The money tree has soft leaves. The plant turns yellow and drops its leaves

Growing money tree Many gardeners practice this at home. Caring for the plant is not difficult, and besides, it will attract financial well-being, according to Feng Shui. But it happens that with proper care indoor flower begins to turn black and fade. Why the money tree sheds its leaves is the topic of our article.

You will certainly be able to restore a wilted and limp Crassula or Crassula (another name for the plant). But to do this, you need to correctly determine what caused this problem to appear.

In fact, there are plenty of reasons. The leaves of the money tree turn yellow and fall off due to mistakes made in the care of flower growers. Sometimes it’s all about diseases or pest invasions.

You need to revive the fat plant after you clearly determine why it suddenly began to fade. To do this, you need to take a closer look at the most common causes of yellowing and falling leaves of Crassula.

Watering errors

Why the leaves of the Crassula wither and fall off is difficult to determine immediately. Very often, the main cause is improper substrate moisture. Some gardeners believe that it is not worth irrigating the soil composition of Crassula too often, since arid Africa is considered its homeland, and the plant itself is a succulent.

At the same time, if you neglect it at all or do it very rarely, the leaves of the flower will begin to dry out and fly down. But it is not recommended to overfill the pot: in this case, the water does not have time to be absorbed by the roots, and even the presence of drainage will not always help remove excess liquid in a timely manner.

Such errors in care lead to active rotting of the root system and wilting of the plant.

To prevent the death of this green specimen, irrigate the soil in the pot according to a certain pattern. It is recommended to water it after the soil layer has noticeably dried out in the flowerpot. In this case, moistening should take place slowly and gradually: in this way, the water will be absorbed into the water, and a puddle will not appear on the pan.

Incorrect lighting

When the leaves of a fat plant fall off, you urgently need to reconsider the conditions that you have provided for your flower. Soft foliage may turn yellow and wilt if the indoor microclimate is not the most favorable. Great value for of this plant has lighting.

You should not place it on a south window and generally leave it in direct sunlight, especially on hot summer days. In this case, burns cannot be avoided. If you want to grow your money tree exclusively in the southern part of the house, try to shade it in the summer. But the northern side of the house is not the most the best choice, since you will have to add additional light to the plant.

Sudden changes in temperature

Crassula may become limp and begin to shed its leaves if the temperature in the room has changed sharply. For example, you moved a plant from warm room to the balcony or, conversely, there are drafts in the room, etc. All this will not have the most favorable effect on the health of the home flower.

If he stood on a frosty windowsill, shriveled up and simply began to disappear, it is unlikely to be resuscitated. In this case, take cuttings from the stem and start rooting them so that the money tree does not completely disappear from your flower collection.

When the leaves on the trunk of a plant break off and fall off due to sudden temperature changes, do not rush to throw it away: the wave may replace the lost shoots with young shoots. In any case, it is necessary to try to bring the flower back to life. But in the future, try to avoid such failures in temperature conditions.

Presence of diseases and pests

The plant is aging

When bottom sheets dry out and fall off, this sometimes indicates natural aging. No matter how competently the flower is cared for, sooner or later the green specimen still throws off the old foliage to replace it with young shoots. In this case, you need to remove the dead parts of the plant and wait for its further growth.

Video “How to properly care for a fat woman”

Video about how to grow a money tree, care features.

How to save the situation

Treatment of a money tree should begin with adjusting watering. Let the earthen clod dry out, and then resume irrigating the substrate, but try to follow basic recommendations so as not to harm the flower again. In winter, remember to reduce the frequency of watering. Another key point: keep the plant away from heaters and radiators to prevent the leaves from drying out prematurely.

The cause of any disease is always improper care. All that remains is to figure out exactly what actions lead to this or that ailment.

Reference! The most dangerous period for Crassula it is winter. Because at this time there is always not enough lighting, and the temperature is not constant due to the weather outside the window and the operation of the heating system.

The crown turns pale and falls off


  • regular waterlogging of the substrate;
  • lack of moisture;
  • watering with cool water;
  • excessive feeding;
  • response to a stressful situation.

What to do if the plant is sick:

  1. Avoid fertilizers for about 30 days.
  2. Reduce watering or make it regular and light.
  3. Set aside water in advance to moisten the soil.

The stem only grows upward

Causes: excessive watering at low light or low temperatures air.

