Interior of a living room in an apartment with a wall. Hall design: the best interior ideas for an apartment

The hall is a room that is considered central in most modern homes. This opinion is based on its versatility. Often this is not only a room for watching television programs, but also a space for warm communication, a room for work, rest and eating. How to decorate the interior of the hall so that it meets not only current design requirements, but also the individual preferences of the home owners?

Where to start decorating the interior of the hall? Space zoning

A small room containing one functional area, for example, recreation, does not need zoning. But if it is used as a multifunctional room, then zoning is necessary.

Therefore, the design of a living room in an apartment begins with determining which zones are needed. For the convenience of all inhabitants of your home, consider the needs of everyone. After all, the hall common room, where both children and adults spend a lot of time.

What zones can the interior of a living room in an apartment include?

  • Comfort or relaxation zone. Typically, the furnishings of this part of the room include such furnishings as a sofa or soft corner, armchairs or chairs, Coffee table ik. Audio or video equipment is placed next to the sofa. The “heart” of the comfort zone can be a fireplace.
  • Work zone. So that the room can serve as your office, its interior is complemented by a comfortable table and chair. Make sure that the work area is fully illuminated.
  • Dining area. A miniature apartment, for example, a Khrushchev apartment, does not provide the opportunity to place a dining area in the kitchen. In this case, the hall takes on the functions of a dining area. It is not necessary to install a massive set here that can accommodate a dozen people. Pay attention to the folding coffee table, which can serve as a dining table if necessary.
  • Sleep area. A hall with a full-fledged sleeping area will be needed not only if there is a lack of bedrooms for the owners of the home. This interior design of the hall is relevant even if guests sometimes stay overnight in the house. The bed will replace the corner one or folding sofa, a transformable bed that folds into a closet.

How is zoning carried out in practice? The interior is divided into functional parts using such elements as shelving, low partitions, screens, lamps hanging from the ceiling, large aquariums... The interior of a large room is also zoned thanks to a combination of different finishing materials, changing the level of the floor and ceilings.

Interior for the hall in different types of housing: non-standard, but common cases

How to decorate the interior of an apartment or house if the room has a non-standard appearance? Let's look at common cases.

  • Modern interior of a hall in a one-room dwelling or in a “Khrushchev” with one room

“Khrushchevka” is a dwelling with a small area. In a Khrushchev-era building, the room occupies an area of ​​only 18 square meters. m. This footage needs to accommodate both a bedroom and a living room. To increase the space, the room is combined with a balcony or kitchen. Also, “Khrushchev” is a potential studio-type apartment. Then all the walls are dismantled, with the exception of the bathroom. As a result, the Khrushchev block becomes a single space, the interior of which needs to be zoned, including the design of the living room area.

Use multifunctional furniture. Indeed, in the “Khrushchev”, which has become a studio, the living room will also perform additional functions. For example, to be a sleep area. It is better to decorate a small room in some modern style. For example, a laconic interior of the hall is suitable - Scandinavian or ecological style, hi-tech, minimalism.

  • Interior of a hall in a private house

If you have to create the interior of a living room in a house with your own hands, then the opposite problem arises. The design of the hall in the house is a need to fill large space. As a result, with an unskilled approach, the room either remains empty or becomes a collection of impractical things. Therefore, when creating the design of a large hall in a house, you need to take into account the correct ratio of the space occupied by furniture and free space - 50:50.

Interior of the hall in the house and external design buildings should be in harmony. For example, in wooden or brick house You should not decorate the room with plastic panels. When creating the design of a room in your home with your own hands, do not be afraid to experiment. A large room allows you to use furniture of non-standard shapes, arrange multi-level ceilings and use contrasting combinations in decoration. Thanks to such a wide range of possibilities, it is really possible to arrange inexpensive interior hall in a private house.

If you have an unlimited budget, try decorating the hall in a historical style - classical, antique, empire or modern. After all, these styles involve the use of natural finishes, furniture and textiles above the average price category.

  • Design of the hall - passage room

A room that connects other rooms and is a hall requires a special approach. A significant part of the space cannot be used. This is the space between two doors located next to each other, or the space along the shortest path of movement from one door to another if they are opposite each other.

It will not be possible to make the arrangement of objects in the interior symmetrical, which is typical of historical styles. Therefore, it is better to decorate the hall in some democratic modern style. It is recommended to place the furniture as close as possible to the walls, leaving the center of the passage room free. If one corner of the room is not large enough to accommodate furniture, then decorate it decorative composition. For example, hang a picture on a small bedside table with a floor lamp or vase.

What kind of interior should be created in the hall? Choosing a style

It is desirable that the hall and the entire apartment have the same interior style. This way the living space will be perceived as holistic and harmonious. What interior styles are popular for decorating a hall?

  • Interior in classic style

The classic style is suitable if the room has sufficient area. A classic interior involves minimal use of decor, the role of which is played by luxurious textiles and natural Decoration Materials. Within classic style the walls are decorated with moldings, and the interior includes elements such as arches, columns, and statues. Such an interior assumes that the furniture can be leather or contain textile inserts - with floral or geometric patterns, stripes.

The classic hall will be appreciated by lovers of proven solutions who are not inclined to experiment. The classic style for the hall is a design that requires serious material investments. The classic interior of the hall looks strict but festive. A classic hall is not the most suitable place for friendly parties, but this design will be an excellent backdrop for quiet family evenings and shared meals.

  • Modern hall design (contemporary)

Modern style (contemporary) – suitable option, if the hall is used as a multifunctional room. Such an interior is both simple and elegant, and its main advantage is considered to be openness to any innovation.

