Persimmon from seeds at home: planting and growing. Persimmon - growing from a seed with your own hands, or how to reap a rich harvest? Growing persimmons from seeds at home

Persimmon - delicious and healthy fruit ripening in late autumn. To pamper yourself juicy berry, you don't have to buy it in the store. We will find out how to grow persimmons at home in this article.


More than a thousand species of this plant of the Ebony family are known. Are they deciduous or evergreen trees and shrubs with edible fruits. Trees are long-lived, living up to five hundred years. Persimmon has a wide, spreading crown, usually spherical. Leaves are simple, alternate, oval shape, juicy green color.

The plant blooms in May and bears fruit closer to November. The fruit of the bright orange color, round or heart-shaped, with dense skin and juicy fleshy pulp. The taste is slightly tart, but as it ripens it acquires sweetness and the astringent shades smooth out. The berry contains about ten seeds.

The plant is distributed in warm climates: southern Europe, the Caucasus, China, Japan, the territory of southern and North America, Australia.

The plant is not picky about the composition of the soil, but loves sunlight and warmth. Its powerful root system requires a regular supply of moisture, otherwise the deficiency will affect the quality of the crop. With careful care, an adult tree will delight you with a harvest - about 80 kg of sunny fruits.

Did you know? In the Caucasus, dishes and dishes are made from the wood of the wild persimmon variety D.lotus. musical instruments, it is used as a building material.

Selection and preparation of seeds for planting

For cultivation in mid-latitudes, it is best to choose the Caucasian persimmon variety: it is resistant to low temperatures and less whimsical than tropical species. The best source of seeds will be a berry that is fully ripened on the tree. But you can also use store-bought fruits - the main thing is that they are soft and the skin is spotless. Further sequence of actions:

  1. After selecting the seeds from the pulp, rinse and dry them.
  2. Leave planting material in a solution of potassium permanganate for a day to disinfect it. Discard the seeds that float to the surface immediately - they will not yield a harvest.
  3. Before stratification, you should grind off the edges of the seeds that are too hard to make it easier for them to “peck.” Do it with sandpaper with small grains.
  4. Treat them with growth stimulants (for example, epin, or you can use aloe juice) and place them in damp gauze under film for a month and a half, on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. The air temperature here corresponds to +4-5°C.

Did you know? According to one version of linguist historians, the name “persimmon” was given to the fruit by the Persians. The fact is that the dried pulp of a fruit growing in the Caucasus tastes like a date fruit. In Farsi, the word "hormalyu" means "date plum". Later the word was shortened and transformed into the current name of the fruit.

Rules for planting seeds

Seedlings begin to germinate at the end of winter, in early spring.

Seedling germination process:

  1. Prepare medium-sized pots. The best soil A mixture of peat and sand will serve; use vermiculite for drainage.
  2. The seed is placed on the edge, placed at a depth equal to its length - up to 2 cm.
  3. Sprinkle the seed with soil and cover the pot with film.
  4. While waiting for germination, regularly spray the soil surface.
  5. Germination temperature - +22°C. You can place the containers on the windowsill close to the heating radiator.
  6. During germination, condensation accumulated on the film must be removed, and the plant itself must be ventilated to prevent rot.
  7. When sprouting, the seedlings rest against the film and shed the seed coat. If this does not happen, remove them yourself with tweezers.
  8. In general, seedlings appear within a month. The pot is placed in a sunny place, but not in direct sunlight.
  9. For good growth, seedlings are fed with nitrogen-containing fertilizer; you can purchase the product in the store.

Video: how to plant a persimmon seed correctly

Important! If the pit cannot be removed, it should be steamed: moistened warm water and leave overnight wrapped in a plastic bag. After this it will come off easily.

Care and transplantation

Strong shoots from a common pot are transplanted into separate containers after about ten days. Place drainage at the bottom of the pot and fill with soil. Young shoots are covered with a glass cap to prevent freezing. In this case, it is necessary to regularly ventilate the sprouts and remove condensation.


