Repainting an old cabinet: preparation and painting technique. Methods for painting chipboard furniture at home, important nuances

Sometimes you don't have to throw it away old wardrobe. If the owner has taste, then the item can be given as a gift new life. And what satisfaction does restored furniture give? with my own hands! For it to truly become a source of pride, you should carefully study how to paint chipboard furniture at home. This knowledge will help you inexpensively refresh appearance table, bedside table, living room wall, bed, chest of drawers or stool. The tips in this article are universal for any objects made of particleboard.

Chipboard is a material that perfectly replaces wood. Knowing its properties will help explain how to paint chipboard furniture. So here they are:

  1. Strength - when external forces act on the chipboard, tension arises inside it, counteracting the process of destruction. The limit of this property in tension is up to 0.5 MPa, in bending – up to 25 MPa. The strength of the material is due to the uniformity of its structure;
  2. Ease of processing - despite its significant density, chipboard lends itself well to cutting, milling, sanding, gluing and painting;
  3. Moisture content – ​​even after drying, chipboard retains an average of 8% moisture. So the right color can seal out moisture and extend the life of the slabs;
  4. Moisture resistance - it is slightly lower than wood slabs, but quality slabs can easily tolerate wet air bathrooms. This quality also depends on what material they are lined with. Chipboard coated with plastic has the best moisture resistance;
  5. Fire resistance - particle boards are able to restrain the spread of fire and maintain basic qualities in the event of a fire. To increase fire resistance, this material is impregnated with compounds containing fire retardants. Good non-flammable paint can also enhance this property of the material.

How to choose the right paint materials

Chipboard works well with acrylic and latex paints, as well as alkyd enamels.

Acrylic paints have significant advantages:

  • Non-toxic, they can be applied directly in the apartment;
  • The acrylic composition is based on water, so it can be diluted to the desired consistency;
  • Convenience: sloppy strokes of this paint can be removed with a wet rag;
  • Fast drying. Thin layers dry in a few minutes, and thick ones in two hours;
  • A rich palette of rich, bright colors;
  • The coating is water-permeable and vapor-proof. Its color does not fade or fade under the sun.

Acrylic paints that have proven themselves are called Olimp, Helle, Triora, Parade and Ceresit. Latex paints are water-dispersion enamels. They are good because they do not contain harmful substances and create a durable, wear-resistant layer on the furniture. The disadvantage of latex compounds is their inability to resist microorganisms. In damp rooms, mold forms on the painted surface. The most popular latex paints are KABE, DALI, Sniezka.

Alkyd enamels are resistant to moisture, and therefore can be used for kitchens and bathrooms. Their disadvantage is that they contain a toxic organic solvent. This paint should be applied with caution. Alkyd materials lay flat, do not create gaps and dry quickly. Paint furniture from Chipboard is better all with Tikkurila Miranol paint.

As for the choice of paint color, you need to be guided by the requirements of the interior style. To give furniture an effect natural wood You can use varnish with a warm tint.

Any of the above products are suitable for restoring chipboard surfaces, but for the sake of your own safety, you should avoid compounds containing lead.



Necessary means at hand

For the furniture restoration process, except paint and varnish materials, you will need:

  • Latex gloves;
  • Sanding paper (emery cloth);
  • Solvent for removing old coating;
  • Degreaser- detergent;
  • Flannel rags;
  • Construction tape;
  • Glue;
  • Acrylic putty;
  • Acrylic primer.

The last 2 materials are necessary to prepare surfaces for painting. Working on the principle of adhesion, priming creates solid foundation for the subsequent process. Construction tape helps when several colors are used in painting. It prevents them from being accidentally mixed. With this “helper” you can even draw ornaments or geometric shapes.

Basic tools:

  • Brushes and rollers;
  • Putty knife;
  • Screwdrivers;
  • Knives;
  • Construction hair dryer.

It is convenient to paint furniture with aerosol cans. In this case, there is no need to use a pallet, rollers and brushes. In this case, it is better to enclose the object to be painted with a film like an awning.

It is important to purchase high-quality brushes, otherwise fallen hairs will spoil the work by remaining on the painted surface. For priming you will need a thin roller. It also needs to be checked carefully. Quality tool It has firmly fixed foam rubber and a stable handle. In addition, you will need newspapers, plastic bags and cardboard bedding to keep the work area clean.