Treatment options:

  1. Reduce the frequency of soil wetting.
  2. Adjust the temperature to 22-25 degrees Celsius.
  3. Use sources of artificial lighting.

Red pigmentation

Causes: development of bacteria on a plant.

Treatment options:

  1. Cut off the affected foliage from the fat plant.
  2. Treat the healthy part with an antibacterial agent several times with an interval of 10 days.

Arrested Development


  • applying fertilizers in insufficient quantities;
  • irregular moistening of the substrate;
  • bad light;
  • rest period.

What to do if the flower is sick:

  1. Set up watering and fertilizing regimes.
  2. Provide light conditions for 12 hours a day.

Rotting shoots


  • excessive soil moisture;
  • swampiness of the soil.

Treatment options:

  1. It is necessary to let the earthen coma stand in a dried state for at least a couple of days.
  2. If drying the soil does not help, the plant can only be saved by planting young plant from healthy shoots.

How else can you help a fat plant if it has rotted from excessive watering, we suggest you learn from this useful video:

Yellow shade of the crown

Causes: insufficient lighting.

Treatment options: organize the care regime in such a way that the fat woman receives good diffused light for 12 hours a day.

Leaves become soft

Causes: chaotic watering mode.

Most often, the florist first long time does not moisten the substrate, and then tries to correct the situation by abundant watering.

Treatment options:

  1. Drying the soil.
  2. If this manipulation does not help, it is worth transplanting the plant into a new substrate. But to do this, clear root system from the soil and inspect it for rotting. Treat the rhizomes with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

We invite you to watch a useful video about why Crassula has soft leaves and how to deal with it:

Black pigmentation


  • sunburn;
  • a fungal infection caused by insufficient ventilation of the room.

Treatment options:

  1. Avoid direct contact with the plant sun rays. To do this, place it in partial shade or shade it during hot hours.
  2. Treat with Fundazol solution.
  3. Reduce watering volumes.
  4. Ventilate the room in which the fat woman is located more often.

Small white dots

Causes: such pigmentation is a consequence of the evaporation of excess moisture. Moreover, this moisture enters the flower not only from the soil, but also from the air.

Treatment options:

  1. Review the watering regime.
  2. Humidify the air around the plant less.

The plant turns red


  • exposure to sunlight on the surface of leaf plates;
  • poor air circulation;
  • lack of nutrients.

Treatment options:

  1. Shade the fat woman.
  2. Adjust the feeding regime and make it constant.
  3. Take care of the drainage layer in the flower container.

Silvery patina

Causes: the result of experienced stress.

This situation may be a response to a sharp change in temperature and light conditions, as well as the frequency of soil moistening and fertilization.

Treatment options: this plaque is dead cells. Their plant seemed to be thrown onto the surface of the leaves. There is no need to fight the silvery plaque - it will go away on its own as soon as the money tree recovers from stress.

The foliage winced

Causes: abundant watering of the flower after a long period of drought.

Treatment options: such irregular watering with irregularities can lead not only to diseases of the fat plant, but also to its death, and wrinkled signs are the first sign of the disease. Therefore, it is important to water Crassula correctly so as not to create problems for it. stressful situations.

Dried brown spots

Causes: lack of moisture.

Treatment options: water the plant with settled water room temperature. In this case, new moistening should be carried out only when the substrate has dried to about 3-5 centimeters in depth.

The flower dries up


  • excess moisture in the soil;
  • the root system filled the entire space in the flowerpot.

Treatment options:

  1. Dry the soil and all rhizomes.
  2. If necessary, replace the pot with a larger one.

Crassula pests and how to deal with them

Spider mite

A very small pest. However, despite its size, the mite is very noticeable on the plant. The described pest can be recognized by small grayish or reddish dots that constantly move.

When a spider mite attacks, the web that most often envelops is most clearly expressed. sheet plates. When attacked by such an insect, the entire green part of the Crassula often acquires a yellowish or slightly brown tint.

If a gardener notices a spider mite on a money tree, he should:

  1. Immediately treat the plant with fungicides.
  2. Plus, you need to tighten the bag on the Crassula - from the very top to the base of the pot. Such a vacuum will create a humid environment, which will lead to the death of the spider mite.

From folk remedies can be used soap solution. True, processing with this tool will have to be performed several times.


