Optimal temperature— 20°C. The greenhouse is ventilated daily, the film is removed only after germination. Moisturize as needed. Seed germination is good, the first shoots appear by the end of the second week. Picking into separate pots at the stage of 3-4 true leaves. To make the bush lush, several seedlings are planted in one pot.
  • Cuttings. The optimal time for cuttings is March-April. Cut cuttings 8-9 cm long and dry for at least 24 hours. Root in two ways - in water or soil. For rooting in water, take only boiled water, add crushed coal (1-2 tablets) to it. After the roots appear, they are transplanted into soil for succulents.

Advice! All parts of the plant are capable of rooting. If the plant is too young to take cuttings from it, break off a leaf and press it into the wet ground. In just 1-2 weeks, the formation of roots will begin.

The main difficulties of growing

The main problem of aichrizon is rot. They are caused by excessive soil moisture. Rot affects the base of the shoots and the root system. If the plant begins to rot, it is better to immediately plant the cutting in case the flower dies. The diseased plant is transplanted into new soil, after removing the affected parts. In addition to rot, you may encounter the following problems.

Exposure of stemsThe result of a warm winter.It will not be possible to restore the decorative appearance of the plant. The best way out- cut cuttings and grow young replacement bushes.
Leaf crinklingLack of moisture in the soil.Increase watering and regularly check the elasticity of the leaves.
Pulling out the stemsWeak light.Move the flower to a brighter place. If necessary, organize artificial lighting.
Leaf fallAssociated with high room temperature, direct sunlight, and constant waterlogging.Identify and eliminate the source of the problem. Root cuttings for cultivation young plant for changing.

Aichrizon is a beautiful and fairly common plant. It looks good as a bush and tree and remains decorative all year round.

Aichrizon is a miniature ornamental tree. to his unusual appearance leaves and delicate flowers have captivated many gardeners. Superstitions and signs are associated with the history of growing aichrizon. Many people believe that keeping aichrizona as a houseplant will bring happiness and love to its owner. For this reason, it is often called the “tree of happiness,” and in those homes where the flower withers and withers, it is believed that there is too much negative energy, which is why the owners should think about changing the emotional background. Overall, thanks easy care, a cute little plant that can bloom profusely against a backdrop of emerald greenery.

A perennial plant from the Crassulaceae family, in its natural environment it prefers the rocky terrain of the Mediterranean coast. Most often found on rocky slopes and rock crevices. The root system is superficial, branched. The aichrizon flower is an evergreen succulent shrub up to 30 cm high.

The branched, flexible, juicy, slightly curved stem is covered with delicate greenish skin and becomes woody only after many years. Sometimes the indoor plant aichrizon is used as a bonsai formation.

At the top of the stem and branches, a “crown” of leaves is formed, giving the bush a dome-shaped, spherical appearance. Bright green, emerald, gray-green, fleshy, fleecy leaves are collected in rosettes in pairs or groups at the top of the branches. The shape of the leaves is varied - heart-shaped, triangular, round. Due to the similarity of the leaves to the heart, the plant is called the “tree of love.” Often there are representatives with various color inclusions in the leaf plate - white, red, yellow.

The flowering period is mid-late spring, and homemade aichrizon is able to delight with flowers for much longer, almost six months. Flowers are formed in groups on long branched peduncles (up to 20 cm). The shape of the flowers resembles a pointed daisy or a star; color – golden or various shades of yellow. A star-shaped flower, up to 2 cm in diameter, has 6-12 pointed petals.

According to signs, aichrizon is able to bring happiness to its owner only if all conditions for maintaining a compact bush are met. With insufficient care, due to damage to the leaf blade or trunk, the plant secretes a clear liquid with a very unpleasant odor.

Since the plant is poisonous, if swallowed it can cause a reaction in the body that resembles poisoning. In the apartment, you should choose a place for the plant that is inaccessible to children and pets.

Types and varieties

There are no more than 15 species, most of which are successfully grown as indoor plants. Aichrizon is an amazing compact shrub with unusual foliage and flowers. Indoor aichrizon will easily win the hearts of both beginners and experienced gardeners.

Aichrizon sedum-leaved

Aichrizon sedum-leaved

Another name for the species is aeonium. This is a compact shrub up to 40 cm high, with low stems, most of which are densely covered with foliage. Feature species - the appearance of the shrub and the shape of the leaf. The leaf blade is smooth, oval, elongated, sticky, with a slightly pointed end, shaped like grapes. The leaves are densely planted at the top of the stem. The length of the sheet plate does not exceed 15 mm, width 6 mm. The color of the leaves is green-yellow with red splashes.

