We use warm plaster for the facade of the house. Insulating plaster: pros and cons Plaster with thermal insulation properties for interior work

There are many ways to insulate a home. The choice of one or another insulation option depends on various factors, such as the climatic features of the area and the material preferences of the owners. Usage warm plaster allows to significantly reduce heat losses without changing the thickness of the wall. We will consider further the features of performing insulation work with plaster.

Insulating a house with plaster: advantages and features

Carrying out thermal insulation work on a building has a number of advantages. Among them we note:

  • increasing the service life of the building;
  • reducing home heating costs;
  • improving the comfort of staying indoors.

In addition, thermal insulation materials protect the building from moisture, dampness, mold, and excessive wind. However, these advantages are relevant only if the materials for insulation have been selected in relation to individual characteristics premises, and all work was carried out taking into account all recommendations and technologies for their implementation.

If the house has not previously been insulated, then it is under the influence of constant heat losses. Heat leaves the building not only through windows and doors, but also through the surface of the walls, if they were not previously insulated. Therefore, first of all, the facade of the building must be insulated.

Before you start insulating a building, you should perform the following steps:

1. Determine the most vulnerable places in the house in relation to heat loss. That is, you should find cold bridges through which heat passes very quickly.

2. After this, determines the best way insulation. Insulation can be both internal and external. The second option is most often used, since internal insulation significantly reduces usable area Houses. Although the internal insulation of a house differs more simple execution, rather than external.

Among the advantages of performing an external type of insulation, we note:

  • reliable protection of walls from external stimuli, such as high humidity, temperature changes, wind, etc.;
  • absence of condensation, which destroys the building and leads to the formation of mold and mildew;
  • improving the soundproofing characteristics of the building.

External or external insulation is distinguished by many technologies for its implementation. We suggest focusing on insulating the facade with “warm plaster”. In this case, the insulation is applied to the wall from inside the building, performing not only the function of preventing heat loss, but also the decorative function of improving appearance Houses.

After choosing the insulation method, you should determine its installation scheme. These parameters depend on the operating conditions of the building, seasonal and daily fluctuations temperature regime, wind, precipitation and others climatic features region. In the process of determining the insulation method, these factors are taken into account without fail. Otherwise, problems with the insulation and its premature wear may occur.

Insulating a house under plaster has the following advantages:

  • reducing the cost of air conditioning and heating the premises, as well as improving a healthy microclimate inside the building;
  • increasing the soundproofing characteristics of the house;
  • plaster does not load the building with additional weight, thereby reducing the cost of its construction according to the estimate;

  • increase in the internal area of ​​the building by 2-4%;
  • insulating a building using this technique increases its service life by several decades;
  • technologically correct insulation using plaster allows you to minimize temperature deformation fluctuations outside the building;
  • the technology is used for almost any type of building, regardless of its material;
  • plaster not only protects the building from heat loss, but also improves its attractiveness;
  • if there are interpanel seams on the building, then they are also sealed using plaster mortar.

In addition, when comparing warm plaster with other types of insulation, the following advantages should be noted:

  • non-flammability;
  • environmental Safety;
  • ease of installation and repair, if necessary;
  • manufacturability of application.

Insulation of facades under plaster: types of technologies

There are two main ways to perform insulation under plaster. The first one involves using thermal insulation material, which is subsequently plastered. The second is the use of special warm plaster, without additional insulation.

Among the materials used as an additional heat insulator we note:

1. Mineral wool - among its advantages we note high level vapor permeability, non-flammability, good protection from heat loss, not susceptible to rodents, mold and mildew. In addition, this material has a long service life and is resistant to chemical and biological influences. This material has a slab design.

2. Polystyrene foam - more cheap option insulation rather than mineral wool. Petroleum waste is used for its production. However, this material is highly flammable and unstable to high levels of moisture and mechanical factors.

3. Plates based on basalt rocks - for their production, materials in the form of ultra-thin basalt fiber and bentonite-based clay are used. This material has high thermal insulation characteristics, and it also perfectly protects the room from extraneous sounds. Basalt-based slabs are absolutely environmentally friendly and harmless to the environment.

