Growing chrysanthemum from seeds in early spring.

Chrysanthemums are the last colors of summer in a fading autumn garden, the brightness of which can only be compared with autumn asters. Their bitter aroma, reminiscent of wormwood, which flutters in the autumn wind, reminds of the imminent approach of cold weather. Revitalize the garden and prolong the good Summer mood You can plant Korean chrysanthemums. They are hybrids of garden chrysanthemums, easy to grow, and the number of their varieties increases every year.

Korean chrysanthemum (C. Koreanum) is a small-flowered hybrid, which is popularly nicknamed “oak trees” for the similarity of the leaf structure with oak leaves. This is a bush chrysanthemum that grows up to 125 cm in height, depending on the varietal characteristics. It is characterized by multiple inflorescences of both simple and double types, the diameter of which ranges from 2 to 9 cm. This chrysanthemum is unpretentious in care, reproduces well, easily takes root in fertile soil and lives there for 3-4 years. This “autumn beauty” blooms around the equator of September and is pleasing to the eye until frost arrives.

Depending on the varietal characteristics, Korean chrysanthemum is divided into certain types:

  • According to the flowering period - early flowering and late flowering.
  • According to the height of the bush - low, medium and tall.
  • In terms of frost resistance, they are winter-hardy and heat-loving.
  • The diameter of the inflorescences is large- and small-flowered.

Low growing varieties rarely exceed 30 cm in height. They are used to decorate borders or planted in flowerpots for landscaping verandas and gazebos.

Medium-sized species reach 55 cm. They are successfully used to complement landscape design or are grown for cutting and creating flower arrangements.

Tall hybrids grow up to 120 cm and are extremely rare. They let out a strong root system and have thick stems, dense foliage and large inflorescences.

Despite the fact that all Korean chrysanthemums bloom in the fall, they are conventionally divided into early ones, which bloom at the end of August, and late ones - their flowering period starts after the arrival of cold weather, that is, in September-October. The use of both varieties of chrysanthemums ensures flowering in the garden from August to the end of November. And some species can retain their buds until the first snow.

Not all Korean chrysanthemums are winter-hardy. Plants of medium and tall stature can easily tolerate even severe frosts if they follow the proper preparations for wintering. Low-growing varieties do not have a strong root system and can freeze if the air temperature drops below -10⁰C. Therefore, it is preferable to dig them up and replant them in flowerpots.

The large variety of chrysanthemums is due to the versatility of the inflorescences. There are large buds (7-10 cm in diameter) and smaller ones. The buds are double, with petals arranged in several rows. There are also semi-double and regular inflorescences. Pompom-shaped chrysanthemums, in which the inflorescence resembles a solid circle of petals, look especially colorful.

A special place in gardening is occupied by spherical chrysanthemums. They are short in stature and look like a ball covered with many small buds of various colors. Their diversity is so great that they are most often used to decorate park alleys, gardens, alpine slides. They are also suitable for home grown. They grow well in pots on the balcony or veranda and bloom for a long time even after the onset of cold weather.

Korean chrysanthemum, varieties

All varieties are different color palette, bush height, size and structure of inflorescences. Most varieties are frost-resistant and can withstand temperatures down to -7⁰C, so they are successfully grown everywhere.

The varietal diversity of Korean chrysanthemums is constantly increasing, so it is difficult to keep track of new hybrids, but the following varieties remain clear favorites among flower growers:

  • "Malchish-Kibalchish" - low-growing border shrubs. Foliage shapes voluminous bush(up to 60 cm in diameter) with simple inflorescences of a scarlet, less often lilac hue.

  • “Apple blossom” - medium-sized chrysanthemums with large double buds white with a barely perceptible scarlet tint. The variety has large, stable stems, making it suitable for cutting and forming bouquets.

  • “Korean White” - chrysanthemums with low winter hardiness. Distinctive feature This variety has large white flowers with a creamy tint.

  • “Amber” is a variety with a bright fiery hue. The variety quickly grows a root system and reproduces easily. These are medium-sized shrubs up to 50 cm in height.

  • "Lelia" - low bushes with crimson inflorescences. Bright buds of medium diameter perfectly decorate autumn garden with its flowering until mid-November.

  • “Sun” is a tall variety, growing up to 80 cm. The inflorescences are double, large, and have a bright yellow color without other shades. The variety reproduces easily and tolerates wintering well.

