Maggi diet Yandex found 1 million results. Fish soup with celery

Lose weight up to 20 kg in 4 weeks.
The average daily calorie content is 690 Kcal.

The Maggi diet lasting 4 weeks (28 days) will allow you to get rid of 20 kg of excess weight. Effective result and provided this diet with widespread worldwide fame. And indeed, on this strict low-carb diet, the volumes actually melt before our eyes.

Maggi Diet Requirements

The menu of this white-citrus diet is designed so that the body itself burns accumulated fats through a special fruit-protein diet. The diet consists of products with max. containing proteins (chicken, eggs, beef), as well as fruits (maximum attention is given to citrus fruits) and a mixture of boiled vegetables with fresh ones.

A number of requirements will need to be met:

  • Plan your meal times in advance so that you strictly follow your diet, because... if the meal time is changed by more than 6-8 hours, then the effectiveness of the diet will be noticeably less than without any violations at all.
  • Any product can be removed from the menu, but it cannot be replaced with another product.
  • Products for which the quantity is not indicated on the menu can be eaten without restrictions.
  • Do not add oil or fat during cooking.
  • Drinking regime requires 2 (preferably 3) liters of water (including tea and coffee) per day.
  • Additional physical activity is welcome.
  • Salt, seasonings, sugar substitutes, low-calorie sauces, garlic or onions are allowed.

Maggi diet menu for 4 weeks

The menu is designed to alternate protein foods with citrus fruits (grapefruits and oranges) and fruits, which guarantees the breakdown of fat with a relatively high daily calorie content. In addition, such nutrition supplies the body with large doses of vitamins and guarantees the possibility of increasing physical fitness. activity.

Maggi diet menu for the first week

We eat boiled chicken eggs. We choose protein products with min. amount of fat (for example, beef is possible, lamb is not). If the weight or volume of a product is not explicitly indicated on the menu, then it can be eaten without restrictions.

Dinner: fruits of any one type without restrictions (for example, apples as much as you want without restrictions);

Breakfast: 1-2 pcs. eggs and an orange or half a grapefruit (a small one or a whole one is fine);
Dinner: boiled chicken;
Dinner: 1-2 pcs. eggs, vegetable salad; 1 crisp or rye bread; an orange or half a grapefruit (a small one or a whole one).

Breakfast: 1-2 pcs. eggs and an orange or half a grapefruit (a small one or a whole one is fine);
Dinner: low-fat cheese, tomatoes, 1 crisp.
Dinner: lean meat (eg chicken or beef) cooked without oil.

Breakfast: 1-2 pcs. eggs, half a grapefruit (a small one or a whole one) or an orange;
Dinner: vegetable salad and lean meat (eg chicken or beef), cooked without oil.

Dinner: 2 eggs with boiled vegetables (zucchini, cabbage, peppers, eggplants, carrots, etc.);
Dinner: fish (again, without oil), vegetable salad, half a grapefruit or an orange (a small one or a whole one).

Breakfast: half a grapefruit (a small one or a whole one) or an orange, 1-2 pcs. eggs;
Dinner: fruits of any one type without restrictions (for example, tangerines as much as you want);
Dinner: lean meat (eg chicken or beef); vegetable salad.

Breakfast: half a grapefruit (a small one or a whole one) or an orange, 1-2 pcs. eggs;
Dinner: chicken meat (cook without adding oil), an orange or half a grapefruit (a small one or a whole one);
Dinner: boiled vegetables.

Maggi diet menu for the second week

Dinner: 1-2 pcs. eggs, vegetable salad; half a grapefruit (a small one or a whole one) or an orange.

Breakfast: 1-2 pcs. eggs, an orange or half a grapefruit (a small one or a whole one is fine);
Dinner: lean meat (eg chicken or beef); Vegetable Salad;

Breakfast: 1-2 pcs. eggs, an orange or half a grapefruit (a small one or a whole one is fine);
Dinner: lean meat (eg chicken or beef); Vegetable Salad;
Dinner: 1-2 pcs. eggs, an orange or half a grapefruit (a small one or a whole one).

Breakfast: 1-2 pcs. eggs, an orange or half a grapefruit (a small one or a whole one is fine);
Dinner: 1-2 pcs. eggs, boiled vegetables, low-fat cheese;
Dinner: 1-2 pcs. eggs

Breakfast: 1-2 pcs. eggs, an orange or half a grapefruit (a small one or a whole one is fine);
Dinner: lean fish (cook without oil);
Dinner: 1-2 pcs. eggs

Breakfast: 1-2 pcs. eggs, an orange or half a grapefruit (a small one or a whole one is fine);
Dinner: lean meat (eg chicken or beef), tomatoes, orange or half a grapefruit (a small one or a whole one);
Dinner: fruits without restrictions, different varieties possible.

Breakfast: 1-2 pcs. eggs, an orange or half a grapefruit (a small one or a whole one is fine);
Dinner: chicken meat (cook without adding oil), fresh tomatoes, boiled vegetables, an orange or half a grapefruit (a small one or a whole one);

Maggi diet menu for the third week

Fruit Day - any fruit is allowed, excluding starchy ones: grapes, dates, prunes, banana, figs, mango.

Vegetable Day - you can have any vegetables (including dry cereals and their mixtures), excluding potatoes.

Fruit and vegetable day - you can have any fruits and any vegetables allowed on the menu on Monday and Tuesday of the third week.

You can have lean fish (cooked without oil), any boiled vegetables, and cabbage salad made from fresh cabbage.

Any lean boiled meat (eg chicken or beef) and boiled vegetables.

Fruits of any one type (for example, only pears, as many as you want without restrictions), excluding starchy ones: grapes, banana, prunes, figs, mangoes, dates.

