The temperature in the apartment in winter is normal according to the law. What does the temperature of the heating water depend on? Cold radiators in the apartment, where to complain

The efficiency of a heating system depends on many factors. These include rated power, heat transfer rate of radiators and temperature regime work. For the last indicator, it is important to correctly select the degree of heating of the coolant. Therefore, it is necessary to determine the optimal temperature in the heating system for water, radiators and boiler.

What determines the temperature of water in heating

For proper operation of the heating system, a graph of the water temperature in the heating system is necessary. According to it, the optimal degree of heating of the coolant is determined depending on the influence of certain external factors. From it you can determine what temperature of water in the heating radiators should be during a certain period of time the system is operating.

A common misconception is that the higher the degree of heating of the coolant, the better. However, this increases fuel consumption and increases operating costs.

Often low temperature heating batteries is not a violation of room heating standards. A low-temperature heating system was simply designed. That is why the accurate calculation of water heating should be given Special attention.

The optimal water temperature in heating pipes largely depends on external factors. To determine it, you need to take into account the following parameters:

  • Heat loss at home. They are decisive for the calculation of any type of heat supply. Their calculation will be the first stage of heat supply design;
  • Boiler characteristics. If the operation of this component does not meet the design requirements, the temperature of the water in the heating system of a private house will not rise to the required level;
  • Material for making pipes and radiators. In the first case, it is necessary to use pipes with a minimum thermal conductivity. This will reduce heat losses in the system during transportation of coolant from the boiler heat exchanger to the radiators. For batteries, the opposite is important - high thermal conductivity. Therefore, the water temperature in central heating radiators made of cast iron should be slightly higher than in aluminum or bimetallic structures.

Is it possible to independently determine what temperature should be in the heating radiators? This depends on the characteristics of the system components. To do this, you should familiarize yourself with the properties of the batteries, boiler and heat supply pipes.

IN centralized system heating supply temperature of heating pipes in the apartment is not important indicator. It is important that air heating standards are observed in living rooms.

Heating standards in apartments and houses

In fact, the degree of heating of water in heating pipes and radiators is a subjective indicator. It is much more important to know the heat transfer of the system. It, in turn, depends on what the minimum and Maximum temperature water in the heating system can be achieved during operation.

For autonomous heat supply, central heating standards are quite applicable. They are set out in detail in Resolution of the PRF No. 354. It is noteworthy that the minimum water temperature in the heating system is not indicated there.

It is only important to observe the degree of heating of the air in the room. Therefore, in principle, the operating temperature of one system may be different from another. It all depends on the influencing factors mentioned above.

In order to determine what temperature should be in the heating pipes, you should familiarize yourself with the current standards. Their contents include a division into residential and non-residential premises, as well as the dependence of the degree of air heating on the time of day:

  • In the rooms during the daytime. In this case, the standard heating temperature in the apartment should be +18°C for rooms in the middle of the house and +20°C in the corner ones;
  • In living rooms at night. Some reduction is allowed. But at the same time, the temperature of the heating radiators in the apartment should provide +15°C and +17°C, respectively.

Responsible for compliance with these standards Management Company. If they are violated, you can request a recalculation of payment for heating services. For autonomous heat supply, a table of temperatures for heating is made, where the values ​​of heating of the coolant and the degree of load on the system are entered. However, no one bears responsibility for violating this schedule. This will affect the comfort of staying in a private home.

For centralized heating, it is mandatory to maintain the required level of air heating at staircases And non-residential premises. The temperature of the water in the heating radiators should be such that the air is heated to minimum value+12°C.

Calculation of heating operating temperature conditions

When calculating heat supply, it is necessary to take into account the properties of all components. This is especially true for radiators. Which optimal temperature Should the heating radiators be +70°C or +95°C? It all depends on the thermal calculation, which is performed at the design stage.

First, it is necessary to determine the heat losses in the building. Based on the data obtained, a boiler with the appropriate power is selected. Then comes the most difficult design stage - determining the parameters of the heat supply batteries.