Persimmon is a southern plant, so it needs moisture regularly, and foliage spraying is also important for it. Watering is carried out room temperature, in this case it is necessary not to flood the plant, the soil should remain slightly moist. To avoid overwatering the roots and preventing the soil from drying out, use mulch, such as fine sawdust.

Winter watering is needed no more than twice a season. To prevent the soil from drying out, spray moderately.

Top dressing

When feeding, it is undesirable to use organic matter that is heavy for the plant (compost or humus). Gardeners recommend alternating mineral fertilizers with natural ones, for example, diluted boiled water aloe juice or water in which chicken eggs were boiled.

Complexes are best suited for flowering plants, enriched with minerals. You should not overdo it with fertilizers; twice a month is enough; the presence of phosphorus and potassium in the complex is important, which will give the tree strength for subsequent fruiting.

Important to remember:

  1. Fertilizing is not carried out on dry soil.
  2. Fertilize the seedling throughout the growing season.
  3. IN winter period no fertilizing is carried out.


Choose a place for the container that is illuminated, but not in direct sunlight.

Young seedlings are gradually accustomed to light: on a cloudy day they are taken out to the balcony, if the weather permits. First for a couple of hours, then gradually for the whole day.

Place it on a sunny windowsill provided the glass is shaded with a frosted film, otherwise the foliage will get burned.

Important! Given the southern origin of the culture, during the short daylight hours it is provided with artificial lighting: two hours in the morning and in the evening.

In winter, the pot of persimmons is taken into a room with diffused light. It is not recommended to completely exclude lighting, as the plant may wither.


Comfortable maintenance temperature is +20-22 °C; an adult, strong plant feels great even at +15 °C. The main condition is the absence of drafts.

IN winter time The pot needs to be taken out to a cool room: the plant enters a dormant period. The recommended temperature is not lower than +5 °C. During this time, the tree trunk circle is covered with sawdust.

Trimming and pinching

When grown at home, the crown begins to be formed and thinned out when the plant reaches a height of 40–50 cm. The shoot is pinched so that it branches well. When the branched shoots reach a height of 20–40 cm, they are also pinched. This procedure will speed up the flowering of the crop: it usually occurs in the third or fourth year of life.

When the tree reaches a height of one and a half meters, its crown is given the shape of a ball, shortening side shoots to the required length.

As it grows further, the crown is regularly thinned out to prevent thickening.
Persimmon crown pruning


To achieve fruiting, persimmons need to be grafted. To accelerate the formation of fruit buds, grafting is carried out by ringing:

  1. Select a strong, healthy shoot and cut off a ring of bark at its base perpendicular to the growth of the shoot.
  2. The ring is turned over and grafted onto the cut site with the outer side.
  3. The cut area must be wrapped good layer cling film to avoid moisture loss and infection of the wound.

After some time, the tree will grow a ring of fresh bark, which will mean the success of the operation. During the procedure, shoot growth slows down, the plant receives a signal to lay a fruit bud. Typically, persimmons planted from seed begin to bear fruit in the seventh year. To speed up the process, a cutting of a fruit-bearing tree is grafted onto it.


Persimmon forms an extensive root system, That's why big size A potty is highly undesirable for her. The young tree is transplanted into a new container annually, increasing its size by three to four centimeters.

When the plant reaches five years, replanting is carried out every two years.
Transplanting persimmons into a new container Persimmons are transplanted into open ground in the southern regions in the spring, in May. The place must be protected from the wind. The hole is made 60x60 cm in size, the distance between several seedlings should be 1–2 meters.

In cold regions, it is recommended to grow the plant as a potted crop; it can be taken out into the garden or onto the balcony in the warm season, or planted in a pot on the site in order to be able to move it indoors for the winter. Despite its frost resistance, persimmons may not be able to withstand a harsh winter, especially a young tree under five years old.

Video: how to transplant a seedling

Diseases and pests

When grown at home, persimmons practically do not get sick, but in open ground excesses are possible. From possible diseases The most dangerous are considered:

  • powdery mildew;
  • bacterial cancer;
  • gray rot;
  • root rot;
  • black spot;
  • I'm scabby.