The modern hall can be easily adapted to the needs of all family members. The interior may include non-trivial combinations - for example, luxury furniture against the backdrop of a plasterboard niche with precise lighting. Often, the modern design of a hall is based on a single concept - for example, “retro cafe” or “old town”.

When creating an interior, it is important not to chase originality, an abundance of decor and remember the boundaries of good taste! This style is considered democratic because they use available materials– laminate, tiles, paint. Beautiful interior hall, if you choose this style, you can create it at minimal cost. Modern style, due to the absence of strict restrictions and high functionality of all interior elements, is considered universal.

  • Hall in high-tech style

A room designed in a high-tech style will be the optimal choice for lovers of high-tech solutions. This solution is also suitable if the apartment is filled with audio and video equipment. All new technology fits harmoniously into the high-tech interior, replete with glass and metal.

High-tech style does not imply the use of decor. The hall is decorated with complex lighting systems that generate non-trivial combinations of light and shadow. The furniture used within the high-tech style is laconic, in subdued colors.

This style will be a reasonable solution even if the room has a small area. The room looks more spacious due to the fact that the design involves an abundance of reflective surfaces. An interior in this style is most suitable for dynamic people who want their room to be practical and fashionable at the same time.

  • Hall interior in loft style

Loft interior is a suitable solution for residential areas more than average. Otherwise, the room may evoke strong associations with basement and look ridiculous. Brick or cement walls, untreated ceiling with visible communications, wooden floor– characteristic attributes of a loft-style hall. It is impossible to imagine it without a leather sofa and various technical innovations.

A room whose interior design looks brutal and elegant is suitable for lovers of extravagance. In a room decorated in a loft style, antique items would also be appropriate. The room creates an original contrast between the rough textures of the walls, ceiling, floor and exquisite antique objects.

If a loft interior design for a living room in an apartment is not possible, then try furnishing the interior with its individual elements. For example, a brick wall painted in light color, would be appropriate in a modern or Scandinavian style.

DIY living room interior in an apartment: choosing the predominant color

What kind of interior should be created in the hall in terms of choosing the predominant color?

To make an apartment or private house cozy for guests, you need to choose the right color scheme for the hall.

  • Interior of the hall in light colors will visually enlarge a small room. A cold tone is suitable if the room is on the shaded side, and a warm tone is on the sunny side. The space is more effectively enhanced by a cool, light tone.

White interior is a design technique that has already become classic. But light white hall may look uncomfortable. Therefore, it is better to choose a soft shade of this color - ivory, jasmine, vanilla, milky white, cream. This way the interior is conducive to communication, which is important for the living room. To revive regular design the hall is in light colors, use bright color accents. For example, contrasting pillows on the sofa or a catchy picture on the wall.

  • Brown interior of the hall. A combination of shades of beige and green will help make the room as comfortable as possible. To prevent a design in beige or chocolate colors from looking boring, use different textures - from silk to fur, and different shades - olive, chocolate, copper, ocher, golden.

Pink, blue, raspberry, and yellow look harmonious with this color. But consider the shade when choosing color combinations. Black and chocolate can be a luxurious combination for the hall, but only with the right choice of accents. For example, gold accessories are suitable.

  • Black and white design. Such a contrasting interior will look soft if there is much more of one color in this combination than the other. For example, the ratio could be 70:30 or 80:20. You can also soften the design of the hall if you choose not a snow-white color, but its soft tone.

Black and white design will be appropriate in any interior style - from classic to avant-garde. The contrasting interior of the hall can become the basis for the embodiment of bold designer fantasies. You just need to choose the right decor and accessories.

  • Design in green color. The natural tone of green that predominates in the interior of the hall - and a private house or apartment will find its own oasis. This design will help make the interior calming and relaxing.

Dark shades of green will turn the hall into a respectable space, and pastel shades will turn it into a dynamic and fresh one. Just a few green accents will amazingly enliven any interior. A completely green room looks out of date, so use combinations of this color with brown, yellow, red, and white.

  • Purple or lilac interior. This design, despite its apparent strangeness, promotes complete relaxation. And Provence or shabby chic styles cannot be imagined without these colors. To create a comfortable environment, the room should combine purple or lilac with white, gray, cream, turquoise or green. Pastel, dusty shades of lilac or dark purple look better. We recommend avoiding bright shades, as creating harmonious combinations with other colors is problematic.

Decoration in other colors is rare. Eg, psychological impact, rendered red, conflicts with the functional purpose of the hall.

Ceiling finishing

We recommend choosing a suspended ceiling if the room is being renovated with your own hands. Installing PVC sheeting will cost less than leveling the ceiling and painting it. As a result, the interior will look neater. For low ceilings, choose a canvas with a soft shine. This texture contributes to a visual increase in space, which compensates for the reduction in the height of 5-10 cm of ceilings after installing the PVC sheet.

Multi-level ceiling structures are appropriate if the hall does not suffer from a lack of space. Also, a small room will look more spacious if its design includes ceilings that are one or two shades lighter than the walls. A rectangular or square edging of a contrasting color along the perimeter of the ceiling will also help to increase the height.

If you have a private house with a large hall, then the design of the ceiling space can be bolder. For example, among fashion trends, which are captured in photographs in fashion magazines - a dark ceiling.

A universal solution that will suit any interior is stretch ceilings with white matte fabric. But remember that, according to most experts, the design of the ceiling space in a residential area is not a suitable field for experimentation.