For landing Korean chrysanthemum You can buy certain varieties or ready mixture different seeds, to create rainbow colored chrysanthemum carpets.

There are many options to choose from, but gardeners often prefer the following mixtures:

  • Korean chrysanthemum “Stars of the Galaxy” are low bushes with variegated double inflorescences. The variety is resistant to frost, actively blooms until the end of October, sometimes capturing the first days of November. Suitable for planting in open ground or street flowerpots. Excellent for cutting.

  • Korean chrysanthemum “Velvet Autumn” is a late-flowering shrub that quickly acquires basal shoots. Blooms densely with double flowers big size before last days autumn. Often used in landscape design in tandem with coniferous shrubs. Chrysanthemums are frost-resistant and remain fresh for a long time after cutting.

  • Chrysanthemum “Korean mixture” is an upright bush with inflorescences of various shades and types of buds: from small and simple to large and double. Designed for growing in gardens, greenhouses and pots. They last a long time when cut.

Korean chrysanthemum, planting and propagation

Oak trees are light-loving flowers, so when choosing appropriate place For planting, it is better to pay attention to the sunniest area without open drafts and stagnant water.

Choosing a location for Korean chrysanthemum

Planting this flower in a dark place will be a big mistake - the stems will stretch out, the foliage will thin out, the color of the inflorescences will become dull, and the duration of flowering will be significantly reduced. Chrysanthemum is also demanding of the soil. It should be moderately moist so that the plant does not wither or rot. But at the same time, the plant does not like dry, solid ground, so regular watering is necessary. If not provided required quantity moisture, the stems of chrysanthemums will become woody and the flowers will become small.

The soil for Korean chrysanthemums requires neutral soil. A substrate that is too acidic does not allow the plant to grow and actively produce buds. In addition, the soil must be nutritious. A mixture of pine needles, rotted manure and peat will work as mulch.

Rules for planting Korean chrysanthemum

Planting of seedlings is carried out in the spring, when the return frosts are already behind, in the period from late May to mid-June. You can plant in the fall, but no later than 2-3 weeks before the first frost.

Optimal weather conditions for planting Korean chrysanthemums are a non-sunny or rainy day. Chrysanthemum is well accepted and grows in fertile, moisture- and breathable soil. If the soil is heavy, you can easily achieve a loose structure by adding sand.

It is better to plant seedlings in trenches rather than individual holes. You need to dig a hole 30 cm deep, water it abundantly, then lay out a drainage ball, followed by a mixture of soil and vermicompost (1:1/2). Next, the root system is placed in a trench, straightened and covered with soil. In this case, you need to maintain a distance between bushes of 45-60 cm, depending on varietal characteristics chrysanthemums If tall chrysanthemums are planted, additional supports are installed.

Immediately after planting, you need to pinch - cut off the growth point of the young seedling. For stronger and faster rooting, you can water the entire trench with a root solution in a ratio of 1 g of powder per 1 liter of water. After this, you need to provide a suitable microclimate for the formation of the root system. To do this, you need to cover the seedlings with lutrasil or any other covering material. The cover is removed after the first signs of growth appear.

Cuttings of Korean chrysanthemums

The most accessible and easiest way to propagate chrysanthemums is cuttings. Reproduction is carried out in the same period as the planting of seedlings, that is, in the spring at a stable air temperature of 22-25⁰C.

Using a sharp knife, a cutting is cut from the uterine shoot of the plant (a side shoot is not suitable) at a distance of several mm above the bud with a leaf. The resulting cutting is immersed in any growth stimulator and, at the cut point, is stuck into a prepared container with a nutrient substrate and a ball of sand (2-3 cm), at an angle of 30-40⁰. The cutting should be in the sand, without plunging into the ground. After this, the containers with the cuttings are placed on a sunny windowsill, the soil is regularly moistened and the temperature is maintained at 15-18⁰C. After 14-20 days, the cuttings take root and can be replanted.

Growing Korean chrysanthemums from seeds

Of course, it is very easy to propagate chrysanthemums by cuttings or dividing the queen cell. But growing a flower from seeds is not just the painstaking work of a gardener, but also a source of pride.

Korean Chrysanthemum Seeds

Korean perennials are amenable to seed propagation. Seeds are sown in closed ground in February. To get healthy sprouts, you need to buy perennial Korean chrysanthemums with a high germination rate, and also properly prepare the soil. Taken turf land, sand and humus (2:1:1). The mixed mixture is poured with a disinfectant.