Basic processes

No matter how much your hands itch to begin the wonderful process of transformation as soon as possible, you cannot immediately grab your brush. Otherwise, the new paint will quickly peel off. Painting chipboard furniture needs to be approached thoroughly and, like all significant projects, divided into stages. The more carefully you highlight them, the better the final result will be.

Before you repaint the furniture, you need to carry out preparatory work. It is more comfortable to carry out any processing of furniture if you first disassemble the item into parts. Therefore, you first need to dismantle all the fittings (handles, rollers, corners), then remove the doors (at the cabinet), remove the drawers (at the chest of drawers), remove the legs (at the table). The item to be painted should be disassembled as much as possible. Metal parts can also be updated. To do this, they need to be kept in white vinegar for 24 hours. The substance dissolves rust. After this, the fittings can be repainted anti-corrosion paint Zinga.

A. Removal of obsolete coating

Removing the old coating is painstaking, slow work and the most difficult stage of furniture restoration. There are two ways to implement this idea:

  • Thermal - it is used construction hair dryer, heating the old coating until it melts. Softened paint and varnish can be easily removed with a spatula. Instead of a hairdryer, you can use a torch or iron through foil. This method especially good for old paint. When heated, it forms bubbles and is easier to remove. It is also ideal for flooring, since after removing the old layer it can be painted immediately, without waiting for it to dry, which reduces repair time;
  • Chemical (the most effective) - special reagents are used here. They dissolve the resins contained in the paint, and it is removed with a scraper. The products are divided into volatile organic solvents and removers. The latter are paste or liquid substances based on acids, alkalis or organic solvents.



The algorithm of actions for chemical paint removal is as follows:

  1. The product is applied to a long-painted surface with a roller or nylon brush in one direction;
  2. It is kept on the coating for a certain time specified in the instructions for the remover;
  3. The softened coating is removed with a stainless steel brush;
  4. The procedure is repeated if the coating consists of several layers.

After removing the paint, sanding the surface is required. It gives smoothness, which will make subsequent painting easier. Removal of old layers should be completed by degreasing the surface using a detergent.

Apply the remover

Remove with a spatula

Sanding with sandpaper

B. Primer and sanding

After the furniture has dried, you need to check it for traces of accidental mechanical damage. If there are any, it is advisable to seal them with a special mixture. It is easy to prepare: you need to mix PVA glue with small wood shavings. Chipboard putty is also suitable for smoothing out uneven surfaces. Next, you need to wait until the putty hardens and sand the surface again, first with coarse-grained and then fine-grained sandpaper. The movements should be sweeping, and it is necessary to move along the fibers of the chipboard. The resulting dust should be brushed off with a flat brush.

Next comes the primer. This process ensures excellent adhesion (cohesion) of dissimilar layers, guarantees uniform distribution of paint over the entire surface and reduces its consumption by three times. To avoid rotting of the material, a hydrophobic additive can be added to the primer. It will prevent the appearance of fungus and mold and preserve the appearance of the restored product for a long time.

The primer should be applied with a roller or brush, trying to completely saturate the surface to be treated. One layer is quite enough. In this case, the air temperature in the room should be more than 5°C. Ground layer on the surface of the product will dry completely within a day. Then you can start painting.

Apply putty

Process with sandpaper

Apply primer

B. Painting technology

It is advisable to place the object being processed horizontally. This will eliminate the possibility of drips. It is recommended to paint vertically located objects from top to bottom. Only unidirectional brush or roller strokes will result in an even finish. If the paint is aerosol, then before starting you need to shake the can for half a minute. It is better to apply paint from a distance of 23 centimeters.

First the background layer is applied. After it dries, after 30 minutes, the next one falls on it. There should be three layers in total. Hard to reach places ( internal corners, joints, convexities, concavities) are best treated with a radiator brush with a curved handle. Paints (especially acrylics) inevitably wear off over time. Three coats of top coat varnish will provide excellent protection against this. The varnish should be applied with a sponge, using the “stamp” principle, but not by “smearing”.

Laminate flooring can also be painted. To paint such material, the following sequence of steps is used:

  • Washing away dirt and degreasing - products that break down fat will help with this. After the main wash, you need to wipe the laminate clean water and wipe it with a dry cloth;
  • Transforming a smooth coating into a rough one - to do this, you need to treat the surface with the finest-grained sandpaper. This is important for creating adhesion;
  • Primer – suitable primer for polyurethane based. Allow 12 hours for the layer to dry;
  • Leveling cracks - latex putty can handle this;
  • Re-priming and drying;
  • Painting – laminated chipboard flooring is ideally suited to alkyd enamel. It is also suitable for laminate;
  • Varnishing – varnish (anti-slip) is applied with a wide brush in three layers.