Floor finishing

Study photos of the works of reputable designers, and it will become clear to you that a beautiful living room interior does not imply the use of carpet. Although you can find samples with beautiful designs on sale, they are performance characteristics remain consistently low. Carpet is difficult to clean, accumulates static electricity and can aggravate allergies. Therefore, if the interior of the hall is unthinkable for you without “soft” floors, pay attention to fashionable carpet models. For example, with abstract designs or imitating green grass. If this does not save you from associations with Soviet housing, then pay attention to artificial or natural skins.

A universal option is laminate. Do not skimp on this finishing material, and in terms of aesthetics it will be able to compete with parquet. But, if the room is designed in a historical style, then the floor design is carried out only natural wood. A compromise option for cases where the living room is a secondary item of renovation costs is cork flooring. This finish will cost less than natural wood.

If you want a renovation that will last forever, choose ceramic floor tiles. Don't worry, the hall won't resemble a bathroom. The range of ceramic tiles has long been not limited to blue-green rectangles with a shiny surface. Tiles that resemble wood, stone, or with geometric or abstract patterns look decent.

Wall decoration

A living room, where the wall surface is the only uniform texture, be it wallpaper or paint, looks boring. But you shouldn’t cross the boundaries of what is reasonable. The smaller the room, the simpler the wall design should be.

Wallpaper is the best option for walls in the living room. After all, they soften the interior, making it homely and comfortable.

A favorite technique of designers is to combine wallpaper with local painting. For example, wallpaper can be pasted on one wall, which becomes an accent wall, and all the rest are painted. Also, sections of wallpaper are enclosed in moldings, and the result is something like paintings against the background of plain walls. So the wallpaper will become not only a decoration, but also a wall decor. The combination of wallpaper with different patterns, for example, plain and striped, is another good combination.

Wallpaper is selected taking into account the size of the room and the lighting of the room. Canvases with large ornaments will fit into the spacious interior. A miniature room requires wallpaper to be plain or with a small print.

Wallpaper will help correct the imbalances in the room. If the room has low ceilings, then choose wallpaper with a vertical pattern. Canvases with a print stretched horizontally will help increase the length of a narrow wall. This is true in cases where the hall is shaped like a carriage.

An interesting solution is wallpaper that imitates natural textures: wood, brick, stone... But you shouldn’t skimp on them, otherwise general form will be spoiled. A high-quality canvas is comparable to a photo in terms of realism.

The walls are also finished using wooden or MDF panels, textured plaster, decorative tiles, glass mosaics... A reception room can only gain a beautiful appearance through non-standard finishing walls Don't forget that this is the best place to place a lot of family photos and paintings.

Window space design

A hall without at least one window is rare. Therefore, competent filling of window space is an important part of creating an interior. And the interior of the hall with two windows requires increased attention to their arrangement. Otherwise even Beautiful design will look unfinished.

To feel protected in the room, we recommend making sure you can close the window. Curtains or blinds – you choose based on the style of the room. A multi-layer curtain with tassels and folds is appropriate in historical interior styles - classic, baroque, rococo, etc. A French curtain (with drapery over the entire area of ​​the canvas) or an Italian curtain (with a tie-back at the top) is also suitable. Other styles suggest that the curtain has a laconic shape.

Traditional textiles are not the only option that will fit into the interior of the hall. A room where the window is covered with an Austrian curtain with ruffles at the bottom or a cafe curtain located at the bottom of the window frame will look original.

If textiles are perceived as an outdated idea, then pay attention to cassette, Roman or bamboo blinds. A small room is a suitable place to place such window decoration. Its compactness saves valuable space.

Fireplace is the heart of the home

Many owners of their own square meters dream of having a fireplace in the living room. Such a desire is understandable, because beautiful fireplace is a symbol hearth and home and comfort.

If the room is designed in historical styles, then a massive fireplace is suitable, which becomes the dominant feature in the setting. All items and furniture are selected based on the type and location of the fireplace.

A modern fireplace without a portal becomes a spectacular detail of the decor. Decorative elements are placed on it - a lot of candles, family photos, vases, clocks...

Install in apartment building You won't get a real wood-burning fireplace. Don't despair: buy a beautiful electric or false fireplace. But if the area of ​​the room is less than 20 square meters, then you should not install a fireplace. It will either be covered by furniture, or you won’t be able to adequately arrange a relaxation area for being in front of it.

The decoration of the hall is considered one of the most important points in apartment design planning. This is because the hall is the very room that guests pay attention to first of all, because in the largest room you want to do something worthwhile and useful.

In 2018, the owners of their residential premises chose several optimal options, and today, using the example of a photo of a hall design, we will tell you what is popular in modern houses.

Features of the hall design in 2018

I wouldn’t say that 2018 is a breakthrough in interior design, since in the previous year one could already observe many changes in apartments that no one had previously guessed about. Today we are more likely to see the growth of this very trend, an improvement in style.

All modern interests of owners are already more focused on convenience and comfort, so users often search on the Internet for as much as possible convenient options registration

Among the main hall design trends of 2018, the following are noted:

  • vast territories;
  • bright hues;
  • modern shades;
  • nice compositions.

Vast territories are what you want to achieve first. Of course, there are different halls, and in huge houses there can be several halls, and all of them are quite voluminous. Designing a living room in a house is an art.

But the point is completely different; in apartments, owners often want to make the living room visually large, even though it actually isn’t. For this purpose, special light colors are used, which create the impression of spaciousness.

