Continuous combustion boilers using solid fuel. Long-burning heating boilers using solid fuel: distinctive features, features, advantages

Living outside the city is the dream of every urban dweller. Silence and tranquility, the absence of a large number of cars and people, as well as autonomy in providing communication systems attract many. But it should be noted that indeed quality conditions Living in a country house can only be ensured by choosing the right equipment for the heating system.

The basis of any heating system is the boiler - it is the choice of such a unit that needs to be given special attention. The choice of equipment on the domestic market is simply amazing; heating units with a variety of operating principles are presented. At the same time, among all the equipment, long-burning heating boilers using solid fuel with increased productivity, high heat transfer and low cost stand out.

Long-term combustion heat sources: features, design

Heating boilers long burning with wood - an absolutely innovative type of heating equipment, reliable and practical devices, the installation of which will provide optimal conditions for living in the house. Using available fuel, the cost of which is much lower than the same gas, you can significantly save on heating, achieve maintenance optimal temperature in a house of any size.

Modern units operating on solid fuel and using the principle of long-term combustion operate quite simply - the same firewood, coal or peat do not burn, but smolder in the firebox. This process is slowed down as much as possible, since a limited amount of oxygen enters the combustion chamber.

In addition, when compared with conventional equipment, in specialized boilers the fuel smolders in much larger volumes, which makes it possible to obtain gas with high heat values.

It should be noted that the gas obtained as a result of smoldering fuel enters the combustion chamber of the boiler under high pressure where it ignites. The gas combustion process occurs under the influence of oxygen. Also, various unburned residues, such as soot or heavy compounds, burn out in the combustion chamber.

Technical characteristics of heat sources

Currently, it is not a problem to purchase long-burning solid fuel boilers using coal, wood, or peat. Presented on the domestic market a large assortment all kinds of equipment, differing from each other in performance indicators, output temperature and power. In addition, there may be different dimensions and mass of units.

Advice. Solid fuel heating units running on coal emit a fairly large volume of smoke containing ash and soot. As a result, if the choice fell on such devices, then it is important to ensure the effective operation of the ventilation system.

It should be noted that today for all types of combustion units there are certain average instructions, indicators and performance characteristics:

  • The operating pressure of all equipment is about 1 atm;

  • The minimum temperature of water that enters the boiler is 5C;
  • The coolant temperature at the boiler outlet is 80C;
  • The average power of heat sources is 100 kW (there are models with higher operating power parameters);
  • Duration of work from loading one batch solid fuel in the firebox - at least 11 hours;
  • Efficiency – no less than 89 percent. Often, for all boilers using the smoldering process, this coefficient is the same, but much also depends on humidity and type of fuel;
  • The temperature of the exhaust gases that go “into the pipe” is no more than 270C.

Read here.

Main types of long-burning boilers

Long-burning heating boilers using wood, coal or peat can be divided into several categories according to the method of producing heat:

  1. Classic units. Their operating principle boils down to the fact that the heat generated during fuel combustion heats the antifreeze or other coolant of the building heating system;
  2. Pyrolysis equipment. Absolutely applicable innovative technology. The main source of heat is firewood, which, under the influence high temperatures smoldering (200-800C) disintegrates into charcoal and gas. The released gas mixes with oxygen and burns, thereby releasing the heat needed to heat the coolant.

The maximum performance of pyrolysis boilers is achieved when they operate on dry wood. Also, in this case, it is possible to ensure the highest efficiency (fuel burns completely) and good heat transfer performance.

The main advantages of long-burning boilers

Modern powerful and reliable long-burning heating boilers using solid fuel are equipment that has many advantages. Among the most basic advantages of heat sources in this category are:

  • High performance, good heat transfer;
  • Beautiful appearance, diversity model range. Our website presents a number of photos and videos of devices that can be safely installed in the interior different rooms, including a residential building;
  • Easy adjustment of the combustion process. Each owner of such long-burning equipment, depending on the situation, can independently regulate the heating temperature and other parameters;
  • Possibility of process automation. Many boilers are equipped with special control panels and other devices, thanks to which you can both regulate the operation of equipment and signal the occurrence of emergency situations;

  • Low price of fuel used in technology. The same firewood, coal or peat are currently much cheaper than the usual gas. Yes, and centralized connection to main gas pipeline absent - boilers operate completely autonomously.

Bottom line

A heat generator using the principle of long combustion is the best choice for a private home or some other facility. This technique has a very low cost, unique indicators Efficient, they are economical and can work without failures for a long time.