They must have a certain level of heat transfer, which will affect the temperature chart of the water in the heating system. Manufacturers indicate this parameter, but only for a certain operating mode of the system.

If to maintain a comfortable level of air heating in a room you need to spend 2 kW of thermal energy, then the radiators must have a no less heat transfer rate.

To determine this, you need to know the following quantities:

  • The permissible maximum water temperature in the heating system ist1. It depends on the boiler power, temperature limit effects on pipes (especially polymer ones);
  • Optimal the temperature that should be in the heating return pipes - t This is determined by the type of pipe wiring (one-pipe or two-pipe) and total length systems;
  • The required degree of heating of the air in the room ist.



Where k– heat transfer coefficient of the heating device. This parameter must be indicated in the passport; F– radiator area; Tnap– thermal pressure.

By varying various indicators of the maximum and minimum water temperatures in the heating system, you can determine the optimal operating mode of the system. It is important to correctly initially calculate the required power of the heating device. Most often, the low temperature indicator in heating radiators is associated with heating design errors. Experts recommend adding a small margin to the obtained radiator power value - about 5%. This will be needed if the outside temperature drops critically in winter.

Most manufacturers indicate the heat output of radiators according to accepted standards EN 442 for mode 75/65/20. This corresponds to the normal heating temperature in the apartment.

Water temperature in the boiler and heating pipes

After performing the above calculation, it is necessary to adapt the heating temperature table for the boiler and pipes. During the operation of the heat supply, emergency situations should not occur, common cause which is a violation of the temperature schedule.

The normal water temperature in central heating radiators can be up to +90°C. This is strictly monitored at the stage of coolant preparation, its transportation and distribution to residential apartments.

The situation with autonomous heat supply is much more complicated. In this case, control completely depends on the owner of the house. It is important to ensure that there is no excess temperature of the water in the heating pipes that goes beyond the established schedule. This may affect the safety of the system.

If the water temperature in the heating system of a private home exceeds the norm, the following situations may occur:

  • Damage to pipelines. This is especially true for polymer lines, where the maximum heating can be +85°C. That is why the normal temperature of heating pipes in an apartment is usually +70°C. Otherwise, deformation of the line may occur and a gust may occur;
  • Excess air heating. If the temperature of the heating radiators in the apartment provokes an increase in the degree of air heating above +27°C, this is outside the normal limits;
  • Reduced service life of heating components. This applies to both radiators and pipes. Over time, the maximum water temperature in the heating system will lead to breakdown.

Also a violation of the water temperature schedule in the system autonomous heating provokes the formation air jams. This occurs due to the transition of the coolant from liquid to gaseous state. Additionally, this affects the formation of corrosion on the surface of the metal components of the system. That is why it is necessary to accurately calculate what temperature should be in the heat supply batteries, taking into account their material of manufacture.

Most often, a violation of the thermal operating conditions is observed in solid fuel boilers. This is due to the problem of adjusting their power. When a critical temperature level in the heating pipes is reached, it is difficult to quickly reduce the boiler power.

The influence of temperature on the properties of the coolant

In addition to the factors described above, the temperature of the water in the heating pipes affects its properties. This is the basis of the operating principle of gravity heating systems. As the heating level of water increases, it expands and circulation occurs.

However, if antifreeze is used, exceeding the normal temperature in the radiators can lead to different results. Therefore, for heating with a coolant other than water, you should first find out the permissible heating rates. This does not apply to radiator temperatures district heating in the apartment, since such systems do not use antifreeze-based liquids.