Racemose inflorescences, reaching approximately 10 cm in length, are formed at the ends of peduncles. Yellow flowers bloom in mid-late spring, flowering lasts no more than two months. A distinctive feature is that after flowering the plant sheds its leaves, thereby entering the winter dormancy phase.

Aichrizon point

Aichrizon point

The branched reddish stem reaches a height of up to 30-40 cm. The leaves are diamond-shaped, covered with characteristic fluff, and have long petioles. Blooms densely, with yellow star-shaped flowers at the ends of long, sinuous peduncles.

Aichrizon prostrate or loose

Aichrizon prostrate or loose

The indoor plant aichrizon friable grows no more than 40 cm in height. The highly branched trunk is quite flexible, so many representatives of the species are used in bonsai decoration. The leaves are muted green in color, fleshy, diamond-shaped, opposite, on short cuttings, sprouting densely in the upper part of the trunk and branches. The cuttings are so short that the leaf literally hugs the branch. Dense planting of leaves gives the plant a spherical shape.

Due to the external similarity of the outline of the leaf blade to the shape of a heart, the shrub is called the tree of love. Aichrizon prostrata blooms with yellowish star-shaped flowers collected in racemose inflorescences. Flowering lasts about six months, during which the plant sheds some of its leaves, and sometimes entire branches.

Aichrizon sinuous

Aichrizon sinuous

Height miniature tree does not exceed 15-20 cm, the trunk is highly branched, with foliage collected at the ends of the trunk and branches in dense rosettes. Leaf blades light green color, dense, fleshy, diamond-shaped, with a characteristic white pile on short cuttings. The flowers are beige in color, bloom in late spring, and the flowering period can be about six months.

Aichrizon home

Aichrizon home

It is a hybrid obtained from Aichrizon sinuous and punctate. A small plant in the form of a shrub or tree, no more than 30 cm high, with a spherical crown. Green, fleecy, dense leaves, about 1 cm wide, are collected in dense rosettes at the ends of the stem and branches. During the flowering period, long (up to 20 cm) peduncles with paniculate inflorescences at the ends are formed. Long flowering lasts from spring to late autumn. The yellow flowers are small, with a pleasant smell, and delight with their appearance only if the plant is properly cared for.

Plant care

Aichrizon at home is not particularly difficult to care for. By following simple maintenance rules, you can get an almost evergreen and long-flowering tree. The indoor plant aichrizon compares favorably with the rest of the home flower garden in its shape, size, appearance, and abundant flowering. Even novice flower growers can easily figure out how to care for the tree of happiness so that it always brings only pleasant emotions and is a symbol of goodness and love.

Air humidity

Aichrizon is absolutely indifferent to air humidity; additional spraying of leaves is not required. However, a warm shower for the plant during the hot season will not hurt at all. Any water procedures during the rest period are strictly contraindicated.

Top dressing

For good growth and abundant flowering, the plant must be fed with complex fertilizers with a low nitrogen content. The fertilization period is in spring - summer. The frequency of feeding is no more than 2 times a month.


The plant does not tolerate excess moisture in the soil, as a result of which in the spring and summer the bush is periodically watered little by little, approximately once every 3 days. Between waterings, the soil in the flower pot should dry out by half.

How do you know that a plant needs water? It’s very simple - if the leaves and trunk are elastic and strong, then the plant has enough water and no additional watering is required. If the leaves and stems become soft and limp, the aichrizon needs watering.
Rare but abundant watering can lead to stagnation of water, as a result of which the root system can begin to rot.


During the flowering period, the ambient temperature should be between +23...+25°C. In winter, during the dormant period, the pot with the plant must be moved to a room with a temperature of +10°C. If the temperature regime is violated during the wintering period, when the air temperature exceeds the recommended value, the plant sheds its leaves and the stem stretches.

Batteries central heating have a detrimental effect on the well-being of the tree. To reduce the degree of drying out of the soil, during heating season, the flower pot is placed on a high wooden or foam block.


The light-loving plant prefers bright, diffused light, without direct sunlight. The best location for a flower pot will be window sills on the east and west sides; on the south side you will have to take care of creating a little shading. For good growth, the optimal exposure to light should be 12-14 hours. In this case, you should periodically turn the pot so that the tree develops, grows and receives sunlight evenly.