Intensive country housing construction, which in last years is gaining momentum, putting forward more and more new requirements for types of heating equipment. Organization autonomous heating, completely independent of centralized sources, presents owners with a choice. As an alternative to gas water heating, solid fuel boilers are increasingly being used today. Modern models of such heating equipment have high technological characteristics and are economical. The only nuance that makes consumers think before choosing a model heating device– need for frequent loading heating equipment fuel material.

The practicality of heating equipment during operation plays for us, if not the main, then definitely a leading role. Gas boilers and electric heating devices are almost completely autonomous heating devices, while solid fuel boilers require constant human presence. The real way out of this situation would be to install own home solid fuel boiler with top burning function. Let's take a closer look at what this type of heating device is and what the design features of the unit are.

The main motives that make us pay attention to top combustion heating boilers

Service frequency is a general value that characterizes any household appliances. For heating heating devices, this parameter is one of the key ones. During the heating season, the boiler is forced to work regularly, heating living spaces and providing food for the inhabitants of the house hot water for household needs. Solid fuel boilers today are highly efficient, powerful and energy efficient. Fuel used to operate the units, firewood, coal, fuel briquettes and pellets are quite affordable. The choice depends only on the model of the solid fuel device and the cost of the fuel.

During the cold period, solid fuel units provide real benefits. This applies not only to efficient and high-quality work autonomous system heating, but also significant savings on your own budget. With so many advantages, solid fuel boilers have one significant disadvantage. We are talking about the need to personally participate in its maintenance.

Preparing the unit for operation and its operation are planned activities that need to be carried out, although regularly, but not as often as it seems. The main problem faced with this equipment is the regular loading of fuel. The frequency of fuel loading depends on the type of heating device and the climatic conditions outside the window. Regardless of whether you fire your boiler with coal or wood, you will have to add fuel to the firebox.

For reference: a traditional solid fuel boiler operating on wood or coal, where it is not technically possible to automatically supply fuel to the combustion chamber, requires from 2 to 8 loads per day. The heating intensity, the quality of the fuel resource and the boiler power determine the number of loads.

Having assessed the volume of upcoming hassle with a solid fuel device, many residents of private houses prefer top-loading boilers. Such equipment will provide more personal freedom to the inhabitants of the house. Instead of playing the role of stoker and fireman, you will only have to enjoy the coziness and comfort.

The main feature of heating boilers with an upper combustion method

Considering the difficulties with servicing solid fuel heating devices, manufacturers decided not only to use new technologies in the design of heating equipment, but also to return to traditional technologies. The main task that was solved in the process of modernizing boiler equipment was to increase the burning time of fuel per load. Get this result succeeded due to the use of the top combustion principle in solid fuel boilers.

The technology of boiler operation due to top combustion is not something fundamentally new. Fuel loaded into the firebox burns from top to bottom. Those. on the contrary, not like in boilers traditional look. Combustion begins from the topmost layer, where the required air flow is supplied through a movable distributor. As the fuel mass burns, the air distributor moves down under its own weight, ensuring combustion of the next layer. The loaded fuel thus burns evenly layer by layer, releasing large volume flammable wood gas.

At this stage, the temperature in the furnace of the unit reaches 450 0 C.

At this stage, the principle of pyrolysis comes into play. The smallest combustion products, together with the emitted wood gas, completely burn, releasing a huge amount of thermal energy. As a result of the operation of the unit, there is practically no fuel residue left in the combustion chamber.

For reference: Pyrolysis is an exothermic reaction that results in decomposition under the influence of high temperature. organic compounds, followed by the release of a flammable gaseous substance. The main heating of a solid fuel boiler during the combustion process is carried out by burning wood gas.

Wood (pyrolysis) gas enters the second chamber through a metal disk, where it ignites due to the forced hot air. The combustion temperature in the second furnace reaches enormous values ​​at this moment, 500-800 0 C. Everything is simple and clear. The main thing is the design of the heating apparatus.

The combustion rate of the fuel depends on the combustion process. In heating equipment classic type wood burns quickly enough, producing the maximum possible heat within a short period of time. In other words, for a short period the unit reaches the peak of its power, after which, without subsequent addition of fuel, the boiler begins to lose load. Constantly loading a new portion of firewood is not always convenient or physically possible. Solid fuel boilers with top loading work completely differently. One load with such a device can be enough for 12, 24 or more hours of operation. The intensity of combustion depends on the load on the heating system.

Everything is simple and clear. The main thing is the design of the heating apparatus.