4. Material based on foam glass - universal heat insulator, which is primarily characterized by high resistance to mechanical stress, long service life, low density, complete absence of shrinkage and lightness installation work. This material does not lose its properties throughout its entire service life. In addition, this insulation has excellent resistance to moisture, so it is often used in the process of insulating foundations.

Types of plaster for facade insulation

There is a certain type of plaster called thermal plaster. This version of plaster contains a filler and a cement-type base that holds it together. Plaster for insulation differs from ordinary plaster in that it contains a filler that has low thermal conductivity.

Most often, materials in the form of sawdust, granules based on perlite or vermiculite, as well as balls based on polystyrene foam. In addition, a certain version of the filler contains foamed silicon or foam glass. Exactly from physical qualities The filler depends on the quality and function of the heat-insulating plaster. When determining the type of plaster used to insulate a house, you should pay attention to the following characteristics:

  • thermal conductivity;
  • susceptibility to combustion;
  • resistance to moisture;
  • environmentally friendly;
  • resistance to biological pests;
  • resistance to chemicals;
  • breathability.

Thermal insulating plasters come in several types. We invite you to familiarize yourself with them:

1. Warm plaster for which sawdust is used as a filler. When considering this option of plaster, you should immediately note its disadvantages, which are determined by the severity of their weight and the lowest energy efficiency. This insulation option is used exclusively indoors, since sawdust is unstable in front of high humidity. Premises that are insulated with this method, you should ventilate periodically, as excessive humidity in the room will lead to the absorption of moisture by the plaster and its falling off. Also, damp walls suggest the formation of fungus and mold, so this insulation option is the least popular.

2. Warm plaster with polystyrene foam filler. This version of plaster has good adhesion to any kind of surface and good thermal insulation characteristics. However, such plaster requires additional waterproofing and finishing. Also, when burned, polystyrene foam releases substances that are deadly to human life.

3. Warm plaster based on expanded perlite and vermiculite. These substances are mineral; for their production, special substances are expanded by exposing them to high temperatures. During the firing process, these granules increase in size and become unusually light. In addition, they change the structure, which subsequently becomes porous. The thermal conductivity of this material is low, so they are used for insulation. Among the advantages of this type of plaster we note:

  • resistance to fire;
  • environmental Safety;
  • resistance to biological factors.

However, this version of plaster has certain disadvantages, which manifest themselves in too high moisture absorption. Therefore, before starting installation work, you should ensure reliable waterproofing. After installing the plaster, it is finished, which should also protect it well from moisture.

4. Materials based on foam glass or foamed silicon have unique characteristics. In the process of processing these materials, balls are obtained that have a finely porous structure. This version of plaster is resistant to moisture, but it also does not allow air to pass through. After hardening, the plaster is durable, waterproof, and resistant to burning. In addition, finishing is not needed after applying the plaster. It has an attractive rough surface white, which, if necessary, can be painted with facade paint.

Therefore, plaster based on sawdust, although it has the lowest cost, has a number of disadvantages, among which, first of all, it is unstable to moisture. External plaster walls insulated using this option plaster - is impossible, since the scope of its application is limited to internal thermal insulation works. Expanded polystyrene plaster, although it has excellent adhesion, requires additional waterproofing and finishing. Plaster, which is based on the use of mineral rocks, perfectly resists biological factors, fire and is absolutely environmentally safe. However, they absorb moisture very well, so they need additional waterproofing.

There are no disadvantages in foam glass or silicon plaster, since it forms durable coating, which does not require additional waterproofing or finishing. When insulating facades decorative plaster This type is the best option.

Insulation of the facade with mineral wool under plaster: technology of work

In the process of insulating mineral wool under plaster, you will need the following:

  • mineral wool in slab form;
  • dowels made of plastic with a wide head;
  • special composition on an adhesive basis;
  • hammer;
  • electric drill;
  • plasters for facade decoration;
  • reinforcing mesh.

The work of insulating walls with mineral wool under plaster is divided into several stages. We invite you to familiarize yourself with them:

1. First of all, you should prepare the walls for the installation of mineral wool. They must be free of dirt, dust, grease or oil. The walls must be leveled if there are any unevenness on them. After this, proceed to the next step.