Fruits of any one type (for example, only apricots, as many as you want without restrictions), excluding starchy ones: grapes, banana, prunes, figs, mangoes, dates.

Maggi diet menu for the fourth week

For the whole day, products are presented in a list without division of breakfast/lunch/dinner. We choose what time to eat in what combination.

. Any lean meat (cook without oil), up to 200g. or a quarter of chicken (up to 300g).
. Cucumbers 4 pcs.
. 3 tomatoes.
. 1 crisp or rye bread;

. Any lean meat (eg chicken or beef), cooked without adding oil, up to 200g.
. 4 cucumbers.
. 3 medium sized tomatoes.
. 1 crisp or rye bread.
. You can choose from an orange, an apple, half a grapefruit (a small one or a whole one), a pear, or a slice of melon.

. A piece of low-fat cheese or 2 tbsp. cottage cheese.
. Tomatoes 2 pcs.
. 2 cucumbers.
. 1 crisp or rye bread.
. An orange or half a grapefruit (a small one or a whole one).
. Boiled vegetables, up to 500g.


. 1 cucumber.
. Fresh tomatoes 3 pcs.
. 1 crisp or rye bread.
. An orange or half a grapefruit (a small one or a whole one).

. Eggs 2 pcs.
. 1 cucumber.
. Fresh tomatoes 3 pcs.
. An orange or half a grapefruit (a small one or a whole one).

. Half a chicken (cooked without adding oil).
. A piece of low-fat cheese or tbsp. cottage cheese.
. 1 crisp or rye bread.
. 2 cucumbers.
. Fresh tomatoes 2 pcs.
. An orange or half a grapefruit (a small one or a whole one).
. A glass of kefir, fermented baked milk or yogurt with a fat content of up to 1.5%.

. 1 tbsp. cottage cheese.
. A can of tuna or sardine canned in its own juice.
. Boiled vegetables, up to 500 g.
. 2 cucumbers.
. Fresh tomatoes 2 pcs.
. 1 crisp or rye bread.
. An orange or half a grapefruit (a small one or a whole one).

Contraindications of the Maggi diet

The diet is contraindicated:

  • in the presence of diseases of the liver, intestines, kidneys due to the presence of a significant number of eggs on the menu (almost two dozen in the first week).
  • if you have allergies of any type or individual intolerance to eggs and citrus fruits.

In any case, before using the Maggi diet, you should consult a doctor.

Advantages of the Maggi diet

  1. The diet is rich in vitamins. The menu contains fresh vegetables(as well as boiled) and fresh fruits in the quantity required by the body. The same goes for minerals and microelements, but of course an additional intake of complex multivitamins will not hurt.
  2. The diet menu is characterized as balanced in accordance with basic requirements proper nutrition.
  3. The diet has no kickback, i.e. The results achieved are long-term. Within a month, you become so accustomed to the diet that you continue to adhere to its principles even after the diet.
  4. The diet is effective - despite the absence of strict or strict restrictions on foods, the result will please you.
  5. Dieting on this system is easy due to the absence of significant restrictions and menu diversity.
  6. The menu does not require calorie control - all products are clearly listed and substitutions are not allowed.
  7. The diet menu is not complicated. It does not require much time to prepare, nor any special cooking skills, and all products can be bought in a regular store.
  8. The feeling of hunger will not bother you. A number of foods can be eaten without restrictions on quantity - as much as we want.

Disadvantages of the Maggi Diet

Despite all the advantages of the Maggi diet, it also has weaknesses.

  1. You must strictly follow the established menu - otherwise the results of the diet will be reduced.
  2. The duration of the diet menu is 4 weeks - this is a long time even with a menu with minimal restrictions. Most diets have a significantly shorter duration with similar results.
  3. There is an impressive amount of eggs on the menu. Therefore, allergic symptoms are possible, even if no signs or reactions were previously observed.
  4. Failure even at the end of the diet and with significant weight loss does not at all guarantee a stable result for a long time. Therefore, we do not forget about the requirements of proper nutrition and try to adhere to them as much as possible.
  5. It is recommended to increase physical activity. In some cases, this is problematic or impossible, and therefore the results may be less than expected.

Repeated implementation of the Maggi diet

If the need arises, this marathon diet can be repeated 2 months after its expected completion.

The long-awaited spring has arrived, which means summer is just around the corner. Short skirts, swimsuits... But what to do if you start eating on... New Year, you still couldn’t stop and bring your body back to normal? Wrap yourself in a burqa? It is possible, but the problem of excess weight will not be solved using this method. So today we'll talk about effective way: Maggi diet with a menu for every day.

What kind of food system is this and what kind of maggi? Could these be Maggi instant cubes? Or Magic?

In fact, this is a long-known protein diet, with a very low carbohydrate content in the foods consumed. And it got its name thanks to Margaret Thatcher: there are legends that it was she who first began to adhere to such a diet in order to maintain her figure in ideal condition. And even recipes for such nutrition were allegedly found in her personal archive in the Palace of Westminster. Well, Maggi is a familiar abbreviation of her name.

Now let's move on to the essence of such a phenomenon as the Maggi protein diet. Its main principles are:

  1. There is a certain list of products for each meal. You cannot swap foods (that is, you cannot eat for breakfast what you need to eat for lunch)
  2. Must be consumed sufficient quantity liquids (about 2 liters per day). Tea and coffee can be consumed in any quantity, but without sugar. It can be replaced with a sweetener.
  3. Maggi is a nutritional system for weight loss and is not compatible with alcohol.
  4. If between main meals you feel unbearably hungry, then you can snack on cucumber, carrots, salad or a weight loss cocktail. But such a snack can be had no earlier than two hours after the main meal.
  5. The following products are prohibited:
  • potato
  • grape
  • bananas
  • dates
  • figs
  • mango
  • pasta
  • sugar
  • cereals
  • mutton
  • oil and fats
  1. You just need to cook vegetables in water; using meat broth is prohibited.