Antifreeze is used if there is a possibility that low temperatures will affect radiators. Unlike water, it does not begin to change from a liquid to a crystalline state when it reaches 0°C. However, if the heat supply operation exceeds the norms of the temperature table for heating to a greater extent, the following phenomena may occur:

  • Foaming. This entails an increase in the volume of coolant and, as a result, an increase in pressure. The reverse process will not be observed when the antifreeze cools;
  • Formation limescale . Antifreeze contains a certain amount of mineral components. If the heating temperature in the apartment is violated, they begin to precipitate. Over time, this will lead to clogged pipes and radiators;
  • Increasing the density index. There may be malfunctions circulation pump, unless its rated power was designed to withstand such situations.

Therefore, it is much easier to monitor the water temperature in the heating system of a private home than to control the degree of heating of antifreeze. In addition, when evaporating, ethylene glycol-based compounds emit gas that is harmful to humans. Currently, they are practically not used as a coolant in autonomous systems heat supply.

Before pouring antifreeze into the heating, you should replace all rubber gaskets with paranitic gaskets. This is due to the increased permeability of this type of coolant.

Methods for normalizing heating temperature

The minimum value of water temperature in the heating system is not main threat for her work. This, of course, affects the microclimate in residential premises, but in no way affects the functioning of the heat supply. If the water heating norm is exceeded, emergency situations may occur.

When drawing up a heating scheme, it is necessary to provide a number of measures aimed at eliminating a critical increase in water temperature. First of all, this will lead to an increase in pressure and an increase in load on the inner surface of pipes and radiators.

If this phenomenon is one-time and short-lived, the heat supply components may not be affected. However, such situations arise under the constant influence of certain factors. Most often this is a malfunction of the solid fuel boiler.

  • Setting up a security group. It consists of an air vent, a bleed valve and a pressure gauge. If the water temperature reaches a critical level, these components will remove excess coolant, thereby ensuring normal circulation of the liquid for its natural cooling;
  • Mixing unit. It connects the return and supply pipes. Additionally, a two-way valve with a servo drive is installed. The latter is connected to the temperature sensor. If the degree of heating exceeds the norm, the valve will open and the flow of hot and cooled water will mix;
  • Electronic heating control unit. It records the water temperature in various parts of the system. In the event of a violation of the thermal regime, it will send the appropriate command to the boiler processor to reduce power.

These measures will help prevent incorrect heating operation even further. initial stage occurrence of a problem. It is most difficult to regulate the water temperature level in systems with solid fuel boiler. Therefore, for them, special attention should be paid to the selection of parameters for the safety group and mixing unit.

The effect of water temperature on its circulation in heating is described in detail in the video:

The onset of the cold season for many residents of Russian cities means problems with the temperature in the apartment.

Often, hot radiators force you to open windows and vents, but much more often the air in the rooms turns out to be cold.

Such deviations pose a danger to human health.

What are the dangers of deviations from SanPiN standards?

Air temperature is one of the main microclimate indicators that ensure human comfort.

Low temperatures are dangerous because heat transfer from the surface of the body increases.

This leads to increased energy consumption, resulting in increased fatigue.

In addition, hypothermia of certain parts of the body is fraught with the development of inflammatory processes and a decrease in the body’s resistance to infectious diseases.

Thus, low indoor temperatures:

  • negatively affects work ability,
  • provokes an increase in morbidity,
  • worsening epidemiological situation,
  • disrupts the psycho-emotional state.

Not less problems also causes elevated temperature, which also leads to a decrease in air humidity.

Under such conditions, moisture loss occurs and the salt balance in the human body is disrupted, and the intensity of physical and mental activity decreases.

Different from comfortable temperature air does not allow a person to fully rest and restore expended resources.

This aggravates the problems listed above and leads to the development of stress.

Normal physical and psychological condition are possible only if the air temperature in the premises is maintained in accordance with standard indicators.

What should it be like during the heating season?

The indoor air temperature is standardized by GOST R 51617-2000"Housing public utilities. General technical conditions".

Table No. 3 of the document indicates the regulatory parameters for residential premises:

At the same time, for regions with harsh climates, in which the temperature of the coldest five-day period drops below -31 degrees, the air temperature norms in rooms, ordinary and corner, increase and amount to 20 and 22 degrees, respectively (you will find out what temperature of water in the heating radiators).