In general, light colors only slightly add comfort, but the hall is not only a place to relax, but also a room for receiving guests and organizing celebrations. Therefore, for many years in a row, white, yellow and other light colors have been most often seen in the halls, which make the room bright, active, and uplifting. But unlike 2017, the tendency to make halls as bright as possible is gradually fading away.

In addition, all shades should be modern, and not banal monochromatic or classic. Individuality is what is most relevant today in the design of rooms, because no one wants to visit those people whose premises are decorated in the same colors.

Since there are quite a few shades of the same color, a person wants to stand out and make his room not only sophisticated and modern, but also unique and individual.

Whole compositions, which are most often used to decorate halls, are also in great demand on the market. For example, collages, not from photographs, but simply beautiful, cheerful pictures, a composition of shelves, indoor plants that keep the air fresh in a natural way - and all these elements create one composition that immediately attracts the attention of any guest.

Construction materials and decoration

As for the choice of building materials, you need to sweat a little. Unfortunately, 2018 is not the most profitable year for starting renovations, as materials are gradually starting to rise in price, and by the end of the year, economists predict a peak in price growth.

Moreover, this observation is noticeable not only in Russia, but throughout the world. Imports of goods for construction are gradually decreasing in volume due to their not entirely favorable prices.

But if you still choose from what the market seller offers us, it is better to choose something that is the most environmentally friendly. This trend was first noticed a few years ago, and today it is gaining more and more popularity.

It is important to remember that the environmental friendliness of materials has a positive effect on the health of residents. In such a room it is easier to breathe and more comfortable - what guests need when they relax in your room.

In general, it is worth noting that although light colors are popular, you should not experiment too much with them. White color repels the sun's rays, as well as heat, so spacious rooms are often cool.

Those who have already made a room in white have already felt this winter that no matter how much you heat it, it will always be cold. When implementing hall design ideas, you must take this fact into account.

Stylish decoration of the hall

Despite the affordable budget and room capabilities, every owner of his premises in any case wants to make his room as stylish as possible. There are a lot of good styles known in the world that are still relevant and even popular today.

The only thing is that by mentioning all these trends in styles, each shows its own individuality and, unfortunately, none of the options presented below are completely carried out according to the original standards.

New hall design items include the following styles:

  • high tech;
  • Scandinavian;
  • minimalism;
  • Mexican.

High-tech style is the most modern design hall, which is gaining more and more popularity. This is because it is as economical as possible. The decoration uses both safe materials and not very light colors that do not repel the sun's rays.

In addition, it is full of various plastic furniture elements that visually create a three-dimensional effect, are easy to use and inexpensive.

The Scandinavian style is much less common, but it is full of sophistication; here the owner of his premises can emphasize his sophistication, uniqueness and a touch of personal taste. This style came to us from afar, and has been relevant for many centuries. Having a room decorated in Scandinavian style is always comfortable, interesting and impressive.

Honestly, we can see the halls in our friends’ apartments, there are so many design options that we can get very tired of all these ideas and end up choosing something simple for our hall. Not very voluminous.

For such people, minimalism is more suitable - a style that never bothers and is made to achieve maximum comfort from both large and small premises.

Mexican style is more suitable for those who like to frequently receive guests. It is very expensive and takes a long time to finish, but the result is always relevant and interesting to guests. There are a lot of different decorative elements, all sorts of foreign paraphernalia - like a museum, and not just a hall. That is why it is chosen by those who can afford it.

Photo of the hall design

Design of a hall and living room in a private house

The hall is the most important room in the whole house. Here, in the living room of a country house or cottage, guests are received, and the whole family often gathers. It is the hall that strangers see more often than other rooms. Therefore, the process of decorating this room is not only very interesting, but also no less responsible.

Zoning the hall in the cottage

Professional designers, as a rule, begin the design of the hall by zoning the room. The hall is usually divided into two parts: a dining area and a relaxation area. The recreation area necessarily includes a place where all family members and their guests can gather, as well as a place to watch TV.

Sometimes you can see additional zones in the design of the hall. This could be a music practice area and a fireplace area.

Most often used for zoning premises various partitions and screens. Such interior items can be either incomplete or solid, both mobile and stationary. The main advantage of screens and partitions is that they can be moved, thereby achieving the necessary redevelopment of the room.

Divide the hall into functional areas It is also possible by decorating individual areas of the room with different finishing materials. For example, a relaxation area near the fireplace can be highlighted by laying the floor with artificial decorative stone, while the rest of the room can be laid out parquet board or laminate. You can zone a living room in a private house using a multi-level floor or ceiling, as well as using various finishing materials to decorate the walls.

Lighting also helps to divide the space of the hall in the cottage into several functional areas. You can zone rooms with the help of light using lamps of different colors, shapes, direction of light flux and brightness. For example, the dining area can be highlighted with large ceiling chandeliers, and in the recreation area install small, cozy lamps with dim light. An excellent option for dividing a living room in a country house into zones can be LED lamps, which highlight part of the room, installing them at the junctions of the walls and ceiling.

Choosing a stylistic direction for decorating a living room in a country house

Today you can find a design project for decorating a hall, which differ in various design moves and ideas. Designers take such ideas from various stylistic trends and bring them to life using modern finishing materials and fashionable furniture elements. The most popular styles in decorating a living room in a private home are classic, eclectic, minimalism, modern and country.

Decoration of the hall in a minimalist style

The minimalist style in the design of the hall is suitable for spacious, bright rooms. The living room is filled with only the most necessary and functional interior items. The hall, decorated in a minimalist style, has virtually no decorative elements. This design of the relaxation area promotes maximum relaxation after a dynamic, busy day at work.