Drainage is placed at the bottom of the containers, for example, stone, crushed brick. Then soil is laid on top of the drainage, and seeds are sown to a depth of 3-5 mm. Next, the soil is moistened and the container is covered with polyethylene material. The suitable temperature for seed germination is 25⁰C.

Korean chrysanthemum seedlings

After the first shoots appear, the cover is removed from the containers. Primary care is carried out: sufficient watering and picking into separate pots (after the appearance of the second leaf). You should also feed the seedlings twice: the first time after picking, and the second time after transferring them to a large pot.

At this stage, chrysanthemum sprouts begin to adapt to outdoor conditions. To do this, they are regularly taken outside, gradually increasing the duration of their stay in the air.

Korean chrysanthemum seedlings

After picking, seedlings are kept at 16-17⁰C, watered as the substrate dries and fed with complex fertilizers twice a month. After 1.5-2 months, the seedlings reach 20 cm in height.

Planting of seedlings is carried out when there is no longer a risk of frost. The seedlings are planted in prepared rich and loose soil. Holes are made, ½-1 tbsp is poured onto the bottom. l. mineral fertilizers and seedlings are planted. Then you should water the soil. In the first days after planting, the seedlings need to be shaded.

Korean chrysanthemum, cultivation and care

Different varieties of chrysanthemums require the same type of care, since they need the same growing conditions. The only thing you need to pay attention to is the varieties of Korean chrysanthemums that are not resistant to cold. They often freeze out, so they need additional shelter.

After successful rooting of seedlings, you need to regularly care for them. When the eighth leaf appears, the tops and side shoots seedlings are pinched to enhance the branching of the stems. This contributes to the formation of a lush bush. U large-flowered varieties side shoots are completely removed.

Watering chrysanthemums should be abundant and regular. It is better to use rain or settled water with the addition of 2-3 drops of ammonia. When watering, water should be poured only on the rhizome, avoiding contact with the foliage.

If the area around the chrysanthemum is not mulched, you need to frequently loosen the soil and remove sprouted weeds.

Fertilization is carried out a month before flowering, at the end of August. Any phosphorus fertilizers are suitable for this.

Korean perennial chrysanthemum, diseases and pests

Chrysanthemums are susceptible to some diseases. This happens if the soil is excessively wet and not loose enough, and entire thickets of weeds have formed around the bushes.

Among the common diseases of Korean chrysanthemums are:

  • Gray rot is dark spots on the leaves, which over time become covered with a gray putrid coating.
  • Powdery mildew - white coating, completely affecting all parts of chrysanthemums.
  • Rust - the above-ground part of the plant is affected by brown spots, the leaves turn yellow and fall off, the stems are depleted, and the growth of the plant stops.

As a treatment for fungi, copper-based preparations are used, for example, copper oxychloride, Bordeaux mixture, colloidal sulfur.

Chrysanthemums are often affected by viruses:

  • Dwarfism - underdevelopment of stems and early flowering out of season.
  • Mosaic - speckled color on the leaves.
  • Aspermia is a change in the color of leaves and deformation of inflorescences.

These diseases cannot be treated, so plants are uprooted and destroyed.

Nematodes can damage chrysanthemum leaves. Their presence is indicated by the marbling of the leaves, which gradually darken and fall off. It is quite difficult to control these pests, so prophylaxis using formaldehyde and phosphamide is needed.

Aphids can attack chrysanthemums. It settles in buds and foliage. It sucks the juice out of the plant, which leads to the death of its above-ground part. This problem can be eliminated by spraying with Actellik.

Korean chrysanthemums - care after flowering

Before the cold weather arrives frost-resistant varieties The stems are cut at a height of 12-15 cm above the ground, then they are hilled up and mulched with a ball of dry foliage at least 40 cm thick. In regions with severe frosts, chrysanthemums are additionally covered with spruce branches.

Non-frost-resistant varieties are dug up with a ball of earth and transplanted into boxes. They overwinter in cool rooms at a temperature of 3-6⁰C and air humidity of 80%.

As you can see, planting and caring for Korean chrysanthemums is a simple and fun activity. Strict adherence to the rules of agricultural technology will give excellent results every gardener.