This pest is considered one of the most common insects for the Crassula. It's hard to detect, since the scale insect is most often located on the root system and in the axils of the foliage. This insect survives thanks to the living tissues of the plant, from which it sucks the juice, which causes death for the money tree.

Crassula does not fade immediately, but gradually. This is facilitated by weakened immunity. In addition, the external data of the plant also deteriorates. Appears on the entire surface of the leaves white coating, similar to cotton wool.

Treatment consists of several stages:

  1. The first is mechanical removal of pests. This can be easily done with good water pressure.
  2. Then the entire fat plant is treated with an alcohol or garlic solution. Of the ready-made drugs, Actellik and Fufanon help well.


Scale insects are recognized by light brown tubercles on the surface of the foliage. Sometimes these growths can take on a yellow tint.

You can easily deal with such a pest:

  1. It is enough to simply collect it from the plant by hand.
  2. Then spray the Crassula with a soap solution or the Fitoverm preparation. This product is absolutely safe for people and pets, but is merciless against insect pests. The main thing is to strictly follow the instructions for use.

Root mealybug

It often lives on the root system of the money tree. Therefore, it is very difficult to detect. Typically, gardeners notice the pest when changing containers and soil.

If a root worm is detected, it is necessary:

  1. Wash all rhizomes running water, which will be heated to +50 degrees.
  2. Then treat with insecticides several times, maintaining an interval of about a week.

You can learn more about Crassula pests in this useful video:

Crassula, like any other plant, can be susceptible to diseases and pest attacks. But if the gardener constantly monitors the condition of the crassula, he will easily notice negative deviations in the condition of the money tree. Therefore, regular examination of the fat woman will be the key to its health and full development.

Flower growers who prefer not to suffer from the complex care of ornamental and exquisite plants opt for the Crassula. Among people, this indoor plant is called the money tree. It is loved for its ease of care and evergreen leaf color. But, despite its unpretentiousness, it can also get sick.

The main problems that the owner of such a plant may encounter are red or limp leaves. Each of them is worth considering in more detail.

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    A little about the Crassula

    • Money Tree;
    • Crassula;
    • monkey tree;
    • fat woman

    The tree comes from South Africa.

    Crassula is a perennial evergreen. This is a tree with a woody trunk and thick fleshy leaves. IN natural conditions In its homeland, the money tree can reach a height of 3 meters. IN room conditions the plant does not grow for more than one and a half years.

    Since ancient times, it has been believed that the Crassula brings good luck to financially. But it is worth remembering that when purchasing a plant that has already been grown by someone, you should not count on it. You should grow Crassula yourself from a small sprout, caring for and caring for the plant. Every piece of paper should not be neglected.

    During the growth period, the emerging lateral shoots are removed, which helps in the future to form an even, strong trunk. After the plant reaches the desired height, you can begin to form a crown, leaving only the main shoots.

    According to many gardeners, the fat woman does not like unnecessary care, and they advise leaving him alone. But still, every owner needs to know the basic rules of tree care and preferences.

    After all, with money talisman A lot of troubles can happen, the most common of which are:

    • withered leaves;
    • reddening of foliage;
    • leaf fall;
    • rotting of the root system.

    It is important to know what to do and how to quickly deal with problems so that your favorite tree will delight you with its green beauty and bring good luck in financial matters.

    Why does the Crassula's foliage turn red?

    The main reason that causes red leaves to appear is bright sunlight. This is the most likely reason why the leaves of the money tree gradually turn red. Surprisingly, the plant’s homeland is arid and hot Africa and Madagascar. But still, the fat woman does not tolerate direct bright sunlight. Initially, redness may form on the edges of the leaves, and then all the leaves will become a similar shade.

    In some cases, the leaves may not only turn red, but also begin to shrivel and wither. Often the foliage becomes soft before falling. Already at this stage, you should sound the alarm and begin to revive the plant.

    Most often, this condition is caused by careless movement of the pot. This is exactly how the money tree will react if it first gets used to being located in pleasant partial shade, and then suddenly moves to the windowsill, where it will constantly receive direct sunlight.

    The appearance of redness indicates sunburn.

    There are times when the leaves turn red with inside. This condition will be caused by a slightly different reason. It's worth checking the ground. Typically, redness below appears due to insufficient watering. Despite the fact that the fat plant tolerates drought easily, it still prefers moderate, regular watering. There is no need to explain what to do in this case, everything is clear.