Living room decoration in Scandinavian style

The Scandinavian style in interior design in private homes is gaining increasing popularity. This style is characterized by conciseness and simplicity. Bright room with simple design and bright furniture elements will please family members. At the same time, most residents of our country are familiar with severe frosty winters, white snowy deserts, and a shortage of sunlight which can be seen in the interior Scandinavian style.

A distinctive feature of the Scandinavian style in the living room is the white decoration of the walls and ceiling. For finishing the floor, as a rule, parquet or natural wood is used. Large windows into the room usually without curtains or curtains. This is necessary so that during short daylight hours the room can be penetrated maximum amount sun rays.

Decoration of the hall in country style

Country style is the simplest and most practical for decorating a room in a country house. As a rule, country style is often used to decorate a room with a fireplace. Distinctive featurestone cladding fireplace area. You can complement the decor of the fireplace with a rough wooden shelf. In order for the interior of a living room in a private house to look harmonious and balanced, the ceiling decoration can be supplemented wooden beams from the same wood as the decorative elements of the fireplace area.

However, it is not at all necessary to limit yourself to the characteristic decoration of the fireplace area. Full or partial finishing of the hall with wood makes the room a part of nature. For finishing floors and ceilings in country style, light wood species are most often used. Characterized by the presence wooden floors and beams.

A good option for decorating a room in a country style would be a combination of lining on the floor and ceiling with carpeting that imitates a lawn.

Living room interior in a house in Art Nouveau style

The distinctive features of the interior of the hall in the Art Nouveau style are the natural palette of shades combined with a large number of reflective surfaces of furniture and decorative items.

A living room with an interior made in bed colors looks boring. A contrasting color wall, or section of it, in such an interior will add dynamics to the room. A similar color can be duplicated in small decorative elements of the room. In this case, the decoration of the hall will look harmonious.

Eclectic interior of a living room in a cottage

The eclectic style of the living room interior is best suited for a large and friendly family. Essentially, eclecticism is a mixture of different stylistic trends. Eclecticism in modern concept– this is the desire to use a minimum amount of furniture and decorative elements to create the most functional and comfortable interior. At the same time, in an eclectic interior, things of different styles can harmoniously coexist - from classic to modern. When creating such an interior, the main thing is not to overdo it with experiments and stick to the basic concept of the interior.

Classic living room interior in a private house

Modern classics are, first of all, symmetry. Most often, the design of the relaxation area in the hall consists of two identical sofas located opposite each other and two armchairs on both sides of the fireplace. A small coffee table and upholstered furniture in the living room of the house are always located at an equal distance in relation to the main element of the classic style - the fireplace.

White hall in a country house

The favorite color when choosing both furniture and decoration for the room is still white. At the same time, it doesn’t matter at all in what style the most family room in the house will be decorated, the white image of the living room for a long time will still remain in trend. If there are no pets or small children in the house, who can turn a white sofa into an incomprehensible piece of furniture, then the white room will become a real highlight of the entire private home.

However, the interior of a living room in a house with an abundance of white furniture and decoration requires bright accents. For this purpose, it is best to use carpeting, elements wall decor and textiles for window decoration. This method of decorating a monochrome interior is very practical, since all these decorative items can be easily replaced if you get tired of their color scheme. So, by changing only a few small details you can completely update appearance the entire room.

Furniture for a living room in a private house

The main element of the interior of any room is furniture - its shape, texture and color. Properly selected upholstered furniture helps to produce good impression about the room as a whole. Since in most cases finishing materials of neutral, natural shades are used to decorate a modern living room in private homes, bright upholstery upholstered furniture is bright accents interior

Often the only piece of furniture for decorating a relaxation area in the living room of a country cottage is a large corner sofa. Often, armchairs and ottomans are used as additional elements to such a sofa. small size. Another mandatory detail of the relaxation area in the cottage living room is a small coffee table.

Proper organization of the storage system in the hall country house no less important than the choice of upholstered furniture. As a rule, such a storage system consists of small cabinet modules that are located next to the home theater. Sometimes small chests of drawers with pull-out shelves are used as a storage system. If the living room in a private house also serves as a library, then here it is better to use open bookcases and shelves as a storage system.

28 photos of the living room and hall in a country private house

We have already dealt with zoning, lighting, choice of furniture and style of a living room or hall in a private house, now all that remains is to look at the photo. We hope that these inspirational ideas will allow you to create your own unique design for this perhaps the most important room in the house.

Today, most owners of ordinary apartments strive to decorate their living rooms in an original style. This can be done by choosing a specific design taking into account the specifics of the room. The renovation of a living room in an ordinary apartment can be done independently or with the help of a professional designer who will help you place the right accents and at the same time take into account the preferences of the living room owners.

Modern technologies make it possible today to transform an ordinary hall in a Khrushchev building into stylish and beautiful premises. Thanks to the designers' techniques, each interior can be made unique. Before starting renovations, it is important to decide on the style and methods of its implementation.

To make a small room visually spacious, you need to use special techniques. For example, the correct design of a window opening and the absence of massive curtains will make the living room visually larger. To prevent the window from remaining empty, it can be decorated with a curtain made of light fabric.

What you should pay attention to when decorating a Khrushchev building:

  • Wall decoration should be done in a single color. It is better to make their surface smooth.
  • It is better to use simple shapes for interior decoration.
  • Lighting is best done decentralized. This will make the room more comfortable.
  • You should choose the most necessary furniture. There shouldn’t be a lot of it, just like decorative items.