The most common cause of the disease is high humidity, which is an ideal environment for the proliferation of bacteria and fungi. Birds and insects can transfer fungal spores or other microorganisms from infected trees to healthy ones. Bacteria can get onto nearby healthy tree with the help of the wind. Common reason the development of fungal diseases - lack of light (dense crown) and excess fertilizers, especially nitrogenous ones.

To prevent diseases, the following actions are taken:

  • pruned in a timely manner;
  • take the tree out into the fresh air;
  • provide the necessary lighting;
  • monitor watering (moderate).

Preventive spraying is also carried out Bordeaux mixture(1%), before and after flowering. Bordeaux mixture can be replaced with any copper-containing preparation.

The following drugs are used for treatment:

  • “Topaz” and “Horus” - before flowering;
  • “Fitosporin”, “Aktofit”, “Bikol”, “Impact”, “Topsin” - before and after flowering.

It is better to remove and burn heavily affected shoots.

In open ground conditions, persimmons can be favored by scale insects, scale insects, false scale insects, Mediterranean flies, and mites.

Insecticides are more effective for killing insects, and acaricides are more effective against ticks.

The following drugs are popular:

  • "Confidor-extra";
  • "Akarin."

Treatment is carried out before the buds open and after the flowering period, before the fruit appears. Treatment is carried out in warm, but not hot weather, in the absence of wind and rain.

Growing persimmons requires patience and attention. Compliance with all the rules of agricultural technology will soon bring results: in Ebony beautiful bloom, and almost everyone knows about the taste and benefits of fruits.

I like to experiment and get unusual indoor plants. Thanks to this hobby, I have had orange and lemon trees growing on my windowsill for several years now, both grown from seeds. The time has come to add a new resident to the collection, and persimmon is next in line. Tell me how to grow persimmons from seeds at home?

IN Lately flower growers have become increasingly interested in growing in room conditions exotic crops. You won’t surprise anyone with a lemon in a pot, but not everyone decides to plant persimmons. And it’s completely in vain, because it’s heat-loving plant feels very comfortable indoors and even bears fruit provided proper agricultural technology. In addition, the bush is very decorative and can take an equal place among other indoor plants.

Planting material can always be found at the market or in a store, where towards the end of autumn there is a wide selection of fruits. Instead of throwing away the seeds after eating the sweet pulp, let's try growing indoor persimmons from seeds. Doing this is not at all as difficult as it seems at first glance, and a few tips will help even a beginner cope.

How to select and prepare seed material?

If possible, it is better to purchase the most cold-resistant one, especially if you plan to further plant the tree in the garden (Virginsky, Rossiyanka, Tamopan). In the case where the persimmon will grow exclusively indoors, the variety is not so important.

The main rule when buying persimmons is that the fruit should not be frozen, otherwise the seed will lose its viability. It is better to buy semi-ripe persimmons and let them ripen in the apartment.

When the fruit becomes soft, separate the pulp and subject the seeds to the following processing:

  • rinse well;
  • dry;
  • soak for a day in a solution of potassium permanganate;
  • Before planting, put it in a solution with a growth stimulator for a couple of hours.

The persimmon seed is covered with a very dense shell. To speed up germination, you need to scrape it with sandpaper.

How to germinate persimmons?

You can germinate a prepared seed using one of the following methods:

  1. Fold gauze in several layers and moisten it generously. Place the bone on top and place everything in the bag. Tie it and put it in a warm place. Open periodically for ventilation. When the sprout appears, plant the seed in.
  2. Immediately plant the persimmons in small cups with nutritious light soil and cover with a bag.

Regardless of which method is used, the seeds should germinate in about 2 weeks, otherwise they are considered unviable and it is better to replace the seeds with new ones.

How to care for persimmons?

As soon as the sprouts hatch, remove the cover and continue to grow the plant, moderately watering and spraying.

Sometimes the shell of the seed does not open enough, pinching the sprout. You should carefully remove it with tweezers, otherwise the plant will die.

When a pair of true leaves forms on the seedling, it is transferred to a larger pot. The next transshipment is carried out when the persimmon reaches a height of about 40 cm (this will happen very quickly, since the bush grows at a good pace). In the future, the procedure is carried out every year until the tree reaches 5 years, then every two years. In the summer, the pot of persimmons can be placed outside, but taken indoors for the winter.