Important! Temperature deviation from the specified standards is allowed only in the direction of increase, but no more than 4 degrees (maximum temperature in the apartment in heating season indicated in the article).
Reducing the temperature in residential premises below the standard when the heating system is operating NOT ALLOWED!

During repair work on heating lines, the temperature in apartments may be lower.

These cases are specified in Appendix No. 1 to the “Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings,” which were put into effect by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 of May 6, 2011.

According to these rules, the duration of interruptions in the operation of heating systems should not exceed 24 hours per month.

The duration of a one-time break has also been established in heating, depending on the air temperature in the rooms:

  1. At a temperature of 12-22 degrees, a break is allowed for no more than 16 hours;
  2. 10-12 degrees – 8 hours;
  3. 8-10 degrees – 4 hours.

On a note! If exceeded established standards atives for consumers, heating payments are recalculated.

The monthly amount is reduced by 0.15%, for each excess hour.

Very important! The documents stipulate that the above standards apply only if the premises comply with thermal insulation standards!

Otherwise, claims of the consumer of utility services will not be accepted for consideration!

Real causes of discomfort in residential premises

The air in houses and apartments may not warm up to a comfortable level due to:

What to do when the apartment is cold

If the temperature in the apartment during the heating season is below the established standards, the management company or the HOA must solve the problem.

But before you make a complaint, measures should be taken to reduce heat leakage from the premises and ensure that efficient work heating devices inside the apartment.

For this:

  1. Check radiators and others heating devices (towel rails, etc.) on the formation of air pockets and eliminate airing;
  2. If there are thermostats on the radiators, they are adjusted correctly;
  3. If the battery temperature is below supply pipes - wash and clean the internal cavities of the radiator of scale;
  4. Prevents cold penetration through balcony doors and window openings.
  5. Reveal problem areas in the thermal insulation of walls and take measures to restore the integrity of the materials or replace them with new ones.

Practical advice! The heat transfer of heating radiators will be improved by installing a sheet of foil-coated thermal insulation material behind them.

Some of the energy directed towards the wall will be reflected into the room.

How to get action from your heat supplier

Submitting an application to the management company

The application is submitted to the dispatcher by phone.

It indicates that the temperature in the premises is below (above) the norm, the exact address and surname of the applicant.

It is also possible to submit an application in writing (how to make a complaint about the temperature of water from a hot tap is written).

When receiving an application, the dispatcher indicates his last name and reports the number under which the application is entered in the journal and the time of its registration.

Important! Application acceptance time It has great importance when recalculating heating charges, therefore all data reported by the dispatcher must be saved.

In addition to the data on the application, the dispatcher indicates the cause of disturbances in the operation of the heat supply system.

When carrying out repair work, the applicant inform the approximate time of their end (the duration of interruptions should not exceed established by the rules standards, otherwise the payment will be recalculated).

Application registered in the dispatcher log- a sufficient reason for this.

If the temperature in the premises does not rise to the standard level, a DEZ engineer (or technician) is regularly sent to the applicant’s place of residence (i.e., this is not a consequence of an accident on highways or intra-house pipelines) to inspect the intra-apartment heating network and measure the temperature.

Rules for measuring temperature

The dispatcher informs the applicant of the date and time representatives will arrive to take your temperature.

The measurement procedure is important for further consideration of the application, therefore it is carried out in compliance with the rules specified in the regulatory documents.

Measurements are carried out on interior wall premises and/or in the center, at a distance of at least 1 meter from the external walls and at a height of 1.5 m from the floor.

Measurement time is at least 10 minutes. Temperatures are measured in all rooms.

Attention! A verified certified thermometer is used for measurements, otherwise the measurement results may be considered invalid.

Based on the measurement results, a document with signatures is drawn up representatives of the management company and the applicant.