Top loading boiler design

Top-loading heating equipment has a design similar to a candle. A solid fuel boiler of this type has a vertically standing body in the shape of a cylinder. The vertical arrangement is determined by the principle of operation of the unit; moreover, the housing in this device is two-layer, playing the role of a heat exchanger. Boiler water circulates between the outer and inner walls from top to bottom, receiving heat as a result of the combustion of pyrolysis gas.

The operating principle also determines the location of the loading chamber. Above it there is an air heating chamber, through which the air distributor moves up and down. At the bottom of the apparatus there is an ash pit, a place where the minimum amount of combustion residues enters.

At the moment, manufacturers produce long-burning solid fuel devices in two versions:

  • units that consume firewood and fuel briquettes;
  • devices running on coal, wood and fuel briquettes.

In most cases, manufacturers declare the duration of the boiler operation from one load directly into technical documentation to the heating boiler. As a rule, these periods vary from 24 to 48 hours when working with wood and briquettes, to 3-5 days when loading the boiler with coal.

For reference: The burning time of a fuel material is largely influenced by the quality of the fuel. Firewood made from hard wood (birch, oak, beech, ash) burns for a long time, releasing a large amount of heat. Wood coniferous species burns more intensely, therefore the operating life of a boiler using pine wood will be significantly shorter.

In addition to firewood, briquettes and coal, secondary wood products can be used to operate this type of heating device. When choosing the type of fuel resource, it is necessary to take into account its availability. A single load will require up to 30-50 kg of finished fuel. The boiler power determines the stack height. In different models this parameter varies between 600-1500mm. As for power, the spread of parameters is even greater. Today, boilers for autonomous heating are produced with a capacity of 8,10,20 and 40 kW.

Top loading heater control system

The issue regarding the principle of operation of the boiler and the loading method has been sorted out. Everything here is clear and accessible. Let's look at what the control system for such equipment looks like below. In long-burning boilers, the main control principle is based on regulating the air flow entering the combustion chamber. Models that are conventional units have a mechanical device for adjusting air masses. A conventional chain-driven damper is activated by the operation of a thermostat. However, this method has one critical technical drawback.

The thermostat is set to a certain temperature regime. When the coolant is heated to a certain temperature, the damper takes a certain position, reducing the intensity of combustion. It is not possible to achieve a sharp decrease in temperature due to the high inertia of the operating unit. By inertia, the coolant will continue to heat up for some time, working for the heating system.

A similar operating principle is associated with increasing the boiler water heating temperature. Until the boiler reaches rated power, the coolant temperature will rise very slowly.

The situation is different with units that are equipped with a fan. Electrical appliance pumps air if necessary, increasing the intensity of combustion. Due to the air blower, it is possible to reduce the inertia of long-burning heating equipment. Turning the supercharger on and off is controlled automatically, which is equipped with sensors that record the slightest changes in coolant temperature.

If technologically necessary, the fan can be stopped, leaving smoldering fuel on a meager oxygen supply. Air will enter the firebox naturally. Such a scheme allows you to reduce the temperature of the coolant during breakthrough, a phenomenon that is caused by inertial processes in the operation of the heating unit.

On a note: It will take from 0.5 to 1 hour for the heating boiler to return to normal operation. If you want to turn off the heating, the expansion tank connected to a single heating circuit is switched on. With the help of a tank, excess heat coming from the cooling boiler is compensated. The time for a long-burning solid fuel boiler to completely cool can be 2-5 hours.

Conclusion. Advantages and disadvantages of this equipment

Having become familiar with the design of top-combustion solid fuel units and the principle of operation, we can safely talk about the advantages of such heating equipment. If we go into detail, the main advantages are as follows:

  • long intervals between successive downloads;
  • high efficiency (80%);
  • convenient and simple way to control;
  • minimum electronics for the automation system;
  • conventional models are non-volatile devices;
  • high level of technological safety;
  • long service life (10-15 years).

The main disadvantage of this technique is inertia. Unlike gas boilers and solid fuel equipment, which operate on a different principle, solid fuel boilers are less flexible in operational and technological terms. Much in the operation of top combustion boilers depends on the quality of the fuel. Firewood used in the firebox must have appropriate moisture content. Sometimes problems arise in the operation of boilers related to the completeness of loading.

The long-burning industrial solid fuel boiler came to our homes not so long ago, although humanity has known about the principle of this kind, slow burning, since medieval times. And the technology of a “smoldering fire” enclosed in a stone vice will be demonstrated in practice by any professional forester or hunter. There are a great many modifications, and almost every seller offers a long-burning solid fuel boiler.

Choosing the optimal and reliable long-burning boiler for a private home can only be done after a thorough assessment of the characteristics of the presented devices. In addition, it will be necessary to coordinate them with the characteristics of the heated room.