Planting a persimmon seed correctly - video

The delicate taste of ripe persimmon fruits cannot be compared with anything. Unfortunately, you can only see this fruit on the shelves of shops and markets in the autumn-winter period. It is at this time that you can try to grow persimmons from seeds at home. This plant is quite finicky, you will have to pay maximum attention to its care, which may not bring the desired result.

Seed processing and planting
In order to get the most viable seed, it is necessary to choose ripe fruits with intact skin; it is also important that the persimmon is not frozen.

There are two ways to plant persimmons from seeds:

  1. Soak the fruit seeds in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. After several days (2-3), remove the seeds and wrap them in damp gauze, which you place in plastic bag. Leave the bag in a cold place (about +5 degrees) for a month and a half. Then use sandpaper to sand down the sides and top of the bones. Place them over the entire surface of the container with their edges in the ground, pour 1 - 1.5 cm of soil on top.
  2. Wash and dry several fresh persimmon seeds and bury them 2 cm deep in a pot. Cover with a plastic bag and leave to stand in a warm place until the first shoots appear.
Soil for persimmons
The most favorable soil for this plant is a mixture turf land with humus. The soil must be fertilized with bone meal, river sand And charcoal, ground into powder. Line the bottom of the pot with a layer of expanded clay.

Features of plant care during early growth

  • Before the persimmon sprouts, periodically ventilate the cellophane “greenhouse”, water the soil as soon as you see that it is dry;
  • when the first sprout appears, change the cellophane covering to glass and place in a warm place;
  • if there is a bone left at the end of the sprout, carefully cut it off with scissors;
  • As the persimmon grows, transplant it gradually into larger containers;
  • do not forget to regularly water and feed the plant mineral fertilizers;
Seasonal care for persimmons
Each season has its own rules for caring for a tree.
  • summer - persimmon should be on outdoors(garden, veranda, balcony); but you can’t just take the plant outside and leave it there, first you need to “accustom” it to this, in the first weeks take it out for several hours, gradually increasing the time; do not allow the sun to directly hit the persimmon leaves so that they do not get burned;
  • autumn - bring the tree into a room where the temperature is maintained at +10 degrees; pour wet sawdust into the pot, which must be sprayed periodically;
  • winter - the persimmon “falls asleep”, this is evidenced by fallen leaves; water the plant with water at room temperature and spray the leaves, do not overdo it with watering;
  • spring - start feeding persimmons with minerals and organic fertilizers, alternating them once every two weeks; in March, transship the plant and place it in a well-lit place; It is recommended to feed the tree until autumn.
In order for a persimmon to bear fruit well, you need to correctly form its crown, cutting off the shoots in time and thus forcing them to grow in breadth. Don't expect a quick harvest from a tree planted from a seed. You will be able to notice the first flowers only after 3 years, and the fruits - after 6 years. In order to achieve fast maturing and fruiting, persimmons must be planted after the first year of development; it is also necessary to monitor the air in the room - it should not be too dry.

Growing exotic plant at home is at least an interesting activity that can involve the whole family in the process of observing the development and maturation of the tree.

I have already had 3 years of experience in growing persimmons from seeds and this is already a decent-sized tree on the balcony. The experience can be considered successful, except for some confusion about where to put the seedling? However, it is interesting, so I will share observations and practical tips.

Before you start growing, it makes sense to think about what you will do with the grown heat-loving tree. In average and northern climates, persimmons are unlikely to bear fruit or even bloom. It is simply a broad-leaved tree that needs care, is capricious, moisture-loving and sun-loving.

In winter, the tree sheds its leaves and will not be able to please you with anything. If the wintering temperature is not observed, the persimmon will simply die and will not wake up in the spring.

It is not difficult to germinate persimmon seeds. It is enough to place the persimmon seeds in a warm, humid environment and after 2-3 weeks you will see a strong white sprout.