Korean chrysanthemum, photo

Chrysanthemum on the site is a riot of colors, an abundance of flowering and a variety of forms. Growing this plant in the open ground at the dacha, it blooms in August and delights throughout the fall; even slight frosts are not scary for it.

Growing chrysanthemum

Chrysanthemums amaze with their variety of colors and types, but gardeners prefer small Korean varieties, as they combine well with other plants in the flowerbed and also tolerate well low temperatures. Let's look at some features of growing and caring for chrysanthemums.

How to choose a place to plant chrysanthemums

The area for growing chrysanthemums should be in an elevated place, protected from the wind, but in such a way that the wind fence does not shade the flowers, since sunlight gives strength to growth. The soil should be rich in nutrients, well drained, loamy or medium-heavy. Does not like acidic soil.

How to prepare the soil and planting chrysanthemums

Apply phosphorus-potassium fertilizers in the fall. Clay soil It wouldn’t hurt to improve it by adding manure humus, peat and compost. For middle zone Russia best time for planting chrysanthemums it is May or September. Planting can be done in holes or trenches, as convenient for you, at a distance of 30-50 cm from each other, depending on the “lushness” of the variety.

Formation of a chrysanthemum bush

When formed by pinching, you will get a neat chrysanthemum bush. The first pinching is done when the stem length is 12-15 cm, i.e. It is believed that the cuttings have taken root well and are ready to form. Pinching top part chrysanthemum shoots 2 cm.

To form small-flowered chrysanthemums, the next time, pinching is done so that there are 7-8 leaves on the shoots. During the season, 3-4 pinchings are usually done. For large-flowered plants, you need to consider how many shoots you will grow. When forming 3 shoots for decorative chrysanthemums, one pinch is made, and when forming 1 shoot, 1-3 pinches are made, this will depend on the variety of chrysanthemum and the bud from which the largest inflorescence is formed.

To prevent the inflorescences from becoming smaller, replant the plants after 3-4 years.

Caring for chrysanthemums

Constant watering, but not dampness - this is the main rule when caring for chrysanthemums. It is better to water with soft water. Loosening chrysanthemums as a separate care item. Feeding at the roots so as not to cause a burn on the leaves (first with nitrogen fertilizers - for lush greenery, during budding with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers - for lush flowering, you can add bone meal). This solution is good for fertilizing: put 2 buckets of mullein and 1 bucket of chicken manure in a barrel and fill everything with water, after 3 days the fertilizer is ready. To dilute the concentration: 1 liter of solution per 10 liters of water. Apply 1 liter to moist soil for each plant.

If you turned black lower leaves chrysanthemums, then the plants have been infected by a nematode - dig up and burn the plant. Do not plant chrysanthemums on the affected area for several years.

Reproduction methods

There are several methods of propagation: by cuttings, division or root shoots, which are separated from the mother bush. The flower should be planted in spring or early summer, or at least in early September, before the first frost.

How to grow chrysanthemums from cuttings

In general, cuttings can be rooted at any time from May to the end of September. If you get a sprig of chrysanthemum at least 8-10 cm long, root it in the area, covering it with film to maintain humidity. You can place the container with the cutting somewhere in the shade or simply cover it with a trimmed top plastic bottle. Water with Kornevin or place in a heteroauxin solution for 4-6 hours before planting. In a couple of weeks the plant will give roots, which means it can be replanted. permanent place"residence". Cover the cuttings for a week to help them take root better.

Cuttings planted in open ground before September will survive winter well if they are simply covered with sawdust.

Irregular watering and lack of moisture of the chrysanthemum will lead to lignification of the stem, deterioration in the quality of flowers, and loss of decorativeness.

If you cut a chrysanthemum in June, blooming chrysanthemums you will be pleased with New Year. Plant the cutting in open ground under a glass jar or film, pinching the top. At the end of November, plant in pots and move to a warm and bright place.

How to root chrysanthemum cuttings from a mother plant

For successful rooting cuttings require approximately 20-30 days, plus hardening for 2-3 weeks - these are the approximate times for cuttings from a chrysanthemum mother plant. A month before the start of cuttings (January-February, for late varieties the period shifts by 2-4 weeks), prepare mother plant: gradually increase its storage temperature to 16°C, water regularly (only at the root) and after watering, fertilize with a solution every 2-3 weeks nitrogen fertilizer(per bucket of water 10-15 g). This is done so that the plant has strong young shoots. After each watering, mulch the plants with peat, so you retain maximum moisture. For chrysanthemum cuttings, it is better to use shoots of 2 or 3 orders, good option root shoots will become for the cuttings.