You can add your own flavor to the interior of each living room. This could be playing with color, using contrasting techniques. The emphasis can be placed on the decor. For example, use floral decor as the main one.

Modern interior of a living room in an ordinary apartment

When designing a modern interior, designers focus on using simple shades. It can be basic white, gray, black or a harmonious combination of them. When decorating a room with simple colors, it is important to follow the current advice of designers, then simple colors can become original and even bright.

Perfect and fashion design today it is a harmoniously designed space with correctly placed accents.

Despite the fact that calm colors predominate in fashion, designers advise using one bright color that will help highlight a particular area. Zoning a room is a great way to divide a room into functional zones. Fashionable shades of this season allow you to choose the right option for surface decoration.

Fashionable color trends:

  • Marsala;
  • Emerald;
  • Amber;
  • Wine;
  • Citric;
  • Gold;
  • Beige.

Each of the colors is designed to create a favorable, calm and at the same time relaxing atmosphere in the living room. Amber will help create a rich space that promotes relaxation. Wine color will make the interior deep and mysterious.

Modern designers use techniques of contrasting color combinations various surfaces. In 2017, designers can use furniture and color decoration of rooms as tools to realize their ideas. The right contrasts can transform an ordinary living room into a stylish and modern space.

Current solutions in interior design involve a game of contrasts: furniture should contrast with the overall color decoration of the room.

To decorate the walls, designers advise using simple colors, such as white. Moreover, in a contrasting color: marsala, emerald, burgundy. Decorative items can also contrast with furniture and decoration.

Techniques for creating a stylish interior:

  • Choose fashionable shades that will perfectly match with general style in the interior.
  • Decorate the window with curtains of a suitable color.
  • Decorate the room with beautiful and stylish items decor.
  • Use textiles in interesting shades and colors.
  • Choose the right lighting.

Upon registration simple room It is important to pay attention to its size and geometry. You should properly zone the room and place color accents. Best to use minimal amount interior items. They must be primarily practical and functional.

How to successfully decorate an ordinary living room: options for decoration

The design of surfaces should be given Special attention. Simple finishes are in fashion this season. Before decorating the interior, you should decide on trending trends that will help transform a simple living room into a stylish and fashionable interior.

It is important to remember that all types of finishes must be harmoniously combined with each other. Options for finishing the hall in different styles can be found in the material:

Ceilings will become democratic and economical white With smooth surface. These can be suspended or suspended ceilings. With their help, you can stylishly and harmoniously zone a room.

Surface finishing options:

  • Suspended ceilings;
  • Smooth walls;
  • Parquet.

Even if the design of the ceiling, floor and walls is made in different styles, they must have one common connecting element. Current finishes do not imply use multi-level structures. It should not be textured or pretentious.

Modern design of a living room in an ordinary apartment (video)

When decorating a standard living room, it is important to take into account the size of the room, the lighting in it and the number of family members living in the apartment. It is important to follow fashion trends that will help you decorate even the most ordinary apartment and turn it into a real designer masterpiece.

Design and renovation of a living room in an ordinary apartment (interior photo)

Its own atmosphere, spirit, family traditions Every home has an unconditional “heart” beating in the living room, therefore the interior of the hall, decorated beautifully, is the key to peace of mind. Meets in the hall in the evenings Friendly family in front of the TV, guests come, noisy parties are held, celebrations with a feast. Unfortunately, owners of modest apartments are faced with the question of choice. beautiful design, which will be useful not just as a picture for guests. A house designed for people to live comfortably is the main task for the designer. It’s easier to develop an apartment design for small apartments, the main priority is to use all the tricks and tricks. Turning the disadvantages of space into real advantages. Design ideas for the hall that can truly visually enlarge the space, finding small apartments. Be prepared for the fact that you will have to learn the subtle nuances of furniture trends, the basics of color, and prove yourself as a designer capable of fitting many aspects of the life of your apartment into one space.

A little about styles

Depending on the area of ​​the hall, it is possible to use any style, fortunately there are more than enough of them. There are few people who are capable of living inside a twenty-meter “museum,” so let’s weed out some pompous, pretentious movements, such as Baroque, Empire, and turn our attention to other amazing genres of art.

Modern apartments are distinguished by the fact that they can combine not one or two genres, but even three. The first one acts dominant, while others, in the form of decor, characteristic colors, shades, patterns and paintings, softly fit in, complementing the decor. An excellent symbiosis can be considered an example of mixing classical style with art deco and African country. Do you want to have stylish house, get ready for small experiments, the results are the reward of pleasantly amazed guests, the joy of all household members.

Before you start designing, you should understand the genres. There really are enough styles, everyone can choose a special one for themselves, from one glance at which the thought “Yes, this is it” immediately arises!

  • Classic. This can easily include classic, empire, baroque, modern, retro and gothic.
  • Modern: minimalism, fusion, constructivism, loft, art deco, pop art, high-tech, neoclassical, kitsch.
  • Ethnic: Japanese, African, country, Mediterranean, Provence, Chinese.

Classic interior design is harmony; there is splendor of decoration, bordering on restraint, and expensive finishing materials, furniture made of natural wood. Soft, calm tones, just a little shine and gilding. The same can be said about the Empire style, chic and pompous. Bright, catchy combinations of dark shades, cabinets with carved elements, chic textiles - all this is Empire style.


Baroque is positioned as a style of clear lines, symmetry, but not without the notorious rich furnishings. Furniture made of red natural wood, accents with deep-toned colors are of little interest to anyone now. More suitable for everyday life may be Art Nouveau, or Art Nouveau, as it was called in a number of European countries at the beginning of the 19th century.