Do not hesitate to plant, place the germinated seeds in peat pot with fertile soil, one in each and provide necessary and abundant moisture. You can place pots of sprouts in a low container of water. It is better if there are no drafts nearby.

As a fertilizer, persimmon sprouts love sleeping black tea, but be careful not to breed fruit flies, which also love tea and will happily eat the tender roots of plants.

Do not place 2-3 seeds in one pot “to be on the safe side” - the germination rate of fresh seeds is almost 100%, and it is difficult to plant extra shoots due to the great tenderness of young plants.

If you grow 2-3 grains at once, a leader will be determined among them, which will not allow other sprouts to grow normally, but they will significantly slow down its growth and desperately fight for life when broken off or cut off.

It is better to take persimmon seeds for planting from overripe sweet fruits, already translucent from ripeness. Large oblong seeds are the seeds.

An important point - do not leave the seeds to dry out; place them for germination right away, immediately after you have eaten the persimmon. Persimmon is an autumn product, so get ready for the fact that you will almost immediately have to prepare the plant for wintering - the most difficult period in the plant’s life.

Persimmon shoots are similar to bean shoots - a strong, thick sprout, which is crowned with a seed that has broken into halves. There is an important trick with this bone - no matter how sloppy the bone looks, do not even think about touching it, tearing it off, or helping it free from the tough skin if it seems to you that it is stuck or stuck.

Surprisingly, such help and any interference seriously weakens the plant. Wait for the first two leaves to appear and unfold. After this, the sprout can already be considered a seedling. Place the seedling in flower pot small size.

Transplanting a plant into a pot that is too large is undesirable - the plant will begin to actively develop the root system and may die.

A 1 liter pot is enough for the first year of persimmon life. You can leave the persimmons in small pot and for 3 years, but then you will have to worry about fertilizing and maintaining moisture between waterings.

Persimmons can stand on the windowsill for the first year or even two or three if the tops are properly plucked and the crown is formed. But let's not forget that persimmon is a tree that will feel a little cramped in the house. The decorative qualities of persimmon are not too high.

Wide leaves do not have the waxy gloss and grace of ficus. In the winter, persimmons necessarily shed all their leaves and need special temperature conditions. Temperatures around 0 or +5 degrees Celsius are desirable.

It is difficult to provide such a regime in an apartment in most cases. It is better to plant a mature three-year-old seedling in open soil.

Wintering persimmons grown from seeds

If there is no problem as to whether it is possible to grow persimmons from seeds, to germinate it is enough to spit the seeds into a cup of water and forget for a week, and then attach the resulting sprouts. The problem of how to survive the winter is quite relevant.

More than half of persimmon sprouts die in the first years during wintering. The sprout does not like rearrangements, therefore, until the last leaves fall, do not touch the seedling, do not turn it towards the light, or move it to a place more convenient for you.

Gradually reduce the intensity of watering. The leaves will turn yellow and fall off. Do not tear off yellowed leaves and remaining grains. Wait until they fall off on their own.

Cover the soil at the root of the plant with fallen leaves. Move the pot with the plant to a cool place. The desired temperature is from 0 to +5 degrees.

At this temperature, the persimmon sleeps peacefully. When the temperature rises, the plant may wake up at the wrong time and die from lack of sun. In the spring, when the plant's buds swell, you can move the persimmon to the windowsill, choosing a sunny, well-lit place.

In early spring, persimmons begin to grow, absorbing fertilizers and water in incredible quantities. Your task in this case is to look after the size of the future tree. Pinch out the top bud about 20 cm from the maximum height that you determine for the plant.

The optimal height is considered to be 1.5 meters. If you allow the plant to grow tall, it will pose problems. Immediately pinch the top bud at a height of about 1 meter to avoid pulling the persimmon. After the side shoots appear, pinch them too.

Wait for new shoots to emerge from dormant buds on the trunk and allow them to grow to maximum length. This will happen approximately in the 3-4th year of the plant’s life.

Only with the help of constant growth control will you be able to keep the persimmon within a decent framework, not allowing it to grow. Keep track of young shoots. Without your control, persimmons can throw out long young shoots up to 1 meter overnight. Stop such attempts; it would be better if the foliage is dense and the shoots are frequent and not too long.