2. Before installing mineral wool, guides should be mounted on the wall, with the help of which the material is fixed in two directions. For these purposes, it is permitted to use wooden beam or steel profile. The horizontal guide is fixed at a distance of about 60 cm from the ground. To fix them, use self-tapping screws, and in order to fix the mineral wool slabs, use mechanisms in the form of special dowels. Additional fixation of mineral wool is carried out using a special adhesive-based solution distributed throughout the material.

3. In order for the slab to stay as firmly as possible on the wall, it is secured with dowels installed in the corners and in the center of the slab. Use a regular hammer to drive in the dowels. After mineral wool has been installed on all walls, a reinforcing mesh should be installed. For these purposes, mineral wool is coated with an adhesive solution, and after that, the mesh is installed on the surface. When choosing a mesh, give preference to the fine-grained version, which is resistant to alkalis and moisture.

4. After the mesh is installed and the glue has already dried, the walls are finished using a plaster solution. For these purposes, the most various options decorative piece of the Turks. If it is necessary to level the surface, an additional layer is applied, after which it dries, plaster is applied to decorate the surface.

Insulation of walls with foam plastic plaster is carried out using the same technology as with mineral wool.

Insulation of external walls under plaster video:

Thermal insulating plasters have recently appeared on the construction market. But they have already gained their popularity. In some cases, it may provide an opportunity to avoid extra costs and then the final finishing price will be significantly lower.

Today we will tell you what a heat-insulating plaster mixture is, its parameters and application. Also in the video in this article you can familiarize yourself with this material in more detail.

Features of heat-insulating plaster

The heat-insulating plaster mixture has quite decent characteristics and has many positive qualities. It can be easily applied with your own hands; the technology is the same as when applying a conventional cement composition (see Let's look at how to plaster with cement-sand mortar). But before you buy, it's worth knowing what you're getting.

Fire safety These types of plaster have special fireproof fillers, such as vermiculite, perlite, foam glass. This made it possible to obtain an absolutely non-flammable final product belonging to the NG class. Thermal insulating plaster with the addition of expanded polystyrene foam is capable of burning, and therefore belongs to group G1.
Ecological cleanliness Many widely used insulation materials are capable of releasing harmful substances, which cannot be said about warm plaster.
Multifunctionality Such plaster can serve not only as a heat-insulating layer, but also as decorative finishing, in the form of a finishing layer. It can be used to level building surfaces.
Thermal insulation parameters Plaster of this type, in its own way technical properties, is not inferior to widely used types of plasters, and in some respects it is superior. A layer of warm plaster of 50 mm, in terms of thermal insulation indicators, is equal to the thickness of the masonry of 2 bricks or the thickness of the thermal insulation layer, which is made on the basis of polystyrene foam, equal to 2-4 cm.
Physical parameters Due to the above fillers, warm plaster is much lighter common species plasters, and therefore is not an additional load for construction planes. At the same time, it fits perfectly on all types of surfaces.
Practical use The technology for applying this type of plaster is absolutely compatible with the method of applying widely known types of plasters.

Types and types of warm plasters

Depending on the purpose, heat-insulating plaster is divided into 2 main types:

  1. Heat-insulating plaster, which is used as a preliminary layer for finishing decorative coatings. This layer serves as an auxiliary insulating layer and has thermal insulation properties similar to warm building materials such as aerated concrete or ceramic blocks.
  2. Thermal insulating plaster mixture with higher thermal insulation characteristics and high strength. They are used for finishing construction surfaces. This plaster has thermal insulation values ​​2-3 times lower than aerated concrete, but 1.5-2 times higher than mineral wool. Several types of such plasters are produced, having the same properties, but differing in composition.

A characteristic feature of warm plaster

These are the most latest materials, meeting the most modern demand. with their help you can quickly and effectively insulate your home or other buildings.

