Lent: what you need to know and how to observe. Fasting before Easter - rules for observing Great Lent

Fasting is a custom followed by a large part of religious population with pious intentions. It involves intermittent abstinence from food and drink and is associated with some spiritual activity. For Orthodox people fasting is the period of the highest union with the Lord in Confession of blessed Communion. How to fast? A question immediately arises for beginners. Further, this article will tell you about this.

What's the point

Its essence is that a person first decides to deprive himself of a certain meal, fun and connections with the world so that his spirit is freed from sins. True abstinence is not only the restriction of food, but also the renunciation of anger, bad speech, lies, rage and addictions. During the days of Great Lent, people try not to commit wrongdoing and not to deviate from all the commandments of God in order to gain forgiveness. Now in more detail about how to fast correctly.

Duration of fasting

This abstinence lasts a long time - seven whole weeks. How can you fast for so long? Yes, and still withstand it? Many, of course, ask such questions. However, any devout person is required to follow strict dietary requirements for approximately two months. During this period, any beginner can repeatedly try to finish the job he started. But there is no way to throw him away.

They perceive fasting as torture. But only by overcoming it can you gain power. Therefore, by aiming for a favorable order and with a wonderful attitude, it is quite possible to endure the entire fast.

The main conditions for fasting

Let's figure it out. There are certain rules for fasting before Easter. It is very important to understand that all the prohibitions during abstinence are not limited to food products only. There are also other restrictions in some circles of life:

What products are prohibited?

There are foods that cannot be eaten during Lent. But how to properly follow Lent and still eat well? There is an answer. First, you need to try to involve the whole family in this - this will make it much easier to stick to all the routines. So, what products should you turn a blind eye to:

  1. Unattainable food includes, first of all, meat and products made from it. These are dumplings, steaks, cutlets, frankfurters, sausages (although they contain almost no meat). Rabbit, chicken, and beef will also fall under the taboo.
  2. You will also have to wait a bit with the eggs. True, how to observe the Easter fast if you usually eat your favorite dish for breakfast - an omelet?
  3. It will not be easy for fans of dairy products such as kefir, yoghurts and milk, since this category of products is also strictly prohibited. This type also includes creams, condensed milk, sour cream, cream and other dishes that contain at least a minimal proportion of processed milk.
  4. Many also think about how to fast without sunflower, butter and olive oils. This may further discourage those who are about to start fasting.
  5. It will probably be just a shock for most that their favorite fish will not be on the table either. There should be no carp, bream, crucian carp or salmon on it.

Horrified by such harsh rules, one can immediately imagine that the possibility of consuming all the necessary products for such a long period is lost. But this is far from true. The menu also includes vegetables, fruits, grains, nuts and much more. Now about them in more detail.

with good products

As stated earlier, the most stringent requirements of Lent affect the initial and final weeks. The middle of abstinence is also full of various difficulties and trials.

Only dry food is allowed (without the addition of various sauces and oils), which can be eaten during the first, fourth, and seventh weeks. All foods that are on the table during these weeks should be eaten cold or room temperature. On other days, you can comfortably eat boiled vegetables, as well as other steamed foods.

Only dry food is allowed.

On Saturday, just before Easter, you are allowed to eat boiled food.

During all seven weeks, fish is allowed on weekends. But it must be ordinary, that is, live in local lakes, not imported.

Without breaking your fast, you need to develop your own routine - eat food exactly at the appointed hours. And you must not forget to drink water in any volume.

Acceptable and unacceptable drinks

How to observe Lent without violating the order of drinking certain drinks? After all, teas, coffee, fruit drinks, juices, beer, vodka, wine and fermented milk drinks are drunk constantly all over the planet.

It is clear that dairy and juice drinks containing milk are definitely not allowed.

Regarding tea and coffee, there is the importance of abstinence. It is better to reduce their consumption for two days. Do you feel like you can’t live without them? Then you should overcome it, and fasting is very suitable for this.

Definitely, all the various jelly, juices, fruit drinks and compotes can be drunk, even necessary. You should also not ignore drinks that are beneficial for the body, such as cranberry juice.