Chrysanthemum cuttings are obtained from young shoots that have 10-12 leaves. Under the leaf node, break off the top of the shoot, 5-7 cm long, so that there are 3-4 leaves. The leaves that need to be removed from below and checked to ensure that the cutting does not begin to become woody.

Only healthy cuttings are planted. If you see aphids on it, treat it with soapy solution, rinse, powder charcoal slices. Start planting in boxes with soil in a layer of 5-6 cm and a layer of washed soil on top. river sand 2-3 cm. Planted in the soil to a depth of 2-3 cm at such a distance that the leaves slightly touch each other. Sprinkle with water and cover with film or glass. Place the cuttings in a room with a temperature of 15-16°C for further rooting.

If your soil is not ideal for growing chrysanthemums, then dig it up in the fall and fertilize it with sawdust, humus and old leaves. In the spring, start planting chrysanthemums from cuttings. The readiness of chrysanthemum cuttings for planting in open ground is determined by the appearance of the top of the stem.

Before planting, the cuttings are hardened by airing or taking the boxes outside, and covered with film at night.

Fertilize the soil with urea, make holes with a distance of 30-50 cm between them. If possible, dig a small trench nearby for the convenience of further watering. Water the cutting, place it in the hole so that the neck of the root is about 5-7 cm in the ground. Moisten the soil well and cover it with mulch in case of a possible cold snap. The shelter can be removed when the temperature outside remains consistently above zero at night. For 5-6 days, the cuttings are shaded a little during the day from the scorching sun.

How to grow chrysanthemums from seeds

The goal is to get a lot of quality seeds. The easiest way to obtain chrysanthemum seeds is from small-flowered non-double or semi-double varieties. It’s better not to have anything to do with large-flowered plants; most likely there will be no point.

Those plants from which you are going to get seeds need to be planted earlier than usual. Caring for chrysanthemums from seeds is usual: regular loosening, watering, fertilizing, spraying, pinching and be sure to pinch. To get better seeds on one stem, you need to leave only one inflorescence. You need to pinch once, removing the spring bud.

With the onset of autumn, rainy and damp weather begins, so it would be logical to install a light film cover over the chrysanthemums so that the inflorescences are not wet. You can immediately transfer them to a greenhouse; if this is not possible, then leave the plants in the open ground until frost sets in, and then transplant the seeds into containers for growing, placing them in a warm, well-lit place.

If you transferred the seed plants to the greenhouse, then protect the inflorescences from condensation by stretching gauze over them. If you grow chrysanthemums with long corollas, regularly cut the petals in half to improve ventilation and give as much light as possible to the receptacle (where the seeds are). Ripening, regardless of location, occurs until December.

You need to sow seeds in open ground in May in order to wait for flowering in August. Place 3-4 seeds in one hole. The holes are made at a distance of 25 cm.

Flowering will begin in June if you sow the seeds in March in a heated room. Pick grown plants and plant them in open ground in the last days of May.

If you buy seeds, then it is best to sow seedlings in early March in boxes 6-8 cm high. Pour in a nutritious soil mixture: white peat, humus and sifted greenhouse soil (all in equal proportions) and bake at high temperature 120-130°C, this is how you will carry out disinfection. Spread the seeds over the surface and sprinkle with a layer of vermiculite, approximately 7-10 mm. Moisten and cover with glass or transparent film. Leave at a temperature of 16-20°C and after 10-14 days you will see the first shoots. Then you water, feed, provide good lighting and dive into seedling pots when 3-4 leaves appear. Transplant into open ground in May using a 15x30 cm or 20x30 cm pattern. As they grow, discard weak plants. In the first year of cultivation, keep chrysanthemums in single-stem form, this will strengthen it.

How to protect a chrysanthemum from frost

If you grow chrysanthemums from cuttings, then in October install a frame on the site and stretch the film over it - this will be protection from frost.

Young plants are stored in a cool room at above-zero temperatures until February, then exposed to light and heat. You can store it in the house, but then you need to periodically pinch the plants, otherwise the shoots will stretch into growth. The drug “Athlet” slows down the stretching of shoots.

