“modeling with little people”, or the use of triz technology in experimentation classes. Helps develop analytical skills


"Modeling with little people"

Prepared and conducted:


Kurnoskina Marina Anatolyevna

Dear Colleagues! The topic of my master class: “Modeling with little people.”

As an epigraph to it I want to take the words: A.I.Grina - “Training, built on the assimilation of specific facts, has outlived its usefulness in principle, because facts quickly become outdated, and their volume tends to infinity.”


The purpose and objectives of the master class:

  • Improve teachers' knowledge about TRIZ technology;
  • Show methods of modeling objects and phenomena of inanimate nature (IMP);
  • Increase competence in the field of innovative technologies.

The Federal State Educational Standard indicates that “at present, methods that ensure the formation of independent creative work are beginning to prevail in the education system.” educational activities preschoolers aimed at solving life problems.”

Dear colleagues, I would like to present to your attention a method within the framework of this master class. This is a method - Modeling with Little People (MMH), which helps me implement the tasks:

  • Development of cognitive and research activities;
  • Formation of children’s primary ideas about phenomena and processes occurring in inanimate nature;
  • Development of the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships between natural phenomena;
  • Development of imagination and creative activity;
  • Development of the ability to model objects and phenomena of inanimate nature.

At first glance, it may seem complicated, but if you figure it out, I assure you that it is very exciting, interesting, and productive. Both for children and for teachers.The “Little Men Method” is developed on the basis of synectics (symbolic and personal analogy), which allows you to visually see and feel natural phenomena, the nature of the interaction of objects and their elements; ideas about the internal structure of living and inanimate bodies, objects. Explain internal structure bodies and their properties can be said like this: “The bodies around us consist of little men, but they are very small and we cannot see them. Little people are the molecules that make up substances. They are constantly moving. In a solid body there are a lot of little men, they hold hands and stand close to each other, in liquids the little men stand more freely and other little men can “pass” between them, and in gases the distance between the little men is greatest.

Why little men?

  • They can think, perform actions, behave differently;
  • When modeling, you can put yourself in their place, feel and understand through actions, sensations, and interactions.

It is advisable to invent and draw symbols together with the children, then the symbols will be better remembered and understandable to them. But there is certain rules to follow:

  • People of solid matter: wood, stone, glass, fabric, plastic have common property- they hold their shape, they hold hands, and the stone men hold on tighter than the glass men (on the symbol cards, the hands of these men are lowered down).
  • Little people of liquid substances: milk, tea, water, jelly, etc. - little droplet men; they take the form of the vessel into which they are poured: these little men do not hold hands; their hands are on their belts;
  • People of gaseous matter are constantly in motion: they are always running somewhere, flying (gas, steam, smoke).

Where to begin?

Stage 1 - building simple models with children;

Stage 2 – modeling of interactions between two substances;

Stage 3 – modeling of complex interactions and the state of surrounding objects, their transition from one state to another.

You can start building simple models with children from the middle group

Types of models of little people.

  • The roles of little people are played by children;
  • Cards with pictures of little people. These are pre-prepared cards: flat images of MCH or schematically drawn.
  • Cubes with images of little people;
  • Schematic representation of MPs, which are drawn by the children themselves.

Games with teachers.

Now we will go with you to the country of little people who live in different towns.

Do you know what these little people are?

The tough little people hold hands tightly so that nothing happens, so that no one and nothing can slip between them.

The liquid men keep their hands on their belts, but touch each other with their elbows so that they can slip between them.

Gaseous or running people live in various smells and liquid bubbles. They fly all the time, i.e. running.

(I select teachers who will play with me)

So, along this path (TT marker) those who

who consists of solid natural men. You name yourself (an object consisting of solid people). For example, “I am a stone...”. (Introducing themselves, the teachers walk along the path to the city of solid men)

Solid MPs are strong, strong, we know how to keep their shape).

Teachers, walking along the path, identify themselves.

Are you happy here in your town, little people?