How to paint chipboard furniture at home is a relevant question for creative people. This is a more interesting and profitable process than purchasing new furniture. In order for the result to be excellent, you need to clearly know how to paint chipboard. Choose suitable option and go for it!

Painting allows you to transform furniture that becomes bright accent in the interior. The method of updating depends on the wear and tear of the model and the design project. Dyes and varnishes allow you to restore even old cabinets and sideboards. The method of decorating interior items is available for independent execution, is economical, and allows you to implement original ideas decor. Before you paint the cabinet with your own hands, you need to determine the color combinations and type of material.

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Color selection and design

Renew an old cabinet, give it standard furniture original design possible by dyeing. Using materials, you can make the surface glossy or matte, perform monochrome decoration or combine contrasting shades, as well as complement the finish with artificial aging and decoupage. When choosing a shade, you need to consider color scheme premises.

The classic option is to paint the furniture white. This will add freshness and light to the interior; the item will become a bright accent in the room. White furniture You can paint it antique with your own hands by combining bleaching and sanding.

Rich shades can prolong the use of old furniture. Popular colors are green, yellow, red, orange, etc. When using bright colors in furniture design, designers recommend painting the walls in neutral tones. Cream, gray, powdery shades will become the background for rich colors. The colors of the facades are harmoniously combined with the neutral texture of wood.

Furniture painting is used to create an interior in the Provence style. Powdery pastel colors are popular in decoration. You can create a rare product by adding craquelure varnish. The material will give a lightly worn effect to wooden surfaces.

You can change the design of your kitchen by painting on kitchen cabinets, the option is simple and economical. The buffet can be monochrome or multi-colored - with a combination of bright and neutral colors.

Typical furniture can be transformed using the decoupage technique, creating a model in a retro style. Painting the shelving will be interesting design solution when using stencils, unusual color combinations, artistic painting.

Cabinet Painting Tools

To paint a cabinet yourself, you need to assemble a set of tools. Sheets will be needed sandpaper, spatulas, Grinder, primer, putty, solvents, masking tape, paint tray, glue, hair dryer.

Painting is done with brushes - narrow or wide, rollers - velor or foam rubber. A spray bottle or electric spray gun. The equipment is used to process large surfaces.

For work you will need protective equipment: special clothing, glasses and gloves, as well as auxiliary materials: soft rags, sponges.

In order to determine how to paint an old cabinet with your own hands, you need to study the compatibility of the dye with the material from which the furniture is made.

Coatings on acrylic base most popular in painting furniture, because... dry quickly, easy to apply, resistant to damage. The paint is diluted with water, which saves materials. The compositions do not have strong odor and quickly erode, so they are suitable for decorating children's rooms and kitchens. The material is applied with a brush or roller.

Painting chipboard cabinets and natural wood performed with alkyd dyes. The material contains coloring pigments, kerosene solvent, and antiseptic additives.

A popular type of paint is in cans. The material is easy to apply and dries quickly. The paint is distributed evenly.

The choice of material is influenced by design project, because the surface can be glossy or matte. For glossy products you will need enamel varnish paint, which adds shine to the surface. Matte shades are obtained after oil treatment. Transparent paints will help preserve the natural structure of wood.

How to prepare a cabinet for painting

Painting work should be carried out outdoors or in a sufficiently ventilated area. When preparing an old polished cabinet for processing, it is necessary to free the frame by removing removable parts: hinges, doors, handles, drawers, etc.

Then remove dust from the surface of the furniture, old paint and varnish. To paint the cabinet evenly, you need to clean the surface with sandpaper: first coarse-grained, then fine-grained. It is necessary to eliminate defects down to the wood layer in order for the fresh coating to lay smoothly.

Then the remaining paint is removed with a wide flat brush. A rag for surface treatment is not recommended, because... the material helps to clog paint residues in wood crevices.

After cleaning the surface, it is necessary to clean the room so that dust and dirt do not spoil the fresh coating.

Cabinet painting process

The cabinet is painted in several layers. The quality of the surface depends on the number of coatings. Painting in 1 layer allows the wood structure to show through, which is typical for the Provence style. Thick coatings require several coats of paint. Strokes are made in one direction. Each layer must dry thoroughly.