Select a boiler for solid fuel long-term burning will help you have a solid knowledge of the range and classification of devices. Let's take a look at their varieties together and see what makes up the price of such an interesting and attractive product.

The demand among the population to buy long-burning solid fuel boilers is based on the constant need to save money, as well as the time spent on adding fuel and regularly cleaning equipment.

Long-burning solid fuel boiler - varieties.

The honorary title of a long-burning solid fuel boiler is given to any device that maintains combustion throughout the day. If a boiler burns out for a day, it gets the long-burning status, if two boilers burn out, the status doesn’t change, if it burns out for a week, they all get the same name.

Thus, we can find a device with a different period of fuel smoldering support, while the very phrase “long-burning solid fuel boiler” is unlikely to reveal to us all the technical characteristics of the device.

Only two main types of equipment are distinguished in this segment - a long-burning wood boiler and a long-burning coal boiler. Both devices are capable of servicing both a system with a water circuit and a system with. In addition, a long-burning solid fuel boiler has a number of distinctive features, which we will focus on.

Long-burning solid fuel boiler - methods of fuel combustion

Traditional energy-dependent boilers.

In traditional models, the simplest scheme for burning fuel reserves is usually implemented. In design, they resemble an ordinary stove, with an uncharacteristic special window located in the upper part of the boiler and used to load firewood or coal.

The principle of its operation is based on the smoldering process, which does not involve the burning of a bright flame. Release during smoldering sufficient quantity heat for heating, a special ventilation pump helps, which turns on automatically and removes excess oxygen from the firebox.

Manufacturers have taught devices to track the percentage of oxygen content in the combustion chamber, allowing required amount only to maintain smoldering, preventing it from flaring up open flame. The smoldering state that a long-burning solid fuel boiler maintains provides obvious savings on expensive fuel, and also frees the owner from the routine, hourly addition of firewood or coal.

Engineers made sure that a traditional long-burning solid fuel boiler included a special afterburning section for residual fuel. The afterburner is a winding labyrinth that promotes maximum heat transfer.

A simple solution made it possible to ensure almost complete combustion and destruction of toxic products arising during operation of the boiler. Thus, the environmental safety and efficiency of the device as a whole increases. At the same time, the generated heat is used to heat the coolant, increasing the boiler efficiency to 85%.

The main element in heat exchange in a traditional boiler is the heat exchanger. The coolant flowing through it ensures further transfer of thermal energy directly to the heating radiators.

The traditional long-burning solid fuel boiler is famous for its ease of operation, high degree reliability and long service life. The disadvantage is the mediocre efficiency, which leaves much to be desired. A more significant problem may be energy dependence.

Electronic regulation of oxygen supply and fan operation are not possible without power supply. Thus, the operation of the heating system becomes vulnerable during emergency power failures. Of course, a pre-installed device will come to the rescue uninterruptible power supply. But, firstly, you need to buy it, and secondly, its operation does not imply a long service life.

non-volatile long-burning boilers

The second combustion method is represented by numerous gas generators. This design is more often called pyrolysis boiler. It is characterized by an increased efficiency value reaching 90%. High intensity of thermal energy production is achieved special method fuel combustion.

First, the fuel material is dried. The further process is accompanied by degassing, as a result of which about 85% of the substances during combustion are converted into flammable pyrolysis gas. Video review describes in detail how a long-burning pyrolysis solid fuel boiler is operated.

The advantage of pyrrole boilers, is their complete energy independence, the device is perfect for installation in problem regions with difficulties in supplying electricity. The second plus is autonomy. No constant adjustment is required, and the temperature is maintained in the specified mode with an error of no more than ± 3°C.

Five times more economical better than a boiler with direct flame. It will take 10 kg of fuel per day to heat an area of ​​100 m2. Almost complete combustion frees you from the frequent work of cleaning the boiler from ash. The burning time is about 12 -16 hours.

Long-burning solid fuel boiler - pros and cons

In the absence of a gas main, there are not many alternatives to build a heating system. It can be installed, provided that gas supplies are established in the region. You can use environmentally friendly, but expensive electricity by connecting. But what to do if such options are not affordable? Or are gas and electricity resources limited or non-existent?

A long-burning solid fuel boiler will not require significant installation costs from the owner and will provide a reasonable replacement for the listed heating methods.