At the same time, they have a number of undeniable advantages:

  • Unique thermal insulation characteristics that make it possible to replace masonry with 1.5-2 bricks or a layer of polystyrene foam, 2-4 cm thick. At the same time, the thickness of the plaster layer will not exceed 5 cm.
  • Light weight. It is 3-4 times lighter traditional types plasters. After drying, it specific gravity is 240-360kg per cubic meter.
  • Solidity and homogeneity do not give it the opportunity to crumble and delaminate. If damage has occurred to the outer layer of plaster, this can be easily corrected.
  • Warm plaster adheres well to all known building surfaces. Therefore, it can be applied directly to surfaces without prior priming, and also without the use of reinforcing mesh, except if the layer of warm plaster exceeds a thickness of 50 mm. Warm plasters adhere well to surfaces made of stone, concrete, brick, plasterboard, etc.
  • Applying warm plaster does not require any special skills. They are produced in dry form and should be diluted with water before application. The result is a fairly plastic mass that is easy to work with and does not require any application. special tools, at the same time, it can be applied both manually and using mechanical devices.
  • Most warm plasters are produced for applying a decorative layer. They have high strength indicators, are durable, and have water-repellent properties. At the same time, they are able to breathe, and therefore they can be applied to any surface. Warm plaster can be painted with vapor-proof paints.
  • They not only do not burn, but are able to protect building structures from destruction during a fire. Such plasters with organic additives do not burn and do not support combustion.

Composition of warm plasters

High technological properties are due to a well-balanced recipe. This high-tech product includes many different additives, such as water repellents, air-entraining additives, and plasticizers. About 40-75% of the volume consists of fine-grained porous fillers, with a grain size of up to 2 mm.

The main binding agent is lime or white Portland cement. Depending on the type of heat-insulating material used, warm plasters are divided into 2 types: with mineral or organic filler.

The following is used as a mineral filler:

  1. Foamed perlite or vermiculite. This natural materials volcanic origin, swollen at elevated temperatures. These materials absorb moisture very well, so they are additionally treated with water repellents. As a result of this treatment, they are able to absorb moisture, after which it can easily evaporate.
  2. Granular hollow foam glass ball, which has excellent water-repellent properties, and its mechanical strength allows you to create a final product with high mechanical strength.

Attention: Expanded polystyrene granules obtained as a result of special technology are used as an organic filler. This material is water-permeable, but less resistant to mechanical damage, therefore, such walls should be protected with finishing plaster or vapor-permeable paint.

Thickness of applied layer

Attention: Based on this, we can conclude that warm plaster acts as an additional thermal insulation layer, and it is simply not rational to use it to fully insulate a building, since this increases its consumption.

  • As calculations show, in order to really insulate a building with walls 50 cm thick, you need to apply a layer of plaster 8 to 10 cm thick, or even more.
  • Warm plaster is produced in bags of 7-10 kg, which makes it possible to cover 1 square meter surface with a layer of 2-2.5 cm.
  • When using such plaster in different regions additional calculations are required, depending on natural conditions, as well as the characteristics of the main building material, such as brick, foam blocks or aerated concrete.

Scope of application of heat-insulating plasters

Such plasters can be used when different conditions both as the main insulating layer and as an auxiliary one.

Attention: Many items building structures it is more convenient and profitable to insulate with warm plasters, such as window or door slopes, various recesses and convexities, curved architectural elements, domes, niches, etc.

  • In other words, various hard-to-reach places where the application traditional methods insulation can disrupt the external or internal design of architectural solutions.
  • With the help of warm plaster, you can easily correct defects formed after using traditional types of plaster. These can be cracks, cavities and various peelings.
  • Since such plasters are environmentally friendly, they are recommended for use inside buildings and structures. They can be recommended for use in places where plaster adjoins materials that have completely different specifications, for example, at the junction of door and window boxes with a plaster layer.
  • Their use can be effective if there is a need to preserve as much as possible living space when carrying out warming activities. This approach can take place when using warm plaster in areas such as a bath. If you level the walls with warm plaster before laying the tiles, then there will be virtually no condensation in such a room.
  • On the construction market you can find warm plasters designed for insulation ceilings, and preparatory work related to the insulation of floors and other surfaces.
  • Warm plaster is compatible with any building surfaces, but manufacturers of such plasters recommend applying them to flat surfaces lined with ceramic blocks or autoclaved aerated concrete. This allows for more efficient use of this modern thermal insulation material.
  • When applied to embossed or uneven surfaces, they must be leveled using ordinary vapor-permeable plaster.
  • Plasters intended for use as a leveling layer are cheaper, so there is no need to worry about their overuse.