When combining several colors, the material of a lighter shade is applied first. After drying, begin applying a dark tone. Painting tape is applied to the boundaries of the areas so as not to damage the boundaries of the surfaces.

The furniture is allowed to dry, then a clear matte varnish is applied to protect the painted surface. The work is performed with a foam rubber sponge. The varnish can be applied to the surface several times. The furniture must be dried, then the elements must be assembled, drawers, doors, and fittings must be installed.

Priming process

Priming allows you to reduce paint consumption, level and strengthen the surface. The treatment is carried out with a primer corresponding to the type of paint. It is necessary to comply with the requirements for drying time of the material specified in the instructions for the composition. It is important to calculate the volume of surface area to be processed so that there is no shortage of raw materials. The work is carried out with a roller, the product is applied thin layer and leave until dry.

Almost every owner or hostess periodically has a desire to change something in the ordinary interior of their apartment or private house. However, unfortunately, it is not always possible to achieve the desired result by rearranging furniture and other interior items.

In such cases, it usually helps not only to move objects, but also to change their appearance by painting them in different colors. Since the vast majority of furniture is made from commonly available and inexpensive materials, such as MDF, the question often arises of how to repaint MDF furniture yourself without involving third-party specialists.

Painting MDF panels.

Changing the color of the entire furniture or its individual components can radically change the appearance of the room and give it a new zest. In order to do this work with your own hands, it is not at all necessary to have special practical skills or complex factory equipment. It is enough to purchase the necessary paints and varnishes, prepare the tool and you can get to work.

To change the appearance of furniture, you will need to prepare all the material and tools in advance. the right amount, and also set aside a little time so that the work proceeds without haste and hitches.

  • paint, one or more colors depending on your idea;
  • wood putty, for partial repair and sealing joint cracks;
  • paint container;
  • masking tape of the required width;
  • roller with fine pile length;
  • flat brush;
  • protective hand gloves;
  • a respirator to protect the respiratory tract from toxic secretions of fresh paint;
  • protective glasses.

The photo shows materials and tools for painting furniture.

In some cases, a wood primer may be useful, which creates protective layer, but if you intend to paint laminated MDF, then primer on the laminated surface is not required. Before painting MDF furniture, also prepare sandpaper; it may be needed to clean the putty and end surfaces. It is important to approach the surface preparation process with special responsibility, since the final painting result depends on this stage of work.

Wood primer sample.

Before you start painting works, it is necessary to accurately determine the desired end result in advance. Based on this, choose the appropriate coating.

The substances used for furniture decoration can be divided into two main types:

Opaque substances are used to create a protective layer and enhance the natural color of wood through the use of special pigments.

Such substances include:

Drying oil for covering furniture.

The price of these coatings is significantly higher than that of pigment paints and they are used mainly for expensive furniture made from pure wood of expensive species. If the furniture is made from regular MDF or other similar materials, you can also use products based on acrylic, latex or polyurethane.

Tip: If pieces of furniture are quite old and have minor scratches, then water or oil-based compounds are used to finish them.

Painted MDF furniture using paints on water based looks very nice and is quite expensive.

In the photo you see a painted MDF kitchen.

IN Lately Alkyd mixtures are popular because they are easy to apply to the surface, dry quickly, but, unfortunately, have a relatively short service life compared to oil or water-based ones.

Polyurethane-based substances are also actively used, which are easy to use and have long term services, but during operation they emit toxic substances and require ventilation of the room. It is important to remember that each composition has instructions that indicate how to properly apply the composition to the surface and under what conditions it can be used.

Alkyd-based paint for MDF furniture.

This is the most important part of the entire event, on which the entire final result depends. Many people often ask the question: is it possible to paint MDF furniture without preliminary preparation?

It is possible, but not recommended, since in this case the paint may not adhere well to the surface and when used under conditions of frequent mechanical stress or temperature changes, such a coating will very quickly become unusable, crack and may even peel off.

  1. To prepare, you need to sand the surface to create a rough surface. If there are large cracks or scratches, it is advisable to fill them with wood putty and then sand them again to eliminate differences and unevenness. The purpose of sanding is to eliminate surface smoothness, which negatively affects adhesion.

We clean the panel with sandpaper, as in the photo.