    Plant restoration

    To restore the original appearance of the leaves, you can do two things:

    1. 1 Move the plant to another place where there is no direct sunlight.
    2. 2 When there is bright light, cover the window with a curtain or gauze.

    And after some time, the owner will notice that the tree has turned green again and restored its original healthy color. But if the leaves not only turn red, but also wither, then treatment should be taken more seriously. Here, one rearrangement will not be enough. It will also be necessary to fertilize with fertilizer or biostimulant, which will speed up recovery. It is also important to water in a timely manner. In normal weather, the plant should be watered once a week; if it is too hot in the house and outside, then twice.

    Why do leaves wither and fall off?

    There are too many reasons for this condition. If the leaves wither and dry out, then most likely the problem is high temperature and exposure of leaves to sunlight.

    It is worth noting that the plant copes best with the heat in the fresh air. Therefore, after the end of frost and normalization of the temperature regime, it can be safely sent until the fall. Fresh air. It is very important that the plant is not exposed to heavy rain outside. From large quantity moisture, the root system can begin to rot, which over time will lead to the leaves beginning to wither, turn pale and fall off.

    In such cases, you cannot do without replanting the plant. All soil is removed from the roots and replaced with fresh soil. The roots themselves should be carefully checked for rot and all damaged areas should be removed.

    Causes of the problem

    The fat woman herself signals her owners about her problems and illnesses. It's important to be careful. This is primarily manifested by the condition of the foliage. If leaves begin to fall, then it is worth taking action. The first sign of trouble may be the money tree's leaves becoming soft and then dropping.

    Most often, leaves fall off due to extreme heat or excessive watering. The tree does not really like wet soil. The soil should be slightly moistened, so in summer, despite the heat, you should not get carried away with watering. It will be enough to carry it out after 2-3 days. But it is best to focus on the condition of the soil.

    During heating season Falling leaves can be caused by a lack of air humidity. Always in winter period the plant slows down its growth, fewer fresh leaves appear on it. They don't grow much and remain small and thin. It is very important to preserve mature leaves, this can be done by regular misting to replenish moisture from the outside of the plant, preventing the tree from wilting. The water should first be left standing for some time until it reaches room temperature. Too cold or hot water may have a negative effect on foliage.

    It is very important to monitor moderate temperature conditions should be avoided if possible strong increase temperatures

    At night, the money tree, like a person, prefers to be in a well-ventilated, cool room.

    The leaves of the tree are thick, strong and large

    This state of the plant is the dream of every owner, but it is he who should try to ensure that the fat plant always looks like this. There is a belief among people that the condition of the leaves of a money tree can be used to judge the amount of money the owner has. Therefore, for your financial well-being, it is important to create everything the necessary conditions for a plant.

    If you follow simple rules, the money tree will not turn red and crumble.

    Here are a few simple rules, which will help organize proper care of the tree:

    • First of all, provide moderate watering. Before watering again, you should let the soil dry out. The tree will not grow if there is a tray filled with water under the pot.
    • When replanting, the root system should be completely freed from the ground. Check their condition and trim off any rotten areas.
    • When feeding, you should use preparations designed for fertilizing cacti and other succulents.
    • The pot should have good drainage.
    • The ground where the fat plant is to grow must contain brick chips, sand, and crushed coal. This composition will protect the roots from rotting.
    • Spraying is carried out with settled warm water.
    • The lighting of the tree should be sufficient, but without direct sunlight hitting the foliage. The best place V winter time can become a window sill in the southeast of the house.
    • The money talisman should be sent out into the fresh air for the summer.
    • In winter, you should not place the flower near heating devices. He needs coolness with temperatures ranging from +18 to +24.

    On good care the plant will respond with the beauty of its foliage.

    Crassula, money tree, crassula, butterwort are a favorite of many beginners and experienced flower growers. The plant is valued for its exotic appearance and unpretentious character, and is considered a talisman of financial well-being and prosperity. But what to do when the leaves fall off? How to treat the disease? In this case, you need to immediately begin resuscitation measures.

    Sometimes healthy fatty leaves begin to fall off. If there are not many fallen ones, then this is a completely natural process of crown renewal, replacing old leaves with new ones. In healthy plants, this process occurs unnoticed and does not cause any trouble to the grower. New elastic shoots simply emerge from the leaf axils, old leaves fall off, making way for young leaves and branches. Those that have fallen to the ground begin to grow and give rise to new small plants. This is what happens vegetative propagation Crassulas.