How to fast without alcohol? Here, as with coffee and tea, some are allowed to take them, others are obliged to restrain themselves. Church regulations allow the laity to drink grape wine on weekends.

Follow the post or not

Based on the above, any person will be able to decide on the decision to observe fasting. But how to observe Lent, adhering to all the rules and not giving up halfway? Here you also need to know and remember that strict adherence to fasting is offered by the temple of God itself only to monastic persons, and the laity must decide for themselves to what extent they are prepared to observe abstinence. The main thing is conscious restraint from pleasure. There are people who don't even watch entertainment TV shows. And that’s why it’s important to know not only about the prohibitions, but also about the spiritual component of fasting.

Based on these actions, there will be no need to ask questions about what is required to eat during Lent and what to refuse, having set these restrictions for yourself independently and following the instructions of the church.

Who can't fast

Abstinence is also a test of weakness modern people. How to observe fasting correctly, how not to violate its prohibitions? Many people do not even want to delve into these issues, continuing to poison their body with junk food, ruining their health. For any person, there is a whole problem of removing chips, processed foods, sweets and much more from their diet. But Lent is given to humanity to rethink important things in life.

Before starting the fast, it would be a good idea to visit a doctor. Since it is harmful for people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and ulcers to change their food preferences to more strict ones.

Pregnant women, as well as those who have just given birth, should not completely adhere to strict fasting. They should abstain from certain foods, but without harming the baby.

A person must consciously come to the intention of fasting individually. And how to observe fasting before Easter, when to come to this and how to take this far from easy step towards self-purification - everything will depend only on the believer himself.

The Easter holiday, beloved by many people of different nationalities, is celebrated in the spring, every year in different time. In Orthodoxy, this is always the first Sunday after the spring full moon, which should occur after the spring equinox on March 21. The holiday is preceded by fasting, which begins after Maslenitsa week. During this festive time, people eat pancakes, meat, and other animal foods. Maslenitsa ends on Forgiveness Sunday, and on Monday begins Lent, which lasts seven weeks.

Why fast before Easter?

The word "Easter" means "transition", and the holiday itself is considered spiritual salvation. A person moves from one state to another - from material to spiritual. Lent helps prepare for such a transformation. At this time, purification of the soul and body, repentance of sins, and observance of restrictions in actions and actions take place. The main thing in a person is the soul. Seven-week restrictions, temple visits, frequent prayers help the soul to rise above the body and draw closer to Christ.

The point of abstinence is not to cleanse yourself of waste, toxins or lose weight, although abstinence from harmful foods has a beneficial effect on the body. It is important to achieve spiritual balance, draw closer to Christ, and believe in the resurrection and eternity of the soul. Visit church services helps calm the mind. Mandatory during this period is communion - repentance of sins before the priest.

The main conditions for fasting before Easter

Keeping a fast means not only giving up food rich in animal proteins and fats, but also observing moral, ethical standards. The Church established the rules many centuries ago, according to which the believing part of the population of our planet lives. In order not to get confused and not to go off the chosen path, you can use a special calendar, which is sold in any church shop. It describes the basic rules of fasting and its start dates. Main conditions:

  • refusal bad habits– alcohol and tobacco products;
  • eating foods that do not contain animal fats;
  • Hostility, slander, curses, envy are prohibited, it is necessary to change the way of life if it was far from ideal;
  • It is recommended to refrain from visiting entertainment venues, entertainment events, and watching TV.

Duration of fasting

The fast lasts seven weeks, begins immediately after Forgiveness Sunday, and ends Holy Week. The first and last weeks impose greater strictness on compliance with restrictions. Monday after Maslenitsa and every Thursday are called clean; on these days you must completely abstain from food. Good Friday, the last day before the holiday, also requires complete abstinence. At the end of the seven weeks, on Saturday, people begin to prepare for bright day when it is allowed to eat eggs, cottage cheese, Easter cakes, and return to worldly joys.