(They love to flow, pour, change shape, travel, mix).

The road led us to the city of the most cheerful gaseous men. We need to go through it. Residents of the land of gaseous men, follow the path! (As they pass, the teachers call themselves: I am the smell of a flower, I am the smell of perfume, I am a breath of steam, fog, etc.)

How do you live in your city? (We don’t mind going everywhere, we don’t like to “sit” in one place, we love movement! We would like to make friends with other people.)

The second stage, modeling the interactions of two substances, can be started with children of senior preschool age. And I suggest you

go to the next city, to the city of mixed Humans. Put on hats with markers of your cities and, united in pairs or triplets, identify yourself.

TJ - water in a glass, ice in water...

TG - balloon,

GZ – mineral water, lemonade, air bubbles in the water...

TGZh – person, plant, animal, aquarium...

Everything that surrounds us, and we ourselves consist of little people, the only difference is in the number of different people and in each individual object and their connections.


"Name something hard"- exercise the ability to select objects according to their state of aggregation.

"Freeze" - a game on the ability to simulate solid and liquid substances.

"Little Men"- ability to quickly respond to signals “solid”, “liquid”, “gaseous”.

"Magic Path"- exercise the ability to select objects based on two characteristics: state of aggregation and color.

Game "Cubes" - (on the edges of which there are figures of “little” people and symbolic interactions between them) helps the child make his first discoveries, carry out scientific research research work at your own level, get acquainted with the patterns of living and inanimate nature. With the help of such “men”, children make models of “Pond”, etc.

IN preparatory group in direct educational activities according to O.O. " Cognitive development“When explaining to children the water cycle in nature, you can use a fairy tale.

The Adventure of Raindrops.

“Once upon a time there were little human droplets in a cloud. There were a lot of them. They were cheerful, restless, light. One day, having played out, they didn’t even notice that they had broken away from the cloud and were falling to the ground. But even on earth they did not want to part with each other. And those little droplets that fell far away ran to their friends. And when everyone gathered together, it turned out to be a trickle. Were they glad that they were all together again, they began to gurgle, whisper and ran on to see what was there?

They ran and ran and came to the river. It’s good that the river was located below the place where the little droplets fell, otherwise it would have been very difficult to run up, the little men wouldn’t have reached their relatives.

And in the river there are even more of the same water people. They were happy to meet and let's have fun, jump, jump over each other. The river began to bubble and rustle. But gradually the little men got tired and calmed down. We decided to rest. And suddenly we felt how cold it was. These frosty little men really wanted to play with them, but while the water ones were jumping, the frosty ones could not grab them or approach them. And now, when the water men were tired and calmed down, the frosty ones sat down next to them and hugged the water men. The aquatic ones, feeling that they were freezing, began to cuddle up to each other to warm the MC. They pressed so closely together that they turned to ice. But the little men were not upset. Over the summer they were tired and wanted to rest. The little people knew that time will pass and the sun will warm up again, they will become warm and will be able to run and tumble and play any games. And even visit my grandmother - Cloud. After listening to a fairy tale, children build a variable model of the transition from one substance to another.

Now you will try to create models yourself using MMC.

Group assignment:

Group 1 – creating a model - a glass of water;

2 group - creation models - a glass of water with ice;

Group 3 - creating a model - a glass of lemonade.

Where else can you use MMC?

  • in regime moments;
  • GCD according to O.O. “Cognitive development” - the formation of elementary mathematical concepts. You can measure objects by length, reinforce the concepts of “more - less”, “heavier - lighter”, etc.
  • In the visual arts - color mixing.
  • In O.O. “Speech development” - children are offered a model from various combinations vowels and consonants.
  • Little people can be used to model social relationships.


Technology name

Technology for solving inventive problems

Adoption of TRIZ technology

"The Little Men Method"

What does it give to a child?

  • helps to find solutions to a problematic issue and generate ideas;
  • regular training in creative thinking;
  • awareness of the relationship between changes in matter and thermal conditions.