There are two main types of maggi diet menu for every day: curd and egg.

Let's take a closer look at them.

Maggi curd diet presents is a two-week course of nutrition according to a strict scheme. You can remove products as you wish, but you cannot replace them with others.

Maggi diet with cottage cheese

For convenience, we present the power supply diagram in the table.

Nutrition Day Week 1 Week 2
Breakfast Dinner Dinner Breakfast Dinner Dinner
First fruits in quantities as desired (except those that are prohibited) + 200 g of cottage cheese (up to 9% fat content) any fruit (with exceptions) baked beef (200 g) + vegetable salad (200 g; for example tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers) cottage cheese (250 g) and vegetables (150 g) fish (200 g), vegetables (150 g), one grapefruit or orange.
Second any fruit (200g) +200 g cottage cheese (up to 9% fat content) boiled chicken breast without skin (200 g) steamed pollock or hake (200 g) + 150 g vegetable salad (for example: tomatoes, lettuce + cucumbers, carrots), one dried slice of bread (25 g), one grapefruit or orange 200 g of any fruit and 200 g of cottage cheese (up to 9% fat content) baked or boiled meat (200 g), vegetables (150 g) cottage cheese (150 g) and fruits (200 g)
Third low-fat cheese or cottage cheese up to 9% fat (200 g), one dried slice of bread (25 g), 2 tomatoes meat (250 g), vegetables (150 g) 200 g of any fruit and 200 g of cottage cheese (up to 9% fat content) 200 g baked meat, 200 g boiled vegetables low-fat cottage cheese (200 g), fruit (200 g)
Fourth fruit of choice (200 g), 200 g cottage cheese (up to 9% fat content) meat (250 g), boiled vegetables (200 g). 200 g of any fruit and 200 g of cottage cheese (up to 9% fat content) low-fat cheese (200 g), vegetables of your choice (250 g) baked meat or fish (200 g), boiled vegetables (150 g)
Fifth any fruit, 200 g cottage cheese (up to 9% fat) 200 g cottage cheese (up to 9% fat content), fresh vegetables (200 g) baked fish (200 g), boiled vegetables (150 g), one grapefruit or orange 200 g of fruit of your choice and 200 g of cottage cheese (up to 9% fat content) fish/shrimp (250 g), vegetables (200 g) fruits (200 g), cottage cheese (200 g)
Sixth fruits up to 200 g, 200 g cottage cheese (up to 9% fat content) fruits of your choice in any quantity meat (250 g), vegetables (150 g) 200 g of fruit and 200 g of cottage cheese (up to 9% fat content) meat (200 g), one grapefruit or orange, 3 tomatoes fruit of your choice (250 g)
Seventh fruits of your choice in any volume, 200 g cottage cheese (up to 9% fat content) baked chicken without skin (200 g), boiled vegetables (200 g), 2 tomatoes, one grapefruit or orange boiled vegetables (200 g) 200 g of any fruit and 200 g of cottage cheese (up to 9% fat content) chicken (250 g), 2 tomatoes, boiled vegetables (150 g), one grapefruit/orange baked chicken (250 g), 2 tomatoes, boiled vegetables (200 g), one grapefruit/orange

Maggi egg diet

Maggi egg diet

In the original, the Maggi diet is just an egg one, with a menu scheduled for a week, after which it should be repeated. That is, you will have the same menu for two weeks in a row. At the same time, breakfast is always the same: 2 eggs + 1 grapefruit (or orange). Consider the rest of your meals.

Nutrition Day


any fruits, except prohibited ones

any meat 250 g

chicken breast (bake or boil) 200 g. Must be skinless

2 boiled eggs, vegetable salad 150 g, one toast (25 g), one grapefruit or orange

low-fat cheese in any volume, 2 tomatoes, one piece of toast (25 g)

250 g of any boiled or baked meat


fruits of your choice in any quantity, with exceptions

250 g boiled or baked chicken, vegetable salad 150 g

2 boiled eggs + 250 g boiled vegetables

200 g boiled shrimp, vegetable salad (200 g), one grapefruit or orange

any one fruit in any quantity

chicken meat – 200 g (boil or bake)

Seventh baked or boiled skinless chicken (250 g), boiled vegetables (200 g), one tomato, one grapefruit or orange

boiled vegetables of your choice, excluding prohibited ones (200 g)

Maggi protein diet

Maggi protein diet

The Maggi diet itself is high in protein and low in carbohydrates. It can be egg or curd, both options of which we discussed above.

Maggi diet with menu for 4 weeks

For a “softer” weight loss, a Maggi diet was developed with a menu for 4 weeks.

Week one
Breakfast is the same every day: 1 grapefruit or orange and 2 chicken eggs. All other products must be consumed in strictly specified quantities. If the mass is not indicated, then you can use any amount.

Nutrition Day


one type of fruit in unlimited quantities (for example, apples, kiwi), except prohibited ones

any meat fried in a dry frying pan (without oil), baked or stewed + lettuce

skinless chicken (baked, boiled or stewed)

vegetable salad, 2 eggs, one grapefruit or orange, one toast (25g)

one piece of toast (25 g), low-fat cottage cheese or cheese and tomatoes in any quantity

meat + lettuce


one type of fruit, except exceptions

meat + lettuce

2 eggs + boiled vegetables (except potatoes, corn, beans)

one piece of fish + lettuce + grapefruit or orange

one type of fruit, except forbidden ones

meat + lettuce

boiled vegetables (except potatoes, corn, beans) + skinless chicken + grapefruit or orange

any boiled vegetables in any quantity

Week two
Breakfast is the same every day: 1 grapefruit or orange and 2 chicken eggs. All other products must be consumed in strictly specified quantities. If the mass is not indicated, then you can use any amount.