  1. After preliminary preparation, a primer is applied to the treated area. The primer will provide the surface with additional adhesion and significantly reduce the consumption of paints and varnishes.
  2. The primer also allows you to create a kind of barrier between the paint and the natural substances of the wood itself, which, when released, can affect the quality of adhesion of the layers and lead to disastrous results.

We prime the prepared areas of furniture.

Application process decorative composition is as simple as possible, but has its own characteristics:

  • It is recommended to apply layers to the surface strictly in one direction;
  • the last layer must be applied along the surface being treated;

We paint MDF furniture.

  • do not start applying the second layer until the first one has completely dried;
  • the surface to be treated must be completely dry and free of greasy stains;
  • try not to apply more than two layers of paint.

Tip: If wood is used with high voltage devices, then in such cases Zinga conductive paint is used, which will provide additional insulation from electric current.

If the furniture is located in close proximity to fire, then fire-retardant metal paints Polistil can be used, which adhere well to the prepared surface. wooden surface and will protect against deformation and damage when exposed to high temperatures.

Even more interesting information you will find in the video in this article.

How to repaint chipboard furniture. Master Class.

It happens that over time you stop liking furniture precisely because external signs. In practical terms, everything is fine, but the color has already gone out of fashion or has ceased to fit into the interior of the room after redecoration.

What to do? The easiest way is to buy new furniture, throwing the old one out of the window, but we are not in Italy and not everyone can afford this method.

More budget-friendly, but at the same time more the hard way- repaint the furniture. But repaint it carefully chipboard furniture It may be beyond your capabilities, unless of course you are a hereditary painter with experience. And the smell of paint will still be there for a long time pursue you.

In our master class we will tell you how to inexpensively and easily change the color of furniture made from chipboard, using the example of a wardrobe.

So what do we need.

The closet itself. In its manufacture, pear-colored chipboard and mahogany-colored chipboard were used.

Previously, the room where the wardrobe is located was a bedroom, and the wardrobe fit perfectly into the interior. Now the room has turned into a nursery, and the closet seems too dark and gloomy.

It was decided to repaint the dark parts white.

  1. Decorative film from D-c-fix. The color is white with a wood-like structure, sold in any large hardware store.
  2. Edge plinth. For decorating shelves.
  3. Glue gun. For gluing skirting boards.
  4. Sponge, alcohol or vodka. For wiping surfaces.
  5. Foam roller. For gluing film.
  6. Dummy knife. For trimming excess film.

Let's get to work. Take a photo of your furniture as a keepsake; soon it will change beyond recognition.

1. The most difficult thing is to determine required amount film material. Decorative film is sold by the meter, rolls come in widths of 0.45 m and 0.9 m. Before purchasing, measure all old surfaces, add 3-5 cm on each side to the results for ease of gluing and calculate how wide the film you will need.

For example, in our closet we need to re-glue the following parts:

  • cabinet door 2.50 m high and 0.6 m wide;
  • 4 shelves 0.4 m wide and 0.5 m long. The film is glued to the shelves on both sides.

Thus, for the cabinet we needed 2.55 m of material with a width of 0.9 m for the door (2.5 m + 0.05 m) and 4.4 m with a width of 0.45 m for the shelves (( 0.5 m. + 0.05 m.)x4x2).

2. The materials have been purchased and the remodeling process can begin. First you need to clean all surfaces on which the film will be applied and degrease them with vodka or alcohol.

3. Let's start “repainting” our closet from the door. Let us remind you that for a door measuring 2.5 x 0.6 m, we purchased film material 2.55 m long and 0.9 m wide. Let’s cut off the extra 0.25 m from the roll, so it will be much easier to stick the film. Then we peel off the protective layer from the top edge and glue it to the cabinet door with this edge, carefully ironing the edges. Peeling off the protective layer little by little, we glue the film to the surface of the door. To prevent air bubbles from forming under the film, iron it with strong pressure using a foam roller.

4. The film is glued, all that remains is to cut off its excess with a breadboard knife. If you have never had to do this before, practice on the 0.25 m that we cut from the roll at the very beginning. So, the door is ready. It's time to start working on the shelves.

5. We remove the edge skirting boards from the shelves. On our shelves they are plastic and can be removed quite easily. Sometimes the edge is flat paper, it is removed and glued when heated using the most regular iron. We don’t throw away the old skirting boards; we will need them to cut new skirting boards of the same size.