What does it give to a teacher?

  • knowledge of TRIZ equips the teacher’s thinking with a set of tools for solving problems;
  • develops the teacher’s creative abilities, flexibility and systematic thinking;
  • fosters readiness to perceive new things;
  • provides professional growth.

Dear colleagues, you were grateful listeners and did an excellent job with the proposed games and game exercises. Use various TRIZ techniques in your work, and the inexhaustible source of children's imagination will be fully revealed to you.

Evaluation of the master class work

I propose to evaluate my master class. Leaves flew onto the path.

  • I liked the games. I will use them in my work, let a yellow leaf fly.
  • It wasn't bad. But I don’t know whether I will use games in my work, let a green leaf fly.
  • Understood nothing. It was not interesting, let a red leaf fly.


  1. Sidorchuk T.A., “I explore the world” Methodological complex for working with preschoolers. – Ulyanovsk, LLC “Vector – S”, 2014.
  2. Gutkovich I.Ya. Toolkit on organizing and conducting developmental knowledge with preschoolers / Scientific method. development center education N242 "Sadko". - Ulyanovsk, 1996.
  3. Pedagogy + TRIZ: Collection of articles for teachers and educators.
  4. N.M. Zhuravleva, T.A. Sidorchuk, N.V. Khizhnyak, “OTSM – TRIZ – RTV technologies as universal remedy formation of key competencies of preschool children”,Methodological manual for preschool teachers educational institutions, 2007
  5. http://volga-triz.org/ (Official website Volga - TRIZ)
  6. www.altshuller.ru (official fund of G.S. Altshuller)

Let's imagine that all objects, substances, everything living and inanimate around us consists of little, little people. People behave differently. People of solid bodies (stone, wood) hold hands tightly. Their hands are strong - they cannot unclench or bend. That's why solid does not change shape. The liquid people do not hold hands: they stand tightly next to each other, shifting from foot to foot. This is why the liquid does not hold its shape. But if you fill a glass with “liquid” little people, then you can’t add new residents to it: after all, the little people are standing close to each other, there is no free space between them. People of gaseous substances cannot stand still and run around all the time. With the help of these little people, the objects and processes around us are modeled. inventive junior schoolboy

This method works very well in lessons about learning about the world. During the lesson “Water is the cradle of life,” the students themselves demonstrated the three physical states of water.

Circles of Llull

The manual consists of several circles, which are divided into sectors and different in size. These rings are superimposed on each other using a connecting rod; usually this is a connection of two or three circles of different diameters. An arrow is attached to them. A picture is attached to each sector. The essence of the method is that mental operations carried out using these pictures.

For example, at the stage of generalization on the topic “Spring - the morning of the New Year”, the following option is possible. A picture indicating the color is attached to the top circle, the name of the months is attached to the middle circle, and spring symbols characteristic of each month are attached to the bottom circle. The students' task is to correctly combine the name - color - symbol in one sector. (March - yellow - sun, April - blue - streams, May - green - grass...)



Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 13", Kanash

Completed by: teacher of the 1st quarter. categories

Vasilyeva M.M.

Kanash, 2017

Progress of the master class

Dear colleagues, I want, within the framework of this master - class to present to your attention a method that helps me implement the tasks for disclosure creative potential of preschool children. At first glance, it may seem complicated, but if you figure it out, I assure you that it is very exciting, interesting, and productive. As forchildren and for the teacher. When working with older preschoolers, I actively use the method"Modeling with little people"allowing you to clearly see and feel natural phenomena, the nature of the interaction of objects and their elements

The purpose of our master class:to introduce teachers to the TRIZ technology method “Modeling with little people”.

Dear teachers, today we will go on an exciting journey to the TRIZ planet. .But before you go on this journey, you and I must remember: “What is TRIZ and why is it needed?” TRIZ is a theory for solving inventive problems.

Society needs people who are intellectually courageous, independent, who think originally, who are able to accept non-standard solutions and not afraid of it.