    Most often, money tree leaves fall off in autumn and winter, when daylight hours decrease and the tree receives less light. The reason in spring days is the renewal of the crown and the growth of new shoots. In summer, the plant sheds its leaves due to hot, dry air and scorching sun. There are other causes of shedding, for example, an invasion of pests, fungi, sunburn or excess moisture.

    Crassula withers

    Crassula diseases: symptoms, causes, treatment

    Crassula has a strong immune system, but in unfavorable conditions it begins to wither and shed its leaves. Characteristics of the main diseases of the Crassula are presented in the following table.

    Causes of diseases Symptoms of diseases
    Violation of the watering regime
    • the leaves became soft/withered, turned yellow and began to fall off;
    • the trunk and roots of the plant are rotten;
    • Crassula has dropped healthy leaves
    Violation of the light regime
    • the leaves lost their elasticity, turned red and began to crumble;
    • round black spots appeared;
    • the flower has stretched out and lost its former attractiveness
    Fungi and pests
    • the plant is covered with brown spots irregular shape;
    • convex brown or yellowish growths, similar to dill seeds, appeared on the leaves;
    • yellowish spots, cobwebs have appeared between the leaves;
    • cotton-like growths appeared on the plant

    If you have at least one of the listed symptoms the tree needs to be saved. Timely measures will help to revive the fat plant, prevent the death of the plant and restore its former beauty.

    The leaves became soft and yellowed. The money tree is shedding its leaves.

    Crassula came to us from the desert regions of Africa, so it does not tolerate frequent and abundant watering. If you overwater the plant, it will turn yellow and shed some of its leaves. To save this African beauty from death, you need to thoroughly dry the soil ball in a pot and reconsider its watering regime.

    In summer, the fat plant should be watered no more than 1-2 times a week, and in winter - no more than 1-2 times a month. You need to water the plant only after the soil in the pot has completely dried, otherwise the flower will turn yellow and begin to shed its leaves.

    The trunk and roots of the plant are rotten. What to do?

    If you regularly flood the money tree with water, then very soon its trunk and roots will begin to rot and the leaves will fall off. Sick the plant urgently needs to be transplanted into a pot with dry soil, critically examining the roots and cutting off the rotten ends to healthy areas. The cut areas should be powdered with wood ash, and then the plant should be planted in a new substrate. A rotten trunk, unfortunately, is almost impossible to restore.

    The leaves dried out and began to fall off

    The reason may be infrequent watering in hot weather, proximity to heating devices(batteries, heaters) and exposure to direct sunlight. To help the fat woman in the warm season take her out into the fresh air: in the garden, in the yard or on the balcony. Choose a place for your pet that is not too sunny, where she will feel comfortable.

    Crassula withers

    Crassula has dropped healthy leaves

    The heat-loving fat woman does not like to be watered cold water or kept in a draft, and tries to attract the owner’s attention to this problem by dropping healthy, succulent leaves. To preserve the surviving part of the crown, you need to find a quiet and peaceful place for the tree, away from drafts, and water it with water at room temperature.

    The leaves lost their elasticity, turned red and began to fall off

    Despite its African origin, the Crassula does not tolerate scorching sun rays, from which it turns red and sheds its leaves. Most often this happens after moving the flower from a shaded corner to a sunny windowsill. To save the money tree, you need to shade it window glass curtain, film or newspaper, and those burned by the sun, Feed reddened leaves with complex fertilizer or spray with a biostimulant. To do this, you can use the universal fertilizer “Epin” to restore plants.

    When treating the money tree with Epin fertilizer, strictly follow the instructions. This drug is very active, and it must be added literally drop by drop, dissolving them in a glass of water

    Round black spots appeared on the leaves

    If direct sunlight can turn the leaves of the crassula red, then prolonged exposure to direct sunlight can lead to serious damage to the plate and the appearance of unsightly black spots on the leaves. To save home flower, you need to move it away from the window, or shade the window glass. Shading the plant will help solve the problem, but the affected leaves cannot be saved and over time they will fall off.