6. Paste on shelves decorative film, ironing it tightly with a roller to prevent air bubbles from forming. Trim off the excess with a craft knife.

7. By using glue gun or liquid nails glue the edge skirting boards to the shelves (glue the paper edge using an iron).

Our closet is ready. Enjoy your renovation!

Thank you very much for your idea!

The closet has changed beyond recognition, and most importantly, quickly and easily.

I did everything as written. I started with the doors. I took off all the hinges. I remade it 5 times and still the bubbles remained.

And everyone will do this with one mistake.

The main thing is not said here. My friend suggested this to me.

The title says “how to repaint furniture,” not “how to cover it with film.” The article is of no use.

Great idea! And it turned out very neatly in the photo. Inspired to change the color of the furniture at home :))

Hello. I've been looking for 2 days now how to paint a chipboard cabinet from brown to white. I tried sanding a piece, it seemed to take the shine off, I could probably paint it.

Do I need to do anything else before painting? And what paint should I use?

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How to paint chipboard furniture at home.

Interior items often lose their appearance over time. What to do if they are still strong and you don’t want to throw them in the trash? There is a good solution - to paint the outdated model with your own hands. Work on updating the facade can be carried out at home. You can choose to cover it with paint or varnish, and also decorate the sample using scrap materials.

Decorating furniture with your own hands will significantly reduce the cost of restoring a piece of furniture.

Changing the facade yourself not only saves money, but also allows you to make it as intended.

An old wardrobe, chest of drawers or table in an updated form will last for many more decades.

Before choosing tools for working with objects made of chipboard, evaluate the type of restoration object and its original color. Decide whether you will simply refresh it or give it a new look. When choosing the second option, carefully consider how the other color suits the environment in the house.

Use a professional palette of tones and shades if you have difficulty choosing.

To decide how to paint chipboard furniture, you need to familiarize yourself with the offers of hardware stores. Don’t be lazy and go around a few - perhaps your choice will be cheaper and of better quality. Be sure to look at the release time of the coloring agent and its composition. It is necessary to calculate its consumption, taking into account that the coating involves applying more than one layer.

To do this, measure the area of ​​the facade and multiply the amount of paint by 2, since you will need to do 2 layers for even coverage.

Do not buy compounds containing lead - inhaling their vapors is hazardous to health. Alkyd is more environmentally friendly and dries faster.

Alkyd paints are easier to thin to a uniform color.

The varnish must be purchased either transparent or tinted.

Give preference to warm tones if you plan to give the surface a natural wood color.

Selected chemical compositions check on a neutral section of the plate. After each application of the product you need to let it dry. Evaluate the resulting result and decide whether it is suitable for restoration.

Painting chipboard furniture in a different color can visually make it look expensive and stylish.

  1. When radically changing the color of the facade, you need to focus on the purpose of the interior item. In a children's room, light or bright (not flashy) colors that are pleasing to the eye are appropriate. Girls love calmer colors and floral motifs, boys prefer dynamic shades.

Decorating in an appropriate style is appropriate.

Sideboards and cabinets are always in sight, therefore, in addition to their main function, their appearance should serve as an interior decoration.

If the structure still has a sufficient margin of safety, then anyone can radically transform the furniture by painting it.

In the bedroom it is better to refrain from overly colorful combinations.

Bright colors, interesting combinations shades, new fittings - and the shabby cabinet is unrecognizable!

Designers do not have the concept of “outdated furniture” - only vintage, which means it is certainly fashionable!

From paint and varnish materials, choose alkyd ones - they are the most suitable for models made of chipboard. They lie flat, do not leave obvious gaps on the surface, smell less and dry quickly.

You can choose an aerosol type container so you don't have to use a tray, spray bottle, rollers or brushes.

You will need acrylic putty and an adhesion-based primer, which must be used to prepare the surfaces.

The putty and primer must be special for wood.

List of additional materials:

  • Solvent to remove remnants of old paint and varnish;
  • Detergent for degreasing chipboard;
  • Rags or flannel napkins;
  • Gloves;
  • Construction tape;
  • Sandpaper;
  • Glue.

It is better to choose rubber gloves, otherwise the paint will saturate the fabric and remain on your hands.

If you use rags, you can remove prints with a solvent.

When buying brushes, focus not only on price, but also on quality. The restoration will become useless if hairs remain constantly on the surface. The roller should also be of high quality, with well-fixed foam rubber and a handle that does not wobble.