When aphids and mites appear:

  • take advantage insecticidal preparations Aktellik and Ratibor;
  • You can try to get rid of aphids with flea drops. Dilute 2-3 drops in one glass of water and spray the plants. Repeat the procedure after 3-4 days;
  • wash with soapy water every 7-10 days;
  • using pyrethrum: 200 g of the drug per 10 liters of water, leave for 12 hours. Take 50 ml of concentrated solution, add 50 g of soap and pour in 10 liters of water;
  • Garlic extract is effective: crush 50 g of garlic and add 1 glass of water. Strain after 20 minutes and add water to a volume of 1 liter. In the evening, take 1.5 cups of infusion, dilute it in a bucket of water and wash the plants.

Once again, you can clearly study the features of caring for chrysanthemums and consider in detail the methods of propagating the plant by watching the following video.

These are herbaceous annual or perennial flowers. Translated from Greek name means " sunny flower" thanks to a huge number flowers exactly yellow color. Widely distributed in Asia, in temperate climate zones.

Did you know? Confucius himself mentioned these flowers in his works. And this was almost 2500 years ago.

How to get chrysanthemum seeds

Chrysanthemums are often planted as seedlings. And the process of extracting ripened seeds from flowers is the most responsible and labor-intensive, but possible.

It will be easiest to get seeds from early varieties With small flowers. And the most a large number of seeds can be obtained from non-double inflorescences.

Important! Remember that chrysanthemums intended for seed collection should be planted as early as possible.

It is important to control the weather, since autumn is the rainy season. And frequent rains can lead to rotting of the inflorescences. It is advisable to provide some kind of shelter to prevent undesirable consequences.

Preparing seeds and soil for planting

Growing chrysanthemums from seeds at home is a sequential process of sowing, germination and planting in free soil. You need to select the seeds in advance, disinfect them with a solution of potassium permanganate, dry them and let them germinate in room conditions.

Rhizomes are often planted in the ground. Chrysanthemum seedlings are ready. But you need to carefully dig up the soil, remove weeds and, most importantly, choose favorable weather.

When to sow seeds

Annual flowers should be sown in early May so that they bloom earlier. A perennial chrysanthemums much earlier - in January. As soon as the soil has warmed up, you can safely plant the rhizomes.

This type of flower is not picky about care, but if you want to grow beautiful and healthy plants, then take care of the quality of the soil. It needs to be rid of unwanted pests.

There are three ways: freezing, heating with boiling water or drying in the oven. Also, don’t forget to feed your pets.

Important! Closely control the growth of the bush from the very beginning: cut off the tops and form a beautiful spherical bush.

How to plant chrysanthemum seeds correctly

Growing chrysanthemums from seeds will seem elementary even for beginners in floriculture. Having chosen a good day and prepared the soil, you can begin marking out the beds.

Did you know? Do not forget that chrysanthemums do not like places where moisture collects.

In the prepared beds, holes are made at a distance of 25-30 cm, they are filled with water and 2-3 seeds are placed in each. Sprinkle soil on top and cover with film.

Thanks to this, a greenhouse effect is created, and the germination process will go faster. When the first shoots appear, the film is removed and the sprouts are allowed to breathe on their own.

When the shoots have risen 5-10 cm above the ground level, they need to be thinned out and the most powerful and healthy flowers left. And after 40-50 days the first chrysanthemum buds will appear.

How to care for seedlings

Propagation of chrysanthemums by seeds is a completely natural process for these flowers. If you managed to grow seedlings from seeds, then you need to take serious care of them.

Important! Just in time for early stages Chrysanthemum growth is susceptible to diseases. That's why Special attention pay attention to feeding flowers.

It is better to water pots with seedlings from below so that the flowers take exactly as much moisture as they need. It is better to place them in a warm and bright place. But without direct sunlight, so as not to burn the formed leaves.

Many gardeners advise buying ready-made cuttings, since growing a chrysanthemum from seeds is a simple matter, but not for beginners.

Planting chrysanthemums in open ground

If you have already taken up growing chrysanthemums from seeds, then planting and care are what you need to first become familiar with.

Did you know? Chrysanthemum is a very heat-loving flower. Therefore, take care of the landing site in advance..

Before planting chrysanthemum seeds, make sure that the seedlings will emerge around the beginning of spring so that you can immediately plant the flowers in open ground. The soil should be loose and permeable. In such places, the chrysanthemum quickly takes over and throws out its flowers.

Remember the timing of removing the cover: it can be finally removed only at the end of May, so as not to expose the plants to unwanted winds and bad weather.