    Crassula leaf burn

    In winter, the flower stretched out and lost its former attractiveness

    If the butterwort does not have enough light, it begins to stretch upward, its internodes become elongated, the stem becomes thinner and the plant loses its attractiveness. The problem is aggravated by excessive watering in winter. To save a flower, you need to move it to another place, closer to the source of daylight.

    The green plant was covered with brown spots of irregular shape. How to save?

    It happens that brown spots appear on the money tree, which gradually cover the entire plant. Ultimately the flower dies. Why is this happening? The cause is gray or wet rot Biotytis cinema. To stop the spread of rot, you should increase the ventilation of the room and reduce watering. Areas affected by rot must be cut off, and thoroughly disinfect the cut areas. If the disease has gone too far, all that remains is to re-root the plant or take cuttings from it.

    The fungus actively develops in damp rooms and does not like dry air. To prevent its occurrence, you should ventilate the rooms more often and mulch the soil surface.

    Convex brown or yellowish growths, similar to dill seeds, appeared on the leaves

    Sometimes the green leaves begin to turn yellow - such growths are left by the scale insect - a hemipteran insect of the scale insect family, which attacks the money tree with great pleasure. Dealing with this scourge is not difficult:

    • take a soft brush, moisten it with alcohol or kerosene and remove stains;
    • Wipe the leaves of the plant with soapy foam and rinse them thoroughly with clean water;
    • treat the flower with insecticides such as Fufanon, Fitoverm, etc.

    The scale insect cannot be recognized on early stage defeats. And only when brown plaques appear on the plant does infection of the flower become obvious

    The leaves of the plant were covered with yellowish spots, a cobweb appeared

    Cobwebs and yellowish spots on the leaves of the money tree are left by a tiny pest - spider mite . It is more difficult to combat this pest than the scale insect. The easiest way is to buy a complex preparation such as “Neorona”, “Rogora” or “Actellika” in the store and spray the plant according to the instructions. At an early stage, regular spraying with tobacco, soap or garlic solution will help.

    Spider mites develop well in warm, dry rooms. To prevent its occurrence, you should regularly spray the money tree with fresh water from a spray bottle.

    Cotton-like growths appeared on the plant

    A white coating in the axils of the leaves, resembling cotton wool, indicates that it has settled on the plant. mealybug. Mealybug is a representative of the hemiptera family, the superfamily of scale insects. The pest feeds on the sap of young shoots. At the same time, plant growth slows down, leaves fall off, and shoots become deformed.

    Mealybug attacked the fat woman
    • carefully examine the flower, remove the scale insects with a soft brush dipped in a concentrated soap solution, or wash them off with warm water from the shower;
    • beat the laundry soap into a foam and treat the entire plant with this foam;
    • rinse the flower thoroughly with running water;
    • Spray the flower 3-4 times with infusion of tobacco, garlic, and a decoction of cyclamen tubers.

    If the damage has become significant, after cleaning the plant from scale insects, spray it with Actellik.

    Thus, Crassula is unpretentious plant , which at proper care will please the owner for many years. The plant may respond to violations of lighting and watering regimes, the appearance of fungi and mold by the appearance of spots on the leaves and their shedding, rotting of the trunk and roots. Most Crassula diseases are treatable.

    Belongs to the Tolstyankov family and is considered unpretentious in care indoor plant. However, sometimes from improper care problems arise. How can you tell if Fatty is sick? What signs can be used to determine her illness? We will look at the answers to these questions in our article. After all, the sooner you start “treatment”, the higher the likelihood of saving your rash.

    Caring for Crassula.

    Crassula is unpretentious in care.

    Caring for the Crassula will not cause you any particular difficulties, but some points are still worth taking into account.

    The money tree loves bright, indirect light., under no circumstances should direct sunlight be allowed to fall on the leaves of the plant. The southeast window will be ideal place to place it. You will please your Crassula if you ventilate the room in which it is located from time to time - Crassula does not tolerate stagnant air. That is why Crassula can be placed on the balcony in the summer. It tolerates dry hot air painfully, so when choosing a place for your growler, make sure that it is not located next to a hot radiator.

    Watering Crassula It is not necessary often - 1-2 times a week in the summer, and 1 time every 2 weeks in the winter. Be sure to ensure that the earthen ball in the pot dries out, otherwise the plant will begin to rot and die. Drought is better for Crassula than overflow .