Preschool childhood– this is that special age when the ability to creative solution problems that arise in different situations in a child’s life (creativity). preschool age process knowledge in a child it occurs in an emotional and practical way. Every preschooler is a little explorer, discovering for himself with joy and surprise the world. The child strives for active activity, and it is important not to let this desire to fall asleep to promote his further development. Therefore, I consider it important to use TRIZ methods and techniques for the development of imagination, speech, to teach them to think systematically, to understand the processes occurring in nature.

Before I set myself the following tasks:

  • Introduce teachers to TRIZ technologies;
  • Encourage the use of the Little People Modeling method in joint activities teacher with children;
  • Activate and support creative potential teachers, develop professional competence.

There are the following technologies based on TRIZ

Today we will try the MMC method

This is a method - Modeling with Little People (MMH), which helps formation dialectical ideas about various objects and processes of living and inanimate nature, develops the child’s thinking, stimulates his curiosity. In games and exercises with MP, imagination and fantasy are developed, therefore, the ground is created forformation of proactive, inquisitivecreative personality.

The teacher addresses the guests seminar:

Only today and only now,

Only with us and only with you

I suggest plunging into the world of childhood with pleasure and of course excitement. Feel yourself far from the hustle and bustle of life and difficulties.

In my work with getting to know Little People, the wizard Ozhivolyalka helps me

The Wizard of the Animator has composed a fairy tale and wants me to tell it to you.

"A Tale of Little Men"

(reading a fairy tale is accompanied by showing diagrams)

Once upon a time there were little people, and they went for a walk around the world.They were so small that no one noticed them. They felt so offended that they began to stomp their feet and scream, but still no one saw them. Then one of them offered : “Let’s hold hands tightly and leave this country where no one notices us.” "So they did.(Slide No. 10)

But here's what happened. As soon as they held hands tightly, everyone saw them. “Look what a big mountain, what a solid stone, what strong glass, iron and wood,” everyone around said. “What happened to us,” the little men were surprised, we became wood, metal, glass and stone.” They felt so good and happy that they clapped their hands. But as soon as they stopped holding hands, water started running from the mountains. “So, if we hold hands tightly, we will be solids, and if we just stand next to each other, we will be liquids,” said the little men.

And the naughtiest little people didn’t want to hold hands and didn’t want to stand next to each other. They began to run, jump, tumble, and they turned into air, smoke over the fire and the smell of mother’s perfume.

This is how little people live now.

In solids, they hold hands tightly and require force to separate them..

In liquids they stand next to each other. This connection is fragile, they can be separated (for example, by pouring water)

In gaseous substances they run and jump. They can live in various odors and bubbles.

Teacher: Where is it suggested to start working to get to know people? The work begins with a preliminary conversation, I tell you that all objects consist of parts, and propose to name what parts it consists of. For example , brick, paper, soap, wire, stone, etc.. Usually children give the following answers: “A brick consists of small pieces of brick”, “Soap consists of small pieces of soap”...

To summarize the children's responses, I point out that these small particles that make up substances are called “molecules.” We can say that a brick consists of brick molecules, water - from water molecules, paper - from paper molecules...

You will learn about molecules in detail when you study at school. In the meantime, while you are little, instead of the word “molecules” we will say “little people”.

Now we will go with you to the country of little people who live in different towns.

Teacher: but what will we fly on?(children's options)

Educators: On a spaceship.

Teacher: Where is this ship? He's gone! What should I do?

And it will help us in creating a spaceship morphological table(1 teacher creates on an easel spaceship)

1 2 3 4

A - “Rocket Nose”

B – ship hull

IN – shape of portholes

G – number of wings 2, 3, 4, 6

Exercise: Build a spaceship using the combination of A2, B3, B4, D1. (teachers build rockets)

Teacher: Well, this is how we got our spaceship!

Now let's take off. But the captain is missing. It will be me.

We count 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Start!

So you and I arrived in the city"Tough men"

Hard men want to play a game with you. Who are these tough little people??