Warm plaster application technology

You can insulate a house with such plaster quite quickly, compared to traditional approaches. This will take 3-4 times less time, and if you use mechanical method, then the results can be impressive: a team of 4 people, using special mechanisms, is able to process up to 400 square meters of construction space in one shift, while good specialist manually can plaster from 30 to 50 square meters in the same time.


  • To prepare, the dry plaster mixture is diluted with water and stirred well. IN ready mixture There should be no lumps, and the mixture itself should be plastic. The prepared solution can be used for several hours at a temperature not lower than +5°C.
  • The prepared surface must be clean and durable. This type of plaster is not thrown onto the wall, but rather rubbed into the surface.
  • If you believe the recommendations, then warm plaster should be applied in a layer of no more than 2.5 cm at a time. If a large layer thickness is required, then it is applied in 2 or 3 passes, and the layer thickness should not exceed 5 cm.
  • After 2-3 days, you can start painting the surface, and the plaster layer acquires maximum thermal insulation properties after a couple of months, as soon as it dries.

Applying warm plaster - instructions

Installation of beacons In order for the plaster to be of high quality, before applying the plaster, metal beacons are installed on the surface of the wall.
Preparing the mixture To be ready, just add a certain amount of water to the dry mixture and stir with a construction mixer.
Application of the solution The mixture is applied using a trowel or metal spatula, and then with movements to the left, right and up, the plaster mixture is leveled between the beacons.
Layer alignment The final leveling of the layer is carried out after the excess plaster between the beacons is removed.
Sealing cracks from lighthouses After the plaster has partially dried, the beacons are removed from the wall, after which the depressions are sealed with the same plaster.
Applying the finishing layer Finally, the plastered surface is thoroughly rubbed with a plaster float using a plaster mixture, but of a more liquid consistency.

IN given time There are many companies that produce this material. For example, heat-insulating plaster is smart and there is also plastering glue mixture thermal insulation Here the choice is yours. Look at the photo and make your choice. The instructions will help you make the right choice.

Ecology of consumption. Estate: Insulating plaster is easy to use, easy to apply, and dries quickly. You don't need any additional skills to use it. Warm plaster will not only create additional thermal insulation, but also level the walls.

If you pay attention to the multilayer structure that has to be created indoors or on the facade of buildings to retain heat in them, there is always a desire to simplify it. There must be modern materials, which will help make the work of plasterers and finishers easier, while simultaneously increasing the speed of work.The main thing is that their quality does not suffer.

Currently, during the construction of residential buildings and apartment buildings not used brickwork, A monolithic slabs. The heat and sound insulation of such houses is not so good, so when buying an apartment the question becomes how to create additional insulation. After all, no one wants to hear what their neighbors are doing or freeze on a cold floor. In this case, one of the insulation methods is heat-insulating plaster. It is based on cement with special additives that give it such properties. This method of insulation is simple and economical. After all, besides the material itself, you won’t need anything else.

Insulating plaster is easy to use, easy to apply, and dries quickly. You don't need any additional skills to use it. Warm plaster will not only create additional thermal insulation, but also level the walls. This versatility allows this material to stand out from others. In addition to the fact that heat-insulating plaster will insulate your home, it will also save energy resources of the entire building. This is especially true in our time, when prices for various types public utilities are growing every day. Thermal insulating plaster will not only reduce heating costs, but also reduce the number of special additional materials allowing the building to be insulated. Warm plaster is applicable not only for interior decoration, but also for outdoor work.

What can replace, for example, the now common wall insulation with polystyrene boards? A solution was found - insulating plaster. The process, it must be said right away, is more labor-intensive, but the effect from it is significantly higher. The use of dry construction mixtures for exterior work has again shown a wide range of applications, and purchasing them today in stores and construction markets is not difficult.