    The fat woman also needs feeding. In the summer, it is necessary to feed Crassula 2 times a month; in winter, reduce the amount of feeding and its frequency to once a month. Fertilizers for Crassula are suitable for succulents and cacti, only at a much reduced dosage.

    Important! Before applying fertilizing, the plant must be watered. Fertilizer is always applied to moist soil.

    Transplant Crassula doesn’t like it, so this should be done only as needed, when the pot becomes small for the root system. It is better to do the transplant using the transshipment method. The soil for replanting Crassula is suitable as standard for cacti and succulents with the addition of sand and perlite in a ratio of 2:1:1. When transplanting Crassula, do not forget to use drainage.

    Crassula diseases and their diagnosis.

    As a result of improper care, Crassula may develop ailments, which should be immediately addressed in order to promptly eliminate them.

    Why do Crassula's leaves turn pale and fall off?

    The fat woman has dropped its leaves.

    Answer the question why Crassula loses leaves is not difficult. There are several possible options. Typically this happens either from underfilling, or from waterlogging, also possible yours the plant is stressed and thus reacts to it. With the first two cases, everything is clear: if you water your pet too rarely, then it’s a matter of drought, but if you have If the soil is constantly wet and does not dry out, then you have flooded the plant.

    The solution to the problem is to adjust watering and reduce fertilizing.

    But what causes a plant to experience stress is not entirely clear. The most likely reason is watering with cold water. Don't forget that Crassula is still tropical plant And cold shower not at all for her.

    The solution to the problem is to water the Crassula with settled water at room temperature, or preferably warm.

    The stem of the Crassula is stretching out.

    The fat woman pulls out from insufficient lighting.

    The stem of Crassula is stretched in response to a lack of light, the plant tries with all its might to reach the light source, so it stretches upward. Most likely, you have chosen a not very good place for your pet.

    Solution to the problem - you should move the Money Tree to a more illuminated windowsill(make sure that direct sunlight does not fall on it) or organize additional lighting for the plant.

    Fat girl can she stay small if she doesn't have enough nutrients for growth.

    Sometimes the absence of visible signs of growth is associated with the plant's dormant period, for example, in the winter in a cool room. However, there are also other reasons - lack of lighting or nutrients, as well as poor watering.

    If your Crassula stands far from daylight, this is most likely the reason for the lack of growth.

    The solution to the problem is very same as in the previous case - changing the location or additional lighting .

    If the Money Tree stands in a well-lit place, but still does not grow, think about how often you water it, perhaps you forgot about it and the plant did not receive moisture for the second month. How long have you been fertilizing the soil?

    The solution to the problem is to water the plant and then fertilize it(use dosage 2 times less than indicated on the package).

    The leaves of Crassula have lost their elasticity. Why do Crassula leaves wither?

    The fat woman is withering.

    Crassula withers also for various reasons. Firstly, it can be simple tightness in the pot when the roots have already taken up maximum space in the container, in this case The problem can be solved by transplanting into a larger pot.

    Secondly, the reason that the Money Tree is withering may be improperly adjusted watering. When bay, the roots of the plant crack and begin to rot, and the trunk begins to rot along with them, causing the leaves to wither and wrinkle. Unfortunately, simply reducing watering will not solve the problem.. It is necessary to remove the plant from the pot and inspect its root system. If the earthen ball around the roots is wet and the roots are rotten, then they will have to be removed. You need to use new soil for Crassula, and in future do not water it so much. Unfortunately, Crassula's transplant is not a guarantee that she will survive. If, after time, she does not get better, we advise you to break off the cutting and root it. Don't worry, Succulents are very easy to propagate.

    The roots of the Crassula rot - the trunk softens and the leaves wrinkle.

    The roots of the Crassula have darkened and rotted.

    If, when replanting your wilting plant, you see that Crassula roots darkened and began to rot, but you need to take a number of resuscitation measures, otherwise the plant will die very quickly.

    So first, rinse under the tap. warm water Crassula roots. Secondly, remove the damaged areas of the roots. Thirdly, prepare a weak solution of potassium permanganate and place the Crassula with the remaining roots in it for 15-20 minutes. This is necessary in order to disinfect healthy roots.

    Important! Under no circumstances should you plant an already treated plant in the same soil and pot, otherwise your efforts will go down the drain. The container in which the Crassula was sitting, and even more so the soil, are contaminated. Ideal option will rinse the pot using laundry soap. Pour boiling water over the washed pot. And use new soil.