One copy of the act remains with the residents, the second is transferred to the company.

Based on the act, the heat supplier takes measures to identify the reasons for the decrease in temperature in the apartment and eliminate them.

Important! If company representatives do not arrive to measure the temperature (the minimum temperature of the batteries in the apartment is indicated) or the applicant was denied this, the residents can draw up a report on their own.

It is also taken into account in legal proceedings if the management company violates the regulations prescribed by law.

If the management company violates the established procedure, the applicant can involve the prosecutor's office in resolving the problems. Investigators will check the facts specified in the complaint, and if they are confirmed, initiate proceedings in court.

Watch the video of the program “Live Healthy!”, dedicated to the temperature regime that is optimal for maintaining a comfortable state for a person.

Often residents multi-storey buildings They are wondering: what should be the normal temperature of the heating radiators in the apartment and where to go if it gets cold during the heating season. Heat standards are fixed in the relevant decree of the Government of the Russian Federation (No. 354 of 05/06/2011) and provide for the procedure for providing heat supply.

Autumn is a time of significant temperature amplitudes. If the mark on the thermometer fluctuates within 8 C◦ for five days, then the sixth day will be marked by the supply of heat to the house. And, on the contrary, if after a four-day period it gets warmer outside, the connection of the heating supply will be postponed.

Note! The heating season ends in the spring with average daily temperature fluctuations around 8°C lasting five days.

These are the installation requirements for everyone apartment buildings possessions. But some changes have been made to one of the directives of the decree.

This normative act states that the house should be connected to heat immediately after the temperature outside the window is close to the calculated value established upon delivery of the heating design for a particular building. Simply put, the decree plans an individual approach to each home.

In 2016, it was customary to supply heat after massive demands from the population. Regional authorities have launched popular voting on websites.

Standard according to GOST

Temperature indicators during the heating period indoors depend on several components:

  • Battery temperature;
  • Heat dissipation heating system apartments;
  • The number of windows and the quality of their closing density;
  • Frequency of room ventilation;
  • Energy-saving properties of walls (corner rooms are cooler);
  • Materials for the construction of the building and its insulation, etc.

Normal room temperature

Heat supply standards dictate the rules for uninterrupted round-the-clock heat supply throughout the entire heating period:

Radiator batteries must warm up rooms to the specified values ​​​​prescribed by sanitary standards. If the temperature indicators do not comply with GOST, then a recalculation of utilities is necessary, according to which the payment for heat will be reduced.

Note! In cold regions of the country, temperatures are slightly higher: in a living room -20°C, in a corner room - 22°C.

How to measure temperature

Controlling the temperature within your home is quite simple. An ordinary room thermometer will help you accurately determine which of the rooms (and, possibly, the apartment as a whole) has insufficient heat.

The measuring device should be placed in places where local exposure to high or low temperatures is excluded. The thermometer placement is meaningless:

  • Above heating appliances;
  • In a draft;
  • Above the kitchen stove.

Note! The legislation defines the minimum permissible room temperature limit during the heating period, but does not provide for a maximum barrier.

It is possible to control heat directly in the pipes using:

  • A meter installed on the heating system;
  • Electronic evaporator;
  • Infrared thermometer-pyrometer;
  • Alcohol thermometer, etc.

Measuring battery temperature with an infrared thermometer

The battery temperature should range between 50-70°C. Although there are no standards for the surface area of ​​a heating system.

Only measurements of room air temperature take place. Measurements of parameters are carried out according to standards of 1.5 m from the floor and 1 m from outer wall housing construction in each room with a waiting interval of 10 minutes for changes in readings.

Note! Aluminum batteries have better thermal conductivity compared to cast iron radiators, although the latter retain heat longer.

Where to contact

Consumers who pay utility bills accurately have the right to demand from the heat supply supplier the quality of the work provided. If the temperature parameters do not match State standards quality, then you need to contact the property owner management company assigned to this apartment building. It is advisable to do this in writing.