A game "Name something hard"

(ball game)

Participants' task:name various solid objects. Whoever made a mistake or repeated it leaves the game. It’s just important to remember that what’s solid is what’s not liquid.

Now let’s close our eyes and imagine that in the laboratory there are little people who really like to conduct experiments.

“There is an iron wire and a metal bar on the table.”

Teacher: Tell me, what are they made of?

Educators: Made of iron.

Teacher: What are they like?

Educators: on a thick thread. On bricks.

Teacher: What can be made from wire and an iron bar?

Educators: A basket. Icon. A typewriter. Pinwheel.

Teacher: What does it take to make a wire basket?

Educators: Bend. Cut. It's hard to do. You have to bend it with your hands.

Teacher: Yes. We need to make an effort. Do you know why?

Little men live in the iron, they are very strong, they hold hands. Can you break the wire? Give it a try. Nothing works out because these little people hold on very tightly. You need a tool to disengage them.

Teacher: You may ask why wire can be bent, but iron can only be cut with an ax?

Because the wire is thin, it is easier to force the little men to change their position. There are more people in the block, and therefore you cannot bend it with your hands. Like with a broom, look: here is one twig - I can bend it, but I can’t bend the broom, because... there are a lot of twigs.

Teacher: Well, we've been to the city of tough people, now let's move on.Here we are in the city"Liquid men"

Let's, dear friends, get to know the liquid people better. Who are they??

In this city, people behave differently different times of the year. .In winter they turn into ice “the little men hold hands tightly. When spring comes, it gets warm, they give up, stop holding on, and turn into liquid. These are “liquid people” that can easily move.

Teacher: Let's warm up a little and play.

Game "Freeze"

Rules: children move freely around the group. When the teacher gives a signal (with a tambourine or bell), they turn into “icy” ones, i.e. should freeze - “freeze”, repeated signal - “melt”.

Teacher: Let's head to the city now"Gaseous Men"

Gaseous men can be felt if you blow on your palm. These "little men" are very mobile, they can run in the air in different sides, whoever wants. The air consists of “gas men”...

Some "gas men" can be seen when water boils, it turns into steam, which is clearly visible.

Teacher: Residents of that city love to move, let's play with you too.

Outdoor game "Little Men"»

Children's teachers act as little people and show in which substance which little people live. The teacher says:

stone - children hold hands,

juice - children stand next to each other, touching elbows,

air - children run away from each other, swinging their arms and legs, etc.

Teacher: Working with Little Men cards

The teacher prepares a set of cards where little people are symbolically depicted:

The teacher invites you to look at the models and asks you to answer what it could be.

Tell me, what can be changed in the second scheme so that it is not a bottle of milk, but a bottle of lemonade? (add “gaseous men”)

Gaseous people love to fantasize and turn into different objects. They invite you to play and find out what objects they have turned into. Do you agree?

Game "Find out the substance"

Well done! You did an excellent job with all the tasks, our journey has come to an end and it’s time to return home.

Let's start counting: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

Here we are at home. So we visited the cities big country TRIZ: a city of solid, liquid and gaseous people.

Everyone was tired from the road and probably hungry. I suggest we all cook compote together, of course, using the “Modeling with Little People” method.

Let's play a game with you"Fruits",

I invite 3 assistants to join me.

I'll turn you into fruit now:

Clap your hands 3 times and turn into a miracle fruit. (Children turn into fruits).

We name who turned into what fruit. Children call.

What can you make from fruits? (juice, jam, salad)

Children, you said that you can make jam, juice, and salad from fruits. Do you know how to cook a delicious compote? What types of compotes are there? (cranberry, apple, lingonberry). Let us not only tell you how to cook compote, but also show us. And our little people will help us with this.

Clap your hands 3 times and turn into little people.

First you need to take a pan.

Who wants to show what kind of pan this is, I need helpers again. Children, what kind of people are you?

We are tough people(stand in a circle and hold hands tightly)

How do tough people behave?