    Crassula has black spots. What is this?

    Blackening of Crassula leaves.

    In case of blackening of Crassula leaves There are 2 options that need to be distinguished. It might be trivial sunburn and completely unconventional infection, which will destroy your plant in a matter of days or weeks. How to distinguish a burn from an infection? Carefully inspect the affected areas. A burn is always a local phenomenon, and will appear only in the place where directly the sun's rays hit. Solve the problem by simply changing the location of your plant.

    If you find rabble in hard to reach places, where the sun couldn’t hit in principle, but you’re dealing with bacterial infection.

    Bacterial or fungal infection of Crassula? How to distinguish?

    Why does Crassula get sick and how to prevent it? Plants with weak immunity are most often susceptible to such infections in winter, since the ideal environment for the development of infection is dampness and cold. That is, with excessive watering, the earthen lump in the pot does not have time to dry out.

    You must understand that distinguishing one type of infection from another at home is very problematic, however, we will try to determine our further actions.

    Both fungal and bacterial infections present with similar symptoms - brown spots appear on Crassula, which grow and capture more and more new areas of the plant. And for enough short term the plant dies completely. Our behavior should be as follows - first of all, it is necessary to apply treatment for a fungal infection, and if it is ineffective, proceed to treatment for a bacterial infection.

    Fungal infection of Crasula and how to treat it?

    Leaf fungus infection.

    The transplant must be carried out according to the following rules:

    1. rinse the roots under warm water
    2. remove old and rotten roots
    3. soak the plant in potassium permanganate solution up to 20 minutes.
    4. disinfect the pot by washing it with a soapy solution using laundry soap, and dousing it with hot water.
    5. prepare new soil and transplant the Crassula there.

    Sometimes, the plant is damaged by more than half, and it is not possible to save it; in this case, it is better to remove the still healthy cuttings and root them. Crassula reproduces like other succulents- rooting cuttings or leaves.

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    Bacterial infection of Crasula and how to treat it?

    Bacterial rot on Crassula appears as brown spots, similar to a fungal infection.

    A bacterial infection is more difficult to treat than a fungal infection using potent drugs. Treatment bacterial rot carried out fungicides (10g of medicine per 10l of water). In addition, it is necessary to carry out local treatment with antibiotics, in particular penicillin. The most effective treatment - injection, however, Crassula can also be treated using leaf treatment.

    Crassula's leaves have turned red.

    The redness of the leaves in Crassula is associated with the active sun.

    If your Crassula leaves have turned red, then we can definitely talk about her stay in the active sun. The consequences of direct sunlight hitting the Crassula can be even more sad, in the form of brown sunburn. The problem can be solved by shading your plant from the sun's rays.

    Important! There is no need to pick off reddened leaves!

    A white (silver) coating appeared on the leaves of Crassula.

    The coating on the leaves of Crassula can be white or silver.

    If you find white or silvery coating on Crassula leaves, inspect your plant carefully. If no additional symptoms are found, it is possible this is due to the stress your Crassula has experienced and thus she simply recovers. In this case, she does not need your intervention!

    White dots on Crassula leaves.

    If you find other symptoms on your plant, for example: powdery discharge in the axils of leaves or roots, then most likely we are talking about pests, which settled on your plant - mealybug.

    Insect pests Crassula.

    The Money Tree is not believed to be susceptible to insect pests. This is not entirely true. A plant with a weakened immune system can still suffer from various pests. And then you need to know how to save him.


    Mealybugs often settle in the axils of leaves and roots.

    If you find such a guest on your Crassula, then rinse the plant under running water; unexpected guests are easily washed off. Then treat the leaves, as well as the axils and, if possible, the entire plant with alcohol or garlic solution.

    Important! When processing, it is very convenient to use a cotton swab, moistening it in the solution.

    You can also already resort to ready-made preparations for pest control - Fufanon or Actellik.

    Spider mite.

    Spider mites are very afraid high humidity. You can fight it using the folk method:

    1. Give your plant a warm shower.
    2. prepare a soap solution using laundry soap.
    3. foam the solution and apply the foam to the leaves and trunk.
    4. wash off the foam
    5. Place the plant under a hood or plastic bag to maintain high humidity.
    6. It is better to repeat the procedure again after a week.