How to plant persimmons in a large pot

It’s time to transplant persimmons that have passed the 3-year mark into a large pot. Buy a large clay pot with a deep tray; you've lived with persimmons long enough to know how much they love water.

Fill one quarter of the pot with expanded clay or put any other medium drainage. Remove the persimmon from the old pot along with a lump of earth and slightly straighten the curled roots. Most likely, the entire earthen ball will be solid roots, so be careful not to damage them.

Place the straightened roots in a new pot and sprinkle with fresh purchased slightly acidic soil. You can use soil for garden plants, for a vegetable garden, soil for roses and begonias is also suitable. The soil should be loose and light.

If you do not want to purchase ready-made soil, you can make it yourself by mixing fertile soil with a light filler, for example, polystyrene foam balls.

But when using self-collected soil, there is an increased risk of bringing pest larvae and weed seeds into the house, something that will have to be fought for a long time. On top of the soil, after abundant watering, place a layer of fallen leaves.

The leaves of the persimmon itself are ideal for shelter, since they are large, wide and quite dense. After transplanting, if temperatures are high, you will have to water the persimmon 2 times a day. Then gradually work up to daily watering. In cloudy weather, it is enough to water the plant 2 times a week.

Keep an eye on the leaves; if they begin to wither, droop, turn yellow, or curl into tubes, most likely the plant does not have enough moisture.

Well, congratulations, you have grown a tender persimmon in own home. It’s hard to say what you will do with it now. In the climate middle zone persimmons most likely will not survive in open ground.

How to grow persimmons from seeds and in open ground

Who doesn’t love this oriental sweet fruit? Many people ask the question: is it really possible to grow this heat-loving tree here? How real! I found some tips on growing from seed indoors and growing in open ground in our harsh climate. So.. What kind of fruit is this?Persimmon, or Diospyros (lat. Diospyros) is a genus of subtropical deciduous trees of the Ebony family. In many species, the fruits are edible - they are large orange fleshy berries with 2-10 seeds.

Other names: wild date, date plum.The Latin name of the genus, Diospyros, can be translated as “food of the gods.”

Homeland - China. Widely distributed in Japan and famous for its magnificent fruits. The common cultivated varieties are common or Caucasian persimmon (D. lotus), eastern persimmon (D. Kaki), and more winter-hardy virgin persimmon (D. Virginia); Breeders have obtained many varieties. Persimmon is propagated by seeds and grafting on seedlings of Caucasian and Virginia persimmon.

More than 200 species. One of popular varieties is "King".

Persimmon trees are long-lived: plants aged 400-500 years have been found in China. fruit tree persimmon reaches a height of 8-12 meters and is completely strewn with large (diameter up to 8 cm) fleshy fruits various shapes; its yield is about 250 kg. Persimmon, shaped like a small tree, has decorative look due to the variegated color of the leaves before falling and the fruits hanging on the tree for a long time after the leaves fall.

The leaves are dark green, turning red before falling, 8-12 cm long, 4-6 cm wide.

Depending on the variety, the flowers are dioecious, monoecious and rarely bisexual. Female flowers large, single; males are small, sitting in groups of 3-5 on short thin shoots.

Varieties are divided into three groups: with female flowers (Hiakume, Hachia, Gosho-gaki), with male and female flowers (Geili, Zenji-maru), with female flowers that form a small number of male flowers in some years (Fuyu). These varieties can be divided into three more groups: tart, astringent (Hachiya, Seedles, Tamapan, Tanenami), sweet, non-astringent (Fuyu, Chinebuli, 20th century), changing taste depending on the pollinator (Hiakume, Gosho-gaki, Zenji-maru , Gailey, Tsurunako).


The fruit is a large fleshy berry 6-8 cm long and 4-5 cm wide, the skin is orange or red with a waxy coating. The color of the pulp depends on pollination - when pollinated it is dark in color. The weight of the fetus ranges from 200 to 300 g.