This genre rejects clear lines and gravitates towards smooth plant elements. Architects and designers draw their ideas from nature, which is why modern interiors abound floral ornaments, patterns, smooth lines. With a hall area of ​​30 square meters, it can easily lay claim to Art Nouveau, using calm tones in the decoration and a minimum of contrasts. Retro, pleasant memories of the past, with incredible color combinations, decorative items, will be of interest to collectors and antique lovers.

Art Deco

The opposite of them is bright, open art deco, incredibly powerful in energy. Art Deco is preferably used in large rooms, since this direction loves contrast, combinations of dark and rich tones.

Favorite colors: from dark gray to black, shades of red. Loft, a feeling of flight, freedom, will ideally fit into a room with high ceilings, for those who love monochrome shades when decorating. Fusion, a merging of genres, unfortunately for many turns into kitsch (bad taste) requires caution, do not overdo it with style, only one style should be contrasting and stand out against the general background, others should gently complement it. All ethnic trends are very unique, beautiful in their own way, but it is still worth dividing them into calm ones, such as Japanese and Chinese. Pronounced: African, maritime, Provence and country.

High tech

The interior design of an apartment in the high-tech genre, in a clean style, may seem cold and austere, so it doesn’t hurt to add decorative elements from a retro style. A couple of antique items, a collection of figurines, and retro cars will find their place in a glass shelf. It will be interesting if you choose the materials wisely: multi-colored pastel-colored pillows on the sofa, a light-colored carpet on the floor with long pile, these are the design details.

Rectangular hall, most often found in standard houses, sometimes it becomes possible to decorate art deco; the abundance of mirror coverings allows you to visually increase the area of ​​the room. And even though an interior decorated in this style always has dark, contrasting materials, it is quite suitable for those for whom the living room is important only as a place to relax with the family and watch TV.

A budget option is much more pleasant to solve by mixing two directions, without the need to purchase all items in the same style. If the materials and decoration are not made of expensive materials, add really worthwhile items, for example one designer chair rich color, lamp or lampshade standing favorably on a carved small table.

Design in a modern style, this is a minimum of details, and more bright art objects; for example, the design of a rectangular room in a country style will make it homely and cozy, but smaller in volume for perception, when constructivism will make it spacious and free. The choice of country or other ethnic style will appeal to those for whom the living room is a family place.

But those who like to gather guests should stick to constructivism. The interior of a small room in an apartment is in light colors with clear straight lines, a minimum of furniture and bright, rather catchy accents: a red chair, a shelving unit orange color, model wardrobes in black and white combination, everything for stylish city dwellers. A hall, necessary as a place to meet guests, and for watching TV, and a bedroom cannot do without ergonomic furniture.

Simple and beautiful wall for a white TV, a spacious transformable sofa, soft pastel colors on the walls in green and sand shades, a white ceiling and light parquet, ideal for many.

Living room furniture

Any room design options imply the presence of cabinets, a sofa, shelves, mandatory and decorative. Even a simple setting modern people has a minimal set: a soft sofa, armchairs, a TV stand, racks, shelves, a coffee table.

But it is important not just to purchase these items, but to arrange them correctly. Determine why you are arranging the room? For quiet family gatherings in front of the TV in the evenings, or if you are planning to throw noisy parties and host your many friends. Or maybe the living room should serve as a bedroom at night for the owners or frequently visiting relatives?

All this is very important; only after determining the priority can you start arranging the furniture. It is better to immediately divide the room into zones: with upholstered furniture, storage space and television. It is worth adding a study, a compact cozy corner with a comfortable place, a computer desk, and a couple of shelves for books.
It is important to select cabinets, shelves, cabinets, consoles, and walls in the same style.

Upholstered furniture, sofa and armchairs

  • Options for sofas and armchairs great amount. From simple to rich from the Baroque series, so be guided by the size of the room.
  • For small living rooms it is better to put one sofa, but if the size allows, then armchairs and poufs.
  • A corner sofa will help increase seating space, usually taking up less space than armchairs.
  • There are exceptions for upholstered furniture; you can mix it with the design, for example, a simple loft sofa plus armchairs in bright colors, like EggChair or Pola.
  • The good thing about designer chairs is that you don’t have to use a pair, just one is enough, it will save space in the room. If your home is constantly visited by friends and neighbors, don’t despair, buy a couple of compact poufs. Mobile and convenient, they do not take up much space.
  • Transformable sofas are a godsend for small sizes.

Storage furniture

  • Storage space in the form of closed style shelving.
  • Shelving open type, with glass doors will not “overload” the living room, they will visually make it free and airy.
  • For medium-sized spaces, priority is given to light colors for furniture, a mirror, glass will help add air and expand the boundaries.
  • Open shelves and shelving are useful in a room with a work area.
  • Modular wardrobes will come in handy to quickly change the look of your apartment. The combination of different shades and sizes is a winning option.

TV zone

  • You can abandon the TV stands and mount the plasma panel on the wall.
  • If you choose a TV stand, then pay attention to models with built-in drawers, which will be useful for storing various things.
  • The walls for the living room already contain the most advantageous place to place the TV. This option is convenient and ergonomic.
  • The design of a hall in a private house may include a fireplace. Be sure to separate these zones, do not build a fireplace under the panel, set aside a separate corner for it in another part of the room.