How to fast before Easter

How to fast for the first time, so as not to break in the middle of the journey, it is recommended to draw up a nutrition plan for this time. Following clear recommendations is easier than coming up with new dishes every day. With a competent, well-thought-out diet, food restrictions will not be felt as acutely as during a diet or fasting. It is important to remember that by cleansing the body, the soul is also cleansed. To find out how to fast properly before Easter, you need to familiarize yourself with the list of permitted and prohibited foods.

Prohibited Products

The list of unauthorized products is not as long as it might seem at first. There are many Lenten dishes, which can replace your usual food and be cooked deliciously. It should be remembered that from Monday to Friday it is prohibited to add vegetable oil to food. This time is called dry eating, that is, eating plant origin and/or raw foods. On weekends, relaxation is made, and you can flavor your dishes with oil. The main dietary restrictions are animal products:

  • meat of animals and poultry;
  • eggs;
  • fish (it is allowed to be eaten twice during the entire period - on the Annunciation Holy Mother of God, Palm Sunday);
  • milk and all its derivatives (cheese, sour cream, cottage cheese, fermented milk products, butter);
  • baked goods;
  • milk chocolate;
  • wine;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • fast food.

Fasting is mainly a desire to cleanse yourself physically and spiritually; the goal here is not to harm the body. For a sick person, concessions are made. You cannot cancel medications prescribed by your doctor. If you have a special diet, it is not recommended to abandon it, so as not to worsen the condition. Relaxations are also made for pregnant and lactating women, since during this period a double burden is placed on the body. For a traveling person, some restrictions are lifted because he needs more strength and energy.

List of approved products

Refusal of any products should not affect pleasure and proper nutrition. All restaurants have long been offering Lenten menu. And if observing fasting means giving up various entertainment venues, you can have breakfast or lunch in a cafe and get delicious dishes for homemade from the menu. You can find recipes suitable for these seven weeks in cookbooks or on the Internet. Authorized products:

  • cereals;
  • cereals;
  • bread;
  • vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • pickles;
  • sauerkraut;
  • jam;
  • berries;
  • mushrooms;
  • legumes;
  • nuts;
  • spices;
  • dried fruits;
  • soy sauce;
  • coconut milk;
  • tomato paste;
  • black coffee;
  • buckwheat pasta;
  • bitter chocolate;
  • halva.

The list of permitted foods exceeds those prohibited, so during Lent you can eat a varied and tasty diet. Porridge must be cooked in water, but by adding, for example, carrots, onions, and sweet peppers to buckwheat, you can turn it into a nutritious and tasty dish. Oatmeal with the addition of raisins, dried apricots, apples, and a spoon of honey will become a real morning treat. A menu drawn up in advance and permitted foods prepared in the refrigerator will help you to observe the fast to the end.


As you know, almost nothing in our life is given without some effort and work. A forty-day fast helps prepare for the holiday of Easter, cleansing not only the body, but also your soul. Let's look at the features of the Easter Lent calendar: when to start fasting and when to stop, how to fast correctly and what food to eat.

The beginning and meaning of Lent

The forty-day fast before Easter is considered the strictest and most important in the life of Orthodox Christians. During this period, believers need to demonstrate not only physical, but also spiritual abstinence from various worldly goods, filth and animal food.

As the Holy Scripture says, Jesus Christ was tempted by the devil for 40 days in the desert. During the presented period he did not drink or eat anything. By fasting, we pay our respects to suffering and last days life of Christ.

Let's first find out when Easter Lent begins this year. We need this in order not to miss its beginning and in no way disrupt it.

In 2017, the Easter fast begins on March 14 and ends on April 30. The first and last weeks are considered the most strict.

During this period, they consume mainly food of plant origin, without any seasonings, oils or heat treatment.

Rules for eating

As mentioned above, the strictest are the first week and Holy Week before Easter itself. On other days, you need to eat in accordance with the nutrition calendar for Easter, which looks like this:

There are also days when you can vary the menu a little. They relate to certain Christian holidays. Among these days:

Please note that on Good Friday (April 29) no food should be consumed until the removal of the shroud takes place during the service. After this, you can only eat vegetables, herbs and fruits.