In order to replace 2 standard insulating layers, consisting of a fixing mesh and insulation, with insulating plaster, there are the following methods:

Take dry mortar, which is based on cement, but must be used perlite sand instead of the usual one. In addition, the composition should contain powder made from pumice, expanded vermiculite, expanded clay chips, sawdust or polystyrene foam balls. These components give the plaster good insulating properties. Sand is gradually being replaced by foam glass in granules.

Use special insulating plaster boards. They are usually not used often in construction due to mistrust. Many cannot decide whether it can really become an alternative to conventional insulation or dry mixture. Although manufacturers insistently advise this method insulation, hoping that over time builders will believe in it. published

Warm plaster for interior work is a relatively new construction material, which simultaneously performs three functions: levels and decorates walls, and also provides comfortable temperature indoors. Some types of this material have soundproofing properties.

Most often, heat-insulating plaster for interior work consists of the following substances:

  1. Fillers.
  2. They can be very diverse: from sawdust to foamed polystyrene. Binding component. The most commonly used cement is grade 400 or 500. Gypsum and slaked lime
  3. also used, but extremely rarely. Additional components.

Used to increase viscosity, plasticity and water-repellent properties. The composition of warm plaster most often includes cement, additional components

and filler, which determines the level of thermal insulation

Types of material performance characteristics plasters depend on the type of filler:

  • Expanded polystyrene. It has the same level of thermal insulation as polystyrene foam. In addition, its cost is relatively low.
  • But the material is flammable and releases harmful substances when burned. Sawdust. This is the most cheap material
  • , which is considered environmentally friendly. The level of thermal insulation is low, but you can use it to make warm plasters yourself. Perlite. This material is obtained from a natural substance – volcanic glass. The substance is treated at
  • high temperatures
  • , as a result of which it acquires a porous structure. Perlite is resistant to temperature changes and pathogens, it is easy to process and lay, but at the same time it absorbs moisture well. Vermiculite. It is made from mica. The main advantages are fire safety, mechanical strength and biological safety. But just like the previous material, vermiculite has a high level of hygroscopicity.

Foam glass.

It is made from

quartz sand

  1. . Compared to the above materials, foam glass loses in terms of thermal insulation. But it can be used for finishing wet rooms.
  2. Types of fillers for heat-insulating plaster
  3. Advantages and disadvantages
  4. Insulating plaster has the following positive aspects: High level of thermal insulation. A 5 cm layer of plaster has the same thermal insulation value as two rows of bricks. Good level of sound insulation. Fire safety. Most materials used for insulation are non-flammable. The exception is foamed polystyrene, but it is not very popular. Relatively light weight.
  5. This type finishing material is lighter than most ordinary plasters
  6. , so there will be no unnecessary impact on the walls and foundation of the house.
  7. Adhesion. Warm plaster mixtures have good adhesion to most building materials.

Environmental friendliness. In most cases, substances of natural origin are used to produce this material.

Ease of installation. This plaster is applied

Knauf Grűnband. The plasters of this brand are considered the highest quality and most popular in the world. modern market . This material is produced on the basis of cement, and the filler is polystyrene foam with a fraction of about 1.5 mm. In addition, the composition contains additional components that increase the performance characteristics of the finished coatings. After drying, the plaster is not afraid of water and has a structural coating. The thermal conductivity of the mixture is 0.55 W/m°C. Minimum thickness layer – 10 mm, maximum – 30 mm. The material can be applied manually or using a machine. Supplied in 25 kg bags, average consumption

is 12 kg per square meter with a layer of 10 mm.

Knauf Grűnband - warm plaster with expanded polystyrene filler AuBenputzPerlit FS-402. Light plaster based on Portland cement, to which perlite is added. The mixture was developed specifically for finishing surfaces made of cellular concrete , but it can be used to treat any surfaces, including old plaster . Insulated surfaces do not have the most high coefficient

thermal conductivity – 0.16 W/m°C. The filler fraction does not exceed 0.6 mm, resulting in the formation of a textured coating that requires further decoration. The maximum layer is 50 mm, and the consumption is 10 kg per square meter with a layer of 10 mm.