  • Easy to use. Traditional work on wood, pellets or coal does not require special skills. Cleaning up ash takes no more than an hour a week.
  • Durability. Service life exceeds 10 years. A long-burning boiler is an unpretentious technique. Simple design, with careful operation, can serve regularly for several decades.
  • Ecologically pure. The afterburner ensures almost complete combustion of the fuel. Emissions of harmful substances are a natural product of combustion - processed as a result of photosynthesis.
  • High efficiency. There are models on the market with a value of up to 90 – 95%. Minimum heat losses. Engineering solutions optimize the process of afterburning pyrolysis gases. The heat exchanger design is designed with maximum heat transfer to the coolant.
  • Efficiency and economy. Modern equipment is not much inferior to gas analogues. The effectiveness of long-term burning reaches seven or more days.
  • Reasonable fuel cost. Sometimes it’s the only possible one. Frees you from dependence on expensive gas equipment.
  • There is no permitting documentation for installing the boiler. There is no requirement to conclude service agreements with gas services.
  • A long-burning solid fuel boiler allows you to provide home ownership with hot water, if there is a second circuit. In addition, it will help to expand functionality.


  • Continuous Owner Involvement. Despite the long combustion process from one load, sooner or later you have to return to replenishing the loading compartment with fuel.
  • Regular cleaning. Probably the least popular maintenance process, it requires constant cleaning of ash. All that remains is to envy the pure gas equipment or electrical apparatus.
  • Separate room. We'll have to highlight separate room with good ventilation and chimney. A long-burning solid fuel boiler for a private home usually has significant dimensions; it may be necessary to prepare a special installation site with a reinforced foundation.
  • Maintenance of fuel stocks. Replenishment and preservation of fuel residues will require additional financial investments. Compliance with safety measures and maintaining a certain humidity of the product also adds problems in resolving storage issues.

How to choose a long-burning solid fuel boiler

We suggest you determine the evaluation criteria that will make it easier to choose a long-burning boiler for a private home. Let's look at the main sections that you should pay attention to and get acquainted with the optimal parameters of suitable devices.

We hope our advice will help you choose the right long-burning solid fuel boiler to ensure comfortable living in the absence of gas.

Solid fuel.

From the very beginning, you need to decide on the type of fuel that is most accessible in your region. Take into account that it will be cheaper and more accessible to transport and store. Is there active logging going on in the nearby area?

Most likely, you should give preference to wood-burning equipment. Homeowners where wood raw materials are in short supply should be advised to take a closer look at heating with pellets.

A coal or anthracite boiler is recommended for those properties where mining is underway or coal transportation is properly organized. It is advantageous to organize heating systems using sawdust combustion at a wood processing facility.

Device power characteristics

Choose required power long-burning boiler, a contractor will help installation work heating system. If you are creating comfort with your own hands, calculate the area of ​​the heated room.

Traditionally, 10 kW of boiler power is assigned per 100 meters of area. Using simple mathematical calculations, determine the required value. The data obtained will help you find the optimal long-burning solid fuel boiler in the numerous assortment on the heating equipment market. As a rule, it is recommended to add 10% to the obtained value in order to provide a power reserve in case of severe frost.

Loading chamber

There is an indicator that depends on the ratio of the volume of the loading chamber and the power characteristics of the boiler. The value is considered sufficient if it falls within the coefficient range from 3.3 to 5 liters/kilowatt. The coefficient is important criterion which helps you choose a long-burning boiler for your home.

If the final figure is closer to the maximum index threshold, the more joy for the homeowner - he will not need to boot the device as often.

For example, consider the Viessmann Vitoligno 100-S 25 pyrolysis boiler. According to the technical data, the size of the loading chamber of the device has a volume of 110 liters. Power is 25 kW. We calculate the index: 110/25 = 4.4 l/kW. As you can see, the coefficient falls within acceptable limits and is considered very good.

Long-burning solid fuel boiler Stropuva

Since we are talking about companies that produce long-burning solid fuel boilers on the market, we cannot ignore the well-deserved leader - the Stropuva company. A Lithuanian boiler is capable of operating on one filling of coal for up to 120 hours, on pellets 72 hours, on wood 30 hours respectively.

Not very bad parameters for of this type long burning boilers. Let’s also look at why Stropuva boilers have gained such great popularity:

  • Long burning. Reaches 5 days.
  • Multi-level security. The company claims that during overheating and overload, the boiler device contracts like a tin can under foot load and under no circumstances does it explode, but only shrinks inward.
  • Economical. Optimal characteristics of resource use. Wood waste can be used as fuel.
  • Energy independence. The Stropuva boiler does not require electricity.
  • Ecology comes first and meets high European standards.
  • Attractive appearance.
  • 5 year warranty.