The soil

The plant is undemanding to the composition of the soil; for good growth it is recommended to select well-fertilized soil with a high content of sand and turf. Specialized soils for succulent plants are sold in specialized flower shops; a soil mixture for cacti is also good. Some gardeners have successfully grown aichrizon in vases with hydrogel.


To create a neat crown of the required shape, the plant is pruned. Weak, limp branches and leaves are removed. For lush growth of leaves, pinch the tops of young shoots. After a dormant period, elongated shoots are cut to the required length.

Rest period

After flowering there comes a time of rest, which occurs in the autumn-winter period. The beginning of hibernation is characterized by complete or partial loss of foliage. At this time, the pot with the plant is removed to a room with a temperature of about +10°C. A glass balcony or outdoor greenhouse is perfect for this. Watering is reduced to three times a month.

Possible difficulties

If not properly cared for at home, aichrizon may wither, shed leaves, or even die. In order for the plant to feel good, it is necessary to choose a watering regime in which the soil is not too moist, but not too dry. If this regime is not followed, the plant will quickly lose its bright, healthy, unusual appearance.

The main difficulty in growing is the loss of foliage. A review of the irrigation regime and the introduction of additional fertilizer will help solve it. Many people do not remove excess foliage and overgrown branches. With all this splendor of the “green dome”, the trunk can suffer greatly from this, since it can simply break under the weight of twigs and leaves.

Features of flowering

The period when aichrizon begins to flower is in the middle - end of spring, and only at the age of three is the tree able to bloom. Many gardeners choose either a densely leafed green tree or a flowering aichrizon, since, in most cases, one excludes the other. At abundant flowering the plant spends a lot of energy; to maintain its lush color, the bush sheds its leaves, some branches may dry out.

Aichrizon is capable of blooming for almost six months, as a result of which many gardeners do not allow the development of flower stalks in order to preserve appearance plants.

Diseases and pests

In most cases harmful insects do not attack the plant. Indoor flower aichrizon, due to improper care caused by excessive watering, may begin to rot. With a lack of lighting, irregular and inadequate watering, the plant sheds its leaves.

Planting and propagation

The indoor plant aichrizon is propagated by seed and vegetative methods. Even a novice gardener can cope with any of the aichrizon propagation options; they are not particularly difficult.


For a young aichrison, choose a small and shallow flower pot. It must have several holes at the bottom to remove excess moisture. Place the plant in the center of the container for uniform growth of the root system.

Aichrizon is a non-conflict plant and gets along well with other members of its family, which is why many gardeners create “mini flower beds” with an amazing combination of succulent compositions, planting different types of aichrizon next to each other.


It is necessary to replant aichrizon when the roots of the plant become crowded in a flower pot. The new pot is chosen to be wider, but not lower than the old one, with a sufficient number of holes at the bottom of the container. Before transplanting, a thick drainage layer of expanded clay or pebbles is poured onto the bottom of the pot. The plant should be replanted only by transshipment, preserving the original clod of earth. After manipulation, the plant is left alone for at least a week, completely stopping watering during this time.

Reproduction of aichrizon at home

For seed propagation at home, prepare a shallow container with loose soil, sow the seeds and lightly sprinkle with soil. Using a sprinkler, moisten the soil and cover the container with glass or other transparent material, creating a greenhouse effect. It is advisable to leave a small hole or remove the lid every day for a couple of hours for ventilation, but the soil should not dry out. The optimal temperature for maintaining a greenhouse is + 15… + 20°C. After 14 days, the first shoots will appear. Transplantation into another, more fertilized soil is carried out after the appearance of the third leaf.

Young shoots are transplanted to a new place of “residence” at a distance of at least 5 cm from each other. When the seedlings become stronger, they are transplanted one by one into separate small flower pots and cared for as an adult plant. Throughout the entire time, from sowing to transplanting into pots, the plant needs good lighting Therefore, it is preferable to plant seeds in the spring.

The vegetative method implies propagation by cuttings. To do this, cut the branches to about 7-10 cm and leave them for a day in a shaded, dry room until the cuttings are dry. Cuttings are stuck into specialized loose fertilized soil or a specialized earthen mixture for succulents. Many gardeners leave cuttings in a glass of water or wet sand, but this increases the chance of rot. After 2-4 weeks, roots appear on the shoot, after which it is transplanted “to a permanent place of residence.”

One of characteristic features A plant is its ability to reproduce using any of its parts. Even a leaf stuck into the ground can produce roots in a short period of time, as a result of which fallen leaves should be removed as often as possible, otherwise the young shoots will quickly fill the flower pot.