AuBenputzPerlit FS-402 – thermal insulation composition with perlite filler

Unis Teplon.

Quite a popular material that is intended exclusively for internal surfaces. It is made from gypsum and perlite. The maximum layer without the use of reinforcing mesh is 50 mm, with mesh – 70 mm. After drying, a coating is obtained that does not need to be subjected to further finishing. The mixture comes in two versions: gray and white. It can be used to prepare the base for wallpaper or paint. Thermal conductivity of plaster is 0.23 W/m°C. The material is packaged in bags of 5, 15 and 25 kg, consumption is 8 kg per square meter.

Unis Teplon – plaster with gypsum base and perlite filler

Paladium Palaplaster-207.

The main advantage of this material is its high level of sound absorption. It is made of cement and foam glass. Typically, plaster is used to create rough surfaces for wallpapering or painting. The solution dries quite quickly: 2-3 days. Consumption is only 4 kg per square meter, and it is supplied in 12 kg bags.

Paladium Palaplaster-207 - thermal insulation mixture with foam glass filler Umka UB-21 TM. This material was specially developed for conditions

cold winter

– it can withstand 35 freeze/defrost cycles. It is produced on the basis of cement and lime, to which foam glass granules are added. After drying, the plaster requires further finishing. The uniqueness of the material lies in the fact that if a reinforcing mesh is used, the layer of material can reach up to 100 mm. The plaster is supplied in 7 kg bags, and the consumption is 3.5 kg per square meter.

Umka UB-21 TM – plaster with foam glass filler


Can be used for interior and exterior work. The material dries for at least 28 days, after which you can begin finishing it. After drying, the coating gains the ability to absorb moisture accumulated near the wall itself and release it into the air, which ensures a long service life of the surfaces. The mixtures are supplied in 7 kg bags, and the consumption is only 3 kg per square meter.

ThermoUm is a warm plaster that has a long service life On a note! You should not make a conclusion about purchasing a certain type of plaster based only on consumption or cost indicators. The lower the consumption, the more expensive each kilogram of dry mixture will be, so it is better to make a full calculation in advance and decide on the budget. How to prepare plaster with your own hands

Prices ready-made compositions, 4 parts perlite. All calculations are carried out based on the volume, not the mass of materials. You will also need water, but it is almost impossible to name its exact amount. The result should be a mixture with the consistency of thick sour cream. In some cases, the proportions change, for example, 1 part cement, 1 part sand and 5 parts perlite, as well as 1:2:3, respectively. It is also permissible to add PVA glue, but not more than 1% of the total mass of the solution.

Most often, polystyrene foam or perlite is used for homemade warm plaster.

The second option involves the presence of plasticizers. Internal surfaces of any type can be insulated with such compounds. To make this plaster, first of all, prepare a special solution. Carboxymethylcellulose, as well as plasticizers, total which should not exceed 1%, are dissolved in a small amount of water. All this must be thoroughly mixed and the solution allowed to brew. Then 1 part of the solution is mixed with 1 part of cement, 2 parts of perlite and 2 parts of sand are added. Mix thoroughly until a homogeneous material with the consistency of thick sour cream is obtained, after which it should be immediately used for its intended purpose.

You should know! The above recipes are approximate. The exact proportions depend on the quality of the materials used to make the plaster, the accuracy of the measurements, the composition of the water, and so on. All this can be controlled in a factory environment, but not at home. Therefore, you need to be prepared for the fact that the ideal formula will have to be derived by trial and error.

Warm plasters are good option for those who want to abandon the use of standard insulation and at the same time decorate their home. Such compositions are not cheap, but you can save a lot if you prepare everything yourself.

Warm plaster is offered for sale as insulation. But construction specialists do not consider this material as a possible alternative to insulation for thermal insulation of buildings. And only in some cases is it recommended for use. Why? Is it necessary to insulate using a heat-insulating plaster layer? How to apply it correctly?

What is the difference between warm plaster?

The answer to why warm plaster cannot compete with insulation in conventional technologies insulation lies on the surface. Its thermal conductivity coefficient is 0.065 - 0.12 W/mK, while conventional insulation is 0.033 -0.04 W/mK. Those. almost 2 times.