Features of dry eating during fasting

For most of the Easter Lent, believers observe dry eating, which means eating food without any sweets and vegetable oil. This food is dry and rough, making it quite difficult to eat. In addition, it is prepared without using any heat treatment.

While adhering to dry eating, you can eat bread, various dried fruits (dried apricots, prunes, figs, dates, raisins, etc.) and nuts. The diet may also contain raw vegetables and fruits.

Dried fruits and nuts for dry eating Fruits and vegetables

As a rule, clergy observe dry eating during Easter Lent. The laity adheres to it on the first day of Lent, as well as on Good Friday. However, they often try to comply strict fast and limit yourself to your usual foods. Please note that before starting a strict fast, it is recommended to ask for a blessing from the priest.

Spiritual and physical cleansing

Dietary restrictions during Lent before Easter promote physical cleansing. The body gets rid of harmful toxins and waste. Thus, fasting promotes health, improvement of immunity and accumulation of energy. As a result, a person becomes stronger, healthier and more energetic.

However, physical cleansing is not the only goal that needs to be achieved during Lent. Special meaning also has spiritual purification.

Many people who kept the Easter fast testified that they actually began to feel better and more energetic.

This period served to enlighten the mind, improve health, create lightness in the body and accumulate energy.

Dos and don'ts while fasting

What to do while fasting:

Instead of watching TV, visiting a cafe or cinema, it is better to devote free time reading religious literature. Thus, you will expand your understanding of faith, as well as the meaning of life.

  • You should confess to your priest at least once and take communion. These religious rituals help purify the soul.
  • IN Parents' Saturdays, which this year fall on March 7, 14 and 21, you should visit the temple and light candles for the repose of the dead.
  • In the period before Easter, it is necessary to exercise moderation in food. Even if you eat only plant foods, you should not gorge yourself on them, as this will no longer be considered fasting.
  • It is necessary to give alms to the poor and help those in need. At the same time, you can ask them to pray for your health or for the repose of your deceased relatives.
  • You should do good deeds: help the elderly, feed birds and street animals, make donations, do not turn away from those people who ask you for help, etc.

You shouldn't brag to each other. There is especially no need to do this for the purpose of observing the Easter fast. Limiting yourself in food and pleasure is a personal matter for every believer, and there is no need to flaunt it, thereby showing your pride.

First week of fasting

This year, fasting begins on March 14th. The first Monday is called clean. On this day it is recommended to completely abstain from eating.

The first week of Easter Lent, along with the last, is the strictest. Food can only be taken once a day. It must be dry.

Under no circumstances are hot dishes allowed, much less the consumption of fish or dishes cooked in vegetable oil.

Please note that it is better to discuss the extent of abstinence from food with your confessor. In addition, the presence of various chronic diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract is also of great importance here. Fasting should be for the benefit of a person, and not harm his health.

Most dietary restrictions apply to clergy. At this time, laymen are allowed to cook food using a small amount of vegetable oil. During this period, you should not eat chocolate and various flour dishes. The only exception is Lenten baked goods.

1st week of Great Lent, repentance - says Metropolitan Kirill, video

Last week of fasting

The last week of Easter Lent, which is called Holy, like the first, is particularly strict. Only dry eating is allowed, and in Good Friday In general, it is recommended to refrain from eating food.

During this period it is necessary to behave modestly, quietly and calmly. You are not even allowed to sing or play musical instruments and dance, as well as attend various entertainment events. The Holy Week before Easter must be spent in harmony with oneself, as well as in thinking about God and about one’s life.

Let's look at how to properly prepare for Easter in last week post:

After Lent, it is necessary to return to regular food gradually and with caution.

If you suddenly start eating fatty foods and meat, you can significantly worsen your health and also damage your health. normal operation stomach and intestines.

How to diversify the table during Lent

At first glance, food during Easter Lent seems very meager. However, if you show imagination and culinary skill, you can diversify your daily menu quite well. Moreover, today there is great amount Lenten recipes.

The table can be varied with the following products and dishes:

  • Various vegetables and fruits - both fresh and dried.
  • Pickles.
  • Greens and cereal seeds.
  • Honey and nuts.