Autumn suns, as chrysanthemums are called, are flowers that delight with their beauty and brightness on dull autumn days. The Queen of Autumn is capable long time stored cut and used in bouquets. This is a perennial belonging to the Asteraceae family, which has many varieties and attracts the eye with the variety and richness of its colors.

Chrysanthemums can be grown from seeds at home. These plants are unpretentious and can quickly adapt to environmental conditions. Growing from seeds does not take much time and does not require special conditions.

It is preferable to collect seeds from early and mid-blooming flowers, as they produce higher quality seeds. Late bloomers simply may not ripen.

  1. Chrysanthemum seeds are sown in the garden in early spring.
  2. The sprouts are regularly fed and watered.
  3. It is planted, leaving 8 stems on a small plant, and 3 on a large plant.
  4. 1 bud is left on one stem, the rest are pinched to increase the quantity and quality of seeds.

If you still need to collect seeds from late-flowering plants. then the bush is wrapped in film, or transplanted into a pot and moved to a greenhouse or to the house on the windowsill. Seed collection begins when the baskets turn brown, usually in November - December.

Methods of planting seeds

Exists two ways to grow chrysanthemums from seeds:

  • sowing in March-April in open ground;
  • through seedlings, sowing seeds in pots in January.

For the seedless method, holes are made at a distance of 25 cm from each other and watered. Seeds are placed in them in 3 pieces and sprinkled with earth. When it freezes, cover with film. The seedlings need loosening and feeding. If all 3 sprouts sprout in the hole, then leave the strongest one and plant the rest.

Growing through seedlings is carried out by sowing seeds in a container with soil containing one part sand and humus and 2 parts earth. The spread out seeds are sprinkled with 1 cm of sand. moistened and covered with film. After the emergence of seedlings, approximately 14 days later, the film can be removed and the seedlings can be watered. feed. pick, and when four leaves appear, plant in separate pots. With the onset of warm May days, seedlings are planted in a flowerbed.

Choosing a site for planting and care

When planting a plant. you need to choose places that are well lit by the sun, protected from the wind and with fertile, easily permeable soil, with good drainage.

To form full-fledged buds, sprouts need sufficient moisture.

Plants also need fertilizing, which consists of applying fertilizers, alternating mineral with organic, including nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

When feeding, drugs are added that protect the sprouts from various diseases, viral and fungal infections and pests - caterpillars, mites. They use phytosporin, quadrixom, ratibor, fitoverm, laundry soap and other means.

Chrysanthemum is an annual and perennial plant of the Asteraceae or Asteraceae family. Greek this flower means “sun flower”. The fact is that most of varieties have yellow inflorescences.

The ideal time to plant chrysanthemums is spring. We wait for the last frost and move on. If you do this on time, the flowers will have time to take root well and prepare for winter before autumn. Autumn is not the time for replanting. Chrysanthemums planted in open ground in October will definitely die. If the flowers were bought in the fall, then put them in a dry basement (at +5C) until spring. If the basement is too humid, the flowers will freeze.

For planting, rooted cuttings should be selected and ideally this is done in the spring. It should be planted in open ground at the end of May, beginning of June. You should also always remember that chrysanthemums do not tolerate excessive humidity and shade. These capricious beauties need to be housed in sunny, elevated areas.

Lack of sun will cause the shoots to stretch. The plants will be weak and will bloom much later. There are many varieties of chrysanthemums, and each variety needs sunlight. All of them are no less demanding on the soil. For proper development and timely flowering they need nutrients and moisture-permeable soil saturated with organic matter.

When preparing a bed for garden chrysanthemums, you should add manure, compost or peat to the ground. If you overdo it with fertilizers, then the flowers will become lush and green, but the blooms will be small. Coarse sand is also added. This will be excellent drainage for flowers.

As for soil acidity, a neutral or slightly acidic pH in the range of 5.5 to 7.0 is suitable for chrysanthemums. Because of the above nuances, the chrysanthemum may seem like a too picky flower. But if you plant it on right place garden chrysanthemum will not just be a decoration for any garden, it will become its queen.