To achieve the effect that is obtained from the use of conventional insulation, the layer of warm plaster must be 2 times thicker. If the usual appropriate layer of insulation for a façade is 10 cm of polystyrene foam, then it can only be replaced by 20 cm of plaster.

But such a layer is impossible - it is too heavy and threatens to collapse and be dangerous. With insulating plaster, it is simply very problematic to even achieve the heat transfer resistance values ​​prescribed in SNiP. This does not allow this material to be reliably registered in those. documentation.

Not profitable

In addition, the cost of warm plaster is 2-3 times higher than that of insulation of the same volume. As a result, we get a loss on money investments compared to “conventional methods” for heat saving $/W by 4 (!) times. Economic expediency There is no direct thermal insulation with the material in question.

It should also be taken into account that heat-saving plaster is not finishing material. Its surface, as well as the insulation, must also be covered with a final layer of finishing.


To decide on the choice of warm plaster, you need to take a closer look at its composition and characteristics.

The plaster becomes heat-saving due to the presence of granules and insulation particles in the composition. Most often the same foam is used in the composition sand-cement mixture with plasticizers and fastening additives.

Another common base for warm plaster is expanded vermiculite and/or perlite.

Plasters based on these materials have similar thermal conductivity properties, but vermiculite plasters have high water absorption, therefore they require protection from water ingress and are not used in basements or on foundations...

There are also mixtures based on sawdust and cellulose. They have a lower cost, but their thermal conductivity is much higher and their specific gravity is greater.

To choose warm plaster, you must first determine the places where it can be used. Let's take a closer look.
Let's consider in order the advertising statements of manufacturers about the purpose of warm plaster.

The wall remains single-layer

Insulation of facades, walls, ceilings. First of all, walls made of large-format blocks - aerated concrete or porous ceramics. An increase in the thickness of the masonry of these materials entails a significant increase in cost, and not only the walls, the requirements for the foundation increase. Heat-saving plaster will help bring the heat transfer resistance of a wall made of warm blocks to the requirements of the standards.

The most important thing is that the wall will remain single-layer - only a load-bearing layer of blocks. A single-layer wall has very significant advantages over multi-layer walls with a layer of insulation, primarily in terms of durability.

Leveling surfaces and thermal insulation of pipelines..

In fact, it’s the same thing - both pipelines and walls need to be insulated to the maximum. Typically, pipelines are insulated with the best effect using a shell made of extruded polystyrene foam. But sometimes it is necessary to insulate already laid pipes, and this is usually easier to do only with warm plaster.

Warm plaster can be applied in a layer of considerable thickness, and therefore it can be used to level very uneven surfaces.

A significant layer can be placed where it is difficult to insulate - in hard-to-reach places, closed cavities...


Typical characteristics for warm polystyrene based plaster:
Thermal conductivity coefficient is 0.7 W/mK.
Flammability group - G1.
Specific gravity - 200 - 350 kg/m3.
Water absorption - 70%.
Cost - from $30/sq.m.

What can you use insulating plaster for?

Warm plaster must be applied in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. But that doesn't mean it will work out The best decision from the point of view of insulation.

Decide on wall insulation ( additional insulation) warm plaster should be applied by a specialist, or such a solution should be in the design documentation.

Also, warm plaster can be suitable for sealing any cracks, hard to reach places, joints of structures, where “adjustment” of the insulation is most problematic, and a tight fit is not possible.

On the wall on both sides - significant additional insulation

The possibility of applying warm plaster on both sides - from the outside and from the inside - may also be considered. In this case, you can get a very significant insulating effect, for example, on a wall made of porous ceramics. On the inside, it is recommended to use plaster without expanded polystyrene, the environmental friendliness of which is questionable.

For a material such as warm plaster, with its significant cost, there are also places of application where it will be optimal and appropriate. First of all, this is an increase in the heat transfer resistance of enclosing structures made of heavy and light materials, while maintaining single-layer properties.
Also, insulation with warm plaster will save heat where it would seem that heat loss is inevitable...

Video - application process

How to apply warm plaster can be seen in the film