Persimmon is called the “plum of the gods” for its amazing sunny golden-orange fruits with sweet - delicate jelly-like or dense (in some varieties with a brown tint) - pulp and a delicate aroma reminiscent of apricot. Juicy persimmon fruits are not only beautiful and tasty, but very healthy and considered healing: they contain sugar, vitamin C, iron and other valuable vitamins and microelements.

The ripening period occurs in some varieties at the beginning, in others - at the end of October. More often than not, ripening coincides with the first frost, after which the fruit only becomes tastier.

So, how to grow persimmons from seeds yourself.

The seeds from freshly eaten fruit are washed, dried and placed in a pot of soil to a depth of 1-2 centimeters (there is experience in germinating persimmon seeds in cotton wool), covered with cellophane film and sent to a warm place. Since persimmons are most often eaten in the autumn-winter period, you can place the pot with the seed on the radiator.

Persimmon germinates easily, but it has a very strong seed; sometimes after germination the sprout has to be helped and the shell carefully cut off to expose the leaves. Such persimmons can begin to bear fruit in the 6th year, and if you live in the southern regions, then you can safely plant them in your garden plot.

Persimmon seeds have sprouted

Seeds germinate in 1-2 weeks. It's practically useless to hold any more. The pot, covered with cellophane, must be periodically ventilated, adding water as the soil dries 1.5 centimeters. After the sprout appears, the cellophane can be removed.

Persimmon sprout

The persimmon sprout is quite long - 10-15 centimeters. There may be a seed left at the end of the sprout. Its valves are very tightly closed, and if the seed does not fall off within a couple of days, the sprout may die. Therefore, you can carefully help the sprout get rid of the seed. You can do this with a sharp knife, a needle or scissors; if the seed is very tight, you need to steam it (spray it, place it in a plastic bag and put it in a warm place overnight), after which the seed will come off much easier.

Persimmon sprouts

The sprouts grow very quickly, so they often need to be transferred to large pots. Insufficient space for the rapidly developing root system can lead to the death of the plant.

With a lack of substrate, the leaves stop growing and turn yellow.


In the summer, care consists of keeping the tree, if possible, in a well-lit place, in the yard or on the balcony. To avoid leaf burn, the plant is gradually accustomed to new conditions and shaded a little in the first week. During the growing season, fertilizing is carried out 2 times a month. In the fall, in October - November, they are transferred to a room with a temperature of +3-5 degrees Celsius or a cellar. The top of the soil is covered with a layer of wet sawdust and systematically sprayed so that the soil does not dry out. In February-March, transshipment is carried out, if necessary, watered abundantly and placed in a bright place.

Young seedlings form into small trees. At the level of 0.3-0.5 m, pinching is done for branching. 2-3 apical shoots are left, and when they reach 20-40 cm, they are pinched to form branches of the 2nd order, 2-3 branches are also left, etc. A rounded tree 1.5 m high is formed. The plant is early-bearing, the first flowers appear in 3-4 years.

Young persimmon tree

In room conditions or in winter garden a persimmon tree usually grows up to 1.5 meters (you can limit its growth by pruning, and the splendor of the crown by regular shaping). In summer, the persimmon tree is placed in a bright and wind-protected place outside, regularly watered and sprayed; flowering occurs in June. During the active growing season, persimmons are fed twice a month with mineral fertilizers with a low nitrogen content. In winter, persimmons are kept cool (at a temperature of about 5 degrees, not higher than 10 degrees); the soil must be periodically moistened with soft water at room temperature, and the plant must be sprayed. Excessive watering is very harmful and leads to the death of the persimmon tree.

Lower temperatures do not harm the fruits on the tree; on the contrary, their tannin content decreases and they are more likely to acquire an edible taste.

Persimmon flower

When does a persimmon planted with a seed begin to bear fruit?

Grafted trees begin to bear fruit at the age of 3-4 years after grafting, seed trees at 5-7 years, and in dry room air 1-2 years later.

What to feed persimmons with?

Feed the same as all other plants: it is better in the form of a compost extract.