Lenten first courses

  • Various salads and vegetable dishes.
  • Lenten baking.
  • Pasta.
  • Mushrooms: fresh, boiled, dried, canned, etc.
  • Vegetable soups and lean borscht.

Delicious and healthy Lenten dishes

During the strict Easter fast, contrary to popular belief, you can prepare many delicious and healthy dishes. Let's look at some interesting options:


The Orthodox Easter fast should be observed with caution by the following categories of people:

  • Pregnant women.
  • To old people.
  • Little children.
  • Minors.
  • People suffering from chronic diseases.
  • People who have problems with the functioning of the endocrine system.

Before fasting, the above categories of people need to consult with their doctor and also talk with a priest. The fact is that abstaining from meat, fish and dairy dishes can have a detrimental effect on health. In addition, the meaning of Easter fasting is not to limit food, but to spiritually cleanse and strengthen one’s faith.

According to the Easter Lent calendar, three times a week (Monday, Wednesday and Friday) it is recommended to adhere to dry eating, eating fresh fruits, bread, vegetables and dried fruits.

On Tuesday and Thursday you can eat hot dishes, and on weekends you are allowed to drink a glass of red wine and cook vegetable dishes with the addition of vegetable oil.

Fasting is a personal matter for every believer. The Easter fast is obligatory for clergy; laity may adhere to it less strictly.

The clergyman, rector of the Open Orthodox University of Hagia Sophia the Wisdom GEORGE KOVALENKO told “Apostrophe” about the meaning of Lent and the importance of confession and communion.

Tell me, is the procedure for preparing for Easter any different for those who fasted and those who did not fast?

Easter is a combination of both the Old Testament holiday and the New Testament. Once upon a time, God led his people from captivity in Egypt to the Promised Land. God gave freedom to his people. And this is exactly what they remember when they celebrate Easter.

Easter is translated as a transition, as a way out of slavery to freedom. But with the coming into the world of our Lord Jesus Christ, this holiday received another meaning associated with the Bright Resurrection of Christ. And for us Christians, Easter is also a remembrance of the Resurrection of Christ. We celebrate victory over death. We celebrate the opening of the gates of heaven. Once upon a time the first man made a mistake, and the god-man , Christ, corrected her.

Once upon a time, sacrifices were made for human sins in the form of animals, but here the Lord sacrificed himself, abolishing those sacrifices. And the victim became bloodless. And the Lord asks one thing from us - faith and good deeds. Christians spread the news of the resurrection all over the world. And the most important thing on this day is our congratulations to each other. We say “Christ is Risen” and hear in response “Truly He is Risen.” We glorify Christ, risen from the dead. We gather at night for worship and begin to sing a joyful Easter song.

In the book from which we perform divine services, there is the following remark: “Let it be known to everyone that neither meat, nor eggs, nor cheese, nor Easter eggs are Easter. Easter is Christ himself. And only the one who receives communion truly tastes Easter." Everyone asks: “What about those who did not fast or did not fast all the time, or did not adhere to fasting?” And the answer to this question is given in the reading traditional for Easter. This is the word of John Chrysostom, he says: “Both those who fasted and those who did not fast, all come. The meal is ready.”

In fact, the real Easter meal is communion in the divine Easter liturgy. Only then does the Church bless one to eat non-Lenten food. But this is a continuation of the holiday that begins in the temple. And for 40 days you and I will celebrate Easter, for 40 days we will greet each other “Christ is Risen” and answer “Truly He is Risen.” Moreover, throughout the year, every Sunday, every Sunday is also a little Easter. Because we Christians believe that Christ rose from the dead, trampling down death by death, and giving life to those in the graves. That is, he opened the doors of the Kingdom of Heaven and eternal life for us.

- They say that during Easter you should not wish anyone harm, have bad thoughts, and the like. Is this really so and is it possible, for example, before Easter, to be cleansed of this during confession?

Of course, before Easter - during holy week- it would be worth confessing in order to approach Holy Communion with a pure heart and soul. Those who fasted and those who confessed, as a rule, could approach Holy Communion for a whole week.