Growing chrysanthemums from seeds

Seeds can be propagated from both annual and perennials. In May, water is poured into the prepared holes (the distance between them is 25 cm) and several seeds are placed, then they are covered with soil, and the bed is covered with film to retain moisture and heat. The film is removed when the first shoots appear. Carefully loosen the soil and remove weeds. After a couple of weeks, the young flowers need to be fed. For feeding, we heavily dilute “Rainbow” or “Ideal”. When the flowers reach 10 cm, one strong seedling with three or more leaves is left in the holes. We transplant the remaining plants to another place. We recommend growing seedlings for earlier flowering of chrysanthemums.

Growing chrysanthemum seedlings

Prepare shallow boxes for seedlings and fill them with a mixture of soil, peat and humus (buy at the store). The store-bought mixture in bags is disinfected and is inexpensive. If you prepare the soil yourself, then you need to sift and calcinate it at a temperature of up to 130C.

First, the boxes are placed broken brick as drainage, and then the earth. All that remains is to sow the seeds and sprinkle them with a layer of earth. If perennial chrysanthemums are sown, then there is no need to sprinkle them with soil, just press them down. Wet the soil with a spray bottle and cover with film. The optimal temperature for germination is 25C. Sometimes the film needs to be removed, ventilated and watered the seedlings warm water. If everything is done correctly, then within a week and a half sprouts will appear. Now the boxes need to be placed in the brightest place. Remove the film first for an hour, then for a couple of hours, etc. When the seedlings get used to environment, the film is completely removed. If there are a lot of seedlings, then sprouts with four or more leaves are planted in a separate bowl with the same family. To avoid damaging young chrysanthemums during transplantation, water the soil in the box generously. The shoots that stretch upward and are weak are rejected. The transplanted seedlings are sprayed with a solution of epin or zirconium. This way they will take root better.

Chrysanthemum seedlings

Picked plants are kept on a bright windowsill at temperatures up to 18C. Watering is carried out as needed, fertilizing twice a month. For fertilizing, complex fertilizer is used. It’s good to provide seedlings additional lighting. Young chrysanthemums grow slowly, so be patient. In 1.5 months they can grow only 20 cm.

Transplanting seedlings into the ground

In May, it is time to transplant chrysanthemums into the garden bed. Choose a rainy or cloudy day. If you replant on a sunny day, then this should be done early in the morning or after sunset. The holes are deepened to 40 cm, watered, drainage and soil with vermicompost (20 l1) are placed at the bottom. Now the flower is placed in the hole and covered with soil. The roots grow parallel to the ground, so there is no need to deepen them. If you have a tall variety, then provide support.

After planting, you immediately need to remove the growing point and pinch it. After three weeks, the top with 2-3 nodes is also pinched. The seedlings should be shaded so that the sun does not burn the seedlings. Use non-woven material, position it so that it does not touch the leaves.

During the first season, many gardeners do not leave young plants to overwinter, and even plant them separately. The place for planting large-flowered chrysanthemums is selected especially carefully; it should be land without stagnant water, caressed by the sun.

Small-flowered representatives can be immediately planted for permanent residence. They are not afraid of our winters. Seedlings are planted at a distance of 30x30 cm. Daily light watering is required until the seedlings get comfortable in the new place and begin to grow.

It must be said that it is not always possible to grow chrysanthemums from seeds. Chrysanthemums from seeds can lose their varietal characteristics and grow in different colors. It happens that after a frosty winter they bloom in a different color. If this happens, then dig up chrysanthemums for the winter.

Formation of bushes

Chrysanthemums develop quickly; in one summer, a seedling can develop into a large bush, hung with flowers. And for this, the plant must be fed.

To give the bush a beautiful shape, it is pruned. Pruning also prevents the bush from growing too much, which is fraught with disease. To form chrysanthemums, the tops of the shoots are regularly pinched from the beginning of June. Last time pinch out 4 weeks before flowering. This plant needs to be replanted every three years; the bush is divided in the spring three years after the first planting. The first season requires four loosenings. They will help the roots develop and the bush to form. In the following seasons, loosening is not carried out, as regrown shoots can be damaged. After the first winter, the bush is pruned and hilled. The bushes are covered from frost with dry leaves and spruce branches. At the beginning of spring, the spruce branches are removed. When new shoots grow, the old stems are cut off and the central one is twisted out of the ground.

Partners in the flowerbed

Chrysanthemums go well together and live in friendship with sages. Blue sage will look good with bronze or yellow chrysanthemums. Red chrysanthemums will be emphasized by pink sage. You can decorate a flower garden with chrysanthemums without flowering plants or decorative cereals.