They hold hands tightly.

Now you need to put fresh fruit in the pan. What are they? (they are hard too)

What's missing? That's right, water.

Now let's fill the fruit with water. What kind of people are these?(liquid). How do they behave?(lightly touch each other, for example with elbows)I invite 2 people.

Place the pan on the stove. The water is boiling. How do boiling water men behave?

They are seething, moving, move, boil.(walk side by side, touching...)

Compote always smells delicious, I keep wondering why?

These are gaseous people jumping out of it.

Who wants to be a ferry, come out, I need helpers.

Now the compote is ready. What a tasty, sweet, aromatic, healthy compote we made.

And now you are turning into children again. Thank you, sit down.

Evaluation of the master class work

I propose to evaluate my master class.

  • I liked the master class. I will use games when working with children. (Show green smiley face)
  • It wasn't bad. But I don’t know whether I will use games in my work, let me show you a yellow emoticon.
  • Understood nothing. It was not interesting, let him show a red smiley face.

Dear colleagues, you were grateful listeners and did an excellent job with the proposed games and game exercises. Use various TRIZ techniques in your work, and the inexhaustible source of children's imagination will be fully revealed to you.

Petrov Vladimir Mikhailovich,
Israel, Tel Aviv, 2002
[email protected]

theories for solving inventive problems

7.1.3. Method of modeling by little people MMC.

The method of modeling with little people (MMM) was proposed by Heinrich Altshuller.

It has long been noted that solving many problems is facilitated by representing them in the form of models. We have already partially considered such modeling when outlining the technique of empathy (see section 2.3). But such modeling does not always bring success. It is especially difficult to use empathy to model processes where it is necessary to divide an object into parts, and this is understandable. It is not natural for a person to divide himself into parts, and when using empathy in such processes, he must imagine his division. That is why such problems are quite difficult to solve in this way.

When solving many problems, the famous physicist Maxwell imagined the process under study in the form of little gnomes who could do everything that was necessary. Such gnomes in literature are called "Maxwell's gnomes." A similar modeling method using a crowd of little people was proposed by G. Altduller. Any process is modeled with the help of little people who, in our imagination, can carry out any action.

Let's illustrate this method.

Problem 7.2. There is a liquid dispenser made in the form of a device shown in Fig. 7.9. The liquid enters the dispenser bucket, when it is filled set quantity liquid, the dispenser will tilt to the left and the liquid will pour out. The left side of the dispenser becomes lighter, the dispenser returns to its original position.
Unfortunately, the dispenser does not work accurately. When tilting to the left, as soon as liquid begins to drain, left side the dispenser becomes lighter, the dispenser returns to its original position, although some of the liquid remains in the bucket. “Underfilling” depends on many factors (difference between the left and right parts of the dispenser, liquid viscosity, friction of the dispenser axis, etc.), so you cannot simply take a larger ladle.
It is necessary to eliminate the described disadvantage of the dispenser. Do not offer other dispensers: the essence of the task is to improve the existing design. Remember: you need to maintain its inherent simplicity.
Let's imagine the described structure in the form of a model using little people (Fig. 7.10).
Analysis of this model shows that the counterweight men do not meet the necessary requirements.

Here a heightened (physical) contradiction arises: “The counterweight men must be on the right in order to return the dispenser to its original position, and should not be on the right so that the liquid men can completely drain.”
Such a contradiction can be resolved if the counterweight men become mobile (Fig. 7.11). Technically, this can be represented, for example, as shown in Fig. 7.12. The dispenser is made in the form of a body mounted on an axis, on one side of which there is a measuring container, and on the other there are channels with moving ballast, for example a ball 4.

Let's look at one more problem.

Problem 7.3. In hydraulic engineering when blocking river beds and various kinds In dumpings under water, self-unloading (tipping) barges are used, in particular, the barges shown in Fig. 7.13 5. They consist of two buoyancy compartments 1 and 2 (“bow” and “stern”), which keep the barge afloat. Between the buoyancy compartments there is a cargo hold 3, made in the form of a triangular prism.