Modern design in Khrushchev

Small-sized apartments, Khrushchev buildings, began to be built en masse in the vast expanses of our Motherland since the late 50s, serving as homes for thousands of Russians. As a rule, modest sizes do not allow you to fully decorate a classic interior, or pure baroque or empire style. The best option mix - modern, stylish. Pay attention to minimalism, such spaces without unnecessary “crowding” of the room, everything is in its place, no riot of colors or numerous accent spots.

Moreover, minimalism is the only way out, if the room is 3 by 5, the design of this style will help delimit the space, add lightness and airiness. It is enough to add a few smooth lines and the space will take on a modern look. When considering re-arrangement, take into account all the factors of the life of the hall, purpose, natural lighting.

Light colors go well with a marine theme, adding coolness, airiness, lightness, and memories of summer. The curtains of an ordinary apartment can be different: from Roman to thick curtains, but for a Mediterranean one, opt for light transparent tulle. Don’t forget that the main colors of this genre are sky blue and sea; use these shades to decorate walls and textiles. Parquet in light shades will highlight Mediterranean atmosphere, and will support the glossy direction suspended ceiling.

Design of a hall with a bedroom of 30 sq. m.

The design of a living room-bedroom of 30 square meters can be solved radically by dividing the living room into two zones, with a full bed behind a niche, decorative panels. Japanese minimalism can give great option, a bed on a podium, without unnecessary decor, hidden behind a decorative niche. Sandy tones and contrasting brown (umber) will make the room surprisingly warm.

Rooms facing the shady side of the house should not be shaded with dense partitions; carved panels are better visible. A transformable corner sofa with an extra bed is a great solution. At the same time, the walls are decorated in a matte beige tone, with modular shelving and shelves as accents. As a rule, all living rooms have one window, or a window with access to a balcony or loggia. If it is technically possible at home, two spaces can be combined and arranged work area: computer desk with a chair and a pair of hanging shelves.

TV area, preferably opposite a blank wall, with a loft sofa. Will fit quite comfortably Big cupboard compartment, for storing things, linen. Don't forget about live plants, one or two pots on the floor on either side of the TV stand optimal solution. Give preference to those types of plants that grow vertically and will not interfere with free movement around the room. Decor for the hall, in best case scenario Place paintings or panels on a free wall near the sofa.

Square hall design

A room with a square layout can be built on strict symmetry, a sofa, two armchairs on both sides, a simple TV stand, but a wardrobe for clothes and other things can be replaced with modular cabinets. Many people lack storage space, fill one small wall with cabinets.

Custom-made furniture will allow you to adjust the depth of the cabinets without “stealing” excess space in the room. Light, glossy facades will decorate the room, making it practical and beautiful. Such a storage system will literally “merge” with the walls; it won’t hurt to build a certain style. The hall, the interior design, which it was decided to introduce pop art, just add bright paintings in the style of Andy Warhal, contrast based on black color.

The design of a living room in an ordinary apartment with classic notes and cabinets on the wall is an interesting solution; replace the façade from a simple glossy one with MDF, natural wood with carved inserts. On the walls light wallpaper with subtle and floral patterns.

Small hall

Ideas for decorating a modestly sized living room usually focus on how to accommodate all the items and visually enlarge the living space. Rooms without strong contrasting accents look advantageous; give preference to shades that are close to each other.

The decor can be placed on the walls, in the form of frames with family photographs, a family tree painted on the wall. Modern furnishings generally “love” wall painting, be it patterns, an ornament to accent one part of the living room, or an entire wall filled with painting. By the way, with the help of painting you can visually divide rooms into zones, unobtrusively and beautifully. Classics or neoclassics are complemented by paintings in luxurious baguettes; with a modern interpretation, you can step back a little and decorate the walls with polyurethane ceiling moldings, thereby not deliberately highlighting a TV stand, a window opening or an empty wall.

A beautiful apartment cannot be without decent lighting, such as ceiling lamps, floor lamps, and a floor lamp. Interior, with modest dimensions, it is better not to overload suspended ceilings, an ideal suspended ceiling with a border in which lighting will be hidden, with a dozen lamps. Skip large chandeliers and sconces in favor of lighting from a famous designer.

Hall in a private house

A hall in a private house allows you to fulfill all your dreams, for example, connecting a living and dining area, an acceptable option in which you can comfortably relax in front of the TV and receive guests at the table. Classics can decorate the dining area into a wonderful, cozy corner.

A set of a table and soft chairs, made of natural wood and carved elements, will be visually combined when we arrange a television area in a minimalist style. In general, in this hall design project there can be one color, and its shades, found in two different zones. The interior of the living room of a private house with two windows could benefit from a partition, separating a small part for the sleeping area. In this case, the colors can be completely different, although chosen in the same direction.

A decorated house, built according to the requirements of all residents, may include an office, hide it or highlight it with color, depending on the area of ​​the room. As an option, a podium with a computer desk, or a partition of living plants and flowers, arranged on vertical rails with pots. This layout allows you to use rich colors in the design, deep green or blue, with a matte effect.

Due to the fact that the room is well lit, you don’t have to be afraid of dark tones. On the contrary, they go well with beige, white as a contrast, and country-style materials. The beautiful interior of a country hall, especially in a private home, will appeal to many. Soft, smooth transitions, favorite checkered designs, textiles on the windows: curtains, curtains and drapes, with ties, ruffles. Everything gives an unusually homely atmosphere.

Even if you have a 5 by 5 room, the rustic genre will fit perfectly into such a space. A sort of grandma’s room, with lots of decor, pleasant warm shades on the walls and window frames. Add light colors, remove old, unnecessary furniture, replacing it with ergonomic options.