It was not for nothing that Lithuanian engineers designed a long-burning boiler in the shape of a cylinder. Now, thanks to its compact size, installation of the Stropuva boiler does not require large area and can fit in the limited space of a city apartment.

Pricing policy for long-burning boilers

The price is determined based on many indicators and values, the main ones fit into three fundamental factors:

  • Brand, country of origin;
  • Characteristics of thermal power;
  • Multifunctional design and recyclability different kinds fuel.

By the way, wood boilers long-burning stoves from Stropuva with a power of 20 kW are in the price range of 1400-1900 euros. At the same time, similar power, but on a universal model, will cost 2000-2400 euros.

The classic is represented on the market by the Buderus long-burning boiler from a German concern. Operation is allowed on wood, coal, anthracite and pellets. The cost of the Buderus boiler is determined by the thermal output and ranges from 1400-1900 euros.

Let's add another EU manufacturer from Germany - a long-burning solid fuel boiler from the company (Junkers) shows excellent characteristics. Stands out from the range in better side boilerJunkers with a power of 32 kW with a price per device of 1600 euros.

The Viessmann company asks for the highest price for its long-burning pyrolysis boiler; for the Vitoligno model, the concern wants to receive from 2300 to 5900 euros for a boiler with a maximum industrial power of 80 kW.

It's time to turn to domestic manufacturer. Available options start from 35 thousand rubles, so solid fuel boiler Cooper Russian production can be purchased for 40 thousand rubles.

Also on the Internet there is a huge amount of advice on how to make a long-burning solid fuel boiler with your own hands. If you have the material and skillful hands, you can create your own cauldron!


In conclusion, we would like to say that you should not give in to the impulse desire to buy a long-burning solid fuel boiler, calculate all the options, compare operating savings calculations again. Try to clarify the necessary and sufficient power of the heat-generating equipment. Most likely, the issue price will be in the same range.

Perhaps, in total, let’s say with , they will be equally costly from a financial point of view in comparison with a long-burning boiler, but less troublesome to use. Well, if you decide that you can’t do without a long-burning boiler, don’t skimp and buy a device with automatic coal supply, it will greatly improve your life.

Often people who are superficially familiar with the topic of solid fuel boilers believe that these units are completely similar in design conventional oven and differ from it only in the body material. This point of view is not true. Heating equipment manufacturers have significantly improved traditional stove heating, introducing the world to long-burning wood-burning boilers.

Long burning wood boilers

Types of long-burning boilers

Until a certain time, solid fuel heating boilers were not in particular demand among the population, since their operation was quite troublesome: fuel had to be added every three hours. The operating time without refueling can be extended by using systems automatic feeding fuel, consisting of a hopper and a screw or piston feeder, but such devices can only work with fine-grained fuel: coal chips, shavings, pellets, husks, etc.

They are not yet capable of feeding large pieces into the firebox, so heating a wood-burning boiler can only be done manually. This state of affairs prompted manufacturers of solid fuel equipment to approach the problem from a different angle. If firewood cannot be put into the boiler automatically, then perhaps it can be made to burn longer? That's how they were invented thermal boilers long burning.

According to the principle of operation, all units of this type are divided into three types:

1. Boiler with an extended firebox

This is the simplest long-burning wood-burning boiler. Unlike classic solid fuel boilers, its firebox has an elongated shape. During operation of the boiler, a dosed supply of air is carried out into the combustion chamber. By applying this principle, the operating time of the boiler on one load of fuel was extended to 6–8 hours.

2. Boiler with top combustion of fuel

If a lit match is turned head down, it will burn much faster than the same match turned head up. This feature was taken into account when developing boilers with top combustion of fuel. If conventional boilers for heating with wood use traditional fuel ignition, which is carried out from below, then in chambers with top combustion, wood is burned using a special burner located at the top and gradually moving down. Otherwise, the design of a long-burning wood-burning boiler of this type is no different from the design of a conventional (classic) solid fuel unit.

3. Gas generator boiler

Among all long-burning boilers, these units, also called, can be considered the most high-tech. Their design and principle of operation are more complex than those of the varieties described above, but they are more economical and can operate on one load of fuel for up to 12 hours.

Pyrolysis wood boiler

The essence of the operation of a gas generator boiler is as follows. Firewood is placed in the preheated upper chamber of the firebox. Due to the design of this chamber, air does not enter it, so the fuel here does not burn, but smolders. At the same time, it emits so-called wood gas, consisting mainly of carbon monoxide (CO) with minor additions of methane, nitrogen, hydrogen and oxygen. Wood gas itself can also burn. Through the nozzle it enters the lower chamber where it is burned with forced air supply. The combustion temperature reaches 1000 degrees.