Nutrition Day




lettuce + meat

2 eggs + grapefruit or orange + lettuce

meat + lettuce

2 eggs + grapefruit or orange

meat + 2 cucumbers

2 eggs + grapefruit or orange


2 eggs + low-fat cottage cheese or cheese + any vegetables in any form, except exceptions

2 boiled eggs

lean fish (boiled, baked or fried in a frying pan without oil)

2 egg water omelette

2 tomatoes + orange or grapefruit + meat

fresh fruit salad (except prohibited ones)

2 tomatoes + orange or grapefruit + skinless chicken

Over the next two weeks, the principle of nutrition changes: you are given a “set” of foods for the day, and you decide for yourself what exactly and when to eat.

Week three

Nutrition Day

Breakfast lunch dinner

Fruits of your choice in any quantities, except those prohibited

Boiled or fresh vegetables of your choice in any quantities, except for exceptions

Fruits and vegetables to choose from in quantities as desired, except those prohibited


Fish, baked or fried without oil, lettuce or Chinese cabbage, boiled vegetables, except exceptions

Lean meat (or chicken without skin), boiled or fried without oil, boiled vegetables

All day one type of fruit in any quantity

All day one type of fruit in any quantity

Week four

Nutrition Day

Breakfast lunch dinner

one piece of toast (25g), one orange or grapefruit, 4 slices of fried or boiled meat or ¼ chicken, one can of tuna (up to 6g) without oil, 3 tomatoes, 4 cucumbers

one toast (25g), 3 tomatoes, 4 cucumbers, 2 slices of fried or boiled meat (up to 200g) + choice: one grapefruit or one melon slice or one apple or one pear or one orange

one toast (25g), 2 tomatoes, 2 cucumbers, one orange or grapefruit, one tablespoon of low-fat cottage cheese, a small plate of boiled vegetables


one toast (25 g), 3 tomatoes, one cucumber, ½ boiled and fried chicken, one orange or grapefruit

2 boiled eggs, vegetable salad without dressing, one orange or grapefruit

125 g cottage cheese or feta cheese, 2 boiled chicken breasts, one toast, 2 tomatoes, 2 cucumbers, curdled milk, one orange or grapefruit


one toast, one orange or grapefruit, a can of tuna without oil, one spoon of low-fat cottage cheese, a small plate of boiled vegetables, 2 tomatoes, 2 cucumbers

Maggi diet: reviews of those who have lost weight with photos

Maria: I tried many different diets, with this one I managed to lose 8 kg in 4 weeks. For six months now my weight is normal.

Katerina: A very complex weight loss system, but the result was worth it! Lost 15 kg!

Elena: The diet is effective, but after a while you gain weight again. We have to repeat it over and over again. I love her before the holidays to fit into a dress))

Svetlana: The first time I couldn’t reach the finish line: I quit in the middle of the second week. After 2 months I decided to try again. As a result, in 4 weeks I lost weight from 73 kg to 61 kg. Highly recommend! Yes, it’s difficult, but I haven’t had such results on any other diet.

Irina: This diet was recommended to me by a friend. The most difficult thing was the first week: I really wanted sweets and some nasty things (chips, for example). But I had an incentive: I weighed 82 kg, but really wanted to return to my original weight, which I lost after giving birth. As a result, Maggi lost almost 15 kilograms in the first two weeks, and another 8 in the next two weeks. I’m very pleased with the result! The main thing is to preserve it.

When do you start losing weight on the Maggi diet?

The advantage of this nutrition system is that you will see results on the scale from the first days of the diet. Initially you will lose 200-300 grams per day. First he will leave excess liquid from the body. Usually, excess weight begins to disappear on the fifth day of the regime - fat deposits begin to melt. In the third week, the weight comes off more slowly, but the skin begins to tighten. In addition, this diet reduces the volume of the stomach, so you will not feel hungry.

How often can you go on the Maggi diet?

Consultation with a doctor

It is advisable to consult a doctor before using it. In general, this diet has no contraindications, which is why it has gained great popularity. However this system food is not recommended for pregnant, nursing mothers, people with gastrointestinal problems, as well as those taking medications to lower blood pressure.

What to do if you fail on the Maggi diet

If you fall off the Maggi diet (for example, eat a prohibited product), you will have to start all over again (from the very first day of the regime). She is very good at organizing and developing positive eating habits. To achieve greater results, regular physical activity is recommended.
What to do after following all the nutritional recommendations from Margaret Thatcher? Of course, you shouldn’t throw a feast for the whole world and celebrate the end of the diet with a big feast. It is advisable to continue to lead healthy image life, maintain proper nutrition and eat in small portions, but often.
We wish you to achieve your desired weight with the Maggi diet!

The Maggi diet has won the hearts of many women losing weight with its effectiveness. This is one of huge amount a diet that does not involve hunger strikes, and the menu for every day is quite varied - fruits, vegetables, protein products (eggs, cottage cheese, meat). That is, the Maggi diet is aimed at proper weight loss.

The duration of the diet is 4 weeks, each of them has its own diet. Using the Maggi diet you can lose up to 20 kg. The nutrition system developed for a month of the Maggi diet is much more effective than many diets designed for a week.