The walls of the hold have holes; water always passes into the hold (without this it would be difficult to capsize the barge and return it to its original position). There are air cavities 4 along the body on both sides. The lower part of these cavities is open. When a barge is loaded, it settles, the water compresses the air in the air cavities. When it is necessary to unload the barge, valve 5 is opened, air comes out, water fills one side cavity, and the barge capsizes. After the cargo has been poured out, the torque created by the keel 6 automatically returns the barge to its original position.

It was decided to use such barges in construction Aswan Dam. Due to specific conditions, it was necessary to create barges with a lifting capacity of 500 tons with a low draft, that is, more wide and flat. They built a model of a barge and found that the model did not return to its original position.
To return the barge to its original position, it was necessary to make the keel heavier, but then the “dead” weight would have to be carried all the time. The heavier the keel, the less the barge's payload capacity.
What should I do?
Let us depict the described process in the form of a model of little men (Fig. 7.14).
When analyzing the model, we are convinced that the counterweight men cannot cope with returning the barge to its original position. The ideal model for this task: “The counterweight men themselves return the barge to its original position without increasing its weight. Or a light counterweight returns the barge to its original position.”
At first glance, such a solution contradicts the laws of nature. A contradiction arises: “There should be a lot of counterweight people in order to return the barge to its original position, and there should be few (or none at all) so as not to carry “dead” weight.”
The solution is to increase the mass of the counterweight men at the expense of someone else nearby.
By increasing the mass at the expense of cargo men, we, of course, will turn the barge over, but they will become counterweight men, and again we will have to carry “extra cargo”, that is, reduce the overall carrying capacity of the barge. Thus, the cargo men did not help us.

Let's try using liquid people. If they join a small number of counterweight men, they will be able to return the barge to its original position. In water they will not create additional mass. So this solution is suitable. All that remains is to think about how to hold the liquid men near the counterweight men (Fig. 7.15).
Technically, this solution is implemented in the form of a hollow keel (Fig. 7.16).

The self-unloading barge is made with a ballast keel tank, which has holes in the outer walls, constantly communicating with the outboard space 6. This could be, for example, a pipe.

Problem 7.4 7. During the Second World War, a problem arose: how to prevent the enemy from detecting a planted underwater mine?
An underwater mine in those days was a sphere filled with explosives, and the fuses were made in the form of “horns” (Fig. 7.17). The mine has positive buoyancy. It was attached to the anchor using a cable (minrep), so that it remained at the depth of the ship's draft.
Mines are caught using special ships - minesweepers. A cable (trawl) is stretched between two minesweepers.
The cable is deepened using special deepeners. The trawl cable matches the mine rope (Fig. 7.18). When a mine hits the trawl (the trawl cable moves along the mine rope), then special knife or an explosive device, the minerep is interrupted. The mine floats up and is shot.

Vera Vyazovtseva

Dear colleagues, I present to your attention material that, at first glance, may seem complicated. But if you look into it, I assure you that it is very exciting, interesting, and productive. Both for children and for teachers. IN working with older preschoolers I actively use a method that allows me to clearly see and feel natural phenomena, character interaction objects and their elements. This is the method - Modeling by Little People(MMC, which helps the formation of dialectical ideas about various objects and processes of living and inanimate nature, develops the child’s thinking, stimulates his curiosity. In games and exercises with MMC, imagination and fantasy are developed, therefore, the ground is created for the formation of an initiative, inquisitive creative personality.

There are many variations use of MMC: cards with drawn little people, cubes, MCH made of plastic and cardboard, finally, "alive" little men, in the role of which children act.

The essence of MMP lies in the idea that all objects and substances consist of many MPs. Depending on the state of the substance, MPs behave differently.

Little people solid substances are held tightly by the hands and to separate them, you need to apply force.

In liquid matter little men standing nearby, lightly touching each other. This connection fragile: they can be easily separated from each other (pour water from a glass, etc.)