Pyrolysis boilers have the following advantages:

  • high efficiency;
  • long service life without refueling;
  • a small amount of ash;
  • cleaner exhaust than conventional boilers ( carbon monoxide is burned rather than released into the atmosphere).

In principle, pyrolysis units can operate on any solid fuel used for heating boilers, but they achieve the greatest efficiency when using wood as fuel. By using the right fuel for long-burning boilers, you can bring their efficiency to 97%.

Construction of a long-burning wood-burning boiler

Heating organization

Modern long-burning wood-burning boilers for private homes are equipped with heat exchangers that are integrated into the heating system. The working medium flowing through the heat exchanger absorbs thermal energy, released during fuel combustion, and then carries it to the radiators. Today, the vast majority of autonomous heating circuits coolant is pumped circulation pump under some pressure, so before connecting a wood-burning boiler, you need to make sure that its heat exchanger can withstand the operating pressure of the system. Maximum permissible value pressure must be indicated in the passport.

Boiler with heat exchanger

Country houses, as a rule, have only one or two rooms, so a wood-burning boiler for a summer house can heat the surrounding space using a different principle - using convection. Such a boiler is often called a convector oven. This variety includes, for example, long-burning boilers Buleryan. The walls of the firebox in boilers of this brand are made of open metal tubes welded to each other, located vertically.

When fuel burns, the air in the tubes heats up and, due to convection, rushes upward, and its place is taken by cold air sucked in from below. The flow of hot air is quite intense, so the room warms up quite quickly. To heat a house with many rooms, you can also use a Buleryan boiler, having previously installed an air duct system connected to it.

Selection and operation of boilers

A special feature of wood-burning boilers is their considerable weight, reaching several hundredweight. When choosing one model or another, make sure that the floor in the installation area has sufficient load-bearing capacity. Often, at the place where the unit will be installed, a concrete pad with a thickness of 100 - 150 mm is installed. If the flooring in your home is not very durable, consider steel wood-burning boilers, which weigh much less than cast iron ones.

Steel unit

Most models of long-burning boilers have a fan for forced air supply and an electronic control system. Such boilers need to be connected to the electrical network, and in the event of frequent power outages, their operation will be difficult. Those for whom this problem is relevant should know that there are non-volatile boilers long burning, which can be considered completely autonomous, since they do not need to be connected to electricity. These models use mechanical thermostats.

The future owner needs to know how to properly heat a wood-burning boiler, especially if we are talking about a gas-generating device. To begin the process of releasing wood gas - pyrolysis - the upper chamber of the firebox must be sufficiently heated. Having opened the middle door, you need to put wood chips and paper. This fuel will be needed for ignition. Firewood is placed through the top door. Now you need to set fire to the paper and let the wood chips burn.

If the boiler has recently been used and the chimney is still warm, you can close the firebox and turn on the control unit. Often, when lighting, you have to open the ash pan door, allowing the boiler to work on natural craving. When the draft stabilizes after heating the chimney fuel, you can close the doors and start the control unit. If the chimney turns out to be completely cold, then before heating the wood-burning boiler, you need to open the inspection of the chimney and burn a certain amount of paper in it to warm it up a little.


The long-burning wood heating boilers that are popular today are not only more convenient to use than their predecessors - classic solid fuel boilers, but are also more profitable. Allowing you to provide comfortable temperature in the house, these units do not require frequent maintenance. At the same time, the cost of one kW*H of released thermal energy is significantly lower than in the case of using gas or liquid fuel boilers. All this has led to considerable interest on the part of consumers in units of this type, as well as their widespread distribution.

It would be unfair to remain silent about some of the disadvantages that long-burning wood-burning boilers have. You can learn more about the features of these heating units by watching the following video.

A solid fuel boiler for heating a private home is a modern alternative to traditional heating methods. With it you will not freeze in winter at the dacha or in a country cottage. A variety of models will allow you to choose the one that suits you.

Classification of long-burning solid fuel boilers

The main feature of all varieties of such boilers is that they are installed where it is not possible to use other heating, for example, gas. They burn for a long time, up to several days, and heat exclusively using solid fuel. The principle of their operation is simple and similar to heating with a conventional wood or coal stove: you load fuel into the boiler, it burns, releasing heat. Add raw materials as needed.