Features of the Maggi egg diet

The 4-week egg diet is quite filling. But, as with any diet, in the first days you will feel hungry - in this way the body adapts to new conditions.

The effect of the diet is aimed at the fact that with the help of certain foods the body itself burns excess fats— a chemical reaction breaks down fatty tissue and removes toxic compounds. Thus, the calorie content of the foods consumed is not taken into account, but the volume and weight are taken away.

But before starting a diet, you need to weigh the pros and cons, delve into the description of the diet, listen to advice and recommendations. Going on a diet for 3 days or 5 days is useless, since the body will not yet have time to turn on fat-burning processes.

Maggi protein diet rules

Compliance with the rules of the diet is strictly necessary, otherwise it simply will not work.

1. The diet cannot be changed at all. Products are not swapped or replaced with others. If there is an intolerance to a component of the diet, then it is simply excluded from the diet completely. Otherwise, the balance of products will be disrupted and the diet will not bring results.

2. Drink at least 2-3 liters of water daily. There are no restrictions on tea or coffee, but they must be consumed without sugar and milk, but it is allowed to add a sweetener to drinks.

3. Vegetables are boiled in water without adding meat, oil or fat. But you can add salt, onion, garlic or seasoning. Ready-made vegetable broth is not eaten.

4. Eggs must be hard-boiled, of course, unless otherwise indicated.

5. If the feeling of hunger is persistent, then snacking on cucumbers, carrots, and salad is allowed, but at least two hours should pass after eating.

6. Even if sport causes negative emotions, then all the same, on the days you follow the diet you need to include a minimum physical activity. It will allow the chemical processes of fat burning to proceed more efficiently.

7. Weighing is done every morning, preferably at the same time.

8. Even if the order of eating at least one meal is disrupted, the diet will have to start again. It makes no sense to continue the diet where you stopped - the fat burning process is disrupted.

9. If you plan to repeat the diet, it is not necessary to follow the entire four-week course. It is enough to start from the first week, then immediately move on to week 4. Even such a quick two-week diet will bring tangible results.

I have never been overweight, and I have no genetic predisposition to it, but 3 years sedentary work, unhealthy diet and inactive lifestyle have done their job. I gained 15 kilograms. advised by a friend. The drug helped me return to my previous shape, while saving me from grueling workouts and diets. Excess weight gone in literally 2-3 months.

Additional products for the Maggi diet menu

In addition to the main food product of the diet (eggs), it also includes additional healthy nutritional products for weight loss - low-fat cottage cheese (or cheese) and meat.

Vegetables for cooking - green peas, zucchini, eggplant, squash, carrots, green beans. During the diet, you can eat almost all vegetables, with the only exception being potatoes.

The correct Maggi egg diet menu for every day, 2 and 4 weeks

During the first 14 days of the diet, the orange-egg component predominates, and almost not a single day can go without meat. Below is a table for 28 days of diet.

1 Week

Breakfast food in the first week will be 1-2 freshly cooked chicken eggs; half a citrus.

  • Day 1. Lunch - one seasonal fruit. Evening - boiled meat slices or minced meat.
  • Day 2. Lunch - boiled chicken, preferably breast, without skin. Evening - 2 freshly boiled eggs; Vegetable Salad; orange or maybe grapefruit citrus; 1 toast
  • Day 3. Lunch - low-fat cheese, preferably feta; toast - 1 piece; tomato. Evening - low-fat meat slices or meatballs.
  • Day 4. Lunch - one fruit available in season. Evening - boiled meatballs or slices of meat; vegetable salad.
  • Day 5. Lunch - freshly boiled eggs - 2 pcs; boiled vegetables. Evening - boiled or steamed fish; vegetable salad without oil or mayonnaise; orange, or grapefruit - 1 pc.
  • Day 6. Lunch - one fruit available in season. Evening - low-fat finely ground boiled or fried minced meat or meat; Vegetable Salad.
  • Day 7. Lunch - boiled chicken, preferably breast, without skin; tomato; orange or grapefruit - 1 piece; boiled vegetables.

2 week

The composition of the morning food in the second week remains unchanged.

  • Day 8. Lunch - baked or boiled meat or products or steam cutlets; vegetable salad. Evening -2 hard boiled eggs; vegetable salad without dressing; citrus (or grapefruit, or orange)
  • Day 9. Lunch - boiled or baked meat; vegetable salad. Evening - a couple of hard-boiled eggs; orange or grapefruit - 1 pc.
  • Day 10. Lunch - meat (minced meat) boiled or baked; cucumber. Evening - Soft-boiled egg - 2 pcs; one type of citrus.
  • Day 11. Lunch - two boiled eggs; low fat cheese; steamed vegetables.
  • Day 12. Lunch - steamed or boiled fish; medium sized tomato; 1 orange. Evening - 1-2 hard-boiled eggs.
  • Day 13. Lunch - two hard-boiled eggs; small tomato; one grapefruit. Evening - Fruit mixture.
    Day 14 Lunch - boiled chicken; tomato; orange or grapefruit - 1 piece; boiled vegetables. Evening - boiled chicken, without skin; tomato; 1 citrus; boiled vegetables.

As you can see, on none of these days there is oatmeal, no bran - and rightly so, because this is a completely different diet.

3 Week

  • Day 15. Fruit day - any desired fruit, the quantity is not limited.
  • Day 16. Vegetable day - vegetables as desired, unlimited.
  • Day 17. Fruit and vegetable day - a combination of fruits and steamed vegetables in any quantity.
  • Day 18. Boiled fish; green salad or cabbage; boiled vegetables.
  • Day 19. Boiled chicken (without skin) or meat (minced meat).
  • Days 20 and 21. One type of any permitted seasonal fruit.