The current legislation establishes that the management organization is obliged to accept the appeal within 2 hours, inform the applicant about the timing of detection of the violation and the method of taking the necessary measures.

Standards for eliminating problems with coolants depend on the nature of the damage:

  1. If a problem is detected inside the house, then the current legislation on this matter states that the management organization must immediately begin work to eliminate problems in the heat supply.
  2. If the accident occurred in utility networks, then the speed of reconstruction work is directly proportional financial resources heat supply company. The management organization of homeowners must notify the applicant, the heat supply company and regulatory authorities about the incident.

Example of an application for recalculation of heating costs

In case of inaction of utility workers, an act is independently drawn up, signed by several residents and the chairman of the house council. This document has the same legal weight as the previously submitted application to the management organization. The completed complaint can be sent in several directions:

  • Housing Inspection;
  • Consumer Protection Department;
  • District Prosecutor's Office;
  • Federal Antimonopoly Service;

Note! The complaint must be written in two copies. One is intended for the addressee, the second remains with the applicant.

Recalculation for lost heat

The regulatory document “Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of apartment buildings” highlights potential conditions for interruptions in heat supply:

  • Over the course of 1 month, no more than 24 hours in total;
  • If temperature fluctuations in the apartment from +12°C to the established values ​​(see table above) - lasting no more than 16 hours;
  • At air amplitudes from +10 to +12°С – no more than 8 hours without a break;
  • From +8 to +10°С – maximum 4 hours at a time.

In the same regulatory document Responsibility for violation of heat supply rules is indicated. For each hour that heat supply interruption limits are exceeded, utility companies are required to reduce the payment for the service by 0.15% for the billing period.

To do this, you need to invite employees of the management organization. They will take air measurements using instrumentation and draw up a corresponding report.

By recalculating for lost heat, you can return significant financial investments

Having attached an application to this document, you need to send the papers to the heating service company. According to current legislation, recalculation must be made within 30 days.

If you do the math, it turns out to be a decent amount. Let's say the monthly payment for heat is 2000 rubles per month. But during the heating season, the temperature in the apartment does not exceed 15°C. The utility workers did not react to the act drawn up, let’s say on November 4, until the end of the month and the apartment’s air parameters remained at the same level.

26 days (from the date of filing the act) is 624 hours. Multiplying the resulting time by 0.15%, the result is 93.6%. The service company is obliged to recalculate the specified amount for poor-quality service.

Note! Recalculation is carried out until the quality of the service is fully restored.

Lost or lost heat

There are several other reasons for insufficient heat in the apartment:

  1. Improper preparation of the building heating system for winter:
  • insufficient coolant temperature;
  • unwashed battery system;
  • air pockets in the system.
  1. Windows and front door not closing tightly.
  2. The house needs renovation.

Not tight closed window- one of the reasons for heat loss

The problems highlighted in the first paragraph must be resolved by the heat supply organization. The procedure is the same (indicated above). The situation in the third point can be corrected through the management organization of homeowners.

And you will have to deal with windows and doors yourself. To do this, you will need a self-adhesive sealant, with which you can reliably caulk a gap of any size.

A favorable microclimate is one of the components of comfort, coziness, harmony and health.

When the question arises about what the temperature in the apartment should be, many people believe that it depends on the time of year and on the presence of a heater or air conditioner in the apartment. This is a correct assumption, but not always accurate, since there are certain GOSTs and standards that the housing office or management company must adhere to.

So, the answer to the question, what should be the temperature in the apartment in winter or summer is +23, +25 degrees. This indicator is considered a comfortable living environment for humans. But this indicator may differ by several degrees in a certain season, and also depend on the physiological characteristics of a person. Some people like warmth, while others like a little coolness. You also need to remember about your health. The temperature in the apartment, within +23, +25, maintains human health. If you constantly keep the indicator high, then an environment is formed, the so-called favorable atmosphere for the proliferation of bacteria that affect human health. Lower temperatures can lead to colds or other illnesses.