The hardware store has an assortment of any rollers and brushes for working with acrylic paints.

To carefully prepare the chipboard and paint it, equip it in advance workplace. Use old newspapers as bedding. construction film or cardboard from a large box.

It is better to do the work on a closed loggia - there will be no drafts and the unpleasant smell will not seep into the apartment.

Preparation for the process must be thorough. To work you need the following tools:

  • Putty knife;
  • Knives – carpenter’s and stationery;
  • Screwdrivers;
  • Construction hair dryer;
  • Brushes, foam rollers for canned paints;
  • Scissors.

A hacksaw may be useful to trim the cracked ribs of the slab. They also need to be sanded with sandpaper.

Before processing the parts, you need to disassemble the structure and unscrew all the fittings. After this, remove the remnants of the original coating using a solvent and a spatula. The old layer may not come off easily. In this case, saturate the board with solvent and let it swell a little. Then use a spatula to remove any loose debris.

You can remove the old paint with a spatula, having treated the surface with a remover in advance.

Remove grease and dirt using detergent. Dry the stove. Then sand it with sandpaper to create a rough surface. Fill cracks and cavities with putty. Let it dry. Look to see if there are any other uneven spots. Prepare the primer and apply it to the slab. It plays a big role in painting.

When purchasing a primer, try to choose a shade that is as close as possible to the color you want your furniture to be.

Primer – main character in the renovation of furniture facades. You don’t need much of it to work, but it brings great benefits, leveling the surface and saving the consumption of paint and varnish. Makes the coating much stronger. It is better to use it in two layers so that the base is more reliable.

After priming, leave the workpiece to dry or speed up the process with a hair dryer.

Check the condition of paints and varnishes: dilute excessively thick compositions with solvent. Apply paint evenly to the surface and smooth with a roller. Touch up the raised joints with a brush. Using an aerosol or spray bottle makes the task easier, but it leaves a lot of splashes on other surfaces. In this case, you need to protect the work site with impenetrable barriers. To do this, you can use large cardboard or stretch plastic film.

To dry the first layer, leave the slab for a day, sometimes it takes longer.

Then apply a second coat and let dry as well. Repeat the same with the varnish. If a design or ornament is intended to be applied, it must be done before varnishing. To apply the print, prepare a stencil. Carefully secure it while working using construction tape.

You can cut the stencil from an old file folder.

After the chipboard has completely dried, begin assembling the structure. Don't forget about the accessories. After completing the work, choose a place where you will place your updated object so that it looks most advantageous.

The restoration will be successful if you don’t rush, trying to get everything done by a certain deadline.

In houses modern people furniture is one of the most important elements design: tables, cabinets, chairs and other objects are always in sight, their appearance is very important. That is why old furniture It’s customary to replace it with a new one, but there is another way to revive worn-out furniture elements.

Thus, you can give an old cabinet a new life in a completely different design, for which you should simply repaint it, and we will tell you how to paint a cabinet in this article.

Preparing the cabinet for a design change

Is it possible to repaint a wardrobe or wardrobe if it has lost its presentable appearance during use and looks shabby and shabby? Of course it is possible and even necessary. You should also not throw away old furniture because today you are unlikely to find items of such quality in a furniture store.

During the preparation process, the following instructions must be followed.

First of all, remove from the structure all existing removable parts (handles, doors, shelves, hinges, etc.), as a result, only an empty frame should remain.

To carry out this work you will need the following tools:

  • Brush;
  • Sandpaper of several types;
  • Flat brush;
  • Rags;
  • Hammer;
  • Nails;
  • Drill.

The preparation process is as follows:

  • The old coating (wax, varnish, paint) is removed from all structural elements, because it will not allow the new coating to lay down easily and smoothly; the surface should be cleaned down to the wood itself.
    Sand with sandpaper using sweeping movements;

Advice. The main thing in this process is not to overdo it, because you can remove a thin layer of veneer along with the varnish layer.

  • After sanding, you need to sweep away all the dust from the surface with a brush;

It is not recommended to use a hoe to remove dust, because... it pushes some of the dust back into the wood.

  • Using fine-grained sandpaper, process hard to reach places, after which the surface is brushed again;
  • After graduation preparatory work It is necessary to carry out high-quality cleaning of the premises. This is necessary to prevent dust or debris from damaging the coating during painting.