4 week

  • Day 22. A quarter of boiled chicken or 4 pieces of meat; cucumber - 4 pcs; tomato - 3 pcs; a can of canned tuna without oil; medium sized toast; orange or grapefruit.
  • Day 23. Boiled meat - 2 pieces; cucumber - 4 pcs; tomato - 3 pcs; toast - 1 piece; any fruit.
  • Day 24. Cottage cheese or low-fat cheese - 1 spoon; boiled vegetables - 150 g; cucumber - 2 pcs; tomato - 2 pcs; toast - 1 piece; orange or grapefruit - 1 pc.
  • Day 25. Boiled chicken - ½; cucumber; 3 medium tomatoes; small toast; orange or grapefruit.
  • Day 26. 2 hard-boiled eggs; green salad - 1 piece; 3 small tomatoes; citruses.
  • Day 27. 2 pieces of boiled chicken breast; cottage cheese or feta cheese - 1/8 kg; medium sized toast; a couple of cucumbers and tomatoes; kefir; orange.
  • Day 28. Cottage cheese - 1 spoon; can of tuna; vegetables boiled in water - 150 g; a couple of cucumbers and tomatoes; small toast; grapefruit.

Food products for 4 weeks are distributed proportionally throughout the day. If desired, individual ingredients can be combined into whole recipes.

Quitting the diet

The exit from the Maggi diet should be gradual:

  • within 7 days after completion egg diet It is necessary to include in the diet some foods that the body is accustomed to during the diet marathon. These are eggs, citrus fruits, cottage cheese. Thus, week 5 is consolidating, allowing you to maintain the results obtained;
  • At the end of the diet, you should not pounce on fried potatoes, pasta or sweets;
  • The result of the diet is well maintained when following the principles of proper nutrition or the -60 system.

Contraindications and disadvantages

Maggi's four-week protein diet has almost no contraindications. But it is absolutely not suitable for people who are allergic to food, especially eggs and citrus. Intolerance individual species foods involved in the diet can also bring unpleasant consequences.

It is not recommended to follow the diet during pregnancy and for nursing mothers whose children are under 12 months. The diet should be followed with caution by people who have chronic gastrointestinal diseases, heart, kidney and liver diseases. It is best to monitor weight loss under the supervision of a doctor so as not to harm the body.

The disadvantages of the diet are minor:

  • strict and precise adherence to the menu;
  • eating a lot of eggs;
  • for those who violated the diet, you will have to start all over again.

Questions and answers about the Maggi diet

1. How suitable is this diet for weight loss? The effectiveness of the diet has been scientifically proven. The more extra pounds you need to lose, the larger the plumb line will be. A diet often gives the body a boost when weight does not come off with other diets.
2. Who can follow the diet? The diet is perfect for men and women, especially vegetarians.

3. Is it possible to stay on a diet for only 2 weeks? Yes, if you need to lose 3-5 extra kg.
4. Is it possible to follow a diet without eggs or what can replace eggs? Instead of eggs, you can include low-fat cottage cheese.
5. How many kg can you lose on a diet? 5-20 kg.

6. What can and cannot be consumed on a diet? You can eat any fruits and vegetables, except potatoes, bananas, mangoes, grapes, figs, dates. Any berries are allowed. Prohibited products apply to cereals, pasta and flour products. Lamb is not allowed as a meat. Vegetable and animal fats are not consumed. Berries are also allowed.

7. What to drink when dieting? Is it possible to drink alcohol? You can drink non-sweet tea (black, green), coffee without milk, and fermented milk drinks. Alcohol during the diet is not recommended.
8. How long to cook eggs for a diet? For hard-boiled eggs, the cooking time is 10 minutes. If a soft-boiled egg is required, the cooking time is 2-3 minutes. In eggs, it is the yolk that is valuable; it gives the body a feeling of fullness.
9. What to dress the salad with? Salad on a diet is consumed without dressing.

As you can see, the Maggi egg diet, even with detailed menu Every day has its own specific characteristics, however, like any other diet. Be sure to learn the rules for losing weight on a protein diet before you start.

In addition, you need to pay attention to the state of the body. If you have chronic diseases, especially at the acute stage, then you should not start any diet. Of course you can, but under certain conditions. Usually in our webinars we tell you how to properly enter and exit a diet, who can start and who should wait, and also how to carry out the diet as easily and naturally as possible. Have you already attended our webinars? If not, come, we are very interesting.

The Maggi egg diet is one of the most popular protein diet options for weight loss. The power system received its name after its author. The technique has long been loved overweight women, as he promises good results for a short time.

The Maggi egg diet is designed for a week; in this short period it allows you to reduce body weight by 5–7 kg from the initial weight. At overweight The technique can be followed for up to 4 weeks; in a month of special nutrition you can get rid of 10–28 extra pounds.

Maggi egg diet rules

The basis of the Maggi egg diet menu is products such as chicken eggs and grapefruits. Before you start losing weight using this technique, you need to familiarize yourself with its rules:

1. On any day of the diet, oranges can be replaced with grapefruits if desired; this will not affect the weight loss effect, but will diversify the menu.

2. If the nutritional system developed by Dr. Maggi does not indicate the amount of a product, you can eat it until you are full.

3. Throughout the entire period of losing weight, it is important to regularly perform light exercises to keep the body in good shape.

4. If you had to interrupt the process of losing weight at a certain stage of the diet, you cannot continue the method; you need to start it over again.

5. It is prohibited to change the sequence of meals.

6. Vegetables should be cooked exclusively in water, without using meat broth. At the same time, to improve the taste of dishes, you can add just a little salt, pepper, garlic and other spices.