Growing in open ground


Based on the quality of the fruit, persimmon varieties can be divided into three groups. Various varieties, the fruits of which, in the presence of seeds, are sweet even in hard form. This group includes the varieties Hiakume and Zelenji-Maru. Impatient varieties. Regardless of the presence of seeds in the fruits, they become sweet and edible in solid form only after acquiring the color characteristic of the variety. The variety Delicious (Excellent Giro) belongs to this group. Constant varieties are always tart in their solid form and are suitable for consumption when their contents acquire a jelly-like consistency. This group includes the varieties Khachia and Kostata (Ribbed). One variety is included in the State Register of Plant Varieties of Ukraine - Sputnik. There are also varieties Nikitsky burgundy, Mider, Rossiyanka (self-fertile hybrid).

Elements of agricultural technology

Persimmons should be planted in areas of the site that are protected from prevailing winds, well-drained and warmed by the sun, without stagnant water. The distance between trees is 5-7 m. The dimensions of the planting holes are the same as when planting other fruit trees. crown formation They begin to form the crown when the plants reach a height of 1 m. Make sure that the height of the trunk is at least 50-60 cm. To lay the main skeletal branches, unfolded buds are left at a distance of 30-40 cm from the top, the rest are removed. On next year Of the developed shoots, 4-5 of the strongest ones are retained and evenly spaced around the trunk. The rest are deleted. Then, on each first-order crown branch, 2 second-order branches are left. On the branches of the second order, in turn, there are 2 branches of the third order. care


includes the application of 10-30 kg of humus per 10 sq.m. (the older the tree, the more fertilizer to be applied). If only minerals are added, you need to give 20-50 g of nitrogen, 60-90 g of phosphorus and 30-50 g of potassium per tree.

It is better to apply fertilizers in the spring. To give the plants fresh organic matter, you can sow green manure in August-September, which is dug up in the spring of next year. Green manure improves physical properties soil, enrich it nutrients, protect from washout (water erosion). Since persimmons are grown mainly in dry places, the trees must be watered regularly, at least once every 7-10 days. Harvesting Harvesting maturity occurs when the fruits acquire the color characteristic of the variety. It is necessary to collect fruits with great care, avoiding the formation of dents and scratches on them. It is strictly forbidden to knock down or shake off the fruits from the tree. The difficulty of picking accurately is that the persimmon stalk is short and very strong. It is necessary to pick the fruit with two hands, one supporting it, and the other unscrewing the stalk

Store in boxes or baskets. With the onset of frost, the fruits are frozen. As needed, the fruits are immersed in cold water, where they thaw without losing their taste and nutritional components. Hard, but already colored fruits can be ripened by immersing them in warm (30-35o) water. At the same time, the tart-tasting fruits become sweeter. the most interesting thing Everyone is interested in finding out what kind of pulp is hidden in the still hard persimmon fruits. It's not hard to guess. You need to look at the fruit from above. If the black stripes on the top form several circles, then you can be sure that all the flesh of the still hard fruit is sweet and brown (chocolate) in color. But the stripes can only cover a part - half or a quarter of the fruit. And then, where there are circles, the flesh is dark and sweet, and where there are no circles, it is light and tart. It turns out that these indicator circles are associated with pollination. Persimmon has a four-locular ovary. If the bees have worked, they have faithfully pollinated the flowers. In this way, each ovary can be pollinated separately. Of course, few people think about the biological secrets of pollination. Male trees do not bear fruit and are often cut down, resulting in poor-quality fruit. It is unknown who the black circle marks are intended for. But people widely use these signs, preferring to buy the kings, that is, fruits with a solid ring at the top.

Of course, persimmon is an exotic plant for our gardeners. But, as in any business, there are enthusiasts for its cultivation. For this reason, for beginning gardeners we recommend the “Rossiyanka” variety, hybrid variety which tolerates 35 degrees of frost. A ripe fruit weighs 150 -170g. The seedling will give its first harvest in two years. Trees under five years old bear 15-20 kilograms. Seniors - up to thirty. This tree does not need to be treated with any chemicals. “Russian” is a hybrid, so it bears fruit regardless of gender. Even in the Transcarpathian region, persimmon grows even better than in Rome. Because the air there is dry, and she loves moisture.