Little people gaseous substances are constantly in motion. In addition to the main title - "running", children characterize them as "flying" or "flying".

Let's consider an example of the transition of a substance from one state to another.

An icicle does not melt in winter. Why? Because MCH (little people) the ice is cold, and they hold each other tightly. But then spring came, the sun began to warm up. The little people have warmed up, began to move, stopped holding hands - they just touched each other. Ice changed from a solid state to a liquid state, i.e. it turned out to be water. The sun is warming stronger people are getting hot. They first moved away from each other, and then ran away in different directions. The water disappeared, turned into steam, that is, evaporated.

Job with children using the MMC method is carried out in several stages.

First, the teacher, together with the children, finds out that phenomena and objects can be solid, liquid, gaseous, which can be attributed to these concepts. Children learn to identify a stone, water in a glass, steam or smoke using several MPs. So, for example, when modeling the house wall little people are original "bricks", and when modeling the tree must be based on its image (trunk, branches).

Then model objects and phenomena, consisting of a combination of various little men: water in an aquarium, a cup on a saucer, etc.

On next stage it is possible to consider objects and phenomena not only in statics, but also in movement: water pouring from a tap, a boiling kettle. This is necessary in order to smoothly lead children to the ability to schematize interaction, which inevitably arises between systems.

After children have mastered the mechanical MMC, it is advisable to move to a new level of consideration. interaction objects and phenomena – schematization.

Circuit as opposed to mechanical models allows you to show complexity interaction the surrounding world and the individual little man , representing a solid, liquid or gaseous state, using certain symbols - mathematical signs «+» , «-» . Thus, there is no need to draw a lot little people.

To show the connection, use«+» , sign «-» used in that case, when we remove, we take away some element. You can draw up diagrams of phenomena with several signs.

For example, how can you designate a pencil - it has a wooden body on the outside and graphite on the inside? These 2 components of the pencil are hard. Using pictures of people, indicating solids, and the sign «+» , we get the following diagram (on the picture)

And this is how we denote the process when it poured out of the watering can water:

This is how you can designate a glass of water, a box of juice, a bottle of lemonade, etc.

You can choose many options for this scheme - a piece was torn off from a piece of paper, plasticine was broken off from a block, a dry branch was sawed off from a tree, etc.

Based on this method developed games and exercises, in which children play with pleasure, discuss the proposed objects, and teach each other. I'll tell you about the game « little people» , which I made according to the principle of ordinary dominoes - rectangular dominoes (I have them wooden) divided into 2 squares. On one square - little man or a scheme of several people with - or + signs, and on the other part of the plate - one object or several (a cube, a ball, a nail, a cup of hot tea from which steam rises, water flows from a tap, air blows from a hairdryer, etc.). Players divide the dominoes among themselves, set the order and build a chain.

Children love to play outdoor games "We - little people» . Children stand in a circle and, depending on what word the adult says, the children either stand, holding hands tightly (if, for example, the teacher says "stone", do not hold hands very tightly, i.e. an adult can easily separate these hands ( "paper", start running (word "steam", "smoke", "smell", stand side by side, touching shoulders ( "water", "milk", "juice" and etc).

With the help of MMC, you can play out various regime moments, explaining the essence of a particular process or situation. For example, here is soap. Soapy little men hold hands tightly while they are dry. They cling tightly to each other while there is no one between them. But here are the soapy ones little people meet water with whom they are friends. And they begin to swim, dive, splash, involuntarily lowering their hands and separating from the others. At first they swim alone, then some, holding hands, dance in a circle in the water. Look at the soap bubbles floating on the water. But they quickly burst, because their hands are soapy. wet men, slippery, it is difficult for them to hold on to each other.

I can name the teacher’s articles as the main source TRIZ Rich B. F. in magazines "The child in kindergarten» No. 5, 6, 2007 The material was creatively processed by me and supplemented. In the future, I will present notes from classes using the MMC method.

I wish you creative success!