7. During the period of losing weight using the egg version of the Maggi diet, it is prohibited to introduce bananas, dates, grapes, mangoes, and figs into the diet.

8. If you feel a strong feeling of hunger between meals, you can eat lettuce, fresh carrots or cucumbers, but only a couple of hours after eating.

11. During the entire period of losing weight, it is forbidden to eat food whose fat content exceeds 16%.

Advantages and disadvantages of the Maggi egg diet

The Maggi egg diet, like any other nutrition system designed for weight loss, has some pros and cons. The main advantage of the dietary method is that the nutritionist suggests that women and girls follow balanced diet. Based on this, the body will not be deprived of essential nutrients, necessary for its full functioning, so there is no need to take multivitamin complexes. Nutritionists point to other obvious benefits of the diet:

  • the ability to lose weight easily and quickly without much effort;
  • the diet is very easy to follow, since the nutritionist offers a clear weight loss menu intended for two or four weeks;
  • almost never occurs strong feeling hunger, because protein saturates the body well and for a long time;
  • availability of products on which the diet is based;
  • The nutritional system is built on a large number of vegetables and fruits, which provide the body of a losing weight person with vitamins, fiber and microelements.

The technique also has some disadvantages: diet may cause some changes in performance digestive system, sometimes women are bothered by constipation and bloating. To prevent this problem, you need to drink more water, and light carbonated diet drinks are also allowed. In addition, the power system has other disadvantages:

  • low calorie diet - only 1000 kcal;
  • present in eggs a large number of bad cholesterol;
  • if you return to your usual diet immediately after the diet, a rapid gain of lost weight will occur;
  • sudden weight loss can cause side effects such as dizziness, general weakness and nausea.

The Maggi egg diet menu for 2 weeks is recommended for those who want to achieve better weight loss results as a repeat course. If you want to become even slimmer and more attractive, repeat the 1st and 4th weeks of this technique.

Detailed menu of the Maggi egg diet for every day

The Maggi egg diet menu for 4 weeks was compiled in detail by the author of this popular technique. Breakfast during this period is the same every day - 1/2 an orange or grapefruit and one or two boiled eggs.

The Maggi egg diet menu for every day for the first week looks like this:


  • Dinner: any number of fruits of your choice, with the exception of those that make up the list of prohibited foods.
  • Dinner: lean boiled or baked meat; lamb should be avoided.


  • Dinner: low-fat cheese, two tomatoes.
  • Dinner: boiled or stewed meat.


  • Dinner: any quantity of one fruit to your taste, except for prohibited ones.
  • Dinner: oven-baked meat, fresh vegetable salad.


  • Dinner: 2 pieces of boiled eggs and boiled vegetables.
  • Dinner: boiled or baked fish, salad, 1 grapefruit.


  • Dinner: any amount of your favorite fruit to choose from, except for prohibited ones.
  • Dinner: lean boiled or stewed meat with vegetable salad.


  • Dinner: boiled chicken, stewed or oven-baked vegetables, tomatoes, 1 grapefruit.
  • Dinner: boiled, stewed or baked vegetables.

The detailed Maggi egg diet for the second week is presented as follows:


  • Dinner: boiled meat, vegetable salad.
  • Dinner: 2 boiled eggs, 1 grapefruit, salad.


  • Dinner: boiled dietary meat, fresh vegetable salad.
  • Dinner: 2 hard-boiled eggs, one grapefruit.


  • Dinner: two boiled eggs, low-fat cheese durum varieties, boiled or oven-baked vegetables.
  • Dinner: 2 boiled eggs.


  • Dinner: boiled fish.
  • Dinner: two boiled eggs.


  • Dinner: boiled chicken, tomatoes, boiled vegetables, 1 grapefruit.
  • Dinner: boiled skinless chicken, fresh tomatoes, boiled vegetables, one medium grapefruit.

In the third week of such rapid weight loss, the author of the diet suggests following the following menu:

Monday: throughout the day any fruits, except prohibited ones.

Tuesday: any boiled vegetables except potatoes.

Wednesday: during the day, any fruits and any boiled vegetables, except potatoes.

Thursday: during the day, baked or boiled fish, cabbage or green salad leaves, boiled vegetables.

Friday: During the day, baked or boiled lean meat or chicken, boiled vegetables.

Weekend: during the day, one type of fruit at any time, except forbidden ones.

After three weeks you should switch to this menu:

Monday: a couple of pieces of boiled or baked meat, 2 tomatoes, 4 cucumbers, a can of tuna, one grapefruit or orange.

Tuesday: 200 grams of boiled meat, cucumbers or tomatoes, pear or apple, orange.

Wednesday: low-fat hard cheese, a spoonful of low-fat cottage cheese, boiled vegetables, 2 tomatoes, one grapefruit.

Thursday: half boiled chicken, three tomatoes, one cucumber, 1 grapefruit.

Friday: 2 boiled eggs, tomato and cucumber salad, 1 grapefruit.

Saturday: 200 grams of boiled chicken breast, 100 grams of cottage cheese, 1 toast, 2 tomatoes, 200 ml of curdled milk, 1 grapefruit.

Sunday: 2 tsp. cottage cheese, a can of tuna, boiled vegetables, 2 cucumbers, two tomatoes, 1 toast, 1 grapefruit.

Results of the Maggi egg diet for 4 weeks (with photo)

The diet should start exclusively with the Monday menu, regardless of what day of the week you start losing weight. If you strictly follow the specialist’s recommendations, the results of Maggi’s egg diet will not take long to appear - you can lose 10–28 kg in a month. In addition, according to the author of this technique, if you adhere to the principles of proper nutrition, the diet gives long-term results.