Cast iron heating solid fuel boiler

This is the advantageous difference between units designed for long-term burning and other types of solid fuel boilers: they do not need to be loaded often, you don’t even have to get up at night. Some varieties do not depend on electricity. This makes them even more convenient for places remote from city life. Taking into account these and other characteristics, the following types of solid fuel boilers are distinguished that require long-term combustion:

What fuel is used:

  • firewood;
  • coal;
  • pellets (granulated wood waste);
  • sawdust;
  • universal. In such boilers you can burn almost everything - from coal to waste.

Advice. Do not heat the boiler with gasoline, diesel fuel, kerosene, laminate or chipboard residues, or glossy paper (for example, magazines or catalogues): they release toxic substances.

How fuel is loaded:

  • manually;
  • automatically.

How it is burned:

  • traditionally;
  • using pyrolysis (without oxygen);
  • “from top to bottom” (top combustion).

What are boilers made of:

  • steel;
  • cast iron.

From huge amount models, choose the one that is most suitable for your home in terms of area

How many cameras have:

  • one;

Their functionality:

  • single-circuit, which only heat the room;
  • double-circuit, which in addition to the main function are also used to heat water.

What are the features of different types of boilers?

When choosing a boiler, decide what you will load it with. Coal gives off more heat and burns much longer without additional loading. Firewood is considered the most environmentally friendly fuel. When giving preference to such a boiler, please note: it must have a sufficiently voluminous combustion chamber and a wide door. This way you can load a lot of firewood at the same time big size, which will increase the combustion duration.

Attention! For the greatest energy efficiency, use firewood whose humidity does not exceed 20%.

Pellet boiler

Boilers that are heated with pellets are mostly automated. You do not need to load them with raw materials every few hours; manufacturers have provided a special bunker and mechanized feed for this purpose. Wood pellets burn almost completely, leaving a small amount of ash. However, pellets are not yet widespread enough as a type of fuel due to price, availability in warehouses and the cost of the boilers themselves.

The peculiarity of automated devices is that they require an electrical connection. Without it, automation simply does not work. If there are power outages in your holiday village, it is better to opt for manually loaded boilers. For the convenience of owners, some automated models are equipped with control panels. In particular, they allow you to regulate the frequency of downloads.

Operation of a pellet boiler

If you choose a universal unit, it is better that the main type of fuel for it is coal. The robust design, designed for black or brown gold, will easily accept any fuel. By comparison, wood-burning boilers, which are mostly made from thin sheets of metal, are not designed to burn coal. Dispose of cardboard, shavings, sawdust, and husks in universal solid fuel devices.

Most often, manufacturers produce 2 types of boilers: cast iron and steel. There are also ceramic ones, but they are almost not common. If the heating device is made of cast iron, its service life reaches 50 years. This metal is resistant to rust, but is sensitive to temperature changes. Steel boilers They are cheaper, but last about 20 years.

Does it make a difference how fuel is burned in the boiler?

In classic boilers, the fuel is ignited from below, and the flame, rising, consistently “eats” everything that was put there. Most often, boilers work this way and need to be reloaded every 2-8 hours (depending on the model and type of fuel used). Long-burning devices usually have large-volume fireboxes. This is what allows classic models to do without “additives” for as long as possible after loading.

Wood boiler design

There are shaft-type boilers, where the fuel needs to be ignited at the top, and combustion (or rather, gradual smoldering) also occurs from top to bottom. This innovation had a positive effect on the duration of work. Without additional storage, firewood burns for about a day, coal - on average up to 6 days. You can’t add more or add anything until the first load has expired. Due to their efficiency and high efficiency, such models are more expensive than traditional ones.

Device for automatic control pyrolysis boiler

Another type of boiler based on the method of burning fuel is pyrolysis. In them, firewood, coal or waste are burned under the influence of high temperatures, but without access to oxygen. Such boilers usually consist of two chambers; raw materials are placed in one and set on fire. After a while, the oxygen supply is limited, and the fuel begins to smolder. As a result, gas is released (or generated), which enters the second chamber and burns separately. Because of this feature, these boilers are also called gas generator boilers.

Advantages and disadvantages of solid fuel boilers

The positive properties of long-burning devices operating on solid fuel include:

Among the negative aspects of operating long-burning solid fuel boilers, it is worth highlighting both general ones and those that are typical for individual models:

Advice. You can store fuel in the boiler room if its size allows. It is better if the distance between the boiler and the fuel is at least 40 cm.

What else to consider when purchasing a long-burning boiler for a country house

Such boilers may well become not only a replacement for conventional heating, but also be an addition to it. With conscientious care and correct operation they serve for many years without requiring repairs and fully recoup the costs of their purchase.

How to choose a solid fuel boiler: video

Heating boiler: photo