Tools and materials needed for work

The choice of materials and tools should be given Special attention in such a thing as painting a cabinet with your own hands in order to give it a completely new appearance.

Selecting materials

In fact, you will need very few materials, or rather just two:

  1. Cabinet paint. When choosing this material, you should give preference to acrylic types, since they are almost completely odorless, wash well, mix with water, this is very important for obtaining the required shade of color.
    The fact that acrylic paint is washed off with water will allow you to remove any imperfections from the surface. During the drying process, water from acrylic paint it simply evaporates, and the coating gradually becomes stronger.

These properties indicate that you should be very careful during the drying process of the surface.

It is not necessary to use paint of the same color during restoration. You can combine pastel colors with brighter shades. The combination can be selected by testing both paints on one part of the surface, and then washing off the samples;

Advice. If the store doesn't have it the desired shade paints can be purchased white acrylic material and color scheme of the required color.

  1. Primer. The primer, as well as the paint, should be purchased acrylic to ensure better adhesion of the paint and the surface.
    There are no special nuances in use of this material, but before applying you should still familiarize yourself with what the instructions describe, paying special attention to such parameters as drying time and the area of ​​the surface to be coated. Apply the primer in a thin layer using a brush or roller. (See also article.)


First of all, you will need a brush. You can, of course, work with a roller, but practice has shown that working with a brush is much more convenient. Using a brush makes painting more accurate, and this tool allows you to paint small details.

It is very important to choose a high-quality brush or roller designed for working with acrylic types of paints.

A low price for a tool may indicate a low quality product.
With such a tool you can simply ruin the coating, because... A low-quality brush will produce lint that will remain on the surface.

Dyeing process

Repainting a cabinet with your own hands is not difficult, the main thing is to prepare everything you need in advance and paint it in a well-ventilated, dust-free room.

  1. Painting the cabinet with a lighter shade of paint. It is important that the paint for the first layer is not thick or dry. If it does thicken, dilute it with clean water;
  2. Depending on the effect you want to achieve, apply one or more layers light shade. One layer will create a Provence-style surface with a clearly visible wood pattern. Well, for a denser layer you will have to apply several more layers.

Advice. Brush strokes should be done in the same direction when applying each layer.

  1. After the light layers of paint have dried, a material of a darker tone is applied. Previously masking tape Those surfaces that should not be painted are pasted over. The paint is applied according to the same principle as a light shade;
  2. After the cabinet has completely dried, you can apply a matte or glossy effect varnish to the surface to protect the created coating. The varnish is applied with a foam sponge using blotting movements;

  1. After the varnish has dried, all removable parts are assembled together.

I finally started renovating my daughter’s room. I would like all the furniture to be white. The new crib and wardrobe will be white. But what to do with the old chest of drawers... I went through a bunch of ideas. The simplest, but not the cheapest, is to order from chipboard desired color new details. The most difficult thing is to repaint chipboard furniture (I read horror stories on the Internet about how difficult it is to do so that everything turns out smoothly and then lasts a long time). I settled on the middle option.
I can imagine how men will laugh when reading my description of the process. Yes, I'm blonde, and all the screws, screws, nuts, etc. for me these are cogs, so I won’t even try to be smart and look for the correct names on the Internet, I still won’t be able to write beautifully.... But the female audience will understand me)))

The old chest of drawers was made of chipboard in two colors - light beige and wenge. This is what he looked like.

To remodel the chest of drawers, we needed a white adhesive film, furniture edge white, iron, breadboard knife and new handles. And also a large supply swear words, which came in handy when unscrewing old stubborn screws)))
First, we remove those parts that can be removed. So, in my chest of drawers, I removed the front walls of the drawers (by the way, I recently found out that only we Belarusians have the word “shuflyadki”; Russians don’t understand it). The side walls of the chest of drawers and the lid can be covered without removing them from the entire structure.
First, change the edge on all visible corners The old edge can be easily removed with an iron. The new edge is just as easily glued using the same iron. We cut off the protruding edge using a breadboard knife.

Then wash the surfaces to be glued thoroughly and treat them with alcohol (or vodka). And carefully glue the film of the color we need to them, pressing it with a sponge so that no air bubbles form.

We also cut off the protruding edge of the film with a breadboard knife.

We screw on the new handles and return all the unscrewed parts to their place. This is what ended up happening. If you consider that everything was done by fragile women’s hands, then it turned out very well))) (here, as they say, you can’t praise yourself...)