What the temperature in the apartment should be is up to you. For example, in autumn the heating season begins in Russia, the period when the housing office or management company supplies heating to the house. During this period, the temperature in the apartment may rise by several degrees. In this case, it is necessary to perform several simple rules to maintain a comfortable environment and prevent the development of diseases. Firstly, make it a rule to regularly ventilate the room during the cold season. Fresh indoor air proper operation exhaust-supply system ventilation, you form natural circulation air. During circulation, you push air with a concentration of harmful bacteria out of the apartment and replace it with fresh air.

Secondly, this applies to summer period, if you have an air conditioner in your house, then never turn it on all day. Air conditioning is not supplied to the room Fresh air from the street, it cools the existing air using chemical refrigeration. To maintain a favorable atmosphere, open the windows and balcony for at least 2-3 hours a day, then turn on the air conditioning, but for a period of no more than 20-30 minutes. This way you will cool the room, but at the same time get an influx of fresh air.

To sum it up, I would like to say, stick to comfortable conditions for life, and when thinking about what the temperature in the apartment should be, follow simple rules, which we described above and you will always feel comfortable at home, while maintaining healthy air circulation.

The cold has arrived central heating turned on, but don’t want to take off your favorite sweater? Find out what the temperature of the batteries in the apartment should be according to the standards.

As soon as the apartment gets cooler, you start to think about buying it. But no matter how ultra-modern it is, it’s all the same additional expenses. If, on top of everything, you have to pay impressive sums for central heating, then it becomes quite sad. Therefore, at first, before frost hits, you need to buy a thermometer and check whether the readings are really below normal.

How to measure the temperature of a radiator

This is the first thing that comes to mind when, after touching the radiator, you realize that it is barely warm. There are also norms: not less than 35-40°C, but not more than 95 degrees of coolant heating, and ideally from 50 to 70°C. Most easy way check - unscrew the tap, drain hot water and measure her temperature. If this is not possible, then apply a regular thermometer to the radiator, adding a couple of degrees to the result. It is very good to make such measurements with an infrared pyrometer.

As you can see, the accuracy of such measurements is relative. Therefore, it is better to monitor compliance with the standards for the microclimate in the apartment. In any residential building the air must be heated to at least 18°C, of course, with the windows closed.

It should be a little warmer in corner rooms- 20°C. From 12 midnight to 5 am, indicators can decrease by 3 degrees; at other times of the day, deviations are unacceptable. At the same time, the location of the apartment does not matter, the main thing is that it is residential. Even in the semi-basement it should not be colder.

Cold radiators in the apartment, where to complain

They gave me heating, but the radiators are cold, what should I do? If the temperature of the radiators in the apartment does not correspond to the norm, then you must contact the performing organization. You can call, but it’s better to go to the emergency dispatch service. To do this, it is necessary to state all claims in writing in two copies. One remains in the service, and the other must be marked with an incoming registration number.

After accepting the application, you must immediately agree on the time when representatives of this organization will come to conduct an inspection. If the time has not been agreed upon, then the commission must arrive no later than two hours after the application. Next, temperature measurements are taken and a corresponding report is drawn up. It is advisable to involve representatives of the public in signing. They have the right to sign the act if the opinions of the consumer and the contractor differ.

Compensation for the provision of poor-quality services

For deviations from the norm, you can request a recalculation. For each “underheated” hour, the monthly heating fee is reduced by 0.15%. It should be borne in mind that performers also have rules according to which they can take a break in the provision of services:

  • in total no more than 24 hours per month;
  • no more than 16 hours in a row at a room temperature of 12 - 18 degrees;
  • no more than 8 - at 10 – 12 °C;
  • no more than 4 - at 8 – 10 °C indoors.

If the contractor did not heat in excess of this norm and, on the basis of the claim act, refuses to recalculate, then the consumer has the legal right to sue.