You can see the excellent results of the Maggi egg diet for 4 weeks in the photo below:

Recipes for Maggi Egg White Diet

Recipes for the Maggi egg diet are compiled for each week of this method; they must be used strictly during the specified periods. The first seven days of weight loss you can cook delicious dietary dishes according to these recipes:

Recipe 1. Salad with cucumbers and chicken

To prepare it you will need the following products:

  • one boiled chicken breast;
  • two medium-sized fresh cucumbers;
  • 50 grams of low-fat cheese;
  • 2 spoons of soy sauce;
  • spoon of lemon juice.

1. Cooled down chicken breast cut crosswise into strips or tear into thin fibers.

2. Cut the vegetables into strips, grate the cheese on a coarse grater, combine all products in a bowl.

3. Season the salad with soy sauce and lemon juice.

4. Let the salad brew for a few minutes and serve.

Recipe 2. Carrot salad with cheese and garlic

You will need the following ingredients:

  • 2 fresh medium-sized carrots;
  • 100 grams of low-fat hard cheese;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • unsweetened low-fat yogurt for salad dressing;
  • a pinch of salt.

1. Peel the carrots and grate them on a coarse or medium grater.

2. Grate the cheese too, pass the garlic through a press.

3. All ingredients must be thoroughly mixed, salted and seasoned with yogurt.

Recipe 3. Sauteed eggplant

To prepare the dish you should prepare the following products:

  • 5 medium tomatoes;
  • 2 small;
  • 2 pieces of sweet pepper;
  • two onions;
  • a couple of cloves of garlic;
  • a pinch of salt and pepper;
  • 250 ml vegetable broth.

1. Eggplants and tomatoes, without peeling, cut into thin slices.

2. Cut the onion and pepper into equal half rings.

3. Place all vegetables in layers in a saucepan, sprinkling salt on each layer.

4. To make the sauté juicy, it is better to lay a layer of tomatoes on top.

5. Sprinkle chopped herbs on top of the sauté, pepper, and pour in broth.

6. Cover the saucepan with a lid and simmer over low heat for half an hour.

With the transition to the second week of the Maggi egg-white diet, you can prepare dietary dishes according to the following recipes:

Recipe 1. Chicken casserole

To prepare the dish, you need to prepare the following products:

  • 170 grams of chicken fillet;
  • 150 grams of broccoli;
  • spices for chicken;
  • salt, .

1. Clean the chicken fillet from films, wash, beat and season well with chicken spices.

2. Grind the broccoli florets and greens using a blender until a homogeneous puree is formed.

3. Cover a baking sheet with parchment paper, place the meat, broccoli puree on top, then meat again. Above chicken fillet sprinkle with herbs and spices.

4. Place the casserole in the oven, preheated to 200 degrees, bake the dish for 30 minutes.

Recipe 2. Zucchini soup with egg

Ingredients for cooking:

  • 1 young medium;
  • 150 ml water;
  • one egg;
  • salt.


1. Wash the young zucchini and cut into large cubes. If seeds have already formed inside, it is better to carefully cut out the core.

2. Place the chopped vegetables in a saucepan and fill halfway with water.

3. Bring to a boil and simmer slowly for half an hour. There is no need to cover the pan with a lid.

4. Cool the softened vegetables a little and turn them into a homogeneous puree using a blender.

5. Boiled egg cut and place on the finished puree.

Recipes for week 3 of the egg diet.

Recipe 1. Peppers stuffed with vegetables.


  • sweet pepper – 6 pieces;
  • white cabbage – 200 grams;
  • carrots – 75 grams;
  • one large onion;
  • tomato paste.

Cooking method:

1. First you need to prepare the filling for the peppers. To do this, chop the cabbage and grate the carrots on a coarse grater, finely chop the onion. Combine all vegetables.

2. Carefully cut off the tops of the peppers, remove all seeds and membranes.

3. Stuff the peeled peppers tightly with the prepared vegetable mince.

4. Pepper can be cooked in a water bath or in a double boiler. Place the stuffed peppers in the prepared container and cook for 20 minutes. 5 minutes before readiness, place a little on the pepper tomato paste or sauce.

Recipe 2. Baked shrimp


  • 800 g large peeled boiled shrimp;
  • 100 ml lemon juice;
  • one teaspoon;
  • 3 cloves of chopped garlic;
  • a spoonful of fresh chopped lemon zest;
  • fresh parsley;
  • a pinch of red pepper.

Cooking method:

1. Grease a baking tray with olive oil and place on it thin layer pre-peeled and boiled shrimp.

2. Lemon juice beat with garlic, lemon zest, pepper. Pour this sauce over the shrimp.

3. Place the baking sheet in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees, for 10 minutes.

4. Decorate the finished dish with chopped herbs.

Recipes for the fourth week of the egg diet.

Recipe 1. Salad with grapefruit, shrimp and cheese


  • one head of fresh lettuce;
  • 1 grapefruit;
  • 15 pieces of large boiled shrimp;
  • 100 grams of cheese - suluguni, feta cheese or cheese;
  • 100 grams of unsalted yoghurt for dressing.


1. Tear or cut fresh lettuce leaves into large pieces.

2. Peel the grapefruit, carefully remove the pulp and separate it from the films.

3. Cut the cheese into small cubes.

4. Combine all ingredients, season the salad with yogurt, adding a little salt.

Recipe 2. Tomatoes with cottage cheese


  • three large tomatoes;
  • 200 grams of unsweetened grain cottage cheese;
  • a pinch of salt and black pepper;
  • fresh dill and parsley.

Cooking process:

1. Peel the tomatoes and finely cut into cubes.